#i'll learn how to write fluff one day i promise lmao
dabislilbaby · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Two ppl actually tagged me in this so thank you @malewifetouya and @happyely 🖤🖤🖤
Sadly some of my most favorite projects are ones that are still sitting in my drafts unfinished 😭 but out of all the ones I've posted these are the ones I'm most proud of <3
"Come Home" — Deku:
I don't even know if this would be considered a fic?? Cuz honestly this was such a short little thing that I wrote in under like 15 minutes 😭 probably the shortest amount of time it's taken me to ever write literally anything. But it was after I watched S6 E136 and literally that night I had a dream where this whole scene was played out in my head. And it just felt so dramatic in the right ways and just raw emotion that I had to write it down. And it's STILL my most liked post on this entire blog😭 but honestly understandable bc sometimes I go back and read it and I'm just like "damn wait I wrote that????" lmfaoo
"Only for you, Toshi" — Shinsou:
Completely opposite from the last one, this is actually the longest thing I've ever written. (that's posted anyway, there's a few longer still in my drafts) I just feel like Shinsou doesn't get enough love but he definitely deserves it😭❤️ all my friends that read it said they really enjoyed it and I'm just really happy with how it came out after working on it for a couple weeks, and that not touching it for a few months and then coming back to it only to finish it in like 2 days lmao
"Attention" — Dabi:
Now this wouldn't be a post about my fics if I didn't include something for my absolute favorite character in the entire show🖤 this fic was very self indulgent bc I'm such a brat🤭 and I'm convinced that Dabi is the king of brat taming. Fun fact, the outfit I described is something I literally own in my closet 😂
"Secrets" — BakuDeku x reader [UNFINISHED]:
This is a multi-part series I'm co-writing with my bsf @haru-x-ren on a joint account we made. (@bunny-x-haru if you'd like to follow) it's currently still a work in progress with only a few parts released, but it is a continuation of a 2 part fic I wrote when I first started called "You're the Only Thing That Makes Sense" — Bakugo So I do recommend reading this one first before Secrets for context and background info. I feel like you can really see my growth in writing from then to now, cuz that was like literally the second thing I ever posted lol. And Haru was literally my biggest fan bc he's the one that got me into writing fanfic<3 so after he read it, he had this absolutely BRILLIANT idea (spoiler) to take the scene I wrote where bakugo and deku were caught fighting after school hours (similar to that scene from season....2? When Bakugo learned about OFA) and turn it into a BakuDeku love triangle and I was honestly obsessed with the idea
And lastly
"For Your Eyes Only" — Dabi:
Another one for my fav<3 this one was for his birthday and is very nasty🤭 also with a little bit of fluff at the end bc I am indeed a hopeless romantic with no romance🥲 also, the cover photo is most definitely the reaction I was imagining when he walks into the room lmao
Side Note:
I know it's been a while since I've posted any writing and I am so sorry 😭 I guess I've just been in a little bit of a funk when it comes to my creativity lately. I mean I've got plenty, and I do mean PLENTY of ideas written down, but Im having a hard time executing them and turning them into something I can post. But I promise I'll get back to posting as soon as I can and I'm really sorry to everyone who has been waiting for stuff😭 I appreciate your patience❤️
Here's 5 other writers I recommend<3
@cathwritestragediesnotsins @aquadenks @kemakoshume @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic + any other writers who'd like to make ur own posts<3
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suspendingtime · 1 year
So, last week I popped my AO3 cherry.
Anthony Week 2023:
Find my week's answers and Tumblr ramblings along the way here.
It started with me thinking, yeah this could be fun...
Hm, but I doubt I'll think of something new everyday...
By day 3 I was writing about Father Anthony the priest being tempted by a church going Kate Sharma. (I'm actually obsessed with them, and chapter 2 is in the works lmao)
Um, anyway, here's my little series list:
Astride - Mature, Post Canon, Domestic Fluff
Anthony speaks in his sleep and Kate overhears his dream debaucheries. He eventually admits the truth and tells her about the effect their first encounter had on him, and still has on him.
Nectar - General, Post Canon, Domestic Fluff
Anthony attempts to make friends with Nectar the horse, Nectar is not really having any of it at first. Hyacinth swoops in with some sound sisterly advice, and Anthony learns about how Kate got Nectar to like her so quickly.
Temptation - Mature, Modern AU, Fluff + Mild Smut
Anthony has joined the priesthood in this universe, but a new lady has started coming to his services. He's obsessed with her, and it seems she's obsessed with him too. After a session in the confession booth he finally asks her to go for a drink with him. He's celibate so he promises himself and God that he'll only look, no big deal.
Hunt - Mature, Canon Divergence, Mutual Yearning
In this twist of the canon, we spend some time with Kate and Anthony after that gun holding moment during the hunting trip. They get very into their feelings and find out that they really enjoy hearing the other one say their name. Gratuitous heavy breathing, smelling each other, wet chests etc etc.
Obedient - Teen, Post Canon, Domestic Fluff
Anthony's in the first person and tells us about his little entanglements with learning to be more obedient around Kate. Kate is very supportive and teaches him about yoga.
Nursery - Teen, Modern AU, Domestic Fluff
Kate and Anthony are being unhinged parents at Eddie and Miles' sports day. The head teacher is their no. 1 nemesis as she ostracises them away from the competitive action. Kate also has something important to tell Anthony.
Yours - Explicit, Post Canon, Domestic Smut
Simon and Daphne ruin Anthony's birthday getaway plans, he's mad as hell and horny as hell... and hungry. Thankfully Kate comes to the rescue and thinks of a way they can thoroughly enjoy his birthday dinner on their final night away.
That last one will probably get added to at some point as well, how could I not?
Thank you to kateandanthonyweek for setting up the whole thing! Until next time.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
your votes are in! part 2 survey results ✨
i asked, and y'all answered!!! 👀
as mentioned a few times before, the survey is not closed - i won't update it with new works moving forward, but i will keep an eye on it if anyone decides to run back and add votes! so please don't feel like it's too late, esp if you're new and still catching up on the porn (there is A LOT of porn. pls take your time and stay hydrated okay 😵‍💫)
but since it's been about a week, and new votes have slowed down, i thought it'd be fun to do a reveal of the top 10 results as things currently stand! sticking them below the cut - join me, won't you? 🍷
at #10, with 40 votes, we have... moving day! i was honestly surprised to see this one crack the top 10, but i should know better than to underestimate the yoongi hoes at this point. y'all love your delusional long-haired boyfie content, and who am i to deny you that??
at #9 (my lucky number 👀), with 42 votes, we have... it's sweet! shocked to see a fluff fic crack the top 10 honestly, but let's be real, the taehyung hoes are THIRSTY (anyone who follows jai already knows this 😂) - i promise i'll write more for y'all soon, and that the next one will actually feature smut!!!
at #8, with 43 votes, we have... park and ride! (and technically also its sequel, five minutes!) y'all really said give us a part three mother 😭 and jokes on you because i have an idea for a part three *and* a part four for these two. you'll never be free of them lmao!!
at #7, with 45 votes, we have... the spins! i'm happy to see this one here!! i love this couple and i've wanted to do a sequel for them for AGES, though i swear my idea for what i actually want to do changes every few months 😂 guess i gotta decide on one!!!
at #6, with 51 votes, we have... sunday! idk why i didn't expect this one to rank omg!! i don't feel like i write jin particularly well, and i especially thought that level of BDSM would be too much for some 🙈 but i have learned y'all are freaks who like crying during sex.... huh...... DULY NOTED 👀📝
halfway there, time for the big hitters! at #5, with 54 votes, we have... party on you! ahhhhh this one makes me happy to see 🥲 forever AMAZED and ECSTATIC that my most popular fic on this blog is a hoseok fic!!! i want to write a million billion more hobi things this year, and i will certainly see what i can do about circling back to these two cuties. at the very least there shall be more ass-eating in 2023!! 🎉🍑
at #4, with 58 votes, we have... deep end! joon hoes with TWO appearances on the board, we love to see it 👏 i loooove that y'all are down not only for period smut, but for some of the risks i took with using more flowery/poetic language in this one! i had so much fun trying something new, i'd love to revisit this couple and that writing style again!!
at #3, with 59 votes, we have... two in one! y'all. no. i'm shook. wig FLEW, wig in the STRATOSPHERE. say WHAT?!?!?! the first fic i ever posted on this blog, my most self-indulgent work (actually it might not be the Most lmfao but it's UP THERE) - i'm. NUMBER THREE?!?!??! okayokayokay 👀 i see y'all 👀 we're gonna have a verrrrry fun jihope month next month aren't we?!?! 😈
at #2, with 65 votes, we have... the shape of your body! oh man 🥺 i'm almost, like, emotional to see this one rank so high. this fic is so so personal and dear to me, and was a BIG leap for my writing in a lot of ways. the fact that the response has been so overwhelmingly positive, and that so many of y'all read all 24,000 words of that fic and said you want MORE. i can never put into words how much that means to me 🙇‍♀️ it's hard for me to think of a whole plot for a sequel - bc i wrote so damn much already 😂 but lemme see what i can do to at least cook up a drabble or two (if you have ideas, keep 'em in your back pocket for jihope month 👀)
and finally... at #1... with 70 votes... no one is surprised 😂 - it's drip! ahhhhh squirt god min yoongi. we meet again. i will never live this fic down lmfaoooo. and funny... doesn't he have a birthday coming up soon? i could've sworn... 👀💦💦💦
alright besties!!! i'd love to know your thoughts!!! any surprises? any you're happy to see?? anything that didn't make the list that you're about to get out the torches and pitchforks over??? i wanna hear it all, so drop me a comment or an ask and let me knoooow!! 🎤💜
(for me, it's babygirl missing out on the top 10 by two votes... but it's fine i'm fine... 😭)
also can i just say - look at y'all, getting ALL OF OT7 ON THE BOARD??? we fucking love to see it!!! equal opportunists on this blog! yaaaaaaas porn for everybody!!! 👏👏👏
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nuclearforest · 2 years
Hello phrend. 😎 2deep4me writer asks:
What's the fic you're most proud of?
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
15. How do you think your writing has improved over time?
Thank u for the ask!! Makes me very happy and lets me ramble abt stuff!
1, Honestly hard to say. Like, I'm proud of One Dog Night because it was the first thing I ever posted and like, really snowballed me into doing more and putting myself out there more. But on the other hand, Month to Love a Werewolf is the first multi-chapter piece I finished! And now Sirens' Guard Dog is on the way. I think those are my big three-- but as far as picking one goes?
It's really hard to say. I can't pick my favorite child lol.
13, Depends on if it is anon online or IRL.
Online? hell yeah i'm proud of being fully unhinged for my blorbo. almost at 350k in 2 years and like. ~300k of that is hans. my really sad sack awful blorbo who i love with all my little heart. stinky, stupid wolfman with a flair for the dramatic.
But IRL? I am a professional with a career you wouldn't catch me dead bringing up writing or fanfic in public. like, my folks asked me once over a holiday why I was on my laptop and what i was writing and i immediately had to bullshit that it was some stupid literary analysis to keep my skills sharp when, uh, it was really werewolf smut. very, very close to being busted but they aren't curious enough to press and i'm a fool not a coward.
THE ONLY EXCEPTION is when i am around those friends that are my enablers and don't care lmao. They think it's funny and it's on brand. Alternatively it's just one facet of the strange little gremlin they've let into their lives. I mean well--promise.
14, yeah. like, healthy or not i'm always out here comparing myself in both good ways and bad. some for learning new styles and tricks and broadening my horizons, but some for like. competitive purposes. and there's nothing to be competitive about but i've been in competitive schooling all my life and for a kid who grew up with little self confidence feeding on the praise of being "gifted" it really sticks with you. so there are many a conscious reminder that it's all for fun. that i shouldn't stress and that it's for me, even if some of that is a lie (i mean, come on--sometimes i'll write shit to brighten somebody's day but generally it's whatever catches my fancy).
but like, old habits die hard and i'm hungry for kudos and comments lmao. usually it doesn't get bad but if it does, i just bury my head in a different crafty pile of sand.
15, I HAVE A TIMELINE. we'll summarize it as exponential improvement and development tho lol.
nobody here will see the shit i wrote in middle school. we're talking paper journal self insert fic that i wrote chapters and chapters of (granted these were like, 100-ish words a chapter). talk about humble beginnings.
move to highschool and i have some fanfic and also a bit of OC work that I share in my school's creative writing club (bruh I STILL wasn't sharing fanfic).
in college I didn't write much. too busy under an engineering course load but i have a few things here and there. mostly fun little snippets of fluff to keep myself occupied.
but that said, now that i'm working and trying to live my best life, i've definitely gotten better in coherent plotlines, length, and fleshing out the details. i still have all the old stuff (even the paper journals, somewhere) and a decade+ later it's meteoric improvement lol. when i wrote One Dog Night that was the longest single story I'd written by a mile. and now i'm on a long chapter work i've updated weekly since i started it following an outline. i'm boggling my own mind.
but that said: i've always been creative and colorful, have not always been able to actually finish a story. funny enough, i've also never had a formal, regular beta and something tells me that won't change soon. (altho sometimes I do ask for a second set of eyes-- so thanks to y'all that have done it for me!)
can't wait to see how i keep growing!
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laurelsalexis · 6 years
I LOVE your drabbles omg theyre so good!!! I would like to request number 38/falice pleaseee
send me a pairing and a number and i’ll write you a drabble
#38. “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” | read on ao3
Alice stares down at the pregnancy test. The whole line of them since she took as can’t possibly be pregnant. No. It’s not part of the plan. She can’t be some statistic, some pregnant trailer trash whore from the Southside. She can’t. Not when she’s finally with Hal and not when things are finally starting to look up for her now that senior year has rolled around.
It’s not fair.
It’s also not Hal’s.
Alice slides to the floor with the pregnancy test in her hand and cries. It’s soft so her dad doesn’t come and find her. She is not telling him she’s pregnant until she absolutely has to. She doesn’t want to tell F.P. either. It’s all a mess. 
All she wants to do is find a better future for herself. She needs to go to college and get a career, a real one. She can’t be stuck in Riverdale until she grows old. She needs more, she’s worth more. 
She and Hal slept together for the first time last week and she’s been on and off sleeping with F.P. since she first starting sleeping with anyone. It’s poetic in some fucked up way. That he was her first and now her first child is his. None of this is supposed to be happening. 
It takes her an hour before she pulls herself together. She still needs to go to school. She fixes her makeup and puts on a nice outfit. As nice as she has, at least. Since starting to date Hal she’s tried to dress more like the Northside she doesn’t really belong in. The skirt is proper, not too short, and the pink of her sweater is all she needs in order to feel like she’s not a pregnant teenager as she curls her hair in the way she knows Hal likes. 
The soft pink of her lips is another something he likes, versus the red F.P. prefers. Two sides of a coin and there she is, desperately trying to shed her snake image like there isn’t a tattoo resting beneath her clothes that tells her where she really belongs.
She’ll break free no matter what she has to do.
As she walks to school, deliberately going the long way to avoid F.P., and sneaking in through the side to avoid Hal, she decides that she won’t tell anyone. If she waits long enough she can pass it off as Hal’s and no one will be any wiser. It’ll be fine. She’s going to do what is best for her and that’s that.
It’s not that simple. 
Not when she’s walking through the quad as she moves to find Hal for lunch. She can see F.P. sitting with Fred, Hermione, and Mary. He’s sitting on the table with his feet on the chair, telling some story, as some girl hangs off his arm. One of the cheerleaders that Alice can’t remember the name of. Not that she cares. She definitely doesn’t care that she’s nearly sitting on his lap with her too short skirt and looking at him like he’s some sort of God, not a Southside Serpent. Then again, she gets the appeal. 
She nearly smacks right into Penelope.
“Watch it.” Penelope nearly snarls at her, but she turns her head to see what exactly Alice is looking at. There’s a roll of her eyes as she crosses her arms across her chest. “He’s trash and you’ve moved on to better things.” 
Alice nods and does her best to not touch her stomach. There’s an instinct to and some instinct to defend F.P. In the end, she remains quiet. “And her?”
That causes Penelope to roll her eyes again and look to Alice. “She’s a slut and willing to sleep with anything that moves. F.P. is just her choice this week.” Penelope forces a smile. “But don’t worry,” she takes a step closer, a forced smile on her lips, “Hal is still interested in you no matter your sordid past. Apparently he doesn’t mind Serpent leftovers.” 
It’s not a compliment and they both know it. The way Penelope sizes her up only makes her feel more on edge and she wants to puke. On her, preferably, but that will only raise questions she is no mood to answer. “Don’t be jealous.”
“Of you?” She laughs, loud and free, yet dark all at the same time. “Never.” 
“Alice.” Hal comes over, standing next to her. “There you are.”
“Hal.” Alice smiles at him and smirks at Penelope before taking his arm and walking off. She has someone other people want and that’s enough for her to feel better than Penelope. Not that any of it makes her feel better in general, not when she feels Hal grab her hand, and she turns her head back to look at F.P. who has his arm around the girl now. 
She’s not jealous. 
Two weeks pass and she definitely knows she is pregnant. She can feel it. Luckily, she hasn’t started showing yet and her doctor’s appointment isn’t for another week. She’s nauseous and tired all of the time. All she wants to do is sleep and puke. Any time she tries to eat something she feels rotten to the core and it ends up in her toilet before she can do anything. 
She still hasn’t told Hal and has no plans to. It’s almost Homecoming and she wants to have a perfect night before she tells him that she’s pregnant. With his baby. He hasn’t figured it out yet, and if he has, then he isn’t saying anything. She’ll take it. 
The pack of saltines in her bag are the only thing she really eats unless she’s home. At school she’s careful and notes that it looks like she’s just watching her weight. Penelope made some snide comment about it but she ignored it, per usual. 
It’s not as if her weight is any concern when she’s going to bow up like a whale in the next few months. 
When school lets out for the day she walks to the bleachers by the football field. She really should go home. Hal invited her over for dinner with his parents and she gladly accepted. She needs to change into something even more proper and make sure she looks perfect.
She is not going to disappoint the Coopers. Not yet, at least. 
But she climbs up the bleachers until she’s sitting in the middle. She pulls her jacket a little tighter around her for warmth, looking down at the players on the field. It’s these moments that she really hates F.P. the most. He fits in so well despite his Serpent status. 
People care, sure, but F.P. doesn’t. It doesn’t matter to him. He lets people talk about it and he lets the girl fawn over him because he’s the bad boy. But from the moment she stepped foot in that school with her connection to the Southside and F.P. it’s been nothing but trouble for her.
Even pulling away from them hasn’t changed what so many think about her. 
Her hand goes to her stomach then. Only because no one is around to see her and she has an excuse ready if someone is to see her. She has half a mind to tell him but knows it’ll make things all too complicated for everyone.
She’s not heartless. She is just doing things so everyone can move on the way they are supposed to.
F.P. gets tackled by one of the other guys and she winces by how hard he hits the ground. He bounces back instantly and he’s fine. They continue with practice and she doesn’t even think about moving.
Instead she thinks about their baby growing inside of her and how they’ll never have that life together. Two kids from the Southside don’t make for anything real. He doesn’t even speak to his parents and she’s not ready to be stuck there for life. It’s a dark and twisted world down there and if the Serpents even caught world of this and everything else…she’ll never get out. 
It breaks her heart even if she knows it’s right. 
She thinks if she stops to speak with him then she’ll end up telling him, so she collects her stuff. She’s a bit dizzy as she stands and walks slowly down the steps, doing her best not to fall. That’s the last thing she needs. Only the wave of nausea becomes too much and she stops when she reaches the small platform, hands on the railing, standing there and breathing. 
Practice ends by then and she’s trying her best to not bring attention to herself. Of course, it’s not that simple when she makes eye contact with F.P. Ignoring how terrible she feels she walks down the ramp and onto the tar, before trying to make her way out of the field and literally anywhere in which he won’t find her. 
“Alice.” F.P. calls out for her.
She lets out a breath as she thinks about walking and sitting, getting something proper to eat. Not talking to F.P. so she ignores him. As best as she can, until it’s too much and that ends up being the last thing she remembers. 
Her eyes open softly and she can see the dreaded light in the ceiling the dreaded tile she spends so much time staring at while she’s not listening to her history teacher who wouldn’t know anything if it bit him in the ass. The smell doesn’t help anything and she truly wants to puke, again 
There’s a soft groan as she sits up, slightly, resting herself on her arms. It’s easy to see F.P. sitting there in one of the chairs. He’s still in his football uniform and is watching her carefully. 
“Oh, fuck.” She whispers more to herself than to him. None of this is going to plan. The only good thing is that they are in the nurse’s office in the school and not the hospital. Not as if they are going to randomly test her and pop in to tell her what she already knows. 
“You’re awake.” F.P. says as he sits up a little in the chair, leaning forward.
“Yeah.” She swallows and sits up completely, swinging her legs around the side, smoothing out the fabric of her skirt. She refuses to look at him until she thinks that makes her more suspicious. Instead she looks up at him, but doesn’t smile. Rather puts on her hardest face she can manage and turns into something that she hasn’t always been with him. “What happened?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms.” F.P. smirks then, unable to help himself, scooting himself a little closer to her. “You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
Alice scoffs and rolls her eyes at him. “Keep dreaming, Forsythe.” 
“I didn’t dream you at football practice.” 
“I was,” she’s not fast enough in thought, hating herself for it, “doing some…work.” 
“Shut up.” She isn’t as harsh as she normally is ever since they officially called it off for good. “Maybe I was writing something for the Blue & Gold.”
“Yeah, okay.” F.P. doesn’t believe it for a second. “You haven’t had a nice thing to say about me since you decided Cooper was more your taste.”
“Did you tell him?”
“Nope.” He lets the latter half of the word pop before he leaning against the chair. “Didn’t plan on leaving you.”
Maybe anyone else would think that’s sweet, but it only manages to hurt more. She knows she can’t tell him, if she had any doubts before, knowing that he would not leave her alone if he knew she was having his baby. He would want to make a family and to be there for her every step of the way. “You can go.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” Alice asks without missing a beat. “I just didn’t eat enough today.” 
F.P. looks at her like he doesn’t believe her for one damn second. “You’re hot, Alice. Don’t let those Northside bitches make you think otherwise.” Is all he says as he stands. 
“F.P.” She whispers, clasping her hands in her lap. There’s so much she wants to say. So much she doesn’t say. It’s a secret she has to take to the grave and no matter how she feels about him she can’t let something as silly as her heart determine her future. “Could you get Hal?”
“Yeah, I’ll go get Hal.” 
Alice doesn’t miss the hurt in his face and she feels bad, she does. The hormones make her feel even worse about everything and she half wishes she could just run away. Not just from everyone but those problems of hers, too. “Are you going to Homecoming?” 
“Yeah.” F.P. turns around, leaning against the frame of the door, popping that gum of his. “Fred and I are gonna play. Thinking about asking Carol.”
“Carol.” Alice speaks out her name a little too loudly. “That’s her name.”
F.P. arches his eyebrow at her. 
“I saw you two, together, at lunch. I always see you two together. She’s always on your arm.” 
F.P. smiles at that, a little too much. “Jealous, are we?”
“No.” The answer is too quick. “Just wondering how bad of taste she has.”
“No worse than you. She didn’t pick the most boring guy in the whole town to shack up with.”
“He’s not boring.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“You’re just into her because she has nice tits.” Alice dares him to say otherwise through look alone.
“And?” He asks, waiting for her answer. The one that doesn’t come. “You left me.”
“I know.” 
“I’m not mad, I get it.” He tells her, softly. he looks like he wants to move closer, but he doesn’t. “Just promise me you’ll eat something, okay?”
Alice nods. “I promise.” 
She doesn’t thank him. She should but he doesn’t. Instead she lets him leave as she sits there and waits for Hal. Her boyfriend. The man who will be father to the baby growing inside of her, even if it does belong to F.P. 
It’s better for everyone. 
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cardansriddle · 2 years
u wanted a creative request so here it is:
how about the reader is a shifter and her and tom are already in an established relationship but she has to go back? like go back permanently knowing she would never see him again?
craving fluff and angst rn lmao
Ghost of him - Tom Riddle
warnings: heartbreak. a shit ton of it.
A/N: This was the most heartwrenching thing to write. I wrote it in 1st person to make it feel more...personal. I apologise in advance.
Tumblr media
"I do not want to leave. Not yet. Not ever." I whispered my confession dejectedly as I lay my head against Tom's steadily beating heart. Tom's hands tightened around me at the sound of my wavering voice. I closed my eyes tightly, refusing to let any tears come out. He cradled me, tucked me into his warmth in ways reality could never do. 
With his chin atop of my head, he whispered back, "Why not?"
"Because..." I tried to find appropriate words to explain, but my throat tightened and no reasoning seemed good enough, so I settled on the simplest explanation. "Because you are not there," I revealed. "You are not there and I am alone. I am so scared, Tom." I admitted painfully, my words coming out as a choked, broken whisper. I lifted my head to look up at him, taking in his heavily knitted brows and the small frown on his lips as he peered down at me with concern etched on his face.
Looking at him, knowing it would not last, the tears finally flowed. They came without warning, staining my cheeks with their trails and I did not attempt to wipe them away. Tom had to look away from the sight, and I knew—I knew it was killing him inside. Knowing I would leave and never come back.
When he turned to look at me again, his eyes were glistening with unshed tears. A sight I had never seen in the entirety of the time I had known and shared with him.
"Hey," He wiped away the tears with his thumb, stroking the skin of my cheek gently. "You are wrong." He stated confidently, smiling at me mournfully as I gazed at him with confusion. "I am always with you. I will always be with you. In here." He placed his hand on top of my heart, undoubtedly feeling its erratic pace as it kept thundering against my ribcage.
"I don't think I want to do this without you," I confessed once again, feeling like I was tearing my heart open for him to see every part of it. Every thread and flaw it contained.
His lips lowered to lay a kiss on the crown of my head. "I have taught you to be strong, darling." He assured me. "I'll be in here—" he tapped on my heart, "—always." He added the last word, saying it like a promise. Like a prayer.
His gentle, mournful smile turned bitter as he uttered his next words. "And one day, you will learn to move on. You will forget about my existence, about this world. It will seem like nothing but a mere dream." He sighed, and I was aware of just how much he hated the idea. The idea where I did not belong with him, where I found happiness elsewhere.
"No." I shook my head. "Please, Tom. No." I cried.
His finger went under my chin to lift my face so he could bring his lips to mine. He closed his eyes as if he were letting my kiss entwine with his soul. The kiss felt like everything a goodbye should feel.
"This is your story, and I was just a chapter in it." He whispered against my lips.
"I can't." My voice cracked.
"If not you then, who?" He questioned, gently grazing my cheekbone with his thumb. "You are the girl who travelled into a different universe. You can do anything you wish."
I stared at him, eyes flickering all over his face to memorise every single detail. I looked at his dark brown eyes that had the entire universe reflected in them, his hair that always felt so delicately soft in between my fingers, his—
"Time for you to wake up."
No. I was not done yet. I had to memorise. I needed more time. I needed to kiss him.
"I love you." He said those three words that I had longed to hear for the longest time. And he chose to say them during our final moment. I despised him, but I loved him more.
"No! No, please..."
My eyes flared open to meet the walls of my room.
The warmth of his embrace was no longer there, only the ghost of his memory.
the end
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tartagliad · 3 years
i loveee your writing sm omg <333 i was wondering if u could write about the boys taking care of u during ur period? thank you!!
thank you for the request anon and this is also one of my friend's request^^, i hope y'all enjoyed it.. idk if its genshin impact or tears of themis.. so im gonna go with tears of themis, please do inform me if im wrong.. thank you :D
Time of The Month
Summary: How they would take care of you during the time of the month
Fandom: Tears of Themis
Characters: Artem, Vyn, Luke, and Marius
F reader!
Genre: Fluff & short bulleted headcannon
Warnings: Hurt, period..
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Is probably confused since you're his first girlfriend
He knows that girls have a period cycle but doesn't know how treat you during the time
Artem probably hears what you want at first like some tea or some heat packs
He'll cook some of your favorite foods to comfort you
When you get all clingy and always wants cuddles, he oblige.. though at first he's always blushy when you're like that >_<
Artem maybe give you some day of from work if it really pains you
Scoops you in his arms when you can't walk or just wanted to pick you up like a baby
Not related but he enjoys braiding your hair when both of you are in bed.. and sometimes it kinda soothes your headache
Nowadays since he knows what to do, he'll only get you things that you actually need not want
So expect that there's not many sweets and cold drinks
I know it sounds not fun, but trust me, after your period is done, he'll bring you out to for deserts
Artem just wanted to make sure you're alright okay..
"I'm sorry dear, you can't have that many sweets for now.. I can give you only once in a while, I promise I'll buy you some after this.."
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Different from Artem, this guy knows what he's have to do
Though Vyn is a psychiatrist, he also learn a bit of medical health.. so expect some great treatment from him lmao
I'm serious, he's already prepare everything and even knows when your period is coming
So you don't need to worry about anything
He probably gives you some massages to help you relax a little
Vyn sometimes will made you your favorite desserts but he also looks at how much sugar you have consumed in a day
Either give you some cakes or just tea, none in between
A great cuddler. No joke, he'll make you feel warm and sleepy in an instant
Always help you walk to the bathroom or if you cant walk, he'll carry you there
Vyn doesn't let you do much work.. if he can work on it.. he'll help
Sometimes he'll take you to the garden so you can have some fresh air
So yeah.. here's your doctor :v
"How are you feeling? Tell me where does it hurts so I can sooth it.."
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Expect a great treatment from him
What do you expect.. he's your childhood best friend, of course he knows what he's doing
Probably babies you or wont leave you alone for that long..
Always asks you if you're comfortable every once in a while
Luke will discard most of his work just to take care of you.. or when you're asleep, he'll work on the bed with you.. trying his best not to wake you up
Cooks your favorite food and maybe made some sweets for you
He doesn't really restrict you from eating this or that.. he just wanted to do something that makes you happy
Luke will 100% prepares a bath for you
A nice warm bath with candles and some bubbles of soap.. *chefs kiss
Will also cuddle you and puts you in his clothes, he's a walking heatpad
So yeah.. he'll try his best to make you feel better and happy
"Do you want something sugar? I have some cookies for you, I'll get you some"
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Spoils you A LOT
Buys anything you want actually
Since Marius is always busy with school and work, he'll buy you a teddy bear to keep you company ._.
Before leaving, he'll make sure that everything you needed are close to you
He'll sprint as fast as possible after he finishes with everything
Once he's home, he'll make some food for the two of you
Not that fancy since he only knows how to cook basic things, but he sometimes learn when he has time
He once cook one of your mom's recipe actually.. and it tastes good
Expect him to crack some jokes.. yes.. he does this to distract you from the pain
Or he teaches you simple drawings to help you relax a little
And last thing is CUDDLES no, teasing.. Marius likes to tease you ESPECIALLY, when you're all clingy ._. sorry, i feel like this is the thing that he'll do often.. but he also find it really cute..
"Onee-san.. do you want more cuddles from me~? give me a kiss first then I'll cuddle you, fair right~?"
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mizunetzu · 4 years
haha it's me again! could i get iida dating a delinquent male reader? (stuff like he smokes and breaks rules) like iidas trying to get the reader to follow the rules and he's like "i'll do that if you go on a date with me" so he does and the readers actually a really chill guy and they have a fun time, some fluff please?
IIDA DUDE MY GOD. MY RELIGION. MY SAVIOR. ok. Okok so. You said fluff and I delivered. But like-I mayyyyybe sprinkled in some angst. No worries. Fluff ending guaranteed. Also you know I enjoyed writing something when I broke my 1000 words rule. Like sheesh this is 3000 pLUS WORDS-
Also if iidareaders reblogs I’ll eat my shirt in joy
Iida x reader - Selfish Promise
⚠️warnings - delinquent reader? Selfish-y Iida? Idk. None lmao
Pronouns - male, he/him
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(Y/n) wasn’t going to lie. Iida really got on his nerves. He’s always up his ass about sagging his pants down low, or running in the hallways. It’s not like it was his business. He was in class 1-B, for god sakes.
Everyone in 1-A knew him as that “1-B boy” who always liked fucking with Iida. And he did, it was fun to see him get all pissy and red when he unbuttoned his dress shirt to the point you could easily flash him if you tugged hard enough. Iida was pretty, but even more pretty when he’s flustered. He wasn’t going to deny the fluttery feeling in his chest when he sees an opportunity to interact with Iida.
Which is how (y/n) found himself smoking outside the UA dorms, sitting outside on the steps and staring up at the sky. He didn’t smoke much, only when he really needed to destress, but something felt compelling to just pull one out today.
He already heard the engine boosted footsteps hurling his way, a smile growing on his lips. Once the blue haired boy was in sight however, he wiped it off and replaced it with a neutral expression.
“You shouldn’t be smoking on school property, (L/n)-kun!”
“Mm? And you shouldn’t be on 1-Bs dorms. Wait til Vlad or Monoma finds out.”
Iida stumbled back, biting back the scowl forming on his face. He took the cigarette out from (y/n’s) fingers, and stomped on it. (Y/n) clicked his tongue as Iida hiked his glasses up his nose further.
“Stop acting like such a ruffian!”
“Then go on a date with me.”
Iida choked on his own spit. He knew that (y/n) joked around a lot, but this was just excessive.
“(L-L/n), you shouldn’t joke about such intimate matters like that with someone you barely kn-“
“I’m not joking.” (Y/n) stood up from his step, and stood infront of the taller boy. “I’m dead serious.”
Iida opened his mouth, then closed it. “(L/n) it is highly inappropriate for two students, let alone boys, to go on a romantic outing! This is a place for learning!”
“How bout we make a promise then? A deal if you must.” (Y/n) seemed completely calm, but inside he was sweating like a clam. He had said it on impulse, and there was no going back. Either sell it till he declines or hell, he has a date.
“If you be my boyfriend and go out with me for one full day, I’ll stop acting like a ‘ruffian’ or something. I’ll follow the rules and whatnot.”
“B-boyf...” Iidas words got caught in his mouth. “W-WHY?”
“I’m not going to try anything...! It’s..it’s just for my own...reasons...! If...that makes sense...”
Iida ran a hand through his hair. Did (L/n), a delinquent, like-like him? A proper former man from the Iida family? He wasn’t romantically attracted to the shorter boy at all, but this was a good chance! He could finally be set on the right path if he agreed to be his significant other for one day! Easy enough!
Iida pushed up his glasses once more. “Fine. I will do it. But afterwards you better keep your end of the bargain.”
(Y/n) held the tiniest smile and extended his pinky. Iida looked at him confused, before hesitantly interlocking their fingers and shaking it.
“Gimme your number. I’ll text you the info later.” They exchanged phone numbers, and Iida bid him goodbye.
(Y/n) felt like he was on top of the world.
“Oi Iida! Over here!” (Y/n) waved his arms around frantically, trying to get the boys attention. Iida spotted him, and made a beeline towards him. He gave a smile and bowed slightly.
“Good morning, (L/n)-kun.”
“Morning! Haha, I’m glad you came! I didn’t think you’d actually show...and you’re on time aswell! As expected of uptight iida.”
(Y/n) was in a pink, slightly oversized hoodie and black sweatpants. Iida was expecting him to be in full black, ripped clothing with skulls on it. He wasn’t expecting him to look so...soft? If you looked at him, you wouldn’t think he was the same person smoking on the steps of a prestigious school.
“Oh well, what time did you get here?”
“An hour ago.”
Iida deadpanned. Even he wasn’t that extra. “Why...”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck shyly and chuckled. “I was so happy I couldn’t wait, ahaha!”
(Y/n’s) probably smiled more times today then the whole time he’s been enrolled into UA. It was an odd sight, but Iida felt a sort of proudness that he was probably the only one who got to see this side of him. He glanced at his face one more time, this time, looking at his red eyes and cheeks.
“...are your eyes swollen..?”
“Oh I...I couldn’t sleep...”
(Y/n) awkwardly chuckled for the 100th time that morning. Iida was about to go on a tangent about how sleep is important to you, but (y/n) suddenly grabbed his wrist, and pulled him forwards. He was practically dragging the poor boy.
“Is there anything specific you wanna do, Iida?” (Y/n) mused, looking around the plaza.
Iida shrugged.
“No, not really. Today’s more of your day, so I’m fine with anything.”
A bright red painted itself onto (y/n’s) cheeks, as he turned back around to hide it. It was usually iida getting all red and flustered, (y/n) wasn’t used to it. Still, it felt kinda nice.
“Awesome dude!”
(Y/n) went on rambling about places they could go to or eat at, but Iidas ears drowned out the noice as he looked at his smiling face. He didn’t know someone so...rude, could look so sweet. (Y/n) tugged at Iidas shoulder.
“...though I suppose, we could just go to a field and train, right?”
(Y/n) got back up to his feet for the 5th time, and charged at Iida. He knew he couldn’t beat him with speed, so he’d have to rely on his quirk as much as he could. They were sparring in a little patch of grass near a small clearing, with a big tree providing the two boys shade. Iida swerved out of the way, making the smaller boy tumble onto the ground face first.
“Ah! (Y/n)! Are you okay?”
Iida rushed to the boys side and tangled his fingers in his hair. “It’s a little swollen but it’s not bleedi...(L/n)-kun...?”
(Y/n) hid his blush with the back of his hands and tensed up. “You..called me...(y/n)...dude..”
It was Iidas turn to tense up. His glasses fogged up as he swung his arms around madly. “IM TERRIBLY SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I SWEAR! IJUSTGOTWORRIEDANDSAIDITONACCIDEN-“
“Dude it’s fine! I-I dont mind..!” (Y/n) jabbed him lightly on the chest.
“L-let me treat you to some food! As apology for your head I mean!” Iida stood up, pulling (y/n) to his feet aswell.
(Y/n) was rambling on nervously again, with chopsticks resting nimbly between his fingers. Iida couldn’t help but gaze at his face. His eyes were softer than he expected, softer than the mockingly hardened eyes he pointed like a sword towards people at UA. His gentle clad smile could raise the heavens, with one crinkle near his left eye and a dimple dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. He had unusually long eyelashes for a guy, but it made him look even more pretty for a bad boy.
“Why are you a delinquent at school when you’re such a sweet and funny person?” The words dripped out of Iidas mouth unconsciously, quickly covering his mouth too late.
(Y/n) flushed bright red, squeezing his chopsticks a little too tightly. “W-well...I don’t know. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. People just think I am because i don’t like socializing with everyone I meet? Like-id rather hang out with someone I know and like than go out of my my way to befriend all of class B, y’know? Does that make sense? Ahaha sorry I’m rambling again. I don’t get to talk much with my few friends. And they’ve pretty much heard everything I have to say so it’s refreshingtotalktoa-“
Iida cut him off before he talked his tongue off. “If you don’t talk to people you don’t know well, then why are you talking to me so openly?”
“Because I like you.”
(Y/n) said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He wasn’t tripping over his words, or laughing nervously. He looked at Iida and said it like saying “the sky is blue” with so much certainty, it made a knot tighten in iidas throat.
Iidas question was, why though? Why did his heart thump along the buttery smooth rhythm of (y/n’s) voice? Why did his head reel every time he saw (y/n’s) eyes light up talking about something he found interesting? Why was he at such a loss for words when his gaze fell on him so attentively?
Iida cleared his throat. Maybe he was just excited to have a new friend. He didn’t see him in a romantic light! How could he? He’s just worked up on the fact that this hardass delinquent boy wasn’t who he thought he was.
“Shall we go, then?”
The date went by like a dream. Technically it wasn’t over yet, as the promise was for a full “day”, but window shopping and dicking around while Iida chops aggressively really tires you out. They both ended the day by sparring at the same clearing, before taking refuge on a bus stop bench. The sun was completely gone. Leaving behind the pasty purple and blue sky, washing over and killing the clouds.
“Ahhh, time flies by so fast! Damn, well, the days still not yet over soooo.”
“Yes, yes I know.” Iida chuckled. He thought he was going to have to bear through this day, but it was actually quite splendid. He definitely feels like he’s made a new friend.
“Well, is there anything you wish to do before the day is over?”
“Yeah um, so,” (y/n) cast his eyes down, fiddling with his fingers. “C-can we hold hands..?”
Iida wordlessly set his hand on top of (y/n’s) smaller one, waiting as he interlocked their fingers together. His hand was warm, way warmer than (y/n) was expected. He didn’t know, Iida seemed like a cold hands guy.
They sat quietly under the ambient streetlight, occasionally rubbing a thumb over the others hand, feeling it’s warmth and staring off into the distance. Iida didn’t notice his eyes drooping lower and lower until they were finally closed.
Iida let his thoughts roam. It was something he did when he was going to bed, or simply just resting his eyes for a bit. He thought of his family, what he would do for class on Monday, and finally, (y/n). It was the most prominent thing on his mind, and not because he was unconsciously resting his head on his shoulder, softly but firmly gripping the warm hand underneath his own.
The idea of (y/n) so soft and vulnerable in front of anyone else didn’t sit right with him. He wanted that sweet, kind side all to himself. It was selfish, and even wrong if he thought about it. (Y/n) was so sweet and respectable during this “date” of theirs. Perfect manners for when inside the classroom. If anything, he should be more than glad to have the world share this side of him.
So why was he feeling this way?
He felt a shoulder nudge from under his head, before a hand started vigorously poking at his cheek. He initially ignored it, but once he registered the current situation he jerked up and
“Iida. Iida wake up. It’s 11:40. We should be heading back before midnight. A-at least I want to so we can um...we can still technically legally hold hands by promise-“
Iida rubbed at his eyes in embarrassment. “My sincerest apologies for falling asleep! It was not my intention-“
”oh no it’s all good! I-I kinda fell asleep too. It’s been like...2 hours.”
Iida checked his watch. (Y/n) was right. 11:45 pm. He knocked his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and stood up. He extended a hand to (y/n) who tiredly accepted it and pulled himself off the bench.
They spedwalked towards the train station to catch a train back to UA, when (y/n) tugged on his sleeve, halting temporarily.
Iida turned around with a hum. (Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, but held on to the sleeve of Iidas jacket like a lifeline.
“Today...is almost over.”
“Yes, um, it’s about 11:57 so we should hurry back-“
“Before the day officially ends,...can you kiss me?”
Iida focused on (y/n’s) downcast face. It wasn’t an expression of nervousness or any sort of flustered emotion. Instead it held a look of unreadable shame.
“If you do, then I would have no regrets. My feelings for you will also end here. I’ll try my best to end it. My feelings grow stronger for you everyday when we bicker or when I simply just see you, so I want to end this with a grand fina-“
“I refuse.”
(Y/n) looked up. Iida glasses glared white, preventing him from seeing his cerulean eyes. But he got his answer from the frown Iida was sporting on his face. Even he could agree, it was a silly request, but he couldn’t help by feeling just a tad bit hurt by how quickly he was shut down.
“I understand.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes, flushing with embarrassment. He scanned the area for something other than Iida to look at, before his eyes landed on the parks clock.
12 am.
The date was officially over.
(Y/n) was quick to let go of the sleeve he’d been clutching for a while now. “A-ah! The day has ended. The dates over.”
He stepped back and ducked his head into a 90 degree bow. “Thank you so so much for coming with me today.”
“I’m really happy.”
His expression betrayed his words. If there was one word to describe it, Iida would say it looked dead. Hollow, even. It looked hollow, like the sinking feeling harboring itself in his chest. He knocked against his ribcage multiple times to shake the achy feeling in his chest, but it never went away.
“Well, let’s head back now. It’s late.”
(Y/n) silently walked past Iida. It wasn’t until seeing his watery face drenched in silent hot tears walk by that Iida realized,
He was in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
He was in love with the sweet delinquent boy who smokes and sits on desks, but also has the most hypnotizing laugh. He was in love with the boy who wore saggy pants to school, but also wore an oversized pink hoodie that made Iida reluctantly imagine him wearing one of his own jackets. Oh, how cute he would look.
He was hopelessly, graciously, entirely in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
Iida ran up to (y/n), who had walked past him and kept going with the assumption that he was behind him. His breath crystallized in the form of fog when he ran, faster than he ever did without using his engines. There wasn’t enough time to hike the fabric of his pants up, and he’d rather not burn them to a crisp with the steam from his engine.
He wasn’t sure if he heard him. He was still a great length away.
He was closer now. Close enough for him to hear. He was either lost in his thoughts or outright ignoring him.
The boy whipped his head around so fast, his tears flung into the cold air and landed beside him on the ground. Iida didn’t think far ahead as to brace for landing, choosing instead to glomp (y/n) into a soul crushing hug. Though, it was more of a tackle with the the way they both tumbled over and hit the ground with a thud.
(Y/n) was able to soften the blow with his quirk, but the impact of Iida landing on his chest still knocked the wind out of him. He was waiting for Iida to start swinging his hands and start apologizing profusely, but instead got pulled up to his knees and encased in a more gentle hug.
He was buried in the crook of Iida neck, who in return nuzzled himself into (y/n’s) hair. They stood, or rather kneeled, in a stiff silence, rocking back and forth ever so gently.
“Wah! Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong, you had the full right to deny my request-“
“No, not for that.” Iida untangled himself from the warmth of (y/n’s) body to look at him seriously. “I’m sorry for breaking our promise. Our deal.”
(Y/n) wiped his stray tears away, all bitterness turning itself into lighthearted confusion. “But you didnt-“
(Y/n’s) words fizzled out in his throat when a pair of lips shut him up. His eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his arms shakily around Iidas neck, drawing him closer than he already his. After what seemed like forever, Iida suddenly jumped back with fogged up glasses and heavy blush on his face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! Forgive me!”
“You know, all you’ve done was apologize all day. Is this what you normally do in class?”
“NO!” Iida fell back on his ass, a yelp escaping from his throat. (Y/n) chuckled ironically, pushing himself up to his feet and extending a hand towards the blue haired boy.
“I still don’t see how you broke our deal.”
Iida dusted himself off and adjusted his glasses. “Well-listen I-“ For once in his life, he was at a loss for words.
“I...want to e-extent it. O-Our date, I mean.”
Iida stood rigid as a board as (y/n) blinked.
“Wait-so like, you’ll go out with me tomorrow?”
“And the day after that.”
“Yes I suppose so.”
“A-and how bout a week from now-“
Iida grabbed (y/n’s) shoulders and shook him roughly. And by rough, I mean rough. This boy has enough beef to throw (y/n) into the sun.
Iida has never considered himself selfish. He wasn’t the type to want something all to himself. If his friends wanted to be friends with someone he disapproved of, so be it. If he bought food but a fellow classmate was starving, he’d be eating only half as his classmate would be happily munching on their portion. If it was reasonable, he’d be willing to give up anything. It was the right thing to do.
Surely all of those good deeds would permit him to be selfish just this once. He’d never known the feeling of wanting something so bad to the point you felt like you were boiling. Of wanting no one else to have someone look at them the same way they looked at him. And how utterly satisfying it felt to have someone to claim as your own. Just this once couldn’t hurt anyone.
And by god, the impossibly wide smile (y/n) held was one thousand percent worth it.
“Halt! No running in the hallways, (L/n)-Kun!”
(Y/n) slowed down to a stop and sighed. “Dude, get off my dick.”
“Still pestering (L/n) huh? As expected of Iida!” Mina and Uraraka giggled, as they both disappeared inside the 1-A classroom. The hallway was empty now, making both Iida and (y/n) relax. (Y/n’s) pissed off expression softened, a smile now growing on his face. Iida swears it’s like talking to two different people. It’s kind of scary.
“Good morning, Tenya-Chan~”
“Uh-uh. Don’t ‘Tenya-Chan’ me. You know the rules. You owe me a kiss for breaking a rule. Gimme.”
Iida made grabby hands at (y/n), puckering his lips jokingly. God, he didn’t want to admit it but (y/n’s) sense of humor was rubbing off on him.
(Y/n) snorted at his boyfriends antics, pressing a gentle kiss onto his mouth. “Well-I gotta go, bye bye, Tenya! See you later. Call me, you sexy lamppost.”
(Y/n) timpered off to his classroom, his bad boy attitude returning once he stepped inside. Iida stood there, in utter confusion, before turning around and walking inside his own class.
“Ne ne, Iida, I’ve noticed you’re kinda like...less strict with that 1-B baddie. What’s up?”
Mina followed behind Iida with a curious, shit eating smile on her face.
“Ah. We...became good friends. He’s not as bad as I thought, I suppose.”
Mina looked at Iida unconvinced.
“You know, I saw you and bad boy kissing out there. My god. Iida. You gay liar.”
Iida, along with probably everyone else in class 1-A, collectively choked on air.
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