#embroidery anon
AITA for not displaying my mom's artwork?
I (20F) am an embroidery artist. I make custom embroidery pieces and sell them online and at local craft fairs. I don't keep anything that I make because it all gets sold, and I rarely post my creations online because my designs have been stolen before.
Recently my mom (48F) also took up embroidery, inspired by some of the work I've done. She's only just started, and she's really proud of her work so far. Obviously I'm super happy that she's found a hobby she enjoys, but.... it's bad. Really bad. Mostly just because she's a beginner, but also because she has a bad eye when it comes to colour and space. I would teach her if I had the time but she lives pretty far away and I just can't be visiting her that frequently.
She gave me a few of her pieces to display in my apartment. Last week I had some friends over, who know I'm an embroidery artist but had never seen my work before. They saw my mom's work on display in my apartment and assumed it was something I had done. They kind of laughed at the pieces, and one asked me how I was able to make a living selling *that*. I tried to explain that it wasn't mine, that it was made by my mom, but I could tell they didn't believe me. It didn't help that my mom and I have the same initials (it's traditional in embroidery to put your initials somewhere on the piece) so there really was no way I could prove I hadn't done it.
So I shoved her works in a box next to a chair in my living room.
Of course, mom came over yesterday, just so happened to sit in that chair, and found all her embroidery pieces in the box. She got really mad at me, saying that she had worked hard on those, and just because they weren't done by a professional doesn't mean they aren't worthy of being displayed. I attempted to explain to her the situation with my friends but she said I was valuing my own pride more than my relationship with her.
(please tag as "#embroidery anon" so I can find this post easily)
What are these acronyms?
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marshmallowprotection · 7 months
hello!! consider this like a bingo free space to talk about any headcanons or anything that is currently on your mind that no one has asked about!!
~embroidery anon
(or if there's nothing on your mind, take it as just some well wishes <3)
Well, lately I've been thinking about Saeran's scars and how they deserve to be handled with love and care. I don't see many people draw the scars he likely has on one or both of his ankles. But, I think there's a good chance those scars are there, and it doesn't matter if they're faint or bold, the feeling of having something touch that part of his body hurts.
It triggers him and brings him back to a place he never wants to be ever again. He spent his childhood with ropes and chains wrapped around his ankles, binding him to the ground, so he's not going to ever want to feel that weight around his body if he has a say. He's overwhelmed, frightened, and scared of being bound.
Whether they want to draw him with scars on that part of his body or not, the damage his mother inflicted on him isn't something anyone should ignore when they're thinking about that part of his body. He's afraid of being tied up... and I do grimace when I see people write him enjoying that, even in a safe space, if only because my worst fears in regards to this were proven to be true when he Rika restrained him.
Why do you think he disassociates from the very moment Rika puts chains around his ankle in the RAE? 
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It takes him back to the worst time in his life.
In an instant, he's back in his childhood home, and he is being restrained against his will by his mother. She keeps him in Chains because she knows if she lets both of the boys run around without something to keep one of them back, they'll run away, she'll lose her meal ticket, and they'll die. Not that she cares about them living or dying, but if they die, she doesn't get what she wants and that's the money Saejoong gives her every month.
Her plan, in my theory, was to become a trophy wife and it didn't work out that way. She blackmailed Saejoong when she didn't get what she wanted and her miserable existence continued to spiral as she grew bitter at the boys for existing and not giving her what she wanted. She never wanted kids.
She wanted a lavish lifestyle and was willing to have a kid or two to ensure her success. Saejoong didn't want her as a wife. She wasn't the type of person who could stand with him and get him the life he wanted. He's been fighting and cheating his way to top. He needed a wife who would stand behind him, smile, and stay silent. We know he has a wife and kid he legally considers his own, but we don't know a damn thing about them.
I'm still not entirely sure if he already had a wife at the time he had an encounter with Mother Choi. Either way, her plan was to either scoop him up for marriage and win herself a lifestyle of luxury, or to be a pretty side piece who gets whatever she wants while not having to worry about running some household. 
I digress, we all understand that she kept Saeran on a chain because he was easier to restrain. She needed Saeyoung to run errands for her when she was too inebriated or hungover to do it herself. Saeran was just a baby. A baby she restrained with ropes and chains. That's not something he's ever going to shake off. I think, it might get easier in the future, but... it's always going to be a part of him.
He's never unpacked the scope of what that did to him. He hasn't had enough time to do so since his freedom from Mint Eye. But, I can say this to you.
Saeran Choi will not wear clothes that are tight around his ankles.
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If he wears anything that goes over his ankles, it does not clamp to that part of his body. It has to be loose and if it does go over his ankles, it has to go over them entirely and land in such a place that doesn't trigger him.
He will never wear socks that are longer than ankle cut. Ideally, he will wear something that isn't longer than his ankles, but if he has to wear something that is, he will make sure that it is the loosest kind of soft fabric he can find. This man will not wear skinny jeans. You shouldn't draw that with in mind, to be honest.
I already hear someone trying to tell me about Unknown, yes, Unknown wears a tall pair of boots, but they do not stop on his ankles, they go well above them. You can also tell his pants are not tight around his ankles thanks to this photo from the secret ending. We also have a photo from his birthday a few years ago where he's wearing a different outfit, and wouldn't you know it, there's nothing tight around his ankle there! 
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There is only one photo of him in existence where he's wearing something that has an ankle-cut style, and it's not the happiest image of him in existence. It’s SE Saeran wearing something that feels off. The shirt he's wearing in this image has been presumed by everyone in this fandom to be hand-me-downs. 
Technically, he's still wearing the tank top and pants from his outfit before, the only different thing is the fact that he's wearing a sweater that seems a bit too big for him and shoes that rest on his ankles that have replaced his boots. I do think the shirt and boots belong to his brother because they fit more with Saeyoung’s style.
It also makes sense that he wouldn't want to bother with choosing new clothes for himself, after all, he's only here because his brother begged and pleaded with him not to die. Saeyoung would’ve gifted him something to wear and given the fact that Saeran is still wary of his brother by the end of the Secret Ending, it’s a surprise to see him willing to accept anything at all, much less a shirt and shoes. 
Unfortunately, the reason why he feels so disconnected in this photo doesn't just have to do with the fact that he feels uncomfortable around the RFA, I think it's because the minute he put those boots on, he felt disconnected and detached. That look in his eyes has always bothered me.
The more I think about it, the more I fear that it's because he's wearing shoes that make him uncomfortable but he doesn't want to voice his discomfort. He doesn't want to be smothered by his brother who still needs to sort out his trauma with parentification. But, I have to point this out because it's the only image where he's wearing shoes that do this. 
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vixcubus2 · 3 months
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Got crafty tn 🤭❣️
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flowercrown-bard · 2 years
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A little genderfluid dragon ^^
(Pan dragon)
(Trans dragon)
(rainbow dragon)
(bi dragon)
(aro dragon)
(non binary dragon)
(lesbian dragon)
(sea dragon that's vaguely in the colours of the gay pride flag)
(improvised tutorial on how to make the ace dragon embroidery)
(improvised patterns for the dragons)
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scissor-tournament · 11 months
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Dragonfly Scissors. Source unknown; sold by NeverNotKnitting and others.
Flamingo Scissors, by Hemline. Sold by Hawthorne Handmade and others.
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somegrumpynerd · 4 months
My best friend got me a crochet kit to make a cat as a graduation present, & seeing you reblog all the cute creations made me want to start on it! How do people accomplish anything with crochet? Even referencing the video it came with, I struggled to get past even step one, let alone get close to being finished. This is to say, good job to everyone who has created something crocheted! Couldn't be me, but I'm happy that you found enough joy in it to continue!
Aw I'm sorry you're having trouble with it! I feel like crochet is something that's easier to learn with somebody in person showing you, but that might just be cause that's how I learned it.
But!! If crochet doesn't make a lot of sense to you, try knitting! It seems like for a lot of people you can only do one or the other, like knitting just doesn't really stick to my brain and when I tried to teach my mother crochet she couldn't get it but she's been knitting for ages.
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minty-mumbles · 3 months
Im sorry for the small rant i went into about skys embroidery in your enquete
You're all good! The blank question is a place for people to put anything they want! I've had people do everything from advertise their LU fanfiction, to paste the entire bee movie script. So it's definitely not the weirdest thing I've seen from these surveys lol
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gotham-snark · 4 months
Thank you for noticing anon, they're my favourite part too!! 💛💛
I did each finger separately to give them a little bump 😭
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I am sure somebody already told you BUT during Sunday's Q&A at Tombstone Redemption Jo Armenoix talked about your beautiful embroidery and said how grateful she was for it!! She talked about how emotional it made her and, bless her, she just about wept :sobbing:
I did hear about it but STILL thank you so much for telling me anon ♥️ @arthur-kilgore went to the saturday panel, not sunday, but did manage to tell me somehow lol. I may or may not have cried 😭
I was second guessing myself the entire time I was making the set, because at times it seemed a little unusual, even bordering on weird. I'm so overwhelmed that the love I put into it made such an impact for her 🥹
(also, if anybody has a video of that panel somehow, PLEASE send it my way…)
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actual-changeling · 1 year
ellie has space socks. its a sock dark blue with stars and planets all over it and its her favorite but one day it rips or gets lost anyway she can’t wear it anymore and she knows its dumb but she’s like really fucking sad about it like really fucking sad because its her favorite sock wtf let her be sad but because joel is a fucking mother hen and hates ellie being sad he gose to maria to ask for help like “how tf where tf do i get my kid new socks ???” and good thing for joel turns out tommy can embroider (he looks like an embroidery person you can’t tell me otherwise) so with the help of maria and joel finding a few pairs of blue socks they give them to tommy and he embroiders stars, planets, sally ride (her name) and fucking everything ellie loves about space and two weeks later ellie comes home from school and sees all her new socks and just fucking cries if you ask her no she didn’t but anyways from that day on for every holiday that has presents ellie gets a few new pair of space socks (this thought came to me when i realized my space socks had a hole in them)
Tommy doing embroidery has me CRYING, I never thought about it before but it makes so much sense. Once Joel and Ellie find out it's over though, screw Uncle Tommy he is Grandma Tommy now, he is never getting rid of that nickname.
I love this little idea a lot, it's super sweet and Ellie deserves personalized clothes and belongings cause she probably never really had that outside of the few things in her backpack like her blade and walkman. Give that girl a closet full of love.
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marshmallowprotection · 9 months
hello!! i hope you're well.
i have a little request. i very recently cracked my skull and i was wondering if i could get some comfort from Saeyoung because this constant headache thing is Getting To Me.
thank you!!
~Embroidery Anon
Saeyoung hates to see you writhing in agony. He never wants to see you suffering if there's something he can do about it, and in this case, there isn't much he can do to prevent the pain. He can't chip away at your skull to remove the electricity that runs left and right against the fragile part of your skull. But, the situation isn't entirely hopeless. He knows there are a few things he can do to help you feel better in the short term.
Just call him Nurse Saeyoung, because he's got the outfit ready and everything. Sure, could he be the flirty doctor? Of course, but you're the one who always giggles and pats his thigh whenever he wears the short skirt. He might as well charm you with his good looks while you try to get comfortable, you know? When you feel bad, sometimes the best medicine is a little laughter if you can manage it.
What makes it better if not your Saeyoung all dolled up?
Sure, making you laugh is only half of his plan, but he knows a smile on your face means that no matter how much pain you're in, you can still find a moment to smile because you want to, not because people told you to smile and get over it. When you're in so much pain that it's hard to keep your eyes open, that's when he does everything to make it better.
If a hospital trip won't help, then he and Meowy will find all the fixes they can. You need an ice pack? Wow, did you know Meowy has the coolest fan? They're going to lay on the bed next to you and help you through the fever. Do you need caffeine? Saeyoung tells you that a lot of studies have shown that caffeine reduces the sudden influx of your blood to your brain during a headache, which is what causes all of the pounding you feel!
Surprisingly, he knows just the best ways for you to kick back and relax while you're going through the worst of your headache. He's been there a few times himself, and even if his pain is different from yours, he knows there has to be just enough overlap in there for him to find something just right for you.
The best medicine, thought, might just be when he lays down with you for the afternoon so you have a safe place to cry and rest while the pain is in full swing.
"Don't worry. I may not be 707 anymore, but I'm still the defender of your heart's justice. Try to get some rest if you can, because I'm not moving from this spot as long as you need me. We'll ride this storm together, I promise."
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aceing-on-the-cake · 7 months
Hii, how did you make those shoelaces? They're so cute.
Ok so, I was going to make a video where I showed you how to do it but things have honestly been so busy I literally have not had time to get around to it, and you're anon so I don't have anyone to tag so.....I'm very sorry basically. I hope you see these.
So I used these beads:
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They're called pony beads and you can find them places like Michaels, Amazon, the online Pony Beads Store, etc.
I got a single pack from Michaels and they were like under 4 dollars, but they were missing some colors like grey (which meant I wasn't able to do the ace flag......) so like if you are looking to do a flag it might be worth seeing what colors they have.
But anyways to get them on my shoes I basically unlaced my shoes entirely, strung the beads on my shoelaces in the order of the flag I was using and about 9 across in total (but really that just depends on how wide your shoe is), made sure the beads sit in the very middle of my shoes and then relaced my shoes making sure the beads were facing outwards.
There's lots of different ways you can do this though, like mine was just a single line across but people have done things like this:
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As well where they put the beads all the way up.
You can also do cool stuff like these:
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If you have some clear string and smaller beads (or the larger pony beads, you know, whatever you have on hand will work). And you can get fancy and attach it with clasps like these or you can just tie those fuckers like I did on mine. Be warned though, if you have zip up shoes and these go across where they zip up, you have to make them loose enough that you can open your shoe still. If you just tie your shoes, I don't think that's a problem, but I have accidentally broken one string on my boots before in public....so like, just take that into account.
Or if you don't have strong but you've got safety pins, you can do stuff like this:
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Like honestly I would legitimately suggest checking out pinterest for ideas like this if it's stuff you'd like. This is my DIY board and you can find some of this stuff on here, but just looking at pictures of what people have made can give you some ideas on just DIYing your own clothing. There is so much you can do with things like basic needle and thread (patches from old tshirts, embroidery, mending, sewing entirely new clothing, etc), acrylic paints and an iron (paint directly on fabric, heat set with the iron and bam, you can paint on clothing), bleach (add a cup of water and a brush and you've got a whole new thing you can "paint" with, or you can literally just dump that shut on there in fun ways), or things like beads and safety pins.
Like here's some things I've done to clothes:
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And these are some future things I want to do to clothes that I've found on pinterest:
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I hope any of that was helpful! And again, I'm sorry that it took me so long to reply.
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
I want to make my own version of AP's 2022 lyrical bunny coat. I have an embroidery machine and digitizing software. I've already digitized the lyrical bunny patch. The other patch says Angelic Pretty. I don't want to put their name on something I made. I was planning on making it say just AP. Do you think that's too close? I could do LB for lyrical bunny or my own initials. I'm changing the colors of the jacket to what fabric I have in my stash, so it won't be identical to the real one.
For starters, copying existing things so that you can learn how to do something is totally legitimate. Referencing, especially when you're doing something complex like embroidery, is completely valid.
For people who don't digitize embroidery, it's a lot more complex than just vector art. There's a ton of stuff out there that no one's going to teach you how to do, and you have to learn how to render an image in thread by looking at how others rendered it in thread. Just looking at how someone draws it isn't the same, in the same way that looking at a photograph of a person isn't going to teach you how to blend oil paint on wood to perfectly capture their skin texture. "Learn how to make your own without copying," is not a valid argument here.
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That said, you're completely correct in that copying a brand logo and trying to pass it off as legitimate is not the same as copying a brand to learn their style. I'd definitely want to do something to make it clear that it's not trying to be counterfeit.
You could easily get something that's similar looking, but upon inspection is clearly not the original brand. "Angelic Petty" kind of comes to mind.
You could also pick something that's absolute gibberish, but has a similar uppy-downy-curly-shape (some typography nerd please tell me what that's called) as the AP logo. Skerple brand sharpie markers come to mind.
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You could also definitely just put your own initials or your own signature. You could make a patch with a shape that feels like it should match the bunny. You could pick something else from the release (I liked this key chain) and turn that into a patch.
But if you're asking if I think it's a good idea to just digitize AP's logo and stick it on a patch, well? It's not really doing anything morally wrong as long as you're exclusively using it for personal use and are not attempting to gain some kind of money or social status from it, but you have such a good option to make something to elevate the concept.
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So, if you can, try taking the image in a different direction. What is something that you can add to it that makes it something no one else could make? How can you make this yours?
For further reading: I answered another ask similar before.
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upside-down-uni · 6 months
Hi how do you embroider? Which stich do you use?
hi! i dont know how to answer the first question to be honest? I have a needle, thread and (since a week ago) one of those mending mushroom thingies and just go at it? Well, I did sketch the cloud shape with a pencil first!
But my entire mentality with embroidering is that "do it shitty" meme thats been going around recently: I know nothing about embroidery and have no money to spend on books or expensive tools, so I just do what seems like it works! (I've fixed two hoodie jackets, a hoodie, a shirt and 1½ pairs of pants by now with this sewing gone rogue, so I've got to be doing something right)
I looked up the stitch I use though, its a backstitch apparently? Very basic, I remember it from the crafts classes I had in primary school and judging just from the search results there's like a million tutorials out there if you want to try!
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violet-ram · 9 months
what kinda stuff do u sew!
Hi! so im still a beginner when it comes to hands on application, but i mainly hem and repair my clothes, all hand sewing.
Im planning on learning how to do historical handsewing so I can make some 10th century north european shirt and pants since im a big nerd and fan of experimental archaeology. (replication of historical objects as early as recreating simple stone tools such as projectile points to literally making boats using tools/objects from the past)
Now i do want to become more comfortable using a machine so I can tailor some clothing and make my own, and to make some cosplays
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i blame the roman empire... october should have been the eight month of the year but they're so narcissistic and added July and August...
wait... I've verified it and they just renamed the 5th and 6th months... they did add January and February...
weird that they added two months at the very beginning instead of at the end.
I'm just gonna. Post this.
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