#i'd like to think jeremy's in on it too tho
shadowspirez · 2 years
no thoughts, just Michael and Jeremy having a makeout sesh in Michael's basement
Michael has no idea it's actually the Squip possessing Jeremy's body
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
Real real real random ask.. Buuutttt- what's your favorite song? Mine's either this or this, and not even because I'm into the dsmp, I just like cg5 lol. So yeah! Just was curious ig, also thought I should mention that you actually got me (back) into (obsessed with) the Crane Wives! I used to listen to them a little while back and got back into them again when I watched the Chaggie animatic with Curses for the song. That's all, have a good day!
Oh that is a very dangerous question. I LOVE talking about/recommending songs I like. I cant just choose one tho, especially when there are artists who have so many songs I love and there are many genres I adore, so sorry for the long ish list
With The Crane Wives my favorite changes from time to time. I remember when I was ill and basically bedridden for two months, I'd spend hours just listening to all of their songs. Rn my favorite is I Aint Done. Apparently it's supposed to be based on some urban legend? I like to think of it as some tragic sapphic story
Marianas Trench is another one of my favorite bands. If you were a teen like me who loved watching AMV's in the 2000's to 2010's, their songs are often used for ships lol. (i get the feeling you might be a bit on the young side tho, so sorry for talking about some oldies here) Hard to pick a favorite too, but maybe this one since it's the first one of theirs I heard
I havent ventured too deeply in rap heavy songs, but this is one I like a LOT. The pre-chorus and chorus are such killers too and a lot of fun to sing lol
Jordan Fisher is such an underrated gem. Their songs take me back to the classic RnB from the 2000's. And watching them perform is kinda captivating.
People who have followed me for a while now know that I also love kpop/Loona, so lemme plug in my girls real quick. This is my favorite from one of their subgroups
Kiss of Life is a newer group I've been getting into lately, and they're real dang talented. They kinda remind me of Little Mix, which I also really liked
If you're into anime, you've probably heard of yoasobi because they've had songs that feature in anime. It's really really hard to pick a favorite with them but the one they wrote for Beastars is the one I'm currently obsessed with
There are also a lot of good songs in my country I could talk days about, especially this one by Ben & Ben. The mv stars their bassist and keyboardist who are dating irl, which makes it even cuter
And then there are so many broadway songs i like.... oh my god so hard to choose........
Beetlejuice is my favorite musical, so I gotta choose one from it. The lyrics for the songs in this musical are so good, but especially with Dead Mom. The bridge where Lydia turns all soft because of how much she loved her mom gets me everytime. (fun fact for those who dont know, the voice actors for Pentious/Adam and Rosie were the OG actors for the title character and the step mom)
Lastly, I havent actually watched the Waitress yet(I'm talkin about bootlegs ofc) but the soundtrack's really good. The voice actor for Niffty was also there, so you might wanna check it out just to hear her sing, she's phenomenal. This song is undoubtedly the best of the bunch, and there's actually a version song by Lucifer's VA that is absolutely heart-breaking, but I'm putting the original version in the post for the intended message of the song because its important. Also this animatic is kinda insane. Jeremy Jordan's version of this song really is worth checking out too for sure
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helloalycia · 1 year
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moving on [one] // alicia clark
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summary: desperate times call for desperate measures and you're forced to join a dangerous gang to keep you and you sister alive. But when you realise just how dangerous they are, you worry about what their influence can have on your sister.
warning/s: mentions of violence, blood, injury and death.
author's note: here’s the first part to an alicia clark imagine i recently worked on. i still miss her lol but it’s great to see Alycia in a variety of roles lately – she deserves it and her acting was wasted on ftwd! still miss Alicia tho so if you do too, i hope you guys like this one! 🥰
some things to note: y/s/n = your sister's name and this is set in season 3 before June reveals herself as June, so she’s called Naomi in this in case anyone is confused or forgot the show aha
also, shameless plug but i’ve shared the first two chapters of my new story on my wattpad account (linked below) and i’d appreciate if you checked it out and let me know what you think! it’s a girl x girl drama fantasy romance ☺️
okay you can enjoy now aha ♥️
two / three / four / five / six / wattpad / masterlist
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"You find anything?"
I refrained from cursing as I answered, "Nothing. Everything has been taken."
My sister, Y/S/N, sighed from the other side of the convenience store. "That's the fourth place in a row. We can't keep doing this."
I frowned, glad she couldn't see my expression. "Hang on. There might be something."
Pushing myself from behind the counter, I moved over to the long-defrosted freezers, hoping someone might have stored something there. Only, before I could take a look, the noise of a bell from the front door rang out and I immediately grabbed my pistol, directing there.
"Woah, woah, woah. Relax, ladies!"
I clenched my jaw when I recognised the man as the leader of a local gang, Jeremy. Behind him were a few of his people, all fully armed but making no move to grab their weapons.
"Small world, it seems," Jeremy joked, glancing between my sister and I. When neither of us said anything, he added, "There's no need for the guns. We're here same as you. Looking for supplies."
Reluctantly, I lowered my gun but kept it firm in my grip. I glanced over at Y/S/N, wondering why she didn't do a better job of keeping watch.
"So, did you find anything?" he continued, speaking to me.
I purposely stayed quiet, fixing my narrowed stare on him. Everywhere we went since arriving in Texas a few weeks ago, we bumped into Jeremy and his gang. It started off as us avoiding him, but after bumping into him accidentally and him recognising us over and over, he always offered us a place with him. He rubbed me the wrong way and he never gave up. I half expected him to kill us out of convenience since we were searching for the same things in the same areas. But he always let us go and I didn't want to imagine why.
"It's been picked clean," Y/S/N answered for me, and I shot her a questioning look which she chose to ignore.
Jeremy hummed in response, glancing around. "We'll be on our way then." He glanced at me, smiling in a way that made me uncomfortable. "That wasn't so bad, was it? We all live here after all. We can help each other out."
I swallowed thickly, grip tightening on my gun.
"You're welcome to join us," he added with a nod. "You know where to find us if you ladies change your mind."
After a tense few seconds, he finally left with his people and I didn't fully relax until I heard his truck driving away.
"He's always–"
"Weren't you keeping watch?!" I cut Y/S/N off, staring at her with disbelief. "They just walked right in!"
"I know, I know," she said quickly, frowning. "Sorry."
Massaging the bridge of my noise, I released a breath. Being angry was no use. Besides, it wasn't her I was angry at.
"If he wanted to hurt us, he would have by now," Y/S/N added hesitantly, knowing how I'd react. "I don't think he means harm."
I scoffed, shaking my head. "Yeah, no harm. Just wants us to join his stupid gang."
"Would that be so bad?"
Pausing, I looked to her with a warning look. "Don't start."
Thankfully, she left it at that. The last thing I wanted to hear were her thoughts on how we needed their help to survive. Of course, my life wasn't so easy.
Later that same evening, after no luck searching for supplies, Y/S/N and I were camping out in a derelict building, eating the last of our rations. I had a map spread out between us, trying to figure out where we could move to next that may serve us better luck. But almost everywhere was touched apart from farmhouses and a baseball stadium. None of that could help us. And I feared where that would leave us.
"We could try to find a working car and either drive to some of these farmhouses, or make our way out of Texas altogether," I suggested, pointing to the route on the map.
"All the gas will be taken from the cars out there," Y/S/N said disappointedly.
"Okay, well we can try to find some garages. Maybe there's still some old cars in there with fuel," I tried, but even saying it aloud felt pointless.
"Fine, not that, but we can't stay here," I decided. "Just– let me think."
It went quiet as I racked my brain for a way out, a plan. We'd officially used up all our food, couldn't find more and had no mode of transport. We were lucky enough to have the few bullets in our guns that we did, but even those were close to running out.
"Y/N, maybe we should consider taking up Jeremy on his offer," Y/S/N said after a moment.
I glanced up at her, seeing the regret in her expression next to the fire.
"I know you don't want to, but they have food, supplies, protection," she continued, sucking up a breath. "It's our only choice."
"I don't trust them," I told her, shaking my head. "They aren't family. They won't look out for you like I will. We can find another way."
"I don't think we can," she said with a frown. "It's been weeks. We haven't settled. There's nothing here. At least they have a place to call home. Food. If we keep going like this, we're gonna die."
"No, we won't," I said stubbornly. "We've lasted this long without help from Jeremy." Even his name in my mouth made me uncomfortable. "We'll figure something out."
"Y/N!" she said suddenly, making me look up. Softer this time, she said, "We don't have a choice."
I hated that she was right. I could stay up all night looking over this map, but nothing would work. We'd pushed our luck and now we were desperate. And Jeremy and his stupid gang were the only ones we could turn to for help – anyone else we'd met out here was either struggling themselves or on the verge of death.
"Okay," I said, already knowing it was the wrong choice. "We'll find him tomorrow."
I swear I saw a hint of a smile on Y/S/N's lips and I wasn't so sure why she liked them so much. They had always tried to convince her to join. Looks like they were both getting what they wanted.
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To my dismay, Jeremy accepted Y/S/N and I into his gang with open arms. I still didn't understand what he could want from us so bad, maybe just some new recruits, but he let us join and had that stupid knowing smile on his face when we did. He'd never explicitly done anything bad to us, but something about him and his people rubbed me the wrong way. Their nonchalant, easygoing attitude to this new world was a discomfort to me and definitely not something I wanted my little sister and I to be around, but we had no choice.
We stayed with them a month and it was as comfortable as I was expecting. They were always on the move, setting up different camps in different areas and changing it every other day. Y/S/N and I helped out with the community side of things, but Jeremy insisted we joined him on the supply runs. Y/S/N and I were decent shots and good at defending ourselves which he'd clearly noticed. So, we started to do that, too. I hated it, wanting the very opposite of this life now that we had somewhere to stay. But Y/S/N loved it. She was enjoying our time here, especially working under Jeremy and his second-in-command, Tia. It worried me a little.
After that month of somewhat living and not just surviving, Y/S/N and I were on a supply run with Jeremy, Tia and a few others. As we were driving down the open stretch of land, I noticed a person fighting off some infected off the side of the road and grew worried.
"They need help," I realised, patting Jeremy on the shoulder and leaning forward. "We have to stop."
Jeremy tried not to laugh in the front seat. "Not our problem."
I looked to my sister with raised eyebrows, but she stayed quiet and shrugged. Refusing to do nothing, I tried again with Jeremy. 
"Please, we can help him! It's just a few infected!"
"I don't remember bringing Mother Teresa with us, do you?" Tia joked, making everyone except my sister and I laugh.
We were coming past the guy now and I had a closer look at him struggling to fight off the two infected with nothing but a baseball bat.
"We can't just leave him!" I shouted. "Please! I'll do it!"
Jeremy suddenly hit the brakes, making us all fly forward. Surprised, I looked to him and saw he was already grabbing his gun.
"You want me to help? Fine. I'll help," he said, meeting my gaze in the rear view mirror. "Wait here. All of you."
Relieved, I nodded and watched as he got out the truck and approached the guy with his gun. Like second nature, he shot both infected in the head with only two bullets. They fell in an instant and I sighed with relief, glad we could at least help somebody whilst with Jeremy and reaping the 'rewards'.
"Thank you so much, man," the stranger was saying with relief, pushing himself from the ground. "I owe you my–"
Without warning, Jeremy fired a third shot at the stranger's head, making him fall to the ground as quickly as the infected did. I gasped, covering my mouth as I watched Jeremy shake his head and walk back to the truck.
"Happy now?" he asked rhetorically, glancing at me with a sigh before starting the truck again.
Like nothing had happened, he continued on his way and nobody said a word. I seemed to be the only one who was mortified by his actions – he'd just killed an innocent person! When I looked over to Y/S/N, she gave me a warning look and shook her head as if telling me not to say anything. I couldn't tell if she was as surprised as I was or not.
When we returned to camp afterwards, I rushed straight to my tent, needing to be away from Jeremy and his gang and everybody here. How could he do that without remorse? He barely batted an eye. That definitely wasn't his first kill– murder.
"Y/N," Y/S/N followed after me breathlessly. "God, you walk fast."
"Y/S/N, what the fuck?!" I whisper shouted, looking to her with watery eyes. "He just murdered an innocent man!"
She didn't say anything, only frowned.
"I knew there was something off about him, about this place," I said, shaking my head and covering my mouth. I didn't realise I was shaking until I did. "We can't stay here. Who knows what else he's capable of? How many others he's killed?"
"Y/N, I'm not defending him, but maybe he had a reason," Y/S/N said weakly. "Maybe the guy was bit and was going to die anyway."
I blinked, taken aback by her words. "What? How can you say that? You saw it with your own eyes, he did it for his own enjoyment! That's fucked!"
She sighed slowly, hands on her hips. I suddenly felt like I was in a tent with a stranger when I realised she wasn't reacting like I was. She was acting like this was normal.
"We need this place," she decided. "We need their food, their home, their weapons. We're alive because of them. We can't leave."
"And we can't stay," I said with a glare. "If we associate with people like this, then what does that make us?"
She clenched her jaw, meeting my glare with her own. "Tell me a better way. Go on. Tell me another plan for survival." I didn't know what to say and she knew it. "You tell me where we go after this and I will happily leave with you right now. Go on."
Clenching my fists by side, I looked away from her and she scoffed.
"Exactly, there's nowhere," she stated bitterly. "All you do is complain. But you don't have a solution."
Swallowing hard, I tried to remain calm. "Y/S/N, we can't be around people like this. It's not safe."
"It's not safe out there either," she reminded me with a firm stare, before her gaze softened. "Look. If you can figure out a plan B, then we can leave."
"You promise?"
She nodded, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. "I promise."
I didn't want to be here for a second longer, but I wasn't going to leave my sister behind. So, my next priority was finding a plan B. Somewhere that wasn't here. And the sooner the better because I feared Y/S/N wouldn't want to leave if I waited too long.
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"Are you sure this place is empty?" I asked Tia, clutching my gun tightly.
"Why? You scared or something?" she retorted with a smirk.
I chose not to reply as I followed behind everyone. We were on yet another supply run barely two months later, except this one was to an abandoned campsite for a rival gang that had long departed this area. Intel had it that they hadn't returned in weeks, hence our plan to stop by and see if there was anything left. But it seemed everybody here had a death wish and nobody was cautious.
"Y/N, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't safe," Y/S/N reassured me, but I could see her smiling with amusement at Tia's joke.
Just as I had feared, Y/S/N was beginning to love it here. And I couldn't exactly ask her to leave again because I still didn't have a plan B, not a sustainable one anyway.
"Okay, for Y/N's sake, everyone open your eyes and ears and spread out," Jeremy ordered, making the others laugh. "Try not to piss your pants at the sight of infected."
I rolled my eyes but kept close to Y/S/N. As we all stepped further into the building, I looked around and saw it truly had been abandoned, little evidence showing somebody had lived here recently. It didn't make sense though. This rival gang wouldn't just leave.
"I think there's something over here," Jeremy realised, motioning with his rifle to the corner of the room. "Follow me."
He stepped forward casually and I wouldn't have cared if it weren't for a wire sticking out the corner of the wall getting my attention. I followed it with my eyes, confused to where it was leading, but only when it was too late did I realise what it was. Eyes widened, I shouted to Jeremy.
"Don't take another–!"
I couldn't remember much after that. There was an excruciatingly loud bang and then everything went black. When I came to, my ears were ringing and I felt like I could hear the blood rushing in my head. My vision was crossed over, blurring images of smoke, fire and debris. I wasn't sure how long I'd been lying there, but when I was finally able to keep my eyes from crossing over, I saw I was on the floor, covered in debris and ash. Blinking, I realised half the ceiling had collapsed and everything was on fire.
Y/S/N was the first thing on my mind and I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move. My body was numb, lungs begging for fresh air and eyes watering in the heat. I turned my head, glad I could at least do that, and squinted to see around me. I couldn't see any bodies, but then I heard snarling and knew infected were in the vicinity. I needed to get up!
"Y/N!" I heard my name being called and turned my head to the direction, recognising it as my sister's voice. "Y/N!"
More snarling. The infected were on my side of the fire, closing in.
"Y/N!" Y/S/N screamed again, and I finally saw her on the opposite side, searching for me. Her eyes found mine and I wanted to call for her help, but I could barely breathe. There was a pain, but I didn't know where.
"We have to go, Y/S/N, come on!" another voice said, and I saw Jeremy beside her, yanking her back.
"No, she's over there!" Y/S/N tried to fight against him, wanting to come to me.
"She's basically dead and we will be too if we don't leave now!" he shouted at her.
She stared at me with tears in her eyes. I tried to do something, give her some sort of signal that I wasn't dead. I was right here and okay! But she gave me one last apologetic look and let Jeremy drag her away. I couldn't believe what I'd seen. Had I seen correctly? I had to be wrong, surely.
But there was no time to debate it. I couldn't lay here and let the infected get me. I had to get out, get to my sister, get some damn air!
The ringing subsided and my vision straightened up. I forced myself into a sitting up position, feeling a burning in my shoulder but too afraid to look just yet. Whilst the adrenaline had the better of me, I stayed on all fours and crawled my way out the building, keeping my mouth covered with my shirt. Finally, I saw daylight and got out, taking in big gulps of fresh air. It helped, a little, but my head was spinning and I couldn't hear properly still.
Infected were closing in in the distance, I realised. I forced myself to stand, trying not to cry when my shoulder continued to burn. I risked looking down and saw that it was covered in blood from a piece of shrapnel lodged in there and still burning from the fire. I needed to get away from the heat. I needed Y/S/N.
With difficulty, I tried to find the others out front. Looking back, the whole building was set ablaze. They couldn't have gone far, right? I hadn't been down for that long.
But they were nowhere to be found. No cars, trucks, nothing. I had nothing on me either, no supplies or weapons or first aid. My only focus was getting away from the fire and away from the infected, so I kept low and out of their line of sight, putting as much distance as I could between them and me.
The longer I stay out here though, I thought, the more likely my wound will get infected and I'll die.
I didn't know how bad it was, but it didn't feel good. I didn't care though. All I kept thinking about was Y/S/N. Did she really choose them over me? Why would she do that?
No, she couldn't have. I saw. She wanted to come get me. They forced her. They made her believe I was already dead. She didn't know.
I saw that, right?
I wasn't sure what I'd seen. My mind was still a muddle and, though the ringing had stopped, I felt exhausted. But I couldn't just pass out anywhere. I needed to find my sister. Get somewhere safe.
The evening crept up on me quicker than I thought. I was forced to take refuge in an old gas station. There, I could see the building was still burning in the distance, a bright flame in the evening sky and no doubt attracting every infected for a five mile radius. I took that moment of peace to inspect my shoulder closely, peeling my shirt which had partially melted into the flesh. The pain became too much though, blinding, and I had to leave it as is. I had nothing to treat it with anyway. The shrapnel was the only thing stopping the bleeding, for now.
The rival gang, they'd rigged the place with explosives. I knew something was up. If only fucking Jeremy had scouted it out beforehand.
The night was rough. I barely got any sleep, drifting into unconsciousness out of pure pain rather than comfort. When I woke up the next morning, I almost didn't want to get up, but the thought of getting my sister back was what pushed me. I'd lost a lot of blood, barely any energy left, but I had to keep going. I knew the way back, but it was much longer without a car.
I kept going, glad there were no infected to challenge me, though it would definitely be a challenge I'd lose. I was burning up, my fever getting worse and worse the longer my wound was left untreated. I couldn't escape the smell of smoke on my clothes, nor blood. I thought I could keep going, but I collapsed by a car in the street soon enough.
Trying to force myself up, I squeezed my eyes shut and attempted to push up, but it didn't work. I had no energy left. I think I was dying. I had to be. I couldn't even hold myself upright against the car, my back hitting the ground and staying that way. Everything hurt, but I tried to push it away as I looked at the clouds in the sky.
At least I would be reunited with my parents soon. Maybe they would know why Y/S/N did what she did, because I couldn't figure it out. Still, I hoped she was safe wherever she was.
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Time had been a blur since the fire. Seconds merged into minutes which merged into hours. If it weren't for the clouds turning pink, I wouldn't have known how long I'd been out there, simply staring at the sky and waiting for death. It was at sunset when I was beginning to lose feeling, lose common sense.
I heard a car engine, I think, though I couldn't be sure. There were voices. Female. Overlapping, not making any sense.
"–no bites–" one was saying.
"–burnt flesh–" said the other.
A hand pressed to my cheek and I couldn't stop it. Suddenly, I was looking into the eyes of a stranger. Her lips were moving, concern on her face. Why did she care about me? Who was she?
She might have said the most important thing in the world or the dumbest, but I wouldn't know. Her words were background noise. Her face was a blur. More voices. And then everything went silent.
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My eyes were heavy when I began to wake up, as if I'd been sleeping for years. A quiet groan escaped my lips as I forced them open, and then I felt the aching all over my body, though not as painful as I last remembered. Blinking the blurriness from my vision, I realised I was lying down and looking up at a ceiling. Ceiling? Where was I?
Turning my head, I made out a an IV bag beside me, attached to my wrist. Was I in a hospital? That didn't make sense.
I kept looking around, memories of recent events flashing to mind as I tried to make sense of where I was. Subconsciously, I reached for my injured shoulder, surprised to find it bandaged under a shirt that wasn't mine.
Panicking now, I forced myself to sit up, grimacing at how quickly I did it. I didn't know where I was or who had found me, but I couldn't stay here. What if Y/S/N was looking for me? What if she was too far? I had to get out of here!
I ripped out the drip from my arm and pushed my legs over the edge of the bed. Looking around once more, a bit more awake, I realised it wasn't a hospital. Hospitals were usually white and bright. This was a simple room with medical equipment stored inside and alongside a few beds. Wherever I was, this was there medbay. I didn't want to stick around to find out who owned it.
Standing up proved to be a challenge, my energy drained completely, but I managed. There were no shoes around nor on my feet, so I hobbled barefoot to the door, yanking it open and holding it for support as I blinked at the daylight. Adjusting, I raised my hand to cover my eyes slightly, stepping outside.
There were people all around, smiling, in no danger, all doing different things. To my right, a small group were building some sort of structure. To my left, there was a garden being tended to. And up ahead, in the distance, I saw seats. Was I in a sports stadium? What the hell?
Distracted and confused, I failed to see someone nearby spot me and approach with urgency.
"You're awake!" the blonde woman realised, immediately stopping by my side. "You shouldn't be on your feet. Please, let's go back inside!"
I didn't know why I listened to her, even when she held my arm and practically ushered me back inside. A lot more tired than I realised, I let her sit me back on the bed.
"I see you took your IV out," she said with a reprimanding tone, before moving to grab it. When she tried to touch me, I moved my hand away, making her frown. "Please. It will help. You need rest."
Without speaking, I refused to give her my hand and she seemed to get that I didn't trust her nor know who she was.
"I'm Naomi," she introduced. "I'm the nurse here and I've been making sure you don't die from blood loss. What's your name?"
I glanced between her eyes, wondering if I was insane to trust a stranger so easily. But she did help me when I was at my lowest, so could she be all that bad?
"Y/N," I said, voice too hoarse to be above a whisper.
As I cleared my throat, she passed me a cup of water that I failed to notice beside my bed. Taking a few sips, I relaxed at the way it soothed my throat.
"Well, Y/N, it's nice to meet you," she said with a small smile. "Please can I...?"
Referring to the IV, she waited patiently. I nodded and let her put it back into my arm before setting up the bed so I could sit upright without holding my own weight.
"You're very lucky we found you when we did," she said once she was done. "Your shoulder looked like hell. It's much better now."
I didn't know what to say. All I could think about was Y/S/N and where she was. Was she okay? Was she safe?
Before Naomi could say anything more, the door opened again and in walked two more people. They seemed familiar – I think they were the ones who found me, but that memory was hazy.
"You're up," the younger girl said, glancing at me before looking to Naomi. "Is she okay?"
"Physically, sure," Naomi answered.
The younger girl nodded and stepped forward, her attention back on me. "How are you?" Before I could think to answer, she shook her head. "Sorry, I didn't even ask your name. I'm Alicia and this is Luciana." She motioned to the girl beside her, who offered me a small smile. "We're the ones who found you out on the side of the road."
"I'm Y/N," I answered reluctantly, glancing between them both. "Thank you for taking me in."
I knew it was the right thing to say, but I still wasn't sure if I was safe, even if they were all being polite to me.
"Y/N," Alicia repeated softly, before smiling. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. How are you?"
I blinked, looking down. "I, er... I don't know."
They exchanged looks, making me feel out of place, before Naomi said, "Can I ask how you ended up how you did? You have some pretty nasty burns on your shoulder."
"We saw smoke not too far from where you were," Luciana added gently. "Lots of infected were attracted to it. Is that where you were?"
I pursed my lips, remembering it all so suddenly. Y/S/N could still be out there. Or she could be back at their base, if they hadn't moved yet. I needed to find her.
But how could I tell these strangers that? I didn't know them, I didn't know if I could trust them. What if they wouldn't let me leave?
"You're free to stay here for as long as you need to," Alicia suddenly said, as if reading my mind. "You should, if anything. You need rest."
"Where is here exactly?" I asked calmly, hoping they couldn't detect my nerves.
"This is the Dell Diamond Baseball Stadium," Naomi answered. "It's been converted into a small community, a safe place that's well guarded and well supplied. You're safe here."
I clenched my jaw, looking away momentarily. The baseball stadium. Safe, supplied and guarded? All I could think about was how if Y/S/N had just risked visiting it instead of writing it off as useless, we could still be together and none of this would have happened. Now... now it was quite far out from the fire and she'd be long gone. Maybe. I wouldn't know unless I got up and searched.
"I get this might be a lot," Alicia said considerately, "so you should sleep it off and then we can talk more. How does that sound?"
It sounded pretty damn great, my whole body exhausted still.
"Thanks," I said awkwardly, looking between them.
They smiled and Naomi helped me to lay down properly, lowering the bed. I hated to admit it, but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
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When I woke up, it was dark out the window. I wasn't sure how long I was out for, but I felt a lot better. 
The sound of someone awkwardly clearing their throat made me push myself up slightly, looking at the end of my bed. There, I saw Alicia sat on a chair, smiling a little.
"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you or anything," she said, standing up and unsure what to do with herself. "I figured you would wake up soon and thought you might want to eat something."
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, humming tiredly. She helped prop my bed upright and I leaned back, waking up a little more now.
"It's chicken, potatoes, some vegetables," she explained when she carefully handed me the tray. "Hope you like it."
That definitely woke me up and I widened my eyes with surprise, looking down at the food. It was still hot, steam curling off it and leaving a pleasant smell in my nose.
"Is everything okay?" she asked worriedly, looking over the tray. "Is there something in it?"
I shook my head, glancing up at her. "No, it's– it's perfect. I haven't had food like this in– well, a long time. Thank you."
Relieved, she nodded and smiled before pulling her chair around to my bedside and taking a seat. I dug in, savouring each bite between sips of water and wondering how I'd been lucky enough to land somewhere like this. These people were too nice, suspiciously nice, and I still couldn't gauge if they were after something or not.
"Er, thanks for all of this, Alicia," I said when I realised she was sitting there whilst I scoffed my face rudely. Clearing my throat, I added, "I should have said so earlier, but I was– it's a lot to adjust to."
"I can imagine," she sympathised. "And no worries. I'm just glad we could help."
I paused, pursing my lips. "Yeah... why are you helping? It's hard to come by these days, so..."
"You're expecting a catch," she read my mind, an amused smile on her lips. When my expression confirmed this, she continued, "There's no catch. Luci and I saw someone hurt and who needed help, so we helped. This place is for people who need somewhere safe. A home. That's all this is."
"You don't even know who I am," I said without thinking, too amazed at her naivety of the world to hold back. "I could be a horrible person. A murderer. Someone not worth saving. Do you just pick up every person you see?"
Not the slightest bit offended, Alicia tried not to laugh. "Well, are you any of those things? Because last time I checked, murderers don't announce they're murderers."
I raised my eyebrows, wondering how she could be so calm about this world we were in. How long had she had it easy that she wasn't afraid? I was almost jealous.
"You're right," she decided, giving me an apologetic look, green eyes still flickering with partial amusement. "I don't know who you are. So, maybe you can tell me. Starting with why we found you how we did. If you want."
Still, I wasn't sure if I could trust her. But nothing about her screamed evil, and she had helped me, so it made sense to tell her the truth. Besides, I couldn't find Y/S/N without her letting me go.
"The fire," I said, recalling that they'd seen it, too. "It was a booby trap some old gang left. I was with my sister and another group checking it out. But the trap was triggered and the whole place went up in flames."
Alicia's eyebrows knitted together as she listened. "You weren't alone?"
"No, and that's why I need to find my sister," I said confidently. "She needs me."
Alicia nodded slowly, straightening up. "How did you get out? Didn't you see her in the fire? And what about your group?"
I frowned at the memory. "The group aren't good people. I wanted to leave them for a while, but they were the only thing keeping my sister and I fed and alive. My sister, Y/S/N, she was there. I woke up and I saw her, but that arsehole..."
Seeing Jeremy's face in my head, the way he dragged her away... it made me clench my fists without realising.
"The leader, Jeremy, he told her I was dead, or as good as dead, and to get out whilst they could," I continued. "The infected were there. It was smokey. I couldn't hear properly. But I saw it. Saw them."
"And she saw you, too?" Alicia asked patiently.
I nodded. "She went with him."
"She saw you, but she still left?" Alicia asked with surprise.
I swallowed hard, fixing her with a stare. "I know what it sounds like, but she didn't just leave. He made her."
She didn't seem convinced as she tilted her head slightly. "Y/N..."
"She wouldn't just leave," I repeated bitterly. "She's my sister. He made her leave and I need to find her! She needs to know I'm alive and then I'm gonna take her away from him and she'll be okay. I just– I need to get out of here."
Alicia pressed her lips together thoughtfully. "Y/N, I'm sorry this happened, and I'm sure you saw what you wanted to see in the moment. But like you said, you were barely conscious, there was a fire, infected... it sounds like she just left you."
"She didn't!" I exclaimed, before shaking my head and pushing the tray onto the bed. "Forget it, I don't need to explain this to you. I'll find her myself. Just let me out of here."
As I attempted to pull off my blanket and get up, Alicia suddenly shot up and stopped me.
"Let go," I told her with narrowed eyes, and she thankfully did.
"Just wait," she said, meeting my eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Look, you're in no position to go back out there on your own. It's not safe."
"I've managed before," I assured her with a fake smile. "Now move."
Rolling her eyes but staying put, she said, "I'll take you there. We can go back to the fire. Back to wherever you think she is. Find a clue to her whereabouts."
I paused, studying her suspiciously. "Why would you do that?"
"I know what it's like to do anything for your family," she said, and I believed her for some reason. "And you don't seem like a bad person."
"So, what? You're just helping me out of the kindness of your heart?"
"Is that so hard to believe?"
I quirked a brow, intrigued by the stranger. "Yeah."
She sighed, relaxing when she saw I wasn't going to try to leave again. "I'll take you in the morning. But I'm telling you now, if you don't find her, you should leave it at that. Don't go looking for her."
"Are you insane?" I asked. "She's my sister. Of course I'll keep looking."
"Whether you want to admit or not, she left you to die," she said with an apologetic but knowing voice. "She chose this Jeremy guy over you. And you going out there to look for her isn't worth your life. Sister or not."
I tensed my jaw to contain my annoyance at her assumption, but said nothing. She didn't have to believe me – she didn't know Y/S/N like I did. I'd find her. She'd be waiting for me. I knew it.
"Fine," I lied, only needing Alicia long enough to find Y/S/N, which I would. "Tomorrow morning it is."
Content with my answer, she nodded and took a step back. "Good. Now eat. If you're to come with me, you need your energy back."
Begrudgingly, I pulled the tray back onto my lap and obeyed, feeling like a child. I wasn't sure why Alicia was being so generous – maybe she really was just being kind, but I'd seen so much evil these past few years that it was hard to accept.
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I'm working on a request for Code Lyoko atm, but meanwhile, here are some headcanons!
Headcanons - Code Lyoko
Aelita Schaeffer
I headcanon that Aelita's music and dj mixing skills are rooted in her dad playing the piano and teaching her about music.
It also gives her trauma and nightmares, as we've all seen in the canon episodes tho..
And though she's smart and brainy, I don't see her going to read literature books or novels. Idk if that's just me.
I think she finds comfort in information rather than fiction, so maybe she would prefer non-fiction genres.
I also think that Aelita would like butterscotch ice cream. It's cute.
There are days where she has hallucinations and nightmares because of X.A.N.A and Franz Hopper and her past, and she would like nothing more than to listen to music while cuddling with Mister Puck and having butterscotch ice cream.
Also, much like Nicholas, a lot of people find Aelita cute. Adding to her popularity that rose from her DJ skills, she's sure to have a lot of people having crushes on her. But of course, she's only got eyes for Jeremie.
Remember that lookalike of Aelita who got only one episode on the show? Taelia? I headcanon that people in Kadic call them twins, and they eventually become good friends. I think Jim would get very confused and would put Aelita and Taelia in different classes for the sake of his own sanity.
Elizabeth "Sissi" Delmas
Sissi is a child of divorce (I think that's also canon).
I headcanon that her parents had a slightly significant age difference, because Principal Delmas looks vv old. Sissi's mom was four years younger than him -- I headcanon her to be a fashion designer, she was very impulsive and liked to live in the moment, but eventually, the love they had for each other fizzled out and they divorced.
I also think that maybe her mom wasn't what you would call "maternal". She knows this too, and accepted it when Sissi's dad contested for her during the divorce. It doesn't mean that her mom loves her less, though. She's just aware that her father could care for her daughter better than she could, and chooses to love Sissi in her own way.
I think it was mentioned somewhere in the website wiki that Sissi goes on shopping sprees with her mom, so that could be their love language. I also think that Sissi digs her mother's fashion style and did a little tweaks of that to turn it into her own.
I think that, Ulrich was her best friend before, and they bonded over having turbulent family situations. It was natural for her to catch feelings for someone who understood her, and hence she liked Ulrich. When Ulrich rejected her (multiple times), she was put off, but just didn't know how to handle their friendship from that point onward.
Sissi knows how to bandage wounds professionally (canon) and I think it was mentioned that she wanted to become a nurse. I definitely see that as a career for her, once she's matured and grown into her own self.
She's definitely a writer on the side. She would write under the pen name Sissi for sure.
I love Sissi a lot. She's so much more than what's shown on screen. I'd have loved to see her grow into the person she's actually meant to become, after some maturity and heart-to-hearts with Ulrich and her parents, too.
Jeremie Belpois
Jeremie needs naps.
A lot of naps. Poor guy.
Jeremie has definitely read classics. I also headcanon Yumi to like classics and literature, so I think both of them would bond a lot over this.
I also headcanon Jeremie to be comfortable with certain colors only – like, he wears blues and browns and some beige tones – and you wouldn't find colors like pink or yellow in his wardrobe.
Jeremie's cousin is said to look like him, right? And that guy – Patrick, I think – was a brunette and wore black rock aesthetic clothing. I think that both of them actually looked similar when they were kids, and Patrick must've changed his look at some point to have that poofy hair instead. This probably annoyed Jeremie, but now that they're on good terms, he probably teases Patrick about it a lot (and also has baby pictures to prove his point).
I can see how I turned this into Patrick headcanons. Sorry.
Jeremie likes long walks during the night. When he's not working on Lyoko related stuff, and when he's not able to sleep, he walks around at night.
His prized possession(s) is the set of polaroids that he took with Aelita on one of her first nights on Earth. He has them in a safe (and yes, he definitely has a safe that he hasn't told anyone about. Except Aelita.).
Laura Gauthier
Laura made some poor choices in Evolution, but hey, Sissi made poor choices in the original show too! People can always improve, and change.
Laura was brought up in a very strict household, where only the very best was expected from her.
That's why she desperately wanted to show her dad the laboratory at the old factory and say, "See? I'm a part of something big."
Laura has closeted lesbian energy. Evolution kinda made a big rivalry between Aelita and Laura for Jeremie, to see who was his better equal and all, but I think Laura didn't care about that and just liked getting Aelita riled up. I think Laura is more into girls, romantically speaking.
I headcanon that Laura buys clothes from Sissi's mom's fashion brand.
I can see her being a fan of "ceilings" by Lizzy McAlpine.
I think Laura has the potential to be even smarter than Jeremie, even better than him, too. But she lacks some of his empathy. It's not necessarily a bad thing -- just shows how people who are similar are also different.
Adding on to this, Laura might not be very in touch with her emotions, and might come off as unempathetic. She's just misunderstood, but she's not helping her own case.
Like with Sissi, I think she could be so much more, if she matures and grows into her truest self.
Odd Della Robbia
I know it's said that Samantha Knight is the person Odd really really loves, but I headcanon Odd to be a no-commitments soul. He enjoys PDA and dates, but he's probably the most comfortable when he's by himself.
He's a top-tier bisexual.
I headcanon that Odd is allergic to cats. His family definitely seems like the type to have cats at home and he's hated it because all he's done is sneeze.
He's the family favourite. I think this is canon too, which is why he was allowed to get Kiwi as a pet. His sisters probably hated that smh.
This might be a personal wish-fulfilment headcanon, but I think Odd didn't learn how to ride a bicycle. He learned the skateboard, but not the bicycle.
He also feels like the kind of person to hate long car rides? He doesn't like sitting in one place for hours.
Odd is really good at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and special days. Considering how he had to remind Ulrich that Yumi's birthday had passed, this is probably a canon thing.
Ulrich Stern
Ulrich's a rich kid. Canon. He's known Sissi for ages. Canon.
I headcanon that Ulrich and Sissi were on good terms before both of them hit puberty and Sissi kept forcing herself onto him.
Ulrich's best friend was probably Sissi before everything went downhill between them. Then, Odd and the Lyoko warriors happened.
Martial arts are Ulrich's way of communicating with his inner self. Penchaksilat, karate... he's very self-disciplined.
I think that's why he is so attracted to Yumi in the first place. Her being his equal in terms of martial arts would have been very appealing to him.
With reference to Aelita, Ulrich gives big brother energy and Odd gives little brother energy.
Ulrich is probably the most protective of Aelita out of them all. Of course, Jeremie worships her, but Ulrich has the means to fight anyone who messes with his lil sis.
He played with a lot of samurai toys when he was younger.
Ulrich seems to be the type of guy to like haunted houses.
William Dunbar
William is definitely king of reading classics and books. He gives Yumi a book on poetry in Evolution, right? He loves romance novels and crime thrillers, and probably reads for an hour a day.
When you think about it, William and Ulrich are very similar. Both of them are only childs with wealthy backgrounds, but the difference lies in the fact that William is loved by his parents, while Ulrich's relationship with his own are strained.
William's favorite fruit is orange.
Lyoko gave him a lot of PTSD, but he loves the thrill, and he's still a very honorable man. That's why he comes back.
William and Aelita have an unusual friendship, I think. They can relate to being haunted by X.A.N.A. It's very unfortunate that they have limited interactions in the show and in Evolution too.
I can definitely see William going into the military or the CIA. He gives me those vibes.
ALSO, I think William would probably end up with someone who's way younger than him (maybe 3 years younger) – someone with a lot of vitality and optimism — and probably blonde.
(My OC for William is blonde, but this isn't about me—)
Yumi Ishiyama
Yumi was brought up in a very traditional household, as we know.
Yumi would be very into Asian literature and classics, as mentioned in Jeremie's section.
Yumi doesn't look like it to most people, but she's the most motherly out of all of them. She's a big sister, and she's had to raise Hiroki when her parents were fighting and they almost divorced and all.
I think Yumi's slightly spiritual too. Not to the extent where she fully believes in prayers and ancient rituals, but she understands the significance of her culture and respects them.
Yumi loves fireworks and shooting stars. I headcanon her as a bit of an astrology freak.
I also think that Yumi is bisexual? Or at least, she's always been curious about it.
I think she's had a curious phase about everything. But once she understands, she has the capacity to evaluate for herself and make right decisions.
A/N: These are just my personal headcanons. I can do more of these, and relationship headcanons or friendship headcanons too, if I get requests, or strokes of inspiration. I hope you like these!
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ninyard · 5 months
legally required to send you an ask? what if i pull a neil and lie to the fbi when they come to get me??? genuinely tho, tsc was so fucking good. jeremy and cat and lalia's dynamic has me chewing on walls, but so does the unrequited kevjean (fucked over by another pretty face??? jean teaching him french?????) and reading about the foxes's wins from jean's pov has me screaminf crying etc but I'd really love to hear if you have any theories on Jeremy's family?
Surprise I’m actually the FBI and I’m onto u now
But for real I’ve been going crazy thinking about TSC since I read it. The kevjean dynamic has me losing my mind like I got SHIVERS reading his asking Jean to teach him French. And the way my stomach FLIPPED reading “did you know I’ve never been skiing?” From Jeans POV. Puking vomitting screaming crying throwing up okay
Jeremy’s family. I have NO idea. It’s so vague they’re purely like random shots in the dark as to what it could be but here’s my thoughts as of rn:
1) Jeremy’s family are big investors in USC. It’s why he’s Captain, it’s why he has to show his face at Knox family events, public gatherings and all that, because he’s the proof that the money is worth it for the returns, and he’s the face of USC. They’re counting on his success to bring them more money.
2) Half of his family are homophobic. Maybe it’s just because he’s gay and his Political Old Money family seem to not get along with him very well that I think that, but also him bleaching his hair blond and then being unwelcome at dinners because of it. It seems like image is very important to them, and even if he’s quietly gay, dying his hair could be perceived as a Gay Thing To Do. His sister says to him “you destroyed the family,” what specifically could he have done to tear his family apart? Imagine your family investing (millions maybe) into your team, your sport, and then you put their image in jeopardy for being the out and proud gay kid that creates a negative talking point. He also quickly puts his phone away when he realises his sister is around which feels like a gay kid hiding from his family thing to do.
3) the banquet im at a loss for to be honest. I’ve been trying to rack my brain around what could’ve happened, but what we do know is a) whatever happened at the banquet tore their family apart b) his sister pretends Exy doesn’t exist because of it c) she’s never forgiven him for it. Gay Trauma brain of mine says maybe he took a man as his date and it caused a lot of problems in his home life, maybe they asked him not to and he said fuck you and did it anyway. But would that really destroy his family? The therapist thing too. Fight back against what???
4) there’s obviously some weird relationship problems in his family too. Doesn’t like to be called Knox, says his grandfather is not his grandfather, avoids his brother like the plague. The only person he seems to talk to is the butler. His sister barely regards him as well. He feels like the black sheep but I don’t know why!!! Also at some point it’s mentioned (I’m pretty sure anyway) that he doesn’t seem to be getting much in terms of monetary handouts from his family so he’s potentially having Allison type problems where he’s lost his inheritance or cut out of his grandfathers will or SOMETHING. He feels like the disappointment of his family but I can’t place my finger on why other than the fact that he’s gay. I don’t know. I’m going CRAZY not knowing tho.
Jeremy is fascinating me and it’s infuriating that I don’t know more. I know it’ll make the reveal in TCS2 much sweeter but damn can I pls get a little crumb of his backstory? His trauma? Just a little bit?
Anyways this an incoherent jumbled mess of thoughts about Jeremy but I am SO curious about his family. The banquet especially because it’s pretty intense, or seems to be at least from that little paragraph about it. I would die for you Jeremy Knox just tell me everything first pls!!!!!
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so-long-soldier28 · 6 months
Idk if anyone's ever asked u this but what would ur life in tvd be like?! Including ur family ,career, friends, species etc lmao
oh ho ho, so this is certainly a thing i've considered
as someone who maladaptive daydreams all day long (whenever i'm not writing basically), trust me when i say i have an entire life planned out
in fact, the things i write frequently represent these daydreams, except i have an OC for them, whereas for writing, i am committed to the 'x reader' way
✨ including my readers in my world of delusion & fantasy ✨
but onwards and upwards…
first, I feel like being a heretic would be so fucking cool
like… vampire with witch powers, c'mon now… being the underdog your whole life and then rising to be the most powerful, it's gotta be redeeming
plus seems so fun
but personally, I think I'd stick to being just a witch, and I have a solid reason for this
now, being a vampire would be cool, too (and honestly I need to write more vampire reader fics), because I absolutely love the bloodthirsty, badassery of vampires
so if not a witch (bc I love the thought of being able to do magic), I would go with vamp second
I still hate the TVDU wolves. literally all of them. as someone who watches Teen Wolf now, I would LOVE to be one of those wolves, but as for TVDU, I still HATE those guys
being a hybrid doesn't sound too bad, although then both Klaus and Tyler would be all up in my business all the time, and that sounds awful
so no wolfishness for me
for species, I'd be a witch, but then I get turned into a vampire in my mid-20s
I need to eat, so I need to work
idk how anybody except Matt got by without a job
and like Matt, I work at the Mystic Grill, but I'm a little older than them, so I can bartend (even tho underage Matt does too)
I was going to Whitmore College, but dropped out (like I did lmao)
Mystic Falls gang but in varying degrees of friendliness
most with Caroline, loving her bubbly personality; drift away from Elena when she gets tied up with the Salvatores; drift from Bonnie when she starts dating Jeremy, then drift further after the Kai debacle
also, the Originals
Kol has the title of the best friend; Bex is close, too
sometimes I'm so much of a Kolvina shipper that I can't split Kol & Davina apart, even tho I'm in love with Kol, too
Klaus is a frenemy; I like him when he's not murderous. he can be loyal when he wants to be, same with Elijah.
in fact, I liked Elijah in s2-era, but was also a little afraid. my crush fizzled out the moment I saw Kol, but then she & him became good friends instead (with both)
hooked up with Kol once or twice when he still lived in MF
friendly with Jo, but she's not really having it once I get with Kai
same with Luke and Liv... friendly, but Liv hates me after the merge
circa-season 7, I want to be friends with Nora & Mary Louise, but the MF gang works hard at keeping me away from them
amidst the chaos, I manage to get my way and befriend them anyway, earning their trust by being so close to Kai
when I die, I'm given blood by Nora, like in the fic I wrote recently, or Damon, who likes me enough to keep me alive and knows Kai would slaughter him if he ever came back and found out
seasons 7-8, I'm very much teaming on both sides, friends with MF gang and heretics, which is frustrating to MF gang (minus Caroline, who has become somewhat reliant on heretics for help with her pregnancy. + she always understands me anyway.)
Tyler and Matt get their own category, bc I don't hate them, but they certainly piss me off
Tyler's just annoying in general, and I hate how he treats Caroline while he's away hybrid-ing
he gets better in s6 when he's trying to impress Liv & Caroline is over him. still not a friend, but less of an enemy
Matt, on the other hand, is complicated
he was my way into the supernatural bc we worked together
he had trouble keeping it from me bc vampires would always show up at the grill, and one time, he forgot I wasn't in the circle and ranted about vamps and wolves before he remembered
he and the gang still try to keep me out of it, despite my knowledge
but that all fails when Kol is undaggered, finds me alone, and we become friends
the fact that he actively hates vampires while hooking up with Rebekah bothers me, which causes tension between us
but he's stronger than he looks and loyal if he trusts you, so I try to keep him on my good side
my TVDU OC is the same OC I've had since I was 13 that I've slightly adapted for different fandoms
in TVDU, my parents are divorced; mom moved away, and toxic dad lives about 2 hours away while I'm in college
I hide whenever he comes to MF to visit
occasionally, my parents are dead like everyone else's
sometimes, though, I'm the older sister of other characters, but that varies per daydream
sometimes, I'm Tyler's older sister who is actually a wolf
triggered my curse young in life by accident, but didn't tell Tyler until he had triggered his own
sometimes, I'm even Matt's older sister, and he still spends every waking minute trying to keep me out of the supernatural
I've also used the Salvatore sister storyline with Kol, and Gilbert cousin one for both Kol and Kai
dating life
Kai, ofc
MF gang tried sooo hard to us apart, especially bc I'm a witch, but they lost that battle quickly
couldn't keep me from work, so whenever he'd come in for a drink and I was bartending, we'd talk
gained his trust through listening & he gained mine when I let him siphon
Matt and Damon first to realize we're friends, and know there's nothing they can do
fall into a relationship quickly
either beg Damon to spare him at the end of s6, or beg for his life in s8
had a crush on s2-era Elijah, but did a 180* and fell for Kol instead when he was undaggered
used as Kol bait when Caroline was Klaus bait, but despite a few hook-ups, never actually dated
became close friends & adore his relationship with Davina in NOLA
visit him there or wherever he is every so often
[I honestly never built a solid storyline around being with Kol or Elijah. (Elijah was my first favorite ever, and Kol's my second fave now next to Kai.) I entertain a world of delulu with Kol sometimes, but it lacks foundation.]
basically, he never died (obvs) and I move to NOLA with him (and he never dies there, too)
but I love both witch & vamp Kols, and both their actors, and I really should dedicate more time to delulu daydreams with them 😅
so, now that I've rambled...
species: witch, until Kai's death, then i become a vampire. however, if Kai doesn't die after s6, neither of us turn. (sometimes I'm feelin' heretic-y, sometimes not, what can I say?)
career: working at Mystic Grill; at Whitmore College for two years, but dropped out
friends: Caroline, Bonnie, & Elena first. Stefan & Damon post season 1 when Damon mellows out and I learn to trust Stefan. Kol & Rebekah, and I'm okay with the rest eventually (minus Finn).
family: divorced parents; mom moved and I stay away from my dad
frenemies: Matt & Tyler. s2 Klaus & Elijah. Finn, because I know he was mistreated by Klaus, much like Kol, and I want to be friends, but then he tries to kill his whole family, so I don't feel bad anymore. Then when Finn killed Kol in NOLA, he became a straight-up enemy. Also, I tolerate Alaric, but he annoys me daily in s6-8-era.
If anyone outside of this site read a single one of these sentences, I would be committed. I love fandoms / fanfiction, because all this stuff is perfectly normal to us. I love us as a community. Anyway, this was super fun to answer! 🥰 I'm sorry it took me so long!
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arttrampbelle · 7 months
Disney villain confessions:
Fave Disney villain and why: look it's really really hard to choose. But if i had to. Judge claude frollo. Simply because let's be honest. We will NEVER get a villain like that ever again. Dark,real,raw,and complex af. He's not enjoying being a villain let alone thinking he is one. One could argue he is a victim of the very faith he claims. Ah yes. That guilt be thicc boiz! But anyways,i feel he deserves the top spot because solely of the simplicity in the character and the fact he is ironically the most human in his downfall,his motives,his anger. And that my dears is what is terrifying.
The most closest to him in my fave list is hades but that's because he is the closest to his actual mythos counterpart. Chill,funny,just wants to do his job and everyone is making that a problem for some reason. Because some douchebag son of zuse wanted to show off and be a heroic epic. Thats it. The grand scheme of disneys Hercules is funny af if you really think about it. And meg,honey,he's cute and nice and all that but really?! But it's funny more so because greek mythos is kinda ridiculous too. But ya know.
Oh and captain hook. But more so the character in the movie hook. So damn good. R.i.p robin williams. I love you and miss you so much. He was like a childhood friend to me and i cried when i heard of his passing. Plz in all seriousness,check on your loved ones. Advocate for better mental health care. But back to disneys hook in peter pan. He was fun. Just plain fun to me. It was the feeling on playing on a playground,and that was the point. Tho it could get twisted and dark real quick. Oof. But as for overall. He's fun. I think he's neat and charming.
Scar. Oh my god,Jeremy irons. Legit blew his voice out for this character. Great villain. 10 outta 10.
All the lady Disney villains absolutely kill it but we already knew. Cept mother gothel to me. I feel she's redundant. Cool character,fun. But overall redundant in the grand scheme of things. At least compared to other villains,motives and overall vibe. *shrug* i dont hate her. I just feel she's pointless. Dont hate me plz.
But sadly as all the villains are great. Frollo is my top one.
Now onto my least favorite disney villain:
Gaston. Yeah. I mean he served his purpose. His role. But he's the least appealing of the classic villains. As for any new villains? Nah none of them are as appealing as the classics. They are golden years and renaissance for a reason. you just dont see any oomf to disney villains anymore. Hans is a close 2nd. It's legit just gaston but "pretty" and frozen and motives are weak. Gaston is at least upfront. We know what he's about. But overall I'd punt him into the sun. Hell i feel a lot of Disney villains would find this guy obnoxious and eff him up on spot. I feel it would even make frollo,the most repressed man alive,pissed off and defending belle from this douche. Frollo ffs. Just saying in hypothetical. Look it's no shade to gaston stans and enjoyer. He's a great villain. But he's the least appealing because to me,he's slightly boring but he serves his purpose so i can't hate 100% either. But hans? Nah nobody likes him. Nobody i know.
Again these are just my opinions. No shade to any Disney villain truly. But i neeeeeed oomf,that spice,that charisma,that je ne sais quoi so to speak. I need tragedy,comedy,and either a simple to follow motive or something so complex and straightforward it's believable. Which comes to my point. MAKE THE BULLSHIT BELIEVABLE!!!
Which is why we dont see many disney villains that are appealing anymore.
Now onto fave Disney villains songs.
Omg too many!
Helfire still ranks as my most fave a chilling song.
Poor unfortunate souls. Hell yeah Ursula my girl killed that! Love you sweetheart.
Be prepared. Once again. Jeremy irons rules.
I got friends on the other side. Princess and the frog. Underrated af. And that song is catchy and i love jazz. Lousiana. And this soul that is put into this song? Absolutely delicious.
Overall. I absolutely love Disney villains. And honestly. I loved them more than the princesses. Sorry. But definitely more than most disney princes. Until naveen,i didn't care for any of em really. Maybe beast but more so as beast so it doesn't count. And yes,some that aren't "official" princesses,i count as princesses. Because they are to me. And disney can suck it for that. But yeah naveen was fun,simple,cute,and he actually got character development in the movie. Pretty sweet. The only disney prince i felt earned his princess. That's the gospel truth. Hee hee.
Ok anyways im done ranting and raving about Disney villains.
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uvpartybomb · 18 days
Vincent. Who/what do you miss the most?
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I'd say.. In the AU, he'd miss the guards to certain degrees? If that makes sense?
He definitely was terrible to most of them but in a way, he misses the group even if they were just co-workers or not particularly close. Like a routine he got so used to before he no longer had it anymore.
Like.. He misses Scott for some obvious reasons, he liked him but just couldn't be normal about it. He liked the early mornings they'd have when it came to opening the old fazbear building and working on staff schedules and weekly plans of parties or routine maintenance to be done. Can't forget the fact they worked together for a long time.
He misses Jeremy and Mike.
Jeremy, while Vincent often scared him because it was funny, Jeremy was still kind to Vincent and even sometimes brought him a coffee if they happened to have their shifts overlap. Vincent was definitely nicer to Jeremy thanks to these gestures and thought of him fondly, someone he could get along with.
Mike.. Now Vincent didn't get along with Mike by most means, being at each other's throats half the time but Mike's presence was a part of his routine at the old location and he had gotten used to it and Mike's terrible puns- which he'd never admit that he found some of them rather funny.
Fritz, of course he could group in with the others too, he was one he personally trained for the dayshift (By Scott's request) and saw potential for him to be a mechanic at some point. He was more neutral with Fritz and yet he was still part of the routine he used to have.
So yeah, to an extent he does miss them all, especially after a lot of thinking he did in his half limbo after Fazbear's fright closed.
If he ever saw any of them at the Pizzaplex, he'd immediately dip tho.
If we're talking objects though, he misses the old Fredbear/Golden Freddy Animatronic/suit.
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shpadoinkle-day · 1 year
hi again!! its 1st time cannibal the musical watcher again- i might start signing my asks or somethin cus i keep wanting to talk but like you're always sharing such obscure random stuff.. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE THING YOU'VE DISCOVERED OR FOUND?? specific quote of an interview or a particular photo you've found ???
hiii anon lovely to see you back! feel free to tag yourself if you prefer that way, but either way you're much appreciated 🥰
I have so much stuff I found (I'd say it more like... was lucky to run into while researching 😵‍💫) that I love, but to name a few...
"My lovely wife Matt Stone" aka Trey's BOM speech from Feb 25 2013 at the first west end preview. How I found this: So, sometimes when I'm bored I'll pick a random mattrey blog that's been active for a long time, open an old post from their archive, see if there's old inactive mattrey blogs in the notes, and look through their archive to see if there's any posts I could make resurface that had stopped circulating, right? The funny thing is I'll go on reblog sprees, so I actually hadn't listened to the audio when I reblogged it. I was only informed of what it said when I saw others freak out about it.
Daily Show with Craig Kilborn. Why it's my fav? Well, aside from being adorable and iconic, it landed my youtube channel in the lost media wiki! How I found it is actually quite easy, when you look up fansites on the web archive you can do specific search for the files the web archive has saved from it. Turns out sometimes quicktime files work! Four parts were in canniballovers and one in dtisfu if I remember correctly, I just edited them together and posted it. Still wish someone could find it in better quality though. 😔
I'm gonna list a bunch of pictures now... because there's many. 😭 But my absolute N1 is probably the Halloween Robert Smith Trey picture. How I found it is simple, just looking up random words on facebook. Probably "trey parker", nothing special. This and this from the Ron Jeremy website on the web archive, though I think maybe the second one had already been circulating I'm not exactly sure. Showgirl Halloween Trey. The kiss pictures. Pink haired Trey!! This NATPE (?) picture. These older Trey pics where he's serving absolute cunt. This Lapdance/Sundance (?) pic. And these too. This reverse cap one altho this was from twitter I don't think I was the first to come across it tbh. These three from the "A Million Laughs" fb page... Bowl hat... Trey with the blue umbrella full pic... tho I wouldn't say I "found it" only that I got to it first the day it was posted... Trey in the matching christmas pajama from 2018... I'm gonna stop but my heart is pretty big and I like all pics...
These measly 7 secs of SDCC footage only because of the first mattrey pic included because that pose from Trey is everythinggg.
This oscars clip because Trey does such a graceful hair flip 😭
Le Petit Package pics though all I did was waltz into the lost media thread and see they had been posted...
The forbidden mattrey slides which we may never see... these were all from worthpoint, which is just a website that archives past ebay bids.
Annual Diversity Awards for the Trey serve ofc.
And finally, I'm very partial to "Matt's a cock".
As to how I come across anything... it's lots of free time. Like I'm talking hours daily just picking a random lead and following it. It may be a website you think hasn't been thoroughly searched (I've tried fb, ig, twitter, worthpoint, ebay, wordpress, tripod, weebly, various fansites on webarchive, footage.net, bilibili/baidu, vimeo, dailymotion, flickr, a load of sketchy other websites I don't remember anymore... basically trey parker has brought me to places I wouldn't go with a gun...) a combination of words, a new search engine that may give u different results (I've tried the ones listed in the lost media wiki guide, my favorite is startpage). Using targeted searching like "word" or site:x "word" or "word combo" before:year, basically trying to make google your bitch. I also use gettyimages like a visual wiki of events Trey's been to+the date, it's quite useful... ik you didn't ask the "how" part but aaaa I like talking about it 😭 I have a lot of fun. Even though sometimes I just come up empty handed even after hours of research. More often than not tbh. Also I'm an obsessed weirdo who checks the words "trey parker" daily on twitter, tumblr, ig, fb, yt, web archive and ebay. 🫠
And also the concept of finding is weird because it has happened to me that I thought I had found something and then it actually had been circulating already, so I tried really hard to answer you by only listing stuff I was fairly sure hadn't been circulating before I got to it, but I mean... it doesn't really matter! I'm here to serve, I just like sharing whatever stuff I run into, it'll happen that it's new to me but it really isn't. 😵‍💫 I try...
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I like this too also but I didn't find it, it was pretty available already fjdkg you know Jack Shih was at that dodgeball event?
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Favorite funfact that I haven't had a chance to share yet, so now you know!
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sugar-omi · 1 year
all this talk of school makes me think of little cove getting an mc who is the local bad boy/girl/kid. like they always are getting in trouble or assumed to be causing trouble bc of history or assumptions. cove is pretty much their only friend too. cause everyone else is scared of this kid. everyone invites the nice, cute, popular cove to stuff but the mc is glued to him like he's glued to them so they show up too. they carve cove and their initials in the lunch table or spook others away from him. during detention they always text cove the entire time. cliff isn't sure he picked the right kid to be Cove's friend... but cove is. cove loves them. AND WHEN THEY'RE DRIVING AGE THEY CAN HAVE A MOTORCYCLE AND COVE IS SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME ATTACHED TO THEIR BACK BUT FEELS VERY HAPPY TO BE ATTACHED TO THEM. Just. ugh I love the concept of bad kid mc/cove.
I literally fantasize abt mc going outta state or smth for college n just pulls up one day sees cove on the street n goes smth liken "hey pretty/sexy, wanna ride?" and he turns around ready to fucking bark at whoevers hitting on him n he sees its mc n freaks!!!!
is very afraid of the motorcycle but also he definitely thinks it's hot n he will get on, doesn't care that he's screaming n holding on tight he's having the time of his life!!!!
omg I literally use to write pastel x punk phanfiction...... shut up it was a time ok i have some shame 😭💀💀💀💀
ppl are all "you sure you wanna keep messing w them?" (cliff especially)
n coves like "💕💝💘💞💝yes💘💕💞💘💝" PLEASE HES CRAZY ABT IT
I'm always talking abt how cove loves when you stand up to Jeremy n stuff so ik he just loves punk!mc
cove feeds into it too, which I won't ramble abt too much since this is basically all my other jealous/possessive reade posts lol
but he feeds into you texting him whenever you want, he doesn't stop you from glaring all the guys n girls away, he doesn't really stop your jealousy if you're jealous of terri/y until it becomes ear they're gonna be friends n he's like "I love it but maybe.. stop growling?"
giving him your jacket!!! idc I'd you gotta buy a jacket 3x your size or you just give him your jacket even if it's too small, he loves it
mmmm cove has the keys to your bike?
man's even has the ability to unlock your phone, everything. MATCHING COMBAT BOOTS
I'm thinking abt the anime Nana where punk!nana's bf has a lock for a necklace
if you're up for that, he does it to you n carves his initial in the lock
cove won't even care if ppl stop inviting him, he loves you n your punk style too much, even tho you could cut down on the trouble. can't go on a date if you have after-school detention 🤷🏽
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twoplayergame · 1 year
about your tags on my post, explain to me anything you want about your bmc aus I'm curious
(rubbing my gay lil hands together) you've opened the floodgates i hope you know, so i'm sorry in advance for the walls of text incoming aha.
this week (oct 9 to oct 13) is THE exact same dates as the week my LIS AU "Life is Weird" takes place (in 2017 tho), so this infodump will be ALL about that AU in particular!!! also bc the 6-year anniversary of the blog was last month ♥
my icon on this blog is my art from that AU too :]c
EDIT: putting this under a cut actually, so i don't have a mile-long post lol. also, i think i'll make a pinned post with a list of all my other AUs for reference! i have a LOT of half-baked ones i'd love to talk about as well
Life is Weird is a Life is Strange-inspired AU i created in 2017!
the askblog it started with (@asklifeisweird) follows Michael as the protagonist (a la max caulfield), and Jeremy as the equivalent to chloe price.
there's a couple more roles that were originally fairly 1:1 (squip as jefferson, rich as nathan, chloe as victoria, christine as kate, dustin as rachel), but over the years they've mostly grown away from being "reskins" as me and my boyf keep developing the au!
i've also stolen several characters from the BMC book– either entirely or just in name– to fill the background space/chars, since LIS has a whole world of characters and BMC as a musical kinda... didn't, at least back in the day :'D now there's more named bg chars, but keep in mind this AU started before even the 2017 Exit82 revival, so we had uhhh about 11 characters and a book. anyway.
while the askblog itself hasn't exactly gotten very far in the story yet, the au has grown to include more LIS-based ideas as That franchise grew, alongside a lot of our own brainstorming ofc!! there's SEVERAL other stories planned following other characters besides Michael, and a lot of different timelines i'd LOVE to explore (some during blog canon, some just in side stories)
not to mention: since conception, the blog has gone through so many styles of getting the story out there that i consider it a multimedia project at this point. askblog with square panel comics in between, full-on comic pages, writing/fics... and most recently, bust-sprites with different expressions and text in between. i'm also working to add interactive fiction into the mix!!
Michael's story (nicknamed "Redshift" behind the scenes) mostly follows the same beats as the first LIS game, but the further in we get the more we've added to it. i'm especially excited for the LIW-equivalent to the alternate timeline LIS1 shows in (iirc) ep4, as well as the timeline post-Redshift that's inspired by the LIS1 comics :)
shifting tracks, i mentioned this was started Before the first musical revival. because of that and the revival coming out like 2 months later, a lot of the original character designs were based off the 2RT/2015 cast, the E82/2017 cast, or entirely headcanon-based. since then, as more productions happened, appearances have shifted or changed completely!
off the top of my head, some of the more notable ones are:
jeremy: 2RT for current, E82 for younger
brooke: E82 for current, 2RT/NYC for younger
dustin: originally all headcanon, now mainly E82 with some hc
jenna: originally 2RT, now mainly NYC
jake: originally 2RT, now NYC + clothing insp from 2RT
i'd like to take inspiration from other productions as well tbh, but i can't change full appearances much anymore since i've done the fullbody sprites already and i don't wanna completely redraw anyone if i don't have to XD
ok so. i WOULD keep talking but i've realised i have to get ready to see the BACCP production today!!! so i'll leave you off with the AU blogs if you wanna know more or read it or whatever! or feel free to send me more asks, i love this AU with all my heart :]
@asklifeisweird (main/ic askblog)
@bemorestrange (extra content/ooc sideblog)
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simptasia · 1 year
You know what i've been thinking about? If Aaron was raised on the island, what would his accent be? Cause you see all those studies of the people of multiple countries coming together in remote places having children and their accents are something unheard of. Totally new accent. So by that would Aaron's accent be something like that? A mash of British/Australian/American/Korean/Iraqi/ whatever is wrong with Ben, like a totally new accent. Of course, I'm just condensing like Sawyer has his YeeHaw accent and Mike has a more New York, Hurley is Mexican and while he has an American accent in English when Speaking Spanish It's probably not that sooooo I'm just so curious on if they never left what the fuck their accent would be like. Plus, if they stayed on the island and Jin Suns kid was born there and in the future more babies would they inherit the same accent? Like say in this scenario Juliet/Sawyer or Kate/Jack or even fucking Charlie/desmond had children would they too inherit this new dialect/Accent thats contained to them only?Like would they create their own unique accent?, and when Aaron gets older he gets with Ji Yeon (which is so funny like the show runners were like yeah at the end they're still watching Bluey, we should totally imply they get together as adults) So if they hypothetically do get together in this idea where they never leave the island would their children help develop this complete unique accent?
funnily enough, you're pretty much describing what caused the australian accent to begin with. they plopped a ton of english and irish people here, added alcohol and a brand new fucked up way to talk was born
yes, studies show that a child's accent comes more from their enviroment more than their parents! hence why i have an adelaide aussie accent rather than my mum's southern english accent. because i grew up here. this also explains why daniel sounds american as opposed to his english mother. thats actually how it works (tho daniel also went to oxford during his teens so he should sound at least a bit more english but be glad we were spared jeremy attempting that)
i like this idea!
okay so, i think in regular world of lost, aaron grows up to have an american accent but with aussie turns of phrase. because i imagine aaron to be raised by claire and kate, in america. and also sawyer, miles, richard and frank are part of his life too. so claire is really outnumbered here. but he refers to her as "mum"
in this au where everybody stays on the island forever? ...probably still american because holy shit theres a lot of americans on this show but you're right, it could be at least a little muddled. i don't think it'd turn into an immediate frankenstein melting pot of aussie, england (north and south), american (yeehaw and otherwise), korean, iraqi and scottish because thats not exactly how accents work, it would take longer. but certain words and phrases would mix in aaron and ji yeon's (and the other hypothetical babies) little brains. and like certain pronunciations would probably be off. like, they'd be somewhat uncanny. also it's probable that these versions of aaron and ji would be so fucking good at accent impressions. oh and in this world, i like to think aaron can speak korean because he'd hear it around him a lot
so i think yeah the next gen in that AU would sound like,,, kinda weird sounding americans? so basically canadians
i've done my own recreational study of linguistics and phonetics in my time but i'd love to hear about this from somebody who knows more about this stuff than me. that'd be neat
also bless you for taking the take to adknowledge that not all the american accents are the same in this show (or in real life). i know i glide past it sometimes but its a fact i'm very aware of too
oh, oh, since you brought this up:
"Hurley is Mexican and while he has an American accent in English when Speaking Spanish It's probably not that sooooo"
i will take the opptunity to once again say that while hurley's voice is whiny american when he's speaking english (in a cute way! no dunk!), when he's speaking spanish his voice is absolutely beautiful
i realise that spanish accent > american accent isn't exactly a hot take but it blows me away because its coming out the same guy
thank you for allowing me to bring that up again. and for your time
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milolovesbmc · 1 year
I don't think I've seen anyone talk about this but, you know how Christine dates Jake before she dates Jeremy at the end of the play?? I thought about it and there's like a ton of reasons why Christine and Jeremy's relationship is much better!! (I'm basing this on the Broadway production, because I know stuff and lines change from one production to the other)
1) Conversations
So with Jake you can kind of notice how he's the one who speaks more when him and Christine are having a conversation, also, you can even see how he interrupts Christine when she talks sometimes (Like in Upgrade, he asks her if she feels that way and doesn't even let her finish before he continues to go on about it), also it kind of feels like whatever Christine says doesn't really affect the conversation, like he isn't talking to Christine, he's talking to a girl, who happens to be Christine, I don't know if that last bit made sense
But with Jeremy you can tell he actually does listen to her, like not just that but he remembers what she says too!! Like for example, after she told him about the performance art she wants to do just before A guy that I'd kinda be into, he asks her out on a date to the bowling alley to do it. Also, he doesn't interrupt her, like not once, in some parts he actually waits a little more to answer (probably because he's flustered or smth but anyways). You could also argue that this just flips the thing around and makes Jeremy not talk, but that's just because he's not really talkative, he's more shy and stuff, but when he does talk Christine just listens to him, everytime.
2) Christine's behaviour (?)
This can actually be seen pretty well if you compare I love play rehearsal and the bit where she talks to Jake after that. In both situations she's talking about Play Rehearsal, something that she loves!! With Jake we can see she acts pretty calm, like the only excited like thing she reacts with is when she says "A bow! It's called a bow!!" but that's pretty much it. She's also prompted to speak to him since he starts the conversation first. In the other hand, with Jeremy you can see she just kind of feels like she can rant about it, because she just starts to go on without Jeremy having really said anything to prompt her to, she even apologizes in the end of the song ("sorry, I get carried away") and Jeremy just kind of tells her not to apologizes.
Christine: Sorry, I get carried away
Jeremy: No! I wish I loved anything as much as you love play rehearsal!
You can also see that when she's singing about it she does all these dramatic poses and silly moves (like the karate chop), you can clearly see she doesn't with Jake!!
3) Asking out
So this might not be as relevant maybe as the other points, but in both cases Christine is the one who gets asked out. Once by Jake in "Upgrade" (because he officially like asks her out then, even tho they did agree to hang out earlier, in the conversation after I love play rehearsal) and twice by Jeremy, first one she says no because she just broke up with Jake and in the second one she actually accepts.
I wouldn't say Jake forces her to date him, alike at all, but it does kind of feel like he gives her less time to think about it at the very least, mainly you can see it in the lines from upgrade:
Christine: Well I am flattered this is new, still I don't know what I should do-
Jake: You gotta take the upgrade! Gotta get an upgrade!
But, with Jeremy, you can see the only reason he asked Christine out so soon after the break up with Jake is because he couldn't really read the situation I think. Like he just saw that she told him "It's kinda killer to sit and chat with you" which to Jeremy meant she did like him, so he just did it without thinking twice. You can actually see the second time he's a bit more doubtful about it (maybe it's because of what I said or Maybe it's just because he still feels bad that he gave her a SQUIP).
4) Reaction
This one is more simple I guess, but you can clearly see a difference in Jake and Jeremy's reactions to Christine accepting to go out with them. In upgrade (as I said, this is when it feels like he asks her out more officially) we don't really get to see his exact reaction because she doesn't explicitly say yes (I might be remembering wrong though) but it does seem like Jake was kind of unbothered? Like he probably had like a "chill" reaction (yes, that was a pun). Whereas with Jeremy, when she does say yes he gets all excited and quite literally cheers ("Wooo-hooo!!" I love his reaction). He's also like super nervous while Christine is saying the "me and the voices in my head, have made up our collective minds..."
5) Body language?
Now I'm not an expert on this, or even good at body language but I'll just point out the obvious. When Christine and Jake are talking they just. Sit. Like they don't really do much, it feels more like two classmates chatting or something. With Jeremy you can tell they're really happy to be talking or something?? Like they do the little weird noises together, the whole A guy that I'd kinda be into choreography thing just explains this perfectly, they do like a dance and then he picks her up and stuff, it's just adorable. Now that I think about it, is this even considered body language??
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my rant!! Feel free to disagree, I'm just talking about my opinion. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing this and I might as well be biased towards Jeremy or something bshsgs
P.D.: I don't hate Jake or anything I swear 😭
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shevr · 1 year
Brazil? is not explicitly spooky, but the sets are large, dark, and ominous. I think there's a graveyard scene near the end, but I could be wrong.
i've seen this one a while back ! i dont remember it super accurately but hah yea not what i would have thought of for a halloween vibe. def creepy tho
iwill also address other suggestions in the other post's replies here while i'm at it huh
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Alien & the Thing i've seen ! i should probably rewatch em both sometime ! ( i have a dvd box set of all the Aliens somewhere too but i've only ever watched the first one ) The Descent sounds like an awful experience i gotta watch that sometime thank you
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yea sure what about him
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set in france, targeted, thank you very intriguing though waoh, cool glimpse at very disturbing stuff right in the trailer
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ooo found footage thatd be fun. not really watched any other movie like that beside Blair Witch ( trick r treat feels almost campy from the trailer but hey classic halloween horror could b nice )
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i was about to go Ichi the Killer spotted on your pfp but i see Audition is takashi miike also alright ( im pretending to know stuff , i haven't seen any of his work yet ) ( but Ichi is on my list ) ( and Happiness of the Katakuris ) Dead Ringers also has a .very interesting pitch. the last thing i saw jeremy irons in was his superb performance in Dungeons&Dragons 2000 so thatd be a change
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very different kinda suggestion :v i'd be down for stupid bad horror tho this one sounds. it fits that bill
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i havent seen any Evil Dead funny skeletons sounds awesome hell yeah
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evilvvithin · 2 years
1, 26, 22 and one you would really like to answer
And here you go a young Elijah as a treat
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who is/are your comfort character(s)? something from my super early simp phase is Jeremy Blaire (outlast), it's been years but he'll always have a special place in my heart but YES ITS TRAVIS HACKETT THE COMFORT CHARACTER also könig, there's so many. Travis is the one tho he makes me calm n comfy n horny like no one ever did.
22. what type of person are you? I'm ... what kind of question is this. Is this the type of question like when you're at interview and they just ask you "tell me something about yourself" and you just... "uhm... i studied high school?" I have no idea what to reply to this, honestly. I'm super sweet and kind, especially towards friends, other than that I'm rather cold and reserve I'd say. I go by, if you have nothing good/polite to say, better shut the fuck up. I also talk way too much even tho I think I'm silent but appareantly not. Animals > people. I'm the type of person to stop car and jump out to help someone who fell off their wheelchair while others just slowly drive by just staring like a retards. I love gore and horror probably too much. I'd do anything for people I like, but be fucking aware if you did something to be my enemy? Is that a good answer? I find it so fucking hard to talk about myself, no idea what to say omfg what did i even say i dont want to reread it
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? overall just me being kidnapped or attacked in general by my babes and in the end, they don't kill me you know? Because yk I'M BUILT DIFFERENT they start to have feelings for me because yk I'M BUILT DIFFERENT i'm just a thirsty ho i know
forgot about the one extra i want to answer omfg but:
36. how many times have you changed your url? I chose this one because, I lost count. Does anyone know? Too many times
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finalthreshold · 2 years
belated phantom of the opera 1/23 notes
jeremy stolle, julia udine, paul a schaefer were my trio. lots of understudies overall! when i was waiting at the box office for standing room tickets i made a comment to my friend like "hoping for an understudy for tonight!" and then i got there and there were sooo many names on the board. meg was kelly loughran and she was SO cute. i heard greg mills was originally supposed to be on that night though and i feel so bad he was out, especially since he missed the 35th :(
during think of me when christine tries to leave, meg moved towards her and looked apologetic, like she felt bad she put christine in a situation she was uncomfortable in, but she jumped back when madame giry banged her stick on the ground. it was a cute moment.
i love jeremy's phantom! so detailed and i love how he's able to be malicious and mocking and menacing and yet so heartrending and sympathetic and these two sides of him never feel incongruous or inconsistent. his delivery is great too, especially in how he talks to the managers, carlotta and especially raoul later on.
i didn't really like julia's christine much when i saw her a few months ago and i realized now that part of it was that i just didn't like her christine with ben's phantom. her portrayal still isn't my favorite but i still appreciate her take and there were some things she did that i really loved
the mask return, for example, was a really nice moment where you could see her feelings of fear and pity for him at war and the pity ultimately winning and there's a sense of compassion to her returning it. she's not asking him to hide his face because she's scared of him, she's giving him back the mask because he's broken and crying without it? and there was a long lingering moment after that where he reached for her face and it looked like he almost understood that that was her intent and was hoping or maybe even believing that fear actually could possibly turn to love, but then caught himself and snarled out the "come we must return" and pulled her up very suddenly.
jeremy's phantom overall felt like he needed to be in control. he felt so trapped in his own monstrosity and his own conviction of his monstrosity that he sabotaged genuine moments of connection he had with christine because he couldn't let himself be truly vulnerable. it still shown through though, that vulnerability and love for her.
his stdyi was fantastic. he sounded so biting and hateful when he talked abotu himself, and then becoming more and more broken and pathetic as he drew nearer to her. i feel like i could spend forever thinking about and analyzing his performance and not get tired of it.
paul was... kind of off for a fair bit of the performance? just kinda low energy. he flubbed a line in aiaoy and tried to sing "lead me save me from my solitude" at first instead of "let me lead you from your solitude." aiaoy had kind of been low chemistry (which was weird, bc i remember paul and julia having pretty fine chemistry and the two shows i saw with ben/julia/paul trio feeling much more r/c?) but it felt a little more natural after the mess up, actually?? they were kinda stiff feeling but seemed more familiar after the flub idk.anyways i'd heard he wasn't a super consistent actor, but i thought he was solid every time i saw him a few months ago so idk?
a lot was obscured in standing room. i was very glad i'd seen the show before AND had plans to see it again from proper seats (i ended up seeing it three other times haha) but for $29? not bad (remember when you could get rear mezz for $29 tho hahahaha sobs) but it was cool focusing on the stuff i don't normally look at. i was glad i had binoculars too tho since the back of that orchestra is pretty far from the stage
the saddest "dont gOo :(" during the graveyard scene.
carrington vilmont as passarino mixed up the lyrics for don juan. he and carlton moe didn't miss a beat though and carried it off effortlessly! i was like i KNOW thats not right but i cant even tell what isn't right about it.
throwing the mannequin so it hits the ground on the beat is so unreasonably funny to me i love it.
i said before i loved jeremy's phantom's line delivery towards raoul and it's just perfect in the final lair he's so gleefully malicious and a bit sarcastic at times? it's great.
but in contrast, i thought the way he said/did things in final lair towards christine were at times almost.. soft? he wasn't rough at all with putting the veil on her or giving her the bouquet. he also made the saddest face when julia, very bitterly, said "please raoul, it's useless" and i loved how he sat on the throne. he was like. perched on the edge of it, turned away. his body language was very tense and tight, and it seemed like it got increasingly difficult for him to look at her as the final lair went on.
he was still threatening and scary at moments though. there was a great duality to his performance.
"so do you end your days with me or do you send him to his grave" is a line i'm used to being delivered with more intensity, threateningly, but jeremy was so... pleading? im obsessed with it actually.
he really was so trapped in himself, in his own decisions and view of himself, and it felt like he felt like none of them had a choice here and he wanted christine to understand that so badly, that he doesn't want to hurt her but what else can he do? this is what he is.
when she kisses him, he did the flail but then looked like he was going to embrace her on the second kiss and then right before he did his hands sort of curled up and he pulled away.
it was like he felt that he'd never had any choice but to be this monster, and then realized now that he does have a choice, and he chooses to let her go. all this time he's been wanting christine to see him as a man, not a monster, but he can't even see himself as anything but a monster until that moment?
he was the only phantom i saw in that week (out of three total) who only said one i love you at the ring return, and i'm glad he didn't repeat the i love you, because as broken as he was, i felt like he needed to make that choice too to let her go? idk. catharsis of tragedy or whatever. something like that. i don't know.
kelly loughran's meg seemed almost dazed when she's in the lair, like she doesn't know what to make of it. she almost staggers towards the throne. considering how affectionate and concerned she was for christine the entire time, i felt like she was expecting to see christine there and was really surprised to find it empty and was a bit scared by that fact?
i might have had a less than ideal seat (... well, i didnt even have a seat), and there were a couple odd or low energy moments but overall i still had a really great time and i thought for the most part everyone gave really great performances! especially jeremy stolle whose phantom has been living rent free in my head for over a week now (he was also incredibly nice and easy to talk to at stagedoor!!!)
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