#tom riddle heartbreak
You Betrayed Me
Tom Riddle II X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 1832
Warnings: Mild Language, Violence, Death, Angst, Sad, Heartbreaking/Happy ending, Baby, etc.
Prompt: After graduating from Hogwarts, Tom begins to go down a dark and angry path. His love for you is questionable, however your main focus is your shared son, Mattheo...
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“How is our future dark lord?” Tom asks, stepping into Mattheo’s nursery.
Things have been rocky between the two of us since we graduated from Hogwarts. He was unhappy with his current job and now was on an angry, dark path. I was fine with letting him do his own thing, however I draw the line when it comes to my son.
“Stop calling him that, Tom. He is a baby and even when he is older, he won’t be apart of this.” I say seriously as I continue to rock Mattheo.
“He is my heir, Y/N. He will be a dark lord.” He says seriously.
“What has happened to you? You use to be the man I loved, but now your just a shell of the man I once knew.” I say in disbelief.
“I’m the same man you married.Your just being overdramatic.” He says, rolling his eyes.
“Just go.” I snap.
“Do not talk to me that way.” He yells, pulling his wand out and pointing at me.
Mattheo instantly starts to wail, however I couldn’t take my eyes away from Tom. His eyes that once shone with love and adoration for me, now held hate and a coldness to them. 
“You would actually kill me.” I say, still in shock.
“I am the dark lord! I will not tolerate your disrespect! You are with me or you are against me!” He shouts.
I look down at the son we share who was screaming louder. I gently shush him, rocking him slightly. This boy needed me. Tom wouldn’t give him the love and care he needed in this world. Tom would do what was necessary to keep him alive while forcing him to do whatever he pleases. 
“I will stand by you, but I do not want to be your wife no more.” I say, turning to place Mattheo in his crib.
He was calm now, looking around curiously. He didn’t look as happy as he did before Tom came into the room. I frown, gently caressing his cheek before I lift him enough to place a kiss on his head.
“Look at me.” Tom seethes.
“I love you, Mattheo. So much. Mommy is always going to be here for you, sweet boy. Get some sleep.” I murmur, gently caressing his cheek before I turn to Tom.
“You have betrayed me. Even my own wife can’t stand by me.” He says, tears welling in his eyes as he grips his wand tighter.
My own eyes water as I know what is going to happen before it happens. I didn’t even have a way to defend myself. My wand was put away in my room. 
“Tom, you don’t have to do this. Mattheo needs his mother. Please.” I plead.
“Avada Kedavra!” He shouts.
It all happened so fast, the green light filling the room. I stood and looked down at the floor where my body lied before looking at Tom. He was staring down at my body before collapsing to the floor as he sobs. He crawls towards my body, cupping my cheek.
“Wake up…wake up, Y/N! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I lost my temper! I’m sorry!” He cries. 
Mattheo starts to wail and I look over to see him standing in his crib, grasping the bars as he stared at me…not my body, me.
“Oh sweet boy. It’s okay. Mommy will always be here, watching and protecting you. Don’t you ever forget that mommy loves you.” I murmur as I step forward and stroke his cheek.
He quiets, looking up at me as he giggles and reaches up.
“Mattheo, what are you doing?” Tom mutters, standing at the end of the crib.
“Mama!” Mattheo cries again as he reaches up.
Tom looks at where I’m standing now, looking confused and lost before looking at Mattheo who was still looking up at me. I push a curl out of his eyes, smiling softly at him.
“Y/N…” Tom mumbles. 
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“Mattheo! Choose a side! Just know your mother died choosing the wrong side!” Tom shouts. 
I frown, watching Mattheo. Choose his side. Choose it. 
“Mattheo! Please!” Narcissa pleads.
I smile sadly, she has protected him and raised him. I knew I could always rely on her.
“Issa…” Mattheo pleads.
“Your mother would want you to live.” She says.
“Choose a side son!” He shouts.
“I choose mom’s side!” He shouts back.
My eyes widen before I lunge forward in front of him as the spell casts. Everyone around us gasps including Tom and I knew they could see me. I looked at my hand to see it was translucent. It was like how ghosts in the stories were described.
“Mom.” Mattheo whispers. 
I turned around and saw that he was looking at me in surprise.
“My sweet boy.” I whisper, reaching out to caress his cheek.
He leans into my touch, a tear falling down his cheek. I smile softly at him.
“I miss you so much.” He says.
“I’m always with you, sweet boy. And I will always love you and care for you. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you.” I murmur. 
“Y/N?” Tom finally says.
I turn and face him, the smile falling from my face.
“You have lost your mind, Tom. I hoped and prayed that you would stop this reckless path of yours, especially after seeing the way you fell apart after you killed me. But, you’ve lost it. He is our son. I told you that I never wanted him a part of this dark and angry path you’ve paved for yourself. I wanted him to make his own choices. Even if he decided he wanted to follow in your footsteps, I never would let him.” I say.
“Mattheo, you will die just as an agonizing death as your mother.” He snaps and I see that Mattheo was trying to get closer to Narcissa that was sneaking off.
I nod at her and dive in front of Mattheo, taking her wand and pointing it at him. Narcissa’s hushed hurries to both Mattheo and her son, Draco were all I could hear. 
“Y/N, move.” He warns.
“Never.” I say.
“You chose the wrong side once, don’t tell me you're doing it again.” He says.
“I’m willing to sacrifice my life, even as a spirit.” I say, my eyes watering.
If I didn’t play my cards out right, Tom would remember some of the old legends about the spirit of a wizard. As a pureblood, magic ran through me indefinitely…even dead. It is what allows me to show myself briefly, however the killing curse triggered something to make me be able to show myself like I was now. This wasn’t brief…it wasn’t temporary…this was permanent. 
Tom seemed to be calculating what to do. He was trying to figure out how to get rid of me once and for all. I couldn’t let him do that. Mattheo has me and he is going to need me. He needs to be protected from Tom. Tom still held a place in my heart even after everything. I find myself reminiscing the love we use to both share, before it was just me.
“How are you doing this?” He asks.
“A mothers love is something no one can explain. I knew once I found out I was pregnant with Mattheo, that I’d die for him. He became my world in a heartbeat and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I say. 
“Mom!” Mattheo shouts.
I glance over to see him throwing something my way. My wand. I throw Narcissa’s back and catch mine, quickly mouthing “I love you” to Mattheo. I turn back to Tom, gripping my wand tighter.
“Expelliarmus!” We shout.
A green stream of magic shoots out of his wand as a blinding white shoots out of mine. I step forward, gripping my wand tighter as my magic starts to overpower his. 
“You are not more powerful than me, do you not forget how you died.” He seethes.
“Don’t forget you played an unfair game. My wand was in the other room. Otherwise, I’m sure you’d be the one dead.” I seethe back, my eyes watching a young boy destroy the last horcrux: Nagini.
His magic begins to overpower mine and I focus on what I’m doing this for. Mattheo’s life. I focus on the anger I had for Tom taking away my ability to raise Mattheo. I focus on the anger of Tom killing me in front of Mattheo. I focus on my pain of loving and hating Tom Riddle. 
My magic overpowers him, sending his wand flying out of his hand. I catch his wand, glaring at Tom who looks at his hand that starts to turn to ash.
“It’s over Tom.” I say.
“I’ll be back.” He says.
I step forward until I stand in front of him and I grab his face as I look down at him with a blank look.
“No, you won’t. The dark magic you’ve used and using horcruxes for yourself, has ruined your chance of ever being a spirit. You're going straight to hell, Tom.” I whisper.
“And you say you loved me.” He says.
“I don’t love this version of you. I love the Tom Riddle I was with when we attended Hogwarts. That is the Tom Riddle I am in love with.” I say, stepping back. 
I watch as the rest of him turns to ash, looking down at the wand I held. My eyebrows furrow, noticing this wasn’t his wand. This was the Elder Wand. I turn and walk towards Professor McGonagall.
“I believe this goes to you.” I say.
“You always were…have been an incredible woman, Y/N. Go be with Mattheo…and then come back and let's talk about you staying here at Hogwarts.” She says.
I smile, before stepping away and turning to see that Mattheo was already watching me. He breaks into a sprint and I smile, opening my arms up and wrapping him in a tight hug. We sway back and forth, the both of us hugging each other like it was going to be our last time.
“I didn’t realize you were this tall. It’s different when I’m standing here with you and not off to the side.” I whisper.
“Please tell me you aren’t leaving me.” He pleads quietly.
“I’ll probably be joining Moaning Myrtle and the others here at Hogwarts. At least until I move on…but I’m not going to be moving on for a long while.” I say.
“Are you unhappy you can’t move on?” He asks quietly.
“No, no of course not, sweet boy. I’m here with you and that is all I could ever want. The day I move on is the day that you join me on this side…the spirit side. However, I hope that won’t be for a really long time. I hope to see you do many great things, Mattheo.” I say, smiling softly at him.
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mrsriddles-blog · 8 months
Get Him Back | D.M
Pairing: Slytherin Fem Reader X Ex-Draco Malfoy X Theodore Nott
WC: 4k+
Warnings/Notes: Bullying, mild language, heartbreak, angst…
Summary: In which, you and Draco ended on a bad note and you’ve decided to seek out revenge…but unexpectedly you fall in love.
Authors Notes: Honestly, not my best piece… :/ I know I could’ve done better, but I kinda just went with it on this. Theodore was unplanned lol
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One, two, three
Wait, is the song with the drums?
“Draco, I understand that Miss. Y/n Riddle is quite pretty, but I would like for you to pay attention to my lesson.” Professor McGonagall says.
The class laughs and you refuse to turn around to give Draco that attention after everything you had been through with him. Pansy smiles sadly at you, seeing exactly how much this hurt you.
You knew Draco from around Hogwarts, but you both had gotten together over the summer after getting closer once your families came to know each other. Everything was perfect in the beginning, but it all came crashing down eventually.
Draco is quite good at hiding his true colors, especially at the beginning of a relationship. You learned that he hid those true colors for so long in hopes it would be harder for you to leave…that you would learn to deal with it like it was normal.
You’ve told Pansy that somewhere in his delusional mind that he must’ve forgotten you're a Riddle and you don’t put up with anyones bullshit. You don’t tolerate anyone's disrespect though…maybe a bad trait you picked up from your father, but it’s okay.
Draco was a sweet guy, but then it turned out he had a big ego and he was a narcissistic liar. He was the most fun guy you knew and he had weird friends like Crabbe and Goyle. They were funny too. He used his name and money to get you both into the coolest parties, nights that you felt like would never end.
But, then he started to show more of his true colors. He learned when he began to say things wrong or his lies somehow got twisted back on himself, that he could just take you to a place you dreamed of or to buy you a “sentimental” gift. You found yourself missing him on nights you felt really sad or alone, but your feelings for him were up and down. You knew you wanted to get him back for what he did to you. You want him to hurt the way he hurt you.
I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring
He argued with me about everything
He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye
He said he’s six-foot-two, and I’m like, “Dude, nice try”
But he was so much fun and he had such weird friends
And he would take us out to parties and the night would never end
Another song, another club, another bar, another dance
And when he said something wrong, he’d just fly me to France
So I miss him some nights when I’m feeling depressed
‘Til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend
Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it’s up and down
If I had to choose, I would say right now
Pansy was dressed as an angel for the Halloween party and you were dressed as a devil. You wore a tight black mini-dress, and Pansy wore a tight white mini-dress. She had angel wings and a halo while you had devil horns and a tail. She wore white heels while you wore black. You stood in the corner with Tom, Mattheo, Theodore, Enzo and Blaise as you watched Pansy go get you both drinks.
She was on her way back when Draco approached her. You watch his flirty smile as he trails his hand up her arm to her face. You watch as that flirty smile dropped and his face twisted to one of pain as he crouched down to grab himself. You smirk as Pansy strides to you and hands you a green solo cup.
“Can you believe him? He just tried to make a pass on me? After the shit he did to you, he thought he had a chance with your bestie? He truly is a delusional fuck.” She snorts.
“He did that a lot when we were dating. He always had a wandering eye…I just thought I was being over-sensitive or something.” You say, glancing over at Draco who was now sulking at the bar.
“Hey, don’t let that dumb fuck make you sad. He is nothing to you.” She says sternly.
You smile, unconvinced as you down the drink in your cup. Mattheo and Tom watch with frowns, knowing very well you weren’t over Draco. They looked at each other before making their way over to the bar. You and Pansy moved out to the dance floor, dancing as Enzo and Theodore kept watch over you both.
You both stopped dancing like everyone else as you heard a commotion. You follow the shouting and see your brothers beating the fuck out of Draco. You push through the crowd, trying to diffuse the fight when Theodore wraps an arm around your waist.
“He deserves it fiore, just let it go.” He murmurs in your ear.
“But, if we don’t break this up…Tom and Mattheo could potentially get caught. If Snape hears this, he will be so mad. If they get in trouble and our dad finds out…they’ll get in so much trouble.” You say.
“Trust me, they won’t get in trouble. Your father has requested this to happen.” He murmurs.
You were at a loss for words as Mattheo and Tom stepped back, leaving Draco on the floor. He barely lifts his head, his eyes locking with yours before Mattheo throws another punch at his face, cursing him for even daring to look at you. You struggle against Theodore, but you manage to reach forward and put a hand on Mattheo’s shoulder.
“Matty, please.” You plead.
“This fucker deserves this and more for everything he did to you.” He snaps.
You flinch, not use to that tone from Mattheo. Growing up with the father you had, you three were always together. Granted, you three had a strange bond for being triplets, but your brothers had shown you a side they never showed anyone. Mattheo tensed as Tom sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he glares at Mattheo.
You take your hand off his shoulder, pulling away from Theodore before storming through the crowd before hearing a random girl laugh about you being sensitive. You turn, throwing a punch at her nose, hearing the satisfying crack as she falls backwards, unconscious.
You turn, continuing your trek to your dorm where you slam the door, locking it before lying on your bed. You grab the jumper that was Draco’s. You had stolen it from him, it was his favorite. You throw it in the fireplace, watching it burn with a sick satisfaction growing in the pit of your stomach.
I wanna get him back
I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
Oh, I wanna get him back
‘Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad
Oh, I want sweet revenge
And I want him again
I want to get him back, back, back
“You can’t ignore me forever.” Mattheo sighs as he follows you to the Great Hall.
“She can, and she probably will.” Tom says, following as well, his hands stuffed into his pockets.
“She is ignoring you too dipshit.” He snaps.
Draco walks up to you, glancing at your brothers fearfully and you tilt your head at him, a small smirk on your face.
“Y/n/n, can we talk?” He asks.
“No.” You say.
“I want…I want to apologize…I messed up, royally and I just…I really miss you.” He says.
“Hey, fiore.” Theodore says, coming up beside you.
He wraps an arm around your waist, leaning down to kiss your head. You look up at him and smile. He smiled back, your brothers gaping at you both from behind you guys.
“You’ve…moved on with the guy I was worried about you cheating on me with?” He asks in disbelief.
“Malfoy…if I were you, I’d get out of my fucking face. If you truly knew Y/n, you would know you wouldn’t have to worry about her cheating. When she gives you the chance to love her as she does you, you take that fucking chance and hold onto it fucking tight.” Theodore says, splaying a hand on your back and stomach as he angles himself between you and Draco.
Draco scoffs, looking you over once before storming out of the Great Hall. You look up at Theodore and smile.
“Couldn’t have had better timing.” You say and he grins.
“Oh, I know.” He says.
“Um, excuse me. When the fuck did this happen?” Mattheo asks, stepping between you two, Theodore’s hands leaving you.
“We are fake dating in order to get Draco back. I wanted revenge and I decided to hit him where it hurts.” You explain.
“Fake dating…right.” He murmurs, looking at Theodore.
“Come on, fiore.” Theodore says, walking you to the table.
“Awww, I broke my streak of ignoring them.” You grumble.
“I think you ignored them long enough, fiore. They’ve apologized more than I’ve witnessed them fight…and they fight a lot.” He says, chuckling as your brothers take a seat at the table.
“So, what are the rules for this…fake dating?” Mattheo asks.
“No falling in love.” You say, picking at your plate of food.
“Like that ever works.” Mattheo mumbles, Tom the only one able to hear him.
Theodore wraps his arm around your waist, looking over at you for a moment. You glance down the table to see Draco glaring at Theodore. You felt a tinge of pride before you felt guilty for the fake-dating thing with Theodore. You knew he always had feelings for you, but you hoped that he’d get over it. But, by how easily he agreed to this plan of yours…you were pretty sure there were some underlying feelings there still.
So I write him all these letters and I throw them in the trash
‘Cause I miss the way he kisses me and the way he made me laugh
Yeah, I pour my little heart out, but as I’m hitting “Send”
I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends
Because everyone knew all of the shit that he’d do
He said I was the only girl but that just wasn’t the truth
And when I told him how he hurt me, he’d tell me I was trippin’
But I am my father’s daughter, so maybe I could fix him
“Theodore, are you ready?” You groan impatiently.
“Almost, fiore.” He calls from the bathroom.
You walk over to the mirror in his dorm, smoothing out the skin-tight dark green dress. You fix your hair, before looking yourself over in the mirror once more. You nod just as Theodore walks out. You look over to see him dressed in black dress pants, a white button up shirt that wasn’t buttoned all the way. Some of his sculpted chest was on show. His hair was a fluffy mess as usual.
“You look beautiful, fiore.” He murmurs.
Your cheeks flush red, smiling shyly at him as you nod. He chuckles, one that went straight to your core. You guys walk out and decide to immediately go to dance. As you're dancing, his eyes flicker over your shoulder as they harden.
He pulls you closer to him, his hand wandering down your ass and grabbing it roughly. You gasp, looking up at him to see him look down at you. He leans down and kisses you, one that is deep and passionate. Your hands get lost in his hair and you realize that somewhere along the way, you broke the number one rule: don't fall in love.
Somewhere along the way, you fell for his tender love and care. Not to mention how sweet and gentle he was with you. He treated you as if you were royalty and it was sweet. You found yourself loving the way he laughs and the way he grabs your ass. You pull back, only to pull him back into a kiss.
“I think I broke our rule.” You whisper against his lips.
“You didn’t say anything about already being in love, so I technically didn’t break it. I just hoped that maybe you’d realized how much you mean to me.” He murmurs.
“I’m sorry, Theo…I should’ve realized sooner.” You admit quietly.
“Don’t apologize. I have you now and that is all that matters. However, I know you've been wanting to get Malfoy back and I don’t blame you.” He says, swaying with you to the sensual song.
“No, no, enough of this getting Malfoy back. Malfoy had his chance. Yes, he fucked up…but I can’t keep letting that hold me back. I’ve been sulking over a relationship that didn’t work out for obvious reasons and all along…I should’ve been with the person who was standing right in front of me.” You mumble.
“We’ll get him back together. But, as an official girlfriend and boyfriend duo. Maybe next time he’ll think before breaking a good girl's heart.” He murmurs.
“Nott, I get that you both are confessing your love right now, but please get your hand off my sister's ass.” Mattheo calls.
Theodore chuckles, looking down at you, squeezing your ass once more before moving his hand back to your hip. Your cheeks flush red as you shake your head in amusement.
I wanna get him back
I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
Oh, I wanna get him back
‘Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad
Oh, I want sweet revenge
And I want him again
I want to get him back (and then? And then)
I want to get him back, back, back
You were in detention with Theodore, Mattheo, Tom and Draco. Mattheo and Tom got to sit together while you and Theodore got to sit together. Draco was sulking in the front of the room. You and Theodore were cuddled up together, whispering and laughing quietly.
“Okay, I get it. You are all happy, but will tone it the fuck down.” Draco seethes.
“Malfoy, I get it. You are throwing yourself a pity party because you let the best girl in this world slip through your fingers. But, that was your fucking fault. Just because you're pissed doesn’t mean you can take away her happiness. I’ll beat the fuck out of you before letting that happen again.” Theodore warns.
“I’ll help.” Mattheo chirps, grinning at Draco.
“So will I…I’m sure you remember that my methods are a bit more practical…like my fathers.” Tom says, looking at Draco unamused.
“Whatever.” Draco mumbles.
“Let’s get out of here. I have an idea.” You whisper to Theodore.
“Bet.” He murmurs.
You both were quick to leave, laughing quietly as you both snuck back to the Common Room. You grab his hand, dragging him along to the boys dormitories.
“Fiore, where are we going?” Theodore murmurs confused as you both passed his dorm.
“I figured out a way to get Malfoy back. We do it and get back to detention before Snape notices.” You murmur, excitement dancing across your features.
“Take it away, fiore.” He murmurs.
You continue to lead Theodore down the hall until you reach Draco’s dorm. You use a spell, unlocking his door before you both slip in. You see his broom in the corner of the room and grin. You pull the key to your dorm out before you start to completely ruin his broom. Theodore was quietly laughing from where he stood as you continued your handiwork. You stand, the both of you giggling as you both hurry back to detention.
“Where did you lovebirds sneak off to?” Mattheo asks.
“I got hungry.” You say simply.
“And I follow her wherever she goes. I’m simply only allowed a chains length away. She’s got me on a tight leash.” Theodore teases.
“Oh shush, I do not.” You say, your cheeks flushing red.
“Mhm, right.” He teases with his perfect small smile.
I wanna key his car (I want to get him back)
I wanna make him lunch (but then I, I want to get him back)
I wanna break his heart (but then I, I want to get him back)
And be the one to stitch it up (but then I, I want to get him back)
Wanna kiss his face (but then I, I want to get him back)
With an uppercut (but then I, I want to get him back)
I wanna meet his mom (but then I, I want to get him back)
Just to tell her her son sucks (but then I, I want to get him back)
“Who did it?” Draco demands, storming into the Common Room with his destroyed broom.
You look over, fighting the smirk that wanted to appear on your face. Your handiwork looked quite brilliant if you say so for yourself. So, this is what sweet revenge feels like? Theodore continues to rub your legs that were draped across his lap.
“Was it you?” He asks, storming towards you.
Theodore jumps up, standing in front of you as your brothers flank Theodore’s side. You stand up, only for Theodore to push you back on the couch. With one warning look from him, your ass was planted on the couch.
“You don’t get to come in here demanding stuff, Malfoy. Especially from my girl. If you ever come at her like that again, you’ll be in for a rude awakening.” Theodore warns.
“She has literally been striving to ruin my life because she can’t handle a summer fling.” He snaps.
“No, she hasn’t strived to do anything you idiot. You know it wasn’t a summer fling. It was a relationship that you messed up.” Mattheo snaps.
You push past Theodore, ignoring his stern scolding. You look Draco dead in the eye, before taking another step forward.
“If I’ve wanted to ruin your life, trust me, it would be in shambles by now. I’m far more capable and far more cruel than my brothers and father. There is a reason our mother isn’t named and trust me, I’m far too much like her.” You warn.
“Just admit it! This was you! My father will kill me if he finds out my new broom is ruined! You should know better than anyone!” He snaps.
“You're scared of your father? You're scared of what he might do? Well clearly you haven’t met my father.” You laugh coldly, shaking your head.
“Y/n…just admit it. Please.” He pleads.
“Admit to something that I had no hand in? I think you forget that you’ve got far too many enemies on your plate. Keep it up and I will give you something to worry about.” You murmur quietly, so only he could hear you.
He shakes his head, turning and leaving. You turn and look up at Theodore who was looking down at you with a stern look.
“Oh, come on. I handled that very well.” You sigh.
“Maybe. Maybe not. You should’ve stayed behind me and let us handle it. God knows what Malfoy would be willing to do to you.” He says, a frown evident on his face.
“But, I can handle my own problems.” You mumble.
“I know, but I’m here to help you.” He sighs, running a hand over his face.
You plop onto the couch, ignoring him as you felt both guilty and upset. You wanted to let him be happy with helping you, but you also wanted to be able to defend yourself. Theodore sighs, lifting your legs as he sits down next you, putting your legs on his lap.
“I know you can take care of yourself, but I want to be able to protect you. That summer…I could tell how much you loved and cared for Malfoy and he couldn’t even reciprocate that and he strived off hurting you. It hurt me to see you hurting…to see you with him when I wanted to be with you. I wanted to take care of you and to protect you…I wanted to show you what love could really be.” He says.
“I understand that, Theo…I do, but you can’t shield me from the world. There are some battles that are mine to fight. But, I’m not saying I don’t need you there with me. You’re my rock.” You explain.
Oh, I wanna key his car (I want to get him back)
I wanna make him lunch
I wanna break his heart (but then I, I want to get him back)
Stitch it right back up
I wanna kiss his face (I want to get him back)
With an uppercut
I wanna meet his mom (but then I, I want to get him back)
And tell her her son sucks, yeah
“Alright, are we done with this Malfoy revenge thing? Because as far as I know…you’ve made him jealous of you and Theodore…fake dating that led to real dating…ruining his broom…what else?” Mattheo murmurs.
“And there!” You exclaim as his pumpkin juice ends up all over his face and the front of his shirt.
“Is that it?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
You shrug, unsure. You felt like there was one more thing you needed to do to ensure your revenge. You knew it wasn’t the brightest thing to keep doing this to Draco. Some would view that you had done enough. But, you weren’t so sure. Draco hurt you in ways you didn’t think was possible. You always thought of yourself as stronger than that.
“Draco has been talking about you.” Pansy says, taking a seat across from you after pushing Mattheo down the bench.
“Rude.” He grumbles.
“Oh, what has he been saying?” You ask curiously.
“That he misses you…that he feels bad…he might’ve said something about Theo, but I’m not sure if it’s true or not.” She says.
“What did he say about Theo?” You ask.
“That he’s been seeing other girls behind your back.” She mumbles.
“No, no, that’s not true. Theo wouldn’t ever do that.” You say, shaking your head.
“He has a track record.” Pansy mumbles.
You stay quiet, looking down at Draco before grabbing your bag and pulling out a truth potion. You pour it into your cup of pumpkin juice before switching yours and Theodore’s cups.
“Should I be concerned that you just have those on you?” Tom asks.
“It’s for good reason.” You mutter, tucking your bag away as Theodore walks in.
He sits, taking a drink of his pumpkin juice before looking around the table confused as they were all glancing at each other.
“So…my father has asked me to question you…in order for us to protect Y/n/n from getting hurt anymore.” Tom says.
“Ask away.” Theodore says.
“Are you being true to my sister?” He asks.
“Yes.” He murmurs.
“Is Y/n the only girl or do you have other side pieces?” He asks.
“Y/n is the only girl.” He says, his hand grabbing yours under the table.
“Do you love her?” He asks.
“Yes.” He says.
“What are your intentions with her?” He asks.
“To love her…to protect her… to cherish her and give her the world. I want to shield her from anymore hurt. Trust me, I never want to see her hurting again.” He says.
I wanna get him back
I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
Oh, I wanna get him back
‘Cause then again I really miss him, and it makes me real sad
Oh, I want sweet revenege
And I want him again
I want to get him back (and then? And then)
I want to get him back, back, back, back
“My lord, I-I’m sorry.” Draco stutters.
You were being held by Theodore. He had an arm around your waist, keeping you pulled back against him. He had a hand over your mouth so that your father wouldn’t be angry with you for trying to protect Draco. Despite everything Draco did to you, you knew even this was too far.
“You hurt my daughter. Do you know how much she means to me? She means the world to me and no one is allowed to hurt her.” Voldemort snarls.
Except you, you think.
“I’m s-sorry my lord! I’m so sorry! Please, please, I’ll do anything! Just make this stop, my lord! Please!” He pleads.
“You’ll be daunted with extra tasks and knowing that if you don’t finish them, the death of your father and mother before your eyes will be your fault before I kill you myself. Stay away from Y/n or I’ll ruin you myself, Malfoy.” He warns.
He let Draco up who left quickly, not sparing a glance back. Theodore uncovered your mouth before your father could see. He wipes the stray tear off your cheek right before your father turned to you.
“He’ll stay away from you now, princess.” Voldemort murmurs, stepping forward and cupping your cheek.
“T-Thank you father.” You whisper.
“Of course. Now go on.” He murmurs.
I’ll get him, I’ll get him, I’ll get him, I’ll get him back
Get him back, come on, come on
I’m gonna get him so good, he won’t even know what hit him
He’s gonna love me and hate me at the same time
Get him back, girl, you better get him back
I don’t know I got him good, I got him really good
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realitybitesyouknowit · 4 months
Chapters: 31/31 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Theodore Nott/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott & Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort Additional Tags: Good Slytherins, Good Severus Snape, Slytherin Harry Potter, Meddling Albus Dumbledore, Touch-Starved Harry Potter, Soul Bond, Platonic Relationships, Heartbreak, Past Abuse, Angst, Self-Harm, Found Family Series: Part 1 of A Trolley Wheel Summary:
The Butterfly Effect: The idea that the altering of even the smallest most minuscule seemly inconsequential events can alter the entire outcome of not only one but all.
If that wobbly wheel had held for a few more seconds Harry wouldn’t have heard, “everywhere else is full” come from a dark skinned boy with violet eyes and a flirty smile but instead a pale freckled boy with dirt across his nose. He wouldn’t have spilt sweets with a quiet girl with soft brown hair and a nervous shake to her voice, but with a boy and his rat.
That one faulty wheel altered Harry’s life and the wizarding world as a whole in an unrecognizable way.
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patrophthia · 11 months
Hello! Could I request tom being soft and clingy. Thank you and Your stories are awesome!
hi! thank you for reading my work!!!
magic word | tom riddle
pairing: tom riddle x reader
genre: fluff, slight jealousy, humor, established relationships, OOC tom
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Contrary to popular belief Tom Riddle loves physical touch —only if he’s the one insisting it of course. And, especially when he’s just tiniest bit jealous. 
“Tom?” You ask, feeling him lazily wrap himself over you tighter. “I need to use the bathroom.” 
“No you don’t,” he murmur, tone annoyed. 
“Yes I do,” you tell him, watching as he kept his eyes on the book in his hand. “I need to go.” 
“You wouldn’t be needing to go if you were with Creevey,” he snickers, not releasing his grip on you. 
You bite back a laugh at his words. “This again?”
Two days back, Creevey had made the mistake of asking you out on a date with Tom just a few feet behind him. And though the two of you weren’t exactly public about your relationship, most of Hogswart knew to not try anything on either of you. 
Poor Creevey who build up the courage to finally ask you out after five (or was it six?) months of fancying you, only to be flat out rejected not by you, but by your boyfriend.
Who —for the first time ever— kissed you in front of everyone before turning to ask him, quite charmingly you might add. “Did you need something, Creevey?” 
You could only hope that he’s handling his heartbreak well. Because, your boyfriend was taking it worse than him (probably) by clinging onto you and bringing him up any possible chance. 
“Whether I’m with you or Creevey, I’ll still need to pee,” you sigh, “It’s human nature.” 
“So you admire you’ve thought about being with, Creevey.” Tom eyes Nagini, their eyes meeting with a sly understanding. “Is he going to be a problem?” 
“What are you going to do? Hurt him?” It’s quiet, Tom’s eyes meeting you as if he was asking whether you were testing him. “If you hurt him, I’ll bite you.” 
“And if I liked to be bitten?” 
You huff, squirming under his arms. “I’ll fight you.” 
He moves away from you slightly, long limbs still wrapped around your frame. “I can take you.” 
“Please,” you huff again, this time pouting as you try to ease him off of you but to no avail. “I really have to go, Tom.” 
His arm loosens its grip on you, still tight enough to cage you into his chest. “Say the magic word.” 
“You’re so close, my love,” he tells you, shaking his head as he prompted you on, “try again.” 
“I love you?”
A low chuckle vibrates from his chest. “I love you too,” he says, “but no, how about adding something to your first try?” 
“Please, my love?”A firm head shake, dark hair flailing against your pillow. 
“Please, baby?”
You learn then that even the head boy likes to be babied from time to time, pressing a quick kiss before releasing you from his arms and legs. You shuffle out of bed, yelling back at him. “Since when did you like being called baby?” 
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zriasstuff · 8 months
Them asking you to be their Valentine
The Slytherin Boys x reader (just in time for Valentine’s Day :))
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Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts always comes with a lavish ball, so go ahead and choose the white knight of your liking to accompany you :)
Mattheo Riddle:
Mattheo’s way of asking you to be his Valentine for the ball was very straightforward, yet effective. The second after the announcement dropped, he went to find you in the schoolyard, and approached you in front of all your friends.
“Hey, wait up!”, he’d shout to get your attention, already sounding determined.
“What do you say, you and me at the ball?”, he spoke out his confession, short and sweet.
Cheekily, he adds “I think you and I would be the best looking couple at the ball”. You notice him shyly tucking his head down as he said that, but he still sounded self assured.
Everyone was patiently waiting for your reaction, and you noticed how all your friends started gushing over him. Mattheo seemed unfazed by everyone else and only had eyes for you.
Even though you had only talked to him a few times in the past, you noticed that there was this easy-going chemistry between you two.
His profession certainly came as a surprise, but you liked guys who were direct. Besides, he struck you as a bit of a player too, who seemed to be used to asking girls out.
“Sure, I’d love to go with you”, you chuckle out, knowing you’d have a lot of fun with him.
He slickly throws you an air kiss, grinning from ear to ear, before all his friends start jumping on him to celebrate his win.
Tom Riddle (extremely delusional):
Tom definitely wasn’t one for the romantics, in fact he was strictly against the idea of a Valentine’s Day ball.
What he told you, when you asked him if he had a date already was:
“The ball is just an excuse for undisciplined students to commit shameful acts such as drinking alcohol and doing magical substances, when they should really be focusing on their education instead, which they are in desperate need of”
“I see, so you don’t have a date”, you sum it up for him.
Truthfully, you only asked Tom that question because you started catching feelings for him, and you wanted to know if you had a clear shot.
But clearly, he wasn’t interested at the moment.
He seemed to be carefully analyzing your reaction to his statement. Seconds later, he indifferently states “You want me to ask you out, don’t you”
You, shocked at first, embarrassingly nod afterwards. Full of curiosity, you wondered how he had managed to read you so accurately.
“Fine, to save myself from a week of listening to your heartbreak or potential soulmate, I am going to do you the favor of accompanying you to the ball. I am only doing this to save myself.”, he explains elaborately, which earns him an eye roll of yours.
You still wanted him to actually ask you and mean it, but for Tom Riddle, this was a big gesture already. Besides, you were aware from the beginning that you would have to deal with his peculiarities.
“On the day, be ready at 8pm sharp, and don’t you dare get drunk or high”, he lays down his conditions. Even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew that deep down he cared, otherwise he would’ve never even indulged in this.
Theodore Nott:
Theodore had found himself in a bit of a slump. Due to the excessive quidditch training, he didn’t have a date for the ball yet, which would be in 1 day exactly.
Subconsciously he fully believed that he'd find a date, no matter what time it was, which is why he took his sweet sweet time.
But now, with growing desperation, he ran around, asking out every girl he saw. And each time, the girl rejected him because they already had a date.
As he grew more and more frustrated, he asked you for the second time again, to be his date. You already told him that you had plans with a guy from Gryffindor, which he ridiculed.
“Come on, please ditch him for me?”, he’d repeatedly ask you with puppy eyes.
“Please just do me this favor, I don’t want to be the only guy in our friend group to not have a date.
You’d tell him that it was his own fault, but eventually you felt a bit bad for him. And you were indeed good friends, so maybe you could do him a favor. It wasn’t like the Gryffindor boy and you were in love. Surely he’d get over it…
“Fine, I’ll go, but you owe me”, you finally agreed. Truthfully, you found Theo much more attractive and charming anyway.
You had only agreed to the Gryffindor boy in the first place because you were afraid that no one besides him would ask you out anymore if you said no.
Theo, full of excitement and relief, cupped your face and kissed your forehead as a thanks when you agreed to be his date.
“I promise you, you won’t regret it”, were his last words before leaving you alone.
Blaise Zabini:
You only had one more tedious potions class of Snape's to go through, before you could finally enjoy the rest of your day.
As the clock ticked, you stared down on your blank parchment paper, counting the minutes to go.
Catching you off guard, you feel Blaise’s finger lightly tapping your arm. You needed a second to get conscious of the situation because you had zoned out.
He slides a small, blank piece of parchment paper towards you and points his head down, signaling you to turn it around.
When you do, your mood immediately lifts and you begin blushing. It was kind of childish, like something you’d do in year 1 or 2, but it was also cute.
The paper was filled with the classic “will you be my Valentine”, and there were three boxes to cross. The three being “yes”, “no”, and “maybe”.
Blaise observes your reaction delightfully, waiting for you to tick a box. As this was the highlight of your day, you decide to give the guy a chance and tick “yes”.
When class ended, Blaise waited for you to pack up and proposed a hang out at astronomy tower with you, which you agreed to with pleasure.
Enzo Berkshire:
It was a Sunday, exactly one week before the ball, and all the Hogwarts students were enjoying their time in Hogsmeade.
On this peculiar day, your seating partner Enzo from Transfiguration asked you to go to Madam Puddifoot's Café with him. The location was definitely romantic, and you already suspected where this might be going.
But—you didn’t want to get your hopes too high yet. Enzo was unquestionably a cute guy though.
During your coffee date, he didn’t drop any hints or said anything suggestive. You just talked, gossiped, and joked around, and you figured he’d be cool as a friend too.
Though nearing the end, the waiter came to your table with a small buttercream cake.
You shot a confused glance at Enzo, and he seemed clueless.
“I don’t believe we ordered that”, you tell the waiter, but he insists and puts the cake in front of you. After the waiter leaves, you keep eye contact with Enzo, but he tells you to eat the cake.
Still dazzled, you comply and look down, seeing that…
“Will you be my Valentine”, was written on the cake in cursive font with pink buttercream. Overcome by joy, you couldn’t be happier that your suspicions from the beginning were right.
“So what’s your answer”, he asks eagerly, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Of course I will, this was so sweet”
You believed that no girl could’ve said no to this.
Draco Malfoy:
You and Draco never slacked off on your prefect duties, which also included the nightly walks around school, to ensure that every student has gone to bed.
It is the perfect time to talk after a long day, and to exercise your power of course, but mainly the walks had brought you two very close, and you exchanged plenty of secrets already.
Although he could be a bit of an asshole, which you also told him, you still saw that he had a caring, more hurt side to him.
A week before the ball, he suggested a different route than the one you usually took.
He told you to close your eyes as you were walking, and led you by your hand. Innerly, he was as nervous and jittery as one could get, and couldn’t wait to see the reaction on your face.
When you got to the mysterious destination, he told you to open your eyes
As soon as you opened them, you saw the room of requirements, decorated with pink and red flowers, hundreds of candles, and a banner reading “will you be my valentine”.
It had been Draco’s plan for weeks, and he was so glad that he pulled it off.
He also made sure that you wouldn’t get a date, before he asked you out, which included cursing guys who got close to you.
“Oh my, yes of course Draco, I can’t believe you did this”, you’d say full of joy.
“You just made me the happiest guy in this school”, he’d reply and you knew it was true.
Immediately he brings you closer to kiss you, and you spend the rest of the night cuddling inside the room of requirements (insert the scene of Dean and Rory cuddling in GG if yk what I mean).
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slytherinslut0 · 11 months
Chapter Twenty Three-Info:you and Mattheo have been butting heads for months, since you were assigned as his tutor, and one day during a session full of tense bickering, he has enough.
(This will essentially be a toxic book where we are Theos fucktoy. No love here, very minimal fluff.)
Tags: 18+, SMUT, Heartbreak, ANGST AF, Dirty Talk, PIV, Praise Kink, Slight Degradation, Semi-Public Sex.
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"Hello? Anyone home?"
Emily's voice echoed through the air of your dorm room, her eyes widening in disbelief as she took in your drenched appearance. There you stood, next to your bed, trapped in the labyrinth of your thoughts, most likely looking like you had genuinely lost your ever-loving mind.
At last, you jerked your head up, locking eyes with her. "Apologies, Em...I'm just utterly drained. Honestly didn't even hear you come in."
"Why are you absolutely soaked?" Emily's tone switched to an almost amused drawl, one you could tell she was attempting to suppress. Her eyes narrowed as she assessed your waterlogged state. "Weren't you with Mattheo?"
Your cheeks flushed under her scrutiny, and you shifted uncomfortably before responding. "Yeah," you admitted, your tone slightly sheepish. "It's a bit of a story, really...Malfoy essentially dared me to jump in the lake, and, well, I couldn't resist the challenge."
Amusement twinkled in Emily's eyes as she settled onto her bed, her curiosity piqued. "Well, that's one way to make a splash," she quipped, a playful smirk gracing her lips. "So, spill the details. Is there some progress being made with those arsehats?"
You cleared your throat, a nervous smile playing on your lips. "I'm trying," you confessed, your voice laced with uncertainty. "It's a work in progress, but I think we're getting there, slowly but surely."
Emily nodded knowingly, her lips curving into a smirk. "Well, if anyone can handle a bunch of mischievous daredevils, it's you," she remarked, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Just be careful, yeah?"
"Of course," you replied, managing a meek smile despite the uneasy knot tightening in your chest. "Where were you tonight?”
Almost instantly, Emily's demeanor shifted, her gaze darting away, fixated on her fingers as she nervously twirled her chapstick. "I, uh...I was with Tom," she stammered, her voice trailing off uncertainly.
A sudden wave of realization crashed over you, leaving you feeling as if you were adrift in a stormy sea. Emily was with Tom?
You blinked, struggling to find the right words. "You-"
"I think I like him," she confessed, the words emerging strained, as if pulled through clenched teeth, her eyes avoiding yours. "I...I think I really like him..."
Her confession hung in the air, heavy with tension, sending shockwaves through your entire being. Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat reverberating in the silence that followed. You stood there, motionless, breathless, your mind trying to grasp the reality of her revelation. What on earth was fucking happening?
Sensing your stunned reaction, Emily hurriedly left her bed, closing the distance between you two. Her eyes met yours, filled with regret and apology.
"I'm so incredibly sorry," she began, her words tumbling out in a jumbled mess. "I mean, on the night of the party, we connected, and we kissed, and I haven't been able to shake those feelings since...I know you and Tom have been seeing eachother for a while, and I've felt terrible about this whole situation...I'm the worst friend, and I can't believe I let it get to this point...I just...I understand if you hate me or never want to talk to me again-"
"Emily," you interjected, your voice breaking through the heavy silence, your shock slowly giving way to a strange sense of understanding. Despite the chaos in your own life, you couldn't muster any anger. In fact, her revelation felt like a bizarre twist of fate, a surreal kind of perfect. "Me and Tom...we were never anything...I've never had any genuine feelings for Tom, not like that anyway..." you confessed, your words hanging in the air. "It's okay, Em...it's seriously more than okay."
Her eyes, brimming with guilt, met yours. "No… it isn't," she murmured, her fingers absently pushing a strand of hair off her forehead. "I just...I feel like the world's worst friend...I've been keeping secrets and hiding things from you...and that's not like us...I genuinely bloody hate myself for this…”
Her words hit you like a sledgehammer, the weight of your own secrets crashing down on you. How could you judge her when you were harbouring your own tangled emotions for Mattheo? Guilt clawed at your insides, a bitter reminder of your own deception, making it impossible to feel anything but empathy for Emily's confession.
Gently, your touch on her arm was a soft plea for understanding. "Em, please be kind to yourself," you implored, your voice carrying the weight of your own inner turmoil. "I'm far from perfect, and I completely understand...you don't ever have to be scared to tell me anything, I'll always be on your side..."
The desire to confide in her about Mattheo tugged at your heartstrings, but a tempest of conflicting thoughts raged within you. You longed to unburden yourself, to share the intricacies of your emotions--yet, doubts clouded your mind.
You questioned the wisdom of revealing a truth that seemed destined for heartbreak; one that was destined to go no where, especially after Mattheo's own cautionary words. The fear of shattering the fragile semblance of normalcy you'd managed to maintain held you back, leaving you caught between the honesty you craved and the security of your well-guarded secret.
"You're the greatest friend...I don't deserve you," Emily released a long sigh, meeting your eyes softly. "Are you sure you're not upset? I swear I'll never fucking talk to him again if-"
"No! No, Emily...I'm not upset," you said, through chuckles. You were upset, but it had nothing to do with her. "I want you to be happy, Em...Dumbledore once told me that if someone makes you feel, let them..."
"Gods, that man could make a bloody brick wall tear up," she breathed, finally cracking a smile, as though you'd lifted a weight off her shoulders. "I have to say though...I just don't know how you didn't fall for him...I mean, his fucking eyes alone had me melting..."
You released a breath, unable to swallow your smirk. Yeah, his eyes were beautiful, but only because they served as a reminder of Mattheo's--whose deep brown pools were nothing other than completely fucking captivating.
"I know," you said, your voice distant, lost in your thoughts as you stared into the distance. "Tom is wonderful," you continued, your words almost a whisper, the syllables heavy with unspoken sentiments. "It's just that, my heart...it wasn't in it."
Emily's brows furrowed with realization, her eyes darting across your face as though she could read the unsaid words swirling within your irises. "Where is your heart, then?"
Emily's question hung in the air, patiently awaiting your response, but your thoughts were elsewhere, entirely consumed by Mattheo. His captivating eyes, that tousled brown hair, and his infuriatingly complicated demeanor dominated your mind. Despite his dangerous reputation, he had always been your sanctuary--from the way he protected you to the depths of pleasure he led you to, he ignited desires you were hesitant to acknowledge.
Since the day you met him, you had been drawn in, entangled in a web of emotions you couldn't escape. The fear of succumbing to your desires warred with the undeniable pull he had on your heart, leaving you submerged in a sea of uncertainty, unsure if there was a way out of the depths you had willingly plunged into.
Meeting Emily's eyes, you could only confess, "I don't know," your voice tinged with desperation, as if seeking an answer that seemed just out of reach. "I...I have no fucking idea anymore..."
Her face dropped, shock etching lines across her features as she took a few delicate steps back, studying your face intensely. The intensity of her scrutiny made you nervous, your heart pounding so loudly you could almost hear it. You knew she had just realized precisely what the fuck was going on with you lately. You knew she'd finally fucking cracked your code.
You looked away, unable to maintain eye contact, and in a hushed tone, she said, "oh, Gods no...you...he's-he's such an asshole..."
"Yes, he is..." tension gripped your entire being, your body vibrating with nausea as you struggled to find the words. You couldn't bring yourself to meet Emily's eyes, your gaze fixed on the floor as you whispered, "but there's still good in him..."
Emily's eyes widened in disbelief, her shock palpable as she struggled to comprehend your words. "You're going to destroy yourself trying to fix him," she said, her voice edged with desperation. A heavy pause filled the room before she continued, her voice quivering, "He's done terrible things, remember when he sent that poor third year into the infirmary-"
"We've all done terrible things, haven't we?" you shot back, finally looking up at her. The intensity in your gaze matched the fierce determination in your voice. "We're all just sinners judging sinners for sinning differently, but no one ever bloody stops to ask why..."
Your steps were slow, but deliberate, each one echoing with the resonance of your unwavering determination as you closed some of the distance between you and Emily. The intensity in your eyes burned brightly, reflecting the depth of your emotions.
You were acutely aware of how utterly insane you must sound, how irrational and illogical your words might appear to her. Yet, in the depths of your heart, you longed for her understanding, for her to grasp the complexities that lay beneath the surface. You yearned for her to realize that there was a profound depth to your emotions, a truth far more intricate than what met the eye.
"Yeah, maybe he's bad...maybe he's completely fucking terrible," you said, your voice carrying a potent mix of fervor and defiance. "But when he smiles…when I look into his stupid, big eyes...all I see is the good in him..."
A profound silence hung in the air, pregnant with the weight of your words. You gauged Emily's reaction, observing the flicker of disbelief and uncertainty that played across her features.
"I made a promise...to Dumbledore...to myself...to Mattheo," you continued, your voice unwavering, each syllable resonating with unshakable resolve. "A promise that I'd fucking stand by him...that I'd show him patience and compassion...who would I be if I gave up on that?"
"Yeah, but..." Emily's eyes widened, her throat tightening as she struggled to find words to counter your conviction. "He's...he's a monster..."
"He's broken," you retorted, your tone unyielding, the depth of your empathy for Mattheo underscoring your words. "I don't care what happens to me, Em...I am a woman of my word..."
Emily swallowed. "Your heart is far too pure...your heart is going to ruin your future..."
"So be it." You said, flatly, steeling your shoulders as you released a long breath. "I am coming for all the ghosts that have ever haunted him...I am coming for all the demons that twisted his dreams and turned him into the fucking nightmare that he is, and I am going to be theirs, instead."
Without waiting for Emily's response, you brushed past her, your heart racing with anxiety over the fact that you had essentially revealed the truth about your relationship with Mattheo. The weight of your confession hung heavy on your shoulders, but you needed to clear your head. Silently, you made your way out of the dormitory, the echo of your footsteps reverberating in the empty corridor.
The familiar path to the prefects' washroom felt like a lifeline, leading you to the one person who could provide the reassurance you craved. Just as you made your way into the hall, the door creaked open, and a familiar brunette exited, her sly grin sending a shiver down your spine as her eyes met yours. Recognition struck you like a lightning bolt--it was the girl from the library, the one who had been intimately close to Mattheo all those weeks ago. As she disappeared from your view, your stomach plummeted, anxiety tightening into a nauseating knot.
With your heart heavy and anxiety clawing at your throat, you mustered the strength to push open the door. Inside, you found Mattheo, leaning wearily against the sink. His eyes, usually filled with intensity, were dulled by fatigue. His head was bowed, and his shoulders slumped, burdened by the weight of unseen struggles. He remained fully dressed, his appearance reflecting the weariness that mirrored your own inner turmoil.
"What was that?" you questioned, your voice trembling, and your chin quivering with vulnerability, your eyes pleading for an explanation that might soothe the turmoil within. "I thought we were okay?"
The sight of that girl leaving the washroom shattered the reassurance you had desperately sought. Doubts consumed you, racing through your mind like a storm. Had your recent fight driven that big of a wedge between you and Mattheo? Was he seeking solace in someone else's company because he was done with you? The questions multiplied, suffocating you with uncertainty. Your voice emerged as a cracked whisper, breaking the tense silence that hung between you both as Mattheo slowly met your eyes.
"Are we ever bloody okay, Raven?" His voice, laced with a tinge of exhaustion, fell flat, his eyes dark and cold as they bored into you. The endless depths of his gaze seemed impenetrable, hiding any flicker of emotion that might have offered solace. "I'm not even sure what you're going on about, truthfully,"
"The girl," your voice wavered, your vulnerability laid bare, "the same one from the library all that time ago...I just saw her leaving."
Mattheo grumbled irritably, the tension in the room palpable as he pushed off from the sink with a heavy sigh, his movements betraying his exasperation. He spun around, the muscles in his jaw clenched, his eyes stormy with frustration as he leaned back against the counter. His arms crossed over his chest defensively, his entire posture radiating a mix of annoyance and defiance.
"That girl is nothing to me, Raven," he declared, his voice low and gravelly, the words carrying a hint of irritation as he tried to emphasize his point. "Nothing at all."
You desperately wanted to believe him, to cling to his words like a lifeline, but doubt gnawed at your insides, poisoning your thoughts. After everything that had transpired between you, after your last fight, and the way he was acting now, you couldn't simply brush it aside.
"Nothing, huh?" Your voice grew firmer, laced with a mixture of hurt and skepticism. "So it's just a coincidence that you two were alone in here...and that she was grinning ear to ear when she left..."
Mattheo blinked, his surprise evident as he processed your words. This jealousy was uncharacteristic of you, a stark deviation from your usual composed self. His features contorted with a mixture of confusion and frustration, his eyes narrowing and jaw clenching in response to your accusation.
"Do you think I fucked her, Raven?" His words hung in the charged atmosphere, heavy with hurt and disbelief. Each syllable cut through the air, a searing venom that struck your heart like a dagger. "Do you actually fucking think that low of me?"
The raw pain in his eyes mirrored your own, a painful reflection of the trust that had been shattered between you, the wounds now gaping wide open, begging for resolution.
"You don't trust me..." Mattheo's expressions hardened further, his eyes blazing with a mixture of frustration and hurt. The room seemed to shrink around you as he pushed off from the sink, his movements deliberate and forceful, closing the distance between you before you could react. "You don't fucking trust me, do you?"
You tensed, every muscle in your body coiling like a tightly wound spring, bracing for the emotional storm that was about to engulf you. Mattheo stopped abruptly, his instincts sensing your reaction, his intense gaze locking onto yours. Your breathing became shallow, your chest constricted, and time seemed to stretch into eternity as you stood there, suspended in the moment.
"I want to..." your voice wavered, a fragile whisper barely audible in the heavy silence, carrying the weight of your longing and doubt. "But...I just...can't, when there you are...directly in front of me, still so fucking far away..."
You took a moment to study his features, the turmoil in his eyes, the tension in his jaw, and the vulnerability that flickered beneath his anger. His chest rose and fell with every ragged breath, as though his heart was laid bare before you.
"A man with a shield for a heart, and a sword for a tongue," you continued, your voice a fragile thread weaving through the charged air. "How do I confide in that?"
Mattheo's eyes softened, just slightly, the storm within them giving way to a glimmer of sincerity. In that moment, he shed every ounce of hesitation, closing the space between you with an urgency that spoke volumes. His hands found your face, cupping it gently, forcing your eyes to meet his. The intensity in his touch, the tenderness in his gaze, told a story of its own.
"Raven...do you think I fucking care about anything other than you?" His voice, once sharp with frustration, now held a raw, earnest sincerity that cut through the lingering doubts and insecurities. "You're the only one I need...you're the only one that keeps me high..."
Your heart thundered in your chest, the sound echoing in your ears like a war drum, each beat reverberating with the intensity of his touch. His palms, warm against your cool skin, sent waves of heat through every inch of your body, cocooning you in a haze of desire and vulnerability. You blinked, your eyes unable to tear away from the depth of his stare.
"But?" you dared to whisper, your voice barely audible amidst the charged silence, the lump in your throat growing with each passing second. "I know you aren't finished, I see it in your expression..."
He stiffened, his hands slowly falling from your face, the loss of his touch leaving a void. His gaze, dark and intense, traced a path from your eyes down to your lips, the unspoken longing palpable between your bodies. The pain that hung in the air was almost tangible, the emotions that coursed through both of you reaching a fever pitch.
"When you close your eyes...when you think of this...of us, what do you see?" He whispered, his voice a mere breath, the words hanging in the air like a delicate thread. "Do you see a future, Raven?"
The question slammed into your lungs like a sledgehammer, stealing the very air from your chest.  You had never truly considered what was going to happen at the end of the school year, but it was evident that he had, his eyes haunted by the uncertainty of the future.
You sucked in a lungful of breath, trapping it there, the oxygen feeling suffocating against the weight of his question. "I...I don't know..."
"Exactly," he murmured, his voice as soft as a breeze, but carrying the weight of an entire universe. "Something's telling me we're running out of time here, Raven...I always said I'd never deserve you, and I meant that..." he paused, averting his eyes only for a moment as he threaded an unsteady hand through his hair. "If we keep this going...something's bound to give...I can't let you throw away your future for me..."
You stalled, pain rushing through you. This whirlwind of emotions felt like a chaotic storm, each moment with him a battle between your hearts, oscillating from fiery arguments to heartbreaking distance. The constant push and pull had left you emotionally battered, but this time, the pain cut deeper than ever before.
"No...Mattheo...I..." your voice stammered, trembling with the intensity of your emotions. "I would much rather be nowhere with you, than somewhere without you..."
He stiffened, his entire being seeming to freeze in response to your words. "No, Raven, come on...don't fucking say that," he hissed, his voice laced with desperation. "You will not throw away your future for me...for whatever this is...you have to know that is fucking insane..."
"Mattheo, why?" you whispered, your voice breaking as you took a step closer, your heart aching with the weight of his decision. "Why are you doing this...I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for everything I said...I didn't-"
"It's not about that," he cut you off, his tone soft yet resolute. "It's not about any of that. We both know this only ends in blood...why prolong it...I’d never be able to live with myself if I ruined everything you’ve worked so hard for…”
Your chest ached, a visceral pain that radiated through every fiber of your being, your eyes darting all over his face as though seeking solace in the contours of his skin, as if something tangible could save you from this nightmare. He was right. Of course, he was absolutely fucking right. There was nothing you could say to deny his words, the harsh reality of your situation hanging heavy between you.
"I know you're right Mattheo," gently, you brought a trembling hand up to his face, your thumb brushing over his cheek as you cupped the side of his head, your own head tilting slightly as you glimpsed his lips, whispering with a vulnerability that laid bare your soul. "But even if it's meant to fall apart...I still fucking want you..."
"I know," he murmured, his breath warm against your skin, his lips hovering just millimeters from yours. "I fucking know..."
"I'm scared as bloody hell, Mattheo..." you continued, your fingers digging slightly into his skin, his hands seeking refuge on your hips as he pulled you closer against him. "I'm fucking terrified to want you, yet here I am anyway..."
"I'm scared too, Raven..." he confessed, his voice barely audible, pulling you impossibly closer, your bodies melding into one another. "Godric fucking forbid I ever admit it..."
His lips brushed against yours, soft and tender, a delicate touch that held the weight of a thousand unspoken words. In that moment, you knew, without a shadow of doubt, that you two were one and the fucking same. He was more yourself than you ever were. Whatever your souls were made of, his and yours were intertwined in an indescribable connection.
"Give me this before you go..." you whispered, your free hand gripping his shirt for dear life, your voice laced with desperation and longing. "Please..."
Mattheo pulled back slightly, his eyes scanning your face, searching for any sign of hesitation or uncertainty. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," without a moment's hesitation, you nodded, your eyes locked onto his, your conviction unwavering. "I'm sure."
In an instant, he pulled you back into him, his lips crashing onto yours in a searing kiss, the intensity mirroring the state of your crumbling relationship. His hands, strong and sure, quickly slithered up your sides, finding the buttons on your shirt.
Simultaneously, your trembling fingers mirrored his movements, undoing his shirt with a fervor that matched his own. The kiss deepened, your mouths melding together in a desperate attempt to drown out the world, seeking solace in each other's touch as you shed the barriers between you. The passion between your bodies consumed every ounce of your being, a wild, untamed force that pushed back against the chaos threatening to tear you apart.
As soon as the two of you were freed of your uniforms, Mattheo pulled back, his gaze intense, his eyes smouldering against your skin as he urged you to your knees in front of him. Without a word, you obeyed, staring up at him with a widened gaze, tracing the features of his face and chest that you admittedly loved so fucking much. Mattheo's eyes were doing the same, flickering over your curves, the swell of your breasts, the flare of your hips, until finally, they came to rest between your legs.
“You’re fucking beautiful…” he brought a hand up to your chin, tilting your head back to bring your eyes to his, the pad of his rough thumb tracing over your bottom lip, tugging it down slightly before releasing it. “Don’t you think I’d chose some other bitch over you ever fucking again.”
Breath evaporated as he dropped down to his knees in front of you without warning, directing you to lay back, your head resting on a stack of clean towels.
The cool tile of the floor made your back arch and your body shudder as Mattheo loomed over you, his fingers tracing delicate patterns over your thighs as he hovered mere inches above your skin. Each touch was soft, almost reverent, as though he was worshipping every inch of your body. As he leant down to kiss you, his lips were tender yet demanding, his tongue sweeping over yours in a fierce, fiery embrace. You groaned into his mouth, your hands finding his hair and gripping tightly, until he broke the kiss and began to move lower.
His eyes travelled down your neck, reaching your chest where your breasts rose and fell with each exasperated, eager breath. His mouth descended upon one of them, suckling and teasing with skillful precision, making your head dizzy with burning need. It was as though he was worshipping at a sacred alter, paying homage to the very essence of your womanhood, his nails digging into your skin, chaining you to him with more restraint than any bloody shackles ever could.
His tongue traced spirals around your nipple, sending little shocks of electricity straight through to your core, and you mewled, back arching into him and grip tightening in his hair, silently begging for more. As expected, Mattheo delivered, lavishing attention on each peak in turn, flicking his tongue, sucking, and teasing until you were practically crying for release.
"Matty...please…" you whispered as his lips moved lower, tracing a path of heat toward your sex. "There's no time...someone could come in..."
"Eager girl..." Mattheo hummed, smirking against your skin. "Told you you'd love the way I fuck you."
Unable to suppress it, you smirked at his normal arrogance as he pulled back slowly, your eyes following his every move as he freed himself; letting loose that delicious, familiar groan from deep in his throat as he pumped his shaft a few times, his gaze darting over your body, desperate and writhing beneath him--each meticulous movement he made causing an insatiable tingle within your core.
"Mhm," you murmured, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as your hands grazed over his strong biceps, feeling the muscle tense and contract beneath your touch. "That's what I love...the way you fuck me..."
Mattheo blinked, meeting your eyes, a wicked smile creeping across his lips as he processed what you'd just said. The underlying message in your words went unspoken despite their intentions hanging heavy in the air, and without a word, he slid his free hand down between your legs, shifting your panties to the side before he gently teased and swirled over your clit, making you moan out his name without even realizing it. 
"My filthy little girl..." the anticipation was almost unbearable, you were fucking dripping for him and he'd hardly even touched you. "Always so fucking eager for me…”
Inching forward, he aligned himself with your core, leaning down over you, a strong arm taking purchase beside your head, caging you beneath him. As he pushed inside you, the stretch was unlike anything you'd ever fucking felt--the lack of foreplay resulting in a sensation unlike anything else, a perfect blend of agony and ecstasy, as if he was stretching you open and shaping you just for him.
You whimpered softly, doing your best to muffle your noises as Mattheo pushed deeper and deeper, pausing for a moment once he'd fully seated himself inside your heat, giving you a second to adjust to his thick, throbbing length--his eyes never once left yours, his gaze drilling into you as he assessed your reactions, only breaking the eye contact to press a soft kiss to your forehead.
"So fucking tight...fuck-you feel so fucking good..." Mattheo growled lowly, his voice thick with lust--your walls clenching and relaxing around him simultaneously. "Such a good girl, Raven...feel yourself adjust for me, baby."
His voice had a hypnotic effect on you, calming your racing heart and making you focus solely on the feelings coursing through your body. The pain was gone, a mere figment of your imagination as you revelled in the closeness of your bodies, his hot skin on yours, breathing eachother in, your mind reeling with the thoughts of this being the last time--something you'd both said many times before.
But for some reason, this time felt different. This time felt real.
"Fuck me, Matty..." you whispered, nails digging into his back as if trying to anchor yourself to this moment, to him. "Fuck me like you're going to lose me."
"Fuck...am I, Raven?" Mattheo groaned in response, meeting your eyes with an intensity that took your breath away, slowly beginning to increase his pace to your desires. "Am I going to fucking lose you?"
Mattheo's thrusts became harder and more aggressive as his movements grew more frenzied, his mind getting lost in the haze of lust swirling between you. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours filled the room, matching the sound of his heavy breathing, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through the air.
"N-no, Matty..." you choked, feeling the pleasure building within you like a storm waiting to break. It was almost too much, and you found tears on the verge of exploding from your fucking eyes. "You couldn't...even if you tried..."
"Fuck...I know..." he hissed, the words forced through gritted teeth as he met your eyes, your nails certainly splitting the skin on his back, shredding it raw. "I always know exactly how you feel when I'm deep inside you like this...those eyes don't fucking lie..."
You gasped, the words unable to form as Mattheo pulled out almost completely before slamming back in, hitting that deep place inside your body that made you cry out in toe-curling pleasure. His face was twisted into an intense frown, growling in concentration as he fucked you harder, faster, hitting places you didn't know possible.
"You love this cock, don't you?" Mattheo growled, knowing full well the answer. "You're so fucking wet for me."
"Oh...yes, I do-" you squealed, burying your reddened face back into the crook of his shoulder, pleasure ricocheting through every ounce of your body as his fingers slid down your stomach, quickly teasing over your clit. "Fuck-Matty...oh..."
"You want to cum for me, pretty girl?" he growled, nibbling at your earlobe as he shifted his position, drilling deeper into you. "Let me feel you..."
"I-I want..." the words wouldn't form. Nothing would articulate inside your brain. Yes, you wanted release, but that's not what you were trying to say here. You wanted him, you wanted this, you wanted all of it, never to end. But as he swirled your clit with rough, aggressive strokes, your brain was mush, succumbing to nothing but his touch. "I-I want you...in...I-"
"I'm in you, Raven..." a grunt when he slammed into you--his voice tight, strained, almost pained, lips pressed against your temple. "I'm so fucking deep in you..."
Another shift, and he was striking your cervix with every thrust--and the pain was enough to pop the balloon in your chest. Tears streamed down your cheeks, the pending heartache and insecurity finally breaking through the dam of emotions you had kept bottled up for months. The weight of it all was too much, overwhelming you in a tidal wave of despair. Mattheo's movements remained unyielding, his pace unfaltering, but he was swift to kiss away your tears, his own breath hitched in anticipation of the climax that was about to consume both of you.
"Oh-fuck...Matty..." only a few more thrusts, and you were there, teetering right on the edge of coming undone. “Oh…”
He growled. “Cum for me angel…fuck-“
"Yes-yes, fuck..." you keened, dragged through your climax without question, euphoria tearing through you as your walls pulsed and milked his cock.
He groaned, gripping you tighter as he poured himself into you, hips bucking until the only sensation left was sweaty, heaving, post-orgasmic rapture. And despite that, you held each other, unwilling to move, unwilling to let the other person leave the safety of the embrace.
It was a long moment--long after your breathing had returned to normal, long after you'd both dripped sweat onto each other's skin--before he moved, rolling off of you, gaze roaming your figure. You wiped your damp cheeks with the back of your hand, not daring to make eye contact with him as the two of you slowly began to redress, an awkward silence filling the air.
After both of you had regained modesty, Mattheo’s eyes locked onto yours, his unspoken emotions echoing in the intensity of his gaze. Without uttering a single word, he pulled you into him, his arms enveloping your body, holding you with a grip that felt as if he never wanted to let go, suffocating your lungs in the best way possible. As his hand moved to cup the back of your head, his fingers intertwining into your hair, you felt his throat bobbing against your temple as he swallowed, his vulnerability laid bare in the gentle caress of his touch.
“That girl,” his voice was a low murmur, as though he feared shattering the fragile moment, “she asked me to the masquerade this weekend…I said no.”
You chewed your cheek, your fingers clinging onto his shirt with force, your voice trembling as you responded, “You should go...it might be good to redirect the attention off of us…your friends seem suspicious.”
“Oh, they are…” he chuckled, his hand absentmindedly petting your hair, his touch comforting and reassuring. “But I told Nott to ask you, and only Nott, so if any of the others approach you about it, let me know.”
Your cheeks burned at the revelation, his laughter vibrating through your body, your heart skipping a beat in response. “You told Nott to ask me to the masquerade? Why?”
“He’s the only one I trust not to be a fucking pig,” he replied, his tone flat and honest. “Pretty sure Zabini or Malfoy would try to get you under them before the night even started.”
You huffed, a smirk playing on your lips as you pressed against his chest. Taking a moment to revel in his scent, his cologne, his body heat.
“Is this really it for us, Mattheo?” you murmured, your voice laced with a hint of desperation. “I mean…am I just supposed to be your friend, now? Your mentor? Your tutor?”
“Maybe we just take a break, hm?” he suggested, his voice dropping, his gaze softening as he met your eyes. “Maybe just until the suspicion dies off…until we both have had some time to cool down.”
“I…okay,” you said, your eyelids fluttering as he released you, the weight of the situation sinking in. “I can work with that.”
The acceptance in your voice was laden with bittersweet resignation, a temporary reprieve in the face of an uncertain future.
Chapter 24->
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sallowsswan · 5 months
Slytherin Boys W/ Ballerina!Reader as Pas De Deux 🩰
SO I'm back at it again with more ballet stuff! Last time I did headcanons for Mattheo if he was dating a ballerina. This time however, we're going down the route of what Pas De Deux (pair dance) the boys would do with a ballerina reader if they danced together.
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Lorenzo Berkshire
White Swan Pas De Deux (Swan Lake)
Choosing one for our boy Enzo was EXTREMELY difficult because I secretly headcanon him being a danseur already so picking just one dance for him was hard. I went with the famous white swan pas de deux from Swan Lake where he is the role of Prince Siegfried and the reader is Odette. It's a beautiful, and heartbreaking pas de deux where Odette and Siegfried get to know each other better with it ending in Odette putting her trust in Siegfried to make a vow of true love in order to free her from Von Rothbart's spell. (In this video the pas de deux is performed by famous dancers Svetlana Zakharova and Roberto Bolle. The part at 5:09 where he embraces her makes we weeeeeeep)
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Theodore Nott
Giselle act 2 Pas De Deux (Giselle)
For Theo's I decided to play a little into the headcanon of him being a casanova and went the route of Giselle. Theo's character would be Albrect (sometimes known as Count Albrect, Duke Albrect, or in other versions Prince Albrect) the reader's character is Giselle, who died of a broken heart when she found out Albrect was bethrothed to another woman. Another beautiful and heartbreaking piece as Giselle is trying to protect Albrect until dawn from the wrath of the willis (spirits of young maidens that died before marriage) who wish to make him dance to his death. The queen of the willis Myrtha uses Giselle to lure Albrect away from the safety of her tombstone by making her dance a seductive pas de deux that lures him in like a siren singing a song. (In this video the pas de deux is danced once again by famous dancers Svetlana and Roberto. They're one of my favorite dance partner pairings!)
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Draco Malfoy
Sugarplum and Cavalier (The Nutcracker)
My first fictional love, I had to give Draco one of my favorite pas de deux which is from The Nutcracker between the sugarplum fairy and her cavalier. I don't think I need to explain which roles these two are, it's a beautiful piece with beautiful music performed near the end of the story. (I've inserted my FAVORITE rendition of this dance performed by famous dancers Anna Tsygankova and Matthew Golding)
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Mattheo Riddle
Black Swan Pas De Deux (Swan Lake)
When it comes to my headcanons I said that Mattheo liked Don Quixote and Giselle, but this man also in my headcanon has an absolute WEAKNESS for Swan Lake. So when he gets to be the part of Siegfried and the reader is playing Odile? He's absolutely giddy because this pas de deux is alluring and seductive as Odile is playing poor Siegfried like a fiddle making him believe she's actually Odette. (For this video the pas de deux is danced by one of my favorite dancers Gillian Murphy with Angel Corella)
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Tom Riddle
Opening Scene (Swan Lake)
I could've easily went full delulu and gave Tommy a pas de deux, but come onnnnn. I'm giving this man the role he was MADE FOR. The opening scene from ABT's Swan Lake. He's the role of the sorcerer Von Rothbart while the reader is Odette. So enchanted by the beautiful princess he runs into in the woods he tries to charm her only to find her displeased and so what does he do? Takes her for his own and changes her into the form of a swan to keep her close to him. (For this video it's from ABT's Swan Lake they recorded back in the early 2000's with Gillian Murphy as Odette, Marcelo Gomes as the handsome human Von Rothbart and Isaac Stappas as Von Rothbart's other form)
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Blaise Zabini
Nikiya and Solor act 1 (La Bayadere)
I'm not too familiar with Blaise, so forgive me everyone but I didn't want to leave him out. I chose my favorite pas de deux from La Bayadere where Blaise would be Solor a warrior and the reader is Nikiya a beautiful temple dancer. The two are secret lovers that are reunited and dance together before swearing their love under the sacred flame. (For this one I went with yet again Svetlana and Roberto because they ATEEEEEE this pas de deux up with their chemistry alone!)
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Here is a collection of all my works on Tumblr, and I’ll try to keep this updated as much as I can 
Start: 4th of May 2023 
Last updated: 2nd of September 2024
Requests are open, and thank you for 800 followers
Harry Potter 
what a relationship with them would look like:
Tom riddle
Draco Malfoy
Matteo Riddle
Oliver wood 
Percy Weasley Imagines:
Rainy dancing
Cedric Diggory Imagines:
Harry Potter Imagines:
Restless nights
The Malfoy sister (completed)
part one  part two part three part four part five part six
Blue butterflies - part one and part two
Neville Longbottom Imagines:
greenhouse escapades
Fred Weasley Imagines:
Heaven on earth
Poor Mrs Norris
mood board
Sirius Black Imagines:
Blood traitor
My name
Moodboard 2
George Weasley Imagines:
Drunk (complete)
Prologue part one Part two Part three Part four part five part six part seven
The ear that wasn't
Draco Malfoy Imagines:
Potions Partners (complete)
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen, part sixteen, part seventeen, part eighteen, part nineteen, part twenty, final part
Heart shaped eyes
Oliver Wood imagines:
Mattheo Riddle imagines:
Ron Weasley Imagines:
Green eyed monster and green skin girl
You're in love
Charcoal pancakes and confessions
Gatherings at the Burrow
James Potter:
The person at the opposite end of the table
Remus Lupin:
Chilly Hogsmeade
Regulus Black:
Muggle world hideout
Ghost love part 2 part 3
Tom Riddle:
Mr. Head boy
Charlie Weasley:
Dragon Healer
Bill Weasley:
Congratulations! You're a heartbreaker
More coming soon 
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riddlesdoll · 2 years
can you rec some of your fav tom riddle fics? 🤍
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omg, someone finally asked this question!!
1.) His Dark Lady - dxddydracomalfoyyy
This is probably the most loveable of them all, my fave book of all time.
2.) A Riddle to Solve - SSTAR2000
Another really unique book, the mc is really powerful although some parts are a bit cringe (?) because it feels like she's everything like those memes on tt of y/n. Overall a good book though (try it out).
3.) Oh, Ophelia - Maebelletree
I really love this too especially because it is a unique book, I haven't read any other tmr books like this.
4.) Now and then - hmmdisgustin
It is just like the title going back and forth from now and then.
5.) Kneel - JulieHoscar
I absolutely abhor Tom Riddle in this book, but I'm still going to recommend it because I still do like this book. This book make me feel ambivalent.
6.) RIDDLE. DISCONTINUED - ravenclaws-
Although this book was discontinued, it still has a very good plot line, it shouldn't have been discontinued, but I guess it is very hard to write a story. Maybe in the future it will be renewed (?) hopefully.
7.) Midmorning - murderarts
This book is heartbreaking, even though it is only a short story, I still feel emotionally attached to it.
That's it for the recommendation, notice I did 7? It's because it is believed that Tom riddle rather likes the number 7 and also because of his seven horcruxes.
DISCLAIMER: All of these are in wattpad!!
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slitheringghost · 25 days
Voldemort Fic Recs, Part 3
Part 1 || Part 2
heavy is the head that wears the crown by @sk1fanfiction (2.4k, T)
Rec: One of my absolute favorite Tom character studies - the writing and characterization is phenomenal. The author perfectly captures Tom as childlike and frightened in heartbreaking ways while also capturing his amorality.
Tom could count the things he was afraid of on one hand. He was afraid of the black curtain fluttering next to the bed in the hospital ward he nearly died in (the Reaper, Tom knew it was him hiding in the fabric). Losing his 'freak' abilities. The cane in Mrs. Cole's office (but not that much). Not having enough to eat or a bed to sleep in. He folded his thumb into his fist and added Asylum to that list.
iron sharpens iron by @slashmarks (Voldemort & Ursa Black, Harry & Ron & Hermione & Ursa, Hermione/Ursa, 107k, T)
Rec: A fic centering around Voldemort’s daughter (who is Ursa instead of Delphi) ft. Voldemort sending his daughter a howler and a twist where instead of being killed in 1981 Voldemort loses his magic and has to live like a Muggle. Tom telling his daughter "the mark of strength in a person was not being bound by society's chains" made me tear up, because isn't that just Tom Riddle in a nutshell?
Basically, Ursa was the female equivalent to what Tom Riddle had imagined himself as a child: a girl from nowhere and no one, with no home and no rules and no culture. It had not made her free. Distracted by his research as he was, Tom had not actually failed to notice that Ursa could barely hold a conversation with a stranger. In a way he had been gratified, even relieved by his daughter's betrayal, because it was the first sign of serious independent action she had ever given. He had thought before then that he had probably ruined his daughter's life. - "You always told me," said Ursa, "That the mark of strength in a person was not being bound by society's chains, and strength was necessary not just to win power but to use it once you got it. What do you want? It's not to go around directing Death Eater meetings and reorganizing the Ministry. That was always Mother's passion. You were both exceedingly clear that you didn't care that much about the government. What do you actually want?"
Death (Eaters) in Paradise by @saintsenara (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 7.3k, M)
Rec: I loved the Bellatrix POV in this, and the Bellamort is so sweet and full of connection and understanding.
'You have no idea how lucky you are. You are an assassin, not a housewife.’ ‘A position I depend on your goodwill for,' she said, snapping the toothpick. 'Just like I depend on Roddy’s goodwill in society, and father’s goodwill before that. I want to be something for myself. I mean -’ She had spoken without thinking. She wondered if he would be angry. Instead, he was looking at her appraisingly. ‘Yes. I can appreciate that.' 'Oh.' 'The impulse to create one's own life is... admirable.’
Autogenesis by deslea (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 2.4k, E)
Rec: Fascinating exploration of Voldemort’s new body.
"Dignity is a great comfort after an ordeal such as Bella's," the Dark Lord agrees, looking pensively out the window. "I could have had Pettigrew summon you all at any time last year, could I not? But no man would sacrifice his dignity that way."
Feildelm's Apocrypha by deslea (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 4.5k, T)
Rec: Another favorite character study, beautifully written, with excellent Voldemort characterization.
He likes to walk among the dead. It was his favourite pastime as a child, walking in the little potter's field at the orphanage, walking among all the dead mothers (including his own). The dead mothers didn't call him strange or queer, didn't look on him with hate or fear. They lacked opinions of him, lacked interest in him, and that was a relief. Sometimes he thought that was what love was like, acceptance, passive embrace, sharing of space. If so, that was a thing he could respect, far more than the grandiose passions spoken of by the deluded, passions that were almost always a lie.
ever hear what I told you by @slashmarks (Druella & Andromeda, Druella & Bellatrix, background Bellatrix/Voldemort, 2.7k)
Rec: A wonderful version of Druella, and a hilarious argument between Voldemort and his unofficial mother-in-law. I requested this; you can request fics from slashmarks in return for pro-choice donations here.
Riddle stared at her in silence for several full beats. Druella had time to think, Lord God, this is it, my final mistake. And how stupid it was, after all of the scheming and the murders she'd committed and attempted and the murder attempts she'd survived, to die because she provoked Tom bloody Riddle over the wheat yield differential between muggle and magical Britain. But given what a mess she'd made of things lately, perhaps it was for the best. Perhaps if he murdered her point blank, Bella would leave him.
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rreeaahh · 1 year
Green eyes VS green badge | R. A. B.
Second chapter of "One way ticket" | Ch. 1
pair> regulus black x lestrange! reader | > mentions of james potter x reader | > james potter x lily evans
summary> the hate between y/n and regulus is hidden from anyone else, but maybe his actions combined with a heartbreak aren't the best outcome for y/n
word count> 2.7k
warnings> regulus being a jerk, again? reader being kind of a teacher's pet? mentions of discrimination based on blood purity; nothing else, in my opinion, feel free to tell me if i should add anything!
a/n> THIS WAS WRITTEN IN ONE GO, HOLY SHIT. I DID NOT PROOFREAD IT. thank u guys for all the support showed here<3 its crazy, honestly. the tag list is open for this series, so feel free to send me an ask or a comment of you want to be added! also, i have a thought and idk, i'd make this idea more detailed but on wattpad, and keep it a little shorter here, what do you think?
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There were four simple rules that Y/N needed to follow since she could talk and understand what she was being told.
The first one was that she could never, ever in her whole life disobey her father – he was the only one who cared for her, for her future, for her dignity and he was the only one who wished to see her become a strong and powerful witch; that’s what he claimed, at least.
The second one was that she was not allowed to ever question the Dark Lord’s word – her father said that Tom Riddle, his old friend, was the one who told him to keep her, to raise her and protect her as a father should. In other words, she has a dad because a bald snake-looking man said she was worth the effort.
The third one, one with a great significance, was that she should not interact with Mudbloods more than necessary – which was, in her opinion, pretty confusing, given the fact that Voldemort himself was a Half-blood. But, she could not put that problem to a question because she would break rule number one and rule number two at the same time.
The last one was simple – don’t be a disappointment, don’t ruin the family’s image.
And that’s how she lived her life until her first year at Hogwarts. That’s when she started to disobey her dad by giving up on rule number three and talk to all her colleagues – nothing more than acquaintances, though, because the other Purebloods could mock her for doing so. She learned that everyone should be treated equally, no matter the blood that was running in their veins – they were all wizards, after all. That’s a reason she got close to James Potter last year, in her fourth one. The older boy was shocked to see a Slytherin act that politely towards a first-year Muggleborn Gryffindor and jokingly asked her if she was sick. He said she was not like the others. He said she was quite nice.
They had a few other accidental meetings in the hallway, and without realizing Y/N started to get nervous around him; her heart would beat faster when she’d hear his voice in the Great Hall and her cheeks would burn when she’d wake up from another dream about him – that was her first crush ever. While at the final party of the year, where only a few Slytherins were invited – it was hosted by the Marauders, after all – Y/N was kissed by James. The party was at the end, she wanted to leave and he offered to walk her back to the Dungeons. It was the best night of her life, she finally felt seen, heard, liked. Maybe it was because of their encounters, maybe because James could see behind her social mask or maybe it was simply because of all the firewhiskey and beer, but he kissed her. He really kissed her, right at the door of the Slytherin’s common room. He grabbed her waist, cupped her cheek and even groaned against her lips when she gathered the courage to put her hands in his dark curly hair. He smiled at her and wished her a great summer, and then walked off backwards, still watching her.
That’s why she was excited all summer to get back at Hogwarts. That’s why she was determined to learn more about Muggleborns, to change her life and morals. That’s why she started fighting her father when he’d open the topic of marriage – James was, of course, a Pureblood, as Cyrus wished for his only child, but he was also a blood traitor. She never told her dad about him, but she wouldn’t even once let him get the idea that she was willing to marry one of his friends’ sons. They were all pricks, and she was only thinking about James.
That’s why her heart broke on the train – he wouldn’t even look at her. That’s why now, a few days after, she still looks like the train hit her. That’s what she thought, at least, because everyone else complimented her new jewelry, her hair, her nail polish, every stupid and insignificant thing. Her eyes had dark circles under them, her skin felt strange and her appetite was nowhere to be found.
“Don’t you like the porridge?” asks Evan and points to her bowl.
His sister, Pandora, gets her head out of the tarot book and scoff in disapproval. “Could you mind your business, Evan?” She should be at the Ravenclaw table, but she really likes to spent time with them.
Y/N only smiles to them and pushes away the bowl. “You can have it, Evan, I’m not that hungry,” she winks in his direction and starts writing on her parchments again.
Because that’s what she does – that’s the only way not to look at the other side of the room, at the Gryffindor table. She studies over her Potions’ notes, her first class from that day. Professor Slughorn announced another meeting of the Slug Club and her new goal was to get invited, again. There are a few girls that get to be invited to those dinners, and Y/N was one of them but Horace liked to see new faces from now and then.
“You really want to go,” mutters Bruce Mulciber, looking at her with a bored expression. Edmund Avery hits his arm in a not-that-subtle manner and smiles at her widely.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are while studying, Y/N? So smart,” the boy says and winks in her direction.
“How disgusting,” Pandora whispers at their behavior. Y/N nods her head and smiles politely to Edmund, while wishing she could slam his head to the table until she’d see blood. But that would definitely against any existing rule – both Hogwarts’ and her father’s.
She gets up and starts gathering her belongings, taking a last sip from her tea cup. “I have to go, guys. Evan, I’ll see you in Potions, right?”
“Yeah, I have to wait for Regulus, though,” he informs her and grabs her porridge bowl, smiling thankful in her way.
Y/N laughs and grabs her parchments, drinking the remaining tea in her cup. While at it, a body slams into hers and the contact makes her to drop the tea on her notes, her white shirt and her shoes. And there’s silence.
“Sorry,” says in a blank tone no one else than Regulus Black. His uniform is perfect, his hair is put in place and he even got the chance to get away from Y/N before any drop could be on him. “I didn’t see you there.”
She wants to shout. She wants to scream at him, grab her wand and curse him. She wants him to be as embarrassed as she is now, wet and watched by the entire dining hall. But she can’t. She got her father’s temper but she learned from him how to handle it. She needs to handle it.
“Regulus,” she says in a happy tone, “Evan was waiting for you,” it’s the only thing that comes out of her mouth as she looks only at him. Not at her housemates, her friends, or even over her shoulder at the boy who froze there with his friends, who are laughing at her.
“Yeah, I know,” he mutters. “Let’s go, Rosier,” he demands in a now friendly voice. “Horace is waiting in the classroom; he probably wants to talk about the Slug Club.”
That’s when Y/N forgets about everything and in the silence of her mind there is only Regulus’ voice. He probably wants to talk about the Slug Club. Still with a smile on her face, she gets her robes from the bench, wave goodbye to her friends and starts walking away. She cannot resists the temptation and looks at the Gryffindor table. He’s there, with Sirius on his left, laughing with his friends.  After she leaves the Great Hall there’s a feeling of pressure on her whole body. Was he laughing of her? He could never, right? She was quite nice, after all.
Before entering the Potions class, she stood there for a few minutes, calming down. Now she’s putting on her dark robes, the silver snake shining on the green badge. As she’s buttoning it up, the steps of her colleagues echo through the dark corridor.
“There you are, Y/N,” sights Evan. He’s followed by Barty Crouch Jr and Regulus, who watches her like she’s sick with a blood curse. “You went ahead without looking back.”
“Oh, yeah, I got to make sure my robes cover the whole…” she looks only for a second at Regulus, “tea accident.” She says it while chuckling, like it was just a silly little accident which could happen to anyone. But not anyone would get away clean like he did after that kind of an accident.
“And yet you look worse than before,” Regulus speaks and his eyes points at her now clearly stained shirt. “Let’s go, boys, I’m sure Y/N knows how to dress herself,” he scoffs and smiles to her.
The other two boys follow him along and she sits there, blood boiling in her veins. Her anger is born because of two persons – her father, because he’d kill her if she was arguing with another Pureblood in public, especially Orion Black’s son, and Regulus Black, for being such and arse.
Horace Slughorn, however, didn’t seem to be that preoccupied by her entrance. He greeted her and went on with his lesson and for Merlin knows what time she finds herself thinking about Regulus, and how she’d strangle him with the tie around his neck if given the opportunity. Regulus has that power, to awake something in her that only wants to hurt him, to make him suffer and get out those cold eyes – maybe she could make a pair of earrings out of them. He was right besides her, sitting with Evan while she tried to ignore Barty’s jokes about their professor. Sometimes, she wishes so much to be away from them – she feels suffocated to be near them at school and also at home, when her father would take her with him at different events, but there’s no way that she could cross his word. You will act nice towards any pureblood kid, they are the only ones that deserve it – they are you only equals.
“That’s all for today, my dear students,” announces Slughorn and claps his hands together. “You have to write an essay about today’s lesson, in order for me to see that everything was very clear.”
She puts away her quill and ink and starts rolling the parchments that she took notes on. Barty plays drums in the wood of the table and Evan hits him behind his head with his notes. The two of them laugh and she can’t help but her Regulus’ scoff at their silly action.
“Oh, Mister Black, Miss Lestrange, could you stay for a little? I have something to tell you,” Slughorn says happily and goes over to his desk at the front of class.
“Yes, professor,” they both say and get up. They both also look at each other, eyes burning with annoyance.
“We’ll see you outside, ok?” asks Evan.
“Go on, don’t wait,” is the only answer he receives from Regulus before he goes first to Slughorn, Y/N right after him.
“Oh, my two favorite students!” the professor says as they remain alone in the classroom. “I hope the first days where excellent, kids.”
“Of course, sir,” Y/N smiles and Slughorn can’t help but lays his eyes a little longer on her, on her clothes. She was the only one that wore the robes during class.  
“How are your parents, hm?” His question sits uneasy on them both. Y/N does not look at Regulus, Regulus does not look at Y/N – they both hope the other one will talk first.
And because she remembers her father’s words, she opens her mouth. “My father sends his greetings, sir. He got me a new potions book that I’ve read over the summer,” she says and accepts happily the proud nod from her professor.
“Very good, I’m pleased to hear that the vacation didn’t stop your liking for studying,” he laughs in a soft manner. “Right, Regulus? Miss Lestrange here sure is a great housemate, keeping our pride safe,” now is the Horace Slughorn, Head of Slytherin, that’s talking.
She sees with the corner of her eye that his body tenses. “Of course, professor,” he forces himself to say.
“Right,” Horace claps his hands together again, excited. “You two are the brightest students in my house, that’s the reason I’m sure you two will be also the brightest Prefects that Hogwarts has and will ever see!” He hands them the green badges, the word PREFECT being written on it with silver letters. “I’m sure you’ll make me very proud, children,” he says.
“You can be sure of it, sir. We’ll do our best,” Y/N smiles and looks at the metal badge from between her fingers.
“That’s all,” the professor says. “Come on, go to your business, I have another class now.”
She bites her tongue and smiles polite at him, before turning around.
“What about the Slug Club, sir?”
Regulus Black was not the most talkative person Y/N knew, but he sure was stubborn.
“Oh, Merlin, I nearly forgot! Of course, Mister Black, you and Miss Lestrange are more than welcome, I thought that’s already settled,” he said and smiled at them – Horace Slughorn wanted to make sure that the kids of two important families in the Wizarding World liked him as a teacher.
As soon as they leave the class, Regulus scoffs, the sound echoing in the corridor. “Maybe you’ll learn how to dress now that I’m forced to spend even more time with you.”
His voice is mocking, rude and teasing. Now that they’re alone, they can finally act how they really wish to. Y/N grabs the wand from her robes’ pocket and points it at Regulus, who’s now pressed against the stone wall and grins at her.
“If you ever try to outsmart me again, Black, I swear I’m gonna Crucio you,” she spats the words in his face and only for a second Regulus’ face drops, his eyes looking at the tip of the wand before returning at her face.
“Only if you’d be capable of doing something like that, you pathetic try of a witch,” he says and grabs her wand, pushing it away from his face.
“You really have a death wish?” she asks annoyed by his eyes that watch her with superiority, his curved lips that laugh at her.
 “Careful, Y/N, you wouldn’t want you-know-who to find out what a brave and cruel witch you are, right? He may like it,” he laughs and walks away from her, leaving her alone at the door of the Potions’ class.
For a moment, she’s alone. And there’s silence. She looks at the green badge in her hand and exhales all the air in her lungs. And then, there’s laughter. And there’re steps which walk in her direction, and she wants to leave but she freezes pressed against the wall, right where Regulus was only a moment ago.
James Potter is walking beside a ginger girl; tall and beautiful and dressed in a red uniform, matching his. He makes her laugh as she’s playfully hitting his arm, telling him to stop. Y/N just stays there, and James doesn’t even seem to notice her. But the girl does – Y/N recognizes her as Lily Evans, the Muggleborn girl in James’ year. Lily’s green eyes watch Y/N as she sits there, badge in her hand, and the older witch smiles at her. She ignores James for a moment, giving Y/N a thumbs-up before pointing to her red badge, which had written HEADGIRL on it.
As they enter the room, Y/N starts walking away. She feels sad, maybe, heartbroken, even. She’s not sure. But she’s sure that she’s furious, angry, mad. Her father was right. Mudbloods and blood traitors deserve nothing.
And that’s only because James Potter picked the green eyes over the green badge.
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ellswritings · 2 months
Masterlist ;)
*= smut
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Wasting All These Tears On You
Peeta Mellark
They Don't Know About Us
Katniss Everdeen
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Cato Hadley
Marvel Sanford
Clove Kent
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
none yet :(
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Jealousy, Jealousy
Peter Hale
Chris Argent
Lydia Martin
Issac Lahey
Allison Argent
Malia Hale/Tate
Liam Dunbar
Kira Yukimara
Lupus Nox- S1 Cast, Prologue, S1 E1, S1 E2,
The Maze Runner
none yet :(
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Logan Howlett
Peter Quill
Gamora Ben Titan
Peter Parker
Peter Parker (TASM)
Thor Odinson
Michelle Jones-Watson
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
none yet :(
Once Upon A Time
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Jones
David Nolan/Prince Charming
Peter Pan
Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
none yet :(
Anthony Bridgerton
How To Be A Heartbreaker
Colin Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
King George
Simon Bassett
Eloise Bridgerton
none yet :(
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermoine Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Draco Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Luna Lovegood
Bellatrix Lestrange
none yet :(
Finn Hudson
Sam Evans
Jesse St. James
Quinn Fabray
Santana Lopez
Brittany S. Pierce
Rachel Berry
Mercedes Jones
Mike Chang
Noah Puckerman
none yet :(
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Matthew Simmons
Luke Alves
Kate Callahan
none yet :(
Evan 'Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Howard 'Chimney' Han
Maddie Buckley
none yet :(
Gossip Girl
Chuck Bass
Nate Archibald
Dan Humphrey
Serena Van Der Woodsen
Blair Waldorf
Carter Baizen
none yet :(
Pitch Perfect
Jesse Swanson
Beca Mitchell
Chloe Beale
Bumper Allen
Cynthia Rose
Benji Applebaum
Donald Walsh
Fat Amy/Patricia Hobart
none yet :(
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aethon-recs · 2 years
30 Tomarrymort Recs for February 2023
I keep telling myself that I won't do month-by-month recs and that they're too much of a commitment, but then a month like February hits where there were so many knock-out Tomarrymort fics published that I couldn’t resist celebrating all the incredible works posted in the last month, including for two Tomarrymort-themed fests. Apologies that this is coming a bit late in the month — it took me quite some time to write up thoughts on each due to the huge influx of unforgettable fic in February!
Criteria for this list: one-shot, complete, published in February 2023, in alphabetical order by title. It’s quite an extensive list, but every single one of these is worth reading.
Tomarrymort Recs (February 2023)
A Lesson Learned Well by @ellionne (M, 2k)
A very creepy take on a captive Harry and how he slowly starts to lose his mind until Voldemort can get him to do anything. ‘Anything’ includes some pretty gruesome cannibalism and other horrors!
Amensalism by @cindle-writes (E, 6k)
Tentacle sex! Inspired by the Venom movie! Harry/Scarcrux based off Eddie/Venom! Need I say more?
Anchor the Moon by Xenjn (M, 8k)
A very cool spin on genderswapped Tom and Harry who attend Hogwarts together! No matter the setting or era, Harry is obsessed with stalking Tom and proving she’s up to no good.
Anniversary by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
The last place that Harry would want to have sex is back in his cupboard at 4 Privet Drive. Yet Voldemort still takes him there for their anniversary. The mind games in here are absolutely top-tier!
Because it is his by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (E, 2k)
An experiment in polyjuice leads Harry to discover that Tom is extremely attracted to… Tom. A truly hilarious take on Tom Riddle’s unhinged and unparalleled levels of narcissism!
Cynosure by @wolfantlersinspace (E, 3k)
When Voldemort steps out of the cauldron, he is the hottest man in existence. We've all seen that scene in the 4th movie! Harry can’t help but feel the same way, despite how much he tries to resist it...
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k)
A brooding, pensive glimpse into a day in the life of Harry who’s been raised by Voldemort. How Harry yearns for him, yet never quite gets the emotional fulfillment he so craves is heartbreaking! I gasped at the ending!
Frigid by @mrviran (E, 3k)
I don’t know if the world is ready yet for Puritanical Voldemort, but if you think you might be, this fic does it BEST. The way Voldemort fixes Harry is so… chilling (pun intended — it'll all be clear once you read the fic!)
Honeyguide by @cannibalinc (E, 7k)
Tom, an unmatched Omega, is determined to have Harry as his Alpha, no matter the costs. The rut scene is so intense, with Harry completely losing control in a very sexy (and dangerous!) way.
Identity by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Harry and Tom go on a road trip together to celebrate their anniversary. The reveals in this fic were SO GOOD, I didn’t see any of them coming — crowthing skillfully delivers intricately layered tangled plots-within-plots in just 5k words.
In the library by @chiocchi (G, Art)
Harry and Tom studying in the library — with an adorable depiction of Tom letting his guard down around Harry. Both the scene and the coloring are so very soft!
Insatiate by @vdoshu (E, 2k)
A very bleak and dark take on an AU where Voldemort wins and Harry lives a very empty life, only to be filled by Voldemort’s cocks and some magical immortality juice.
it's kind of tripping me up babe, i've got it bad for you by @limonium-anemos (E, 3k)
Harry and Voldemort get isekai'ed into a cursed romance-novel AU. I love how all the long-standing love and trust between Harry and Voldemort shines through in this fic, as they make the best of their time in this very wacky erotica setting by fucking each other's brains out.
Keepsake by IceLynx (M, 5k)
Harry suffering from amnesia wakes up with Voldemort telling him that they're in a relationship. But when the pieces don’t quite add up, Harry discovers the horrifying truth. A very creative twist at the end!
アンバランスなKissをして by vash (E, 2k)
A show-stopping alternate ending to the Final Battle, with Harry asking for a final kiss from Voldemort. 
Matriphagy by @being-luminous (M, 2k)
This fic takes the whole “Voldemort hunting Harry because of a prophecy” origin story, and adds a vampire twist to it. The floaty and detached vibe is a really nice contrast to the visceral horrors of what’s happening on-page — very skillfully done!
Phalanx by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
There’s a reason why Voldemort doesn’t wear shoes, which Harry, to his horror (and our delight), finds out firsthand. The foot worship in here is magnificently over-the-top in very satisfying detail.
Quiet as the Moon by @itsevanffs (M, 2k)
A Beauty and the Beast AU that’s a sequel to @duplicitywrites’ Certain as the Sun. I thought what was a really nice touch is how we see the state of their (unhappy) relationship through flashbacks interspersing the main action — in just a few sentences, itsevanffs manages to paint a picture of a very wretched existence for Harry, before he takes matters into his own hands. 
Research and Development by @cannibalinc (E, 6k)
Voldemort captures Harry and proceeds to experiment on him. And by ‘experiment’, I mean, carve Harry up and fuck him with his hemipenes in delightfully gratuitous, violent and unrestrained, and gushingly hot fashion.
Right in Front of My Salad? by IceLynx (T, 2k)
Draco Malfoy dies right in the middle of Harry and Tom’s kitchen (rude). A hilarious sequence of misunderstandings ensues, which leave you with no doubt that Harry and Tom are absolutely perfect for each other.
Run Boy Run by @youknowmevj (E, 6k)
The ultimate chase & capture fic. The anticipation builds with every one of Harry’s steps as he's trying to run away, and we’re left with some delicious emotional manipulation and a very hot wall sex scene at the end. 
silk of midnight and dawn by @ilya-zzz (E, 3k)
Such a cool concept! Harry and Tom decide to become animagi, and when Tom transforms into his animagus form, his animal instincts kick in... and Harry is right there unable to defend himself...
Tantrums by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Featuring the brattiest Tom I’ve ever come across, and an incredibly impulsive Harry who can’t resist Tom’s allures. You'd think this combination would automatically spell destruction and disaster, but they actually work out really well together in a surprisingly compatible way!
Tearing me apart (like a new emotion) by @rudehellion (E, 2k)
As this fic progresses, the horror of what’s happening to Harry in his forced marriage to Voldemort continues to build and build. Not only is Harry getting taken part physically, he’s also getting taken apart mentally ("Every night, there’s a little more trust to break.") I loved what the ending implies for Voldemort’s favorite hobby.
That's Your Boyfriend by @solavonn (G, Art)
This artwork is so cute!! Depicting Harry who's overwhelmed by how hot his Quidditch boyfriend Tom is. Harry's not the only one — Solavonn's Tom Riddle art is always so good-looking that we all feel the same way, Harry!
The Green Herring by @duplicitywrites (G, 1k)
A hilarious cracky take on what exactly Tom Riddle thinks of his boyfriend Harry’s very special, very extraordinary, very memorable eye colour. 
The sweet burn of venom by @loneamaryllis (E, 4k)
SMOKIN’ HOT ABO! Harrie goes through her first heat, and Voldemort provides relief, but is he really there, or is it a (very hot) dream?
thrice-bound, twice-filled by @cindle-writes (E, 4k)
Voldemort. Hemipenes. Double-stuffing Harry. A perfect setup for a very hot pwp!
We're (Not) Together by @vdoshu (E, 3k)
This fic is the EPITOME of gaslighting and manipulation. An extremely controlling Tom refuses to accept that he and Harry aren’t still together… or are they?
you alone of all creatures by @duplicitywrites (E, 3k)
I love the concept of Tom having an illicit affair with his very sexy and married Professor Potter. All the sneaking around is SO HOT as he seduces Harry and cracks open his defenses bit-by-bit.
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mattsturniolosmuse · 7 months
Request Steps
Who I write for:
The Outsiders:
Dallas Winston
Darry Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Ponyboy Curtis
Johnny Cade
Steve Randle
Two-Bit Matthews
Carl Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
The Hunger Games:
Peeta Mellark
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Harry Potter:
Fred & George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Theodore Nott
Tom Riddle
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Charlie Walker
Ethan Landry
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
Jeremiah Fisher
Conrad Fisher
Steven Conklin
Percy Jackson:
Percy Jackson
Luke Castellan
(I will do both the older movies and the newer ones)
Heartbreak High:
"Eshay" Ca$h
Skip from "Class"
Dexter Morgan from "Dexter"
Tom Holland
Timothee Chalamet
Henry Hart/Kid Danger from "Henry Danger"
Bryton Myler
Ben Azelart
Matt Sturniolo
Chris Sturniolo
Nick Sturniolo
I will do anyone, unless I don't know enough about the character. The ones above are just the ones I do best.
Fics I Will Write:
Fics I Will NOT Write:
Incest or stepcest
Anything homophobic or racist
I prefer specific requests!!! Thank you so much everyone.
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whinlatter · 1 year
obviously ginny always holds a candle for harry and her feelings for him never really go away, but what do you think is the point when her feelings change from a childhood crush to realised actual adult feelings?
(I love this question so here I am, back on my bullshit with another Hinny meta not a single soul asked for)
“— how she didn’t think famous, good, great Harry Potter would ever like her…” “She thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more — myself.”” 
There’s a huge gulf from the Ginny being talked about in that first quote and the Ginny speaking in the second. When and how Ginny gets from one to the other - both a new way of seeing herself, and holding a new, healthier set of feelings for Harry that he will return and deeply value - is tricky to parse out because of how much Ginny’s growth clearly happens off-stage (and is… criminally underwritten). But I do think it’s clear that that this shift does happen but I actually hadn't ever really thought about it properly before lol sooo I have been scratching my head over this one since you sent this ask.
The headline is: I basically think Ginny’s crush dies in the chamber. As early as Ginny’s second year, in PoA, she’s made a decision to cope with Harry’s inevitable presence in her life, and that’s to have her feelings be less about revering him, and more about making him feel supported and loved, both by her and by her family. She makes her feelings less about who she is relative to him, and much less about an immediate hope of reciprocation, and more about reinforcing in Harry a sense of his own worth and value as something that need not be a comment on her own. As they both grow up, and she gets to know him better, I think she starts to understand that they are fundamentally incredibly similar people. She learns that she has a unique understanding of him that other characters don’t, someone who she can help be better, and ultimately someone she knows how to love well and someone who knows how to be loved by him. And that in part is a testament to how much work she does - with the help of good guidance - to like herself and like what she brings to the table, both in seeing the parts of her that are similar to Harry and liking them, and in being confident that the parts of her that are different to Harry can be ways of understanding him and loving him in ways he really needs. Basically, when Ginny starts to see herself as somebody worthy of love and similar to Harry, not someone unworthy and defined by their inadequacy relative to Harry, that’s when the crush is gone and the real feelings emerge. I think that level of self growth starts to happen much earlier in canon for Ginny than it does for lots of her peer characters, especially Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 
Full reasoning is below the cut, and I am using the word reasoning loosely, because there is absolutely no rhyme or reason why I have written as many words on this question as I have. Ask me a Ginny question and I will act up, apparently
The crush
What’s really significant about Ginny’s crush on Harry (and is imo quite overlooked) is that it’s defined by an incredibly low sense of self-worth and a terrible loneliness on little Ginny’s part. Riddle tells Harry how Ginny feels about herself, and tbh it’s absolutely fucking heartbreaking. Obviously, this version of Ginny’s sense of self is refracted through Riddle’s most uncharitable telling, but I think we should take it as containing at least an element of truth (because what makes Riddle such a master manipulator is his capacity to understand people’s fears and anxieties, and to play to them):
‘Little Ginny’s been writing in it for months and months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes — how her brothers tease her, how she had to come to school with secondhand robes and books, how —” Riddle’s eyes glinted “— how she didn’t think famous, good, great Harry Potter would ever like her…” ‘No one’s ever understood me like you, Tom… I’m so glad I’ve got this diary to confide in… It’s like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket…”
The Ginny we get a sense of in these lines is of someone who thinks very little of themselves, who is defined by friendlessness, and has so deep a sense of isolated inadequacy she very easily becomes dependent on someone who shows her the first bit of genuine interest and makes her feel worth listening to. Obviously, Ginny is very loved at this stage, by both her parents and her brothers, but she’s not really seen, and she clearly feels both alone and deeply insecure. Unlike Ron’s way of dealing with his own sense of inadequacy, which is expressed, at various stages, through jealousy and resentment, Ginny feels her inadequacy into a crush that isn’t just about how great Harry is, but how great Harry is compared to her, and how unworthy she is of his attention. She doesn’t seem to have close friends, she has no-one who sees her as an equal, no emotional support that meets her where she’s at, and she is deeply doubtful that she deserves more. (I don’t want to say Ginny/Snape parallels but uhhh well........ you know)
There are elements of the crush that will remain a constant in Ginny’s feelings towards Harry throughout the series. She'll remain extremely protective of him ("Leave him alone, he didn't want all that"), she'll continue to admire him a great deal, and obvs she … fancies him. But the crush and her later feelings for Harry are clearly pretty distinct. When we see glimpses of her crush in other scenes - at the Burrow, in Diagon Alley, in the Valentine’s incident - it’s an endearing but ultimately juvenile, all-consuming view of Harry, in that way that crushes often are when you’re very young, but also one that speaks to her inability to see Harry as a real person and, especially, a person who is not better than her. Her crush isn’t empowering, but humiliating. It's something over which she has no control, and experiences publicly and very bodily (the whole-body blush, the physical clumsiness of knocking everything over, hiding behind doors and watching him at the Burrow). When she writes and commissions the Valentine, she talks about his appearance and his legacy in such a telling way. ‘I wish he was mine, he’s really divine’ isn’t the line of a confident person shooting their shot - it’s hero worship from someone who very much does not think themselves worthy of worship, and therefore direct adoration upwards at the person they’ve put on a pedestal. Although she’s not exactly asking Harry out directly with the Valentine (it’s supposed to be anonymous, and it’s only outed as Ginny by Malfoy), she pitches herself to Harry as someone who is in awe of him and really fancies him, but gives no sign of a capacity for great mutual understanding, no demonstration of their (many) similarities, no sign of deep care and no kind of pitch for her self as someone great who deserves love, someone funny, clever, and attractive, the traits that will later define the Ginny Harry falls for.  
Leaving the crush behind
I think the aftermath of the Chamber is really significant for Ginny’s changing feelings for Harry. Leaving aside the lingering trauma of possession and her near-death experience, it’s hard to overstate how absolutely fucking awful it would be to interact with Harry after that.  It’s not just that Riddle reveals the depth of little Ginny’s clearly intense feelings for him to Harry - mortifying enough - it’s that Riddle told Harry that Ginny’s obsession with him meant she inadvertently fed Riddle information that would render Lily Potter’s sacrifice moot, cost Harry his life and bring Voldemort to some form of power again. Though of course what Ginny reveals to Riddle isn’t an active betrayal of the Pettigrew vein, there are few consequences of having a crush that would be worse than the person you have a crush on nearly being killed because of it. A very reasonable response would have been to avoid Harry forever, and try and put that whole episode, and her feelings for him, to bed. 
But she… doesn’t do that. Of course, Harry’s in her life whether she likes it or not. But she doesn’t have to become who she does become to him by OotP, and it’s clear then that she actively makes a series of choices to turn her feelings for him into something that is useful and kind for Harry: something that helps him and improves him, rather than starting at a point of thinking he’s perfect. Her appearances in GoF and even PoA lay the groundwork for the approach to him that she’s mastered by OotP. In PoA - so in the aftermath of this experience where Harry is the person who serves as the biggest reminder of her ordeal, and also Riddle’s chief victim - other than her awkward hello in Diagon Alley, the only reminder of Ginny’s feelings for Harry come when she leaves him the get well card she makes for him in the hospital wing. Harry’s narration implies the get well soon card is an expression of Ginny’s crush: he describes her as “blushing furiously”. But both making and delivering the card takes a huge amount of courage, and it’s a fundamentally selfless gesture - it’s literally a wish for him to get better, to make him feel like someone cares about his welfare, and a sign she is already starting to try and channel her feelings for him into something kind and supportive.(Obviously he… hates that the card sings so, you know, swing and a miss on execution, but she’s trying). Other than that, she only pops up to briefly share a private laugh with Harry over Percy (the first one-on-one injection of humour to their relationship), and to console Ron and reprimand the twins when Scabbers ‘dies’, establishing her as someone who acts with love and kindness, even if not directed at Harry himself.
In GoF, Ginny comes closer to honing this approach. She blushes when she sees Harry again at the Burrow, but she also then talks with confidence and humour in front of him with relatively little effort. She really reaches a crossroads over the Yule Ball, where she sets herself on the path away from validation from Harry and towards a stronger sense of who she is and what she believes in. She doesn’t ask Harry to the Yule Ball, even though several other characters do ask him out. She doesn’t chance rejection, but nor does she risk mortifying him. When Ron suggests she go with Harry, she turns him down and honours her commitment to Neville, something she finds difficult but is her choosing who the person she wants to be: someone who does the right thing, the selfless thing, who doesn’t ask Harry to validate her, but also who won’t accept the idea of being an afterthought last-option invite for Harry Potter. Because we’ll later be told, by Hermione, that Ginny met Michael Corner at the Yule Ball, I think we’re supposed to take Christmas 1994 as the period where Ginny starts to actively turned a corner in her feelings for Harry. With Hermione’s help (and I think it is this Christmas where Hermione advises Ginny on this), Ginny resolves to seek out romantic companionship elsewhere, where she will be able to be herself - something that might attract Harry in the long-run, but that will have its own value, too. The time where Ginny's sense of her own worth was calibrated around how much better than her she thought Harry was is increasingly in the rear-view mirror.
After the crush
By the time we get to the summer of OotP, something really big has shifted in Ginny’s mind about how she is going to be around Harry and what he is to her. The depth of Ginny’s growth, self-improvement and self-knowledge is on full display here, and she’s clearly reached a relative peace with herself. She has a confidence she didn’t have before; she’s got clear skills and abilities that mark her out as talented and assured (including Quidditch, but also her sense of humour and magical abilities); she’s actually shown herself capable not just of controlling her bodily and emotional responses to Harry, and also become an incredibly sophisticated liar (lol); and, crucially, she’s no longer lonely but surrounded by friends and in a romantic relationship that seems to be stable and healthy enough for a fourteen year old relationship, a real fuck-you to Tom Riddle. From the very start of OotP (“I thought I’d heard your voice”, “We know, Harry”), she can see what she’s become towards Harry: a shrewd reader of him, empathetic, supportive, forgiving, someone rooting for him, wanting good things for him and for him to grow and mature in happy, healthy ways, unafraid to call him out or help him grow when he’s displaying destructive coping mechanisms, lashing out or craving the approval of unworthy peers, and, crucially, someone who has pushed any thought of reciprocation to the back of her mind.
She also really understands who Sirius is to Harry in such a deep and profound way. Over the prefects issue, she’s the one who instigates of the conversation that consoles him over the Prefects issue - she’s the one who draws Sirius in as someone whose example (as a person who clearly was not a Prefect) will be a comfort to him (as well as just like, giving him valuable bonding moment with his godfather and knowledge of his father at school):
“What about you, Sirius?” Ginny asked, thumping Hermione on the back. Sirius, who was right beside Harry, let out his usual barklike laugh. “No one would have made me a prefect, I spent too much time in detention with James. Lupin was the good boy, he got the badge.”
On the train, when Ron and Hermione go to the Prefects carriage and Harry feels suddenly bereft, it’s Ginny alone who stays with him and agrees to sit with him on the train, finding the carriage with Neville and Luna to sit with, even though she’s with Michael at this point. Does Ginny still hold a torch for him? Sure, but she’s still holding a torch in sixth year, and she’s happy to leave him on his own on the train then. She decides in this moment Harry’s need is great, and wants him to not feel alone on his first train ride without Ron. She also shows here that she’s matured and grown up a lot more than he is in some significant ways. She doesn’t share his acute embarrassment about Neville and Luna, and she sorts him out after the Stinksap debacle, helping his embarrassment in front of Cho. Obviously there’s the ‘lucky you’ scene (side note: I love Ginny’s at his side on the tube as soon as they leave St Mungo’s after the conversation about possession). The ‘lucky you’ scene does not scream ‘please love me I’m so in love with you’. It’s a sign of deep care for a person, but it’s the behaviour of a person who no longer gives much of a fuck about being thought well of - they want to be helpful, it’s a very selfless kind of love, but she’s sort of over expecting things of him. 
The Easter egg scene is another case in point of someone who clearly has some level of deep feelings for someone else - as evidenced by their obvious close knowledge of that person developed through watching them closely and generously - but who has turned them into something directed and selflessly productive. We can see that Ginny’s approach has meant something to Harry even if he hasn’t really clocked it. That he gets upset over the Easter egg certainly speaks to how much distress he’s in, but it also speaks to a subconscious feeling of being in the presence of someone who allows him to let his guard down, even if he's baffled as to why his body has behaved like this. Fifteen year old Harry sits, despairing over his fifteen year old father’s failings, grappling with his doubts about his parents’ path to romantic love, consoled by the thought that “his mother had been decent” - when Ginny enters, reaching through fifteen year old Harry’s own failings (irascibility, self-isolation) and gets through to what he needs. Selflessly, she suggests he tries to talk to Cho. She demonstrates strong emotional intelligence towards him, she delivers him a path to getting what Harry really wants - a conversation with the one person he sees as family, about his dad. That Ginny is the person who makes possible Harry’s one conversation about James with Remus and Sirius is so significant (and why I’ll always be mad that JKR cut the plan to have Harry literally confess the James memory to Ginny in the library and then mention Ginny’s advice to Sirius and Remus. The cut “That’s what Ginny said” line that Harry was supposed to say to Sirius and Remus from the JKR OotP planning notes lives in my head not just rent free but claiming full squatters’ rights). 
Even more significantly in OotP, Harry quietly shows her that, while there’s a lot to admire about him, and lots of empathise with, there’s also a lot to be disappointed with him in. I think this only cements Ginny’s sense that her approach is the right one, and avoids setting herself up for further disappointment. The truth is that Harry lets her down several points in OotP, not just in the ‘lucky you’ scene. On the train, he is at least a bit embarrassed by her - not as much as he is of Neville and Luna, but certainly doesn’t think of her as a “very cool person”. Harry spends the whole book screaming at everyone for information, feeling frustrated about being patronised and deemed too young, but does the same thing to Ginny four times: once, at Grimmauld Place, where he lets Molly remove her from the room and makes no case for her entitlement to knowledge, and then three separate times after he's had the vision of Sirius being tortured:
“Hi,” said Ginny uncertainly. “We recognised Harry’s voice — what are you yelling about?”  “Never you mind,” said Harry roughly. Ginny raised her eyebrows. “There’s no need to take that tone with me,” she said coolly. “I was only wondering whether I could help.”  “Well, you can’t,” said Harry shortly. “You’re being rather rude, you know,” said Luna serenely.
And then again a few pages later in the Forest: 
“I’ve got a broom!” said Ginny. “Yeah, but you’re not coming,” said Ron angrily. “Excuse me, but I care what happens to Sirius as much as you do!” said Ginny, her jaw set so that her resemblance to Fred and George was suddenly striking. “You’re too —” Harry began. “I’m three years older than you were when you fought You-KnowWho over the Sorcerer’s Stone,” she said fiercely, “and it’s because of me Malfoy’s stuck back in Umbridge’s office with giant flying bogeys attacking him —” “Yeah, but —”
One more time for emphasis, Harry, there's not enough salt in that wound:
“Look, you three” — he pointed at Neville, Ginny, and Luna — “you’re not involved in this, you’re not — ”
I think this is in part why Ginny moves onto Dean so quickly at the end of the OotP year and doesn’t wait around to see if post-Cho Harry is interested in something. Obviously, she would see and respect the enormity of Harry’s grief. But she has just spent a year receiving confirmation that Harry doesn't see her as an equal and doesn't seem to intend to meet her emotional needs in any of the ways she has learned to meet his. She dumps Michael because she knows what she’s worth, and though she’s briefly single she fills Michael’s space with someone else who clearly admires and values her, something Harry has shown no sign he is capable of doing (yet). She leaves OotP having found a way of being around Harry that works for her, that offers him meaningful friendship and support, and that both sees him and sees through him. She’s not about to ask for more, out of respect for him but also out of self-preservation. (I think she is also beginning to grasp that if anything ever did happen with Harry, it would be temporary, in ways that colour her approach to it, too.) 
All this is to say, by the time we get to HBP, Ginny has five years post-crush under her belt of overcoming the unhealthy and toxic aspects of her feelings for Harry, honing who she is to Harry and living with her feelings for him, and also just... becoming someone she herself likes and who she believes deserves love and respect. Her feelings aren’t gone, but she’s built a life that doesn't centre them, and she’s happy with who she is to Harry, and how she can make him feel loved without asking for romantic love in return. The trouble for her is that Harry’s about to have an absolute shocker and realise their significance to one another in ways that threaten the equilibrium she’s found. But that's the trouble when you have a massive sense-of-self glow-up Gin! Sometimes people clock them and go: wow wait. So sorry baby you did this to yourself! 
90 notes · View notes
saintsenara · 1 year
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bookbinding tom riddle/myrtle warren teen | 35.5k words
‘men like practical women, pudding,’ had always been mum’s advice. men who like country walks don’t want girls in vertiginous high-heels, they want girls in wellington boots. men who like hearty meals don’t want girls who’ll only eat lettuce. men who are in trade unions don’t want girls who don’t pay the greengrocer on time.
men who are orphans, who believe themselves damned and are too thin and don’t sleep properly and live their lives sustained only by a current of murderous fury, require a different type of practicality. they don’t need to be soothed by a wet blanket - with those girls, they’ll push their luck and get into trouble and end up either in hospital or in prison.
they need a girl who’ll take charge and keep them on the straight-and-narrow, since they've made such a hash of managing their own lives so far.
which will win: sixteen years of planning for brutal world domination, or one (1) teenage girl?
this piece was written for week nine of @ladiesofhpfest, on the theme of heartthrobs and heartbreaks [you can find the masterlist for this week's fics here].
tom riddle and moaning myrtle may not be an instinctive pairing for that theme, but i like a challenge...
fortunately, so do they.
bookbinding is, at its heart, a romantic comedy, which means that it’s crammed full of lovely tropes and character archetypes.
there are some author's notes under the cut. let’s dive in.
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our cast of characters
our heroine is, of course, moaning myrtle.
myrtle is someone who is not treated particularly kindly by the canon narrative, even though she ought to be objectively sympathetic by virtue of being a murder victim.
on the one hand, this is because she is sincerely and extremely annoying, and harry - from whose perspective the narrative is written - is a teenage boy with a low tolerance for irritation.
but, on the other, she is a victim of one of jkr’s worst tendencies: defaulting towards describing characters whom the audience is not supposed to regard as heroic as physically unattractive (and, especially, describing them as either fat or unusually thin). jkr also has a tendency to write women whom the narrative considers insubstantial in character as emotionally volatile and demonstrative: myrtle’s theatrical wailing and oversensitivity, for example, puts her in the same category as characters such as lavender brown and cho chang - not villains by any stretch of the imagination, but not people whose emotions really deserve to be taken seriously. the ‘good’ women of the series - ginny and hermione chief among them - are not emotionally repressed, but they are emotionally controlled.
i’ve always really disliked this - indeed, i’ve always thought that there’s a slightly victim-blaming tone to myrtle’s canon death (that is, that if she wasn’t crying in the loos about something trivial - olive hornby teasing her about her glasses - then she’d have been fine), rather than a message that voldemort’s bloodlust was unstoppable, and most of his victims were ordinary people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
the flip side of this is that myrtle makes a great rom-com heroine - the awkward nerd who ends up with the hottest boy in school is a popular trope for a reason. but, all too often, the heroines of these pieces of media end up conforming to stereotypes in the other direction; the ‘weird’ girl is actually cool, the ‘ugly’ girl takes off her glasses and is hot. the harry potter series already uses this trope with hermione - who only needs one hair product to transform into someone who looks as though they belong on the arm of an international quidditch star - and i thought it was trite when it was first published and i still think it’s trite now.
so it was important to me, then, that the myrtle of bookbinding wouldn’t transform either physically or emotionally beyond the changes which happen to all of us as we go from being fourteen to almost-nineteen. [after all, one of the reasons why the canonical myrtle acts the way she acts is because being perpetually fourteen must be hell - as she tells us here.]
it was also important to me that the characteristics and actions which jkr tends to take a dim view of in women would end up being myrtle’s greatest strengths. her pettiness can be a bad thing (she saves tom from dumbledore - her least favourite teacher - the night he kills the school roosters, allowing the chamber of secrets to be opened), but it also brings her power, not least since she is unwilling to let tom win any arguments. her tendency to seek out gossip and eavesdrop on the staff table ends up saving the world, when she informs tom that the school will be closed if the basilisk’s attacks continue. her predisposition towards wallowing and her own experience of sadness and loneliness makes her emotionally sensitive and good at reading people (as draco malfoy can attest). the fact that she is bullied gives her a certain devil-may-care attitude towards embarrassment. after all, buying chocolates for tom riddle and being rebuffed is probably less humiliating - in the world of the teenage girl - than olive hornby pointing out your spots.
so why shouldn’t myrtle get a hot (and only mildly terrifying) boyfriend? as a treat.
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dear old tom marvolo riddle is many things.
he is a connoisseur of dark magic, a brilliant pupil who aspires to be a mass-murderer, a profoundly- traumatised orphan seeking a place in the world.
he is also a cringe teenage edgelord, who spends most of his time in the library doing extra reading and making up anagrams of his own name for fun. [which is of course why, like all teen edgelords in the 1940s, he has a performative interest in communism.]
i always think it’s worth remembering this: that lord voldemort was once actually young. so much about the adult voldemort is presented as inevitable in canon - even the eleven-year-old tom we meet in half-blood prince is written off as fundamentally inextricable from the shape his adult self takes - that the potential that even tiny things would have had on the outcome of his life aren’t considered. i think this is a shame - and i think it’s a great oversight from the series, given its emphasis on the value of choice.
and these tiny things could have been profound - dumbledore making any effort to deal with the young tom’s crushing grief over the death of his mother, for example - but they could also have been the sort of thing which seems more frivolous - a first kiss, a friend you can chat shit with, a really good piece of chocolate - but which can have a huge impact on the rest of someone’s life.
the tom of bookbinding, then, ends up on the straight-and-narrow through a series of lucky accidents. and this does not require him to be all that different from his canon self - he’s just not a murderer. this tom retains all of the canonical voldemort’s best character traits - he has a surprisingly well-developed sense of honour (the voldemort who castigates wormtail for betraying the marauders would certainly be scathing towards the bullies who don’t have the courage to attack myrtle to her face), he’s very camp, he’s extremely thin, he’s prickly and sickly, he’s a magpie (that the canonical voldemort loves working in the antiques trade is a headcanon i am completely wedded to), he’s a pragmatist, he has a series of very defined mannerisms (he tilts his head to one side when considering things! he examines his hands! he paces!), he’s not somebody incapable of empathy but just someone who sees these things primarily through the lens of himself, he has a tendency towards magical thinking and a very idealised view of his lineage and his place in the world (it’s good for all of us that he never realises how wrong he was about the gaunts)...
and he is absolutely desperate for affection.
which myrtle gives to him, one chocolate frog at a time.
and it turns his whole world upside down. not that he’s prepared to admit it until the very end of the story, of course - before then, he justifies his affection for her as pragmatism (he doesn’t allow the basilisk to hurt her because that would make it obvious it was him who’d opened the chamber), but he’s lying to himself.
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i’ve never liked the fanon that tom was bullied at school - he dislikes being condescended to about his background, but i don’t think anyone would dare mock him for it - and i’ve always assumed that his descent from slytherin is widely known in his house. this leads to the belief among the student body in bookbinding - which he is only too happy to encourage - that he is a rich pureblood from exactly the sort of background as his friends.
and i have always preferred the idea - in contrast to dumbledore’s belief in half-blood prince that voldemort has no actual interest in them - that the teenage tom’s ‘devoted friends’ are exactly that. he feels a great deal of affection for the knights of walpurgis in his own little way and they’re not ‘rigidly controlled’ by him (another dumbledore special - in bookbinding we see all of them clearly thinking that tom’s obsession with the chamber of secrets is insane, and conspiring to make him less of a boring workaholic). the issue is that - since all of them are loved and well-off - they can’t entirely appreciate the depth of his need to be paid attention. it’s a good job they have myrtle to pick up the slack.
fans of my other writing will recognise the standard cast of knights - romulus lestrange (having a much better time in this piece than in one year in every ten), abraxas malfoy, tarquin rosier (brother of domitiana), eadmer avery, iago carrow, augustus rookwood and so on.
[if tom has a best friend, though, it’s definitely the basilisk, who is an absolute sweetheart.]
the knights are certainly not good people - none of them have any qualms about disparaging myrtle for being muggleborn - but, crucially, they’re teenagers who have the option to choose a better path. [i’d like to think they’re all sincerely delighted for tom when they hear about his upcoming marriage, and salazar and merope jr. have a devoted team of uncles who don’t spare their blood status a second thought.]
and, as with tom, i therefore wanted to give them a chance to be teens. they’re all deeply uncool piles of hormones who drink in the hog’s head - which trips the adult voldemort up in half-blood prince when he comes to hogwarts for his job interview, exactly as it does for hermione in order of the phoenix - because they think it makes them look interestingly dangerous. [it doesn’t.]
they’re also all obsessed with getting their ends away.
writing tom’s sexual awakening made me chuckle self-indulgently at numerous points - the poor thing was spiralling! and i will never get over how a commenter pointing out that he behaves like ‘a chaotic slut’ at several points in this story made me scream! - and so i think that we ought to give props to the two other women who end up saving the world beside myrtle. antimony tremblay is named after a poisonous metal, but her willingness to throw herself at tom in slughorn’s cupboard ended up curing him of his tendency towards isolation and detachment. domitiana rosier - sister of agrippina rosier lestrange, tom’s scourge in one year in every ten, who is minding her own business here - has an imperious demeanour to match her name, and her lack of interest in tom’s muggle blood ended up curing him once and for all of his flirtation with blood supremacy (she also trained him very thoroughly on what to do in bed). she will get her lovely pureblood marriage and be happy enough, but she will always regard tom as the one that got away. even though he considers himself to have hit the jackpot with myrtle, he will be insufferably smug about this.
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we have two final shout-outs.
the first of these is to myrtle’s parents. in canon, all the muggleborns we meet seem to extract themselves from their world of their birth - hermione, who ceases to spend any meaningful time with her parents from the summer before prisoner of azkaban onwards, and whose violence towards them in deathly hallows is never interrogated, is the main example. i’ve never liked this - since it’s undermining the point the series thinks it’s making about how blood-supremacists’ beliefs that the magical and muggle should never mix are wrong - and so it was important to me that myrtle came from a loving home which she regards as infinitely superior to the cruelty of the magical world, with parents who respect and encourage her magic.
like their daughter, the warrens are ordinary people who show how being ordinary can change the world. myrtle’s mother, in particular, is the best sort of activist - a normal woman who snaps one day and throws an orange at the prince of wales, who believes that the hard work of compassion is best done through plying tom with iced buns, who is stubborn and never gives up, who isn’t afraid of taking on the state (she’ll get her review into wool’s orphanage), who is happy to be giggly and silly, and who gives extremely good advice. men do indeed like practical women.
the second deserves to go to albus dumbledore.
beyond the fact that he takes against the young voldemort immediately on the basis of his own self-loathing, one of the canonical dumbledore’s flaws is his tendency to prioritise interesting people and take a lack of interest in those who are not spectacular. as a teacher, i can imagine him having little time for the average pupil - as myrtle certainly thinks.
but he learns an important lesson here. there is, as he tells us, beauty in the ordinary - and he recognises, long before tom does, that the beautiful ordinariness of teenage friendship, and girlfriend trouble, and chocolate frogs, and a brilliant (but strange and lonely) boy realising that the love of his life is the world’s most normal girl has altered the course of history. he throws himself sincerely into match-making from then on.
and he’s definitely invited to the wedding.
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our setting
we get some hints in canon - especially in half-blood prince - that hogwarts is a school full of teenagers, doing what teenagers do, but harry’s whole ‘saving-the-world thing’ means that he’s a bit too preoccupied to notice what must be a fundamental truth: that hundreds of hormonal creatures, locked up together for months at a time with virtually no adult supervision outside of lessons, will be insatiable.
our setting is also the hogwarts of the forties. i had great fun with the period slang, as well as with the names - beyond the anglo-norman names i use for most of my purebloods (tremblay, duhamel etc.), reginald chive and hubert fawley owe something to p.g. wodehouse, autonoë dashwood-brandon’s mother had clearly been reading sense and sensibility, isabella spats is a distant relation to carmelita spats from a series of unfortunate events, sandraudiga rowle has a norse name like her nephew thorfinn, henrietta savernake is from the poirot novel the hollow, and igor bagman - canonically friends with augustus rookwood - is just as good a quidditch player as his son.
this time-period is, of course, when the second world war was taking place. i’m on the record as disliking the fanon that the canonical voldemort is traumatised by the war (especially the blitz, which he’s at school during), and here his main hardship - as it was for many people - is rationing. myrtle’s shared detestation of the practice is one of the things which really makes his feelings for her (something he’s not quite understood yet when they run into each other in chapter two…) click into place.
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our themes
jkr’s lack of sympathy for myrtle contrasts with the fact that she clearly has a sincere dislike of female bullying - and, especially, the sort of petty sniping about appearance which is so profoundly damaging to teenage girls [i do really advise reading what she says about pansy parkinson on this matter.]
however, it’s always seemed to me that her view can be assumed to be that ‘good’ women simply suffer through this torment, knowing that they have the moral high-ground - hermione must, like myrtle in bookbinding, be isolated by being the only girl in her dormitory not in a cliquey friendship-group, but she never seems upset about lavender or parvati excluding her; luna, whose shoes are hidden like myrtle’s are (i think this must be a standard ravenclaw thing), simply shrugs everything off.
but i think that’s bullshit. myrtle is allowed to wallow in her devastation at being bullied and ostracised - and, especially, at her devastation at not ever knowing what she’s done wrong. bringing your own packed lunch, or spilling pudding down yourself, or being happy to receive a birthday present, or having an attractive male friend are such benign things, but they are also the sorts of things which trigger so much cruelty in the teen ecosystem.
i also thought it important that lot of myrtle’s bullying should be connected to being muggleborn. olive hornby doesn’t have the sort of name which indicates being pureblood in canon, but here she is one, and her relationship with myrtle is absolutely driven by the fact that she is an inherent insider to the magical world and myrtle isn’t.
in canon, we get the hint that bullying people over blood status is the preserve of slytherins with death eater sympathies, but this has always seemed reductive to me (not least because blood status drives so much of the ‘good’ side’s narrative - the weasleys are protected by their class, for example, and this changes how they interact with the world to a significant extent, as ron’s view of house elves shows). after all, the trigger for so much teenage bullying is difference of any kind - and muggleborns are objectively different from those raised in the wizarding world. [especially since, as tom himself points out, wizarding society is pretty medieval - they should think about opening cinemas.]
they are also subject to plenty of pressure. i liked myrtle’s fury at dumbledore trying to make her work hard in transfiguration simply because she wouldn’t want to let other muggleborns down (with dumbledore never stopping to think, for example, about how myrtle might be disadvantaged by things like the trace, which never applies to her pureblood classmates). tom, too, is a victim of this pressure. i’m always struck in half-blood prince that dumbledore never tells mrs cole that he’s a wizard, meaning that he must be the only child in hogwarts whose guardian - whose relationship with him is already poor - must have no idea where he goes all year. this is one of the main examples of dumbledore failing to understand the canonical voldemort’s disjointed sense of belonging, and how his isolation feeds his rage, and it was nice to resolve it here, as tom’s colossal abandonment issues become something he finds more manageable once he’s created his own place in the world, with his house, his rabbit, his job, and - of course - a family of his own.
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our love story
because, of course, bookbinding is really about one thing: how love can save the world.
tom and myrtle are a crack ship, of course, but i do think that they can be made to sincerely work as a couple because they both have a fundamental need for attention - it’s why he flounces over to her when she’s crying in the library, it’s why she storms off after him when he snaps at her, it’s why their meet-cute is neither of them allowing the other’s emotional state to distract from what they want to say.
but their need for attention manifests slightly differently in each of them. myrtle needs affection as reassurance, tom needs it as validation - dumbledore presents his belief that he’s special, his breathless glee at someone taking an interest in him, his joy at being listened to by his death eaters, as arrogance, but it’s clearly caused by the fact that he wasn’t allowed to develop a sense of being wanted and liked as a child. together, tom and myrtle can provide each other what they need - his expectation that she should take an interest in his interests ends up making her feel cleverer and braver, her expectation that he should hold her hand and walk her through things she fears ends up making him feel comforted and wanted for the first time in his life.
after all, the chocolates upend tom’s whole world. and the idea of love-as-comfort - something which the canonical series relegates to a subordinate position far below love-as-suffering and love-as-sacrifice - is one of the key themes of bookbinding. tom always refers to his attraction to myrtle using metaphors of things which are comforting - the roses round the door of the house, honey (after all, he has a famous sweet tooth), the cinnamon sprinkle on the top of a rice pudding, milky tea, a feather bed, a blancmange which cools a sore throat - which seems to be something which has really stood out to many readers. and he seeks out this comfort despite not really knowing why - in chapter two, it should be emphasised that it does, in fact, take that long to walk from spitalfields to walthamstow; tom is making at least a fifteen-mile round trip daily to see myrtle’s house.
and myrtle - who is much more insightful than she’s given credit for, even in canon - understands this. it’s why she notices that tom’s need to comfort himself is lying under the sinister things he reveals to her in the cave. his belief that he killed his mother is something i’ve written about elsewhere, as is his belief that he was always a wizard but nobody understood that - and the self-protective anger in which he wraps his loneliness and grief is a favourite theme of mine to explore when writing him. the shells and sea-glass - a motif of his childhood throughout my writing - turn up in bookbinding too, when myrtle forces him to think about his childhood for the first time in years.
it’s also why she gives him the marriage certificate. it’s implied in canon that voldemort never knows his mother’s name, and myrtle finding it for him is - therefore - one of the most sincerely lovely things anyone has ever done for him and his sense of self. i think it’s for the best that he believes that his parents’ marriage was happy, even though i know that many readers have found this bittersweet to consider.
of course, the fact that they’re both equally stubborn also helps myrtle set tom on the straight-and-narrow as well. the fact that myrtle doesn’t share his love of hogwarts or his obsession with magic is something tom initially can’t comprehend, but he comes to understand how his feeling of not belonging in the muggle world is what myrtle feels in the magical one. by chapter six, he’s a paid-up muggle defender, proud of his background, much to his friends’ initial dismay.
this is a rom-com, though, so they still manage to break up for a bit - although tom, whose canon version is capable of a surprisingly steadfast faithfulness, remains loyal to myrtle the whole time (as she does, bar some igor-bagman-wrangling, to him). but myrtle manages to show some self-growth of her own and realise that she is being a bit of a drama queen. [who among us?]
the course of true love rarely does run smooth… but everything works out in the end.
and the love between the soon-to-be mr and mrs riddle brings about glimpses of the changed future which numerous readers have told me have moved them. my favourite? it has to be tom riddle sr. falling in love with frank bryce, a concept which now has me in a chokehold.
after all - to borrow a life lesson from tom marvolo riddle - there is always something that can be done to fix things.
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