#i’m caught up on these now i think wahoo
orionauriga · 10 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 people
tagged by @jaywalkers! thank youuu róisín
kevin day (all for the game) — listen. listen. i know no one is surprised. but putting him in a jar and shaking him around is one of my top 5 favorite activities
five hargreeves (umbrella academy) — never in my life have i loved and identified with a character so hard. five the kid/old man that you are
kaz brekker (six of crows) — ok so can y'all tell i have a thing for dark haired, emotionally stunted characters. be honest
allison argent (teen wolf) — i'm a sucker for the archer trope. when i rewatch teen wolf it is 85% for her
chen kitay (the poppy war) — the best boy!!!! his struggle between morality and unfailing loyalty to rin will always be one of my favorite things. also my aroace king. rip to the character study i wrote about him during a depressive episode that will never see the light of ao3
emma lewis (none shall sleep) — this book is criminally underrated and emma is so fucking badass. final girl queen i can't wait to read the second in the series and see how she slays yet again
sel kane (legendborn) — see my explanation for kaz :-)
ender wiggin (ender's game) — let me be clear: FUCK orson scott card with everything i have in me. however comma ender's game was my favorite book for many years, and unfortunately ender holds a special place in my heart. what can i say, i love a tortured and unwilling hero
annabeth chase (percy jackson) — smart ass, bad ass, wise ass. "you drool in your sleep" better be in the live adaptation is all i'm sayin i need to see that with my own eyes
tagging (if you want to/haven't done already!!): @moondal514 @habitina @our-king-bree
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questionablepastries · 9 months
Wahoo I beat armored core (just now now!) thoughts below (and spoilers of course)
I can’t believe they made me fight an upgraded balteus lmao but what balteus wasn’t ready for was an upgraded ME 😈
Good game! Visually very very pretty to look at, mentally I’m clapping a lot at the credits rn lol
And the choices the game made me do lol aaaaaghhh. I almost considered putting the game down for the day when it asked me to betray carla. Same thing with eliminating G1 Michigan, only because I thought VIII Pater was my friend (turns out he’s sick in da head!! Scary guy. Really lives up to his AC name “dual nature” whew) less messed up arquebus members the better. In the end I went with ayre all the way but not because I like ayre but because of 2 things
1) carla she did try to kill me once (she made up for it by saving my ass out of prison tho)
2) (the more important reason why I sided with Ayres idea) — who knows what the ecosystem of the planet would be like with the complete removal of coral, not to mention coral is semi sentient so it’d be like super massacre if I went with Carla (and Walters) idea of destroying it all. ALSO, the destruction of the giant space ship crashing into that coral harvesting place, like what would life be like for the rubiconians? Even worse? Nobody has their interests in minds bc as far as they’re concerned they’re always caught in the middle of some corporation war, so if I sided with Carla it’d be adding fuel to that corporation war fire :(
Like ayre says at the end though, I’m sure we can avoid a fires of ibis situation 2.0 if we work really hard together. 621 is a human that didn’t lose their mind completely after contact with coral voices and maybe it has to do with the fact that they’re a fourth generation human (since the later generations worked out the kinks of not having to hear coral anymore)
Also. During the very sad heartbreaking (for me) killing carla mission, do u know how excited I was to beat the shit out of snail lmao
After reading that his augmentations were only perfected thanks to who knows how many innocent deaths, and his mind re-education shenanigans I’ve hated his ass since DAY ONE. Even IF he’s a sassy funny guy
Ok the ps just told me the trophy for this ending is called liberator of rubricon. Whatever ending that is lol idk what ppl are calling it
God I already miss Walter why’d they make me kill him too lol
ON THAT NOTE I MISS RUSTY I THINK WALTER MAY HAVE KILLED HIM. I’m gonna stick to anime rules for this one and that’s “no body seen no death” yup rusty is still out there (<- copium)
Oh wow ok I guess NG+ just starts like that huh, that’s ok w me I’ll do a NG+ run just to see the other endings, they better not make me actually kill rusty tho that’d break my heart more than it did to take out carla and chatty : (
Also pvp is fun but I’m ok at it lol I keep losing a ton but I’ve had a couple of close matches and won like 4 matches so far
Oh right about snail tho, back in the Carla mission? I was talking mad shit while fighting him like “I ALREADY BEAT YOUR DATA IN THE ARENA YOU THINK YOURE HOT SHIT??” that sorta thing. And u know how dissapointed I was that I didn’t kill him right then and there? His ass escaped that ass beating. Don’t matter tho I terminated his ass for good when he was riding that toddler ass upgraded baby chair balteus 2.0
Idk how from soft does it but they keep making these super super climatic boss fights and super fucking awesome attack patterns that are both visually appealing and difficult to evade/survive but when you do it’s like you’re really in the fight in that moment it’s awesome :) this happened with balteus, balteus 2 purple laser moment, and the fuckinnggggg icewormmmm, malenia elden ring comes to mind (alongside demon souls king of storm)
And I can’t believe they got me with the sekiro monkey “it’s not dead! It’s getting up again!” Moment too god damn that flying boss whew, sad the game wouldn’t let me use that boss’ sweet ass wings as a part to equip :(
Rusty really warmed up to me, initially I was a hater because his ass was always setting me up with these missions that always had an extra lil spice in them meant to kill me or set me up in some way (probably arquebus’ fault) but he…. Waghhhggg………”the first to join” ok cool….ty for being so eager to reunite with me rusty…I honestly thought he was dead after the ice worm mission….and the fucking line he says “there’s only one person who can keep up with me” with 621 in on the comm to listen in on….what are we…….(we’re buddies…)
Great game. And amazing cast of characters, like maybe it’s the voice acting that really nailed it but for me to care about a bunch of people (g1 Michigan…..) that you never actually see in game and only hear is wild lol
I do not care for ayre tho. I’m sorry I’m a hater, she always said some common sense stuff like “remember to dodge” baby we been on how many missions together now please. If she was a deep voiced lady I would’ve been on my hands and knees tho, and if she had a male voice I’d be even worse lol
Cortana ass!!!! Anyways cutest ayre moment was 621 and her watching these giant nuke missles hit a massive structure and she’s like (cutely) “they’re really like fireworks” & I had to laugh and be like we gotta get u some real fireworks ayre they don’t look like this gsvdvdvd
Right and do u know how much I was pogging when the fake raven or Rather the Real Raven showed up??? Damn what was that guys situation about and their handler too? Hmmmmm (dlc potential?)
Fun ass game! Slow start but momentum wise it keeps speeding up and then the end is like WHAM did ya like it and I gotta be like YEAH. I DID. Now I have the urge to play the other endings in ng+ since my AC is geared the fuck up to handle anything I feel like. Kinda wish the pacing at the start stayed the whole way as in slow pacing the entire game with the game letting me kill more shounen protagonist types lol (although that would mean killing ppl like Rusty hmmm my sadism for wanting more murder of naive protagonist types and love for rusty is like oil and water when it comes to that idea lol)
One complaint tho just one, the ost can be somewhat lacking. It has its moments tho!! There’s like 3 tracks that really kill it, and they’re at important moments too. Iceworm, balteus 2.0/snail showdown, and Carla fight are good. The rest went over my head tho sowwy
Now that I’ve achieved credits in this game im a certified armored core fan (even tho this is my first one) and I’m glad this game is getting attention! I really hope they release more AC games bc this kicked ass, maybe they can take a break before taking that on though, because every single mission is pretty breath taking visually, and MASSIVE in terms of sheer size sometimes like damn. Lots of love!
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Hey, I just had an awesome idea that you haven't done yet, which is surprising but why not have movie Sonic Meet the Big Man himself, modern Sonic, and his friends, and have modern talk about his adventures, since technically speaking even classic sonic is basically modern sonics younger years I'd bet movie sonic would be just amazed by everything this version of him has done same goes for movie tails and knuckles with their counterparts. Also, for a bit less confusion, this is before the tails squad was official.
First off, Modern nickname time!
Sonic- Glitch (based off his most recent adventure!)
Second, the other two bros will be involved in a cross over some other day.
. . .
Tails has been studying a long time on universal travel. Different planets? Ok. Time travel? That’s possible. But entirely different universes is beyond what he’s accomplished before.
Tails is a little stressed since he’s behind on his work due to his.. recent adventure in cyberspace. But after he got some rest, he was back in business. He wanted to complete some stuff before going off on his own for the first time.
He is prepared to open a portal between worlds!
The portal takes on the shape of a golden ring. A figure appears through the portal. A small blue hedgehog is sent through. The portal behind him flickers away, and a whole series of weaponry points at him. The hedgehog puts his little blue arms up in surrender, taking in his surroundings.
Tails cheers “wahoo!! I did it!- oh- sorry.” He presses a few buttons and the weapons are put away “just some security measures in case my curiosity came to kill me. Anyway! You’re another Sonic! This is so neat!”
Sonic steps off the platform “another Sonic? Did I get transported to another universe again?”
“Yea. I’ve been like, 2 other places. Met another me who was really tall and had a scarf. He was nice! So uh.. where am I?”
Tails escorts Sonic outside “welcome to Green Hills!” Sonic looks around and his face drops a little “it reminds me of… where I’m from. Before I had to hide on Earth. I lost my guardian.”
Tails frowns “I’m sorry to hear that, Sonic.”
They go back inside and sit down on the couch. Tails provides some drinks for the two of them. “Where’s your Sonic?” Sonic asks taking a sip out of his glass. “Oh he’s getting a very much needed rest. He spent days in cyberspace battling cybercorruption. He got so caught up in saving us from limbo that he didn’t stop to rest. By the time he found me, he had already been corrupted to the point he couldn’t walk or stand very well.. it was scary. I couldn’t do anything. I was so worried about him.. we all were.”
Sonic listens carefully to Tails’ story. He makes a mental promise to himself to take care of himself at all times. Can’t worry the others! He leans back into his seat “looks like me getting into deadly situations is a universal thing. Eggman got ahold of the master emerald and nearly crushed me n my parents.”
“Y-you have parents?” Tails is shocked to hear this. “I do! After I was forced to reveal myself after 10 years of on earth, I bonded with a human I called the Donut Lord! Then he and his wife Pretzel Lady took me in and adopted me. They took in my Tails and Knuckles as well, and now we’re brothers!” Sonic smiles fondly thinking of his family back home. Tails is happy to hear that Sonic did end up finding a home.
Suddenly, Glitch appears. He yawns and heads to the fridge. He glances at the other two, then has a double take. “Uh. Tails? Who’s our.. visitor?”
Sonic waves enthusiastically. Tails grins “I’ve been working on universal travel! And it worked!” Glitch makes a “hm!” Sound and grabs himself some water. He then plonks himself down on the couch next to Tails. He looks at Sonic.. and wow this guy is tiny.
“You’re short.” He says. Sonics mouth opens a little in disbelief. Glitch chuckles a little, and Tails sighs. This is going to be a loooong day.
Sonic decides he is going to be the bigger person here and start a meaningful conversation “I hope you know that Tails messing with the multiverse is universal.”
“It is??” Glitch is not surprised really, he should have known. Nobody can stop the curiosity of a genius mind! Sonic goes “Mhm yea. One time me, Tails, and Knuckles were all minding our business having a nice friendly discussion, and then suddenly we’re in a wooden workshop with another Tails WHO WAS TALLER THAN ME BY THE WAY, who decided that he was apparently going to once again risk the destruction of the universe. THEN HE TAUGHT MY TAILS WHO DECIDED HE WANTED TO DO IT TOO, so guess what? He took it upon himself to just dip to another universe blindly, without telling anyone, leaving Knuckles and I freaking out because if we don’t find this kid soon, our parents might actually kill us.”
The more Sonic says, the more Glitch was actually surprised. Then came the parents part, and Glitch is like “you have parents??” And Sonics like “yea I got adopted by a nice human couple who also took in Tails and Knuckles.”
At some point, Glitch gets to tell Sonic the tales of his many adventures, each one bringing the little hoglet to the edge of his seat. He’s got stars in his eyes. Sonic really really wants to be a hero like that someday. Tails has got the same expression and idea. Sonic wants to bring his brothers here one day and explore!
Sonic also gets to tell his story. He tells it in a very dramatic and expressive way like he had been practicing in the mirror for months. The crowd favourite was, as usual, Tails hitting Knuckles with a car.
Sonic then goes “…I just realized how long I’ve been gone. I think I may have missed dinner.”
And with that, he is sent home to his very upset family. Sonic explains everything, and guess what? They believe him, because this has happened before and will probably happen again.
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Eye for an Eye and the World Goes Blind
Something inspired for the alt AU by @shmorp-mcdurgen that I didn’t have to piggyback off an anon for this time, wahoo!
Also first time writing for both Gabriel and Seth weeee
SUMMARY: Gabriel’s the first person to find out what really happened to the old lieutenant and live to tell the tale. They had help, of course...But from the last person they expected to help them.
If this is what a panic attack felt like, they vowed to never again berate any officer having one in front of them.
Gabriel’s heart seemed to be pounding in their ears, matching along to the blood pumping from where their lower arm used to be. When their heart wasn’t deafening them, the alternate was; it was screaming about how sorry it was and how hungry it is and how it’s not its fault, how he did this to it, he was to blame when it “just wanted to help”. Who “he” was, Gabriel didn’t know and didn’t think they wanted to. Not when the pleading creature damn near killed them and ripped part of their fucking arm off.
And breathe. Despite how fucking hard it was to do that right now. Gabriel had to force themself to take deeper breaths than the shallow ones a panic attack caused, yet the alternate’s rambling would knock their concentration and start it up again.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I’m-so hungry-where did you go? Don’t leave me alone again, please, don’t leave me alone again...”
‘Just let me leave.’ Gabriel fought the urge to bite their lip until it bled as they shuffled away from their pathetic hiding spot behind a wall. ‘Please, lord, let me leave.’
The alternate’s own stumbling footsteps hid Gabriel’s as they went for the front door. They were convinced they were free and clear, leading to them picking up speed.
They hit a can with their foot.
Their blood ran cold as it noisily rolled across the tile floor of the house’s kitchen. For a moment, neither being made a sound; so Gabriel chanced taking another step foreword. The sound put the alternate in motion and Gabriel barely made it out of the room when they were flattened and struggling to keep teeth away from their neck with only one hand. The alternate’s speech was gibberish now, straight-up shrieking in Gabriel’s ears like an excited, starving dog. The lieutenant's hand shaking only made them more sure that they were seconds away from death. Part of them already threw in the towel and almost let their hand slip off the alternate’s teeth-
The alternate jerked away from Gabriel’s neck and looked up. The creature used Gabriel’s collarbone as a launching point, leaving them to curl up in pain for a moment as a dull crack came from whoever the alternate impacted with. 
Someone started nudging them to try and get their attention. “Get up,” they urged them, their voice low but shaky. “Come on! Blunt force trauma isn’t gonna keep him down forever, get up!”
Gabriel tried, to their credit. Apparently they weren’t fast enough for their rescuer, who pulled them the rest of the way to their feet by their shirt collar (ow) and shoved them towards the door. “Get out of here. I’m gonna give that guy someone in better shape to chase aft-oh, fuck.” Gabriel swayed on their feet when they turned around. A man they were somewhat familiar with by now stood with a shotgun in his hands, staring at where their arm now ended. The alternate behind him was now on its feet and crouched as if ready to lunge. Luckily for Seth, apparently he could read eye signals. He’d barely made eye contact with Gabriel for a minute before turning around and catching the alternate’s teeth with his gun. They got caught in a scuffle for a moment until Seth managed to wrench his gun away again and slam the business end of it into the alternate’s neck, making it stumble back and giving him enough time to grab Gabriel’s shoulder and practically drag them out the door.
“I need a hospital-”
“Later.” Seth practically threw them into the side of a white van, which they did not appreciate. “Get in.”
“I’m not bleeding to death in a shitty white van!”
“Would you rather bleed to death between the jaws of that animal?”
There was a loud crash, the sound of something throwing itself against a heavy wooden door. Gabriel’s blood- and saliva-covered hand slipped on the passenger-side door’s hand before they caught it and threw it open.
The van was in motion almost as soon as the door was closed again, flying out onto the road. Gabriel tried to gather their wits and ignore the steady bleeding from the stump, watching the world go by the window.
Seth was the first to break the silence. “Are you okay? Besides the obvious.”
“Oh, yeah, I just love bleeding all over a strange cunt’s van.”
“Having a sense of humour is a good sign.”
Gabriel chose to ignore that in favour of focusing on their stomach churning. “Where are we going.”
“Well the hospital is a good thirty minute drive away, but the apartment is less than five. Pick one.”
“Do you know how to stop a stump from bleeding out?”
“I’ve had practice.”
Gabriel glanced back at Seth. He didn’t return the favour.
‘Not going to ask about that.’
“How did you know someone was in there?”
“You’re talking pretty casually for someone who lost half his arm.”
“I’m trying to stay awake.” Gabriel shuddered when their voice hit a higher pitch. This isn’t good. “Either I keep talking or you drive to the hospital with a dead body.”
“You were screaming bloody murder. I didn’t-had I known specifically that it was you, I would have left you there.”
Seth cringed at his own words. Gabriel raised an eyebrow. “Would you have.”
“I...Don’t know.”
An awkward silence. The Christmas lights they occasionally drove by cast brief rainbows over the two and painted Gabriel’s bloodied stump in pretty colours.
They’re cold, tired and discombobulated. The van’s warm as Hell. Falling asleep now means death, but they were struggling to keep their eyes open.
Seth’s eyebrow furrowed in confusion when he glanced at them. “My name,” they specified. “It’s Gabriel.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I don’t know. In case you need to identify me, I guess.”
“That’s a comforting thing to think of.”
“I’m cold.”
Seth didn’t respond to that, though the van noticeably was picking up speed as Gabriel’s world faded despite their will to stay awake.
The last thing they expected was to wake up again, let alone on a ratty couch in a just as ratty apartment. Their brain felt too big for their head and the rest of their body felt like it was made of stuffing.
They tried putting a hand to their head, only to find their arm ended sooner than they remembered. Their brain pounded as they fought to knit together memories that seemed incredibly elusive. Almost the entire last evening was completely lost on them.
“Oh hey, you’re awake!”
Another person walking into their field of vision broke their concentration. He crouched down beside them, a respectable distance away, and gave them a small, worried smile. “How’re you feeling?”
“Like shit.”
“Yeah, he said that you would.” The stranger rubbed the back of his neck. “You uh-got really lucky.”
“Oh, is th’ bastard up?”
Another person walked over, this one a lot less respectful of Gabriel’s personal space. Her smile was also a lot less friendly. “Hi.”
The first person Gabriel had been speaking to yanked Sarah back by her shoulder and began scolding her, despite the fact she clearly wasn’t listening. Gabriel covered their eyes with their remaining arm and decided to try sleeping off their “I feel like a stuffed animal” feeling.
They can deal with their new surroundings later.
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Experimentation (part 2)
Wahoo! Part 2 is done! I might do part 3 if you guys want but I’m gonna need you to demand it if it’s desired 😌 please give me feedback if you happen to read it! 🩵
Christian Cage and Fem!reader indulge themselves in her fantasies
Smut (more detail below on what that entails!)
Word count: 1727 words
Link to masterlist
Happy reading 🩷
Smut includes: ass eating (male receiving), mention of cunnilingus
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Christian’s smile faded as the words sunk in. But it wasn’t because he was uncomfortable. After all, he had admitted he wanted to try it before. It was more…a mix between confusion and excitement. Like getting your hopes up before realising you shouldn’t have done that.
“Oh I…thought you didn’t want to try that? You changed your mind?” He placed his hand lovingly on your cheek. He really didn’t want to push his luck in case you weren’t quite on board fully. But if there was anything he wanted, it was this. And he had an idea of how to convince you just in case you weren’t sure of going through with this.
“I did. I am still a bit nervous,” you confessed, “But. But I really want to try it now.”
After some prep in the bathroom, he returned back to you on the bed and knelt in front of you. There was no point in hiding the nervousness on your face, even if you wanted to try and come off as confident. You had never done this before with anyone. Christian was fully aware of this but a part of you didn’t want him to offer to try it another time. Because next time you might be too scared to take that step.
“I know you’re nervous, but we’ll take this very slow, okay? If you want to stop, if it gets too much to take, please. Don’t be scared to tell me. We’ll stop, have a cuddle, and take it from there if we want to carry on or leave it.” he cooed, cradling your face and planting a soft kiss on your forehead. You decided not to say anything in case you revealed just how nervous you were. So you opted to nod and smile in return. He returned the smile and leaned further down to kiss you.
He kept the contact at a steady pace, not wanting to overwhelm you too quickly. Kissing him was always a pleasure. It was amazing how soft his lips were and how well they slid over yours. And the longer your lips stayed connected, the more your nerves melted away. Feeling the rough hairs of his beard run over your skin always had a strange yet comforting sensation. Maybe it was the constant reminder that he was desperate to kiss you? It was so easy to get caught up in the moment and the passion that you’d occasionally forget that you were kissing him. Paired with the soft skin on his lips, it truly was heaven. He always had a faint taste of cinnamon and sugar on his tongue, though you were never sure where it came from. But you waited with anticipation for the taste to coat itself on your tongue; it felt like home to you.
After a few minutes of kissing had passed, he reluctantly pulled away to move things along. As he moved back you felt your heart beating a bit faster and your stomach to sink a little as you remembered what was about to happen. But you were determined to swallow your fears in order to give him the same pleasure you got when he would go down on you. You watched as he turned around on his hands and knees to get into the correct position before laying down.
“I think this will be a better angle for your first time,” he mumbled, “it’ll be more comfortable for both of us.” When he had fully laid himself on the bed, you watched as his ass jiggled slightly. The pale skin did look inviting and without thinking, you found yourself leaning down to plant gentle kisses. Feeling your wet, warm lips made him gasp out of pleasure and surprise at the sudden contact. He certainly wasn’t expecting you to jump into making contact so quickly. And in all honesty, neither were you. But the sheer realisation that your fantasy, something you had been thinking about and touching yourself to no more than 45 minutes previous, was coming true.
Each kiss that moved closer to his hole got him more and more excited. Normally, he was fairly quiet during sex save for the occasional grunt or breathless “fuck”. But when he felt your soft hands begin to squeeze his cheeks and spread them apart, he couldn’t help but call out your name and let the gentle moans slip out his parted lips. Somewhere in your mind there was still a nagging feeling of fear but your arousal made quick work of drowning it out. You weren’t unaware that you had gained an odd bout of confidence. It was something with seeing his ass so close to your face and hearing his pleasure from your touch that egged you to go further. And to not stop. No matter how nagging that feeling was.
Running your fingernails over the skin shot a wave of goosebumps up his body which culminated in another call for your name and a quick beg for you to get closer. To take it that step further. Placing your hand on either cheek, you spread them fully apart which revealed the short dark hairs and his pink and puckered hole which awaited your mouth. Taking a sharp breath in you delved straight in.
Christian’s mouth fell open with an almost silent gasp as he felt you lick a long stripe between his cheeks with the flat part of your tongue. Surprisingly, the taste wasn’t as strange as you were expecting. Perhaps a little salty due to the sweat that had begun to present itself on his body but nothing unbearable. The more you licked him, the more he relaxed to the feeling. He bit back moans every time your tongue ran over the sensitive skin of his entrance. Nothing would feel as good as a blowjob from you but this sensation was easily becoming his next favourite thing.
“Oh fuck,” he panted, “fuck that feels good!”
Hearing him was enough to boost your confidence enough to part his cheeks some more. You wanted. No, you needed better access to him. It was just enough space to allow you to tease the entrance of his anus with the tip of your tongue, swirling it slowly to see how you both felt. His breath hitched at the sensation and without realising it, his hips arched off the mattress to your face. It felt strange. As he did that, your tongue slipped a little further inside of him. Neither of you were expecting it to slip in that easily too. You wanted to push it in all the way, you fully get a taste of him now that you were feeling more comfortable and confident. But you also didn’t want to hurt him or put him off getting his ass eaten in the future.
Keeping the tip of your tongue as close to the entrance as you could, you carefully flicked it in and out of him at a slow and steady pace. Swirling it over the skin, and dipping it back inside his ass was doing wonders to him. He gripped and pulled on the bed sheets trying so desperately to keep his pleasure at a quiet level.
Christian knew this was going to feel good but he didn’t think it would feel this good! A part of him felt strange, however. Like he was realising something new about himself. What that was, was still unknown. But what he did know was that he wanted to try more anal play with you. And only you. Though he couldn’t shake this feeling of…was it jealousy? That you were getting the fun of seeing your partner become a pathetic little hot mess over your tongue? Secretly, he enjoyed the idea that you were getting off to seeing him like this but he was finding himself restless. What he needed was to swap with you. He needed you to lay on your back for him, with your legs thrown over his shoulders while he sucked on your clit, lapped on your excitement. After all, he tended to be more dominant in the bedroom.
But the joy, the sheer pleasure of getting his asshole licked, sucked, and penetrated by your tongue sent waves of obedience over his body. There was no way he was ending this early while you were busy making a whore out of him.
Your hands kept his cheeks firmly apart while you slid your tongue in and out of him at a rougher pace. Surprisingly his ass had relaxed quick, allowing you to fully experience your fantasy. And even more shocking was how quickly you had adjusted to it. Hearing him breathlessly pant and grunt in response to you kept you pushing on with the act, taking each lick a little deeper than the last. Sucking at the skin of his hole with your tongue rolling inside him was exhilarating as it made him grind his hips into the bed. Finally, though, you slid out from inside him and pulled your lips away with a satisfying pop! Looking at his wet, slightly gaping hole made you want to delve back in. But your mouth was aching after a job well done. You treated him to one last swirl of the tongue before kissing his left cheek, and allowing yourself to fall backwards onto the bed.
“That was…honestly amazing baby,” you whispered, mouth tired from the event, “thank you for letting me try that with you.”
He mumbled something sweet under his breath which you didn’t catch before turning around to face you, “You’ve no idea how good that felt for me, sweetheart. Let me give you a taste of that experience.”
Moving to kneel over your closed thighs, you watched as he swiped his finger over the slit of his rock hard erection to collect the precum from the tip.
“Open your mouth for me.” His eyes darkened with lust when he brought his fingertip to your lips, waiting for them to part for him. You were obedient and allowed him to wipe the salty droplet onto your taste buds. And just as a treat you sucked gently on his finger while maintaining eye contact with him. A smirk told you everything you needed to know: it was your turn to be on the receiving end of pleasure.
“Now…open your legs.”
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Ghost Riders
August 23, 2022   
Helllllz yeah we did it!!!
Walking over and sitting against the hood of one of the cars in the High School parking lot, I rested my hands on my knees and took a deep breath. Gotta admit, I think I’ve completely lost any affinity I ever had for the color green… St. Patrick’s Day next year is gonna have to be canceled.
"It was touch and go there several times!"
Oh man! Hey guys that was great! I'm happy we got you all back! smiling excited yall wanna cone back to the bar with me and jo and celebrate? looking at everyone's faces
I’m just glad those crack head cowboys are gone. Walker they ain’t
I lean against the high school and heave a big sigh. +guys, great job tonight. it was tough but we made it!!! so glad everyone’s back safe+
( someone caught it 😂)
laughs softly and my hand slips in yours! agreed my sweets!
+Ellen, that sounds great. I could use a vodka coke right about now+
After the ordeal we’d all just completed, the last thing my tired, abused body wanted to do was go to the Bar and throw back a few. But I couldn’t deny that this was a WIN after it felt for a while there that we weren’t going to pull one off. It made perfect sense that everyone would want to be together and celebrate having come through it all. And why the hell shouldn’t they? Sucking it up, I smiled over at Ellen and stood back up. I’m IN for going to the Bar. I think we’ve all earned it.
Yes my beast?
Just glad to have everyone back we should celebrate!
As much as I love a good party I’m afraid our tinies might eat the clones Or put them in a home
Oh very true! laughs!!!! Yes sweets, I think we should get home and check on the kids!
Wahoo! We did it
Good idea wrapping my arms around you we’re heading home guys . Ready gorgeous?
Yeah. Everyone needs to come back to the bar with me and mom!
See yall later. waves bye to them
Sounds like a plan
Yes, let’s do this!
Mmm ready sexy! I kiss you deeply!
heading back to the impala I could definitely go for a drink
kissing you back abracadabra we vanish *
Watching Gabe and Donna vanish, I pull out the Charger’s keys, which by some miracle of its own, were still in my jeans pocket, and head towards my car. Ruby, you riding with me?
Sounds like a plan yall! Come on jo. starts to head for the truck
Yep, right behind you!
Who’s riding with me?
I will
Coming mom
+uhhh… guys? where’s Henry?!+ looking around for him
What the hell?
Looking around for Henry, but not seeing him
Still, I do a quick head count and Eileen is right, I don’t see Henry. I try to think back to where we were the last time I did actually have eyes on him.
What? Henry is missing? I start looking around we have to find him now!
Crowley, when exactly did you give up you’re only looking out for number one motto?
I glare at Moose Oh you want to do that now? The kid is missing!
Since when do you worry? Now you woeeg?
(tf is a woeeg?)
(do you smell toast?)
(I’d worry about a woeeg too!)
(It was supposed to say worry lmao)
Wow? Me caring about someone else had destroyed your pretentious vocabulary.
We need to fan out and find him
looking around panicked hey someone should reach back out to Gabe and Donna, they're gonna wanna know. secretly freaking out that our cookie monster is missing
Holding my hands in the air I’m not the one to be placing this call, Dean maybe you should do it…
Not it holding my hands up
Yeah...Gabe’s gonna kill us all for losing henry. I agree we need to tell him though
+I value my life, now that I’m resurrected. I will not be the one to tell Gabe that Cookie Monster is missing. nooo way+
Throwing up my hands! Fine! I'll do it. I get ready to reach out to Gabe, letting him know about Henry being missing .
Sighing when Ruby volunteers, I can’t let he give Gabe that kind of information without support. Come on Ruby, we can reach him from the car.
Following behind Sam, I am dreading this call
We will all be here while you tell him...
I look back and give Dean a one finger salute.
appearing at home with belle
I look into your eyes for movement after appearing
seeing our babysitting clones rocking and holding their heads muttering to themselves
but it is short lived!
clone one no one said he walked in water and we couldn’t bathe the baby ……
Ohhhhh dang!!! I go around checking on the kids!
You’d think they have this down my now!
Clone 2
Antonio ……Antonio….,,Antonio …..Antonio …….
shakes head!
Clone 3
Angels my ass these things are DEMONS!!
Watch yourself
Clone 3
They all take after YOU!!!
Thank you
Clone 3
Not a compliment
Clone 2
I need a safe space
I pick up Jesus! you’re not too bad are ya?
Clone 1
Jesus….Jesus ….aptly named …..
Sam did better we need him to baby sit again!
making the clones vanish
I tell 3T to get ready for bed, and hearing my voice he obeys! Lol I do think he will
as bell gets the kids ready for bed I hear Ruby & Sam where the hell is HENRY
Sitting in the car next to Ruby, I try to center myself and connect to Ruby’s direct angel-line energy, I hope that Gabe will get that we are trying to reach out to him.
I call to the kids who aren’t, to get ready for bed! And starts to take our youngest son into the bathroom for a bath!
what’s going on?
Gabe? Hey, I hate to already be laying something else on you. I’m sure that you and Donna have enough going on there… but I thought you’d want to know. We did a head count outside the High School and we were one short.
who did the counting? It wasn’t Dean was it he can only count to 20 and a half completely naked
No, we all pretty much took a look...
and you found him, because, I know none of you want me to show the vengeful god side of me riiiight? hoping for good news
Henry’s not with us. No one saw anything happen, but we haven’t been able to locate him yet. We all thought that you’d want to know that.
we’ll be there in a moment hold onto don’t go anywhere we don’t need anyone else wondering off
Got it...
turning to belle darlin we gotta go back, kiddo wandered off!
I pop my head back out of the bathroom The what???? Henry? He probably just followed a famous Amos truck down the nearby street.
Who else do I call kiddo darlin? Gotta make sure he’s ok, you know I’ll lose my mind if anything happens to him pacing And found pennywise, that kid would hug him! Henry’s gonna float!
calling into the bathroom! As naked little Jesus starts to circle himself in toilet paper! no don’t make robe out of that, toilet paper is not for that! I look back with a soft soft smile Not quiet getting it! I’m sure he’s okay! But if you want go check on him!…. I’ll take care of the little ones!
Ok I’ll go check it out you can stay here ok darlin kissing you softly  back soon
MISSY ….. make 3T get in bed!!!!
Kay mom!
kisses you softly good luck sweets Jesus! No!
I hear that a lot vanishing
walks around circling Henry with an evil grin
what? How am I still alive? ok ok I need to not panic I’m sure everyone is looking for me. what is that thing keeping my eyes on the monster I try to use my telekinesis that’s not working I should pray to them prays to Dad, Crowley and Ruby whoever gets this message I‘m a human statue in the gym on display send help
Crowley! Did you hear that? It's Henry!
I freeze in my tracks hearing Henry's voice in my head Yes, I heard him. We have to get to the gym. Now!
appearing that’s him why is he still in the school? And alone?
Pup said he's a human statue. We didn't intend to leave him there.
Wait, what? You can hear Henry? I didn't hear anything
It was in my head
He’s praying Let’s go get him heading towards the school fuming  who’s idea was it to let him be in there alone?
We didn’t know he ran back in
Can you tell from where? I begin to hope maybe we can just go and get him... then stop myself. When were our lives ever that easy.
No one's. We left as a group. He must have fallen towards the back or split off.
run back towards the school
I hurry towards the school just hoping the others follow
follows Dean and crowley back into the school
I can hear him
Follow her team
following the team
I follow after Crowley into the school, always searching for Henry
run through the halls looking for Henry
Careful Dean No idea what’s in here he said he was in the gym Let’s start there
What else matters than getting to the gym where Henry is
slow down and head for the gym
Apparently reliving your saved by the bell fantasies
sees a statue that looks like Henry running past the gym
I was going to the gym
Oh here’s our screech now
Keeping a watch around us as we move back into the school
Saved By the Bell? Really Squirrel?
Hey Dean. You guys have to see this
That was Gabe Kinda reminds you of screech doesn’t he? What’s going on mama Winchester?
But you're the one reliving it.
There's a statue that looks like Henry in here
I was more a love boat guy 😉
Yeah yeah
What ?!?!?
A statue you have GOT to be kidding me
Mmm M*A*S*H is quite good.
That statue was r here the first time we came through
You know the more I’m around you the more I understand why Noah only took animals on the boat
looking around the gym neither were all these creepy ass spiders! I feel like throwing up at the sight of them
stomping as many spiders as I can oh shit I'd rather fight a monster. still stomping and the sounds of the crunch makes me cringe
Really ?
Checking out the statue of Henry, I look closer. It looks like solid stone. Giving it a couple of raps with my knuckles, I listen next to the statue
At Ellen’s announcement of spiders, I jerk around in the direction she indicated and see a huge mass of spiders coming at us. I begin to aggressively smash the ones that get close, all the while mumbling to myself. Spiders, great… really great… eight-legged clowns is all they are… shit! Even with several of us stomping, more keep coming. We gotta get out of here guys!
I try to step on the while conjuring a fire ball hoping they'd retreat from the sight.
looks at the spiders
start stomping on spiders
stomping on the spiders o knocking them off me I can feel them bite, I slap them off Alex and Crowley’s backs if I don’t get to shoot webs out of my wrists after this I’m going to be pisssed
Look over ahhh! Stomp on spider
seeing the spiders coming I start trying to stomp them as they keep coming 8 legged freaks! Fuck! No dont lick them Gabe!
what is taking everyone so long. I just followed a voice that sounded like sissy. I need to use the bathroom. Look who decided to show up. I’m hungry. random thought sounds this reminds me of that part in the hobbit with the spiders Ruby stop knocking on me before I scream in my thoughts! I’m not a door
Maybe they are like psychedelic spiders??? Like the frogs?
Ahhhh!! Thank bud Scared that was scary I don’t like spiders
I look at Gabe and Crowley to see if they heard it too!
still stomping spiders
I can see everyone stomping spiders, looks like we’re doing some weird kind of tribal dancing
That's only in the Tobey Maguire ones Gabe I turn and smack one off Ellen Can I light them on fire?
looking for this GABE guy
kicking a spider off my leg after it bit me
Ew gross dude! Kill the bastards! stomping as more jump on me I scream loudly I HATE SPIDERS! Stomping the spiders and knocking them off me
You’ll light everyone on fire they are everywhere
knocks spiders off and shoots them
I heard Henry too, he got scattered brained for a sec though
jumps as Mom's gun starts firing
What the FUCK ELLEN ?!?
I’m still stomping on spiders!
You’re more trigger happy then tweedle de and tweedle dumbass
Converge on Henry! I shout watching them
That’s Henry in there alright!
Chooses to think he's talking about Dean and Crowley
stomp on more spiders trying to get to henry unsure of what we are gonna do
hearing the shots I dive for cover in a pile of these creepy ass spiders jumping back up stopping the shit out of more of them
Who do you think they got it from?
SPIDERS—-The many many many spiders start to crawl all over the team! And start to bite where everyone they can
stomping the spiders as they start crawling on me
Ok crow I was wrong let’s blow these bastards to hell my hands starting to glow
I feel a sharp stinging pain on my arm Ouch! and slap a spider off of me. Damnit! We’re not making any headway here!
Stomping all over the place like a mad woman
NO! You could kill Henry! I argue
Ow! Ow ! Bear yelp scream
Ow ow ow!! You little bastards! spiders biting me
Becoming concerned I have to ask, "Are they are hurting Henry?"
Damn it I really do hate when you’re right
dad please no screams my thoughts I officially hate spiders
Their just spiders guys its not that big of a deal I’ve dealt with lots them before OW SON OF A BITCH MITHER FUCKER! As I get bit roo
ouch! I curse inwardly as a spider bites me. I slap it and it falls off my arm, very very dead
are you ok though? Are they biting you
I swear in Gaelic as I'm bitten
As I cock my gun, I start shooting at the gyms floor boards were all the spiders are.
I don't think they understand that any better than English!
Ooooowwwww!! kicking another spider off me
continue to stomp at the spiders
For fucks sake psycho dicing out of the way they’re just spiders not vampires !
Well The kid doesn't know what that means."
I don't think so I can't tell. I can't feel or move just my eyes though
kicking and stomping at the spiders around henry
then you’re safe
There’s too many! We need to run and come up with a plan!
I have to agree with Dean on this one We’re not helping Henry by staying here and getting eaten alive!
Let’s go!
head to the door out of the gym
yelling to henry well beack for you!! It's gonna be ok!!!
starting to burn the ones on the floor RUN!
kickin' and knocking these little birches off me
(attacked by small angry trees)
Running with the others, I get back to the Charger  and look around for Ruby.
(stupid little birches 😂)
getting back to my truck
running with the others to the car
I'm right behind you Sam!
at least get me a cookie please! yells after them. Jeopardy music
get back to the impala knocking any extra spiders off me before jumping into the car waiting for whoever is riding with me
Follows to the cars
I look back at Henry We'll save you Pup. I promise. I turn and join the others.
waiting for the others to get out of the gym I look at Henry once more  we’ll be back kiddo vanishing
We get in and I drive Ruby and myself back to the Bunker
I run to the vehicles and jump in pushing in the clutch, I start the truck and me and jo take off
gets in the car
gets in the car
I drive myself Mary Alex and Eileen and patience back to the bunker
appearing in the bunker waiting on the team  I’m their very own heals on wheels
Pacing the floor, I wrack my brain, trying to think of some solution for this mess.
Back at the Bunker I’m starting to feel a little feverish, and I can see red blotches starting to appear all along my arms where I was bitten by the spiders I’ve never had an allergic reaction to a spider bite before, but holding up my arms to show everyone I’m thinking these weren’t ordinary spiders.
Sit down, all of you and take hands, hurry
Feel sweating fever groan I don’t feel good I am hot too hot turn up AC up
feverishishly I'm not feeling too hot guys. start sweating
feels feverish it feels like I have a fever
I quickly sit down and take Mom's hand
It’s 12 degrees in here and Alex has the flop sweats
+uh. yeah not feeling too great.+ feel my forehead +yeah I definitely am a little hot+ I sit in a chair and grab Sam’s hand
pull into the bunker and head in as I get inside I start to start getting hit as blisters appear on me everywhere I pull my flannel off as I’m too hot
I am hot I have a fever I sweating I feel dizzy
I look at the group unsettled and turn to Ruby Do you have any idea what's going on here?
as the others take hands I put my hands on Sam  Shoulders and send power through Sam and into the others healing them
I stop pacing and answer Crowley "I've heard of this type of thing happening before during the Revolutionary War."
Gratefully accepting the Healing offered, I slap Gabe on the shoulder Thanks, once again…
grab Alex hand
Any time Sammy anytime
Collecting my laptop from my room, I sit at the table and start it up
+thank you Gabe+
sees I'm getting a rash why am I breaking out in a rash
Because the healing hasn’t reached you seeing the glowing power hit you  better now?
Look over Gabe Gabe? Feel dizzy
Yeah. Thank you.
Yeah bear bear? Anytime
I feel dizzy fever
I don’t feel well either. And I think I’m Burning up
slowly start to feel better thanks Gabe
I check on Ellen and Eileen while Sam and Ruby research
walking over putting my hand on your forehead healing you better?
Pulling Charlie's laptop over, I quickly pull up an article, finding just what I need to explain what I'm talking about. "YES! I've found it!!"
You got it Deano
What have you got Ruby
looking over at Ruby
Much. Thanks Gabe!
Can you heal me?
What? looking over drinking water
"It’s called an 'Anuk-ite'."
Of course giving you a hug you get a full blast of healing power
I quickly add the name into the search program to see what I can find.
+I’m good Crow. thanks for checking+
Bless you
Thank you Hugs back
Come again?
I'm alright crow. Thank
I nod and turn hearing the name of the creature
What the hell is that
"It’s the oldest shape shifter known that destroys villages and towns through fear and chaos feeding on the fear."
The thing is it’s not just that but it can turn you to stone…. Like Henry ….if you just look at it
I nod in agreement with Gabe before interjecting They can also mimic the sounds or voices of anyone it’s been in contact with, almost always completely indistinguishable from the person they're pretending to be.
sitting in the chair I get a vision knocking my ass right out of the chair my head pounding what the fuck
turning worried PAY!
watching patience being knocked back I rush over to her patience are you ok? What did you see?
Pay you ok?
holding my head the anuk-ite has been in contact with All the stinking spiders
I think we’re going to need to get back there…
The only one it was in contact with was Henry, so we should be ok.
We don’t have time to drive I’ll teleport us there
grabbing my go bag ready to go fight this son of bitch
grabbing my gear I'm ready!
grabbing my duffle seriously?
Hold on to Gabe
gets my gear
Meet you all back at high School. I vanish from the room
+ugh I hate teleporting… I just got over my nausea too.+ grabs a hold of Gabe
Always with the teleporting
Only think of himself figure
Dean, quit being such a baby... think about Henry in all of this. We said we’d be back for him and we need to get there as fast as possible.
It wasn’t even that actually
grabbing Sam’s jacket and Ellen’s jacket we ALL vanish
+Shut it Dean. let’s just go save Henry+
You even said as we vanish
we all appear back at the high school
as we appear at the school how the hell do we fight something we can’t see?
I’ve got a plan Dean
Really Gabe....what plan that dont get YOU killed?
You aren’t going to like it …, I’m heading to the gym you guys heard the anuk-ite my way
Get it to the gym? Why am I thinking that this doesn’t sound like much of a plan?
Just do it Sammy I’ll take it from there
You better be right about this, I’m not going to be the one to try and explain all this to Donna….
I’m with Sammy
smirking I vanish
Shaking my head, I remark "I hate that look. It always means trouble!"
Great! Just fucking great!
What do we do
What we gotta do to get this thing to Gabe
My suggestion is to spilt up!
it's on the move. I don't know where though calls out to them with my mind
I hear Henry in my mind and turn Squirrel! Hurry, It's on the move!
I hate the idea of splitting up nothing ever comes good out of it but.    What other options we have? Mom come with me?
+I’ll go check out the cafeteria. Alex, coming with?+
Splitting off from the rest, I walk beside Ruby and the first room we come to is the Men’s Locker Room. Looks as good as any don’t you think? Pulling my gun out, I wait for Ruby to open the door and I lead us into the room with it.
Opening the door for Sam, I let him go in first
Jo and I will check out the library with jo at my side we go to check the library come on hunny let's go. I put my arm around her
Sure thing. I don't like the idea of splitting up either
Always one of the main rules in every horror movie DONT split up! heading down the hall
appearing in the gym next to statue Henry  longest I’ve ever seen you in one spot not eating a cookie kiddo
I shake my head at splitting the party Come on Pay, let's check out science.
Right beside Crow
goes with Dean.
+Yes ma’am+ walking with Eileen
let me out! My thoughts are starting to annoy me!begging to be free
As soon as we kill this thing kiddo I promise you know I’ll never let anything happen to you . I’d give my life for you . Do you trust me?
why can't you turn me back? Your God you can do everything
Because I have to kill it kiddo . And this isn’t going to be pleasant to watch . I’m sorry
what do you mean getting scared but can only watch
not saying anything the SHINK of my blades being unleashed the only sound
I continue down the hall slowly
follows closely
LISA! hearing the voice
ghostly at first! Deaaaan!?! Is that you??? gets for upset down the hall
Lisa? Where are you??? starts walking faster down the hall
Hellllp .. Dean! The thing …. It … it…. Took Ben!!!!
Dean stop. It could be a trick
This way Dean!!! Help!!!! Room 113!!!! Deannnn!!! HELP!
Son of. A bitch! LISA! IM COMING! Sprints down the hall keep yelling! run to the sound looking for the room. As I watch the numbers 100....105.....110...111...112...113! I’m coming baby! I open the door and run inside LISA! BEN! tears streaming down my face in worry
eyes glint brightly looking directly at the Winchester turning Dean to stone!
LI..... As I look at the thing I turn to stone
Runs into the room
looks to Momma Winchester the instant she enters the room, and turns her to stone too!
turns to stone as about to pull the trigger
Tap Eileen +I am hungry I haven’t eat+
+yeah seeing all this food makes me hungry too. tell you what bear bear. if we all make it out of this alive, I’ll have Dean make us all steaks.+
+why don’t i take the lead now?+
+That is sound so good Yes ma’am+
+since I can’t hear anything the Anuk-ite can’t get to me with a loved one.+
+Agree+ Smiles
Mommy!!! MOMMY!!!! Help… I’m scared!!! It’s going to get me mommy!!!
Suddenly heard Olivia voice turn around Olivia? Princess? Went look for Olivia mommy coming baby Run and see anuk-ite
the instant Alex goes to turn and look for Olivia, it meets Alex’s gaze and immediately turns Alex to stone!
Turn into stone
a figure in the distance catches Eileen’s eye! Is that your mother??
I keep walking, not even noticing that Alex isn’t with me anymore. I keep a sharp eye out for the monster, but I never see it. I see a sudden movement down the hall, and look up. “Mama?!” as I’m saying that, I think, shit it’s the monster and turn to stone
and with another evil glint, Eileen turns and looks  into the eyes of evil, turning to stone!
The Locker Room appears to be empty, but I continue to clear the spaces I pass.
I take a stance, covering Sam with my glock.
calling from inside the locker room! Ruby? Sam? Is that you!??
Carefully watching everything around us, I hear Charlie. It sounds like she's just outside the locker room. How odd. How did she get there?
Charlie? I'm in the locker room. I'll be right there!"
Hurry! I think found it!
Looking around, I don't see her  "Where are you Charlie?" Hearing her to my left, I look over, trying to find her, and suddenly am turned to stone
Finally, stepping out into the gym area, I turn back to tell Ruby we should probably split up and notice that she’s not behind me. Ruby?
Sam???! Sam you in here??? from inside the locker room
Just as I start to retrace my steps, I hear Mom call from across the gym towards the female lockers. Mom? I didn’t see you and Dean come this way, did you find anything?
Sam?! I’m on here… the ladies locker room! … Sam, … Dean has been turned to stone!! Sam?!?
Adrenaline floods my system at the mention of Dean being turned. I sprint across the gym floor towards where I heard her voice, but I don’t see anyone. Mom! Where are you?!
Up here Sam! from above!
My feet stop on their own, seemingly glued to the floor, at the sound of the new female voice. It’s been a lot of years, but I know that voice. Jess….
Up here!!
I look up to the gym ceiling and can see Mom and Jess appear to be plastered against it. My heart is racing and it's hard to breathe, I’ve seen part of this vision in real life before! NO!
Just as I scream, both of them burst into flames. NOOOOO!!!!!!
GRABS SAM FROM BEHIND AND TURNS HIM, Looking in his eyes… turning the youngest Winchester to stone!
The stiffening begins at my feet and rapidly runs up my legs. It wasn’t until I couldn’t twist myself away from the sight before me, that this thought pierced my grieving brain and I realized I was becoming…stone.
busting in like the kool-aid man through the library doors with my shot gun in front me
I rush in next to my mom. I’ll go o the left. Mom, you go to the right.
Ok hun. Don't believe your ears though. I'll let out a bird call for your attention!
Ok mom I raise my gun as I head Thru the Children’s section
I start heading down the adult section of books when I see a man. I call to him. As he turns I see it's my husband Bill. He looks gray and skinny and DEAD...he starts to blame for letting him DIE! this can't be true! I start to turn and run away
did I just hear my mom scream Mom! As I go racing to where her voice came from. I see my father and raise my shotgun.
the turns you and looks to you turning you to stone!
I see my father and raise my shotgun again!
grabs Jo, turning her, looks to her and turns a her to stone!
I walk through the halls of the science wing looking in each room Oh look at all those posters. Jobs, Zuckerberg, Musk. Praised as pioneers of their industry, all on the payroll for hell. Cut a deal and reap the rewards as well as more souls sometimes. I push into the next room Oh, Einstein, the rare exception of real talent.
hearing my grandmother calling and yelling at me for wasting my power Crowley do hear what I hear it's my grandmother Missouri calling out for me and cursing me
talking to my grandmother grandmother I’ve done the best I can what is you want from me?
shaking my hand at her Gran how have I wasted my powers? I don't understand worried now that she berated me so much
I stand beside Patience watching the woman before hearing her say Pay's consorting with demons I'm no ordinary demon you old crone. I'm the King of Hell
shit thinking I can't do anything right now she's yelling at me telling me I should not be consorting with demons grandmother I'm not they help us so much.
Are you sure about that pipsqueak? Last I knew, you're just my seat warmer.
Turning around I expect to see the taller arch angel sneering down at me
trying to understand all of this knowing it has to be either some kind of worry vision or apparition.
looking Crowley, turning him to stone
looks up at grandmother
turns patience to stone!
standing still pain in my feet moving all up through my body
My eyes grow wide as I meet the cold stare of the creature in front of me. It's gaze strikes more fear into my stone heart than the day the hounds came to drag me below. The cold touch of the stone seems to seer into me like the winds of Everest, so slow and yet over in an instant. I'm stone before I even have the chance to scream
the last of my teams screams tearing through the core of my very being , every instinct of every fiber of my very being crying out to them , to run to them to save them I force myself to stay put , knowing the only one left between them and being stuck like this forever is making sure I kill this abomination
Why don't you go help them? You need to do something besides standing here.  thoughts rush through my head of being sick and tired of being stuck
yelling for Gabe screaming in pain
I know what I’m doing kiddo. ignoring the scream as it rips through me
what do you mean?  really confused
Sweets Help …. help!!! It’s found me!!! HELLLLLP!!!
Belle! How did you … NO! ITS NOT HER !
Ahhhhhhhhhhh DADDDDY!!! Helllllppppp ahhhhhhh
falling to my knees hearing my first born , our first miracle calling to me every instinct calling out to save my baby , my claws dig into my chest ripping through my shirt my skin, reminding me it isn’t real
Aggggggggghhhhhh owwwwww …… AGGGHHHHHHHHH
tears leaking from my eyes the struggle to hold back the fury , the doubt , the self-loathing tearing me apart with in, the claws dig deeper shredding what’s left of my shirt clinging to my hold on my plan
raspy voice nearby! llllloook at mmmmmme!!!
closing my eyes kiddo I’m going to need your help to fight this thing
yelling at Gabe this is all your fault
what do you want me to do?
this is all your fault Gabriel. the mightiest of the archangels we have left. you have staked your claim as our new “god”, which makes you all-knowing, yet you know not that your team is falling! you could have saved us all! yet you stand here doing nothing. COWARD. shame on you. we will never forgive you for this. you will live with this on your conscious for the rest of eternity. we will haunt you.. you have murdered us all.
Wow Gabe just wow. You spent all that time telling me 'You're part of the team.  You're useful. Open up to us and we'll care for you.  I start doing that and when we needed you most, you left us to die for you. Your worse then Lucifer
Gabe! How could you! I thought you love us! All of us! This family! You turned your back on all of u! I trusted you. You told me not to let you down with protecting this family! I tried so hard to not disappoint and you got us killed! Your fault everything we've been through! You let us die!
why did you let this happen!! Why did you kill my family!!!
the guilt burning through my lashes from a whip knowing Eileen is right
Crowley’s words burning through my veins like hell fire driving the guilt and rage I didn’t ….I didn’t…..Dean…..I’d never *the heart in my chest seeming to be squeezed tighter with every word Ellen …., you… jo … you ATE family *the blood pouring through mg eyes closed red surging through them in waves of a fury like never before NEVER !
dad? What do you need me to do?  trying to help snap him out of it
Henry SPN you tell me where that son of a bitch is so I can END HIM ! with a cry of fury that makes the eruption of volcanic explosion feel like a low rumble, threatening to rip the earth itself apart , I raise my hands , blades gleaming, and shove the cold, hard, sharp , celestial metal through my eyes the cry of pain growing louder, as I feel the sharp deadly metal tear through my eyes, blinding me the blood pouring down my face. I reach down ripping the remains of my shirt, and wrapping it around my dead sightless eyes
YOU SON OF A…. starts to run right for Gabe!
hearing the footsteps rushing towards me I dove out of the way rolling to my feet claws extended back to the anuk-ite  Henry where is he!
ok I can try to do that but I have no sense of directions watches and tries to figure out where it is buckle up because this a real life version of a video game. To the right hoping to heaven we get out of this alive
coming from his right going to grab tackle you again!
spinning to the right my blades at the ready fighting to ignore the tearing pain in my head I get hit and go down as I can’t move fast enough
connecting hard as I go to grab for your throat!!
oh sh- stopping mid-way throat grab
turning at the last moment I shove my blade upward through your chest leaning back and pushing with my legs throwing you across the room and against the wall
hearing you I jump through the air and bring both blades down towards you
flies and hits the wall hard, cracking it. Falls to flow. Gets up. Shakes it off and runs at you full steam!
wall straight ahead and a good one too adding on all the details and then stops heading right towards you
heading Henry I home my hearing the sound of the anukite approaching I launch myself at the anukite, my blades connecting  for Henry! again Eileen my claws tearing through the anukite SAM! RUBY ! ELLEN! Jo ! my blades flying faster and faster tearing ant the body of the anukite DEAN! ALEX! CROWLEY! My blades thrust your through it jaw, I can feel the tendon drip and the blades pierce the bones of its skull as they rip through the top of its head and I thrust my arm upward ripping its head from its body  and for impersonating My WIFE AND CHILDREN!
Gatling in blood and pain…. Goes limp… and dies
its dead good job. Now how long do we wait to come back
the death of the anukite making the adrenaline crash out of my body the pain, fury blood and grace loss, the destruction mf my body making me collapse in a heap, a gargled whisper from my lips, SHARKY nearly soundless words  bellllllllle…..
Suddenly able to move freely, I run back across the gym to find Ruby Ruby!
No longer a statue, I look for Sam. Spotting him and tucking my glock into my waistband, I run to him.
feels myself being free dad!!!  screams louder than I normally do* dad!!! Guys!!!
the stone releases me from its cold hard grip, and i turn around to make sure Alex is ok
You okay? Let’s find the others! Rush with her back the way we came.
feeling the statue break around me I start looking for jo jo jo!!! Let's go find the others!
suddenly I’m able to move again and I run to Mary Mom! checking you over make sure you’re ok then running for the gym where I hear henry scream joining the others
I walk into the hallway and see the others running to the gym. I don’t know what’s going on, but I grab Alex’s hand and take off running to find out
I feel the stone falling away and sink to my hands and knees shaking some from shock going to patience Are you alright?
starting to feel again I'm loosening up I make my way to where the rest of the team is
seeing the others in the hallway we run to them
run into the gym seeing Gabe GABE! SHIT! FUCK!!! DAMNIT! SON OF A BITCH!
screams for the others dad! Please no no no!
Finding the other’s, I can see that they are gathered around someone on the floor. Gabe!! Dean, what happened?
Running over to Henry, I lean over and quickly grab one of Gabe's arms and wait for the others to gather around.
I enter the gym, and see Gabe lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, bleeding and motionless. I look around at the others. but.. he can’t be …. can he? I think. I grab his other arm
How the hell do I know besides he’s fucking hurt I was a pile of rubble fashionably shaped!
hope he gets through this and touches his shoulder
I grab Patience before warping us back into the gym where the others are and finally stand going briskly over to Henry and Gabe What......he can't be......How?
Ruby Crowley lets get him back to the bunker!
No no say he's going to be ok!! We just can't lose him
Blink look around and look at herself and look up at Eileen +Are you ok+
Let's go Crowley. You ready?
He saved us by stabbing himself and killing the monster blinding. I had to give him directions
the Dean statue
Of course I kneel beside Gabe and carefully touch his shoulder and grab Ruby's wrist so that we can focus our power together.
+I’m ok Alex+
Putting my hand on Dean's shoulder and my other on Ruby, I wait for the feeling of vertigo that teleporting always gives me.
Ok, Crowley let's do this
(What the heck)
Run to gym +Come on Eileen we need to go to gym+
Then hurry because building our power like this can't be held long
Lets do it
I close my eyes and focus on the Map Room and warp us there quickly as possible
soon as we land I grab Gabe with Sam and Ruby’s help we rush Gabe to med bay. I’m worried about him
Helping to get Gabe into the MedBay, where we get him hooked up to IV’s to replace fluids and monitors to watch his vitals. I clean the wounds on his eyes and apply fresh bandages.
Setting sterile gauze and wrappings out on the table, I get alcohol swabs to clean his wounds. I also set out suturing paraphernalia just in case
going to the bar poor myself a drink
I walk to one of the Bunker library's to get some silence as I to attempt telepathically reach Donna
watch you and ruby grabbing any other things that may be needed i really hope he pulls through. He’s just as much family here as the rest of us and we just CANT lose him!
+ok, was it just me or were those visions incredibly real?!+ I sign to Ellen, Jo, and Mary +I mean, what did you guys see?+
back at the bunker I'm talking with some of the others about what we saw and what happened I saw Bill.
Taking care of some of the lesser cuts with bandages, I suture up the worst, then cover them.
What did you see? Mary?
Donna, Hello, Donna. Am I getting through at all? Christ this feels stupid I keep trying to extend my mind powers to reach the woman as well as trying her cell
+I saw my Mother. I don’t know how I recognized her. I haven’t seen her since I was a baby. she didn’t say anything though. she just .. stood there +
sits on the couch and waits for donna. I hope he pulls through I don't think anyone will make it if we lose him
Ruby, he looks bad, I think is the worst I've seen him
It's crazy! She made me see Bill And it wasn't very pleasant! mad
I placed my hand on his arm "He's Gabe, Sam. He'll pull through this too. We've done what we can. It's up to him now."
sitting in the med bay no no when we put those blades in him he was about this bad. .. Only this is bad cuz he hadnt stabbed himself in the face when we put him under to put the blades in
kissing Jesus’s head, as the last of kids finally fall asleep Crowley? the heck? everything okay? why are you calling me? walks out of the littles ones room, closing the door!
Sweet hell I finally got through. No, Everything is most certainly not alright. Gabe is, well, he wont wake up...
pouring myself a drink
WHAT??? suddenly pops into the bunker right next to Crowley! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?!? glaring at the king of hell … it was just suppose to be a find Henry trip!!!
Yeah, well, it was an ancient monster that turned the entire team to stone. It was a shitshow Donna. It got every single one of us. He.....it was taunting us. My guess is it was pretending to be you, or the kids
I was a statue I'm sorry starting to feel guilty he will pull through like he always dose
I turn and shake my head Pup, No. This wasn't your fault.
Temperature growing, not really listen half way through! Turns looking around* where is he? My ArchAngel! It’s not your fault Henry! looks around! where?? Med Bay??
Donna you shouldn't.....He wouldn't want you to see him like this. I try to block her way to the med bay.
But you are angry let's try to calm down  not knowing how to calm someone so I end up sitting there awkwardly
eyes flash white! Crowley move! I’ve seen him burnt to a crisp!! Used a pin cushion bleed out grace and blood all over the place! …. I seen him ever way! ….., MOVE!
But the shock could risk the babies Donna
hairs start to float CROWLEY!!!!!!
DONNA!!! I shout back spitefully
eyes start turn bright white! Crowley …. MOVE!!!!
Hears the shouting and comes out form the MedBay Hey, let's all calm down, huh?
Once Gabe is stable, I head out with Sam to the others.
Donna... We’ve done all that I we can think of for him. I hate to not be able to give Donna better news He’s going to have to take it from here. But Donna, he’s strong and has a lot of reasons to fight… 28 counting you and then all of these 12 new ones to come… I realize I’m rambling and just shut up and squeeze her arm
Donna, we all know Gabe's too stubborn to die. I give her an encouraging smile.
follows Sam grabbing a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet
taking a seat
There she goes let's hope she's doesn't harm anything grabs a plate of cookies
I walk over to Dean and pluck the bottle from Dean and starts to chug
appears in the appears in med bay, my hair stops floating …. My eyes back to normal… I run to my loves side …. Tears in my eyes grabbing his hand! no no no  no no!!!! We had a deal no dying!! … noooooo holding you hand tight I start to cry! god damn it!!!!
grab a bunch of beers and other drinks from the fridge and carry everything into everyone passing them all out
grieving seems to be never ending is all I could think as I think about what that bitch did to me and the others. And what she caused Gabe to do to himself thanks Dean. I take the drink from him barley noticing he handed me a drink just lost in my thoughts
Accepts the beer from my brother Thanks, Dean I twist off the cap and sit down at the map table thinking that all we can really do now is wait.
I accept the beer from Dean and take a seat by Alex. +thanks Dean+
Look up guys! I have vision of Olivia I heard her
+bear bear what did you see? or hear+
taking a beer from Dean and I hang my head thinking this can't be it Gabe has just got to pull through
+I heard Olivia my princess I saw her+
Thanks Dean you're One of a kind
+aw. I’m sorry bear. that’s sooo dumb that the monster could make us see and hear people we love+
I hope he wakes up  takes a sip
+Right and I will always protect my children+
+that’s good Bear bear. you’re a great mama bear to your babies+
it sit the rest of the drinks on the table they are here if anyone else wants anything. I take my bottle of whiskey grabbing a glass thinking Lisa and Ben and the fact the thing used them against me even more reason as much as it hurts, to keep them out of this life, then now Gabe.... Why.... Everything he does for us...all of us. He’s done a hell of a lot for me too why is he the one laid up right now?
Crowley lurks in the corner having an existential crisis. Everyone else saw someone they care about deeply. Often someone with a romantic or deep familial connection with. What does him seeing Lucifer mean?
I hope that Gabe will make it thru the night… I’ve never seen him this bad off, and I can only hope that having Donna nearby helps him. I hope he can feel her presence.
1. Alex, Sam, Donna, Mary, Dean, Eileen, Jo, Ruby, Ellen and Sam are celebrating the fact the ghost riders are gone. Jo and Ellen saying they’re ready to head back to the bar and asking if everyone wants to join them to celebrate getting Sam, Ruby, and Alex Back as well as vanquishing the ghost riders. Donna and Gabe say they are heading home but they’ll catch the others later they have to get back to the kids before the clones get torn apart and they vanish. The rest of the team starts to climb into their vehicles when Eileen notices that Henry is missing. Crowley becomes concerned telling them they need to find Henry. The team seems confused about Crowley being so confused about someone other than himself. Sam comments and Dean tells them to fan out. Ellen tells the team they should probably reach out and let Gabe know that Henry is missing. The team looks at each other each saying they don’t want to be the one to tell Gabe, they know it won’t go well. Finally relenting Ruby reaches out to Gabe letting him know about Henry being missing.
2. Donna and Gabe arrive home finding the place a mess, the clones pulling their hair out and rocking back and forth on the couch muttering to themselves about Jesus, 3, and Zack. Donna checks to make sure they are ok when Gabe here’s Sam. A quick conversation between Gabe and Sam ensues with Gabe telling Sam he’ll be there. Donna asks what’s going on and Gabe explains. Donna tells Gabe to go and she’ll take care of the house. Gabe asks if she’s sure and Donna tells him that everything is likely fine. Henry is likely either chasing a cookie truck down the street or got lost in a bakery somewhere hiding eating all the goodies. Gabe tells her she’s probably right and he’ll be back after they find Henry. Gabe vanishes.
3. Henry realizes he can’t move at all but is somehow still alive. As he watches the hideous beast walk around him, he tries to use his telekinesis but nothing happen. Quickly reaching out to Gabe, Crowley, and Ruby hoping one of them can hear him . He tells them where is in the high school gym.
4. Crowley and Ruby hear Henry just as the Gabe appears. Crowley and inform the others and as one they head into the school Henry calling out for help spotting them. Mary spots a statue that looks just like Henry. Jo tells them that the statue wasn’t there the last time they were in the school and Alex agrees. Ellen looking around the gym says that neither were all these spiders. All but Ruby turn to find an army of spiders crawling towards them. Jo, Ellen, Patience, Gabe, Alex, Sam and Crowley try to stomp on the spiders as Ruby checks out the statue of Henry. Solid stone. Knock on the statue Ruby Crowley and Gabe can hear Henry scream telling Ruby to stop. They are shocked to find that the statue IS HENRY!
5. The spiders start to crawl over the team. Alex, Jo, Ellen and patience crying out as they’re bitten. Dean tells them it’s just spiders and not to worry, then he’s bitten and curses. Gabe Sam Eileen and Crowley are bitten shortly after. The team wants to stop them and tries but they swarm over Henry the statue. Gabe’s about to blow them to smithereens when Crowley tells him to stop he could blow up Henry. Ruby asks if they are hurting Henry as the others stomp and kick at the spiders Jo using her shot gun to blow holes in the floor of the gym to kill spiders. Dean tells everyone to run Ellen telling Henry they’ll be back for him. Making it to their cars the team rushes back to the bunker.
6. Getting back to the bunker, the team heads in Gabe does his best to heal the team as Ruby paces the floor. Alex, Jo, Ellen, Eileen, Dean, Mary and Sam all getting fevers and rashes from the spider bites Crowley asks what Ruby is thinking. Ruby says she’s heard of this type of thing happening before during the revolutionary war. Healed Sam pulls out his laptop as the others grab drinks sitting around the table wondering what to do about Henry. With a shout of triumph Ruby says she found it! Sam asks her what it is, and Ruby explains it’s an anuk-ite. Mary asks what the hell that is and Ruby explains it’s the oldest shape shifter known that destroys villages and towns through fear and chaos feeding on the fear. Gabe speaks up stating that one look at it can turn you to stone. Crowley adding that it can mimic the sounds or voices of anyone it’s been in contact with. Jo mentions the only one it’s been in contact with is Henry so they should be ok. Patience is struck by a vision knocking her out of her chair. Rushing to help her, Ellen asks what she saw and Patience tells them it was the spiders. The anuk-ite has been in contact with them all. Sam says it sounds like they’re going back. Alex tells everyone to grab their gear Gabe tells them theirs no time to drive. He’ll teleport them. Dean starts to argue but Sam tells him to shut up. Eileen agrees. The team gears up and Gabe teleports them to the high school.
7. Appearing at the high school. Dean asks how they fight something they can’t see. Gabe tells him he has a plan, but they aren’t going to like it. He’s heading to the gym, their job is to get than anuk-ite to him. Sam makes sure he’s not doing anything stupid. They don’t want to have to explain it to Donna. Gabe just grins and vanishes. Ruby tells them all she hates that look it means trouble.
 8. Alex suggests that they split up. Henry calls out that it’s on the move using his mind and Crowley hearing them calls for them to hurry. Dean doesn’t like splitting up but agrees it’s the best way. Dean and Mary head down one hallway. Alex, and Eileen head into the cafeteria. Ruby and Sam take the locker room. Jo and Ellen take the library. Crowley and patience take the science wing. The team spreads out.
9. Gabe appears next to Henry’s statue and can hear Henry begging to be let out. Gabe promises him he’ll have him out soon. Henry asks why he can’t just save him and turn him back. Gabe explains the anuk-it’s has to die for him to be released. Henry tries to ask Gabe what he’s going to do. Gabe only lets his claws out.
10. As Dean and Mary head down the hallway, Dean hears Lisa’s voice calling to him saying the anuk-ite took Ben. Running towards the voice Mary tries to stop him. As Dean enters the room, he’s face to face with the anuk-ite and turns him into a statue. Mary hearing her son scream rushes in aiming at the anuk-ite, it’s turns to her turning her to stone before she can pull the trigger.
11. Alex tells Eileen she’s hungry she hasn’t eaten and looking at all the food reminded her. Eileen tells her if they get through this, they’ll have dean make them steaks. Eileen stops Alex and tells her she’ll lead the way. Alex asks why and Eileen tells her that since she’s dead the anuk-ite can’t mess with her. Alex agrees. Suddenly Alex hears Olivia’s voice calling for her mommy. She turns around to look for Olivia and finds the anukite immediately turning to stone. Not hearing it Eileen keeps going until she sees her mom from a distance startled she looks up to see the Anuk-ite being turned to stone.
12. Sam heads into the locker room with Ruby covering him. Ruby heard Charlie calling out from outside of the locker room. Finding it odd Ruby calls back wondering how she got there. Heading out of the locker room Ruby calls for Charlie asking where she is. Charlie calls right here from her left. Looking over Ruby is turned to stone. Sam turns to see Ruby missing then hears Mary call out from further in the locker room. Sam calls out asking why she isn’t with dean and Mary calls back dean got turned. Sam runs towards her voice and not seeing her asks where she is. Hearing jess’ voice say up here. Sam looks up to see Jess and his mother burst into flames. Sam cries out the anuk- ite grabbing him from behind and turning Sam towards him Sam immediately turns to stone.
13. Jo and Ellen kick in the library doors there shot guns out in front of them. Jo says she’ll go to the left as Ellen goes right. Ellen warns her not to believe her ears. She’ll let out a bird call to get her attention. Jo agrees heading into the children’s section. Ellen takes the adult section and as she looks she sees a man she calls out and as the man turns she sees it’s her husband bill. He turns towards her his skin gray and rotting blaming her for letting him die. Ellen says it’s not true she turns to run as the dead image of her husband rushes her and runs into the anuk-ite being turned into stone. Hearing her mom yell out jo rushes over seeing her father she raises her shotgun. The anukite turns to her turning her to stone.
14. Crowley looks around the labs making jokes about guys like bill gates and Steve’s jobs being considered geniuses when in reality they all cut deals. Patience asks him about it when she hears her grandmother. Turning she sees Missouri standing there. Missouri berating her for wasting her powers and consorting with demons. Crowley pipes in correcting her that he’s the king of hell. Suddenly Lucifer’s voice is heard behind Crowley asking if that’s so as patience tries to explain to her grandmother she’s doing what she thought was best. As Crowley turns, he sees not Lucifer but the anukite and is turned to stone. Missouri grabs Patience turning her telling her she’s disappointed in patience and she deserves what she gets. Patience looks up tears in her eyes seeing the anukite and gets turned to stone.
15. Hearing the last of the teams’ screams, tearing through his soul wanting to run and help them, Gabriel forces himself to stay put. Henry asking why he doesn’t help them. Gabe only tells him he knows what he’s doing. Suddenly Gabe hears Donna’s voice pleading for help. Followed by Missy screaming in pain and 3t yelling out in agony. Gabe refuses to look and the anukite yells for Gabriel to look at him. Closing his eyes Gabe tells Henry he’s going to need his help as the anukite takes on the voices of the team telling Gabe their deaths are his fault, he could have saved them. (everyone take turns guilting Gabe) Gabe blocks them out only hearing Henry ask what he needs to do and Gabe tells him he’ll need to know where the anukite is. Henry asks what he means and Gabe taking a deep breath shoved his blades into his eyes blinding himself and letting out a scream that shakes the earth.
16. The anukite and Gabe fight with Henry giving Gabe directions as to where the anukite is. (free run for a bit until Gabe kills the anukite)
17. They all are released from their statuesque states - including Henry. Henry runs to Gabe screaming for the others. The team gathering themselves finds Gabe unmoving in the gym  Dean tells Ruby and Crowley to grab Gabe and the team coming together vanishes with Gabe Crowley and Ruby.
18. Arriving back in the bunker Dean Ruby and Sam rush Gabe to Med Bay. Crowley reaching out to Donna telling her what’s going on and that Gabe won’t wake up. Donna vanishes leaving clones behind. Appearing in the bunker, she tries to head to Med Bay but Crowley and the others tell her she doesn’t want to see Gabe that way. Patience gets her a drink as Henry and Alex comfort her. Mary, Eileen Ellen and jo talking about how real the visions seemed and discussing what they saw. Soon Dean, Sam and Ruby appear from Med Bay. Donna demands to know how Gabe is as Dean goes to grab a bottle of whiskey. Sam says they’ve done all they can and now it’s up to Gabe. Ruby tells her they all know Gabe’s to stubborn to die. The team sits, Dean handing out drinks to everyone and they drink their drinks silently lost in their own thoughts.
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fungifaggot · 3 years
Please Take Me Home...
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A/n: Back again with an annual post wahoo. Anyway, I hope yall are doing okay and staying safe. (Heads up I didn’t edit this well)
!Feel free to send constructive criticism!
Summary: Peter is drunk and alone and he wants to go home. Little did he know, asking you for a ride home would be one of the best decisions he ever made.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, underaged drinking, sad peter, Ion kno.
The music was loud and the air was warm. The house was full of nearly one hundred sweaty bodies colliding into one another, yet somehow Peter managed to still feel alone.
Deep breaths he told himself
Yet with every passing gasp for air the sensation of suffocating only grew stronger. He wanted to get out of there, and he wanted to get out now.
For the past hour he had been on a search for Ned and Mj,  and as much as it pained him to do so, he was coming to terms with the fact that they had left him, and therefore so did his ride. (Not that they'd ever do that, but let's just assume they thought he had already left or something)
Good god did he wish that he had never been talked into coming, and god did he wish that he wasn’t still there.
Yet no matter how hard he wished or how tight he shut his eyes, every time they opened he was still there. Surrounded. Not only by people, but with booze, loud music, and the disgusting warmth that was radiating off the flesh of every sweaty intoxicated teenager.
At that very moment everything was wrong. His head was throbbing, rhythmic pounding clouding any coherent thought he had, and surely the loud bass wasn’t helping
Peter knew that you also had attended the party, but subconsciously he had been trying his best to avoid you in any way possible.
You see, it wasn't because he disliked you or anything. In fact, it was quite the opposite.
You and Peter got along great. The bond between You, Mj, Ned, and Peter was unbreakable and he loved spending time with you, but despite your friendly personality, Peter was appalled at the idea of talking to you. He couldn’t help it. Any time he was around you, he reeked of insecurity. Feeling as though he wasn’t good enough. You weren’t popular per say, but the way you held yourself in such a laid back yet confident manner had somehow managed to leave a great impression with just about everyone. And it was that fact about you that made Peter doubt himself. He’d tell himself that he was much too boring or too ‘lame’ to be around you. And although he knew you’d never think that about him yourself, he’d instantaneously tense up and get painfully awkward the second you walked into the room, and that alone that made him fear your presence.
(It also didn't really help that he had the worst crush on you.. Like seriously the worst. As in staying up till 2:00 am stalking your social media type of bad.)
Despite Peter's dread, he was beginning to realize that he wasn't exactly given a choice. There was no one else in the house even remotely worth talking to except you. And with that in mind Peter began his second search of the night.
It only took him about two solid minutes to give up, in which he resorted to just tapping someone on the shoulder and asking.
“HEY! DO YOU KNOW WHERE (Y/N) IS?” He shouted, unable to hear his own voice over the sound of the blaring music.
“OH YEAH! HE’S UPSTAIRS IN THE ROOM TO THE LEFT...I THINK” Was the slurred response he received.
“OH UHH OKAY. THANK YOU” Peter replied.
“YEAH ANYTIME MAN” he heard behind him as he beelined to the staircase.
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth he reminded himself as he made his way up the stairs, trying to build up courage with every step he passed.
He took one last deep breath, attempting to calm the violent shaking occurring within his hands. He formed them into a fist and brought one up to the door, sending a knock that would echo throughout the hallway.
“Come in~” he heard from behind the door, giving him permission to enter.
As soon as the door creaked open, he was met face to face with a thick cloud of smoke. He stepped inside, taking in a deep breath, flooding his nose with the stench of marijuana before almost immediately making eye contact with you. 
“Peteyyyy” You sang out, halting the conversation you were previously having
,but before Peter had the chance to respond, his voice hitched in the back of his throat and an overwhelming feeling of warmth tremored throughout his body. He knew something bad was about to happen. He knew he was going to puke...
“Uhhh, s-sorry. Wrong room.” He muttered out, making a 180 degree turn before bolting out the door. His palms began to sweat and his mouth salivated heavily. He tried to breathe and suppress the violent urge to puke, but knew that there was no hope. He ran to the closest bathroom, not bothering to knock as he bursted through the door slamming it shut behind him. He made his way to the (thankfully already open) toilet and emptied out his stomach. He continued to gag, and eventually made himself comfortable on the bathroom floor when he felt he was finished. He flushed the contents down and rested his cheek on the toilet seat only to then perk his head up when he heard a light knock on the bathroom door.
“Hey Petey, you doin’ okay in there?”
“Y-yeah im okay! Just a little...tired that's all!” He rushed out, internally smacking himself in the face. “Just a little tired”? What the fuck Peter.
He heard the door open and rushed into a sitting position, trying to appear as normal.
You sauntered in, closing the toilet lid and taking a seat on it.
“You doin’ okay?” You repeated.
“Yeah, i’m just fine. Y’know.. like I said.” He responded, flashing you a forced smile.
You rolled your eyes at him and gave his hair a gentle pet.
“You sure? You seem... off.” you uttered, handing him a bottle of water.
Peter sighed accepting your offer, moving his eyes down to his feet.
“I just don’t really want to be here right now.” he said before taking a swig.
“Shit...I’m sorry.” you sighed out.
“There anything I could do to help?”
Peter brought his sorrow filled eyes back up to yours,
“I-is there any way you could take me home?”
“Fuck. Baby you know I would if I could, but I’m uh... not exactly sober right now.” You responded, guilt lacing your words, as you began to regret your decisions.
“Baby”. He knew it was a word that you’d throw around to any of your close friends, but he couldn't suppress the warm feeling that burned throughout his body when it rolled off your tongue.
Peter let out a shy chuckle continuing to sip from the bottle and replied
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“Looks like neither of us are driving.” You said with a deep chuckle.
“Where’s Ned and Mj? I bet they’d help.” You asked after a few seconds of silence.
“Oh...” Was all you could find yourself responding with.
You stood up from where you sat, extending your hand out to Peter.
“Lets get outta here. Even if it's just for a bit.” You said with a slanted smile.
You helped him up slowly, placing your free hand on his lower back, directing him towards the door.
Peter waited at the top of the stairs while you notified your friends of your departure.
As soon as you returned you took a hold of his hand and guided him down the stairs and out the door. A small gust of wind met your face as the door shut behind you. The sweat gathered on the back of Peter's neck began to fade and the throbbing in his head lessened. Not completely, but enough for it to be bearable.
“Feels good to be out of there huh?” You said almost as if you had read his mind, compelling him to nod in agreement.
The two of you began to walk in a random direction, hands still together. Peter's mind racing a million miles a minute.
“Where did Ned and Mj go?”
“Is (Y/n) annoyed that he has to spend time with me?”
“Oh god, my hands are sweating aren't they…”
“What... you nervous or somethin?” You giggled, raising your connected hands into the air and squishing  them together to emphasize the fact that they were sticky.
If it weren’t for the fact that it was nearly 1:00 in the morning and there were no cars out, Peter swore he would’ve jumped in front of one without hesitation.
“Oh um, i’m sorry...” He muttered, embarrassment flooding his system, so much to the point it  nearly put the boy in tears.
“Awe, c’mon I'm just kidding around” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Oh ha-haaa” Peter replied sarcastically, sending you a childish pout.
You bumped your hip into his as a friendly gesture, causing him to stumble a bit.
“Cute.” He muttered, moreso to himself than you.
The two of you continued to walk, not even sure where it was you planned on going. The silence grew thicker with every passing second, but Peter was much too caught up in his own thoughts to even notice. You released his grip, bringing him back to reality, and went to dig around your pocket.
“Aha-” you brought your hand back up, displaying a pair of airpods (or any bluetooth ones idrc)
“You want it?” You asked, wiggling your phone in the air.
“O-oh! Sure!” he said, snatching it and placing it in his ear.
You put on (S/n). (‘Song name’, I humbly recommend ‘One Last Time by Summer Salt’) Peter's nerves settled as the rhythm of the song blared through his ears, drowning out his pesky thoughts.
You grabbed his hand again and started to swing it to the beat. Peter stared at you in awe as you swayed your head from side to side, meandering a bit as you walked. Eventually you swung your arm around Peter's shoulder, forcing him to move with you. If it weren't for the alcohol he probably would have laughed it off and nudged you, but instead he immitated your actions and began to sway overdramatically. That continued until you came to an abrupt stop and pointed. Peter followed you gaze, finding himself staring at a park.
You looked at him for a long second before bolting off towards the park without warning.
“Hey!” Peter yelped out, out eventually following your lead.
You ran and clumsily dove into a swing set, pushing yourself up off the ground, in a ‘superman’ pose before you came back down, dragging your hands and feet through the wood chips. You swung back and forth a few times before Peter came up and pushed your back so you rose up  once again.
“Excuse you!” You laughed out flailing your legs in attempt to get him off of you, before ‘gracefully’ sliding off so that you stumbled for a second before ending up on your ass.
“You look like a dumbass” Peter said with a bright smile, kicking some wood chips at you.
You stood up, brushing your self off while looking him in the eyes
“and you love it” you said with a wink.
“Shut up” He said, lightly shoving your chest and turning away to hide his blush.
After that the two of you messed around, sliding down slides, and fucking around on the monkey bars until you eventually ended up laying down in a grass field looking up at the stars.
The two of you talked about everything. College, work, the party, Peters ‘internship’, everything.
“Why don’t we talk more?” you sighed out as you sat back up.
“I don’t know...” Peter lied, whilst clumsily rolling over to rest his head on your thigh.
“Well. We should.” You stated, moving so that you were looking down into his eyes. You stayed in the position for what felt like forever, enjoying the gentle wind, as you analyzed Peters features. 
You pulled out your phone, breaking the silence after reading the time
2:30 am 
“You wanna head back?” You asked, ruffling Peter's hair.
“Back where exactly?”
“My place?”
“Sure” Peter yawned.
You turned your music back up once you were both standing, hands interlocking once again as you started your adventure for the second time that night.
Once you returned to the house, you saw that the lights were still on and the music was very much still blaring. 
You opened the car door on Peters side before walking around and getting in yourself.
As the two of you got seated Peter handed you your head phone back and let his body relax.
You reached into the back and pulled up a soft blanket, handing it to Peter. 
You turned the radio on, keeping the volume low as you gave yourself some time to completely sober up. You turned to Peter so you could continue the conversation from earlier, only to be met with a sleeping boy.
Drool dribbled from his lips and slight snores emitted from him. His hair was a mess and boy did he not look comfortable, but you thought it was sweet nonetheless.
You pulled your phone out and snapped a picture of him.
You were definitely gonna show him that in the morning
After about another 30 minutes of simply relaxing, you turned the key and drove off.
Peter mumbled in his sleep as you nudged him for what was probably the hundredth time, only waking up when you smacked him in the back of the head. You led him to the apartment door and unlocked it, kicking your shoes off to the side as soon as you entered. 
Once you reached your room, you swung the door open, signaling for him to enter before you.
“Such a gentleman” Peter said in a groggy voice, before making himself comfortable and plopping onto your bed. He nearly fell back asleep until he was abruptly hit by a flock of clothes.
“There ya go- figured you’d want em’ since we're covered in dirt.” You chuckled
“Oh yeah...and this” tossing him a brand new toothbrush.
You tore your shirt off and chucked it into a random corner, grabbing some clean sweatpants as you made your way to the bathroom.
You turned around at the door, noticing that Peter had been staring at you
“I’ll be right back”
After brushing your teeth and changing, you came back out. Peter taking your previous position in the bathroom.
In the meantime you got comfortable, rearranging the pillows so that they were equally distributed.
Peter eventually came back out dressed in your clothes, looking almost as if he were drowning in your hoodie. If you could have snapped a picture right then and there, you would have, but simply seeing him like that was enough for you.
You lifted up the blanket signalling for him to join you, and he did so after turning off all the lights.
You both laid next to each other in the dark for a bit before you heard Peter turn to face you.
You turned your head just so that you could just make out his general figure. Despite it being dark, you could see that Peter was looking up at you with his puppy like eyes.
“Could you uhm... could you maybe hold me?” He stammered out.
You smiled softly, not that he could see it, and wrapped an arm around his chest, pulling him into you, and allowing himself to burrow in and get as warm as possible.
“Of course Peter” you whispered into his hair
“Of course...”
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norabrice1701 · 3 years
The Cloverfield Pyramid - Ch. 4
A Schmidt x Fem!Reader Lost Ruins/Archaeology Expedition AU Fic
Link to Ch. 3
Link to Series Master List
Chapter Summary: In which mysteries reveal themselves with grave consequences.
Chapter Warnings: Explicit language, fairly-graphic horror violence, body horror tw, character death, repurposed quotes from the film
A/N: Caught a free night, so two updates in one week, wahoo! Y'all's support for this story continues to brighten my days - thank you so much! I hope y'all continue to enjoy, and now, back to my mac'n cheese, wine, and other WIP that's competing for headspace....
My love to @raniiaaa and @janine-007 for their support and contributions!
Cheers, Nora
Chapter 4: Day +6 - Part I
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“Not gonna lie,” you said, decelerating the ship. “This feels like something from ‘Legends of the Hidden Temple’. Like the first one who finds the Cloverfield sign should get a full Pendant of Life."
A light chuckle rose from the assembled team on the bridge. Kiel allowed himself a smile, glancing over. “Don’t age yourself like that, Skip.”
Volkov scoffed. “More popcorn-ized debasement of history for the mindless masses. They claim that show was Mayan-inspired, but it’s about as Mayan as I am.”
Mundy lifted his binoculars. “Actually, there’s more fact to that show than you would think. Not saying it’s a paragon of accuracy, but I applaud their creative liberty and ability to get kids interested in history.”
You didn’t hold back a smile, catching Schmidt’s gaze unintentionally as you looked down at the navigation console. “Alright, we’re coming up to the coordinates for the Cloverfield channel.”
A tense energy filled the bridge as the moment of truth finally arrived.
“Slow, slow now.” Kiel stepped up beside you with binoculars of his own.
You continued to ease back on the throttle, feeling the engine vibrations fade away under your feet. Through the windshield, you could see the fork in the river emerge through the dense greenery on the shore. There didn’t look to be anything remarkable about it – it looked like any other fork in the river that you’d already passed. But even Volkov stepped forward with a look of obvious interest as Kiel continued to scan the landscape.
Mundy wet his lips, staring out the window. “Hopefully the markers aren't impossible to see.”
Volkov sneered indignantly. “We should be on the shore.”
“No one goes ashore without my say.” Kiel’s words brokered no argument.
Ava shook her head gently. “We don’t want to risk interfering with any uncontacted peoples – that would be a massive violation of our permits.”
“Not a risk I’m willing to take just yet.” Kiel confirmed, lowering the binoculars as the ship inched forward with minimal speed and dwindling momentum. “Take us in, Skip.”
“Here we go.” You turned the wheel, angling the bow into the narrower channel. It wasn't too narrow as to cause concern for the ship, but it certainly didn’t give you much wiggle room to avoid any oncoming river traffic.
Volkov sighed, shaking his head. "Hopefully this big tub can reverse if this channel isn't the right one. If we get stuck, this expedition will be a failure.”
Ava looked at him, unimpressed. “Then, no one will hold you responsible and your reputation will remain intact.”
You glanced down to the navigation console again. “Water depth has decreased – now holding at 65 ft.– but nothing of concern." You looked to Kiel in confirmation before turning back to the windshield.
The lush trees seemed thicker here, somehow. You couldn’t explain it – but the surrounding jungle seemed more suffocating, more encroaching. Of course, it made no sense, but the feeling crept down your spine nonetheless. Maintaining the slow speed, you kept a fleeting eye on the water depth readout and your southern GPS trajectory.
“Holy shit…,” Mundy’s stubbly face broke out in a wide smile beneath his binoculars. “Is that what I think it is?” He glanced down at the printout of the stone map before returning to the windshield. “Holy shit, it is. It's the same symbol!”
Every eye on the bridge turned in the direction of Mundy’s gaze, looking at the shore and the emergence of a structure from the dense foliage. Composed of layered stones, the crude obelisk took shape in shadowed, bygone nobility. A weather-worn carving curved across multiple stones facing the water to reveal the same unusual mushroom shape that you recalled from Volkov's initial presentation.
“Oh, man.” Mundy shook his head, his smile impossibly wide. “That’s pretty. The sign of the lost Cloverfield tribe, my friends.”
Acosta exhaled in wonder. “Just look at that – and a second one.” He pointed across the bridge and you swung your gaze around. Sure enough, a second obelisk rested along the opposite bank, the top-half crumbled but still majestic and unmistakable. Paired together, they looked eerily like a gateway. A point of no return. The thought raced a chill down your spine as the ship’s bow drew up to them.
Ava shook her head with a skeptical edge, her mouth upturned in a contemplative frown. “That doesn’t make sense…these are so easy to see. How is there no record of them?”
Mundy shook his head, words flowing with rushed excitement. “Perhaps recent changes in the river, or in the jungle plants…oh man, I have to run out and get a photo, note the coordinates – slow down, Skip.”
You pulled up on the throttle as the obelisks passed out of the windshield's view.
A high-pitched, trilling alarm sounded and you instinctively scanned the bridge consoles. It certainly wasn’t any alarm sound you recognized.
“Kiel,” Schmidt’s voice carried over the alarm before it fell silent. "We have a massive spike in electromagnetic energy.”
“That was you?” Volkov snapped. “Assaulting our ears for no reason?”
Schmidt gestured at his watch. “I’ve had an EMF meter running the whole voyage, taking background measurements, and I was able to program an alarm to my watch for any surges. And this one…,” he shook his head, consulting the alarm readout, “is off the charts.”
You looked back at the bridge display screens, doing a double-take when you saw the navigation console. The compass display started to rotate, turning the north arrow towards the south. You stared at it, dumbfounded, watching the arrows realign. Of course, you’d seen loss of GPS signal before but what sort of instrumentation failure was this to show the Earth’s magnetic poles reversed?
You could hear Kiel speaking, but you didn’t listen. “Kiel,” you interrupted, “we have an issue with the—”
Your words died as all hell broke loose.
Glass console screens shattered in brilliant sprays of tempered glass. Your arms flew to protect your face, the errant shards grazing your bare skin as you cried out. You heard others echo cries of alarm but you couldn't react before the floor fell away.
Kiel’s voice cut above the fray. “What the hell is happening?!”
Impossibly, you smashed into the ceiling, seeing everyone else thrown similarly – scrambling to understand, struggling to grasp at the recessed ceiling lights. Without warning, you dropped through the air, crashing against the bridge floor with a dull thud, groaning loudly as gravity returned and…wait.
Where the fuck did gravity go in the first place?
Your mind reeled from the implications of what just happened, unable to understand it as adrenaline pumped through your veins, hearing the others groan from impact.
“What the fuck?!” Volkov shouted, rolling to his side. “What did you do, Schmidt?!”
“Me?” Schmidt’s voice burned with indignation as he scowled at Volkov, pushing up to his forearms. “You can’t blame me for this!”
“You’re the one talking of energy surges being off the charts!”
“Enough!” Kiel bellowed, pushing to his feet. “How’s the Shepherd, Skip?”
With a groan, you rose to your knees, struggling to ignore the throbbing ache in your skull as you took in the minefield of broken glass around you. Fuck, you needed to focus – Kiel had asked you a question. “I’m on it.”
Bracing against the captain’s chair, you found your feet and surveyed the damaged consoles. Only one remained intact – the drivetrain console, thank god – but the readings were haywire. It didn’t make sense that oil temperature was frozen, yet the pressure was on the verge of explosion. It didn’t make sense that the fuel gauge read full and the odometer was redlined when the ship stood still. You queued up the menu to kill the engine when an alarm blared. This one you recognized.
“Shit,” you said, “we have a fire. Engine room.” You switched to the fire suppression controls with no response. “Someone – anyone! – manual aux control for the CO2 system is located on the bulkhead outside the engine room. Turn it on!”
The rushing of feet sounded behind you but you didn’t turn to see who heeded your call.
Kiel appeared at your side. “Did we hit something?”
You shook your head. “I don’t think so. We still had at least 60 ft. of water, and we were on course….”
Ava’s voice shook as she stood, wrapping her arms around herself. “That wouldn’t explain why we hit the ceiling. Gravity doesn’t just disappear like that.”
Acosta stood up with a groan. “Perhaps something is off with the gyrostabilizer? Though, even that wouldn’t explain such a dramatic roll.”
“No, it wouldn’t.” You agreed, turning to look at the doctor over your shoulder. “If the ship had rolled enough to throw us all to the ceiling, we’d be underwater with the propellers in the air.” You turned back to the damaged consoles as the fire alarm fell silent.
“Fire’s out, Skip.” Schmidt’s voice came from your watch.
“Whoa…,” Mundy’s voice followed. "Too much smoke to see the damage right now, but we’ve got the ventilation fans running.”
You opened your watch's com link. “Copy that.” Shaking your head, you blew an uncertain sigh. “At least that’s one problem solved, but I don’t understand why everything just blew….”
Kiel nodded. “What help do you need?”
“Not sure yet,” you answered honestly. "Once the smoke clears, I can start to assess if we’re dead in the water. Assuming the engines are still good, we have navigation contingencies if the GPS is beyond repair. Gauging water depth will be a problem, but we can depth sound usin-”
“Kiel.” Ava’s tremulous voice interrupted, her eyes wide with concern. “I’ve lost all external communications.”
Kiel’s brow furrowed in confusion as he lifted his arm, punching at his own watch. “I don't have signal, either.”
Volkov’s jaw tightened. “What the fuck does that mean? We’re on our own out here?!”
“Going this deep in the jungle,” Kiel clarified, “that was always a possibility.”
“No, that is bullshit,” Volkov countered. “I’ve spent more time in this jungle than any of you – there are always ways to stay in satellite range and this ship is nothing if not top of the line. Something is royally fucked here – admit it!”
A rough, ragged, distinctly feminine sobbing cry filled the bridge, catching everyone – including yourself – off guard.
Acosta’s face pinched in concern. “What…who was that?”
The anguished sound came again as you scrambled for the source, startled to realize it came from your expedition watch. You suddenly remembered the open comm link.
“Ach du Scheiße!"
“What the – who the hell are you!?”
Another desperate, gasping cry of pain sounded over your watch, garbling Schmidt’s and Mundy’s words.
“Monk!” Kiel called out. “Get down there!”
Ava followed quickly on Acosta’s heels. “I’m going, too!”
“This isn’t right,” Volkov continued to press, “whatever that physicist was doing with his meter – he fucked something enough to throw us off.”
“Not now, Volkov.” Kiel fixed him with a sharp eye. “Stay focused on solutions, or leave the bridge.”
You turned your attention towards the damaged consoles, reaching in through the busted display screens to the wires and circuits. God, what a jumbled, scrambled mess. Half the circuits looked shot, and several connections were blown. You couldn't possibly repair such extensive damage.
Voices continued to filter over your open comm link, adding to your shocked confusion.
“Oh, god!” Ava’s voice carried a note of obvious panic. “We have to help her!”
“We don’t even know who the hell she is!” Schmidt responded.
Acosta cut in. “We can’t just leave her in the engine room.”
Mundy groaned. “God, is that a fucking wire? Grab the cutters!”
You half-listened as you stooped to take off the drivetrain panel cover.
Acosta directed the team in calm tones over the woman's continued agony. “We need to get her to sickbay."
Kiel placed a hand on your shoulder. “You’re under control for now?”
You heaved an anxious sigh. “As under control as I know, at least…still assessing.”
“Keep going – let me know what you need and when. Let’s find out how badly we’re up the creek.”
Nodding, you turned to offer Kiel your reassurance. “Yeah, I got this – go.”
He barely returned your nod before grabbing Volkov and both of them departing for sickbay.
As much as you wanted to know about the mystery woman who somehow wound up on your ship in the middle of the fucking river, you still had a job to do. There were six others who could care for her, and you weren’t the doctor.
You exhaled another deep sigh, squinting up into the drivetrain cabinet, staring at the tangled nest of wires.
How else could this day get any fucking worse?
You stretched your arms overhead, fighting back a groan as your tired muscles pulled. You thought you were in decent-ish shape, but the last three hours of crawling over the ship from stem to stern, running between the engine room and the bridge had made you ache. And not just physically - you’d never had to triage such extensive systems damage before.
A yawn tugged at your lips as you watched the rest of the team assemble in the main cabin at Kiel’s direction. You didn’t blame anyone for not standing too close to you - smoke clung to your clothes and sweat dampened your hairline, not helped by the rising temperature in the cabin.
“Alright,” Kiel said, offering an encouraging smile to the uncertain group. “Let’s find out what we’re up against.” His gaze settled on you. “How’s our girl, Skip?”
You nodded your head slowly. “Not completely dead in the water, fortunately. We still have propulsion, but it’s like all the controls have been reversed. Navigation is completely shot with no spare circuits, but we have a backup compass and charts, so we’re not lost."
You glanced around at the team, pausing for a breath. “The engine room fire appears to have originated from the water treatment equipment – ironic, I know – but we’ve lost our ability to treat greywater. Fortunately, the blackwater system still appears to be fully functional.” You wet your top lip. “But I’ve had to cut non-essential power to so many circuits - the workout room’s dark, and air conditioning is a thing of the past - in order to keep our water supply system online, as well as the galley equipment.”
Kiel nodded. "At least we can move, that’s the big ticket.”
“The most perplexing thing by far, though - aside from the obvious,” you didn’t need to say any more about the mysterious woman who just appeared in the engine room, “is the missing flywheel from the gyrostabilizer.” Your eyes met Acosta’s across the room. “We’ve enjoyed a smooth ride so far, but with the missing flywheel, we can all expect to earn our sea legs now.”
“This flywheel,” Ava asked, “could it have broken loose? Rolled somewhere, or under something?”
“No,” you answered, “it weighs upwards of 500 pounds, designed to rotate at 9,000 rpm in a vacuum encapsulation. And the whole assembly is just…gone.”
Kiel nodded. “So, we load up on Dramamine if we need to – a rough ride doesn’t compromise crew safety, correct?”
You nodded. “Correct.”
“Then, the gyro’s a luxury we can no longer afford.” He sighed, looking over at Mundy. “We’re seven days out from Manaus, and two days from our destination. I don’t want to turn around if we don’t have to.”
Mundy looked crestfallen. “We can’t – we’re so damn close.”
Ava nodded. “Not to mention the hit the museum would take for this failure.” She motioned to her wristwatch. “I still don’t have any line on external communications – everything from our watches to backup satellite phones just register static.”
Kiel turned to her with a sympathetic expression. “Then, we’ll make do with what we’ve got, so long as safety isn’t compromised.”
Nothing in Volkov’s permanent scowl eased as he spoke, gaze boring into Schmidt's skull. “Why don’t you ask him if safety is compromised?”
Schmidt sighed, shaking his head. “Now is not the time, Volkov.”
“If not now, then when?” The Russian countered. “One minute, you’re talking about the ‘off the charts’ energy surges, and the next, our ship is blowing apart around us.” His glower intensified, arms folded tight against his chest as he seethed. “You know, I never trusted you.”
Schmidt’s face hardened with tense frustration. “Energy surges of that magnitude are a natural phenomena. Those levels were comparable to that of a lightning bolt throwing off EMF radiation that’s known to overload and fry electronics.”
“Except without the goddamn lightning bolt!” Volkov roared. “This is your responsibility, and you know it!”
“Of course, you’re blaming me.” Anger burned in Schmidt’s eyes. “You’ve had it out for me since day one.”
“Who else made this happen, hmm? You’re the one talking about overloads…what else do you know that you’re not tell-”
“This is getting us nowhere!" Kiel called over Volkov's words. "We have to stay focused and we have to keep our shit together. That goes for everyone here.”
Volkov shook with visible fury. Or was it fear? It made you wonder. Was all this posturing and blustering to hide the fact that he was terrified? Hell, you could read it plain on Ava’s face and you could freely admit to fear in the face of such uncertainty. But was Volkov letting it get the better of him, despite his obvious disdain for Schmidt's presence on the expedition?
Kiel turned towards Schmidt. “This overload…do you know what caused it? It certainly wasn’t a lightning strike.”
Schmidt blew an uneven sigh, shaking his head slowly. “I can’t be sure – the overload shorted out the primary and secondary meters, so I don’t have the data prior to the alarm. And we also won’t be able to see a second spike coming now.”
Volkov shook his head disparagingly. “If it isn’t already upon us – or surrounding us.” He threw up a hand in visible frustration. “The ship’s limping along. We’re tampering with forces that jeopardize not only a pristine archaeological find, but now it seems our very lives. A woman appears in the engine room. We’re definitely not in Kentucky anymore.”
Mundy shook his head gently. “Kansas.”
“Kansas? Really?” Volkov glared dismissively. “Who gives a shit?”
“People from Kansas.”
Kiel glanced at Acosta, obvious hesitance on his face but there was no escaping the elephant in the room any longer. “How is she, Monk?”
The doctor looked up, concern heavy in his gaze. “The woman’s stable and sedated for the time being. It’s hard to tell how much internal damage the wires did – if any – and she doesn’t appear to have any effects from smoke inhalation.”
Schmidt scoffed. “This is madness – like she just appeared in the engine room after the fire? Like the suppression system dropped her in the room instead of CO2?”
Kiel turned to him in clear warning. “Calm down.”
A spike of fearful panic erupted on Mundy’s face. “We’re trying to stay calm – but it’s near bloody impossible with that woman lying in sickbay!”
“Who is she?” Schmidt shook his head, jaw tensing. “And what the hell is she doing here?"
“She knew my name.” Ava swallowed with stressed, unsteady nerves. “That's impossible.”
Acosta whispered a hushed prayer under his breath, shaking his head heavy with contemplation. “What if we’re all going mad? It's possible there's something in the air, or an unknown pathogen…."
Kiel stood strong. “I’m not going to say this again – we have to stay focused. We have other problems to deal with. Take it one at a time, team.”
Volkov fixed his scowl back to Schmidt. “Starting with the most obvious – I want answers, Schmidt.”
“I don’t answer to you, Volkov.”
“Then, who do you answer to? Tell me – why were you already measuring your energy levels? Did you know something like this would happen? Did you just decide not to tell the rest of us about the risk?!”
“There’s no conspiracy here against you or this expedition." Schmidt fired back. "We’re up against something that none of us understand – that none of us could have predicted!”
“That’s your damn job! That’s the only reason why you’re here!” Volkov looked pleadingly at Kiel. “Will you do nothing to make this man give us straight answers?”
Kiel shook his head. “Volkov, you’re out of line.”
That’s when you noticed it – the spastic twitching of Volkov’s right eye, the tremor in his shoulders. He looked so tightly coiled, his cheeks red as his eyes blazed. Was it all just from overwhelming anger? You glanced at Acosta, noticing the doctor similarly sizing up Volkov with confused worry.
Volkov fumed, drawing a deep snarling breath. “Fine, then if you won’t take action – I will.” He reached behind his back for the waistband of his trousers, revealing a gleaming, black handgun.
Everyone in the room drew a collective shocked gasp, and you instantly threw your hands up in defensive surrender. Your heart pounded as Volkov raised his arm, aiming the gun at Schmidt with an unsteady hand.
“Put the gun down, Volkov.” Kiel’s voice carried above the rest.
“A gun? Why is there a gun now?” Mundy raised his own hands, pleading. “Volkov!”
Schmidt’s eyes widened with sheer disbelief behind his glasses. “Are you crazy? Put that gun down!"
You spoke before you knew it. “Please put the gun down!”
Ava and Acosta echoed your cry as everyone continued to appeal to Volkov.
The tremor in his arm increased as he shook his head with a clear look of distress. “Tell me what you know! Tell me what is happening!”
“Volkov, please!” You continued to add to the frantic pleas.
“Volkov,” Acosta cut in gently, taking a tentative step forward. “You’re not well. Let me help you, please.”
“I don’t need yo-your help,” Volkov’s voice caught in his throat, “I ju-just need him to tell…to admit the tru-tru….” Volkov’s words dissolved into gut-wrenching gurgling sounds and foam oozed from his lips.
You watched in stunned horror as the archaeologist continued to foam at the mouth, eyes rolling back in his head as he collapsed to the cabin floor. His whole body started to convulse with uncontrollable spasms as cries of alarm rang from the rest of the team.
Kiel rushed to his side, prying the pistol from Volkov’s hand and sliding it across the floor. “Ava - throw that gun into the river.”
Ava picked up the gun with clear distaste, moving for the sliding door as Acosta knelt down pressing a reassuring hand to Volkov’s trembling shoulder. “Easy now, easy.” He said, looking over the archaeologist’s prone form with open fear. “I don’t know what’s happening to him.”
“Let’s get him to sickbay.” Kiel motioned for Mundy and Schmidt to step forward, each kneeling as they took hold of Volkov. “Alright - on three.”
You inhaled sharply as the men heaved to their feet, hoisting Volkov from the floor to leave smears of foam behind.
“Gah!” Mundy groaned. “He’s far heavier than he looks.”
Schmidt grunted under the strain, moving forward under labored steps. “Too heavy.”
You ran ahead of them, pulling the sickbay door open. The unknown woman's sleeping form greeted you from one of the two beds in the room’s dim light before you stepped aside to let the team through.
“Come on!” Kiel encouraged. “Almost there!” He heaved with a grunt of relief as he settled Volkov’s shoulders against the medical bed. The others followed, each man breathing heavy from obvious exertion.
Acosta shook his head, looking over the now-weakly convulsing man. “That doesn’t make sense…why should he be so heavy?”
“Whoa, whoa,” Mundy jumped back with wide eyes, pointing to Volkov’s stomach. “What the fuck is that?”
Everyone turned wide eyes to Volkov’s abdomen, watching in terror as it...expanded. Your mouth fell open at the unexplainable sight of his distended midsection, his shirt pulling tight, seams ripping as the skin beneath continued to stretch and grow.
Acosta stared down with wide, alarmed eyes. “I don’t know what this is….”
Mundy shook his head. “What the fuck is wrong with-”
His words drowned under a startled cry as Volkov’s abdomen burst. The shirt fabric and skin ripped apart, blood and viscera thrown by the eruption. You slammed your eyes shut, quickly turning your head away.
“My god,” Acosta pleaded, “what is that thing?”
You forced yourself to turn around, tears stinging your eyes. Acosta’s clothes were covered in splattered blood as more seeped to the floor around dark pieces of internal organs - organs that had up till now kept Volkov alive. You forced a hard gulp, drawing a shaking breath as you took in his body - and nearly choked. Of course, it was covered in blood, but you would recognize the hulking flywheel from the gyro anywhere.
You didn’t listen to who was speaking before interrupting. “Guys, that’s the flywheel. That’s the missing piece of the gyro.” Your hand raised to your mouth and nose, trying to block against the smell that permeated the room. “But there’s no fucking way that should have been inside Volkov. He couldn’t have swallowed it...he couldn’t have….” Your words stalled, knowing there was no way for a human to physically fit such a large object inside their body. Though, that was exactly why his torso had split open. But god, why...how…?
An awful silence fell in the room.
Kiel sniffled softly. “I suppose we won’t be able to move him with that...thing there, will we?”
Acosta shook his head solemnly. “I don’t know where we would move him to. We’re not exactly equipped for this.”
“Do your best with what you have to clean him up.” Kiel shook his head slowly. “We owe him at least that much.”
Mundy sighed sadly. “And we can’t even properly explain it - how does an object that weighs upwards of 500 lbs suddenly appear in a man’s stomach?”
Schmidt wet his top lip. “At least, that would explain why he was so heavy to move, if it was already...forming inside of him somehow.”
You shook your head, meeting his gaze. “Except an inanimate object like that has no business forming in a man’s midsection.”
Acosta glanced around the room. “If you insist on continuing this discussion, then I insist that you leave. After the horror of his last few minutes, let the dead now have his peace.” He passed a hand over Volkov's face to close the man's eyelids before closing his own eyes. “‘Eternal Father, strong to save, whose arm hath bound the restless wave. O hear us when we cry to Thee, for those in peril on the sea’. Amen.”
Link to Ch. 5
Tag List: @apparrio @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles @everythingbeginsineternity-blog @scuttle-buttle
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
good morning Alpha
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yes, I am posting two ‘sleepy morning sex’ fics in a row,,, whoops ;-;
Alpha!Shinsou x Omega!Reader
warnings: smut, ABO stuff, dry humping, oral, light somnophilia, dom/ sub relationship, degradation,  and swearing wahoo let's go
 word count: 1,800 (about)
Summary: Shinsou has a bad habit of teasing you while he is asleep, a bad habit you can’t take when your heat hits. 
You can tell a lot about someone by how they sleep. If they are open starfished out or curled onto their side. and How they wake up; if they are eager to start the day or reluctant to leave their warm bed. It was even said that the first thing you reached for in the morning was your addiction, the thing you couldn’t live without. in the middle of the night, Shinsou often found himself reaching for you. 
He wasn’t a super cuddly person, at least not while he slept, his arm would fall asleep or it would get too hot and he would just have to push you away again. but somehow he always woke up tangled in your arms. somewhere in his sleep, he felt the need to touch you and he ended up either shifting over to you or pulling you into his arms. 
You usually didn’t wake up when Shinsou pulled you into his arms, you were always stirred slightly, dimly aware that you were being dragged across the bed. but this night was different, you were already half-awake when Shinsou’s hand reached out for you. you were in the middle of your heat and you were definitely feeling the effects.  your skin was uncomfortably hot and your body was beginning to ache again. 
Shinsou tugged on your arm and you went to him hoping his embrace would help you sleep again. Shinsou’s hand trailed down your waist landing on your thigh he squeezed the soft skin and hooked your leg over his hips. your core was pressed right against his crotch. you sucked in air sharply feeling his length press against you. he wasn’t rock hard but firm.  
“Hitoshi?” you squeaked. he grumbled softly but didn’t wake. you called his name again but he didn’t answer still sound asleep. you whined and moved your hips slowly, dragging your barely covered sex along his bulge. 
“you’re mean Alpha- doing this to me during my heat,” you whined gripping his shoulders. Suddenly he shifted, you thought he was waving up but he just rolled onto his back, taking you with him, pulling you on top of him. This was nothing short of torture. you sat up, straddling him slowly grinding your hips down. there would be hell to pay when he did wake up, but you didn’t care you needed som release and you needed it now. you placed your hands on his shoulders and slowly began humping your sleeping mate. you didn’t try to quiet your moans, you wanted to wake him up even if meant a punishment, you just needed attention. 
Slick started to pool soaking through your underwear and sleep shorts you pushed the drenched fabric to the side and pressed your bare pussy down onto him. the drag of his sweatpants against your sensitive clit made you throw your head back. you reached up and palmed your breasts and moaned his name wantonly.  He shifted again and this time one of his purple eyes cracked open. 
“ ‘Mega?” he croaked reaching for your hips. 
“I need you,” you whined, he just smirked and squeezed your skin. 
“Naughty, girl aren’t you? getting yourself off without permission, making a mess, and waking up, Alpha,” he counted off, Suddenly he flipped you so you were beneath him. he was surprisingly energetic for just having woke up, 
“It’s your fault, you woke me up,” you huffed.
“awe poor thing, But I think you still need a punishment,” he purred in a low voice.  You shuddered, partly excited and partly scared to see what he was planning. 
“what are you going to do Alpha?” you asked, knowing he couldn’t resist you for long, your thick saccharine sent testing his patience. 
“Not sure yet,” he responded yanking your shorts down. “I think I’ll either make you cum over and over again until you can’t breathe or spank you until you cry,” he told you taking your shorts off completely. Hitoshi spread your legs and examined the apex of your legs. 
“please touch me Alpha It hurts.” you cried desperately. He just shushed you patently.  
“okay ‘mega on my knee,” He commanded and you obeyed instantly, draping yourself over his lap and almost teasingly wiggling your ass. “look at you so needy,” he laughed.
 “you couldn’t even wait until morning uh slut,” He stated, groping your ass roughly.
“count, for me,” you did your best to keep up counting off every harsh slap to your ass, but it was hard when the pain felt so good and he went so fast. 
“good girl, such a good Omega,” he purred his hand traveling south of your ass to massage your wet folds. 
“please Alpha,” you whined, you felt so empty like you would go crazy if you didn’t get something inside of you. 
“on your knees,” he hummed and you eagerly moved to the floor. Shinsou pulled down his sweat pants and freed his half-hard cock, stroking his length without much need. you squirmed licking your lips but waited for his next command. 
“you want to suck my cock? make Alpha nice and hard?” he asked teasingly, watching as your eyes bobbed up and down in time with his hand.
“yes,” you answered instantly. His thumb swirled over the slit of his cock gathering the translucent precum with the pad before offering the digit to you. you lurched forward taking his thumb in your mouth and licking off the delicious wetness that covered it. 
you whined in disappointment when he pulled his thumb out of your mouth. “Relax you brat I thought you wanted to suck my cock not just my thumb,” he chuckled 
“Can I?” you asked rubbing your tighs together. The second he nodded his head you were on him licking your lips, before dragging your tongue along the underside of his cock from the base up to the head.  you were about to take him into your mouth properly but he ran his fingers through your hair and jerked your head up stopping you. 
“Slowly, Kitten,” he purred before relaxing his grip. you did as he asked and slowly lowered your head fitting the flushed head of his cock into your mouth, slowly running your tongue over his skin tasting the salt of his skin and hallowing your cheeks out around him. a deep moan left his lips showing his approval of the action. 
You flicked your eyes up to watch his face as it contorted in pleasure. His purple eyes so filled with lust it made your sex pang with longing. his grip on your hair was firm not letting you take him all the way like you wanted to. you settled for kissing the veins that covered the side of his shaft and lavishing the head with attention. you got so into the taste and feel of him in your mouth that you almost forgot your own neediness. almost.  
Shinsou Pulled your head off of him for a second time that night. he fixed you with a lustful, hungry look and shoved his sweatpants completely off.
“tell me exactly what you want,” he demanded, bringing you to your feet and tossing you lightly back on the bed.
you gulped and dropped your gaze, unable to look him in the eyes as you spoke. “I want you to pin you me down and breed me, I want your knot,” you whispered spreading your legs further letting him see your glistening sex. he growled and jumped on you holding both of your wrists above your head like you had asked. 
He pumped his cock at a slow pace watching you squirm beneath him. He loved seeing you like this, so needy and desperate for him. your heats were really were his favorite.
He eased into you slowly stretching you out around his cock. you howled at the feeling your back arching off the bed. He chuckled and ran his free hand over your stoumach soothing your frenzy, but only slightly. 
“Alpha please move I need it,” you whined desperately. He kissed you, quieting you with his mouth. His thrusts were teasingly slow, pulling out almost completely before thrusting back in until he bottomed out. you squirmed under him trying to buck your hips to get more of him. which didn’t go very well for you. Shinsou never planned on teasing you, but you were so cute when he did, he was hardly ever able to resist himself. 
“Hitoshi please,” you begged once more and his resolve finally broke. Shinsou puled your leg over his hip and really began thrusting into you the bed nocking against the wall with the intensity of it all. He lowered his head to your throat breathing in your erotic scent. He growled and bit at your established bound mark. His mouth wandered across your throat while his thrusts increased in speed. Shinsou tried to keep a steady pace but it was hard not to pound you senseless when you felt this good wrapped around him.
“Alpha I’m so close,” you warned your walls clamping around him like a vice
“hold it Omega, I wanna cum with you,” he instructed
“I- I can’t Alpha I need to cum now,” you protested
“Try,” he growled. you tried to breathe,  holding back your release like Shinsou asked, your omega instincts forcing you to follow his orders. you were riding that edge to the best of your ability.  all the while pleading for him to let you cum. 
“you still want me to breed you?” Hitoshi gasped. 
“Yes Alpha, please knot me I want to be filled by you-” You screamed making Hitoshi smirk. 
“r-right, ‘mega cum for me,” he decided and that was all you needed to come undone beneath his touch. you were just coming down from your high when you felt his Knott pressing into you, trapping his cum inside of you. you purred happily, the ache disappearing being replaced with the satisfaction of being so full. Hitoshi nuzzled your neck as he caught his breath and released your wrists letting your arms fall back to your side. 
“Better?” he asked softly threading his fingers through your messy hair
“much,” you confirmed. 
“good,” he yawned “Let’s go back to sleep.”
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unseelie-bitch · 3 years
The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
[Here we go lads, we've gotten to the first film]
This opening song is highkey a bop
Oh no nononono they did this in 3D animation??? Gotta be honest, I'm already not a fan and I haven't even seen their faces
Oh yep their faces are SO CURSED
Oh they just jumped into an abandoned castle like ninjas
See you all have new voice actors so I have NO IDEA who was just tempting fate into bringing out these big knight monsters
Not sure I'm a fan of how naked they made them in the transformations
Musa sounds way too preppy
They all have the same voice what is going on
"Are you hurt?" Bloom she is lying on the floor in pain
If you're Techna, why are you American?
Really don't like Bloom's voice actor
Ah he was the sword smith from the company of light
Is that supposed to be Faragonda
Yep it is good god
"We're all a little bored with you and your sword" LMAO
So it's been centuries since the company of light disbanded. And Sparx was destroyed 17 years ago. Which was when they FORMED the company of light. Come on lads get a timeline
Stella gagging because he flirted with Faragonda is both hilarious and on brand
Please stop talking about "shiny steel" I am embaressed FOR you
Faragonda don't just look sadly after her
Oh good god WHAT did they do to Riven's hair
Sorry ONLY the Winx Club are graduating and "achieving ultimate harmony"
Oh Kiko is so fucking cursed
Why is there a cat???????????????
She called the cat Ron
Oh they floatin'
Brandon don't laugh at Riven you bitch
Okay so they just heavily implied they are the only fairies with their powers???? Sus
Oh fuck OFF Sky
Why did you make Musa a giggly prep and Riven a dick again wtf
Sky looks like Prince Charming from Shrek
Okay so Bloom actually didn't graduate??? Why
Sky she's allowed to be sad don't be a bitch
Cue Sky ALMOST saying something important and getting cut off. Watch him not finish that sentence til the end of the film
Oh hello who's this girl... I like her
Bye Sky! Don't come back
"Bloom, you know it's not a party if you're not there" so Stella's still gay, good to know
Stella's dancing with Kiko awwwwwww
It's okay Bloom caught him
Oh I do like the redesign of Alfea though
Sad Bloom montage
"She's like a wild bird in a tiny cage" at least Mike is Aware
Oh no Bloom's having a magic anxiety dream
Daphne is Bloom's sister??????? They did NOT make that clear
Woah Daphne's giving Bloom her mask awww
Oh. Yay. Sky's here. Wahoo.
I love this magic cat but is it going to be relevant
Why are the OG witches still kicking about wtf
Whom the fuck is this? Why are you here does this mean we don't get the Trix?? That's such a joke
He was gone for FOUR MONTHS without even a text? Bitch
THANK YOU TECHNA these boys are acting like CHILDREN
Aaaand Riven woke up the bird
I thought that vine was "stronger than steel" how the fuck did it break
Please don't reduce Stella to an airhead we've seen in previous seasons she's actually really intelligent
Bloom's voice actor sounds more like Musa than Musa's does
Hello Mr Scribe Man
"You knew my parents?" He JUST said he was your father's scribe
Please stop making Stella flirt with the scribe to get what she wants I hate how they're portraying her in this
Shady voice calling out to Riven wtf
We love a good prophacy
Anyone who enters Obsidian is hopeless, lost and corrupted?? Bro wtf
WizGiz is being a bitch because Mirta was going to use a dark spell to stop herself GETTING MURDERED BY A MONSTER. Why are you like this WizGiz
Faragonda you NEVER think it's a good time for explainations
Mandragora used to go to Alfea???
Faragonda you could help at literally ANY time
Faragonda finally did something lads
...and immediately passed out wow
They destoryed the school yikes
Ew future book please don't say Bloom and Sky will get married
The pixies!!
The school is fixed
The OG witches are pissed that the dragonfire's in a person lmao
Musa is 100% on board and I love her
Sky you had the whole flight here to talk to her if it's that important stop waiting til she's about to do something important
Techna don't be mean to Lockette
Jolly wtf
"The perfect vacation spot from people you hate" iconic
Oh whaddup Mandragora
Lads Musa did not get stabbed she just knocked his sword out the way
They're all being attacked by their own powers... apart from Stella, who's fading away because they've decided all she cares about it appearances with is BULLSHIT
Why do the witches look like those blow up thingys that stand outside... y'know, the ones that look like people and dance around
Yikes her dad's a statue
Mandragora just about to kill all the guys lmao
Is Mandragora secretly Miriyam because no one else is talking about her
Oh nice Riven's back
Sky canNOT wield the sword fuck OFF
Lol he really can't it electrocuted him
Oop Mandragora's dead nvm
Ugh he can he's the king. I hate this man
Oh Sparx is back and everyone's alive NICE
Oh Miriyam was in the sword. Right. Okay
Love Bloom's dress
"Since we weren't able to be there for the first half of your life, Bloom-" sorry HALF??? SHE'S 18!! WHAT'S THE LIFE EXPECTANCY ON SPARX, 36?????? WHAT THE FUCK
Ayyyyy that pretty guard is back
The dialogue in this film is atrocious
And he's proposing. She's 18. But okay.
Aww Winx are the new company of light that's so soft
Oh shit the witches are free
Right so I'm not ackowledging ANY of this film as canon apart from the winx being the new company of light
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prettyallfriends · 3 years
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (AD+DMF) Chapter 1 English Translation
(I'm following unlock order, so this one's on it's own, it follows chapter 9 of the Rainbow Live story though.)
AD+DMF Chapter 1: The Door to a New World
Naru: Thank you very much!!!
Ito: Haah… Today’s as busy as ever.
Ann: We have a lot of customers after all! We’ve been getting more customers every since the tournament ended. That reminds me! What was that green thing we saw there?
Ito: Was there really something there? Maybe you just saw wrong?
Ann: It was definitely there! I wanna know what it waaas. Hey, did you see it, Player!? Player? Plaaayeer!!!
Naru: Ah! Player-chan’s asleep!
Ito: They must be tired because of how busy we’ve been lately.
Ann: Yeah, makes sense. Let’s let them sleep for a while!
Naru: Good night, Player-chan.
Rinne (off-screen): Player… Player…
Rinne: Player… do you like… kappas?
Momo: Momomomo… zzzzzz! I can’t eat anymore… wait… that’s a kappa…
??? (Penguin-sensei): Who are you calling a kappa!?!?
Momo: Agh!?!?
??? (Penguin-sensei): Calling me a kappa, how rude! You can tell I’m not a kappa with just one look at my beautiful body! I’m a penguin! One of birdkind!!
Momo: Gaaaaaah!!! Kappa! It’s a Kappa!!!!!
??? (Penguin-sensei): Hey you! Listen when someone’s speaking to you! ...Wait, you’re… Oh no, oh no! The time…! I don’t have time for this! I’m in a huge hurry!!!
(fade to white with some sparkly sound effects)
Momo: It’s so bright! This door is…
??? (Penguin-sensei): Huh!?!? What is the meaning of this!? The door… won’t open!?!? Nooooooooo!!! The prism sparkle… has it been reduced!? Nooooo! Whatever will I do!? I can’t go home like this!!
Rinne: Dance… Player…
Momo: Wait a second! What are you thinking, Rinne!?!?
Rinne: The sparkle… of a prism show… can open the door… to a new world…
(prism show)
Momo: Momomomo!?!? The door is full of power again!?
??? (Penguin-sensei): Wahoo!! Now I can go home! I don’t know who you are, but thank you for putting on that show!
Momo: Wait! Could you be…
??? (Penguin-sensei): Later! Adieu!!!
Momo: Aah! He left!?
Rinne: Let’s go… Player…
Momo: Huh!?!?
Rinne: To the new world…
Momo: Rinne, Player! Wait right there! Don’t do anything sudden… or my approval rating will drop!! Aaaah!!! Wait!!!!!
(magic fade to white+sparkle, now were in aurora dream/dear my futures prism stone)
Momo: Where are…? Player! Are you alright!? Have you come to!?!? Anyway… GYAAAAAAH! MOMOMOMOMO!?!? Rinne isn’t here! Uhohuhohuhoh!!! Haah… There you go, Momo… Getting yourself caught up in something crazy… I have a really bad feeling about this!!!
??? (Mia): Hmm??? Hey! Someone fell down over there! Helloooo!! Are you okaaay??
Momo: Momo!?!? Where… where is this!?
??? (Mia): Huh???
Momo: Wh, who are you!?!? Could… could this be… a dream?
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teaplease1717 · 4 years
Title: Fireworks
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Yaoyorozu Momo
Chapters: 1 of 3
Rating: G+
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26685007/chapters/65087851
A little late, but happy second year writing anniversary to me! Wahoo! Thank you everyone who has supported me over the last year. It sure has been crazy, but seriously all your love, kudos, and comments have kept me going. THANK YOU!
This is a small 3 part story that was originally going to be a one shot, but got really long. And since I hate long chapters decided to break it up into 3 parts. All the parts are done but won't be posted until they've been beta read.
Shout out to all my betas for this work: FlourChildWrites, Emberstork, Crazyelf2018 and C's Melody ! (thanks also to Taq too for calming me down when I was a spaz, and Revaliciousness for doing a final read)
And, staying on the topic of betas, HUGE shout outs to my betas for the entire year: C’s Melody and FlourChildWrites. They’ve been helping kick Ashes of Love and War into shape and seriously I could not have done it without them. Any beautiful imagery is thanks to FlourChildWrites pushing me to be more descriptive. And, although as readers you probably can’t see it, C’s Melody has helped with the story flow and advised where scenes didn’t hit. Both have pushed me to be a better writer and I’ve learned so much from them, so thank you!
To celebrate my anniversary, I’m throwing everything I’ve learned into this piece. Last year, my big takeaway was how to keep a scene in one character’s pov and I got better at adding movement to bring a scene to life. This year, I think my biggest improvements have been learning when to use commas vs periods in dialogue and how to make sentences shorter and to the point.
Other notes, this piece was heavily inspired by Kaguya-sama: Love is War. I watched both seasons of Kaguya-sama and fell absolutely in love. I’m not usually into those kinds of romantic comedy stories but this show killed me. So now you all have to put up with my TodoMomo version of the fireworks episode.
“I’ve got it!” Ashido’s chair screeched back, and she slammed her hands down onto the dorm’s dining table, causing Momo to start. Hagakure’s fingers paused in Momo’s hair as Ashido looked excitedly between the class 2-A girls. “We should go to the Sumidagawa festival!”
It had been a month since the last of the cherry blossoms had fallen, and the brisk chill of spring had given way to the cloying heat of summer. With the changing seasons and their fast-approaching summer break, an infectious excitement had taken root in class 2-A.
Unlike their first year, when they had been shipped off to the mountains to train, the summer of the class’ second year was looking to be far more tame. No training camps. No extra classes. Besides their mandatory part-time internships for the holidays, U.A. was leaving the students to enjoy their second-year summer in relative peace. And no one appeared more excited about this than Ashido Mina, who had called an ‘emergency’ girls meeting to discuss possible options.
“Sumidagawa?” Momo repeated slowly. She could feel Hagakure’s fingers scrape lightly against her scalp as she resumed braiding her hair. Momo looked down and pressed the knuckle of her index finger to her chin, trying to remember where she had heard the name before. She had only been to a festival once before — during first year, with Todoroki Shouto.
Momo felt her heart stutter in the manner she was growing accustomed to when thinking about her seatmate. Recently, her mind had grown prone to fixating and overanalyzing Todoroki Shouto’s words and actions. And, in particular, one of her favorite moments to focus on was their time together exploring and watching fireworks at the Ennichi festival.
She shifted in her chair, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles from her lace night shorts.  Her fingers caught at the edge of the fabric and Momo wrapped the end around her finger.  There was no reason for her to be thinking about it this much. Todoroki showing up at the festival had been a coincidence. And his decision to escort her was an act of kindness that any hero in training would extend to a fellow classmate. So why? Why did her mind insist on returning to that night, over and over?
It must be because Todoroki had never expressed interest in spending time with her before that night. In fact, up until the sports festival, he had seemed the solitary type, uninterested in getting to know anyone in their class. The fact that he felt comfortable enough to open up to her, of all people, about his family made her chest swell with happiness.
“It’s super, super amazing!” Ashido continued excitedly, drawing Momo out of her thoughts. “And it’s not too far from here. We have to go.”
The name finally clicked, and Momo looked up at the girls surrounding the table. “Ah, I’ve seen the Sumidagawa fireworks from my room before.” She held up a finger and smiled. “It’s a historic event that can be traced back to the Kyoto famine in 1732, when fireworks were launched as part of festivals for the dead –“  
“No!” Ashido interrupted, crossing her arms into an ‘x’ above her head. “That’s not why we are going, Yaomomo!”
“Vice President, that’s not it at all,” Hagakure chastised lightly from behind her, her invisible fingers pausing their task of pleating Momo’s hair into a braid. “The festival is about fireworks, food stalls, and yukatas.”
“Exactly!” Ashido’s voice cracked as she nodded in agreement.
“They’ll have so much good food,” Uraraka echoed from across the table, cupping her cheeks. “Okonomiyaki, yaki imo, takayaki...”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Hagakure said, unintentionally yanking a section of Momo’s hair, making her flinch. “And they’ll have your favorite Uraraka-chan — mochi!”
“Mochi!” Uraraka’s voice grew shrill on the word. Her expression lit up as if she already tasted it.
Momo hid a giggle behind her hand.
“It would definitely be a fun summer activity, kero,” Asui added, tapping her chin and smiling. “My sister gave me a new hair clip that I’ve been meaning to wear.”
“I’m sure the guys would love to go too,” Uraraka said, pressing her fingers together, except for her pinkies which stuck up in the air.
Jirou raised an eyebrow as she looked across the table at Uraraka. “Are we inviting the guys? Or keeping it just us?” she asked, twirling her earphone jack around her finger.
“I think we should include them,” Uraraka said thoughtfully. “It would be fun to do something all together.”
Ashido leaned closer to Uraraka, a grin twisting across her lips. “So sly, Urarka-chan,” she said, elbowing her in the side. “You just want to hang out with Mi-do-ri-ya, don’t you?” she whispered in a sing-song tone. The black of her eyes glittered suggestively.
Uraraka flushed. “No! It’s nothing like that,” she said, waving her hands in front of herself frantically. Her eyes glanced around the living room quickly. It was deserted except for them. Uraraka’s shoulders relaxed and she leaned back in her chair. “I just…” she trailed off, dropping her gaze down to the table. Her expression turned whimsical. “It's just maybe our last year that we can do something like this — all together — before we graduate.”
Momo’s chest tightened.
“Ochako-chan,” Asui said; her voice was soft. She reached over to rub Uraraka’s back.
Everyone’s expressions fell as the reality of Uraraka’s words hung over them. Once they became third years, they’d be busy interning and applying to agencies; they wouldn’t have time to spend going to festivals. And, even if they did, the likelihood that they would all have the same evening off on one of Japan’s busiest days of the year was slim.
Momo bit her lip. She had enjoyed seeing the fireworks last year at Ennichi with Todoroki  —
Would this be the last chance she’d get to see them with him? Momo's heart dropped.
Ashido’s expression flickered, and she straightened. “That settles it,” she said firmly, curling her left hand into a loose fist and pounding it against her right palm. Her eyes were intent. “Let’s invite everyone. We have to live this up if it’s going to be our last summer that we can all hang out together!”
Momo nodded, her spirits lifting at Ashido’s words. “I can speak to Iida-san about the planning.”
Ashido gave her a thumbs up. “Perfect!”
“And we have to dress up,” Hagakure stressed.
Ashido’s expression lit up. “Of course! If we are going to take pictures, we got to look good.”
“If we are going to dress up, I think I’ll have to go buy a new yukata,” Jirou said, a small smile pulling at her lips.
Momo felt a rush of excitement. “I know a wonderful shop that sells yukatas!” She laid her hand over her chest and smiled brightly. “Why don't we go together? And anyone else who needs one is welcome to join us, of course!”
"Oh! To be expected of our Vice President," Hagakure said. Her voice was filled with admiration.
Momo’s cheeks warmed under the praise as she watched the elastic sitting on the table float up and disappear behind her head. She felt Hagakure’s fingers thread the ends of her hair through the band and release the loose braid with a snap.
“Then that settles it. The Sumidagawa festival it is!” Ashido cried, pumping her fist into the air. “Summer here we come!”
Momo took a sip of her lavender tea, then tilted her head back to stare at the vase of wisteria flowers that sat on the shelf above her vanity. It had been an hour since Ashido’s summer planning meeting had ended. She should be going to bed, but her usual bedtime ritual didn’t seem to be calming her eager thoughts.
Her stomach fluttered. She dropped her gaze back down to stare blankly at the chemistry encyclopedia that laid open in front of her.
It sounded fun — going to the festival with everyone — with him.
Her hands curled tighter around her warm cup, and she smiled to herself. Last year, Todoroki had escorted her through the Ennichi festival, but they had both been too new to the experience to do anything more than explore the stalls.
Perhaps, going back this year, she could try some of the food Uraraka had mentioned, maybe even play street games. Would Todoroki want to escort her once more? Her heartbeat increased. And what if he complimented her on her yukata again?
‘It suits you.’  
Heat spread across her face, staining her cheeks pink. Momo shook her head. Placing her cup down on her desk, her lips thinned. This was going to be a class activity. A class activity. Not — whatever it was her mind seemed to be hoping for.
Momo sighed, then straightened in her chair, and forced herself to inhale slowly through her nose.
Seriously, she was in the hero course. There was no time for these sudden and confusing teenage feelings.
Momo closed her chemistry encyclopedia and pushed it to the top of her desk. Then leaned down and pulled out the blue notebook from her school bag that she had designated for class representative activities.
If she wasn’t going to go to sleep or study, the least she could do was start thinking of possible festival activities to discuss with Iida after class tomorrow. She opened her notebook to a new page and smoothed out the paper. She picked up her pen and, in careful lettering, wrote ‘Sumidagawa’ at the top.
Leaning back in her seat, Momo tapped the end of her ballpoint pen to her lip. Besides fireworks, they’d need to make sure there were enough other events to keep everyone happy.
She tried to think back to what Todoroki and she had enjoyed last year and froze. Her throat closed as she realized, with shame, that she didn’t even know if Todoroki had enjoyed the Ennichi festival.
Her stomach twisted.
Now that she thought about it, Todoroki had never suggested anything or acted in a way that might imply that he thought of the night as special or enjoyable in any way. In fact, he had even said that he had felt out of place.
Momo took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Had she just been projecting her own thoughts onto him this entire time? Could it be…had he hated it?
A sharp wave of guilt struck her, and Momo felt her stomach drop in disappointment. All this time, she had been thinking about the Ennichi festival as such a magical night without ever considering Todoroki’s feelings.
Momo opened her eyes and set her pen down on her desk. Then she slumped forward and buried her head in her arms. She was so selfish and presumptuous.
How could she have forgotten that Todoroki had revealed that he had felt out of place? Festivals were for families, he had said. And, although he had never elaborated on it, his expression had been drawn in a way that alluded to the fact that his family wasn’t on the best of terms.
Slowly, Momo sat back up. She pulled her hands into her lap and curled them into fists. Perhaps, if they were all going as a class, Todoroki would feel differently? Maybe he would have a better time than when it was just the two of them…
Momo swallowed over a lump in her throat, and set her jaw, shoving away her insecurity as she picked up her pen. She wouldn’t let herself get down.
Last year, her attending Ennichi had been a selfish, impulse decision, one she made against her mother's wishes because Uraraka and Hagakure made it sound like an experience every person should have at least once. Momo would plan better this year.
She straightened in her chair and picked up her pen again. The key to a good event was preparation. And, if there was one thing Momo excelled at, it was planning.
‘You’re good at that sort of thing.’
Momo dropped her pen with a small squeak at the unbidden memory from Todoroki and her midterm battle against Aizawa. Her heart raced. Where had that come from?
Her fingers fidgeted as they pulled her braid over her shoulder. She drew in a deep breath and absently played with the ends of her hair as she tried to calm down.
It must be her subconscious reminding Momo to trust in herself. Just as Todoroki had believed in her and voted for her to be class president - because he thought she’d be good at it. Her heart rose in her chest.
Yes. That must be it.
She breathed deeply and released her hair. Todoroki was right. Planning was her area of expertise. She could do this.
Momo squared her shoulders and picked up her pen again. She would use these emotions — the guilt and disappointment in herself — to make sure Todoroki would have the best time this year. And not just Todoroki. If this was the last chance they all had to hang out together and see fireworks, she would just have to make sure that everyone had the best time possible.
However, even as she thought this, Momo couldn’t stop her sixteen-year-old heart from beating a little faster at the idea of once again looking up at a night sky, full of fireworks, with the boy she admired most.
And maybe this time she would know for certain that he wanted to be there just as much as she did.
Shouto felt his stomach do a strange flip. She was humming.
He had never heard Yaoyorozu hum before. It was quiet, barely noticeable, and he probably would have missed it if he wasn’t sitting next to her. But it wasn’t just the humming that was different. There had been a determined gleam in Yaoyorozu’s gaze all day that had drawn his attention and made his chest tighten.
Maybe he had heartburn?
He watched her from the corner of his eye as he slowly slid his pencil case into his school bag. Yaoyorozu continued to ignore him as she scribbled determinedly in a blue notebook that he recognized as the one she used for her class representative duties. Her lips curved up into a faint smile.
“Did something happen?” he asked before he could stop himself.
Yaoyorozu paused and turned to look up at him. Her dark eyes blinked innocently. “Todoroki-san?”
The school day had ended a few minutes ago, and the other students of class 2-A had already filed out. Iida had gone to use the restroom, leaving Yaoyorozu and him alone in the classroom.
Shouto had never been the type to rush, but somehow, hearing Yaoyrozu humming had slowed his feet down more than usual. His hand tightened on his notebook as he picked it up and slid it into his school bag next to his pencil kit.
“I was just wondering if something happened? You seem happier today.”
Yaoyorozu’s expression flickered, and then lit in understanding. "Mhm. I guess I am," she said, sitting back in her chair.  She tucked her loose bangs behind her ear, then raised her head. Her dark eyes glittered as they met his. “Last night, the other girls and I were discussing a possible summer outing over the holiday break — one that we could do as a class. We were thinking of scheduling an event to go see the fireworks at the Sumidagawa festival. I’m going to meet with Iida-san now to discuss the arrangements.”
Shouto nodded. He closed his bag and pulled the strap over his shoulder as he straightened. “I see. I’m sure everyone would like that.”
Shouto jumped despite himself. Yaoyorozu’s hand shot up to cover her mouth.
“Sorry.” A light bashful red dusted across her cheeks. She dropped her hand and looked down at her notebook. A small, embarrassed smile tugged at her lips. "I guess I’m more excited than I thought I’d be.”
He stared at her. Something about an excited Yaoyorozu made his chest tighten. It was like the way her whole face lit up talking about chemistry — raw, unfiltered. So different than him. After a moment, the red across her cheeks deepened, and Shouto realized he was taking too long to respond.
“It’s okay,” he said, avoiding her gaze as she looked back up at him, her eyes searching his face. Shouto cleared his throat. “I think it’s good to do something as a class.”
Yaoyorozu’s expression warmed. “I agree.” Her smile returned. “I've actually gotten really into the preparation. I want this to be a memorable event, so I’m going to do my best to plan properly so everyone has a good time."
Shouto looked down at the notebook opened on her desk. A list of activities, dates, and what looked like restaurants was listed in neat calligraphy.
He snorted. She really was good at these types of things. That's why he had voted for her as class rep after all.
Yaoyorozu was a leader; she was smart, dedicated, and had always been the type to go out of her way to think of others. Even last year, when they had gone together to the Ennichi festival, she had been more concerned with his feelings than making sure she had a good time.
Shouto swallowed and curled his left hand into a fist at his side. The memory of watching the fireworks with Yaoyorozu still felt surreal.
During the sports festival, Shouto had told Midoriya what had happened with his family, but he had a purpose when he had done that. Midoriya was a rival, and Shouto needed him to understand why he was going all out to defeat him. But with Yaoyorozu, it had been the first time he had voluntarily spoken about his family to someone who was not involved. He still didn’t quite understand what had made him decide — after fifteen years — to open up that night. He had just felt comfortable.
His heart beat faster at the memory.
That’s right. Yaoyorozu was that type of person. She was dependable and could make others feel at ease.
Shouto looked back at her. Warmth spread in his chest. She really was going to be a great hero.
Yaoyorozu’s expression flickered. "What-What is it?" She reached up and touched her cheek as if feeling for something. "Is there something on my face?"
Shouto shook his head, eyes softening. "No." He felt his lips twitch. "It's just...you're amazing, Yaoyorozu."
Her eyes widened, red returning to spread across her cheeks. “Eh?”
“Planning an event so that there is something for everyone to enjoy. I’m sure you’ll be able to do it.”
“Well…I hope you will enjoy it too,” she stuttered quickly.
His lips flicked up slightly. “I’m sure I will if you’re the one planning it,” he said.
He looked up as the classroom door slid open with a clack, and Iida walked in, smiling brightly.
Shouto’s throat felt tight. He swallowed and reached up to adjust the strap of his bag, unsure why he suddenly felt annoyed by his friend’s arrival.
He rolled his jaw, as sudden impulsive words clawed up his throat.
“I look forward to escorting you again,” he said as he turned and made his way out of the classroom. His heart raced. He cleared his throat as he discreetly activated his right side to cool his suddenly warm insides.
He would definitely need to talk to Recovery Girl if this continued.
Momo read over the text message again. “How does this sound?”
“Yaomomo, it’s fine.”
She looked up from her phone. Jirou was sprawled across her king-sized bed, flipping absentmindedly through a magazine advertising the latest guitar models. “You’ve read it over a hundred times already,” Jirou added in a flat voice without looking up.
Momo’s lips thinned. Then she glanced back down at the screen, scanning the text again. She was grateful Iida had graciously agreed to let her handle the details of the planning, but now that she was drafting the invite, Momo couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious about the whole thing.
What if everyone hated the restaurant she chose? Was shopping for yukatas three weeks beforehand even enough time to find the perfect one?  However, what worried her the most, sitting like a heavy, black piece of coal in the back of her mind, was what Todoroki would think of her plan - especially after telling her he’d escort her. And what exactly had he even meant by telling her he’d escort her again?
Momo bit her lip. “But what if someone has a question…”
“Then, they can ask you.” Jirou finally looked up from the magazine and met Momo’s gaze. She quirked an eyebrow. “What’s really the matter? You’ve been fidgety all evening.”
Momo sighed. “I just want the night to be perfect. I was talking to Todoroki-san earlier- ”
“What did the Ice Prince say to you?” Jirou interrupted. The bed squeaked as Jirou sat up abruptly, and her eyes narrowed. “Do you need me to slug him?”
“No!” Momo sat back in surprise. As much as she loved Jirou, Momo was still not used to how quickly she would threaten violence against the guys of their class, especially towards her new boyfriend, Kaminari.
Jirou Kyouka and Kaminari Denki had begun dating at the beginning of the year, after what had been careful persuasion, and in Momo’s opinion, an unreasonable amount of pining between the two. It had been Momo who had finally convinced Kaminari to confess to her friend.
“Todoroki-san didn’t say anything. He was very kind. He just said that if I’m the one planning, then the event will surely be enjoyable…”
Jirou’s expression relaxed. “Oh, is that it?” She sat back down and crossed her legs. “Then why are you overthinking this?”
Momo sighed. “I-I just feel so badly.” She looked down. Her fingers fidgeted with her phone.  “Last year, Todoroki-san was so kind and escorted me to Ennichi, but I was horrible and never even thought about his feelings on being there. He probably hated it...”
“You’re not horrible, Yaomomo. And I doubt he hated it if he was with you.”
“But last year he said - !" Momo hesitated, her heart sinking at the thought that her telling Jirou about him feeling out of place could be a betrayal of his confidence. "He just...didn't look like he enjoyed himself. And I'm scared that people won't enjoy this either..."
Jirou gave her a look. “Yaomomo, you’re worrying too much. First off,” she said, holding up her finger, “Todoroki wouldn’t have stayed with you if he hated it.” She raised another finger. “Second, everyone is going to have fun, no matter what happens. It will just be great to all be together.” She dropped her hand back to her lap.
“Maybe…” Momo said, avoiding Jirou’s gaze.
“Look.” One of Jirou’s earphone jacks rose in the air and pointed at Momo. “I know you are worried about Todoroki, but he isn’t the type of guy who would do something he doesn’t want to. And the fact that he stayed with you all night — when he was still just getting out of his early-roki stage — means that he wanted to see the festival just as much as you did.”
Momo nodded slowly, and then looked away to stare down at her hands for a few seconds.
Jirou exhaled through her nose. “I know there is something else on your mind. Tell me,” she coaxed, getting on her knees and crawling to the edge of the bed to sit by Momo’s chair.
Momo bit her lip. “He...” She paused for a moment. “He also said that he was looking forward to escorting me again.” Her voice was small. She could feel heat curl around her ears as she whispered the words she had been thinking about all evening.
Jirou’s eyes widened faintly. “Oh, that’s exciting,” Jirou said, leaning forward. “And what did you say?”
She shook her head. “He walked away before I could respond…."
Jirou snorted. “Well, that’s still exciting. Congratulations on finally moving forward with the Ice Prince.”
Momo felt her face grow warmer. “Co-congratulations?” Her voice squeaked slightly at the end.
“Yaomomo.” Jirou’s lips curved up into a grin. “You don’t have to be shy. You’ve liked him since forever, haven’t you?”
“Eh?” Momo cupped her face. Her cheeks were burning. “I…I don’t know what you mean.”
Her chest felt tight.
Jirou’s smile widened; she shook her head. Then she leaned forward and poked Momo’s side. “Yaomomo, you’re too cute.”
Momo wanted to hide. Did she really like Todoroki? Well, of course, she liked Todoroki. But, like ‘like’?
Was that why she had been thinking about Todoroki more? And was that why she had been overanalyzing his words all evening?
Momo’s heart rate increased. She certainly admired him and thought him an excellent student and friend, and — okay, maybe she did like Todoroki, but only… if she was going to think about it scientifically, as much as a beaker. Well, maybe a little more than a beaker. Perhaps a flask. A tall, well-made flask ...
Momo hid her face in her hands. She was ruined. How could she have not known?
“Yaomomo, you don’t have to get so flustered. Everyone knows.” She could hear the smile in Jirou’s voice.
“Everyone?” Momo asked in disbelief. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach.
“Well, everyone but Todoroki...probably. But it’s okay, since he likes you too.”
Momo dropped her hands. “You’re wrong. He couldn’t possibly like me.”
Jirou smiled surreptitiously. “I don’t know about that.”
Momo shook her head. “Even if he did like me as more than friends — which he doesn’t — he has never made any suggestions."
“What about him saying he will escort you again?”
“He didn’t mean it like that,” Momo said hurriedly. “He meant going as a class.”
Didn’t he?
Momo’s heart fluttered like hummingbird wings in her chest. No. Jirou was wrong. She was planting ideas in Momo’s head.
It was one thing for Jirou to know Momo’s heart, she was her best friend after all, but it was entirely different for her to presume to know Todoroki’s.
“Hmm,” Jirou hummed, looking at her thoughtfully. “Why don’t you just ask him, then?”
“No! I can’t.” Momo leaned forward and grasped Jirou’s hand. “And please, you can’t say anything either. Not to anyone.”
Jirou’s eyes softened. “Okay, okay. I won’t say anything. I promise.” She patted Momo’s hand.
Momo felt her shoulders relax. That was right. Todoroki didn’t like her, because if he did, that would mean Jirou was right and Momo was wrong — which wouldn’t make sense. Momo was the smartest student of their grade. There was no way that she would have missed the signs that he liked her.
Would she?
Ennichi Festival – this is from the Boku no Hero drama CD. Hagakure and Uraraka see a flier for the Ennichi festival and decide to go. They end up telling Momo and asking if she wants to join them, but Momo says she will pass because her mother doesn’t approve of street festivals. Uraraka and Hagakure then leave, and Momo wonders if she made the right decision. Feeling like she is missing out, Momo makes a yukata and goes to the festival by herself, but ends up getting nervous and is loitering by the entrance when Todoroki finds her. They end up walking around together, as neither have been to a festival before. The story ends with Momo asking if Todoroki enjoys the festival and him revealing that he feels out of place because festivals seem like something fun for families. He is about to leave when the fireworks go off. You can watch the full thing on youtube under boku no hero drama cd Ennichi festival.
Earlyroki - this is a slight spoiler for later in the manga. The class uses it to refer to Todoroki’s early emo stage of the first two seasons.
Sumidagawa festival – An actual festival in Japan. The Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival is an annual fireworks festival held on the last Saturday in July. They are known for having the biggest, most spectacular fireworks display of all Japan festivals with stunning pyrotechnic displays of over 20,000 fireworks launched in 90 minutes! (per Google)
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ankhposts · 3 years
Oooh if you’re taking prompts off that list, how’s about Random 11, “You’re insane,” “You love me,” “Not right now I don’t.” For AceDeu wahoo~
Thank you for the prompt! 😘
Rice Cracker Caper
It had been less than a day since Marco had pulled Deuce out of the infirmary and up to the main deck, nearly shoving him toward Ace and Striker and all but ordering him to tag along and use some of his stockpiled free time while the Second Division Commander went ahead of the Moby to scout out the island they intended to resupply at.
Deuce had felt a strange combination of delight and embarrassment at that. A whole day with Ace, back on the Striker just like they’d done after Sixis, the pair of them simply sailing and exploring. Embarrassment brutally followed, both from being literally pulled from his shift in the infirmary and from the way Marco’s eyes pointedly shifted toward Ace as he made his orders. Ace had been oblivious, of course, grinning brightly and tossing Deuce’s old bag at him, full of a change of clothes and plenty of snacks.
He’d wondered if maybe Ace had packed for himself and then shoved everything into Deuce’s bag by mistake, but then he noticed the brown leather of his journal in its proper place in the back pocket, and his chest warmed at the sight.
“Let’s go!” Ace declared cheerfully, jumping off the railing and down to the Striker with surprising grace, and Marco met Deuce’s gaze with an expression that practically screamed ‘Figure your shit out or I’ll tell him for you.’
He didn’t stick around long enough to test that threat. And if Ace had to reach out and practically catch him when he stumbled on the landing and nearly fell off the Striker and into the sea, well. He shot a rude gesture up at Marco, Thatch and Izou snickering at his sides, and then they were off in a burst of Ace’s flames.
This particular island wasn’t one under Whitebeard’s protection, but they were friendly enough to pirates who paid for their goods and didn’t start undue trouble. It figured there was a marine ship at the port, but if they minded their own business and did as Marco suggested in taking a night off, everything should be fine. Marco had shoved enough money at him for dinner (even enough for Ace’s appetite) and for a double room at one of the inns.
He didn’t take into account the fact that Ace tended to run toward trouble, and coupled with the fact that he seemed to recognize the marine vessel, Deuce found himself sneaking around the docks in the middle of the night rather than relaxing or catching up on well-deserved sleep.
“This is a terrible idea,” he hissed, watching Ace jump up onto the marine ship with ease and grabbing for his hand when he turned to help him clamber aboard. Ace flashed a white grin his way, and the moment Deuce was secure on his feet he turned to slip across the deck, peeking in a few porthole windows before he reached for a doorknob. Deuce grumbled and hurried to catch up before Ace could disappear into the depths of the ship and leave him all alone, and the smile he got in return was warm and proud and he did not blush at the attention. “What are we even doing here? I’m pretty sure raiding a marine ship wasn’t what Marco had in mind when he told us to scout and relax.”
“It’s just a bit of fun,” Ace whispered, leading the way down a darkened hall, counting the doors they passed before turning sharply through one, and Deuce was mildly surprised but mostly bemused to find them standing in the ship’s galley. He raised an eyebrow and leveled a glare, and Ace pouted. “Don’t give me that look, we’re just taking all the rice crackers and getting out.”
That was oddly specific. “And why would we do that?”
“‘Cause I haven’t had a chance to screw with my Shitty Gramps in like two years?” Ace said, clearly trying to sound innocent.
“This is Garp’s ship?!” Deuce nearly yelped, and an unnaturally warm hand landed over his mouth and oh, that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. Ace was standing close to his side, and when Deuce met his gaze he found a gleam in his eye, the younger man smirking.
“In and out,” he whispered, palm lingering over Deuce’s lips for another second before releasing him and moving confidently toward the secured cabinets. “Got your bag?”
Lucky he’d eaten all the snacks he’d packed on the trip to the island. Deuce huffed and threw it at him. Ace grinned as he caught it and pulled sleeves of rice crackers from the cabinets with unerring accuracy. There was quite a bit more than Deuce had been expecting, but Ace was done soon enough and returning to Deuce’s side in the doorway where he’d been anxiously half-watching for a marine patrol.
“Can we go now?”
“One more stop,” Ace murmured, and Deuce opened his mouth to protest but Ace’s hand took hold of his and squeezed, warmth running up his arm as Ace gently led him deeper into the ship. The room they entered was an office, an enormous desk in the middle of the space, and snoring that could rival Pops’s was ringing from the attached cabin. Deuce shot Ace a horrified look and the commander ginned, mischief in his eyes without a hint of concern. He tiptoed over to the desk, shot a rude gesture at the door the snoring was coming from, and then rifled through the desk to shove four more sleeves of crackers into Deuce’s bag.
He only stepped forward when Ace’s finger lit up in flames to match the spark in his eyes.
“What the hell are you doing?” Deuce hissed, darting forward as quietly as he could to watch Ace scorch a charred black spade into the wooden desktop before surrounding it with an outline of flickering fire.
“Aaaaaand done,” Ace nearly sang under his breath, keeping an eye on the desk for another moment to make sure it wouldn’t catch fire before sliding a stack of paperwork over to make it slightly less noticeable without hiding it completely. Then he grabbed onto Deuce’s hand again, beginning to pull him back around the desk and toward the door. “Okay, now we can go.”
The snoring stopped. Both pirates froze, exchanging wide-eyed looks as the previous rumbling was replaced by a snort and a huff, followed by annoyed grumbles.
“...who’s startin’ a bonfire a’ this time o’ night…?” a loud voice muttered, and Ace grabbed Deuce’s hand and yanked him toward the window, luckily a proper one rather than the usual porthole. Even more lucky, Garp’s office was over the dock instead of the sea, so Deuce didn’t have to worry about supporting Ace’s weight and swimming them both back to shore.
“Go, go,” Ace hissed, shoving the window open and urging Deuce through. There was the sound of movement from the other room, and Deuce dropped down onto the dock heavily, catching his bag as Ace threw it out before jumping himself, his back turning to flame to avoid the large hand that reached out after him. Deuce barely caught a glance of the Vice Admiral’s furious expression before Ace grabbed his hand, yelped ‘Run!’, and all but dragged him along as he hauled ass down the docks and back toward town.
“Brat!” Garp hollered after them, and then they were around the corner and crossing the village, Deuce breathlessly pointing at the inn he’d spotted earlier when they first arrived, and Ace got them a room as he fought to catch his breath. He should have been surprised or embarrassed to find only a single large bed rather than two, but there was still adrenaline shooting through him from their escape and all he could do was drop onto the mattress and laugh hysterically.
“You’re insane,” he finally gasped out, raising his hands to wipe at his face, and Ace huffed and dropped down onto the bed at his side, fiddling with one of the sleeves of stolen rice crackers.
“You love me,” Ace replied with an abundance of confidence and a cheeky grin, and Deuce’s heart sped up in a way that had nothing to do with their recent escape from an angry Vice Admiral.
“Not right now I don’t,” he said, quieter than he’d intended, and some of the humor left Ace’s expression while all of the fondness remained.
“Yeah, you do,” Ace whispered, abandoning the crackers to roll onto his side and brace his weight on one elbow to look down at Deuce.
“Yeah, I do,” he murmured agreeably, not remotely concerned about essentially just confessing to Ace. It was true, and he was still giddy from their stupid little adventure and running and laughing, and he wanted Ace to know. “I’ll definitely kill you if your grandpa comes after us, though.”
“Noted,” Ace acknowledged, and it looked like he might say more, so Deuce shut him up in the only way he could think of, cupping a hand around the back of Ace’s neck and pulling him down until he could seal their lips together. Ace sighed almost immediately, his free hand rising to hold onto Deuce’s hip in a tight grip, warm and steady and entirely perfect.
It would definitely be an adventure worth writing about later, if only for the way it ended, but for the time being Deuce’s journal laid forgotten in his bag by the door, along with all the stolen rice crackers.
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squidsy24 · 4 years
Please Be Here
A Good Omens bus ride that I made and am proud of enough to post here
Aziraphale lost track of what was exactly happening after he separated from Madam Tracy. He was there for it all and responsive but sitting on the bus next to Crowley caused everything that had happened in the past couple hours to come in waves. Was Crowley even there with him? He knew his bookshop was gone, now in ashes to never return. Even the clothes on his back weren't his when he thought about it. So was his best friend still here after it all, or did he too burn up with the demon's bentley? Aziraphale had to be sure he had to know that SOMETHING of his still was his, still HERE, so without much thought otherwise he reached his hand out over the demons. The angel looked at the demon who, dispite the darkness of both the sunglasses and the night sky, maintained a gaze out the window that was so focused that surely a touch wouldn't stir him too much. Right? He didn't stop himself he reached out and took hold of Crowley's hand that was resting on his thigh and let out a deep exhale he is here I didn't loose him at the end of this. HE IS HERE. The etheral being felt one of the weights lift off his shoulders, and still refused to let go of the hand he now clutched has hard as he could without hurting his friend
Upon the hand reaching out Crowley lost all train of thought he had. All the debates of: What will he say about Ligur? When did I last clean? Will he even want to stay with me? were now lost. Because the look Azirphale had on his face was one of a broken being full of remorse and lost as if all his hope that heaven still cared had been set a flame. Crowley supposed in the end it did. "Are you okay Angel?" Crowley said maintaining the same soft expression he had since he and the Angel had been alone. "No. No my dear boy I'm actually quite tried. Do you by chance have a place I could sleep? At your flat of course." That was it. Thats what changed Crowleys face though only for a second. Sleep? since when does Aziraphale sleep? He has only slept the equvalant of 24 years in all 6000 that we have been here. It was true Azriaphale only slept on the rarest of occasions things like Y2K or other times when humans got extremely hysterical and he couldn't deal with the nonsense. Crowley knew it something was wrong. Something was VERY wrong. He needed to be here. He needed to be here for his best friend a title he has now accepted as his for the past hundreds of years. So with that thought came a brand new bedroom in his condo, it was a king sized mattress and the room had a single bookshelf that had most every book Aziraphale had given him, along with a nice chair with lamp placed behind it and a tartan blanket slung over the arm of it. "you know I think a whole room is currently being dusted off as we speak" Crowley cracked a small smirk and looked down at his hand still in Zira's fingers carefully interlaced. Had they always been like that? to be honest with himself Crowley didn't care he was just happy to see the angel agian. "We still have a while til we get to London if you feel the need to rest you can lean on me. If you want, probably more comfortable." Zira flexed back on his shoulders slightly before responding back with " Would you be okay with that?". Rather then saying the obvious 'of course would be fine angel, I wouldn't have offered other wise" Crowley thought aganist it and instead squeezed Aziraphales hand and said "I'll wake you when we get there". The angel took the answer as a yes and placed his head on the demons shoulder refuseing to let go of his hand as if he would leave the second he did.
--1 Hour Later--
Crowley doesn't remember when Aziraphale exactly changed positions on him and moved so that Crowleys arm was wrapped around him and his left arm was under his head on the demons shoulder and his right was slung around his torso. Quite frankly Crowley's brain was short circuting still. KNOWING it was real but believeing it too good to be true. At this point Crowley and Aziraphale were still 15 minutes away from Crowley's flat because of a small non fatal accident between two cars both that had a Mr. and Mrs. Jonson in it, they were not it the same car. As luck would turn out the Angel sleeping caught the attention of one of the fellow bus riders who thought it smart to tell Crowley this " You two make an adorable couple God Bless you both" Crowley, whose face was nothing if not filled with adoration for the angel in his arms froze the bus rider then thought it best to appologise and flee to the front seat Did God really do any of this? Burn down his shop? Discorporate him? Make Him tolorate SHADWELL for hours? Ruin everything he holds dear to him? thats when it hit Crowley. God didn't take him. Crowley MEAN'T something more then friendship to the angel. That had to be it right? you don't just cuddle your best friend the way said best friend cuddled the body pillow he ' bought on accident'. With that thought Crowley then began to stroke up Aziraphale's arm trying to wake the angel gentle, so as he wouldn't be shocked when he woke up.
Aziraphale was calmly pulled out of a very helpful dream to find himself clutching on to a supposed occult being. But he wasn't, at least not with him, NEVER with him. Crowley had always been good to him. Maybe it was still some of Madam Tracy in his head but something about this moment made him say it " I, Crowley I think I'm in love with you, cause just, Yes I am." Aziraphale lifted his head and took off the shocked Crowley's glasses and looked into his eyes "Anthony J. Crowley, I am in love with you, and I'm sorry I never told you before I've known sinc-" the Angel was cut off by Crowley reaching out with his right hand to cup his cheek. They both sat there like that for what felt like a century condensed into a moment that was cut off by Crowley's lips on the Aziraphale's. Crowley then pulled away and started " I love yo-". Aziraphale knew the end of that sentence and so he lost no time in grabing Crowley and kissing him. This one was nothing like the last one this wasn't a ' you go to fast for me moment' it was a ' we just stopped the apocolapse and 2 hours ago I had a fake senace worker scream at me to just kiss you and tell you everything' kind of kiss the kind that dispite being at their location the bus driver waited calmly till they could even think properly.
Crowley thought it best that the mystreious room in the flat go back to where it came from but the shelf and blanket stayed and was now looking at HIS angel carefully wrapped in the bottoms of a pair of black silk pajamas ,dispite being able to miracle his own, with the tartan abomanation wrapped around him going into the details of how tomorrow would occur according to Agnes who just so happened to be in his dream. By the end of the careful planning the two had already exchanged mulitiple kisses and touches just to ensure that the other was truely there even though they knew. They both knew it all in there hearts.
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khadij-al-kubra · 4 years
Worst Impressions are the First (ch 6)
Main Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil (Human AU)
Pairings: Romantic LAMP
Words: 5518
Author’s Note: *Shuffles in, hijab haphazardly wrapped, wearing a fleece hoodie over rumpled pajamas, carrying a mug that reads “I write, what’s your superpower” and wearing one slipper.* Hey folks. So um. Yeah. I know it’s been, well, a LONG while. Apologies. I have no excuse other than this last semester of grad school and my part time gig kicked my ass, stole most of my free time, and possibly my left shoe. But I haven’t forgotten this fic or all of you incredibly wonderful and patient readers. And trust me when I say that I have made the wait worth it. Plus I’m on break now and already plotting out the next chapter, and I know exactly how I plan to progress with it, right down to the number of chapters left. Can I get a wahoo? *Yawns and takes a long drink of strongly brewed black tea* Once again, thank you SO much for your patience and love, and enjoy the lovelorn chaos from our favorite gays. ^_^ (also, if for some reason the tag link isn’t working for you, please let me know)
Chapter 6 - (POV Patton)
The fire in your eyes
Like a grave digger’s lantern
Your passion revives…me
“Gosh dang it, one syllable too many,” Patton muttered to himself over the notepad.
He felt a staccato of taps on his arm; a signal for when the world was silenced by Patton’s big headphones and Roman wanted to talk to him. He took them off, giving his soulmate his full attention. That was still so nice to say and put an actual face to. My soulmate.
“Problem, dear heart?” Roman asked from the seat next to him. The new term of endearment made Patton blush, but he loved it.
“Nah, just tweaking a new haiku,” he said. “I want it to be perfect for my muse.”
Now Roman was the one blushing. “Well I’m sure when it’s done it will be as wonderful as everything else that’s made by your hands.”
It had been barely two days since he and Roman discovered they were each other’s soulmates (or at least one of them), but since then they had spent every spare moment getting to know each other. From walking to classes together to spending free periods together, and Patton’s mother had even insisted on inviting Roman over for dinner just last night. When Roman had complimented the pasta Patton helped cook, saying he could taste the love poured into each noodle, his heart felt near to bursting. It was such a short amount of time getting to know each other, yet Patton felt as though he’d known Roman for eons all throughout past lives.
Who knew being with your soulmate could make you feel so alight inside?  
“Thank you for sneaking me your Tupperware of leftovers, Patton,” said Roman, covertly twirling his plastic fork into the spaghetti under their table.
“No problem, kiddo,” said Patton.
Technically they weren’t allowed food in the library during study hall except for water. Unless you had a blood sugar problem or something. Still, Patton was willing to break a tiny rule if it was for his soulmate’s well being. And maybe myself, he thought, sneaking bites from the napkin cookies on his lap.What? He’d had an Algebra test that morning. He earned a treat or two.
“Mom’s right, I do need to pack fuller lunches. I don’t know what’s up with my appetite lately. Least I’ve still got my figure.
“Maybe it s a puberty thiiiiiohmygosh it’s him.”
“Him who?”
“Look, but don’t look, over your shoulder.”
Roman sneakily looked over his shoulder and saw what Patton meant. It was Logan Berry, in all his brilliant glory, pulling out a book from the chemistry section. He looked lovely as always in a cream colored blouse, mint green skirt, and cherry blossom patterned neckerchief. The yellow gems of his bumblebee hair clip glittered under the ceiling light as it kept the ebony bangs out of his eyes.
Yet there was something off about Logan today. His face was neutral as always, but Patton noticed there was something slightly somber in his posture.
“Isn’t that supposed to be the school genius or something?” Roman asked.
“Debate club president,” Patton said wistfully.
“I’ve heard about his through tech club. He is really pretty! In a nerdy way.”
“Yeah, he sure is a lovely creature of nature.” Patton said with a sigh.
They must have been whispering louder than he realized, because suddenly Logan’s head was turned, and he was looking curiously at Patton. Oohhh gosh golly. He half hid behind his copy of Wuthering Heights.
“Patton my dear, you sound positively smitten.” Roman said, turning back around. “Not that I blame you really.”
Patton chuckled, unable to stop staring at his crush. “Guilty. Have been for awhile.”
“Say, you don’t suppose Logan could be one of our mysterious shared soulmates, maybe the one from yesterday, do you?”
“Maybe, but I don’t think we have the same lunch time as—Ohhh Lemony Snickett, he’s coming this way!”
“What? Here? Now? Does my hair look good?”
Patton considered himself to be pretty good at reading people on an emotional level, but Logan was usually like a tightly bound journal, difficult to look into. Except this time it was clear he did not look too happy with them. Before he could gage deeper as to why, Logan was at their table. Patton had never been this close to Logan before, never had the chance to make real mutual eye contact.
Logan’s stoic gaze went back and forth between them. His brave little Prince was mumbling Disney lyrics under his breath and clearly trying so hard not to clam up. Guess it’s up to me. Patton grasped for some sort of ice-breaker good enough for Logan. Something friendly, intelligent and totally not off-putting like he normally was.
“Umm…cookie?” Patton asked, holding up his cookie napkin in peacemaker offering.
“I don’t appreciate being stared at and spoken about behind my back.” Logan said sharply, staring pointedly at him.
“So that’s a no on the cookie.” Patton said, shrinking back.
“If you have something to say, you can express your mockeries to my face, because frankly I am in no mood for ignoring judgmental comments today.”
Ouch! Logan had never come across as the friendliest person ever, but Patton was definitely not expecting him to speak so coldly upon their fist meeting. And it hurt. Or it would have more so if Patton couldn’t tell from the look in Logan’s eyes that he was actually upset about something more than just people whispering.
“H-hey, don’t talk to my soulmate like that!” Roman said, voice cracking. He was loud enough to be shushed from another table. Yet for once, Roman didn’t duck his head down in shyness. “I-in fact, you shouldn’t talk to anymore like that, or make such harsh assumptions yourself, Mister Sub-Astute-Teacher.”
Logan turned to Roman. “I beg your pardon?”
“We weren’t gossiping about you, or whatever it is you think we were doing. If anything we were complimenting you. I mean- well yeah-yes! We were. But that was before you came at us so rudely with your negative assumptions. Just because you’re the debate club president or whatever doesn’t give you the right to talk to people like that.”
Wow. Patton had never had someone stand up for him like that before. And he’d never seen Roman be so, well, unabashedly vocal, even when people were watching. I am so proud!
Logan looked taken aback, ashamed even. “I-I apologize.”
“Yeah, you should, Blaise Pastel. And another...thing?” Roman cut himself off suddenly.
Patton was about to ask Roman what was wrong when he felt the tell tale tingle on his arm. He pulled up his sleeve and sure enough, another new soulthought was there, tattooed in navy blue ink: ‘Hm. Brontë. Excellent taste.’
“Patton,” Romans said, tapping him excitedly. “Look!”
On Roman’s arm in the same navy blue read: ‘Interesting sweater choice.’ They beamed at each other. There was no doubt about it.
Then Logan coughed, and when they turned to look at him, he too was holding out his arm on display. Beneath two purple and sky blue soulmarks, the latter of which Patton recognized as his own, were letters in bright red: ‘Nerd—Pretty—Pretty nerd.’
“Well. It would appear that we have much to discuss. May I?” Logan asked, gesturing to an empty chair at their table.
Patton checked wordlessly with Roman if he was okay with it. The drama techie nodded. “Please.”
Logan pulled out the chair across from them and smoothed out his skirt as he sat. “So. It seems that we are all ineffably bonded to one another, judging from the matching color palettes in our soul thoughts. And you both are...”
“We’re together,” said Roman, reaching for Patton’s hand on the table and lacing their fingers. “We found each other just two days ago.”
Something flashes across Logan’s face, but it was gone before Patton could read more into it. “That is...quite fortuitous.”
“And we’d love for you to be apart of this too.” Patton said. “That is, if you’d be comfortable with that. We wouldn’t dare bind your heart to ours, regardless of being soulmates, if it wasn’t something you also wanted.”
“Or if you ended up being a jerk.”
“Well he—
“It’s quite alright, um, Patton was it?” Logan asked. Patton nodded yes. “Roman is within his right to feel how he does. I did not exactly make the best first impression.”
“You can say that again.” Roman muttered.
“Now Roman, you and I didn’t exactly get off on the right foot either. In fact it left a lot to be desired.” Pattona said.
“But he—
“Deserves just as much a chance as we did. He is our soulmate after all. Alright?”
“Yes, dear.”
A low chuckle from Logan caught them both off guard. The beautiful brainy boy was covering his mouth demurely. The sight of Logan, who’d always been so sharp and alabaster cold, so softened by just his laughter alone was breathtaking. It set moths fluttering about in Patton’s tummy.
“What’s so funny?” Roman asked, brows furrowed.
Logan cleared his throat and adjusted his Warby Parkers. Hey, we have the same glasses!
“Apologizes, I am not laughing at you,” Logan said. “It is merely that, well, for a moment there your bickering reminded me of my mothers. Which is quite remarkable given how, as you’ve said, you two have only known each other for two days.”
“Aw gee, it’s sweet of you to say that we remind you of your moms, Logan.” Patton said.
To think he and Roman already sounded like an old married couple. Sure it was all fast and new to him still, but he couldn’t help delighting at it. Would he get to share this same sort of bond with Logan? With his fourth unknown soulmate? He sure hoped so.
Still, he was so different from Roman. Even though Patton had been crushing on Logan fort ages, he seemed to have a much thicker wall. Could Patton ever be good enough to be invited in?
“So I take it from your reaction that you are not among the school’s percentage of ignoramuses that take offense to LGBT folk, such as myself and my mothers?” Logan asked.
“Pshh, puh-lease! I’m about as straight as this spaghetti,” said Roman, holding up a limp noodle hanging off his fork.
“You do know food is prohibited in the library.”
“And my brother Remus is a regular Ace of spades.” Roman continued, ignoring Logan. “Not that you’d ever guess it, with all the crude jokes he makes on his podcast.”
“Brother?” Patton and Logan asked.
“Trust me, the less you know about that internet troll the better.”
“As for me, said Patton, “well, just fry an egg on my head and call me pan.”
Roman nearly choked on his bite of food, cough laughing. Patton offered his bottle of water to him. Logan tilted his head to the side.
“Fry an—what? That isn’t—pan?” If there was a lightbulb over Logan’s head, it would have just clicked. “Oh good lord, was a that a pun comparing pansexuality to cookware?”
“Heh, guilty,” said Patton. “I’ve got ‘em by the dozens.”
Roman seemed to like Patton’s jokes, but Logan not so much. Patton had been trying real hard to make his jokes less dry and dark. Did Logan just not like puns, or did he not like him? Patton so wanted Logan to like him.
“Tawdry wordplay aside, I’m please to find that at least some of my soulmates are not ashamed to be themselves, unlike...”
Patton turns to Logan concerned, but he merely opened his book to a random page and pretended to read it. He was clearly holding something back, but Patton didn’t want to push him into talking. He already felt like on thin ice.
“Unlike who?” Roman asked. “Does it have to do with your soulmate?”
“You’ll have to be more specific,” said Logan, not looking up.
Roman rolled his eyes. “The one with the purple writing. Don’t think I didn’t notice that. Patton and I both have thought tattoos in the same color, and if you know who are third soulmate is, then don’t you think we have a right to know who they are as well?”
Logan closed the book. He looked at them for a moment, then sighed. “That is more than fair. Alright. It’s...”
He leaned in close to them, and in a low voice whispered a name that Patton was surprised to hear.
“VIRGIL!?” Roman shouted. Logan palmed his forehead.
A neighboring table shushed them and at least two students milling about the stacks gave them odd looks. Patton tugged his hat down and Roman slunk down bashfully. Baby steps, Roman. Baby steps. They probably would’ve gotten more than odd looks if not for Logan giving the more nosy students a steely glare.
“Would you kindly think before you open your infinitesimally loud mouth next time?” Logan asked.
He knows that word actually means really small, right? Patton thought.
“Well excuse me for being shocked that the Stormcloud of South Bay High is our mysterious soulmate.” Roman said, using his backstage voice. “I mean, look at us and look at him.”
“I have,” Logan said.
“And you’re still in one piece? After being alone with an unnerving ruffian like him?”
The sudden outburst startled Patton nearly out of his skin, and Roman actually fell out of his seat, spaghetti almost flying. The school librarian shushed Logan pointedly, and he apologized to her profusely, being luck enough to to get off with just a warning as her model library goer.
“He is not like that.”  Logan said. “Yes, he is among the athletic clique but he is by no means a brute. He is intelligent and sweet and...gentle.”
“It’s true Roman,” said Patton. “I haven’t talked to him much myself, but I sit behind him in English Lit., and he’s never been mean to anyone in class.”
Patton pictured the anxious kiddo in his mind. How fidgety he got, the way his back tensed when being called on even if he knew the answer, and especially the lost lonely look in his eyes.
“Actually, when he’s not huddled in with his buddies, Virgil’s even more awkward than you can be.”
“Augh!” Roman gasped offendedly. “Patton, you wound my pride. Wait, was that a compliment or?”
“Does that mean you’ve talked with Virgil then?” Patton asked Logan.
“Indeed. We officially met—coincidentally—on Wednesday, realized we are soulmates, and spent Study Hall yesterday getting to know one another. It was quite...enjoyable.”
Then something happened that Patton would’ve gone so far as to call a little miracle: he saw Logan smiling. It was small but softened his angular face oh so nicely. Seeing Logan’s smile was like watching a sunrise. If Patton hadn’t been in puppy love with Logan before he definitely was now.
Then the overcast came, and stone faced Logan was back. “That is until some of his neanderthal brethren in lettermen’s happened upon us, and Virgil revealed the coward he truly is; ashamed of himself and ashamed of me.”
The three of them went quiet, their snacks and studies long forgotten. The library clock ticked away, turning pages crinkled like autumn leaves, and somewhere somebody was not so sneakily smoking a joint. Of course his brave little Prince would be the first to break the silence.
“Sooo I take it that Virgil is deeper in the closet than Narnia,” said Roman.
“Precisely. And I refuse to belittle my self-worth by wasting my time on anyone who does not have the courage to be themselves, let alone be associated with me simply because I am not of the same socially constructed  high school status. I told him as much before leaving with my dignity intact.”
Patton tried to process this new information. It hurt his heart to hear the bitterness in Logan’s words, especially when he was so obviously trying to hide how hurt he really was. Yet even so...
“I understand where you’re coming from Logan, and I’m sorry that happened to you. But,” Patton bit his bottom lip, “Don’t you think you’re being a little harsh on Virgil?”
Logan raise a sharp eyebrow at him. “In what way am I being harsh?”
“Because, well, it’s not really your place to say when or how ‘out’ somebody should be. Even if he is your—our—soulmate.” Patton sat up straighter, blowing the curly bangs out of his eyes. “I mean, you probably came to this school already out of the closet, right? You’re used to to knowing how to handle yourself and others when they might talk bad about you. So it’s probably easier to feel like you’ve got the Pride high ground.”
“I...suppose I hadn’t considered it in that light.” said Logan. “Astute.”
“Yeah, top notch analysis there, Patton-cake,” said Roman.
“And yeah, we’ve got a modest little LGBT club and a small portion of the school has not so nice views of queer people,” Patton continued. “Which makes sense, I mean, this isn’t exactly New York. But you’ve gotta understand that Virgil is smack dab in the middle of that crowd. He probably feels like it might not be as safe for him to be out as it would be for someone like you; the debate club champ and smartest kid in school who’s also in good standing with the teachers. ...Or someone like me; the creepy emo kid that everyone treats like a ghost or is too scared of to bother with anyways.”
Lonely as it was, being invisible did have its advantages. Patton felt Roman wrap a deceptively strong arm around him, nothing but tenderness in his eyes. Well, not so invisible anymore. Patton smiled and leaned his head on Roman’s broad shoulder.
“Honestly, I see Patton’s point. Sure, I get teased by those guys all the time for being perceived as gay—not that they’re wrong—but people have picked on me for plenty of other reasons over the years.”
Roman paused for moment, using one hand to wipe his large glasses on his swirly patterned sweater vest.
“Look at me. I’m a scrawny, shy, Disney obsessed theater nerd, and not even one of the leading actor elites. I knew going in that I was bound for the bottom of the social food chain no matter what I did, so I figured, why not at least allow myself to be my full rainbow self, albeit quietly? Sure, I haven’t officially come out yet, but it’s not like I’d have much more to lose when I do. But Virgil? He has everything to lose.”
Logan sat back in his chair, mulling over their imput. Pattons was worried that he might have offended Logan somehow. He wasn’t storming away from their table, so that was a good sign. Maybe Patton should apologize anyways.
Study hall was officially at an end. Students packed up their bags, and returned or checked out books. Meanwhile the librarian ushered any stragglers out so she could prepare the space for any Friday electives that would be taking place there.
“I have to get to class,” said Logan, gathering his things. “It was good meeting you both. You’ve given me much to think about. Perhaps we might converse again sometime?”
“No problem Specs. Where are you off to next?” Roman asked, closing up the Tupperware and hanging it back to Patton.
“Um, U.S. History,” said Logan, adjusting his glasses.
“With Mr. Terrence? Me too.” Roman grabbed his classic Mickey backpack. “Maybe we can, um, walk over there together? I mean, since we’re headed the same direction.”
“I have no objections with that.”
“Onward then. Farewell, Patton dear.”
“Bye Roman. Uh, Logan, I—“
Before Patton could say anything more, his two soulmates were on their way out. With a sigh he grabbed his writing journal, book, and backpack before heading out himself in the opposite direction for his last two classes of the day. He had English Lit with Miss Valerie next. And Virgil, he thought, pulling his headphones over his ears. It was high time he and Virgil spoke for real.
* * * * *
Patton watched the clock on the wall tick tock away the last few minutes of class He gripped his stretched sleeve end into a black and grey paw with one hand, and doodled furiously in his notebook margins with the other. Did I overstep my boundaries? Patton wondered for the hundredth time since the middle of class. In front of him, Virgil nervously bounced his knee and kept chewing on his cuticles, sending a twinge of guilt through Patton’s chest.
Halfway through class while Miss Valerie was writing out notes on the board, he had carefully tossed a folded note onto Virgil’s desk. Luckily he’d always been more of a thrower than a catcher. The anxious athlete saw the slip of paper, unfolded its contents, and went rigid. He’d cast a quick wide eyed glance over his shoulder at Patton before turning back to the front. Virgil hadn’t looked at him again since.
“Alright class, that’s it for today. Don’t forget, your essays about the symbolic significance of the Moores in Brontë‘s novel are due next week,” said Miss Valerie.
While the rest of the class rushed to leave, he and Virgil lingered behind, packing their backpacks slower till the coast was clear. They stood up at the same time, Patton clutching his journal to his chest, and Virgil hunched awkwardly.
“Hey, is there some place we can’t talk? Privately?” Vigil asked, his voice gravelly.
“Mhm. Just uh, follow me.” Patton said.
They walked out the classroom and through the crowded hallways, Patton in the lead and Virgil following a foot behind. Murmurings of between bells chatter and tinny locker taps filled his ears. Two hallways later, Patton pulled Virgil round a courier and into the Nurses Office.
Flickering fluorescent ceiling lights cast shadows around the off-white walls. The only decorations were an anatomy poster, a poster of a cute bat dressed in a nurse’s cap, and the skeleton onesie clad teddy bear Nurse Talyn kept for students in emotional distress. Patton called him Mr Fluffybones. There were chairs, a sickbed, and a filing cabinet next to the supply closet. The office always smelled of rubbing alcohol, but it was clean, quiet, and most of all private. Talyn was a colleague of Emile’s so they let him stay in here on his bad days for as long as he needed to.
“Patton, it’s ten minutes till classtime.” Nurse Talyn said from their desk, their horn-rimmed glasses sliding down their nose. “Do you have a pass for another breather? Or is there something your friend needs help with?”
“No, nothing like that Talyn,” Patton said, smiling at the word ‘friend.’ “Virgil and I just needed someplace private to talk for a bit.”
“You know I’m not supposed to let students be in here unless they’re feeling unwell.”
“Pleeeese? We’ll head right to class afterwards. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
Then, Patton unleashed his most secret of secret weapons, used for emergencies only and rarer than a red moon: the puppy Pat pout. When Talyn saw his pouty bottom lip and big eyes, their mouth went lemon tight. They only resisted for a few seconds before an audible groan told Patton he’d one this round.
“Ugh, fine! You get five minutes while I go restock my bandaid jar.” Talyn took a not even half empty jar with them as they went to the supply closet. “I blame Emile for teaching you that puppy dog pout. It should be illegal.”
“Thanks Nurse Talyn!” Works every time.
Patton turned around to where Virgil stood behind him, hands in the oversized letterman jacket and a crooked smirk on his face. If Patton didn’t know better, he would think Virgil looked almost impressed.
“We can talk privately now, don’t worry.” Patton said.
“Worry’s my middle name but, okay. So uh, about this.”
Virgil took a deep breath and pulled from one pocket a crumpled note. He unfurled is, words facing up: ‘I know you’re my soulmate. We all do. Can we talk?’
Standing in front of him now, seeing the dark bags under his wide eyes, Patton thought that Virgil looked so small and vulnerable. All shelled up in his too big jacked, clutching that paper between his shaking skinny fingers. He just wanted to hold the poor thing close and protect him from every nasty thing in this world. Instead he settled for smiling as warmly as possible, hoping to help Virgil feel more at ease.
“Just tell me first,” Virgil’s hands fidgeted. “By ‘we’ you mean my other soulmates and not, y’know, the whole school? I hope? Not that I think you’d out me or anything; you’re not like that. Not that I’d assume what you’re like, I jus—
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, kiddo.” Patton said, making his voice gentle. “I do mean our soulmates, and of course your secret is still safe with us.”
Upon hearing this though, Virgil’s whole body relaxed. “Heh, you really do say ‘kiddo.’ So how’d you find out?”
“Logan ran into Roman and me in the library earlier. We got to chatting and figured out the four of us are all soulmates.”
Virgil gave a low whistle. “I knew you guys were my soulmates but geez. All four of us? Fate must have a weird sense of humor.”
“Our gossamer spider-silk threads of fate are interwoven into one intricate home for our four hearts to feast upon entangled love.”
Patton mentally winced. Way to get weird and dark again Patton. Wait, he’s...smiling. Oh gosh, I really have a thing for nice smiles, don’t I?
“Wow Pat, that was...really lovely. And just the right amount of creepy. I dig it.”
Lovely? Me? Patton smiled, his freckled cheeks feeling warm all of a sudden. I knew you would be kind.
“I meant what I thought, by the way,” said Virgil. “You really do have gorgeous eyes.”
“And you really need to stop calling yourself an idiot,” said Patton.
Virgil chuckled, then looked down at his purple sneakers. “Did um...did Logan tell you about what happened?”
Patton rubbed his arm. “Yeah, he did.”
“So then you probably hate me, right? Argh, stupid question. Of course you do. Or at least Logan does. He probably thinks I’m just another stupid jerk athlete. Roman too. Not that I blame him after the number of times I’ve just stood by like an idiot and—
“I will physically fight you if you keep talking bad about yourself, Mister!”
The sharp outburst startled Virgil into shutting up. Patton didn’t often use his papa bear voice (as him mom called it) outside of the house or with anyone besides his younger cousin Elliot. But he couldn’t stand hearing Virgil talk that way about himself for another second. There was only room for one self deprecating soulmate in their group, and that was him.
“Logan doesn’t hate you Virgil. None of us do.” Patton said. “He’s upset still, sure, but never hate. And I told him that what he said to you was probably a little too harsh.”
Virgil’s head shot up. “You did?”
“Mhm. Of course his feelings were valid, but that couldn’t have been an easy situation for you either. Being in the closet is a pretty scary time, and the anxiety probably doesn’t help with it either.”
“H-how did you?”
“My godfather’s a therapist. Got pretty good at picking up on the signs from talking with him. Besides, you’re not the only one with a monster living between their ears.”
Patton rolled up his left sleeve, showing the tally marks of all the times he’d managed to come back out of the darkness and stand in the sunlight again. Virgil gave a quiet gasp, but Patton refused to turn away in shame from his soulmate, even if he did look at him with pity. When he met Virgil’s eyes however, they were filled with understanding.
In a bittersweet sort of way, it made Patton feel happy.
“I’m not saying you have to come out for us. Or go public, or do anything you’re not ready for yet. I just want you to know that we’re here for you when you are ready. And,” Patton held out his hand in offering, “you don’t have to go through this alone.”
He expected Virgil to take his handshake, maybe say thanks and offer to talk outside of school sometime. Maybe.
He did not expect Virgil to take his wrist in a gentle calloused grasp, turn his arm upward, bend down, and place a soft kiss on his scars.
It was sudden. It was impulsive. It was an act of pure reverence that set Patton’s pulse point thrumming faster than a hummingbirds heartbeat.
And judging from the look on his face, it shocked the hell out of Virgil just as much. He snatched his hand back as though his touch might burn Patton.
“I’m sorry! That was—I should’ve asked—-out of line. I—NGK!”
“Virgil, wait!”
Too late. Just as someone else was coming in, Virgil was running out the door, nearly knocking the other person over.
“WOah! Where’s the fire babe?” they asked.
Virgil paid him no mind. Didn’t even seem to hear him. Once again, Patton’s soulmate was gone before he could even try to make things right.
“Guess he’s got the runs or something. Ngh-ow. Forget it. Head hurts too much to care right now.”
The student who’d just come in was also wearing a letterman jacket, and their fingers hovered over a mean looking bruise near their temple. It took a second for Patton to recognize from the sunglasses who he was.
“You’re one of Virgil’s friends, Remy, right?” Patton asked.
Remy jumped, not realizing Patton was there. “His best friend, thank you very much. And who wants to knoOOHhhh I see. You’re one of his secret soulmates he won’t tell me about!”
Patton followed Remy’s eye line leading to his still uncovered arm. He quickly pulled his sleeve back down, blushing scarlet hot and hid behind his bangs. Remy chuckled.
“You know I gotta say, not at all what I pictured, but you are a cute little black kitten,” Remy said with a grin.
“Do you know where Virgil might’ve run off to? I want to go after him, but I need to get to class soon. Oh, it was all going so well, but maybe he thought he crossed a line and I’d be upset, but I’m not! He looked just short of a panic attack and I just...is he going to be okay?” Patton could’ve cried he was so worried.
Remy gave him a long unreadable once over, then sighed. “Look, if I know Virgil—and I do—then he’s either gone to the gym to blow off some steam, or holed himself up somewhere private where he can calm down. He doesn’t like people seeing his anxiety get the better of him if he can help it. Say it makes people uncomfortable.”
“Mental health isn’t anything to be embarrassed by, or of.”
Patton must have passed some sort of test, because Remy finally gave him a genuine smile of approval and lifted his sunglasses atop his head.
“Totes babe. Look, right now I gotta see a nurse about this goose egg hatching on my head, but I’ll try to look for him after. Kay? Ow!”
Patton signed. “Thank you Remy.”
“You still here, Patton?” Nurse Talyn called, coming out from the supply closet with an armload of bandaid boxes, a bad of cotton swabs, and a now full jar. “The second bell is about to ring. You need to get—“
They looked around the room, spotted Remy, and dropped their arms. Their face fell flat, along with the rest of the things they’d been carrying. Good thing that jar was plastic.
“Remy Dormier, did you fall asleep and hit your head in the hallway again?” Nurse Talyn asked, looking just about done with everything.
“Nope. Track field. Bottom bleacher,” said Remy, wincing and he touched the spot.
“That is the FOURTH time this week! That’s it.” They pulled out a crushable ice pack from their desk drawer and handed it to Remy. “You, on the bed while I call your parents. We have GOT to get a script from your Doctor for this obvious narcolepsy problem of yours. Patton, get to class. Go on, shoo!”
Not wanting to endure the tiny wrath of Talyn in full nurse mode, Patton left. Not before getting a wink from Remy that did little to lift his spirits. He speed walked to his last class of the day, but home economics was the last thing on his mind. He could still feel the kiss from before like a memory on his skin.
I hope he’ll be okay.
General Tag: @quoth-the-sparrow @altruistic-skittles @em-be-lievable @justisaisfine @broadwaytheanimatedseries @thekeytohappiness-is-you @jynxlovesluck @queer-human-being @phlying-squirrel @ab-artist @grey-lysander @a-valorous-choice @xx-fandom-potato-xx @impatentpending @book-of-charlie @randomslasher @tinkslittlebelle @insanelycoolish @ironwoman359 @icecoldparadise @bluebloodstains @purpleshipper @patchworkofstars @axyzel @hissesssss @beautifully-terribly @pink-and-purple-flowers @thatsanswitch @6tick6tock6 @hanramz-the-fander @azlinne @helplesscreator @thestoryofme13 @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah @accidental-sanders @moonstone-fox @smokeyrutilequartz @madly-handsome @puns-and-patton @notveryglittery @eequalsmcscared @safesandersides @lizziepopanime @anxiously-unsatisfied-world @unikornavenger @fuck-my-life-i-want-food @backatthebein @mephonic @paperghastly @ravenclawangst @iamtrashcans @loganberrysanders  @ierindoodles @a-new-witch-in-learning @punsterterry @goldteethandacurseforthistown  @dragonsight9 @your-average-pangirl
Worst Impressions Tag: @everphantom @wundergirllovesyou @im-awkward-go-away @reinefandoms @shadowenbynerd @always-in-a-fandom @deadinsidebutliving @somehowsnakesblog @fandoms-winkitywonk @halfcrazedandrogynouswizard @i-am-such-a-mess-dot-mp4 @xionical @selectivereality @occasionally-pauciloquent  @donalev @princessbelix @a-new-witch-in-learning @justasadchildwithablog @megkir13 @cats-vetal-miking-vomit @karmels-stuff @daughterofsomnus @soijusthavetoask @to-precious-to-process @kimolothecatt @gabe-killed-me-with-ace-cream @notveryglittery @loving-neko @corracii  @nerd-in-space  @absolutesandersidestrash @hanramz-the-fander @perfectly-precautiously-gay @minamishipsit-secondround @i-read-by-lamp  @irrelevantbutsanders @xon-the-virgex @band-be-boss-blog @themultishipperchild @mistress-jinx09 @anonymous-by-design @analogical-mess @marvelfangeek09 @incoherentfangirl  @mirror2thespirit @wherethewaterstarts-andyouend @snail-zo @redundant-statements-for-400 @deathshadowrules  @basicmillennial @beach-fan @withspaces @cisnesincorbata  @merlybird500 @lovingcreatorstrawberry @dante1138 @k9cat @no-no-no-no-6 @the-doctor-demigod-wizard @sanderssidesvp  @sevencrashing @karmels-stuff @tssfamily @kaioanxiety @reblogged-anything @theotherella @randomsandersides  @phantomofthesanderssides @unisaurioamorfo  @fabulouswritingfanboyofdeath @here-is-your-paper-trail-unicorn  @sniffingoutmywilltolive @pippippippin @shadowenbynerd  @sugarglider9603 @angels-and-dreams @corracii @larry-angels  @hexdream18243 @itsthemoooooooooon  @ibasicallyjustreblogeverything @stormblessedcastiel  @the-sweet-space-bi @bisexuallyinlove @nb-andromeda  @ijustreallylovesanderssides @everythings-coming-up-aces @loving-neko  @theunoriginaldaisy @dreamybluecupcake@selectivereality  @soft-transboy @veryvirginvirgil @astudyinfuckmylife @loving-life-my-way @carstairsdefense @wowimsogoddamnoriginal  @shaeshaetheravenclaw @anxiousangel121 @cataclysm-al  @marvelfangeek09 @ijustreallylovesanderssides @fanartfunart  @carstairsdefense @flufflerekt @floof-13 @mining-pup @a-demi-ghost @winged-hearts @ofdismaldays @okthnksbye  @b0y-guts @a-trans-ghost  @romantichopelessly @isaac-or-izzy  @turtle-haven @quietwords-loudthoughts  @pale-baguette  @kai-the-person @im-gonna-yeet-outta-here  @bunny222 @xxlithiumangelxx @tinyemogod  @edgy-gremlin @coloursintheblur  @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing  @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum  @zaisling   @fluffler @floof-13 @mining-pup  @damnitvirgil  @littleladynightshade @peanut0303 @seeyoube   @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @idiot-annonymous @winterswishing @unicornofdarknessstuff   @unicorndragon1-2-3@singularthoughtofstatic @notyourperfectmexicandaughter @surohsopsisofclouds @beesmoothie  @neon-skates  @llamaly  @a-gay-treee @thetruthaboutthesun @frankiprowsworld @pumpkindotorgdotuk @andreaissy @im-awkward-go-away @wundergirllovesyou
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jzixuans · 4 years
hello all im lia and im the loopy sorta tired so let’s see how this goes
Good happy things!
-when i woke up the sky was really white (fog) and it looked kinda ethereal which was a pretty sight to wake up too -my ds partners got on and sap brain went vrrrr -(they had to go to bed early last night which made sap brain go vrrr but sad so :D happy vrrr) -me and remy yelled fondness at each other and the yelling confused lo but c joined in the yelling for Fond reasons anyways so reminder that my ds partners are extremely cute and i love them -interacted with some ds littles today too and they’re just... so precious... i love them... im horrible with kids but still... i will protect these ones with my life... -i don’t normally watch streams but i caught one of my favorite youtubers streaming a horror game i like so like... hella stonks i watched that -had a meatball with lunch to get some protein can i get a wahoo -(wahoo) -talked to lorem today- even if it was just for a few seconds, twas nice -biked around my driveway for a bit which was nice- biking in general’s nice tbh -climbed around on the kitchen counters a lot this evening to avoid a spill on the floor and i felt Funky it was Fun -picking up Bell and having her rest her fore legs on my shoulder while i do so is a fun way to hold her and i did that Twice today and that was Nice -thinking about Layton Brothers: Mystery Room again,,,,, that bad boi deserved a sequel,,,, so good i love,,,,, -ik i already mentioned them on this post but,,,, ds lo and remy,,,,, my gods,,,,,, i love them so much,,,, they’re so good... i’m so fucking lucky, just to know them, and im their partner too, my gods, and there’s lorem too, gods, they love me too, they all love me and i love them and.......... damn man that’s pretty fucking hella -fam andy is pretty chill even if im too tired to hold a good conversation with him right now -blink snipe: her logan art today was so cute???? just like her :0. she’s putting her cuteness into her drawing,,,, the Power,,,,, she’s unstoppable,,,,,
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