#i’ve managed to obtain actual signal for the first time in 5 days & this is what i do to show people i’m not dead just in the wilderness
logicallyblind · 1 year
liam dunbar had a gender &/or sexuality crisis in college which was an ongoing concern to him (?) for months until mason gave him the wonderful advice of asking the older pack for advice on it
a few days after this, theo walked into liam’s room to ask him a question & was met with the sight of liam and stiles with a giant red string board trying to logic their way through said crisis
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056crowshit6556 · 4 years
Some thoughts on Dororo
Went back and watched Episode 8 of Dororo and noticed a small detail; turned into some thoughts on the anime and particularly of its protagonist Hyakkimaru. Contains spoilers in case you want to watch it but haven’t yet.
After Hyakkimaru faces the demon centipede, he, Dororo, and Saru go to Saru’s hideout where Dororo explains that Hyakkimaru may not be able to help them. 
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Hyakkimaru is sitting down and throwing rocks repeatedly. At first I thought he was doing that out of frustration, and he probably was, since this was the first time his “sight” had been impaired.
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Dororo and Saru agree to take down the monster together, and then the scene transitions into nighttime. 
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Hyakkimaru is still out there throwing rocks (I laughed a little at this part because I thought, dude, give it a rest, it’s been hours and you’re still sulking lol), but then he hears Saru crying and stops.
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He stands at the cave entrance, and even though he’s only had his hearing returned for a short amount of time, he’s already learned what the sound of crying is and what it signifies. And so he leaves, presumably to be alone again, perhaps to throw more pebbles at the rocks, not out of frustration but contemplation.
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The following morning, Saru and Dororo fight the monster but are unable to defeat it. That’s when Hyakkimaru shows up just in time to inflict the first major wound and bring it down.
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Hyakkimaru was able to figure out how to defeat the centipede because he realized that he could shoot arrows at it, creating sound, just like he had thrown pebbles at the rocks, causing sound to reverberate and signal the rock’s location. I think he realized this just as Dororo and Saru were facing the monster by themselves... which means he stayed up all night trying to figure out how to defeat it. And that makes me think that yes, at first he was just tossing rocks out of brooding frustration, but when he heard Saru crying, it made him more determined and focused to find a solution. There wasn’t a scene that explicitly showed Hyakkimaru figuring it out-- for example, a scene showing him throw a rock, it pings against another rock, the sound reverberates, Hyakkimaru’s body language shows that he suddenly knows what to do.
It’s one of the reasons why I’m convinced this anime is one of the most well-written, interesting stories I’ve seen in a long time. It’s hard to believe that a protagonist that barely talks or shows emotion for the first half of the entire series could be so captivating, but it’s small details like this that truly embody the old writer’s adage of “show, don’t tell.” And for such a quiet character like Hyakkimaru, he quite literally won’t tell, but certainly shows in subtle, somehow deeply heartfelt ways.
*Side note: [The narrator does explain what Hyakkimaru did, but it’s up to the audience to discern how he figured it out. It makes me wonder how many other details like this are in the anime. The most immediate example I can think of is in episode 4, after Hyakkimaru regains his sense of touch and pain. The samurai Tanosuke uses the demon sword Nihil to inflict a cut on Hyakkimaru’s cheek.
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Hyakkimaru manages to dislodge the sword from Tanosuke by using his prosthetic leg, and then he does something that I think is very interesting: he attacks Tanosuke a second time, even though the demon sword is no longer in his possession.
Tanosuke falls down the cliff, and Hyakkimaru kneels down to the ground, touching the place where he was cut.
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By this point, Hyakkimaru has already felt physical pain (he stomped his foot into the campfire at the end of episode 3). At first, I thought he stomped his foot into the campfire because he was experimenting with his newfound sense of touch, but now I think he did it because just moments before his foot brushed over it, startling him, causing him to think it was some kind of threat. That’s why he stomped on it.  
The fire made him feel pain, so in return, he tried to reciprocate that pain onto the fire.
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But it’s like, he doesn’t get it, doesn’t truly understand it, until Tanosuke cuts his face with the demon sword. 
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I think this is when Hyakkimaru realized that not only are people capable of hurting him, it means he’s also capable of hurting other people. He is cut by Tanosuke, feels the pain of that just like the fire that burned him, and he lashes out just like he had stomped on the fire. If Hyakkimaru hadn’t regained his sense of pain, I don’t think he would have attacked Tanosuke a second time after dislodging the demon sword from his grip. It’s how he makes the distinction between Tanosuke and Dororo’s souls. One is trying to hurt him, the other isn’t. Tanosuke cut him, while it shows between Dororo and Hyakkimaru’s confrontation that Dororo is on the defensive.
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The infliction and reciprocation of pain means that he’s an active participant in the world and that his, and other’s, actions do have consequences. Before this, he would continue fighting despite an injury because he couldn’t feel the pain. Having his sense of pain returned to him not only makes him more aware of his vulnerability and limitations, but makes him understand that others are also vulnerable too. It makes him understand what others would feel if he were to hurt them. There’s a certain level of self-consciousness to that, knowing what pain is, and it plants the first seeds of both empathy and maliciousness in Hyakkimaru, which become more complex as the story progresses. It’s true that experiencing pain made him more empathetic, but it also made him understand how he could hurt someone if he really wanted to, and that ultimately, his actions have consequences. Pain has made him a more active participant in the world, and a more active participant in his own existence. I don’t know if at this point in the story (episode 4) he’s aware of mortality just yet, because I think he begins to understand what mortality is after the death of Mio.]
Regarding episode 8, I don’t think it was an accident that the animators chose to show Hyakkimaru’s face when he’s watching Saru-- his bangs are slightly parted, revealing both his eyes. It’s a visual cue that he’s “coming out of his cave” in small increments. One of the biggest problems Hyakkimaru’s character has to navigate throughout the story is essentially learning to join the world, and subsequently, realize his place among humanity. He cared enough to check on Saru, to be near the sound of crying. Every now and then I try to imagine what Hyakkimaru’s world was like before he regained any of his senses or body, and really, I can’t imagine it. It’s not suffering in the way I understand suffering; it’s devoid of suffering, devoid of everything, which somehow is even worse (and it’s why I think Hyakkimaru gets more aggressive about obtaining his complete body as the journey goes on, because 1) he has been shunned and exploited by his family, feeling especially hurt by his mother’s rejection, and 2) the more body parts he regains, the more he realizes just how much he’s been deprived of for his entire existence). It’s like realizing everything you thought to be true is a lie-- Hyakkimaru’s existence, his “truth” was total darkness, empty oblivion-- and for him to have the first 16 years of his existence proved null completely destroys him and causes him to lash out erratically.
The scene of him tossing rocks, basically from sunset until sunrise, is just really interesting regarding Hyakkimaru’s problem solving skills, and it does make me wonder how many of these small details may have been subtly placed throughout the story.
For instance, in episode 5, Hyakkimaru isn’t wearing his scarf or cloak. It’s to show that the seasons are changing. The earth is becoming warmer, and so is Hyakkimaru. It’s a visual cue to show him “opening” up-- as Biwamaru put it, he’s like a creature coming out of his dark cave for the first time. This is also the part of the story where Hyakkimaru meets Mio.
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There’s alot about Hyakkimaru and Mio’s dynamic that’s relevant to Jungian psychology (concerning the Anima/Animus). The gist of it is that Mio awakens the feminine Anima within Hyakkimaru-- he wakes up in the early hours of morning, hears a song calling to him, he follows it, traveling through the dark unconscious towards the source. Hyakkimaru’s awakening is appropriate, given that the classic hero’s tale, if the hero is male, will be and should be faced with the anthropomorphic archetype of his unconscious feminine nature (it’s one of the reasons that Hyakkimaru accepts the Goddess of Mercy in the last episode. The final phase of Anima development is “Sophia”, or “wisdom”, and is best represented by Guanyin, a mother figure who knows self-sacrifice is necessary for self-actualization).
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It’s why Hyakkimaru doesn’t choose the path of a demon, or inherits the corruption of his father’s tyranny. 
He chooses the path of compassion, and I think it’s possible to assume that those seeds of compassion were first planted by Mio.
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At the end of episode 8, Hyakkimaru acknowledges Dororo by saying her name and handing her the flower. It’s a gesture of kindness, of compassion in wanting to share something sweet and pleasing to the senses.
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The more senses and body parts Hyakkimaru regains, the more he becomes an active participant in the world. Things don’t just happen at random-- he can be a part of it. He can feel the rain on his skin, hear the song of a kind woman, feel the sharp sting of a cut on his face.
There’s still some observations about the story I want to write about (Daigo’s treatment of Hyakkimaru’s body as his property for instance, and why one of the major themes in the story is bodily autonomy and individual sovereignty), but I’ll probably save it for another day. One thing I do want to touch on is why the last body part Hyakkimaru regains is his vision, and why from a storytelling perspective this makes complete sense to the viewer. To put briefly, vision is the most complex and paramount sense a human has-- our brains are actually “programmed” for visual information. From a metaphorical perspective, Hyakkimaru truly “comes into being” when he sees for the first time. It’s like when someone experiences something profound and they say “my eyes were finally opened” or “I finally saw for the first time.” Vision is associated with self-actualization, which is the final step a character undergoes in his or her journey.
There’s a nice parallel in that the first sensation of pain Hyakkimaru feels is fire, and the first thing he sees with his own eyes is Jukai and his mother Nui surrounded by fire.
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This is one of my favorite lines in the entire anime. “Watch it closely, with those eyes of yours.” Hyakkimaru regaining his sight means there’s essentially nothing blocking him from the truth anymore. He can discern observation and make his own judgements. And Biwamaru reminds Hyakkimaru that everything he has done to get his body back is his responsibility, and that it would essentially be dishonest to avert his eyes from the consequence of his actions.
Dororo is a really great anime. I’ve been giving it a re-watch and I’ve noticed a few things I didn’t the first time around, particularly of how apparent the archetypes are used as storytelling devices.
I definitely recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet.
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baepop · 5 years
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You meet a captivating stranger whose sudden appearance stirs the unrequited feelings of your best friend.
Word Count: 7.5k
Pairing: Jungkook x You x Jennie
Genre: Slight angst/fluff, slight smut (aka: the buildup)
A/N: Happy pride month bitches! Bisexual fic coming your way!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Everything about Jennie was as proper as could be. Her shoes never seemed to scuff, not even the pair with the studs that she loved so much; her pleated skirts never dared utter a single wrinkle and if you ever thought to see a hair out of place, even after a session of hot yoga, well…you’d thought wrong. When Jennie first started coming around, you swore she was some park avenue princess with the way she insisted on paying for meals and buying you things without having known each other long. You two had met through a friend of a friend at a mellow house party but never exchanged social media or anything. You just couldn’t see yourself befriending her, preferring instead to focus on your studies for your senior year of college. Making it to these parties occasionally and chatting up strangers for a while was all you really had time for. So it was much to your surprise running into Jennie at a café on campus that you frequented weekday afternoons whenever you didn’t have class or work. She had tapped you on your shoulder then embraced your figure once you turned around to see who was invading your personal space. That day she had on a canary yellow peacoat and her hair smelled of coconut, two things you’d noticed as her arms lingered around your frame for a beat too long. The next day she wore a mauve peacoat that perfectly complimented the blush on her cheeks. Next was periwinkle and then taupe before you finally asked her why she was suddenly such a fan of the coffee on your campus seeing as how she wasn’t a student at the university.
“Well, I…I’m not actually. The coffee here is subpar and don’t even get me started on the tea selection.” You stared at her with a blank expression until she defeatedly sighed and placed her mug on the table. “You didn’t give me your number before you left Yoongi’s party. And when I asked him for it, he refused to give it to me and instead told me I could probably find you here.” You both sat there staring at each other for what seemed like minutes before you gave up, breaking eye contact to sip on your coffee and turn to the next page in your psychology book. At that point you didn’t care why she wanted to befriend you so bad, but you also didn’t care enough to push her away, so you two sat there in comfortable silence as you went over this week’s cognitive dissonance chapter. You figured you had made a good impression at the party and she probably didn’t have much going on to keep herself busy.
It didn’t take long for Jennie to weasel her way into being your best friend despite your callous indifference of her incessant presence in the coffee house. It also wasn’t a coveted title to obtain as you hadn’t been a social butterfly lately. It took a good amount of begging before she convinced you to sign up for yoga classes with her, held on the evenings 4 floors below her penthouse, only a month after she began visiting you on campus. At that point, you hadn’t minded her company so much anymore as you got to know the goofy yet intelligent aspects of her personality that vibed well with your own. If you were being truthful with yourself, you were happy Jennie had managed to become a good friend of yours because things had gotten stale and lonely having only your schoolwork and job to focus on. Still, however, Jennie remained an enigma to you as generally people of her stature didn’t go out of their way to befriend someone like you, especially when you’ve made them work for it. One night, you agreed to go up to her place for a glass of wine after yoga and that’s when all the walls finally came down. The façade of her perfect image came tumbling down as she admitted to feeling immense pressure to be who everyone else thought she was. She also admitted to finally feeling seen that night you two met at Yoongi’s party when you complimented the song she played on the stereo. Everyone was complaining about her music choices being too mellow to dance to but once you had arrived at the party you loved the strum of the guitar you heard as you sipped on your drink and decided to compliment whoever it was that was playing the song. The memory of her babbling into her glass for 45 minutes as her top knot loosened and drooped over her forehead was a warm one that never quite left you. And it was also the same night where you started to finally let her in.
“Let’s get pizza.” Jennie looked up from scrolling on her endless Instagram feed at the sound of her stomach rumbling.
Without looking up from your phone, you shook your head no and replied, “Nah, sorry I have to tutor that kid in a bit, remember?” Jennie sucked her teeth and solemnly went back to her phone screen.
“Why did you agree to do that anyway?” she whined childishly.
“You know I could really use the money Jen. A girls got bills.” You sighed as you scrolled past a beautiful pair of boots advertised on your timeline.
“I will literally buy you whatever you want, you know that.” Jennie rolled her eyes as her face settled into a pout while leaning her head into her palm.
“I know, and that’s the problem.” You chuckled bitterly. “I’ve got way too many family members born next month so I need to save up some money for presents. You can come shopping with me if you want.”
“Ugh okay, but I’m not letting you drag me into another thrift shop! Those places give me the heebie-jeebies! Who knows what ---”
The alarm on your phone signaling the tutoring session approaching interrupted Jennie mid-sentence. You shot her an apologetic look as her pout became even more pronounced. “We can get pizza when I’m done. Gotta go for now though! Text ya later.” You swung your bookbag across your shoulder and swiftly entered the elevator that would take you to the main floor. As you descended through all 21 floors, you recalled how uncomfortable it was to hang out at her place in the beginning stages of your budding friendship. Now you’ve gotten so used to the obscure paintings on the walls and expensive decorations that you wondered if it was you who was making space for her eccentricity in your life or if it was her lavish lifestyle that was making way for boring old you. Just then the doors swung open into the hustle and bustle of the lobby, effectively interrupting your train of thought as you blended into the chaos of busy people.
“Jeon Jungkook?” You bent over to peer at the brown-haired boy who was huddled over his laptop’s screen. This café on campus was one of the less popular ones, which made it easier to assume this boy was your tutee as he was the only one at the café apart from a girl hunched over a table lightly snoring. He peered up at you in a double-take then settled on the screen of his laptop as he ferociously jabbed on the directional keys of the keyboard.
“Yeah, that’s me…are you the…tutor?” His distractedness during your introduction confused you before you glanced at his computer and realized he was in the middle of an online SMITE match. Normally you would be content in waiting for him to finish before you could start the session but the idea of missing out on pizza annoyed you. You decided to close his laptop shut and keep your finger on top of it until he was forced to give you his undivided attention.
“Hi! I’m (Y/N), your English tutor. If you don’t mind, I have plans later so I’d like to get started as soon as possible.” You plastered a wide smile on your face. The boy, too stunned to respond, sat there frozen as you dropped your book bag onto the chair and began taking out a notebook and a pencil.
“Sorry.” You heard him mumble under his breath but pretended not to hear it to avoid an awkward moment. Instead, you smiled at him again and asked exactly what he needed help with. “We’re reading this book in class right now and there’s a book report due next week. The language is really obscure, and I don’t even know how to begin analyzing the context.” You picked up his copy of the book and fanned the worn out pages.
“Well, lucky for you this is one of my favorite books! So I can actually help you a lot with your report.” You handed the book back to him with a smile and wink. Jungkook instantly blushed and chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.
“Thanks in advance, I have a feeling I’ll be needing a lot of your help.” Jungkook’s quick sweep of your body didn’t go unnoticed but nonetheless, you decided to dive into the tutoring session. It was hard to ignore the butterflies in your stomach throughout as you noticed more and more how boyishly handsome he was and what a nice smile he had. The possibility of him being into you made it harder to concentrate and made you blush when you accidentally had skin to skin contact while taking a paper from his hands. Being flustered was extremely unlike you, but you credited your sudden lameness to your year-long lack of sex. Taking a deep breath gave you a moment of clarity and the resolve to finish the session as professionally as possible.
“So…when can I see you again? For tutoring I mean?” Jungkook tried hard to stay as nonchalant as possible but his crooked smile directed downwards as he packed up his belongings gave it away. During the session you realized he didn’t need much help at all and would most likely only need the one day of tutoring. Nonetheless, you decided to take the bait, but not without making him work for it.
“If you feel the need for more tutoring sessions you can schedule an appointment on the school’s website.” With that, you swiftly zipped up your book bag and headed out of the coffee shop.
It only took a couple days to receive Jungkook’s request for a follow-up tutoring session set for Thursday of next week. You chuckled in the bright glow of your computer’s screen that shown brightly in your dark room. When you clicked on the notification to expand the details of his request, you noticed the location preference was set to his dorm room. Your light chuckle turned into a breathy laugh. This kid had balls, you had to admit. You kept waiting for his cheekiness to rub you the wrong way sober you up but the more signs he showed of interest the more you were inclined to entertain them. It wasn’t like you to let the other person take charge in your relationship, preferring instead to be completely transparent from the beginning and taking joy in asking the other out. You didn’t care much for games and titles but the one of “dominant” given to you by your freshman year friends was not lost on you. You, instead, chose to embrace it and accept that your ‘take charge’ attitude would turn off undesirable suitors and attract the kind of people you could actually be with. You leaned back in your chair and sipped on your tea before hitting the “accept” button and shutting off your computer.
That night you tried to fall asleep but too many thoughts of your upcoming graduation, approaching due dates for schoolwork and a very cute brunette junior kept you up until dusk. Just when you finally started to drift off to sleep, you felt a soft dip in the bed that instantly woke you.
“Sorry, sorry...” Jennie whispered as she got under the covers. You looked at her incredulously before she responded again, “I couldn’t sleep and your bed is comfy. Also, you left your keys attached to the door again. You should really be more careful (Y/N).” You hummed in agreement, too tired to address her forced entry into your apartment and settling to be big spoon for the night.
The obnoxious sounds of your phone’s alarm awoke both of you with a start. Jennie grumbled and pressed a pillow to her ears. “It is an ungodly hour to be awake! Turn it off!” You immediately grabbed your phone and hopped out of bed to start getting ready for work. “What are you doing?” Jennie rubbed her eyes and squinted at you through the golden morning rays shining through the discombobulated shutters on your bedroom window.
“I have work in an hour. We can’t all be sleeping princesses until noon.” You stuck your tongue out at her before beginning to brush your teeth. Jennie rolled her eyes and went back to bed. She was already long used to your poking fun at her lazy and rich lifestyle, choosing to simply ignore your quips.
You managed to get ready at a record-breaking speed of 20 minutes. As you slipped the last shoe on, you peered at Jennie whose body lay impossibly still under the covers with her shiny black hair spilling out onto your pillow like plant roots. You decided to tip toe over to check if she was already sleeping. You didn’t want to wake her, so you settled for moving her bangs out of her eyes and whispering “I’ll see you after work” before heading out for the day. You could’ve sworn you noticed her blushing but figured it was all in your imagination.
Working at the boutique wasn’t your favorite thing in the world but the pay was decent. You had started working there your sophomore year after seeing a “help wanted” ad in the window of a small men’s formal suiting shop. You were at the downtown fashion district with your usual group of freshman year friends killing time and decided there wasn’t any harm in filling out an application at the counter. The job had looked easy enough, but after getting hired you soon learned differently. You realized just how difficult it was to take charge of older men in conversations about men’s suiting, and even more so dressing them. It took a lot of guts and studying men’s fashion before you grew into your own at the shop. The effort you started putting into your job along with increasingly difficult classes had you falling out of contact with those same friends. You had to admit that the thought of growing apart from your friends was much less painful than you thought it might be freshman year. Your likes and goals were entirely different by now, but most importantly, you were becoming someone you liked and respected.
That afternoon after leaving Jennie in your bed, you found yourself focusing on steaming the leg on a pair of gray linen pants when suddenly you heard the bell at the top of the entrance ring signaling a customer entering the store. You immediately turned off the steamer and rushed to the counter to greet them only to be dumbstruck at the sight in front of you. Jungkook and an older man entered the store amidst conversation. Your utter confusion rendered you speechless as they looked around the store for help.
“Ah, young lady, do you work here?” The older man addressed you kindly across the store.
You looked between him and Jungkook for a moment before your professionalism kicked in. “Yes! Hi, sorry! I was busy steaming and didn’t see you guys. Welcome to Suits 4 U, how can I assist you guys today?” You kept your eyes trained on the older gentleman but didn’t miss how Jungkook’s mouth hung open the entire time. Did he know you worked there before showing up or was it just a mere coincidence? Either way, the excitement of seeing him unexpectedly before your tutoring session gave you a tiny thrill masked under your polite smile.
“Well, I’m here with my son to get him fitted for his first suit. He has an internship coming up this summer at a finance company and we need him to look his best.” The man chuckled while patting Jungkook’s shoulder. His eyes formed crescent moons while smiling which instantly disarmed you. “Is Raphael here? I’ve been coming to him for years; this shop is just great.”
You laughed and tucked some hair behind your ear. “Thank you so much! He’s not in right now but, I can help you out myself if that’s okay. Your son looks to be about a 32 waist and 34 inseams?” The older man nodded in astonishment and looked towards Jungkook to confirm.
“Uh…yeah that’s exactly right.” Jungkook rubbed his neck in embarrassment.
“Don’t be shy, kook! You let the nice lady fit you for a good suit and I’ll be right here if you need me.” You and the man exchanged smiles before walking around the counter to show Jungkook to the fitting area behind the curtains. You helped him up onto the platform in front of 3 adjacent mirrors before busying yourself looking for a style of suit in his sizes that would flatter him.
Jungkook cleared his throat before speaking, “So…I didn’t know you had two jobs. Must be rough during your senior year.”
Without missing a beat, you responded, “How did you know I was a senior?”
“You mentioned it in your Facebook status.” Jungkook quickly replied with a straight face.
“So, you stalked me?” You laughed incredulously.
“More like researched. You’re a pretty private person so I didn’t find much if that makes you feel better.” Jungkook smiled widely which made you instinctively blush. Too flustered to respond you simply handed him a white button-down shirt. He immediately removed his plain black t-shirt and began buttoning the white one at an incredibly slow pace. You caught his eyes in the center mirror and realized he saw you ogling at his pecks. You immediately turned around as he continued watching you through the mirror with a shit-eating grin.
“Here, put these on.” You handed him a matching black chino suit with a European tailoring finish. Jungkook hadn’t stopped staring at you as he removed his pants and dressed himself. You were determined not to swoon at his gorgeous physique in front of him, choosing instead to jut your hip out and cross your arms while tapping your foot. “You take forever to get dressed.”
“I could use your help.”
“Tucking my shirt in, I don’t want to wrinkle it.”
You scoffed and proceeded to gingerly tuck his shirt around his waist. You didn’t miss the way his abs reflexively twitched as your hands got to the front of his pants. He put the blazer on at once then adjusted his cuffs in the mirror. You had to admit that the way the pants tapered in on his ankles and how the blazer did the same around his waist was very flattering. You absent-mindedly brushed lint off his shoulder and brushed out the wrinkles on the arms while admiring your work in the mirror. As your eyes made their way up his frame you caught his cocky ass grin again which only made you roll your eyes. “What now, Jeon? What is so funny to you?”
“Just admit you’re into me.” You froze for a second before responding.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, you heard me pretty well. I think that you’re into me and the way you act all tough in front of me really turns me on, so I’d like to take you out on a date sometime.”
Before you could reply, Jungkook’s dad appeared from behind the curtains and whistled at the sight of his son in a tailored suit. “Wow, that looks really good. If you’re okay with it Kook I think we’ll take it!”
“I don’t know dad, what do you think (Y/N)? Does this look good on me?” Jungkook bit his bottom lip, looking you in the eyes and daring you to confirm his beliefs. The audacity this guy had to call you out had you at a loss for words for the second time tonight. You settled for nodding and smiling.
You decided to wait behind the counter for Jungkook to undress, making small talk with his dad to pass the time. His love for his son was evident in the way he spoke so highly of him to a mere stranger. The thought warmed your heart. In a matter of 5 minutes, you were waving them both out of the door with Jungkook’s new suit in a garment bag. The remainder of your shift went by painfully slow without the silky haired boy entertaining you. You briefly considered canceling your upcoming tutoring session since it was evident the professionalism between you two was shot after this afternoon. But who were you kidding? There was no way you were going to let him get the better of you, it just wasn’t in you to submit.
You snapped out of your reverie at the feeling of a piece of popcorn bouncing off your cheek. As you turned your head to look at Jennie, several popcorn pieces fell out of your hair and onto the shaggy white rug you were sitting Indian style on. It was movie night at Jennie’s apartment, but the foreign film wasn’t captivating your interest, not when you had Jeon’s abs on your mind.
“Hey what gives?!” You started to flick pieces of popcorn back at Jennie as you found them in the carpet. She giggled while swatting them away from her face.
“Watching this movie was YOUR idea and you’re not even paying attention! You’ve been all daydreamy lately. Are you going to tell me what’s up or not?” Jennie set her bowl of popcorn aside and crossed her arms, giving you a pointed look. When it comes to Jennie, there is no escape once the interrogation starts. This wouldn’t be the first time you were under fire for withholding information from her. Despite preferring to be a private person, you never minded being completely transparent with Jennie. With time, you came to understand how loyal and trustworthy she was. Being left in the dark was just something that always bothered her, which you could understand. You sighed as you turned away from the television to face her.
“You know that guy I tutored the other day?”
“I kinda want to fuck him.” Jennie froze for a second as she searched for something in your eyes.
“Okay…um…well, does he reciprocate your feelings?’
“I think he’s made it pretty obvious yeah. I just don’t know though, I’ve never been into younger guys but he’s…really hot.” You laughed as a blush overtook your cheeks. Your admission embarrassed you, even in front of your best friend. Jennie bit her lip as she laid horizontally on the couch staring at the ceiling.
“Do you have a picture of him?”
“Hmm…I can show you his Instagram.” Admitting you already perused his social media made you further embarrassed. “Before you judge me, it’s been a really long time, okay?” You scrolled on his page for a bit before finding a good enough picture of him to show her then reluctantly handed your phone over. After analyzing the selfie of him on his bed, Jennie went back to his page and started looking at other pictures of him: ones of him in his baseball uniform, laughing on a couch with a few of his friends, dancing in a goofy manner to some pop song and the list goes on. After a minute, she rolled her eyes and handed the phone back to you. Her reaction had you quirking an eyebrow as you grabbed it from her hands. “…What?”
“Oh, nothing.” Jennie closed her eyes and intertwined her hands over here stomach, intent on not giving anything away. You lunged at her sides to unleash a flurry of tickles.
“Tell me, wench!” Your consistent tickling had her hollering at the top of her lungs and squirming to escape your grip.
“I’ll never say, peasant!” You decided to straddle her midsection and pin her flailing legs down,  holding her wrists to do the same.
“Jennie Ruby Jane. Tell me, NOW!” Your long brown hair fell over your shoulder and tickled her cheek. She turned her head to the side as a final act of rebellion which only spurred your torturing on further. You began to hock a loogie dramatically which earned a valley of squeals from the pale girl.
“Okay! Okay!” You chuckled at the sign of her defeat and sat back on her hips, letting her wrists go. She sat up on her forearms pouting up at you. “You’re so extra!” the girl shouted with amusement in her eyes. After a moment of silence, she spoke, “I just think he looks like a fuck boy. It’s not going to go anywhere between you guys.” You let out a breathy laugh at her admission.
“No shit, I just want some dick!”
“Then why are you getting blushy and daydreamy if he’s only a dick to you?” She challenged you.
“Ummmm, maybe because it’s been a while and it’s nice to get some male attention during these barren times?” You rolled your eyes and climbed off of her.
“Yeah, whatever (Y/N). Keep telling yourself that.” Jennie returned your eye roll with her own and fully sat up on the couch.
“Are we going to watch this movie or not!? You’re making it hard to focus!” You continued on with your dramatic act but failed as a smiled tugged at your lips.
“OMG, you are unbelievable!” Both of you laughed and resumed your movie, only one of you being content to put that conversation behind.
Your Thursday afternoon shift at work dragged on because of how much you were looking forward to the tutoring session with Jungkook set for right after. Your finger drumming on the front counter and persistent glances at the clock earned some questions from the shop owner which you easily shrugged off as some trip you were looking forward to after work. As soon as the clock struck six you grabbed your jean jacket off of the coat rack and caught the shuttle back to campus. The junior dorms were just a stop before the coffee shop stop, so you already knew where you were going. You decided to just wear your work clothes paired with a denim jacket since the tight-fitting black dresses you wore as a work uniform were nice anyway. Just before you arrived at the lobby of the dorms, you caught your reflection in a car window and decided to check how you looked. Nothing unusual stood out. Your long curly hair swung just above your behind and your mascara and eyebrow gel still held on strong, the only two things you allowed on your face since the number of times you rubbed your face during class made it virtually unrealistic to wear a full face of makeup. Because of that, you settled for wearing shorter clothing that would show off your long legs. Feeling sexy in your own skin without putting way too much effort into your image was something you learned was the perfect combination to feeling happy with yourself, which was hard to do as you were generally always the tallest woman in the room. It took a long time to build self-confidence, but you were happy with where you currently were in your life. With a deep breath to calm your excitement, you headed into the lobby where Jungkook was already waiting for you. He looked up from his phone and immediately spotted you entering the building. His eyes lingered on your legs covered in sheer black tights before meeting your eyes with his own dark orbs. You felt butterflies at the instant your gazes locked and held for a few seconds. You decided to breakaway first, looking down with a small smile and waving.
“Hey, Jungkook. You ready to study?” Jungkook simpered as he looked down towards his feet with his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah I am, but it looks like you aren’t. Where’s your book bag and why are you dressed like that?” He gestured towards your subtle cleavage. You crossed your arms and gaped at him, confused as to why he was questioning you instead of complimenting you. Jungkook watched your mouth open and close before he chuckled and began heading towards his room. Luckily his room was on the first floor so there wouldn’t be an awkward elevator ride. As you walked behind him you pressed your cold hands onto your hot blushing cheeks wondering if you misread this whole situation. “Thanks for agreeing to come to the dorms this time. This was the only time I was free to get tutored, but I couldn’t leave the dorms tonight. I hope it didn’t make you uncomfortable.” His words made you all the more confused. Surely he didn’t feel the need to pretend this was anything other than a hookup, especially since he had already gotten you to come without much of a chase? You didn’t understand what he meant until he unlocked the door to his suite and a small child bombarded his legs, clinging on for dear life.
“Kookie! Kookie! You took forever!” Jungkook smiled and patted the child’s head before picking him up so you could enter into the suite.
“I was only gone a few minutes! Anyways, what do you say to a pretty lady?” Jungkook laughed as the small boy buried his head into the crook of his neck with shyness.
“…Hewwo…” You smiled at the child and greeted him back before looking up at Jungkook in utter confusion.
“I’m babysitting for my parents tonight while they celebrate their 20th anniversary. This is my little brother, Sammy. He’s a real good kid and agreed to quietly color in his coloring book while I study, right bud?” The young boy nodded without looking up at him, clearly displeased to have a stranger take his big brother’s attention away. You smiled sweetly at Jungkook to show him everything was okay with you. It was only after he placed his brother on the floor in front of his crayons that crippling embarrassment settled red and hot behind your face and prickled at your scalp. You had misread the situation after all, and even worse, assumed Jungkook was just some fuck boy looking to fake being serious about his studies in order to fuck tutor girls. He wouldn’t have been the first one you ran into, but it was now clear that you shouldn’t have lumped him into the same category. Swallowing your pride and shame, you placed your jacket on the back of his chair and pulled another one up to the desk to start the session. For about an hour, you helped Jungkook finalize his book report and put the finishing touches on his powerpoint presentation about his report. Once you both looked out of the window and saw how late it was getting, you decided to wrap things up. Turning to Sammy who was busy passionately coloring an orange elephant, you smiled and squatted near the page.
“Ready to spend some time with Kookie, Sammy? You looked up at Jungkook and winked, appreciating the way that the nickname coming from you flustered Jungkook. The young boy looked up from his art and nodded.
“Bye-bye! Um…”
“(Y/N), how do you do.” You talked in a funny voice that made Sammy giggle. Standing up and stretching your arms once more, you looked towards Jungkook who held your jacket for you to take. “Thanks. So…good luck with your presentation.” You kicked yourself at the lame way you chose to say goodbye but decided it was best to cut your losses and avoid further embarrassment.
“Thanks, I’ll walk you out.” Both of you headed out into the hallway and walked slowly towards the lobby in silence. After a few long moments, Jungkook finally broke the quiet, “So about that date…. What do you say?” You turned to him in disbelief before looking back down at your shoes. You had thought when he asked you on a date back at the shop that it was his way of getting you into bed. Once again you felt shame for being such a pessimistic pervert.
“I didn’t know you were serious about that.” You admitted.
“Yeah, I figured with the way you showed up to our study session.” Jungkook laughed as he playfully pulled on the hem of your dress so that it slapped your thigh when he let go. You pouted and stared straight ahead, unable to defend yourself. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d have loved to show you a good time tonight, but that’s not really my style. Especially with intellectual women. I want to show you a different kind of good time, at least at first. You turned toward his face in time to catch him biting his bottom lip. It was as if his mouth had a direct connection to your lower abdomen, feeling that magnetic pull between you two that you couldn’t shake. Part of you felt relieved to know it wasn’t all in your head, and the other part of you was determined to redeem yourself.
As you opened the door to the outside, you paused and swung your hair over your shoulder to look at him briefly. “Pick me up this weekend. I want to go see that new DC movie, you can take me to the movies and then we’ll get ice cream. DM me on Instagram so we can agree on a time.” With that, you closed the door behind you and headed towards the shuttle stop, content with yourself for not sneaking a peak behind you. When did you become so lame in front of guys? You idly wondered about the effects that lack of sex could have on the psyche of woman the entire shuttle ride towards your apartment.
You woke up to the thin rays of sunlight peering through the drawn blinds of your bedroom window. They illuminated Jennie’s face with a healthy golden glow, showcasing the subtle rhythmic movement of her chest as she slept. You felt a wave of affection at the thought of her being extra careful last night getting into your bed so as not to wake you. You idly wondered why she preferred to share this bed with you when she had a big beautiful canopy bed at her even more beautiful apartment. Then again, you remembered how lonely she must have felt when moving here without friends or family. You cuddled closer to her as the big spoon, wrapping your right arm around her torso and pulling her into your chest. The slight movement woke Jennie for a few seconds before she hugged your arm tightly and went back to sleep, taking you into unconsciousness with her.
You awoke a few hours later, well into the afternoon in the same position you had fallen asleep in only this time, Jennie’s snoring was loud enough to quake the glass of water on your nightstand. Your raspy chuckle was barely audible as you stared at her mouth that hung open while she violently slept. Careful so as not to wake her, you gingerly slid your arm out of her grasp and pulled the covers off of your bodies since the heat was making you a little sweaty. Your eyes bulged while taking in the view south of the bed. Jennie had taken her pants off before climbing into bed and was only sporting a bright red G-string. You forced yourself to look anywhere other than her perfect bottom until your heart stopped beating as fast as it was. What the hell, Jennie? You cursed yourself for giving her a key to your apartment after her initial forced entry. The lack of sex is really getting to you, you thought as you carefully covered her back up and climbed out of bed. Suddenly, you heard the snoring stop and a few light moans coming from the bed.
“Where’d you go?”, Jennie softly called out as she rubbed her eyes.
“In the bathroom!” You reply as best you can while brushing your teeth. Jennie groans then rolls over, pulling the covers on her further.
“Come back…”
“Sorry, I overslept enough as it is. I have some stuff I need to get done before my date tonight!” You replied in a sing-song voice before spitting the foam out of your mouth and rinsing your toothbrush in the sink.
“Your WHAT!?”, Jennie immediately sat up and ripped the covers off of her.
“Yeah, sorry I totally forgot to update you. I didn’t end up fucking that guy. Instead, he asked me out on a date! I’m actually excited to go, I feel like such a freshman.” Your giddy mood seemed to frustrate Jennie even more. She quietly got out of bed, pulled her pants on, grabbed her purse from your nightstand and left your apartment.
“Jennie?!” You called after her but the only thing you got in response was your door slamming loudly. You sucked your teeth and continued washing your face. You didn’t know why she was in such a bad mood. Sure, you didn’t tell her about how things progressed with Jungkook but it wasn’t exactly her business. This is why I haven’t dated any girls on campus recently, girls can be so moody sometimes. You took a deep breath and headed into your room to get changed, determined not to let Jennie’s childishness ruin your day.
Your date with Jungkook had been going well so far. He picked you up from your apartment 5 minutes early on foot. You two walked to the shuttle stop in silence since there really wasn’t much to talk about. You two had only just met and didn’t know much about each other or shared any experiences yet. You hated first dates for this reason, preferring instead to just hook up without the need to feign a relationship or only date someone you’re already friends with. You had gotten good at small talk since working at the suit shop had you conversing with all kinds of people regularly. But it still wasn’t thrilling nor any less awkward. Once you both had exhausted all the commonplace questions like “How was your day” and “What’s your favorite color”, you both sat on the shuttle on the way to the campus’ cinema in silence. Why had you agreed to this? You were really off your game at this point in time. You looked over at Jungkook and noticed him staring off into the distance looking quite alarmed. His pensive face made you giggle which snapped him out of his reverie.
“What?” He looked at you with a half-smile confused.
“Your face…you looked so…shook!” You let out in between laughs. His cheeks became tinted pink with an exasperated gasp.
“Not you too! My teammates make fun of me for it all the time! Ugh!” Jungkook complained with exaggerated exclamation. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he began tickling your sides for not taking him seriously. The guffaw that followed was obnoxious enough to catch the attention of surrounding students riding the shuttle. It was at that moment that Jungkook realized how ticklish you were, to his elation and your immediate embarrassment. You both settled into your seats immediately after meeting the eyes of annoyed riders but couldn’t contain your giggles and light shoving for the rest of the ride. Eventually, after sufficient physical contact, you two ended up walking off of the shuttle holding hands.
Jungkook’s lips ravaged your neck as you struggled to open the door to your apartment, fumbling your key on the lock. You eventually did open it and the door slammed backward into the adjacent wall as Jungkook reached your lips and leaned into you, holding you by the hips. Your hunger to taste him had been contagious as you had taken the opportunity that the light ‘goodnight’ peck he gave you on the lips in front of your apartment presented to start a make-out session. There was no way you would let it end that way after wanting him the entire date. He had been a perfect gentleman, waiting in line to get you a bunch of snacks at the concession stand while you held your seats, draping his jacket over your shoulders once the chill of the night set in, and bringing you all the way to your apartment even though it was past the junior dorms. And now, as he tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth while his hands held both sides of your face in the middle of your apartment, you were absolutely sure you wanted to go all the way with Jeon Jungkook. You slowly lead Jungkook to your bedroom without detaching your lips. Once his legs made contact with your bed you pushed him back onto it and climbed on top of him. You began kissing down his neck as your arms made a cage around his head. With his eyes closed and sporting a cocky smile, “Woah there (Y/N), aren’t we taking things a bit too fast?” A throaty chuckle escaped his lips as you reached his Adam's apple.
“Shut up, Jeon.” You moved back up to his lips and stuck your tongue into his mouth which he welcomed, swirling his tongue around yours in equal fervor. His fingers slid up into your hair and tightened their grip on your strands, pulling lightly but firmly so that your head moved backward, giving him access to your neck. As he sucked on your neck, you could feel a bulge forming in his pants. You decided to rub your clothed mound on his growing bulge while he kissed behind your ear.
“Don’t do that.” Jungkook let out a breathy whisper into your ear which made tingles run down your spine and had you heavily convulsing. You decided to rub even harder down onto his clothed member which was now rock hard. However, you couldn’t keep it up for too long as Jungkook was suddenly on top of you in one swift motion.
“You don’t like to listen, do you?” He stared at your lips as he interlocked your fingers together, holding your hands above your head on the bed.
“Not really, no” Your breathy reply brought back that crooked smile you were starting to love so much. In response, Jungkook lowered himself onto you and began rubbing the head of his bulge right around where your clit would be under your pants. You couldn’t help but writhe under him, struggling against his ironclad grip on your hands.
“You’ll get this…”, Jungkook bucked his hips roughly onto your mound, “…when I say you can.” You took his attempt to dominate you as a challenge, wrapping your legs around his waist to bring his member back onto you while biting your lip. Jungkook’s eyes rolled backward in brief pleasure before attacking your lips again with renewed passion. After a while, you were both breathless with puffy lips. Jungkook cleared his throat and moved back to look into your eyes. You both let out laughs as your chests heaved in unison. Jungkook looked down at your swollen lips and ran his thumbs across them before rolling over and climbing off of you. “I should go.” Too stunned to say anything, you watched him straighten his clothing and wipe his mouth.
“Ummm…did I do something wrong?” You asked as you sat up to look at him properly. Jungkook smiled and walked back over to the bed, bending over to place a brief kiss on your pink lips.
“Of course not, just practicing a little restraint. I want to do things right.” He smiled with crescent moon eyes before turning and exiting your apartment.
Do things, right?
You let out an exasperated sigh and sagged back onto the bed with one arm covering your eyes in frustration. Suddenly you heard something shift in your room which made you sit back up in alarm.
“Jungkook?” You searched your room for the source of the noise before your eyes locked with another pair of eyes peering through the slits of your closet door. You froze in utter fear as you realized someone was in your closet. Suddenly, the door opened and you screamed, chucking a pillow at the intruder because it was the closest thing to you. Jennie caught the pillow and held it to her chest, watching you warily.
“Hey (Y/N)…”
“I can explain.”
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augustwash1 · 4 years
Latest iPhone Phones Continue Getting Significantly Better
Users more than likely are in agreement with me personally that iPhone X design was among the very best, and that is exactly why Apple decided to keep the identical look for their next set of exclusive cell phones. Introduced a year ago, it's the very first Apple cellphone to take out the main button. In the other, I held its own brand-new successor, the Iphone Xs. My eyes squeezed shut, I passed them back and forth between my hands, rolling each phone above, feeling the curves, glass springs, dual lens camera bumps, and radar vents. I realized that I couldn't tell the difference between the two phones. This is not a criticism. It is just a simple fact of S version years, in which Apple locks at the iPhone design and concentrates, rather, on upgrading key internal parts. Therefore, the biggest changes to the 5.8-inches Iphone Xs and its big brother, the 6.5-inch iPhone XS Max, each of which I analyzed, can be seen in functionality (thanks to this new A12 Bionic CPU), photographs and movies, (new digital cameras and a new ISP endorsed by the A12), along with functionality (iOS12, the last version of which came pre-applied in my test units). The outcome is a pair of fantastic, tasteful, and high-performing devices that will please iPhone enthusiasts and receive over a few glances out of Android smartphones. It still has the exact rigid surgical steel frame wrapped into a brand new glass material which Apple stated was devised to be scratch resistant and heavy duty. I gave the phones a couple half-hearted drops on a thin-pile rug but wasn't prepared to let them slide away . So far I have discovered just one very nice scrape on your iPhone Xs Max. So let us consider them scratch-resistant, however still not scratch-proof. The bigger iPhone Xs Max shares all the iPhone X's substance and layout attributes, but does this in a 6.2-inch x 3.05-inch x 0.30-inch human anatomy. In 208 grams, it is substantially thicker than the Iphone Xs. The Xs Max is really a hair shorter (0.04 inches) and thinner (0.02 inches), however, it's also a couple of grams bulkier when compared to the Iphone 8 Plus, the big-screen telephone that from a space the Iphone Xs Max most looks like. Button positioning power/sleep, quantity controllers, ring/silent switch -- will be exactly the same. However, there is one minor chassis difference. At the bottom edge of the telephones sits the lightning connector. It's book-ended by means of a pair of drilled holes that accommodate one half of their stereo speaker program and among the telephone's microphones. There was six openings on either side. Now the ideal side includes six slotsbut the left, that just houses a microphone, has just three. This small change was done, in part, to adapt the new inner antenna configuration which includes 4x4 MIMO and License Assisted accessibility, which utilizes unlicensed 5 GHz range to provide 1 Gbps chip over LTE. Apple updated the water and also dust-resistance rating to IP 68, which translates to the handsets residing in 2 meters of water for up to half an hour. I did not get to go swimming with all the iPhone Xs or Xs Max, but didn't run the latter phone below normal water, juice and milk. Afterward, as advocated, I rinsed and dried off the smart phone. I was careful not to plug it back into a lighting cable (that is a no-no after a dowsing) but didn't put it on a wireless charging foundation at which it had no problem accepting a fee. Apple, incidentally, said it put some effort in making the wireless charging platform (basically the hidden coils within the phone) more forgiving. This is great news, since I have, on more than 1 occasion, woken up to find that my iPhone X did not charge because I placed it a modest off-axis about the charging base. I have never ran into that issue with the iPhone Xs or Xs Max. The Iphone Xs and iPhone Xs Max body frames are somewhat rigid and solid-feeling, but torqueable, particularly the bigger telephone, which actually creates a tiny clicking sound once I attempt to twist it. Apparently, I've just had those iPhones for a week, but based on a calendar year's experience with the original iPhone X (granted, mostly in a thin instance ), I consider this design framework tough and ready for the long run. Even now as Samsung follows Apple to the dense black cutout at the peak of this iPhone Xs and Xs Max, Apple shows no traces of going backwards in the multi-option technology, which neither grew nor slipped in the most recent iPhones. Just like the original TrueDepth Module, that one is still packed with all the exact components (none of that, as much as I can tell, have been updated). There is a 7 MP camera, dot projector for depth sensing, infrared camera (depth sensing), flooding illuminator (yes, too for depth-sensing), proximity detector, ambient light detector, the second half of the stereo speaker program, plus a mic. On the backs of the iPhone Xs and Xs Max, there is more of the custom glass, the Apple Logo, the word Iphone (but no"X" or"s"), along with the 12 MP dual camera system. This vertically-oriented, pill-shaped camera module appears exactly the same as it did to the last iPhone X. It is still a prominent bulge, but it didn't get any bigger. Within the module is new hardware backed by new image technologies, but more on that later. I've always considered that the 5.8-inch Iphone X an fantastic tradeoff involving a big-screen phone and hand-friendly ergonomics. The screen is large and immersive, however, the body is comfortable to hold and pocket. The iPhone Xs Max in comparison can, particularly if you're used to holding a more compact phone, feel big. It is not embarrassing to hold, however people with smaller hands will probably fight with one-handed use and will likely want to turn Reachability, which with a swipe down on the flat bar moves all halfway down the screen, which makes it longer accessible. Still, the trade-off might be worth it. I forgot just how much I like the larger iPhone display, and about the iPhone Xs Max, you get much more screen without contending with a bigger phone (there is just that 0.04-inch height difference between the Iphone 8 Plus and the iPhone Xs Max). Apple's full-stack management of the iPhone layout, development, and production process pays dividends throughout the handset. However, it's most clearly from the silicon, which can be designed and developed in conjunction with the software and hardware components that will rely on it. Last year, Apple revealed the A11 Bionic, a powerful cellular CPU with built in Artificial Intelligence Power. The newest A12 Bionic assembles on that short legacy with a more powerful Neural Engine and much more impressive graphics performance. When I discuss a brand new Iphone, I begin using Geekbench 4 to check out the raw CPU operation. To ensure that there are minimum background processes going, I usually run the exam before I've set up a single app. I ran the Geekbench CPU benchmark and (together with understanding that Apple stuffed an additional gig of memory within the brand new Xs course iPhones) found that the single core scores had improved marginally between the A11 Bionic along with A12 Bionic. However, that the multi-core score was inexplicably lower. Not by a good deal, but I hadn't ever seen that happen. The amounts were still much higher than what I obtained from Qualcomm's Snapdragon 845, however a lower result on the new Iphone didn't make sense. However, once I reran the Geekbench CPU evaluation per day or so after, the A12 multi-core numbers beat those of the A11. My guess is that, though I set up the iPhone Xs and Xs Max as fresh iPhones, there may nevertheless have been some background setup process going on that dragged down the CPU amounts. The bigger leap in functionality is in the Geekbench Compute Metal Score, which jumped from 15,145 on the Iphone X into 22,245 about the Iphone Xs and Xs Max. Apple's done a great deal of work to beef up graphics performance, particularly for the raft of ARKit two (and Surface 2) software heading into the stage, some of which can support multiplayer gaming. While there aren't a lot of ARKit 2 programs in the program store, I did get a hands-on time using an Iphone Xs operating Galaga ARthe identical demonstration Apple showed off during the iPhone Xs unveiling. To play with, me and a couple of other writers stood on a desk and pointed out our telephones at the Galaga video arcade game console. Soon, alien attackers began streaming first from the video game display and from all round us. I swung the phone from side-to-side up and up and down to watch and then shoot the incoming assault. It had been fast-paced and a lot of fun. In the same way, I've seen how, together with ARKit two, the telephone can set, say, a very realistic digital pressure stove or sneaker to a real table or at my toes, the illusion broken only when I slid my hands to the framework and, about the iPhone Xs screen, it looked just like my notes had been stuck beneath the pot. You can't encourage these kinds of real-virtual combinations without ample graphics horsepower, thickness mapping, and the AI required to identify how surfaces, shadows, and even reflections will work on virtual shapes in a real open space. This processing ability also helped amp more ordinary operations such as Face ID. While the procedure for registering my head was unchanged from the original iPhone X, opening either phone with my face, in addition to utilizing Face ID to access password-protected apps and services, is significantly faster than it had been about the iPhone X. Overall, in actual programs, both Iphone Xs and Xs Max run reliably. Apple place massive work into enhancing the photo and movie experience on the Iphone Xs and Xs Max. Along with brand new lenses and a bigger sensor, both the cameras (rear and selfie) are all backed by a fresh picture signal cpu. The technical specs on the double cameras are untouched by the iPhone X (and would be the same on either the iPhone Xs and Xs Max). There is the 1.8 wide angle lens along with the f 2.4 2X telephoto. Both of those comprise optical image stabilization and will shoot around 4K video at 60 fps. They still take slow-motion video in up to 240 frames per second. If you'd like insane 960 fps super-slo-mo, then you are going to have to look to Samsung. In the pure-play photography race, though, Apple requires the head. The Smart HDR uses detector, ISP, and neural engine enhancements to catch a number of the finest high-dynamic range photographs I've ever seen. The gap between what has been possible on the first iPhone X and the Xs and Xs Max is stunning. Apple produced a system suitable of shooting 2 frames each thirtieth of a second, and immediately analyzing and combining them into a single image that preserves not only foreground and background detail, but that can freeze actions without presenting tremendous grain. In multiple images, I saw that the iPhone Xs and Xs Max find colour and detail in dark spaces without wasting out the lighter areas. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is also an excellent low light shooter, however I think the Xs line is a little better. I'm particularly impressed with how Apple's built upon its own position position in Portrait Mode digital photography. Apple created Portrait Mode in 2016 using the iPhone 7 Plus (the applications lagged from the hardware). Since that time, Apple's elegant the technology, adding items such as Studio Light, Contour Light, Stage Light, and Stage Light Mono. All these attributes remain, and are somewhat enhanced. That which I love and, as an amateur photographer who regularly performs with f-stops to get just the perfect depth of field effect, is that the newest Depth Control. Depth Control lets you choose a Portrait Mode photo and correct the Bokeh, or depth of field attention, after you shoot the photographs. This works with both front and rear cameras, which means that the image chip is using two different types of depth details. On the rear, it's the benefit of two lenses to find stereoscopic info. The front camera relies on the depth-sensing hardware. I understand, Samsung's Galaxy Note 9 gives the capability to correct background attention as you're shooting the image, as well as after. But, there is an essential difference here that is evident in the iPhone Xs and Xs Max Depth picture editor. It's a slider that lets you adjust smoothly from an electronic f 1.4 aperture to a virtual f16. At a real camera with a mechanical aperture, higher numbers interpret to sharper focus from the background along with reduced numbers imply the focus thickness is significantly shallower. About the Galaxy Note 9, Live Focus basically sees the pictures as two planes: the foreground and background. The slider blurs the background plane. The Iphone Xs's depth slider is based on all of the depth advice to reduce or enhance background focus through all of the planes between the very front of their subject and the background. Together with the enhanced Portrait Mode stitching (handling how the subject and a blurred background fit together), the subtlety of this effect through the selection of virtual f-stops is remarkable and, Apple's explained, is modeled on how actual lenses together with hardware apertures would influence each image. For most people the smartphone is their only camera. This places a pro-level command from the hands of millions of individuals, who are about to begin taking some really awesome portrait photographs. Just after capturing normal pics, movie, and even 4K, I continue to be stunned with the standard of photos and videos coming out of their iPhone Xs and Xs Max. Sure, it is strange that the larger Xs Max doesn't, as might be tradition, have any enhanced picture capturing features, however I doubt anyone is going to be dismayed with the photo quality delivered by either new mobile phone. There are a couple of other hardware-related enhancements, such as the guaranteed dual-sim technology which allows for multiple telephone numbers (believe work and individual numbers of one phone) via the support of eSIM technology. Unlike ordinary SIMs, you don't require a carrier card just for the provider to confirm it and allow it on your phone. It's a wonderful characteristic which, for obvious reasons, I could not test. For sound aficionados, there's also the new stereo recording and wider-stereo playback. This can be relatively hard to check, and I occasionally worry my ears aren't good enough to notice what could be a more nuanced difference. However, I'd find a method. I recordedin landscape mode, a few cars driving by. They begin on the left of this screen and push to the right. In video I recorded together with all the iPhone Xs, the noise travels from one side of the telephone to the other. Playback about the iPhone X is loud but lacks the identical degree of separation noise. Clearly, films with a great deal of sound engineering aren't just great displays for the amazing displays, but highlight the new, wider stereo playback abilities too. As hardware/software relationships go, you can not do better than the Apple iPhone Xs and iOS 12. I have been running betas of their new mobile OS for months on my iPhone X and found it incredibly smooth and stable. About the iPhone Xs and Xs Max, it becomes even better spouses. In addition to butter-smooth and lighting fast operation (in matches, video, and internet browsing), the augmented reality abilities first released into iOS 11, ARKit, along with the iPhone X tend to be far more refined and easy to customize from iOS 12 and the Iphone Xs. The smart assistant is a much better listener than ever, and getting smarter. Her address is much more conversational and she is requesting follow-up queries. Siri can also be more proactive, putting connections between benign items such as locations and schedules and offering them beforehand. There are also a number of third party programs tapping into Siri, allowing you to use only your voice to access program features and data without even launching the app. You can set up iOS 12 on your older Iphone (down into this iPhone 5s), however not all of attributes, particularly those involving AR, will operate on the older devices. Still, I clearly advise the upgrade with anyone operating an Iphone 7 and up. It is simply a much better, more polished, educated, and smart user experience also, to be fair, I have hardly scratched the surface of all of the updates and feature improvements you'll find. Apple claims 30 minutes more battery life involving the iPhone X and Xs and 90 minutes more with the Iphone Xs Max. In my experience, either new phone might get you through the majority of the afternoon on a single charge. I spent one day using only the iPhone Xs Max. I retained the brightness high and ran all types of programs and procedures. It lasted a strong 10 hours. Perhaps a tiny bit less than I expected, but still enough for me through the majority of the working day. In all honesty, with less than a week under my belt, it is difficult to give a full assessment of battery performance. There are so many variables and, obviously, battery life will be good on new mobile phones. Talk to me in 6 months or one year, and we're going to see if I am still satisfied with battery life. It is not strange that Apple did not bring down the cost for the brand new $999 iPhone Xs (or hold onto the original model and market it at a lower price). I'm not even shocked that we finally have a nearly $1,100 version or that we're able to cover a whopping $1,449 for the 512 GB iPhone Xs Max (which happens to be the version that I tested). Apple's already proven that individuals will pay almost anything to get their hands on the latest iPhone. Is $1,000 or more to cover a mobile phone? Perhaps, however many people think about the entire cost instead of monthly payments? I am, however, a little annoyed that Apple stopped the lightning -to-3.5 mm adapter. It's as if, in the last 12 months, we've gotten rid of our audio and Bose headsets, such as it is a solved issue. Memo to Apple: It is not. What I will say is that these are the iPhones you desire. The iPhone Xs does not mess with that which I consider a traditional layout, and also the Xs Max simply takes all that's amazing about the iPhone X and expands it. As a set, they are just as beautiful as the original home-button-free Iphone X. The plan looks especially elegant in a gold finish. Photographers will love the new camera, and gamers and content consumers will want the big-screen iPhone Xs Max. Even if you own the iPhone X, I still wouldn't upgrade unless you absolutely need more realistic augmented reality and full depth control on your portraits. For iPhone 6s, 7, 8, as well as 8 Plus owners, the iPhone Xs and Xs Max is going to feel as a massive leap to the foreseeable future.
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demibourgeois-blog · 5 years
MKV To MP3 Converter
YouTube is the preferred video sharing web site in the entire world that so that you can grab or upload movies. Subsequent, choose the format to transform audio to. That's MP3 on this case. You can merge audio information using the "Merge" button. There are different settings you'll be able to entry using the gear button. For instance, the sample fee, bit fee, channel and codec. For larger MP3 audio high quality, you're really useful to make use of greater pattern charge and bit charge. It's quite often you will want an audio or music editor to do some jobs like extract some songs from a large audio file perhaps for your mp3 participant; cut up and be a part of a portion of an mp3 file to create a ringtone in your sensible telephone; minimize out the commercials from a radio program you recorded; or even to split a wav file you've transferred from vinyl into its authentic observe. To convert audiobooks from aax to mp3 observe the next steps. 1. Set up audio manager. 2. Set audio supervisor to run in compatibility mode with home windows xp service pack 3 or 2. three. Run audio supervisor and mp3 mp2 converter скачать бесплатно select deafult location for aax books. four. Run 5. Choose the placement of the file to be converted. 6. Click on the bottom button to start out the conversion. 7. The transformed mp3 file might be placed in the identical folder as unique file. CloudConvert is a free on-line file conversion tool with assist for over 200 file varieties, including 20 of the most popular audio codecs. The free plan limits you to five concurrent conversions with a maximum file size of 1GB. It additionally limits you to 25 complete conversions per day, and free customers are on the backside of the precedence checklist, so it may take a very long time to convert recordsdata throughout peak usage hours. CloudConvert is straightforward to make use of and available as a Chrome Extension and iOS app, in case you don't want to use the net software. With RealPlayer video converter , you possibly can convert many various kinds of video recordsdata into the format you need for your pc or cellular gadget (cell phone, iPod, MP3 players). As soon as you convert video to MP3 you may take the recordsdata with you and take heed to them on-the-go. RealPlayer works with a wide range of video codecs and you should utilize the app to convert video into MP3. MPEG-1 Audio Layer three is taken into account the de facto commonplace for audio information. Compared with MPEG-1 Audio Layer 1 (MP1) or Layer 2 (MP2), it gives excellent compression of music signals. It may be used for twin channels, single channel, stereo, multichannel signals and joint stereo. This format is predicated on perceptual coding, and the compression algorithm brings in a compression factor of about 12. The optimization of compression is also finished according to the range of audio that people hear, and thus it makes certain to protect audio quality. MP3 recordsdata will be downloaded and performed with most audio gamers.
MP3 is the most popular audio file type based on MPEG-1 Layer III compression. Its lossy algorithm was developed in 1991. MP3 codes the sound virtually with the same high quality, as CD (16-bit stereo), offering compression in size 1 to 10 from the original WAF or AIFF tracks. The standard of MP3 seriously is determined by the bitrate. It may be 128 - 256 kbps. Greater bitrates are additionally supported, however they significantly improve the file measurement. It is supported by all fashionable laborious- and software program players. Among the many products launched first, had been the famous Free YouTube Download and Free YouTube to MP3 Converter For now both of them can be found for LAPTOP and Mac, and the overall variety of installs is greater than 300 hundreds of thousands! The variety of out there options and formats is infinite, even though most of them are available in free version. You might obtain and convert playlists, channels, authentic streams, TELEVISION series and get them to iTunes at once. Free HD Video Converter Factory prides itself on being so easy to use that its web site features a 10-second guide to getting started This would possibly seem like an exaggeration, but it's really true. You possibly can drag and drop a video onto the program interface, or use the choice menu, choose the format or destination system and pasquale57z258789.mywibes.com hit the Run button. That basically is all there is to it. Oh, and C9, sure you're right about Winamp 1.92 & half-fidelity MP3's. The key for that setup is to transcode the songs to 22khz monophonic WAV recordsdata. They find yourself being exactly the identical dimension as the stereo MP3's, however require virtually no processing energy how to convert an mp2 file to mp3 online play. I did that for years, back when I actually used that 486 for internet-browsing and simultaneous music listening, but I've determined to make it a devoted music box now.
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taekookismylifeline · 7 years
(yoonseok) - trust my heart when it beats for you
ao3: (x)
Summary: Jung Hoseok has had an awkward Thing for Min Yoongi for four years of his school life. He is certain that the only thing that gets in the way of them and everlasting love is the fact that Min Yoongi doesn't know he exists, but that all changes due to one drunken text message: a pick-up line. Ready to flee to another country under a false identity in mortification, he finds himself ruining their blossoming friendship and confessing when Yoongi asks why Hoseok had tried to flirt with him. However, things take a turn after his confession when Yoongi starts to (awkwardly) flirt back.
Pairings: Yoonseok, Taekook, Namjin
Chapters: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25), (26), (27), (28), (29)
Chapter 1 - that boy doesn’t know my name but maybe he knows he’ll be mine
“Oh my god, you are pathetic,” Taehyung cackled loudly in Hoseok’s ear causing him to wince. “Quit ogling him playing with his ball. Get a job. Contribute to society.”
It was their first few days back at school after their summer break and the two were perched on a bench located outside of the school’s basketball court waiting for Jimin to join them during their lunch period. Their attention had naturally been drawn to the moving object that was being repeatedly passed around the court. Through the holes in the fence that surrounded the court they could easily make out the players.
“Oh, like you can talk,” Hoseok scoffed in amusement, shoving Taehyung playfully. “Wipe your mouth, would you? You’ve still got some thirst on your lip where you’ve been drooling over Jeong-”
“Hey, shut up!” Taehyung panicked slightly as the words left Hoseok’s mouth. “I was not drooling, I was merely... Observing them playing basketball. They’re good players. Especially Jeongguk.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes fondly and accidentally kicked his bag over onto the dusty gravel from where he was swinging his legs. Taehyung laughed at him in mock-spite and held the straps down with his feet, preventing Hoseok from picking his bag up.
“Hey, Yoongi, Jeongguk, Namjoon!” A voice rang out from opposite the court and caused them to look towards the sudden noise instinctively.
It was Jimin who was sauntering through the courts, instead of around the outskirts which was the route that Hoseok and Taehyung had taken. They both watched in a unanimous silence as Jimin effortlessly approached the small group of boys that they had been surveying and begin to jostle with them light-heartedly.
Hoseok was well aware that his jaw had dropped and was probably hovering inches above the ground as Jimin threw an arm around Yoongi’s shoulder in an effort to obtain the ball before laughing and walking away. He was only dragged back into reality by Jimin’s sports trainers entering his peripheral vision.
“Hey, guys, sorry about being late; I know you can’t function without me. Miss held me back because of ‘suspected plagiarism’ in that maths mock last term.”
“You’re welcome for that, by the way,” Taehyung smiled and pulled Jimin down onto the bench, sandwiching him in the middle of the two.
“Yeah, but there was no point in copying beforehand, I had to change loads of answers and ending up flunking,” Jimin complained before swiftly moving on. “So, what’s going on? Why does Hoseok look like he’s seen a ghost?”
Taehyung shot Hoseok a warning glance and then covered for him. “Oh, that loser. He’s just distraught that I trod his bag into the dirt.”
Hoseok managed to drag his eyes away from Yoongi’s figure long enough to look at Taehyung and pout. He reached down towards his bag. “It’s a nice bag.”
Jimin scoffed at the state of it, covered in smudges of chalk dust. “Was a nice bag.” Hoseok nudged him in the ribs and he let out a genuine noise of surprise before recovering. “So, what are you both up to this weekend? Seokjin’s having a party on Saturday for fresher’s week, yet another ‘freedom from school’ theme no doubt.”
“That’s the third one this month,” Taehyung commented, taking out his water bottle from his bag and offering Jimin a packet of rice cakes. “This one’s gonna be massive, isn’t it? There were quite a lot of people last time, I think he progressively invites more people.”
“I don’t think he does,” Hoseok thought aloud. “I think that the people he invites invite more people. I don’t think he really likes big parties, his real leaving party was really only family.”
“A character study: with Jung Hoseok,” Jimin commentated and then proceeded to burst out in a fit of laughter at Hoseok’s disgruntled expression. Taehyung howled at the sound of Jimin’s laughter and then Hoseok snorted so hard that he was certain his eyes had bulged.
They must have been making quite a lot of noise because when their giggles faded out, Hoseok found that a certain group of people in the basketball court had halted in their playing to stare at them. Hoseok’s breath caught in his throat as he locked eyes with Min Yoongi’s through the mesh fence. He had a silent, intense stare yet their eye contact was extremely brief as Yoongi looked away just as quickly as he had glanced over. It was so sudden that Hoseok had neglected the process of breathing and found that he was practically gasping for air when he next remembered to inhale.
The bell rang, signalling the next lesson had begun, and resonated across the field. Jimin stood up and stretched, making sure to avoid kicking over Hoseok’s bag in fear of provoking his sadistic wrath. Jimin called them both to follow him as he dashed into the courts to catch up with Jeongguk who was walking with Yoongi and Namjoon.
“You have the same reaction every time Jimin talks to Yoongi," Taehyung laughed. "They’ve been friends for over a year now, get over it! If you wanna get to know him, I tell you, Jimin’s your inside man. This is our last year, you may as well try,” Taehyung spoke in a hushed whisper as if he were churning out a particularly gripping conspiracy theory.
“And, I tell you, it’s not gonna happen. Remember last year when Jimin wanted to introduce us and I got so nervous that I told him it’d be too awkward? He’ll be suspicious if I change my mind. Anyway, I don’t think Yoongi likes me anyway. We’ve barely ever spoken. The only way I’ll ever talk to him is if I get the misfortune to be in a group with him this year, or partner work or something but I dunno if we take any of the same lessons. It’s weird, ‘cause I wanna talk to him, of course I do, but the thought of actually doing it makes me want to knock myself out.”
Taehyung laughed, and then choked on the last of the rice cakes. “Okay, same here. But what do you mean, you don’t think he likes you?” Taehyung was incredulous, as if the thought of anyone disliking Hoseok was inexplicable.
“Well, he’s got that vibe that screams: ‘Don’t talk to me!’ And he never even acknowledges me. I can count the times we’ve had eye contact on one hand - and it’s gone up by one, by the way, he looked at me when we were screaming. Oh, God, he probably thinks I’m a freak.”
Taehyung snorted, shaking his head in disbelief. “Okay, that’s ridiculous. So, back to him never acknowledging you, do you ever acknowledge him?”
Hoseok paused which gave Taehyung all he needed to know. Hoseok threatened Taehyung with a raised hand as Taehyung choked out a bout of laughter. He tried to defend himself in a non-violent way when he saw that Taehyung held no fear for him. “W-well, that would be so obvious - and I wouldn’t know what to say,” Hoseok stuttered. “And, besides, if Jimin’s my inside man, he’s yours, too.”
Taehyung’s laughter died and he exhaled loudly, Hoseok turned to look at him as they made their way through the science corridor to their form group and saw that Taehyung’s eyebrows were hunched together. He was thinking. “You know what? Screw it. Something’s got to change, the closest we’ve ever gotten to talking to our crushes is this year when their side of the year mixed with ours. Jimin doesn’t know how lucky he is to be transferred into their side of the year. If that had been us at the start then it would have made everything a lot simpler.”
The only response he received was a non-committal grunt from Hoseok who was only half-listening to Taehyung’s speech. This was probably the thousandth time that the same series of complaints had taken place, but still nothing had shifted. It was like they were both stuck in a stasis and were unwilling to move.
“I’m serious, 'Seok,” Taehyung seemed to sense Hoseok’s thoughts, “I’m determined that something will change this year, but we’ve got to be the one to cause it. Let’s be honest, they don’t even know that we exist, so we’ve got to change this.”
Hoseok nodded in agreement, slowly warming up to Taehyung’s sudden burst of energy. “The only things I know about Yoongi are what Jimin tells me, and that’s barely anything. I know that he plays piano because of that concert back in the first year, but how am I supposed to approach him with that? It’s creepy, and I don’t want him to know - think that he’s got an admirer, or a stalker.”
They had paused outside of the classroom door whilst no one was surrounding them. There was a very visible crease in Taehyung’s forehead whilst he seemed to be brainstorming, and then a veil of calm crossed over his face, his eyes glinted. “I’ve got it! They’ll be at the party, Seokjin’s party! Jimin will probably invite Jeongguk, so that means Namjoon and Yoongi will be there, too. So, that’s where we’ll break the ice!” Taehyung had slapped his hands together a little too enthusiastically and triggered a high-pitched buzzing noise in Hoseok’s ears.
Hoseok chewed his cheek thoughtfully. It wasn’t a bad idea, and they were probably going to end up going anyway. “Why... Why, you’re a genius!” Taehyung laughed at his melodramatic reaction.
“So, we’re going on Saturday, right?” Hoseok nodded in confirmation. “Okay, so that only gives me... three days to get an outfit together.” Taehyung was certainly thinking ahead, Hoseok hadn’t even considered which clothes he would be wearing. He would need to do a thorough check of his wardrobe; he couldn’t even remember most of the clothes he owned.
He must have looked slightly panicked because Taehyung tilted his head. “...Want me to come to yours a few hours before to help you?”
“Yes, please-” Hoseok was cut off by their teacher who had yanked open the door and greeted them with a quirk of her eyebrow.
Apologising profusely, they made their way inside and sat down at their usual table, their friends greeted them but when receiving a half-hearted response they realised that the two wanted some privacy. Taehyung and Hoseok lowered their voices to a whisper.
“Wanna get tipsy before we go to the party?”
“Oh, fuck yes, I’ll bring the alcohol.”
“Thanks. Just don’t bring beer- you threw up last time.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. To be fair, I did drink a lot of it.”
“And whose fault was that? Bring something that doesn’t smell as rank on the breath, I don’t wanna scare Yoongi away.”
“Yes, fine, I’ll bring wine or something, we don’t want to make Yoongers scarper away as if he’s never tasted beer breath before.”
“‘Yoongers’? Please stop.”
“Never! Also, you are gonna ask him out, right?”
“Jeez, one step at a time please, my heart may give out. Are you gonna ask Jeongguk?”
“No - I don’t trust myself. I’ll either open my mouth and vomit on him or ask him to marry me. I’ll stick to being suave.”
“Oh, god, this is not gonna go well,” Hoseok groaned and then was silenced by his teacher coughing at them in a disapproving manner. The unnerved feeling in his stomach did not settle, not even after school and after he had had dinner. It was a bad feeling, a knot of nerves. A premonition, probably. But it didn’t particularly bother Hoseok as he was far too busy focussing on smooth one-liners that he would be sure to use on the object of his affection: untouchable, unobtainable, awkwardly adorable, veins carved from silver beating under the seemingly soft skin of his hands Min Yoongi.
Perhaps, after Saturday, Yoongi may start to acknowledge his existence if he mustered up the courage to talk to him. It was a dim hope, but a hope even so, and that was enough to fuel Hoseok’s enthusiasm.
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orbemnews · 4 years
Frustrations Boil at Tempo of Vaccinations at Lengthy-Time period Care Services In mid-December, a high Trump administration official floated an attractive risk: All nursing dwelling residents in america could possibly be vaccinated in opposition to the coronavirus by Christmas. “It’s actually a outstanding, outstanding prospect,” Alex M. Azar II, the secretary of well being and human companies, declared. It turned out to be a fantasy. A month later, vaccinations of a number of the nation’s most susceptible residents are going extra slowly than many state officers, trade executives and households anticipated. Their hopes had been buoyed when authorities officers stated long-term care services could be on the entrance of the road for vaccines. CVS and Walgreens, that are largely accountable for vaccinating residents and staff in long-term care services, are on monitor to make at the least preliminary vaccination visits to just about all nursing properties they’re working with by Jan. 25. The 2 pharmacy chains have already given out greater than 1.7 million vaccine doses at long-term care services. However the progress is uneven throughout the nation and never practically as complete for various kinds of long-term care. For instance, hundreds of assisted residing services — for older individuals who want much less care than these in nursing properties — don’t but even have an appointment for his or her first go to from the pharmacy groups, largely as a result of states have given such services decrease precedence of their vaccine-distribution plans. “I’ve had services name me, and I’ve had individuals cry, I’ve had individuals curse, as a result of this was the primary signal of hope that they’ve had in lots of, many months,” stated Betsy Johnson, who leads a bunch that represents Kentucky’s nursing properties and assisted residing services. “It’s simply human nature to suppose, ‘OK, however I used to be presupposed to be first — and I don’t even know when my clinic goes to occur,’” Ms. Johnson stated. In Pennsylvania, groups from CVS or Walgreens are usually not scheduled to go to some nursing properties till February, and the overwhelming majority of the state’s assisted residing services haven’t but been scheduled for a primary go to, stated Zach Shamberg, president of the Pennsylvania Well being Care Affiliation. “There’s a substantial amount of frustration, there’s a substantial amount of apprehension, as to when or if this vaccine will come,” Mr. Shamberg stated. The tempo of the vaccination program has taken on larger urgency because the quickly spreading virus continues to decimate nursing properties and comparable services. The virus’s surge since November has killed about 30,000 long-term care employees and residents, elevating the overall of virus-related deaths in these services to at the least 136,000, in response to a New York Instances tracker. For the reason that pandemic started, long-term care services have accounted for simply 5 p.c of coronavirus circumstances however 36 p.c of virus-related deaths. Even because the vaccination marketing campaign accelerates, the struggling is unlikely to wane. The approaching months could possibly be “the deadliest of the pandemic” for individuals residing and dealing in long-term care, in response to an evaluation launched on Thursday by the Kaiser Household Basis. The Trump administration introduced in October that it had teamed up with CVS and Walgreens to steer a federal effort to vaccinate residents and staff at long-term care services, among the many first eligible teams. On Friday, CVS stated it had given out simply over a million doses in additional than 12,000 preliminary visits to long-term care services. Almost 8,000 visits are scheduled for the approaching week. Walgreens stated it had given out practically 750,000 doses in practically 9,000 visits to services, largely nursing properties. The variety of visits that Walgreens has scheduled with assisted residing services “continues to speed up,” an organization spokeswoman, Rebekah Pajak, stated. The vaccinations by CVS and Walgreens have been at all times anticipated to take a number of months due to the necessity to go to tens of hundreds of services thrice. The primary two visits are for many residents and employees to get the 2 doses of the vaccine, with the third go to as a backup for individuals who missed the primary clinic. Covid-19 Vaccines › Solutions to Your Vaccine Questions If I reside within the U.S., when can I get the vaccine? Whereas the precise order of vaccine recipients might fluctuate by state, most will seemingly put medical staff and residents of long-term care services first. If you wish to perceive how this choice is getting made, this text will assist. When can I return to regular life after being vaccinated? Life will return to regular solely when society as a complete beneficial properties sufficient safety in opposition to the coronavirus. As soon as international locations authorize a vaccine, they’ll solely be capable to vaccinate a number of p.c of their residents at most within the first couple months. The unvaccinated majority will nonetheless stay susceptible to getting contaminated. A rising variety of coronavirus vaccines are displaying strong safety in opposition to turning into sick. But it surely’s additionally doable for individuals to unfold the virus with out even understanding they’re contaminated as a result of they expertise solely delicate signs or none in any respect. Scientists don’t but know if the vaccines additionally block the transmission of the coronavirus. So in the interim, even vaccinated individuals might want to put on masks, keep away from indoor crowds, and so forth. As soon as sufficient individuals get vaccinated, it is going to grow to be very tough for the coronavirus to seek out susceptible individuals to contaminate. Relying on how rapidly we as a society obtain that purpose, life would possibly begin approaching one thing like regular by the autumn 2021. If I’ve been vaccinated, do I nonetheless have to put on a masks? Sure, however not ceaselessly. The 2 vaccines that can probably get licensed this month clearly shield individuals from getting sick with Covid-19. However the medical trials that delivered these outcomes weren’t designed to find out whether or not vaccinated individuals may nonetheless unfold the coronavirus with out growing signs. That continues to be a risk. We all know that people who find themselves naturally contaminated by the coronavirus can unfold it whereas they’re not experiencing any cough or different signs. Researchers might be intensely finding out this query because the vaccines roll out. Within the meantime, even vaccinated individuals might want to consider themselves as doable spreaders. Will it harm? What are the negative effects? The Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine is delivered as a shot within the arm, like different typical vaccines. The injection gained’t be any completely different from ones you’ve gotten earlier than. Tens of hundreds of individuals have already obtained the vaccines, and none of them have reported any severe well being issues. However a few of them have felt short-lived discomfort, together with aches and flu-like signs that sometimes final a day. It’s doable that folks might have to plan to take a time without work work or college after the second shot. Whereas these experiences aren’t nice, they’re signal: they’re the results of your personal immune system encountering the vaccine and mounting a potent response that can present long-lasting immunity. Will mRNA vaccines change my genes? No. The vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer use a genetic molecule to prime the immune system. That molecule, often called mRNA, is finally destroyed by the physique. The mRNA is packaged in an oily bubble that may fuse to a cell, permitting the molecule to slide in. The cell makes use of the mRNA to make proteins from the coronavirus, which may stimulate the immune system. At any second, every of our cells might include a whole lot of hundreds of mRNA molecules, which they produce to be able to make proteins of their very own. As soon as these proteins are made, our cells then shred the mRNA with particular enzymes. The mRNA molecules our cells make can solely survive a matter of minutes. The mRNA in vaccines is engineered to resist the cell’s enzymes a bit longer, in order that the cells could make further virus proteins and immediate a stronger immune response. However the mRNA can solely final for a number of days at most earlier than they’re destroyed. The concept that all nursing dwelling residents may get their first doses by Christmas was not a sensible prospect even when Mr. Azar, the well being secretary, floated it 12 days earlier than the vacation. By that time, some states had informed the Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention that they’d not activate the federal program to vaccinate their nursing properties till Dec. 28. The logistics would have been difficult even when states had put a precedence on getting their first doses to nursing properties. Michael Pratt, a spokesman for the Well being and Human Companies Division, stated Mr. Azar had been talking solely aspirationally about what states have been able to doing, since they’d sufficient vaccine doses to cowl all nursing dwelling residents by Christmas. However that might have required that states place much less of a precedence on vaccinating high-risk teams like heath care staff. T.J. Crawford, a spokesman for CVS, stated the chain was making first visits to all services inside 4 weeks of every state’s activating its vaccination program for nursing properties or assisted residing services. “This isn’t a drive-through or stadium vaccination effort,” Mr. Crawford stated. “We’re visiting greater than 40,000 services with a median of lower than 100 residents, in some circumstances going room to room.” He stated CVS was “on monitor and delivering on objectives established and communicated early within the course of.” However a rising variety of governors and state well being officers have voiced frustration with CVS’s and Walgreens’ pace. In Mississippi, some long-term services gained’t get their first go to till Feb. 11, the state well being officer, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, stated this month. “We’re clearly upset with the progress within the long-term care program,” he stated. Some states and cities are exploring methods to hasten the inoculations. Seattle is utilizing its Fireplace Division to vaccinate practically 1,000 residents and employees at grownup household properties, a kind of long-term care, by the top of January. Florida employed an emergency companies firm, CDR Maguire, to offer out doses at 1,900 assisted residing services that had not been scheduled for visits by CVS and Walgreens groups earlier than Jan. 24. In Michigan, officers have requested the federal authorities to allow them to work with different pharmacies, such because the grocery store chains Meijer and Kroger, to hurry up the vaccination effort in long-term care services, stated Bobby Leddy, a spokesman for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. West Virginia is the one state that’s not utilizing CVS and Walgreens. Relying totally on native impartial pharmacies, the state stated on Dec. 30 that it had wrapped up the primary spherical at its 214 long-term care services. Among the initially feared issues that would decelerate the vaccine rollout in nursing properties haven’t emerged as severe obstacles, at the least to this point, in response to facility operators and trade researchers. Regardless of widespread worries that the vaccines’ negative effects — which may embrace fevers, chills and fatigue — would trigger employees to overlook work and residents to wish extra care, that has not occurred to any important diploma. And whereas there was early confusion about how nursing properties ought to get consent from residents or their households, that course of has largely gone easily. However different issues are slowing the marketing campaign. A major variety of long-term care staff have balked at receiving the vaccine. The virus’s unfold can be delaying the method. Folks shouldn’t be vaccinated whereas they nonetheless have Covid-19 signs or are isolating, in response to the C.D.C. Outbreaks and circumstances of Covid-19 in some long-term care communities have led Walgreens to delay scheduling preliminary visits or to reschedule them, stated Rick Gates, an government main the corporate’s long-term care vaccinations. CVS has encountered the identical problem, although it has not been widespread. The corporate has left the choice about whether or not to proceed with visits in such circumstances to native clinic group leaders and officers on the services, Mr. Crawford stated. One other issue is that some states didn’t rapidly activate their packages to vaccinate individuals at assisted residing services and comparable communities. In some circumstances, they waited till weeks after they started vaccinations at nursing properties. However many long-term care services embrace each nursing properties and assisted residing. In these circumstances, pharmacy groups have been in a position to vaccinate solely a subset of residents. In Prairie du Chien, Wis., for instance, a group from Walgreens on Thursday made its first go to to the native nursing dwelling, Prairie Maison, to inject practically all of its roughly 50 residents with the Moderna vaccine. However Prairie Maison is a component of a bigger senior group, which incorporates about 50 assisted residing residents. As a result of Wisconsin did not activate its vaccination program for assisted residing till Friday, these residents weren’t provided the vaccine — although they’re in the identical constructing because the nursing dwelling residents. “Vaccinating one group and never the opposite doesn’t make a variety of sense,” stated Dr. Mark Grunwald, the chairman of Prairie Maison’s board. Abby Goodnough contributed reporting. Supply hyperlink #Boil #care #facilities #Frustrations #longterm #pace #vaccinations
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messier2102 · 5 years
If I haven’t already wrote this before or announced it yet, then I’ll first like to start this post by announcing that I’ll be heading back to Singapore some time next month for about 2.5 weeks. The (return) flight ticket has already been booked for just a mere £500 (it was ~£900-£1100 when I checked last November/December!), but I have to deal with a 7 hours transit at Doha airport. But that’s fine, because I’ll have my laptop with me and I’ll be busy using the (overall) 40 hours to-and-from journey to write my dissertation report, which is also the topic of this post. Efficient time management much?
The weather is starting to become cooler this week, but I don’t think it’ll start to actually turn cold until mid-August, or early September. I’ll still be coming back here for a couple of months to carry on with my job hunt – so far, I’ve sent out my CVs to various parts of the world – like Denmark, Japan, Germany and even in Thailand.  The process to get a working visa is hard, but I’m somewhat confident that with my newfound technical skills and expertise, I should be able to get what I want.
Weekly spending:
14th Jul Sun Groceries: £5 Total spending: £2538.85
15th Jul Mon Total spending: £2538.85
16th Jul Tue Groceries: £12 Total spending: £2550.85
17th Jul Wed Total spending: £2550.85
18th Jul Thu Lunch: £4.70 Dinner: £10.40 Total spending: £2565.95
19th Jul Fri Groceries: £6 Total spending: £2571.95
20th Jul Sat Dinner: £9 Total spending: £2580.95
I actually wanted to write a short introduction about Neural Networks (which is highly related to my dissertation project), but at the moment, I don’t understand it enough to write much about it. In fact, I don’t even think I’m qualified to write about it at the moment, and I’m not sure how long it’ll take for me to understand it to a “passable” level.
Anyway, the main task of my dissertation project – and what I was working on for the past month and the coming 1.5 months – is to implement an algorithm that can detect and draw bounding boxes around all the insects in a given image. The insects in these images can be sparsely distributed or densely packed together. For the former, it’s not too hard to detect with the right parameters and pre-processing – but of course it’s not so simple either, like just using template matching. For the latter, I totally have no idea how to approach the problem.
To give a better idea, for the image below, it’s easy for me to make the computer detect the exact location of where the insects are because it’s so obvious. A simple find edges and contours algorithm will get me an accuracy of >50%, with a few false positives here and there on the wooden frame, and on the labels. Just last week, I finally found a way to measure the accuracy of the algorithm. Now, the challenge for me is to pump it up by 90% by finding the right hyperparameters (I hope I’m using the term correctly here).
Of course, I wish that my dissertation were that easy. The same algorithm that works on the above image will not work on the images below. The caveat is that I’m only allowed to use automatic methods only – that means that it’s not like I can just make a GUI to get the results that I want. So far, I’ve just started having all my packages and I’ve got a few algorithms on my list to try. Implementing them, however, is another problem.
Either way, I’m sorry that I cannot even provide a simple explanation of how Neural Networks work at the moment, but I can give a very brief overview on the image classification/Computer Vision process. This is by no means a detailed explanation of the overall process, but rather, what I understand from the process off the top of my head. Computer Vision is a really vast topic and there are so many things that you can explore at every step of the way. Hell, I can even spend 3 months on a research topic about the best pre-processing methods and write a 30-50 page report about that.
Pre-processing In any image analysis/computer vision project, the first step is to pre-process the image. There are a lot of things that you should do to an image first – like resizing it (simply because a 256×256 image will process much faster than a 3200×3200 image), removing the noise (usually, this means smoothing the image using some kind of blurring filter), and segmentation (the simplest being thresholding, to create a ‘mask’).
Typically, this step isn’t very hard. You don’t even need to apply any coding at this stage – even using Adobe photoshop or Microsoft Paint to crop the image or re-colorize some parts is already considered ‘pre-processing’. I tend to use ImageJ to try different filters on the image first to check the result, and then deploy the code on Python to get the same results. 
Algorithms This part is the reason why I’m posting this so late – it takes FOREVER to train the CNN model, but I think it’s important to include this since it’s the whole point of this post.  By far, the gold standard for any image classification/detection problem is the use of Neural Networks, which I’m trying to implement on my project (and I’m pleased to say that after many months of getting stuck in the installation process, I finally got TensorFlow and Keras up on Python. You see, I’ve been using Python 3.7 all these while and it’s not compatible with those packages for some reason. Then, I downloaded Python 3.5, and while I could make TensorFlow run, I had some problems with OpenCV. I was stranded there until just yesterday where I downloaded Python 3.6 and shifted all my packages and lo-and-behold, it works!).
If you’ve been following the news recently, there’s this “FaceApp” application that’s been going around that makes your face look older than you currently are. The magic behind it is something called “Generative Adversarial Networks” (GAN), which are a type of neural network. Of course, I’m not using GAN in my project, so there’s no need for me to find out more about it yet. Anyway, the key thing here is that Neural Networks are like, the hottest thing in data science right now. In the last 5 years or so, almost every image classification problem will first approach the problem using some form of neural network algorithm, and the results are very promising – with about an 85-95% accuracy.
Anyway, I copy-pasted a code from the TensorFlow tutorial website and trained it on a built-in sample dataset. The training took ~5 minutes (may be faster if I just ran it from the console) and the result is…wrong. It classified the image as a Coat with 100% probability, when it actually is an Ankle Boot. If you are interested to go through the whole process yourself, you are welcomed to try your luck at https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/keras/basic_classification.
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BUT, as my professor told me, the problem with these deep learning techniques are that the “hard part” – the intermediate step of actually processing and applying the algorithm to the image – are already done for you by the experts. These days, you just need to install the packages, feed the correct input to the pre-written algorithm, train the model (which is automatic), and finally get the output. Then you just check if the output is correct or not and get some sort of a truth table. Unfortunately, for a graded project, it’s hard to give good marks for this because you are not actually “thinking” or coming up with your own solutions, but just piggy-backing on the works of others. There’s no merit to give for just downloading images and packages!
Computer Vision is something that I’m really interested in, but unfortunately, I did not have the chance to take up a module on this in my undergraduate or postgraduate education – other than a small, small part in my Biomedical Imaging module about simple thresholding. Everything that I have learned about this topic is purely from online sources, A LOT OF TRIAL AND ERROR, and a bit of luck (but I’ve been very lucky with my results so far). On the other hand, seeing that I didn’t do too well for my signals and controls modules, the nitty-gritty details in Computer Vision might just be too maths-intensive for me to comprehend.
Last but not least, although I’m still stuck at Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course on Coursera, I think I managed to learn some similar content in my Database Systems module, which takes a more theoratical approach, rather than focusing on the mathematical details. I highly recommend anyone who has a month or so to enrol in this course because it’s perfect for absolute beginners – you just need the basic discipline and time to get through it, especially so if you are bad at maths.
Results Finally, the last part of any image classification problem is obtaining the results of the classifier – that is, how well or not well did the algorithm perform. At first, I thought it was something so simple like just getting a truth table by counting the number of algorithm-generated matches and comparing if it matches with the ground truth rectangles, but it was more complicated than I assumed that it took me 2 weeks to figure it out!
Even at this step, there is no one fixed way to get the accuracy of the algorithm – and this all depends on the images that you are dealing with, like how many samples are there in an image? Say you have a dataset of 50 cat images and 50 dog images – each image contains either only 1 cat or 1 dog.
You have an algorithm that determines if a cat is present in the image. You apply your algorithm and you will have a list of cat images that are correctly identified as cat (true positive), cat images that are incorrectly identified as not cat (false negative), not cat incorrectly identified as cat (false positive) and not cat correctly identified as not cat (true negative). Okay, this is still a little confusing to me, even if I have been dealing with a question like this for every year since polytechnic, but I think I got it correctly (pardon me if I made a mistake – how shameful!). Anyway, you sum up all these numbers and you get some sort of a final value from 0 to 1 that tells you how good your model is – in the best case scenario, all of your 50 cat images are correctly determined as cat images, and all of your 50 dog images are correctly determined as not cat images. TP = 50, FP = 0, TN = 50, FN = 0.
You can just find the accuracy using the simple formula of TP + TN / (TP + FP + TN + FN), which you will get 1.
In my case, it’s not so simple because I have many different kinds of boxes in one image – how do I calculate the accuracy of my algorithm? 
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The quick answer is that I used something called the “Jaccard Index” to get the overlapping areas, and from there, get the number of True Positives, False Positives and False Negatives (True Negatives are not taken into account because there is simply no way to get them, unless perhaps you count it at a pixel-level). Then, I find the Precision and Recall for the algorithm and finally calculate the F1 score, which is the measure of how “good” my algorithm is.
I’m going to stop here because I really didn’t think that I’ll be writing about something so technical, and besides, I have better use for my time anyway, like ACTUALLY working on my project instead of writing a blog post about it. On the side, I’m also watching 1 or 2 lessons on YouTube every day about Neural Networks, and I highly recommend this as an advance course after taking Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course.
Signing off, Eugene Goh
1 YEAR IN CARDIFF – WEEK 43 – PROJECT If I haven't already wrote this before or announced it yet, then I'll first like to start this post by announcing that I'll be heading back to Singapore some time next month for about 2.5 weeks.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
What will Jamal Crawford’s role look like?
The Phoenix Suns cleared out a couple of younger gamers to make room to signal Jamal Crawford. What is going to the 18-year veteran’s position be on this younger workforce?
After normal supervisor Ryan McDonough was fired 9 days earlier than the brand new season and interim GM James Jones took over, many Phoenix Suns followers feared a rushed commerce for a degree guard was inbound.
McDonough was hardly undeserving of the axe and the 1-spot was definitely a obtrusive want, however with proprietor Robert Sarver taking cost of the franchise once more, it was solely pure to imagine Phoenix was about to overpay for a stopgap level guard.
As an alternative, the Suns’ first transfer below new management was to make three roster cuts with the intention to signal 18-year veteran Jamal Crawford to a contract well worth the minimal ($2.four million). A 3-time Sixth Man of the Yr winner, Crawford was hardly a transfer many individuals noticed coming, however it’s additionally one that might pay sudden dividends for this younger group.
“I really feel re-energized to be sincere with you,” he mentioned. “I identical to what the group is doing. I just like the strikes they’re making, I really like the younger gamers, I really like the vets they introduced in, so I’m excited.”
Excluding the primary two years of his profession, Crawford has by no means dipped under 10 factors per recreation in a season. Even at 38 years outdated, he’s nonetheless among the many league’s greatest in his means to create in isolation, averaging 10.Three factors in 20.7 minutes per recreation final 12 months with the Minnesota Timberwolves.
“It’s no secret, we all know in spite of everything these years of him being within the league what he’s able to doing and what his job description is,” head coach Igor Kokoskov mentioned. “We want a wildcard, instantaneous offense, someone who can rating for us and improve our expertise.”
The plain questions reside along with his protection and dwindling scoring output over the previous few years. Crawford is acutely aware of his shortcomings on the defensive finish, however his numbers tailing off additionally pertains to the diminishing roles he’s obtained.
“It’s humorous as a result of persons are like, ‘Oh his scoring went down the previous few years,’” Crawford mentioned. “However for those who look subsequent to that, so have my shot makes an attempt and minutes, so all of them correlate. I nonetheless have a number of fuel left.”
A have a look at his per 36 minutes numbers exhibits Crawford’s scoring over the previous few years has remained constant along with his profession numbers. The larger downside is he’s solely shot higher than 43 % from the sphere as soon as within the final eight years.
Then once more, if he can increase his Three-point share from the 33.1 % mark from was final 12 months and again into the 34-36 % vary it was on the two years prior, he may very well be a helpful reserve in spot minutes for Kokoskov’s offense.
“I believe [the fit] shall be nice,” Crawford mentioned. “I do know that’s so cliché and everyone says that earlier than the primary recreation, however I actually suppose it’ll match effectively. Clearly, figuring out his philosophies, I’ve been finding out tape. I don’t have each play down — he has a number of ‘em — however the performs that I’ve been in a position to get an opportunity to have a look at, I believe I match effectively.”
Even within the worst-case situation the place Crawford is unable to contribute significant minutes, he’s a revered and skilled veteran on this league — a task he’s embraced since his fourth or fifth 12 months within the league, when Trevor Ariza was “his rookie” with the New York Knicks.
Alongside guys like Ariza, Ryan Anderson and Tyson Chandler, the reigning Twyman-Stokes Teammate of the Yr winner provides the Suns one more optimistic locker room affect. On the court docket or off the court docket, that’s vital for a workforce attempting to take the following step ahead.
It may even be price simply as a lot because the youth the Suns needed to half with to filter out an obtainable roster spot, which was the largest level of criticism for the transfer.
With the roster standing at 17 gamers (plus George King on a two-way contract), the Suns wanted to chop three gamers with the intention to make room for Crawford. They began with Darrell Arthur, who arrived in Phoenix through the Jared Dudley commerce and was initially anticipated to be purchased out.
Final 12 months’s G League call-up, Shaquille Harrison, was one other sufferer. Lastly, after failing to land a trade for Davon Reed, the Suns merely waived him.
None of those losses was massive in and of itself, nonetheless. Arthur had no future in Phoenix. Harrison was a defensive pit bull, however his lack of a refined offensive recreation meant he was greatest deployed to hound opposing guards for about 10-15 minutes an evening.
Reed was probably the most notable casualty, particularly after the Suns handed up on guys like Jordan Bell, Semi Ojeleye and Dillon Brooks at decide No. 32 within the 2017 NBA Draft for a man who in all probability would’ve been there when Phoenix was again on the board at No. 54. (This isn’t a kind of “hindsight’s 20-20” draft judgments both; the choice was baffling at the time, and appears even worse now.)
Reed is simply 23 years outdated, appeared good in NBA Summer time League and theoretically supplied the Three-and-D skill-set the Suns crave. Damage rendered his rookie season nearly meaningless, so one may make the argument they gave up on a younger participant too quickly after by no means actually giving him a good shake within the first place.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that Suns followers are used to watching younger prospects depart Phoenix and thrive elsewhere, signing Crawford and waiving Reed — who will join the Indiana Pacers on a two-way contract — isn’t some catastrophic resolution. The roster is already full of wings who would’ve restricted Reed’s minutes anyway.
Crawford, however, fills tangible wants and may very well be an excellent match for the Suns’ motion-heavy offense if the ball doesn’t stick in his fingers. Having an additional bucket-getter each time Devin Booker or Deandre Ayton is off the ground may very well be good when units break down. He may very well be a failsafe for an offense that made Trevor Ariza, T.J. Warren and Josh Jackson seem like All-Stars in recreation one.
It’s unlikely Isaiah Canaan will play 34 minutes an evening as he did within the season opener, so though discovering minutes for Mikal Bridges must be a precedence, there are nonetheless some minutes to go round within the backcourt.
Anybody involved about Phoenix attempting to cram a capturing guard into the place to begin guard job can relaxation straightforward too. Kokoskov mentioned Crawford will come off the bench as soon as he’s able to play, and although he’ll deal with the ball and playmake for Phoenix, he received’t be guarding 1s.
Because the Suns confirmed of their good season opener, everyone seems to be a playmaker on this offense. There’s purpose to hope he’ll correctly combine into a really subtle offense, and if he doesn’t, Kokoskov isn’t the sort to feed individuals minutes simply to keep away from hurting emotions.
“Coach simply desires me to be who I’ve been my complete profession,” Crawford mentioned. “For me, no matter position he sees match. Clearly, I’ll attempt to assist different gamers develop, however I really feel like I can nonetheless assist as effectively. Nevertheless he sees the match, utilizing me, I’m on board.”
So when can Suns followers count on him to be energetic? Kokoskov mentioned Crawford shall be spending the couple of days earlier than Phoenix’s Saturday highway recreation in opposition to the Denver Nuggets familiarizing himself with the workforce’s performs and terminology.
Based on Arizona Sports‘ Kellan Olson, Crawford will costume for that recreation — no shock for a man who’s solely missed 5 video games during the last three years and hadn’t missed a season opener since his second 12 months within the league when he entered the 2001-02 marketing campaign coping with an ACL damage.
“Any baller desires to play, that’s for positive, any hooper,” Crawford mentioned. “I’d like to be on the market, I need to be on the market with the fellows, however I perceive that coach has a imaginative and prescient so far as studying performs and getting follow in and I completely get it. It’s a marathon.”
Subsequent: 2018-19 NBA season previews, predictions and extra
Jamal Crawford will not be the signing Phoenix Suns followers had been anticipating and he doesn’t fill the obtrusive want at level guard, however even when his contributions on the court docket are restricted, on the very least he’ll have the ability to present worthwhile data and camaraderie within the locker room for this younger and impressionable group.
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/what-will-jamal-crawfords-role-look-like/
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
Fewer Girls Than Males Requested For Raises Throughout COVID-19, Particularly in Advertising [New Research]
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/fewer-women-than-men-asked-for-raises-during-covid-19-especially-in-marketing-new-research/
Fewer Girls Than Males Requested For Raises Throughout COVID-19, Particularly in Advertising [New Research]
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Asking for a increase or promotion may be scary, particularly when your organization goes via shifts associated to world occasions.
In early 2021, Fishbowl performed a survey that shed some mild on the gender wage hole, which continued if not grew in 2020.
The survey of almost 17,000 professionals revealed that 63% of respondents have averted asking for a increase following “changes related to the pandemic.”
When splitting the whopping variety of respondents by gender, 42.four% of them have been ladies, whereas simply 31.79% have been males.
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When diving into the industries that noticed the least increase or promotion requests, marketing was on the high of the listing. About 54.5% of marketing professionals didn’t ask for a increase or promotion within the final 12 months as a result of pandemic.
Whereas some is perhaps shocked by this information, many aren’t. In spite of everything, marketing departments have been recognized to get the least funds, smaller headcounts, and fewer general investments.
In the meantime, ladies have been seen to barter much less and apply for lower-level roles than males with the identical expertise. In a current LinkedIn post, Femme Pallette CEO Lucy Nuemanova shed extra mild on why ladies usually do not negotiate as typically as males.
“Many women avoid having these conversations because they don’t want to be perceived as ungrateful, or greedy, or needy by management, and therefore many times women tend to wait to be rewarded,” Nuemanova defined.
For those who’re a lady within the marketing world — or any trade for that matter, this information and perception from different feminine professionals might need you questioning, “When is it appropriate to ask for a raise or promotion?”
Under, I’ve listed a number of instances folks generally ask for or think about asking for a increase or promotion.
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When You Ought to Ask for a Elevate or Promotion
1. When the scope of your function grows or shifts.
Within the early days of holding a task, your work may carefully mirror the duties listed on the job posting you utilized to. However, as you acquire credibility and visibility at your organization, you may additionally acquire extra duties that tremendously broaden in your authentic day-to-day function.
“Many individuals are carrying extra hats now and having to study new expertise. All of those are legitimate grounds for asking for a increase and may type the idea of your argument while you make your pitch,” profession advisor Gaurav Sharma stated in a recent interview.
For instance, whereas being requested to report in your marketing initiatives is perhaps a pure development of your function and never worthy of asking for a increase, taking over direct stories when your authentic function did not contain administration, or being requested to run a brand new, time-consuming marketing initiative in your firm might signify a big shift in your duties and work-life that deserves a change in title or compensation.
2. If you spend much more time at work than anticipated.
As you acquire extra duties or expectations, you may end up working longer hours or getting requested to do extra time-consuming issues — like common enterprise journeys. If this was not a part of your preliminary function or was not defined to you while you accepted a task that concerned these necessities, it is perhaps value contemplating a increase or promotion request.
three. If you full an expensive course or diploma that can profit your organization.
Normally, a course or certification prices time and money. However, generally, employers cowl the associated fee understanding that your rising expertise will profit them in the long run. If your organization would not compensate for training in any means, however you get a further diploma that reinforces your skill to work, it’s best to think about asking for a increase.
Nevertheless, when you count on to obtain a increase after ending a level or taking a course Abby Kohu, an writer and HR skilled, says it’s best to achieve this forward of receiving the diploma or certificates
“Ideally, you should ask about the raise before you get the degree to set the expectations,” stated Kohut stated in an interview with Bryant & Stratton College. “The best time to hold the conversation is during the normal performance review cycle. Begin the conversation by discussing your work performance and accomplishments on the job. Then, explain how the degree has given you the additional information that will help you produce even more.”
four. If you persistently hit your entire objectives.
Sooner or later in your function, you may discover that the whole lot comes naturally to you. You hardly ever run into challenges or suggestions and are not precisely positive stage up additional with the work you are already doing nicely. Due to this, you may begin feeling bored or too complacent in your function.
If you’re repeatedly crushing your objectives or receiving nice efficiency opinions, it is a good signal you are able to tackle new challenges or extra duties with a increase or promotion hooked up.
5. If you have not acquired a wage improve shortly.
Whilst you may not need to ask for a increase throughout the first few months, and even the primary 12 months, of your function, it is vital to trace the time you have been working with no improve in wages. Even when you have not dramatically modified the scope of your function, you continue to might justify requesting a increase you probably have a stable historical past of excellent efficiency however have not acquired a wage enhance but.
Even when you suppose your organization will know to robotically offer you a increase or promotion finally, it is value inquiring about if you have not had a wage improve just lately or ever.
In a current LinkedIn publish, profession coach and entrepreneur Jasmine Escalara wrote, “If you aren’t telling your boss, supervisor, or anyone what you want, what makes you think they will give it to you?”
“If you are looking for a step-up, promotion, or pay raise, then you have to SPEAK-UP, or else it will never happen,” Escalera suggested.
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6. When the price of residing will increase.
Whereas many corporations will give annual raises or supply salaries that construct within the estimated price of residing will increase, preserve how a lot it prices to stay in your space in thoughts in case your employer doesn’t use this technique. For those who’re working full-time, you all the time need to ensure your organization is paying you sufficient to afford respectable hire costs, meals, utilities, and different requirements.
Is There a Greatest Time to Ask for a Elevate?
For those who determine with a number of of the gadgets on the listing above, it is perhaps time to start out serious about a promotion or increase. However, when you ought to focus on the increase you deserve together with your supervisor finally, there are specific instances that might improve your probabilities of really getting a pay improve.
Many corporations handle their budgets, headcount, and raise-related budgets at particular instances of the 12 months. So, some profession websites, like Certainly, counsel:
Just before a new year when corporations are planning their funds and headcount.
Throughout the summer season when some corporations do bi-annual planning.
After your organization releases good quarterly or monthly earnings, visitors, or purpose accomplishments.
Simply after a optimistic efficiency assessment or one other main accomplishment.
Inversely, there are also poor instances to ask for a increase, equivalent to after a foul earnings report, iffy efficiency assessment, or one other time the place your supervisor or boss may not be in the very best temper. As you intend to have this dialog with administration, pay attention to instances the place they will be extra empathetic and conscious of your request relatively than pissed off or aggravated by it.
For those who’re very unclear of when to ask for a increase or promotion at your organization particularly, profession advisor Todd Henry suggests taking note of your workplace’s monetary or promotion “rhythms” and making your request throughout instances of the 12 months while you hear about essentially the most promotions.
For those who’re excelling in your function and really feel you want a increase or promotion within the subsequent 12 months to remain at your organization, you should not let the pandemic completely maintain you again from having a clear, however pleasant dialogue together with your boss concerning the profession or wage development you want to realize quickly.
Having the Wage Dialogue
it is vital to do not forget that managers count on to have a wage dialog with workers finally. Actually, many companies separately budget annual funds only for raises and promotions. So, asking to fulfill together with your boss about your wage or future should not come as a serious shock to them, particularly when you’re doing nicely in your function.
Moreover, you probably have an excellent supervisor, they will seemingly reply to profession development conversations in a respectful, considerate, and clear means by explaining why you’ll be able to or cannot get a wage improve and what you may must do to get there.
“No matter how well-timed your ask is and how deserving you are, there are any number of reasons your manager might reject your request for a raise — and some of them might have nothing to do with you or your performance,” writes Henry.
“One of the best response to being turned down is: “What will it take for me to earn a pay raise?” Henry explains. “Know what the expectations are, in order that the subsequent time you ask, you’re backed by information that aligns together with your supervisor’s threshold for a increase.”
Finally, while you begin the wage dialog together with your supervisor, they will study you are searching for upward movement, perceive your skilled development wants, and can know what they should do to retain you as a proficient worker. Equally, if your organization cannot offer you a promotion or increase proper while you ask, you may know why, what it is advisable do to get to the subsequent stage, and if your organization would be the proper place for attaining long-term profession objectives.
Need to get extra suggestions for fulfillment in your marketing function? Obtain the useful resource under.
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airoasis · 5 years
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/power-foods-for-the-brain-neal-barnard-tedxbismarck/
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ thanks for becoming a member of me. On February, eight, 2012, my father handed away. In actual fact that was once the day his heart stopped beating. For all intents and purposes, my father had died years previous. It began with reminiscence lapses, and as time went on, his memory failed more and more, and it acquired to the factor the place he failed to be aware of his own kids who got here in to peer him. His character converted, and his ability to maintain himself was completely long past. And… If you happen to might make a list of all the matters that would ever occur to you, the very final thing in your list, at the very bottom of the list, the item you wish to have the least is Alzheimer’s disease, considering the fact that whilst you lose your memory, you lose the whole lot.You lose everybody who ever mattered to you. In the event you might appear into the mind of a individual who has this ailment, what you see is, between the brain cells are these uncommon watching buildings. Beta-amyloid protein comes out of the cells, and it accumulates in these little meatball-like constructions which can be in entrance of you, on a microscopic slide. They shouldn’t be there, and they’re an indicator of Alzheimer’s disorder. This sickness affects about half of of americans by means of their mid 80s.You could say to your health care professional, "adequate, I do not need that. What am i able to do to discontinue that?" Your medical professional will say, "well, its historic age and it is genetics." there’s a gene – it’s known as the APOE-four allele. You probably have this gene from one parent, your danger is tripled; in case you obtained it from both dad and mom, your danger is 10 to fifteen instances better than it was earlier than. What is the answer? Get new mother and father? No, i do not suppose so. That’s now not it. So, i’m sorry: it’s historic age, it’s genes, interval, that is it; there’s now not a darn thing you can do just look forward to it to happen.Or possibly no longer. In Chicago, researchers began whatever referred to as the Chicago well being and getting old task. What they did used to be they checked out what people in Chicago were eating. They did very careful dietary documents in hundreds and 1000’s of humans, and then they began to look who, because the years go with the aid of, stayed mentally clear, and who developed dementia. The first thing they keyed in on was anything that I knew about as a child developing up in Fargo, North Dakota – My mom had 5 kids, we might run all the way down to the kitchen to the smell of Beaverbrook. My mom would take a fork, and she or he’d stick it into the frying pan and pull the scorching 1st Baron Beaverbrook strips out and put them on a paper towel to chill down, and when all the publisher 1st baron verulam was once out of the pan, she would cautiously carry up that scorching pan and pour the grease right into a jar to save it – that’s just right Viscount St. Albans grease, you do not want to lose that! My mother would take that jar, and he or she would put it not within the fridge but she’d put it on the shelf, given that my mother knew that as 1st baron beaverbrook grease cools down, what happens to it? It solidifies.And the truth that it can be strong at room temperature is a signal that Baron Verulam grease is loaded with saturated fats, bad fat. We have now identified for a long time that that raises cholesterol, and there’s a number of in 1st Baron Verulam grease. And by the way, the next day to come, she’d spoon it back into the frying pan and fry eggs in it; it’s powerful any of her youngsters lived to maturity. That is the way we lived. The quantity one supply of saturated fat is in reality no longer 1st Baron Beaverbrook, it’s dairy products, cheese, and milk, etc; and meat is quantity two. In Chicago, some individuals ate moderately little saturated fats, round thirteen grams a day, and others ate about twice that much, and the researchers just looked at who developed Alzheimer’s sickness. And am i able to show you the figures? Here is the low group, and there’s the high crew.In different phrases, if you’re fending off the dangerous fat, your danger was once beautiful low, but if you happen to have been tucking into the cheese and the Francis Bacon strips, your hazard used to be two, three, or extra-fold bigger, Then they looked not simply at saturated fats, they appeared on the fat that is in doughnuts and pastries; you understand what that is, that is trans fat you’ll be able to see on the labels. They determined the very identical sample in there, too. So, the persons who tended to prevent the saturated fat and the trans fats, wanted to preclude them for ldl cholesterol and heart sickness causes, however in addition they look to have an impact on the mind. Then researchers in Finland mentioned, "Wait a minute, let’s go additional." there is a situation we name mild cognitive impairment. You are nonetheless yourself – you are managing your checkbook, you’re riding, your pals know it’s you – however you are having intellectual lapses, peculiarly for names and for words. They brought in over 1,000 adults, they were 50 years ancient, and so they checked out their diets. Then, as time went on, they looked to peer who developed slight cognitive impairment.Some of these men and women ate slightly little fats, some folks ate a reasonable quantity, after which they checked out whose memory began to fail. They found exactly the identical sample. In different phrases, it can be not simply, "Will I get Alzheimer’s sickness?" but, "Will I simply have historic age memory problems?" good, what about that gene, that APOE-four allele the person who condemns you to Alzheimer’s disease? Good, they then redid the study, and so they centered simplest on those folks, and a few of these people ate rather little fats, some men and women ate more, and– …Exactly the identical. In different phrases, if you are heading off the bad fat, although you might have the gene, your hazard of developing reminiscence issues was reduce via 80%. And this is my foremost point: genes aren’t destiny. Let’s take a different appear in those plaques. We all know there may be beta amyloid protein, but there’s additionally iron and copper. Metals in my brain? That is proper, there are metals in foods, and they get into the brain. Now feel about this: i’ve a solid-iron pan, and we had a outdoor barbecue, and per week later, I recall, "Oh… I left my frying pan on the picnic desk, and it rained final week." What occurred to my pan? It rusted, and that rust is oxidation.Otherwise you take a bright new penny, and does it stay bright perpetually? No, it oxidizes too. Well, iron and copper oxidize for your body, and as they try this, they intent the production of what are called free radicals. You will have heard of free radicals: free radicals are molecules which are swimming round in your bloodstream, they usually get into the mind, and they act like sparks that seam by means of the connections between one cell and the next. So, how is this going down? Where am I getting all this iron? Where am I getting all this copper? How can that be? What number of humans have a cast iron pan? Let me see palms. If that is your once a month pan, i’ll say, "Who cares?" but when it is every day, you’re getting the iron into your food, and it is extra iron than your body wishes.Or copper pipes. Who has copper pipes? That water sits in the copper pipes all night time lengthy, and in the morning it goes into the coffee maker, and you’re drinking that copper, you get greater than you want, and it begins producing these free radicals that go to the brain. If you’re a meat eater, of exceptionally liver, there’s iron and copper in these foods too.And we used to think, "isn’t that quality?" unless we realized iron is a double-edged sword. You need slightly bit, however when you have too much, it turns into poisonous. Nutrients. Diet producers put in vitamin A, and the B nutrients, and vitamin C, and nutrition D. After which they throw in iron and copper, pondering, "well, you want these," not recognizing you’re already getting ample in foods, and if they add it to your complement, you are getting too much. Adequate, so what am I saying? What i’m announcing is excluding the fact that the saturated fats and the trans fats will increase our risk, these metals will, too, and they are inflicting sparks to type in the mind, free radicals to kind that seam via the connections. And if that’s the case, then I want a fire extinguisher.And we now have one, and it is known as vitamin E. Nutrition E is in spinach, and it can be in mangoes, and it is notably in nuts and seeds. And in Chicago, some folks consume a bit of bit of it, and a few men and women consume a number of it, and the fantastic thing about this is nutrition E is an antioxidant: it knocks out free radicals. So, if what i’m pronouncing is true, then the individuals in Chicago who ate handiest a bit little bit of vitamin E could be at so much larger hazard than folks who ate rather a lot, and that is exactly what the research confirmed.Individuals getting eight milligrams a day of diet E cut their danger of Alzheimer’s by way of about half in comparison with people getting lower than that. Hmm, adequate, how do I get that? It is very, very effortless: run to the store and just purchase a bottle of vitamin E drugs. No, i do not consider so, and this is why now not. Nature has eight varieties of diet E. It’s developed into nuts and into seeds, but if I put it into my supplement capsule, i will be able to legally call it nutrition E if it has only one kind.And if you’re consuming too much of one type of vitamin E, it reduces your absorption of the entire others. So, you want to get it from meals; that is the shape that nature has designed for us, and that is the shape that we now have advanced with. We can go a step additional. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. How a lot must i’ve? If I put some nuts or seeds into the palm of my hand, by the point it hits your fingers, that is only one ounce, and that’s about 5 milligrams of nutrition E, correct there.The trick is: don’t consume it; when you consider that if you happen to do, you recognize what occurs. When you’ve got those diced salty almonds, and you may have eaten them: you fill your hand again, and you then eat it once more. There may be something about salty cashews and almonds, is it simply me? There is whatever about them, they are slightly bit addicting by some means. So, don’t try this, that is going to be far more than you want. The reply is pour them into your hand, after which collapse them up, and put them to your salad, or put them on your oatmeal, or for your pancakes, or anything.Use them as a flavoring now not as a snack food, then you are going to be good enough. All correct, researchers on the school of Cincinnati went one step extra. Not simply saturated fat, now not just trans fats, not simply vitamin E, however they mentioned, "What about colour?" appear at blueberries and grapes: that colour that they have is dramatic. And the colours of blueberries don’t seem to be just there to make them pretty, those are called anthocyanins. They introduced in a gaggle of contributors right into a research learn: usual age: 78, and everybody used to be already having reminiscence problems. And what they asked them to do used to be to have grape juice, a pint a day. A cup in the morning, a cup at night time. Three months later, they verified everyone, and their memory was higher, and their don’t forget used to be better. Three months? That sounds too convenient. How can that be? Good, suppose about it: a grape has a hard lifestyles.A grape has to sit down on the vine, all day long underneath the sun, and exposed to the elements, and it has no defense. Or does it? That red colour, these anthocyanins happen to be robust antioxidants, just like vitamin E, but they’re the grape kind, and if you devour them, they go into your bloodstream. And if that’s actual, it doesn’t have got to be grapes, it might be something that has that color. Like blueberries. So, back into the laboratory: a new team of sufferers, they came in, all of them had memory problems.And three months on blueberry juice, Their memory used to be better, their do not forget used to be better. Now, the moral of the story is to not have grapes and blueberries, and blueberry juice, and grape juice. No, the reply is colour. When you seem on the colorful foods, there may be an major lesson there for us. You walk into the grocery store, and from a hundred ft away, watching on the produce department, which you can recognize beta-carotene, lycopene, anthocyanins. Your retina can realize them since that is the orange color of a carrot, or the red colour of a tomato, or the purple colour of a grape. And the mind additionally tells you they’re beautiful, they’re appealing, you can recognize antioxidants, you are drawn to them.So, back in 2009, my group, the Physicians Committee for dependable medication, went to the department of Agriculture. We mentioned, "this is major. Let’s throw out the pyramid." The pyramid was a high-quality form, however it had a meat workforce, and it had a dairy staff, however that men and women who don’t eat meat or dairy merchandise happened to be more healthy than persons who devour them. And in addition, who eats off a pyramid anyway? We eat off a plate. So, we devised a plate that stated fruits, and grains, and legumes – that is the bean team – and vegetables, these should be the staples. Well, we gave this to the USDA in 2009, and we didn’t hear back from them.So, in 2011, we sued the federal government, the Physicians Committee filed a lawsuit towards the USDA, simply to compel response. And did you see what the USA govt got here out with in 2011? I am no longer taking any credit for this, but this is now US government policy, it’s referred to as MyPlate, and it does seem by some means similar to what we would sent them a few years previous. Fruits, and grains, and veggies, and they have this thing known as ‘the protein crew.’ The protein crew could be meat, however it might be beans, or tofu, or nuts, or some thing that is high in protein, it would not need to be meat.In fact, there’s no meat group anymore in federal guidelines. There is a dairy staff there, however to their credit, soy milk counts. So, matters are making improvements to. Thus far, what we’ve mentioned is getting away from the saturated fat, that is in cheese, and Francis Bacon, and meats; getting away from the trans fats and snack meals; you’re having the nutrition E and the colourful meals; and there’s another step. It can be now not all food, there’s some thing to say about pastime. At the tuition of Illinois, researchers introduced in a colossal workforce of adults, a hundred and twenty of them, and so they mentioned, a brisk walk, three times a week. After a 12 months, every body went into the laboratory for a mind scan. They measured the hippocampus which is at the center of the brain, and it is the seat of reminiscence: it decides what will have to be let through into memory, and what should now not be let by means of. It grew to become out that this organ, which is steadily shrinking in older adults, instantly, stopped shrinking.The exercisers located that their hippocampus used to be a little bit bit better, and a little bit bit larger, and a bit of bit bigger, it was as if time was going backwards: It reversed mind shrinkage, and on reminiscence exams, they did noticeably higher. So, I’ve devised my own endeavor plan. I might wish to reward it to you, I do this thrice a week. Arrive on the airport as late as feasible, carry massively heavy luggage, and just run for the plane. (Laughter) on the school of Illinois they had their own strategies, and their idea was once a bit of less difficult. Do a ten-minute walk, and do it three times a week. And then, subsequent week, let’s do a 15-minute walk, and the week after that, 20. All they did was once add 5 minutes per week except they received to forty minutes.And a 40-minute brisk walk – this isn’t a trudge, but it surely’s a good brisk walk – 40 minutes, 3 times per week is all you have to beef up reminiscence and reverse mind shrinkage. Quite simple. What i’d cherish to do is to go back in time, and i would like to sit down down with my dad, and that i wish to say, "Dad, I learned whatever really predominant. We will exchange our weight loss plan, we don’t fairly need that cheese and that publisher 1st baron verulam. There may be plenty of healthy things that we will eat. Let’s carry in the colorful vegetables and fruits, let’s make them part of our everyday reasonable. Let’s lace up our sneakers, let’s exercise collectively." it is too late for him. But it surely’s not too late for you. It can be not too late for me both, and if we take advantage of what we’ve got now discovered about how we are able to preserve our brain, then probably, households will probably be capable to stay collectively a bit bit longer.Thanks very so much. .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/power-foods-for-the-brain-neal-barnard-tedxbismarck/
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ thanks for becoming a member of me. On February, eight, 2012, my father handed away. In actual fact that was once the day his heart stopped beating. For all intents and purposes, my father had died years previous. It began with reminiscence lapses, and as time went on, his memory failed more and more, and it acquired to the factor the place he failed to be aware of his own kids who got here in to peer him. His character converted, and his ability to maintain himself was completely long past. And… If you happen to might make a list of all the matters that would ever occur to you, the very final thing in your list, at the very bottom of the list, the item you wish to have the least is Alzheimer’s disease, considering the fact that whilst you lose your memory, you lose the whole lot.You lose everybody who ever mattered to you. In the event you might appear into the mind of a individual who has this ailment, what you see is, between the brain cells are these uncommon watching buildings. Beta-amyloid protein comes out of the cells, and it accumulates in these little meatball-like constructions which can be in entrance of you, on a microscopic slide. They shouldn’t be there, and they’re an indicator of Alzheimer’s disorder. This sickness affects about half of of americans by means of their mid 80s.You could say to your health care professional, "adequate, I do not need that. What am i able to do to discontinue that?" Your medical professional will say, "well, its historic age and it is genetics." there’s a gene – it’s known as the APOE-four allele. You probably have this gene from one parent, your danger is tripled; in case you obtained it from both dad and mom, your danger is 10 to fifteen instances better than it was earlier than. What is the answer? Get new mother and father? No, i do not suppose so. That’s now not it. So, i’m sorry: it’s historic age, it’s genes, interval, that is it; there’s now not a darn thing you can do just look forward to it to happen.Or possibly no longer. In Chicago, researchers began whatever referred to as the Chicago well being and getting old task. What they did used to be they checked out what people in Chicago were eating. They did very careful dietary documents in hundreds and 1000’s of humans, and then they began to look who, because the years go with the aid of, stayed mentally clear, and who developed dementia. The first thing they keyed in on was anything that I knew about as a child developing up in Fargo, North Dakota – My mom had 5 kids, we might run all the way down to the kitchen to the smell of Beaverbrook. My mom would take a fork, and she or he’d stick it into the frying pan and pull the scorching 1st Baron Beaverbrook strips out and put them on a paper towel to chill down, and when all the publisher 1st baron verulam was once out of the pan, she would cautiously carry up that scorching pan and pour the grease right into a jar to save it – that’s just right Viscount St. Albans grease, you do not want to lose that! My mother would take that jar, and he or she would put it not within the fridge but she’d put it on the shelf, given that my mother knew that as 1st baron beaverbrook grease cools down, what happens to it? It solidifies.And the truth that it can be strong at room temperature is a signal that Baron Verulam grease is loaded with saturated fats, bad fat. We have now identified for a long time that that raises cholesterol, and there’s a number of in 1st Baron Verulam grease. And by the way, the next day to come, she’d spoon it back into the frying pan and fry eggs in it; it’s powerful any of her youngsters lived to maturity. That is the way we lived. The quantity one supply of saturated fat is in reality no longer 1st Baron Beaverbrook, it’s dairy products, cheese, and milk, etc; and meat is quantity two. In Chicago, some individuals ate moderately little saturated fats, round thirteen grams a day, and others ate about twice that much, and the researchers just looked at who developed Alzheimer’s sickness. And am i able to show you the figures? Here is the low group, and there’s the high crew.In different phrases, if you’re fending off the dangerous fat, your danger was once beautiful low, but if you happen to have been tucking into the cheese and the Francis Bacon strips, your hazard used to be two, three, or extra-fold bigger, Then they looked not simply at saturated fats, they appeared on the fat that is in doughnuts and pastries; you understand what that is, that is trans fat you’ll be able to see on the labels. They determined the very identical sample in there, too. So, the persons who tended to prevent the saturated fat and the trans fats, wanted to preclude them for ldl cholesterol and heart sickness causes, however in addition they look to have an impact on the mind. Then researchers in Finland mentioned, "Wait a minute, let’s go additional." there is a situation we name mild cognitive impairment. You are nonetheless yourself – you are managing your checkbook, you’re riding, your pals know it’s you – however you are having intellectual lapses, peculiarly for names and for words. They brought in over 1,000 adults, they were 50 years ancient, and so they checked out their diets. Then, as time went on, they looked to peer who developed slight cognitive impairment.Some of these men and women ate slightly little fats, some folks ate a reasonable quantity, after which they checked out whose memory began to fail. They found exactly the identical sample. In different phrases, it can be not simply, "Will I get Alzheimer’s sickness?" but, "Will I simply have historic age memory problems?" good, what about that gene, that APOE-four allele the person who condemns you to Alzheimer’s disease? Good, they then redid the study, and so they centered simplest on those folks, and a few of these people ate rather little fats, some men and women ate more, and– …Exactly the identical. In different phrases, if you are heading off the bad fat, although you might have the gene, your hazard of developing reminiscence issues was reduce via 80%. And this is my foremost point: genes aren’t destiny. Let’s take a different appear in those plaques. We all know there may be beta amyloid protein, but there’s additionally iron and copper. Metals in my brain? That is proper, there are metals in foods, and they get into the brain. Now feel about this: i’ve a solid-iron pan, and we had a outdoor barbecue, and per week later, I recall, "Oh… I left my frying pan on the picnic desk, and it rained final week." What occurred to my pan? It rusted, and that rust is oxidation.Otherwise you take a bright new penny, and does it stay bright perpetually? No, it oxidizes too. Well, iron and copper oxidize for your body, and as they try this, they intent the production of what are called free radicals. You will have heard of free radicals: free radicals are molecules which are swimming round in your bloodstream, they usually get into the mind, and they act like sparks that seam by means of the connections between one cell and the next. So, how is this going down? Where am I getting all this iron? Where am I getting all this copper? How can that be? What number of humans have a cast iron pan? Let me see palms. If that is your once a month pan, i’ll say, "Who cares?" but when it is every day, you’re getting the iron into your food, and it is extra iron than your body wishes.Or copper pipes. Who has copper pipes? That water sits in the copper pipes all night time lengthy, and in the morning it goes into the coffee maker, and you’re drinking that copper, you get greater than you want, and it begins producing these free radicals that go to the brain. If you’re a meat eater, of exceptionally liver, there’s iron and copper in these foods too.And we used to think, "isn’t that quality?" unless we realized iron is a double-edged sword. You need slightly bit, however when you have too much, it turns into poisonous. Nutrients. Diet producers put in vitamin A, and the B nutrients, and vitamin C, and nutrition D. After which they throw in iron and copper, pondering, "well, you want these," not recognizing you’re already getting ample in foods, and if they add it to your complement, you are getting too much. Adequate, so what am I saying? What i’m announcing is excluding the fact that the saturated fats and the trans fats will increase our risk, these metals will, too, and they are inflicting sparks to type in the mind, free radicals to kind that seam via the connections. And if that’s the case, then I want a fire extinguisher.And we now have one, and it is known as vitamin E. Nutrition E is in spinach, and it can be in mangoes, and it is notably in nuts and seeds. And in Chicago, some folks consume a bit of bit of it, and a few men and women consume a number of it, and the fantastic thing about this is nutrition E is an antioxidant: it knocks out free radicals. So, if what i’m pronouncing is true, then the individuals in Chicago who ate handiest a bit little bit of vitamin E could be at so much larger hazard than folks who ate rather a lot, and that is exactly what the research confirmed.Individuals getting eight milligrams a day of diet E cut their danger of Alzheimer’s by way of about half in comparison with people getting lower than that. Hmm, adequate, how do I get that? It is very, very effortless: run to the store and just purchase a bottle of vitamin E drugs. No, i do not consider so, and this is why now not. Nature has eight varieties of diet E. It’s developed into nuts and into seeds, but if I put it into my supplement capsule, i will be able to legally call it nutrition E if it has only one kind.And if you’re consuming too much of one type of vitamin E, it reduces your absorption of the entire others. So, you want to get it from meals; that is the shape that nature has designed for us, and that is the shape that we now have advanced with. We can go a step additional. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. How a lot must i’ve? If I put some nuts or seeds into the palm of my hand, by the point it hits your fingers, that is only one ounce, and that’s about 5 milligrams of nutrition E, correct there.The trick is: don’t consume it; when you consider that if you happen to do, you recognize what occurs. When you’ve got those diced salty almonds, and you may have eaten them: you fill your hand again, and you then eat it once more. There may be something about salty cashews and almonds, is it simply me? There is whatever about them, they are slightly bit addicting by some means. So, don’t try this, that is going to be far more than you want. The reply is pour them into your hand, after which collapse them up, and put them to your salad, or put them on your oatmeal, or for your pancakes, or anything.Use them as a flavoring now not as a snack food, then you are going to be good enough. All correct, researchers on the school of Cincinnati went one step extra. Not simply saturated fat, now not just trans fats, not simply vitamin E, however they mentioned, "What about colour?" appear at blueberries and grapes: that colour that they have is dramatic. And the colours of blueberries don’t seem to be just there to make them pretty, those are called anthocyanins. They introduced in a gaggle of contributors right into a research learn: usual age: 78, and everybody used to be already having reminiscence problems. And what they asked them to do used to be to have grape juice, a pint a day. A cup in the morning, a cup at night time. Three months later, they verified everyone, and their memory was higher, and their don’t forget used to be better. Three months? That sounds too convenient. How can that be? Good, suppose about it: a grape has a hard lifestyles.A grape has to sit down on the vine, all day long underneath the sun, and exposed to the elements, and it has no defense. Or does it? That red colour, these anthocyanins happen to be robust antioxidants, just like vitamin E, but they’re the grape kind, and if you devour them, they go into your bloodstream. And if that’s actual, it doesn’t have got to be grapes, it might be something that has that color. Like blueberries. So, back into the laboratory: a new team of sufferers, they came in, all of them had memory problems.And three months on blueberry juice, Their memory used to be better, their do not forget used to be better. Now, the moral of the story is to not have grapes and blueberries, and blueberry juice, and grape juice. No, the reply is colour. When you seem on the colorful foods, there may be an major lesson there for us. You walk into the grocery store, and from a hundred ft away, watching on the produce department, which you can recognize beta-carotene, lycopene, anthocyanins. Your retina can realize them since that is the orange color of a carrot, or the red colour of a tomato, or the purple colour of a grape. And the mind additionally tells you they’re beautiful, they’re appealing, you can recognize antioxidants, you are drawn to them.So, back in 2009, my group, the Physicians Committee for dependable medication, went to the department of Agriculture. We mentioned, "this is major. Let’s throw out the pyramid." The pyramid was a high-quality form, however it had a meat workforce, and it had a dairy staff, however that men and women who don’t eat meat or dairy merchandise happened to be more healthy than persons who devour them. And in addition, who eats off a pyramid anyway? We eat off a plate. So, we devised a plate that stated fruits, and grains, and legumes – that is the bean team – and vegetables, these should be the staples. Well, we gave this to the USDA in 2009, and we didn’t hear back from them.So, in 2011, we sued the federal government, the Physicians Committee filed a lawsuit towards the USDA, simply to compel response. And did you see what the USA govt got here out with in 2011? I am no longer taking any credit for this, but this is now US government policy, it’s referred to as MyPlate, and it does seem by some means similar to what we would sent them a few years previous. Fruits, and grains, and veggies, and they have this thing known as ‘the protein crew.’ The protein crew could be meat, however it might be beans, or tofu, or nuts, or some thing that is high in protein, it would not need to be meat.In fact, there’s no meat group anymore in federal guidelines. There is a dairy staff there, however to their credit, soy milk counts. So, matters are making improvements to. Thus far, what we’ve mentioned is getting away from the saturated fat, that is in cheese, and Francis Bacon, and meats; getting away from the trans fats and snack meals; you’re having the nutrition E and the colourful meals; and there’s another step. It can be now not all food, there’s some thing to say about pastime. At the tuition of Illinois, researchers introduced in a colossal workforce of adults, a hundred and twenty of them, and so they mentioned, a brisk walk, three times a week. After a 12 months, every body went into the laboratory for a mind scan. They measured the hippocampus which is at the center of the brain, and it is the seat of reminiscence: it decides what will have to be let through into memory, and what should now not be let by means of. It grew to become out that this organ, which is steadily shrinking in older adults, instantly, stopped shrinking.The exercisers located that their hippocampus used to be a little bit bit better, and a little bit bit larger, and a bit of bit bigger, it was as if time was going backwards: It reversed mind shrinkage, and on reminiscence exams, they did noticeably higher. So, I’ve devised my own endeavor plan. I might wish to reward it to you, I do this thrice a week. Arrive on the airport as late as feasible, carry massively heavy luggage, and just run for the plane. (Laughter) on the school of Illinois they had their own strategies, and their idea was once a bit of less difficult. Do a ten-minute walk, and do it three times a week. And then, subsequent week, let’s do a 15-minute walk, and the week after that, 20. All they did was once add 5 minutes per week except they received to forty minutes.And a 40-minute brisk walk – this isn’t a trudge, but it surely’s a good brisk walk – 40 minutes, 3 times per week is all you have to beef up reminiscence and reverse mind shrinkage. Quite simple. What i’d cherish to do is to go back in time, and i would like to sit down down with my dad, and that i wish to say, "Dad, I learned whatever really predominant. We will exchange our weight loss plan, we don’t fairly need that cheese and that publisher 1st baron verulam. There may be plenty of healthy things that we will eat. Let’s carry in the colorful vegetables and fruits, let’s make them part of our everyday reasonable. Let’s lace up our sneakers, let’s exercise collectively." it is too late for him. But it surely’s not too late for you. It can be not too late for me both, and if we take advantage of what we’ve got now discovered about how we are able to preserve our brain, then probably, households will probably be capable to stay collectively a bit bit longer.Thanks very so much. .
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fazeupmag-blog · 5 years
New Post has been published on Fazeup
New Post has been published on https://www.fazeup.tk/2019/05/getting-began-with-spotify-in-india/
Getting began with Spotify in India
Spotify lastly launched its music streaming service in India in February 2019, after quite a few stops and begins and regardless of a authorized battle with Warner Music Group that rages on even at this time (extra on this later). Indian audiences had been actually clamoring for the globally widespread app, provided that Spotify in India surpassed one million installs in lower than per week. In case you’re but to make the leap, or think about for those who even ought to, right here’s all the pieces you must find out about Spotify in India!
Getting began with Spotify in India
Creating an account
You possibly can obtain the Android app from the Google Play Retailer. Spotify can be obtainable on iOS, on Home windows (additionally through the Microsoft Retailer), and on the net. You possibly can join free with an e-mail tackle or log in with Fb. Utilizing the Fb choice makes it a lot simpler to share your Spotify playlists, what you’re listening to, and different suggestions with family and friends.
In fact, you may management precisely what and the way a lot info you wish to share, if any. If you wish to keep away from it utterly although, signing up with an e-mail tackle would be the higher approach to go. With the e-mail tackle signup, you have to to confirm the account. Offering your date of beginning, gender and including a profile title completes the account creation course of.
Including your music preferences
As soon as your account is ready up, you’ll have the ability to choose the languages you favor – this consists of English, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujurati, Kannada, and Bengali. This would possibly look like quite a bit, however rivals like JioSaavn and Wynk Music add one other 5 regional languages to their portfolios, so Spotify India has some catching as much as do right here.
You now get to pick your favourite artists. There’s a minimal of three, however the extra you choose, the extra well-rounded the each day combine playlists will likely be proper off the bat. Tapping on the title of a singer brings up extra choices (like music administrators or feminine singers they’ve labored with). This was truly a extremely enjoyable factor to do, mentioning previous favorites that I wouldn’t have thought off straight away. You can even discover artists primarily based on style.
After deciding on not less than three artists, the Spotify app homepage opens. Based mostly in your earlier alternatives, not less than one “Daily Mix” will robotically be created for you. Scrolling additional down will present extra album suggestions, trending songs, editors’ picks, new releases, and an entire lot extra. In case you’re hoping to get listening straight away, Spotify has greater than bought it lined.
The settings menu
Faucet on the gear icon on the prime proper nook of the house web page to enter the settings menu. You possibly can disable or allow a knowledge saver mode, add a crossfade, permit express content material, normalize the quantity, set audio high quality, replace your language selections, set your social media preferences, and an entire lot extra. There are a bunch of settings right here that may allow you to cater the app expertise to precisely the way you prefer it.
Curating your music and podcasts
Including songs, playlists, and podcasts to Your Library
As nice as it’s to have random, however effectively put collectively playlists created for you, you’ll nonetheless wish to create your individual to get probably the most out of the music streaming service. To search out particular songs, artists, or podcasts, hop on over to the Search tab on the backside of the app web page. Simply begin typing a reputation, and what you’re searching for ought to pop up within the search outcomes.
In case you aren’t specific, you can even undergo quite a lot of beneficial playlists primarily based on style,  language, period, temper, and even the season. In case you like a particular playlist, or perhaps a few songs from one, you may add them to your library by tapping on the guts icon subsequent to the title of the music or the playlist.
The identical goes for podcasts as effectively. You possibly can seek for a particular podcast or scroll down within the search web page to podcast part. You’ll have a variety of podcast suggestions primarily based on quite a lot of classes or you may simply look via the highest charts. As soon as once more, if there’s one you want, it can save you it to the library by tapping on the guts icon on the prime proper nook of the web page.
If you’re listening to a Spotify-created playlist and like what’s on, you can even save the whole playlist or add particular songs to your favorites by tapping on the guts icon. On the flip aspect, for those who don’t like a selected music, you may faucet on the cease signal (subsequent to the guts icon) to cover the music. Tapping on the three vertical dots icon provides you much more choices, together with including the music to a playlist, including it to queue, viewing artist info, and sharing the music.
Your Library
Your Library is the place you’ll discover the playlists and albums you’ve like and your favourite artists. Any songs you’ve appreciated will likely be within the “Liked Songs” playlist. Change to the Podcasts tab to seek out your favourite reveals, latest episodes, and downloads. Sure, when you’ll want the premium subscription to obtain and take heed to music offline, there’s no such restriction with podcasts, which is unbelievable.
In fact, you don’t have to go away all of it as much as Spotify and you’ll create your individual playlists. First, give the playlist a reputation. Then faucet on the big “Add Songs” button to get began. Spotify contributes right here as effectively with lengthy lists of recommendations which can be curated out of your favorites and up to date listening habits. You can even seek for a particular music or go the “Songs you liked” part so as to add them. Faucet on the plus/add icon. You’ll now discover your newly created playlist within the library.
Listening on different gadgets
You’ve your playlists prepared and podcasts queued, however what for those who don’t wish to take heed to them in your cellphone? The excellent news is that Spotify isn’t restricted to at least one gadget and you should use the cell app as a distant to regulate music playback on one other platform. When listening to a music, you’ll discover a small show and speaker icon on the backside left of the display screen. This opens the “Connect to a device” web page that may allow you to management any music enjoying in your pc or TV, or via a Wi-Fi speaker. Faucet on an choice and comply with the on-screen directions.
The Spotify India catalog
Spotify is taken into account probably the greatest music streaming providers throughout the globe, partially as a result of unimaginable catalog it has to supply. Sadly, Spotify’s launch in India was removed from easy due to an ongoing authorized battle with Warner Music Group. English music from a protracted record of world superstars is unfortunately not obtainable on Spotify India in the meanwhile and this can solely finish when the difficulty with the licensing deal has been resolved.
Need to take heed to Charlie Puth, Ed Sheeran, Linkin Park, or Coldplay or the host of different artists who signed with WMG? You’re higher off holding on to a different music streaming service for now.
Spotify’s bother with licensing offers doesn’t finish with WMG. The corporate has additionally been pressured to take away over 120,000 Hindi and regional language songs due to an settlement not being reached with SaReGaMa India Ltd, a serious report label in India.
It’s not all gloom and doom although. There are nonetheless fairly a couple of licensing offers that Spotify has managed to get with Indian and worldwide report labels, so the catalog is much from a barren wasteland. One among Spotify’s strongest fits has been its suggestions, and it stays a good way to find new artists and beforehand unheard songs. In fact, there’s a variety of widespread music obtainable as effectively.
There’s even some music that I haven’t been capable of finding on some other Spotify competing apps, like a 2006 Karsh Kale album that I used to be solely capable of finding on Spotify and YouTube Music.
The very best half for me is the provision of podcasts on the app. Granted, I’ve by no means thought it was an enormous deal to modify between my music streaming and podcast apps. It’s nonetheless good to have all the pieces in a single place although. I can also’t attest to how full Spotify’s podcast catalog is right here, however I discovered all the pieces that I take heed to.
Spotify Free vs Spotify Premium
The free model of Spotify in India is much much less restricted than it’s within the U.S., the U.Ok, and others. For instance, whereas the cell app solely enables you to use Shuffle Play in different markets, that isn’t the case right here. You additionally don’t have to fret about monitor skipping limits, not having the ability to play any monitor or create customized playlists. The truth is, you’ve full entry to the whole catalog that’s obtainable in India on the cell app with the free tier.
There are advertisements to cope with in fact, however having a 30-second advert play after each six songs and the occasional popup that asks you to subscribe to the premium service isn’t intrusive or annoying by any means.
That stated, there’s nonetheless sufficient of a bonus to going premium or there wouldn’t be any level to having the choice. For starters, advertisements go away utterly. Audio high quality additionally will get a lift to 320kbps from the usual 160kbps (prime quality) and 96kbps (regular high quality). Streaming with increased high quality audio would require extra knowledge, nevertheless it isn’t as a lot of a knowledge hog as you’d assume, and knowledge caps aren’t as a lot of a priority anymore.
Spotify Premium costs fall according to the subscription charges of competing music streaming providers in India for probably the most half. It might appear a contact dearer than some, however that’s as a result of providers like JioSaavn have drastically lower their costs as a response to the arrival of Spotify and YouTube Music this yr. Spotify additionally presents numerous pay as you go plans that include long-term reductions and also you additionally get to reap the benefits of a 30-day free trial.
Spotify costs in India
119 rupees (~$1.70) monthly subscription with a 30-day free trial.
Pay as you go plans
13 rupees (~$0.20) for 1 day.
39 rupees (~$0.60) for 1 week.
129 rupees (~$1.85) for 1 month.
389 rupees (~$5.55) for three months.
719 rupees (~$10.25) for six months.
1,189 rupees (~$17) for 1 yr.
College students will obtain a 50% low cost on all obtainable plans.
The reductions given with the long-term are undoubtedly value making the most of. The annual plan works out to 99 rupees (~$1.40) monthly and is cheaper than the month-to-month subscription. Additionally, you will want a sound bank card to go for the month-to-month subscription, whereas you should use debit playing cards, Paytm, and UPI to pre-pay.
Spotify in India – does it ship?
Spotify has sadly been off to a shaky begin in a market that isn’t in need of competitors and issues haven’t actually gotten that significantly better. It might have the obtain numbers, however that’s possible due to the preliminary wave of pleasure that surrounded the launch. In fact, individuals aren’t blocked from utilizing multiple music streaming service both.
Spotify enjoys a sure world model recognition that only a few merchandise or firms do. Nevertheless, the competitors is extraordinarily stiff in India and Spotify is sort of late to the celebration. JioSaavn slashed its costs by round 70%, the premium Wynk music subscription is free for Airtel (one among India’s largest networks) customers, and Amazon Prime Music is included with a Prime subscription.
An apt comparability for Spotify could be YouTube Music that additionally lately launched in India. The subscriptions are equally priced. Nevertheless, the common YouTube app was already the preferred “music streaming” app within the nation. Simpler entry to only music and extra options will solely assist YouTube Music. All competing apps even have higher catalogs, not less than for the second.
I do know I’m making issues sound far direr than they really are. Licensing offers will likely be achieved (hopefully). Spotify will react to the value gouging (in all probability). Some free subscription offers with community carriers can occur (possibly). The apps are refined, the catalog will get higher, and there’s one factor that Spotify has that no different Indian music streaming service does – podcasts.
Have you ever signed as much as Spotify in India? Why? Why not?
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orbemnews · 4 years
Biden Outlines $1.9 Trillion Spending Bundle to Fight Virus and Downturn WASHINGTON — President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Thursday proposed a $1.9 trillion rescue package deal to fight the financial downturn and the Covid-19 disaster, outlining the kind of sweeping help that Democrats have demanded for months and signaling the shift within the federal authorities’s pandemic response as Mr. Biden prepares to take workplace. The package deal contains greater than $400 billion to fight the pandemic instantly, together with cash to speed up vaccine deployment and to securely reopen most faculties inside 100 days. One other $350 billion would assist state and native governments bridge finances shortfalls, whereas the plan would additionally embody $1,400 direct funds to people, extra beneficiant unemployment advantages, federally mandated paid depart for employees and huge subsidies for youngster care prices. “Throughout this pandemic, hundreds of thousands of Individuals, by means of no fault of their very own, have misplaced the dignity and respect that comes with a job and a paycheck,” Mr. Biden stated in a speech to the nation. “There may be actual ache overwhelming the true financial system.” He acknowledged the excessive price ticket however stated the nation couldn’t afford to do something much less. “The very well being of our nation is at stake,” Mr. Biden stated, including that it “doesn’t come cheaply, however failure to take action will price us dearly.” Mr. Biden took swift motion to form the agenda at a time of nationwide disaster and a day after President Trump’s impeachment within the Home. Whereas it displays the political shift in Washington as Democrats take management of Congress, help for Mr. Biden’s program will instantly run into challenges, beginning with the likelihood {that a} Senate trial of Mr. Trump may delay its passage. It is usually unclear how simply Mr. Biden can safe sufficient votes for a plan of such ambition and expense, particularly within the Senate. Democratic victories in two Georgia particular elections final week gave Mr. Biden’s social gathering management of the Senate — however solely with a 50-50 margin after Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’s tiebreaking vote. Mr. Biden should compensate for any defecting average Democrats with Republican votes at a time of scarce bipartisanship. Mr. Biden stated that lawmakers would wish to come back collectively for the great of the nation, and that “unity shouldn’t be some pie within the sky dream — it’s a sensible step to getting the issues we’ve got to get achieved as a rustic, get achieved collectively.” His speech on Thursday got here at an extremely difficult second, as virus circumstances proceed to climb, hundreds of thousands of employees stay sidelined and America’s partisan divisions are threatening to tear it aside. Per week after a mob stormed the Capitol to disrupt Congress’s certification of Mr. Biden’s win, Washington has come to resemble an armed camp, with metal barricades being erected throughout town and armed legislation enforcement policing the streets. Greater than 20,000 Nationwide Guardsmen are anticipated to flood Washington earlier than Mr. Biden’s swearing-in on Jan. 20. The financial rebound from the pandemic recession has additionally reeled into reverse amid a winter surge of the virus and new waves of restrictions on financial exercise in cities and states. The Labor Division reported on Thursday that 1.15 million Individuals filed new unemployment claims within the first full week of the brand new 12 months, a 25 p.c improve from the earlier week. One other 284,000 claims have been filed for Pandemic Unemployment Help, an emergency federal program for employees like freelancers who don’t usually qualify for jobless advantages. The nation shed 140,000 jobs in December, the division reported final week. Mr. Biden’s aides say the urgency of the second drove the president-elect to suggest a considerably bigger financial jolt than what the Obama administration pushed by means of upon taking workplace amid a recession in 2009. The Biden proposal is greater than 50 p.c bigger than the Obama-Biden stimulus, after adjusting for inflation, and it comes on high of a number of trillions of {dollars} of financial help that Congress accepted final 12 months below Mr. Trump. The package deal mirrored the scope of the problem going through the financial system and the nation’s well being system. In a briefing on Thursday, one Biden official famous that the present nationwide planning and infrastructure for mass vaccinations and testing was far much less developed than the incoming White Home crew had anticipated. Mr. Biden detailed his so-called American Rescue Plan in a night speech in Delaware, successfully kicking off his presidency and putting him within the brightest highlight since his nomination acceptance speech final summer time on the Democratic Nationwide Conference. The president-elect struck an pressing, however optimistic tone, saying the US may overcome its present challenges. “Out of all of the peril of this second, I need you to know I see the promise,” Mr. Biden stated. “I’m as optimistic as I’ve ever been.” Up to date  Jan. 14, 2021, 7:46 p.m. ET The plan was lauded by progressive teams in addition to by the nation’s main enterprise foyer, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which was usually at odds with the Obama administration over spending and rules. “We applaud the president-elect’s give attention to vaccinations and on financial sectors and households that proceed to endure because the pandemic rages on,” the chamber stated in a press release. Republicans have been largely silent on the plan, which incorporates the kind of state and native help that grew to become a sticking level in final 12 months’s stimulus negotiations. Congress was in a position to agree on a $900 billion package deal in December solely after such help was excluded. However Mr. Biden outlined his rationale for together with such funding, saying it was important to avoiding cutbacks and layoffs that may set again the battle in opposition to the virus and additional injury the financial system. “Tens of millions of individuals placing their lives in danger are the very folks now liable to dropping their jobs: cops, firefighters, all first responders, nurses, educators,” Mr. Biden stated. Mr. Biden’s “rescue” proposal, which might be financed solely by means of elevated federal borrowing, flows from the concept that the virus and the restoration are intertwined and that the financial system can not rebound with out mass vaccine deployment. “What the financial system wants is a profitable rollout of the vaccines, and discount within the dangers of social and financial exercise,” stated Aaron Sojourner, a labor economist on the College of Minnesota’s Carlson Faculty of Administration who served within the White Home Council of Financial Advisers below the Obama and Trump administrations. “That may go a great distance towards selling restoration. It received’t go all the way in which, however it would go a great distance.” Mr. Biden, who has promised to get “100 million Covid vaccine photographs into the arms of the American folks” by his a centesimal day in workplace, stated final week that he supposed to launch almost all obtainable coronavirus vaccine vials as soon as he takes workplace, relatively than holding some again because the Trump administration had been doing. The $20 billion “nationwide vaccine program” he introduced on Thursday envisions group vaccination facilities across the nation. In latest speeches, he has stated he want to see mass vaccination websites in highschool gymnasiums, sports activities stadiums and the like, maybe staffed by the Nationwide Guard or workers of the Federal Emergency Administration Company. Mr. Biden additionally referred to as for a “public well being jobs program” that may handle his objectives of bolstering the financial system and the Covid-19 response whereas additionally rebuilding the nation’s fragile public well being infrastructure. The proposal would fund 100,000 public well being employees to interact in vaccine outreach and phone tracing. On the identical time, Mr. Biden is eager on addressing the racial disparities which have been so painfully uncovered by the coronavirus pandemic, which has disproportionately claimed the lives and jobs of individuals of colour. He pledged to extend funding for group well being facilities and to fund efforts to mitigate the pandemic in prisons and jails, the place Black folks and Latinos are overrepresented. In his remarks, Mr. Biden lamented a “rising starvation disaster,” significantly amongst minority communities, saying: “Multiple in 5 Black and Latino households in America report that they don’t have sufficient meals to eat. It’s mistaken. It’s tragic. It’s unacceptable.” He proposed a variety of efforts to assist those that have suffered essentially the most within the financial pullback. His plan would supply emergency paid depart to 106 million Individuals, whatever the measurement of their employer, a proposal that many congressional Republicans labored to pare again in a stimulus invoice handed final spring. And it could prolong tax credit to many households to offset as much as $8,000 in annual youngster care prices. It offers billions of {dollars} in rental help and would give grants to hundreds of thousands of the hardest-hit small companies. It additionally briefly will increase the dimensions of two tax credit in a fashion that may successfully present extra cash from the federal government to low-income employees and households. And it could prolong expanded unemployment advantages by means of the tip of September, with an additional $400 weekly complement. Mr. Biden additionally referred to as on Congress to lift the federal minimal wage to $15 an hour, a precedence he outlined throughout his marketing campaign. . Mr. Biden plans to unveil one other, bigger set of spending proposals in February, and he started laying the groundwork to finance these efforts by elevating taxes on companies and the wealthy. He drew a pointy distinction between the struggling of low-wage employees and people struggling with no paycheck with the wealthiest Individuals, saying there’s a “rising divide between these few folks on the very high who’re doing fairly properly on this financial system — and the remainder of America.” “Simply since this pandemic started, the wealth of the highest 1 p.c has grown by roughly $1.5 trillion because the finish of final 12 months — 4 occasions the quantity for your complete backside 50 p.c,” he stated. The second package deal is predicted to be centered on job creation and infrastructure, together with a whole bunch of billions of {dollars} of spending on clean-energy tasks like electrical car charging stations, together with well being care and training spending. Mr. Biden has stated he’ll work to construct Republican help for his plans, and he’ll want 10 Republican votes within the Senate to beat a filibuster. However high Democrats within the Home and Senate are getting ready to pivot shortly to a parliamentary course of generally known as finances reconciliation within the occasion they will get solely a easy majority within the Senate. Republicans used the process to bypass a filibuster and approve Mr. Trump’s signature tax cuts in 2017. Republicans’ refusal to think about a stimulus package deal in extra of $1 trillion held down the dimensions of the final congressional reduction invoice, handed in December. Mr. Biden’s aides stated Thursday that they have been assured that the almost $2 trillion package deal he had proposed would discover large help amongst Democrats at a time when rates of interest stay low and lots of economists are urging lawmakers to deficit spend with a purpose to promote financial development. Sheryl Homosexual Stolberg contributed reporting. Supply hyperlink #Biden #combat #downturn #outlines #Package #Spending #TRILLION #Virus
0 notes
technomanish · 5 years
The Galaxy Fold has been probably the most polarizing product I can recall having reviewed. Everybody who noticed it wished to play with the long-promised smartphone paradigm shift. The outcomes, then again, had been much more blended.
If nothing else, the Fold has a remarkably excessive Q-Score. Every one who noticed me utilizing the product had not less than a obscure thought of what it was all about. I actually can’t keep in mind the final time I’ve had that response with a non-iPhone system. That’s nice from model perspective. It means lots of people are curious and doubtlessly open to the notion that the Samsung Galaxy Fold is the long run.
In fact, it additionally means there are lots of people trying on if you happen to fail.
In some methods, this previous week with the Samsung Galaxy Fold has been a particularly public beta. A handful of samples got out to reviewers. Most labored effective (mine included), however not less than three failed. It’s what we within the business name a “PR nightmare.” Or not less than it might be for many firms.
Samsung’s weathered bigger storms — most notably with the Galaxy Note 7 a number of years again. In fact, that system made it a lot additional alongside, in the end leading to two large-scale remembers. The character of the 2 points was additionally vastly completely different. A malfunctioning display doesn’t put the person at bodily threat like an exploding battery. The optics on this stuff don’t get a lot worse than having your smartphone banned from planes.
As of this writing, the Fold remains to be set to go on sale, most probably this yr. To be completely frank, the April 26 launch date appeared overly optimistic effectively earlier than the primary studies of malfunctioning models. It’s by no means an incredible signal when a tool is introduced in February and is just made obtainable for evaluation a number of weeks forward of launch. It’s sort of like when a studio doesn’t let reviewers watch a movie earlier than launch. It doesn’t essentially imply it’s unhealthy, but it surely’s one thing to regulate.
That’s the factor. The Galaxy Fold is the sort of system you need badly to succeed. You need it to be nice and also you need Samsung to promote a billion as a result of it’s a genuinely thrilling product after a decade of telephones that look principally the identical. There’s additionally the truth that Samsung has primarily been hyping this factor for eight years, because it debuted a versatile show at CES 2011.
Regardless of that, nonetheless, the house stretch feels rushed. Samsung little question noticed the writing on the wall, as firms like Huawei readied their very own foldable. And whereas Royole beat the fold to market, Samsung nonetheless had an excellent shot on the declare of first commercially viable foldable available on the market, with a decade of Galaxy units beneath its belt and hand-in-hand work with the Google workforce to create an Android UX that is smart on a pair of very completely different screens.
[Source: iFixit]
However this iFixit teardown speaks volumes. “Alarmingly” isn’t the sort of phrase you need/count on to listen to about an organization like Samsung, however there it’s, adopted straight by “fragile” — itself repeated 5 occasions over the course of the write-up. iFixit’s findings match up fairly carefully with Samsung’s personal studies:
A fragile show means knocking it the flawed method may end up in catastrophe.
A spot within the hinges permits dust and different particles to wedge themselves between the folding mechanism and display.
Don’t peel off the protecting layer. I do know it seems to be like you must, however that is most likely the simplest option to wreck your $2,000 cellphone that doesn’t contain a firearm or blender.
What makes all of this doubly unlucky is that Samsung has about as a lot expertise as anybody making a rugged cellphone that works. I really feel assured that the corporate will do exactly that in future generations, however except the corporate can come again with definitive proof that it’s overhauled the product forward of launch, this can be a tough product to suggest.
Samsung knew the first-gen Galaxy Fold can be a tough promote, in fact. The corporate was fairly clear about the truth that the experimental kind issue, coupled with the $1,980 price ticket, meant the system will solely attraction to a small phase of early adopters.
Even so, the corporate managed to promote out of preorders — although it didn’t say how massive that preliminary run was. Nor are we certain what number of customers have canceled within the wake of this previous week’s occasions. Actually nobody would blame them for doing so at this level.
However whereas the apocalyptic shit-posters amongst us will declare the loss of life of the foldable earlier than it was ever actually born, no matter doesn’t kill Samsung has solely made it stronger. And this misfire may in the end try this for each the corporate and the class, courtesy of its casual beta testing.
Rewind a mere week or so in the past (severely, it’s solely been that lengthy), after we lastly obtained our palms on the Galaxy Fold. I used to be impressed. And I actually wasn’t alone. Admittedly, there’s a little bit of a glow that first time you see a tool that’s seemingly been teased without end. The truth that it exists seems like a sort of victory in and of itself. However the Fold does an admirable job marrying Samsung’s {hardware} experience with a brand new kind issue. And extra importantly, it’s actual and works as marketed — effectively, principally, not less than.
The reality is, I’ve principally loved my time with the Galaxy Fold. And certainly, it’s been enjoyable chronicling it on a (almost) every day foundation. There are some issues the shape issue is nice for — like taking a look at Google Maps or propping it as much as watch YouTube movies on the elliptical machine on the gymnasium. There are others when the cumbersome kind issue left me wanting to return to my common previous smartphone — however these trade-offs are to be anticipated.
I each just like the Fold’s design and perceive the criticism. Samsung’s finished a superb job sustaining the Galaxy line’s iconic design language. The foldable seems to be proper at residence alongside the S and Note. That mentioned, the rounded backing provides some bulk to the product. And whereas open, the system is thinner than an iPhone, when folded, it’s greater than double the thickness, owing to a niche between the shows. It’s fairly skinny on this mode, nonetheless, so it ought to slip properly into all however the tightest pants pockets.
In observe, the folding mechanism could be probably the most spectacular a part of the product. The within options a number of interlocking gears that permit the product to open and shut with ease and let customers work together with the system at numerous states of unfold. I discovered myself utilizing the system with it open at a 90-degree angle fairly a bit, resting in my hand like an open ebook. The Fold incorporates a pair of magnets on its edges, which allow you to shut it with a satisfying snap. It’s weirdly therapeutic.
Actually, the most important strike towards the system from a purely aesthetic standpoint is that it’s not the Mate X. Introduced by Huawei a number of days after the Fold’s massive unveil, the system takes a decidedly extra minimalist strategy to the class. It’s a sublime design that options much less system and extra display, and, actually, the sort of factor I don’t assume most of us anticipated till not less than the second-generation product.
The gulf between the 2 units is very obvious with regards to the entrance display. The entrance of the display is round two-fifths bezel, leaving room for a 4.6-inch show with a clumsy side ratio. The Mate X, in the meantime, incorporates a 6.6-inch front-facing AND 6.4-inch rear-facing show (to not point out the bigger eight-inch inner show to the Fold’s 7.3).
There’s motive to suggest the Fold over the Mate X, as effectively. I can’t converse to the distinction in person expertise, having solely briefly interacted with the Huawei, however the value level is a biggie. The Mate X begins at an much more absurd $2,600, thanks partially to the truth that it would solely be obtainable in a 5G model, including one other layer of area of interest.
That value, thoughts you, is transformed from euros, as a result of 1) The product was introduced at MWC in Barcelona and 2) U.S. availability is prone to be a nonstarter once more, as the corporate continues to wrestle with U.S. regulators.
In fact, the Fold’s U.S. availability can also be in limbo in the meanwhile, albeit for very completely different causes.
I in the end spent little time interacting with the entrance display. It’s good for checking notifications and the like, however making an attempt to sort on that skinny display is near unattainable, with shades of the brand new Palm system, which implements its personal shortcuts to get round these shortcomings. The within, in the meantime, takes a butterfly keyboard strategy, so you’ll be able to sort with each thumbs whereas holding it open like a ebook.
There’s additionally the problem of app optimization. Loads of this may be chalked as much as an early model of a first-gen system. However as with each new system, the equation of how a lot developer time to speculate is essentially depending on product adoption. If the Fold and future Fold’s aren’t a hit, builders are going to be far much less inclined to speculate the hours.
That is most painfully apparent with regards to App Continuity, one of many system’s major promoting factors from a software program perspective. When working as marketed, it makes a compelling case for the twin screens. Open one thing on the entrance and broaden your canvas by unfolding the system. Google is among the many firms that labored straight with Samsung to optimize apps this fashion, and it’s significantly useful with Maps. I used it a good quantity on my journey final week to Berkeley (shout out to the effective folks at Pegasus Books on Shattuck).
When an app isn’t optimized, Samsung compels you to restart it, or else you get a nasty case of letterbox bars that retain the side ratio of the entrance display. Continuity isn’t designed to work the opposite method, both — opening one thing on the big display after which transferring to the entrance. That’s a bit trickier, as shutting the cellphone is designed to supply a sort of finality to that session, like hitting the facility button to place the system to sleep.
I get that, and like many different items right here, it is going to be attention-grabbing to see how folks put it to use. Apart from the apparent {hardware} issues, a lot of the work on the second-generation system will focus on learnings from how customers work together with this mannequin. I do know I stunned myself after I ended up utilizing the 7.3-inch display to snap photographs. It felt foolish — like these individuals who carry iPads to {photograph} occasions. However it’s in the end a significantly better viewfinder than that measly 4.6-incher.
That’s actually simply the tip of the iceberg for the within display, in fact. The scale, which is someplace between phablet and mini pill, supplies ample actual property that may nonetheless be held in a single hand. It’s an incredible measurement for brief movies. I’ve watched loads of YouTube on this factor, although the audio system (a small sequence of holes on the higher and decrease edges) go away quite a bit to be desired.
And the seam. I discovered myself uttering the phrase “it may very well be worse” quite a bit. Like a lot of the final aesthetic (together with the odd green-gold shade of my Fold’s casing), it’s lighting-dependent. There are many occasions while you don’t see all of it, and different when the glare hits it and makes it seem like a line proper down the middle.
I noticed after snapping a few photographs that it’s significantly obvious in lots of photographs. That most likely provides a misunderstanding of its prominence. It sucks that there’s one in any respect, but it surely’s not a shock, given the character of the design. You principally don’t discover it, till your finger swipes throughout it. And even then it’s delicate and completely not a dealbreaker, in contrast to, say, the large hole that made the ZTE Axon M seem like two telephones pasted collectively.
I like the power to face the system up by having it open at a 90-degree angle, so I can watch movies whereas brushing my enamel. However this orientation blocks the underside audio system, hampering the already iffy sound. Fortunately, your $1,980 will get you a pair of the wonderful Galaxy Buds in field. It’s laborious to think about Apple bundling AirPods with the subsequent iPhone, however I suppose stranger issues have occurred, proper?
Multi-Energetic Window is the opposite key software program piece. It’s one thing that has been obtainable on different Samsung units and positively is smart right here. Open an app, swipe left from the precise facet of the display and a tray will open. From there, you’ll be able to speak in confidence to three apps on the show. As soon as open, the home windows characteristic a small tab on the prime that allows you to rearrange them.
It’s useful. I used it probably the most throughout these occasions I had a video taking part in on an train machine, so I didn’t have to shut out of all the things to examine emails and Twitter. I’m a gymnasium multi-tasker. I’m sorry, it’s simply who I’m now.
It labored fairly effectively on the entire, courtesy of sturdy internals, together with 12GB of RAM and a Snapdragon 855. The first problem I bumped into was how among the apps maintained that half-screen format after I closed out and reopened. I’m certain some folks will want that, and I’m actually unsure what the best resolution is there.
The Fold’s additionally obtained a beefy battery on board. Like Huawei’s, it’s break up in two — one on both facet of the fold. They work out to a beefy 4,380 mAh. That’s simply barely lower than Huawei’s 4,500, however once more, the Mate X is 5G by default — which suggests it’s going to burn by mAhs at a sooner fee.
In the end, the Fold’s best power is Samsung itself. I perceive why you most likely simply did a double take there within the wake of the corporate’s newest {hardware} scandal, however the reality is that the corporate is aware of tips on how to construct telephones. The Fold was very a lot constructed atop the inspiration of the profitable Galaxy line, even whereas it presents a curious little fork within the household tree.
Which means a strong and well-thought-out person expertise exterior of the entire fold factor.
That record consists of nice cameras with glorious software program options and intelligent methods like the brand new Wi-fi PowerShare, which helps you to fold up the cellphone and cost up these Galaxy Buds or one other cellphone whereas it’s plugged in. For higher or worse, it additionally consists of Bixby. Our mannequin was a European model that didn’t have the complete model, however I believe I’ve made my ideas on the sensible assistant fairly well-known during the last couple of years.
The devoted Bixby button could be very a lot right here. And sure, I very a lot by chance pressed it an entire bunch. The headphone jack, then again, is conspicuously absent, which is little question a giant driver behind the choice to incorporate Galaxy Buds. The Fold is an anomaly in a lot of methods, but it surely’s laborious to shake the sensation that this may lastly signify the start of the top for the port on Samsung’s premium units.
Additionally absent is the S Pen. The stylus started life on the Note line and has since branched out to different Samsung units. I think the corporate would have had a tricky time squeezing in house for it alongside the twin batteries, and possibly it’s saving one thing for future generations, however this does really feel like the best display measurement for that accent.
I’m parting methods with the Fold this week, per Samsung’s directions. Not like different merchandise, giving it up gained’t really feel that robust. There wasn’t some extent prior to now week when the Fold didn’t really feel like overkill. There have been, nonetheless, occasions when my iPhone XS display felt downright tiny after switching again.
In some ways, the foldable cellphone nonetheless seems like the long run, and the Fold seems like a cease alongside the way in which. There are loads of first-gen points that needs to be/ought to have been hammered out earlier than mass producing this system. That mentioned, there are particular points that may solely actually be discovered in real-world testing. Take the truth that Samsung subjected the system to 200,000 mechanical open and closes. That’s quite a bit, and doubtless greater than the lifetime of nearly any of those units, however folks don’t open and shut like machines. And with regards to the display, effectively, a bit of dust is certain to get between the gears, each metaphorically and actually.
As I shut this Galaxy Fold a remaining time, it appears protected to say that the system represents a doubtlessly thrilling future for a stagnant smartphone house. However that’s the factor in regards to the future — it’s simply not right here but.
Samsung Galaxy Fold evaluation: future shock The Galaxy Fold has been probably the most polarizing product I can recall having reviewed. Everybody who noticed it wished to play with the long-promised smartphone paradigm shift.
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supervillainproject · 6 years
Quick Guide to SEO
After a person are ready having a fully made and developed website, the very first thing that comes into your own mind is "after creating the website, why do we require SEO? " Let us notice. No. When you have a normal weblog and use a WordPress SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION plugin to optimize it regarding search and social media, a person are probably in the very clear. Mobile-first indexing is one of the particular latest SEO updates in 2018 by Google. This provided the rise of search motor optimization which known as SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Nowadays, we discuss 8 SEO styles to look out for because you build your marketing strategy for 2015. In today's publish, I'm going to discuss the particular top SEO trends in 2018, which you must follow. SEOQuake: A plugin for your internet browser, not WordPress, SEOQuake enables users to quickly and effortlessly assess SEO attributes of any kind of website without having to open up up extra programs. For improvising SEO with hyper-localization, webmasters will have to focus on hyperlocal keywords, which have to be optimized for local search results. Rather of marketing at people, you have to make it easy for all of them to find you whenever they desire you, and that's where SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION comes in. The Penguin update was released to algorithmically penalize sites who deliberately consider to enhance their search motor rankings via link building techniques or Black-Hat SEO techniques in order to artificially boost the ranking of their own websites. Blog site commenting is another SEO techniques for enhancing your SEO results. Tools like SEMrush Backlinks Band, Moz Open Site Explorer, plus MajesticSEO Bulk Backlink Checker permit you to input your website to be able to monitor the number of backlinks you might have gained over a certain time period of time. Bill is a content advertising and SEO expert with more than 4 years experience working being a full-time consultant. With Search engines continuously trying to mimic human being mind, SEO experts may have got increased focus on end customers. In purchase to master this, constant assessment of content, keywords and hyperlinks that are centered on the niche market should form section of your SEO strategy. When you begin task management with SEO PowerSuite's Rank Tracker, the Google SERP Features column will display most elements generated by your key phrases, with the ones you position is highlighted in green. We have been a consumer with MAX Effect Marketing intended for nearly 2 years now plus have kept adding additional solutions of theirs during this time period because of the amazing outcomes, that include: Online Ads, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, Web Design & Groupon. This will improve your SEO more than multiple engines by bringing the hike into your SERPs. As the quick reminder, it is the particular search engine's job to display users relevant content based upon what they're searching for, plus it's our job as SEOs to understand what those customers are looking for and produce awesome, relevant content for all of them. Google's punishing algorithms most likely class pages as something similar to a poor UX in the event that they meet certain detectable requirements e. g. lack of status or old-school SEO stuff like key phrase stuffing a site. In my opinion, for any business that caters for a specific neighborhood, region, or city, Local SEO is the most important marketing strategy you can implement. Yet what is SEO search motor optimization? Consequently, it is vital to obtain hold of the right Equipment, in order to perform sophisticated SEO analysis for higher rank and better visibility in Search engines. This blog focuses on offering SEO information targeted to little businesses. This completely modifications the overall game for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION as voice search queries are usually using normal conversational speech rather of an unnaturally sounding vocabulary easier understood by a device, so that it calls with regard to a different approach to the particular keyword research. Visible search is changing the entire world of search and a great SEO strategy to think regarding this 2018 is to in fact think about the way individuals consume visual content. Many individuals associate off-page SEO with hyperlink building but it is not really only that. Meta keywords have been deprecated regarding a long time in Search engines and Bing as it belongs to SEO. SEO is just about all about reverse engineering and replicating the organic search success associated with market leaders. The third major SEO ranking signal is Google's artificial intelligence search ranking algorithm. In 2018, SEO strategies will be significantly influenced by voice search because the focus will be on long-tail search keywords. Articles is key but content only is no longer king; content material, context, and relevance will generate performance of content and electronic marketing, and SEO is component but not full parcel. So, in this blog, you can discover the newest information that Google will be prepared to release, such as Making use of Page Speed in Mobile Lookup Ranking” If you read SEO weblogs on other domains, they will certainly likely be linking to plus quoting from this blog anytime something new is published. For that person who have the website or blog, SEO helps get organic traffic of potential clients, clients and visitors through the free of charge, ” organic, ” editorial” or even natural” search results. This is the next major component of ethical SEO ranking. Keyword research have been listed as Quantity 0” because it is a prerequisite to performing best practice on-page SEO. These are called SEO ranking factors. In order to help you stay on best of those changes, this post will cover SEO trends that will are already noticeable as nicely as the best practices in order to improve digital marketing strategy intended for the business. Topics include; Perform you know the best procedures for Local SEO? ”, Search engines My Business optimisation”, Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Keyword Research”, and other superior tactics that will help your own business get more exposure, visitors, and customers. SEO provides become a crucial piece in order to this shift, as people lookup for information or products through Google around 5 billion occasions every single day. All of us article will focus on on-page optimization, and am will end up being sharing lots of good on-page SEO techniques you should apply while working on optimizing your blog page posts. This is why correct SEO seo is so essential. If you have got an old site in inclusion to just started to shape out SEO also it just hit you that OMG, none associated with the keywords I've researched are usually in any of my URLs”, you need to skip the particular whole URL changing process. Search engine optimization Professional ( SEO Expert ), one of highly rated Honest SEO Expert posses excellent command word over organic SEO, purely white-hat SEO techniques, knowledge and true time industry connection with customizing various theme website, e-commerce SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, small and large size company website's SEO. Thank a person for your awesome In-depth Guidebook, There are learnt some new SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Strategies, I will start along with improving my site's Dwell Period Beside Creating Visual Content, We SEO 2019 PDF will really appreciate In situation you could Write an In-depth Guide about Creating Embeddable Images”, I must understand it better. The biggest trend for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2018 is evergreen, long-form blog content. Guest post- Guest post is usually second smart and effective away page SEO technique after hyperlink building. So, the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION experts will try to web page link your app with many various other business apps so that the particular search engines can index plus rank the app. You must become witty enough to select greatest SEO Company that handles cultural media marketing technique very nicely. The SEO trends with regard to 2018 and the years in order to come are not some unattached concepts you need to deal with separately. SEO, within general, covers all types associated with businesses, blogs, and websites. I indicate, most websites outsource their SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION for an agency - is actually just not cool ripping lower someone's online presence for activities they did not take. You can build links through Digital Marketing or content marketing and advertising blogs too, because these are usually (SEO, Digital Marketing or Content material marketing) closely related topics. A successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION campaign always begins with key phrase research. SEO strategies that as soon as were along with the sport may not apply to the particular current search engines like search engines. But, the most substantial SEO announcement might have already been Google's mobile update of 04 2015 - this update triggered non-mobile-friendly websites to get decrease rankings. Amongst the traditional strategy and the particular backbone of SEO, Content, plus Links continue to be simply because worthy as they were. Digital marketing trends possess become more affected by interpersonal media, so keep it within mind when planning your 2018 SEO. Since a internet search engine trainer, I always suggest people in order to see SEO as a advertising process in addition to the particular technical aspects. VARIETIES OF SEO There are two main sorts of search engine optimization, whitened hat search engine optimization (the ‘good' kind), and black head wear (the 'not so good' kind). With a shift to mobile-first indexing, the biggest SEO tendency we'll see in 2018 will be the adoption of accelerated mobile web pages. Information analysis of keyword triggers plus user queries can be utilized to allow experts to distinguish client intent and plan their SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and PPC campaigns accordingly. By focusing upon these best SEO trends within 2018 and actualizing particular strategies, it will guarantee that the site is completely streamlined plus prepared to get targeted customers. While focusing on highlighted snippets, SEO focuses read even more about high volume keywords. Advances in both video plus image search will be essential SEO trends to know within 2018. Tools might furthermore get a boost and supply users with more information associated to search queries. Nearby SEO to help drive nearby organic traffic (if you possess a brick and mortar). So, businesses can obtain SEO trends and ranking elements will continue in this path throughout 2018 and beyond. By having a strong SEO, a website owner can get free organic traffic that otherwise she or he would have to pay for (e. g. via Google PPC Adwords). Enter your own competitor's URL into the SEMRush search bar and you'll end up being provided with a list associated with SEO keywords, along with their own rankings and traffic. We think in 2018 we'll observe an acceleration of SEO procedures being folded into the bigger marketing strategy. In order to assist you understand the fundamentals of search engine optimization ( SEO ), we'll cover internet sites, web design and online content material. Lastly, Amazon may dominate e-commerce queries in 2018 via Alexa voice, touch, plus other innovative interfaces, leaving a lot of e-commerce SEOs to target in upon the content-side of their advertising. So, make certain to focus a bit upon these trends and search study more about them in purchase to make your SEO video game stronger. Indeed, I agree with you Karthikeyan Maruthai, We ought to Understand Above Off-page SEO Methods to Accomplish Very Good Ranking. Additionally, it provides me a place to embed the video (giving it more views, embeds, wants, etc) which improves both our video's SEO and my home page's SEO as well… people are usually more prone to share, link to, plus spend more time on the particular page if it has the nice video. Allow me to operate you through the top SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION vogues and what you ought to do, to improve the position your website. In SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION NAP stands for Name, Tackle, Phone #. While it might appear innocent enough, people mess this up time and period again, and inconsistent information on the particular web will destroy any prospect you have with regard to ranking in local search. We will cover technical SEO in significantly more depth in future articles, but in short, it offers things like site speed, examine errors, redirects, duplicate content, canonicalization, mobile optimization, sitemaps, markups, organised data, and various HTML labels, like rel=nofollow, that might end up being needed sometimes. Traditional SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques are still effective, yet a number of trends are usually in the works that can significantly alter the practice of customizing for search. Whatever you do, be sure you don't fall in the trap and begin doing some black-hat SEO techniques like cloaking or spammy backlink building, it may get you seriously penalized by Google. Unless you upgrade your own SEO strategy and just stay to traditional methods, you may find hard to push your own website pages in top ten results, and even worst, obtain penalized by Google for moving forward aggressive and forceful SEO strategies to gain ranking. The blog post of interest in order to SEOs from is this a single: 4 Search Trends That Produced Waves in 2017” This article begins using a paragraph that might resonate with those who have got searched on Google (or some other search engines like google, with regard to that matter) for many yrs: For the past 20 years, the particular pinnacle of search sophistication had been talking to a search motor like you're Tarzan. I think the particular biggest SEO trend in 2018 would be voice search search engine optimization. Among the essential SEO tips for you in order to follow is to not select keywords which have already already been used by multiple businesses plus websites. In situation you are improving user encounter by focusing primarily on the particular quality of the MC associated with your pages and avoiding -- even removing - old-school SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques - those certainly are usually positive steps to getting a lot more traffic from Google in 2018 - as well as the particular type of content performance Search engines rewards is in the finish largely at least in relation to a satisfying user encounter. Off-page SEO is vital, even more because it helps in offering your site out in front side of the hundreds of hundreds of online users. The SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services are usually cost efficient and they can be actually helpful in diverting traffic from your search engines to your site. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION helps to get a brand name recognition searching engine by obtaining ranking of the business sites at the same time this improves the traffic of the website. Whether you are usually a marketer or a company owner, or even a organization for SEO, it's always advantageous to research and learning fresh SEO tactics. I'm curious - sometimes along with your chapter-based guides, you possess them all on a solitary page like this one, yet sometimes they're separate pages along with an overview page as being a kind of intro + table associated with contents, like the Keyword Study for SEO Definitive Guide. More significantly for us as SEOs, this means that the power of hyperlinks to rank websites is established to decrease, as well since the power of good user-engagement metrics on the website (and anything that improves them) will be increasing. Even as we head in order to 2018, SEO is becoming more and more important as more businesses are usually aware they require it in order to get found online. If youโ€d like to know more about doing keyword research that will give a boost to your SEO activities, head over to our completeย long tail keywords research guide and find out some of the FREE tools in action. Mobile users are increasing therefore it you must aware with the mobile SEO tactics and also updated that Google making. 1- I understand that do backlinks with crawlers or programs, that not great for SEO and Big Sibling Google do not love this i mention to Fiverr Gig”. Knowledge associated with SEO techniques can assist a company to promote its online existence effectively. Therefore, as a good online marketer, you should have got a clear regarding the current SEO trends. Along with SEO becoming more and even more important, search engines had in order to make a way to utilize this with greater accuracy. Given the rankings plus search volume, SEO can generate considerable traffic and leads with regard to Grainger. Google's Featured Thoughts and quick answers can end up being another important SEO trend that will you should watch in 2018. Many business people find looking at up on the "moving target" of SEO distracts them through daily priorities more than these people ever imagined, therefore it is definitely good to look closely with why is sense for every business. Back in times, people utilized to manipulate the particular search results using some well-known black hat SEO techniques. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking factors will continue in order to act as the bottom associated with SEO pillars in spite associated with whatever search engine updates. If a person are reading this blog right now, you'd probably know what Lookup Engine Optimization” is. It will be quite commonly called SEO I am giving you a quick short on Search Engine Optimization, forms of SEO techniques, the techniques involved in these processes plus so forth Seo is techniques that will search engines recommend as great practice and black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is those techniques that lookup engines do not approve associated with. For SEO consultants who practice seo, they tend to generate results that be very long lasting. Follow along and you will have done your most readily useful Local SEO audit in know time. SEO strategies that will once were on top associated with the game might not use to the current search motors. Since that action can suggest losing all search engine visitors, Web Strategy Plus always suggests sticking to SEO techniques that will fall within Google's guidelines. As the matter of fact, the energy of any website lies within the DA. Domain Authority will be SEOmozs calculated metric for just how well a given domain is usually likely to rank in research results. You should restrategize your strategy to local SEO to create sure you are picking upward on voice searcher intent regarding keyword groupings around your company or industry. Sometimes the best method to improve local SEO will be to correct previous mistakes. In today's rapidly shifting globe, SEO techniques can change upon a dime—and the worst component is that you might not really even know it. Hacks that will could have won you the front-page result as recently because 2016 are not only outdated now, but they may also hurt your website's rankings. As shown above, when a user will say some thing like Tell me something regarding Semantic SEO? ”, Sir Jerrika Link might be invoked. Your goal — when you want to be great at SEO — is in order to appear on the very greatest of the search engine outcomes pages for the keywords that will are important for your company. This review roundup covers 10 SEO tools: Ahrefs, AWR Cloud, DeepCrawl,, LinkResearchTools, Regal, Moz Pro, Searchmetrics Essentials, SEMrush, and SpyFu. However in the drive in order to more closely align search outcomes to actual human experiences, wishes and intentions, Google's engineers plus algorithms are pivoting to research quality as the next excellent transformation in SEO. The particular agency is led by the digital marketing expert who retains more than a decade-long encounter in the SEO field. The particular main reason for this article is to offer ideas plus open a constructive discussion throughout the future of SEO and electronic marketing over the next twelve months. Almost all capable SEOs understand that the number of customers for the mobile platform will just increase since the years go simply by. So, with that in thoughts, among the top SEO techniques for 2018 is optimizing the mobile-friendly website. Enter: SEO -- a method to filter plus organise websites depending on key phrases. SEO today is producing sure a user's experience is definitely optimal in terms of the particular content they're consuming, how could possibly be consuming on various devices, plus what action they're lead in order to take next. And as over 55% of search results on Search engines contain one or more movies — almost all of which usually are YouTube videos — submitting SEO-optimised YouTube videos will obtain you more Google search publicity and increase your online presence exponentially. In situation your website is on the particular newer side, you can prioritize your PPC campaign first because it can take a whilst for SEO rankings to turn out to be established, but don't ignore your own SEO in this process. In truth, you're going to see even more and more people investing within SEO as paid traffic stations will get expensive. Google failed to result web pages so much right after updates, quickly but they gather data constantly so they are usually testing their algorithms then this effects all directories in search engine optimization.
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