#i'd die for piccolo
mrmolmol · 1 year
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more draign balsl doodles (this time with my 4 faves)
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shannonsketches · 27 days
lays on the floor i am once again thinking about the goku geets foil in terms of their experience and perspective and parenting
tl;dr: Goku sees letting his child do serious battle as a gift, and Vegeta sees it as a failure.
a lot of the 'goku's a bad father' discourse comes from how he trains/puts Gohan into fights and either doesn't know or doesn't realize that Gohan wants to be a scholar and not a warrior; the reason Gohan keeps joining the fray is because he doesn't want to see people he loves get hurt, right, because that's been his entire experience since Raditz showed up (and remains so until Cell dies).
The discourse re: The Cell Games is interesting though, examining the 'how could Goku not know/how could Goku volunteer his child so blithely' etc and his similar attitude toward the kids fighting in Super('s manga), and it's part of why I say/write/read Goku as deeply inconsiderate but never malicious (and this does tie into the foil with Geets lemme just); Goku's experience with serious combat is fun, and exciting.
Goku volunteering Gohan to fight Cell was something Goku considered a gift to Gohan, to be able to flex his power and go all out on an enemy that could handle it/required it -- that's something Goku wishes he had the power to do, especially at Gohan's age! That's super exciting to Goku. It's not pageant mom forcing her kid to do what she wanted energy, it's Goku being sweet and pure and sharing something he thinks he has in common with his kid. Vegeta says Saiyans live to fight! Goku's entire life has been spent bonding with competitive martial artists! It never occurred to him that someone so naturally powerful and talented wouldn't enjoy fighting.
And Goku does not read subtext, that's not a skill he has, so by the time Piccolo spells it out for him, he's genuinely sorry to have put Gohan in that position.
But in Super('s manga), the larger picture of Don't Put Children in Traumatic Situations still doesn't really occur to Goku, because he doesn't consider battle traumatic, no matter how emotionally intense it gets. Goku doesn't hold onto things. Goku lives and lets live, as long as he doesn't have to kill you. That's his super power. It's why he can be friends with all of these people who have done him and his loved ones and his planet so much harm. He consistently ends earth-shattering battles with, 'that was fun, let's do it again sometime'
Vegeta, on the other hand (see I told you I'd get here, I promised), has had the complete opposite experience. Vegeta considers others heavily, it's what made him very good at being malicious. Vegeta does this for survival. Vegeta's climb to the top is for the vantage point, not the view. He's not looking to the stars dreaming about what else it out there. He's squinting at the dark trying to kill whatever it is before it kills him and his home and his family. again.
Vegeta is a child soldier, who has distinct recollection of his culture being built on the rearing of child soldiers. By the times the cell games come around he is experiencing having a child for the first time, and after seeing (a future version of) that child die in battle, he seems to take on a much different opinion on letting kids fight.
Vegeta comes from a culture in which you send your child off-world to conquer a planet, alone, once they're old enough to walk. The stronger kids go into war zones. Vegeta was giving strategic orders to fellow elites by the time he was five. He was treating Gohan like a soldier when he was five.
But, by the Buu saga, Bulma tells Gohan that Vegeta says Trunks is old enough now to start proper training -- when Trunks is eight years old. Even then, Vegeta's telling Trunks not to push himself too hard in the gravity room, to stop and leave when it's too much for him to handle. Vegeta kills himself trying to prevent Trunks and Goten having to fight Buu. He jumps in to protect the kids when the fight gets too intense in Yo! Son Goku and Friends Return. He begs the kids not to fight Beerus in Battle of the Gods when he's barely conscious. He snaps at Goku any time he suggests them for intense battle in Super('s manga).
Vegeta sees it as not being strong enough to handle a problem, Which totally definitely doesn't have anything to do with some kind of deep-rooted trauma about placing the responsibility of making up for your weakness on your children that Vegeta's had to deal with since becoming a father and he for sure doesn't take it personally when a parent volunteers children to solve problems they had nothing to do with. He's fine! It's fine.
He does not want Trunks or Goten anywhere near a real battlefield (Bulma and/or the other adults seem to be helping to enforce this; in Res F, Trunks and Goten are not invited to go to the Freeza fight, and in the Moro arc both of them were asked to go be rangers in 17's absence again, complaining that nobody told them there was a fight happening at all), because it's got nothing to do with them. They shouldn't have to fight for their -- or anyone else's -- lives. That's the adults' job. That's his job.
Because to Vegeta, it is a job. Soldier, guardian, prince, lord, whatever. It's a role he has to fulfill, and his pride (and a whole lot of trauma-informed necessity) drives him to be the best at it, period, the end. It's an obligation that he must fulfill, because he's decided he's personally responsible for [gestures to the earth] all of this and its survival. It's where he keeps all his stuff!
For Goku, it's a game. He just wants to fight the strongest guys, and it's his understanding that everyone else wants that too. If he's not the best, GREAT! That's more to look forward to. A whole new rabbit to chase to who knows where. It's adventure! It's exciting! So of course the kids would want to get in on it! He LOVED doing this kind of stuff when he was a kid.
Goku has two hands! ...for former villains Vegeta and Piccolo to try to wrestle away from all the other, much worse villains who do not want to play with him.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super Movie 2: Super Hero (3/5)
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"What are any of us doing here? We're not even in this movie!"
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So the Red Ribbon Army is trying to stage a comeback with a fresh crop of new androids, and Goku isn't around to stop them, because he's on Beerus' planet training with Vegeta and Broly. While Piccolo figures out what to do without them, the movie just goes ahead and shows us what Goku is up to. For about ten minutes.
I'm pretty sure this part of the movie is a concession to Goku's fans. Let's face it, the people love Goku, and to do a Dragon Ball movie with no Goku at all would be a risky proposition, no matter how good that movie is. Looking back at the old DBZ films, Movies 9, 10, and 11 were mostly Goku-free, but he still put in a brief appearance in each one. But those are also regarded as some of the worst entries in the series, and I don't think that's a coincidence.
Now, I'm a fan of Dragon Ball in general, so the idea of a Piccolo and Gohan movie is not only appealing to me, but I'd say it's long overdue. I'd take a Yamcha/Tien movie any day. Or a Launch standalone film. I sat through GT, so it'd take a lot to keep me out of the theater. But Toei's trying to run a business here, and they can't just depend on die-hards like me to bring in the ticket revenue. So I'm sure the decision to focus on Piccolo was a controversial one in the home office. But they probably reached a compromise by giving Goku a decent chunk of screentime as a make-good.
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One thing that makes this movie so good is that they don't just toss out a character for the sake of having them in the movie. They actually take a moment to show what that character is doing these days, even if it doesn't affect the plot that much. That's important, because it lets the viewer come away feeling like they got something out of the cameo they just saw. For example, we've seen Goku and Vegeta on Beerus' planet before. This is nothing new, but this time Goku's trying to help Broly control his power. And Vegeta's trying to meditate so he can learn how to imitate Jiren's power. Goku doesn't really understand his approach, which goes to show that Vegeta's trying to push beyond the scope of the training they've done on Beerus's planet before now. Gohan is studying ants, Videl has her combat sports class, Piccolo's a homeowner, etc.
Compare this to Battle of Gods, for example. Now BoG's a good movie, don't get me wrong, but a lot of the characters who appear in the film are utterly wasted. Tien shows up but he looks and acts exactly the same as he did the last several times we've seen him. Then he shows up in Resurrection F and nothing's changed either. He says he left Chiaotzu and Yamcha behind for the big fight, but would it matter either way? If they showed up, they wouldn't do anything new with those guys either.
The trick is to not just put Ox King in your movie, but to have him mention something that he's gotten up to lately, something Ox King fans can mull over later. "Oh, hey, remember how Ox King said he was going back to school to get a sociology degree?" You can sink your teeth into that, even if that's the only thing that you find out about from him. It's a lot better than "It's Bulma's birthday, and one of the guests is Ox King, a character who certainly exists."
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Let's talk about Vegeta's revelation in this movie, since it caused some commotion among the fans. Goku complains that Vegeta had just been sitting still lately, which he thinks is a waste of time. Vegeta explains that he's been studying the way Jiren fought during the Tournament of Power. While he dominated Goku and Vegeta--sometimes both at once-- Vegeta is certain that Jiren isn't that much stronger than they are. What made Jiren so tough to deal with was that he was completely relaxed until the very moment he chose to strike, which allowed him to put all of his power into those brief offensive moments. But since Vegeta can't do that himself, he's trying to train his mind to conceptualize it before he tries to make his body learn how.
So a lot of fans saw this and concluded that the studio hates Goku, or they think Goku's an idiot, or that the studio is stupid for failing to remember that Goku has meditated before in the past. There has always been a subset of the fanbase that tries to turn everything into a Manichean conflict between Goku and Vegeta. In this case, if Vegeta figures something out before Goku does, then it means that Toei or Shueisha or Akira Toriyama himself must hate Goku.
This is stupid on the face of it, because Akira Toriyama literally created the character and he's credited with the screenplay for this movie. If he truly despised Goku, why would he even have Goku in the movie at all? He could have killed him off a long time ago. Why even make a Dragon Ball movie when he could have been working on some Dr. Slump project instead?
All this scene is... and I promise you, it's nothing more to it..., is a exploration of what the boys are doing on Beerus' planet. They train here, of course. We've seen that before, but why are they training here? Well, they need to receive instructions and guidance from Whis, and this is where Whis lives. Okay, and why is Whis so important to the process? Why can't they just stay on Earth and spar like they used to do? Because that only gets them so far. They need to learn new ways of thinking in order to surpass the level they're already at.
And what does that mean exactly? Well, they can't just do a million pushups. It doesn't work that way. There's other things they have to figure out, and that requires them to think of things they hadn't thought of before. And Whis is already beyond them in terms of power, so he knows things that they're still struggling to grasp. But Whis can't just spell it out for them. He can describe what they need to do, but it's still up to Goku and Vegeta to understand and internalize it.
And that's what they're doing here. They're basically brainstorming ways to get stronger. This time, Vegeta had an idea, and he's following it to see where it leads. Whis approves, so he seems to be on the right track. Tomorrow, maybe Goku will have another good idea, and so on.
But it's not always going to be one or the other who has the breakthrough. And it would be stupid for them both to have the same idea at the same time, just so the partisan fans won't feel slighted. Goku seems to think he can get a lot out of working with Broly, but that hasn't paid off just yet. It might prove more productive than what Vegeta is working on at the moment, but there's only one way to find out.
As far as Goku failing to recognize the value of meditation, well, he's had to re-learn that lesson several times. People will point to the time he meditated in Otherworld, or the time he meditated during his training with Mr. Popo, but they forget that this sort of focus and concentration was part of his training with Master Roshi as well. Whis scolded both Goku and Vegeta on this point when they first trained with him in Resurrection F. We can draw one of two conclusions here.
Goku's quest for greater strength is a flat circle. He just keeps re-discovering the same fundamentals, making a big gain in power, and then forgetting how he achieved that improvement.
Akira Toriyama is recycling the same martial arts hokum over and over again, because he only needs to show the characters working for greater strength. He does not need to design a genuine and internally consistent system for fantasy martial arts, any more than the writers of Star Trek need to explain how dilithium crystals make the ship go.
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Anyway, Whis proposes a Goku/Broly/Vegeta three-way match, but no one wants Broly to fight in case he flips out and wrecks the entire planet. Then Beerus wakes up and finds out he has new houseguests. Goku explains that this is a good place to hide Broly from Frieza, and before Beerus can object, he meets Lemo and samples his cooking. It's good, so Beerus decides he can stay. Then Cheelai walks by with a bag full of loot she stole from Beerus' home. But Beerus decides he likes Cheelai's looks, so he agrees to let her stay too. So that's decided.
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I've also seen some fans gripe about how Cheelai didn't spend much time with Broly in this movie, and Beerus' crush on Cheelai muddies the waters further. Look, none of these characters got a lot of screen time in this movie. This scene could be cut entirely and you wouldn't miss a thing. Half of it is Goku sparring with Vegeta, so of course Broly and Cheelai weren't going to have a whirlwind romance in this thing.
All I know for certain is that Cheelai walked by Broly and went out of her way to say he was "looking good", which is a lot more than she complimented anyone else on this planet. I mean, she's stealing Beerus' stuff, which ought to tell you how much she's into his lanky purple ass.
Moving on, Whis still wants to do that sparring match, if only so Broly can learn to appreciate a high-level battle with the fighters maintaining control of their powers. But Goku wants to eat first and so they stop for lunch.
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And yeah, then this movie up and decides to give us Goku/Vegeta III, just like that. I don't want to oversell it, but it's an excellent fight. Whis sets the ground rules to that transformations and ki blasts are forbidden, so in a lot of ways this looks a lot like the kind of battle they might have had at the 25th Budokai before Babidi's henchmen got involved. We only get to see a few minutes of it, but they're so evenly matched that the fight takes a really long time to settle, so maybe it's just as well.
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Beerus notes that Vegeta's moves have changed in an almost imperceptible way, due to his recent meditation training. Still, he loses interest in the fight and decides to get ice cream while the boys slug it out. I'm pretty sure Cheelai never cared in the first place, but Broly is enthralled with this action. He's getting to watch two of the greatest Saiyans ever put on a clinic, and he's soaking it up like a sponge.
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But the important thing, at least as far as this movie goes, is that Beerus tosses an empty ice cream carton onto Whis' staff, so no one notice it flashing when Bulma tries to call him.
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Which means Piccolo's on his own, at least for the time being. He gets the news from Bulma while he's picking up some senzu beans from Korin. The situation looks pretty bad, since Piccolo estimates that the Gammas' power is roughly on par with Goku and Vegeta's. And Dr. Hedo might know 17 and 18's weak spots, so they might not be able to help either. There is Majin Buu, though...
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.... ha ha ha! No, did you think this one was going to be any different? Buu's sleeping through this crisis too. Seriously, why did they keep him alive at the end of the Buu Saga if no one had any plans to use him for anything?
So what about Gohan? That's what Korin asks, but Piccolo just says they can't count on Gohan right now, which... ouch.
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But Piccolo does have one other idea, and so he flies up to see Dende on the Lookout and asks him to draw out his hidden power. See, the Kami of Planet Namek, Grand Elder Guru, was able to power up Krillin and Gohan way back in the day. Now, Dende is the Kami of Earth, so Piccolo figures Dende could do the same for him.
Only, no, it doesn't work that way. Turns out a Dragon-Type Namekian has to reach a certain age before they can use that sort of ability, and Dende's too young. On the other hand, Dende suggests using the Dragon Balls to solve the problem. They could simply wish away the Red Ribbon Army, but Piccolo doesn't care for that idea. Okay, well what about using Shenron to draw out Piccolo's hidden power? Can Shenron do that? Dende's like "gimme a minute."
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So Dende wheels out the cart with the model of Shenron on it, and he powers a flask of water on the model. This makes it glow, and somehow upgrades Shenron so that he can grant a wish to draw out a person's hidden powers. Piccolo remarks that he had no idea any of this was possible when he was Kami. To be fair, when Piccolo was Kami, he didn't even know he was a Namekian, so there's a lot of stuff he was out of the loop for.
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Now all Piccolo needs is the Dragon Balls, but Dende tells him that Bulma probably has them already. Ever since Frieza came back, Bulma's been gathering up the Dragon Balls every year, using the wishes up so that they'll be inactive in case any bad guys try to use them. Piccolo calls to ask her and yes, she has the whole set. In the dub, he asks her how many she has and she's like "Oh, uh.... All of them?!" I can't be sure, but I think that's a reference to the "All of them?" line from the dub of Dragon Ball, when Piccolo tried to zap Goku, but he missed all his vital organs. Anyway, Piccolo tells her to hang on to the balls until he gets there.
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So they summon Shenron and it works. Piccolo gets stronger, and the Dragon promises that he threw in "a little extra".
That still leaves two wishes to use, so Bulma asks for a nicer ass and slightly longer eyelashes. Then she realizes -- too late-- that they could have wished to bring Goku and Vegeta back to Earth. Whoops.
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"Shenron, I wish for you to bring Goku and Vegeta to Earth, so that they might bear witness to all this junk within my trunk."
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So Piccolo returns to the Red Ribbon base and just walks right back to the line of soldiers there in Magenta's command room. They're still talking, and Piccolo tells the other soldiers he had to go potty. No one suspects a thing.
Magenta's trying to figure out what to do next. He'd like to target Goku and Vegeta, but no one knows where they are. Mr. Satan is too risky, since no one seems to know what his powers are, exactly. Then Carmine suggests Gohan be the next target. His intel says that it was Gohan who defeated Cell, and he has lots of spy footage of Piccolo going to his house to visit, which suggests that Gohan is a "shadow boss" in Bulma's organization. Magenta likes the idea of taking Gohan out, but he doesn't want Red Ribbon guys operating in the city, since it's too soon to reveal their presence to the wider public.
But if they could kidnap Gohan's daughter and lure him to the Red Ribbon base, then they could fight him on their own turf. Carmine finds that to be a good idea, as it would improve troop morale. Magenta orders a two-man team go to fetch Pan, and Piccolo volunteers, saying that he lives in the same neighborhood and knows Pan's face, because she's the granddaughter of Mr. Satan.
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Dr. Hedo objects to the kidnapping angle, but Magenta tells him to mind his own business. Hmmm...
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So Piccolo will be picking up Pan from preschool after all, just a bit later than planned. I don't know why Pan can't just run home by herself. She made it all the way here from Piccolo's house, didn't she?
One thing I like about this scene is how there's one other kid here who gets picked up, and that kid's mom apologizes for being late, so it's pretty clear that it's well after 1pm. Pan's been here a while. Her teacher assures here that someone will show up soon, but Pan's still kind of disappointed.
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The other Red Ribbon soldier sent to do the kidnapping thinks this will be easy, so he just walks right up to Pan and tells her his mom sent him, but she demolishes him with a single blow.
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Then Piccolo reveals himself and Pan recognizes him by his ki and calms down. The teacher already knows Piccolo, so she's cool with him, and Piccolo explains that this was all a security drill arranged by Mr. Satan. Now, in the dub, Piccolo addresses the teacher as "Janet", implying that he knows her as well as she knows him, and I think this is what led to the genesis of the Piccolo/Janet ship. I don't have a lot to say about it that hasn't already been said, but I'm all for Piccolo and Janet getting together. Janet's a fine foxy lady, and Piccolo's reputation speaks for itself.
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Of course, Piccolo now has to fly the Red Ribbon airship back to base. He's a pretty crappy pilot, but he manages. I like to think Janet is still impressed, though. "Wow," she thinks as he flies away, crashing into a billboard. "Is there anything he can't do?"
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Piccolo's plan is pretty simple. He explains the situation to Pan, and convinces her to play along with the kidnapping. When Gohan shows up to rescue her, he'll kick everyone's ass and that'll take care of everything. Actually, that sounds a little half-baked to me. Piccolo got a power up from Shenron, but is that enough? Anyway, they bring Pan to the base and take a video of her acting scared, then Magenta sends Piccolo and the other guy back to the city to show it to Gohan. Wait, why is that Namekian chair back there? What's that about.
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Well, it doesn't matter because Pan sees some cookies and she's like "Don't mind if I do!" but then...
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Carmine takes the plate away! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
You suck, Carmine!
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Pan would probably attack him right there, except Piccolo's behind him trying to calm her down.
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So Piccolo and 15 go to Gohan's house, and Piccolo takes him to the window since he knows Gohan won't answer the door. Notably, Gohan doesn't recognize Piccolo through his disguise, even though Pan saw through it immediately. Also, Gohan hasn't bothered to change out of the clothes Piccolo put him in this morning. Those must be fascinating ants he's working on.
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15 shows Gohan the video of Pan and RIP the windowsill.
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He turns Super Saiyan and scares the shit out of 15, who promises Pan will be fine if he just returns with him to the base. Gohan gets so mad he makes a crater in the ground...
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... and the house starts to list down into the hole. But Piccolo doesn't mind because his plan is working. Gohan's back in a fighting mood and he can clobber the Gammas!
Or can he...?
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royallygray · 3 months
Royal remember when we would send asks to each other with a bunch of questions? Well I'm doing that again now. As always, no pressure and feel free to just answer a few instead of all of them :D
Do you keep plants? And do they actually live or do they just die?
What's your favorite instrument?
Something you wanna do this summer?
Do you have a bucket list? And if you do, what's the thing you wanna do the most on it?
What songs always make you feel better?
What type of art do you enjoy making the most? (Drawing, knitting, writing, etc)
One of the best things you've ever bought?
What year of your life was your favorite, and why?
What color is your room painted? And what color do you want it to be painted, if you'd want to change it.
Are you really silly (really silly)?
Did you know that you have a pretty singing voice and I love listening to the stuff you make? And that it makes me really happy that you get really happy from me saying that?
Do you have a favorite scent, and if you do what is it?
My noise is so itchy right now. I hate having allergies to outside and dust lol. Do you have allergies too?
What's your favorite meal with chicken?
What's a weird collection you have/had?
What's your favorite sea creature?
Okay that's all for now!! Feel free to send these same ones or different ones back to me lol. I'm getting fishies todayyyy am very happy. Also I just gave my Grandma's dog Hermione a bath, so I now smell like wet dog. But it's okay. She had SO MUCH fur that needed to get off. She was shedding so much.
I keep trying to figure out somewhere to work around me thats not loud but. do you know how impossible that is. it's so bad. Like. Sensory issues suck
But it's okay
Because I'll be okay
I just want money cause I want a crested gecko lmao
But they're so cuteeeee!!!!
Okay this is me actually leaving (probably)
Bye Starsightttttttt
- Mysterious <3
[do I keep plants] Not really, but I keep flowers that people give me/are trinkets at fairs or smth. I have a dead one on my desk from a fair thingy that I totally need to throw away, and I have one in the freezer that was a gift from a fellow cast member of a play I was in. The one in the freezer still looks intact.
[what's my favorite instrument] Mysterious how am I supposed to answer this :( I play clarinet. I have an oboe that I'm trying to learn this summer, but I haven't been doing that a lot lol.
I have a list of instruments I want/want to learn. I used to play violin but I don't anymore bc we returned the violin and I would like to pick it up again. I'd also like to learn viola because it looks cool but apparently they have an entire different fucking clef?? called an alto clef??? like wtf why would they do that to me
I'd also like to learn saxophone. Either soprano, alto, or tenor, idrc. But it's a cool instrument. Id also like to play bass clarinet because it is literally the same as normal clarinet just Big. it's in the treble clef and everything. It's just Big clarinet. I would love to learn guitar. it seems like such an important piece for like background music on tracks and just. I wanna learn it. and its the most common thing that people use for chords. I have a piano that I fuck around with, but I don't know how to use chords and shit but I know how to play the shit out of the melody.
I also need to learn to read the bass clef. I played flute in 4th grade and I'd kind of like to play it again
that's a lot of words about instruments lol😅 idk what my favorite one is but I hope that was enough info to make up for it
Also my dad wants me to learn piccolo. which is actually interesting
[smth I wanna do this summer] um. idk. well I wanna try to learn oboe, as said. OMG ALSO
So I have the goal of transcripting the life series and I wanna do that :] I'm failing so far but ITS ALRIGHT YKNOW I GOT TIME also I need to clear out my storage bc I have too much shit on my phone and 2 ipads (I don't have a laptop :()
[do I have a bucket list, and what's on it] uhhh not rly but I wanna meet you irl someday. also prolly go to Europe. Maybe also either Taiwan or China so I can improve my Chinese a lot. also I do wanna have a first kiss because like I'm intrigued. what does it feel like. OOH also I wanna write a full fledged story or smth. and a story in Mandarin Chinese. because like. you'd think I'd be fluent enough after ten fucking years but NOOOOO
also last night apparently I had a dream where an author (maybe Brandon fuckin Sanderson?? idk) wrote The Rescue Princesses and also was mentioned in the Aru Shah books like. what the fuck was that dream. it was weird ASF (I just saw the Aru Shah books on my shelf and I was Confused)
[what songs always make me feel better] okay okay okay. So. If William Gold wasn't a fucking piece of shit, Warsaw, Your Sister was Right, For Memories, Concrete, You'll Understand When You're Older. Not necessarily make me feel better, but like. resonate somewhere deep within my soul. As it is, I feel like throwing up when I hear his voice. Genuinely, acoustic Sex Sells came on a few days ago and I was like "oh nice it's a good song I can totally listen to it right" and then he started singing and then I like. couldn't it was so bad.
Someone to You by Banners. Just. it's so. sjqieowhads
Also In My Dreams by Precious Jewel Amor is really good
Honestly Get Used to It by Ricky Montgomery. like one of my favorite songs. also I'm aware that most of these aren't rly happy--
[what art do I enjoy making the most] I like to crochet :) i also like drawing. one of my favorite mediums is oil pastels lol. But my favorite has to be crocheting bc I use it as a stim and also like. it makes warm things :D I tried to make a sweater and if you scroll to the second post I ever made on this blog I think you can find it lol. I'll continue it some day. ooh but I do also kind of enjoy writing. but I need to have the like brain flowing. which I almost never have. so my answer is still crocheting :D
[one of the best things I've ever bought] Tied between my Techno plushie ($40) and life series hoodie ($55). mcyt hyperfixation made me broke o7 but it was totally worth the money
[what year of my life was my favorite and why] damn idk. I don't rly have a favorite, but it's more. this happened. idk.
Probably 2021, if I had to say. It was 3rd Life, Among Us, me finding dsmp, just a ton of things and I started figuring more out about myself. pretty decent year. but this year (2023-2024) was also pretty good. I made a lot of friends
[what color is my room painted, and what would I like to change it to] okay. so. like AGES ago we were gonna paint my room. and we painted two walls. we got light blue on the east and marshmallow white on the west. the other walls (North and south) are painted VERY VERY light pink so light it is white. since that's the color my sister had. we were gonna paint the other window wall (north) blue and the non-window wall white (south) but it never happened. so now I have mismatched walls.
The blue is rly nice, but if I moved, I think I'd paint three walls light lavender, and one the marshmallow white.
purple is god tier
[am I really silly (really silly)] yes. sometimes. like inside my soul yes outside my soul not rly
[did you know
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hi! what’s your favorite dbz saga? i’m just curious! i think mine is the cell saga, mainly bc of gohan’s big moment but also because perfect cell had me about to act up LMAO
ohoho i'm SO glad you asked!!!!!
my FAVORITE sagas will always be the saiyan saga and the frieza saga. and that's because if you watch the series from the VERY beginning of the story, OG dragon ball, everything that happens during saiyan arc hits SO MUCH HARDER. in OGDB they establish the strongest earth warriors, all the training they've gone through, and how difficult it was for young goku to defeat all the villains! esp tien and piccolo, who were established as formidable foes! then when saiyan saga comes, we find out the reason kid goku was so OP was because he's a fucking ALIEN WARRIOR & his brother comes and basically solos everyone?! then when mf vegeta and nappa pull up the z fighters stand no chance, they drop one by one, the fighters we thought were the strongest just fucking DIE, and they couldn't just rely on using the dragon balls to bring everyone back because PICCOLO WAS GONE TOO. the stakes were SO MUCH HIGHER and mfs actually took shit seriously!!!
then ofc there's the frieza saga, which (in my humble opinion) is the BEST fight in all of dragon ball except for broly. frieza is also my fave dragon ball villain of all time. and i say that because again, stakes were high, we didn't fucking know if goku could defeat frieza for sure despite all the training, namek was ABOUT TO EXPLODE and these mfs are fighting for their damn lives, lightning exploding around them, magma splashing at their feet, EVERYTHING WAS SO FUCKING INTENSE AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN GOKU BECOMES SUPER SAIYAN???? theeee super saiyan legend??? that first transformation was COLD AF & nothing will ever compare to that!!!!
speaking of tranformations, thats one of the reasons i like early DBZ more than late dbz/dbs. no transformations, no colorful hair, no power ups, mfs had to rely on all their training and experience to win and the fights kept you on your toes because you truly did not know how things would play out.
oh and lastly another reason early DBZ rocks is because we get evil vegeta. he's bad af, killing like its nothing, solos young goku (&honestly he wouldve beaten him easily if goku's friends hadnt been there) and is just a ruthless fucking bastard. i'm so in love with him. he could snap my spine and i'd die smiling. redemption arc vegeta is cool too but saiyan/namek arc vegeta has my whole fucking heart.
UGH! i fucking love this show.
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textfromthelookout · 1 year
Greatest tumblr account of all time right here 10/10
Whats your opinion if the earthlings getting benched in super? RIP my boy tien
Thank you!
It's an inevitability of the way the story's written, unfortunately, but I'd argue that most of them have more to do in Super than they do in most of Z. Anime version of ToP at least let Krillin and Tien do SOMETHING instead of punking them immediately, which I will never forgive the manga for. Roshi and the android twins have shining moments in ToP in both versions. EVERYONE contributes at least something during Moro. The only notable exceptions I think are Bulma, who as mentioned before has never stopped being relevant, Videl, who regrettably does nothing during Super, and Krillin, who was pivotal in Saiyan saga and did important things during Namek and Cell, which is more than anything he does in Super (so far. He's a little more present in this latest manga arc, but the focus is more on Goten and Trunks, and I assume it's going to shift over to Gohan and Piccolo and Pan as we retell Super Hero).
In contrast, most of the Earthlings die during Saiyan saga, spend all of Namek doing fuck all on King Kai's planet, get curbstomped by the androids, after which they do nothing but spectate Cell or take Ls from the Cell Jrs.* They're essentially not even a factor during Buu. Such is Dragon Ball, playing its favorites.
*Except Tien, shoutout to Tien deciding FUCK Semiperfect Cell, even if his efforts were for naught in the end.
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metamelonisle · 2 years
if i had to take on the core z team (goku, kuririn, tenshinhan, piccolo, gohan, and vegeta) (given the strength to fight on par with goku but ONLY goku) i think the way i'd ideally handle it is:
separate goku from the rest of the group. he's the strongest and if if i fight him directly everyone else will intervene and if i attack anyone else he'll draw my attention away. i'm saving him for last.
first things first target vegeta and use teleportation to warp him to a planet without a breathable atmosphere. he doesn't know instant transmission so not only will he be unable to intervene and wear me down, he'll also suffocate without a fight.
kill gohan first. kill gohan first. for the love of GOD, kill gohan first, especially if he's just a child and inexperienced. gohan's grief is his greatest weapon and if you don't kill him first he will use it to kill you instead
use a ki blade to dice up piccolo. the heat of the ki blade means that he won't be able to regenerate and if you're quick you can kill him before the humans intervene
die because tenshinhan and kuririn hit you with a kikoho-kienzan combo and you forgot they could do that
watch impatiently from the other world as kuririn and tenshinhan gather the dragon balls and feverishly wish back vegeta (who was still alive but about to die from hypoxia) and gohan and piccolo back to life
watch as goku relaxes and praises his friends for taking care of the situation so easily without him, grumbling that you could have killed them all if you hadn't been so careless
watch as tenshinhan and kuririn give gohan a voucher for doing his homework for a week in exchange to promise not to tell his father he died today
end up in a halfway cul-de-sac with two German ogres
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bleachanimefan1 · 1 year
Dragon Ball Legend Part 24
The Legendary Super Saiyan and Planet Namek's Impending Doom!
"Frieza!" Goku shouted, angrily. Frieza chuckled, evilly as he stared down at them. Necke screamed and quickly ran, hiding behind Piccolo.
"I'll admit that Spirit ball of yours really packs a wallop. It nearly knocked the breath out of me." 
"Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, listen to me. There's a spaceship that I used to get to this planet. It shouldn't be too far from here. Find Bulma and get to the ship and get as far away from here as you can." Goku told them. Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin's eyes widen.
"What are you planning, Goku?" Piccolo asked. Gohan shook his head.
"I'm not going! I'd never let you fight Frieza alone!" He argued. 
"Listen, Gohan, you have to get out of here, now! You don't have a say in the matter!" Goku shouted. Gohan's eyes widen, looking at his father, shocked. Frieza laughed.
"If you think that your little friends can escape me, you're sadly mistaken." He pointed his finger towards Krillin, and he was lifted into the air.
"Krillin, look out!" Gohan cried out. Goku quickly turned back to Frieza.
"Krillin, no! Frieza, stop this!" Krillin was flung higher into the air.
"Goku!" He cried out helplessly before he exploded. Necke shut his eyes burying his face in Piccolo's leg. Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan watched in horror. Frieza laughed, evilly.
"Pop goes the weasel. Now, that's one more down. Who should I go for next? The Namek or the one of the two little brats?" Frieza smirked, maliciously and glanced over at Piccolo, Necke, who hid behind him, and Gohan.
"I won't let you get away with this!" Goku growled. The air began to grow heavy as Goku began to gather energy. The skies turned darker, and thunder and lightning crashed and rained down. The ground started to crush from the pressure, making a larger crater, beneath Goku's feet. "I won't let you!" Then, suddenly, Goku's body began to flicker, and he let out an enraged yell. Goku's hair turned completely blond, and his eyes turned green. Goku had turned into the legendary Super Saiyan! Gohan, Piccolo, and Necke and Frieza stared at him in shock.
"What is this!?" Frieza shouted. Goku looked down at Ocarin then turned to Piccolo.
"Piccolo, get Ocarin and the others out of here and get to the ship now! If you die, then all of this will have been for nothing!" Goku shouted. Piccolo bent down and scooped up Ocarin, carrying her in his arms, bridal style. "Come on, Gohan!" He shouted.
Gohan ran over and picked up Necke and the two flew off, heading towards Goku's ship. Frieza smirked as he watched Gohan and Piccolo flew away and started to aim at them. "Only I decide who leaves here today!" Before he could fire, Goku quickly teleported in front of him and grabbed Frieza's wrist, squeezing it tightly. Frieza tried to break free out of Goku's grasp but failed.
"You just don't know when to stop! Enough is enough! First, Vegeta, then Ocarin and now my best friend Krillin!" Goku glared down at him angrily. 
Gohan and Piccolo arrived at Goku's ship and stepped inside Piccolo set Ocarin down on the floor. Gohan placed Necke down and he ran over to Ocarin, while Gohan ran over to the control panel trying to figure it out. There were too many buttons. Which one started the ship? They needed to find Bulma. Gohan turned back over to Piccolo and Necke seeing them with Ocarin and walked over to them.
"I'm going to find Bulma. I'll be back!"
"I'll come with you." Piccolo told him but Gohan shook his head. "No, you stay here with Ocarin. I won't be gone long. I promise I'll be back!" And Gohan left the ship to go find Bulma. Piccolo turned back to Ocarin, looking down at her in worry. She was losing a lot of blood from where Frieza had shot her. Just another a few inches, she would have been dead. That is, if she didn't die from blood loss first.
"Don't you die on me. I won't let it." He looked down at Necke. "Can't you do something? Don't you have healing powers as well, like Dende?" 
"I'll try, but I'm not a very good healer, like Dende was. I'm still learning myself." Necke reached out his hands and began to concentrate his energy. The wound on Ocarin's chest slowly began to heal but not all the way, but the blood began to slow down a little just before Necke collapsed onto his hands in exhaustion. "That's all I can do. I used up all my energy." Piccolo reached out and began to tear off some cloth from Ocarin's clothes, using them as bandages to wrap up the wound.
Gohan came back with Bulma, who screamed at the sight of Piccolo and backed away from him. "Piccolo! What's he doing here!?" Then she noticed Ocarin lying on the floor. "Ocarin!" She frowned at Piccolo, angrily. "I knew that you were a monster, but how could you do this!?" 
"Piccolo, didn't do this! It was Frieza!" Gohan shouted at her, defending Piccolo. Bulma blinked at him. "Listen, Gohan, I know that you like Piccolo, but this is his home. Don't you think that you-"
"Are you serious?!" Piccolo growled at her. Bulma flinched when he yelled at her before she started to argue with Piccolo.
"Stop." Everyone heard a groan and looked down at Ocarin who was stirring in her sleep. She looked like she was having fever dream.
"Listen, I don't want to sit here and argue with you all day. Ocarin needs help." Piccolo scowled at her.
"Now, would you start the ship and get us home! The planet's not going to last much longer!" Gohan insisted.
Bulma walked over to the controls and started to push some buttons trying to start the ship. She let out a scream, catching Gohan, Piccolo, and Necke's attention. Gohan ran over to her. "Bulma, what's wrong!?" Bulma fell to the floor on her knees. "The controls are damaged. There's no way to start the ship. We're stuck!" Piccolo, Gohan, and Necke's eyes widen.
Ocarin saw the planet Namek before her, however, it wasn't like she had seen it.
There were many buildings, skyscrapers even! Shaped like the huts that she had seen! But it was vaster and more advance and populated. She saw some spaceships leaving the planet and flying around the surface, exactly like Kami's when he came to Earth. She blinked in amazement before the vision faded and seven large, rounded stones appeared before her. She saw three Namekians standing around them. One was tall and a little heavyset. Ocarin's eyes widen when she realized that it was Guru! But how can that be unless... this was the past!
Ocarin stared at him in shock before she turned her attention towards the other two Namekians. The second one had a striking resemblance to Kami and the evil King Piccolo but had a faint scar on his left cheek. This must have been Katas. The last one was taller than the rest by a few inches. His face was squared, had high cheekbones, his skin was a darker green from the rest of the group. There was something overbearing and menacing about this one which made Ocarin back away from him. Suddenly, a bright blinding light crashed down from the sky, hitting the orbs. They began to flash as they activated then turned orange and began to float upwards towards the sky and collided together and Porunga came out of them. She had just witnessed the creation of the Namekian dragon balls!
Then the scene changed and Ocarin looked around to see that she was a field on the planet before she gasped seeing a swirling, large dark purple tornado in front of her within the distance. The sky was dark green and the wind blowing wildly, picking up. Ocarin saw Katas staring out in horror, looking at the tornado as laid devastation in everything in its path. Then Ocarin's eyes widen when she saw a woman flew down, landing beside him. She had a majestic appearance and fairly beautiful wearing a purple robe. Her long dark hair flowed down to her waist, tied up. Ocarin couldn't place it but it felt like she knew this woman. But she had never met her before. Ocarin saw the woman shouted something angrily at Katas as he tried to defend himself from her attacks. She couldn't make out what they were saying. Then a woman's voice echoed in Ocarin's ears more like a whisper.
"Do not continue to use the Dragon balls."
Ocarin gasped and she immediately sat up, panting. Her eyes widen as she looked around, seeing trees everywhere and the sky no longer dark green but blue and the grass was greener to. Ocarin blinked in surprise, seeing the Namekians that were slaughtered, now alive again, looking just as confused as her. Guru was brought back as well and the Namekian Dragon balls were scattered all over the ground.
"You're awake!" Ocarin heard Dende beside her, staring at her, smiling, along with Necke. Ocarin felt her back hit something behind her and she looked up to see Piccolo, smirking down at her.
"Had a nice nap?"
"But how?" Ocarin stammered, still confused, but also blushing by how close Piccolo was to her.
"The Namekians were brought back to life with the Earth Dragon balls. Dende, here, used the last wish on the Namekian dragon balls to wish us all to Earth." Necke explained to her. Ocarin smiled. Kami, he and King Kai must have something to do with this.
They were back home! Gohan and Bulma came running over as soon as they saw them.
"You made it!" Gohan cried out. "We're all here!" Ocarin looked around when she noticed that Goku or Krillin wasn't there.
"But where is Goku? Krillin?" She asked.
"Krillin's dead." Gohan said sadly.
"Dad's fighting Frieza."
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strangerrebelled · 2 years
@eskelwolf :
Eskel was in a weird limbo for his work day. The meeting has been long and very exhausting, but at least Eskel wasn't slain as bad as one of his co-workers did. The poor girl was dismantled head to toe by the boss and even witnessing it gave Eskel the shudders. His boss was just an absolute nightmare and Eskel had considered to leave multiple times, but he needed the damn money.
After this public butchering of his co-worker Eskel ignored his phone for a while because he took a short cigarette break in which he didn't smoke, but Lara did. She was still shaking, her hand clutched against her chest and her eyes teary and puffy. Poor girl. Eskel should've come for aid, everyone should've defended her but no one stood up to the boss. To the bully of the whole damn company.
He wondered, silently, when his attention turned inwards to him and he closed off after sitting down in his office again,...someone like Jack surely wouldn't allow to be talked to like that. He would stand up and fight for justice. He'd resist.
This was a stupid little thought entirely based on two minutes they've spent together. Also it was very unusual for Eskel to think about someone in this manner.
He smiled when he read the short message received and wondered, what about a “thanks” with an emoji would ever make him smile like this.
At his lunch break later, much later, he sat in the social room on the couch and scrolled down the list of restaurants in this area. That were already more than three dozen given the size of this city and the office towers all around. Lots of hungry nine-to-fivers with a bad taste and no idea what genuine mexican, chinese or Italian cuisine looked like.
He found the two spots though, a little more outside the beating heart of this office quarters. Then he dared to send Jack a short message. At least this one he could just—he could rehearse.
“Hi Jack, I promised to send you the names of the restaurants that are quite good.
“Hattori” - that's a genuine sushi place, owners are Japanese and their menu is entirely in Japanese and the English translations aren't the best. But it's really cute and genuine, you know a place is good when no tourists are around and you have to turn on translator apps to understand what you've just ordered. :-)
“Piccolo” - cute little pizzeria. Their pasta is also to die for! It's also very small and the menu is not more than five or six meals each (pasta, pizza, beef, fish, chicken, starters, desserts).
“El Cuervo” - BEST CHILI EVER. they serve even veggie alternatives. Their cocktails are super delicious too, but you can't drink more than two. They take it very seriously to get you drunk. :)”
When Eskel sent the message, he found he sounded too clipped and regret seeped through him. Anxiety was a bitch today. Hopefully Jack would reply soon and give him a hint or something.
For his part, Jack was in the midst of his own lunch when his phone finally buzzed again. Setting his half-finished bowl of leftover curry and rice on the coffee table, he opened Eskel's text to find... more than he expected. Still, it wasn't a bad thing, he supposed, to know the guy was giving him options.
Jack's first thought about seeing 'sushi' was 'too expensive'. Even if Eskel had been assured that he didn't want anything extravagant, sushi just felt like a luxury. Appealing as chili sounded, the suggestion of cocktails also seemed expensive, not to mention unwise since he had work later in the evening. That left the pizzeria, which he couldn't really find fault with, at least from Eskel's summary. Small place, good food, easy menu, the option of dessert, and not too formal.
HIs reply was fairly prompt. 'thanks. let's go w/ piccolo. i've got work after, or i'd say yes to the chili and cocktails. what time do you get off?'
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overlyimmersed · 1 year
Dude oh my god XD
(I kinda wouldn't help this turning into a live react :p I tried to keep the commentary to a minimum cuz that's not what this post was supposed to be about. But if you're only interested in my discussion about voice actors, look for bold text and skip italics.)
Ok, so, been a while since dragon ball was on this blog, but hey I don't control the hyperfixation.
So I'm watching Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero for the first time. Bad name first of all, but otherwise I'm actually loving it! XD And it's like 80% the voice cast!
So I'm weirdly good at picking out voices. It makes watching anime weird cuz there's like 6 people who do extra voices for dubbed anime. Like period. So everyone sounds like everyone all the time.
It's not extras that have me all fluffed up. It's the main cast. The new additions rather. Of course I'd recognize recurrents I've been watching dragon ball literally my whole life.
So first! Dr. Hedo, is freaking Arthur(7ds)/Tanjiro(Demon Slayer)
And like sure, anime to anime, that happens all the time. Like do you even know how many background nobodies is Seven Deadly Sins are voiced by either Tien or Gohan? It's obnoxious for someone who has those two character in her top 5 faves. What's really funny, is-
Gamma 2 IS FREAKING HUNTER FROM THE OWL HOUSE! XD That's so cute I picked that up literally on the first word out of his mouth! And sure, I know Zeno Robinson does voices in other anime too, he's also in Demon Slayer. But *I* know him from TOH so that's just wild to me!
Gamma 1 is god. damned. Lancelot! That's funny to me. But not as funny as that that actor also plays Zenitsu(Demon Slayer), Those two character are so opposite. XD Though honestly, I have to commend Aleks Le for his range, I DID NOT pick on that for A WHILE cuz he uses a totally different sound for Zenitsu when he's awake vs when he's asleep.
Cheelai is Jericho(7ds) guessed that one straight away, but also Emira from toh. Never picked up on that. The elder Blight girl just acts too different I guess. So Erica Lindbeck gets a point from me for her range :p
Y'know, I've seen some complaints about the animation for this movie. And I get that, I'm really not a fan of this 3D model trend either. But honestly most of these look quite good... Except Whis for some reason? Like I don't know, something about him is just...off. Like his face looks a little uncanny and his whole body moves weird.
Just a little aside about me personally -this post is supposed to be about voice actors- but it just occurred to me. Anyone who's seen enough of my posts lately knows that I almost exclusively call King(7ds) by his true name "Harlequin". And I just noticed that that's actually kind of a trend with me. It started back in my teens, when I started referring to Goku by his Saiyan name "Kakarot". At least inside my own head. My brother and father were also into dragon ball back then and would have looked at me funny if I'd done it out loud...
on a different note, I'm absolutely going to die from cringe. Beerus having a crush is killing me.
KORIN'S EARS!!!! They never used to twitch so much! That's so CUUUUTEEE!
As cool as that sky diving shot was, why is Piccolo still dressed like that... Also love that they're just casual with Shenron now. It makes sense but it's still cute.
XD!! Shenron is Bulma's plastic surgeon XD
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mydearcastigo · 1 year
I don't want to die, but sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all.
Credo che uno dei miei problemi sia questo; quando mi metto di fronte ai miei pensieri, questi scappano.
Per questo, forse, non voglio davvero andare dallo psicologo; so che una volta che mi ci troverei davanti non riuscirei a far uscire nulla, il mio cervello penserebbe solo “hey è tutto ok, perché sei qui?”.
Allo stesso modo, avevo davvero troppi pensieri da buttare giù fino a due secondi fa, ma ora non mi ricordo più nulla. Cos’è che volevo dire? Di sicuro era qualcosa sul parkour o sul mio essere una fallita.
Ecco appunto, mi è tornato in mente ed era proprio questo.
“Perché non ho talento e perché va bene così.”  Era questo che volevo scrivere, non che sapessi già cosa buttare giù in realtà.
Volevo scrivere per vedere se poteva servire per far uscire qualcosa.
Non ho talento perché non so più chi sono.
O perché, come si diceva in Free! (citato male), il talento lo hai finché sei piccolo, poi diventi uno bravo, poi uno nella media, fino a diventare uno normale - ameno che non si diventa un campione nel mentre, il caso su un milione. E io sono già ben fuori questa soglia da un po’.
Forse il mio talento era l’equitazione, talento che ho buttato quando ho deciso di mollare; un mio brutto vizio è di annoiarmi e allontanarmi quando sento che una determinata cosa non mi da più stimoli, e andare a cavallo non mi stava più dando nulla se non vuoto e tristezza, quantomeno per come lo stavo perseguendo al momento; solo per inerzia, perché era una caratteristica di me, perché era la norma che continuasse così. Doveva o cambiare qualcosa, o finire lì.
Come è andata lo si sa; forse non avevo abbastanza passione o voglia in relazione a quello che mi stava dando, ma un po’ per i tempi “legati” che aveva e il costo, non era più sostenibile come cosa.
Mi ricordo ancora quando pensavo:
“Non voglio scegliere tra equitazione e parkour. Perché so che se dovessi farlo saprei già cosa sceglierei, e non sarebbe andare a cavallo”.
Fa male anche solo pensarci, ora come ora. Ma parkour mi ha sempre dato qualcosa che non sentivo da tempo, anche se non saprei cosa.
Ultimamente mi sta frustrando e basta, lo ammetto, perché mi pesa essere AFAB (tanto che non riesco neanche a scriverlo senza abbreviazione perché sarebbe uno schiaffone in faccia), perché mi pesa allenarmi tanto in relazione agli altri miei compagni ed essere comunque meno capace di loro, perché mi pesa che il mio corpo non riesca a fare ciò che la mente vuole e che talvolta sa di poter fare, ma che per qualche motivo non riesce.
Oggi il buon fantasma ha detto a una persona che ha talento, che se si allenasse di più spaccherebbe il mondo, e di questo sono d’accordo. Non mi ha amareggiato sentire questa frase, perché quel ragazzo l’ha meritata e ha davvero talento, quello che mi ha amareggiato è come mi sono sentito quando ho sentito quella frase in relazione ad una persona (persona inteso in senso generico, che fosse stato o meno quel ragazzo non avrebbe fatto differenza) che, ancora una volta, non ero io.
Perché non può essere così anche per me? Ho voglia di fare, mi faccio in quattro, il mio corpo tra un po’ non mi regge più da quanto mi sto allenando ultimamente, eppure questo non basta. Io sono sempre stata solo la persona che si blocca, quella che ha paura, quella sempre da correggere, quella che al massimo si spacca il culo e ha voglia di fare, che si impegna, quella sensibile; non quella forte, non quella d’ispirazione, non quella con talento.
Mi frustra perché vorrei solo che il mio impegno mi permettesse di fare di più, non come ora che mi permette di fare solo quello minimamente accettabile (e talvolta neanche questo).
Ma, forse devo solo accettare che il mio talento non sia questo, che qualcos’altro. Come detto prima però, non so più chi sono. E di conseguenza non ho idea di quale possa essere, se uno ce n’è.
Detto ciò, non ho intenzione di rinunciare all’ADD, alla pratica che sto costruendo. Come per i disegni voglio studiarla, capirla, bramarla, applicarla, trovare il mio stile. È una disciplina talmente introspettiva, che ti mette di fronte faccia a faccia a tutte le tue paure, che siano il vuoto, la gravità, la precisione, la creatività, le altre persone. C’è tutto, e forse allo stesso modo non c’è nulla, perché non può avere fine; c’è fine solo quando smetti di adattarti, il che non è possibile finché sei vivo. Ed è questo che mi fa sentire: vivo, sentendo il mio corpo, sentendo ciò che ho intorno, sentendo gli altri.
Senza di questa forse non sarei qui a scrivere oggi, a indagare su di me, ma sarei ancora nel loop dell’accettare senza interrogarsi di nulla. Almeno di questo sono un po’ grato, anche se detto sinceramente se ad oggi mi avesse aiutato anche ad avere un pizzico di dose d’ignoranza e di leggerezza in più non è che mi avrebbe dato fastidio. Ma ci stiamo lavorando.
A parte ciò, riprenderò il discorso del “Perché non ho talento e perché va bene così”. Per adesso l’unico discorso di questo mumble è “Perché sono un fallito e perché continuo ad esserlo”.
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mrmolmol · 1 year
happy piccolo and goku day!
love these guys
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evilkitten3 · 4 years
the more dbs i watch, the less i like some of the “beerus babysits bulla” stuff i see floating around.
like this isn’t piccolo and gohan, where piccolo tried to kill gohan’s dad. this is the destruction deity who gave the order for bulla’s father’s entire species to be eradicated.
it’s fucked up.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Idk why but Piccolo kinda has that daddy energy and I would die to have him “take care” of me when he’s stressed. He’s normally a sweet lover, but can be pretty rough when he’s not in the best of moods.
Mmm I love Piccolo a lot. I never thought I'd be so into him...
But he does does have that daddy vibe. Just look at how protective he got with Gohan. And with you, it would be a little different. You'd be his little princess, and if he wants you to come sit on his lap, you better do it.
Piccolo can be quiet and within himself a lot, but when he's stressed he loves having you on his lap, playing with your wet pussy. He'll do this for hours, making you come undone over and over while he meditates. It becomes almost like a ritual. Then when he's done with that, he has you sit on his face so he can drink up all the juices you've made just for him.
But if he's in a bad mood you can prepare yourself for hours of fucking. Sometimes, he needs to blow off steam and your little pussy is all that can help.
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schifty-al · 3 years
Android 16(16): Thank you for your assistance-
Mr Satan: Don't name me!
Mr Perfect Cell (Cell): Kids when you're done with them; draw and quarter that buffoon.
Mr Satan: NNOOOooo
Cell: As for you, I'm surprised you're still... Well I was going to say kicking but-
16: Gohan!
Cell: Alright, fine, fine then you talk to him Jesus
Gohan: wha- whatdoyou-
16: -grow up.
Gohan: huh?!
16: You act like you are the only one suffering, but I believe that Trunks has some stories for you; and I can assume they all end with: "and then he died, too." And before you start whining about your father - AGAIN, and I get it - take a moment to consider that my father made me a soulless killing machine TO KILL your father. And that doesn't even come close to the complete tragedy of fatherhood that is Vegeta.
16: I am a head!
16: Cell was right - you think you're better than everyone else, but there you stand: the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs and your rigid pacifism crumbles into bloodstained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns. You were a coward to your last whimper. Of fear and love, I fear not that I will die, but that all I have come to love - the birds, and the things that are not birds - will perish with me. So please, Gohan... stop holding back. And hey - if we do make it out of this, please pick up my head and beat your father to death with-
Cell: I'd SAY he's gone to a better place but, we both know he never had a SOUL
Piccolo: Gohan...
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Are the requests truly open? ;u; does that mean I may request more neko content, possibly with la squadra? I know the brainrot on here is real for Prosciutto and Risotto but I'm weak for Illuso and Formaggio and I'd die a happy kitten if you could write about them being alone at hq for the weekend to care for the neko which turns into a contest: whose food does neko like more, whose bed does the kitty build their blanket nest in... who breeds them better? I hope this isn't too much/ too weird!
not sfw, afab reader, petplay/kitty hybrid reader! 
The hideout isn’t often as quiet as it is this weekend. Though La Squadra are often needed on various jobs, they tend to be a little more sporadic than this; it’s unusual for there to be more than three or four assassins out on a mission at any one time. It’s even more unusual for seven of them to be out on missions that are expected to last at least the weekend - but that’s what’s happened, in order for Illuso and Formaggio to be the only two left to take care of you. 
As a whole, you’re well-behaved - you’re good-natured, sweet, nice to look at. All of the assassins are very fond of you, and competitions to see who you are going to give your affections to are regular and can get exceedingly competitive. They all see your smiles, and are pleased by your soft words, feel special when they’re chosen to be the one whomst you sit by in an evening and allow to pet your ears as you relax into the touches. 
There’s definitely an aura of foreboding about Formaggio and Illuso being left to care for you. Usually, it’s Prosciutto who takes care of your food (he’s the best cook in La Squadra, after all), and Melone who makes sure your environment is suitable (being the most interested in your biology). Risotto tends to have a lot of time spent with him by dint of him being peaceful and leaving you to your business. 
Formaggio, they think, will not take it seriously enough. And Illuso - well, all of La Squadra are guilty of looking at you and imagining what it would be like to have you folded in half beneath them, your tail curled around your ankle, your ears twitching as you purr and pant in equal measure. Illuso has a tendency to whisper things closely to people, to get in personal space, to make one feel as though they’re the most fascinating person in the world - perhaps, then, they’re worried that if left on your own with Illuso, he’ll get the spoils of war they’ve all been hoping for. 
Illuso and Formaggio are used to working together; they’re the natural leftover pairing against Sorbet-and-Gelato, Prosciutto-and-Pesci, and Melone-and-Ghiaccio. But they do have a rivalry that’s kept up with barks of laughter and accusations of one being far cooler, more powerful and all-around better than the other. It’s not surprising, then, that the two of them concoct a plan to see which one of them does a better job taking care of you - with the caveat that if one of them gets to breed you, they’re the automatic winner. 
They’re stoked in their resolve by how happy you are to see them - the purr of their names, the way you follow close by them, the happy swish of your tail and ears. Neither of them can resist petting you and telling you how cute you are (though Formaggio is rather more affectionate about the whole thing). They explain their plan to you - after all, who better to judge than the person that it’s all happening for?
They omit one important part of the plan. When you tip your head to the side and pout and ask;
“But how will we know when it’s the end? How will we know who wins overall?”
Formaggio ruffles your hair and grins at you.
“Ahh, gattina,” he says to you. “We’ll know, believe me!”
So they do. They start with your food. Illuso is a surprisingly good cook, it turns out - Formaggio doesn’t really know what to do in the kitchen, and he attempts to order in. The pizza that he presents you with is too greasy with not enough meat - Illuso one hundred percent wins the feeding round, and you tuck yourself up next to him on the couch to watch a movie whilst Formaggio stews angrily on the other side of the room. 
Next is the brushing. Everybody knows you like to be preened and cared over; there are a hundred different products in the bathroom to make sure your fur stays soft and shiny, and to keep your hair looking its best. When you’re sat between Formaggio’s legs and waiting to be pampered, you feel his fingers give a little tug to your ear and you know that this is going to be an uncomfortable experience. You can barely stop yourself yowling in frustration as he tugs on another knot, and uses the wrong brush, and brushes you all the wrong way--
You’re relieved when Illuso sighs and pushes him away and puts all of those things to rights. Two points for Illuso, then. it seems as though poor Formaggio is doing a very bad job of this competition. 
The final competition for the night is who you’d rather sleep with. Illuso has fancy satin and silk sheets and pillows on his bed - he doesn’t think there’s going to be a competition, honestly. His room is quiet and peaceful and smells good. He’s very smug about it as he asks you if you want to come to bed, reassuring you that if you want someone to be around whilst you’re sleeping - as you do, you can’t help it! - there’s plenty of room on his bed.
Formaggio, though, insists you come and have a look at the space he’s made for you first. You humour him, not really expecting it to be any good - you stay away from Formaggio’s room at the best of times - only to find a carefully constructed nest on his bed, made entirely of clothes of various La Squadra members and your own favourite blankets.
(”Prosciutto is going to be so mad about that Prada suit,” Illuso murmurs from the corner of his mouth, as he frustratedly watches you pounce on the nest and begin to roll around, getting comfortable. “I’m going to tell him.”)
(”Whatever,” Formaggio grins, unable to stop himself watching the way your ass wiggles as you get comfortable. “You’re just jealous I won one.”)
And he did. Not that he planned much further than that - by the time he gets into bed himself, he’s horribly aware that he’s given you too much leeway. You’re comfortably curled up already, and he’s trying to get all of his body under the duvet. It’s three in the morning before he manages to let his eyes fall shut--
And then, there’s a heavy weight on top of his chest and a hand swatting his cheek gently. He wakes up, groaning, to see that you’re sat on him with your eyes big and glowing in the moonlight.
“Maggie,” you tell him, all whining and pouting and purring (and he can’t deny that something about the pout and the way you stretch out the pet name sends a ricochet of heat right to his cock), “wanna play.”
Who is he to deny you that? 
It’s you who’s surprisingly physical with him - pouncing across at him, your hands scrabbling over his chest, your face rubbing against his. You keep purring and rumbling chest deep, your body warm and needy. Formaggio doesn’t know what’s going on until you grab his hand and push it against your chest, almost hissing in frustration--
And then he recalls something, in the very recesses of his mind, Melone said once. About how your species is supposed to get very physical in heat. About how they’re more likely to seek out scents of people they care about when one is approaching. About how they’ll often approach the first person they see when waking up for some relief--
“Oh, gattina mia,” he murmurs. “You could have just said--”
Illuso finds him with his cock hilted all the way inside you, your hands flexing on Prosciutto’s expensive Prada suit as all of the other various clothes beneath you are rendered filthy by the slick that’s dripping out of you with every hungry pump of Formaggio’s cock. You’re mewling and whimpering out his name, your keening echoing through the house - nobody ever said you’d be quiet when you were in heat. Illuso stands at the doorframe for a minute, his face stony.
Formaggio sees him and laugh-gasps out a greeting;
“Lulu! Looks like . . . I won, huh?” In between thrusts, you’re practically purring, your eyes rolling back into your head. You look sweaty and fucked out, blissfully pleased to be in the position you’re in - but when you see Illuso, you whimper out;
“W-wanna play, too?” You look at him with your eyes all big and needy, and Illuso sighs as he begins to shrug off his clothes, though his cock is stirring rapidly and hungrily as he watches Formaggio’s cock drive in and out of your body. Catching Formaggio’s eye, Illuso grins;
“Well. It’s not a competition unless we both try, is it? Our piccolo micio will tell us who wins, won’t you?”
As Illuso’s fingers graze your face and you lean into the touch, you agree without so much as blinking. They might need to have a couple of rounds. 
You know. To help you choose.
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