noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
most important line in she-ra princesses of power, it actually led me further down my self-love journey: “you are worth more than you can give to other people. you deserve love too”
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
hey hi hows it goin. yeah just a little itty bitty message to anyone who read this.
you are worth it, but you are human, you are not the most beautiful human in the world, not the smartest, not the strongest (hell, unless you are) but you are human, and you are worth it. dont lose your humanity to the pursuit of perfection
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
It’s Britney, bitch
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
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Here to help y'all gorgeous children
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
I am everything
reblog if you're gay, not gay, slightly gay, or if you just want to launch donald trump into a dying star
there is not a single reason to not reblog this
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
I just walked into class, slammed my phone on my desk, and whispered “I will not participate in this bullshit”
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
excuse me this needs more notes
I don’t understand how someone who used to identify as ace can be so aphobic sdafdassda
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
Guy in my class who wants to be a pirate: October 29th? That’s a day before halloween!
Guy who I threw a wad of paper at bc he wouldn’t move out of the way of the trash can: uh I think there are 31 days in October..
Pirate dude: wait really??
A bit later...
Pirate dude: hey google how much caffeine you need to consume to kill you, I wanna know how many mountain dews I need to drink before I’ll die
Trash can dude and another guy in a hoodie: *goes down a google rabbit hole of caffeine death*
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
Honestly, y’all are geniuses
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
growing up as a cis girl the patriarchy told me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender” and i hated being a girl because it wasn’t my choice it was a prison and the trans community told me “you’re a girl because you say so, your view of yourself is the most important thing, if you change your mind that would be ok” and it made me proud to be a girl and feel empowered in my gender and i wasn’t trapped anymore and then terfs come along and tell me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender (but like in a woke way)” and they somehow expect me to be on their side?
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
i think its beautiful when people who have never seen true, pure romance find someone who they want to make feel loved, so they end up exploring all the things that their love likes, and not what society says is custom for romance…
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
Ayyyyyyyyy so.
I have a book idea that I’m probs never going to actually use but if any talented bean out there wants it, here it is:
A society ruled by the color of your eyes... your life determined by if your eyes are a forest green, a chocolaty brown, or sky blue... the society has been going strong for years now, with the green-eyes folk on top of the social pyramid. But then something happens... a girl is born to two green-eyed government officials.. they have a daughter. And she has heterochromia.
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noe-the-snowy-owl · 4 years
hey so here’s a really good pumpkin seed quick recipe nobody knew they needed:
Preheat oven to 375° F (idk Celsius man sorry)
Spray a baking sheet with olive oil (or any cooking oil, really)
spread your pumpkin seeds evenly over the sheet
sprinkle a tablespoon (or more if you’d like :D all over the seeds
((for a bit of a kick, sprinkle on a teaspoon of nutmeg
then sprinkle a tablespoon or so (depending on how many seeds ya have) all over them
Optional step: mix around the seeds in the pan to coat them with the oil and spices
When the over is preheated, roast them accordingly;
smol seeds: 15-17 minutes
Medium seeds: 17-20 minutes
big seeds: 21-25 minutes
(Big seeds will be crispy on the outside but will still be a little hard to chew on the inside... I recommend small or medium seeds for best results :D)
yeah I’m not a freaking cook nobody asked for this but here you go, you should try it they’re good. You can also add sugar or butter or whatever you want lol
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