#i'd write it myself but i already have a novel and a side fanfiction project i'm working on
vilnmelling · 21 days
Chart memes, round 2
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Hailey would obviously go in the "keeps clogging the pipes" in the first chart, but my lazy ass couldn't be bothered to get a picture of her, so let's ✨pretend✨
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tcookies777 · 1 year
I’m sorry to see those entitled readers that are b!tching about the ending of act 1 and the lack of smut. I hope you can take a good rest and ignore them. At first I was sad that it’s gonna be a really long time before the 2nd act start but now seeing these people constant b!tching about the pacing, I hope you take a break as long as you want and hopefully those readers turn to dust by then. I know you said you will finish this fic but If I were you, I would have stopped writing (Please don’t abandon this fic though🥺) so these little sh!ts get nothing. I’m sorry you have to constantly deal with these people for such a long time now but thank you for not giving up on TAOL.
On a side note, the animation quality for Sasuke retsuden……it’s over for us💀 . We can only rely on the manga now.
There are many times when I just want to abandon TAOL. I have all the outlines for the chapters done like a movie script, so technically I can read the story just fine for myself. There are also plenty of other fanfic projects I've been eager to work on.
But then I am reminded of a story that I was telling another reader in a chat just earlier:
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The whole time the writer had been updating the fic, she had been secretly battling cancer too. Of course, that's not something you'd want to tell your readers and neither is it their business to know. And sadly she received very few comments when updating. Most of the readers wanted to wait until later in the story or at its end to comment at all.
But the moment she stopped updating, everyone came out of the woodwork to flood her comment section demanding when the next update is. They were getting sick and tired of waiting. It was a mystery fic so many questions they had about the story were left unanswered. So the more they got impatient. When the author didn't respond (because she had died of course), they started flooding her comments with hate, harassment, and insults, and such entitlement to make your lip curl in disgust. Out of the whole sea of vile comments, only 1 reader had bothered to stand up for her. To this day, it's still the most toxic comment section I'd ever laid eyes on.
Every time I think of that writer, I think of all the other writers who had abandoned their fics. They already have so much to deal with in real life, and constant harassment or entitlement from even 1 reader is more than enough to wear them out. So they quit the fic. I've heard some writers even fake their own deaths just so that they can abandon their fic and avoid harassment from enraged readers. Some writers, unfortunately, even commit suicide because of all the online abuse.
So while I do take breaks from the fic for my own sanity and health, I don't want to abandon the fic because it feels like I'm letting the haters win. And also I've been receiving so much support and kindness from so many readers like you. I know very well that only like 5% of my audience are trolls and haters - everyone else has just been wonderful. Like I said in that Love Note, it's not fair to punish all of you guys just because of the crimes of the few.
As an aside, I want to apologize that you guys even had to see this whole mess in the first place. I hate that it's ruined the fanfiction experience of so many readers.
Also, I haven't seen the animation for Sasuke Retsuden yet, but now I am terrified after seeing your Ask 😰 I already had low expectations to begin with because I actually don't like the current animation style for Boruto. Especially the faces... they look so weirdly chibi because the jawlines are rounded too much for my taste.
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Idk maybe it's Dad weight 😂
But also, I was still hoping that the animation team behind the Shinden season would animate Sasuke Retsuden. I mean Shinden season animated many of the other Retsuden novels anyway. The Shinden arc was like the peak animation.
But you're right, at least we still have the manga :')
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Hi, love!
I'm in a wonky mood with my writing/Tumblr, so I'm asking a few pages the same question.
How did you get started? (My page is still a lot of my own stuff because I'm not super comfortable putting HCs up for just general terror. Despite the fact that I know the fandom is nice!)
Hiya darling! I chose (a) fandom(s) that I enjoyed, posted a couple "hey I'm writing for this, send in requests" posts with tags appropriate to what I wanted to do and voila - here I am today!
I started because fanfiction helps me focus on what I want my writing to be like! It warms up my creative muscles when wanting to expand upon my original projects. It explores the familiar instead of coming up with lore and such over time, and from that I can extract writing skills and characterisations and mould them into something exclusively mine :)
I put more under a Read More because I tend to ramble! It's pretty much my big thoughts™ as a fanfic writer, but don't feel pressured to read it ❤️
So this blog is still relatively new (just turned one year old aka baby). I had been using Tumblr for probably around five years without an actual account which is in itself quite embarrassing for me lol. Whenever I'd join a new fandom, I would binge the (fave character) x reader tag, and also occasionally check out writing prompts, OC ideas and rare OCxReader tags.
How did I start up though? It was early 2020 that I got into Critical Role, stared watching Campaign 2 and anticipating EXU1. What I noticed was that while the CRxReader side of the fandom was so well and lovingly written, at the time it was quiet. There weren't many blogs, and at one point it was rare for me to find a post I hadn't already come across. So I decided I wanted to contribute to the fandom and write what I would like to read!
I have been a creative writer pretty much all my life, in recent years being recognised for my plays, poetry, and short stories. I have mentioned this before, but I am writing a book in the form of anthologies because I love the short story genre and it is less intimidating than writing a novel from scratch (which I also intend to do in the future).
Writing original worlds and characters is so so rewarding simply because it is your own. You are, to put it bluntly, a divine being pulling threads and weaving them into something unique and yours. But the process can also be draining and annoying and sometimes you're itching to write something comfortable that (in my experience) requires less dedication or wordlbuilding thought.
From my point of view, fanfiction is a hobby. Just like how I do art and hike and cook and train and act, it is something I enjoy and get pleasure from whenever I have the time for it. It's an overused phrase, but practice makes perfect, and fanfic is a great way to both do some writing practice and indulge in your favourite characters.
I am in so many fandoms I couldn't begin to list them all off without boring you guys. Normally, my interest drifts in and out, in between and beyond them. I love Lord of the Rings, but don't see myself writing for it because it's too precious to my childhood. I adore Skyrim, but most of the main characters lack the complexity I want when being sappy and romantic. I adored watching Stranger Things, but I prefer writing about high fantasy instead of urban fantasy/scifi/horror. I love to replay Dragon Age annually, but I lose interest very quickly after indulging in it.
The Witcher is fantastic, and I love dipping in and out of the fandom, but for some reason Critical Role has suited me down to the ground without pause and has been what most of my produced content has been about. It's probably to do with my love for DnD, the broad range of archetypes, deep and personal exploration of characters, and the immense amount of content on offer at my fingertips. Either way, it's been two years and I haven't gotten bored of it yet.
To summarise everything: do what's comfortable for you! I originally wanted to help contribute to a relatively quiet and small fandom, and help my writing skills even when taking breaks from my book. Two birds, one stone.
I'd recommend separating your original stuff from your fanfiction, simply because when they begin to overlap it gets complicated and hard to understand what is truly your own and what are fan musings. I don't want my hard work and worldbuilding to be compared to the world or characters belonging to someone else. FanficWriter!Poet (me as @railroad-migraine) is different to Playwright/Novelist!Poet (me hoping to publish in the next few years).
This is one reason why I don't share my OCs with fandoms. I don't discuss who I imagine "I" would be in a fandom, how I'd look, who I'd interact with or date. Because my OCs may find a place in my own story and world, somewhere not influenced or owned by someone else. It is a personal thing for my eyes only and my creativity to develop later. I don't want to share them until they've found their place in my canon universe. I do love hearing about other people's OCs though, do not misinterpret what I mean. I just personally don't want my characters to associate with a fandom I might not be part of forever. Hence why I write Reader Inserts!
Write what makes you happy (as long as it's not harmful), not what others in the fandom want. Be brave, do not feel pressured, and take your time or step back when you want to. You are in control of your creativity, interests, hobbies and blog. Requesters are only that - requesting. You don't owe them anything.
If you read till the end, kudos to you haha. Have an epic day, you x
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