#i'll explain why they're not a thin in the present i swear
sant-riley · 2 years
[Task force 141 + others with Gen z!reader] [pt3]
A/N: Some of these you /may/ have seen on tiktok, that is me who posted them on tiktok. I am green haired bitch so no I didn't steal anything LMAO. I hope these live up to yalls expectations.
The last two of these my lovely friend gave me inspiration for <3 @frogchiro
Warnings: She/her pronouns swearing, age gaps, tiktok memes (like always lmk if I miss something!)
You steal Prices hat on numerous occasions bc its a fashion abomination and you refuse to let this man wear it around you. You hide around base as frequently as you can.
Jokes on you though bc he will literally wait til it's your birthday and buy you a matching one and will laugh at your scream of disgust.
Gaz one ups him by gifting you a matching hat as well, putting it on your head as he flicks the brim.
"Thanks Gaz! I love it!
"And not mine?"
"You're on thin ice, old man."
Price gets gifted a set from manscaped by the guys as a gag gift. He uses it for his beard bc he never bothered to look into why everyone was laughing around him.
Price takes your phone when you try and show him memes, squinting hard as fuck like a dad 💀
Soap, if yall have the time off takes you to scottish football games and it's a whole thing. You sitting there while he gets drunk out of his fucking mind, hollering and whooping and you're there trying to sink into your seat.
Chances are someone's gonna shove you and you're gonna trip and fall bc everyone's so amped up and Soap threatens to beat the shit out of them. It's a miracle y'all don't get kicked out 💀
If you have tattoos, Soap is the first one to take a marker set and color them in and adding his own additions. If you were ever to get them actually tattooed, he would tear up and pretend he isn't emotional about it.
"You like me that much Bonnie?"
He would get something of you too, so it evens out. This also makes Ghost in turn get a tattoo for you bc he refuses to be out done and he's just as attached
Neither of them get your call sign or your name, but they get something personal to what each of them associate you with.
The first time you meet Alex, you're across the room doing something that has your focus and didn't realize this is actually your first time meeting him. You ask him for a hand only to look up and see him extend his prosthetic at you with a smile and you scream.
"You asked for a hand but best I can do is a Leg." Price comes running and he sees the scene and rolls his eyes.
Everyone single one of them are the definition of "my girl can wear whatever she wants bc I'll break your jaw." meme btw. You can take care of yourself but you never need to bc they will beat a bitch up.
Laswell invites you constantly to come over and meet with her wife, esp if you don't have a mother figure. She always always tries to come on base to see you and always has a birthday and Christmas present on it's way to you wherever you may be. Her wife loves you to death and they've pretty much adopted you and you cannot escape it, oh well.
Gaz buys you whatever your little heart desires, especially if he's deployed away in a country where they sell exclusives of whatever you enjoy. It's a pain in the fucking ass to try and ship a anime figure to your place from Japan but he's gonna try his best.
Ghost doesn't share his food, or at least it was before you came along. He groans and grumbles about having to feed you but he wouldn't do it if he truly didn't want to. Soap asks and Ghost tells him to fuck off.
If you watch anime, please imagine trying to get everyone in the room and trying to explain who Dabi is. They're all so fucking old they keep thinking you're referring to the elf from Harry Potter and it infuriates you to no end.
Soap and Gaz know better but it's funnier to see you mad.
Being the youngest, they absolutely force you to do the jobs they don't want to. Whether it be cleaning the barracks, to cooking dinner when able, it doesn't matter bc they'll all pull rank on you.
"You're the new kid, get to it then."
"Don't Ghost me."
Soap is the kind of motherfucker to play the fifa games and doesn't understand that he's stupid for buying it every single year bc there are no changes oncesoever. He will not listen to you about it and you've given up.
Ghost will see you talk about your etsy list and will ask for your phone, you trust him so of course you hand it over. He hands it back to you and it's just, all purchased. He says nothing while he sips on his tea while you scream at him asking why he did it. He won't tell you but it's because he knows it makes you happy and it'll keep your mood up, giving you a reason to be motivated to get through missions. It's also because he knows that retail therapy is a thing for your generation.
Soap, if you do any, is actually really good at doing your makeup! He knows how to do everything and he refuses to elaborate. (As a kid he'd do his mom's makeup when she went out for dates) he's the one who helps you doll up if you're going undercover.
Ghost, Gaz and Price find you unfunny whenever you make a "wow I wish British people were real." You say it so often and it gets annoying but they also just accept it's a part of life.
Soap personally enjoys the "SCOTLAND FOREVERRRRRRR" meme and will scream it with you. Ghost threatens to cut yalls tongue out.
Other parts can be found under #Kayla writes <3
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess
@stupid-ninja @milkmily
@lune-la-chanson @tamayakii
@teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel
@perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains
@marsbar127xx @baddump
@xncasi @king-cookiex
@palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky @wolfyland07 @diejager
@hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom
If you'd like to be tagged, go to my pinned post and comment there :)
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wasted-my-time · 1 year
A Friend From the Other Side
Part two: Presentations
Warning: One little swear word in English and a slightly bigger one in French.
My eyes flutter open as I start to remember my weird dream: Steve Clark's ghost needed my help to take a physical form and he walked out of my mirror... My brain has strange ideas.
-I was starting to worry about how much time it would take for you to wake up. You scared me a lot, you know. I hear a voice on my left.
-Tabarnak! C'est toi qui a peur!? I scream as I jump out of my bed, English now out of my reach because of the surprise.
Steve is sitting by the bed on the chair from the desk, legs crossed and looking slightly amused by my fear.
-What did you just say? He chuckles, his smile growing bigger across his face.
-It was French, and Québécois slang. You could translate it to... To "Fuck! You're the one to be scared?!". I answer unsure of what the hell of a conversation this is.
-Sorry about that, but I had to draw your attention. He chuckled. So, what's your name?
-Antoine, but my nickname is Billy.
-Why? He asked, puzzled by the absurdity of it.
-My uncle, who is also my boss, started calling me like that because it was miles away from my real name and now everyone calls me like that in my town.
-Yesterday, you said you were here for a student exchange, how long will you stay?
-Until mid-December. But enough about me! You, how come you're like that?
-Well, it's like in the stories, sometimes when someone dies in a tormented state of mind they... Stay.
-Was it long, all that time?
Am I asking too much?
-It passes fast... But what year are we?
-2022, we're in late August.
-Good Lord! I thought it was something like 2005, at most!
-And what happened exactly, with the mirror and everything?
-I'm not sure. All I know about that kinda' stuff is what I heard in movies or stories. He deadpans.
-What? They don't sign you up to Ghosts 101 when you die?
-If only... But some things simply feel like they're going to work...
-Antoine, who are you talking to? I hear Mrs Rogers voice through the door.
Out of panic, Steve disappears into thin air and I see the chair being transported back to the desk. I desperate search for some excuse and grab my cellphone, just to make it look like something normal.
-Can I come in?
-Of course, I was calling my mother on Messenger, I was speaking English to, you know, maintain the habit.
-Could I talk to her? It would be nice to know her a bit.
-... She just hung up, she had to go, you know...
-Oh alright, do you want to eat lunch with us?
-Sure, I'll be there in no time. Thank you!
She turns around and closes the door as she leaves the room. Steve reappears besides the left closet, letting out a long sigh of relief.
-Do think she can see you?
-No idea.
-Let's find out. Just disappear and wait to be with them to show yourself.
-No... How would you react if some guy just popped up out of nowhere in your kitchen?!
-Well there aren't sixty way to figure it out, and if you do it really fast maybe they won't even think something actually happened.
-Okay, but you do the explaining if I get caught.
-Sounds like a fair deal to me. I smile.
I get out of the room, still in my pajamas, and although I can't see him, I'm pretty sure Steve is following me.
-Do you need to walk on floors and stuff like that, like us? I whisper to him.
-No. An eerie voice answers me. But I'd rather stay with you.
Oh, that's kind of sweet, should I tell him?
-Well thanks!
Everyone is down in the kitchen, we couldn't have picked a better (or worse) time to try this.
-Good morning young man. Mr. Rogers greets me with a amused smile.
-This is rather early in Québec.
-I hope you don't mind quiche for breakfast. Madeline comments
Right at this moment, Steve pops up, to everyone's indifference, and we just stare awkwardly at each other. He then leaves only to start flashing like a Christmas light, unsuccessfully attempting to get their attention.
-Antoine, Antoine? If you really don't want to eat that, we have cereals, you know. She snaps me out of the focus I maintained not to burst in laughters.
-No, it's fine, I was just wondering what was "omelette" in English, but it's the same isn't it?
-Yes it is, little daydreamer. Nathalie chuckles.
-Good appetite, see you later. I hear Steve's voice in my head.
Thank you. I think back at him.
Sorry it took so long, that part wasn't in the original text from school. Next part coming up God knows when...
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hueynomure · 6 years
Summoning Disaster - Part Four: Battle Cry
In which two of my OCs end up in @fatal-blow 's Golden Verse. Set in an unspecified point before Defenders of Earth's prologue; You can find out more about the story on his wip page.
First part
Second part
Third part
Elise has dirty thoughts, and I manage to write an awful sentence with three characters whose name starts with the same letter. Yes, these are the only events in this part, really. (this part is more Sharaka-centric and as such it's rather bloody)
* * * * *
“Grey one, it’s Elphimas.”
“Roger Windfall,” Amp replied as he crushed the throat of the last living guard in Lab 1’s entrance. “Mist protocol lifted. Status.”
“Cornered, guards seem to be taking a breather,” Adamantine replied. “It won’t last.”
“Too many hostiles, retreating to Lab 3. Magic’s not working right.” So much for the distraction.
“We still need time to rig the building, they’d disrupt us. Their comms are still sealed.”
“Someone opened the front door, but the courtyard’s under control. Elphimas has been a godsend so far.” Windfall commented.
“My new acquaintance is lovely too,” Static chuckled. “Dents armor like it’s tinfoil. We’re free birds, moving toward Ad and co.”
“Adamantine, do you have space for Link?”
“Negative, too risky.”
“The whole experimental wing is desert.”
Amp took a deep breath. Quantum could keep a rigged building alone, and if Sharaka continued to be an asset the diversion team could easily hold a room for Link to portal to… The bigger picture was a problem on its own: this facility seemed to be somewhat detached from the Magics’ hierarchy, but they could take their intrusion as a declaration of war anyway. He frowned, refocusing on the here and now. “Static, get to Adamantine before guards can prepare another offensive, then secure an area for Link. I will cover Reaper and Ethereous, then we’ll portal to you or to the experimental wing.”
As it often happened, Amp wanted to be everywhere at once, but he forced himself to march back to the unhinged door. His nerves were taut as bowstrings: there was an air of danger he hadn’t felt in a while. No one had been wounded yet, but-
Amp noticed the killing intent too late. He jumped backwards, but the bullet caught him in the abdomen. He fell, skyrocketing his own anger to boost the adrenaline rush. He couldn’t pass out. Not now.
“Sniper in the northern sentry tower!” He snarled as he crawled back in the Lab. “Link, to me now!” Fergus broadcasted his location and got himself another anger burst to get on his shaking knees. His guts were a constant explosion of agony, but his legs worked. He started to bury the pain and the rage – hoping they hadn’t hindered the others - as he waited for Link.
The small, sudden void of the sniper’s mind as Windfall got them was a meager satisfaction.
* * * * *
Static’s fingers twitched when he heard Amp call for help. Well, growl for help. “I suddenly feel like jogging a bit.”
Sharaka sniffed toward a metal windowless door. “That was sharp rage, he’ll be fine.”
“As reassuring as you may have meant it to be, I’m still feeling the fitness kick.” Static started running, straining to feel hostiles on his way. It was of some relief to hear heavy stomps following him.
A minute later, Static felt people-like current behind a corner. He slowed down, gathering charge, and noticed he couldn’t hear Sharaka anymore. Which was why he almost fried her when she dashed past him at full speed. He stuck his head and a hand beyond the corner, ready to cover her.
Sharaka turned into a blur, tackling the armored guard into the wall at impossible speed with the sound of bent metal and crushed bones. An arc of fire caught the other two mooks in the face before they could lift their weapons. She clawed open the throat of the first, and her tail shot like a scorpion’s to crack the skull of the second. She started running again without a glance to the crumpling bodies or to Static.
He picked up a gun from a dead guard, then it was his turn to sprint to catch up.
* * * * *
Faizah gestured for her three teammates to take their positions, and cringed feeling the armor’s gloves hindering the simple movement. Not that she wasn’t grateful for the protection – it had allowed her to walk right through the bright pink barriers and even to shrug off a hit from motherfucking Static – but it was experimental equipment, so not exactly tailored for comfort.
The door seemed intact. Faizah crouched and nodded in Noah’s direction, who unlocked the door with his pass card. Faizah cursed the genius that had decided to make unlocking doors beep, and the magic blowhard with no field experience that didn’t want to cover her squad’s noise with fire. Nevertheless, they were two walls away from the Defenders, odds were they didn’t hear it: there were two doors to the archives, and all three Defenders had been seen at the other one. They checked the room with practiced motions and moved onwards.
When they approached the room next to the Defenders’ she heard low feminine voices. One fast and nervous, the other dry and confident. Ideally Faizah would have wanted to check the side rooms, but they had to pass right in front of the open door to do that so no such luck. She gestured for her team to be extra cautious and they slowly took positions to attack the Defenders.
“Shield!” Third voice side room fuck!
Faizah moved to shoot but a pink barrier blocked the bullets. A flashbang obliterated her sight and hearing. A shotgun got her square in the chest, and Faizah took her last moments to appreciate the tungsten balls it took to throw a flashbang at the last possible moment.
* * * * *
“Shield!” Someone shouted from the archive’s back rooms, followed by a deafening boom and gunshots. Good, Faizah’s team had fulfilled their scope.
Lei Fan’s magic coursed the inscribed staff in his hands, which in turn infused enough magic to the knife lodged in its end to turn the metal kill them dark red. He tapped the knife’s point to the wall and it just… exploded outwards, as if yes destroy hit by a wrecking ball, and the magic’s buzzing subsided a bit. He stepped away, allowing security to exploit the new path of attack, and shook his head to clear it from the magic’s unusually definite intrusive thoughts.
He gestured to a waiting squad to follow: “We’re going up, collapsing their escape routes,” and left the other firing squads behind. He had no delusion to overwhelm the Defenders’ strongest defensive powers yet, and as useful as his armor was it wasn’t designed to block heavy gunfire. It also was pretty heavy; he promised himself to start working out as he sweated just by climbing the stairs.
He was tracking down the Defenders’ position by following the sound of gunfire when something large slammed against a wall behind him. Lei Fan turned to see the squad decimated: the leader was crumpled against a wall, chest caved in, another was clawing at the horrible burns on his face and... his lizard?! ...was ripping something bloody from the back of a third. How? Why?
Lei Fan charged a Wizard’s Fire to throw at the lizard, but destroy the attack slipped from his hand before he could aim it properly. The lizard dodged easily and drove its claws knuckle-deep in the throat of the fourth member of the squad, using him as a shield. Its tail lashed out and hit the man with face burns, who fell with a whimper.
They started kill circling each other, Lei Fan with his weapon high to discourage a direct attack – the lizard hissed when it recognized the knife – and the lizard keeping the dying man at arm’s length. Lei Fan remembered the helmet’s visor was mirrored, and started the Black Maze’s incantation under his breath, his head ringing inexplicably as the spell took hold.
* * * * *
Sharaka was suddenly holding a shapeless mass of darkness in a dim-lit, flickering hedge maze. It all smelled strongly of illusion, plus the sharp stench of this plane’s mana; no contest with the finesse of vedalken magic. She could almost feel his illusion as a slimy coat over reality. She closed her eyes, focused on the burning anger and fanned it, fueled it until she started to shake with rage, fury overtaking all her functions, and felt the illusion flicker when her last sliver of control evaporated.
She flung the dead weight aside and roared, the world vibrating with her rage. She smelled her sweating prey, holding her weapon in front of it - as if it mattered, as if it wasn't already dead. She dashed, entering its guard before it could notice, and shattered its visor with her fist. The prey was sent flying, slow as a snail. She grabbed the weapon from its hands and slammed her tail on its chest so hard the ground shook when the prey hit it.
The following hit with her weapon turned the prey into an explosion of gore and scrap metal.
* * * * *
A terrified silence followed the roar, as everyone’s hindbrain screamed there was A Predator around and failure to locate it would mean certain death. Fortunately for the Defenders, hanging around Fergus had them somewhat tempered against sudden bursts of emotion; Siphon and Adamantine took down five hostiles before they could snap out of it. Fortunately for the Magics, five people weren’t going to matter in the long run: Siphon still had afterimages and ringing from the flashbang, and judging by Astral’s and Adamantine’s concentrated frowns the prolonged use of their powers was starting to take its toll. Reaper and Ethereous were retreating without cover. They hadn’t heard from Amp since he had been hit.
The whole building shook. Siphon looked up, cold sweat running down her cheek. No part of the ceiling seemed to be about to fall on their head. Good. She took aim and cracked a visor, stunning her target for the time Adamantine needed to finish reloading and turning their face into mashed beets.
Hearing electricity crackle made her dizzy with relief. Lightning took down every hostile in sight in less than a second, and Siphon wished she could ride Static there and then. She settled for savoring the familiar smell of ozone, and moved forward to make sure there weren’t armored hostiles left.
Four kills later, Static casually strolled in. “I hope it still falls under the ‘fashionably late’ category.” The magnificent bastard grinned his shit-eating grin, and Siphon felt the urge to shut his mouth with her-
“What was that roar?” Adamantine asked, interrupting Siphon’s train of thought.
“A friend, believe it or not,” Static replied, “I’d have gone for the ‘she followed me home’ line if she had actually come with me. Now unless you want to take a few more souvenirs, we have a Link to catch.” Static led the way to the experimental wing. All guards in the building were probably either dead or hiding in a broom closet, but the four Defenders swept the rooms properly because no one wished for more surprises, not even Static.
“Sharaka! Fancy meeting you here!” Static blurted as he checked a T-shaped junction, then slowly backed away. “…Sharaka?”
Siphon moved to see who Static was talking to and stopped dead in her tracks when two reptilian eyes met hers with an utterly inhuman stare. ‘Sharaka’ was half-crouching, as if poised to attack, her blood-soaked arm wielding some sort of spear with a bad case of magic buzzing and her tail arched like a scorpion’s. Siphon had no problems associating this… creature… with the blood-curling roar from earlier; she had to be even more dangerous than she looked, because despite the dozen paces between them Static’s fingers were flexing nervously.
“Nice to meet you! Are you Static’s new friend? Disclaimer: we taste terrible.”
Sharaka followed Astral’s voice and something sparked in her eyes. She blinked twice, as if trying to remember something.
“Amp said to get out of her way. I say we go.”
“And leave her like that? She was snarky ten minutes ago! The ‘can I keep her’ was supposed to be a joke. Sharaka, it’s me, ‘thank you for saving my sorry ass’!” Siphon’s brain failed to understand whatever Static was saying, but Sharaka’s mouth was moving, almost mimicking his speech. “Did you used up all your brain power for today?”
“Fuck you,” Sharaka replied with a raspy voice. She straightened her back, blinked a few more times and suddenly looked like a person. A very reptilian person, but still. “Next time you go after the mind mage and I take out the fodder.”
“Will do!” Static was beaming. “Care to come with us?”
“Sure, before Frigid Girl there has a stroke,” Sharaka replied.
Static marched onwards and kept staring straight ahead, probably to avoid Adamantine’s gaze.
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Tᕼᗴ ᑕᕼᗩOTIᑕ ᗩᑎᘜᗴᒪ
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
Chapter 5: Don't Jinx It!
Chloé Bourgeois... A girl that can be described in many words
"She's absolutely ridiculous! I can't believe you have to do an art project with her of all people!" - Alix sprawled out on Marinette's balcony
"She can't be that bad, besides we might become friends." - Marinette sketching some designs
"Believe me, even I think she's a bit much... She's snobby, annoying, rude, immature, spoiled, she basically has the “I'm better than thow” attitude to a T."- Kagami sitting next to the flowerbed while reading a literature book
"See? Even Kagami agrees... Just don't talk to her, actually don't even move if you're in her sights. She's like a T-Rex, she can't see you if you don't move." - Alix
… … … … …
"Hello, I'm Marinette, it's nice to meet you." - Marinette reached out her hand as she smiled
*Que Alix facepalming herself while Kagami lets out a sigh*
"Whatever, I'm Chloé, but I'm sure you already knew that." - Chloé
They started their project and most interactions went the same way, Chloé would sit in a chair near the window and paint her nails while Marinette did all the work. The next day Marinette and Chloé were the only ones in the art room.
"Okay, let's get started." - Marinette skipping her way over to the art supplies
"You do that, I'll just sit over here." - Chloé walking to her chair
"... Say, is it fun painting your nails?" - Marinette looking over to Chloé
"Of course, what girl doesn't like nail art?" - Chloé
"Well, painting on a canvas is kind of like nail art, here try painting something." - Marinette handing Chloé a paint brush
"Please, I don't do art." - Chloé refusing the paint brush
"But you ‘Paint’ your nails." - Marinette
"It's different!" - Chloé
"Okay, how about this, if I can do a magic trick for you, will you try painting just a little bit?" - Marinette
"...Fine, impress me." - Chloé giving Marinette her full attention
Marinette pulled a seed she got earlier that day out of her pocket and showed it to Chloé
"A seed?" - Chloé giving an unimpressed look
"I'll turn it into a flower, as you can see I only have this seed, and there's nothing up my sleeves. When I turn back around this seed will be a flower, are you ready?" - Marinette still holding the seed for Chloé to see
"Just do it already." - Chloé
So, Marinette turned around putting her free hand over the seed, and imagined it growing. When Marinette turned back around, all Chloé saw was a fully bloomed Common Rockrose flower, leaving her stunned.
"How did you do that?!" - Chloé walking up to Marinette to get a better look at the flower
"Family secret." - Marinette with a small smirk - "So, you want to try painting now?"
"... Fine." - Chloé pouted her lips and sat down at an empty canvas while Marinette walked to the table beside it, and Marinette may or may not have seen a small smile on Chloé's face while she grabbed some more paint.
After about 30 minutes Alix and Kagami came in and found Chloé and Marinette flinging water paint at the canvas
"Ha!" - Marinette whiped her arm out, watching as the wet paint from the brush splattered onto the canvas
"Ha HA!" - Chloé doing the exact same motion, but with a little more flare
Kagami and Alix just stared in amazed silence... they had created a master piece... It was a magnificent painting showing a meadow with many flowers in an almost hazy dream kind of look,  it had a blue sky and a faint rainbow in the background behind some clouds on the horizon
Tumblr media
"It's *sniff* Ridiculously beautiful..." - Chloé
"And you thought painting was boring." - Marinette teasing Chloé
"... Isley-Quinzel, look me in the face and say that again." - Chloé
"And you- ("Boop" - Chloé) -Hey!" - Marinette got booped on her nose by Chloé's paint covered finger
"I admit it was fun... to some extent. Now lets act like this never happened." - Chloé getting ready to leave
"How the hell did you get Chloé to paint?!" - Alix snapping out of her surprise, which caused Chloé to get startled and trip, knocking the paint onto Marinette and herself in the process
"Well... that was a colorful entrance." - Marinette now covered in blue, pink, green and red paint
"Utterly Ridiculous!" - Chloé now covered in yellow, dark green, and blue paint
"Ooops?" - Alix shrugging her shoulders
*facepalms* - Kagami
… … …
Marinette and Chloé had to walk around school covered in paint, definitely getting a few awkward stares from the other kids. About an hour later, each pair of students presented their shared work of art. When Marinette and Chloé went up, both holding their masterpiece while still covered in paint, stunned the other students.(Not because Chloé was 1. covered in paint, 2. actually carrying the painting, and 3. had a smile on her face) Needless to say they got an A+, and for the rest of the day Marinette, Chloé, Alix and Kagami hung out laughing and having fun. Not long after that the other kids started making bets on who Marinette would befriend next, and how long it would take for that someone to be an instant friend.
Chloé ended up spending a lot more time with the GPS and eventually...
The girls sat around in a circle within Marinette's room with all the lights off, only having a single lamp in the center of the room to add an ominous glow
"Are you ready to take the oath?" - Alix
"Yes, but why do we have to make it look like some utterly ridiculous ritual summoning?" - Chloe
"I agree with Chloé, I'm not allowed to summon the unnatural or paranormal." - Kagami
"Well, let's forget the paranormal stuff for now, ehem. Chloé Bourgeois, do you promise to always have our backs..." - Marinette
"Through the good and the bad..." - Alix
"To say the truth and nothing but the truth." - Kagami
"Wrong oath Kagami." - Marinette whispering to Kagami
"...... To always stay on the path that is straight and true..." - Kagami
"To uphold the justice in this crazy world..." - Alix
"And to guide those who have abandoned the light... Are you ready to join the GPS?" - Marinette
"Yes." - Chloé
"Girls, time to eat- ... Marinette, please tell me you aren't summoning the unnatural like Harley did that one time." - Selina just opening the door and seeing basically a ritual gathering
"In mom's defense, she was trying to get rid of the spooky spirit." - Marinette
"That was from a story Ed made up that one time, you wouldn't stop seeing the shadows ‘moving’, and then Harley thought she saw them move, and she ended up doing a ritual to get rid of it, but we ended up with the cursed toaster ghost. And now all bread we toast is burnt back home." - Selina
"... But burnt toast is the best!" - Marinette
"Ivy told you that it would make you grow quicker, which then tricked you into liking burnt toast, which isn't tasty at all." - Selina
"*dramatic gasp* You Take That Back!" - Marinette
"Nope, now come down in 3 so we can eat." - Selina closed the door and walked away
"You girls agree with me right?" - Marinette turning to her friends
"... Marinette, how can you think burnt toast is good?!" - Alix
"It's... burnt." - Kagami
"Ehhh, it's okay." - Chloé
"Thank You!" - Marinette hugging Chloé
"... un-second thought, I retract my ‘yes’ to that oath." - Chloé
"Too late." - Kagami
"You're stuck with us..." - Alix then leaned over and whispered in Chloé's ear - "Foreverrrrr."
……… ……… ………
After they had their food they went back up to Marinette's (ritual free) room and started playing Ultimate Mecha Strike 2.
After a few rounds of Marinette dominating Ultimate Mecha Slaughter Strike 2, they moved on to watching some Jurassic Park
"So... your mom cursed your toaster?" - Chloé
"... maybe." - Marinette
"Honestly though, who in their right mind likes burnt toast?" - Alix
"Apparently Marinette." - Kagami
"It's kinda like thin burnt rice crispy treats, just minus the sugar." - Marinette
"*dramatic gasp* You Take That Back Right Now." - Alix
"You don't even know what rice crispy treats are, do you." - Marinette now looking away from the TV and directly at Alix
"Not a clue." - Alix
"It's an American treat, it's actually really good, not to sweet, and not to crunchy." - Chloé
"This is why you are part of the GPS." - Marinette hugging Chloé - "You understand most red blooded American treats, and for that I give you my thanks." - Marinette now starting to tear up
"What are we, chop liver?" - Kagami pointing to Alix and herself
"Well unlike you two, I have seen the other side... I swear, they're all hillbillies, and they live in the worst weather ever! Sunshine state my ass, more like out door saunas 24/7." - Chloé ended up mumbling her last few words
"... That's Florida, and it's not that bad, it never gets hotter than 115°F, and that's during summer." - Marinette
"... No wonder you like burnt toast... your brains were burnt with it." - Alix
"I didn't live in Florida, I lived in New Jersey, and the weather is better there." - Marinette
"That's what she said." - Kagami stuffing her face with popcorn
……… ……… ………
Over the course of the next few months Marinette taught the GPS all she knew about parkour and self-defense, at first they wondered why she knew so many different techniques of self-defense, until she explained where she grew up had a few unpleasant people. They still think she's meta.
When Winter rolled around she was to head back to Gotham for the next month and a half. She was packed and ready when the GPS burst into her room.
"Don't leave! I need an Ice skating buddie!" - Alix clinging to Marinette
"You have Chloé and Kagami, besides, I'm pretty sure Kagami is better on the ice than I am." - Marinette accepting the fact she won't be getting Alix off her anytime soon
"It's Not The Same!" - Alix becoming a human koala on Marinette's back
"She's going to see her family, show some restraint!" - Chloé detaching Alix from Marinette
"No!" - Alix getting out of Chloé's grip and reattaching herself to Marinette
"There's a new attraction with a big ramp jump for the ice skating rink." - Kagami on her phone
"Really?! Let me see!" - Alix detaching herself to look at Kagami's phone, only to see the normal boring ice skating rink - "You tricked me." - Alix gave Kagami the stink eye
"It got you off of Marinette at least." - Kagami putting her phone away
"I'm gonna miss you girls." - Marinette gave them a big hug
"You better not do anything stupid while you're back home." - Chloé
"I would never." - Marinette thinking of the time she ran from the Bat-Birds
"What city in New Jersey do you live in again?" - Alix
"That's-" - Marinette
"Kitten you all set for Gotham?" - Selina opened the door and saw Marinette in a big hug with the girls - "Oh, you girls are here, hope you said your goodbyes because we're leaving in 10 minutes." - She then closed the door to make sure everything was ready downstairs
"... ... ..." - Chloé/Alix/Kagami - "You live where?"
"Gotham...?" - Marinette slowly backing up to grab her luggage and make her way to the door
"Oh hell No!" - Kagami standing between Marinette and the door
"You're staying!" - Alix clinging to Marinette again
"Gotham's a death trap!!!" - Chloé joining Alix and clinging to Marinette
... ... ...
After some convincing the girls let Marinette go, and she was now on the plane that would take her back home.
"... They really think Gotham's a death trap?" - Selina relaxing in the first class seats she got them.
"It's not that bad is it? I had asked them what they thought could even go wrong." - Marinette
"... Well literally everything can go wrong in Gotham... It's not to late to get off actually." - Selina getting up
"Not you too!" - Marinette grabbing her Aunt's hand
"I'm joking Kitten... you are wearing the bullet proof vest under that coat right?" - Selina
"Of course." - Marinette
"Then we should be fine..." - Selina now sitting back down and looking 10 times more nervous than before
"..." - Marinette put her hands together and mumbled under her breath - "Please don't jinx it. Please don't jinx it. Please don't jinx it. Pleeeeease don't jinx it."
……………… They had an hour delay, had to switch flights and couldn't eat anything because it looked like it would give them food poisoning, and they didn't get a wink of sleep......... but they made it to Gotham in one piece... at 2 in the morning.
"You jinxed it." - Marinette dragging her luggage sleepily
"It can't get any worse now-" - Selina
"No!-" - As Marinette tried to stop her Aunt from finishing her sentence, a truck past by the curb and sent a blanket of powdered snow flying into them - "-say it..."
"...Okay, now it-" - Selina was cut off by Marinette stuffing her mouth with the last secret cookie she had
"Don't anger the jinx gods, please." - Marinette pleading to her Aunt
After Selina finished the secret cookie she called Ivy to pick them up. They waited about 15 minutes before Ivy, along with a sleeping Harley in the back seat, picked them up. As they got in the car Harley jolted awake
"Are we dere yet?" - Harley rubbing her eyes
"Yes, and in our snow covered glory we entered the car." - Marinette giving her mom a hug
"I missed yuh so much, it just hasn't been de same wit'outcha cupcake." - Harley returning the hug
"And what about me, did you miss me?" - Selina getting comfortable in the passenger seat
"Ehhh." - Harley tilted here hand from side to side as she continued to side hug Marinette
"... Have I ever told you how great you are at warm welcomes?" - Selina giving Harley the stink eye
"She didn't mean it, you know she has no filter at this hour." - Ivy pulling up to the stoplight
"In other words her honest opinion of me being back is ‘ehhh’, I'm glad she thinks so highly of me." - Selina resting her head on the window
The ride to their base was peaceful, they arrived and went to their rooms after Marinette gave her moms and aunt a goodnight hug. As Marinette went to sleep in her bed, Bud and Lou jumped onto the bed and curled up next to her, as she stroked their fur, she couldn't help but feel excited to spend time with her family and friends. She soon fell asleep in the calm silence of her room, the last thought she had before drifting off, was that she was happy to be back home.
Chapter 5 complete, hope you're all having a magnificent day, rockin' all the positive vibes and staying safe !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜Tag List〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @jumpingjoy82
2nd Place★: @myazael
3rd Place★: @solangelo252
@fandom-trapped-03, @zorua-adorable, @blueblossombliss, @thefangirlwholiterallydies, @woe-is-me0, @lady-bee-fechin, @jayjayspixiepop, @kashlyn, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @buginetye, @our-preciousss, @vroomtaka, @alessialeone6997, @doll246 , @aestheticnpoetic, @moon5608, @moonlightstar64, @kking13
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Dance With Me | Chapter 2
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💙 Summary: After visiting the members of ONEUS during their dance practice, you find yourself inspired to learn to dance. You ask your friend Kim Geonhak to teach you.
💙 Chapter 2: 2,161 words
💙 Pairing: Reader x Kim Geonhak (Leedo) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Son Dongju (Xion); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Youngjo (Ravn);
💙 Rated: T for some minor swearing / Warnings: Minor Swearing; Jealousy (Later in the fic) / Genre: Fluff; Minor Angst (Later in the fic); Friends-To-Lovers; Happy Ending;
《 Series Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Boy Group Masterlist 》
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You and Geonhak agreed that you would meet together on Tuesdays and Thursdays, right after ONEUS practices. You couldn't wait to dance the following Tuesday. It's currently Sunday evening, and the practice room is probably empty, so you grab your workout clothes and bag and walk to the RBW building. You don't live super close there, but the walking distance is manageable. It's always been your only exercise, so you tolerated it.
You use the key that the boys lent you long ago to get into the building. The practice room is empty, the lights off. It's 6PM, and none of the idols are expected to be here practicing. Obviously, they can come if they want. Youngjo often spends a lot of time in recording studios when producing. There have been multiple times where you'd hang out with the boys as they finished recording before comebacks late at night. This is the first time you've been here completely on your own, for yourself. You feel like you're trespassing, by not being an idol or trainee here, but you already have a bit of a reputation here as ONEUS's friend. No one will kick you out.
You place your bag down, and don't bother with the light. Your computer will be light enough. After stretching sufficiently, you take out your computer. You find the Weekly Idol choreography video you'd used the other day, and repeat the dance presented on the screen. You recall Geonhak's instructions, his voice echoing in your ear.
You're rushing, slow down a bit. Step. Step. Step. There you go.
You can feel how clumsy and stiff you are, but you can also feel how much better you are than from when you'd practice in your bedroom, watching live performances.
Your steps are much more in line with the beat now. Your hand movements aren't half as elegant or intentional as Geonhak's on screen, but they're present.
When you get to Geonhak's rap, instead of stopping, you continue. You clumsily try to imitate his skips and hops, and you manage to get through it. You notice the power in his movements, how each movement he makes is emphasized by the beat. Every kick, every hip thrust.
The song arrives at the pre-chorus, where Keonhee begins singing, and your eyes widen. Those moves are so fast and large. You're not there yet.
You restart the song and continue practicing up until Geonhak's part. He looks so elegant in the video, and you wonder if you look even half that elegant as you try to mirror him.
Halfway through Dongju's part of the song, the door is opened and Geonhak walks in, startling you. You yelp in surprise, and he yells, jumping back, and hits his back on the doorframe. He yells out in pain, falling to his knees as you rush to his side to help him, but he's already recovering on his own.
"Sorry for barging in," he says, before realizing it's you as you rub his back where it hit the doorframe. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"I'm . . . practicing," you say, gesturing to the computer which displays the video. "What're you doing here? Didn't your practice end hours ago?"
Guhak ducks his head. "I came back to practice," he admits, laughing while rubbing the back of his neck. "So I could figure out how to help you on Tuesday."
You smile, looking away from him. You didn't think he'd need to practice extra to teach you. If you had known that, you probably wouldn't have asked him, simply because you don't want to be an inconvenience.
"I'm sorry for interrupting your practice," he says. "You had the lights of, so I thought no one was here. I'll find another empty room if you want."
You shake your head. "No, you can stay here and practice with me if you want."
"I can give you pointers if you need any," he says, taking off his thin jacket to reveal a black T-shirt. You nod, and he sets down his own bag near yours before plopping down on the ground. "Have you stretched yet? If you don't stretch before and after exercising, you could hurt yourself."
You nod, but sit down anyway to join him on the floor. "I stretched a bit, but I'll stretch with you."
After you both have finished stretching, you restart the song. The two of you dance together to the start of the song, watching yourselves in the mirror. You can see that you're doing well, much more on the beat with Geonhak beside you to follow, but his presence is also distracting.
For one, you can't help but compare yourself to him. He's much more confident with his moves, more deliberate. His moves are sharp and strong, and yet elegant at the same time. While you make the same moves at the same time as him, your moves are somewhat shaky. Of course, Geonhak has years of dance experience, and months of experience with the song, while you only had that one day last week and various random days you found yourself vibing to the song in your room, but that thought doesn't help your confidence enough.
Secondly, his bare arms are a little distracting. He's very strong, is able to carry two of his members easily, even three if he wants. His strength shows in his arm muscles.
By the time you two have gone through the song a couple times, you find yourself panting with your hands in your thighs. Geonhak, however, is barely breaking a sweat. The song continues in the background, and you watch in awe as Geonhak continues to dance gracefully.
After the song has finished, Geonhak smiles at you with his soft smile, and you swear butterflies are fluttering around your stomach. You internally scold yourself and tear your gaze away from him. 
"Good job," Geonhak says, and you nod, avoiding his eyes. "You're getting the hang of it."
The butterflies don't mean anything, you tell yourself. You're just tired.
"Thanks," you say. Geonhak opens his mouth to say something when your phone rings loudly from inside your bag, which lies in the corner of the room. "Excuse me," you mutter, running to grab your phone. The caller ID reads 'Doongdoongie,' and you pick it up.
"Hello?" you ask.
"Hi Y/N!" Dongju's voice is loud through the phone, and you can't help but laugh a little.
"Hi Dongju," you say.
"Y/N, what are you doing right now?"
"I'm, uh, practicing dancing at RBW with Geonhak." You glance at Geonhak, and he shoots you a soft smile.
"Oh? Yes, I think Geonhak mentioned that he was going to be teaching you soon. He wouldn't shut up about it. He was very excited," Dongju says, and you raise your eyebrow, looking at Geonhak again.
"Was he?"
"Yeah, but that's not what I'm calling for. I'm calling to ask you for a favor. Can you come over to the dorm?"
"Yes, now."
"Why?" you ask.
"Aish, Y/N, I can't tell you that. Hurry up!"
You sigh. You were enjoying practicing With Geonhak. But . . . "Alright," you say.
"Thank you, Y/Nie!"
"Bye, Doongdoongie," you say. Dongju hangs up and you drop your phone to your side.
"Sorry, Geonhak, I have to go," you say to Geonhak, packing up your stuff.
"What? Why?" Geonhak furrows his eyebrows. "You should stretch quickly before going, to relax your body. You could hurt yourself if you don't."
You nod and plop down on the floor, and Geonhak joins you in stretching. You stretch your legs out forward, and reach for your toes. It doesn't matter if you can touch them, the point is to stretch your leg muscles.
"I dunno why. Dongju wanted me to meet him at the dorm. He didn't tell me why." You hear Geonhak sigh sadly, and look up at him. "So you were excited to teach me?" you ask. Geonhak's eyes widen, and he tears his eyes away from yours, as if to pretend he's too focused on stretching.
"What did he tell you?"
"He said you wouldn't shut up about it." You smile at him teasingly.
"He's exaggerating," Geonhak says. "I'd only mentioned it to him." He pauses. "I am excited to teach you, though."
Your heart feels warm. "Thanks, Geonhak."
You get up, dust off your workout pants, and grab your bag. As you reach the door, you turn to wave goodbye to Geonhak.
"See you Tuesday for practice," you say. "Bye!" He waves back, the softest smile on his face which makes the butterflies resurface again. You ignore them, and quickly leave.
You exit the building and walk to the ONEUS dorm. You've been there countless times since ONEUS moved in before debut, so you know the way well. Sometimes it's for movie nights. Sometimes, to pick up something for a member who's working at RBW. You can probably find your way there with your eyes closed.
You enter the passcode to the dormroom, and find that Dongju is in the living room, sitting on the couch, his phone in his hand. Hwanwoong sits next to him, also on his phone. Dongju looks up as you enter.
"You took your time," he says, and you glance at your own phone for the time.
"Don't be mean," Hwanwoong scolds Dongju, hitting him in the chest. You shoot him a smile. You're friends with Hwanwoong, but you aren't very close. He's always friendly, but he's like that with everyone. Besides interactions like the one at practice last week, you two don't talk too much. You do like and admire him, but he's kind of intimidatingly cool and you can barely muster the courage to speak to him on your own.
"I had to stretch before I left," you explain. "What's up?"
Dongju leans back on the couch, and gestures for you to sit next to him, on the opposite side from Hwanwoong. You do so, and Dongju smiles.
"Do you know what day it is, Y/N?" Dongju asks.
You wrack your brain. It's not anyone's birthday. Keonhee's birthday was just over a week ago. And it isn't a holiday today. So . . .
"June 5th? Sunday?" you offer. Hwanwoong smiles, obviously very amused.
"And what's coming soon?" Dongju asks.
You ponder for a moment. "July 6th?"
Hwanwoong laughs loudly, clapping his hands, while Dongju rolls his eyes. "No! I mean--yes, but . . . Y/N, Geonhak's birthday is coming up on the 26th!"
"Oh yes. I remember. Is that why you called me here today? To tell me that Geonhak's birthday is coming up in twenty one days?"
"Yes," Dongju says, smiling widely. "And I want you to help me and Hwanwoong plan a birthday party."
You blink. "I mean, yes. Of course. But why don't you ask the other members, too?" 
Hwanwoong sighs and sits up. "The members decided to split birthday planning into two parts. We split ourselves into two teams. Team A, which is Youngjo, Seoho and Keonhee, and Team B, which is me and Dongju," Hwanwoong explains, his face too serious for the situation. Still, you listen intently. "Each team plans a separate part of the day. Before lunch and after lunch. Team A is also in charge of lunch plans, and we are in charge of decorations. Then we will come together the week before his birthday and figure out the final plan. Since we have one less member, we get to choose one person to add. So we invited you."
You blink, processing the situation. Two teams of ONEUS are separately planning Geonhak's birthday. Hwanwoong and Dongju want you to help them.
"You'll help?" Hwanwoong asks, an excited smile appearing on his face.
"Of course! He's my friend too."
 "Excellent. Do we want to start now?" Hwanwoong asks, patting the desk in front of the table. You notice a paper and a pencil have been lying there the whole time. "Let's make a list. What does every party have?" he asks.
"Cake," you suggest.
"Balloons!" Dongju says.
Hwanwoong scribbles quickly on the paper as you and Dongju shoot him suggestions.
"Snacks and food."
"Alright." Hwanwoong says. "Remember, Team A is doing everything before lunch as well as lunch plans. We only need to decide snacks."
"He really likes ice cream," you say. "The one rainbow one from Baskin-Robbins. He loves that."
Hwanwoong laughs as he scribbles on the paper. "Yes, he does. Let's go back to decorations. What will we want?"
"Balloons," Dongju says again. Hwanwoong snorts, writing it down even though it's already written.
You continue listing things off, chatting on and on about plans for Geonhak's birthday. You find yourself getting more and more excited and energized.
You end up leaving after a couple hours, walking to your own apartment, a smile on your face. You think about all of the good things going on. You're planning a surprise birthday party for Geonhak with Hwanwoong and Dongju. And on Tuesday, Geonhak will start teaching you how to dance.
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