#i’ve done more hair stuff i’ve done less i’ve done braids im just so frustrated with it and feel ugly
lilgynt · 8 months
i know it’s a process but my hair is so lucky my mom would have a heart attack if i just shaved it all off. you are so fucking lucky.
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borom1r · 3 months
The OG post seems dead but the full meme is in dm because Link so uhhh for both brothers ig?? Hope things get less shitty soon friend 😭🤞🏽🫂
THANK UUUUU there has been so much personal stuff going on that im not gonna get into on Tumblr Dot Com but im ready for it all to be done + today is gonna be. HRM. interesting at best
edit: forgot to link the fuckin meme like a gremlin. anyways, link
Boromir time 🩵🤍
🏳️‍🌈lgbt+ headcanon
gay gay homosexual gay
💌fluffy headcanon
THAT MAN GIVES THE BEST HUGS IN THE WORLD. back-cracking fuckin hugs. not afraid to show his love thru physical touch either. picks Faramir up + spins him around in a hug whenever he gets the chance. either of them might die any fucking day so goddamn it he's going to hug his little brother like crazy
💔angsty headcanon
emotionally stunted king. raised w/ the knowledge he would die for Gondor. as a soldier or as steward, he's dying for this fucking country. so his own wants? his desires? emotions? needs? those don't matter :) haha what do you mean they uh. they should matter? what??? nahhh....
🧸 hurt/comfort headcanon
Boromir Lives i do think he loses significant feeling/range of motion in his arm after gettin turned into a fuckin Gondorian pincushion. thankfully Aragorn's hands are the hands of a healer + he's happy to help massage away any aches/tightness
🪀silly headcanon
Théodred is endlessly frustrated that Boromir's hair is not long enough to braid properly. Boromir refuses to grow his hair any longer. this is a constant (joking) argument between them <3 (Théodred fully "your hair is literally the only way anyone would know you're not a true Rohir. grow it out!!" + Boromir "mm.. tempting")
💤sleep headcanon
used to sleeping lightly + functioning on the bare minimum as a soldier but in a Boromir Lives scenario i do think he sleeps like a fucking LOG when he finally adjusts to not being in constant danger lol
✨a ship i like with this character
Aragorn/Boromir for Painfully Obvious Reasons, methinks. also partial to Boromir/Théodred
🔪a ship i Don't like with this character
look, man. the amount of Boromir/Faramir fics I’ve seen. that’s his whole ass entire biological brother. 😒
🎃something i think they're afraid of
i mean painfully obvious but the loss of all the loves to the forces of Mordor
📦overall feelings about them
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📢favorite thing about them in canon
HES SO. LOVING. i have waxed poetic abt Boromir + how deeply he loves + cares for things i don’t have it in me to do it again rn but that man is 90% love and i love him for it
🧨least favorite thing about them in canon
NONE? that’s my Special Guy? like yeah ig i cld be like ‘ooooouuuu his fall to the ring’ but that’s stupid bullshit and completely ignores the point that no one is above the temptation of the ring < which is why i prefer movie!Faramir + his temptation. stupid that he wasn’t tempted in the books like ily Fara but that’s bullshit
💬favorite line they've said
HRM well “have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets” ofc. my url for my Aragorn blog is “clear ringing” in Sindarin :3 (nellad ‘laen)
🔔unpopular opinion
do i have any unpopular boromir opinions??!? i think if u think he’s a villain ur wrong + will ignore any further takes. maybe “Boromir Is good” is unpopular in the broader fandom but I just don’t go there. I do not see it
🔊a song that reminds me of them
OAGH. asking me to pick just one. foolish. i have a ton of music in my tag for him on @nelladlaen so here r a choice few:
Magnolia — Baroness (heavy weight, one more soul / leaving flaming arrows / hold on, eyes open wide / it’s the curtain falling)
When Will The Wounds Ever Heal — Crom (my shoulders ache from the burden of the past / I thought that I could bear, yes I swear / it’s so hard to find the path that leads me through / the darkness that you left behind)
Shock Me — Baroness (this is an Aramir song to me. “in a dream / a great calamity / to stone my heart and firm resolve / and render nerves to steel” “a deep well of despair I found / the day my dreams came true” Aramir song.)
Eventide — Kamelot (we did not go quietly into the night / old friend, now it’s time for you and I / to wave our goodbye / I will be there waiting with a smile / when you arrive)
also does it fit his vibe specifically? no. but do I think a man groomed from youth to essentially sacrifice himself on the battlefield for his people, to be a Figurehead on a pedestal rather than a whole person with his own desires, deserves to listen to angry thrash metal way too loud for catharsis? Yes. so Hanged Man’s Revenge by Spirit Adrift
📝misc thoughts/headcanons (you can specify something not on this list or i can say whatever comes to mind first!)
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i do need him carnally. me every time i think too hard abt Boromir son of Denethor, Steward-Prince + Captain of the Tower Guard
Faramir time!! 🪶🌲
🏳️‍🌈lgbt+ headcanon
gay trans man ^_^
💌fluffy headcanon
cat-bonks his forehead against Boromir when he's happy but nonverbal. autistic ass man to me
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💔angsty headcanon
the man was covered in fuel and engulfed in flames he fully has burns at BARE minimum on his limbs/extremities…
🧸 hurt/comfort headcanon
look man i used to make back-alley top surgery jokes before i had my surgery + was gettin sick n fuckin tired with dysphoria. Faramir has absolutely made some miserable joke abt Boromir taking him out back + just lopping them off w/ a sword.
Boromir at least ran with it until he got Faramir actually laughing + distracted from the fuckin Horrors
🪀silly headcanon
he + Aragorn feed into each other's echolalia. its so bad. one of them picks up a phrase/noise + its never long before the other picks it up too
💤sleep headcanon
sleeps EXTREMELY lightly + wakes with the first light. even in times of peace, never gets out of this rhythm
✨a ship i like with this character
veryvery partial to Éomer/Faramir
🔪a ship i Don't like with this character
same answer as Boromir
🎃something i think they're afraid of
ahh.. thats an interesting question actually. i think there's a lot of sadness abt Faramir but not necessarily.. fear. perhaps losing Boromir? whatever he fears, he does not show it < he's already a better leader than his father lmao.
I do think he has nightmares about the pyre after. all of that.
📦overall feelings about them
honeg!!!!!!!! that’s my little brother!!!!!! < Aragorn kinnie voice
📢favorite thing about them in canon
🧨least favorite thing about them in canon
book!Faramir my worstie. u and ur middlemen shtick and the whole I’m Above The Ring beloved u are an entire Man don’t give me that BS. also unpack ur biases towards other races of men the Rohirrim don’t deserve this. least of all if ur gonna marry one 🙄
💬favorite line they've said
movie!Fara quotes bc i do love movie!Fara he's a special lil guy. two bc i can't rlly choose between them
His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is... where he came from. And if he was really evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home. If he would not rather have stayed there... in peace. War will make corpses of us all. — i feel like i love this quote for obvious reasons. ik this was expanded from Sam's internal monologue in the books but i do like Faramir having this line instead, showing again his compassion even in the face of such violence
Where does my allegiance lie if not here? This is the city of the men of Númenor. I would gladly give my life to defend her beauty, her memory… her wisdom… — this is my 2nd choice bc its such a like. such a good parallel of Boromir. or maybe not a parallel, but it ties so nicely into the idea that Faramir is trying to be Boromir for his father. so of course he'd give his life for Minas Tirith, because wouldn't Boromir do the same?
🔔unpopular opinion
again do I have one??? idk??? maybe that movie!Faramir is better than book!Faramir, that feels blasphemous lol
🔊a song that reminds me of them
Living Pyre — Khemmis (look is it ultimately a depressing song? yes. but it is a Faramir song to me.)
also Blacksmith and Ride On by Cruachan bc I think he’d genuinely enjoy Cruachan
📝misc thoughts/headcanons (you can specify something not on this list or i can say whatever comes to mind first!)
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autism2autism communication we r both staring into the distnce over each other's shoulders so we dont have to actually make eye contact
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parkaiur · 6 years
self-care tips ♡
hi guys! so i know it’s been a painful past couple of days (really few months) for all of us and i know that lots of us are disappointed/sad/hurt by the results. i cant say im the happiest person alive right now, but what we can do is try to make ourselves feel better, or make others feel better ♡ i dont know if this will help any of you, but if it impacts one person, then i have done my duty as a good person ♡ i’ve compiled a list of all the things i personally do when im feeling down, so i hope it can help some of you ♡ 
1. take a long shower/bath.
nowadays, people are so caught up in their lives that we take 5 minute showers and lots of people i know dont take baths, but dont you see? showers+baths are places we get to be calm and get to relax. we take time out of our day to be alone. even if you bring your phone/laptop in the bath with you, you get to at least have some alone time. so scrub your hair extra hard or add some bubbles/scents to your bath and just enjoy yourself~
2. write in a journal/diary.
lots of people i know arent comfortable with sharing their feelings or have trouble communicating their feelings, so writing them down and just being real with yourself is very useful. things i like to write about are whats troubling me; i write about whats making me mad, why i feel like giving up, why im feeling so frustrated and who is making me so upset. then, i finish my writing by writing about whats making me happy and who is making me happy. these dont even have to be big things, you could simply say “whats making me happy is the weather” or “whats making me happy is the girl who smiled at me at the grocery store”; not everything has to be dramatic. ending your writing about what makes you happy will leave you off in a better mood as well.
3. write a letter to your future self.
sometimes i like to write things to myself... it sounds sort of lame, but trust me--its really fun! write things like “hey future me, how are you doing? are you doing well? i hope __ isnt still making you mad and i hope you feel better”:  stuff like this is really helpful because no matter who is against you in life, you should be rooting for yourself. you’d be surprised at how much you mature over a matter of weeks or months. truly when i reread my past letters to myself, i feel so much life again knowing that the person i was in the past is still wanting me to do better. you should always be your number one fan ♡
4. decorate all your school/work documents.
sometimes when im bored, i’ll make my school docs a different color and make them have a pretty color/theme. this can also be useful for your school work: when something looks nicer, we tend to want to look at it more or find it more familiar. this will help you be less stressed when doing your homework ♡
5. experiment with new hairstyles/makeup/nail art.
i cant even count the times at 2am when im looking up bubzbeauty hair tutorials and other makeup vids. i like the peacefulness of taking care of myself and doing hair/makeup/nails can be quite calming since we are alone. often times, people are afraid of breaking out of their shell because we are so stuck on our day to day routines-- but we shouldnt be! dont be afraid to mix up your makeup or do some intricate braid! dont be afraid to have neon nails and pretty flowers on them, if they make us feel good, then we should do it. 
7. buy gifts for your family/friends.
honestly, making other people happy makes me happy as well, so picking out cute gifts for your loved ones is a good way to take care of yourself (surprisingly). obviously it doesnt have to be big, but you could get them cute pens, buy them candies, or simply just write them a letter! it’ll surprise them and make them so, SO happy, and happiness is very contagious. you could also randomly send them food over uber eats and surprise them at their house (only if you know theyre home of course). i, personally, have never done that, but it’s on my bucket list hehe
8. make a list of goals/aspirations. 
writing down your goals/aspirations will actually make you more likely to fulfill them! i have started writing down my schedule for the week or a goal i want to achieve during the week like “talk to someone new” or “go out to eat by myself” which may seem small to others, but are very big goals for me (since im quite shy/awkward). also, i like to think about where i want to travel in the world so i often look up vacation spots and places where i want to go. or if i know im going to be traveling somewhere during the summer/break, i look up tourist spots in that area & good foodie spots. this helps me imagine the place where im going and also makes me feel like im working towards something. 
9. send cute and positive anonymous asks to your favorite blogs. 
this one may seem like a lot of work, but it’s really not. even saying something like “omg i love your blog so much!” or “your theme is really cute” can truly make someone’s day, aka, making yours better as well. spreading love is the best way to make yourself happy again ♡
hope you all feel better and dont forget that it’s also ok to feel sad sometimes~ ♡  allow yourself to feel emotion so that way you can feel better ♡  
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