#i'll inevitably have to create a new pinned post when i do publish that but y'all get the gist of what i'm doing here
mehoymalloy · 7 months
Hello and Welcome!
My name's Malloy, and you could say I like to write fanfiction about villainous older women. Find me on AO3!
Critical Role
self-proclaimed captain of the rowboat that is Imogen Temult/Otohan Thull.
Main fic: Let Me Lay Waste to Thee (in which I give them the CritRole equivalent of a force bond). Spin-off series: Won’t You Lay Hands on Me (it's just smut and tension and the dreaded feelings), which expounds on Let Me for funsies while I write the big sequel. A few canon-adjacent one-shots, my favorite being A Dance With Danger (basically, 'what if Otohan attended the Chandei Quorum masquerade in Jrusar?')
Liliana Temult/Otohan Thull: the Moon Moms AU, an ongoing series of family-centric one-shots in which Liliana and Otohan share a history and raise Imogen together, detailing all the intricacies and difficulties that entails.
Stray Gods
Grace/Athena; specifically Restraint (but oh, to dream) (it's just smut) and a slow burn long fic that I have in the works.
Grace/Persephone; specifically Sing for Me (it's also just smut).
The Horizon Series
Aloy/Tilda van der Meer; most notably: Prometheus Bound.
Gen stuff: Silga and Untalla
Ship stuff: Regalla/Nasadi.
Here on Tumblr, I sometimes post sneak peeks of what I'm working on (all my stuff is tagged #mehoymalloy and #wip stuff). You can also find me on Twitter (which I use rarely) and Bluesky (which I use very rarely).
Lastly, feel free to drop me an ask anytime! Yell at me about Otohan Thull (please), shoot me a random question about my fics, toss me a writing prompt or a song rec for my silly little music playlists; I appreciate it all and I appreciate you! :)
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snowmist-hashira · 11 months
Hiiiiiiii omg you really feeding us with the Yuichiro content! It's so good I swear my day brightens when I reread your fics every time! They're such a pick me up!! May I request a scenario where reader kabedons him? Ahhhhh he'd totally have the reaction where his knees give out beneath him and he slides down the wall! Especially if reader is taller than him and she holds his chin and tilts his head upward. Cause honestly he's probably the same height as Muichiro and 160 cm is pretty smol ngl but ITS SO ADORABLE I SWEAR ESPECIALLY IN THIS SETTING!
And then imagine he's sitting there on the floor, red faced and practically smoking and then reader realises she probably shouldn't leave him there all unresponsive and stuff so she goes to look for Muichiro, but Muichiro finds Yuichiro there first, and he's just so confused and is like "Yui? What... happened? Why are you sitting on the floor here?" And either Yuichiro is completely broken and can't even say anything, or he tries and can only get out unintelligible flustered noises.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this! And do take care and take your time! ♡♡
[Chapter title: Assertive Proclamations]
[Requested] Yuichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad:(One shots) Tokito Twins x Reader Archive:Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Twins x Reader Details: ♠ Information ♠ Master list: ♠ Yuichirou Tokitou ♠ Word count: 1,665
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Artist: natsuneco_02[夏猫]
Links; Twitter
This could become one of my favorite fanfics that I've created. Describing the readers' actions was so enjoyable (and relatable), haha. Also, thank you to @kurumi-igarashi for giving me a few ideas that I used in this fic!
It brings me immense joy to know that my fictions can brighten your day! And the fact that you've re-read them, OMG. I hope this one will flutter your heart just as you anticipated~
I'll be taking a break from writing for a few days, so there won't be any new uploads during that time. However, you can always check my pinned post to see if there are any upcoming stories that I'll be publishing, thank you everyone~
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The Tokito twins had always been popular in school, thanks to their striking appearances and impressive skills in shogi. Everything about them exuded perfection. Despite the older twin's stoic and cold demeanor, students, especially females, were still drawn to him.
Now, picture this: When Yuichiro Tokito, the older twin, started to show a softer and more gentle side, it caused quite a stir among the students at school. His stoic and cold demeanor had previously contributed to his allure, but now, with this newfound subtlety kindness, he became even more intriguing to others.
His change in behavior didn't go unnoticed, girls, in particular, found themselves drawn to him even more. They saw this as a chance to break through his tough exterior and discover the person he truly was underneath. Yuichiro's popularity soared, and he unwittingly became the subject of many crushes and admirers.
Y/n discreetly glared at the girls from behind her hands, her elbows resting on the desk, and her chin supported by her palms. She couldn't understand why they were suddenly showing so much interest in her boyfriend, Yuichiro now that he had let his guard down a bit.
Although she knew that his popularity was inevitable given his captivating charm, the newfound interest from other girls made her slightly uneasy.
Part of her wanted to remind them that he was already taken as she couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as she saw the other girls gawking at Yuichiro.
“Y/n… You look like you’re about to murder someone.” Y/n's friend nervously chuckled at her intense glare and the potential effect it could have on the unsuspecting students. Her friend knew better than to mess with Y/n when she was in this mood.
"I almost regret asking Yui to be a bit gentle..." Y/n muttered, her glare unwavering as she observed the students who seemed oblivious to the hint. She was the reason for Yuichiro's sudden change in demeanor, while she wanted him to be acknowledged beyond his cold exterior, she hadn't anticipated the amount of attention it would attract, and it was starting to infuriate her.
"Maybe you should ease up a bit on the death glares," her friend suggested half-jokingly. "I know it's frustrating to see so much attention on Yuichiro, but remember, you're the reason for his change and well, now everyone's taking notice."
Y/n sighed, trying to relax her facial expression but still finding it challenging to shake off her irritation. "I know," she replied. "I just didn't expect it to be like this. I wanted him to be more open-hearted, but I didn't anticipate the whole school fawning over him."
Her friend nodded sympathetically. "But hey, Yuichiro is with you, and he loves you. I don't think he's paying much attention to all the extra attention he's getting. Besides, I'm sure he's still the same guy you fell for, just with a few more layers revealed."
"I know that..." Y/n said, her expression showing a hint of a pout. "It's just that these girls are acting as if Yui isn't taken. They're shamelessly flirting with him," she continued, squinting her eyes as she glared at the girls once again, her voice dangerously low.
Her friend could see why the situation was genuinely bothering her, and she understood it. Dealing with other girls openly flirting with Yuichiro was a valid concern, and it was testing Y/n's patience.
"I get it, Y/n," her friend said, empathizing with her frustration. "It's not easy seeing other girls act like he's available when he's clearly not. But you know what? It's a testament to how attractive and desirable Yuichiro is, and you're the one he chose. So, take it as a compliment to your taste in guys."
Y/n nodded, still pouting a bit but trying to keep her emotions in check. "I know, but it's hard to watch, especially when they know he's taken."
"True, some people just lack boundaries," her friend replied.
After a while, lunch break arrived, most of the students had already left the room, Y/n took the opportunity to gather her belongings and tidy up her desk. She carefully placed her notebooks back into her bag, one hand occupied with the task while the other held a drink box carton that she sipped on silently.
As she looked around the classroom, she noticed some of the girls still stealing glances at Yuichiro, who was sitting a few rows away, engrossed in a shogi puzzle.
"I'm glad to see you're managing your feelings quite well," her friend remarked, but Y/n didn't immediately reply, her gaze still fixed on her boyfriend.
Just then, a girl approached and touched Yuichiro's shoulder, causing Y/n to grip her empty carton drink tightly, her grip was so strong that it crumpled under the pressure. The sound of the crushed drink box emphasized her tension, and her initial composure seemed to falter in an instant.
Her friend couldn't help but sweat drop, taking back what they said, "...Or not," realizing Y/n's true feelings were still simmering beneath the surface.
"What do you mean? I'm perfectly composed," Y/n replied, turning to her friend with a forced smile. However, her darkened expression and the increasingly tight grip on her empty drink gave away the truth behind her words.
“I'm sure you are," her friend said with a hint of sarcasm, but she couldn't help but add, "Except for the fact that you're crushing that poor drink box like you're crushing your frustration."
Y/n let out a sigh, finally releasing her grip on the crumpled drink she had consumed. Her friend patted her back, trying to offer some comfort. "I'll head over to the cafeteria, want to come?" the friend asked.
Y/n glanced at Yuichiro and the girl who were engaged in conversation. It was evident that Yuichiro was still adjusting to his new demeanor, attempting to put on a polite smile that only made him more attractive.
"Nah, you go first," Y/n replied, her gaze still fixed on Yuichiro and the girl. She wanted to observe the situation a bit longer.
“Y/n… Please don’t murder anyone.” Her friend chuckled nervously, knowing her well enough to understand the intensity of her emotions.
"I won't.” Y/n replied with a small smile, trying to ease the tension in the air.
Her friend nodded and headed to the cafeteria, giving Y/n some space to collect her thoughts. Taking a moment to compose herself, Y/n made her way over to where Yuichiro and the girl were talking. As she approached, she noticed the girl giving her a curious glance before excusing herself and leaving. Y/n didn't know if the girl sensed the tension or if she was just being polite, but she was grateful for the space.
Yuichiro turned to her, his smile genuine but with a touch of concern. "Is everything okay?"
"I despise it," Y/n began, looking down at him, since she was slightly taller and he was sitting.
"Eh?" Yuichiro's sudden panic was evident as he stood up, concerned about Y/n's reaction. He had never seen her express such strong emotions before, and he felt a pang of worry, fearing that he might have done something to upset her.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" he asked gently, reaching out to her. "A-Am I not doing what you wanted me to do properly?" Yuichiro's voice trembled with concern, worried that he might not be fulfilling her expectations.
Y/n looked at him, sweat dropping, and uttered her words, "No, you're doing great, honestly... Too well..." Her response hinted that Yuichiro's efforts were perhaps a bit too effective for her liking.
Yuichiro blinked in confusion, trying to understand Y/n's words. "Too good? What do you mean?"
Y/n looked at him, amazed by his adorably dense nature. She released a soft sigh before gently pushing him against the wall. Placing her hands on the sides of his head, she pinned him without restricting his hands. The sudden action surprised Yuichiro, he immediately blushed, taken aback, his heart pounding at his girlfriend’s straight forwardness.
“Yuichiro.” Y/n began, Yuichiro's breath caught in his throat as Y/n's intense gaze held him captive. He was taken aback by her sudden boldness and the closeness between them, their faces a few inches apart. His heart raced, and he struggled to find the right words to respond.
A mischievous smirk appeared on Y/n's lips as she reached out and gently held Yuichiro's chin, tilting his head up to meet her gaze. "You're mine, okay?" she asserted, her eyes locked with his minty orbs.
Yuichiro's breath hitched as Y/n's touch sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her intense eyes, feeling a rush of emotions swirling within him. Her assertiveness and possessiveness took him by surprise, but there was something undeniably alluring about it.
His knees buckled, and he slid down the wall, leaving Y/n taken aback. Yuichiro was blushing profusely, his mouth slightly agape, and he seemed unresponsive. Fortunately, there was no one else around in the room to witness his reaction.
‘Ah... I forgot that he can't handle surprises,’ Y/n thought to herself, realizing that she might have caught him off guard with her straightforwardness.
Y/n attempted to shake his shoulder gently, but it proved futile as Yuichiro remained unresponsive. Worried, she quickly left the room to find his younger twin, Muichiro.
However, just a few seconds after Y/n left, Muichiro returned and saw his older twin, Yuichiro, blushing like a tomato and sitting on the ground, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in curiosity. It wasn't a common sight to see Yuichiro in such a state.
“Nii-san? What… What happened to you?” Muichiro asked, a mix of concern and amusement in his voice.
Yuichiro stammered, trying to find the right words to explain the situation. "I-I... Y/n... she said..." He trailed off, unable to form a coherent sentence.
"Ah..." At the mention of Y/n's name, Muichiro immediately understood what had happened.
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