#i’m not reading the rest of the chapter idc. i’ll maybe read it later
scorpioxsith · 4 years
Don’t you agree?
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I was totally on my bullshit after watching Chapter 13 last night, I smoked a joint and, god damn I was feeling inspired, I wrote something, whatever my imagination was doing at 1AM.
It’s just a little something. I tidied up the grammar to coherency but i kinda like it being organic as it was, to reflect reader being not-sober (just like me baha). 🤪
Also influencing this, I’m in the UK and we’ve been in lockdown for the past month and it ain't about to end for me anytime soon, so i am pining for a night out (idk just some fun god damn) and some mando attention. 
I felt like sharing it because it’s kinda fun and lighthearted and if it helps someone else escape right now then cool. This is some #realthirstyhotgirlshit, reader is flirty and a lil confident but also a lil shy because heck I can be confident (lies) but put me in front of Mando and you bet I would be total jello. (also i dont think mando is necessarily OOC in this BUT if he is idc i just want him to be my daddy lmfao) 
Im living for season 2, someone give Filoni an award NOW!! 
warnings: references to alcohol/drug use. its not smut but its flirty. if i carry it on it'll go “further” but I’m scared of commitment so
Drabble below the cut.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You hanged off of Greef Karga in a friendly embrace and giggled in the spice lounge. You were howling about a story he had just told you and the two of you were almost crying with laughter. You’d just come back from a very successful mission, and when he'd asked if you wanted to celebrate the win with him, you shrugged your shoulders at him with a playful smirk “alright then.”
two hours later and you were both inebriated. it was bleeding into the mid evening, the night at its peak. energy buzzed in the spice lounge with the music and fluttering ebb and flow of conversations, carrying an infectious energy into the air. 
your body felt relaxed, your mind loose. 
it was a little foolish, given you are in so doing letting your guard down, but you hoped if you were unlucky enough to be accosted in this state, with Greef by your side you felt a safe bet you could still take most people. 
Although you didn’t particularly have much in common with him, he had a playful demeanour that made for a fun drinking partner. 
Karga tapered his hysterics off into a deep chuckle, “ah, you know-” 
A blur of silver came into yours and Greef’s vision until it materialised before your eyes into a Mandalorian. A hot Mandalorian. You had no idea you had a thing for that but it was the first thought that sprung to your mind. You quickly looked to Greef, playing off your fluttering lashes and hoping the Mandalorian hadn’t noticed your astonishment. Or…maybe if he had, maybe it wouldn’t be totally the end of the world. Who knows. 
Greef Karga also took a moment to summon a response, frozen for the barest of moments, but you saw it. He was taken aback by the Mandalorian's presence. Then, he flew into a huge bravada of an introduction. 
Maker, you were both so high. 
“Mando!” Greef bellows, “well I never. I never thought I’d see you in this particular establishment!” 
The Mandalorian cocked his head impatiently. “I’m only here because I was told this is where I’d find you.” 
His voice went straight through you. Fuck. 
Greef turned to you. “Allow me to introduce my associate…” 
you smiled awkwardly at this, oh god - why were you feeling shy? I mean…well actually...you do know why, don’t you? 
“Good to meet you,” you said carefully - you didn’t want to spook him, so no heavy flirting yet but your tone was warm and a little sultry. 
The Mandalorian’s helmet turned to you and you weren’t sure if you imagined it but you were sure you felt some sort of tension almost immediately bloom as he continued to hold your gaze. Your skin prickled in a path down your body as if his very gaze was passing over your curves and leaving a blazing fire in its wake. 
Your voice lazy, a little sexy, as were your sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. “I'm Y/n.”
“Mando,” he responds huskily. You think that will be it, but then- “I haven’t seen you around here before.” 
His voice is run through a modulator in his helmet, making it hard to pin down his tone. You couldn’t tell what his angle was but something inside of you hoped he was feeling the same magnetism as you right now.
You realised he was waiting for an answer, and you hope you mask the subtle cheeky glint in your eye before you respond. 
“I am new to this parsec, yes. I have been in the Guild for a couple months now but I’m often out on mission.”
“Is that right?” There’s a smoothness to his voice that makes you blush slightly, you hope its not obvious. To Greef, that is. It'll definitely be obvious to Mando’s heat vision, but you could live with that embarrassment. He continued, “I assume as you are here, your previous mission was successful.”
You nodded up at him, thinking wow he’s so tall and big and yes and he’s looking down at you too, until a hand clapped on your back and Greef came into the picture again. 
“Indeed!” Greef commended as if it was the best thing in the world. “An impressive one hundred per cent success rate! She’s almost as talented as you, Mando, I like this one!” 
Karga gives you a joking side wink and you can’t help but laugh - he forces it out of you when your eyes meet as if something is so hilarious but you’re not even sure what it is, mainly just the fact that he’s chatting absolute shit and you can’t take it seriously. Mando gazes at you as he waits for you both to finish your ridiculous and illogical giggling fit.
It takes longer than a minute for you both to get control of yourselves, your laughter filling the air of the spice lounge. Mando's hands went to his hips and he cocked into a stance that had you wanting to drop to your knees. That stopped your giggling. 
Karga wipes another tear from his eye, you’re not sure if he’s doing it for dramatic effect and it almost sends you off the edge again. 
“Forgive me, I’m feeling loose. Speaking of, I’m going to go get myself another Gin ’n’ Juice,” Karga announced playfully. “Mando? Drink, Y/n?” he asks you. 
“Just a water, please,” you said sweetly. You needed it. 
“Karga, I came here to talk,” Mando quipped impatiently. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Karga rolled his eyes, “and if I’m gonna listen to you, I need a drink. Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll be right back.” 
With that he whirled away, leaving you with the Mandalorian. 
You weren’t sure whether to start conversation or wait for him to ask you something, but then there was the predicament of what to say. The armour was sexy as hell, but it did make him difficult to read. 
The Mandalorian was watching Greef retreat to the bar, before seeming to roll his shoulders and relax slightly, consciously, then looked down at you. 
Then, he adjusted his weapon away from his body so he could take one large stride over to the now unoccupied space by you. He sat close, but still too far away. However, he relaxed into the seat a little more, the bulk of him spreading out further and inching closer to you. It was like some kind of erotic display and you couldn’t help but gaze at him in a way that betrayed your desires. 
His helmet tilted at you and he chuckled knowingly. “Careful, kitten.”
  Your eyes widened in surprise and a sudden warmness whooshed through your whole body. It was dizzying and immediately a hot aching began to pulse in your core. His voice danced through your tingling senses and you were enraptured. 
You wanted to touch him, desperately, even just get a little closer. Encouraged by his boldness, you summoned the courage to teasingly reach out and slowly trace your fingers over his thigh. You hear a staticky breath come out of the modulator. 
One of his large hands snapped down to rest over yours, except he didn't snatch your hand away. He held it in place, his hand heavy and hot over yours, pressing down on his firm thigh. Your breath hitched as movement in your peripheral barely caught his other hand coming up, too late and you were taken by a shudder when you felt his gloved fingers trail gently down the sensitive curve of your exposed neck. Your head tilted in compliance, lashes fluttering, barely in control of the longing gaze of desire you were levelling back into the visor of the helmet.
"You should be careful, cyar'ika," he murmured, "Some would take advantage of this right now." 
You barely held back a whine, but you knew he was right. Shit, his righteousness only made you want him more. 
He pulled back swiftly, though it was a gentle touch when his hand gripped and lifted yours off his thigh, placing it back onto your own lap. His fingers ghosted over your forearm as they retreated.
Moments later, Karga returned with more drinks you knew one single man could carry, and you gaped at him. 
"Karga, I said water!" you pouted.   
"I got that, too," he replied, pushing a glass filled with clear liquid towards you, condensation beading down the side. 
You drank half of it immediately. You eyed the pink drink he'd also brought you back, unsure if it was wise. You weren't really one for drinking and smoking at the same time, it was risky business that. 
Greef lowered himself into the seat across from Mando. "Get on with it then, before I change my mind," he said to Mando, urging him to get the business talk over with, because he knew for sure that must be the reason for this highly unexpected appearance. 
  You didn't miss the way the Mandalorian looked at Karga in a silent challenge, daring him to cheek him again. Karga laughed it off, bumping one of Mando's pauldrons and slid one of the drinks across the table to the Mandalorian.
Mando's shoulders rose and fell in a sigh of defeat, like he just couldn't be bothered with the hassle.
"I think the puck you gave me was intended for someone else." With that, Mando slammed the puck onto the table, startling you slightly and some of the fuller drinks jumped out of their glasses onto the table. 
The puck's holo beamed up a second later, a picture of a wealthy, androgynous looking human male. 
He continued, "You know I can't be going anywhere near the Inner Rim." 
Karga peered at the puck. "Ah yes..." he glanced at Mando, then you, before chaotically spinning the puck across the table towards you. 
"Dank ferrick!!" you cursed, barely catching the puck under your palm as you slammed your hand down to the table quickly. 
  Karga burst out laughing, "coincidentally it was meant for her ladyship here. Very chivalrous to bring it to its rightful owner, Mando." 
  The Mandalorian's head spun to pin you with an unreadable gaze. After a tense moment, he said, "Who said I was returning it?" 
  You blinked at him, palm suddenly burning where the puck was sitting innocently beneath it. 
  Karga chuckled again. "Apologies for the assumption, old friend. How can I resolve the matter?" 
  Mando's gaze returned to Karga, briefly releasing you. "You promised me payment for this. The only solution I can see is a partnership for this bounty."
The Mandalorian turned back to you. "Don't you agree?" 
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dvp95 · 5 years
quiet on widow’s peak (6)
pairing: dan howell/phil lester, pj liguori/sophie newton/chris kendall rating: teen & up tags: paranormal investigator, mystery, online friendship, slow burn, strangers to lovers, nonbinary character, trans character, background poly, phil does some buzzfeed unsolved shit and dan is a fan word count: 2.9k (this chapter), 19.7k (total) summary: Phil’s got a list of paranormal experiences a mile long that he likes to share with the world. Abandoned buildings, cemeteries, and ghost stories have always called his name, and a particular fan of his has a really, really good ghost story.
read this chapter on ao3 or here!
Hope my friends and I didn't make things weird for you yesterday. We're heading to the city around noon if you're still up for helping us with the boring part.
noon?? fucking alright i guess i gotta put pants on
lmao yeah, sorry. My parents woke us up at EIGHT like that's a normal time to be awake????
ill send u the link later and also no i didnt feel weird yesterday you guys are nice
That's good! And hey I wanted to ask. You were kind of put on the spot with introducing yourself, would you rather we called you Dan or Winnie? I just wanna make sure we aren't making you uncomfortable at all lmao
no its all fine you can call me dan idc and actually its best if you do call me dan when youre in my work lmao
Are you totally sure?
why would i lie abt this. dont be an idiot it isnt a good look on you
haha okay. I’ll see you around noon.
“Christopher is a nice boy,” Phil’s mum is telling him as she helps him with their fancy new coffeemaker. There are so many buttons and Phil is so, so tired. “And Sophie is lovely, such a soft-spoken thing. Why haven’t we met them before, dear?”
“Dunno,” Phil says instead of the truth, which is that he’d had no idea how he was supposed to introduce them. “You have now, though.”
His mum laughs and reaches up to pat his cheek. “True enough. I’m so happy that you’ve got good people around you, Philip. I’ve gotten quite worried about you down there by yourself, you know.”
“I’m not by myself,” says Phil. “I live with, like, thirty people.”
“Bunch of strangers, I’ll bet,” she says, because she knows him. “Aside from those three.”
The thing is, she’s not wrong. Phil’s obviously exaggerating about the number of people under the roof of the creaky Brighton house, but the truth is that he can’t keep track half the time. A lot of the rooms get sublet out randomly, or a significant other will start spending so much time around the place that they might as well pay rent, and Phil really isn’t good with new people. He gets along fine with Holly and Dave, but they’ve been there as long as he has and the closest they’ve ever come to a heart-to-heart was comparing anxiety meds over burned pancakes.
Chris and Sophie were there when Phil moved in, and they’d taken one look at him and decided to just keep shoving into his space until he liked having them there, like they were on a mission to adopt PJ’s sad, ghost-obsessed friend from the internet.
“You might be right,” Phil says, feeling a smile tug at his lips for the first time all morning. He’s already had a coffee - and a half, when PJ declared that not even Kath could make coffee taste good and shoved the rest of his Phil’s way - but he still doesn’t feel fully awake. “I’m only really friends with Chris and Soph because of PJ.”
“PJ is a good friend to you, isn’t he?” his mum hums. That slightly pointed tone doesn’t get to Phil the way it usually does, because he knows that she’s just trying to understand him.
It doesn’t escape Phil’s notice that he’s looking into a mirror whenever he sees his parents watching him carefully, waiting for him to tell them something he hasn’t explicitly said, because he’s been doing the exact same thing to his housemates for nearly two years.
Maybe he’ll tell his parents when he’s got someone serious or even, like, semi-serious. Longer than two dates would be a record at this point. But right now he already feels like he’s been one misstep away from disappointing them, and he doesn’t want to take the gamble that his sexuality will be that misstep.
He’s not up for this conversation, though, isn’t sure he’ll ever be, so he just says, “Yeah, he is.”
Dan is late. They’re so late, actually, that Phil’s wheel of worst case scenarios has been spinning silently and getting faster and faster the more caffeine he chugs. They roll in with flushed cheeks and a jacket that looks too thin, apologies on their shiny lips that Phil doesn’t even hear for a couple of seconds because he’s too busy staring at them.
“No worries,” Sophie says, interrupting their rambling before they lose another half hour to it. “You want something? I’m getting a refill.”
“No, no, let me,” says Dan. They shrug off their jacket and hang it on one of the empty chairs. Phil and his friends have co-opted the largest table in the place so they can spread out with their laptops and notebooks, and it doesn’t escape Phil’s notice that Dan has decided to sit next to him when they’ve got a couple of options. “I get free drinks if Gabe’s in a good mood. Anyone else need a refill?”
“Me,” Chris says, not looking up from his screen. “Not Phil. He’s cut off.”
“Hey,” Phil protests weakly. His heart rate really has picked up since they sat down, so he knows Chris has a point.
Dan grins, their soft cheeks giving way to the dimples that Phil is very quickly growing obsessed with. He just wants to make Dan smile and laugh constantly, to hear them cackle and see all the lines in their round face deepen with happiness.
Right. Phil watched a horror movie with PJ instead of unpacking this fluttering start of a crush last night, and now he’s just got to deal with it for the rest of the day.
As if it’s a compulsion, Dan clears the empty mugs from their table before heading up to the counter. Phil focuses on the EMF readings so he doesn’t get caught up on Dan holding four mugs by the handles with total ease.
PJ has got headphones on and his eyes closed, so he might not even have noticed that Dan is there. He’s been going through Sophie’s footage and his own audio recordings to try and find some anomalies while Chris looks for the weird visual stuff - they’re a great team at that, and it makes Phil feel like he’s not doing enough. Sure, he could find those things on his own, but not as quickly as they can when it’s a team effort, and they’re on a bit of a tight schedule here. Well, his housemates are. They’ve got actual jobs to get back to once the weekend is over.
Allegedly, Sophie is doing research on sigils, but it looks to Phil like she’s just doodling. Not that he really blames her if she is. He’s barely been paying attention to the chart he’s making of spikes in electromagnetism because he’s been so busy watching the door for Dan.
And Dan looks… good. They’re wearing chunky boots and a shirt that falls to their thighs - a dress, maybe, but it looks like a regular black t-shirt that got extended at the hem - with tight white jeans. The only colour on them is the plaid shirt around their waist and the shiny red product on their lips to match it. Phil watches them lean against the counter and grin at the older barista, and he’s so distracted by looking at their profile that he startles when a foot connects with his under the table.
“Stop staring,” Sophie says, quiet and smiling. “He’s going to notice.”
Phil considers correcting her, but then he remembers that he probably doesn’t have to. Dan had said any pronouns, that they didn’t care how they were referred to, so it would definitely be weirder to act like he knows better than Sophie.
He knows he won’t be able to use masculine terms for Dan. Not because they aren’t true, because he’s pretty sure they’re no less accurate than neutral or feminine would be, but because thinking of Dan as a maculine person is only going to allow Phil’s brain to fall into the familiar traps of gender in ways he doesn’t want to allow.
Gay monkey brain doesn’t need any more leeway in finding Dan attractive, that’s for damn sure.
“So, what are we doing?” Dan asks, interrupting Phil’s thoughts, and, wow, four mugs is a lot more impressive when they’re full of hot liquid. Phil marvels at Dan’s ability not to trip and spill it all as they dole out the coffee and teas.
“I’m doing the boring part,” says Phil. He turns his screen so Dan can see the Excel spreadsheet and laughs at the face they make. “Yeah. It's not glamorous, but it's the easiest way to find patterns in the EMF readings. Honestly, most of my job is just staring at things and finding patterns in them. Like, uh, what's that guy? With the butterfly splotches?"
"Worcestershire," Chris suggests.
"Rorschach," Dan corrects him, lips twitching like they aren't sure if they're allowed to laugh in Chris' face or not.
“That’s exactly what I said,” says Chris.
“You know EMF meters don’t have anything to do with ghosts, right?” Dan asks, ignoring Chris completely and leaning a bit closer to Phil to get a better look at his laptop. “I mean, none of this has anything to do with ghosts, really, but you’re more or less just measuring electricity.”
Phil is aware of that. He wonders if Dan thinks he just stumbles into haunted houses with equipment he hasn’t researched and waits to be spooked. He’s too distracted by how close Dan is and how good they smell to work up to proper offense, though. “Yeah,” he says simply. “But don’t you think it’s weird that the place still has electricity to begin with? Who’s paying for that?”
“A Wilkins, I’d imagine.”
“But why? If they’ve forgotten about the property or abandoned it on purpose, surely they wouldn’t still pay the bills.”
“Maybe they don’t handle their own finances,” Dan suggests. “How rich were these assholes?”
“I honestly don’t know,” says Phil. He taps his fingers in an erratic pattern on the edge of his laptop, trying to spark something in his mind.
It’s almost disappointing when Dan pulls away to dig out their own sleek Macbook out of their messenger bag, but Phil is also glad for it. He can think a lot easier when the warm scent of spice and mint isn’t clogging his brain.
Dan slots into the work as easily as if a space was left for them. They’ve got dozens of tabs open already and they start to go through them, cross-referencing magic things with Sophie in quiet tones and digging deeper into the Wilkins family than Phil ever would have thought to. Every so often they tap Phil on the arm and drag him into whatever rabbithole they’ve fallen down, chatting animatedly.
Phil knows, objectively, that Dan is a fan of his and that Dan is weird about research. It’s another thing entirely to watch it happen in real time, to see Dan pull up local census PDFs from the eighties and explain why chaos magic is bullshit in the same breath.
An hour or so goes by like that, all of them working on their own things with minimal words exchanged by everybody but Dan, and then Chris shouts loud enough to make the barista jump. Nobody else is in the coffee shop right now, which is lucky, because Dan’s got a hand over their chest and Sophie has slopped tea down her front. PJ, with his headphones on, simply cracks an eye open.
“What the fuck was that about?” Phil asks, putting his own palm against his chest to feel his heart race. Dan raises their eyebrows and looks at Phil, seemingly distracted from the startling, wordless exclamation.
They don’t get a chance to say whatever they’re thinking, though, because Chris is turning his laptop to the rest of the table and grinning wide like the Cheshire Cat. “I found something.”
Everybody gathers round, PJ getting up to lean over the back of Phil’s chair and Sophie getting so far into Dan’s personal space that Phil is certain they’re uncomfortable with it, and then Chris presses play upside down. It’s part of Sophie’s footage, Phil standing in the dim foyer and looking frustrated. Even without sound, Phil can tell that this is when he was arguing with Sophie about going upstairs. He squints, but he can’t see whatever it is that’s got Chris being so loud.
“What am I looking at?” PJ asks when the short clip ends, and Dan hums an agreement. Chris makes a frustrated noise like they’re being obtuse on purpose and rewinds to the beginning.
"There," Chris says, excited like he hasn't been since they got to Manchester. He taps his finger against the laptop screen. "D'you see it? D'you see the shadow?"
Now that Chris has pointed it out, Phil does see something. He moves his own laptop and notebook out of the way to pull Chris’ closer with a frown. Chris lets him do that, bouncing in his seat a little bit.
“That’s straight up a person,” Phil says slowly, tracing the outline of the shadow with the mouse. It’s behind him, in the entry to the kitchen, and it looks tall. Quite a bit taller than Phil, anyway, if he’s remembering that doorframe correctly. He decides to measure it next time they go so he isn’t going off memory. “I knew we weren’t alone in there. Like. I’m not crazy, that’s a human being.”
“That’s what I thought,” says Chris. “But press play.”
So Phil presses play. He watches the shadow stay perfectly still in the kitchen doorway until, suddenly, it’s not there anymore. He blinks, rewinds, and watches it disappear again.
Phil’s caffeinated brain is firing on all cylinders now. He grins and shoves his sleeves up to his elbows before he starts fiddling with the clip. The lighting gets played with until the shadow is more obvious and then he slows it down to 0.25 times speed to see if the shadow really just vanishes.
He presses play again. This time, with a very slow-motion Phil talking in the foreground, he sees the shadow move. It runs sideways, further into the house.
“What the fuck?” Dan breathes.
“We are not going back there without some serious protection,” PJ says, even firmer on the topic now.
“What, like sigils?” Dan asks, their pretty eyes wide even as they scoff. “You’d be better off with a fucking, like, baseball bat, mate. That doesn’t look like something that wants to be your friend.”
“I’ve got a crowbar in PJ’s trunk,” Phil says, absent-minded as he plays with the clip some more.
“Excuse me? When did you put that in my car?”
“Couple months ago.”
“Huh. How have I not noticed?”
“You’re not the most observant person I’ve ever met,” says Phil. He looks up at Chris, who’s got the same exhilarated look that Phil is sure he’s mirroring. They don’t get evidence like this very often, something so clearly there that it’s even got a skeptic’s mind racing. Phil exports the edited clip and then the original, putting them both into the Cloud and emailing them to himself. “Was this the only time you saw it?”
Chris nods, accepting his laptop back when Phil is done with it. “I’ll look through everything again, now that I know what I’m looking for and all, but I think that’s it.”
“Okay, cool.” Phil looks around at his friends and Dan, beaming. “Something weird is happening. I love it when something weird is happening.”
“I hate it when something weird is happening,” PJ says, which is a blatant lie.
“Well, we can’t go snooping around until it’s darker out, anyhow,” Sophie reminds them.
“Wait, we’re snooping?” Dan asks, their voice going up an entire octave in disbelief. “Like… you just saw that someone is there and probably not happy about people sneaking around, right? Don’t you have enough for a video already?”
“We’re spending the night,” says Phil. “It’s what we do.”
“It’s what you do,” PJ corrects him.
“Okay, yeah, you guys don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“No, I’m coming,” says PJ.
As if she can’t hear them bickering, Sophie turns to Dan with a sweet smile, her eyes twinkling with the same excitement in Chris’. They love this, just like Phil does. “What about you, Dan?” she asks. “Are you going to have a ghost sleepover with us?”
“There’s no such thing as ghosts,” Dan says, their eyes still glued to the back of Chris’ laptop like they can see the shadow through it.
“Guess you don’t have anything to be afraid of, then,” says Chris.
“Uh, axe murderers, maybe?”
“We know what we’re doing, Dan,” Phil reassures them. He reaches a hand out to pat at their arm, feeling a bit awkward about it. “But you don’t have to come with us if you’re scared.”
That makes Dan’s gaze shift. Suddenly, those brown eyes are staring right into Phil’s soul, defiant and beautiful and impossible to look away from.
“Who said I was fucking scared?”
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velvetchen · 7 years
Anonymous | pt. iv
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[ back to masterlist ]
Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 1230 Rating: T
Summary: Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met? You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them…
<< previous part x next part >>
Dear Author,
You’re invited to this year’s ComicCon! We are glad to extend this invitation to you and look forward to seeing you there.
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[7:06 PM] C: I saw your post about comiccon [7:06 PM] C: That’s huge wow [7:09 PM] You: It feels so surreal I still can’t believe this [7:10 PM] You: I mean I’ll get to meet all my favorite authors [7:11 PM] You: Like from ungodly and midnight moon [7:11 PM] You: Aaahhhh [7:11 PM] You: Sorry I’m fangirling haha [7:12 PM] You: Even us authors aren’t immune [7:13 PM] C: Hahahah that’s cute [7:14 PM] C: I bet they’re all just as excited to meet you [7:15 PM] C: I know I am ;) [7:18 PM] You: You’re coming??? Oh my god
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Anonymous asked: so do we get jin-ho’s POV in today’s update pleaaaase i miss him
See for yourself! It’s up :)
Anonymous asked: fmk: jin-ho, seong-jin, or C ;)
Anonymous asked: because we belong together ;) - C
Aaahhhh stop it, you ;;;;
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[9:36 PM] C: Yeah, I’ll be there [9:36 PM] C: See if you can find out who I am [9:38 PM] You: Challenge accepted! [9:39 PM] You: But omg I’m so much more excited [9:40 PM] You: I get to meet my biggest fan hahah [9:40 PM] You: I’m nervous now [9:42 PM] C: Why lol I’m harmless [9:42 PM] You: I don’t know...what if I’m not what you’re expecting? [9:55 PM] C: Don’t worry, you’re perfect
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Anonymous asked: idc if this is considered “hate” but i think you’re really rude. when readers are asking you questions or asking for updates you owe them a proper answer. not jokes you think are funny (they’re not btw)
Look, I’m not paying you guys to read my work. I don’t owe you anything
Anonymous asked: Why are you so secretive? Us fans want to know more about you ;)
I have the right to be as private as I want, thank you very much
Anonymous asked: Jeez I was just asking, chill
Yeah it didn’t sound like that
Anonymous asked: Just tell us your name come on. I’m not asking for your credit card number lol
I’d rather not
Anonymous asked: I have ways of finding out who you are. I was just asking to be polite
I’m blocking you.
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[8:43 AM] You: i’m standing outside the building right now [8:43 AM] You: there’s a line, for, like, IDs and stuff [8:44 AM] Jia: hahah are u nervous? [8:46 AM] You: ugh what an understatement [8:47 AM] You: i feel like i’m going to throw up there are so many people already waiting in front [8:48 AM] You: i’m at the back entrance with the other artists right now [8:54 AM] Jia: good luck! everyone will love you don’t worry [8:54 AM] Jia: i’ll come maybe around noon. can’t wait to see everything <3
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[1:25 PM] C: I’m in the building right now :) [1:25 PM] C: I can see your booth [1:26 PM] C: I can’t see you though, there are a lot of people around you [1:27 PM] C: Oh shit I can see you now [1:28 PM] C: Damn I’m so nervous I don’t think I can talk to you [1:29 PM] C: Okay you’re really busy I’m going to stop texting you now
[1:35 PM] You: C if you don’t show up I SWEAR TO GOD
[1:48 PM] You: C???
[2:05 PM] You: Did you even come?
[4:26 PM] You: You weren’t there :(
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Anonymous asked: S don’t worry about that anon! real fans are always here to support you <3
Thank youuu ;-;
Haha I remember you! Please wash your hands though, hygiene is important ~ :D
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Welcome to Fan Theory Hour again on my blog! So as you guys can see I’m totally obsessed with SS now. Aren’t we all though.  
Anyway, so recap of the most recent update, plus my fangirl rambling: we open where we left off, with Yoon-ah sitting on the bridge. She’s thinking about Jin-ho, obviously, because she’s totally in love (fight me on this again, won’t you) and then she starts to walk back home. Still thinking about smooching Jin-ho, because remember, she has no idea he’s been kidnapped. She bumps into Ye-rin from school, who tells her the love of her life has been captured, cue tears from everyone, including myself.
Then the background goes dark and we get to see Jin-ho! Unfortunately he’s tied up, and not in the sexy way. We don’t see his face, but he’s obviously hurt, because there’s blood everywhere. Then there’s a dark figure. We don’t see this dude’s face either, until later, after they’re done with the standard villain/hero “I’m gonna kill your girlfriend” “Oh no please don’t kill my girlfriend she’s too hot to die” conversation (note: I never said my summary was accurate) we get a shot at the villain’s eyes! And they’re full black. Now, does this mean:
a) He’s some speshul Dark Vampire that has black eyes all the time b) He’s constantly possessed c) Author-nim forgot to draw the usual red eyes d) Something more sinister (DRUGS??) e) All of the above
Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see any of our side characters except Ye-rin. There was plenty of YoonJin angst to tide me over till the next episode though! 
What do you guys think?
Posted on 29 October with 13 notes
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[10:22 PM] C: Ahh S I’m so sorry! [10:22 PM] C: I was there! I met you
C is typing…
C is typing…
[10:24 PM] You: I have failed as an artist I don’t know who my number one fan is [10:24 PM] You: No but SERIOUSLY [10:25 PM] You: Ugh I can’t believe you scammed me like this
C is typing…
[10:26 PM] You: I mean, how do I know you were there for real [10:26 PM] C: I’m sorry okay forgive me [10:27 PM] C: I can prove I was there [10:27 PM] C: You were wearing a red jacket, white shirt, and blue jeans [10:28 PM] C: Um, you had a green water bottle with some kind of cartoon character on it [10:30 PM] You: …….. [10:31 PM] You: Okay fine I believe you [10:31 PM] You: Wait, so I met you? [10:31 PM] You: We talked? [10:32 PM] C: Haha yes [10:33 PM] C: You said you liked my hoodie and then you signed my poster of Yoon-ah [10:36 PM] You: I’m seriously trying to remember but I met so many people today [10:37 PM] You: I’m really tired too I can’t recollect any faces [10:37 PM] You: Disappointed :(
[11:06 PM] C: Ahh I’m sorry [11:07 PM] C: Maybe next time? At your own private fansign this time :) [11:07 PM] C: Go to sleep and rest well~
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[1:18 AM] C: Do you really want to meet me?
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a/n i’m sorry this is late, i wasn’t anticipating being so busy this week :( also THAT GIF HE’S SO CUTE
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kingsofeverything · 7 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
*All answers should be about works published in 2017.
1. List of works published this year: 
In the order that they were posted
Fall At My Door 
Mercedes Boy
The Oldest Magic Word 
With a Word (part 2 of FAMD)
Possessing All of Me (part 2 of MB)
It Had To Be You 
One of Many 
Stranded in a Dream
How Fast You Fall
Soft Wings
Has The Ocean Lost Its Way 
Splish Splash 
Don’t Want Shelter 
Wasted Like A Memory (part 2 of DWS)
Just Around the Corner 
Find You Home 
Sweating ’Til My Clothes Come Off
Number 84 
Let Me In (part 3 of DWS)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Don’t Want Shelter, definitely. The idea for it came to me over a year ago, and that was basically exes to lovers stuck in a hurricane together. I tried to write it earlier in the year and scrapped it. It was a completely different story and they were actually exes, but it just wasn’t working. RIP those 10k words. But I set out to write something with more emotion and I wanted to write something different and I feel like I succeeded. I’m very emotionally attached to their characters in DWS too. It’s been hard to get my head out of that universe.
I’m putting the rest under a cut because this got really long.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Soft Wings. It was soooo hard to write at that time. I was just struggling to write anything at all and every single word of that fic was a giant pain in my ass. It was a bday gift and I actually decided not to do gift fics anymore because of how hard it was to write. The last gift fic I wrote was DWS and it was like 2 months late-- sorry about that @justafatbirdonaboat <3
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
So, this was actually difficult and I would rather include the sex scene I mention below in question 7, but it’s long and... it’s smut and I feel like dropping it in here with nothing leading up to it or after it takes a lot away from it. This is from DWS:
If he keeps himself busy enough, which he’s fairly successful with, he doesn’t have time to think about Harry and how once again he practically laid himself bare for absolutely no reason. It’ll fade, he knows that, but at the same time he doesn’t want it to. It’s how he finds himself going out of his way to some specialty store to find Harry’s organic cinnamon toothpaste. It’s why he bought some fancy vanilla candle for his bedroom. He’s fighting with himself over trying to forget and wanting to remember, because he knows that eventually it’ll be gone no matter what he wants. The toothpaste will be empty and the candle will burn down, and it’ll all become a distant memory.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
i got a super long and detailed comment on FAMD from one of my favorite drarry authors and bloggers that came at the perfect time when i was feeling really shitty about writing and also life in general. it was such a surreal thing for me because i was reading the comment and it was just super lovely and the whole time i was reading it i was like OMFG and fangirling lol
all of the comments on DWS from people who read it as a WIP. they were like some sort of super fuel for me. and it was... idk a special thing for me. i’ve never done a WIP before and idk if I ever will again. it just worked out with that fic because of the chapters and betaing etc. but every time i posted a chapter and people would comment on it, it was just... idk it meant a lot that anyone would follow along, i guess.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Writing Soft Wings, so late May, and then again after I posted DWS, I struggled with Sweating ’Til My Clothes come off. That was Reason #14 and literally NO ONE wanted to write that prompt, so I took it. Mainly though, my struggles have been with fics that either I’ve abandoned (the old version of DWS) or my unfinished sci fic au.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
i feel like everything i write surprises me. i’m constantly shocked that i write anything at all. i think that most of dws was surprising to me. i had a vague idea of what i wanted their personalities to be like, but the way they ended up was so much better than i thought they’d be. I MEAN, i legit thought that the entire fic would take place over 3 days and would end when the storm ended! and then the storm ended and i was like... wtf i’m not anywhere near finished with this. and then a scene specifically, umm... there’s a sex scene in ch 7 of dws that ended up being wayyyyyyyyyyy more emotional for me to write and it still makes me sad to read it. and i’m like 99.999999% sure if you’ve read that fic, you know what i’m talking about. i wrote that and immediately was messaging nic like “i’ve made myself sad with smut! what is wrong with me?”
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
i’m much less messy, though i’m still messy. i think i was easier on my beta this year. less cliche (unless i’m cliche on purpose) and better at getting the emotions across? I DON’T KNOW @louandhazaf is better at this stuff. she answered a different question about this earlier in the year actually.
wait. also. i think i’m better at conceptualizing a story BEFORE i start writing. i still suck at it, but not as badly as last year. 
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
i’d like to write another long fic. i’d like to get better at developing secondary characters. i’d like to write more emotion into my fics. i’d love to be better at outlining and planning fics, but idk if that’s who i am lol 
tbh i’d like to be better at the part of writing that, up until this point, and to a certain point, come naturally to me. i don’t think about my character’s motivations or what they’re separate stories are or backgrounds and shit like that until i’m writing and sometimes i do it and don’t realize i’m doing it? i guess? I DON’T KNOW. coming from a math background and never having written or even taken a creative writing class or anything like that, like... some of the most important aspects of writing, i have no clue about them. at least that’s how i feel. a lot of what i do is just................. like me flying by the seat of my pants. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
this is my answer from last year and i’m just going to leave it because it’s still true.
NIC @louandhazaf​ my friend and forever beta. one day we’re going to take over the world. just depends which one of us is in charge of the brain that day as to whether it’s for good or evil.
however, i’ll add to this a bit. nic is the best cheerleader and beta and all of that. bouncing ideas around with her is always fun and always productive. we laughed so hard when we were talking about ideas for DWS. like... i think we both laughed so hard we cried. 
having writer friends -- so all of you -- has been such a positive thing for me. knowing that we all sort of go through the same shit makes it easier when it’s my own lol. 
specifically, i’ll say that @phd-mama influenced me with her fic ‘feels like coming home’ because i read that fic and when i finished i decided that i needed to write something with more emotion behind it, something with a really great (though not necessarily good) back story. the history between her characters in that fic..... idk a lot of it hit home for me. and because of that fic, i wrote DWS. so, thanks <3 
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
ummmm... yes. let’s just say.......... yes.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
yes! write what makes you happy, even if that means writing something sad and depressing. but also try to challenge yourself to write things you’re not used to or things you haven’t done before. also, just write. you can edit later. put words down.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
my near misses fic, which is what i’ll call it until i title it, that i am super excited about (this one just came to me yesterday)
moodboard fic - it’s anon, so i can’t say anything other than that. i started it, but i think i’m going to start over. 
2 time stamps for ‘don’t want shelter’. one that takes place the summer they’re 13, and one that takes place between chapters 8 & 9, but before ‘let me in’
my sci fi au - it’s been kicking my ass for most of this year 
i have a fic idea where they go from friends to lovers, but it’s a long long road to get there. idk if i’ll get to it. it would be loooong. 
i want to do a valentines fic but idk if i’ll have time. i’d like my near misses fic to be for valentines, but that’s a lot of pressure on me and then on my beta.
28 proposals with jess @someonethatsfunny and if we want to do it for an advent fic for next year, i need to at least write a proposal per month. 
i want to do the new relationship travel the world fic with nic @louandhazaf that we’ve talked about co-writing, but we both have so much going on......... 
oh and the tiny penis fic series. which is 5 short fics that are not connected, but one of them has a tiny penis in each fic (it switches around and also maybe they both do in one fic)
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read. ;)
I would like to tag all of my writer friends, sooo you’re all tagged. Also, this is more than 3, but idc
@dinosaursmate @allwaswell16 @letsjustsee @gaycousinlarry @goodmorningtoyouuniverse @assisreal (writing or art, saori! or both!) @prettytruthsandlies @someonethatsfunny @phd-mama ok i’ll stop tagging so that y’all will have people you can tag lol
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essu-rwby-desu · 7 years
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                                 Chapter 4: Lighting the Fire Reaction  
                                                    -LONG POST-
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“You wait here, I’ll go check if the coast is clear.”
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Yang is totally not buying into your bullshit, buddy.
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Better get ready, just in cas-. THE GLOVE. AND THE ASS CAPES ARE COMING OFF.
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You know what would be neat? Since Yang is kind of the ‘tank’ in the group, her new arm could use like, oh I don’t know, maybe a small shield?
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“I can’t believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here.”
Sorry buddy, but you’re the dumb one for leading her there.
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They’re scared of the small barrel popping out of her right arm? I’d be more terrified of her, oh, I don’t know, HER OTHER ARM WITH A BELT FULL OF SHOTGUN SHELLS???
…Or maybe they’re all surprised because “OH, IT’S ALSO A GUN.”
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See, a small shield would be nice, but I guess she’s still fending off the bullets.
This string and percussion version of I Burn tho.
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You mess with the wrong bird, and I don’t mean Yang.
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Ruby, please, you can-
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“You forgot to engage your aura, again.”
“Because this method makes you less likely to forget.”
I mean. Oz isn’t wrong. But.
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“Not bad, Ms. Rose. But Oscar doesn’t have the years of training that you do. Or I do.”
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Like. Literally a thousand years. Or more. Cuz Ozpin is apparently fucking immortal.
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Sometimes I feel like everyone should rewatch the episode just for like, not necessarily screen shots, but to look for frames like these. Like. Even though it’s a straight forward shot, this is a nice shot.
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Does anyone else do this in real life? I mean the whole talk and look at the person with one open eye thing. Me only? Ok, let’s just. Keep moving forward.
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Idk why, but when Nora said Ren’s semblance can mask emtions, I immediately started playing Reflections from Mulan in my head. It really has nothing to do with the fact that Ren is supposed to be designed off of the idea of Mulan. Or maybe I did subconsciously. Hm. The song has NOTHING to do with his semblance either! Brain, what are you doing.
Two songs from Mulan in 2 review posts. And I haven’t watched the movie in ages.
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5 Volumes in and we get an in-show description of what Semblances are. I know they talked about it in the World of Remnant shorts, but they were just that: Short. It’s nice to have it actually explained in the show since not many of us watched the short seri-
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“Oh. Struck by lightning, didn’t die, Crazzzzzzy Thursday/”
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“Unlocking your semblance isn’t the end. It can still grow and evolve.”
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Just because Ruby.
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OK. She’s opting for the stealth escape route.
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“So after all this time, you decided to visit me.”
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“They started it.”
I heard this and was like “HAH. Like how a kid would try to make an excuse to their parent.”
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“I’m not here for you. Ruby is somewhere in Mistral. She’s with Qrow and she’s going to need my help. I just need you to take me to her.”
You know, I get the feeling that a lot of people are gonna be like
I do feel that to a certain extent, but at the same time I feel like Yang may also have grown out of it. Whatever the reason she had for looking for her mom before isn’t the same now. Yang obviously has questions for Raven, but she also knows how important it is to find Ruby, and she probably feels like that outweighs whatever personal things she has with her mom, it just so happens that Raven was also the answer to finding Ruby.
And besides. Yang now knows where Raven’s camp is. I suppose she could just come back, albeit she may not be welcomed with open arms. Or arm. Just the one. I’m sorry.
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“Because we’re family.”
OHHHH, GET FUCKED, RAVEN. Your own daughter throwing that sarcastic shade at you.
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So we’ve seen what Raven’s semblances is, but not how it works, until now. She ‘bonds to certain people’ and can make warp gates to them. Yang says that she has her, Tai, and Qrow marked.  Yang also says to teleport her to Qrow, NOT Ruby. It could simply be that Raven had no reason to mark Ruby as someone to teleport to, or maybe it’s because Raven can only teleport to people that are close to her: Her Family.
That begin said, Raven seems to not like the whole family thing since she does say “Family - only come around when they need something.” Maybe her semblance was found due to the opposite nature of her personality. Having a semblance that literally takes her back to her family when she has such disdain for the idea does raise a few questions. But I’ll leave it at that.
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Yeah. The way her face was animated and sass she threw in with her words. Badass/Evil mom status.
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Before we move on I just want to know: What the fuck is that thing on her head? Like. I get it. RAVEN. FEATHERS. BUT LIKE. WHAT. IS THAT? Is it just like one giant super long hair extension or is that literally all part of her hair?
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I laughed. SO HARD. At how long this shot was held for. Like.
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Oh. Hi. Uhmmm. Uhh. Hello?
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“…WHYiss you here?!”
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W: “What are you doing here?”
Y: “Well. That’s my mom. And she can take us to Ruby.”
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-Slowly taking in what Yang just said.-
“That’s my mom.”
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…mom.” ?!?!?!?!?!?!
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“… uhhhhhhh”
 Never in my life have I thought I would hear those words. In any form of media.
Also let’s not forget that Raven straight up curb stomped Weiss in the face.
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Weiss’s knight could EASILY cleave through half that camp at that size. Jeez.
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Spring Maiden putting a halt to this BS.
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Weiss giving that stern anime look and pose.
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“If you’re really going after your sister, then you need to know the truth.”
So we know everything’s that been going on with Salem and Cinder and Ozpin and yaddie yaddie yadda. So once Raven tells Yang and Weiss everything, what’s going to happen? Are they still going to regroup with Ruby and join her with Qrow to fight against Salem’s assault on Haven with the White Fang? Or are Weiss and Yang going to try and convince Ruby to pull away from Haven because shit is about to get real and they shouldn’t haven’t to deal with it?
I HIGHLY doubt that Raven is going to tell them about how literally the Spring Maiden is within the camp grounds. But if she does, then??? Do the 2 of them stay? Or will Raven teleport Yang and Weiss, just to then later pick up camp and move to a new location? Cuz by then EVERYONES gonna know who and where the Spring Maiden is.
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I maybe reading into this too much, cuz you know, emotions rising, and with knowing the lyrics to the song, I want to talk about the symbolism in this last shot.
Weiss has gotten quite a bit of development coming from Volume 4 to now. And in my opinion, it started all when she was able to successfully summon her knight. 
After being told she was no longer the heiress to her family’s company, she was held against her will to stay in her room. As soon as she was able to summon her knight, she decided to take action. She was able to escape with the help of Klein. He was probably going to be the last trust worthy person she knows that she’s going to see in a while. Even while doing so, she’s had her guard up the whole time because she knew she’s no longer in a safe place. All the way up to being captured by bandits, she still shows initiative to get out. 
Then she reunites with Yang. She has finally found someone she cares and trusts. Someone she probably considers as part of her family, the family being Team RWBY. So the knight fading away in this last shot is visual representation of Weiss finally letting her guard down because now she’s with family. AND WHERE DO YOU USUALLY FIND FAMILY? HOME. THE TITLE OF THE SONG THAT’S PLAYING. AND I JUSTLKSA:LSKDJA:SLKJDWOIASK jEXCUSE ME WHILE I GO REPLAY THIS SCENE FOR THE REST OF TIME UNTIL MORE OF THE TEAM GETS BACK TOGETHER.
TL;DR: Weiss’s knight fading away at the end of this scene is the visual representation of  Weiss finally letting her guard down now that she’s found Yang; a team mate, a friend, a person she might consider as family.
But I may just be reading into this too much. I MEAN HOW COULD YOU NOT?
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fardell24b · 7 years
Doctor Who: Changes in Time and Space - Chapter 11: The Doctor vs. the Ori
The Doctor leads Daniel, a native of PY6-362 and SG6 on a mission to rescue his companions and the rest of SG1 from Adria!
Chapter 11 – The Doctor Vs. The Ori
“Unscheduled off world activation!” Sgt. Harriman called out as the gate activated. “Closing the Iris.” The Iris closed.
“Report,” General Landry said.
“Receiving IDC now, Sir,” Harriman said. “It’s SG1!”
“They’re early, open the Iris,” Landry said.
“Aye, Sir,” Harriman said.
The Iris was opened and Daniel and Lana rushed through the gate.
“Close the Iris!” Daniel called out.
“Close the Iris!” Landry said.
The Iris closed. Several thudding sounds could be heard as Ori foot soldiers met their ends, then the Stargate shut down.
“Dr. Jackson, where is the rest of SG1, and who is this with you?” Landry said.
“They have been captured by Adria!” Daniel said. “This is Lana Halaia, from Ao Plaailla,” he indicated Lana. “We barely managed to escape.”
The Doctor emerged from the TARDIS. “What happened, everyone got captured?” he asked.
“Yes, we all put up a fight, but they were all captured,” Daniel said.
“We were lucky to escape!” Lana said.
“Right, one rescue party coming up!” the Doctor said.
“Doctor, we can’t just charge into the situation without first debriefing Doctor Jackson,” Landry said.
“Good point, but in an hour I will be going to that planet and rescuing the rest of SG1 and my companions.”
“I’ll join you then,” Lana decided. What she had heard about the Doctor from his companions lead her to believe that he was very capable.
Five minutes later, Daniel, Lana, the Doctor and Landry met in the briefing room.
For the first twenty minutes Daniel told the latter two of their mission until they entered Enb, then Lana joined him in the description of the mission.
“And then you were surrounded by the Ori troops?” General Landry asked.
“How did you escape?” General Landry said.
“I’m not sure, it was fairly chaotic,” Dr. Jackson said. He looked at Lana. “Lana managed to grab me while the Priors were otherwise engaged.”
“The team put up a pretty good, fight, General, including that Kiara. She was using some kind of technology that I have never seen,” Lana said.
“I don’t think it was technology,” the Doctor said.
“Then what was it, Doctor?” Lana asked.
“An intrinsic power,” the Doctor said.
“That makes sense,” Daniel said, what with the powers that the Priors displayed he was willing to believe that what he observed Kiara doing was also intrinsic.
“Maybe,” Lana said; she was not sure that biology could explain what she saw Kiara doing, despite the observed capabilities of the Priors and her encounters with the Ancients.
“So, they got captured. Why couldn’t you free them?” Landry asked.
“They were almost immediately beamed to one of the motherships. They had a portable Ring Transporter with them,” Dr. Jackson said.
“As you saw, we were chased to the Gate, and I wasn’t about to lead the Ori forces to a town or village that hadn’t been abandoned,” Lana said.
“So you say,” Landry said, with a slight sarcastic tone.
Lana turned to the Doctor, “could you scare the Ori off from my world?”
“No. All I will be doing is rescuing the rest of SG1 and my companions.”
“Really?” Lana asked dubiously.
“Yes. I have never been to this universe before. Therefore my reputation doesn’t precede me,” the Doctor said. He didn’t want this universe to be too aware of his visit.
“And what sort of reputation do you have in your universe, Doctor?” Landry asked.
“You don’t want to know. I am seen as an incorrigible meddler in some places, and as a false trickster god in others. That is barely scratching the surface.”
Twenty minutes after the briefing ended, the Doctor, Lana, Daniel, General Landry and SG-6 meet in the Gate Room, next to the TARDIS.
“You’re sure you’re taking your ship, Doctor?” Landry asked.
“Yes, Even if it’s captured, neither the Priors nor Adria herself would be able to pilot it.”
“If you say so,” Landry said.
The Doctor opened the TARDIS door. “Let’s go,” he said.
Lana stopped as she entered the TARDIS. “Amazing, it’s actually bigger on the inside,” she said.
The Doctor snorted. “That’s hardly original,” he said.
“I thought it was,” Lana said.
“Actually, you may be the first to say ‘Amazing,’” the Doctor said.
“Good,” Lana said as SG-6 and Daniel Jackson followed her in.
“Here’s our plan, we will wait until the SGC dials P6Y-362, or as the natives call it, Tiloana. Then the TARDIS will follow the wormhole there,” the Doctor said.
“Not all the natives, just those on the main continent,” Lana said.
“Understood,” Colonel Francis Jameson, the commander of SG-6, said.
“Good to know,” Daniel said.
“Chevron Seven, Locked!” The Stargate opened with the usual kawoosh. The TARDIS then dematerialised.
The TARDIS in flight
The console room was shaking. “What’s wrong, Doctor?” Daniel asked.
“The Gate wormhole is interfering with the Vortex. But that can’t be possible!” the Doctor said.
“And yet it’s happening,” Captain Marcia Bates, SG-6’s scientist, said.
‘That’s impossible,’ the Doctor thought. “Right, unless you can use the gate to time travel...”
“Actually, it can,” Daniel said.
“Oh those arrogant Alterans!”
“Arrogant?” Daniel asked.
“That they would create a portal network that could go to any time period in it’s existence that could be used by anyone!” the Doctor said.
“But it’s not a normal function of the gate. It occurred as the result of the wormhole interacting with stellar flares,” Daniel said.
“Not that arrogant then, but their tech isn’t making it easy for Gallifreyian technology to track it. We’re still in the Solar System. At this rate we’ll reach Tiloana in just over three years.”
“Doctor, a Stargate wormhole can only stay open for a maximum time of 38 minutes!” Daniel said.
“That is a limitation. But we’d experience those 3 years within the 38 minutes that the wormhole would remain open. Remember that the TARDIS can travel in time, Doctor Jackson.”
“There has to be an alternative, Doctor! We can’t spend three years travelling in here. We’d go mad,” Jameson said.
“That’s where you’re wrong. There is more to the TARDIS than just this room. It’s so vast that it would take more than the 1100 days the journey would take to explore it all,” the Doctor said. He walked to Helena Lawson, SG-6’s archaeologist. “Imagine a library so vast it would take decades to read all the books. The TARDIS has it. However, it isn’t a given that it would take three years. I may figure out a way to clearly scan through the interference and make the journey go faster.”
He flicked a switch on the console. “There: I have established a spiralling Temporal Orbit around the wormhole, staying well within the 38 minute window.”
“What about food?” Marcia asked.
“The TARDIS can generate food indefinitely. There are gardens scattered throughout the ship,” the Doctor said as he left the console room.
“You heard him. We’ll start exploring the surrounds of the console room, now,” Jameson said.
“Yes, sir!”
Day 41
Daniel entered the TARDIS library. “Helena?” he called out.
Helena emerged from a nearby aisle. “Daniel?”
“The Doctor wants everyone in the Console room. He says it’s important.”
“I hope it’s a way to get to Tiloana quicker. As much as the TARDIS and this library are amazing, I don’t want to spend nearly three years here.”
“Same here,” Daniel said. They left the library.
“Amazing that our Earth and the Earth in his universe are so similar...”
The Doctor was waiting in the console room when Daniel, Lana and SG-6 entered the console room.
“What is this about? You have found a quicker way?” Jameson asked.
“Yes. I have found a way to take the TARDIS through the Stargate,” the Doctor said.
“That’s good, but we would have to return to Earth first, right?” Marcia asked.
“That’s true. It will take a month, or a few days less, to get back there. I’m just about to reverse course,” the Doctor said.
“But wouldn’t we crash into our previous selves?” Helena asked.
“I have taken that into consideration,” the Doctor said as he manipulated the console. The TARDIS lurched, sending the humans to the floor. “There, we’re on our way back to Earth.
“Great!” Daniel said as he pushed Lana off him. She flinched and shoved his hands away.
“I can get up myself, Daniel!”
‘They seem to be getting closer…’ Marcia thought.
Day 63
The humans entered the Console Room as the TARDIS approached Earth.
“So what are we attempting again?” Jameson asked.
“We are going to materialise in the Gateroom and then go through the Stargate. We will then land somewhere safe on Tiloana,” the Doctor said.
“Sounds good,” Lana said.
“Everyone ready!” Jameson said. His team, Daniel and Lana each grabbed a hold of part of the console.
“Ready!” Lana said.
“Here we go,” the Doctor said. Everyone braced themselves.
32 minutes after the Stargate was activated the TARDIS rematerialised and then took off and approached the Stargate.
“What?” Landry asked.
“Redirecting Artron Energy to the outer shell... now!” The Doctor than directed the TARDIS into the Stargate. “It’s going to get really bumpy!”
The TARDIS entered the Stargate, pushing the event horizon inwards, and then causing a reverberation, when it had entered. Then massive sparking, and electrical discharges occurred.
“Massive amounts of power...” Harriman said.
“Keep it open!” Landry ordered.
“The power grid can’t handle this much longer, the breakers are about to trip!”
“Understood,” Landry said.
The TARDIS barrelled through the wormhole, keeping it wide enough to allow the police box shell through intact was a massive strain...
“This is taking a while!” Daniel said.
“How much longer?” Lana asked.
“A few more seconds!” the Doctor said, as he struggled with the console.
“Good,” Lana said.
The guards that the Priors had set to watch the Gate were confused. It had been open for over 30 minutes and yet nothing had come through. Suddenly the event horizon rippled in a weird manner and the TARDIS emerged from the Gate at great speed. They fired at the large blue projectile as the gate shut down, but their shots splashed harmlessly against the Extrapolator shield. The TARDIS continued on its way.
The TARDIS crash landed 10 kilometres from the gate.
The Doctor pulled Lana and Helena from the TARDIS which lay with the doors upwards. They then joined the others. “Right, you have any idea where Adria would have taken them?” the Doctor asked.
“They could be anywhere on this world, it’s been almost three hours, right?” Daniel asked.
“Yes,” the Doctor said.
“We better get moving. Can you get to where they were captured from here, Doctor Jackson?” Jameson asked.
“I think so,” Daniel said.
“Follow us,” Lana said.
After they helped the Doctor to set the TARDIS upright, they set off, despite the fact that the sun was setting.
* * *
Four hours later, they came to the site of the ambush. They could see no evidence of where the Priors may have taken the others.
“Well this has been a waste of time,” Daniel said.
“Not necessarily, they may be held back in N’b,” Lana said.
“That may be a wild goose chase,” Daniel said.
“Still worth a try!” Lana said.
“We can decide when the sun comes up. This is as good a spot to camp as any,” Jameson said.
“I agree,” the Doctor said.
12 Kalodar, 1027th year of Liberation (Ao Pliaalealan Calendar)
The Doctor and his group of temporary companions broke camp after a small breakfast.
“The village is less than an hour away,” Daniel said.
“Understood,” Jameson said.
The village was totally deserted. They had searched through and didn’t find any evidence that Adria or the Priors had been there.
They then headed in the direction of the TARDIS.
When they entered the TARDIS, the Doctor went to the console. “Ok, scanning for the Ori mothership.”
“Good,” Lana said.
“It took off six hours ago and headed into Hyperspace, towards the centre of the Galaxy,” the Doctor said.
“We’re too late then!” Jameson said.
“We’re never too late! I can still put the TARDIS aboard,” the Doctor said.
“Even whilst it’s travelling in Hyperspace?” Marcia asked.
“Oh, yes. Watch,” the Doctor said. He started to input coordinates into the console.
“This won’t take weeks too, will it?” Helena asked.
“No, ten minutes at most,” the Doctor said.
“That’s good,” Helena said.
“I agree,” Daniel said to Helena.
Ori Crusade Vessel Glorious Retribution
Adria knew something was amiss. “Scan the ship,” she said.
“Yes, Orici,” the Prior said. He repeated the order. One of his underlings then performed the scan.
The report soon came back. “There was a disturbance on deck 5. Getting a visual now.” An image of the TARDIS came up on the screen. The doors opened and Daniel Jackson lead a group of people out.
“Capture them!” She called out. “And that capsule that they have arrived in.”
“Yes, Orici.”
The Doctor locked the TARDIS and whipped out his sonic screwdriver. “I’m sure we have been detected. Security is on its way here,” he said.
“I know where the holding cells are, follow me,” Daniel said.
“Yes, Dr. Jackson,” Jameson said.
The team was halfway to the holding cells when they encountered resistance. They ducked into an adjoining corridor. “There has to be another way to get there,” the Doctor said. He used the sonic screwdriver to access a nearby computer panel.
“Orici, the intruders are accessing the computers. They’re bypassing the firewalls!” one of the bridge crew said.
“Deck 7, section 32.”
Adria stood up. “I’m going down there.”
“Yes, Orici.”
“Ok, there is an alternate route,” the Doctor said.
“Good,” Daniel said.
“Follow me,” the Doctor said. They quickly ran off as the security patrol arrived.
Before they reached the gangway the Doctor stopped. “Marcia, take Helena and Alyssa and go the alternative way. It is quite likely that Adria would focus on us,” he said.
Bates looked to Jameson. He nodded. She then signalled the other two members of the team and headed to the alternative route.
As they came down a gangway to Deck 8, Adria stepped into view. “Adria!” Daniel called out.
“I knew it was you, Doctor Jackson.”
“Let us go!” Lana called out. She stepped forwards, quarterstaff raised. Suddenly she rose up into the air.
“You impertinent child, your world will bow to Origin!”
“So, there are still forces of yours there. But we’re very resourceful!”
“Yes, I have seen. 10% of your nation’s settlements have been abandoned. However that strategy will not work forever. We’ll take your entire planet.”
“You won’t!”
“Yes, we will. We’ll also find your offworld colonies.”
“You will not! We’ll go from world to world...” Lana trailed off as Adria increased pressure around her neck.
“Let her go, Adria!” Daniel said.
“I will!” Adria said. Lana fell with the Doctor catching her.
“Out of our way!” Jameson said as he pointed his P-90 at Adria.
“That’s not going to work,” the Doctor said. Adria glared at Jameson ‘pushing’ him up the gangway with great force.
“That won’t work with me. Let us rescue SG-1, or face my wrath!” the Doctor said.
“Ah-yes, you’re the visitor from another universe. My soldiers are attempting to gain entry to your interesting vessel as we speak.”
“What do you know about it?” the Doctor asked.
“Let’s see. I know that the exterior is some kind of illusion. It’s also obvious that the interior is larger than the size of that exterior would suggest...”
‘She definitely knows too much,’ Daniel thought.
“You won’t gain access to it!” the Doctor said.
“Oh we will. I can guarantee it,” Adria said.
“Free SG1, or I’ll send this ship on a long journey back to your home galaxy,” the Doctor said.
“I’m sure that you could,” Adria said.
“Free SG1!” the Doctor deadpanned.
“No!” Adria said. She ‘pushed’ the Doctor as she did with Lana and Jameson. However, the Doctor didn’t move very far.
“Not a good idea, using telekinesis on a person such as myself!” the Doctor said.
“Yes, I see that you have similar powers,” Adria said.
“Yes,” the Doctor said.
Whilst the Doctor was confronting Adria, Bates, Lawson and Wells approached the holding cells. There were hardly any guards, they were distracted by the confrontation.
Wells rolled a Goa’uld stun grenade into the holding cell area. When the weapon had taken effect they went into the area. “About time,” Cameron said.
“Took a while for Doctor Jackson and Lana to get back to the SGC, and even longer for us to realize that you were aboard this ship,” Marcia said.
“I see, let us out of here!” Felicia said.
“Getting to it!” Lawson said. After a few seconds the forcefield went down.
“Adria probably already knows, let’s go,” Marcia said.
“Right behind you,” Carter said.
Adria became aware that SG1 and the companions were freed. “They have been freed. They won’t remain so for long!”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” the Doctor said.
“I don’t think so,” Adria said, she was struggling to hold the Doctor in place.
“Give up!”
SG-6, SG-1 and the companions approached the TARDIS. It was surrounded. “There goes that plan,” Vala said.
“No, we have more stun grenades,” Wells said. She rolled another of the stun grenades. It had same effect as the other one. They then walked up to the TARDIS. Lawson unlocked the TARDIS.
“What now?” Felicia asked as she locked the TARDIS door.
“We’ll wait for the Doctor,” Marcia said.
“That could take a while,” Kiara said.
“It could...”
“Orici,” a soldier said.
“What?” Adria asked, her eyes still on the Doctor.
“The guards around the strange box have been neutralized!”
“Send more guards,” she said.
The Doctor smiled and held up his sonic screwdriver. “Around me!” he said. Lana, Daniel and Francis crowded around him. He activated the sonic screwdriver. The sound of the TARDIS engines could then be heard. “No!” Adria called out. She dashed into the space next to the Doctor and the others...
The TARDIS engines started. “He’s calling the ship to him! That’s cool,” Cameron said.
“He does it a lot,” Tamsin said.
“OK,” Sam said.
Then the Doctor and the others, including Adria started to appear next to the console…
“Uh-oh!” Cameron said.
The TARDIS then landed, bringing the Doctor, Lana, Daniel, Jameson and Adria fully into the console room.
Adria wasn’t shocked by the size of the console room. “You just made a mistake, Doctor. I’ll be able to figure out how this ship of yours works, and then I’ll spread Origin through time itself!”
“I don’t doubt that,” the Doctor began.
“Then you’ve lost!” Adria interrupted.
“To figure it out, you will have to stay in the TARDIS long enough to do so,” the Doctor said.
“You can’t force me to leave, Doctor!”
“I can,” the Doctor said. He clicked his fingers, and the doors opened. “Kiara.”
Kiara looked at Adria. Suddenly a gust came up in the console room and started blowing against Adria. “You have to do better than that!” Adria said.
“Chill,” Kiara said.
Adria started freezing, but with a sudden burst of heat, she overcame Kiara’s chill effect. “Nice try, but you have to do better!”
“Leave this TARDIS!” Cameron said.
“I will, once I know enough to build one for the Ori,” Adria said.
Cameron signalled and both SG teams rushed at Adria. Adria easily pushed them all to the side of the console room. “It’s not working,” Felicia said.
“Hold on!” the Doctor said. He pulled a series of levers on the console. The TARDIS took off in normal space, moving sideways through the corridor. Adria fell over towards the doors, but she stayed in the TARDIS.
“There has to be something in the TARDIS that can help against her,” Felicia said.
“Many things, but there may not be enough time to find any of the items in time,” the Doctor said.
“We could look for them,” Helena said.
“We investigated a lot of the ship during those weeks,” Daniel said.
“Go, quickly!” the Doctor said. As they left the console room, he spun the TARDIS around, and slammed it into a wall...
Adria fell towards the door, but she remained in the TARDIS. She stared at the Doctor. “I can keep this up all day, Doctor. Can you?”
Helena and Daniel quickly found the library. “That was quick,” Helena said.
“The TARDIS is probably helping us,” Daniel said.
They quickly found the Doctor’s (incomplete) inventory of artifacts. “This will take a while,” Daniel said as he got the rather large tome off the shelf.
“Let’s get started.”
Back in the console room, Adria was still stubbornly remaining in the TARDIS. Kiara had tried encasing her in ice, but that didn’t work.
The battle continued...
About ten minutes later, Daniel found something of use in the Doctor’s artefact inventory...
“Here it is. ‘A device to neutralise telekinetic activity: it plugs into the console for specific control,’” Daniel said.
“That would certainly be useful,” Helena said.
“Certainly,” Daniel said.
“Does it say where it is?” Helena asked.
“Rather cryptically; ‘Go to the far side of the library, then turn to the left. Go up three levels and solve the riddle. Go through and walk for a minute. Open the cupboard and climb up ten shelves on the right side half way in. It’s near the back.’”
“That is cryptic.”
“I’ll write it down.”
After Daniel had written the directions down, he and Helena headed deeper into the library…
Adria continued to try to pry the TARDIS’s secrets. However, the Doctor, and the TARDIS herself continued to rebuff her efforts.
‘Now, the scanner has to be connected to the main systems...’
It took six minutes for Daniel and Helena to cross the library. It took them another half a minute to find the stairs. Once at the third level they found a door with a jumbled up picture on it. “That’s the riddle? This is going to take forever!” Helena complained.
“We have to do it,” Daniel said.
“I know,” Helena said.
“I think we have to reconstruct the picture.”
“I concur.” They started their attempt to solve the riddle by sliding the pieces of the picture around.
Back in the console room the companions and SGC personnel were attempting to shove Adria out of the TARDIS doors, with the assistance of the Doctor and Kiara’s telekinetic powers. “This isn’t working! We need another plan,” Cameron said.
“Indeed,” Teal’c remarked. “But there isn’t much other choice.”
“We just need to give Daniel and Helena time to retrieve one of those devices,” the Doctor said.
“They won’t succeed! I have already gained some information,” Adria said.
“But not much,” the Doctor responded.
“I know the fate of your civilisation,” Adria taunted.
“Then be thankful that you won’t have to face anything like that!” the Doctor returned.
“The Ori have no reason to fear the Daleks!” Adria shot back.
“Not just the Daleks,” the Doctor said darkly. “But the things that the War brought forth,” the Doctor said. He thought of the Nightmare King with a shudder, Adria just stared at him.
Helena and Daniel solved the door riddle after six minutes. The door opened revealing a dark corridor. “Walk for a minute, that doesn’t make sense,” Helena said.
“I guess we have to walk along the corridor for a minute.”
“Only one way to find out.”
They started walking.
A minute after they started walking, the cupboard appeared right in front of them. “Climb up ten shelves on the right side halfway, it’s near the back,” Daniel read.
“Right, I’ll climb up,” Helena said. She then climbed up the ladder that was at the position.
Helena climbed down with a small device in her hand. “That’s it? It looks small,” Daniel stated.
“It was the only thing in the position described,” Helena said.
“Right,” Daniel said. They turned to go out of the cupboard and found that it now led back to the stairs rather than the corridor. “That’s convenient,” Daniel remarked.
Back at the console room, most of the people, except the Doctor and Teal’c were tiring. Adria was glaring at the Doctor over the console as Teal’c spared against her.
It took another five minutes for Daniel and Helena to recross the library, and three more for them to return to the console room. “Doctor!” Helena called.
The Doctor left the console where Teal’c and Kiara were sparing with Adria and ran to the door. “You have it?” he asked quickly.
“Yes,” Helena placed the device in the Doctor’s hand.
“Thanks,” the Doctor dashed back to the console whilst Adria was still distracted by the Jaffa and the Tyrian.
However, Adria knew something was up. “You can’t stop me with a device!” she said as the Doctor inserted it into a port in the console.
“Yes. I can,” he said. He started manipulating the console. When he finished, he stared at Adria in the eyes. “Leave. My. TARDIS!” He pressed a final button, and Adria flew out of the TARDIS. He then closed the doors with a click of his fingers.
“That was close!” Tamsin said.
“What now?” Cameron asked, panting.
“Now, we go back to Tiloana. And then through the Stargate,” the Doctor said as he laid in a course back to that planet.
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