#i’m just a lil nervous bean
it’s time for a new promo, so —
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selfship server !
a general comfort & selfship d.iscord server, run by me !
❀ a comfort space, curated to whatever you’d like to share ! we have space for general chatting, for sharing media & creations, for gushing — whatever your heart calls you to ! we’ve also started doing events ( like a secret santa ) , and i hope to plan some more in the future ! ❀ we’re very chill and very welcoming, so please do stop by if you’d like to ! ❀ 16+, but 18+ is preferred ( not due to content, just preference ) // drama - free // safe space
give this post a “like” and i’ll send you the invite link !
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sharp-silver4795 · 2 months
Liu Woods Headcannons
The people have spoken! On a poll that I made, I asked if yall wanted me to post my own stuff and…. Oh god- I set it for a week cuz I thought no one would see it- 40 FUCKING PEOPLE RESPONDED-
So, I hear you! I’m gonna start with just random head cannons cuz… yeah…
Suicide, Murder (duh), abusive families, definitely not the Liu most ppl know.
I will put a warning before each group of bullets.
Least Sensitive >> Mildly Sensitive >> Most Sensitive
The first two aren’t head cannons-
I pronounce it like “Lee-oh” (Leo). I made a post about it earlier. However, I’ve said it like “Loo” for a long time- I’m tryna break that habit
He is my favorite. I remember seeing a post that was judging ppl based on their fav creepypasta…. No I won’t shut up about him.
He’s Chinese. Jeff is his half brother on their mom’s end. There is no fucking way an American kid would have a Chinese name.
So, Liu moved from China when he was 5 and his mom married Peter. Jeff was born when he was 7.
When Liu was young he didn’t have many friends cuz his English sucked and his little brother wasn’t even a year old.
He likes brownies and cinnamon rolls like their made of gold
Man can cook 🧑‍🍳 🤌
Has a bunch of plants that he forgets exist and cries when they die
Boy is tough. A lot of ppl see him as a teeny bean, hell nah!
Wears combat boots, skinny jeans, and sweaters consistently.
The scarf is to cover scars.
He’s about 6’5 (nearly 200cm).
Murder, Gore, Blood
Mainly uses a crowbar to beat his victims to death.
Remember how I said he wears combat boots? Well those things have heels and he tends to “stun” kill people by jumping up and stomping down on the side of the person’s head. 240lbs in a surface area the size of a US quarter is definitely gonna break your skull.
In the mansion his job doesn’t really revolve around murder as much as it’s about torture. He’s fucking good at it too.
Sexuality, Gender, and Such
He’s gay. You can’t change my mind.
I see him as being Agender and not caring about the pronouns you use for him. (Note: I usually switch up the pronouns but since this is the first HC post I’m making for them, I wanted this to be said first)
Married to EJ. If you don’t like the ship, I’m sorry!
⚠️ SA, CSA, Abuse, Suicide, SH, Grooming ⚠️
DID usually forms before 9yo and I can’t believe him getting DID at 19.
So, he hung himself when he was 19. This is what set Jeff off, because he was the one who found Liu’s body.
So, Keith is about 11 years older than Liu, and, when he was looking for friends, Keith took advantage of them. This lead to Liu basically being groomed until he was 12. I HC that Randy had a lil “crush” on Jeff and Keith kept Liu “out of the way” by consistently r—ping him.
Things at home weren’t great for him either. Peter was under the impression that his mom was a virgin with no kids (incell vibes), and when he found out Liu existed Peter decided to take it out on him. He would be locked in a dark closet of the basement for days on end. If he “misbehaved” too much, Peter would put him in the clothes dryer (also in the basement) for however long he deemed necessary.
Eventually Liu couldn’t take it and he hung himself.
Liu’s Alters and System
⚠️ similar themes from before, drugs/alcohol abuse, religious trauma ⚠️
Hannah: gatekeeper, what Liu “would have been” like if nothing happened.
Jinx: Sexual protector, the response to Keith’s abuse
Sully: Physical protector, response to Peter’s abuse
Jessie: Mental persecutor, encouraged Liu to kill himself.
Leviathan: Trauma holder, response to constant guilt from religious trauma
Vex: persecutor, response to alcohol and drug addiction.
Nigh: Trauma holder, response to all those lonely years
So, about Jeff…
Liu has zero issues with Jeff.
Jeff didn’t kill him, he had to make his way back to life (I will post more abt this another day).
Jeff mispronounced his name, but Liu was too nervous to correct him (bc trauma)
He is about 6yrs older than Jeff.
I probably have other HCs that i forgot, but anyway- that’s all the energy I have rn….
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papaya-twinks · 3 months
hello… I saw smth abt requests being open…. Maybe it’s old idk, I’ve never requested smth. But um, I rlly like ur work and I’m maybe if you want to write smth like dis: Brasilian reader x Oscar. Where it’s the Brasilian GP and after meeting y/n family they have a lil fun in the evening in the stables of y/n s family farm. If ur comfy with that :) the smut part can be up to u lol. Or it could just be fluff whatever I want <3 again love ur work <3
Warnings: None!
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Brasilian!fem!reader
A/N - I’m sorry I didn’t see this as a smut request :(
“And welcome to the Brazilian Grand Prix!” a voice shouted over the radio as you grinned, walking into the pit lane, you’d finally saved enough to afford tickets to such a prestigious place and you were excited. “Hi,” you smiled to once of the engineers as she waved. You were standing at one of the seats, with your friend beside you, when someone tapped you on the shoulder. “Hello,” a voice said, who you only could recognise as Oscar. 
“Hello,” you said, your Brazilian accent evident in his voice. “You a local?” he asked, hearing your voice as you smiled and nodded. “Brazil is beautiful,” Oscar said, eoinding almost…nervous. “It is quite, no?” you agreed with him. “I doing you have seen the true beauty of my country yet though,” you smiled to him as he raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? You plan on showing me?” 
You hummed, thinking for a second, “Depends when you’re off your little schedule,” you shrugged. “After practise,” he smiled, nodding to you as an engineer beckoned him over. So it was settled, he’d meet you where you’d spoken and tours take him to your home, where your parents were. Your friend raised a few eyebrows when you told her but decided she’d go too. 
“Hey, you,” you felt someone’s hand on your shoulder, seeing Oscar. “Did well with FP2,” you nodded at the results board. The unmistakable sign of a blush coated the man’s cheeks as he smiled, thanking you politely. “You ready to go?” you asked, turning to walk out the garage. He followed, half stumbling to stand beside you as your friend watched behind, bewildered and bemused. 
“Right then…” she mumbled, shaking her head. “So, where have you been?” you asked, deciding to start a conversation as you led him to your car. “Just exploring São Paulo to be honest,” he shrugged, “few shops and some sight seeing,”. You nodding starting up your car, your friend mildly disgruntled from being thrown in the back seat. 
“Wow,” Oscar muttered as you arrived at a small countryside house, situated in the middle of a grape vine field. “My parents are farmers,” you smiled, the driver beside you raising his eyebrows, supposedly impressed. “Sweet,” he followed you out the car. “Olá uva (hello grape),” your mum smiled, seeing you step out the car. She raised her eyebrow at Oscar beside you, clicking her tongue softly. 
“Who’s this?” your dad spoke in English, seeing the McLaren driver. “Mamã, Papá,” you said, “remember the race I went to? This is one of the drivers,”. Your mother frowned as you daf spoke with a small smirk, “You managed to bring one home? Well done, daughter,”. You groaned at his words, flushing as Oscar shuffled, embarrassed. 
“Ele foi passear na cidade chique, pretendo mostrar a ele lugares melhores (He went sight seeing in the posh city, I intend to show him better places),” you scrunched your nose slightly, your mother shaking her head. “Show him the field, then, I’ll make dinner,” she shrugged. Oscar thanked your parents, following you out into the fields. “Wow,” he muttered, leaning down to look at the small bundles of grapes. 
“Makes great wine,” you winked, your friend deciding to stay inside and help with dinner. You and Oscar ended up talking a lot, discussing the races, random topics and more, until your mother called you inside. She’d made your favoriete dish, Feijoada, a mixture of means and black beans. “Tell me you’ve had this,” you turned to Oscar, seeing his sheepish decline. “I haven’t,”. 
You groaned - this was going to be an experience and a half for him. 
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babybluebex · 1 year
billy knight may be a vanilla bean but i just know that man is a fucking horndog (affectionate). he’s almost constantly bricked up around you (at least when the two of you are at home… in public he’s always too nervous about being in public - socially anxious lil bean - to get it up). he definitely litters your skin with hickeys like some hormonal horndog teenager and giggles bashfully when you (jokingly) call him out on it. morning sex is definitely a must (and also the reason why you’re occasionally late to work) because cuddling with you and having you so close is enough to reduce him to a sex-crazed fiend… or at least it’s enough to make him wake up with morning wood every. single. morning.
he also definitely loves to wear a cock ring while he’s fucking you but you didn’t hear that from me…
and billy absolutely moans and whimpers like an actual whore the minute you get your hands on him. he’s so fucking loud that you worry your neighbors are gonna file a noise complaint, but fuck he just can’t help it… it just feels so good, too good, even.
he definitely chants “i love you i love you i love you i love you” when he’s about to cum.
is also shockingly possessive (i’m talking mindlessly babbling about how your his, repeatedly saying “mine. my petal. my love,” while he’s fucking you), but also loves to remind you that he’s yours (both during sex and just during general life).
everything about this, i'm gonna CRY, he's so husband
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demontonic · 1 year
Hi! If you’re still taking requests, may I ask for Kylo Ren asking female reader out on a date? He’s very shy and nervous and not sure she’ll say yes, but she does! He’s a murderous bean but we love him
i love my men murderous🫶🏼making this a modern college au because i cannot imagine Kylo Ren having a lil crushy crush on one of his generals
Kylo Ren - Would you?
You’d been aquatinted with Kylo for months now, you honestly would have never talked to him by yourself because his entire aura was intimidating. Both of you were friends of a friend whom you had told you found the brooding man insanely attractive and well, she took that as an invitation to take matters into her own hands. You couldn’t have expected anything else honestly she was just confident in friend making skills and after meeting him so were you. Though it seemed like a cheesy college rom com at this point you didn’t mind, especially with the way he looked at you. His eyes alone held so much of his emotion, for the most part he remained monotone and unbothered but eyes dont lie. Sometimes his fleeting glances made your heart flutter, and sometimes it made your entire body tense. Those brown eyes could be void of emotion, or full of enchantment gleaming with admiration. That’s all it was, he admired you for your beauty, charisma, even the way you viewed life itself, he was completely enamored of you. So today while you sat in the library studying for your semester finals, you were aware of every stolen glance. His every movement down to the way his fingers picked at the table, you knew he was ridden with anxiety.
“If you keep fidgeting like that I’m scared you’ll start vibrating in your seat.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you.”
“If anything you’re keeping me company, especially since you stopped taking notes ten minutes ago.”
“Right, I guess my mind is somewhere else today.”
“Sharing is caring, what’s got you so bothered?”
What bothered him? What didnt bother him would be a shorter list, he was a walking ball of anxiety despite his cold demeanor. Not in the way that had him scared to talk to people, but in the sense he had no idea what he was soing with his life. He felt like his purpose was so unclear, like he was meant for something huge but also nothing at the same time. His mother was kind, brave, and hard working wheras his father was brute, carefree, and aggravating. Such combination in one household had caused him to lose sight of what he wanted because he wanted them to be proud of him. It was difficult taking into account the vast differences between them, it’s not like they were any less in love but it made his aspirations muddy. When he met you however it was like he had certain purposs, suddenly he stopped waiting for the praise to leave the mouth of his parents and started looking to you. Why he hadn’t quite understood until a week ago, you sat infront of the window while it was raining. The library was closing in an hour so the lights had dimmed, you were reading a book for your class and drinking some sort of tea. There was the answer, he could see himself spending nights with you just soaking in each others presence, enjoying the silence and peace between you two. It’d been there the entire time, you had barely spent time apart since you started talking, you just melded together so effortlessly. His heart was set but he didn’t know how to convey such intense feelings, he couldn’t possibly expect you to reciprocate his feelings but he could hope. Would you laugh? Would you push him away? Would you leave him?
“Would you stay… with me?”
“Would-… if I told you something, despite what it is would you stay?”
“Of course Kylo, you can trust me.”
Hearts pounded in their cages, eyes locking with one another as time seemed to slow as the words formed on his tongue. Breathing slowed as your skin ran cold, the anticipation was suffocating as you waited for his confession.
“I love you.”
Relief washed over the both of you as his secret had been revealed and your feelings towards him were validated.
“I love you too.”
A smile, shared by the both of you, basking in the purity of the moment.
“Does that mean you’ll go on a date with me?”
“I’d say we’ve been on study dates for months, of course I will.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
check out my masterlist for more star wars fics!
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magewritesstories · 2 years
hi there !! i was wondering if you can do either a one-shot or an imagine with logan from big time rush ?
Of course, I'm sorry it took me so long to answer the request, I hope you like it!
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[ Logan Mitchell ] Bookshop Boy
He’d been visiting the same bookshop for the last couple of weeks. The first one to notice that he was going to a bookshop on the other side of the city, instead of going to the one near Palmwoods was Kendall.
It had become routine by now, every Wednesday and Saturday, right after recording, Logan would go straight to this mysterious new bookshop that had opened up. His friends had ignored it, but it was starting to get on their nerves, now it was always, “Sorry, I’m going to the bookstore,” and “Nah, I wanna go check out this new book,” Of course the boys knew their friend was a nerd, but this was starting to get a lil’ excessive.
So, they did what they do best; a sting operation. Kendall, James, Carlos and Kaiti followed Logan all the way to the other side of town. 
They all got out on the last busstop, it was a few steps away from their destination; Books & Beans. The store wasn’t something extremely fancy, it definitely didn’t measure up to the bookshop near Palmwoods. It was a small shop, only one story tall, there was a small café attached to it with blue chairs on the terrace. There was ivy climbing up the walls, and small pink roses were planted in planter boxes under the windows. It was quaint.
The boys quickly followed their friend into the store, watching him browse through books, picking some out, reading the cover. No suspicious activity. Yet…
You were sitting at the counter, an iced macchiato in hand. The end of the year was nearing and you were nowhere near your reading goal, so you were trying to squeeze in as many books as you could in the time slots where there weren’t many customers. 
Although, it was hard to concentrate on you book at the moment. A cute boy was walking around the shop, trying to find a book. You’d seen him before, sometimes even made small talk with him as he waited for his coffee, but you didn’t know his name.
You watched as he frowned, clearly he couldn’t find what he was looking for. Was this a perfect opportunity to go talk to him, get to know him, and maybe even get his number? Yes. Were you also a nervous wreck incapable of speaking English whenever he smiled at you? Also yes.
You gathered the courage, puttnig down you drink and book, you walked up to him. “Hello, can I help you?” He turned around quickly, nearly dropping his book because of the action. “Uh, yeah I, uhm, I was looking for a book,” He looked at the shelf in front of him, “I thought it would be here but I can’t find it.” You looked at the list of books in his hand. “Oh, I could check if we have it in stock?” “That would be great.”
You walked back to the counter, leaning into your chair, typing in th name of the book. “Oh, is that Little Women?” You looked up, he was looking at the book on the counter, the one you’d been reading just a few minutes ago. “Yeah, I’m trying to reach my yearly reading goal before New Years,” you shrugged, “It says here that we’re out of stock, I can place an order for you though?” He nodded gratefully, “That would be great, when do you think it’ll arrive?” You looked at the screen, it said that the book would be here next friday, but you didn’t work fridays, which meant that you wouldn’t be able to give him the book. 
“It’ll be here next saturday,” you smiled, feeling pretty proud of yourself, “cool, I’ll come pick it up,” You handed him the receipt, “I’m fairly sure I’ll be here next saturday, but just in case.”
He thanked you, walking away towards the café before quickly making a U-turn. “So, is it a good book?” You look at him confused, “Little Women, is it a good book, it’s been on my TBR for a while,” he clarified, you smiled, “Oh, well I’m actually not a fast reader so I’m not that far, but maybe I’ll have it finished by Saturday and I can tell you then.” He smiled,  “Well, I’ll see you Saturday,” he turned around, this time walking towards the café to get a coffee for real.
“What the hell man?”
Logan nearly jumped out of his skin as his friend popped up out of nowhere, wearing one of their infamous bush-hats. “What are you doing here?” He asked, completely dumbfounded, this bookshop was on the other side of the city, had he followed him all the way here? “We wanted to know where you were always disappearing off to,” James shrugged, sitting down at one of the tables, “So you decided to– wait, we?” Logan watched as his friends appeared out of seemingly nowhere one by one.
“You all followed me here?” Kendall shrugged, “You were acting weird, we wanted to know where you were going all the time,” Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, “And you thought the best way to do that was to follow me to the other side of Hollywood?” The group nodded their head ashamedly, in hindsight, maybe stalking their friend wasn’t the best idea.
“But seriously, why didn’t you ask for her number?” James asked, leaning iver the table, Logan gave him a questioning look, “When was I supposed to do that?” He asked crossing his arms, “When she said she wasn’t that far in the book,  you could’ve giver her your number and told her to update you whenever something happened, duh” James replied in a matter-of-factly tone. 
Logan thought back to the moment, that actually wouldn’t have been alf that bad.
He stood up confidently, “I’ll go give her my number now.” But Kaiti was quick to pull him back down, “You can’t do that now, you’ll seem stupid.” Logan sighed, “Then what am I supposed to do?” His friends thought for a second, “When you come to get the book next time, you can give her your number so that you can give her updates on your book,” Logan thought about Kendall’s suggestion, “But what if she’s already read it?” “Even better,” Kaiti said, “Then you can have a better conversation discussing your opinions.” Logan grinned, this was a great plan.
So as promised he was standing at the counter of Books & Beans, waiting for you to come back with his book. He watched nervously, what was he gonna do if you didn’t even like him. Had he read too much into the smile you’d given him every time he’d checked out?c Maybe you were just being polite, since it was your job… Curse James for giving him too much confidence…
“Here’s your book,” You said, handing him the hardcover. He grabbed it, his brain completely malfunctioning as you smiled at him expectantly. “So will that be cash or credit?” You asked, cocking you head slightly to the right. 
He nodded, of course you wanted him to pay. “Credit,” he replied quickly. Damn you James, this definitely isn’t as easy as you’d said. He quickly paid, completely ready to give up and walk away. 
“I, uuhh, I would prepare myself for chapter 30 if I were you…” You spoke up, Logan looked at you questioningly, “You’ve read this books,” He asks holding it up. You nodded, “Yep, I read it at the beginning of the year for my goal,” He smiled, “So what did you think of it?” He asks, leaning on the counter. “Well, it’s a great book, but it get sad towards the ending, which I really wasn’t prepared for, since I got the book as a gift.” “Well, thank you for the warning, I’ll tell you what I thinkg about it it,” He smiled at you, “Actually, i could give you my number, y’know live updates of my thoughts while I read the book.”
Now it was your turn to freeze, he wanted your number? “Uh, yeah, sure, I mean if you want to,” You quickly pulled you phone out of you bag. “Here you go,” You said, handing him your phone. He quickly typed his number into your phone. “Great I’ll uh, I’ll tell you about it.” You gave him a smile, taking back your phone. He walked away giving you one last smile and wave goodbye.
You watched him walk away, a pack of butterflies erupting at the pit of your stomach. You looked at your phone. Smiling at the newest addition to your contact list.
Logan Mitchell
 You were definitely going to wait for his message all day.
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rosetheocto · 2 months
After the doors finally opened up, the group quickly dashed into the first room they could register. The moment was chilling after their sudden brush with death, everyone taking a moment to catch their breaths.
“Okay.” Blue was the first to speak up. “I’ve seen a lot of things happen in this game, and this is by far the most messed up.” The bean took a quick look outside the Laboratory’s doorway, double checking that those faceless, creepy, glitchy ‘ghosts’ didn’t follow them in there. “You’re right. This definitely isn’t a dream… so how the hell are we gonna get out of this mess?”
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we were really robbed of more Blue in the NoVisor Arc. like my guy has been playing this game since 2018, which means he’s been around during the same time Aiden was first kidnapped!! I’m a bit hyperfixated on the rewrite of the NoVisor Arc (and AUL in general) I’m doing with a friend rn, so if I remember to post more of that I will! For now though more context and other scattered stuff about the lore for AULR will be under the cut!! :3
the beginning of Return is kinda identical, but Blue replaces Ria. Player, Veteran, and Noob try to warn them about Things Being Kinda Weird and that they are absolutely trapped inside the game but they both call bs (assuming they’re like dreaming or something) until a group of glitched out ghost things (with no visor cuz duh) chase after them all. PF also Coincidentally™️ shows up not too long before the ghosts start attacking and chasing them! how strange…
ANYWAY now they’re hiding out from those things and are using the stupid cleanup thing in MIRA to give them a moment to catch their breath, buy some time, and think of a game plan. The near death experience convinced Mr. Egg and especially Blue that maybe there is way more to this than they both initially thought.
PF’s a lil nervous cuz he believes Blue is catching onto him knowing more about everyone getting transported into the game than he lets on (AND HES RIGHT), esp cuz Blue has mentioned having multiple encounters with strange cultist beans over the years of playing Among Us. (Spoilers Blue does find out about PF later in the episode, but definitely dies like right after :(()
The way I see NV’s plan is somewhat similar but also different. We didn’t really know what was going on exactly in canon, but for this one the best way I can describe it is like the plot of Side Order. The NV Cult is forcibly bringing people into a virtual world in which they would be able to rule with The Power Of Hacking.
as for why the world they picked is a hacked Among Us game? Well it’s simple! it’s super buggy, and there’s only three developers (at the time this takes place that is), so anything they do will take forever to fix and update on their end. And the game being practically a wasteland to the sudden boom in popularity was perfect for bringing unsuspecting people in.
Innersloth knew something was wrong right away all those years ago, but they just couldn’t keep up with this group of hackers. The eventual solution they came up with to all the shenanigans from the cult (and others when it started getting popular) led to the creation of the Hacker’s Lobby, run by 2 (technically 3 if you count Clogsworth) Admins. This new lobby worked! …for the most part. As new cult members infiltrate the game, there’s bound to be some people Innersloth and the Admins missed…
BUT THATS ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE and there’s a lot of stuff I definitely missed but yea!! AULR my beloved :]
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reverieorange · 1 year
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First time posting self ship art and I’m kinda nervous for no reason lmao ..
This is Rin and my s/i :D I don’t rlly have a well constructed design for my s/i it’s just. lil bean with fluffy hair. Idk. Anyway this is messy but I have no energy to render it all D: Reblogs are rlly appreciated as this is a new blog ^^
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faffreux · 1 year
Ew gross this is gonna take a while I’m so sorry-
Your lil essay earlier? Absolutely floored me. I knew you adored the silly bean man but MAN, that just sealed the deal for me. I’m generally happy for you and that you’re so happy with silly bean man! I was really nervous to even make a blog a while ago, because I was nervous that people may judge me for legit anything (ex. I like pears and they like apples more and want to burn all my pears) and you were legit like a example for me that people can do what they love and express what they love without care. It took a while for me to work up the nerve, and when I finally made a blog and interacted, I can’t say all my anxiousness left, but it has lessened. YOU have shown people not only that fawful is amazing (he is, truly) but that people can express their love for whatever they want because, as the saying goes, Cringe is dead and dumb. If a person is just happy or having fun and no harm is done, it’s wonderful. I sincerely thank you for showing me and many others that you don’t need to care about what others say, it’s seriously taken a lot of people a long way. Thank you Faff. I’m sorry if this is long I’m awful with words. Also where the heck do I get a fawful plush I wanna grow an army-
(Also I drew Jolligig on a sticky note during class and someone called him a JoJo character I don’t know what to even say-)
I let you know on discord already how much this meant to me but I’m gonna publish it now here that I have a moment at work bc this is sincerely so heartfelt of you to send to me. Thank you, friend. People like you will never understand how much y’all have impacted me just by letting me know my self expression can be genuinely enjoyed by others too!! It feels like a true blessing.
I VERY MUCH grew up in a time online where people harassed others relentlessly for being what they considered cringe— hell, I literally got bullied on deviantart only for making a Koopaling OC once upon a time. I’m so glad things are changing now, needless to say.
(Also LMAO?? JOJO???? HELP-)
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Babygirl, i got it
I just want to tell you if it’s ok I send the strawberry jam request to my friend who also writes(prob won’t write it cuz she’s busy) that was unimportant
I am the anon who wrote you the ask on Strawberry Jam.
And after eating all that up, I have to say. I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE READ SOMETHING SO DELICIOUS. This work was a high quality piece and I’m coming back for more.
You know I’m gonna ask you for Continuation of this masterpiece.
So my mind is already jumping to the third part so I think, I’m just gonna tell you how the third part could go (I have severe adhd)
-year or two later-
Bros getting ready to marry her n eyeing her up n down, thinking whether he should break the promise he gave to her dad about not getting her pregnant n blah blah blah. Him inviting over her dad while she is wedding shopping and asking him for permission¿ Fr he would be so nervous and tense I’m not even kidding.
“Also, I might get her pregnant before the wedding” or “also, I think she’s pregnant, she has been very moody lately” fR he would be smug about it
(just pretend it’s something else/I’m not very smart as I’m writing this cause it 3 am and I have not slept yet, but it’s holidays)
She would find out that she’s pregnant and getting all happy n dovey, knowing it’s the consequences of them fucking raw everywhere in the house. ( fr he would have it as a bucket list, fuck on every stable surface n room in the house, he would also be so shameless about it, I love it)
He comes home, after getting ‘the talk’ from his future fil (father in law), sensing she has something to say, so with his shit-eating grin he says something along the lines of “ what you have for me, ma? Don’t get all shy on me, mami” I love him nicknaming me ma or mami, don’t even get me started on his accent and his talks in Spanish to me.
He would be so happy n exited for this new chapter of their life together the even tear would escape his eye, that she’s growing their little bean inside her.
For instance, he would kiss her all up with their make out sesh he would lay her on his chest, her listening to his heartbeat n getting sleepy telling him all about her day. FR he would just euphorically smile, knowing that he’s internally happy.
I feel like this would already be part four🫠
Them marrying each other and the dad and Miguel would be both crying, no the dad would be full on sobbing while walking her down the aisle. I assume that by the time he was marrying her she would be PREGNANT pregnant like on the bring of pushing the lil human out, but before all that, there would be the happiest moments of them together, for example them laying in bed early in the morning on weekend, he would be up bc fr he’s a morning bird, setting himself so his head would be next to her baby bump. He would talk to the baby fetus for HOURS to no end.
Or them together cooking, just things like that.
so her putting her high level qualified degree to use, she gets a job at alchimax working alongside him, and slowly realising they they’re both unhappy. So they start their own company.( I do not have any experience) like the company would slowly turn into the most powerful corporation ever destroying everyone with its patented tech n ideas, bro they would be crazy rich but still be kind of humble? Their jobs be like their hobbies, and dad would be super proud of her.
Part five would be like them with their baby, and just loving tooth rotting fluff of Miguel being a father.
I am💯sure that Miguel would have lactation kink.
I did not reread it after me, for that I apologise, because I’m gonna go to sleep cuz it’s currently 4 am and I’ve been writing this for an hour. Also it’s incoherent, I will prob make it coherent soon. Also you absolutely feel no pressure writing it anytime soon, because I know it’s a lot and it’s kinda not making sense?and kinda cringe?
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I must ask you for advice cause that PLOTTING SKILL IS *Chef kiss* Wish I had that fr haha.
2. Im so... JSKGAHSHS ❤️❤️ You loved it.
3. OF COURSE I AM WRITING A PART 2 and probably make it a small fic 🤭. It is not cringe. I love smut, sure, but I also love me a good fluff and stuff.
4. Its totally fine, if they write it, I wanna read too! ❤️
5. I will upload as soon as I have cleared up some other requests and AU's for Miguel.
You seriously made my day. Any request do, actually, ❤️. Thank you so much for keeping me busy haha.
6.Rest well nonny ❤️✨.
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
hi I’m sorry your day sucks, I hope your test goes well (is it over already? If yes how did it go?). I don’t have nice things to tell you, but I do have a picture of my cat that I received from my mom today (which cheered me up) so:
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here. She is lazing on the balcony. Anyways, we’re matching, I’m a nervous wreck. I am sending my Uni application today and it’s been fucking with my head. So yes, i hope your day turns around or becomes a little better at least<3
Ohmygodddd so precious. So small. Lil bean.
I passed my test!!!!! I am officially a G licensed driver!
Uni applications are also very stressful, just know they’re silly little institutions & I personally didn’t get into the school I wanted to go to, but I ended up at the school that was best for me! I have no regrets and you most likely won’t either
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borathae · 5 months
Omg i’m gonna fucking cryyyyyyy 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I miss my vampire boys so much 🥺💜
Have i ever said that i love nervous Yoongi Boongi? He’s oh so powerful and old and great and yet he’s so shy and a nervous lil bean when he’s just ‘Yoongi the boyfriend’ 💜
And their communication? it’s really something else like they’re in a very healthy relationship i’m so proud of them…p.s I have a little confession to make hehe if i was in oc’s shoes i could’ve been a little hurt when yoongi asks for jungkook 🥺 it’s stuuuupiid and unnecessary i know but i never felt that secure and confident in a relationship i guess…that’s sad 🥺
And my Taehyungie… i’m gonna wrap him in a blanket like a burrito or or or hide him in my pocket forever and ever 🥺
Have i ever said that i love nervous Yoongi Boongi? He’s oh so powerful and old and great and yet he’s so shy and a nervous lil bean when he’s just ‘Yoongi the boyfriend’ 💜
gaaah PLEASE "Yoongi the boyfriend" you finally put into words what I wanna portray gosh :( it's like he is the all-knowing powerful vampire "boss" who alreay experienced everything twice, but when it comes to love he is just a shy lil newbie :( PLEASE I wanna smooch him 😭
And their communication? it’s really something else like they’re in a very healthy relationship i’m so proud of them…p.s I have a little confession to make hehe if i was in oc’s shoes i could’ve been a little hurt when yoongi asks for jungkook 🥺 it’s stuuuupiid and unnecessary i know but i never felt that secure and confident in a relationship i guess…that’s sad 🥺
YOU ARE NOT ALONE jfadjf I would have been hurt as well JFJADJSF istfg OC is so much more secure because I would have been sobbing 😪 but! istfg I love how healthy they are :( istfg I love them so much 😭😭😭
And my Taehyungie… i’m gonna wrap him in a blanket like a burrito or or or hide him in my pocket forever and ever 🥺
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stringeralong · 1 year
Netherlands, Feb 2023 - Day 3 of 4
The BIG day, most of the reason I had been so desperate to travel to Amsterdam one day. The Van Gogh Museum.
I was incredibly lucky to be able to buy tickets such short notice, as word is they sell out fairly quickly and it’s nearly impossible to get tickets on the day. I bought my ticket for Sun 5th Feb on Thurs 2nd as soon as I had booked my coach.
But first, breakfast. And in true British spirit, I had to try an ‘English Breakfast’
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Majestic: €20.50 (£18.41) for: fried egg, slightly toasted bread, mushrooms, baked beans, roast tomatoes, crispy bacon bits and small sausages + apple juice.
They saw me coming, right? I dropped the ball on this one by walking through a pretty touristy square with an empty stomach and heading towards the first place that did something resembling food. The food wasn’t bad, mostly pretty nice, but the price was unfortunate and I didn’t actually really want it but I had already sat down and been encouraged to order a drink. It filled a hole.
I hopped on the Metro and then a Tram using my pass from the day before and headed to the zoo!
Artis €27.50 (£24.70) entry. I think this also includes the aquarium but it was closed for refurbishment at the time :(
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I love a good zoo, but my bad zoo habit is that I’m mostly interested in the random local birds that just happen to be hanging out. They had some cool animals such two beautiful huge Jaguars, a golden and a black. I couldn’t get a decent photo of either of them but I managed to get a video of the wonderful chuffing sound.
After managing to avoid spending any money in the gift shop, a true achievement for me, I hopped back on the tram and headed to the Van Gogh Museum.
I was early, obviously, so I went for a spot of lunch.
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Irish Coffee + panini: Small Talk €14.20/£12.75
Then it was time, for Clare to drown in the sweet sweet sorrow of the Van Gogh Museum. The (almost) the entire reason I had made this trip, why I had suffered on a coach packed in like sardines, why I had drained my bank account. I actually felt nervous as I walked to the entrance.
What if it didn’t live up to the hype?
It was everything I needed it be to.
I got to see many paintings for the first time in person. Everything was a totally different size than I was expecting. It was overwhelming and emotional being so close, getting to see the texture and brush strokes. There were some paintings and sketches I had never even heard of, and it was great getting to hear and read the stories behind them. I fell in love with these lil guys.
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The audio guide was interactive and had visuals to accompany the segments. It wasn’t actually too busy either, as if the museum has capped it a good amount. Realistically, they could have sold more tickets to churn a profit but everyone would have had a worse experience so I was pretty impressed.
My entry was from 15.00, but the kind people at the door let me in from 14.45 (although it seems to be something they do often as a standard rule rather than a special acceptation for me), and I was there until just before close at 17.00. So I spent about 2 hours wandering around, sobbing quietly.
Here I am looking like a doofus with my tattoo and the work that inspired it. Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette by Vincent Van Gogh and the Tattoo by Kate. Shout out to the poor lady I wrangled into taking this for me (she took a load which was very kind).
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Vincent Van Gogh Museum €20.00/£17.91 online + Audio Guide €3.50/£3.14
Completely worth every cent. I understand that enjoying the Van Gogh Museum is not exactly a unique thought or experience but there we have it. Lives up to the hype, and for me personally it surpasses it. But that's just one mans opinion.
After emotionally recovering on my journey back to the hostel, I had a few drinks in the bar and bullied a stag do. I did buy them some shots to make up for it though.
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ceruleansol · 2 years
So Noctis was set to get engaged with Lunafreya so we went to the king like plz no?
And this whole time he’s been calling me Ceruli, and then suddenly he just
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Apparently I’m Lunafreya’s sister
So I asked why afterwards and he was just a lil nervous bean
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Pilot
Can I just start by saying damn, what a pilot. Like, establishes all the characters, has an arc, but also lets us know right away that this show is gonna be Chaotic AF. Not much Kurt here but still... what a time. 
Here we go:
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Kay, not Kurt but can I just talk about this opening. Iconic. ANd Sue? Perfection. I lovee that the villain is a cheerleading coach. Lowkey I love media about things like ballet or cheerleading etc that are ‘girly’ sports but go into how hella intense and difficult they are. And also omg the ‘Cheerios’ so iconic. (also lol where’s Quinn?)
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Aww look at lil baby face Kurt! I already have my whole fashion analysis thing but I’ll say it again, a lot of his outfits are pretty lowkey? Ooh a turtleneck? A jacket that’s... a colour?? Like obvs he looks great, but still. Def an Ohio during 200s thing bc can only wear flannel and jeans, idk (I should point out I’m not american and know nothing lol).
Also, what an intro to Kurt. Interesting how we only see fear in his eyes when Will approaches? To his bullies he’s all defiant/calm. Maybe he knows if they get in trouble, he’s in more trouble? And damn, Will, how can you be so dumb. I just- oof. And like, he knows Kurt’s name (in 2009 we see that Emma didn’t know him) so surely Will knows this is anything but friendly?
And lowkey I love the jacket scene. Kurt is v resigned to his fate. We learn later that he was in a dark place at this time, but hell if he lets any of it show. S1 is def Kurt at his most ‘emotional’ but even still he has it locked up.
Gonna move on from this scene, but also love the intro to Finn here? He let’s Kurt take off jacket, he watches but doesn’t do actual dumpster tossing, and there’s that lingering shot on his face that he def has guilt.
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The Icon. 
First off, love his audition, great song choice (thank you Mercedes for the help). I know it was also Chris’ audition which makes it even better. And what I love is how it’s so Kurt but still not? The sass, the hair flip, perfect. But also, we know what Kurt will become, with the costumes and props and the hip swivels. Here, he’s legit just standing and singing bc he’s still baby Kurt and he’s not quite confident yet and this might be his first real ‘performance’ in front of someone. 
And omg how young he is and you can hear that he has the range, but he’s def not trained so it’ll be nice to track his progress as Chris practices more, gets more comfortable singing.
Lowkey, I would’ve loved to have Kurt s3-6 sing this song again. Just to see how much he’s grown and I’m so curious how a better trained Kurt would perform it. This is sang v sassily, but based on how the og song was intended, it would be interesting to hear him sing this with that fed up/frustrated intensity, like Rose’s Turn.
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Lol I love this so much. Later on Kurt is just such a performer it’s fun to see him at the start, as the awkward and nervous lil bean. And we see the start of how he’s just so not down for close contact with people.
Jokes aside tho, they do sound pretty good during the song? Would love a full version of the song tbh.
Iconic quote: “There’s nothing ironic about showchoir”
(What is this show and why do I love it)
Barely 10 min in and Kurt is already done with the Rachel drama lol. He’s def not as snarky this ep, prob trying to figure out the vibes of glee club, see what everyone’s deal is.
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Omg Rachel don’t touch the hair.  Also, this scene is the first “Hell to the no” love it.
I’ve already discussed this... outfit, but anyway. I do find it interesting how Kurt barely speaks for most of the ep. He’s still in the shy, awkward mode and as we learn later this is like, his first time attempting to make friends since who knows when. Considering how snarky he becomes, it’s fun to see this softer, sweeter version. But we know he’s so much more.
Also, love how background of dialogue Rachel is legit just staring at Finn intensely the whole time omg
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Yeah, Kurt, that’s be my reaction to VA too. Apparently the VA dancers would always get injuries and... i believe it. Tbh, if ND had faced them at their prime, even in s3, not sure they really would’ve won bc. Omg. I just love this show and how it’s a Musical but also chaotic and dramatic and so far the only thing that’s come close to filling the void is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
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Imagine being Kurt, forced by your dad to join a club, you find one with singing yay! But club has Rachel in it. and the competition is a bunch of showchoir robots. and then the teacher quits. Like no, Kurt doesn’t have another club/team to join!
Also, love how emotional Will is when he’s known these kids maybe a week and taught them nothing. It’s very clear this is all about him reliving his glory days, living vicariously through Finn. Ugh. Anyway...
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And sassy!Kurt has entered the chat! I think by now, him and Mercedes have started to click so we’ll see him get more comfortable. No more shy, sweet Kurt. I mean, he’s still sweet, but he’s also a lil shit lol. 
I love s1 Kurt having zero patience for Rachel and oof, Kurtcedes was so amazing and I’m so sad it faded out later.
And this scene like. We know Kurt was already crushing on Finn by this point, but still he calls him out on the shit he pulled. I do need the story about nailing furniture to the roof bc what? How? When? How did Burt not know??? And pee balloons.. the logistics... gonna casually ignore that.
Also remember when Mercedes made her own outfits and was in charge of costumes hahaha. Also, Finn gives tasks to Artie, Mercedes, Rachel, even acknowledges Tina. What about Kurt?? Could’ve at least done a “Kurt, Mercedes, can you do costumes?” Idk just... wow, Finn
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Ah, Don’t Stop Believing. Version 1.
Yeah it’s cute, it’s sweet. It’s the pilot, first learning how to perform. I will say, I like later versions better? I just prefer group numbers where they all get to sing, showing off all the voices. Esp in showchoir where there’s a group of people singing, instead of just backup for the Finchel show. 
But anyway, still great, Kurt breaks out the shoulder shimmy very early on, wow. And so ends an amazing pilot. I legit love all these characters (even Rachel tbh. Later plotlines I’ll discuss later, but here I kinda like how she’s the worst but the second she sees finn she’s all moony eyed omg)
And tension high with Puck and Sue watching, just. Excited for more...
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v-hope · 3 years
so… i made it to the migrants and refugees clinic 😳 if you guys don’t hear from me the upcoming semester you know why
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