#i’m not actually an incapable piece of shit???
solar-plant-princess · 7 months
Everything I see and hear about the live action remake of Avatar is just a spit in the face. It’s so disrespectful to the characters. The writing is a mess and unfocused. And they routinely attempt to sanitize and soften all the characters, deflating the value and purpose of their character arcs.
There is nothing they can do to salvage this. The actors deserve far better than to be stuck in this poorly written disaster.
This is the end state of all soulless cash grab remakes. Gut out all the worthwhile character development in order to make room for empty set pieces and gags in a desperate attempt to replace heart with a modicum of entertainment value. They aren’t interested in telling a new or even good story, they just want to cash in on brand recognition and will take out all the worthwhile stuff and add unnecessary fluff the whole way.
Don’t give them anymore money, don’t watch the show, don’t watch the future seasons. Don’t waste your time on a show that will only ever respond to you wanting genuinely good content with a spit to the face.
Also the meta level sexism of removing ALL of Katara’s personality is just disgusting (same with literally every other named woman character, the genuine misogyny from the writers is on full display the entire time), it’s literally on par with the play episode where the actress is constantly whining about “hope” while doing nothing else, that’s legitimately where they are at.
Zuko fights back against his dad, and doesn’t even mention his honor ever, so what’s even the point of his redemption arc if he had that in him from the start?
Aang doesn’t run away from his responsibilities (or the Air Temple for that matter, he just gets caught in a storm by chance) or need to learn how to accept being the Avatar, or even feel guilt about what happened to the Air Nomads so what’s the point of his arc?
Sokka doesn’t need to unlearn his false bravado or learn how to be a real leader, literally being written out of the Jet episode where he was the starring protagonist, so what’s the point of his arc?
I’m willing to put actual money on Toph’s parents actually just letting her leave and in fact will not even condescend to her about her disability. What’s the fucking point of this show if none of the characters are allowed to have any flaws or growth or personality????
(I also simply can’t ever forgive them for the broad daylight murder and butchering of Suki. Taking a strong confident leader who humbled Sokka by force into accepting that women were just as worthy and capable as men and made him not just accept but embrace her culture. To a spoiled brat that spends her entire screen time being boy crazy, and teaches Sokka literally nothing other than some fighting moves while THANKING him for “bringing the world to me”, by which she means being a boy she can oogle at. This isn’t Suki, this isn’t Katara, the writers are beyond sexist pigs for this shit.
They wanted to improve Sokka’s reputation that wasn’t even threatened and in turn reduced every single named woman to flat-caricatures of incapable, quiet, obedient, boy obsessed little girls all of which rely entirely on the men in the show to do anything.
This is beyond the pale in overt but unacknowledged misogyny which is an insult to every member of the audience especially all the women in the audience. They make it very clear they actually just agree with not-that-covert sexism and patriarchy and it’s disgusting. Never watch this show, dear god never show this to kids who might pick up on this dogshit misogyny)
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keeksandgigz · 10 months
more eddie thoughts (they’re fluffy with a bit of angst); minors dni anyway pls <3
ok so i see sometimes eddie being written as super romantic like number one boyfriend of the year.
and yeah he’s a good boyfriend, but this kid has never had like a true reference of what actual love looks like bc yk his mom died and al is a piece of shit.
anyways so he doesn’t really know how to express his feelings when it comes to love because of how he grew up and how he was treated even at school. kid didn’t have a good support system outside of yk hellfire and even then it’s a different type of love.
so when he starts dating you he’s kind of stumbling in the dark for most of the beginning of it. and you understand because he’s never actually dated anyone (because he thought he was incapable of being loved)but you’re taking your time with him and helping him figure out what a real and loving relationship is supposed to look like.
and it’s been a few weeks and you still haven’t said the big l bomb yet, but you’re sure you love him and he’s sure he loves you but he doesn’t know how to say it.
so one day you’re back at his trailer, just spending time together, yk getting high listening to music (not much else to do in the 80s) and he’s asking you to put a record on while he’s rolling a joint for you two to share. and your eyes fall on the first record in his pile, which is “sabbath bloody sabbath.” you don’t know better so you put it on while he lights the joint for you.
by the time you get to that third track, “fluff” which is just guitars and piano and nothing else, you’re both blissfully high. he’s nuzzled into your neck, enjoying the state you’re in, lulled by soft skin and sweet perfume.
he feels protected, guarded. soft hums escape both your mouths, while the forgotten joint rests on an ashtray on his bedside table. a soft lullaby in the background, one eddie had forgotten about, because it was often not his speed.
but the song plays and he’s sure you’re about to fall asleep. it’s like a lullaby, and he’s sure he’s never felt more at peace before. you glowing in the dim light of the small window in his room, a soft smile pressed on your lips.
you cradle his head in the blissful haze of your high, and he’s sure he’s never felt like that before. like you’re a warm blanket over his heart, like the warm glow of a candle in a dark and cold room. you really are a warm glow.
so he nudges you, and you open your eyes from your daze. neither one of you had spoken for the past 20 minutes, ever since the weed hit. eddie breaks the silent vow.
“you know how i’m not good with, y’know, words?” he mumbles, soft and a bit insecure against your skin.
you nod your head, a humming sound following it.
“and i really enjoy spending my time with you, like, i’m always saying that we could be spending the rest of our lives here just doing this over and over and over” he rambles, the high getting to him.
you smile, he’s really not good with words.
“and it’s funny you picked this album today, out of all the albums i have. because my dad would play it often, and i remember when i was like four- and i don’t even know how i remember this because i probably do have some memory loss because i probably fell and hit my head too many times as a kid- and it feels funny that i remember this, like some kind of irony” he continues.
you just lay there, playing with his hair as he rests on your chest, nodding along to his stoned ramble
“but i remember my parents dancing to this, like one night my dad played this album instead of my mom’s bluegrass ones, and she protested ‘cause she didn’t want this kinda music so late. something about me not being able to sleep” he toys with the hem of his shirt, he’s nervous. your heart shrinks.
“but this song comes on, and my dad grabs my mom’s hand and they just start dancing in the middle of the kitchen, while i’m just doing god knows what. but that’s one of my few memories of them actually liking each other.” he sighs, you’re still wondering what his point is.
“and i don’t wanna be like my dad, but this song is just, god, it’s really what it feels like to be with you, like this” he says, gesturing at his room, at you, at the roach on the ashtray.
you gasp because that’s the most he’s ever been able to express, and he’s all flushed, because the mask is off, and now you know he loves you. and a smile creeps up your lips, because this boy everyone thinks is the devil incarnate is actually the most genuine and lovable man in this town. and you love him.
and, apparently, he loves you too.
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rfxiii · 10 months
Can you write something about Michael and his wife (reader ofc) being toxic towards each other? But one way or another, no one wants to get divorced.
My deluded ass is romanticizing toxic relationships in fiction!!
(Oooh, I do love a good toxic dynamic with the games hottest daddy, so this was fun)
Toxic Relationship between Michael and His Wife!Reader:
TW: toxic relationship, verbal altercations, referenced domestic violence (but none actually occurring in the relationship), mentions of smut, seriously- nothing is too explicit but dni if easily triggered by the above
I’m under the firm belief that pretty much every relationship with any of the characters would have its own degree of fairly toxic shit. But just based on Michael’s general behavior, his dishonesty, his practical inability to stay loyal to anyone unless they benefit him, and his staunch incapability to admit fault, that a marriage with him would pretty much have to be toxic to some varying level.
You love him. And you’re at least pretty sure he loves you. But sometimes you feel more like property or a child. He cheats on you, he gaslights you, he talks down to you, and he’s basically admitted that he’d rather kill you both than let you walk away from him. But when you do anything to upset him, he acts like a victim.
He’s manipulative as all hell. You know he cheats on you- he’s not good at hiding it, or really, he doesn’t much care to try and hide it. But you hold eye contact with a waiter or cashier for one moment too long and he’s snarking at you the entire car ride home about it. He makes mountains out of molehills, and his insecurity is no secret to anyone.
He has never said “I’m sorry” to you once in your entire marriage- and god knows, he’s done plenty that should warrant an apology. But what he lacks in the ability to admit fault, he makes up for in expensive jewelry, new cars, pretty clothes, and the best angry sex you’ve ever had in your life.
Arguing with him is like being stuck on a racetrack. It’s an endless cycle of going round and round in circles wondering when you’ll ever be able to stop. He is always right, and convincing him of the opposite is impossible. It’s easier just to shut up, let him believe he’s won, and then go do whatever the hell you wanted to to begin with. You can’t win with him, but having him pissed at you is easier than trying to win a fight.
He genuinely likes the criminal lifestyle, despite how he talks down about Trevor or tries to act like he wants to “retire”. But, that being said, if you ever mention that you don’t like all the danger his lifestyle brings, then you’re instantly at fault. Suddenly he “only does it for you” so you can “have the life that you want” and he can “buy all the expensive shit you have”. Even if you never asked for any of it, it’s still your fault, and he still does it because of you.
He likes to fight, it’s almost like stress relief or an outlet for his anger. And honestly, you kind of like it too, or you would have left his petty, childish ass by now. The fights keep things interesting after he “retires”. He doesn’t have any banks to rob or any cops to kill, so he focuses that energy on starting arguments. It is your fault sometimes- you start your fair share of fights too. But more often than not, it’s Michael that blows them way out of proportion.
He can’t be reasoned into apologizing or admitting fault. You could say something like, “I wish you and Trevor hadn’t been out all night drinking”. To which he’ll instantly come back with, “oh, right! I’m sorry I’m such a big piece of shit! Even though everything I do is to keep this family livin’ in this big house YOU wanted! But nothings ever good enough for you! Is it, sweetheart?!” And now you’ll be fighting for the next week.
He wouldn’t lay a hand on you, but with the way he screams and threatens, you could be convinced that he would. Lucky for both of you though, in favor of a physical altercation, he prefers taking out his aggression through fast, rough, punishing sex, and degrading, almost cruel, insults while he fucks you. He’s usually in a better mood afterwards though.
Your relationship has always been a muddled mess of fights, bitter words, passive aggressive comments, and hateful screaming. But you love him, and he does love you. And you both knew what you were getting into when you married each other. You can both pretend that it bothers you, but in the end, nobody can understand your fucked up little family the way you two can.
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maliciousmagpie · 3 months
Not to be sappy on main but it’s genuinely really nice seeing people having so much love for Supernatural on this site.
Like, I know it’s terribly written, and omg some of the bullshit it pulls but that’s part of its charm, it’s pulled so much goddamn bullshit that I can’t even predict it anymore, which, idk the pattern recognition in my autism loves to predict everything (and it’s right a good chunk of the time too) so the fact it’s managed to break it is damn impressive in my book.
And the characters omg the characters, they’re so messy and so dramatic and they’re all so sad and I love them and it’s so nice to see other people also love them and see similar or even new things in characters I also love!
Idk, it’s just something I feel is missing from my main socials (that being instagram) and unfortunately none of my friends have watched Supernatural (Yet. It’s going to happen.) so I’m sort of missing that connection I suppose. It’s been a real long time for me since I was really this into something, arguably I haven’t been this into a piece of media since FNAF 1 came out, since that was what pushed me to start drawing and making ocs in the first place and now here I am planning a whole 7 season comic (I’m incapable of taking things slowly) just because of this damn show and because of how much I genuinely love Dean and Castiel and because I wanted so much more for them.
It’s unfortunate I feel a bit cringe unironically saying Supernatural is one of my favourite shows now, but it is! What started as just picking a long ass show I had some morbid curiosity about because of one of the characters getting sent to superhell for being gay where I couldn’t even remember the characters name but somehow remember he was played by Misha Collins has now basically become a cornerstone of my journey as an artist and the thing that pushed me to finally start seriously pursuing writing!
Saying all this I haven’t actually finished the show yet, I’m currently on S12 and no doubt I will continue to be angry at the absolute shenanigans this show will pull, but honestly if I’ve stuck around for 12 already, what’s another three?
And when the writers do something I really hate? Well I have my lovely ocs who are totally not based on Dean and Cas and are definitely not just so I can live in the delusion that in some universe destiel is real.
Tldr: I am cringe but I am free, I unironically love destiel and I love looking at posts related to it specifically on tumblr, good shit.
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peachiekeaneart · 15 days
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(feat. my actual mobility aids and my actual medications)
ramblings under the cut:
been working on this one since July. I don’t often make art that is extremely personal or intimate bc I’m a clown. However this one is very important to me.
I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that I am (and kind of always have been?) disabled. I struggle with so much - jobs, learning, daily pain and fatigue, mental illness, emotional regulation, dysfunctional eating, trauma - and on top of it all, I struggle with imposter syndrome. Sure, I seem to struggle more than the average person, but what if im accidentally making it all up?
For about as long as I can remember, I have been told to suck it up or muscle through it or to tough it out. So I did. I tried this for a long ass time. frankly a looney tunes amount of time.
As it turns out, when your shit is chronic, there’s no such thing as breaking through to the other side. You can’t get over it like a cold. I’m not trudging through a temporary rough patch of mud towards a smooth, paved sidewalk that I can see just a few feet away. The idea of a Promised Land where my one and only brain and body on this god forsaken earth just ~functions normally~ is a damn lie, a mirage on the desert horizon. It’s a beautiful trick that’s used against me to make me push myself beyond my limits.
And like a good little fool, i fucking fell for it, over and over again, for a literal decade, without anything to show for my journey. Not only am I just as far away from this Promised Land as I ever was, but years of overextending and overworking myself has yielded nothing but more injuries, more stress, and more insecurities.
So I made this colorful little piece. It has 100 bespoke layers and took me a grand total of 30 hours to complete. My meds look like candy because I love taking them. I’m in my comfy clothes even though they don’t always reflect my gender accurately. I display my wrist brace and my cane without guilt. For this one, I actively disregarded Art Rules in favor of following whatever was pleasing to my eye.
This one is for me, exactly the way I am: I am a mess, I care too much, I have no chill, I’ve got big feelings, and I’m incapable of half-assing anything no matter how much I want to. This is my way of honoring everything I’ve muscled through, regardless of how privately or publicly I did so. It’s a reminder to myself.
Anyway. tl;dr this baby contains multitudes *slaps it like the hood of a car*
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firecrackerhh · 1 year
I’m so fucking tired of hearing people bitch that Viv’s shows are bad queer rep or something like I’m sorry, do you think every LGBT+ person or minority is fucking incapable of doing bad things? Do you think they are immune from doing bad things purely off their minority status?
Stop putting minorities, sexual or otherwise on fucking pedestals. Not every fucking queer person is a fucking uwu soft baby who just needs a hug or whatever.
Queer people do bad things, BIPOC do bad things. You know why?
Because they are human, and thus they are just as capable of being a fucking piece of shit as anyone else.
And those kinds of people deserve representation too! Stop being a whiny bitch cus the show isn’t representing you specifically or whatever.
Ngl if anything I think that’s kinda fucking offensive tbh like holy shit, just because you’re obviously a whiny fucking baby with the emotional maturity of a fucking 7 year old at best doesn’t mean every other LGBT person is as sensitive as you. Get over it.
To essentially imply that certain human beings are incapable of making bad decisions purely off of their minority status is fucking infantilizing and it’s fucking gross. Fuck you.
Plenty of LGBTQ people like Viv’s stuff, if you don’t like it, whatever, but claiming it’s bad queer rep, likely because you’re so terrified of conservatives that you don’t want to “rock the boat” as it were, if you think such rep shouldn’t exist because of the inevitable conservative backlash or whatever, you’re a fucking coward and I don’t respect you.
Newsflash, conservatives want you dead no matter what. It doesn’t matter if you’re the “good gay” they still hate you! They still want you to suffer for your “sin.” Whether intentional or otherwise, using their talking points is fucking disgusting. Do you have any fucking respect for yourself?
Putting people on pedestals, thinking they can do no wrong ever, is fucking delusional. Get your fucking head out of your ass and realize that human beings come in all shapes and sizes. Bad queers and BIPOC exist and showing the messy parts of their lives in media isn’t fucking “bad” queer or BIPOC rep just because you don’t relate to it.
So fucking entitled, so bratty, go watch The Owl House or some bullshit if you want squeaky clean LGBT rep.
Take your whiny bratty bullshit and fucking shove it up your ass you disgustingly pathetic crybabies. You spineless cowards.
LGBT and BIPOC folks deserve to have their stories told, even if they aren’t squeaky clean or family friendly. If you think otherwise you’re fucking retarded, sorry not sorry.
Never mind the fact that the point of Hazbin Hotel specifically is about redeeming people that have done horrible shit. If you see their bad actions and immediately think “bad queer rep” without taking into account the whole point of the fucking show is watching these terrible people become better, then I don’t know what to tell you. I think your brain is fucking broken.
Perhaps these people get so mad because they don’t believe in redemption, that any mistake you made is a stain on your character permanently. I wonder what skeletons they must hide if that’s the case…
Viv is not your enemy. And the fact you act like she is shows just how fucking retarded you actually are. These people don’t even know who their real enemies are, it’s fucking pathetic.
🧨🔥~Firecracker out~🧨🔥
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paradoxoftrees · 2 months
Ok what is actually going on here in the utmv community?? I haven’t been here very long but I sure do know that this kind of stuff, this targeting and hatred, is in no way acceptable anywhere, anytime, real life or not.
I never understood it. I never understood and I still don’t understand why human beings feel the need to instill fear and hatred into others. I truly feel I am incapable of understanding the plague of this concept. It appalls me every day with the lack of human sympathy and understanding that this society is literally reeking with. There is just so much hate. This is the LAST place that we need hate. Fandoms are supposed to literally be a place where we create fictional realities, ones that allow us to escape what lies beyond. But somehow the poisons of society are leeching into our celebrations and safe spaces. And those safe places are becoming more and more like the hateful society we are unfortunately faced to live within and somehow attempt to clean up. Utmv is literally crumbling and collapsing into the debris, bringing us down with it. If the real world is filled with hateful waste, the least we can do is create something that represents what human decency looks like. We need to take responsibilities upon us as human beings to uphold this decency.
Please, all I ask is for decency. I know for a fact that everyone will benefit from this. I’m not sure why humans sometimes have so much hate infecting their souls to the point that they suck the creative and individualistic energy out of our bodies and minds. Look at us. We are petrifying people into abandoning their passions, their fandoms. People are SCARED to create. People are SCARED to be here. We are amounting to nothing more than a toxic solution, forcing ourselves to literally jump out running for the hills with scalded minds.
I know this is a bit odd to say, but I always like to compare our society to the big picture of the universe. The universe itself is so expansive and undeniably unique with all the crazy shit inside it. Exploding stars… planets with glass rain… nebulas that smell like raspberries… Yeah. All that stuff exists in harmony. So why can’t all our interpretations, ideas, creations, do the same? Stars explode and reconstruct into new creations. People are the very same way. NO ONE is the same and NO ONE stays the same. And NO ONE has the right to somehow take a person and put them into a box to be pointed at. As people we need to let people be people.
Let us be free. Let us be free or hate. Let yourself understand what this fandom really wants for itself, because this persistent fear is literally freezing our creativity and expression in place. With what we have now, we are scared to create, we are scared to express, we are scared to outwardly acknowledge our own identity. I mean that in all honesty.
NEVER do I want to make someone feel petrified to create or to embody individualism. I couldn’t imagine it. Don’t do this to people. Just don’t.
I don’t know what’s going to happen. But the funny thing is, we can fix this world we have created and yet we continue to twist it into something sour and sickening. Somehow I know we can fix it. I’ve seen what people can do with decency.
Alright. I’ve said my piece. We’ve got a lot to do and think about. If we’re willing. If we can put in effort to hate, we can put in effort to be a decent human being. In fact, it’s easier to do that.
It can be done.
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marengogo · 7 months
6 : “Happy Singles Day! …” Mistakenly Thought Marengo
Listening to a Love Wins All x BTS love songs playlist 
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello my dearest Gurls, Bois, Enbys and everyone in-between 💜 and
… not.
Singles day is actually November 11, as in 11/11, as in 1 - 1 - 1 - 1, as in single, single, single and; SINGLE. LONG TIME AGO, a very young-uni-student-Marengo, somehow, mistakenly read today to be singles day, but in fact today is Singles Awareness Day 🤡LOL. So the joke is on me, but matter 👏🏾 does 👏🏾 not 👏🏾! Marengo shall privately keep celebrating Singles Day on the 15th of February because every time she had, she did on today’s date. Granted, I hadn’t had to celebrate it for a long-long minute, but … here I am in 2024.
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Granted I’m a bit rusty but, what I always used to do, without fail was:
Buy Salted Caramel & Rose macarons from Pierre Marcolini
Buy a very expensive bottle of red wine
Watch Magic Mike XXL
Haven’t got around watching Magic Mike XXL yet as I’m here writing to you all duh, but here is a picture of the first 2 points.
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The bottle didn't come with that neck piece, I put that there because you could see me in the reflection; don't mess with my camera game! 😎
So before anybody starts, I’m not celebrating today because I’m bitter at people who are in love or a couple. I might have been, A LONG TIME AGO, when I started celebrating this day, but as I grew up, it became more of a luxurious and pampering habit, particularly once I realised, and gradually understood, just how beautiful love actually is. And then, when it became my time to experience it 🎊🎉🪄, yeah … LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL THING. In fact, I actually love LOVE. I love watching people fall in love, I love just the feeling of love itself, you could even say that I love the thought of a love potential, just as much as I love the potential of a love thought … 😜.
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But just like a beautiful rose, love can hurt, no matter how careful, unexpected/unseen thorns can still get you. Yet, you shouldn't hate the rose, right? “I gotta be more careful …” that should be the brains immediate reaction, but sometimes, the amygdala works real hard, with unpaid overtime, keeping us away from roses until we figure out how to better tackle them, and some other times, it just makes us give up on roses entirely, which is a shame but it is what it is sometimes, because roses are really so so so precious, no matter what your favourite flower might happen to be. My favourite flowers are Forget-me-nots, but I will never deny the charm of a rose and I’ve learned to not hate them through time, even when, or even though, I might be deadass afraid of them.
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Falling in love is like deciding to take care of your own personal rose/s. You will naturally like many different flowers and will naturally nurture them, rightfully so. Yet, at the same time, there might come a time when you’ll desire to also cherish in having a rose. Some might want roses to boast at their beauty, some simply like a challenge, but all in all, for many, if they could only manage to take care of even just one singular rose, for as long as they possibly can, without it dying; they’d consider it a great achievement and I'd agree. Roses don’t smell like boo-boo, but without LEC (Love, Effort and Care) they are indeed hard to keep, and will quickly perish.
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… So what does this have to do with Singles / Singles Awareness Day?! Bitch you are making me feel much worse than before! Like STFU FR. There is a reason why I watch Magic Mike XXL. I really don’t give two shits about the first magic Mike, like I don’t even remember it. Yet XXL ⚠️SPOILER ALERT⚠️ Has as a main plot the main character not ending with whom he thought was the love of his life, right from the start, and instead discovering the value of having a solid community and believing in one’s self ⚠️ END OF SPOILER ⚠️ helps me remind myself that if I am unable to find a rose to take care of, or if I am not ready to do so either, I should remember that I myself am a rose and I should treat myself as such; with love, effort and care.
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So today isn't a day where I hate those who have found and are bravely keeping love. No. Today is a day where I think of what could be, mourn what could have been and remember that the me of now also deserves love in the form of macrons, expensive wine and a feel good movie. So if you are single, have been for a while, or always have been, try not to obsess over having that garden of roses. Take care of your flowers first, make sure they are healthy! I’ve neglected “my forget-me-nots” for a bit too long now, so I have some cathcin gup to do, and don’t forget you are a rose yourself; take good care of yourself, be kind to yourself; love yourself. 
Always respectfully yours,
@ejassy @chikooritajjk @stormblessed95 Thank you so much and I love you, my unique flowers.
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psyga315 · 10 months
A breakdown of an analysis of female portrayal in media
Originally the entire post was going to be a takedown of the post, but to iamafanofcartoon's credit, a lot of the points they make are valid. However, given their bias towards RWBY, some double standards come up ironically as they bring up double standards.
"A lot of people are incapable of viewing female characters as anything other than an innocent saint or a portrait of pure evil. Arguably the best characters are morally ambiguous ones who live in the gray area between good and evil, but women are much less often afforded that distinction than their male counterparts."
This is the biggest piece of irony ever when you remember how they treat Ironwood, someone who has moral ambiguity (at least in Volume 7) or even how they regard Ruby lying to Ironwood as something that isn't something morally ambiguous, but rather 100% guaranteed the right thing to do.
"I’m been having a huge problem connecting to media. The only women around are very young or very old and their main defining feature is usually motherhood."
They say as the protagonists of RWBY are women who are very young.
"A lot of the time if there is a military high ranking female character or just female leader that is masculine or butch she will be the villain to be defeated by the traditionally feminine or at least more feminine heroine/love interest of the hero."
Oh, military being evil is just a trope in of itself. You should be familiar with it because you like to bring up a certain someone who fits that trope to a T over and over:
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Wonder why he gets shit.
I'm going to pause and heavily commend I Am A Fan for bringing up the overuse of the term Mary Sue and how it's now used as a phrase to shut down any female protagonist who just happens to be just a little too much in the screen time, especially given its ironic origin being that it was to parody the "I get into Starfleet, befriend literally everyone, and then tragically die" trope that cropped up in several Star Trek zines.
There's a lot of debate with Rey and the sequels, but we'll leave that for another day. All I will say though is that holy shit, the defense for Rey here is top notch, especially that part where they compare Rey's handling of weapons to Luke's handling of weapons.
A lot of the post starting from when they criticize the overuse of Mary Sue is actually a really solid read and I recommend you giving it a look, even if you don't agree with what they say.
That said, it comes crashing down over to here:
"You heard of The Bechdel test: Two women have to talk about something other than a man. There is no time window."
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Ignoring the fact that the Bachdel test isn't meant to be taken seriously (something that the linked page literally points out), RWBY failed this test numerous times.
Ruby: (putting the pamphlet away) Yeah! Great idea, sis! (holding out her hand as she clears her throat) Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies! Weiss: (seemingly enthusiastic) Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!
That's just the straight up example. "But Psyga, she was being sarcastic!". Okay. Well, the condition is that they have to be talking about a man and not specifically someone they're dating, so pick your poison with these two Bumblebee exchanges. One has them talking about two men!!!
Blake: I had someone very dear to me change. [...] you're not him. And you've never done anything like this before. So... I want to trust you. I will trust you. But first, I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me that he attacked you. I need you to promise me that you regret having to do what you did. Yang: (wipes her eyes of tears, then says as calmly as possible) I saw him attack me, so I attacked back.
Yang: Do you… (loud exhale) Do you think we should've told Ironwood about Salem, before he put so much on the line for Amity? Blake: Sounds like you do. Yang: (sighs) I trust Ruby, but I think he deserves to know what he's stepping into. We all did.
But you wanna know the most batshit insane part? Stretch the definition, and you can have RWBY fail this test first try.
Glynda: I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young lady. You put yourself and others in great danger. Ruby: [Roman and his gang] started it! Glynda: If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back... (she notices Ruby's smile) ...And a slap on the wrist. (she demonstrates with her riding crop, which Ruby barely avoids as she gives out an "Eeek!) But... [Ozpin] would like to meet you.
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Like, I would bring up that Rick and Morty pointed out how it's not meant to be taken seriously, but then I remembered it's called Rick and Morty and not Rikki and Morticia, so it might not even be in I Am A Fan's radar.
"Go watch RWBY or Legend of Korra. Both involve a deconstruction of tropes. Both involve women standing up against an authority that demands respect based on being authority, not based on respect. Both shut down the white male savior trope so hard, that men and women who love the patriarchy despise both shows."
What they don't tell you is that the "standing up against authority" bit in RWBY only lasts for two Volumes and it ends up making the main character's deep-rooted depression outright suicidal because their actions in doing so had lasting consequences to their psyche. Not to mention that up until Volume 6, they had been following the instructions of authority.
A straight white male one at that who in Volume 4 went into the body of a person of color and has to possess him in order to continue giving instructions. And that's when the girls start to question his authority and even yell at him. If that's not fucking yikes, I don't know what is.
Korra's standing against authority is more "let the bad guys depose the authority and then we'll clean up the mess" but that's neither here nor there.
Also, I don't think adding a fe in front of male counts as shutting down the white male savior trope.
But of course, anything that Team RWBY or Korra does is immediately held to a double standard and ripped into for anything that they do NOT because they’re flawed or because of writing decisions. Its because they’re LGBT women that they’re held under a microscope.
No, it's because people explored the long-standing consequences of their actions and what it means for upending society as a whole. I haven't been in the Legend of Korra discourse but I definitely know the discourse of RWBY to know that them being LGBT has nothing to do with them getting criticized.
In fact, two of the four girls aren't even LGBT in the first place and the other two are B but you keep denying that and call them L.
Or have you noticed that every fixit fanfic for both series involves defending the Patriarchy while supporting toxic masculinity and trying to revive the White Male Savior trope that both shows have tried so hard to bury six feet under?
Have you noticed that RWBY involves four girls defending the patriarchy while supporting toxic masculinity and trying to revive the White Male Savior trope that it ironically tried to bury six feet under?
Because after Volume 3, the plot is about them going from Kingdom to Kingdom and protecting the Academies, which the last King of Vale had essentially turned into castles to house powerful relics.
When all four of these relics are gathered, they summon two brothers who will pass judgement onto mankind and are seen as, so far, one of the only ways to truly deal with the true threat of Salem, i.e. they are the white male saviors.
Despite being even more trigger happy and axe crazy than Volume 8!Ironwood.
And just to show just how much of a tangent I Am A Fan's post is... That's the very last paragraph. Do you see why I call them FNDM-GPT?
EDIT: This motherfucker reposted this from March! https://iamafanofcartoons.tumblr.com/post/711784852348878848/we-need-to-address-how-media-and-media-critics
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lakesbian · 1 year
ok my brain Definitely isn't going to sop in any words if i try reading so i went back up to the start of 1.7 and i'll try later but here's my present scan of the blake thorburn psychological complex. he's, as we have previously covered on the pact time hour, a guy who is sooo distressed by not having clear bodily autonomy & physical + psychological identity--due both to previously discussed prior traumas, i.e homelessness, presumed prometheus event*, generally shitty childhood &c + previous & currently encroaching consumption/erasure of his identity by family legacy/by what he's 'supposed to be' under that legacy (rose?). and he responds to this matter by aggressively bolstering the identity he has constructed for himself--cf. 'would literally rather bleed than not shave and fail to maintain his physical identity.' i think when he says all this:
“There were worse days.  Days I’m probably never going to talk to you about.  Or tell anyone about, even if some people close to me maybe put some of the puzzle pieces together.  I’m not aiming for pity here, I don’t want it.  I don’t want to use this for leverage to win an argument.  What I was going to say was that I’ve been through stuff, before any of this, and I made it this far with my instincts.  I can’t and won’t abandon them.”
there is obviously the surface level train of thought he has going here that's "i'm only alive because of my own instincts and my own ability to take care of myself" -> "i can only rely on myself because i'm the only one i can trust to have my back" -> "i would be abandoning my only protection if i didn't rely solely upon myself unless i have literally no choice but to request help." but i think there's also a deeper facet to his control issues where he views giving up any inch of his autonomy over his own decision-making as abandoning an aspect of himself (the language 'abandon' is used!), as allowing his identity to be eroded by forces beyond his control. hence why he's like "Please please for the love of fucking god compromise with me" & then thinks "compromise" means "you compromise by agreeing to do exactly what I want and I compromise by undergoing the mortifying ordeal of having experienced slight resistance to my idea." this is not the first time he's steamrolled over rose because he perceives having to answer to another person wrt his decisions abt his own safety as a threat to his identity & it will not be the last ♥
from, like, the gender aspect of things, i imagine rose is used to being trampled over by men who are very deeply convinced they Know Better, and blake is very used to being a guy who thinks he knows what's best for him + cannot possibly trust anyone else to know. they're both in a situation where if the decisions they make as a team aren't right they're both kicking the bucket (or experiencing something Worse than kicking the bucket), but blake is very materially the one with more power & final decision-making capability, which sucks for him and sucks even more for rose. i'd say that i think tensions are going to keep rising over it, but i actually think it's more likely that it's just going to result in blake doing something which engenders Dire Consequences for him before the tension can reach a boiling point. rose's assessment that there's no room to fuck around and find out without Bad Things Happening is accurate--the horrors are not going to politely wait for him to sort his shit out.
anyway. tl;dr the fact that he is literally psychologically incapable of tolerating someone fairly calmly critiquing an action he took after the fact--not even stopping him from doing it, because she can't, but just critiquing it--means that he is going to continue having a bad time hanging out with her, a badder time making reasonable decisions (two heads are better than one and he is only using the one), and a baddest time experiencing the consequences of his actions
hmm. actually talked myself into having an alright understanding of the start of the chapter. fine i'll keep reading
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sapphicdib · 1 year
You have my interest in your damn hands so I will give more asks cause I am loving this au of yours. How absolutely horrified must Moon feel watching Sig and Pebbs just slowly lose themselves (also Sig's snapped neck), and most importantly..does Pebbs rot travel succesfully :)?
WAH YAY THANK U FOR LOVING IT!!! I’m so happy that ppl find this interesting and it’s been so fun to answer asks !!! I’m putting this under a readmore cuz it gets a bit dark towards the end, (plus it’s really long and i don’t wanna clog the dash) BUT THANK U!!!!
Now that I’m not drunk I can now provide art too!! I realized about 50% of the way thru this drawing it’s basically that “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just wanna go ape shit?” meme LMFAOOO
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Moon is incredibly horrified. She was so happy when she noticed Pebbles’ overseer in Sig’s can more and more often, her brother and girlfriend are actually getting along? Working together? Shes been trying to get them to quit bickering pretty much since Pebbles was put online, this is great! Unfortunately they were working on some pretty fucked shit and by the time she found out it was too late.
Unlike Suns, she isn’t angry at them for going to such drastic measures. She knows it was an incredibly fucking stupid thing to do, and was kind of selfish as it’s now affecting everyone, but she almost understands. Almost. If anyone in the local group is going to be convinced to “join them”, it would be Moon. And that’s Not Good when she’s the local group senior!
Like in game, she is incredibly stubborn and hell bent on talking them down with words rather than by force. Her kindness will once again be to her detriment, and by the time she puts her foot down, it’s pretty much too late. And she’s tired. I haven’t solidly figured out the ending yet, but she either stalls and stalls on breaking the bridge between her and Pebbles until it’s too late and the rot spreads (hmm, wonder if that was intentional or not?), breaks the bridge and has to watch her partner and brother crumble, or accept Sig’s offer, which is looking more and more appealing as the cycles go by. Watching this play out is horrifying, perhaps if she joins them she’ll eventually become a mindless husk too, incapable of remembering/processing the pain that the situation is causing her?
The WORST part is that Sig and Pebbles never try to hurt her. Sure, they LOOK scary and say creepy things, but never, not once, do they lay a hand on her (at least violently, Sig still hugs her and holds her until it’s pretty much impossible for him to do so). Even with Suns, when Sig grabs him before they break her neck, it was a gesture more of [shaking his shoulders to get them to think clearly] rather than an attempt to hurt Suns, though Suns didnt to see it that way (through no fault of their own, I mean, Sig looks terrifying). Suns avoids Pebbles for the most part but if they did visit him, Pebbles would be kind to them. Pretty much until the end there is still a piece of them shining through, that’s loyal to their friends, that has convinced themselves that “this is the best way and I want my friends to be free like me too”.
I still haven’t decided what Moon (or Suns, or Wind, or Innocence, etc) are going to do in the end, but honestly every single outcome has such a wonderful amount of angst >:3c so we’ll see!
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Sparks Fly (Aleksander/Alina)
Summary: Alina goes to the Darkling when she feels unsure of her abilities. He reassures her, and along the way, proves that everyone has weaknesses, even him. (This fic is based in SHOW canon, because I have only read a bit of Shadow and Bone. I know that in the books, the Darkling does not go by his real first name, but in the show, he does, so I went with that approach. Also, I know this ship is ~controversial~ but please do not come at me angrily for writing this. I think exploring the dynamic of a toxic yet canon ship is fun, and they are simply both sexy so it is fun to write them. Anyway, enough disclaimers. Enjoy!)
A day of training had left Alina exhausted, and feeling slightly defeated. How was she to live up to the standards of being the Sun Summoner, when she could barely control her powers? She was shit at hand-to-hand combat as well, always having been a tiny scrap of a girl, back in the orphanage and into her teenage years. With the other kids, she had learned to fight dirty. Letter-openers, rocks, or words usually did the trick against petty children, but she was a woman now, and she was joining a war she felt she had no business fighting in.
Alina felt like a lost cause. She could tell that some of the other Grisha agreed. They looked at her with amusement or disdain. It actually felt worse when some looked at her with hope. It was scarier to let someone down than to never be liked at all, in her opinion.
She had retired to her room for the evening, but found herself restless and unable to sleep, despite the soreness and fatigue settling into her bones. So, she pulled on her robe and began to pace the halls of the Palace, pretending to wander despite knowing exactly where she was heading.
She came to his door, and only allowed herself to consider turning back for a second before she knocked.
“Come in,” a deep voice responded, and Alina pushed open the door and found Aleksander sitting in his study, head buried in a book. When he looked up, his expression softened.
“Are you alright?” he asked immediately.
“Yes,” she replied. “Well, other than the fact that I can’t sleep, nor can I summon light or throw a punch.”
Aleksander placed his book down with a chuckle. “You have only been training for a short while. Most of the Grisha you are surrounded by have been taught to use their powers from a young age. It may take you some time to catch up, but once you do, you will be more powerful than all of them combined.”
Alina shrugged. “If you say so,” she said. “I’m sorry to bother you so late, over something so silly.”
“I was awake anyway, and it is not silly to feel discouraged. If I can help in any way, I’d like to. Please, come sit with me.”
Alina did as he said, robe gliding across the floor as she strode towards him, sitting in a chair beside his desk. “I just feel like everyone here is so strong. Baghra, Genya, Zoya, you…It’s like you have no weakness, just power and confidence.”
“Everyone has weaknesses,” Aleksander replied. “Some are just better at hiding it.”
Alina scoffed. “Please. I have watched you slice a man into pieces with a flick of your wrist. What possible weakness could you have?”
“Well, perhaps my optimism could be seen as one,” he said. “Or my fierce protectiveness over my fellow Grisha. Some would argue that caring so much for a group of people, or even just one person, can be a weakness.” When he said ‘one person’, his eyes fixed on her face.
Flushing under his gaze, Alina sighed. “Well, those are better than a complete incapability of controlling your own power.”
“You do have control, you just need to practice.”
“And what if I practice, and practice, and nothing ever comes of it? What if everyone is wrong about me?” she asked, her voice rising with a touch of panic.
Aleksander stood and made his way towards her, one hand reaching to take her chin and tilt it up, forcing her to look at him. “I am not wrong about you. The moment you lit up that tent, I knew who you were. You are the Sun Summoner, my opposite and my equal. I have had years to master my craft. After a bit of time, you will do the same, and you will help me destroy the Fold and reunite Ravka. I have never been more sure of anything.”
His dark eyes stared into hers, and for the first time since she had arrived at the Little Palace, Alina felt a surge of confidence flow through her, warming her skin. His touch had always helped her abilities blossom, and she could practically feel the light pulsing in her veins.
“Thank you,” she said, voice soft. “There is no need to thank me,” he replied.
It had been a week since he had last pressed his lips to hers, and since, they had kept their relationship distant. There was something magnetic between them, though, and Alina found it hard to stay away. No wonder her feet had brought her right to his door that evening, desperate to see him, to touch him like she had been dreaming of.
His fingers still rested beneath her chin, and he coaxed her closer, pulling her onto her feet and leaning down to kiss her. The expression of sparks flying had always seemed silly to her, but with Aleksander, it was literal. Little flecks of golden light leapt off of her as they kissed, and she smiled against his lips.
Moments later, she found herself sat on the edge of his desk, him standing between her legs as they kissed fervently, ignoring the sound of crinkling papers and pens clattering to the floor.
One of his hands caressed her jaw while the other held her lower back, but Alina’s hands seemed to wander. Without his normal attire of the thick kefta, she could feel the heat of his skin, the muscles flexing in his arms, the heartbeat racing in his chest.
She ran her fingers through his black hair and down the side of his neck, and paused the touch curiously when he seemed to shiver, leaning away from the sensation rather than keening into it as she did with each of his movements. Alina repeated the action, and Aleksander huffed something like a stifled laugh into her mouth, making her pull back with a grin.
“Have I discovered another weakness of yours, General?” she asked, flirtatious and teasing.
His eyes narrowed, although she felt no fear when he stared at her with such intensity. “Don’t you dare,” was all he responded with.
She didn’t listen. Her fingers darted down to his sides and gave them a squeeze, and she felt the violent twitch his body gave, and heard the soft grunt he made instead of giving into laughter.
“Who would have thought you were ticklish?” Alina teased.
Aleksander gritted his teeth and grasped for her wrists. She only managed to evade him for a short while, poking erratically at his torso. A small laugh slipped out before he successfully grabbed her, pushing her back against the desk with a predatory grin on his face.
“Curiosity and persistence can be a strength, but you have just begun a dangerous game,” he practically whispered, voice low and rough. “Now, I’m much more interested in finding your physical weak spots than any other.”
With wide eyes and a smile of anticipation already curling on her lips, Alina didn’t have a response to that. She knew she was quite ticklish, from a childhood full of rough-housing with Mal, but she had spent most of her life winning those playful fights. Now, she feels helpless, but not in a bad way. Aleksander has a way of making vulnerability feel safe.
His hands were large, with calloused fingers and a strong grip, and one stayed wrapped around her wrist while the other descended to tease her stomach through her nightdress, and giggles bubbled in her throat and spilled from her lips before he had truly begun.
Her nighttime worries had vanished entirely, and she suspected she would sleep well after he had tired her out, whether from laughter or something else, although she wouldn’t be complaining either way. All she knew was that he had managed to make her feel better, and she was actually looking forward to training with Baghra in the morning.
Alina figured that not all weaknesses were inherently bad, especially when they were exploited by someone you cared for so deeply.
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rat-prophetess · 1 year
wow. i guess i rly don't get it. i get most other things i can think of except martyrs
oh that is absolutely 100% fair. It’s incredibly specific, and it’s my favorite film but I’ve only ever recommended it to one (1) person irl haha.
I think the thing is that most people who watch it think that it’s just torture porn and, I mean, fair, but I think it’s a love story. Like I think the reason I latched into it so hard is that it’s about human connection even when the world contains nothing but relentless, unbearable suffering. It’s a queer(!) love story about how love doesn’t have to be reciprocated to be real, and the capacity to love someone unconditionally is something to hold onto when there’s nothing else. Even if it can’t save you or stop what’s happening around you, it’s still important.
And I think it’s an exceptionally good representation of trauma and doesn’t shy away from portraying the way certain things can fuck you up irreversibly. Which sounds fatalistic and cruel, but it’s also true, and it’s reassuring for someone to admit that.
Like, whatever that quote is about how horror is there to “disturb the comforted and comfort the disturbed” comes down to the fact that a lot of horror movies can be boiled down to “sometimes awful things can happen to people who don’t deserve them for no reason and they can’t be prevented”. And if you’re a person who’s had a pretty ok life so far, that sounds like a threat; but if you’re someone who’s gone through a lot of shit, especially at a young age, that can sound like “it wasn’t your fault, there was nothing you could have done about it, and you’re not responsible for deriving some kind of meaning from it”, you know?
(And I’m not saying that everyone who has trauma loves horror, that everyone who loves horror has trauma, or any related corollaries lol. Two of my best friends have PTSD, one of them watched Martyrs with me and the other one hates anything scary and loves cartoons and those are both 100% valid.)
Also just on a meta level, it’s weirdly reassuring to me that the writer/director was suicidal depressed (shocked pikachu face) and despite/because of that managed to create this extremely beautiful piece of art that made me feel less alone.
Anyway sorry that was more than I meant to write and less coherent bc I just woke up but thank you for coming to my ted talk!! I am actually incapable of shutting up about my special interests so please do not feel obliged to read All That
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camirazone · 1 year
Fellas, I have a unique conundrum.
Okay, well, maybe it’s not THAT unique, but I thought “well tumblr has a bunch of smart people and I’m not very smart so I could use the help” so uh
You know how people have like, art block and whatnot? Well, I’m kind of the opposite. I am unable to stop making art of whatever I feel like, when I’m done with one piece I will immediately get to work on another.
This isn’t even like a job thing either, I’m just constantly wanting to draw something regardless of how my back feels and how strained my eyes after like 10 continuous hours of making stupid shit or how I’m probably wearing out all my stuff as a result. While it’s nice to be getting out of an (at the time) 4 month long art block god I am physically incapable of taking a break, only really taking short breaks to get food and talk with family and sorta exist for a little while before I head back into the grindset of “no i HAVE to finish this right now or i will perish”
(it being artfight season does not make those matters better for once i’m glad the site crashes a lot because it makes me have to hold off on the grindset for a while)
The thing is, unlike before I just can’t seem to feel burnout. Some things I don’t finish but just feel like making anyways (which I’m pretty sure that’s fine) but like damn.
I think this stuff might be a result of my meds I’ve been taking since April (which is when my sigma grindset began), and now I’ve had to take like 3 anxiety pills before I go to bed so I’m sure that definitely helps slow down my creative drive (if only this trait of mine would apply to ACTUAL life skills i need like actually being able to talk to real ass people)
this probably also has something to do with AuDHD but I don’t feel like jumping to conclusions it’s 1 am
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penelopecruzcoded · 10 months
so tired of being a 24/7 caretaker for dogs. if it’s not something with one dog, it’s the other, if it’s not the other it’s the third, and i didn’t even sign up to have anything to do with the third, but of course that shit falls on me too. it’s such a shitty (pun fully and literally intended) situation to be in, i have had it up to here with being a piss mopper and shit cleaner. like at this point i just don’t know what i did to deserve it, is this some kind of past life karma or what? i know there’s people who have to deal with far worse, who deal with homelessness and all other kinds of godawfulness but here i am complaining anyway because i literally, quite literally, cannot handle this shit. i sometimes find myself wishing some swift and fatal illness will wipe out every single one of these bastards, and it’s such a terrible thing to think i then feel like a piece of shit for even thinking that. i don’t actually want that of course, in some ideal world an uber rich person with dedicated dog carers would adopt them all and then we could all breathe easy and be happy. no one should ever take on something that they can’t care for, and i can’t help but feel most days that both of these dogs were put upon me, with zero input from me, and then i just had to go on and deal with that. a puppy is honest to god the most terrible gift you could give to someone, even if you know they want it. i was so burned out in 2019 when i came back from the uk that all i wanted was some rest, i guarantee that if my input was considered or if i was asked hey, you want a puppy? i would have said no, i can’t handle one right now, no thank you. i would’ve been so much better off if they had just handed me $400 in cash and called it a day, my god. but the person who gifted it to me was in a deep and toxic relationship with a covert narcisssist and this was just one more routine grandiose gesture they banded together to pull off, regardless of what the gift recipient felt about it. they were so proud of themselves too, they talked for weeks and months on and on how they pulled off that surprise. and then there’s my sister who, without any communication whatsoever just expects me to take care of her geriatric ass dog who sticks to me like a disease and refuses to leave my side. a solution in the form of a hired caretaker for them sounds excessive to some, maybe, but honestly? the hours upon hours needed to be put in to make sure these dogs are fed, walked, exercised, played with, groomed, bathed, their emotional needs met, their piss mopped and their shit cleaned, their water bowls scrubbed and their beds dusted of hair? it’s a full time fucking job. i’ve lost nights crying about this and i don’t think i have any more in me to feel that way about it. i’m just emotionally dead about it now, or wishing for my own death from time to time, lol. it’s just such a burden to place on a person with severe cptsd and depression and fatigue, to take on all of this, and they don’t understand at all. they don’t understand any of it. they are capable and able and to them it’s a piece of cake, but it’s not to me!! and i’m the one struggling, drowning. i understand now why people drive off cliffs with a car full of their children. sometimes they become a burden beyond measure. i don’t know if i’m the world’s most incapable degenerate, but this shit sure makes me feel like it. makes me feel like half my life has been wasted on this shit. and then i just wanna kill myself again, lmao.
there’s literally no solution either, which makes it all the more maddening. no solution unless i left the country and they’d be someone else’s problem then, not mine. and i want to, so badly, to leave this country, to go anywhere at this fucking point, anywhere at all, i’m not even picky. let me travel endlessly and never stop anywhere. i don’t care. i just need money for that which i don’t have. i need to somehow find it in me to bust my ass and work until i have all that money. i literally need to secure my own escape, because nothing else will solve this problem. i’m so glad i at least don’t fucking have kids. lives that are dependent on you are such a goddamn burden. the biggest burden of all.
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firecrackerhh · 7 months
Like I’m not gonna act like I’m some Viv stan or whatever, I don’t think Viv is some flawless human being or whatever but good god the hate mob against her is so ridiculous I barely have it in me to bother with most criticisms of her, like there’s ways to criticize a person without sounding morally righteous about it or outright condemning her very existence like she’s the literal antichrist but fuck man I just don’t have it in me to care.
It only bothers me so much when people talk shit cus I have such a low tolerance for bullshit as it is. I’m certainly not gonna tolerate it over something I enjoy.
It’s so obvious to actual fans that the shit people bitch at her about is so fucking ridiculous it blows my mind that people are so willing to be fucking retarded about someone just because they want fucking internet points. Like goddamn it’s not like the people who reblog this shit bother to ask the workers at Spindle how they feel working there, the people who didn’t like working there barely have any evidence as is, and yet you’re more likely to listen to the people bitching just to satisfy your fucking hate boner?
Fucking pathetic, honest to god.
They fucking bitch at her about shit she’s done fucking years ago and already fucking apologized for and these shit-for-brains have the gall to wonder why the fuck fans of the show don’t care what they have to say? They wonder why we act so defensive? It’s not hard to see why!
Never mind the real fucking freaks who actively try to ruin her whole career, either out of jealousy or fucking spite. Good god you people need to touch grass. Viv won, die mad about it you cunts.
I especially can’t stand when some of these same people insinuate that we have to be pieces of shit if we like her stuff to begin with, like it’s a stain on our fucking character, fuck you! I don’t judge you for the shit you like.
The only one who can judge me is God and even then I don’t give af what He thinks either.
I just get so tired of the bullshit. How tf can people spread such obvious bullshit and be able to sleep at night? People like that are frankly fucking vermin to me. Sorry not sorry, I don’t respect liars or bullies or clout chasers or people so fucking retarded they’re truly incapable of fucking thinking for themselves. Pathetic. Grow the fuck up already.
Christ I’m already a fucking misanthrope but every fucking day I start thinking maybe Sweeney Todd was actually fucking right the whole time. This world is full of people full of shit alright.
But theirs no place like the internet.
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🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🧨🔥
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