sapphicnsh · 1 year
You have my interest in your damn hands so I will give more asks cause I am loving this au of yours. How absolutely horrified must Moon feel watching Sig and Pebbs just slowly lose themselves (also Sig's snapped neck), and most importantly..does Pebbs rot travel succesfully :)?
WAH YAY THANK U FOR LOVING IT!!! I’m so happy that ppl find this interesting and it’s been so fun to answer asks !!! I’m putting this under a readmore cuz it gets a bit dark towards the end, (plus it’s really long and i don’t wanna clog the dash) BUT THANK U!!!!
Now that I’m not drunk I can now provide art too!! I realized about 50% of the way thru this drawing it’s basically that “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just wanna go ape shit?” meme LMFAOOO
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Moon is incredibly horrified. She was so happy when she noticed Pebbles’ overseer in Sig’s can more and more often, her brother and girlfriend are actually getting along? Working together? Shes been trying to get them to quit bickering pretty much since Pebbles was put online, this is great! Unfortunately they were working on some pretty fucked shit and by the time she found out it was too late.
Unlike Suns, she isn’t angry at them for going to such drastic measures. She knows it was an incredibly fucking stupid thing to do, and was kind of selfish as it’s now affecting everyone, but she almost understands. Almost. If anyone in the local group is going to be convinced to “join them”, it would be Moon. And that’s Not Good when she’s the local group senior!
Like in game, she is incredibly stubborn and hell bent on talking them down with words rather than by force. Her kindness will once again be to her detriment, and by the time she puts her foot down, it’s pretty much too late. And she’s tired. I haven’t solidly figured out the ending yet, but she either stalls and stalls on breaking the bridge between her and Pebbles until it’s too late and the rot spreads (hmm, wonder if that was intentional or not?), breaks the bridge and has to watch her partner and brother crumble, or accept Sig’s offer, which is looking more and more appealing as the cycles go by. Watching this play out is horrifying, perhaps if she joins them she’ll eventually become a mindless husk too, incapable of remembering/processing the pain that the situation is causing her?
The WORST part is that Sig and Pebbles never try to hurt her. Sure, they LOOK scary and say creepy things, but never, not once, do they lay a hand on her (at least violently, Sig still hugs her and holds her until it’s pretty much impossible for him to do so). Even with Suns, when Sig grabs him before they break her neck, it was a gesture more of [shaking his shoulders to get them to think clearly] rather than an attempt to hurt Suns, though Suns didnt to see it that way (through no fault of their own, I mean, Sig looks terrifying). Suns avoids Pebbles for the most part but if they did visit him, Pebbles would be kind to them. Pretty much until the end there is still a piece of them shining through, that’s loyal to their friends, that has convinced themselves that “this is the best way and I want my friends to be free like me too”.
I still haven’t decided what Moon (or Suns, or Wind, or Innocence, etc) are going to do in the end, but honestly every single outcome has such a wonderful amount of angst >:3c so we’ll see!
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spinchs-field · 1 year
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Vash and Milly t4t friends 5ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[id: a digital drawing of Vash the Stampede and Milly Thompson from Trigun. they are standing next to each other with wide stances and both are holding up a peace sign. Vash is winking and smiling, Milly is smiling with her eyes closed. they’re coloured in pink, blue, and white. above them is “Love & Peace” written in all caps, with the “o” in “love” being the trans symbol. the “love” is coloured with the gay pride colours, and the “peace” is coloured with the lesbian pride colours. /end id]
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advice for you based on your favourite pasta
Jeff- Are you excited about the When We Were Young festival? I hope Dan and Phil come out with the gay flag and kiss just for you <3. How are your anger issues? Playing your music at volume 100 isn’t a substitute for therapy. Please go hug someone babe, having Jeff as your favorite in 2023 means you definitely need it. 
Ben- I just know you’re funny, like your friends fucking love you. Either play video games or have a creative hobby. Ben stans are literally the best. Probably have awesome taste in music. My advice for you? It’s okay if you aren’t the happy one all the time, you aren’t a robot babe <3
Jack- I get academic overachiever vibes from you, like, you’re smart, and you know you’re smart. You probably read and have a letterboxd account. You’re effortlessly cool, and probably hot, but it’s okay to fail sometimes, you don’t have to be perfect <3
Toby- Hello mentally ill gay people no im jk all of you are mentally ill and gay its the creepypasta fandom lolz. You probably feel like you’re really annoying and cope via having Toby as your comfort character. Either you’ve been in therapy since you were twelve or you need to go. Try and prioritise yourself babe <3
Helen- ITS OKAY TO DO THINGS ALONE!!!!! You probably feel insecure about your lack of friends, or you feel like your social life sucks. Doing things alone is okay, it doesn’t make you a loser. You probably like art, and you’re probably fucking great at it. Don’t compare yourself to anyone babe <3
Liu- Do you have family trauma and/or feel like you’re gonna be alone for the rest of your life? Yeah checks out. Spend more time with people, I promise they aren't all bad. Go pet a dog, stand in the sunshine. Life is great sometimes <3
Jane- psst… it's okay to let your guard down. Idk if you knew that, but here I am telling you anyway. You’re a bad bitch, I know. You’re hot, I know. But not everyone wants to hurt you. Also, stop trying to take care of everyone around you <3
Nina- you probably got/get bullied for being different. I think its hot that you’re different. Sure, you belong in a 2007 scene meet-up and i’m sorry you aren’t there rn, but you have SO MANY secret admirers. Keep being you babe, don’t change for anyone <3
Clockwork- okay i’m just gonna say it. Sometimes being mean to people and pushing them away is a bad coping mechanism. I am saying this because I have the same coping mechanisms. We are the same. Please for the love of god stop clenching your jaw and let your guard down!!! <3
Sally- Either you’re one of the younger fans or you have serious trauma. You can’t go to places or listen to certain songs without wanting to throw up. Your hands are burning from holding onto your inner child so tightly. Hang in there, it’s gonna get better <3
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Camp Counselor Ethan Hcs🤭
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Warnings ⚠️ swearing, drinking, suggestive comments, no gf, children 👎🏾 fem!reader
This man LOVES being a counselor and as his s/o he ropes you and everyone else into helping that following summer
He’s in charge of the shyer kids because they feel more comfortable with him (and he used to be one)
Chad and Ethan’s cabins are right next to each other and if he’s not with you he’s with Chad (since he isn’t so hellbent on stabbing Chad)
LOVES TUG OF WAR WITH CHADS CABIN gets slightly over competitive
He’s making sure his cabin is going ALL out for color wars
Unfortunately you guys are on opposite sides of the camp and it’s not a long walk but being so far🙄 makes him touch starved and horny
He doesn’t know it until you or Mindy says something but all the 12 year old girls have the biggest crushes on him but he’s so unaware of it. (This would’ve been me at camp lolz)
When you guys tell him he gets beet red in shock.
When it’s arts and crafts time he always makes sure his group is sitting next yours
when he notices one of his campers crushing on yours he takes upon himself to help the little fella out (he also uses it to spend time with you)
He likes most of the other counselors
Especially if they swapped with him so you two could spend time together
But he really just likes hanging with the kids and listening to their stories
“.And Tommy started talking about his hot wheel collection and apparently he’s got this collection of rare ones”
Also LOVES camper drama
Him and Annika love debriefing each other
Campers are very shocked when they learn you two are dating (this is early in the summer)
When the campers see the look he gives you as you get off lifeguard duty or lake time with your girls
They try harder to push you two together but when you guys realize you just play into it
“ yeah girls you’re right Ethan is kindaaaa cute”
“Idk guys I DO think Y/n/n is very pretty”
When you guys do canoeing he’s always your partner
“ETH BABE YOURE GONNA FLIP US” (this is how they “figure” it out)
“Yeah Counselor Y/N called Ethan BABE”
The campers love the two of you
But mainly him- he’s always getting small drawings or projects from kids and he always keeps them
LOVES leading nature courses and talking about bugs
This man LOVES S’mores probably his favorite treat (he’s definitely the type to burn the marshmallow) that’s actually me self projecting lolz
Okay suggestive/NSFW warning
He’s obviously a guy and going a WHOLE two months is a lot and seeing you gets him riled up regardless
Those looks during Lifeguard duty weren’t sweet loving ones (they were but also 😈 lol)
He loves seeing you tan with your girls and lies down in front of you if it’s a lake and lays on his stomach so he can get a “good view of the campers” good view of your chest
During Counselor Night he keeps you on his lap by the bonfire while you both sip on Alcohol that was snuck in
You guys sneak off and fuck in the woods GOODBYE
he brought a blanket incase he got lucky
He got lucky and thank goodness because he would’ve exploded
Cannot help staring if you’re wearing shorts
And Chad teases him about this (but then Tara walks by)
Get jealous if other counselors flirt with you this may or may not lead to steamy makeouts behind trees
One morning he surprised you on the cabin porch for a makeout session and accidentally moaned too loud causing some of your campers to wake up (he pulled away in time but was hurt his noises cut your time short)
If you guys sneak off during Color wars a nosy camper HAS to ask why there’s red face paint on him and blue on you
Chad and Ethan smoke behind their Cabins at night and talk about you and Tara
Loves doing physical labor near you so you get riled up as much a he is
A/N: I feel like I wrote too much lol but hope you like Pt.2?
Also this is inspired by Murdrdocs go check theirs out!!
Also please request I’m so bored when I’m not writing
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molinaesque · 7 months
On the topic of Raphael and him "being bad in bed".
Okay I'm only ever going to talk about this at length once and then never again. I've been avoiding talking about it until now because bringing it up always just seems to keep this topic in circles and it becomes an endless pit of nothing.
First of all, I know most of the time (like maybe 70% of the time) it's for the lolz. I get it. Hell, Raphael fans will be the FIRST to quip about this.
For those taking it seriously one way or another... It becomes such old hat VERY fast.
Those who use it as a jab towards Raphael havers are... Kinda dumb. Because it's like... Okay, and? You act as if somehow negates the entirety of his character somehow just because "HAR HAR HANDSOME DEVIL MAN IS BAD AT SEX" and it's so... vapid and boring? Also it seems a lot of people keep thinking "bad at sex" = JUST that he finishes too fast and nothing else but they seem to forget that the player character came up with that insult on the spot (rather than seeing it as a commentary about his pure selfishness and where it stems from). Haarlep is also a bias source. There's a semblance of resentment from them AND they're a damn incubus. EVERYONE'S terrible in bed in comparison (have you seen Tav? Little shit just lays there like a sack of potatoes during the Haarlep scene). This isn't me saying "Oh it means Raphael is terrific in bed because Haarlep's word cannot be trusted". HELL, no. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm saying "okay... What can I glean from that set of information?"
I feel like this goes for Raphael havers too who have this conversation. I feel like many tend to fall into this trap of odd desparity when they realise that "oh no our magnificent hot man is bad at sex" and somehow treat it as if it's forever a caveat and somehow negates the ENTIRETY of Raphael as a complex character. My first reaction when I got this information during House of Hope was laughing and then going "mmm that's so interesting and adds such a great layer to this already amazing character. Where else can I take this to". In fact, House of Hope as a quest does SO much in adding all these tidbits that make Raphael not just another boring, all knowing, god like, ineffible character. It made me love and appreciate his character even MORE. instead of going in circles and lamenting in how this is somehow "the worst thing ever", I think it's way more fun to explore it and delve into where the root of his narcissism and self esteem issues come from. The dichotomy and complexes of his character. There's SO much to talk about there and yet we're still just stuck on "haha devil man is a bottom and bad in bed" (which is another ridiculous thing btw because people seem to misconstrue bottoms as JUST being submissive. Y'all need to be more open minded 😂).
Apologies if this came off as ranty/condescending maybe. But it's coming from someone who's just minding her own business but have to see a variation of that line CONSTANTLY in the notes/tags on my art/gif posts and as I said... It gets so old REALLY fast. Like please be more imaginative than this, I beg of you. 😭
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suseagull04 · 26 days
happy friday morgan!! 💚
a ficlet friday prompt for ya: barbecue firstprince (and if someone beat me to that one i'll take chocolate lolz)
Happy Friday Mel!
I told myself these would be 100 words... Instead, you get almost 300, because getting in Henry's head is just too easy for me 🙈 I'm only just now realizing this takes place in the movie verse- hope that's okay!
Henry has never quite gotten what the fuss is all about, if he's being perfectly honest. 
What can he say, though? When Alex begs him to try barbecue while they're at his father's lake house, he can't possibly say no- not when Alex is looking at him like that, batting those long eyelashes of his, the master of the puppy pout. (According to June, he's been skilled in that particular art form since he came out of the womb). 
So Henry loads up his plate with ribs and pulled pork, cornbread and macaroni and cheese. As he pours sweet barbeque sauce over the pork, Alex laughs at him, but Henry just shrugs. It's just Alex being a menace, after all- nothing new by any means. 
There's something about being here, the wide open spaces, eating food from Alex's home state, that makes Henry feel more free than he has since… well, since his dad passed, if he's being honest. 
It's that and a little liquid courage that have him jumping up on the stage, belting out Queen lyrics he's known by heart for years, nodding his head to the beat as he sings, the crowd going wild, likely because just enough of them have finally realized who he is. For once, the loss of his anonymity doesn't bother him in the slightest. He's not sure if it's the alcohol or Alex's gorgeous face cheering him on in the crowd, his eyes saying things Henry knows he feels too. 
They're in way over their heads, and Henry has no idea how to stop it- and, to be frank, doesn't know if he wants to. 
Only time, he supposes, will tell.
Send me a ficlet Friday prompt and I'll see what I can come up with!
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creepypasta-darling · 10 months
Hcs about crps Julius and Killian are closest friends with? What things would they do hanging out? Favorite places to go? Thank you💙🖤
I kind of already went into Julius' friendships so this post will mostly be Killian, but I'd also like to say that the people that they mutually like, they hang out together with.
The post about Julius meeting/befriending the creeps: here
Killian Friendship Headcanons
I believe that when it comes to friendships, Killian is less intrigued with people he genuinely likes and more intrigued with who he can use the most. When you get stuck in that mindset, it's hard to break out of.
This would be the more quiet, obedient Housemates. Nurse Ann, X-Virus, and Suicide Sadie. He likes to mess with Nurse Ann, making her uncomfortable, but her never really pinpointing why.
I do believe, however, Killian also likes people who has differential opinions to his. He values learning and debates, so people who know when to stand their ground makes him more likely to be interested in listening.
Of course, this means the more powerful people in life, usually the people outside of the mansion. Puppeteer, Vine, and Candy Pop to name a few.
Killian really likes to hang around Puppeteer, and Puppeteer likes to hang around Killian. They both feed off of each other's negative energy, and both will try to egg the other on.
I would say if he got close to people, however, he would end up being really good friends with Clockwork, Nathan the Nobody, or Judge Angels. People who suffered abuse similar to his, and being able to talk about it, is something he keeps most private about himself. If he opened up to anyone, I can definitely see it being them. Also it would be a kind of butterfly effect, all the damage he's done returns to reflect on him.
That's all hypothetical, though. And probably will never happen.
He is DEFINATELY friends with Laughing Jack, whether he wants to or not. And He'd see LJ and Jason around Julius's shop all the time.
But I do believe Killian is more of an explorer, of sorts. He'd go to museums and art galleries to see Helen, go to pubs and meet with Frankie or Puppeteer, and just hang around outside apartment complexes and follow people in and out of them.
I think if he had a best friend who was a creep, however, it would be none of those people. I believe if he truly got to know them, it would be Jeff. Loud, abrasive, opinionated Jeff. I can see them hanging out often, going from pub to club, separating groups of people so they can kill, and doing enough drugs to put them both in a coma. And because he would be best friends with Jeff, he'd be best friends with BEN.
BEN, how the hell do you explain him? Impulsive and spontaneous, however cautious and calculated. I think that BEN would be a reflection of Killian in a lot of ways. (I also headcanon BEN has a pothead, so that's cool I guess.)
I also believe that Killian at heart is a prankster, it's a common trait that the demons have. So being best friends with BEN would always keep him on his toes. They'd go back and forth trying to win one over each other, like a frat house always hazing. It's the best way the spend time when you got all of eternity.
If he truly got to know them, and got past Jeff's God complex, those 3 would be best friends. They'd help each other out, and make the funniest things ever posted onto the internet.
But once again, this is hypothetical. Killian is a lone wolf at heart, and doesn't really require a best friend. Just people to use and argue with lolz.
I hope these were okay!
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datasoulglitch · 4 months
[Soulmate Demons AU old arts / part 1]
And finally, the prelude is finished and we go to the main thing. ..Hmm .. although all the most of basic things I've already told before?.. ​ Well, individual arts still have their own stories.. I also have some RPs archieved, which can be rewritten as a stories too.. I still thinking about it. I already had experience in writing, but I wasn't sure where it could be posted.. O-okay, I got carried away..
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This is based on one of the outfits that my former friend chose for Soul. Since he made his “art” in Gacha Life, he often chose different clothes every time. ..To be honest, it drove me crazy, because in the end I didn't know which outfit to rely on when I drew them and what is now the canon in his version of Soul (Tamashi), almost every time the details were different.. In fact, I decided to draw Soul in this outfit because he liked this? .. At least it seemed to me. It was.. interesting experience.
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It was a moment when I realized that I would like to come up with an appearance for Corrupt that would compared to Soul's, but so far just horns and tail, ignoring the wings that a former friend added to their appearance. Of course, a more edgy style, unlike Soul's relatively smooth ones. This is where AU start to exist, but without official name yet. I can’t remember where the idea for a scarf and gloves came to me.. It is unlikely that it came from the RPs.. Most likely I just wanted to add more individuality, adding details than to make completely different clothes (already had enough Tamashi's clothes that had more and more details every time..)
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It was my aswer to his gacha recreation of [skittletoc] art in which Soul shows Corrupt middle finger with "F*ck you", but in his interpretation it was "This is why what am I saying~ Fuck you Darling~" It was kinda out of nowhere, but I can see that it's just random thing for lolz, but.. I’ll be honest, Corrupt doesn’t feel funny about that. Therefore, there were two reactions. The one he showed..
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..and the true one.
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[Really, despite his origin, my version of Corrupt came out quite sensitive and emotional when it comes to those to whom he trusts, craving for mutuality in his feelings. So it's not surprising that this was his original reaction to such an action..]
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It was a critical moment. Enough events happened that dismoraled Corrupt so much that even I had to violate the rules of a spatial continuum to simply bring him back to his senses. In theory, this is Soul's work .. .. sigh .. I don't know. It is difficult, I retell the events that took place due to the actions mostly of the person and not the character whom he roleplayed, is this even correct? In other hand.. This is the past that already made. I can't rewrite it, it all left a mark on us, remained in the form of arts and stories. In general, AU about these two together, having special bond, while a friend with whom we created it constantly makes some kind of nonsense aimost all the time. As, for example, through role-playing actions Soul suddenly acts around Corrupt as if the latter is something despised, although they seem to have romance already, as he said? This really created a bunch of misunderstandings and resentments. It can be imagined that at first Soul treated Corrupt with hostility and don't likes him, for a reason, but I can’t imagine him being so vile as to make him to believe that there is something between them, and then brutally reject, playing with feelings. No it's not like him at all.. [I think I still personally cannot get rid of resentment because of many things that have happened. Remembering them, I go through it again. ..I hope that this will help me bury some bad memories, and then I can create new, and better one for this AU. Albeit alone..]
I can continue here.. but probably I'll divide it into a few more posts.. ..because I'm too generous with details and comments.. ..It can take me away into more of my memories and experiences, and there is a particularly cruel moment ahead that I cannot forget. We haven't reached that yet, but I don't think that I can say only a few words about it. Like now.
So it's better to go through it measuredly.. It resonates with my emotions too much.
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batwing27 · 7 months
As being a retail worker in the company I work in, during these holiday times it gets me to thinking...That Art The Clown Worked In Retail! Cause Jesus fuckin christ this shit....sorry, work had been soooo stressful, even my workers can tell I want to knock out my management team, it's not fun, and having those lazy ass fuckers do nothing all day, then blame stuff on me and my crew cause they can't work anything at all, and with the amount of work I've got to do plus extra...it's, ...just please understand workers during these holidays are having a hard time and it's becomes rather difficult to not want to knock your boss out and out right walk out and not come back.
So please, as you shop and deal with ppl working in retail understand they are ppl and most of us are going batshit behind our fake customer service communication.
Okay. Okay. Vent over. Lolz.
Hope everyone is mentally doing well out there.
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rileyav · 2 years
hi sorry if youve been asked this before, i was wondering if you would ever be willing to give out a viewing link to your old wee & friends playlist? obvi if youre not comfortable with it that's okay! but i was just a bit bummed when i saw they were private now bc i used to love those videos sm! anywayy LUV ur art and thank u for being such an inspiration lolz!!<3
hi, thank you so much.
before i post the link, 2 things:
1. i have no idea if the link will work so if it doesn't let me know, and
2. a lot of the videos in here are privated for reasons that are very important to me. i was very mentally, physically and emotionally unwell during pretty much 100% of my time as a younger person and part of what contributed to that had to do with both my in-home and online environment.
i really really want to move on from all of it. so a lot of the videos i'm just kind of not really willing to bring back.
i did set some of the ones i'm comfortable with as unlisted for you and for anyone who might be interested in revisiting them.
thank you very much for your kindness and interest, i hope this is enough, but like i said there's some things i really want to move on from so there's a lot that just isn't there anymore.
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hekkoto · 10 months
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Funnily that art was about mental suffering and now I would say that physical pain is my bigger issue now lolz Dont worry darklings, Im doing quite well :> aaand I hope to be actually back now! yayaya trust me, I feel so much better and Im full of hopes of coming back to life~! I started creating again, I wanna go back to regular posting again too! I feel better and more confident about creating as last few months made me start to doubt I can actually do anything >XD I think I understand better now some things, like that due to my chronic illness I need to fit my lifestyle to my health. Im getting better at finding time and allowing myself relax and have fun, while not feeling pressured to work all the time. Im spending more time with my husband while not obsessing about not doing enough shit during the day. I allowed myself to do very little in past weeks to let my body recover and I slowly comeback and not rush to be working for most of day again haha Im motivated, full of hopes and with bright perspective for life :> I was doing quite a lot of health related research, especially about Fibromyalgia which causes chronic pain and fatigue. I think that a lot of my issues now might be awful flare up of it. This illness isnt curable but lifestyle fitting to having this and enough rest is something which makes it easier to live with it. I see now clearly that Im unable to have 'normal' job, that me not being able to keep everything clean all the time will be happening, that there will be days I will literally do nothing but thats okay. Im a bit scared cause it obviously limits a lot, I know there will be people who will never understand it and wont treat me with respect but I will go forward no matter what!
wanna support my evil dark empire? Im accepting souls on Patreon and Ko-fi! -> Hekkoto
Huge thanks to all of my Patrons and people who donate 🖤
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purusims · 2 years
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more than clumsy
(happy birthday @randombubblegum <3)
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venusacrossthestars · 3 years
Hello everyone! Welcome to my little slice of paradise! This is the guide to everything on this blog, so if you're ever confused or lost then this is the place to be!
If you are looking for my masterlist(s) they will all be linked at the bottom of this post!! If you are looking to see what I read and like go to my rec account- @venusacrossthestars-recs there you'll see everything I'm liking and that will also give you insight to the fandoms I'm in.
About me:
My name is Emily, some of you probably know me as Venus. I don't care what name you address me by. My pronouns are she/her, I am 20 years old and I am currently a full time college student with a part time job. This blog is my writing journey, nothing here will ever be perfect and that's okay with me.
Some other facts about me are- I'm a Virgo, an only child, I can recite Revenge of the Sith nearly word for word, I am a black belt in mixed martial arts, my favorite band is 5SOS (I've seen them 3 times!) and my favorite song of theirs has to be either English Love Affair OR Lie to Me.
General Blog Rules:
I have a no bullshit attitude. Don't get snippy with me and not expect me to not get snippy back. I treat others the way I want to be treated. Do not come here and say things you wouldn't say face to face to another human being. If you are a racist, sexist, or anything of the sorts- this is NOT a safe place for you.
My asks and DM's are always open if you want to chat, however, I am not your therapist. I don't mind listening to you vent or rant but please remember I am a person too who has their own problems.
Also I don't use Twitter (or X, whatever you want to call it) because I can't stand the drama or toxicity of it. So PLEASE keep all the scandals and drama that you see on there off my blog. I am protecting my peace.
This is also all my own work, it is NOT to be translated, posted on other cites, or anything of the sorts. I have put my time and effort into them, please respect them
Request Rules:
Request Status- OPEN
I will always announce when my request are open and when they are closed.
The fandoms and character (or people) I write for will be in my masterlist at the moment I only write for Star Wars and Formula 1. When my request are open take a peek and there you will see who I write for. If you don't see your favorite send me an ask or message and I'll let you know if I feel comfortable writing for them!
I reserve the right to not write certain request and I do not have to explain why. Certain things I will not write are:
Cheating/Affairs Polyamorous Relationships Extreme Violence/Gore Pregnancy (I will write fics that involve the MC's already having kids) Anything for Minors Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, !Dark MC's Drug Use or Alcoholism (these topics due to personal reasons make me uncomfortable. I do write in scenes with alcohol just not a full fledge addiction) SMUT (I suck at it, however I will write 'steamy scenes' just no full blown smut)
I used to write for GN!readers however I will be moving away from doing so. If a fic happens to turn out GN, so be it. I just feel that I can provide better stories with a fem!reader.
I'm crap at tagging stuff but the most common tags you'll see are-
venus rambles- this is when I talk about anything and everthing venus responds- this is when I respond to any ask, if the ask is non-anon it will have the senders @ for example: venus responds: arieslost venus updates- this will be regrading all my writing updates, including whether or not my request are open. brainrots- basically me simping over someone, fictional or irl fic reblog- I'm reblogging my own personal fic taglist pt 2- this is for those who have asked to be on my taglist who did not make it onto the original post, tags are based on a first come, first serve system (@arieslost will always be first no matter what bc she is my ride or die LOLZ)
I hope to get better at tagging all my post and there will be more too add to this list especially with my F1 post!
Before every fic I will issue a 'NEW FIC COMING SOON' post as a heads up, interacting with that post will get you tagged for that post ONLY. I try to do them 24hrs before the post so I can tag everyone. Anyone who interacts with the post after the fic has been posted will not be tagged.
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(the thing you were looking for this entire time)
Here are my masterlist
The Jedi Archives (SW masterlist)
Fast is Not Enough (F1 masterlist)
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
Hello! Could I get a madcom matchup :)?
My pronouns r he/they, I'm 5'4 nd I have sort of wavy hair that reaches my mid back, I have like really bad lazy posture too lol.
I'm pretty friendly nd open to befriending anyone, although I do tend to talk alot which may end up getting annoying fast. My temper can be pretty bad, I get angry pretty quickly but I try to keep it chill for the most part lolz, I'm an emotionally energetic person but a physically lazy person if that makes sense? I love lounging around nd hanging out with ppl. Despite being physically lazy I know how to fight really well I think, I took karate classes nd i ALMOST got my black belt but i quit bc i hated taking the classes LMFAO. I'm a very touchy person...I like being able to wrap my arm around someone, playfully jab someone, etc etc I luv receiving physical touch too like having my hair played with nd shizz. I don't consider myself all too smart lol.
I'm pretty artistic, I love drawing shiz. I esp love drawing things for my friends XPP. I like playing video games too although I'm not good at them at all lol. I love loud boppy music, I also really really love cats.
Soz I hope thats not too much X""O thanx u I hope u have a good daaayyyyy :))
ooo this is a good one !! thank you v much for the request anon this is gonna be fun
also just a note for anyone who sends a matchup for mc into my inbox in the future please specify if you're okay with being paired up with any character or just the main 3/4, thank you !! makes it much easier on me lol
i match you wiiiiiiith...
- you met 2BD when you were about to die, aka this unqualified doctor saved your life. not sure how he did it, but he did and you're very grateful
- he said he wanted to keep you around for recovery, but in reality he knew you would be fine and he just wanted you to stay ;}
- he's very literally the only person who cares about your posture but you try your best to listen to his nagging and take his advice
- you both talk. a lot. even though his can be more of a lecture or a rant about somebody else, you still like listening to him dig a deeper verbal hole for himself
- and whenever you decide to go into a spiral of words, he'll listen silently and he would HATE to admit it to you but he loves the sound of your voice and he thinks it's cute when you talk to yourself
- he's very protective of you so even though you know how to fight, he keeps you back with him in a truck or behind a building somewhere. buuuut there have been a few times where an agent would find the two of you there and you would absolutely destroy them
- 2BD is not really the kind to give physical affection, but if it's from you he LOVES receiving it. again he would hate to admit it around anyone but you make him feel really happy
- sometimes when he's in an especially good mood he'll let you lay your head in his lap and he'll do your hair or just play with it. if anybody else says anything about it though (cough cough, Deimos) they are so dead
- other times when he's feeling really bad about himself or he's feeling down you'll hold out your arms to him and he'll just hug you. for a very long time. same situation goes for when you're feeling bad
- 2BD is good at art as well so sometimes you'll be drawing something and he will make it his goal to draw it too, but better. it becomes a competition and nobody knows who ends up winning because nobody else answers the question "who's drawing is better" and you can't ever decide between the two of you
- he also has the same music taste as you do so if you're on your own listening to music and he comes in, sometimes he'll ask to sit with you and listen as well. you'll sit there for a really long time just in each other's presence and it's awesome.
- when he finally admits that he loves you it'll be during a rant of his and he'll go down the hole of everything he likes about you and you'll just sit there listening with a huge, goofy smile on your face.
- "...and they have the best smile and they always make me feel so happy and i love him a lot but i have NO IDEA how to tell him because i'm a coward."
- "...you love me?"
please that ending popped into my head last minute but it's so funny
aaaanyways i hope this was the kind of thing you were looking for, thanks for the request my friend !!
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sunflowhobi · 4 years
bts as roommates (taehyung)
(this took three years to post i’m sorry)
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“annyeong y/n ssi?” “y/n ssi right?” boi was he awkward when u both first met
2 days after he moved,,, he is friends with ur neighborz lol
and ofc ur neighbors love him,, so much that u guys ate free food from them for 3 days straight
you can smell how expensive his thINGS ARE LOL 
type of the roomie who tries his best to initiate a convo
“sooOO, where do you live?” “uhm hERE???” “no i meant like your-- like the place were u came from?” “you mean my hometown??” a whole bunch of shyness that he is
stares at you blankly “taehyung?? hello? earth to taehyung?” 
his things are weird but essential 
“tae what’s this?” “a toothbrush charger” 
has cute pajamas!!!!!!!!!!! 
carries a duplicate key lolz  a true boyscout
has a special drawer for his watches
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always asking if you have already eaten!!!!! ksslks
did i mention how gorgeous his boxy smile is,, always kept you questioning urself lol
whenever he borrows something from u, he always returns it with a smol gift awwwe
knows  a lot about art and fashion,, so he always helps with ur outfits (AND VICE VERSA!!!) 
on his free days, he either paints, play games on his phone until his eyes hurt or sleep until late afternoon 
“yah you’ve been playing that game since 9 am” “I’LL STOP AFTER I FINISH THIS LEVEL EOMMA” 
“hi guys,, so im trying to prank y/n i hope it works...” *4 seconds later* “KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!!!1 GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!!!” 
the whole bathroom smells like cherry after he takes a bath,,, 
encourages u to eat fresh fruits,, lol (ur fridge never runs out of it)
drinks warm milk or tea before sleeping no matter how tired he is
talks to his mother so often,,, AND UR heart is melting EVERY SINGLE TIME
wakes up on his fifth alarm 
an average cook,,, by means he can reheat food and cook instant ramen 
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morning voice hotter than hell
warm hugs before sleeping,,, visits ur room to say good night!!!!
real tease,,????? always making u have a glimpse of his sexy torso after showering 
“u like what u see?” “why are u like this!!!” 
likes to eat midnight meals,,, during weekends 
never scared to ask controversial questions,,, but also a good life advisor
is worried more than ur mom when you were sick,,
“do you want me to call the hospital??? i know a good doctor in--” “tae,, it’‘s just a fever,, stop running around the room ur making me dizzier,, i’ll just sleep this off”
“ok grumpy ass tell me if u want anything,, i’ll be in the other room” 
“no good night hugs?” he is frozen at ur doorway
“IM KIDDING! go now,, before u catch this virus” 
but the next morning,,, u see a basin on ur bedside.... as well a mop of hair on the edge of ur bed....
ur hands are held by someone...
the mop of hair slowly rose,,, revealing a heavenly sight
“oh you’re awake,,, are u feeling better?”
your hand is suddenly empty,, the hand held u is now on ur forehead
“your fever went down,,,” ... “my mom called last night and told me to do this” gesturing to the basin and towel beside u
“are you okay, y/n?” then held ur hand again...
you felt ur face become hot again,, but this time it is not because of fever...
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Okaaaaay so here we are again with another WFM manga/anime feelz post huraaaay lolz ‘cause I have just read ch. 218 (which is the most recent chapter) of the Tokyo Manji-Kai story waaaaaaaaah
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So here’s another superstar of this era I suppose. And I must admit, I have been wrong before ‘cause this one is really good. Honestly, at first when it was released by around 2018 (or 2017... if I remembered correctly), I wasn’t a quick fan. I’ve read the first chapters and like meh time travel okaaay, plus not a much fan of the art. So I was just casually reading it and I think I stopped by around 20 or 30 chapters or so before putting it aside my reading list. I’m a huge Gokusen fan so I was really into “delinquent” stuff and their beliefs in life that is honorable, friendship goals (aside with the criminal related stuff eww). Yes!  
Recently it became a really huge hit plus it now has an anime adaptation so it really is hyping and then I decided to read it again, watch the anime, and man I got hooked and came back to following it again.
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Okay... and so the story is about a former delinquent Takamichi Hanagaki, on his daily “loser” life, so tired and bored of his life, recently knowing thru the television news that his ex-girlfriend in middle school (only girlfriend he had by the way) died in an accident (or rather assault created) by a gang Tokyo Manji Kai - which rang a bell and reminded him of his past delinquency days. Many things happened and his realizations flushing in of how he wanted to changed his past life of always running away and hoping he’ll get to meet his deceased ex-gf once again kept him thinking if only he could go back in time... AND HE DID! (I’ll leave the ‘how’ for you to find out once you read it he he)
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So no more story telling here ‘cause spoilers alert plus really I’m not that a good story teller I just want to share my feels to you. So yeah, many things happened and he met a lot of people in the Tokyo Manji Gang, befriends the top executives and even the head captain. Multiverses aside a lot of rewinds and alternate futures happening and going until he reached the future where everything is good... or is it? wahahaha The serialization is still ongoing - we are yet to know mehehehe how this will end... will he be able to see his friends again - Mikey (the top cutie), Draken (the best right hand), Chifuyu (awww best boi, his aibō), Mitsuya (another best boi), Hakkai (biggest baby wahaha), Peh and Pah (best of buds), Happy and Angry (wahaha best twins), Akkun and the gang.... and reunite with the love of his life Hina (love her! really putting sense into Takamichi all the time wahahaha that best slap award tho hahaha poor Mikey)
Have fun gangstas! P.S. actually also lots and LOTS of family drama here hahahahaha
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P.P.S meet my husbando Chifuyu hihihihi
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