#i’m on track to get into the bio major program and i’m taking lots of entomology courses
mirrorballls · 4 years
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* liana liberato, cis woman + she/her | you know rory hanna, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, their whole life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to cool by soccer mommy like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that loud pen clicking rapidly in the corner of kahlo’s, collegiate sweatshirt two sizes too big, and constantly waiting for that deep breath of relief: a longing hope that one day, it’ll all settle down thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is august 26th, so they’re a virgo, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
hey team.
admins made poor decision and let me take up two more muses. i want to plot but we all know i’m butt ass slow at getting to those messages so. i’ll probably make a day of that once i finish starters this all makes sense in my little twisted head.
full name:  aurora catherine hanna. answers exclusively to rory. birthday:  august 26, 1998. big three:  virgo sun. aquarius moon. capricorn rising. sexuality:  bisexual. occupation:  social media manager for the local paper. neighborhood:  lives in her childhood home on orion avenue.
rory was born the youngest of three and it shows. i’m not saying third child syndrome is real, but if it is, rory has it. her family was seemingly average in every way: the white picket fence, the house on orion avenue, parents happily married, and not many curveballs coming their way. but as the youngest, rory has always been more of a self-starter. from a young age, she was both fiercely independent and constatnly doing whatever it took to get her parents attention: it’s a paradox, but it’s who she was. she burned the candle at both ends, making sure she was taken care of, on the right track, but always looking for a pat on the back about it.
education had always been a priority in the hanna family: both of their parents were teachers and they were sure to instill a sense of how important an education was. and it left marks on them all in a different way. for her brother, it meant pursuing teaching (smiles at austin) and for her, it was turning her education into something competitive, something she was so passionate about getting the absolute most out of, she was willing to go to extreme lengths. she, like many others, will blame it on the aftermath of gifted-and-talented programs, and being made to feel like she had to achieve at this high level or fail, no middle of the road.
and so, school became almost her singular focus. she was naturally clever, smart enough to learn little ways to come up for air, but for the most part, it was always at the forefront of her mind. and for that, she became her mother’s prize jewel. she would beam and laugh and joke with her bookclub friends about how rory would one day be at duke with the best of them. and her third child syndrome just ate that up. she loved the attention and the praise that dedicating herself to school got her, and she’d do anything to keep that high for a while.
so high school kind of sucked. she had her sights set on duke and knew, that to actually be able to go, she’d have to get enough scholarship money to make that feasible. because the more she talked to her mom about school, the more she indulged her desire to see rory succeed, almost as if she was living vicariously through her, school kept getting bigger. because at first it was getting to the top of her class. then it was duke. then it was law school, preferably ivy league. they had it all mapped out, ready for rory to just succeed and make it happen.
but obviously it’s not as easy as just succeeding. for four years, she was stretched thin. she got involved with as many clubs as she could, she took as many ap classes as her bloated schedule would allow. she played it cool around her friends, whenever she was actually able to see her friends, but for the most part, she spent high school holed up in the library or her bedroom studying and working on whatever paper or project would click her along on her way to duke.
but it all paid off. in the end, she got into duke, and was able to check off that box. but she also got into university of north carolina, and they were a lot more generous with the scholarships. she got a full ride, and with ambitions beyond undergrad, it just made sense to go ahead and take it, save her money for the big league law school she would pick out later. plus, she still got the satisfaction of knowing she got in, she had done enough to impress them, so she convinced herself that was all the payoff she needed.
she majored in journalism and political science, always with intentions of it being a solid base for law school. but she always had a preference for her journalism classes. she got really involved in campus publications and, while it wasn’t all consuming like high school extracurriculars had been, it was something she loved. she loved writing, she loved piecing together each week’s issue, she loved exploring her world through that lens, getting to shine a spotlight on the good and the bad in her community. if she had it her way, she’d pursue that full time. but she didn’t think that was possible.
about a year ago, around the time she was working on law school applications, her parents got divorced. it sent shockwaves through her family, rory and her siblings were largely blindsided by the decision, and it brought her to reconsider a lot of things. seeing her mother in this new light, it felt like half of her decisions for the past ten years had been made to please someone she felt like she didn’t even really know.
so, partly out of hedonism and partly out of spite, she decided to defer law school, eventually deciding to all together not go. she was breaking the cycle and doing something for herself for once. she would take her degree and pursue journalism, she would keep living with her dad and largely cut out her mom, she’d become the person she wanted to be and not who she was expected to be.
but living an amazing life out of spite is harder than she expected. she’s working on finding her footing again, but she didn’t expect to be out in the real world so soon. she took the only job the local paper had available, and she’s hoping to work her way up to writing and editing more, but for now, she’s taking what she can get.
personality wise she’s very determined and stubborn when it matters but she’s also always been a little impish. when she took breaks from studying to go out, she wanted it to count, so she’s been known to raise a little hell. just wanted to make sure she didn’t read as fully joyless nerd even though she is like at least a third joyless nerd.
high school friends!! rory came back to irving on the weekends/in the summer, but she kind of fell out of touch with a lot of her closest friends from high school. i picture her to have been close with a bunch of other smart girls with ambitions, so maybe its just a matter of them all being in town again to get back in the swing of things
summer flings!!! she hasn’t done a lot of dating dating, but she was prone to messing around a little in the summer. maybe ur muse was apart of that! they could be on the same page as her or maybe they wanted something more and it just didn’t pan out.
former rivals!!! maybe if they were in high school at the same time, your muse and rory were rivals. they still be rivals, and your muse has the upper hand since rory gave up on law school, or maybe they’re more on the same page now.
im very bad at thinking of these. but i would love to make plots with you all :)
but im gonna keep this short and sweet because i have Another Intro to write.... ugh
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finchleaf · 3 years
hi!! your plan to self study an ap class this year is really inspiring!! (but no additional pressurebvs setting yourself up for success is the most inspiring thing)
can i ask a few questions? if not, then no worries!! and best of luck during your academic year!
here are the questions :)... how do you self study? do you take an online class? or buy the ap book yourself? and then sign up for the exam?
what do your classes look like? do you have a lot of ap classes on the roster? how do you balance?
i want to study psych bcs im interested in pursing a career in the field. but im all filled for junior year ... self study? or wait till senior year? or swap out an elective?
ik i asked a ton if questions, mostly as a result of rambling. by no means must you answer all or any! i also wont like... hold you accountable for my decisions hehe... i appreciate any communication! thank you ♡♡
x v
hiiiii thank u!! i haven't told my parents or my counselor yet, the idea literally popped into my head like.... 6 hours ago??? but i've already done some research online :) i guess i'd just study on my own! no online classes or anything. i'll probably set up a study plan according to the resources i've found: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. i also want to invest in a good prep book, i've heard princetons or barrons is the best (btw here's a pdf version of barrons i found in a youtube comment section :)) and then i need to inform my counselor in case she has any advice and i'll register for the exam next year with my school's ap coordinator
here is my current (in-school) schedule for senior year:
ap literature
ap calc ab
ap bio (it's a double period class! at least at my school)
symphonic band
and two engineering electives from the project lead the way program (digital electronics and engineering design and development)!
i wanted to originally take ap psych and forensics instead of those two eng classes because i was *obsessed* w criminal minds (recognized ur pfp!!) and criminology/psych in general. but now i either want to study engineering (probably civil) or architecture! so yeah i want to self study psych for fun since i already have other responsibilities in different interests (and maybe apes as well bc it would help w my major!)
my extracurriculars arent crazy this year (piano and a non-high school related sports team) and then i'm planning to babysit a few hours a week for a neighborhood family :) so i honestly don't think it'll be too stressful? once again i still have to consult my parents and counselor
if you're going into your junior year idk!! you just have to assess your situation (course-load, extracurriculars -- i think you do track right?, etc) junior year is famously known as the worst year of high school, but at the same time, you don't have the added stress of college apps? but then again in senior year there tends less pressure in classes because you are going through the apps process. and then once apps are over in like jan or feb, you get plenty of time to study! at the very least, it's ap psych; i've read it's one of the most easiest ap classes to self-study :)
anyways sorry this was so rambley but thank u for asking!!! i think you could definitely do it but just do as much research as possible so you know what you're getting into <3
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ofshilch-blog · 5 years
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hello pals ! i feel like i’ve introduced myself like twelve times for this rp by now but just in case you haven’t had the displeasure of meeting me yet, i’m mira (she/her), 22, gmt+1. i’ll be writing shiloh jeong, the twenty year old art history major aka the unwritten page. shiloh might be a messy bitch, but she’s trying her best and that’s what matters :((
name: shiloh jeong gender & pronouns: cis female, she & hers age: twenty major & year: art history, first year faceclaim: lee naeun occupation: hemlock history museum, gift shop employee
shiloh’s bio is heavily influenced by the initial label i applied for ( flight risk gang make some NOISE ) so i’m still reworking the details, but i’ll give you guys the 411
shiloh is a hemlock native, she grew up more than comfortable but often felt suffocated by the strings that came with her family’s weath and the path laid out for her
as a kid she acted out a Lot, but her family tolerated it because, you know .... children wack
when she got to high school her impulsive ways stopped being seen as cute, she was expected to have like ... direction and a purpose in life but she was like wait i’m baby
but life doesn’t stop for anyone !! so she basically went through high school constantly acting out and fighting with her family, until she got fed up, tore up her college acceptance letters and left pretty much without an explanation on her graduation day to take a gap year & travel the world
while abroad she fell in love with the different places and cultures and new n exciting art forms she got to see. she never thought college was right for her, but she suddenly remembered covington has a world class art history program and that maybe she fucked up by leaving before giving the school a chance
so she’s back in hemlock to study at covington, and Rly enjoying it ( somewhat to her surprise ) - so what if she starts all her assignments at 3am after four cups of coffee and she skips all her early morning lectures because she’d rather die than wake up before 9am ... she’s still learning a lot and actually Cares about what she’s learning which has been a complete light bulb moment for her
shiloh is really, really trying to be good at covington - to not get into fights, to do her work and to keep her head down. she doesn’t always succeed ( she’s a bit too uh ... honest for that ), but she’s trying to grow as a person and find out who she wants to be now that she’s a young adult and isn’t constantly forced to fight back against her parents’ idea of her
shiloh is not rly a typical extrovert or introvert, she loves soaking up the energy of big groups but she also likes her alone time and more than anything, she prefers to keep people at a distance and doesn’t have many very close relationships ( not for any emo reasons, she’s just way too caught up in her own shit to care much about other people’s shit )
she’s also part of covington’s track team, just in case there are more runners in this group heh
so those are the basics!! imma try to write some wcs tomorrow if i can find the braincells i lost during my last finals this week, but either way i’m SO musey and all of your beautiful charas are inspiring me soso much so pls hit me up and i’m sure we can cook smth up!!
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
RECENT NEWS & STUDIES, late April 2019
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across from April 9th to May 2, although some may be older than that. 
I am really interested in hearing what you think of this new format - please leave a comment below, or convo, Tweet or email me through my website. Let’s make this as useful as possible! 
US Amazon sellers were told via email that they will have to pay taxes on some Amazon fees, as Etsy has been doing with sellers in the EU and in Quebec. 
The Instagram look may be dropping out of favour; apparently, reality is in. “Instagram museums and walls were built to allow normal people to take influencer-quality photographs—but they worked so well, those types of photos became common enough that they don’t resonate like they used to. “#unfiltered 
In case you missed it, my review of Etsy’s Spring & Summer Trends Guide, including all of the keyword data (which you do need to check out, as they reveal some interesting search info). 
Etsy published a new census/survey of sellers in its 6 core countries, and also did a summary (if you don’t want to read the whole thing). “More than nine out of ten Etsy sellers (91%) are the sole owner of their businesses.”... “The majority (82%) of Etsy sellers would like to grow their business, but more than three out of five would not want to grow so big that they would have to hire more help.”
The bugs & errors with financial statements and records continue; Etsy botched the VAT statements yet again, even overwriting them all the way back to 2016. No word on whether any sellers have notified EU authorities on this yet. 
New seller handbook article covers advertising; not much new or gripping, but it does discuss general ad approaches, not just Etsy’s. 
There is also a new free shipping tool, in case you didn’t realize that Etsy wants more sellers to offer free shipping more often. “When we talk to shoppers during research, many say things like “I want to feel like I’m getting a deal!” and “I would love to see free shipping across the board, even if it meant increased prices.” Offering free shipping can be a great way to give customers like these the shopping experience they are looking for.”
CEO Josh Silverman participated in The Wall Street Journal’s “In the Elevator” interview series [video link]. Every 90 seconds, an engagement ring or wedding ring sells on Etsy. He also talks about free & fast shipping not always being a reasonable expectation when shopping on Etsy, unlike Amazon. 
Speaking of free shipping, a limited number of US customers will be getting it from Etsy, with Etsy reimbursing sellers for the costs. Non-US sellers and buyers get nothing. 
Etsy’s 2019 1st quarter results will be available May 8.
Rand Fishkin released Part 5 of his Learn SEO in 1 Hour series: technical SEO [video & written transcript]. This is the one most of you can skip or just skim over, as it does talk a lot about coding.Some tips are important to everyone, however, like page linking/site structure (for websites), and having https set up. 
Part 6 covers link building, in 10 minutes. Remember, if you are going to put effort into getting links, do it for your website & not your Etsy shop or other marketplace page. If you are creating traffic, make sure you own it. 
Don’t forget looking beyond Google for your search engine traffic; this podcast [with written transcript] breaks down an approach to several of the biggest ones beyond Google. Spoiler: they only recommend worrying about the biggest, Bing, if you have around 1000 unique search visitors to your website per day. 
How to get keyword ideas from the Google search results: there’s a lot more available now, beyond the search bar suggestions. 
Google is asking local businesses if they would pay for their Google My Business listings. This possibility raises concerns about the impact on organic rankings. 
More SEO tips for Amazon, including discussion of the various factors involved.
If pages on your website aren’t indexed by Google, there are some steps you can take to fix them. (For websites only, not Etsy shops)
Advanced/semi-advanced content: Great tips on using bookmarklets in Chrome to get SEO things done quickly. (A lot of these involve tools that work best in the paid version, so I suspect most of us will not have much use for this, yet.)
Possible Google algorithm update last week. (I am seeing changes)
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Looking for new hashtags for your social media accounts? Try: https://www.tagshitter.com  (apologies for the name; that’s what they call it. It’s good, too! Just like its regular keyword research partner, http://keywordshitter.com/ ) 
Email subject lines [infographic] are crucial to top interaction with your newsletter etc. Includes Dos & Don’ts, plus the shockingly low open rates in most industries. 
Selling through social media directly is a great way to avoid people losing interest as they keep clicking. Note that this seems to work best with items under $50, though, which they suggest solutions to in the next part of the article.  
Despite all the scandals and negative media coverage, US social media use hasn’t really changed in the past few years. “A 2018 Center survey found that some Facebook users had recently taken steps to moderate their use of the site – such as deleting the Facebook app from their phone or taking a break from the platform for some time. But despite these findings and amid some high profile controversies, Facebook users as a whole are just as active on the site today as they were a year ago.”
Facebook scandal watch:  FB’s “stock price jumped after it said it expects to incur a fine of up to $5 billion from the Federal Trade Commission. And that’s all you really need to know about whether the historically large penalty matters to the company.”
they admitted to asking for your email password then importing all of your contacts. “...Facebook disclosed to Business Insider that 1.5 million people's contacts were collected this way and fed into Facebook's systems, where they were used to improve Facebook's ad targeting, build Facebook's web of social connections, and recommend friends to add.”
The Canadian Privacy Commissioner is taking FB to court over breaches of Canadian privacy law. 
But hey, it’s all fine, because they beat earnings expectations in the first quarter. 
70% of YouTube videos watched are recommended by its algorithm. “ The recommendations are fueled by the artificial-intelligence arm, Google Brain, of YouTube’s parent company. The machine-learning models help identify videos that aren’t exactly what you just watched, but similar enough that you might like them.“
Does directing people to the link in your Instagram bio really work? Testing says that it probably doesn’t work for most accounts, and more importantly, that Instagram may be limiting the algorithm visibility of posts that direct visitors to the link in your bio. 
Twitter has now limited the number of accounts you can follow in 1 day, to 400 down from 1000; this is intended to cut back on spammers. 
US Twitter users are better educated & better off than the average American.(Good article for target market considerations)
Amazon is reducing/removing the ads for its own products, possibly due to increased complaints of unfair competition. “Amazon is now the third-largest digital advertising platform, behind Google and Facebook”, and could grow 50% this year alone, based on projections. 
Facebook retargeting tips. And everything you need to know about the Facebook pixel for tracking your ad performance. 
Some Google Analytics tips for websites - almost beginner level! 
The Google Search Console delays are nearly all fixed. 
Stats programs all give you different numbers, and that isn’t likely to improve. (This piece is semi-advanced; don’t bother with it if you aren’t a stats geek.)
eBay’s Spring Marketplace Updates include several back end changes and a fee increase for sellers who run afoul of eBay’s seller performance standards. 
Amazon sellers can buy so-called “black hat” services to beat its algorithms. These include tips from Amazon employees who are making money by reporting on Amazon’s inner workings. Amazon “also said it takes action against sellers who pay for internal information; penalties include terminating their selling accounts, deleting reviews, withholding funds, and taking legal action.” No doubt the company already has closed some of the loopholes discussed in the article.
Amazon also fires warehouse workers by algorithm, based on productivity. 
GoDaddy launches an ecommerce sharing tool that lets you list across multiple websites including your standalone. Current marketplace options include Etsy, Amazon, eBay, Jet & Walmart. They bought Sellbrite as part of this move. Quite a few different entities are releasing this type of service, so shop around if it is something you are interested in. 
eBay released their 1st quarter 2019 results on April 23. Total sales were down 4% from 2018 (they were close to even when currency fluctuations were accounted for), but eBay’s own income from seller fees was up. “eBay reduced their marketing by a significant amount where their cash was being used to effectively subsidise the sales of high value items. Put simply, eBay have been buying sales and now they’ve stopped and this has seen a reduction in high ticket items being sold in comparison to sales of lower value items.” Easter being later this year may have slowed ecommerce growth overall in the quarter. 
...but Amazon reported record revenue, up 16.9% over 2018. Despite that, analysts note that growth is slowing, & that Amazon’s own projections for the second quarter are lower than many predicted. “Amazon’s CFO Brian Olsavsky said during the call with analysts that part of the lower guidance is due to an $800 million investment in making free one-day delivery shipping the default for Prime members.” - if you thought buyers wanted stuff yesterday already, wait til this becomes the norm ... I mean, Walmart & Target stocks fell after the announcement. Walmart is already hinting at offering the same. 
You can return your Amazon purchases at Kohl’s in the US, starting everywhere in July. Ease of returns is going to be a bigger battleground in the next few years, as retailers continue to increase free & speedy shipping options. 
Generation Z will be making 40% of US retail purchases by next year; they are going to change a lot about selling. “ Fair trade products, ethical business practices, and a strong mission statement have never been more essential. Vend reports, “Research has shown that this particular generation cares about various environmental issues (76% are concerned about humanity’s impact on the planet) as well as social causes such as racial, gender, and income inequality.” [Gen Z come after millennials, and are currently more numerous than millennials or boomers.] 
Millennials & Gen Z are big gift card buyers in the US - over 1/3 buy a card every 3 months. 
Brick & mortar stores & malls are using your phone location data (location analytics) to make marketing and product decisions. “Every company interviewed for this story said it chooses not to use information that could identify individuals. But for the most part they’re on an honor system because rules governing data remain relatively lax.” This surprised me: “To glean details, including an individual’s age, income, ethnicity, education level, number of children and more, firms connect the phone’s evening location with U.S. Census data”
US copyright law: the USSC rules that your copyright registration must be finished/approved before you can sue an infringer in federal court.  
If you hate Gmail’s current layout, you will love this Chrome extension. 
And if you use Google Sheets fairly often, you will likely learn something useful from these tips. 
Google’s parent company, Alphabet, missed industry revenue expectations in the first quarter of 2019. 
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yogaadvise · 6 years
5 Top-Rated iPhone Apps for Yogis
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If you wish to discover yoga, you no much longer need to study, order, as well as wait on a DVD to find in the mail. Nowadays, you simply need to grab your phone.
Learning yoga in individual can be a reliable, much more social approach. You could not always have accessibility to a workshop, or have the funds to pay for classes.
There are hundreds of yoga exercise apps and it's hard to tell which ones are excellent. Prior to you hand over loan to purchase an application, or even prior to you download and install a complimentary one, have a look at these evaluations of the most effective yoga exercise apps presently on the market.
Yoga Studio by Modern Lotus 
$ 3.99 for Mac items just: iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini
This is the best-selling yoga application and also the one with one of the most positive testimonials. It has a 5-star individual ranking as well as was elected runner-up in "Ideal Application Ever Before" Awards in the health and fitness group for 2012 and also 2013. Yoga Workshop has 65 prefabricated high interpretation video clip courses for beginner, intermediate, or innovative students. When you click a prefabricated class, it will certainly download to your gadget. The documents are large due to the fact that they're fired in HD. There is a yoga position library with 285 poses. When you click a posture you get an image of the pose, a summary, the benefits, and also alterations as well as counter-indications. The individual interface is spick-and-span as well as easy to use.
You can develop your own custom-made classes with pose blocks, which are brief series that you can connect together to create a flow. Yoga Studio's smart-link feature can perfectly connect with each other poses, which might not normally stream together as well as the video-stitch attribute transforms your series into an entire class.
I have checked out numerous yoga applications and this set is the absolute ideal I have actually seen and well worth the purchase rate. Take a look at the Yoga Exercise Workshop App.
Daily Yoga by DailyYoga.com 
Free to download and install with In-App purchases. You can upgrade to the professional version for $29.99 per year for iPhone or Android.
This is a close second to the Daily Yoga exercise app. The most effective component of this app is that it's totally free to download and also even more than 25 courses are included in the totally free variation. The background music is additionally goes actually well with the courses. With the totally free variation, you get a soundtrack called Yoga Moments. When you upgrade to the pro variation, you get additional soundtracks. The app has a clean, simple interface as well as is visually pleasing. The yoga exercise models also have a bio page. The video clips are clear, very easy to comply with, and also the voiceover directions are detailed without being overbearing. Each class has a different style such as hip openers, sun salutations, or easy joint activity. You can open added classes with the professional version.
Daily Yoga exercise has a position collection and also you can attach to a global area with the application. Since October 2015, there were a great deal of customer issues concerning current updates triggering the app to crash as well as various other issues concerning customer solution not being attentive.
This is a good application and also you can take lots of courses with the totally free version. Have a look at the Daily Yoga App.
Pocket Yoga HD by Rainfrog LLC
$2.99 for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, and also Windows 8
The yoga model in the Pocket Yoga HD is computer generated, which can take some getting made use of to. It's virtually as if you're enjoying a cartoon character do yoga. As you advance in the poses, you obtain to "update" your background. You may have a computer-generated desert background and also you can upgrade to an ocean sight as you advance in your method. The app, funky computer-generated features apart, has received favorable evaluations. In February 2014, MacWorld offered Pocket Yoga exercise HD rave evaluations and USA Today called it one of the "best fitness applications" in 2013.
It has full yoga courses and also does not require network connection. Pocket Yoga HD has a detailed position dictionary with explanations, which might be especially valuable to yoga teachers in training.
There are a great deal of individual issues that the poses change as well rapidly which there are no clear demos on just how to do postures. This application is not for newbies. For those that prefer to custom-made build their own courses, this app does not have that ability. As well as various other individuals have actually grumbled regarding the exercises being too repetitive. Inspect out the Pocket Yoga Exercise App.
Simply Yoga Exercise FREE by Daily Exercise Apps LLC
Free download, professional version available for $3.99 for iPhone, iPad, Android, Google Play
I included this app due to the fact that it has gotten a great deal 5-star reviews as well as its standard version is totally free. In addition to those reasons, I'm not impressed.
It does not appear like programmers but a lot of effort, thought, or sources into making the app appealing. The videos look like they were videotaped in a person's living-room with a residence camera. It's practical as well as standard.
The advantage is they have 20- to 60-minute workouts with degrees one and two. The name of each present shows up on the screen in English as well as in Sanskrit. The history track, which does not alter, is ocean noises. There is a schedule tip to send you notifications for exercising. You can customize your workouts with the professional version.
The one major annoyance, in the totally free variation of this app, is that there are advertisements stumbling upon all-time low of the display throughout your yoga class. Look into the Just Yoga Exercise Free App.
Yoga.com Studio by Plus Sports
$ 3.99 for iPhone and also iPad and Free for Andriod with In App purchases
This application has a modern and smooth interface. There are 45 yoga programs as well as 300 yoga presents. You can select a program or customize your class. In the position base, you can see a presentation along with a 3D muscle mass photo of the position. You can also pick from various sound histories. An additional excellent feature is that you can have the position named in English or Sanskrit and you can leave the instructor's voice on or transform it off in the app setups. Yoga.com Studio additionally includes 4 breathing exercises as well as meditations.
Some of the reviewers grumble that the workouts are longer than mentioned and also that the routines do not stream in between poses. Obviously, you can not transform off the position presentations feature. There have actually been issues of the app cold up commonly, and also that the upgrade to the professional version is ineffective. Yet In my viewpoint, this is just one of the better applications. Take a look at the Yoga.com Workshop App.
Nothing is as authentic and also comfortable as remaining in a real class with real people. Yoga apps can be a superb option when you're taking a trip or merely can't get to a yoga course.
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bcdyhigh-blog · 6 years
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hey y’all !! i have this queued and everything bc my forgetful ass prob won’t be around for the soft opening.. rip. anyways i’m lia, twenty, a rpdr and retro future enthusiast, and i’m hyped as hell to introduce my Kids ! admittedly gyuri owns my heart more than max so, you can have her first, you’d prob thank me for it shortly anyways DKSLGFJ you can find her bio HERE, i also have her PLOTS and STATS pages up, so check them out as well ! and if you wanna plot, just hmu over at discord !
( KIM MINJI | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER ) I swear I saw MOON GYURI around campus yesterday. I hear the TWENTY-ONE year old is very resolute & circumspect which totally adds up since they're a TAURUS. They’re in their THIRD year and studying MUSIC PRODUCTION. you might also see them at a RADIO CLUB meeting. ( lia, nt, she/her. )
moon gyuri, a daegu native with an older sister and younger brother, an ambivert and an all around baby
i already have an overview of her bg so i’ll stick to the basics with this copied intro gklfds
buT she became involved in music through her father, who studied it in uni and ended up becoming a music instructor with a focus on piano, flute and vocals
her and her mom.. also her older sister, didn’t have the best relationship when she grew older, which seemed to die altogether when her parents divorced and her mom left. but her and her sister’s still exists, it’s just that she’s a bit of a toxic influence on her and she tends to distance herself from her
went to seoul arts to pursue music like her father ( a daddy’s girl too like ) and found her way into the world of production !! just before junior year, she transferred out of her original program, applied music with a concentration in piano, into music production and has loved it ever since
she’s making something of an income as the creator of an acct on youtube and soundcloud for her music — going by the aliases lunar wave and leda on them respectively ( can you tell how creative i am.. seriously, im dsfggdfjk )
she’s not even close to making it big yet, having only started a few short months ago, and that being said, she doesn’t mind if she never works for a moderately to highly popular label in the future — though she should if she wants to get by
among the aesthetic, lo-fi music crowd ( one of those yt accts with a livestream for certain playlists that go on for hours, rip ) where for the most part, it’s personal faves mixed with her own works, and has a substantial following for such a new acct as of now. but has an interest in experimenting, with mashups ( as a lover of them ?? i couldn’t help myself sgflkdsjg ) for example, with a small fear of how that change would be received
anyways she’s a member of the radio club, is usually found in either her room or some studio in the music department, and is a struggling bi baby 
this is so short iK, it’s a little infuriating if you ask me ljkgdfjls
in terms of her personality and other things:
she’s quite a loyal person, but even she knows when to draw a line in the sand. while like i said, her relationship with her sister is Not Great, she hadn’t completely given up on her for many years. definitely for the time being, for her own benefit, but her being someone who’s open to the idea of people changing for the better somewhere down the line leaves a bit of room for her to possibly change her mind, if her sister does enough to allow her to consider it
so she can be a bit of a doormat in some cases, it all depends on how she sees the person that determines if that’s the case, but she generally won’t let you off if you’re being dumb/an ass to someone or if she gets advantageous vibes from you for example ( given she can.. be a little dense on occasion and is a gentle soul overall ) so.. idk fgklsj good luck to the 99% ig ??
she does have a slight dependency on others despite her thinking all signs point to the opposite, and even though her and her mom never rly had a good relationship she still reels from the neglect/abandonment some days so handle her with Care if she deems you a close pal
super wary with taking risks and the like, add her stubborn nature and she’s gonna be difficult to persuade on a range of things
unwavering in her work and with those she trusts. she also is the same with herself more often than not, but she’s not exempt from having that doubtful voice in her head convincing her she’s doing a shit job in x thing to throw her off
she’s a little reclusive when focused on something, if she tells you she’s working on a track, it’s essentially a head’s up that you might not see her for a couple of days depending on how soon she gets it done — lowkey that bitch™ who makes up an illness to her prof or boss, so she wouldn’t even show up for class/work if it’s more than just her fucking around
bc admittedly, a lot of what she posts is fucking around and liking it, her more thought-out and effort packed projects are hidden away on her laptop
a bit insecure with her work and just her general disposition ?? bc like i said, she’s not exempt from that Evil voice in her head and those few more.. conflicting points above, we’ll say, mess with her a lot and leave her disheartened so.. my poor child
so that being said, she’s v strong overall, takes people’s shit but if it gets to her, she gets over it p fast ( the first time around ). doesn’t dwell on much and will be courteous to you even if she’s declared you too toxic to stick around 24/7
isn’t exactly one to get angry super easily ?? she’s basically just disappointed or annoyed at best 99% of the time, it takes a lot to get her beyond that
a cute bean who wants the best for everyone and is also clumsy as absolute fuCK
plays piano and bass guitar
prob has some kind of little amateur rock band with a few music majors and took up bass for the hell of it lmao
so.. if you want in on that lmk sdgkldg
loves animals, leans towards cats or big dogs. corgis and those little spaniels get a pass tho
speaking of, she has a cute little calico kitten ( i’m shit with pet names so that’s tba rgkjls ) who she Loves, her baby !!
sweater, ball cap and basic t shirt junkie
those glasses minji’s worn on occasion ?? rinna wears them too but.. actually needs them, not even close to a fashion statement
doesn’t don much makeup unless someone’s dragging her to a party or something
thaT’S when she looks a little more like a classy early twenties bitch.. which lbr, is hard enough when adulthood is a whole Train Wreck for the most part LGFJSDL
not a heavy drinker, but the textbook definition of a lightweight so.. she’s always praying for anyone who has to deal with her dgfjklsfg
lattes are her livelihood
a bit of a hopeless romantic, god help her
her favourite subject in school was literature/writing and reads quite a bit on her breaks between classes, prob tried to take up a creative writing class as an elective as well
favourite music genres.. it’s easier to say what she doesn’t like/finds boring, which is prob country and some aspects of edm/pop, not into punk/metal either
these are super basic plus her personality description is all over the place bc i’m rushing but.. i’ve gotta get to max’s info so this’ll do for now i hope ??
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loubabykitten · 7 years
For reasons wretched and divine (94k, chaptered)
Ten years ago, Harry Styles was just a nerdy kid with one friend and a debilitating crush on the captain of his school’s football team. He thought the stars were smiling down on him the day he and Louis Tomlinson were paired for their end-of-term Literature project. But because Harry’s life is decidedly not a fairytale, the budding friendship quickly leads to the least happy ending of all time.
Now, Harry Styles is a household name. Barely twenty-seven with two Grammy nominations to his name, the singer-songwriter is poised to take the music industry by storm with his highly anticipated third album. So, what happens when the best producer in the business is also the only person Harry’s vowed never to speak to again?
An AU in two parts. Two boys, two stories, and hopefully, two chances at love
Lightning strikes twice (104k, chaptered) - groupie!louis, famous!harry
“Louis Tomlinson,” Harry said slowly, shaking his head and betraying a slight grin. “What the fuck are the odds?” “Small world,” Louis said lightly, shrugging and holding his hand out to Harry, smirk playing on his lips. “Wasn’t sure you’d remember me.” “Haha! Please.” Harry slid his palm into Louis’, grasping and shaking it. It must’ve been... what? Thirty years? Two tales, one story. One: a tale of a rock star taking a shine to a fan who is different from all the others, and two: a tale of an older, washed up rock star, who - on the brink of resigning himself to a life of loneliness - finds fate intervening.
All i want (298k, chaptered) - famous!harry, teacher!louis
When Harry and Louis got together it wasn’t under the best circumstances. Louis was taken by another. But go figure that the way they ended up together is the very same way it ended. And Harry left Louis. He left him with a lot more than he thought. A story about how people’s misconceptions almost destroyed a love that went beyond measure.
Autumn leaves (27k, one shot) - war au, soldier!harry, waiter!louis
“Brave?” Harry frowns, caught off guard. “No, not particularly.”
“You seem brave” Louis decides, pushing off the wall and stepping on the butt of his cigarette. “You are strong, and you are not mean. That’s good” he assures, touching Harry’s arm gently.
“Thank you, but that’s not true” Harry smiles ruefully. “I’m really not anything special.”
Or, Harry is an American soldier in France during World War II, and Louis is a French waiter that doesn’t mean to fall in love with him.
Rise up like the sun (41k, chaptered) - famous!harry, doctor!louis
“I wasn’t taking a sneaky pic” Louis blurted out, the guy stood at one of the urinals taking a piss. “You were.” The guy answered coolly. “I would’ve taken a pic with you if you’d just asked.” “No I didn’t want a pic with you.” The guy turned his head, quirking his eyebrow sardonically. “No you’re far too cool for that, you just wanted to violate my privacy.” Louis squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m sorry. Look..” He walked towards the guy flicking his phone out. “Hey” The guy hunched over, hiding his junk. “Oh no no, I wasn’t gonna take a pic. Fuck.” Louis threw his hands up, stopping in his tracks.
“Look I’m going to show you I’m deleting it” Louis turned his phone and the pic disappeared. “You looked familiar, I was going to send it to my friend and ask who you were, I’m sorry, dick move” Louis sighed, smiling apologetically. The guy zipped and walked to the basin. “So you invade my privacy then insult my level of fame by pretending to not know who I am.” The guy was turned away from Louis.
“Look I’m...shit” Louis inhaled noisily
.The guy turned, a grin spread over his face. “I’m fucking with you.”
How fast you fall (49k, one shot) - college/university au
They meet as transfer students at university orientation, and Louis wants Harry the first time he sees him. But Louis isn’t looking for a boyfriend. With school and work, he doesn’t have time for anything more than a casual hookup. When they become roommates, Louis decides it’s best not to pursue Harry and take the chance of messing up their living situation. They quickly become good friends and soon Louis realizes that his attraction is much more than just physical. However, because Harry has a plan to stay single and celibate until he graduates, Louis assumes that he doesn’t stand a chance, and tries everything he can think of to make himself forget about his feelings for Harry.
Save myself (219k, chaptered) - rich!louis, student!harry
Louis Tomlinson is a train wreck. That is a way of putting it lightly. His whole world is a vast blur of darkness and bad decisions and it doesn’t matter how many times he decides he’s done, he always falls back in, because darkness is tricky like that for him. Louis wants for nothing - has everything he could ever ask for really, but it’s all nothing. Maybe he needs to be rescued - maybe he can’t be rescued. No one knows.
Or the one where Louis is a spoiled rich kid who is ignored by his entire family, who’s friends only use him as a means for drugs and no one believes he’s worth any more than just that. Harry Styles is a first year university student who’s just moved to Doncaster for their theatre program who just happens to get the short straw when he’d partnered with Louis for Bio Lab. What could go wrong?
That sounds fake but okay (112k, chaptered) - actor!louis, journalist!harry
Harry Styles is a rookie journalist forced to work the gossip desk at a major New York magazine. Louis Tomlinson is the A-list actor who doesn’t appreciate Harry or his articles.
Turning page (67k, one shot) - famous!harry, football player!louis
“What’s your name”
“Harry” He draws the word out slowly, hesitantly - like he’s not sure about it. The guy knots his hands behind his back. “Harry Twist.”
“Right” Niall says, eyes lingering suspiciously on Harry before looking back to Louis. “You wanna buy Harry a drink?”
Louis lets his eyes drip back to Harry, to his wide eyes and the way his shoulders curve down. He really is pretty - Louis will be the first one to admit it and the last one to ever say it out loud. Louis almost smirks and his lips twitch as he tilts his head, “Not particularly, no.”
AU: Harry Styles tries to get lost in a place he’s never been. Louis Tomlinson has been perfecting the art of being lost for years. What they don’t expect to find is each other.
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yunhycran-blog · 6 years
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( the cuteST )
for once i don’t have a long ass spiel typed before introducing myself, imagine that ! hey i’m kat, i’m 20, canadian, and uh, i’m rly pulling this stunt again huh !! bc of lo siento fucking me up, i’m giving this brat one last shot in the group rp realm rather than pick up a new muse ( i am.. v convinced i kill or ruin rps by presence alone but with her ?? it’s tenfold so fingers crossed GKSKGKSL ) i’m just.. rly attached to her ok. 
i’m a uni student and in love with sowoo if that wasn’t already obvious, plus i’m 90% sure at least a quarter of you have seen me use hyeran before so this shouldn’t be a surprise to you SDKGJGKLDFS. you can find extras abt her — including stats — HERE, hmu on d*scord if you’d like ( STREAM LO SIENTO !!#2030 ) and with that, i’ll shut up and ( re ?? perhaps ? dfgjslkg ) introduce you to this brat !
` +⬦・゚——— SHE/HER, PANSEXUAL — YUN HYERAN is said get mistaken for JEON SOMIN on campus all the time. they are TWENTY-TWO and about to go into their SENIOR YEAR. rumour has it they’re majoring in MUSIC COMPOSITION and came all the way from DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA. their roommate says they’re EBULLIENT & RESOLUTE but also SELF-CRITICAL & CIRCUMSPECT. ( kat, 20, gmt-3:30, and she/her  )
yun hyeran, a daegu native with an older and younger brother, an ambivert and an all around baby
tbh this is a copied intro from a few months back that i tweaked a bit for the rp, and i don’t have the time to perfectly incorporate much of her bg, so you can check out all of that HERE
buT she became involved in music through her father, who studied it in uni and ended up becoming a music instructor with a focus on piano, flute and vocals
her and her mom.. also her older brother, didn’t have the best relationship when she grew older, which seemed to die altogether when her parents divorced and her mom left. but her and her brother’s still exists, albeit barely. he’s a bit of a toxic influence on her, or at least that’s how she perceives it, and she tends to distance herself from him
would visit jeju island when she was younger bc her aunt lived there
she adores said aunt, her dad’s sister and the maternal figure she Deserves, so overall jeju holds a special place in her heart
went to uni in seoul to pursue music like her father ( a daddy’s girl too like ) but transferred to busan u after some.. shit and her own feelings ? anyways she was content when she settled here and soon found her way into the world of production !! by junior year, she’d transferred out of her original program and majored in that instead and has loved it ever since
for the time being, she works full-time as a barista at a café off-campus
she’s also making something of an income as the creator of an acct on youtube and soundcloud for her music, something she’s had for abt a year now
she’s not even close to making it big yet ofc, and she doesn’t mind if she never works for a moderately to highly popular label — though she should if she wants to get by
among the aesthetic, lo-fi music crowd ( one of those yt accts with a livestream for certain playlists that go on for hours, rip ) where for the most part, it’s personal faves mixed with her own works, and has a substantial following as of now. but has an interest in experimenting, with mashups ( as a lover of them ?? i couldn’t help myself sgflkdsjg ) for example, with a small fear of how that change would be received
this is so short since i took out a bit from when she was recent uni grad!hyeran so, pardon that sgkljgskfld
in terms of her personality and other things:
she’s a very loyal person, v e r y. while like i said ( and will elaborate on in her bio ), her relationship with her brother is Not Great, she hasn’t completely given up on him. maybe for the time being — by that i mean another two years or so ?? LJSKSDFGJ my baby’s still hurt by his bullshit so — but her being someone who’s open to the idea of people changing for the better somewhere down the line, leaves a bit of room for her to possibly change her mind if he does enough to allow her to consider it
so she can be a bit of a doormat in some cases, it all depends on how she sees the person that determines if that’s the case, but she generally won’t let you off if you’re being dumb/an ass to someone or if she gets advantageous vibes from you for example ( given she can.. be a little naive and is a p gentle soul ) so.. idk fgklsj good luck to the 99% ig ??
don’t confuse that with her being v forgiving, weak, etc, etc. she’s a soft bitch, p vulnerable too ngl but.. she’s not that Dumb sdljfkg
speaking of vulnerable, she does have a slight dependency on others despite her thinking all signs point to the opposite, and even though her and her mom never rly had a good relationship she still reels from the neglect/abandonment some days so handle her with Care if she deems you a close pal
spontaneous tbh, transferring to busan was a little last minute on her part, for one
she’s a bit reclusive when focused on something, if she tells you she’s working on a track, it’s essentially a head’s up that you might not see her for a couple of days depending on how soon she gets it done — lowkey that bitch™ who makes up an illness to her boss, so she wouldn’t even show up for work if it’s more than just her fucking around
bc admittedly, a lot of what she posts is fucking around and liking it, her more thought-out and effort packed projects are hidden away on her laptop
a bit insecure with her work and just her general disposition ?? those first few points above mess with her a lot and leave her disheartened so.. my poor child
v strong overall, takes people’s shit and if it gets to her, she gets over it p fast. doesn’t dwell on much and will be courteous to you even if she’s declared you too toxic to stick around 24/7
isn’t exactly one to get angry ?? she’s basically just disappointed or annoyed at best 99% of the time, it takes a lot to get her beyond that
positive, ugh. maybe not sickeningly sweet, but.. still dgklsf
don’t confuse that with optimism tho, bc she’s a bit of a defensive pessimist deep down, with her optimistic side always trying to overpower it
a cute bean who wants the best for everyone
has a good understanding of english, her mom’s an american national so she grew up with it being spoken in the house at times
prob speaks it better than i speak french ( and uh, i studied that for almost ten fucking years with a shit end result on that end of things LKSDFGJGDKF ), but still wouldn’t consider herself fluent
.. i would tho js
plays piano and bass guitar, but knows her way around a flute and tenor sax ( you don’t know how tempted i was to say clarinet as an homage to jiwoo gjflkgds )
prob had some kind of little amateur rock band with a few music majors and took up bass for the hell of it lmao
loves animals, leans towards cats or big dogs. corgis and those little spaniels get a pass tho
speaking of, she has a cute little calico kitten back in daegu ( i’m shit with pet names so if lucy sounds lacklustre.. you know why rgkjls ) who she Loves, her baby !!
sweater, ball cap and basic t shirt junkie
those glasses somin wears a lot ?? hyeran wears them too but.. actually needs them for reading and especially while she’s working on shit on her laptop, not even close to a fashion statement
doesn’t don much makeup unless someone’s dragging her to a party or something
thaT’S when she looks a little more like a classy early twenties bitch.. which lbr, is hard enough when adulthood is a whole Train Wreck for the most part LGFJSDL
not a heavy drinker, but the textbook definition of a lightweight so.. she’s always praying for anyone who has to deal with her dgfjklsfg
lattes are her livelihood
a bit of a hopeless romantic, just a bit, but god help her nonetheless
her favourite subject in hs was literature/writing and reads quite a bit on her breaks at the café, even took up a couple of courses since attending uni
favourite music genres.. it’s easier to say what she doesn’t like/finds boring, which is prob country and some aspects of edm/pop, not into punk/metal either
these are super basic but.. i’ve gotta get myself together for the day so this’ll do for now i hope ??
so if you’d like to plot, im me here or on d*scord ! i prefer the latter personally, but whichever’s easiest for you. i have a list of a few of the specific wcs i have in mind ( for the time being, catch my lazy ass avoiding listing all the basic ones and revising a few i have on an old blog ) for hyeran up now, which you can find here, so just lmk if any of them appeal to you !!
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hyercns-blog · 7 years
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( the cuteST )
a bitch is Tired rn after pulling my usual shit, aka staying up until 5am for no reason only to stick out a two hour lab, cry while doing my connections page on my late lunch/packing break and napping in the car, so excuse the seeming lack of enthusiasm lkfdsjglk. hey i’m kat, i’m 20, canadian, and my current means of life rn are chocolate, drag race ( i.. am team anyone but b*b* rn, no offence but my girl needs to come back to earth and stop rubbing me the wrong way sdfgkjgfd ( i think sh*ngela deserves it most despite being more of a tr*xie stan tho js ) ) and 3am you in me listening parties with myself four months after its release rip !! i’m a uni student and in love with sowoo so you don’t wanna know the agony that comes with picking one over the other. you can hmu on d*scord if you’d like ( just find me in the gc and message me from there fkskf ) and this is so boRING, it’s like the life is sucked out of me omg. anyways hyeran, a whole.. other positive muse bc jesus, how many of these do i have rn ?? this is so out of hand man, but nonetheless here’s a bit abt the brat:
- ̗̀ wait, wait, was that JEON SOMIN i just saw? damn, it was actually just that TWENTY TWO year old MUSIC PRODUCER/BARISTA, YUN HYERAN. speaking of them, did you hear that they’re known as THE VIRTUOSO around gangnam? i guess it makes sense considering they act so EBULLIENT & LOYAL but at the same time so MAGNANIMOUS & DIFFIDENT. they’re also apparently a PANSEXUAL FEMALE OUTSIDER who uses SHE/HER pronouns. ( kat / 20 / gmt-3:30 / she/her )
yun hyeran, a daegu native with an older and younger brother, an ambivert and an all around baby
tbh this is a copied intro from a few months back and i don’t have the time to perfectly incorporate her recently developed bg, so pls anticipate a small bio with that explained HERE
buT she became involved in music through her father, who studied it in uni and ended up becoming a music instructor with a focus on piano, flute and vocals
her and her mom.. also her older brother, didn’t have the best relationship when she grew older, which seemed to die altogether when her parents divorced and her mom left. but her and her brother’s still exists, it’s just that he’s a bit of a toxic influence on her and she tends to distance herself from him
went to uni in seoul to pursue music like her father ( a daddy’s girl too like ) and found her way into the world of production !! by junior year, she’d transferred out of her original program and majored in that instead and has loved it ever since; she recently graduated
moved to gangnam bc.. idk, she just wanted to KDFJSGLGKFD
impulsive brat
would visit jeju island when she was younger bc her aunt lived there
she adores said aunt, her dad’s sister and the maternal figure she Deserves, so overall jeju holds a special place in her heart
for the time being, she works full-time as a barista at the café just a block from her cute little studio apartment while looking into internships at record labels for her to take on a little further down the line ( no rush bc it’s already quite competitive and she’d rather enjoy what she has going now )
she’s also making something of an income as the creator of an acct on youtube and soundcloud for her music, something she’s had for abt two years now
she’s not even close to making it big yet, and she doesn’t mind if she never works for a moderately to highly popular label — though she should if she wants to get by
among the aesthetic, lo-fi music crowd ( one of those yt accts with a livestream for certain playlists that go on for hours, rip ) where for the most part, it’s personal faves mixed with her own works, and has a substantial following as of now. but has an interest in experimenting, with mashups ( as a lover of them ?? i couldn’t help myself sgflkdsjg ) for example, with a small fear of how that change would be received
this is so short now that i’ve shortened it immensely iK, it’s a little infuriating if you ask me ljkgdfjls
in terms of her personality and other things:
she’s a very loyal person, v e r y. while like i said ( and will elaborate on in her bio ), her relationship with her brother is Not Great, she hasn’t completely given up on him. maybe for the time being, but her being someone who’s open to the idea of people changing for the better somewhere down the line, leaves a bit of room for her to possibly change her mind if he does enough to allow her to consider it
so she can be a bit of a doormat in some cases, it all depends on how she sees the person that determines if that’s the case, but she generally won’t let you off if you’re being dumb/an ass to someone or if she gets advantageous vibes from you for example ( given she can.. be a little naive and is a p gentle soul ) so.. idk fgklsj good luck to the 99% ig ??
she does have a slight dependency on others despite her thinking all signs point to the opposite, and even though her and her mom never rly had a good relationship she still reels from the neglect/abandonment some days so handle her with Care if she deems you a close pal
spontaneous tbh, moving to gangnam was a little last minute on her part, for one
she’s a bit reclusive when focused on something, if she tells you she’s working on a track, it’s essentially a head’s up that you might not see her for a couple of days depending on how soon she gets it done — lowkey that bitch™ who makes up an illness to her boss, so she wouldn’t even show up for work if it’s more than just her fucking around
bc admittedly, a lot of what she posts is fucking around and liking it, her more thought-out and effort packed projects are hidden away on her laptop
a bit insecure with her work and just her general disposition ?? those first few points above mess with her a lot and leave her disheartened so.. my poor child
v strong overall, takes people’s shit and if it gets to her, she gets over it p fast. doesn’t dwell on much and will be courteous to you even if she’s declared you too toxic to stick around 24/7
isn’t exactly one to get angry ?? she’s basically just disappointed or annoyed at best 99% of the time, it takes a lot to get her beyond that
positive, ugh. maybe not sickeningly sweet, but still. kinda explained parts of it above and i’m 95% gone mentally rn, gotta spare that for other little details gsjklf
a cute bean who wants the best for everyone
has a good understanding of english, her mom’s an american national so she grew up with it being spoken in the house at times
prob speaks it better than i speak french, but still wouldn’t consider herself fluent
plays piano and bass guitar, but knows her way around a flute and tenor sax ( you don’t know how tempted i was to say clarinet bc of jiwoo gjflkgds )
prob had some kind of little amateur rock band with a few music majors and took up bass for the hell of it lmao
loves animals, leans towards cats or big dogs. corgis and those little spaniels get a pass tho
speaking of, she has a cute little calico kitten ( i’m shit with pet names so if lucy sounds lacklustre.. you know why rgkjls ) who she Loves, her baby !!
sweater, ball cap and basic t shirt junkie
those glasses somin’s been wearing a lot of lately ?? hyeran wears them too but.. actually needs them, not even close to a fashion statement
doesn’t don much makeup unless someone’s dragging her to a party or something
thaT’S when she looks a little more like a classy early twenties bitch.. which lbr, is hard enough when adulthood is a whole Train Wreck for the most part LGFJSDL
not a heavy drinker, but the textbook definition of a lightweight so.. she’s always praying for anyone who has to deal with her dgfjklsfg
lattes are her livelihood
a bit of a hopeless romantic, just a bit, but god help her nonetheless
her favourite subject in school was literature/writing and reads quite a bit on her breaks at the café
favourite music genres.. it’s easier to say what she doesn’t like/finds boring, which is prob country and some aspects of edm/pop, not into punk/metal either
these are super basic but.. i’ve gotta get myself together for the day so this’ll do for now i hope ??
so if you’d like to plot, im me here or on d*scord ! i prefer the latter personally, but whichever’s easiest for you. i have a list of a few of the specific wcs i have in mind ( for the time being, catch my lazy ass avoid listing all the basic ones and revising a few i have on an old blog ) for hyeran up now, which you can find here, so just lmk if any of them appeal to you !!
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gossamerandglitter · 7 years
Hi there! I’m going to be a junior next year so I have to start looking into colleges... I love to write short stories/novels and want to do it as a living someday. I was wondering if you had any advices on colleges or which type of major to go for? My family is a little ‘effy’ on my dream of being a writer, so my only source for advice is people like you. Help!
Do asks have character limits? I guess we’re about to find out. Hello, dear stranger, I feel inclined to answer this because my college application process (back in 2014) was weird and wonky and I still have anxiety about it (And I’m a third year student, graduating in two months....but I also have grad school apps to look forward to, so I never escape, do I?). Also I’m procrastinating the about 100 stories I still have to read before my Lit Mag meeting.
I’m gonna tell you a truth your parents are going to hate: you don’t need to go to school to be a writer. Truthfully, you don’t. Most of the point of getting a degree, especially if it’s in something like creative writing or in a similar “artsy” vein, is to make friends and build relationships with the writers that you’ll be publishing alongside. There are other ways to do this outside of academia. There’s going to book signings. There’s talking with people on twitter. There’s talking to people at book festivals and tumblr and all around, really, if you put your mind to it. Just make friends and talk about the process together and cheer each other on.
However, you should probably still go to school.
The truth is: breaking into writing is hard. It takes money. It takes a heckton of work. And not everybody makes it. Sometimes, people want backup jobs to work. Many times, writers’ backup jobs have nothing to do with writing/publishing. Sometimes, that’s how life works itself out.
My major is “officially” English with a Concentration in Creative Writing. I go to a public state school that costs about 7,000 a year and is a 30 minute drive from my house. What have I learned about writing? Mostly that I dislike many of the CW professors and students. A Creative Writing major at my uni is mostly a literature degree with a couple creative writing classes to spice it up. Which, for me, is fine. I (with the exception of this semester) attend several signings and book panels every year. I volunteer at a YA book festival (YALLWest!). I have a lot of writing friends from the internet because I’ve been making friends for the past 6 years. And I have writing friends from high school that I still greedily cling to because I love my friends. After I graduate in May, I have two options: 1) unpaid internships in the publishing industry while I prep for grad school  2) going back to retail for minimum wage while I prep for grad school.
Technically, I don’t need grad school. Like undergrad, it’s not necessary. But I like learning and I like bragging in my bios. I’m going to go to grad school, probably. I’m looking at MFA programs in Creative Writing or Writing for Young Adults. Depends on the programs I get into. I’m trying to put myself on a track to get into traditional publishing, not only as a writer but also as an editor/agent because I’m helping the school lit mag this semester and I’m loving it.
But let’s get back to you.
What type of major should you look for?
Well, that depends. Worst case scenario, you don’t become a writer ever. What do you see yourself possibly doing? Teaching? Editing? Working in an office building? Working retail?
Teaching--look at degrees in secondary education if the plan is elementary/middle/high school. If you want to be a smarty pants and teach college, just a general degree in your desired field is fine. English, for example, if you want to be a college english prof. Then you go to get your PHD in a specialization and then you’re on your way to being a professor.
Editing/Agenting/Traditional Publishing to SOME extent-- look at an English Degree, maybe with critical writing skills. Creative Writing might work in some cases to get a feel for things. But this is going to depend on the school’s creative writing program? Is it like mine where it’s not too heavy on the CW classes? Maybe just take an English degree.
Office building? Get a general business degree. At least, something in that vein. I know a lot of people that don’t actually know what they’re doing so they enroll with a business degree. Most of them transfer out because colleges are catching on. They’re dumping hard classes on itty freshman to coerce them to leave/drop the program.
Retail? DON’T DO IT. Just kidding. I worked retail for almost 2 years. It’s sometimes a nightmare. But also sometimes really great. Get a degree in management or something. That way you don’t end up as a cashier forever.
Just want to reach for the stars and won’t accept a job that isn’t writing: go for your creative writing degree, love. I made a pact with actor friends of mine that we wouldn’t give up on our dreams just because they were not “practical.”
What Schools to Look for/at?
God. This is a loaded question. Go where you can afford. Apply to some reach schools and they might give you some scholarships. But honestly, apply where you can feasibly attend for 4-5 years without selling any body parts.
I applied to 10 schools and I think I got into 8 of them. I could only go to where I am currently attending because those fancy schmancy art schools I got into? Could not afford.  Even with a 20k a year scholarship, I would still have to pay 20k a year to board and live and whatever.
My Personal Dream Schools from High School:
University of the Arts 
Then again, I had dreams of art school. I had a bunch of AP credit so no matter where I went, I was avoiding a large chunk of GE classes. Art schools, I was pretty much entirely exempt from any state required GEs. The state school I went, I still had a semester or so of GEs before I was free.
I don’t where you are geographically and I don’t know how you've prepared academically. I also don’t know how prepared you are financially. It’s all a big toss up. My advice?
Know what you and your parents can afford. That’s the biggest contender. Don’t apply to NYU because it’s fancy and Suzanne Collins of The Hunger Games went there (but I think she came out of the screenwriting program and not the CW program?). Maybe apply to the local state school simply for ease of access and just hustle on the connections part online.
What to look at when looking specifically at schools:
For your major, see what requirements you would have to take in that degree program. How many electives are you allowed? Are you allowed to take classes outside your major? If you’re opting to do a business/management degree for practicality, you might want to be sure you can take classes outside your major for elective credit...so you can take creative writing classes.
If you’re looking at a creative writing degree, what makes it different from a literature degree?? Do they offer a variety of classes in the three “genres” of CW (drama, prose, poetry) or all they all more general? If you’re looking for a creative writing degree, stay away from schools that only offer general CW classes. You’re going to want specialization classes. A poet writes different from a dramatist from a prose writer. Some will argue that it’s all writing. They’re lying.
See what clubs they have on campus? Is there writing clubs? Book clubs? Make sure there’s a group of people you can vibe with if you’re a particularly social person. Me, I never intended to make friends at school. Just go in and out. I still ended up with friends along the way but that was just a bonus ;).
If it’s a commute school...how far is it away? Can you drive? If yes, can you handle driving there and back every day? If not, can you handle the bus ride/ car ride to school every day? My brother drives to campus and listens to his audiobooks in the car. I take the bus and read last minute classwork on my commute. If you plan on dorming (and can afford it)...do you like the city/town? Are there things you can do?? Or would you essentially be trapped on campus?
What is a creative writing major?
It’s almost a lit major. CW majors take a lot of lit classes because you can learn a lot from reading old literature. Even if it is just...how you don’t write things. Sometimes, you read some really cool stuff. I don’t know where I’d be without reading Pride and Prejudice, Carmilla, or Arcadia in college. The lord knows I never would have read these on my own. Even outside of creative writing majors, one of the most important things you can do as a writer is read. This past year (two semesters) I have purchased ~70 books for class readings. That’s a lot of reading. Yes, sometimes I skim. But I also read a LOT (thanks school, for allowing me to hit my goodreads reading goal last year despite not reading for entertainment, like, at all).
Being a creative writing major is going to depend on the professors teaching your classes. That’s another thing to look for when you’re looking at schools. Look at the faculty lists for the department. Look at their ratemyprofessor pages. If the school is filled with literary elitists who look down on genre fiction, only really apply/go if you’re big on writing literary fiction.
Many will rely on the Iowa Workshop method which means that for an allotted amount of time, your class will pick apart your work and you’re not allowed to say a damn word about it. But that’s one you usually can’t avoid. My current prof hates that method but he’s the only one on campus that does so, frankly, it’s pretty hard to avoid.
Being a creative writing major is writing and re-writing and writing things that aren’t your assigned work to let off steam. I’m writing fanfic in between chapters of my book. I’m so much more productive that way. It’s a lot of work. I feel that I’m never done with my homework while my brother (who is a year younger and doing his second year of school) has tons of free time. It’s a lot of essay writing. If you have friends, it’s a lot of people asking you to edit their papers/borrow books/ whatever.
And in regards to your parents....that’s tough to convince them that writing isn’t throwing your life away. Luckily, I have supportive parents who sat through the play I wrote in high school, me screaming about the books I’m reading, and pretend to listen as I circle around weird plot issues. But remind them that even a degree in any other field isn’t a guaranteed job. Everybody has to hustle. And truth be told, you can open a lot of doors with an english degree (even if you opt for an cw degree, say your degree is in english if you’re in an office building). The world’s workforce needs strong communicators and English majors are a lot better at articulating their thoughts than science majors. I’m not even slamming science majors. But those were words from my old Astro prof who has 2 masters in the field, sooooooo.....
If you still want to write but your parents won’t let you go to a creative writing degree? Choose journalism. Journalism is not dead. It’s thriving, again, if you know how to hustle.
In the meantime, while you head into the world of college apps, don’t forget to just make other writer friends and just have a good time in general. I scrolled through a bit of your blog and I see that it’s a lot of responses to writing prompts. Which is cool/fun. But you don’t have to just talk about writing (see: my main blog @ncisduckie ....this blog here was created as a class project and that’s the only reason it’s separate from my personal blog). You can talk about books you’re loving or shows you’re marathoning. Not trying to nitpick. But that thing about colleges looking at your online footprint? It’s mostly a myth.
Thank you, have a great day, and hopefully I haven’t scared you off? Feel free to ask me any more questions here or on my main blog. I’m always hunting for a distraction (as obvious by my 2 AM rant). 
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helenaherrick · 4 years
The Five Top Most Take Over Your Life Of Viral Content For Link Building
Remember that link building is not about ranking your GSA Search Engine Ranker world-wide-web. Link building is all about outranking competition. Armed with this list you can negate positive aspects that your competitor has got. Signup through automated links management provider that organizes your links and helps find link partners. Automated tools are the most useful because they assist you time savings. Uploading and downloading your website for every link exchange can thought of huge pain and very time burning. Automated tools are NOT link farms because they give you complete control of who you exchange links with. Where a member exchanges links with every website, he/she might be abusing the tool. If a member uses the tool responsibly, it's always very effective.
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ishazz-recommends · 4 years
A coronavirus vaccine is being developed in record time. But don't expect that technology to speed up flu vaccines — yet.
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Imagine generating a vaccine for the novel coronavirus from your immune system. The virus that causes COVID-19 has swept the globe with about 1.3 million infections and 70,000 deaths through Sunday evening.Development of a widely available vaccine can take a year or more while a virus continues its rampage.Key to the race to develop a vaccine for the new coronavirus is a technology that uses the virus' genetic code to essentially persuade your body to make its own vaccine. This technique is faster than egg-based manufacturing, which produces the majority of annual flu vaccines and led to delays in distributing a vaccine for H1N1 during the 2009 pandemic.And it's enabling a possible vaccine for the new coronavirus to be developed in record time.Coronavirus updates: Get the latest in USA TODAY's live blog“It’s quicker to get started,” said Clem Lewin, who is working on vaccine candidates for the manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur. “All you need is the blueprint for the protein."Testing still will take time. Scientists must determine whether any of several vaccine candidates fight the virus effectively. If so, they need to determine the proper dose. This tinkering is what could take a year or more.When the first potential vaccine from the manufacturer Moderna was injected into people on March 16, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he believed the coronavirus vaccine was being developed at a record pace. It took 63 days to go from identifying a virus’s genetic sequence to testing a vaccine in people.Panic, then neglect: Prior pandemics gave us lessons to fight the coronavirus. But funding dried up.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks at a press briefing with the coronavirus task force on March 17, 2020.Scrambling egg-based productionSeveral manufacturers pursuing a vaccine for the latest coronavirus have been aided by a technological innovation.The method that Moderna, Sanofi and others are pursuing is different from traditional vaccinations, in which a weakened or dead version of the virus is introduced into the body, triggering it to create antibodies that would attack the live virus should the person be exposed to it.Story continuesIn the new approach, pieces of messenger RNA that hold the chemical template of a spike protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus are injected into a human, said Mark Slifka, a professor of viral immunology at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon. The spikes are what the virus uses to attach to a human cell — the first step in sickening someone.In response to the injection of those molecules, the cells in the body produce the spike protein encoded by that mRNA. That triggers the body to mount an immune response to that viral protein, just as in traditional vaccines.“Essentially, the patient makes their own vaccine,” says the narrator of a Moderna video about the vaccine. “This cuts out the middleman.”Fauci said volunteers would be given two injections of the potential coronavirus vaccine, the second after 28 days. The doses are 25 milligrams, 100 milligrams and 250 milligrams, he said.“The individuals will be followed for one year — both for safety and whether it induces the kind of response that we predict would be protective,” Fauci said.Moderna, the manufacturer conducting the initial tests, projected the first commercially available vaccine in 12 to 18 months. A corporate filing March 23 said CEO Stephane Bancel told Goldman Sachs “it is possible that under emergency use, a vaccine could be available to some people, possibly including healthcare professionals, in the fall of 2020.”US coronavirus map: Tracking the outbreakGet daily updates in your inbox: Sign up for our newsletter now.Why change the menu from reliable eggs?Most flu vaccines are produced from fertilized chicken eggs, a decades-old process that takes four to five months. The mRNA process is much faster.Delays in producing an H1N1 vaccine spurred health officials to urge development of other technologies, according to a Government Accountability Office report.“It’s a state-of-the-art technology — for the 1950s,” Luciana Borio, then director for medical and biodefense preparedness at the National Security Council, said at a 2018 conference on the 100th anniversary of the Spanish flu pandemic.A New England Journal of Medicine review of the response to H1N1 found that 78 million doses of the vaccine were eventually produced for 70 countries worldwide, but only after two waves of the illness worldwide.“The most serious operational shortcoming ... was the failure to distribute enough influenza vaccine in a timely way,” the report said. The cause: distribution problems, "a shortfall in global vaccine-production capacity and technical delays due to reliance on viral egg cultures for production.”Developing a vaccine is laborious, said Harvey Fineberg, a former president of the U.S. Institute of Medicine and former dean of the public-health faculty at Harvard University.One step is confirming that a possible vaccine doesn't cause bad reactions in patients. Then scientists examine how much vaccine is required for an antibody response. And they must verify the vaccine actually protects against infection, which is why it's ideal to test during an outbreak.All those steps come after scientists identify the genetic sequence to target for a vaccine.“It’s like saying, 'I’ve got my architectural plans — my house must be ready to move into,'” Fineberg said. “There are a lot of things you need to do between now and being ready to open the door.”Manufacturers work with governmentThe manufacturers pursuing coronavirus vaccines are working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency.Moderna is working on 13 potential vaccines. Sanofi is working on two candidates: an mRNA candidate with the company Translate Bio and another option in collaboration with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency.Other companies are pursuing other technologies. GlaxoSmithKline is working with China-based Clover Biopharmaceuticals through a different process to produce a cell-based vaccine.Johnson & Johnson, which is working on several possible vaccines, announced last week it would invest $1 billion for vaccine research, development and testing. The company said it could produce 1 billion doses of a vaccine when the time comes.Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., said $3.5 billion in the coronavirus spending package will help develop manufacturing technologies to ensure a robust, agile, U.S.-based supply chain of vaccines, therapeutics, and active pharmaceutical ingredients. “The biggest challenge we face in the United States is not developing a vaccine, tricky as that step is,” Coons said in a statement. “It’s that we lack the domestic manufacturing capacity to quickly produce a vaccine once it’s proven and deliver it to the American people.”Lewin of Sanofi said the global health emergency spurred manufacturers to try different technologies.“We and all the other manufacturers are working as quickly as possible to accelerate these programs while ensuring the vaccine is safe and effective,” Lewin said. “It isn’t business as usual for anybody.”CoronavirusWhat about changes to flu vaccines?The technology used to develop a coronavirus vaccine won’t affect the annual flu vaccine because they are different viruses requiring different approaches. But even before the pandemic, steps were underway to hasten changes to the flu vaccine.President Donald Trump signed an executive order in September calling on manufacturers to move away from egg-based vaccines because of “critical shortcomings,” including the months they take to produce. The order anticipated a pandemic more lethal than the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 675,000 Americans.William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University, said one reason to change vaccine production is that growing the vaccine in eggs allows mutations that make it less effective.“People were working on this already,” Schaffner said. “That sort of commitment, a presidential commitment, plus the moneys that go with it, really put the pedal to the metal for future research.”Egg-based vaccine manufacturing has been reliable. Developing another process would require a multimillion-dollar investment in an industry with small profit margins, Schaffner said.“Moving away from egg-based production is not like flipping a switch,” he said. “I’m sure all the manufacturers are all thinking about this, but how and how quickly they do it is another matter.”Other options include cell-based and recombinant processes. A cell-based vaccine is grown in a mammal's cells, such as kidney cells from monkeys or dogs, rather than in a hen's eggs. A recombinant vaccine is created synthetically from the DNA, or genetic instructions, of a protein from the flu virus. The DNA is then combined with a baculovirus, which infects invertebrates.Other changes could address vaccine delivery, perhaps moving from injections to pills or skin patches, Schaffner said.A loftier goal is to develop what is called a “universal vaccine,” which could last five years at a time. Such a vaccine could be administered any time of year during a doctor's visit, rather than just in the fall.Doing that would require changing how the vaccine attacks the flu virus, which is shaped like a sphere with lollipops protruding from it. Vaccines so far have targeted the candy at the end of the lollipop, which changes every year.A vaccine that targets the stem of the lollipop could offer protection for years, Shaffner said. “If you get vaccinated, you’re vaccinated against a whole series of different influenza viruses,” Schaffner said.The coronavirus pandemic has come during a severe flu season. This year’s vaccine is about as effective as usual, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study of cases through Feb. 8. The study found the severity for people up to 49 years old including hospitalizations was worse than other recent seasons, including the severe year of 2017-2018.“Current influenza vaccines are providing substantial public health benefits," said the study in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. "However more effective vaccines are needed."Contributing: Elizabeth WeiseThis article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus vaccine development uses new, faster technology Source link Read the full article
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dorishull · 5 years
How I Respond to Inappropriate and Spammy LinkedIn Messages
Coffee, dinner, unwelcome advances and working for free…
No, this isn’t a story about Tinder. It’s just some of the suggestive LinkedIn messages I’ve received recently.
As someone who has built her business through LinkedIn and teaches others how to do the same, I get a lot of LinkedIn connection requests – thousands a year, in fact.
The sad truth is the majority are either bland and boring, or completely inappropriate.
And while I can laugh at them, it also makes my blood boil a little. Because if you can’t start a conversation professionally, how will you grow your network and build your business?
In general terms, yes, LinkedIn is social media, but it’s much more than that.
It’s where CEOs and decision-makers connect, seek information and news, and get deals done.
It’s NOT where you look for your next date…
I get it – spam is a problem on LinkedIn, and it’s rising.
Not a day goes by that I don’t get approached by an off-shore SEO, lead generation agency, or someone trying to get me to trust them with my money and “get in” on the ground floor of their latest cryptocurrency before it “blows up.”
Do you know why there’s so much spam on LinkedIn?
Because wherever there is real, legitimate, ethical money to be made, there will always be the sharks and hustlers.
So the following is a cautionary tale – and a tribute – to the sharks, hustlers, desperate and dateless, who spam us, legitimate business people, with their awful messaging.
How Not to Send LinkedIn Messages
How I responded: I didn’t. This guy came across way too sleazy and stalker-y for me to even dignify his message with a response. He started well enough and kept it work related, but then he devolved to pick-up lines, and my defences went up. You could get reported for such behavior.
Another thing: never, ever ask someone out for dinner on LinkedIn if you don’t know them. The same goes for coffee most of the time. I get that it’s an ice-breaker, but if you’d like to suggest coffee, wait until you’ve at least had a conversation with the person. Otherwise, it’s too much too soon.
What I wanted to say: It’s a big, fat NO from me, buddy. I reserve dinners for my friends and family. The only business we should be talking about is which one of my programs is the best fit for you to learn how to message people on LinkedIn.
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The lesson: Keep it courteous, and keep it strictly above the belt. Be professional at all times. LinkedIn is an extension of your workplace.
How I responded: Hi, I’m glad you enjoyed my book. The answers to all your questions are in my course, Cracking the LinkedIn Code 4.0. You can join at the link below. I hope to see you on the inside!
What I wanted to say: So glad you enjoyed my book! Not so glad you expect me to give you all my knowledge and tested, proven methods for free. I can see you work in SEO. Well, I need some help in that department, and the last quote I got was $5k/month, but I’m sure you’ll do it for me free, right? As you’ve read my book, I’m sure you understand the principle of being paid for your services. As such, you can join my course, Cracking the LinkedIn Code 4.0, for $997, or you can look at my done-for-you LinkedIn Domination service, which is $3,750. You get A TON of value from either one, and I get paid for doing my job. Everybody wins!
The lesson: Never ask anyone to work for free. It’s not fair or considerate. You wouldn’t do it, so why should they?
How I responded: Thanks for reaching out, but your product isn’t the right fit for me. Have a great day!
What I wanted to say: “Am I interested in learning more?” Umm, no! I absolutely do not train on psychological safety. In fact, I train organizations on social selling. What I’d like to know is why you don’t make sure you target the right people before spamming them with your impersonal sales pitch. And how effective has this method been for you? I’m tipping zero.
The lesson: Aside from targeting the right people, use messaging to start a dialogue and build relationships. Never jump into the sales pitch. You wouldn’t do that in real life, so why would you do it on LinkedIn? It’s a little like going straight in for the kiss two minutes into the first date. You just wouldn’t do that, would you? Get to know your prospect, build a rapport and save the sales discussion for further down the track.
How I responded: Thanks for getting in touch, but I’m just not interested. I have a pretty good track record with LinkedIn lead generation as it is. In fact, I even wrote a couple of #1 bestselling books on the topic.
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What I wanted to say: I don’t mean to be rude, but you REALLY need to take a look at whom you’re trying to speak with before you hit the “send” button. As a two-time #1 international best-selling author of books about how to win clients on LinkedIn, an in-demand public speaker, and sought-after social selling trainer who teaches individuals and companies how to grow their businesses through LinkedIn, I don’t think paying “$500 to inbox 5,000+ new highly targeted prospects on LinkedIn” is an offer I’ll be interested in. Also, if you give 5,000 people a hard sales pitch at the first point of contact, you will likely burn every single person on the list for good.
The lesson: Personalize every message. Research your prospect, and cool your jets when it comes to the sale. Nothing turns a prospect off more than hard, desperate sales pitch in the first message (or any message really).
What I said: Hi there, I’m more than comfortable with my sales and CX strategy, but I wish you all the best.
What I wanted to say: Hey! I have a lot of questions about you because you haven’t really told me ANYTHING about you, and it feels like you’ve only asked questions about me – *eye roll*.
One piece of advice for you when you approach people: “interested is interesting.” If you really wanted to get my attention and connect, you would not have sent me your mini bio in the connection request, making it all about you.
The lesson: Writing about me, me, me is a no, no, no! If you want to build rapport with people, show an interest in them, making it about them. Let’s face it, a complete stranger doesn’t care about you or your track record.
What I said: Thanks for reaching out. I don’t think our business interests align, but one tip I will pass on is to focus on the quality of your network, not the quantity. Have a great day!
What I wanted to say: So you want to use me to look “cool”? That in itself is so NOT COOL! At least don’t tell me that, lol. Oh, and by the way, maybe you should look for a new mentor.
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The lesson: Some things are better left unsaid. Asking for favors from strangers makes you look desperate and spammy.
There you have it … my LinkedIn messaging hall of shame.
Some of the errors of judgment I’ve covered here are pretty obvious; others – not so much.
But if you take away one thing to keep in mind when messaging people, let it be this…
Messaging is a key part of using LinkedIn for business, and if lead generation is a priority for you, a hard sell is not the way to do it.
Sales is about building relationships. You do that through starting conversations and showing interest in the other person.
Be engaged and knowledgeable about your prospects (but not in a creepy stalker way), and message them the way you would speak to them if they were standing in front of you. Basically, don’t send spammy LinkedIn messages and #BeGoodToPeople.
When you do that, building a relationship and taking it offline for a “warm” conversation becomes almost inevitable and effortless.
There is a way to generate leads on LinkedIn while never coming across as inappropriate or spammy. Check out my free LinkedIn Leads video series here.
The post How I Respond to Inappropriate and Spammy LinkedIn Messages appeared first on Top Dog Social Media.
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goldkirk · 7 years
i hope u dont mind me asking this, but what are u going to college for? like, what classes are you taking? (im applying for college for next fall and i want to be what you want to be but idk what classes to take? asdfghjkl)
Hey hey hey friend!!!! That’s so exciting!!!!! I love space and you love space and it’s so awesome! if you ever want to yell about it just hop into my messages or asks, I’m always here for that!
At my school, we don’t actually have a major in physics (very unfortunate, yikes), and nowhere in my entire state has a major in astronomy or astrophysics. I came here originally as a Cyber Security major because we have a really good program; if I’d realized that I really wanted to have a career in science earlier, I would definitely have gone somewhere else that had an astronomy/astrophysics program. Because of financial reasons, I can’t transfer to a different university out of state (and I love my current school anyway, so). So instead of getting a more thorough and established degree, I’m getting a degree in “Science”, which basically means that I have to take Bio 1 & 2 and Chem 1 and 2 and every physics class we offer (about 4 or 5), and I’m combining those with a math minor (and maybe psychology minor? not sure if I’ll do that officially but we’ll see!). So I won’t have had EVERYTHING that I would normally, going into grad school, but I’ll have enough of it to not die. I’ll have all the core physics classes, just not the specialized ones, and no astronomy (although I’ll learn some on my own), and the most critical math courses. 
I’m leaving out the gen ed requirements because those aren’t major-related, but anyway, this is probably what my degree will look like when I graduate:
Physics IPhysics IIModern Physics (Physics III - quantum physics and all that fun jazz)Current Topics In PhysicsPossibly an “independent study” course with one of the professors that covers more specialized topics in astronomy or physicsCalculus ICalculus IICalculus IIILinear AlgebraDifferential Equations (a higher level calculus course)Any other things my advisor helps me cobble together
If I was going somewhere with a real major, though, I would be taking Physics I-IV, and specialized courses in electromagnetism, radio astronomy, optics, quantum theory, etc. I really wish I could take them, but I’ll have to do my best with what I have here. I’m going to learn as much as I can to take the Physics GRE this summer or next year as well. So that’s how I’m doing it! 
Bottom line is that it will be SO much easier if you just go to a school that ACTUALLY HAS THE MAJOR. And don’t worry too much if the courses sound intimidating, because they all build on each other. You’ll be ready for Physics II once you finish Physics I, and it won’t seem nearly as daunting. Don’t worry!
When you’re in college, your advisor or advisors will keep guiding you through what you need to take and when so you’re on track to graduate! You’ll have the final decision, but they’ll help you figure out what you need to take. In high school, right now, definitely take the best physics and math classes you can--those will help you a ton--and if your school has them, a course in coding and a course in astronomy. There’s a LOT of coding work in astronomy/astrophysics research. From what I’ve been told, a lot of it involves Python right now, but learning the basics of coding in any language makes it easy to pick up any other, because they all just have different command names for the same rules basically. 
You’re going to rock this, friend!!! If you have more questions, feel free to send them to me and I’ll do my best to give you good answers! I know college is a big step and applications are stressful, but you’re going to be just fine. Ily!!!
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queenchemistry · 7 years
I'll be at UMich this fall ('21) as a STEM student in the LSA, and I wondered if you had any advice, especially within the specific context of U of M. Thanks ✨
Hi there!! :) I feel like I have a lot of advice for incoming freshmen and I’ve been busy with work, so it’s taken me a while to compose this reply but here we go:
Advice for incoming freshmen in STEM at UMich!
Figuring out what classes to take & when:
See what your AP/IB scores count for at LSA here. Not having to retake introductory classes can make a huge difference in your 4-year planning (or may mean graduating early)! But it might help to retake certain intro classes if you don’t feel confident about your abilities to succeed in the higher level classes.
If you’re worried about a class because you heard it was a GPA-wrecker, consider taking it at a community college over the summer. Your grade will show up on your transcript, but it will not affect your GPA.
If you have an idea of what majors you are interested in, you can look up “UMich [major] worksheet” or go to departmental websites at umich.edu for a list of required classes for each major. An example from the Chemistry department is here. The pre-health advisory courses can be found here.
If you have no idea what majors you’re interested in, that’s okay! Use your freshman and sophomore years to explore the sciences. Most science majors at LSA will require some calculus and physics, but also look into courses like organic chemistry and introductory biology. If you’re pre-health, you’ll have to take a wide variety of introductory classes anyway. You can find a list of LSA majors and minors here.
Try to get calculus out of the way as soon as possible! It could be required for physics and upper-level chemistry courses. Or if you find out you love math, you’ll be glad you’re on track for the math major.
Keep a manageable course-load for freshman year. Your first semester will require effort to adjust to university life. Advisors say first-semester freshmen should take 14-16 credits (about 4 classes). In my opinion, you should focus on a balance between easy and hard classes. For instance, in my first semester, I took organic chemistry 1, calculus 3, a writing class, and UROP (research + seminars for credit). So basically my schedule was: a difficult class I’m interested in, a difficult pre-requisite, an easy class required for LSA, and an easy “class” that I was interested in.
How to succeed in science/math classes at UMich:
General advice: give 110% effort into your first midterms- do all the homework, textbook readings, practice exams; attend every lecture, go to office hours, form a study group… the possibilities are endless! After the first exam, you’ll figure out which resources you need to put the most time into to succeed in a class. 
Some specific resources you can go to for help include the Math Lab, the Physics Help Room, and the Science Learning Center (SLC) for introductory physics, chemistry, and biology classes. The SLC has study groups that you can register for at the beginning of the semester, as well as drop-in tutoring.
Make friends with the people sitting next to you in class! You don’t have to become BFFs, but it helps to at least exchange numbers so you can text about meeting up to study.
Try to get on your professor’s good side. It will help you tremendously in the future if you can have a professor write you a strong letter of recommendation, and it can help in the short-term to have your professors like you. Best ways to do this? Introduce yourself after the first lecture, attend office hours whenever possible, sit in the front of the class, and ask/answer questions during class. If you’re feeling extra spicy, you can even ask your professor out to lunch or coffee. There will be emails sent out mid-semester about professor lunch date coupons. I forget the technical name for this though haha.
Math: “Michigan Math” is supposedly infamous for its teaching style. As my residential advisor put it, “the class teaches you how to build a table, but the exam will ask you to build a chair.” That is to say, the math classes here are fairly conceptual rather than computational. To prepare for exams, review the assigned homework problems, in-class examples, and past exams (which can be found online) and be able to solve similar problems. Figuring out how to approach a problem can be the hardest part, and that’s where talking to professors, tutors, or friends in your class will help.
Physics: There are several physics sequences at UMich (algebra-based physics for the life sciences, and regular and honors calculus-based physics). I took the life sciences physics because the math was less intensive and I like health-related subjects. However, I’ve studied with friends in other physics sequences and it seems like the same general advice applies: understand how to do all the problems you’re given. I found physics here to be more computational than conceptual, compared to math. I believe all the introductory physics classes allow some kind of notes to be brought in; it helps to write down how to do specific problems from past exams, the lectures, and the homework.
Chemistry: I keep hearing that organic chemistry 1 and 2 are the hardest classes at UMich. Based on the grade distribution for the classes (mostly A’s and B’s), I don’t believe this is true. You don’t need to remember much from gen chem to do well in orgo, though it helps to have a background in drawing molecular structures and in acid-base chemistry. My best advice for organic chemistry is to complete the coursepack (a workbook full of old exams) and compare your answers with friends, tutors, and professors. Talking about the chemistry requires an understanding of it, so keep discussing the course material with anyone you can! It might help to know orgo 1 is more conceptual and orgo 2 is more memorization-based. As for gen chem, I’ve heard it is a bit harder than AP Chemistry since it’s packed into one semester, but the online homework is helpful in preparing for exams.
Biology: I don’t know too much about the intro bio classes here, but my general advice still applies here. A friend told me that the bio classes are saturated with a lot of information that you need to memorize, so you have to start studying early and stay on top of the material. Look at lectures beforehand and take good notes. Know that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed; there’s a lot of material you’ll need to know, but it’s definitely possible to know it.
Extracurricular shenanigans:
There seem to be two common opinions among STEM students regarding participation in extracurriculars: either narrow it down to a few activities that are most meaningful to you, or smush in as many résumé-builders as possible. Personally, I think a few meaningful extracurricular experiences are more important than half a dozen clubs that will eat up your free time.
Research is huge at Michigan! There are research opportunities everywhere on campus and in every field, so it’d be a shame if you graduated without taking advantage of that. If you have a good idea of what you want to major in, then look for related research labs by perusing the departmental sites on umich.edu. If you don’t know what you want to study, brainstorm your research interests and look for labs in different departments that meet your interests. Once you’ve found several (~5-10) labs you’re interested in, write the professors in whose labs you’re interested an email briefly stating your interest in their research, attach your résumé, and ask for an interview (also tell them your schedule). It’s not terribly common for freshmen to participate in research their first year, so it’s more than okay to wait until sophomore or junior year to start research.
STEM clubs can be a great way to network with other STEM students at UMich! I can’t think of all of them off the top of my head, but the ones I know about include Out in STEM (oSTEM) for LGBT students, Society of Women in Engineering (SWE), Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) (which has both a residential program and a non-residential program), the chemistry/science fraternity Alpha Chi Sigma, and the American Chemical Society local chapter. If you’re looking for a good club, you can hit up FestiFall in the beginning of September and attend the mass meetings of clubs you think you’d like. For the rest of the year, you can search Maize Pages for clubs you’re interested in.
There are also several pre-health extracurriculars that you can find by attending the pre-health orientation, which occurs after move-in. I think all LSA students should receive an email about it early September or late August. If you can’t make the orientation, it’s not a biggie. You can find the pre-health extracurriculars in the same way you find any other extracurricular.
That’s all I could come up with for now! If you’ve got any more specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. :) And if anyone else has related advice, go ahead and let us know!
Best of luck and go blue!
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I am going to talk about myself, my issues, and my education in GREAT DETAIL. Long story short, despite battling ADHD, depression, anxiety, trauma, etc I have managed to achieve in academia. I came into my current program with no archaeological background and am graduating with a 4.0 GPA. I’m A W E S O M E. 
I recognize academic achievement is not the be all end all of personal achievement, but for me its an important part of who I am. And I am proud of what I have been able to achieve even with my own brain plotting against me, even with an abusive family, even with monetary struggles, I’m still here and achieving something I am very proud of. 
Today I am graduating from my Masters Program with a 4.0 GPA from Northern Arizona University. It has not been easy to get here.
School was generally easy for me, and I had some awful teachers. My first grade teacher in particular had a deep hatred of me, and I spent more recesses than not on the bench not allowed to play with my friends.  When I was 7 I was diagnosed with ADHD and put on medication for it. It got a little better, but I still had a teacher straight up tell my parents I shouldn’t go into anything math or science related because I was just THAT bad at math. I read at a college level though and my IQ test said  I had a very high IQ. My father latched onto this like a leech, to him I was a special child. I was also diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder at this time. When I was 10 my dad decided I didn’t have ADHD and took me off my medication, life got so much harder after that and i failed my way through middle school.
Middle school in general was a hell pit of bad awful bad, I was bullied by peers, teachers, and my own family. Right around this time my father’s abuse started to ramp up. The stories from this time period are really bad. One time my dad tried to help me with my math homework. That ended with me sobbing in the hallway and him screaming that I should stop crying because it wasn’t going to make him stop.
Around sophomore year of high school my grades started to because I just wanted to stop being yelled at all the time. I didn’t have a passion for it. It was years later that I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression age 10 and my dad just refused to believe it and get me any help at all, not even therapy. But I was wildly depressed for most of high school.
Tenth grade bio was special though. I had a very enthusiastic teacher and I fell deeply and irrevocably in love with genetics. Other than journalism it was one of the few things I was actually really good at in school. It awoke a general love of learning in me again, after years of struggle had killed it.
Straight out of high school I went into community college. I actually got into the Kronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University, but by that point I had decided I no longer wanted to do a degree in journalism, I wanted to go into Biology.
In community college I took three semesters of calculus. I got As and Bs. So yeah, fuck you third grade teacher who told me I shouldn’t go into anything math or science related. I mean, yeah I’m shit at math but still fuck her.  I carried a 3.8 GPA in community college, and I got into Chapel Hill when I graduated. But I was unable to afford to go, so I ended up at the University of Arizona.
I met some of the best people I have ever know there who are still some of my dearest friends. I have no regrets.  I survived physics and organic chemistry. Two classes designed specifically to fuck with me. Math and memorization. I struggled with untreated ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Well, untreated bipolar 2 most likely? There was a lot of struggle.
In 2013 I graduated with a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology with a 3.698 GPA from The University of Arizona.  I was very bitter about this because I only graduated with Honors instead of High Honors because they really do round out to three places to determine that shit.. I already knew I didn’t want to work in biological research, and originally thought I was going to go to med school.
I took the MCAT, I got an 8/15 on the physics section, but I got a 14/15 on the verbal reasoning section.  They don’t let you use a calculator on the physics section, so honestly that was a good showing for me.
I quickly decided medicine was not for me. The culture of doctors is bad and I don’t like the squishy parts of people very much. After many fights with my dad I finally convinced him that no, really, actually, I do not want to go to med school. He refused to accept it until I gave him another field I was going to go into.
@winterpunk​ and I talked seriously for anything I could give him. We stumbled upon medical anthropology. I threw it out in desperation.  
I worked a shitty grocery store job until I got a job at CaptionCall. I worked there for the majority of time between my undergraduate and graduate degree.
For one semester i was able to live in Canada with @winterpunk​ and go back to school to take classes in anthropology. I fell in love with this subject I had randomly chosen. In particular biological anthropology. I was able to handle actual human bones, and fell in love.
I came back to the states and worked again at CaptionCall, which by the end made me incredibly suicidal. Between my auditory processing disorder and my ADHD it was my own personal hell.
I lived with another friend of mine who was trying to go back to school, We wne through the process of application, and studying for the GREs. Man fuck the GRE. Just another standard test to tell me I real good with words and real bad with numbers.  I scored in the 97 percentile for the reading sections, and the 31 percentile for the math sections.
I applied to four programs. Three PhD programs and one Masters program. I got three rejections. I burned the third one on the porch. I finally got a call, I had been accepted into the  masters program at NAU. I got a 20 graduate assistant program. This gave me an income, insurance, and full refunds for my tuition.
I was originally in the anthropology track, decided to switch to archaeology the first day of classes. This was a bit of an impulse but I could feel it in my bones it was the right choice. It is one of the first choices I have ever made independently, by myself, with no input from my father. I am still proud of myself. And I love to tell this story.  
This has not been an easy thing. During second semester I was so depressed i was crying myself to sleep every single night and the depression was so bad I near constantly thought about killing myself. I finally broke down and cried in public, at a bar, and realized I needed to GET HELP. 
I made an appointment with a psychiatrist for the first time in my life. I was finally getting treatment for my mental health issues. I clawed my way out of depression, clawed my way through the semester, I maintained my 4.0. Despite my own brain trying to kill me, despite having no background, I held my own. 
I went into the field with no experience, got limited training, and successfully ran my own excavations. I did my own research. 
This year I wrote a thesis, did my job, maintained a 4.0, all while still struggling with mental health issues and ADHD, though I do now have a light dose of Adderall. 
Now I am graduating with a 4,0 GPA. And while I recognize academic achievement is not the be all end all of personal achievement, for me its an important part of who I am. And I am proud of what I have been able to achieve even with my own brain plotting against me, even with an abusive family, even with monetary struggles, I’m still here and achieving something I am very proud of. 
I think I will now make myself some lunch and get those final edits done. 
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