#i'M pretty sure that might not be the ideal body plan
copper-skulls · 2 years
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rotating Smok Signals, anyways, I thought about it a little more:
Gaster is bulky but spiky. his wings came in after the barrier came up and he's garbage at flying but he does love smacking things with them.
Papyrus is Long Oval shaped in general, much more lightweight, and while he never reaches Gaster in height, he ends up Longer. his wings also (eventually) are actually good for flying so there's that
watch the way I draw them stretch in weird shapes like taffy for a while, but these are likely the cornerstones I'll be sticking to.
in other news, hnngh dragon fambly.
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hunny-bean · 1 year
Got a Frank Castle request. How about a little vacation with him. A cabin by the lake and a campfire with marshmallows .
Out Of Mind
Pairing: Frank Castle/F!Reader
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Summary: You finally managed to persuade Frank to take a break with you. He happened to know the perfect place.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Um.... yeah, none. Teensy bit of swearing. Mentions of violence?? Maybe?? Pretty much straight fluff. This was so calming to write.
A/N: I really enjoyed making this one! There wasn't as much stress about it being enjoyable because it's all stuff I'm used to. Somehow it turned into a sort of angstless hurt/comfort. Don't ask how, I've got no idea. Let me know what you think! XOXO.
Read on AO3
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"Are you sure this is the right spot?" you asked, looking out your window at the sea of orange leaves around you.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Frank promised. "But we'll have to walk a little while to get to the lake."
He hopped out of the driver's side and walked around to the back of the truck to gather your things. You sighed, standing up and stretching to prepare yourself for the last part of your journey.
"How much is a little while?" you wondered, knowing Frank's tendency to be vague about not-so-ideal situations.
"'Bout two miles. It's not that bad," he answered nonchalantly, throwing a leg over the side of the truck bed. Your eyes shot open wide, and you let out a surprised laugh. You were pretty good about walking long distances from growing up in the city, but you weren't looking forward to dragging your bags for half an hour through a damp, rocky forest.
"Why are we parking two miles away from the lake?"
"So if someone comes looking for us," Frank replied, lowering your favorite duffel bag into your arms, "we can hide without them knowing immediately that we're there."
"No one's gonna come looking for us," you assured him. "Everyone thinks you're dead, remember?"
"I'm just trying to keep us safe, sweetheart. You never know what could happen."
The two of you were standing on the side of an old dirt road, your truck tucked behind a cluster of large trees to keep it hidden from view. Looking around, you saw there wasn't a path, clearing, or bike trail in sight. Evidently, Frank was determined to do everything the hard way.
You couldn't really complain, though. You were on your first vacation with the love of your life, and you were planning to enjoy every single moment of it. You expected Frank to hand you another bag, but he just leaned in to kiss your forehead before arranging the other three on his body and starting off into the forest. You followed close behind, allowing him to clear the way of vines and thorns before stepping carefully after him.
After eighteen months spent staring at and studying the gorgeous figure and mannerisms of the man in front of you, you had learned a few things about him. Because of this, you could tell that Frank was a bit upset about something. He seemed tense, and he was ripping at the twigs and spiderwebs more aggressively than was necessary, almost like he was trying to work out some unwanted feelings. It took you a moment to decide how to approach the subject. He wasn't exactly known for being super open about his emotions.
"Is there something bothering you?" you asked offhandedly.
Frank stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you, his head cocked to the side and his forehead scrunched in confusion. He seemed amused by your attempt at casualness.
"Why do you ask?" he responded, ripping up a dead branch that had been in your way.
"I don't know. I just thought you looked a little nervous."
He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again as he decided against it. He stood there thinking for a while, but right when you thought he might give you an answer, he turned away from you and kept on walking without saying anything. The two of you continued on like that for what seemed like hours, just making your way to the lake in silence. You thought that was the end of that conversation, but after shredding a few more twigs, he finally spoke.
"I guess I just don't have the greatest track record with things like this," he admitted.
"Like what? Vacations?" you asked hesitantly, afraid he might go silent again. Thankfully, he seemed ready to talk whatever was upsetting him.
"Yeah? I guess so," he began. "I think I'm just kinda on edge because, uh, whenever I let my guard down or try to be happy. . . things tend to go wrong." He sounded like he was figuring it out for himself as he spoke, as if he was telling both of you instead of just you.
Hearing this, you sped up to stand beside him and grabbed onto his arm. He let you, but he didn't look over at you like he usually did. You knew from past experiences that Frank wasn't the biggest fan of feeling vulnerable.
"Nothing's gonna go wrong this time. I promise," you said, leaning in close to him.
"I appreciate that, baby, but you can't possibly know what's gonna happen," he mumbled.
You couldn't exactly argue with that. There were tons of things that could go wrong when you were in the middle of nowhere. You could only be as careful as possible and put all your energy into making sure Frank enjoyed this trip as much as you were planning to. Suddenly, you were struck with an idea.
"Why don't you list all the things you think could happen while we're out here, and I'll tell you all the reasons why they won't," you suggested, smiling brightly at him.
He took a moment to consider your proposition, but you could tell he was on board. You were hoping you could turn this into a game of sorts that you could play whenever one of you was worried about something.
"Alright," he decided. "One of us could. . . trip over a rock." It was a rather tame first suggestion, so you brushed it off pretty easily. You knew he wasn't actually worried about rocks. He was just testing the waters.
"We've got, like, four first-aid kits and we know how to catch ourselves. I don't think that'll be an issue," you teased. You saw his lips quirk up on one side. Your master plan was working.
"Okay. Someone could find us and try to kill us." That was definitely more what he was worried about. It was certainly a valid fear, but you were still determined to help him let go of it until you returned to your normal lives.
"It's very unlikely that someone's actively trying to find either of us right now," you reasoned. "We've been really good at laying low; you especially. Even if someone accidentally stumbled upon us, they probably wouldn't try to kill us because they wouldn't know who you were. Even if they figured it out and attacked you, there's a ninety-five percent chance that you'd win. Need I go on?"
It would take more than that to completely comfort him, but it was easy to see you were making progress.
"I think you're okay," he said, shifting his arm so yours were linked together. You looked up to see him thinking intently about something that he very obviously found entertaining.
"What is it?" you pried, smiling back on instinct. You couldn't help it. Everything about Frank's happiness was contagious to you. He could be laughing at the goddamn apocalypse and you'd still be laughing with him.
"You really think I'd lose to five percent of the population?"
You scoffed, bumping into him playfully. "I don't know, I was just throwing out a random number. It's probably more like ninety-nine," you amended. "Besides, if you're that confident in your abilities, then why are you worried about losing?"
"If focusing on the one percent is what keeps you safe, then that's what I'm gonna do," he asserted.
"Well you're welcome to, just not this week. You chose this place specifically because it was safe. You know you're allowed to feel safe, don't you?"
"Yeah, I know. I guess that's just not as easy as it sounds," Frank joked pessimistically.
"Well, we're gonna keep working on it. Anything else you think could go wrong?"
"We could drop all our bags in the lake."
The two of you kept playing for a long while, walking arm-in-arm through the fallen leaves, enjoying the crisp early-autumn air. As time went on and you ran out of ideas, the suggestions and rebuttals grew increasingly more outlandish until you were both cracking up, all your previous concerns forgotten about. Just when your shoulder was beginning to ache from the weight slung over it, you heard the soft sound of moving water in the distance. As you got closer to the sound, the air began to smell like lake water, which would have been unpleasant had it not carried so much nostalgia with it.
"It should be right over here," Frank announced as soon as the shimmering waves came into view. Sure enough, just barely visible in the distance, hidden in the shadows cast by the setting sun, was the silhouette of a small, cozy log cabin.
"This place is incredible," you marveled, excitedly hopping up the front steps. You stepped to the side, looking around the front porch as you waited for Frank to dig the key out of his pocket and unlock the door.
"My dad and some friends of his built this place in their early thirties. This was their special spot growing up and they wanted to preserve it in some way," he recounted, twisting the key as hard as he could until he managed to open it with a hard shove and a loud creak.
The inside was just as quaint and inviting as the outside, despite the dust and cobwebs that had formed after years of disuse. It was obvious what you'd be spending your first evening doing. Thankfully, you'd anticipated this, and had packed a whole gallon-sized bag full of old rags and cleaning spray. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a convenient broom propped up against the wall. That certainly wasn't the only thing you noticed though.
On the wall opposite you, directly across from the front door, there was a stone fireplace that fit in nicely with the wooden interior. In front of the fireplace, there was a soft red and orange rug with dusty pillows strewn across it that were clearly meant to be sat on. On one side of the room, there was a tall oak table with a simplistic design and four matching chairs around it. There were a few windows in the cabin, positioned in a way that told you they would light up the whole room in the early morning. For the night, there were candles literally everywhere, some in elegant holders, others tossed haphazardly on their sides. On the other side of the room, there was a door leading to a teeny little bedroom with nothing but a queen sized bed, a small nightstand, and a dark wooden dresser on the wall. With a little love, you knew it would be the perfect place for you two to relax away from all the noise and danger of the city.
"So. . . what do you think?" Frank asked, taking in your awestruck expression.
"I absolutely love it," you told him, dropping your bag and turning around to pull him into a giant hug. "And I love you. So much," you added, kissing him sweetly before pulling away to start unpacking.
Frank whistled, taking in the state of the place after sitting empty for so long. "I guess we'd better get to work, huh?" he sighed.
"The sooner we start, the sooner we'll be finished."
And so you worked until the sun finished its descent, dusting furniture, fluffing pillows, scrubbing windows, sweeping floors, taking snack breaks, and changing sheets until you were finally finished. Now, it was definitely perfect.
"It looks just like it used to when I was a kid," Frank reminisced, inspecting the various trinkets scattered across the mantel.
"Sounds like we did a good job then," you grinned.
"I'd say so too," he said, spinning you around and pulling you close to him. "What would you like to do now?" he asked.
"Hmm..." You thought for a moment, considering all your options. Suddenly, you remembered something you had seen on your way up to the door. "Do you wanna start a fire?" you suggested, beaming.
"That sounds nice, baby."
"Yay! You go ahead and get it going. I'll grab the blankets and marshmallows," you directed.
"You packed marshmallows?" Frank teased lightly.
"Well, it wouldn't be a camping trip without them!"
When you made it outside, you found Frank crouched over the cleared out firepit, lighting a stick on fire and using it to create several little flames throughout the pile. The pit was dug into the ground with a circle of large rocks surrounding it for people to sit on. Once you got the fire going, you and Frank shared the largest stone, wrapped up together in a cozy blanket and carefully toasting your marshmallows to perfection.
Well, not really to perfection. You both had yours catch on fire several times before you figured out the right technique. You never quite got yours exactly how you wanted it, but Frank was toasting masterpieces before too long. It didn't bother you though, because he always gave you his best ones.
The warmth of the fire and the body next to you had you feeling sleepy after a while, and you began nodding off with your head on Frank's shoulder. The comforting smell of the shifting leaves and the curling smoke created an atmosphere that you never wanted to escape. You were truly free of all the stress of your everyday-life. Every responsibility, every problem, every tough decision; they were all officially out of sight, out of mind.
"I think this is gonna be the best week of my life," you mumbled, melting into his strong embrace.
"Me too, baby. Me too," he whispered.
After a long moment, the silence became heavier and the dying fire got somehow louder. You knew there was something else he wanted to say, and you waited for it patiently.
"I thought of another worst-case-scenario," he said at last, rubbing your arm gently.
"What's that?"
"You could leave me." You turned your head to kiss his shoulder lovingly.
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A/N: Not my best work but I kinda like it! Anyway, thanks for reading!<3
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tyuninthemirror · 1 year
— waste the night: c.sb
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— pairing: idol!soobin x idol fem!reader — genre: fluff — word count: 2697 — disclaimers: fwb situation, mentions of sex. very slightly suggestive. reader is a member of gidle. — synopsis: the five times soobin wasted your night trying to confess to you and the one time he finally did. — series masterlist
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— author's note: does soobin belong in (g)i-dle? yes.
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The first time Choi Soobin ever tried to confess to you was when he found out Hwang Hyunjin was interested in you.
You and Soobin had an understanding. As fellow idols, you knew the struggles of fame and the need to keep your personal lives private. So when the two of you started hooking up, it was only natural that it stayed between you both: no strings attached, no emotions, just plain old sex. Or so you thought.
Soobin always found you attractive. From the moment you debuted with (G)I-DLE, you were the one that stuck out to him the most. Even more so, because you were the same age, you got introduced to each other by mutual friends and eventually set up an arrangement.
To say you were his ideal type was an understatement. You were his dream girl. You and Soobin might not know each other very deeply, but every time you and Soobin met up, he fell more and more in love with you. Everything was supposed to be strictly physical, but the little things like always having a fresh towel prepared every time he came over or making sure he texted you once he safely got back to his dorms after your time together made him feel butterflies.
"Choi Soobin," Yeonjun called out just as Soobin stepped one foot out the door. "Where are you going?"
Soobin sheepishly smiled as he turned to face the older boy. "To see Y/N."
"Have fun," Yeonjun smirked, crossing his arms and leaning casually against the wall in the dimly lit hallway.
"By the way, do you plan on confessing to her any time soon?"
"W-Why would you ask that?" Soobin asked, his ears red at mentioning his secret feelings for you. He tried to play it cool, but he knew his closest friends could see right through him.
"Changbin told me that Hyunjin was considering asking Y/N out. Just thought I'd give you a heads up."
"Hey, pretty boy, is something on your mind?" you asked as you straddled his waist. The moonlight streamed through the window of your dorm room, casting a warm glow over the disheveled sheets and tangled limbs. Soobin's usually carefree expression was replaced with a look of deep contemplation as he gazed up at you.
"Oh, nothing," he replied, his hand lightly tracing patterns on your bare thighs.
"Alright," you chuckle, leaning in to kiss him softly, but you couldn't help but notice the slight tension in his body. Getting out of bed, you grabbed some clothes from your closet and motioned for Soobin to follow you to the shower in your room.
"Are you going somewhere?" Soobin asked, curiosity lacing his words as he eyed the clothes on the bed before joining you in the shower.
"Yeah, I've got a date to get to," you answered him, confusion evident in your voice as you turned the shower on. His question surprised you. You never really asked each other details about your schedules before.
Soobin stood by the shower, stunned at your words. Were you meeting up with Hyunjin?
With a panicked expression, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to a stop. Your breath caught as you turned to face him, your mind racing with questions.
"Y/N," he pleaded, his eyes searching yours desperately. "Please, don't go tonight."
His grip on your wrist tightened, conveying the urgency in his plea. You could see the fear and concern etched on his face, and it tugged at your heartstrings.
"Please…" he began, trying to say the words stuck in his throat. "Stay with me."
You softened at his words. "Soobin, did you have a bad day? I'm sorry, I really have to do that recording with Soyeon today, so we can't cuddle."
Soobin's eyes widened at your response. "Recording…? B-But you said date…"
"Oops," you chuckled at his confusion. "Sorry, the members call recording schedules dates because we get lots of alone time with Soyeon. We even eat dinner one on one and all. It's like a date."
Soobin bursts out laughing at your explanation; not sure if it was because he was relieved or trying to hide how embarrassed he was.
"I promise I'll make it up to you next time."
He didn't confess that night, but he managed to walk you to the studio, exchange a few words with Soyeon, and you even kiss each other goodbye.
That was the first time Soyeon ever saw you with Soobin outside of your apartment.
"What's going on with you and Soobin?" Soyeon asked as you went over the lyrics for today's recording.
"You know we're hooking up," you answer her, your ears turning red in embarrassment at having to say it aloud.
"Sure," Soyeon snickers before ushering you into the recording studio. "Whatever you say."
The second time Soobin tried to confess to you was when you texted him to make up for leaving that night.
You two decided to meet at your place. Before Soobin could even attempt to say anything after stepping into your apartment, your lips were on his, and the rest was history. How could he resist you?
Your night ended under your comfy covers, with you laying on Soobin's bare chest while he lightly stroked your hair.
"Have you ever dated anyone before?" he suddenly asked mid-stroke. Your eyebrows furrowed at his question, wondering what brought the question up.
"Hmm…" you hummed, thinking for a moment. Soobin mentally slapped himself. Why would he ask you that, knowing he'd be jealous if you said yes?
"I dated this boy named Nam Giseok before," you answered after pondering for a while. "But we broke up after he moved away in 5th grade."
"Your first and last boyfriend was in 5th grade?" Soobin chuckled.
"Don't make fun of me," you pouted, pulling yourself away from Soobin's warm embrace to sit up a little to see his face better. "I started training at 12, so I didn't get to meet a lot of people. Besides, there isn't anyone I want to date."
"No one at all?" Soobin asked, trying to hide the obvious sound of disappointment in his voice.
"Not really," you shrugged. "No one is as nice or as funny as you, Soobin. Why should I settle for any less?"
Soobin's heart started beating faster, wondering if you were hinting at something.
Before he could ask you to explain what you meant, his phone started ringing. You leaned over to look at who was calling.
"It's Taehyun, you should pick up," you told him, passing him his phone. He didn't confess that night either. Soobin had to rush back to the dorms after hearing from Taehyun that the fire department was there because Beomgyu almost burned the house down trying to torch marshmallows.
The third time Soobin tried to confess, he was at your doorstep at 2 am in the morning. You could smell the alcohol on his breath, but you were more worried than annoyed because he was definitely drunk.
"Y/N, I-I missed you," was the first thing that came out of his mouth as he engulfed you in a big hug, his taller frame eating you up.
"Choi Soobin, how much did you drink?" you asked, pulling away to check how intoxicated he was. His eyelids drooping and swaying confirmed he probably had a bit too much.
"Does Yeonjun or your manager know you're here?" you asked, slowly leading him to your bedroom.
"Y/N, you're really pretty."
"Thank you, Soobin," you chuckled. "Are you trying to change the topic?"
"N-No, Y/N. Like you're so pretty, I could die," he exclaimed, plopping himself on your bed.
"You're going to regret drinking so much in the morning," you shook your head as Soobin sheepishly smiled at you.
As you bent down to take Soobin's coat off, he leaned forward and kissed you. It was different from your usual kisses. It was so light and so tender. It was like he wanted to stay in that moment forever.
You gently pushed him away, asking him if he was okay, and he nodded, giving you a small smile. You found yourself staring into his eyes, and for a split second, it felt like something more.
After successfully removing some of his clothes to make him more comfortable, Soobin lay half awake on your bed. You could see his eyes getting heavier and heavier, and you knew he was falling asleep.
Laying next to him, you reach over to turn the night lamp you had on off, only to hear him mumble, "I'm in love with her."
You felt a little sting in your chest. Was Soobin in love with someone? Did he think you were someone else when he kissed you like that?
You shook your head, trying to avert your thoughts. Why would it matter if Soobin was in love with someone else, it's not like you were dating.
Soobin didn't get to confess that night, either. He had a drink with Yeonjun to gain more confidence to confess, but it totally backfired on both of them. Yeonjun either fell asleep in the restaurant or managed to crawl home.
That night, Soobin spent the night at your place for the first time, but he woke up in the morning to an empty space next to him and some Advil on the side of your bed.
The fourth time Soobin tried to confess to you, he wondered why you weren't replying as much to his messages. He knew your comeback was coming, so he waived it off as you being busy, but it was unsettling.
He contemplated whether he should try confessing through text because, one, his last three attempts failed miserably, and two, whenever he tried to meet up, you told him you were busy.
to: y/n Y/N, it's not my intention to distract you, but I just wanted you to know I have feelings for you. I know it kinda ruins what we have now, but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me? Maybe it could work out? I hope this doesn't make things weird.
The text message was left unread for two days.
When you finally reply on the third day, you tell him your phone broke during a schedule, and you just got a new one. You never received his message because you didn't back up your recent chats.
After hearing what happened, Soobin chickened out and pretended you didn't miss his message.
Soobin didn't get to confess successfully this time around, either.
The truth was, you weren't at a schedule that day. You had shared your confused feelings with Shuhua, and she said it was time for catharsis. That time was spent with you and Shuhua going water skiing and your phone plunging into the water, never receiving Soobin's message.
The fifth time Soobin tried to confess to you, you bumped into each other backstage of Music Bank a month after the phone incident.
You had been busy with the album release of I LOVE, so you and Soobin could only really text, not that you texted a lot to begin with.
He had seen your MV and comeback photos for NXDE, but seeing you up close and personal with your blonde hair was a different story.
"Hey," he whispered in your ear as you got your hair done. You shot up from your seat in shock but slapped Soobin's arm when you realized it was just him messing with you.
"I haven't seen you in a while," he said with a sad smile. "I missed you."
Your breath hitched, and you could feel the tingling in your chest. "I missed you too."
"Are you free after the show? I wanted to tell you something."
"Okay," you answered in a small voice. Worried he'd ruin your make-up, Soobin gives the back of your hand a small peck and walks away.
You thought back to the night he got drunk. Did he want to stop your arrangement? Was he finally going to tell you about that girl he was in love with?
That night, Soobin couldn't confess either. You agreed to meet in the corridor after the show, but you never showed up. Soobin was confused as to why you didn't but then heard from Beomgyu that Hyunjin finally gave you his number after the show that night.
The whole meeting really just flaked out. Soobin never asked you about it, worried you'd accepted Hyunjin's confession, and since he never asked where you were, you pretended it never happened, worried he would end things. You weren't ready for it to end.
The last time Soobin attempted to try confessing, he felt you slipping away.
You had booty called him after your goodbye stage for this comeback. It took you weeks to muster up the courage to have potential goodbye sex.
You realized there was no point getting hurt over the fact that the person you had feelings for was in love with someone else, and the least you could take was the good memories of your time together.
As the two of you lay in bed, basking in the afterglow of your intimate moment, you feel Soobin's arms wrap around you, pulling you closer. It was strange, you thought, to cuddle after sex, especially since both of you had made it clear from the start that it was just casual. You both only recently started cuddling after sex, but something was comforting in his hold, something that made you feel safe and wanted, and you would miss this feeling.
"Y/N," Soobin says, his voice soft and gentle. "Can I tell you something?"
Your heart dropped. You knew this was it.
"Of course," you reply, stroking his arm with your fingers, not daring to look at him.
"I know we agreed that this was just sex, no emotions attached," he starts, his voice laced with hesitation. "But I can't help how I feel. I think I'm in love with you, Y/N."
Your breath hitches in your throat, surprised by his confession. Did you hear it wrong?
"Soobin, I-" you start, but he cuts you off.
"I know you might not feel the same way, or you might like Hyunjin after his confession, and that's okay," he says quickly, his eyes filled with worry. "I just wanted you to know how I felt and to apologize if it makes things weird between us."
"Wait, Soobin. Hyunjin approached me to collab. He didn't confess," you corrected him, still trying to process everything he had said. "Also, aren't you in love with someone else?"
A warm, breathy chuckle escaped Soobin's lips as he gazed at you with adoration.
"I just said I'm in love with you, and you're asking if I love someone else?" he chuckled again, the sound like music to your ears. "I've been in love with you since we met."
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment as you remember all the doubts and fears that had consumed you. You couldn't believe how silly you had been for assuming anything but complete devotion from him.
Feeling emboldened by his confession, you place a hand on his cheek, your fingers tracing the soft curve of his jawline.
"Soobin, I'm falling in love with you too," you whisper, feeling the weight of your words settle between you.
Relief and joy wash over Soobin's face as he leans in to kiss you, his lips gentle yet passionate, reminding you of the kiss that drunken night. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, savoring the feeling of his mouth on yours.
As you break the kiss, you look into his eyes and smile, realizing this casual fling has become much more.
Soobin finally got to confess, and you never left his arms that night.
"Do you think they got together by now?" Yeonjun asked, nudging Beomgyu with his foot as they sat in the living room watching He's Just Not That Into You.
"He better. It's getting harder to use Hyunjin as the scapegoat," Beomgyu sighed. "He's starting to wonder why Soobin keeps glaring at him."
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cursedvibes · 2 years
Garbhadhatu/the Womb Realm
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While we haven't seen the full extend of Kenjaku's domain, we know it is named after the Womb Realm, a metaphysical space that plays a role in Vajrayana Buddhism. You might've heard of the Diamond Realm, which in short represents wisdom. This is similar to that. The Womb Realm represents compassion. In it, all compassionate actions lead to salvation. This is now the second time Kenjaku has been connected to compassion and leading people to salvation. Kannon bosatsu, who Kenjaku (Fukukenjaku Kannon) derives their name from, is characterized by exactly that. Actually, Kannon is also depicted in some Garbhadhatu Mandalas as part of the shibosatsu (four bosatsu).
Like Kenjaku's ideals are a bastardization of Kannon's priciples, this womb realm looks more like a place of anguish if the contorted faces are anything to go by. We got 6? 7? headless pregnant bodies and 5 or 6 people sitting at the bottom with masks on their faces. They seem to be holding eggs or maybe their distended bellies, it's hard to tell, and it looks to me like they are summoning/protecting the pregnant bodies and mass of faces.
My thought so far is that the contorted faces represent (or are?) the identities Kenjaku has taken on, with the masked people being the identity they present to the outside. It looks like the pregnant bodies are holding in the screaming faces, similar to how Kenjaku's experiences with pregnancy possibly connect all the bodies they have taken on over the years. (As in the experiences shaped their future, not that they got pregnant in every body)
For the pregnancy part, Kenjaku has been connected to it plenty before with of course the Death Paintings and the birth of Yuuji (btw if that looked anything like this, Jin is an absolute mad man for just chilling through that). Pregnancy, the womb, motherhood, all these things are often, especially in Buddhism and Gardhadhatu, connected to nurturing and protecting aspects, which Kenjaku is the exact opposite of. The first time we heard of them killing people with their own hands was the infanticide of the Star Plasma Vessel and Six Eyes user back in the 1500s.
Aside from all the symbolism, I would really like to know why Kenjaku personally has such a fixation on pregnancy and anything connected to the uterus... there must be more history behind it than just Yuuji's birth and the (in Kenjaku's eyes) failed Death Painting experiment.
On another note, those markings on the bodies look very similar to the one on the Death Painting and the mark on Tsumiki's forehead/what appeared when Kenjaku started the Culling Game. It's not the exact same, but the strokes are similar. All looking like they were painted on with a brush. I would really like to know what the specific function of those marks is and if/how they are connected to Kenjaku's technique.
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(I've seen some theories that this is Choso but I'm pretty sure Choso is the worm on the left. That bulky form barely visible at the top is Kechizu and the larvae-esque one at the bottom is Eso. The one with markings in the foreground doesn't match the shapes of the fetuses Mahito assembles in front of the man that will become Kechizu's vessel. This one might be a representation of the Death Paintings as a whole or one we haven't met yet, although in that case it's strange that they would be shown here.)
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This makes me even more confident that Tsumiki will play a bigger role in Kenjaku's plan (and I still belief in the theory that she's the game master)
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rabbitsrams · 1 year
I just had the most diabolical soul crushing thought. So inexperienced schlatt & reader have finally worked their way up to doing the deed, and when they do it’s so soft and sweet, kisses everywhere, holding hands, talking eachother through it. CUDDLING DURING THE SEX TO FEEL CLOSE TO ONE ANOTHER.
oh anon... i love you. i love you dearly.
i already touched on this in my initial post but i'm so fucking glad to elaborate this is my favorite thing ever )):
nsfw under the cut, minors dni!! 18+ only.
so you don't really plan it out necessarily. you both know you want to go all the way but you're not sure if the other is ready. but schlatt really wants it with you so he goes as all out as he can.
making a spotify playlist for perfect songs for the night, taking you out to dinner (off campus) and just treating you like an absolute queen.
it's not ideal, he wishes he didn't have to take you back to his dorm room where his neighbors were the loudest, but he wants it to happen and will make it work.
his roommate is thankfully out with his own boyfriend (schlatt planned most with him so he knows not to go back in lol) so you have the room to yourself.
HE BOUGHT FUCKING. ROSE PETALS. (yes this man watched some of your favorite romcoms for inspiration. i want him so bad. im crying.)
"j, what is all this?"
"i wanted to make tonight special, 'cause your first time should be special."
"you're... you're ready?"
"me too."
then he's like wait and brings you back outside so he can attempt to carry you in. it doesn't really work, but you don't care. you're kissing him as soon as the door closes.
he's like wait lemme put on the playlist but you keep on kissing him so it's a struggle to get it on lmao.
"j, you've seen it all before, though."
"doesn't make it any less beautiful."
his hands are all over you when you both sit on the bed and make out some more. you just love kissing each other so much like ohhhhhh😭
you do some foreplay, lots of what you've done before, but it feels like the first time again. like that intimacy of sharing the moment together is just so special.
and as i said before, he's too caught up in the moment to realize he doesn't have condoms with him. he's panicking lowkey because he wanted everything to be perfect and now he messed this up and...
"j, i'm pretty sure the ra's have them. and if not, we can just run to the pharmacy or something."
"but i had this all planned out. i wanted it to be perfect-" you shut him up with a kiss.
"it is perfect."
he comes back from the ra's office with too many condoms. you're giggling at how they're all falling out of his arms and teasing the shit out of him.
"you could have gotten a few!"
"shut up." and he kisses you right after. oh fuck. that was really hot.
you both don't know how to put a condom on so he pulls up fucking WIKIHOW to do it. all while you're kissing down his neck to tease a bit.
a song you imagined playing during your first time starts right as he gets on top of you and you are just. in heaven. this is the perfect moment.
as i said before, he's really nervous about actually putting it in, you both know it might hurt or feel weird AND HE DOESN'T WANT TO HURT YOU OH MY GOD...
but you tell him you'll be okay. and he says you can stop any time if it hurts or if you're uncomfortable.
he takes your hand into his, assuring you you can squeeze it if it hurts or anything.
it is a little bit painful at first. it's different than his fingers, a lot more to take in, but he goes slow so you can get used to the feeling.
you do find yourself squeezing his hand a lot, not really from pain but from the new sensation of being stretched out further. but it actually feels really good.
his pace is a bit awkward and uneven when he starts moving, but once he gets used to it, oh my god?? and he just looks so pretty on top of you, his hair is sticking to his forehead, he's whimpering at how good you feel around him.
as i said before, he doesn't last very long. he finishes before you do and he's like oh no because he wanted you to finish as well. but you tell him it's fine and not to worry.
he's so cuddly )): like he's hugging you and kissing your neck apologizing that you couldn't get to finish but you reassure him that you can do it again later.
(later that night you do get to and it's really hot like it's your best orgasm yet. and he's so happy because HE made you come that hard. HE DID. AAAAAAAA)
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suugiart · 10 months
So @melatien tagged me with the panel in this image and said the man that's leaving is probably AFO
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I completely forgot about this panel because my most recent memories are of the anime, BUT THIS WASN'T IN THE ANIME. THEY LEFT THIS OUT.
You all remember the theory about AFO giving Tomura Decay, right?
I have this nagging feeling now that Tomura was actually quirkless. That's why he was a "late bloomer."
I used to be convinced that this theory was just that. A theory and nothing more. I've considered the fact again that his quirk just... doesn't make sense. You would expect maybe something similar to Nana's floating quirk, not something as random as Decay. This was the only thing I saw giving the theory any traction: the weird occurrence of Tomura getting a decay quirk. That can also be deduced to mutated quirks like Eri's and Tokoyami's (I believe he has human-looking parents. I recall it being mentioned in one of the light novels. Correct me if I'm wrong). But we have this panel showcasing a very tall man wearing a suit and NO TIE, MIGHT I ADD, sending Tomura home. I also feel like it's important to note the heights here. We know AFO is very very tall, coming up to a whopping 7'4 (still nothing compared to Fatgum who stands at 8'2, but this isn't about him), and the average height of a 5 year old boy is about 3'6-3'8, and we can see that Tenko just comes up to this man's hips.
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One of my friends said they think AFO was just scouting, which is also completely possible! Again, this is only a theory. But I have a feeling that he already knew about Kotarou. I'm sure he has ways of finding out everything he can about the OFA users (he has a lot of "friends," after all). It probably wouldn't be too hard to learn that a pro hero such as Nana had a family. It makes sense that AFO would specifically target a user's family since he's also shown a bit of a tendency for revenge, given that he KILLS the users instead of only trying to get OFA (more specifically: Yoichi) back. (This can probably be excused pretty easily though, because as of the latest chapter (407) we can see that he also kills for the sake of killing, but I feel like it's different when it comes to the users).
His revenge on Nana was using her son as a vessel for himself when his body eventually grew too weak to continue on. It could easily have been a part of his plan to give Tenko that quirk when he brought him home so that Tenko would eventually kill his entire family by accident, leaving AFO with the perfect opportunity to take him in.
I got stuck for a bit on the itching, because it seems to be an effect of his quirk, and it was happening before his quirk came in. But I think that can easily be deduced to stress or anxiety. Itchiness can be an effect of stress and/or anxiety. Tenko was very stressed and anxious in his living situation because of his father. Having a father who beat and berated him because he didn't have the same ideals (and even had a dream that went against those ideals) obviously would have made him highly stressed, and would have made him feel anxious when at home.
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He learned that getting rid of the problem (his father) made the itching go away. Which would make it easier to believe what AFO told him.
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AFO took him in and told him that the itchiness is because he has a need to destroy, and that it can only be fixed by destroying.
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Now when he is angry, his first resort is murder. When he can't murder someone he's mad at, he gets stressed out because things aren't going his way, which causes the itching to return.
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All For One manipulated this child into believing that the ONLY WAY to get rid of that itch is to DESTROY. Considering that this is only a theory, this could still be very true. The itchiness could still easily be a side effect of a mutated quirk that he was simply born with. And because it's initially a quirk for destruction, the itchiness is just a way of telling him to destroy (and theory-wise, I think this still works. Stress caused him to itch, and it ultimately played a part in him murdering Kotarou. The quirk is emotion-driven, so it's possible that because the itch led him to murder, the quirk intensifies the feeling because it triggers his need to destroy).
(I will add that the quirk could still be used for good. He'd make a great rescue hero specialising in evacuation, minus the "must kill or itch will stay" bit.)
This is such a horrific revenge, which is why I think AFO would totally do something like this. He's a manipulative, vengeful, possessive man. He gave Tomura the quirk, manipulated him into believing that his problems could only be solved through murder. He did this as revenge on Nana for keeping his "thing" (Yoichi) away from him.
I'm excited to see if anything comes of this theory. I'm down for any possibility, whether it be that AFO was scouting, had a chance meeting with Tomura, or this theory. I just saw that panel and got excited when I remembered this theory, and I really wanted to talk about my thoughts on how the theory could make sense.
Anyway, this was longer than I expected it to be, so here's a cookie for your troubles 🍪
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oskidontle · 2 months
Heya just discovered your AU recently and I'm really enjoying it I have some questions though 1. how did this start off? Like how did the hunger start manifesting and what were the very first signs? 2. is Mr boss evil? 3. what do the others think of the fact that pim starves himself of flesh? Do they encourage him to eat Orr? 4. Can they still eat normal food? And if so do they have like a strong adversion to it orr? 5. Who did the hunger take the biggest toll on mentally 6. Are you planning on making some sorta comic or some other to tell your story I'm pretty sure there's a story here but mabye I'm wrong idk 7. How'd you come up with the designs for their hunger forms and the AU in general?
OG AU Post for the confused
1. The very first signs are subtle enough no one notices, not even themselves. The only evidence something is off is animals start to steer clear. Maybe they sense something more instinctual, feral, about their aura? Scent maybe? However it is, animals with their superior senses know something is wrong.
They didn't start noticing anything themselves until they started to see things in the mirror for just slight glimpses. Glimpses of something but they could never make out what.
It's only days from there when the cravings start. But many times someone can crave something and not know what it is they crave until they find it. As you can imagine, because of this, each of their first hunts were unexpected. As such, people can get caught in the crossfire. Important people.
It was unlucky that Pim had to learn what he was craving when he did.
2. Mr. Boss is not evil. But he has a job to do, one that he has been tending to for many years. 18 years to be precise. He hopes to complete his job soon enough.
3. Allan and Glep care but they don't try to stop him. Instead they just check up on him often, bring some drinks, normal food. They don't really know how to approach him in a way they perceive as meaningful.
Charlie despite his desperation for a way to fix all of it still encourages Pim to eat. He reasons with him that there is no point in Pim or any of them starving themselves. After all it always ends the same way, a loss of control and an inevitable rampage. Why loose control and possibly hurt someone you don't want to hurt, when at the very least the hunt let's you know the victim ahead of time.
It's not much of a compensation. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Unfortunately it's his own choice at the end of the day.
4. They can eat normal food, in fact they still have to. The Hunger has just added another part to their diet that their body perceives as crucial for survival.
5. That's hard to answer, depends on what you put value on in this toll. In my opinion I'd say it's either Glep or Pim.
6. Maybe, maybe not. If I'm honest I don't know yet. I might make occasional snippets of moments I imagine happening. They wouldn't be in chronological order, just whenever I feel like making them. If I don't make a master post later on then I would leave the chronological order left for any interested to piece together using context clues I leave throughout different posts.
Like I said, this is a big maybe. Ideally I would make a fic but I have never been able to finish a single chapter of a fic in my life. I loose focus too easy.
I have a story to tell but I suppose I haven't decided how I want to tell it
7. If you want me to be truly honest, I didn't think that much. I built lore after designs. I wanted them each to have a sort of gimmick going on while being kinda cohesive simultaneously. I also knew I didn't want to go with a hyper detailed or overly realistic look.
In-universe they probably look terrifying but to you or I, they look just kinda uncanny. A little gross.
After making the initial designs I started to come up with lore and adjusted details accordingly.
As for why I came up with it?
Two words: For fun! :)
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liesmyth · 8 months
hi! love your jockposting. I recently finished C25K and am trying to figure out what to do next. I found that plan to be a good time with my dog. I sort of want to try longer distances? Like a 10k? But Reddit seems to hate B210k and some people seem to say that I should just focus on regularly running for a half hour for a while before I try to add on?
Ok so full disclosure, I'm not familiar with B210k. I looked it up, and I agree with Reddit that it isn't great, but IDK if you care about details like variety of runs during the week and possibly introducing speedwork. I'm also not a fan of run/walk-based training programs, because I think it's way more useful to 1) slow down your pace but still be running when you need to, in terms of mechanics and 2) walk IF you need to, whenever, without it being framed as a beginner shortcut you should grow out of.
However, I'm not sure I agree with Reddit that the weekly increases are too big! Personally, I found going from 5k to 10k a lot easier than just starting to run in the first place, and the same might be true for you. If you want to give B210k a try do it, and maybe re-do one of the weeks if you feel like it was tough enough already that you don't want to advance to the next one, or take a deload week in the middle where you run 70% of the previous week.
Not to be cheesy but ~listen to your body!! ✨
Some other recs that could interest you:
The Hal Higdon Novice Base Building Program, jumping into whichever week you feel you're at and going from there.
The r/running order of operation -I think it's pretty solid but again, it's a bit slow going! I think it's good for developing a habit in the long term, though.
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I think if your goal is just "run a 10k once to see if I can do it" you're totally fine just winging it. However, if your goal is "build up to running 10k at least once a week" then I think you'd be better off taking a longer-term base-building approach and bumping up your total volume (= distance covered weekly) as well as the long run (going from 5k to 10k) because it helps with recovery and injury prevention.
Even as a beginner, your long run shouldn't be longer than 35-40% of your weekly mileage, ideally even lower. So if your goal is to go out and run 10k every Sunday, you should work your way up to running at least 25k/week (including the 10k long run!) to get your body used to running through multiple lower-intensity efforts.
Anyway here are some base training tips from my fave Running Nerd, Pfizt. Text in ALT!
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marshmallowprotection · 7 months
hello!! consider this like a bingo free space to talk about any headcanons or anything that is currently on your mind that no one has asked about!!
~embroidery anon
(or if there's nothing on your mind, take it as just some well wishes <3)
Well, lately I've been thinking about Saeran's scars and how they deserve to be handled with love and care. I don't see many people draw the scars he likely has on one or both of his ankles. But, I think there's a good chance those scars are there, and it doesn't matter if they're faint or bold, the feeling of having something touch that part of his body hurts.
It triggers him and brings him back to a place he never wants to be ever again. He spent his childhood with ropes and chains wrapped around his ankles, binding him to the ground, so he's not going to ever want to feel that weight around his body if he has a say. He's overwhelmed, frightened, and scared of being bound.
Whether they want to draw him with scars on that part of his body or not, the damage his mother inflicted on him isn't something anyone should ignore when they're thinking about that part of his body. He's afraid of being tied up... and I do grimace when I see people write him enjoying that, even in a safe space, if only because my worst fears in regards to this were proven to be true when he Rika restrained him.
Why do you think he disassociates from the very moment Rika puts chains around his ankle in the RAE? 
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It takes him back to the worst time in his life.
In an instant, he's back in his childhood home, and he is being restrained against his will by his mother. She keeps him in Chains because she knows if she lets both of the boys run around without something to keep one of them back, they'll run away, she'll lose her meal ticket, and they'll die. Not that she cares about them living or dying, but if they die, she doesn't get what she wants and that's the money Saejoong gives her every month.
Her plan, in my theory, was to become a trophy wife and it didn't work out that way. She blackmailed Saejoong when she didn't get what she wanted and her miserable existence continued to spiral as she grew bitter at the boys for existing and not giving her what she wanted. She never wanted kids.
She wanted a lavish lifestyle and was willing to have a kid or two to ensure her success. Saejoong didn't want her as a wife. She wasn't the type of person who could stand with him and get him the life he wanted. He's been fighting and cheating his way to top. He needed a wife who would stand behind him, smile, and stay silent. We know he has a wife and kid he legally considers his own, but we don't know a damn thing about them.
I'm still not entirely sure if he already had a wife at the time he had an encounter with Mother Choi. Either way, her plan was to either scoop him up for marriage and win herself a lifestyle of luxury, or to be a pretty side piece who gets whatever she wants while not having to worry about running some household. 
I digress, we all understand that she kept Saeran on a chain because he was easier to restrain. She needed Saeyoung to run errands for her when she was too inebriated or hungover to do it herself. Saeran was just a baby. A baby she restrained with ropes and chains. That's not something he's ever going to shake off. I think, it might get easier in the future, but... it's always going to be a part of him.
He's never unpacked the scope of what that did to him. He hasn't had enough time to do so since his freedom from Mint Eye. But, I can say this to you.
Saeran Choi will not wear clothes that are tight around his ankles.
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If he wears anything that goes over his ankles, it does not clamp to that part of his body. It has to be loose and if it does go over his ankles, it has to go over them entirely and land in such a place that doesn't trigger him.
He will never wear socks that are longer than ankle cut. Ideally, he will wear something that isn't longer than his ankles, but if he has to wear something that is, he will make sure that it is the loosest kind of soft fabric he can find. This man will not wear skinny jeans. You shouldn't draw that with in mind, to be honest.
I already hear someone trying to tell me about Unknown, yes, Unknown wears a tall pair of boots, but they do not stop on his ankles, they go well above them. You can also tell his pants are not tight around his ankles thanks to this photo from the secret ending. We also have a photo from his birthday a few years ago where he's wearing a different outfit, and wouldn't you know it, there's nothing tight around his ankle there! 
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There is only one photo of him in existence where he's wearing something that has an ankle-cut style, and it's not the happiest image of him in existence. It’s SE Saeran wearing something that feels off. The shirt he's wearing in this image has been presumed by everyone in this fandom to be hand-me-downs. 
Technically, he's still wearing the tank top and pants from his outfit before, the only different thing is the fact that he's wearing a sweater that seems a bit too big for him and shoes that rest on his ankles that have replaced his boots. I do think the shirt and boots belong to his brother because they fit more with Saeyoung’s style.
It also makes sense that he wouldn't want to bother with choosing new clothes for himself, after all, he's only here because his brother begged and pleaded with him not to die. Saeyoung would’ve gifted him something to wear and given the fact that Saeran is still wary of his brother by the end of the Secret Ending, it’s a surprise to see him willing to accept anything at all, much less a shirt and shoes. 
Unfortunately, the reason why he feels so disconnected in this photo doesn't just have to do with the fact that he feels uncomfortable around the RFA, I think it's because the minute he put those boots on, he felt disconnected and detached. That look in his eyes has always bothered me.
The more I think about it, the more I fear that it's because he's wearing shoes that make him uncomfortable but he doesn't want to voice his discomfort. He doesn't want to be smothered by his brother who still needs to sort out his trauma with parentification. But, I have to point this out because it's the only image where he's wearing shoes that do this. 
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🦀👑 for deacon and “you always see the good in people. even me.”
Aww, yes, this is perfect 🥺 Love some nice fluff for Deeks <3 He really does deserve it 😊
(And slowly so slowly but surely, I'm chipping away at the last of these prompts, but I have some different stuff coming out here pretty soon that I'm excited to get back into, so plans for more are a'comin'!)
For now though, I hope you like this!
"That's horrible." You whispered, more to yourself than to Deacon, but the Railroad spy nodded in agreement, nonetheless.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I... I wish I could've been here. Could've known you before, could've helped, somehow..."
Deacon's ginger brows raised high, his forehead wrinkling slightly as he fixed you with his surprised gaze.
"I, ah, I appreciate that Sole, but that... That little confession of mine was more of a warning than a ploy for your heartfelt sympathies."
"A warning?"
"Well..." Deacon shrugged, looking away with an expression akin to a grimace. "Yeah, you know. Like the infamous "trust no one" note I threw at you a while back... I wasn't, well, I wasn't always this perfect, this morally upright."
Deacon's hands were flying up with a dramatic gesture, back to their animated antics after his previous muted tone and body language.
Despite his words now, the way he tried to convince you, it was only too obvious how uncomfortable the big reveal of his past had been for him to voice.
"Before you settled for calling me 'friend,' I figured you should know that. Know the... the truth. You know, to better inform your decision, and all that."
A small smile tugged on your lips, but your eyes still murmured your sympathies.
"Well, it doesn't change my decision." You told Deacon firmly, as he looked down towards the ground ahead of him.
"No. If anything... it only solidifies it, really."
He quirked a brow at that, his head snapping back to get a better look at the mouth that just uttered the unthinkable.
"You told me the truth, Deacon. For the first time-- well, the first time without me threatening to leave you or stab you, or something like that." You chuckled at that briefly, and Deacon's lips curled upwards in response.
"And you did it unprompted." You continued, your tone more serious this time. "You told me something deeply personal, you showed me a vulnerability that... That I honestly wasn't sure existed in you."
"Yeah..." A shadow of that smile still clung to his face as Deacon looked at you through his signature darkened shades. "Must be contagious or something."
Now you raised a brow at him, tilting your head in question.
"Well, I never did do anything like this. 'Till you came along, that is. Telling me the whole sob story of your traumatic past, waxing poetic about your personal ideals and ties with the history of the nation and the world, coming to me in tears with--"
"Okay, yeah, I got it, thanks." You smiled, almost tiredly at that, the lines on your face becoming more prominent at the simple mention of the grief you'd endured in the time you've known him.
You heard your partner sigh beside you.
"Look, Sole..." Deacon's voice was low now, strained as he spoke like he was trying to keep a secret. "What I'm trying, and so gloriously failing to express to you, is..."
He removed his glasses as he paused, folding them neatly as his fingers continued fiddling with the temple pieces. You felt your breath catch as his stark blue gaze locked to yours, and unconsciously stilled at the genuine emotion you found there.
If you moved too abruptly, if you loosed the breath you held in your lungs, it might drive this vulnerability away, might frighten it to the point of no return, might break his gaze from yours.
So, still you stayed, and held your breath as Deacon's voice retuned to him.
"Shit, Sole... I don't know how you do it, but... you always manage to see the good in people. Even when they don't deserve it. Even when they're like me. Just a life made up of various mistakes, driven by spite and the opportunity for revenge, by my own stubborn refusal to die at the hands of the same assholes responsible for making me what I was back then."
Your lungs were burning with the lack of use, but still he carried on, and you held firm in your unfaltering stillness.
"Even when I wasn't sure there was any good to see at all. It's just... It's a farce. All my goodness is driven by my own guilt, my hatred of who I once was, and yet, here you are, making excuses for me. Forgiving me."
He chuckled, but it was dry, humorless, and his eyes broke their connection to you, looking away as he clenched his jaw tightly.
"And you shouldn't. Deep down, I know you shouldn't forgive all my mistakes, but damn, it feels good to know that someone can."
Deacon tried to hide it, but the wetness of his eyes was unmistakable, even as he looked away.
"You're right." You said softly, scooting yourself towards him on the stone wall outside the Old North Church, trying in vain to catch his eye again.
"I do forgive you, and... I don't believe you."
"Well, that's not really new, is it?" He laughed through the strain of his throat as one hand came up to wipe at his cheek. "Guess I can't really say that I blame you on that account, I'm not really one for--"
"I don't believe that hate and guilt are the only things driving you to be a good person, to be who you are today. Maybe at one point, after everything that happened, everything that was taken from you... I couldn't blame you if that was the case... But now?" You shook your head as you spoke, and his gaze finally drifted back to your face.
"No, I don't buy it." You said firmly.
"You're good, Deacon. You're selfless and brave and resourceful. You put yourself on the front lines every day for complete strangers, you go through reconstructive surgery, change who you are every single year, and you've saved your whole entire faction at least once. How many people can say that? How many have gone to those lengths, have made that kind of a difference?"
Deacon only shrugged at that, and you could see the way his mind was struggling behind his eyes, at war with itself as one side fought with everything it had to believe you and the other countered it, grappling within to try and drag him back into his own insecurities, his own biased view of his self-worth.
"What you did back then... it was bad, and you know that. We both do. But what you're doing now? Today? With these people who are so in need of your help? That's what matters."
Your hand touched his, and though he stiffened, Deacon allowed your touch to comfort him, to quiet the cacophonous outbursts badgering each other in his head.
"I don't just see the good in you because I'm some special, kind, forgiving person. I see it because it's there, Deacon. Whether you believe it or not, it's there. And whether you let yourself believe it anytime soon, or you leave it to our friends in the Railroad or to the countless others that we've helped in towns and settlements, or you just leave it to me, I'll always believe it's there."
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ghost-of-a-system · 5 months
Hey! I wanted to ask you about some of your experiences, if that's alright.
In comics it were mentioned several times about complicated gender experience and not being able to feel home in body. We relate to it a lot, so I wanted to ask, how you cope with a feeling of not being able to achieve body that fits you? Or how yall manage decisions regarding changes? (not necessarily body-related, if that's easier to answer)
For us, even outside of gender presentation, it would be impossible to have body we would be comfortable with, some things can't be changed. And we are pretty desperate to find any way to cope with this feeling.
Anyway, hope you will be having a good day! Your blog really helped me to feel less lonely in my experience.
it is pretty impossible for us to have a body that we are comfortable with, too. the overwhelming majority of us are nonhuman in some form, so no amount of clothing, makeup, or hairstyles will be enough to remedy the alien feeling of the body.
certain clothes, accessories, etc. can slightly alleviate the discomfort, in our experience, but only in the sense of feeling more individual to ourselves. we have yet to find anything that will ever make the body feel like "home", or our own, personally. i'm not sure we ever will, just due to the nature of how our alters present.
the biggest help for us might not be one that suits everyone, or one that's a desirable solution, but i'll share it anyway: a lot of the time, we view the body as a separate being, a separate responsibility. assuming that you're coming from our "osdd-1 and gender" comic, think back to the car analogy jola used. now let me add, the body is like our car; we have to wash it and take care of it and "fix it" when things go wrong with it. the car is something that we utilize and not something that we become. the body is something we utilize, and not something that we become.
it isn't an ideal solution, but it's eased part of our issue. i guess it's just made it easier for those feelings of discomfort to not sprout up at all when fronting. it doesn't fix it all of the time, though. especially with no inner world, words can't really begin to describe our longing to just be in our actual bodies again. one of us has been working on a comic about that, i believe. i wish i could give better advice, but we're in the same boat of desperation as you, i'm afraid.
circling back to the question of "how we manage decisions regarding changes", it really depends on the change. for bigger, more life-changing issues, our protector calls the shots for us. for more minor things, we tend to either agree or have no opinion on what decision we opt for. or someone may randomly front and just make decisions anyway. that's how we end up with suddenly bright dyed hair, cut contact with people, new possessions or changing plans without discussion with anyone. it really depends.
on a more lighthearted note, we're happy to hear that our blog has made you feel less alone. nobody deserves to feel such a way and we hope that we continue to do so, for you all and for others.
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ultfreakme · 9 months
"Sure. So for Geto it's mostly that I don't like villains with a bigoted ideology and he's too incompetent to even fall in the "love to hate" category. Really, the worst thing a villain can be is incompetent and Geto in Vol 0 is barely better than your average disney villain. Doesn't help that he never gets pushback on his ideals. Gojo tells him in Premature Death that killing people is bad, but that's it. He spouts his bullshit about how genocide is totally necessary and Yuuta stands there like "idk you might be right, but you want to kill people I care about and that's the real crime here". Nobody really engages with his ideology except Yuki I guess, but that was before he became an antagonist. I could forgive that to a degree if he was at least a real threat, but he isn't. You don't get any of that with Geto, he's not even fun to hate because he barely provides any pushback. He's a bad villain and I dislike him as a person as well. His descent into embracing the superiority of sorcerers and resolving to kill all non-sorcerers was well written, but I don't feel for him at all. Good riddance to the guy, I'm glad he's now dead both in body and mind."
I was so sad, when reading this, what do you think?
Hm, I think whomever said this obviously has their own reasons for disliking Geto and I'm cool with that. I really don't want to like, argue this specifically and try to come up with something that's like "um actually, you're wrong" because this is how they view the story and Geto's character. I personally am partial to evil characters as long as I think they're fun. But I do want to engage with this, and I'm thinking that's what you want too Anon?
To break it down:
Geto's incompetent and acts like a Disney villain I understand why it can come off like that. Disney villains usually have simple, straightforward motives, the older 2-D ones acted flamboyant and show-y, in which case Geto fits into it all. I think the OP meant his reasons are shallow but I think Hidden Inventory gives you a perfect, deep insight into his spiral and how he ends up being so extreme. Geto seems incompetent but to put into perspective, he's been working on this cult for 10 years(and is rather successful), when he was fighting Yuuta, he was also technically simultaneously fighting literally every sorcerer in Tokyo and Kyoto. There's been hints throughout the movie and especially in the light novel, that Geto wasn't exactly fighting to win. He's not in his right mind like you can see it in the way he is towards the end of the fight. Gojo says Geto doesn't want to be saved. I think Geto could have survived after fighting Yuuta, he had just lost an arm and yeah that's a devastating blow but JJK characters have moved pretty well for a good while after worse injuries(Nanami was half burned and was fighting, Toji was literally speaking with his guts blown out, Todo had his hand chopped off, there's probably more I'm forgetting). Geto COULD have gotten out but as we established from Hidden Inventory, he would allow Gojo to kill him, that part stands above his own ideologies. It's subtext, but it's like Geto was giving up. He wasn't intending on winning, he even made escape plans for all his cult family members but not for himself? That's not something a man who's sure of victory does.
Geto doesn't get pushback Oh he absolutely does. No one's engaging with him on his ideologies on-screen, sure, but Geto atp is not someone you could reason with. Shoko engages with him, calls him out on how childish he is but Geto doesn't engage he straight up ignores her and just politely chuckles, he doesn't want to. It's a dead-end and that's what extremism does to you. On top of that, it's been explicitly stated that the sorcerers agree with him on some level. Nanami still respects him, Shoko worries about him, Gojo too. Because they know where he's coming from. His end goals are stupid but the starting- getting tired of being exploited and being forced to watch everyone you know and love die for ZERO credit or help, is exhausting. No one pushes back because no one can wholeheartedly oppose the root of his problems and they don't WANT to. If Geto isn't listening, and a good chunk of the adult sorcerers who can speak with him don't want to, what's the point of forcing an engagement? We as the audience know why he's wrong, it doesn't need to be spelled out in a conversation with Geto specifically. There are other parts of the story that engage with the argument itself, but Geto isn't present. Ultimately, the ideology is refuted very thoroughly by Kenjaku, Yuki and Gojo! In the anime episode where Yuuji got his heart-ripped out and is in Shoko's office about to be examined, Gojo tells Ijichi "hey, I could just kill everyone and do what I want but that's inefficient. what I can do instead is build a good, strong community of sorcerers who use trust and teamwork to change the system from within" or smthg like that. That's Gojo refuting Geto's way of working. Yuuta does say "hey back off stop hurting my friends" but like, it's obvious he's also talking about every other non-sorcerer, he's just using his friends as a launch-point. The movie shows Maki specifically because we've built an emotional connection to her, so the idea of a character we and the MC knows personally dying puts into perspective the devastation of Geto's plans. It's hard to understand the effects of killing every non-sorcerer- the scale is too big(it's why kids shows can say "we're ending the universe!" but not "I'm going to rip your mother apart limb from limb", one feels worse), so we concentrate it on one person and now we can imagine the horror every other person will feel.
Geto doesn't give pushback It's because he doesn't give a shit what others think. If you wanna join, go ahead, if you don't, well he doesn't care to convert you. Even with Yuuta, on the surface it looks like recruitment but his final plan is killing Yuuta to get Rika. He didn't even seem serious in his talk with Yuuta. Geto doesn't argue being like "hey MY way is the high way" because sorcerers aren't his final enemy. They can believe whatever they want, as long as they don't get in his way. He lets his cult members and his daughters engage with non-sorcerers and doesn't push his ideologies on them. He doesn't engage with non-sorcerers because their opinions mean nothing to him. Geto's oddly lax about his ideologies(hence the split in his cult family on whether they should respect Geto's body as Kenjaku or follow his ideals, if Geto was stricter this wouldn't even be in question). There's also the fact that Geto's self-aware enough to know that his goals are fucking ridiculous. It's why he doesn't ask Gojo to join him, or even Shoko. Isn't it odd that he points out that Gojo's very capable of following through Geto's plans, but Geto doesn't ask his bff4ever to even consider this? Gojo ASKS him "hey explain yourself" but Geto chooses not to. He's thinking of himself as this martyr who's gonna go on this dangerous, impossible path to create a world where the people he loves, the sorcerers, are safe. His cult, his ideologies, it didn't make him happy. He thought this is the sacrifice that needed to be made and he was willing to bear the burden. His ideologies are like his power; they put him above others by destroying him.
The rest is OP expressing they dislike his character and that's cool, that's their choice and me liking him or contesting this is not to change their minds, just to....idk engage with this because I think it's fun.
I like Geto because of these things. I'm reasoning all this but I know he's evil, irredeemable, but I think he's a prime example of how selflessness can go horribly wrong when you don't engage and communicate. We see how lonely he is, how isolated the JJK society makes their sorcerers. Perhaps this lack of communication and engagement with his ideologies with Geto himself in-story is intentional- I think it is because the manga's all about love and loneliness when it comes to the special grades, the distance power creates.
Thanks for the ask Anon, I think it's best to ignore people who dislike characters we like, it's always going to drive us around in circles trying to discredit or disprove them XDXD(I did this with Jiang Cheng from Mo Dao Zu Shi, and it was really draining after a while).
Geto my belove pookie princess criminal!
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gabessquishytum · 2 years
Hairy Hob is a blessing I never thought I needed. And this is coming from someone who was kind of meh on the whole body hair thing in sex stuff, it's fine if it's in it, but not my thing usually. Imagine my surprise when I end up going feral, not for someone like the Corinthian who honestly should be more my type, I end up going absolutely bonkers for Hob Gadling. Hob Gadling this absolute Honda Civic of a man, I love him.
Scent kink too, but I digress. More to the point, for someone like Hob, I figured he might be a bit insecure about his body hair when he and Dream first get together. Maybe he noticed one time how much arm hair he has compared to Dream, who took off his coat for some reason. So, the day comes when they finally plan to do the do, and Hob spends the entire morning and afternoon shaving his entire body, cause waxing will hurt too much XD. And then it's time, they're making out. Deam starts to touch his body while kissing and is progressively becoming more confused the more he touches Hob. Until Dream loses patience and rips his shirt to shreds to see his bare chest. And the horror on Dream's face XD, you'd think someone died or something, immediately ripping off Hob's pants and underwear, and he's bare everywhere of course. Dream looked him over twice, even going so far as to make Hob present himself, ie bending over and spreading himself.
Hob's face is beet red, his face is like a tomato, doesn't understand what the fuss is, he thought Dream might like him like this. But the mounting rage on the Dreamlord's face says otherwise. Dream is livid, and I wonder how he'll punish Hob for this. huehuehuehuehuehuehueheuhehuehue
-Love Yan Anon <3
yeSSSS love that my Hairy Hob propaganda is spreading <3 it's funny bc Hob IS so my type it's almost ridiculous. I think body hair really is A Thing for me (on whatever gender) and I can't explain it BUT. I can attempt to spread the gospel about it heehee.
LOVE the idea of Hob being insecure though omg!!! He's really overthinking everything and he's noticed that Dream is very,,, smooth. He's got the tiniest bit of upper lip stubble but aside from that, he's pretty hairless! And Hob is like, "I'm connecting the dots. He was all weird in 1589, when I had facial hair. Obviously he hates body hair and stuff." And Matthew is probably there like "you haven't connected shit my dude" but Hob is already convinced.
And he's a lil sad because ugh, he has a lot of hair, it's kinda part of him?? Also it takes a long time to shave??? But he'd do anything for Dream so. He spends a good 3 hours meticulously making sure he's smooth, even his butthole doesn't escape, it's a fucking nightmare but. Worth it. For Dream.
And yeah Dream is pissed off, ok. He's finally got Hob naked after 600 fucking years of lustful yearning (including a solid half an hour staring at his chest hair in 1689) and he just doesn't get it. But he's incapable of having a normal conversation about it so he pulls a very squirmy (and slightly itchy, fucking shaving burn??? Oww!!) Hob over his lap and demands an explanation.
Hob is humiliated and embarrassingly turned on about it, and he explains his thought process and Dream is just like. "Oh wow. I'm in love with an idiot." Which is objectively not an ideal moment for a love declaration but does clear up a lot of Hob’s self esteem issues.
But Dream is still committed to punishing his lover for his grave sins against all that lovely sexy body hair. He spends a good hour or two smacking Hob’s poor arse (with particular focus on his hole, which is already stinging sooo badly) and his cock. All his shaving implements are immediately banished too, and it's for Dream to decide when he gets his face shaving privileges back. In fact, maybe Dream decides that Hob needs a little more supervision overall. And maybe Hob is unreasonably turned on by the fact that Dream is in charge of his outfit for each day, and his meals, and most importantly, his bedtime <3
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cursedvibes · 6 months
Kaori and Jin itadori for the character ask
Thanks for the ask! This is interesting because both of them are basically 80-100% headcanon. We barely know anything about them.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Hm, I think she dabbled a bit with girls in her youth (maybe also because of societal pressure), but ultimately leans more towards men. I imagine her and Jin got together quite early, end of highschool/early university maybe, so she didn't experiment all that much with other people. Doesn't mean the two didn't have their own fun together though.
Gender Headcanon:
Since we know nothing about her, I have just decided that she is a trans woman. Who is gonna proof me wrong? Her and Jin were thinking a lot about what approach to take with family planning. Kaori didn't care that much either way, but she still tried to look for options for Jin's sake. That's when Kenjaku came in and offered her a womb transplant. Unfortunately, she didn't get to use it much.
A ship I have with said character:
Well, uh, Jin. Also I'm not gonna lie, I have been thinking about her and Kenjaku as well, especially after we found out that they still hold onto her CT. I could absolutely see Kenjaku creeping up on her when scouting for a new body and maybe even try to hit on both her and Jin.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Uh idk, Wasuke? I imagine he was at first a bit sceptical of Jin being in a relationship with her because of some latent transphobia and homophobia, but he got over it pretty quickly and became one of her biggest supporters, even after death. You could say he always showed more concern for her than Jin.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Don't really have any. Not many people shipping her anyway.
A random headcanon:
Because of her CT and I think it would be funny if both of Yuuji's mothers would be into STEM, I think she was a physicist and working on actual anti-gravity devices. So she was a bit of a mad scientist herself.
General Opinion over said character:
I'm not sure I can have much of an opinion on her with how little we know, but what we do know is very intriguing and leaves a lot of room for speculation. Hopefully, we will learn more about her when we get into Yuuji's origins.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Kind of similar to Kaori, although I would say he's more firmly bisexual, he just doesn't have that much experience with men. Certainly not in terms of actual relationships.
Gender Headcanon:
Cis man. Not really the ideal societal image of one with his very polite and submissive soft or unassuming attitude and focus on being primarily a father. But I imagine that's what Kaori and Kenjaku liked about him (for different reasons).
A ship I have with said character:
Mainly just Kaori and Kenjaku. His relationship with Kenjaku is still so fascinating. I really hope it was willful ignorance that kept him by Kenjaku's side and made him pull through with having a child with them. He knows something is wrong, that this isn't Kaori, but he's just so desperate to have a family and a child and might not know how to handle the grief over Kaori, that he just ignores the many red flags Kenjaku is waving in his face. Him just being under some illusion or mind-manipulation CT would be really boring and remove so much agency from him. Let him be a fucked up, slightly obsessive husband to his evil wife!
A BROTP I have with said character:
idk, I don't think he has many friends
A NOTP I have with said character:
Honestly, just Toji. I don't see that at all. It's not even aesthetically appealing to me. They both have children and that's pretty much the only thing that connects them. I don't know why Toji would be interested in Jin and vice-versa.
A random headcanon:
He's still alive lol...no, I think he would have shown up already if that was the case. If he is, he's a really shitty father for letting Yuuji go through all that. Another hc would be that I think he never got that well along with his father, the situation with Kaori was just the tipping point that pushed them into actual hostility. But I imagine divorced/widowed Wasuke wasn't the best dad, especially because he seems to have a gambling addiction that probably didn't get any better with his grief.
General Opinion over said character:
Little fucked up guy, but really interesting. What little we saw of him in canon makes him come off kinda creepy in the stepford smile kind of way in my opinion and I like that about him. I mean he must've charmed Kenjaku somehow and what better way to do that than by being a little insane.
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eerna · 1 year
Honestly, I loooved both Spider Verse movies equally but I totally get where you're coming from! But my brother and I were discussing the movie and we are both 100% sure that the third movie will be focused on Miguel and how his perspective changes. First was focused on Miles' journey, second was Gwen and now it'll be about Miguel's theory of the "canon events" not being what it seems. Miles will prove him wrong despite all the challenges he may face trying to save his dad. That's just my two cents! In any case, glad to hear that you enjoyed the movie nonetheless! Have a good weekend!
Ayyy that's great, thanks! Oh I know they have a plan, but every time the studios decide to make a two-parter by simply splitting a story that was meant to be one whole into 2 movies, my heart cries. This movie didn't have any proper conclusion, it just stopped at the beginning of act 3. I'm about to say some big things for someone who saw the movie once, but IMO this could have been fixed by SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS
leaning a bit harder into the fact that Miles lets his surroundings dictate how he feels about himself (I disagree that the second movie was about Gwen more than Miles, he got most of the runtime?). Maybe they could have made him join Miguel's team during the first act of the movie and actually do a good job mission! Maybe the mission would have been to redirect an anomaly from killing someone's loved one. He could have seen the canon as something good and worth saving at first, and everyone is telling him what a good job he's doing, and he's super hyped about belonging to a community for the first time in a year! Maybe there's a hint where someone lets it slip that Miguel doesn't want him there, but Miles is READY to prove him just how wrong he is. And THEN he messes up and saves someone who shouldn't be saved and suddenly the community that seemed so welcoming and encouraging is turning against him. So what will he do? Will he try to regain their approval, or will he reject their ideals and once again be alone? Maybe here we can sow that seed of "what could make Miles into an inconsiderate, selfish person?" that we will reap at the end of the movie and during the next one hopefully. And then the leap of faith moment could be him deciding that being himself is worth fighting for, and he runs away from the rest of the spider people and, filled with this newfound confidence, goes home to tell his parents what happened, and then the ending of the movie can play out the same (because it's once again thematically tied to Miles's surroundings dictating him). I feel like that IS what the movie was going for, but because it wasn't written very well, it came across as Miles being fickle and I didn't feel much emotion behind it (except when Gwen caught him Like That and he cut away the web, I YELLED at the IMPLICATIONS).
Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of the writing behind Gwen's issues, either. First off, her backstory being explained in a montage that has not-very-good level of repetition writing made me go "NOOOOOOO". Second off, Gwen's story was basically her being herself and waiting until her dad accepts her as such, which is a waste of a really cool character. She is the polar opposite to Miles in that she doesn't let anyone tell her how to feel about herself, but that doesn't mean she must be static in it - she could have an intrinsic journey! However, the writing still insists on outside issues being the main initiator, and I am pretty annoyed that it all boiled down to "Her dad saw her standing over Peter's body and assumed she killed him, regardless of the fact that Spider-Woman is a well established beloved hero who saves people, and he doesn't care about his daughter enough to stop and think why she might have done that". (The story as it is is fine too, but it's more about her dad learning to understand he loves his daughter, instead of any kind of thematically appropriate character development for Gwen herself. It's thematic in a sense that her advice to Miles is wrong and that parents DO accept their kids, which is okay but sort of a weak point when her dad LITERALLY POINTED A GUN AT HER AFTER SHE TOOK HER MASK OFF ALREADY.) Maybe it would have been better if we didn't see how Peter died because she too isn't really sure if she was in the right or not, so the emotional beat behind her story could have been a parallel to Miles' and Miguel's: Did she do what had to be done, or was there another way? Can she really tell her dad that she wouldn't have done it if she'd known it was Peter trying to kill all those children? And then in the end during her confrontation with her father she finally recalls the entire scene, and she concludes that the choice couldn't have been up to her because she really didn't know what she was doing when she killed him. Maybe following Miguel was not only out of fear of having nowhere to go, but also a coping mechanism, because someone else was calling the shots and she didn't have any responsibility over deciding what happens. But this time, she DOES have all the information, and she is capable of making her own decisions, and that's why she helps Miles. JUST IMAGINE the three of them being three sides of the same moral issue: one who believes in sacrificing what you love for the greater good, one who believes both are the same thing and have to be protected the same way, and one who is afraid of making any choice at all.
Anyway this is really really long and I apologize I just have a LOT to say about how this story could have been dealt with in a way that would have felt natural. How often do animated movies get TWO WHOLE HOURS of runtime???? I wish the writers spent a bit more time refining the story because it absolutely could have been as well done as the first one vjsanvjkadnk
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bossbutch · 25 days
umineko chapter 4 (2/2)
the fantasy action sequences have gotten significantly more tolerable because they've gotten significantly funnier. also i've gotten ahead of bryn's more detailed readalong!
the scene where Krauss is fighting a goat man and virgilia is comparing their Numerical Power Levels but there's all these arbitrary multipliers ( and goat's power level goes way down when he talks about his family and being a week away from retirement etc etc) is mwah chef's kiss
the Reveal of kasumi reading the definition of uu-uu in the grimoire is my favorite moment so far. god damn. eva-beatrice being all star wars emperor "let the hate flow through you" was also pretty funny.
so battler isn't asumu's son! and he learns this through his own red truth? which i think removes "perspective" from the red truth, right? because from his point of view he's her son, just like from beato's point of view shannon is nonhuman. whether he's kyrie's kid or there's a *third* wife i'm not sure. it'd be fucked up if it's a/nother beato.
so we end with a big blue vs red sequence where battler says what he thinks has happened, which lambda says is mostly wrong but is a good "check your theories" speed bump.
game 1: • stake deaths being shot and then staked after death seems guaranteed • yeah, no magic for The First Set of Murders • Eva and hideyoshi: killed by kanon, door locked through Device X. when 'he' "discovered" the bodies he had ample time to draw the circle • kanon faked 'his' death, so beato can't say in red it was homicide. then he killed the last 3 and natsuhi. beato says "i guarantee the identity of all unidentified corpses" but if he Wasn't a corpse that wouldn't apply. game 2: • "from the time maria received the key to when rosa unsealed it the next day it passed through no one's hands" = rosa took the key before we saw her taking it? though idk if she actually Killed the first six she was definitely involved • if kanon is A Beatrice then 'him' fighting her goons over jessica can metaphorically be kanon having trouble deciding whether to kill her or not. occam's razor says if there's no body and A Violent Kanon shows up later then fake kanon was real kanon game 3: • the only mystery i think Matters is who killed nanjo. he recognized the killer and begged for his life, maybe he knew what their plan was? but i don't know who did it. beato seems to imply that the killer took the identity of a dead person (other than kinzo, kanon, jessica, battler, or eva). • i guess "how did george leave the guest house" is worth solving but i haven't thought about it much game 4: • "all those present at the family conference acknowledge the presence of kinzo" yeah it's his house. his body is there. he's still metaphorically present and genji and shannon? and associates are carrying out his wishes if shannon and kanon aren't "real humans" it provides space for two Persons X but is also means the cousins can fall in love and make and break promises to objects/ideals/whatever. battler's direct narrative describes kanon as "a slender boy" who can manipulate a wheelbarrow so if kanon isn't present as a person (and not part of an existing member of the 18 or nothing) i'm calling bullshit battler's sin that beato wants an apology for was breaking his promise to come back for shannon. is episode 2 Suit Beato derived from shannon? every beato is derived from trauma, so her breaking the mirror is a metaphor for Some Other Traumatic Event magic metaphors: "beato prime", who was captured and abused by kanon and is almost certainly dead, had a child with him, beato 2. one of the two of them imagine magic genji (ronovo), magic kumasawa (virilia if she isn't beato 1) and gaap, for the same reason maria made sakutaro, To Cope. and the seven sisters and the bunnies are personified weapons. but what are lambda and bernie representing? they might just represent their goals ("battler denies beato/ finding the emotional truth" and "battler tries but is never successful because he lacks love" ) and either way beato doesn't get closure. i think beato will "win" but her real goal is not to kill everybody and take them to heaven but rather to get some catharsis from battler for what his family has done to her/ all the beatos. alternatively the other witches exist for no reason other than adding yuri
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