#i’m terrible lmaoooooooooo
inkykeiji · 3 years
Hi clari!! sugar daddy natsuo was AMAZING n is it bad i wanna fuck touya from that fic?? how mean n terrible he is idc. all this talk about getting eaten out i feel the same, dont get me wrong it feels great but i too love to get used! my new man (which is going great btw ur advice helps me soooo so much!) but personally i get off by degradation (consensually) n i dont get that from getting eaten out. anyways i love u so much n ill drop in soon!! just been so fricken busy ahh 🧩
hahahaha aw thank you so much my luv!!! <333 i'm very very glad to hear that you enjoyed it!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOO i mean, who's to say??????? definitely not me considering i am head over heels in love with him <333 HAHAHAHA
RIGHT??? exactly!!! like again i totally understand the appeal and i get why so many people enjoy it, but it just isn't for meee </3 OH i'm so glad to hear it's going well!!! that makes my heart so happy!! <33 I GET OFF ON DEGRADATION AS WELL lmao like,,,, hardcore <3
i love u!!!!!!!! take ur time bb absolutely no rush <3
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janeyseymour · 3 years
me shitting on my shithead ex
TWs: abuse, domestic violence, manipulation, panic attacks, probably others... so if this doesn't sound like something you wanna read, feel free to skip.
it’s literally just me bitching about my shithead ex. Mum is not “Mum” here. I’m a cold, bitter person in this. I let my rage out, and truly channel a bitch here. 
Alright listen up mama has a lot of ✨trauma✨
Sooooo…. My life is one big trauma and I love that for me lmao
My family life was shit for a while, and I was a whole shitshow in myself until… well I’m still a shitshow honestly, but uh, we can dive into that another time if you want lmao I have enough baggage to share with this story right here. My family situation is a whole other story lmaoooooooooo 
Well, senior year I meet this boy. And he was real sweet (this is shithead ex).
We dated for 2 1/2 years. 2 1/2 very long years. I wore rose tinted glasses for the first year and a half. Like I said, he was sweet.
Well, for the first 9 months that we dated, he didn’t have a job. He ended up getting a job at a local deli… only to lose said job 2 months later. For the next however long we dated, mans went through 5 other jobs… dick’s sporting goods, a waitress at a local restaurant, real estate agent, caretaker of dogs, and finally working with his father who said if he wasn’t his son he would have fired him too. 
Mans also “went to college” for a semester, failed, and told me that he didn’t know why he wasn’t getting his grades… man didn’t attend classes, didn’t pay for said classes and failed… that’s why.
I was able to overlook this for a while. 1 1/2 years actually.
Well, rose tinted glasses came off on my 19th birthday. My friends wanted to hang out, and he literally stopped me from going. I wasn’t allowed to see my friends because “I don’t like your friends” okay well I didn’t fucking ask… “You’re gonna fuck them” … no I’m not??? They’re like my brothers, and I was in love with him… not them??
All we did was fight from then on… things like “you’re not allowed to wear that… other boys will look at you…” “why would you wear that out? you look like a whore” “why do you insist on eating healthy can’t we just get a burger and be done” “you shouldn’t drink all of that coffee it's bad for you” “why cant you ever stay awake?” “you’re letting yourself go.” “are you fucking kidding me”
Manipulation was strong. I tried to leave so many times but couldn’t. It was the “I can’t live without you babe” and “No one would ever love someone as broken as you”
I was abused for the last year of that relationship because I was so scared that I wasn’t good enough and I would never be capable of being loved again. Because well, he loved me, right? If I left… I don’t really know. (LMAO I really am Jane in this way… and he truly was my HenRat)
And then it got physical. I was going to school full-time, working crazy amounts of hours at my job, and really only had time to see him late at night after work. We would settle in on his couch, and I would either do homework or we would watch television. He didn’t like when I did homework. Oftentimes when we would watch tv, I would fall asleep. I was EXHAUSTED. 18 credits worth of school and babysitting and working at a gym almost full time is a hard feat, let me tell you. He didn’t like that. He would shake me awake. Now, I don’t bruise. I just have a skin complexion where I dont bruise. I would fucking bruise… and he knew it. I would tell him it hurt me. He would do the usual “oh baby I’m so sorry it won’t happen again” only for it to happen again. This led to panic attacks... terrible anxiety. 
And then it was the “come on babe we never do anything anymore” to which I would reply with “can we please just not? I’m tired and I just want to relax”… and he wouldn’t take it for an answer. Rough nights for me… physically, mentally, emotionally.
It took me a year to get out of that relationship. Now, for being as young as I am… that’s a long time. Covid hit, we were all quarantined, and I stopped seeing him (even though I was working in public) because “my dad is high risk”. Best two weeks of my life, not having to see him. I didn’t FaceTime him, I barely even talked to him other than “morning” and “goodnight” texts. I drove to his house one day after work and literally said “we can’t keep doing this. We’re both miserable, and I can’t do this anymore. We have to break up.” And I drove away and never looked back. And I don’t regret it one bit. I do regret not getting out of that relationship sooner.
That being said, it has left me royally fucked. I see every red flag, every hint of any red flag, and I refuse to put myself in that situation again.
I’m genuinely content with the progress I’ve made on myself, and I refuse to let anyone ruin the progress I’ve made.
So, thank you shithead ex for more trauma to add onto my already extensive list of traumatic things that have happened to me. You truly deserve to get wrecked, and I am so much better off without you. I’m better than I ever thought I could be. truly, get fucked. 
Despite all of the absolute SHIT I’ve been put through in this very short time I’ve been alive, I still do my best to come out of it stronger, better, and with as much love in my heart as I can (although I guess it’s pretty ironic i say this considering this is just one big rant about how I fucking hate someone)
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katierosefun · 3 years
so after one really big latte, a muffin, a run which resulted in a near accident with an oncoming car, and a shower in which i contemplated my own mortality, here’s my thoughts on the adorable me & au podcast, because babe wake up new hyperfixation dropped. very spoiler-y, i’m sorry in advance for how f*cking long this is, this might only have like two people reading this but i have many thoughts please listen to this podcast because it’s so cute and i listened to it all in about 2.5 hours? 
- firstly: the main character is super relatable. like, scary relatable. meet kate “acunningplan” cunningham, a gal about to enter her senior year of college and just kinda,,,lost. she works as a barista and very confused, very...stuck gal by day, fic writer (and still very stuck gal) by.........not barista hours. 
- honestly, i love kate. idk i’m about to enter my senior year of college, and bro i related so hard to her fears of “bro i can’t even think about next week without feeling overwhelmed”. she misses her best friend whitney a lot, who is currently on the other side of the country for an impressive internship. so that can be kinda lonely. 
- but fear not, kate has an escape, like so many other fic writers/fandom people: fanfic. this whole story references tumblr without actually naming tumblr (let’s be real....it’s tumblr, from the “notes” to “this stupid app keeps crashing”), and kate follows this tv show about werewolves and supernatural creatures. very gay. only problem is that there’s not a whole ton of people active in the fandom, since this show is relatively new. 
- however, in this small fandom, kate meets ella: otherwise known as “hella-enchanted”, who is another fic writer. 
- kate is very obsessed with the idea of alternate universes, and for that alone, i love her.
- okay, so even if you’ve never fallen in love with a person online/in fandom circles, i just wanna say that ella and kate’s interactions are still so super relatable. the shooting messages, the starting random conversations and getting a little thrill when you see someone liking your personal post or whatever. it’s very wholesome. 
- also, at the end of episode 1, kate goes on about how “yeah, fanfic is kinda odd, but it led me...to you” and it was so soft and gentle you just know your heart is gonna melt huh 
- at one point, kate decides to be vulnerable via vent post about something that came up on the show (and oh god yeah i feel...things. kate relates very hard to one character in the tv show she’s following, and tbh,,,yeah. i can’t quite word it right now, but i think anyone who feels kinda.....stuck? would relate.) 
- also oh :’)))) kate talks about ella’s playlists and when i tell you i squeaked a little bit because oh hey--
- anyways lol yes can you relate to like,,,posting a vent post and forgetting to delete it and being mildly horrified (but also mildly touched) when someone actually responds?
- ella’s very sweet, just responds with “seems like one of my favorite fandom people needed a pick-me-up” and :’))) i would die for ella! (i mean, i would die for all the characters) 
- okay yes also all the bits where ella and kate scream at each other about fic. very relatable, very real, you can tell that the writers of this podcast really knew this feeling, and i just :’)))
- THE TWO DEBATE OVER TITLES,,,,,kate keeps sending in crack-y titles and also song lyrics, and ella comments on “well,,,i just read this whole wikipedia page, so i think i’ve lost the high ground”, so if y’all KNOW i started laughing at that 
- also LMAOOOO the moment when conversation diverts from fic and fandom to slightly more personal things! kate being like “oh,,,,,you have an actual job! like,,,you’re an actual adult and.....how’s that?” and then quickly rambling on via message “actually let me change the topic because that’s probably too personal”...
- okay so there’s this bit where ella drops the fact that she’s never read anne of green gables because “listen,,,,you have an ex-girlfriend who sang the anne of green gables musical all the time--” and kate’s “.......ex-girlfriend? you had an ex-girlfriend? girl--” (and BACKSPACING ALL OF THAT because “god i’m such a freak”) 
- much gay disaster
- so much gay disaster
- opportunity for kate and ella to meet irl comes up! at a fan convention! in toronto! (and kate lives in bc). kate’s best friend (remember, internship one?) invited kate over to toronto for this thing anyways, and then ella posts something about “heeeey i’m gonna be in the area so if anyone wants to meet up for the fan convention...” 
- let me just say......kate chucking her phone across the room because she freaked out about that. again. very cool, very nicely done, very relatable, etc. 
- ALSO,,,,i forget if this was one of kate or ella’s fics or if it was the actual tv show, but there’s this tidbit where the characters in the literal fandom has this conversation: 
“don’t waste your time.” 
“don’t waste your time on me.” 
and the way that reflects kate’s feelings-but-she’s-not-trying-to-think-about-it for ella please let me just die here
- okay, so kate does decide to message ella about the meet-up, and let me just tell you, kate’s inner monologue about the worst possibilities for ella’s responses: 
“1. no response. which is terrible. 
2. you find out you’re not wanted after all. :(((((
3. the most terrifying response of all.......” (an enthusiastic “yes i’m so glad we can meet up!!!”) 
- well, of course ella responds with #3. 
- gay disaster kate not knowing how to acknowledge her feelings for ella...she goes on this “you don’t wanna come across as....y’know because if they suspect that....y’know.....and like, i don’t....y’know--” oh my god kate 
- anyways, kate works at a coffeeshop, right? and her co-worker stewart (nonbinary pansexual co-worker! we love to see the rep!!) being like “oh yeah maybe you can bring over your friend!” and kate panicking because “ohhhhh i’m not too sure about that,,,,she’s,,,,,,,,,busy......” (ie. the awkward moment of having to explain that,,,,,,your online friend isn’t exactly someone you’ve met in real life,,,,,,,,and not sure exactly how to explain that so you just,,,,,,“ohhhh uhhh......y’know...............it’s really hard to.......get her out of.....work.....” 
- kate and ella video-chatting for the first time is very cute, very gay. very gay. 
- they swap “how’d you know you were gay / liked girls” stories :’))) 
- “that’s a cute story!” “you’re a cute story” [awkward silence] “please let me hide under the desk now” (have i mentioned that kate’s  a disaster? i love her, but you’re a disaster. we need to be best friends.)
- kate.....describing herself as “irl fanfic disaster waiting to happen” and the whole “i didn’t know we were actually dating until she asked if she could kiss me” lmaoooooooooo (but okay yes this is also a mood? like,,,,,,idk something about heteronormative standards so like,,,,,it’s so stupidly hard to figure out if a girl is flirting with you or if they’re just being nice i am glad kate’s such a disaster) 
- in other news: kate’s “how tf do i write a kiss scene i don’t like the word lips ughhhhHHHHH” (yeah, mood kate) 
- lmao stewart (kate’s co-worker!) just chilling with kate and being like “oh yeah i figured you had a girlfriend? the one you’re talking about? ella?” and kate blanking because “wait you thought ella was my girlfriend? she’s not....uhhh....” and then later drinking with stewart and rambling about ella and panicking because “what if she realizes i can’t talk about anything except this tv show what if she thinks i laugh too loud what if i have horrific body odor what if she realizes i have NOTHING to say what if our meeting goes SO terribly that i need to deactivate and change my name just so i could like her posts at 3 am” and then her small “please forget i said any of that” 
- oh kate :(((( 
- kate :((((((
- k a t e :(((((((((((((((((((
- anyways, kate does go to toronto. 
- meets ella. 
- very cute. 
- ella...........very gay. they go into a coffeeshop and kate doesn’t know what to do. 
- okay but what’s hilarious is that ella,,,,,seems so cool and suave and i too would be kind of intimidated by her but then these two idiots really talk about writing kissing scenes and the build-up and ella’s voice gets all,,,,,,suggestive and there’s this.....awkward gay silence between the two oh my GOD they’re both IDIOTS 
- also okay yes kate and whitney, a irl friend, having a heart-to-heart. good. we love that. also, whitney being like “I MISSED YOU!!! YOU IDIOT!!!! and i’m glad you have a new friend, and you’re happy, but I MISSED YOU!!! I HATE THIS CITY AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!!!” (whitney is also very relatable. ily whitney.) 
- they’re so cute. they hug, and it’s sweet :’)) also, then kate says in a stupidly small voice “i think i’m....kinda in love with [ella]?” and whitney being best supportive friend-- 
- OKAY so we finally get an episode of ella’s perspective 
- listen, you’re gonna think ella’s this cool, suave person who has all her own gayness put together (i mean, she kinda knew since she was 9 or 10 years old? she’s had a girlfriend? she seems like she has her life together? she’s waiting to get into grad school? she has a job? she just seems....cool and knows what she’s doing). 
- but then you realize. ella is just as much a pining mess. (her bullet point list/schedule in her head is so relatable. as someone who uses her notes and reminders app religiously, that was just :’))) 
- ella: reasons why this is not a date. and then....kate sends a message. (ella: reason why this....might be a date....kate keeps saying stuff like...that.) 
- kate rehearsing how to tell ella that she maybe kinda likes her? very cute. (”you know the feeling in your chest when....uh, you know when you feel like you have a frog in your stomach--oh god not the frog NOT the frog”) 
- the love confession is very cute, and also very relatable. “i like you a lot” “i like you too!” “no i mean,,,,like i like you. wait. which like do you mean? wait that’s not english. uh. what did you say?” 
- kate and ella just spilling everything made me :’))) 
- “i like how your brain works” “i made so many posts hoping that you would just talk to me” “you always make me laugh” “you just make me feel...better” “you make me smile” 
- “this whole summer you’ve been making me smile and i guess it kind of freaked me out? ...i don’t know where my life is going but if i have a choice, i want to go in any direction you’re going because you are cute and smart and amazing and i like you a lot, ella. like that. so yeah. that’s what i was thinking i’d say.” 
- i essentially explaine dthe whole plot but 
- i love this podcast a lot
- it was very sweet
- and very cute
- very wlw 
- i don’t even mind that i almost got hit by a car while i was running and listening to this it was worth it 
- idk. just like. anyone who’s ever read or written fic or just like...not necessarily fallen in love with another person? but at least relating to that feeling of “oh god i am not qualified to talk to this person” and “oh god what if they realize i’m actually,,,,a loser” and “oh god wait how to friend” can probably hit a lot of people
- but that said. the romance was very cute, very sweet, makes me :’))) 
- okay i’ll stop talking now but i just. it’s very cute, very relatable, i wish we had a season 2 but i think it’s a limited series. (but they’re living rent free in my head! forever!)
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Get to know me tag!
Rule: tag 15 people that you want to get to know better. I got a few of these tags-- so thank youuuuuuu. 
1. Relationship status? In a relationship, over 3 years-- 4 years on Jan 1st. We went from “Let’s see what happens, we’re not exclusive” to “facebook official” with a week and we just picked the 1st because it’s easy to remember (besides a NYE kiss was our first kiss.)
2. Lipstick or Chapstick? Lipstick. Red. Purple. Pink. Or nearly black. 
3. Three favourite foods? Dolmas (veggie), Lamb in any form, family’s Lasagna 
4. Song stuck in my head? All Around The World (la la la la la la la)-- ATC. I have no idea why. 
5. Last movie I watched? Across The Universe and I sobbed during Let It Be so bad. 
6. Top 3 TV shows? The Office (US), Parks and Rec, B99
7. Book I’m currently reading? Not enough. But on A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray. 
8. Last thing I googled? Michael Scarn lmaoooooooooo
9. Time? 7:03pm 
10. Dream Trip? Italy!
11. Favourite Smell? A warm, soft spicy cinnamon-y scent. Or old books. 
12. Anything I want? Somebody please pay off my student loans. 
Tagging: @pbchoicesobsessed, @the-everlasting-dream, @choicessa, @callmetippytumbles, @walkerismychoice, @liam-rhys, @hhiggs, @enmchoices, @trr-fangirl, @lizeboredom, @speedyoperarascalparty, @bobasheebaby, @laniquelovely, @indiacater, @agent-zephyrkah
Do it if yah want!
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bartsugsy · 7 years
Lo! Re: the eastie spoilers - is it bad that im excited?? everyone's like 'ah more aaron torture' and while i get that to an extent; he was also ALWAYS going to have sad emotions at this point in the s/l, regardless of how it was written. im just excited to have insight into his feelings after him being so closed off and like a brick wall for months and months now. i feel like there are gratuitous situations where aaron is made to be sad but this isn't one of them and im exited about it!!!
also, like.... don’t get me wrong, i’m very sad for aaron and it makes me root for lucky to drive into rob wiith his car thinking about it, but also.... like, aaron was always going to be sad when the baby was born? it was always going to happen. it’s definitely not gratuitous. i totally tOTALLY agree.
bc lbr the choice here is aaron is sad about the baby or aaron isn’t sad about the baby. those are the choices, right? realistically speaking? he’s either sad because he still loves and wants to be with robert, or he feels ok, because he’s moving on from that part of his life.
and that second option isn’t exactly conduicive to robron getting back together at the end of the year lmaoooo (and fUCK IT ALSO I WOULD HATE THAT I WOULD HATE IT OH MY GOD)
u know what they say. indifference is the opposite of love. not hate.
aaron having feelings about the baby is just the show bringing aaron’s feelings about robert back into the equation, given that it’s been a while since the doctor storyline, which is literally the only time we got a real insight into how he was feeling outside of one or two brief sad facial expressions (and also potentially bc aaron is evidentally going to tell rob to leave the village, lmao - they always have to balance those moments of aaron and rob being terrible to one another out with ~~~a look at the feelings they’re concealin’~~~~)
so yes, ok, sure, they could have aaron not involved in the birth, but... rob and aaron are 6 weeks away from having their christmas special, at this point. it’s better writing to draw aaron into the story at this point and to show how he’s dealing with the birth of the baby. and yes, ok, they could just show aaron being happy in the village elsewhere, but that would be... so much worse writing lmao.
i mean, all this being said, we haven’t seen it yet so maybe the writing is horrible anyway. or maybe it’s the greatest piece of television we’ll ever see. who knows.
but... yeah, this is why, as much as i’m sad for aaron, i’m also pleased that we get to see the Peak Angst and i’m glad they’re bringing the robron back into the plot, bc it’s been missing for a while, regardless of whether it’s happy robron or painful angsty robron 😂 and like... when the options are either this or AARON HAS MOVED ON AND HE DONT GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE BYE ROBBO then u know which option im rooting for lbr
ishflsidhfs i’ve just realised this whole post is literally me saying i’d rather aaron be sad in a robron storyline than happy alone omg pls come @ me for this antis i’m a horrible stan lmaoooooooooo
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 12.07.17 lb
plain text version here. 
self confidence goals: ragini 😊😊😊
anika’s hiding and snooping game be hella weak. 🙄🙄🙄
god this baagad billa looks 🔥🔥🔥 in black. i can’t even. meri saansein ruk rahi hai yougaiz. 😧😧😧
lololol the speed jis se anika prakat hui when ragini touched shivaay. 😆😆😆
“kaadha? what’s kaadha?” “this? this green green item is kaadha! drink this, and your health will be TAN TANA TAN TAN TAN TAARA!”
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hahahahahaha shivaay’s faceeeeeeee. 😂😂😂
this family is super big on its weird kaadhas. i’m on team ragini. it looks weird and hell no to drinking it, no matter what you say, billu in black. 😒😒😒
pfffffffffft, these two be eye-fucking riiiiiiiiiight in front of her. kuch toh sharam karo. 😶😶😶
ragini makes valiant second attempt. 😌😌😌
success! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
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lmaoooooooooo if looks could kill, there’d just be scorch marks on the floor where billu previously stood. 🙃🙃🙃
i’m not falling for this tej-jhanvi nonsense again. tej’s a dirty dog who will never sudharofy. he doesn’t deserve to even be on the same continent as jhanvi. 😑😑😑
“kitne dino baad hum normally baat kar rahe hai!”
yeah it’s so sad when someone trying to set you on fire and that puts a damper on civil conversation. 😕😕😕
ugh this simpering conversation is sooooo boringgggggg. im fwdinggggg. 😣😣😣
yup. fully called it. 🙄🙄🙄
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... someone tell me where REAL bechaaaari svetlana is though. 😐😐😐
time for regularly scheduled Faraq Fight of the hour. 😊😊😊
baaat ka batangad. kaadha diya, zeher nahi. untwist your boxer briefs, billu. 🙄🙄🙄
he’s getting angsty and mad at her for believing that ragini is his fiancee, when that’s exactly what he wanted in the first place. stupidddddd boy. 😑😑😑
he’s thissss close to blurting out the truth. he’s this close to growling “how could you believe i could be remotely interested in anyone else?” 😌😌😌
oh ho, kabab mein omki. 😒😒😒
...yeh dikhaana tha? iske liye achcha khaasa sexy shivika moment kharaab kiya tha? 😠😠😠
ok rudra is the unfittest gym bunny i have ever seen. 10 crunches take it out of him???? son, i haven’t exercised since 2003, and *i* can do 10 crunches. 😕😕😕
also @ acp anda (as @vishwaspur calls her): who the fuckkkkkkk exercises with hair alll khulaaa and flowing around? 😑😑😑
caaaaasual misogyny time. nice to see that bit of rudra’s personality is constant. 😒😒😒
pfffft, shivaay and his tarafdaari of baby brother. 😆😆😆
i honestly love how much shivaay babies rudra. it’s fucking adorable. 😚😚😚
ugh svetlana, girlllllllllll, you can honestly do SO MUCH BETTER? it painssssss me to see you waste your hotness on terrible tej. 😫😫😫
i just realised that i want svetlana and jhanvi to get together. like, as a couple. two amazing, beautiful queens. haaaaye. imagine the flawless. 😍😍😍 #jhanLana #makeItHappen
oufffffff, can this scene enddddddddd already? 😑😑😑
oh boy. what plan? will they steal jhanvi’s face next and put her in the freezer dabba? 😟😟😟
sarcasm singh oberoi needs to shut it. 😒😒😒
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omkara is me. i am omkara. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
oh god are they going to sabotage his gym equipment? IT COULD KILL HIM, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS! 😧😧😧
of course pedantic singh oberoi has to sit and read the user manual. 😑😑😑
i relate with omki’s frustration level sooooo much rn. 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
why are pinky/shakti on the DBO set of OM? 🤔🤔🤔
ooooooop, shaktiji calling pinky out on the reallll issue. 🙊🙊🙊
oh dang. shaant shaktiji is shaaant no more. 😬😬😬
pffffffft, bhains ke aage been kyun baja rahe ho shaktiji? go do some pooja-paath instead. 😕😕😕
but yeah, this is the slow start to the pinky ka redemption track, methinks. she’ll continue with her ragini wala plan for a while, but then she’ll do something that’ll be her “ek kadam” and the family will forgive her and accept her. whatever. i don’t even care anymore. i just need her to stop being so nasty so i can stop hating her. it’s exhausting. 😖😖😖
“ab toh aaj yeh machine rahegi, ya main rahoonga!”
famous last words. 🤐🤐🤐
📰📰📰 tomorrow’s headlines 📰📰📰: oberoi scion (no, not the hot and short rude one. or the one with the hair. the other one.) killed due to stupidity. absolutely no one surprised. we’re amazed he made it this far. 
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eeeeeee callback to “haath chod” moment of yore! omkiiiiiii. alavoooooo. *pulls his cheeks* 😘😘😘
i need the mom of a hot guy to throw her son at me, the way pinky is throwing shivaay at ragini. 😌😌😌 #suchSexPositive #muchProgressive #Wow 
ragini’s amazing faces of the day: 
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how the fuck is dadi expecting this whole fucking taj mahal sized mansion to be painted IN ONE DAY?????????? 🤔🤔🤔
awwwww bulbul and her adorable baby cheenkein. 😊😊😊
pft. what a contrived issue. and these idiots are sooooooo useless. 😒😒😒
literally just some pics of shivika being attractively annoyed/annoying: 
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this is suchhhhhhhhhhhhh a stupidddddd “problem”, lord. literally just watching for shivika and om’s hella beautiful faces. 😒😒😒
wow. gale force winds blowing inside the room at romantic scene. amaze. 😐😐😐
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so... gender reversed fairy lights scene from IPKKND/DBO then. but with... gym equipment. sure. 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽
it’s amazing how little fucks i give about these two as a couple. i’m literally more invested in prinkveer. 😕😕😕
OH MY GOD WHY WON’T THIS SCENE ENDDDDDDDDDD????????? FWD FWD FWD FWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. can’t believe i’m having to sacrifice on bulbul screentime/rikara romance for this BS. 😒😒😒
there. there’s the beginning to pinky’s redemption. she’s going to try and expose him for jhanvi’s sake. but it’s gonna backfire and he’ll expose the truth about shivaay to fuck her over. oyyyy vey. 😬😬😬
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these threeeee fucking idiots. don’t they have their own love/sex lives which are in shambles to attend to? khade ho kar vicariously getting kicks from the most thanda “love story” in the history of the world. 😒😒😒
greattttttt. back to square one. 😑😑😑
shivaay: “tum log ladne ke bahaane ko dhoond kyun rahe ho? come on, be nice to her, she helped you out.”
oh my god. OH MY GOD. irony just died a thousand fucking deaths right now. *lays flowers at its grave* 😧😧😧
ragini: comes to talk to shivaay.  shivaay: literally ignores her to turn to anika and randomly ask her what SHE’S up to. 😂😂😂
ohhhhhhhhh shivaaaay. why you even started this whole stupid engagement drama when you don’t even have the mettle to act on it for 10 minutes is beyond me. 🙄🙄🙄
oh nooo, ragini ki choppppp. 😋😋😋
pinky’s gonna do it. she’s gonna blurt it out. 😗😗😗
yuppppppppp. she’s... 
oh no, shaktiji is putting addddchan. and misunderstanding her intentions. 😐😐😐
ok, when someone is going to SUCH lengths to prove their story, it’s shady af. 🙄🙄🙄
yes pinky, please use your tedhaaa dimaag for productive things like these. leave your son alone for like a day, so he can get laid already.  😑😑😑
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produced by same company as chamko detergent??? 😁😁😁
of course he doesn’t know what manjan is. #burgerBachcha 🙄🙄🙄
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“shivaay, aap na meri baat kabhi nahi samjhenge.” “main toh tumhe hi nahi samajh paaya, anika. tumhaari baaton ko kya samjhunga.”
ooooop. things suddenly serious. though, is he talking still labouring under the misunderstanding, or does he Know™ about what she did? 🤔🤔🤔
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“story kahin se kahin bhi pohunch jaaye, lekin yeh dono har do minute kisi na kisi pillar ke peeche hi milenge.” “ya phir RK pose mein!” 
lmaoooooooooo 😂😂😂
anika be like bitch i don’t have time for this passive aggressive emotional garbage. ANIKA OUT!!!!!!!!!! 😒😒😒
hahaha khanna be hardcore shivika shipper from literally day 1. shivaay have dinner with some other ho? NOT ON HIS WATCH! ❌❌❌
pft such contrivedddddddd excuses. and these idiots are falling for it too. 🙄🙄🙄
how nice and convenient that there’s such strategic mood lighting that makes their skin look perfect and glowy. 😌😌😌
THIS ISN’T THE FUCKING STOREROOM. THIS IS THAT... ok idk what to call it, but it’s that random performance hall type space in their house. 😐😐😐 
waaah lighting got even more romantic. and there’s dinner too! 😇😇😇
me: waaay more excited about the food >>> the man. 😊😊😊
ooooooooooh. things getting serious. and angstyyyyyyyyyy. 😌😌😌
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vertigoambrosia · 5 years
so i didn’t realioze mitteldeutschland cup was gonna be plot important until i saw that wxw had posted plot on youtube so catching up a little!
oh alan’s back
i probably didn’t realize because there was like, no mention of this by anyone in any promo
i remember people mentioning before ilja became champ that wxw has had a lot of trouble in the past keeping face champs popular and....yeah
lmaoooooooooo omg this is some gross savage shit i love it
also, this is a really good background; wxw has an eye for some nice mise en scene
the lighting is pretty off here, which is weird because we’ve seen this venue before
one angle is just SO DARK; whyt are they keeping the lights on the stage??? it’s making stuff either washed out or backlit
eek oliver that was close
aj you are such a garbage child
bless him
seriously i could watch aj be a stupid jerk all day
he just is annoyingly gleeful abou tit
oh it’s our sweet hamburger boy
and cyberpunk college student
ok he might have graduated idk
99% sure yuta’s a psych major irl
the lighting matches him, maybe it will give him power?
oh man i forgot yuta is gonna fight walter
what the fuck man
what if david starr comes to superstars to yell at walter?
i miss david
i miss tim too
also that was a hot ass rollup
oh blech it’s just first round and a foiur way? that’s barely a tournament at all!
‘if he doesn’t believe me, he shoudl see a therapist’ you know...that’s actually not a terrible idea? get you guys in some family therapy
i hope avalanche wins because he deserves good things and a push and is much better than vinny
seriously though if avalanche isn’t the next shotgun champion very soon i am going to be upset
dude’s great but even though he made the semifinals of carat he’s been kinda lost ever since monster consulting dissolved and hasn’t really found a new place yet
crowd knows whats up!
i like the leipzig crowd
bertl pls end this i don’t want to watch a second vinny match later
and i especially don’t wanna see a vinny vortex comeback
hahaha nice dodge bertl
i’ve probably said this before but “bertl” is such a cute nickname
ooo here’s a rivalry!
ok the next line made it less hilarious but...that delivery
awww this is so nice! oliver and valkyrie are friends!
‘the girls, they love their drama’ come on, everyone involved
it’s especially silly because there are literally three other women and amale is really the only one being a dick
and being a dick isn’t even really drama
i’m sad we didn’t get a promo where andy and/or marius whine about being in a match with the other
andy’s not champ anymore so it’s ok to cheer for him
i mean, not against lucky or something, but against marius it’s ok
ngl i’m barely half watching this
alan: people forget how big andy is
me: uhhh no
alan: he is a unit, that’s for sure
......i see what you implied there
can people start yelling ‘absolut unit’ at him?
what is ‘unit’ in german
also, where are pete and ivan? i’m beginning to worry they’re sort of slowly writing them out of wxw
oh SHIT that chop was gigantic
hahahaha marius cheating to win is fun because you can boo him and laugh at andy losing at the same time
*marius voice* i learned it from watching you
bobby and ilja are such a weird match cause i cannot imagine that bobby really ‘gets’ ilja at all
bobby’s all about playing it cool whereas ilja is over there slapping himself and growling
wait how did we not get bobby shitting on jurn and aj
i can’t think of anyone currently on the roster who needs to be dragged harder than them
*bobby voice* i have more hair on my balls than either of you have on your heads
wait i just realized: there were like, three road to superstars events and unless they release one of them right before superstars, they chose to give us this instead
also i think kelly and valkyrie had a singles match on one of those shows
wow you know what? i don’t care
i really do not care about this show at all and i hacve like, 50 minutes left. i am seriously considering just watching the plot segments on youtube
This is now soley about plot
apparently we’ve got a new hamburg event, drive of champions, only a little bit after superstars
a snag occurs:this time the youtube segments don’t have english subs
i’m tired i’ll finish this later. or not. whatever. they’ll probably replay these at superstars anyway
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hey-llison · 7 years
i just finished a piano exam this morning and it was terrible. i got so stressed and anxious that my hands started shaking like crazy. so don't do level 8 rcm piano. anyways how's your day going/been?
I'm sorry!!If it makes you feel any better, I was in band in middle and high school, and once during a chair placement exam, all of the trombonists (including myself) butchered the piece. And even though we could only see each other, the whole class could hear us lmaooooooooooMy day was okay I guess. I had to pick up a script😂
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sixmorningsafter · 7 years
Stefonnie - an ode to not dealing
I’m supposed to be writing a sensible work thing, Instead this has been playing on my mind for the last few days. So I wrote it down to stop the procrastinating. It’s basically me throwing a whole heap of SMA head canons into a drabble. It’s dumb af and Stefan veers OOC, but I hope it raises a small smile.
Stefan opened the coffee shop door, inhaling deeply and checking his watch. Ten minutes late, but still earlier than Bonnie. No surprise there, she ran to her own timetable – Bonnie Mean Time as it were, at least 15 minutes behind everybody else. It didn’t bother him. He knew that one day she was going to be that doctor that always ran late, yet all the patients wanted to see. He walked up to the counter and ordered two coffees.
Bonnie knew that Stefan would pick the most pretentious, hipster hangout; coffee loving snob that he was. She would have been happy going to Dunkin’ Donuts, not that she would ever admit that to him. She clocked him paying the harassed looking barista and waved a quick hello before grabbing a table as far from anyone wearing hemp as possible. He wove through the tables placing their cups on the table with great reverence. Fortunately, he seemed in a cheerful mood; the grumpy, brooding Stefan of the summer seemed to be retreating as the leaves turned to gold.
 After sipping her unsurprisingly delicious coffee, Bonnie decided to cut to the chase. “Look, Stef. I need you to stop sleeping with my all of my friends; it’s getting weird.”
“I haven’t ‘slept with all of your friends’.” Stefan looked indignant.
“So, the last three times we’ve been out, you haven’t ended up in bed with someone I introduced you to?”
Stefan blushed. Generally, he spent his time in lectures, the library or in his comforting pit of an apartment. Occasionally, Bonnie would badger him to go out and drag him to some party where he felt damn uncomfortable until he was drunk enough to talk to someone…. 
Oh god, what had he done?
Bonnie sighed; she really, really didn’t want to have this conversation. She wished she could unlearn some of this stuff. Stefan may not have a physical type, but he sure as hell seemed to have a personality type: super smart, type A, sex positive women who dished the dirt on their conquests to their friends. It got really awkward when that conquest was your bff. “Er, anyway, I’ve heard a few things.”
“What things?” Stefan wanted the floor to open and swallow him.
“OK, well.” She squirmed. “First off, there’s Andrea. You sent her flowers with a note saying ‘Thanks for the sex!’.” “It seemed like the polite thing to do. And anyway, she texted me to say it was sweet, but unnecessary. Lesson learned.” “You exchanged numbers? Never mind, it was weird. What about Joanne? She told me you got obsessed with post-coital cuddling. Stefan, who uses the expression ‘post-coital’? Then you were bummed out that she wouldn’t stay the night as you wanted to make her breakfast.” “I was just trying to be nice.” “And Carla? This one is the real kicker, Stefan, because next semester, she’s going to be my anatomy demonstrator and she determines some of my grades.” “Oh Bon, I’m sorry.” Stefan looked crestfallen. “You should be. Do you know why?” “No.” “She gave me a graphic description of your performance in bed and how when you….” She waved her hands vaguely. “You know… Apparently, you look into the girl’s eyes and I quote 'make them feel like a Princess in a Disney porn movie.’ Do you even know how to have a one night stand properly? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Not realising just how loud she had got, the coffee shop had fallen silent and Stefan had gone bright red. The java chugging hipsters caught in Bonnie’s glare quickly busied themselves with their deconstructed lattes and bran muffins. “OK then, Yoda. Tell me what constitutes the perfect one night stand.” “Pleasant sex with a clean, non-beardy man.” She added the last bit just in case any of the clientele were still eavesdropping on their conversation. “Nothing romantic, no flowers, kissing is ok, so is cuddling, but only if both parties agree. Offer breakfast, but don’t push and keep it simple and portable just in case they want to skedaddle.” “It all sounds…” he fished around for the right word, “a bit clinical.” “Think of it as a transaction. You both get laid, no one gets hurt. But please for the love of God, try someone on your own campus. There must be some attractive lawyer types hanging around.” Stefan shuddered. The only student he had really connected with was Wes, a taller, maler, plaid-wearing version of Bonnie. Unfortunately, because he worked so damn hard, Wes made a terrible wingman. Although Stefan was struck with an idea… “How about, in recompense, I let you take a crack at sleeping with one of my friends?” Bonnie’s lips curled in distain. “I’ve met your friends; they are either unkempt with terrible taste in music or Wes.” Stefan could be so transparent. “Besides, I have a boyfriend.” “Who? Jeremy? I thought you two had split up. When did you last see him?” “About a month ago.” He shot her a judgy look. “What’s that for?” “I dunno; doesn’t seem like much of a relationship.” “First Caroline, now you. We’re busy people, alright?” “Bon, you’re a busy person. Jeremy is in art school.” He scoffed, though the look on his face turned quizzical as his brain slowly processed what she said. “Hang on, did I just agree with your roommate?” “Yeah, you two would find out you have a lot in common if you both stopped being so dumb.” “Urgh, she started it. In fact, from this moment on, I solemnly swear that I will not sleep with any of your friends; especially not Caroline.” “Whatever,” Bonnie replied. “Come on, let’s get out of here before the urge to ping that guy’s suspenders gets the better of me.”
Laughing, Stefan jumped up and helped Bonnie with her coat and bag, before holding the door open for her to exit, just like his dad had taught him. As she hit the freezing sidewalk, Bonnie mulled over her friend Carla’s parting shot about Stefan. 
“You know, aside from the cutesy stuff, he seems like a good guy, just sad. Like he’s lost part of himself, I suppose.” 
So, Stefan could slap on a smile and sally forth all he wanted, he wasn’t dealing. Bonnie would be there to pick up the inevitable pieces, as always.
LMAOOOOOOOOOO. Dude, I honestly laughed out loud so many times reading this, I’m gone. Stefan picking the most hipster coffee place ever. Bonnie sitting as far away from hemp as possible. ‘Thanks for the sex!’ [“Apparently, you look into the girl’s eyes and I quote 'make them feel like a Princess in a Disney porn movie.’ Do you even know how to have a one night stand properly? What the fuck is wrong with you?”] “You’re a busy person. Jeremy’s in Art school.” WES MENTION, YESSSS! Stefan’s hysterically ironic insistence that he’s done sleeping with Bonnie’s friends after thinking about Caroline - l o l. Ending it on a feelsy Stefonnie note! I loved so much about this - Stefan was such a caricature and it slayed me. Though I wouldn’t find it too hard to believe that he’s made some one night stands pretty awkward by having no idea what’s okay and what’s not. Everyone please give this the love it deserves - Janet always crushes these Stefonnie drabbles and she’s a gift, tbh. 
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shineeworldvinla · 7 years
Don't reblog My parents wanna raise my rent at least another $100(I'm already paying $300) and have told me that getting my lip pierced when I start my new job is a terrible idea bc they're gonna fire me for it lmaoooooooooo I'm gonna kms
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