#mobile rbf
godforsakcn · 3 months
At least I know my boy will look good in anything--
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strawburbur · 3 months
i made a new save file to fully experience 1.6. here’s a farmer redesign (click for better quality if you’re on the mobile app… 🙁)
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she goes by ruru. she has rbf. she’s an aspiring crazy cat lady and she has no concern for her well being
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ok that’s it ty
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maidengame · 2 years
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Pov this little twerp is staring daggers at you. What do you do?
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chubunited · 5 months
Amity tidbits bc it's my blorbo rn (sorry y'all who arent into humanoid stuff)
Amity works security for a research vessel that collects environmental and biometric data for a university, but also likes to help with data organization. it's a spreadsheet slut, the data is color coded and everything
It was recently freed from a corporation who manufacture and rent human/bot constructs, and the failsafe in it's brain that's meant to fry it if it disobeys orders has been removed
After it was freed, Amity underwent a series of cosmetic and non-cosmetic augmentations. Wanting to fit in with humans better, and wanting to be more 'involved' in culture, Amity decided one of these augmentations would be to add a digestive system (though it doesnt Need to eat) and taste buds
Its well loved by it's crew, who are very sweet to it and help it explore it's newly opened world. Amity owns more than a few poorly-knitted sweaters.
Amity, in spite of being a highly technically advanced bot construct cant cook for shit and has burnt more eggs than can be counted
though it has mad RBF it's highly emotionally intelligent and is usually the first one it's crew comes to if they need reassurance
it LOVES spicy foods. One of it's favorite gifts it's gotten is a hot sauce variety pack. this is another reason it's not allowed to cook on the ship
Over time it starts putting on weight, and ends up Huge. Because of it's bot structure, this doesn't slow it down at all when it needs to mobilize. However, it does mean it ends up needing a much larger cabin space
Amity loves being large, not just because it separates it from it's past as a corporate weapon, but because of how much it's crew seems to enjoy it as well. Primo spot on movie night is next to Amity.
it once wrote a code for itself so it could experience indigestion. just to see what it'd feel like. (this code is still active)
It has a lovely singing voice, and can often been heard humming to itself while it writes code or helps with data organization
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twinsoftriumph · 8 months
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lalut will be later i promise i just need to group everyone in a way that makes sense. ANYWAY cital and sameyi are siblings and they've got a Potion Business to run except its sorta not really a business because cital refuses any form of compensation half the time despite sameyi's best efforts. more detail under the cut
they're found family because i drew them and was like yeah ill make them siblings why not
cital wears blushing prospector hair, rallying thrillseeker outfit, saluting captain firework staff, twirling champion mask, and shushing light scholar cape
sameyi wears hide n seek pioneer hair, forgetful storyteller outfit, frantic stagehand mask, withered antlers (modified), flower crown, and winter ancestor cape
cital is a How i look with he/him in my bio kinda guy. ive made this joke like 3 times and ill make it again
nothing to smile about in his life. (this is a joke he lives a pretty cozy life he just has RBF)
hes also hard of hearing and he and sameyi communicate primarily through signing
hes a spell maker and specializes in protection potions because he started out making anti-rain spells for forest, also does enchantments for living areas (basically just a spell but applied to an area)
he operates more on a "If you bring me the right supplies ill make you the spell" basis
hes not even really a tired grumpy type he's moreso just the Straight Man (NOT HET).
however the easiest way to piss him off is to use magic carelessly. he is a certain someone's number 1 hater
sameyi's his number one promoter. sameyi travels wayyy more and will pop up literally everywhere
it's to the point where you would wonder if she's doing this on purpose and like. Maybe? but she's also just very mobile and knows all the hotspots
definitely very charming. couldve been a scammer if she really wanted to
she's a theater nerd and loves. well. the Theatrics. she herself is incredibly dedicated to the bit. if she doesn't continue the bit you know somethings wrong
when she gets cital to go along with a bit she goes BONKERS CRAZY and thinks he's the funniest guy ever
probably haunted but she has a job so she doesn't really care about that rn. will not elaborate if asked.
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lemonofthevalley · 2 months
ooo id love to hear your disability headcanons for anyone!! and or everyone!!
hi anon i am making this disability and chronic illness hcs for them :3
darryl: crohn's. you know i had to after the eldritch shit incident. he was originally misdiagnosed with IBS but eventually got diagnosed with crohn's disease
ron: his joints are very loose and dislocate a lot. he had to learn how to relocate them at home because willy wouldn't take him to the doctor for it. he did it once in front of sammie and she was horrified
henry: he also has loose joints from wildshape moving his bones around n shit . in oakvale he would tough out the pain because healing spells dont really do much if theres just pain and no official injury . also migraines from the doodler lineage
glenn: similar to nick with the shitty joints (bones)! nick got it from him, even when jodie was his bio dad, heart issues (even before he died)
grant: pcos grant ftw (he is never cis to me). similar stomach problems 2 darryl
did terry jr here
lark: migraines from the doodler lineage, chronic fatigue that he ignores and works until he drops, back pain probably
sparrow: migraines from the doodler lineage, gets dizzy easily, chronic fatigue that she ignores in favor of helping others
did nick here
lincoln: chronic pain that he thinks is just from his growth spurts. sorry little bud youve got that forever now
scary: i want to give her stomach issues so badly but canonically she was lying avout her stomach hurting. :(. i think she's very sensitive to light and gets headaches alot so shes always squinting (rbf)
normal: migraines from doodler lineage that actually get better when dood takes form! whenever he has a headache she helps him out . despite being a cheerleader i think he has bad lungs and loses his breath very quickly
taylor: similar 2 nick he runs fevers a lot ! brain fog too
hermie: the worst joint pain uve ever seen in a 15 (2) year old . refuses to use mobility aids unless its for a role
other questions here
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starglitterz · 2 years
serendipity. (i)
─── chapter 1 ! ~ a fresh start (and a terrible first impression)
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summary; when you, a waitress at the local coffee shop, are paired up with the new recruit scaramouche, you’re pretty sure both of you are going to get fired within a week. he’s just quit being a social media influencer and after being forced to work here to make ends meet, he’s ready to let everyone there know how much he hates it. the worst part? you can’t shake the feeling that you know him from somewhere. but as he slowly warms up to you, scaramouche realises that having a fresh start isn’t that bad after all, and perhaps the two of you meeting like this was pure serendipity.
a/n; tumblr doesn't let me fit 6 million pics per post so everything is collaged :) it reads in the direction
1 2
3 4
reading on mobile is recommended bc it might be easier to zoom in! i'm really really really excited for this series AHAHA it's a bit longer than my previous smau so i can't wait for you all to see how things turn out >< hope you enjoy the very first chapter of serendipity!
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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irl !
it’s been a pretty relaxed day at komore teahouse, with a steady stream of customers who weren’t anything you and yoimiya couldn’t handle. dusk has already fallen, and you’re all closing up the shop while also preparing to meet the rookie. to be honest, you’re pretty surprised ayaka was the one brought up hiring someone new; komore rarely took in new recruits, and the business was small but well-run as proven by its popularity, with all the employees treating each other like family. hence the reason for your excitement, as the only reason ayaka gave you for the sudden decision was a cryptic explanation of ‘a friend called in a favour’. 
the familiar chime of the entrance doorbell reverberates throughout the empty cafe just as you finish wiping down the last table. yoimiya turns to you, eyes lighting up at the sound, “he must be here!” ayaka and thoma both rush to the front as well, with ayaka smoothing invisible creases from her perfectly ironed skirt and thoma dusting off crumbs from his apron. he beams and gives you a thumbs up, “nice work today,” to which you smile and return the gesture, “same to you, i swear the desserts smelled even better than usual.” “shush, he’s coming in!” ayaka hushes the both of you like a mother reprimanding her noisy children, and yoimiya can’t help but snicker, prompting you to shoot her a joking glare.
the man who appears in front of you is nothing like what you imagined. to be totally honest, you yourself aren’t sure what was your first thought when ayaka mentioned a new colleague, but it certainly wasn’t this. his shockingly purple hair is cropped right above his ears, and his eyes are outlined in red. his outfit is stylish, and you think you recognise some of the clothes from a fashion magazine you were browsing a while ago, which begs the question; if he’s rich enough to afford those, why is he working at a cafe? what shocks you the most, though, is the slightest hint of displeasure on his expression, with his lips already downturned into a frown as he scans the room. you think you might just be reading too much into it, he probably just has an rbf.
his gaze travels uninterestedly over the three of you before finally settling on ayaka, “you must be the one in charge?” the way he phrases it comes off as more of a statement than a question, as if he hadn’t even considered the possibility that he may be wrong. that already rubs you the wrong way, but you try to convince yourself not to let your opinion of him be swayed too quickly - maybe he’s just awkward. though you’re quite sure ayaka is surprised by his demeanour too, she manages to maintain a warm smile and reply, “yes, i’m kamisato ayaka, the owner of komore teahouse. and you must be scaramouche, our newest recruit. welcome to the family!” 
the three of you echo the sentiment with matching grins, but his fiery stare stops you short as you’re about to introduce yourself. “i have no interest in being part of this…” he waves his hands in the air to illustrate his point, “so-called family.” to say your jaw drops would be an understatement. “i’m only here because i need a job. i will do what my contract requires and collect my payment, that’s it.” his continuation only serves to make you more confused, but also lights a fire in you. this stranger has no right to come into your cafe and act this selfish and entitled and rude and- you already have a long list of choice adjectives you’d use to describe him. 
yoimiya is gaping openly at him, not even bothering to hide her shock, and so is thoma. you’re not sure what you look like right now but you’re pretty certain you’re mirroring their expressions. ayaka is the only one who still remains calm and collected, the very picture of demureness. “understandable. we all have bills to pay,” she smiles, but it doesn’t meet her cold eyes, and her tone is edged with ice beneath the friendliness, “but i expect you to do this job to the best of your ability, or you will be dismissed. you will start from monday.” he tips his chin up, jutting it out slightly as if to grudgingly accept her win this time, “fine.”
without another word, he turns around sharply and walks out, exhibiting not even a hint of hesitation. as the doorbell jingles once more to signify his exit, the entire quartet is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. until yoimiya, the bravest among all of you, breaks the silence with a “what on earth just happened?”
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© starglitterz 2022. do not repost or modify in any way.
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satanstruemistress · 2 months
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@technomaestro You have no idea what you’ve just unleashed 😂😂😂
Between my roommate and I, we have 6 of the little bastards! (Affectionate)
Here they all are:
That particular one is mine. Her name is Pumpkin Leigh, she’s the only girl, and she was found outside my mom’s old house. She adopted me. She’s obsessed with me. All the boys look at her like she’s the reigning queen. (She is). She has zero interest in returning to her stray ways. She takes one look at the outdoors and goes “Ew, no thanks”. Addicted to cat nip. Plays fetch. Like a weirdo.
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(Punkin on a Punkin)
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This confused looking fellow is Oliver George. He’s my roommate’s cat. I love him. He hates humans in general? He has a crumply ear because he had a boo-boo of some sort. It got fixed, and it gives him character. He likes Pumpkin and my sister. He tolerates everyone else. If he escapes the house it’s at least an hour getting him back in, and it often ends with someone (me) getting shredded. He looks at me and says “You’ll never take me alive!” And proceeds to fight with all his ten-pound might. And then is super sweet when I finally return him to the house.
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2-for-1 special, this is Jack Daniel (black) and Potter Maxwell (orange) they’re brothers from the same litter. Mom was a short haired calico and Dad was a long haired black cat. Jack got mom’s coat and dad’s color, Potter got mom’s color and dad’s coat. They’ve never been apart a day in their lives. Potter has the worst RBF I’ve ever seen on a cat, and Jack will only let you love on him while you’re trying to wash your hands. Any time Ollie escapes, Jack has a meltdown when he comes back in, because apparently he doesn’t recognize him.
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This is Sylvester James and I think he needs 3 pictures to really hit home how fuckin’ insane his transformation was. We found him outside a friend’s house, and we thought he was just a normal sized escapee, bc he looked healthy enough, but then he got fed regularly and a safe place and he turned into that enormous, majestic, long-haired beast. He’s so soft. It’s like petting a cloud. He also talks a lot for no reason. Also an occasional prison breaker. If Ollie refuses to go quietly, Sylvester is the opposite. If he escapes you can just pick him up and you can hear his little pea brain go “Rats! *finger snapping noise* Foiled again!”
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This fucking chaos gremlin is the baby, Floki Alexander. My roommate’s ex bf left him with us when he got dumped until he could get stable. He’s so sweet. He’s fucking insane. He’s almost three, and still has insane kitten energy. Loves kisses and cuddles and unattended glassware. If there’s a cup left sitting, Floki will knock it off and break it. Sits by the door, contemplates escaping. Ultimately does not.
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This is Daisy Mae, she’s technically my brother’s dog but she’s really not friendly so he couldn’t keep her where he was living, so I took her and I’m working on socializing her better. He will have to pry her out of my cold, dead hands if he ever wants her back.
She loves her kitties so much. She gets kisses and snuggles and ear cleanings from them.
She’s also fucking rotund because the only way my ex-roommate could get her to warm up to him was by human food. She’s on a diet now, and we go for walks.
I was going to add more pictures to really solidify how cute they all are, but alas there’s a 10 picture limit on mobile apparently.
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max-mcat · 1 year
Call of Duty HC’s but they’re random
-absolutely wears fluffy socks around base/on leave, loves ridiculous patterns
-was the popular but also a loner kid in high school; knew a lot of people but only talked to like 3 people
-ambivert; will socialize to a certain point
-RBF, scares recruits by “glaring” at them (he is totally zoned out)
-actually dislikes most common teas; loves chai and jasmine
-any prns
-avid phonk/punk/metal listener, loves loud music
-had a goth phase, it’s where he got most of his skeleton aesthetic from
-kid who broke rules but somehow never got in trouble with teachers/authority figures
-enjoys sitting with 141 and just listening to them chat, not having the talk but still being included
-agender, never felt like he was a guy or girl, he just *is*
-average physics enjoyer, will ramble for hours to anyone unlucky enough to catch him talking about it
-tinnitus, always says “what?” like 7 times before he can hear someone’s question
-people pleaser, scared of being made fun of, stems from bullies in high school due to xyr being outed as pan (pan!soap truther btw, he does not care)
-goes nonverbal sometimes, uses BSL to communicate, learned it from Ghost
-a master braider, can do super complex braids cuz its little siblings always wanted him to do their hair
-middle child that had to parent everyone (parents, older siblings, younger siblings)
-mommas boy, loves his mom more than anyone
-hates the cold, literally can’t deal with it, turns up the heat as soon as it hits 60 F
-ate New Orleans cuisine once and had a soul blasting experience, thinks about it at least once a day
-white magic believer, mom was pagan so she grew up around spirituality, makes moon/sun water, cleanses his space, celebrates pagan holidays
-hyper mobile, loves to freak out Price by bending in weird ways or doing the thumb behind the knuckle trick
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vatican3 · 2 years
Ok so I mostly think about this because of the grucifix staff. But I think secondo couldve had a back injury early in his life like as a teenager and ever since has been using a cane to assist him. Sure hes able to walk slowly without it, but you know, even more pain comes with that.
Alternatively sometimes I also think about late in life secondo with arthritis in his knees (ones worse than the other) that sap the strength from him if he stands unaided for too long.
Secondo isnt any less tough for using a cane but the chronic pain does help with his grumpy resting bitch face (he is in pain).
OH! You are so smart, re: Grucifix staff. I really enjoy that thought. She seems the type to have fucked something up when she was young and was perhaps stubborn about taking care of it then, maybe felt like she was too spry to use mobility aids, surely, she's young, and it caught up to her later.
Arthritis I can also get behind. All of that performing and running around can get to you. Rituals take a lot of strength. But she will take the trade-off of a better RBF.
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roombanker-iot · 2 months
What Are Commonly-Used Home Security System Components?
Burglary is a common form of crime but most people have not yet installed security alarm systems. Installing a security alarm system is important as it helps protect your property and yourself against criminals and deters them from entering your premises.
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Whether you are considering installing or learning about the components, here is an explanation of the commonly seen home security system components.
Home Security Hub
A smart home hub refers to central point that connects devices on home automation networks and manages communication between them. Smart home networks connect to the cloud or locally which is essential for Internet of Things (IoT) devices that employ Z-Wave or Zigbee protocols or Bluetooth or RBF instead of Wi-Fi.
A smart home network ties together different systems and devices in a central platform. This makes the users' network simple and provides them with one smart home application like RB Link to control the different applications and systems.
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Some home security hubs have integrated home automation enabling users to manage smart devices like thermostats, door locks, and lights.
PIR Motion Sensor
Passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors are devices that detect any variations in infrared radiation in the direction of view. When an intruder steps into the monitored area, the detecting sensor picks up the heat waves emitted from their body so that the alarm can be triggered.
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They are vital are they detect unauthorized motion within the compound thus alerting the owner of any approaching danger in advance.
Door and Window Sensor Alarm
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When a burglar opens the door or the window, a text alert or a burglar alarm is triggered. These alarms are inexpensive, which makes them ideal for an initial move toward securing your home. They are also easy to customize making it easy for the user to fit them according to their door and window sizes.
Panic Alarm Button
A panic button is a dedicated feature or device that enables homeowners to discreetly and easily summon assistance in case of an attack. By pressing on it, a wireless signal is transmitted to a home console where it flags alarm monitoring personnel with an emergency case. 
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The panic button triggers an immediate response by sending alerts to the monitoring center and authorities so that assistance can be dispatched. Panic buttons are essential when dealing with emergencies that require rapid response.
Alarm Keypad or Keyfob for the Security System
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On the other hand, a card system or the KeyFob uses proximity access cards or swiping (the card must be around for the lock to open). KeyFob requires people to use key or card swipes while the Keypad system requires users to type a certain code.  
These security systems are cost-effective and convenient making it easier for the user to move around easily. It is also easy to determine people coming in and out of the house thus controlling vandalism and theft.
Alarm Siren
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The systems deter intruders and signal homeowners that the security system has been breached. They also alert neighbors and nearby occupants that there are potential threats in your house.
There are different types of alarm sirens including fire alarm systems, panic alarm systems, manual alarms, intruder alarms, and automatic alarm systems, all offering both outdoor and indoor installation. Some of them feature flashing lights while others feature strobe lights for enhanced effectiveness and visibility.
Mobile App for Remote Access and Monitoring
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They offer convenience and flexibility, enabling homeowners to stay informed and connected to the status of their home security even when outside. Mobile apps are essential in guarding homes because they allow remote management and continuous management of home security.
Final Words
To conclude, it is essential to install a security system as it ensures you stay secure at all times. No matter the product you decide to purchase, most of the systems will include the components discussed above. But you will have to buy the components that suit your needs best without necessarily buying all of them.
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Nyways 😮‍💨 just som thots because im thinking about my mans vy.n
Just thinking about how our relationship would look so strange on the outside. We would seem like polar opposites — Vy.n is the model of gentlemanly nobility, and even if someone had no idea of my background, I tend to ignore polite social customs and treat everyone the exact same. Vy.n has a very measured, confident way of speaking, meanwhile if I don’t stutter as quickly as humanly possible I WILL perish. My mans likes classical music and high end restaurants and adopting ponies apparently, and here I am counting down the minutes until I can go home and game and rage.
But 🥺 but in our private time, I love having tea with him in his gardens and he enjoys playing mobile games with me and we’re both so reserved with matching RBFs and we’re just on the same level, able to share a look and immediately know what the other is thinking and 😭😭😭
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islandofthemyscira · 6 years
You really don’t have to read all of this if you don’t want to, I only made it because I wouldn’t want you to follow someone who posts things that you don’t like. (And I wouldn’t really want someone following me who likes the stuff that I dislike ofc lol). With that being said I do tag everything, so you can blacklist stuff if you need to! :) But anyway these are just a few things you should consider before following me.
Do NOT follow if you are:
anti lgbt
white feminist
Important stuff:
If you ship Bucky/Shuri do not follow me!! If you do you’ll immediately be blocked!
If i follow you/you follow me and i notice that you post hate related to my favorite characters I’ll block you. And i’m not talking about rightful cristicism regarding their actions, i’m talking about unnecessary hate saying stuff like you want them to die, etc.
If you say some disgusting shit about Seb (anthing about his appearance related to a role, how much you’d like to f*ck him or anything like that) i’ll probably block/soft-block or at least unfollow you.
If you think that Seb shouldn’t be called out for the shitty stuff he says i’ll unfollow you.
If you say things like ‘he’s a p*do/sexist pig’ or ‘he should kill himself/he should die’ or send him actual death threats you’ll blocked and reported. I know that you wouldn’t actually kill him lol but that’s a fucked up thing to say and you should see a therapist.
If you ship incest/pedophilia/abuse you’ll be blocked/soft-blocked.
I’m bisexual so if you post/reblog biphobia or even just imply that you are biphobic you’ll be blocked.
I try my best to tag everything that might be triggering but if you need me to tag anything please shoot me a message!
Things I like that you might not:
Sebastian. I’m not gonna stop reblogging him because I still love and support him despite of the occasional fuck ups. He’s only human after all not some perfect angel who can do no wrong, so if he says or does something offensive again i’ll call him out and not just ignore it. Hopefully he learns from these mistakes and will try to do better. But if you want to unfollow me bc of it I absolutely understand. (You can also just blacklist his name though but, again, it’s completely up to you.)
I occasionally reblog Supernatural and HIMYM bc i got into them as a teenager and i’m way too attached at this point so you might wanna blacklist them
Stucky: I still haven’t figured out if i ship them romantically (sometimes i do, sometimes i don’t - most of the time i do tho let’s be real) but i do love them a lot. If they made them canon i’d 100% support it
Steve/Team Cap
MCU/Comics Natasha
BuckyNat: I ship comic BuckyNat romantically, i don’t ship mcu buckynat i only like their dynamics but yeah i do reblog them
DC/Batman v Superman
Gal Gadot
I reblog stuff related to veganism tagged as #vegan tag
Sometimes i tell my opinon on things tagged as #personal
Things I don’t like:
First of all please keep in mind that i never post hate! But even if i occasionally reblog stuff related to the characters/ships that i dislike i always tag it. But honestly it almost never happens bc i try to keep my blog a positive place.
Joss Whedon. But then again who doesn’t hate him lol.
MCU Tony Stark. I dislike him a lot. But i never post anything about him mostly bc i don’t want to see him on my blog at all and i know that so many ppl like him and i wouldn’t want to upset any of my followers even if i disagree with them.
Stony, Brucetasha, Wanda/Vision
MCU Clint. I don’t hate him i just don’t like what they did to the character plus I don’t like Renner.
The majority of the Seb fandom. Obviously not every single one of them because there are very sweet and supportive fans but unfortunately most of the fans are really fake and say nasty things about him and yeah sometimes i get angry and call them out.
Snape. He’s the only one that i do reblog about quite frequently. I do apologize but i hate him so much that sometimes i just have to state my opinion on him kjdhfjsd i do tag these posts as #anti snape
Ross from friends. Yeah i really hate him lol
I don’t like Ted from himym either.
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imaric · 5 years
yep it might be.
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kineticallyanywhere · 2 years
i did a Google and i still dont understand emmet and ingo lore. i probably wont play the games but i am inlove with what i see. so i must ask, whats the lore??? whats goin' on?? indigo got lost??? lived with sneavels?? somehow time travel is involved? is emmet the lost one? am i a lost cause looking for answers? either way love your stuffs and hope you have a great day!!! don't feel pressured into answering! your cool!!!
thank you for enjoying my stuffs!! I wrote this up during the time I would have otherwise been spacing out today! I hope it helps!
The short answer: not much lore! Ingo and Emmet are identical twins that were introduced in generation 5 something like a decade ago. Other than some appearances in the anime, manga, and mobile game (Masters EX) we hadn't seen much of them since.
But then Legends Arceus came out. This game takes place centuries in the past and Ingo, the one in black who's always frowning, is just… there. And he has near total retrograde amnesia so he doesn't even know why he's there. And we don't actually know where/when Emmet is right now. But they split up the twins who just really like trains and battles and we're all kinda going nuts about it.
The Long answer: Ingo and Emmet are identical twins that were introduced in the generation based on the United States. They basically live in Poke-New York and run the regions subway system. The subway system is also a battle facility. In case you're not super fluent in main-line Pokemon games, a battle facility is basically a post-game dungeon where you have to fight through a certain number of battles in a row to be able to fight the bosses and win prizes and bragging rights.
And facility boss battles are ROUGH. In the storyline for a Pokemon game you can get yourself through it with pretty much any Pokemon as long as you level up enough. These facilities, though, have level caps that will automatically re-level your Pokemon to fit the cap and there's a list of Pokemon (mostly legendaries) that are banned from use there. Pun intended, they are ride-or-die on your ability to strategize. This on top of the fact that to fully interact with these facilities you have to have beaten the main game—meaning you're the Champion of the Pokemon league and [supposedly] the strongest trainer the the region—and they're STILL brutal, basically means that facility bosses could take over the government in an afternoon if they weren't battling addicts.
Another thing about facility bosses, though, is that the average player never encounters them. If you played Black 2 or White 2 there's a battle with the twins in the story line, but iirc it's pretty one-and-done. This did not stop their popularity in Japan. Trains are apparently much bigger over there and the funky train boys with the muppet mouths have a reputation as sexymen on pixiv.
As for their personalities, there's only so much to go off of. Ingo (the frowning one) speaks much more formally (in Japanese) and is very kind. Despite his stoic appearance, he's also HIGH energy. Based mostly on his VA in Masters EX, boy is LOUD. Sounds like he's gonna jump 3 feet in the air at any moment. He also has one of the only shouting speech bubbles I can remember seeing in Legends Arceus, if there even is another one. Based on his dialogue in Masters, he's also not super aware of his own facial expressions. Got some hard RBF. He's happy very often but the only game he's ever smiled in Legends (an angel, blinding, incredible). You can tell when he wants to be smiling, tho! He smiles with his eyes and it's adorable. He does smile in the manga and anime, but they're... different. Like off-canon from the games. Though in the manga the smiles like :3 and it's great
The other one, Emmet, is the smiley one in white. Emmet's speech is much more casual (in Japanese), even a bit stilted (in English). He's very blunt and tends to use very short sentences. On the battle subway in gen 5 he basically admits to saying a script; that he says the same thing every time. He seems to be easier of speech in Masters, but even that game all but admitted this last April Fools that "I am Emmet" is basically his catch phrase. Still, he's a nice guy! He just really likes Pokemon battles. A lot. People say he speaks fairly monotone, and maybe I'm just bad at picking up on if someone speaks monotone, but to me he sounds pretty normal. He's just standing next to Ingo all the times and Ingo expresses all of his emotions straight through his vocal chords at max volume. he also refers to Ingo has his older brother, addressing him as such in Japanese and telling the player in Masters the same. Oh, and he likes to say 'very' with 5 or 6 rs. Like verrrrry much.
For how they battle, they actually share Pokemon! Ingo runs the single battles section of the subway, Emmet runs double battles, and they team up for multi-battles. Emmet most often uses a wider variety of Pokemon since double battles require a 4 Pokemon team while single battles only have 3. The main partner Pokemon for them in the anime are Chandelure for Ingo and Eelectross for Emmet (Emmet does use Chadelure for one of his double battles in the game, but as far as I know Ingo never uses Eelectross). Ingo also references Chandelure as his partner in Legends, though he can't remember the name. In Masters Ingo uses Excadrill and Emmet uses Archeops; I've heard because they work better together in the context of the game. Their new partners in Masters, Accelegor for Ingo and Escavalier for Emmet, are Pokemon that can only evolve when traded for each other, and will evolve at the same time. Which means they each raised the other's Pokemon and that's BEAUTIFUL.
In Legends Arceus, Ingo doesn't have any of his old pokemon. His new ace seems to be a Gliscor, since its a couple levels higher than the others. He's the only clan member in that game that uses pokeballs (otherwise only used by the foreign Galaxy Team members). He's also the only person other than the player to use Alpha Pokemon, which are HUGE Pokemon with boosted stats.
Some frequent things you'll see that are based in the games but you won't find on a wiki:
Ingo's favorite movie in gen 5 is Earthquake, which is a very powerful move that hits EVERYONE on the field, even allies. Emmet has a Pokemon that knows earthquake too, but 3 out of 7 of Ingo's know Earthquake. Both the Pokemon he brings to the multi-battles have it. One of them is a Pokemon called Haxorus, which has an ability that negates other abilities; abilities like Levatate, which makes a Pokemon immune to ground type moves like Earthquake. Which is the ability Eelectross has, which would normally save it from taking damage. So Earthquake should hit Emmet's Eelectross too. But! Eelectross has a move called Gastro Acid which can negate Haxorus's ability, which reactivates it's own, saving it. But if for whatever reason Eelectross can't use Gastro Acid and that Earthquake goes off… RIP Eelectross. This whole Thing is fairly commonly referenced and very funny in an overly-complex way
Yes, he's using a move called Earthquake in a moving subway train.
Earthquake is not an available move in Legends Arceus :(
Emmet's Galvantula knows a move which it could only learn (in that generation) through breeding. You can't catch one with that move and you couldn't teach it via item, you had to breed a Galvantula/Joltik with the right Pokemon so that the move (cross poison) would be passed down. The baby will be a Joltik, the pre-evolved form of Galvantula. Joltik are tiny lil fuzzy bugs that like to eat the static off of clothes. So the idea that Emmet breeds Joltik and therefore has a million of them is hillarious. It's not canon, but it deserves to be. You'll see that a lot.
In Legends Arceus, Ingo serves as a warden (like a loyal, reverent, caretaker; but not a trainer) to Lady Sneasler. She's a highly revered Pokemon and a descendant of one blessed by Arceus (Pokemon God). Sneasler is an evolved for of Sneasel, thus the very adorable baby Sneasel art.
In Legends Arceus, for some reason, Ingo's eyes seem to glow in the dark a lil bit. This is never acknowledged in the text of the game and honestly I'm still not sure that it was intentional, but there's reason to believe it is.
There's a helping of fanon for Ingo and Emmet as well (much of which I also subscribe to!) but I'm gonna leave most of that out for clarity's sake on what's Actual Lore and what's not. Also this post is very long now. The one fanon I will note on is the Nimbasa Trio, which consists of the twins and the local gym leader Elesa, who is also a model and also very tall and likes bad puns. If she and the twins have ever interacted in Pokemon canon of any form, I have yet to see it. This will not stop me from treating it as canon. It's too good.
With the time travel and Ingo being in the past: we really have no confirmation on how or why he's there or how or why his memories are gone. The main theories are either A) he got caught in the crossfire of Legends Arceus' bad guy messing with space time or B) something called an Ultra Wormhole, a phenomena from generation 7, scooped him up and dumped him out. Personally, I'm hoping it has something to do with the legendary pokemon of generation 5, the generation Ingo and Emmet are originally from and is next up for a remake. The legendaries for that region have a whole Thing where they were originally one pokemon but split in two because of a disagreement between two brothers. And Ingo and Emmet have a whole black/white theme already. I will be making never-gonna-happen-but-would-be-cool theory/propaganda posts
I feel like I'm almost certainly forgetting something, but I hope this helps!
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curtishoney · 4 years
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thank you for the tag @peculiar-sunshine !! i actually already made one earlier!! idk who to tag lmao so anyone who wants to do this can!
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