#i’m tagging this as anti buckynat but it’s not really
burninblood · 1 year
TUMBLR, why are you, as a platform, such a buckynat antis?!?!?!
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medixnoche · 5 years
if they make bucky the love interest in the black widow movie i might actually scream
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pedropascll · 3 years
I was tagged by @its-tortle to list my otps and my notps!! Thank you lovely <3 I’m enjoying seeing other people’s lists of ships so I’m excited to talk about my own!
(Obviously these are just my own opinions and I’m not trying to bash the non-harmful ships or anything, each to their own and so on. I’m putting it under the cut so people don’t have to read the anti- stuff!!)
Stucky (steve x bucky, MCU) - Who would’ve guessed right?? I’ll never be over these two, I started shipping them at maybe 14 after I saw CATWS and it’s been a rollercoaster since then
Destiel (dean x cas, Supernatural) - this ship always held a special place in my heart, it was my first OTP at like 13 and I always loved them even when I left the fandom a few years ago, now I’m deeply invested in the fandom again and it’s been an interesting few months for destiel shippers :’) They make me want to scream all the time
Zutara (zuko x katara, ATLA) - these two oh my god. Enemies to friends to lovers, they’ve got it all and they’re canon in my head :) They started off as literal enemies trying to kill each other, but they became friends and learned a lot from each other, I think they understand each other more than anyone else understands them.
I’ve loads more ships from other movies, shows and books (samnat, finnpoe, johnlock, saileen, sukka, delena, patrochilles for example) but to keep the list short these are my top 3!
W*nc*st - (a gross pairing of the winchester brothers, supernatural) - I don’t need to explain this one
Stony (steve x tony, MCU) - Not my thing, I just see them as colleagues not even close friends.
WinterIron (bucky x tony, MCU) - Again, not my thing, I don’t get it
St*rker (tony x peter, MCU) - I don’t think I need to explain this either
BuckyNat (bucky x natasha, MCU) - Pretty sure they met in the red room so this really doesn’t sit well with me, just not a fan of it in general 
I’m gonna tag @steveswhitewolf @princesscas @captainjanegay @steveroger @hannah-stagram @martacabreras @dinidjarin @rhodee @samrhodey and anyone else who feels like it! xx
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
Cause I'm not the only one still thinking about this and need to vent again about people calling 6 month late criticism bs:
I'm in camp: I don't dislike Steve's Endgame ending because I ship Stucky, or even because his character was about moving on OR because of any dislike for Peggy. I just wanted at least more scenes giving this ending more context and weight in the movie. Stuff making it feel less ooc. Or the boys being smart enough to bring Peggy to the future.
That's the camp I'm in. I LIVE for Steggy, but not in the out of nowhere way they did it. With time travel as a possibility it's weird that they chose this way without thinking of adding more scenes making it more believable.
So, go ahead. Like the ending. But freaking accept that tons of people needed more context in the movie for it to make an emotional impact that hits right. That's even what the actors suggested. A scene as simple as Steve & Bucky talking (no audio) or Bucky & Old!Steve even having a moment in the movie. You can love Steggy without ignoring that the two men been through everything and not giving them an ending scene was a bs move.
I watched the entire MCU in less than a year and don't wanna know how this movie impacted others. But if you fuck something in the nuance up so bad that even I can't stop remembering it every few days while scrolling through my timeline, then you have to have done SOMETHING not right. And that's kinda sad.
May I please add: Hating the Russo's for this is pretty lame. Yes, they could've at least filmed that suggested scene but I bet the higher ups would've cut it. Blaming M&M makes a bit more sense for not adding more scenes for emotional weight, but god, they're just people. At the end of the day you can blame Marvel as a team. Somebody probably voiced these things in test screenings and wasn't heard cause the company is simply so big. I really hope some cosplayers make an alternative short film tho. Like they did with Civil war. I love those creations.
PS: I blame M&M for not giving us Buckynat tho. Why? ._.
PPS: If you don't wanna see posts about these kinda topics just block 'anti endgame' and 'notmysteve'. Even tho I don't hate the ending you might wanna not see these posts and that's why I tag them like this. Thanks.
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bucksnatalia · 5 years
It makes me laugh you have to have a “this blog doesn’t tolerate hate” disclaimer because enough people dislike the ship almost as if...... there is.... a problem 👀💀 (and yes I’ve seen the too-long dramatic post you made)
It makes me laugh you came into the inbox of a blog that hasn’t posted in a month about a post I made 3 years ago which literally shows all the reasons there isn’t actually a problem. 
The only reason I’m even gonna give this ask the attention it doesn’t deserve is because I have work that I don’t wanna do. 
I haven’t been actively involved in the mar/vel fandom for months. I’ve actually gotten sucked into the vol/tron fandom which is considerably worse when it comes to people like you who poke holes into ships you don’t like for no apparent reason other than to feel better about yourself. 
Guess what? Antis find any reason to call a ship a “problem” and they say it over and over and over again, until people who haven’t even been a part of the fandom/been exposed to that ship just automatically assume it’s bad because “enough people” said so. 
Guess what, asshole? My current OTP gets a frankly absurd amount of hate from the majority ship in the fandom. And do you know what reasons the antis give? They say it’s pedophilic - but that’s not true. Both characters were adults from the very first episode. Antis say that their age gap, despite them both being adults, makes it pedophilic. They say that it’s incest, because their relationship was described as brotherly - but that’s not true. The characters are not related, the argument that they might be somehow biologically related stems from popular headcanons that they are both Asian and is thus an inherently racist argument, not to mention a ton of canon heterosexual relationships describe themselves initially as being like family before it gets romantic. 
But because the antis say it, and say it, and say it, it gets labeled as bad, whether it’s actually bad or not (spoiler alert: it’s not). 
Buckynat is the same way. Antis labeled it as “rapey” - it’s not. Antis labeled it “abusive” - it’s not. Some people once again tossed in the “it’s pedophilic bc there’s an age gap!” argument - an argument which is based on the popular but false belief that they met while Natasha was a child, when in canon they were both in their 30s. 
But because the antis say it, and say it, and say it, it gets labeled as bad. It’s “a problem.” Never mind that if you really don’t like certain content, you have absolutely no obligation to view it and have every ability to control what you see online through tagging systems and choosing who you follow. If you have decided that content is “bad,” you have the ability not to see it, and to leave people who do like it alone. 
But here’s the thing: it’s not bad. It’s not a problematic ship. You’re just an asshole. 
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silkspectred · 6 years
I was thinking about how fandom used to be such an enjoyable and safe place to explore any fictional dynamics & characters that interested you & all the shades of grey that came with it. Fandom's current level of discourse is like that of a child's i.e. "everyone who likes what I don't like is wrong and bad and disgusting". The rampant false equivalence of Fictional Preferences and Moral Superiority isn't only irritating, it's downright harmful; and it makes me so sad and wistful for the past :(
i feel you
like the past was definitely Fucked Up for many other reasons but you could say “hey i enjoy exploring this fucked up/dark/immoral thing in a fictional way but i am absolutely against it in rl” and anyone would just nod and move on. i get that anyone has their limits and i DEFINITELY have them too but i feel like we have reached a point where antis just make shit up to make a ship look immoral because they can’t just NOT LIKE SOMETHING NO they have to have an encyclopedia of moral reasons and write five essays on why it’s Wrong to Ship X Ship and why you will go straight to hell if you ship it (i have experienced this with d*stiel and i’m experiencing it with stevetony and buckynat, sadly. people just make up that they’re abusive or whatever while pretending they only like Absolutely Pure Things–like all the st*ckies saying that stevetony is abusive because they beat up each other in cacw as if they’re not constantly drooling over the fucking helicarrier scene ahsdhhsgd but ok)
idk. i like dark stuff. i love ultra violence, damn. i watched the billy russo vs frank castle battle at the carousel at the end of the punisher tv show and thought it wasn’t violent enough for me and i would have liked more blood. and i like fucked up people making it through an ocean of shit and then somehow still finding in themselves the strength to point at each other and be like, “you. i wanna be with you.” but i like it IN FICTION. REAL LIFE IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. and there are ships i don’t like on principle (say, st*rk*er) but fandom really has become a weird place. with all the doxxing and call out culture too it’s just. so fucking tiring. 
there was a thread on twitter i retweeted a few days ago about this tendency of fandom of being the place for social activism which is just absurd. people who want to be activists and change the world should do something about actually changing the world instead of trying to purge fandom of some of its most essential content, which is escapism, and the safe, FICTIONAL exploration of things that we don’t do irl. so these people aren’t being activists in the real world AND they are also polluting a place where people go to enjoy some FICTIONAL shit. i do believe that fiction can influence the real world, but i also think that people need to take the responsibility of dividing reality and fantasy, and that’s simply too much for many. they can’t justify it to themselves in the age of call out culture, so it’s just Everything Must Be Pure All the Time which is unrealistic and stupid.  
i think there’s a part of it that is also the great amount of younger people who have sort of… no offense but these people have grown up with helicopter parenting as the default and therefore they tend to be very inexperienced at making decisions for themselves because they always had adults that cared for them around. when i was 14 i was reading mature shit but i knew i shouldn’t have. i knew that i was lying when i pressed the “i’m 18″ button. i knew i was the one who was trespassing on an adult-only space and i kept my mouth shut and ate my food in silence without bothering people BUT i knew my limits and i didn’t blame it on someone else if i realized at some point that that fic that was tagged in this and that way actually ended up being too much for me. i took the full responsibility of my actions. i didn’t blame the writers that put that content online, i didn’t go around calling them disgusting and other terrible things, because no one pointed a gun at my head to read that stuff and because I WAS THE ONE WHO CLICKED on the mature content in the first place. i was informed of what was on the other side AND I STILL CLICKED AND I STILL READ IT AND THAT WAS ON ME and that was not only clear to me but also staggeringly obvious. i don’t know why it isn’t for so many people in fandom these days but i hope they grow up and look back on some of their behaviors and go “damn i was really a fucking idiot” because this shit really needs to end lol
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islandofthemyscira · 6 years
You really don’t have to read all of this if you don’t want to, I only made it because I wouldn’t want you to follow someone who posts things that you don’t like. (And I wouldn’t really want someone following me who likes the stuff that I dislike ofc lol). With that being said I do tag everything, so you can blacklist stuff if you need to! :) But anyway these are just a few things you should consider before following me.
Do NOT follow if you are:
anti lgbt
white feminist
Important stuff:
If you ship Bucky/Shuri do not follow me!! If you do you’ll immediately be blocked!
If i follow you/you follow me and i notice that you post hate related to my favorite characters I’ll block you. And i’m not talking about rightful cristicism regarding their actions, i’m talking about unnecessary hate saying stuff like you want them to die, etc.
If you say some disgusting shit about Seb (anthing about his appearance related to a role, how much you’d like to f*ck him or anything like that) i’ll probably block/soft-block or at least unfollow you.
If you think that Seb shouldn’t be called out for the shitty stuff he says i’ll unfollow you.
If you say things like ‘he’s a p*do/sexist pig’ or ‘he should kill himself/he should die’ or send him actual death threats you’ll blocked and reported. I know that you wouldn’t actually kill him lol but that’s a fucked up thing to say and you should see a therapist.
If you ship incest/pedophilia/abuse you’ll be blocked/soft-blocked.
I’m bisexual so if you post/reblog biphobia or even just imply that you are biphobic you’ll be blocked.
I try my best to tag everything that might be triggering but if you need me to tag anything please shoot me a message!
Things I like that you might not:
Sebastian. I’m not gonna stop reblogging him because I still love and support him despite of the occasional fuck ups. He’s only human after all not some perfect angel who can do no wrong, so if he says or does something offensive again i’ll call him out and not just ignore it. Hopefully he learns from these mistakes and will try to do better. But if you want to unfollow me bc of it I absolutely understand. (You can also just blacklist his name though but, again, it’s completely up to you.)
I occasionally reblog Supernatural and HIMYM bc i got into them as a teenager and i’m way too attached at this point so you might wanna blacklist them
Stucky: I still haven’t figured out if i ship them romantically (sometimes i do, sometimes i don’t - most of the time i do tho let’s be real) but i do love them a lot. If they made them canon i’d 100% support it
Steve/Team Cap
MCU/Comics Natasha
BuckyNat: I ship comic BuckyNat romantically, i don’t ship mcu buckynat i only like their dynamics but yeah i do reblog them
DC/Batman v Superman
Gal Gadot
I reblog stuff related to veganism tagged as #vegan tag
Sometimes i tell my opinon on things tagged as #personal
Things I don’t like:
First of all please keep in mind that i never post hate! But even if i occasionally reblog stuff related to the characters/ships that i dislike i always tag it. But honestly it almost never happens bc i try to keep my blog a positive place.
Joss Whedon. But then again who doesn’t hate him lol.
MCU Tony Stark. I dislike him a lot. But i never post anything about him mostly bc i don’t want to see him on my blog at all and i know that so many ppl like him and i wouldn’t want to upset any of my followers even if i disagree with them.
Stony, Brucetasha, Wanda/Vision
MCU Clint. I don’t hate him i just don’t like what they did to the character plus I don’t like Renner.
The majority of the Seb fandom. Obviously not every single one of them because there are very sweet and supportive fans but unfortunately most of the fans are really fake and say nasty things about him and yeah sometimes i get angry and call them out.
Snape. He’s the only one that i do reblog about quite frequently. I do apologize but i hate him so much that sometimes i just have to state my opinion on him kjdhfjsd i do tag these posts as #anti snape
Ross from friends. Yeah i really hate him lol
I don’t like Ted from himym either.
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sharingsharoncarter · 7 years
And about the "recognize me" like. Antis say we're assholes (literally someone said that) because we believe that line is not about Odessa. They called us arrogant and delusional. But what about stuckies? That see a look between Steve and Bucky and call that meaningful? They hear a line and interpret it how they want. But we do the same and we're assholes? Grow up. Block us. Ignore us. The only reason you still come in our tag is because you see our clues too.
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freyjaiam · 6 years
001 - MCU (the movies, but if you want to include the Netflix shows, I wouldn't argue)
Favorite character: Natasha Romanoff
Least Favorite character: Karen Page & The Purple Man. Both in comics AND TV Series.  Don’t really have a character I loathe in MCU movieverse other than Stryker.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): BuckyNat (blame the comics for that one), Tony/Pepper, Daredevil/Elektra, Wade/Vanessa, Spideypool
Character I find most attractive: Natasha and Steve
Character I would marry: i can’t choose
Character I would be best friends with: Jane from Thor... And Thor.
a random thought: i really wish the MCU got on the Gambit/Rogue train
An unpopular opinion: Probably that I don’t like Karen Page... I recently did an anti post of her (properly tagged mind you) and her minions lost their shit. It was fun to watch ngl...
My Canon OTP: Tony and Pepper. I miss them.
My Non-canon OTP: BuckyNat... Again, the comics made me do it.
Most Badass Character: Natasha hands down. I will say I love the  Dora Milaje and the woman who said “move” in Civil War had me excited to see the Black Panther movie. I’ll also say Storm is high on this list, too.
Most Epic Villain: I’ll always say Magneto. Gotta stay with the classics. But Hela in the new Thor movie? DAMN GIRL.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Natasha and Banner
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Joss screwed up Natasha in Ultron. Hands down. Now he’s mucking up the DC world... Why didn’t DC learn from Marvel and keep him out of it???
Favourite Friendship: Natasha and Steve. 
Character I most identify with: Claire from the Marvel TV shows. I’m always getting into trouble one way or another. Very opinionated. And very much enjoy a good cup of coffee... haha.
Character I wish I could be: Well, when it comes to powers I’d say Psylocke but when it comes to hand-to-hand... Natasha.
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delusionalyousay · 7 years
Now that I've finished uni, I'm going to carry on with my Asoiaf edits, but also throw in some buckynat and staron edits. It feels like the tags are really negative ATM filled with antis. Anyone have any suggestions hit me up I'll try my best :)
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soviet-lovers · 7 years
Wrote this last night right when I saw this nasty ill written crap, but got too tired to post my response. I'm not usually one to go off like this, especially on such a badly written post that has no logic in it but it's getting ridiculous as predictable with this particular part of the fandom, and I'm ANNOYED, so humor me I guess😂 “Bucky has only shown love to one person in the mcu world and that is his husband steve ( they married in my head okay ?” -First off "married in your head" ok wow you literally have to imagine it in your head.... Ok already off to a bad start on why nothing you said made any sense, yeah I don't think that means st*cky is or will ever be canon😂 “you could at least recognize me.” "i personally think she meant the times the soldier tried to kill her??" -Marvel leaves Easter eggs for each film that will lead to future events. The tiny reveal  from Zola in TWS of the winter soldier possibly killing the Starks is a brief scene in that film that most forgot and  it turned out to a HUGE turning point in CW. Don't think russos would leave the line "you could at least recognize me"  from Nat to Bucky if it meant nothing, when it could easily allude to their comic canon past. The russos have said it numerous times, they are huge geeks when it comes to comics and grew up reading them( I can completely relate😊) so the possibility of comic book references and relationships being valid & made canon (see staron&scarletvision) being in their films is endless! " if she was as memorable to him as you shippers think then how come he didn’t recognize her in the winter soldier and in civil war?" -CW was packed with scenes, and the only scene (shown to us) of him not in winter soldier mode when he's around her is when she helps him and Steve escape. And the scene is brief. Had it shown him look directly at her and nothing then maybe he didn't recognize her. But the camera didn't focus on either of them seeing each other. So it is still open for a moment in the next film for him to see her. "now their relationship in the comics ( only place where it’s canon ) is toxic , he trained her from childhood to adulthood" -We can't stress this enough to you antis at this point y'all are actively choosing to ignore facts or just don't actually do research, NAT MET AND WAS TRAINED BY BUCKY IN COMICS AS AN ADULT!!!!! She was around the age of 29 I believe?... Either way, full grown ADULT this false narrative of her being a child was MADE UP and probably taken from someone's fanfic or fan art, who knows. "seb doesn’t ship it" -we can assume Seb does ship it, or at least wants it to happen. Cause he said so in interviews he would like for it to happen..... So idk why y'all are lying about that. A lot of people say it's only cause of scarjo, and while yes she's gorgeous and that's probably a bonus, Sebastian is a fantastic actor who HAS READ COMICS AS RESEARCH and understands the bond his character Bucky and the character Natasha have, as they come from the same place and have similar experiences. Both forced to kill.  Both punished for loving eachother. They're partnership in the modern era is built off of trust and they treat each other equally. What's abusive about that...... "Bucky and her have no chemistry whatsoever ever" -we are waiting for them to have a scene where they actually TALK... So how can you even make that assumption ?? Ever heard of development?? Writers and directors tend give characters development as each film goes along. People praise the chemistry between Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson, but not until TWS film, even though they had some scenes in the avengers prior to that film. Those characters were given development, like all characters do. So if they plan on doing Buckynat, we will obviously be waiting and be excited for SOME development. " nat doesn’t deserve being made to hop on one WHITE male’s cock to another every movie." -Wow y'all know she has only been with Bruce and it didn't really work out. She has had been FRIENDS with other males, independent strong women are aloud to have friends or be in a relationship. Quit acting like you care about her when all you're doing is trying to get her away from half of your ship. The vulgar wording y'all use really seems like you're just slut shaming her. All in all, I'm fine with different opinions, but not from people ( all from a particular fandom most often) who ignore facts and well given clues, and then turn around and tell off people who acknowledge and choose to enjoy what is given and possibly will be given to them. If Buckynat happens, IT HAPPENS, all of the antis coming out to bash this ship this week seems in time with that photo of Scarlett and Sebastian. YOU GUYS are the ones making a bigger deal out of it then the shippers. A lot of us were happy because it goes with a previous rumor that they may begin filming at the same time, so they could have scenes, THATS IT!! The antis are the ones who seem very confident it will happen because of how much time they've spent the last few days trying to debunk the possibility of it happening . If one photo is enough to get you to spew so much hate into the Buckynat tag on tumblr/twitter and even Instagram and tag Sebastian in it (I've seen this), maybe your ship is not as great as you think it is. Ok rant over
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