#i'll probably make him rounder eventually
junkbrainz · 9 months
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frequently bought together
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thechibilitwick · 3 months
CHIBI!!!!!!!!!! 5 10 19 for the artist ask game?
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HI HI LEE HELLO!! yay these are so fun to do
5. hmmm i've been told my art style is like... geometric? it's probably most prominent when i draw hair, but i do like to put more emphasis on line/shape or slightly exaggerate features (like hands) cuz it itches my brain the right way. and it depends on the character i'm drawing as well. sometimes it's based off their personality, other times it's just based on my own preference, but i usually choose between drawing them with more softer/rounder features, more sharp/pointed features, or a mix of the two.
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i'll use mikoto and john as an example. a character like mikoto has an optimistic, simple, Just A Guy™ personality, so i end up drawing him with more rounder features. but then john is a more tense, on-edge, serious character, so i just change up his hair to be more sharp and tweak his face a bit to fit that. (sorry this is getting into technical stuff but i felt an urge to explain)
i've also been told this, so i'd also say my style is cartoony? or maybe like a mix of typical anime style with some bits of a more cartoonish style? i thinkkk primarily because stylization + thicker lineart + cel shading. ALSO bold colors, vibrant colors, or just interesting color use cuz it also itches my brain. (also haven't really been doing this tho. boo.) these are good examples:
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so yeah i think the biggest aspect to my style is stylization, emphasizing shape, and bold colors!
10. to deal with art block sometimes i just take a break, but more often i just make myself draw. like even if it's just a quick little doodle or even if it looks shit it's better than nothing. that's probably why a lot of my art on here is just messy sketches or dumb jokes lol. then eventually i get an idea or i regain motivation to make something more polished. art block sucks tho bleh
(tbh i also just struggle with motivation in general, but that's just cuz my brain is wack)
19. i answered this one here!!
anyways ty for the ask!! :3
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shiningclown69 · 2 years
Specialists' Hobbies
After many months, finally finished this.
Didnt write about Nex, Roy and Thoren bc I got lazy, but maybe I'll write for them eventually
And yes, ik i wrote like 7 hobbies for brandon and struggled to write 3 for the rest, it be like that im sorry im a clown 😭🤡
He was kinda busy as a child, being trained to be a future king didn't really allow him to develop hobbies naturally. However, because his parents wanted him to be an all-rounder perfect child, they exposed him to many different activities, whether he liked them or not. He has probably tried everything from music to coding to every sport and had the best teachers to help him out.
He's a jack at all trades, but I think what he genuinely enjoys most is doing sports. He particularly loves riding on his skateboard (the one they have w/o wheels) and doing tricks. As a kid, he would often get roughed up doing that and get scolded by his parents because they thought it wasn't a very prestigious sport. That's weirdly his way of rebelling till now.
He is also surprisingly good at playing the piano and other classical instruments. He isn't as well versed in things like electric guitar, but he is interested to learn, epsecially with friends. He would love to start a small band and play with the rest of the specialists.
Not sure if this counts as a hobby, but he really values the time he has with his friends. He enjoys going out with them and just chilling or getting a drink. He's usually the one to initiate outings, followed by Brandon
He doesn't have many specific hobbies, but he's happy to do most things as long as he's hanging out with his friends.
Brandon has many similar hobbies as Sky, and probably introduced him to many of them. Many of the hobbies Sky likes are because of Brandon (because having a friend to do said hobbies with you is vastly more fun than than a teacher who grades you on your performance)
Brandon has many hobbies. His primary hobby is exercising in general. He enjoys sports, particularly rock climbing, hiking, swimming and surfing. He also likes to go for jogs/runs with the other guys or sometimes with Stella. He is good at most sports, but its mainly due to his general athleticism rather than constant practice or strategy.
He is more gym-oriented than the rest of the guys. He goes nearly daily and lifts dumbells in his bedroom. He mostly goes to the gym bc he wants to maintain his appearance and often looks at himself in the mirror of the gym or in his room. He also eats more healthy, takes care of his hair and skin for the same reason.
However, he is still genuinely interested in health and nutrition related things, beyond appearance reasons. Things like making progress or hittting a new record in weightlifting makes him feel fulfilled.
He doesn't often advise people on how they should exercise or eat (bc its their own body), but if they want to look for somebody for advice, Brandon is probably the right person. He is always happy to help, and seeing his friends hit their goals brings him joy.
Another thing he enjoys is fashion. It initially comes as a by-product of him caring about his appearance, but he finds himself interested in it's creation and design. Stella helps cultivate that interest. Brandon is literally the most stylish and trendy guy in their gang, so if the guys want fashion and styling advice they will go to him.
Another unexpected thing he likes is engineering, particularly the mechanic part. He enjoys tinkering with the engine of his windrider and fixing stuff. He's not as proficient in the math and theory stuff as Timmy though.
He's also one of the only guys here who can cook decently, taught by his parents since young (and also bc of his nutrition interest). He also likes trying out his friends' food reccomendations and going cafe hopping.
Riven doesn't have a ton of money (single family home), so he realised a lot of his hobbies when he was younger from playing with other kids, like borrowing their consoles/going for sleepovers/playing with them ourdoors. The internet along with people he finds cool are also huge inspirations.
An obvious hobby for him is music. He's more musically inclined than the other guys, but he particularly loves rock (unironically instilled in him during his emo phase lol). The instrument he is most proficient in is the electric guitar, but he can also play the drums pretty well.
He is willing to try out other instruments and sometimes joins music related clubs so that he can try out instruments he wants to learn.
He is also likes composing songs and brainstorming ideas for it. He usually has a rhythm or beat stuck in his mind for a while, so that part doesn't take him that long to do. But he is bad at coming up with meaningful lyrics, so those tend to screw him up. He sometimes begrudgingly goes to Helia or Nabu for help with that.
He sings occassionally but tends to hum rather than full-on sing, especially if people are around. However, he is confident enough to perform on the stage if push comes to shove or if he practiced a ton. His voice is not as polished as Musa's because he never had many avenues to sing/doesn't practice it a ton, but it has good potential. Definitely one of the best at singing in the specialists and kills it at karaoke.
Another prominent hobby of his is sports. He likes most sports, ranging from soccer to snowboarding to boxing. However, what he enjoys most about sports is competition and the fact he can pitt his skills against others. Thus, he is the most aggressively competitive of the bunch. Combined with his physique and athletism, he's honestly kinda a monster to play against. He's also the one that gets physically hurt the most from said sports, so he has semi-frequent trips to the nurse's office.
In the same vein of competitiveness, he also enjoys playing games. Naturally, he leans towards PvP fighter games and Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games.
He also secretly enjoys rhythm based games (both arcade and online), though he would never let people know bc he thinks its embarassing. That is until one of the specialists challenges him to a DDR battle, and then he wipes the floor. He also likes Guitar Hero, obviously.
He also gets VERY worked up playing party games, which the specialists find hilarious (but sometimes insufferable). He's such a sore loser at literally everything.
Obviously, the tech guy likes tech. Ingrained in him as a child, Timmy enjoys solving technical problems and tinkering with machines. Brandon sometimes watches him do his thing so he can learn. Timmy's family tree has a long lineage of prestigious scientists and inventors, so he naturally has similar interests. He also enjoys coding and is fascinated by math and science in general.
Another thing he enjoys is games. Unlike Riven, he prefers games that allow him to flex his strategic skill. This of course includes stuff like chess, but nobody wants to play those with him except Tecna or Digit, mainly bc they know they'll lose to Timmy.
Luckily, Timmy is also kinda a board game nerd and owns a large collection of other tabletop games, which the rest are willing to entertain. Even if it's less traditional strategy related, he does enjoy playing them and analysing the rest of the group's play-styles
Unexpectedly, he has also taken an liking to story-based games like RPGs or Third-person games. He would be lying if he said he didn't cry more than once over fictional characters. He also enjoys playing MMORPGs, and is actually really good at it. The only one who is better at him in the gang is Tecna obviously, she totally goes on virtual dates with him in-game.
Weird art kid. Spent 99% of his early childhood days sitting in a corner and quietly drawing anime characters and ocs. He later diversified and dabbled more into realistic portrait and scenery drawings, because he wanted to get into art school.
He does mostly traditional pencil drawings, because he enjoys the tactile experience and organic feel of traditional drawings. However, he has a tablet to draw digitally in his room as well (from art school), he just doesn't use it as often. His family can fund his expensive art supplies anyway.
Surprisingly, he is a bigger reader than Timmy is. His childhood involved reading a lot of thick, fictional books he still enjoys to this day (he re-reads them semi-frequently out of nostalgia). This love of reading subsequently helped him get more into literature and poetry.
He'd rather not get his hands dirty doing sports, so he'd rather not dabble in those lest he get hurt. He wants to keep fit, but he isn't interested in going to the gym either (he doesn't like the noises and people there), so he often works out at home instead. He doesn't particularly enjoy exercising, he does so more out of practicality.
He likes walking around in nature parks and museums, but is also content with sitting with his friends in a cafe and chatting. He sometimes goes hiking or trekking with Brandon purely because he wants drawing inspiration (He'd rather go with Flora, but Brandon is ok I guess.) He prefers quieter places where he can get his own privacy, so he dislikes noisy bars or arcades.
He shares a lot of the same hobbies as Helia. Like A LOT.
He loves reading. He re-reads less, but prefers to read new books. He loves the excitement of opening a new book, and he's totally the type to binge read a novel and then fall asleep in his library on the floor.
He also indulges a lot in music (and has the money to go to concerts frequently), poetry, plays and movies. The genre of arts/music he likes tends to be slightly different from Helia, as he grew up with of art that had a distinct Andros flavour(does that make sense?). His taste is closer to Aisha's (but Aisha has more interest in pop/dance songs than him because of Musa's influence)
I imagine he's also actually quite a big nerd? Unlike Helia who is more reserved, he LOVES rattling off about a recent great book he read, or an artsy film he saw, or a meaningful lyric he heard from his favourite band's song. The other guys/winx enjoy seeing him being happy and talking about his interests, but suggest him to write a blog instead (because he has a tendency to repeat things in his excitement). He does, and he finds a niche audience who enjoys his writing. He also realises he likes writing through this lol.
Idk where to put this, but I feel like Nabu would unexpectedly like cafe hopping (like Brandon)? Or just trying new food in general. These two give each other recommendations all the time. Though, you'll probably have better luck with Brandon if you have a tighter budget bc Nabu has a tendency to accidentally recommend expensive restaurants. He's apologetic if you tell him though.
Similar to Sky, he dabbles in many hobbies because he enjoys trying things. Though, unlike Sky, Nabu realises he doesn't have an affinity for physical sports. His likes and dislikes are also quite clearly established from childhood, but he just likes trying out stuff for the sake of trying something new.
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mageofseven · 4 years
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Part 3 with Beel and Belphie is ready!
Part 1 | Part 2
The big guy noticed the changes with his girlfriend before she even mentioned them; the sixth brother is pretty observant with those he cares about after all.
Whenever he discussed how worried he was about her, about her lethargy and dizzy spells, the woman would just smile and say she was fine, that it was just her body being off and human bodies are just weird like this at times.
Beel didn't know much about the human body so he chose to believe his Muffin on this, even if he was still worried.
As the months went on, MC started to gain weight. The demon noticed this, but it really didn't faze him at first; he didn't mind it if his girlfriend was a bit rounder in her torso.
What he did mind however was how self-conscious his girlfriend got about it. She had been eating a lot more recently and she couldn't really fight it, but she also hated every pound gained from it all.
Beel always told her how beautiful she was and how her weight never changed that to him.
However, she'd glance down at how her belly poked out now and looked to her boyfriend, who was so incredibly strong and was practically the living definition of fitness and was so good looking... and she couldn't help but fall even deeper into the slow burning feeling of loathing with of her own body.
One day, MC asked if she could go to the gym with him. The Avatar of Gluttony was immediately tense because she still wasn't feeling well, but he knew it would probably make her feel a bit better if she was exercising and actively working on what was bothering her
So he agreed, but the man couldn't bring himself to do his usual workout routine with her there. The big guy was just too worried about his Muffin.
At one point, the man just noticed that something seemed off about his Human.
He set down the weights and walked over to the treadmill she was on-- and got there just in time to catch her as she fainted.
Luckily, the woman woke up fairly quickly, but her boyfriend had enough; no more exercise for her, not until she got her dizziness under control.
For the next few days, the MC was extra depressed and just found herself in bed more, usually snuggled up with either Beel or Belphie.
It was one such day when the cramping started.
She had gotten to lay with Beel for awhile, but eventually he had to leave for the game with his teammates.
Usually, MC would go and watch him play, but since her cramps were so bad, she didn't really have this option.
She was cuddled up in bed with Belphie when the redhead gave her a kiss goodbye and told her and his twin that he'd come straight home, receiving a nod from his Muffin and a thumbs up from his twin.
The pain just got worse while he was gone though and things evolved to MC gripping onto the Avatar of Sloth and heavily sobbing into his chest.
The seventh brother couldn't move and get help; everytime he tried, the human would beg between sobs for him not to leave her. He couldn't call for help either because he realized that he left his phone up in the planetarium.
Belphie was stuck with the sobbing human for over three hours until Beel came home.
Eventually, MC could feel something lowering within her and the need to push was unbearable.
"B-Belphie, help me up!"
The man did as he was told and helped her off the bed.
Beely came into the room just in time to see his girlfriend squatting and pushing out the head while his twin held onto her to help keep her balanced.
Eyes wide, the demon ran to girlfriend. His brain wasn't fully registering what the heck was happening, but his immediate reaction was still to rush to her side and help her.
MC immediately grabbed onto her boyfriend.
"B-Beely--uhhh... i-it's coming out."
Still deeply confused and concerned, the man's gaze dropped down between her legs, now letting himself focus on the head between them.
MC... his Muffin was having his baby!
Okay action then thoughts. Right now, the man just had to be there for her.
"Belphie, go tell Lucifer. We need a doctor."
The man was really trying to keep calm for his Muffin.
Without really pausing to answer, his twin rushed out the door.
"It's okay, Muffin, I'm here."
The redhead held onto his girlfriend and encouraged her as she pushed.
When the baby was finally pushed out enough to be freed from it's mom, Beel already had his hands around it so it didn't fall to the floor.
The demon forgot to breathe for a minute as he stared down at his daughter. His daughter.
Smiling, Beel lifted his gaze back to his girlfriend, but found that the woman was still crying in pain.
"I-It still--ughhhh, I think there's another."
The man's eyes widen.
Beel noticed his girlfriend's legs shaking and knew she wouldn't be able to keep herself up.
He adjusted his hold on his little girl before guiding MC onto the bed to lay down. He stayed between her legs and continued to give her encouraging words.
Since their sister already stretched the way open for them, the second baby was crowning in very little time.
A few minutes later, MC birthed the second baby, another girl. Both girls had his wings, horns, even his hair and eye color.
The man held both girls in his arms, already overwhelmed with his love for them, before looking up at MC, who was regaining her breath.
Beel sat down next to her and kissed her cheek.
"Are you alright?"
His girlfriend nodded, gaze falling to their girls.
"Beely... we're parents now?"
Beel smiled and nodded.
"I..." The woman sighed. "How did this even happen?"
"I dunno... are you okay with this, Muffin?"
"...Are you?"
His smile grew.
She gave her boyfriend a small smile.
"Then... I am too."
Beel leaned down and kissed her.
"Good. I love you... I love our girls." The demon smiled down at the twins in his arms before meeting MC's eyes again. "This is... a dream. All at once, I got everything I wanted in life. I'll make sure to give you and the girls everything I can."
The doctor finally came a few minutes later, obviously late. Still, he checked MC and the girls to make sure they were okay and before he even left, the rest of House of Lamentation knew that the two were now parents.
It took Belphie a bit longer than his twin to realize something was wrong with MC.
Sleepy boy... well, has a sleepy mind.
Not to say that it took him long though; while Beel noticed the human feeling off in his scenario on the first day, it took his twin about three days.
Honestly, he wasn't really worried about how tired they got. Hell, that just meant more naps they could take together so the Avatar of Sloth was winning in that regard.
He didn't really care about the weight gain either. Yeah, he teased her about it a bit, but it was always followed by wrapping his arms around her waist and if his words actually hurt her, which sometimes they did, he'd sleepily kiss their neck, their cheek, their lips
"It was a joke, Butthead." He'd tell them. "If anything, you're even cuter with a belly."
And the boy thrived off the blush that came after.
What the boy didn't enjoy, however, was her dizzy spells. The woman would go pale and suddenly have to grab onto him. Sometimes, MC would even full on faint and he'd have to quickly catch her before she hit the ground.
The first time that happened, the two were on their way to lunch at RAD and suddenly his girlfriend stopped walking. He turned around to ask why she stopped just for the woman to fall forward and for him to have to scramble to catch her.
Luckily, the woman was only out for a minute and was confused when she woke up in her boyfriend's arms, laying on the hallway floor at RAD.
Belphie took her straight home after that, not even giving the human the option to stick around and finish the school day.
The demon didn't understand what was wrong with his Human and whenever he'd ask MC, the woman didn't seem too concerned. Lightly, yes, but she said it'd probably correct itself and human bodies are just weird for the sake of being weird sometimes.
The seventh brother wasn't sure that he believed it, but he also didn't have any other answer so he just chose to leave it at that.
Basically, it was months of Sleepy Boy pretending he didn't care, but secretly hovering over his girlfriend.
After nine months of this hovering, it finally ended.
The two were upstairs in the attic, napping.
MC had been having cramps all day and Belphie suggested just sleeping through them, saying that eventually they will just go away.
Technically, he was right, just not in a way he expected.
He woke up to MC heavily sobbing his name. The man jolted awake and found his girlfriend gripping his shirt and burying her face in his chest.
"What's wrong--"
That's when he noticed the bed was... wet? Why was it wet?
"B-Belphie, somethings--gaaahh." The woman was panting through the pain.
The demon threw the blanket off of her and saw that the bed was soaked, as was her leggings, but there was also a slight bulge.
He pulled them down and saw that she was crowning.
His eyes went wide. She's pregnant? How the hell is she pregnant?
He looked back up at MC, who was still crying from the contractions, and knew he had to handle this before anything else.
He got up from the bed and positioned himself between her legs.
"You gotta push." He told her. "It's not gonna end if you don't push, Butthead."
His voice was firm, but tinged with some sympathy.
The woman was in too much pain to argue.
It took twenty minutes, but the MC managed to push the baby out half way, only to be pulled out completely by her boyfriend.
The demon stared down at the baby, a boy with his tail, eyes, and hair, and didn't know how to feel. He had gotten so focused on helping MC that his emotions felt lightyears away.
The human cried out and his head snapped up to look see her still writhing in pain.
Was there another one? The man quickly found out that there was.
And so it all repeated.
Once the second one was born, a little girl with his horns and eyes, but MC's hair, Belphie stared down at the twins on the bed, crying at the top of their lungs.
The man was already so tired of hearing cries.
He looked up at MC, who had a panicked expression on her face.
Leaving the twins laying between her legs, the Avatar of Sloth went back to his side of the bed and pulled her into his arms.
Neither said a word for a while. The only sound in the room were their twins' cries.
"I didn't know..." MC mumbled.
Belphie pulled back to meet her eyes, just staring into them for a full minute.
"Promise me. Promise that it's true and you didn't know."
"I promise. I swear on everything I have with you that I had no idea."
He sighed.
"Okay." He leaned in and kissed her.
After a moment or two, he pulled away and looked down at the crying babies on the bed.
"So... what do you wanna do with them?"
"I..." The woman stared down at her babies. "C-Can you bring them to me?"
Her boyfriend nodded and scooped up the babies one at a time to bring into her arms.
The woman brought them to her chest, causing them to finally stop crying in favor of feeding from her.
Belphie watched this quietly, not really sure what else to do.
After about a minute or two, MC spoke up.
"Belphie... would you be mad at me... if I said I wanted to keep them?"
The woman knew her boyfriend wasn't a fan of kids, a topic they always clashed with a bit. MC didn't think she could survive losing her twins in anyway now that they're here, but she worried about what Belphie would think of this.
The man pursed his lips. He honestly never wanted kids before, never liked them. Still though... he felt odd. Different.
Maybe it was seeing MC hold his children so sweetly in this moment, but he wasn't as against this as he always imagined himself to be.
Was he at the beginning of developing paternal feelings or was he simply not strong enough to take away something that his girlfriend obviously wanted so much? The demon wasn't sure.
"No. I'm not mad." He shook his head. "I... damn, I don't understand how this is happening but... if you want this then I'm here for the long haul. I'll take care of them; I'll take care of you. We'll do this together."
Part 1 | Part 2
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