#ignore how slim gorgeous is if i make him any wider he just kinda ends up looking like markiplier
junkbrainz · 9 months
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
Never Enough Part 8
Summary: Being part siren, Isaac as your anchor, and part angel, Stiles being that side of your anchor, things weren’t easy. But, then again, when were they ever easy. With the emotional help from your fuck-buddy, Devon, you enjoy life, kick ass and figure out where your heart really belongs. But things start to become complicated when Devon gets involved.
Ship: Isaac x Reader, Stiles x Reader, Devon x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, fighting, minor kissing, mentions of blood, etc.
Tagged: @theoutlinez  @flopmalum@thegirlwiththestories@morganschiebel@fabulous-dani@milkywaygalaxygirl@nathaliabakes@graceburnell@allana5100@bellamysterekblake@beingmadinwonderland@graceburnell@bellamysterekblake@fabulous-dani @archer-whovian-violinist@pure-blu @dean-the-danc3r@sailorchibimoonunicorn@findawaytofadeway@drkplum@milkywaygalaxygirl@hannahobrien-n@allana5100@favoriteserendipity@sillyrayofdarkness@angelicshinigami@zachmantle @laheyisaac@lucyqueenofthestars@hannahobrien-n @lucifersnipnips @fofo64004 @carryonmywaywarddemigodwitch @my-l0vely-th0ughts @lovelynerdytraveler @imnotweirdimjustapotato
Stiles P.O.V
It’s been two days since (Y/n) and I’s fight and it’s all I can think about. I haven’t tried to call her because in all honesty, I’m not entirely sure as to what I’d say. I’d start to dial the number but would end up hanging up no less than two numbers in. I have loved Lydia for as long as time itself, or, at least I think I do. And I want (Y/n) to find someone who cares about her just as much as I do. I just don’t think that person is Isaac. He doesn’t deserve her and it irks me to my bones when I see them together. But I hate to admit that she has a point. I suppose the more flirty I was with (Y/n), the more Isaac would stay away, but I guess by doing that, it lessons my already slim chance with Lydia. Running my fingers through my hair, I sigh and lean my head back in frustration. When I walk out of class that day, she won’t even look at me and I feel my heart break as she meets Isaac at his locker.
They’re not dating but there’s a connect there that I can’t ignore which makes me grind my teeth in disgust. Just when I think of something to say to her, she’s already on the opposite end of the hall with Isaac close to her shoulder. “What happened with you two?” A high pitched voice called from behind me. Turning over my shoulder to see Lydia, my heart should be thumping out of my chest as it did for the past few years but there’s nothing, a steady tone. “(Y/n) and I are kinda in a fight right now.. Well, she’s pissed at me, actually.. How are you and Jackson?” I ask. Usually I’d be pissed to even bring relationships up with her considering she never looked at me but at this point I’m too worried about (Y/n) to care about much of anything else. “Oh, we broke up. He moved to England and honestly, I feel more alive than ever. I’m on the prowl for some meat, don’t want a relationship. I just wanna live, ya know?” I nod along to her words, not paying attention much to her. “Yeah. Hey, I’ll catch you later, Lydia.”
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I head to my next History class when Scott wacks the back of my head. I rub the pain away and cuss him out. “Dude! Ouch! Why’d you do that?!” He shook his head before rolling his eyes. “You idiot, Lydia was flirting with you. She wants to hook up with someone and you were her target before you blew it. Now she’s onto the next one, see!” I look around and, sure enough, she has a hunk wrapped around her small fingers. How she does that, absolutely baffles me. But for some reason, when I look at her, I don’t see the drop-dead, gorgeous girl I’ve been day-dreaming about for the past few years. I just see Lydia, a smart girl who hides behind a facade and is quite normal despite what everyone may think. “What’s gotten into you? You would have jumped at any opportunity to be with her and in that moment, she wanted to get in your pants but you just walked away? What’s up with you?” I rest my head against the cold locker, thinking more about how to fix things with (Y/n) than anything else.
“I don’t dude. I just, when I look at Lydia, I don’t see this angel I thought she was. I guess, now that I know her, like actually know her, I’m not sure she’s the person I want to be with..” Scott’s eyes go wider than they’ve ever done before. His eyes shifted from the ground and then back up to me before saying, “Why the sudden change?” He’s looking at me differently, I can tell, almost analyzing me. “I don’t know..” The rest of the day, I can’t focus on anything else and I want nothing more than to be consoled by my best friend but I’m then reminded that she’s pissed at me, has every right to be. But what I couldn’t understand was the why? Why was I so against Isaac and her potential relationship? Why was I flirting with her when he was around? Why was I looking at Lydia differently? None of this was making sense and before I can dive further into this hell hole, I’m forced to meet the pack in the library to talk about the recent murders.
Your P.O.V
I can’t bare to even look at him. It’s all too painful but when I glance up at Isaac, I know I’ll be alright. We’ve been talking more which is nice and he’s a lot funnier than you’d expect. And even though I’m trying to grow with him, I can’t cut away from Stiles completely. He’s my angel anchor, after-all. And one of my best friends. And if things don’t work out with Isaac, I can’t completely cut ties with him either. Later that day when I say bye to Isaac, I peck his cheek before heading to my car. With my abilities, I hone and focus in on his emotions. Happiness, flushed, giddy and . . . love. When I reach my car, I turn around and wave at him. He’s just as I predicted, his cheeks redder than tomato’s and his smile wide. When I look at him, he’s all I see anymore, like the rest of the world evaporates when his eyes meet mine. Only a few minutes after arriving home I get a text from Devon.
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Hey! Did you follow through with prince charming like we planned? You better have given that tall, blonde and handsome boy a kiss cuz if not, we’re gonna have to talk!!
We stopped hooking up not long ago upon her new relationship with Jeremy, the guy from her L.G.B.T support group, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t gotten closer as being good friends. In fact, she’s like my first legit female identifying best friends. I shake my head with a faint laugh at the text and reply with the fact that I pecked his cheek before heading to my car. Her relationship was going and I finally got to meet Jeremy, who at first seemed to be nervous despite attempt at pushing out his chest. He was good for her, no doubt about it and after telling Devon all about Stiles and Isaac, she’s in full support of trying to get me with Isaac, especially considering the fact that Stiles never notice my existence as a potential romantic partner. I text her for a while, getting some more work done before I get a text from Scott, one that shakes me to my core.
Meet us at the hospital. We got Jennifer but the alpha pack is coming for her. We’ll need another set of hands.
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The second I finish reading the text, I’m up and out to my car with some supplies. And even though Stiles and I are in a fight, I can only hope to god that he’s not there with them. And I hope Isaac isn’t there as well. And ever since I’ve grown with my powers, I’ve become more accustomed to them. They were much like Scott’s transition in the beginning, uncontrollable and a bit wild but now I have a much better handle on it. When I pull into the hospital parking lot, I swear I feel my heart stop and I can’t help but gasp. The souls of the dead wondering around, hopelessly. Their deaths are recent and the hospital, a place of light and hope itself is ominous and barely lit. Despite my very strong and reliable powers, my heart-beat thumps under my rib-cage. Quickly with shaky hands, I text Scott that I’ve arrived and prepare for battle. At first I don’t go in. It’s my duty to send these people back to where they belong and let them rest.
The transaction for the roughly fifteen people make my skin crawl and stomach nauseous. These people didn’t deserve to die the way they had. I walk each one of them to their after-life, whatever that may be. Some of these people are so young, too young. After sending the last one off, I’m no longer sad. Now, I’m pissed. How dare the alphas do this to such innocent people? All of a sudden, a low growl irrupts from inside the hospital, echoing throughout the town before an even louder scream followed. Stiles and Isaac. I run in without a care in the world, shifting into my strongest form. My muscles and wings shift under my body and irrupt from my back as light green scales for around my arms and hands, pulling and tugging at my skin. I groan and cuss under the pressure but it’s not as painful as it use to be. Turning the corner to see the twins formed together, Stiles, half their height whacks the back of his head.
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The bat cracks with ease and doesn’t seem to injure the conjoined boys at all as Stiles runs to the opposite side of the room, towards Isaac, Scott, Jennifer and Derek, who’s apparently alive. The second the beast takes his first step, I let out a loud cry, so loud it shakes the entire building that catches his attention. I move quickly around his jerky movements and slip under him to stand in front of the boys, wings taking up the diameter of the room. I can feel the beasts fear from a mile away but they don’t back down, instead bolting toward me, roaring. I reply with a loud scream and bringing my claws out to play. Adrenaline kicks in like the best drug, burning my throat and making my blood pump fast. I dive head first towards his chest and push him into the walls which crack upon the pressure before he fell in the hallway, far enough away from the boys. Punching down on the twins, all I know is that I can’t let them get to my anchors.
But just as I have the upper hand, they send me flying back and I fall hard against the concrete floor before achingly pulling myself up from the dirty ground. I grunt at the new wound that’s taken shape upon my skin. But despite that pain, there’s no way in hell I’m going to give up, especially on my family. Standing up straighter, I widen my stance before bringing my arms our wide before clapping my hands together. My gargantuan wings mimic my fingers and the shock wave knocks the beast back into the other room, crashing through the two walls. While I have the chance, I look back at the group, my eyes meeting Stiles for the first time. Those honey eyes I once adored don’t give me the same satisfaction before glancing at Scott and Isaac. “GO! I’LL HOLD THEM OFF! GET TO SAFETY!-” Even though I look bigger than him because of my wing span, he still towers over me with his natural height before taking my face in his hands.
“(Y/N)! I’M NOT LEAVING YOU!” He screams over the wind that’s somehow made its way into the room, whipping my hair around wildly. “YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! GO! I’LL GIVE YOU GUYS SOME TIME! ISAAC PLEASE!” I push his arms away from me only for him to tighten his grip around my wrists before shaking his dirty blonde hair in detest. Derek has Jennifer close to him as they try to move some rubble away so that they can escape. Once it’s gone, they’re the first to jump through. Scott and Stiles look at me with sadness in their eyes. I’m Scott’s sister after-all and both their best friends. This could be my end for all I know. I look back at his gorgeous blue eyes that drive me bat shit crazy. “Isaac-” I say so softly it breaks my heart. This could be the moment I die and I don’t want anything to be left unsaid. But before I could do anything, a pair of moist lips meets mine. I kiss back with just as much passion and I feel my heart burning inside for some sort of sweet release.
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Despite the fact that the kiss wasn’t long enough, I felt my heart swoon and time stop around us. “I-I love you, (Y/n).” Isaac says against my lips. I grin and nearly cry at his confirmation, heart in my throat. “I love you too, Isaac. I’m sorry. . .” But this happiness doesn’t last long as I push him into Scott and Stiles’ arms as they pull him in the opposite direction away from me, away from chaos. And even though Stiles is human, he forces Isaac’s weight back before back up at me. I send him one last message with my powers, lump in my throat. I’m sorry, Stiles. I forgive you and if worst comes to worst, look after Scott and Isaac for me. It was an honor to be your best friend and my first love before Isaac. I can’t tell what his facial expression implies but I’m too afraid to look deeper into it. Instead I turn over my shoulder and get down to my knees before shooting towards the beast, fist in the air. The twins catch my hand and send me flying into another room.
(Music Insert: Kill Everybody by Skrillex)
Crashing through the concrete wall, I land in the rubble with a loud thud. Pain wraps all the way around my body, in every crook and crevasse. My nerves and muscles scream for mercy as I force myself up. My body wants me to give up, to let the inevitable happen but I can’t. Standing up as straight as my body can allow, I roll my shoulders back and expand my wings out. The twins roar and charge and I repeat their action, barreling towards them. All I can think about right now is that I must hold them off at all costs. Scott, Isaac and Stiles’ lives are at stake. I push them to the floor and hit it over and over again before the beast took me by surprise and scratched my wing. In pain, I reflex and move back. But as I do so, the thing takes the opportunity to throw an upper-cut at me. I fall back, not prepared for the pain before he hits me at least five more times. I don’t remember when the pain stops but all I know is that I’m not fully conscious when it does. A voice screams from the opposite side of the room, faint to my awful hearing. “(Y/N)!!!”
Third P.O.V
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When the damage is done, Isaac doesn’t hesitate to leave the pack behind and run after his love. Scott and Isaac are not far behind him, worried for their friend but not the way Isaac was. He was petrified that he’d lost his first and hopefully last love. Barreling down the hall, he doesn’t slow to a stop until he sees a small body lying atop the rubble. Oh my god. . . Isaac thought to himself, heart in his throat. Please don’t be her. . . But his wish was quite the opposite. There she lay, looking beautiful despite the damage the twins caused her body. Her scales and wings slowly retreat back to her skin as Isaac begged, “Ohmygodohmygod. . . (Y/n)! PLEASE! Please be okay. . .” He begun to weep openly, wrapping his one hand around the back of her neck while the other pulled her small frame close to his chest, listening closely. Thump thump. A heart beat, faint but there nonetheless. “Stay with me, love. . .” He says softly before taking some of her pain away.
Stiles kneel next to her, his inside twisting. When he looked at his best friend, the one who helped him with everything, almost dead, it finally hit Stiles, all of it. He was her first love. She had spent years doing anything just to make that boy smile and what had he done, ignored her and gone after another that wanted nothing to do with him. Stiles hadn’t even realized until now that this gorgeous woman had wanted him for so long only to be never enough. And now as she lays atop the rubble, barely breathing, his heart drops. She’s only breathing for Isaac now. She was never anyone’s to begin with, but now, Stiles would be nothing more than a permanent friend to her. He was once (Y/n)’s everything but now he’d be nothing. In just a few minutes, his mind wonders over all of the instances where she cheered him up, listened to him vent about another girl, held him when he cried for his mother, before realizing that he loved her. But he wasn’t hers anymore. It was too late. His heart broke in hopes of a second chance but that would be impossible as he looked up at Isaac’s puffy, red eyes.
He loved her, had his feelings together longer than Stiles and knew what he wanted, which was her. Isaac looked away from his love to glance at Stiles. His chemo-signals, both of theirs were off the chart. Isaac could read his emotions from a mile away they were so strong. The poor boy smelled strongly of heart break and endless sadness. And even though Isaac wanted to push him down further for what he did to (Y/n), he stopped himself. That’s not what she’d want him to do. Stiles swallows the lump in his throat before croaking through his tears, “Take care of her, okay? Don’t break her the way I did. . .” This statement shocks Isaac more than anything as Scott crouches down beside the two boys, waiting for backup to come. Another voice groans and it takes all of them a minute to realize that it comes from (Y/n). “What? I’m a lot stronger than I look boys. Don’t think two can take me down that easily.” She tries to laugh despite the situation but cusses in pain before Isaac looks down at her with loving eyes. “I never doubted. That’s my girl.”
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Stiles looks between the couple with anger in his heart. How could he have not noticed such perfection staring right at him all of his life? But just as he realized it, it was too late. She was in another’s arms, one that she deserved, one that was much better than him. He watched as they held one another, talking and growing as a new couple. Scott came over to the boys side before wrapping his arm around his friend. “It’s for the best.” And even though he says those very true words, it doesn’t lesson Stiles’ pain. “Yeah, I know. . .” He doesn’t really agree with the statement but it’s too late. She was never enough for him and now, he’ll never be enough for her.
(I hope you guys liked it! Please comment below!)
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