#i'll sue you if you copy this without my permission!
queenvivi123 · 4 months
Death Doesn’t Wait
  “You betrayed me.”
Vivid green eyes flashed under my eyelids, despite how much they told me to forget, the question begged to be asked; how could you forget the reason behind your scars?
“It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
At tea time, everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
I woke to Taylor swift playing in the background of what I call my “Bedroom.” Behind the thick curtains were thick bars of steel, like a prison! The fairy lights I had scavenged twinkled faintly and it brightened my mood a bit. A bit. I lived above the stage in Solstice Cinema, a “room” long forgotten. There was a trapdoor, the one I climbed down now to a backroom. Mannequins lined the walls, each in a feathery dress. The room’s paint.. was peeling and its once vibrant color of periwinkle faded down to a dull, lifeless blue. I listened at the door, hoping no one was there. When I determined the coast was clear, I crept through the hallways and out the back door of the theater. I walked toward the Confectioner's Treat, a little late but Ms.Derniar usually didn’t mind. As i walked, my mind wandered to more important things, like my food stock. I was almost out of food, save for a few cupcakes and ramen. I would have to stop by kritanta groceries later.
As I reached Confectioner’s Treat, I saw a cake being loaded into a truck. Its blue icing was midnight-cold, cruel, and dark. Tiny star-shaped sprinkles decorated the first tier of the cake; the bottom of the second tier was decorated with a sparkling white frosting, making flowers that looked like they were made of moonlight. On top there was a little figurine, deathly pale-almost light blue- with eyes beady and dark, framed by luscious blue hair. Corpse Bride. It was silly, really, that I was afraid of a movie character-who wasn’t even the villain. Yet, my breath still caught in my throat. My lungs burned and my chest heaved for air. But none of it mattered to me. Nothing did.
I ran, ran, and ran as fast I could.
The wind pushed against me, blinding and burning against my skin.
Yet, I continued to run.
The one reason I had ran that day was because of one girl.
One girl.
One sister.
One twin.
My other half, the other piece of the puzzle known as ME.
She hadn’t made it out of the madman's house. 
My heart beat, beat, beat.
Slow and steady.
Keeping me calm, calm, calm.
As my eyes fluttered close, burning, burning, burning.
The voice never stopped singing.
I woke with an IV drip in my arm. Screaming, I sat up straight, blinking wearily. In the corner of the white room, with the white walls was a black camera. Its red light blinked and I understood that it had detected my movement. For a moment, nothing happened and I was phenomenally underwhelmed.As my eyes wandered, I noticed a sticker on the IV drip bag. It read, Malnutrition. While I was reading the sticker, a woman showed up. She was Asian, with shiny black hair and chocolate eyes. My eyes traveled to her name card which read ‘Ms. Siwang’. I cleared my throat, realizing that I most likely looked like a rat.
“So,uh, hi?”
“What’s your name, dear?” Oh. So she was one of those Gramma people. Realizing that made my heart ache for my own Grandmother, who if she saw like this, would have done either of these two things: Hug me and hand me one of the infinite chocolates in her purse or slap me with the sole of her shoe for not looking ‘civilliased’. I was so lost in my memories that I hadn’t realized she had asked again.
“Oh! I’m Leandra!” A second after that I realized she could now use my name to trace me back. I shook my head, my long, uncut hair flashing an iridescent red with streaks of copper. Like Mom’s.
“Well, dearie, where do you live?” She questioned. I hesitated. She must have sensed my discomfort, however, because she stopped talking.
Wordlessly, she handed me a bowl of gooey, cheesy mac n cheese. I dug in, the cheese melting in my mouth giving me gooey pleasure. A few minutes later, the bowl was emptY. Dr. Siwang stared at me,  like I was a creature she couldn’t figure out. 
“So, where’s your family?” 
“Um . . .” She looked at me like she had finally figured me out. I stared at her, partially because I wanted her to know that I knew what she thought.And also because I didn't want to seem like a coward. After a long and intense battle(1 minute long), Dr. Siwang left the room after handing me a doughnut on a plate. Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Then, she left.
In an unknown amount of time, I woke up in another room, this time laid down on a colorful couch in a colorful room. The walls were a pastel teal and the ceiling a sparkly silver. I sat myself down then just . . . thought. Thought about my life, thought about my sister, thought about everything and everyone that had made me this way. A liar, a cheat, a thief. Completely against my will, a tear slipped out. As if it had been holding them back, a barrage of tears flooded me and I almost had a nice, good sob time. Keyword here: almost.
“There you are,” A military-like voice exclaimed. I turned to see a woman, tall and stiff, wearing a police uniform. Her raven hair was tied into a tight bun and her jaw had a roughness to it that told she could kill me with her words. A frown appeared on her plump lips as she saw the remnants of the tears that oh-so recently flooded my cheeks. She looked disappointed, like I had failed some sort of test.
“Yes, here I am.” Sarcasm inundated my voice and I didn't understand what game I was playing. Her frown was a lot more enunciated and it made me want to laugh. A lot. 
“Sit, Leana.”
“Leandra,” I corrected, annoyance seeping into my tone.
“Okay, Leandra,” Ms. Military sneered. I disliked her immediately. Who sneers at a girl who you most likely knows that girl is homeless?!
Ms. Military seemed to calm herself down, clenching and unclenching her fists. She then motioned for me to sit once more, adding a very stiff, very forced “Please” at the end. I obliged, not wanting to cause too much trouble.
“I saw your records.”
I stiffened. If she knew . . .
“You, according to the files, disappeared two years ago.” It was a statement. Plain, boring, and everything it wasn’t.
So I answered the same way. “Three. He must haven’t noticed.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“Because I was stuck with an alcoholic!” My temper flared and all I wanted was for someone to listen. To understand. Was that too much to ask?
“You were nineteen. You didn’t need a guardian when your parents died.” Wait. What? Nineteen? I had been sixteen when he had moved in. Hadn’t I been?
“N- no . . . I had been sixteen.” My voice stuttered on the words, like it was a death sentence to say them.
“Are you claiming the nurse who oversaw your birth is wrong?” Not an accusation, not an asservation. Just a question. And it meant the world to me. I couldn’t imagine my sweet, sweet mother lying to me. 
I couldn’t process this. 
My brain was whirling, whirling, whirling.
My heart held still, as if a ghost might appear and start explaining.
This was too much. 
My whole life was a lie.
We hadn’t had to live there.
I woke with a headache. It was like someone combined a hammer and pendulum and decided to test it in my head.I groaned, holding my head in my hands.
Waking up in a police office was disorienting.I’m guessing it was the chief police officer’s office as it was a separated room altogether. It had baby blue walls with the police logo painted onto one of those walls, shiny and sleek, it almost looked official enough for me to trust the police. Almost.
A man sat in a chair, his back facing me. He must have heard me snort, however, and so he turned.
“Hi,” he said and it sounded so casual, so nonchalant, so normal.
“Hi,” I whispered. My voice was still scratchy and he must have picked up on that because he handed me a glass of water right after I said that. Drinking water was like heaven: something I didn’t deserve.
“You mentioned something in your sleep,” He started, “Most of it was nonsensical, but something you said mentioned a sister.” He hesitated on this last part, as if he was unsure of what to make of this.
“Yeah, I mentioned my sister. STuck in an alcoholic's house or did you forget?” 
“The files don’t mention a sister,” Honestly, my life has been so messed up that this time around i wasn’t even surprised anymore.
“We ran tests. You weren’t hallucinating.” A simple statement, yet it signified he believed me which meant everything. 
“Do you know where exactly your uncle lives?” I shuddered. Forgetting was one of the most impossible things in my life, nothing worked. 
“Y-yeah,” My voice is shaky, but strong.
“Take us there.” three simple words, yet they would change my life. 
The sun dipped low into the crescent of the shattered roof of my uncle’s house. It had almost been a week before the man-whose name was Mr. Tuproamor, weird, I know- had reached out to take me to the house. Taking a deep breath to steady myself and calm my shaky nerves, I stepped over the threshold. The inside was just how it’d been before, except maybe a bit more rusty without my careful care. I did a 360 spin, taking in the sights-and not in a good way. The wall’s wallpaper was peeling and the wood behind it seemed rotted, and the flickering lights only added to the effect of a creepy haunted house. I saw the staircase 'ss railing falling apart and the stairs creaky and ants crawled across it, giving me a horrible feeling.
One will live and the other will die
Who was that? Oh, right, my inner depression! Anyhoo, I raced up the stairs and turned left. Right before I had reached the door to Hanna and I’s former bedroom, I saw the blood. A ragged crack ran through the door, like many others caused by my uncle, but this one was different. Blood coated the rims of it and the metallic smell made me want to throw up. You could tell it was recent.
I raced into the room, scratching my arm on the way in, but I didn't care. Not with the sight in front of me. My sister’s bloody head  was smashed against the wood, as if someone had pushed her down there. 
But I couldn’t find words to describe her pale, incredibly still body.
Mindless Tears fell down my cheeks and I rushed to her side, falling down on my knees.
She had saved me that fateful dawn, she had saved me
And now I couldn’t save her
I couldn’t handle this
I couldn’t
All the unanswered questions that had been living in my head faded into the shadows
I could hear the sound of my heart breaking, shattering like glass
Even as I closed my eyes, I could still see it, still see HER
Once vivid, now lifeless green eyes burned my eyelids 
As Everything
Went Dark.
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lumine-no-hikari · 12 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #267
Today, J was supposed to fly over with one of his pilot friends to Great Barrington, where his plane is. From there, J flew his plane to the usual small airport that he uses.
I'm pleased (and extremely relieved!!) to report that J made it back without incident, and the plane is in the hangar now, where it belongs.
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J also took a few pretty cool pictures along the way to Great Barrington:
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I waited at the usual small airport for J to get back. We drove there, and then he and his pilot friend flew out to Great Barrington in the club plane. I stayed behind to wait. I played a lot of Dead Cells.
...Guess who's got 5 Boss Cells now. 😁
At 5 Boss Cells, a new mechanic called The Malaise is introduced. And it's a little yellow bar that fills up slowly as you navigate the level, right over your hit point bar. The more enemies there are in the level, the faster it fills. It stops filling once 90% of the enemies in the level are defeated. Most foods will fill up your malaise meter as well.
The higher your malaise meter is, the harder the enemies hit you, the faster they hit you, and the higher the chance new ones will spawn near you randomly, and the higher the chance that one might randomly turn into an Elite.
...So, essentially, at higher levels, I get to have shiny new enemies to bash with my lovely shield! Which means more gold for me!! The increased strength and increased attack speed are non-issues compared to the increased amount of loot I'll get; all I have to do is improve my skills! Extra enemies means extra loot, faster attack speeds means I'll be able to parry them faster, and extra damage done by them just means I'll have to try a little harder not to get hit!
So essentially, the Malaise meter is a blessing in disguise; all it's gonna do is make me a better player, if I let it!
...I am disappointed to tell you, though, that I can't give you any more pictures of the Brother Sun book. I didn't realize that it's still protected by copyright. If I put up pictures of this book for you, I run the risk of my whole collection of letters being taken down and deleted, and not being able to write any more of them in this space; I can't have that. So I removed the photos that were in the previous three letters. I'm sorry.
But don't fret, though; I'm going to get another English copy of The Neverending Story, and I'm going to see about trying to get permission to read it out loud for you. It's easily my favorite book; I'd love to read it to you.
...But... just in case I don't get that permission... I also snagged a Japanese copy for you - just in case I ever get to see those very important people again. I have a couple more very small trinkets in mind to give to you, just in case...
...I wanna be able to do things like read books to you and show you things to watch and things to play, but... copyright law is a thing. You have to watch out for it. Otherwise, people will sue the pants right off of you.
...But don't fret!!! I can still take plenty of pictures for you. And... maybe they're not as nice as the ones taken by Mr. Dennis Stock, and maybe they don't come with cool quotes written by great people... So... I guess you'll have to settle for my silly writings and my silly pictures instead, and... I really am sorry about that; truly, lots of far awesome-er (that's a word now; I decided it) people than me should be trying to help you. But I'm here. Or at least, I'm trying to be here. And maybe that can count for something, if you'll allow it:
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...Will you take my hand and walk with me for a little while and maybe also sing a silly little song with me so that you can remember that things are good, even if sometimes they're also difficult and scary? Because when we do the things together, the good things become nicer, and the difficult, scary things become not so bad.
I know that a lot of the people in your life before dropped the ball on you, because they were taught a false version of strength that told them it's best to deal with things alone. But you know... I think some of those people are trying to learn from their mistakes. And even if they weren't, then if you'll look around a little, outside of the toxic social circles you grew up in... you'll find lots of healthy people who won't drop the ball on you. One of those people is writing a new letter to you every day. 😉
In any case, J and I decided to get pizza on the way home. The pizza is to celebrate both his big victory of getting the plane in the hangar without incident, and also to celebrate my little victory of getting 5 Boss Cells. It was very good:
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...Victory pizza is the best pizza. Maybe you can get some once you're not locked away at the Northern Crater, or at the Edge of Creation, or... wherever the heck you are.
...Please come home soon, okay? And please come home safe. The people who care about you miss you a whole lot.
Anyhoot, I suppose that's all I've got for you, for today. I hope you liked some of the pictures.
Please stay safe out there, whatever it is you're doing, okay? Make kind and good decisions, both towards yourself and towards everything around you. Be brave. Set healthy boundaries. Take care of your body and your mind, okay? I don't wanna think about you being mean to yourself like you were in that damnable library...
I love you. I'll write to you again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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luthienblacks · 11 months
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I'll start introducing some of my OCs and FCs here...
Starting by my girl Cassie Faraday, who I think it actually was my first FC ever, I created her while reading the Harry Potter books back in the 2000's... Even though I just concluded her backstory and appearance recently thanks to Hogwarts Mystery.
Here's some trivia about her: - Her full name is Cassandra Faraday (becomes Cassandra Faraday-Black after marrying Sirius Black) - Cassie is Muggleborn, her parents were killed by Death Eaters during Voldemort's ascension. - She becomes an Animagus in her last year at Hogwarts, she turns into a white hare. - In her youth at Hogwarts, Cassie dates Bill Weasley, and the two stay together until the last year of school. - Cassie met Harry at Hogwarts while doing an internship with prof. Kettleburn. Later on, she becomes a Care of Magical Creatures teacher. - Her passion for animals started because of Hogwarts gatekeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, who was good friends with Cassie at school. - In adulthood Cassie falls in love with Sirius Black, they both get married and she moves to Grimmauld Place 12. - She learns how to cast the Patronus spell after meeting Sirius, so her Patronus is a giant dog. - Cassie became pregnant with twins, who were born days before Sirius's death. - After her husband's death, under the influence of fear of loneliness, Cassie named her twins Phobos and Deimos. - Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour became godparents for Phobos and Deimos.
I know, I know... She looks like your everyday Mary Sue, and I don't blame you for thinking that. But, even though I put her in a relationship with Sirius Black, I didn't want to change the original fate of the character to give my FC a happy ending... I like the idea of her grieving her husband's death and how that affects the lives of their future children. Thing is that Cassie had always suffered for her man, since the day they met in Hogwarts after Harry and Hermione helped him to escape with Buckbeak, Cassie always feared for Sirius' safety. He's her weakness.
NOW! To lighten things up a bit, lemme show you some art I made of Cassie until now!
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Here's Cassie with her fellow classmates, Lay and Gio. They're my actual friends' characters in Hogwarts Mystery.
A little Cassie x Bill thing I made back when I was playing Hogwarts Mystery and started my Tiktok. I mean, who played HM and didn't had a crush on Bill Weasley???
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
25 Days Of CHRIS-mas
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Day 5: Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Summary: Johnny and you are spending a weekend snowed in…
Pairing: Johnny Storm (Fantastic Four) x Reader
Warnings: Bad Language, Adult situations, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
W/C: 1.4k
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, any likeness to any persons or events in real life are purely co-incidental. I do not own any characters contained herein bar the reader and/or any original characters. I do not give consent for my work to be copied and posted/translated onto any other sites. If you see this fiction anywhere other than Tumblr, it has been taken without permission. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer and ALL warnings posted here.
25 Days Of Chris-mas Masterlist / Main Masterlist
Day 4: Bryce Langley (Fierce People)
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Upstate New York was filled with snow as the Christmas holiday drew near. You were nestled in a blanket, watching as a fresh coat fell outside while a fire burned beside you, a Hot Toddy in your hands, which was more hot than toddy, truth be told.
"I really can't stay...Baby it's cold outside...I gotta go away....Baby it's cold outside...This evening has been so very nice...I'll hold your hands they're just like ice."
The sounds of your boyfriend softly singing and humming the catchy Christmas classic as he moved about the kitchen shocked you.
The ever suave Johnny Storm wasn't necessarily the romantic type. Not in the way you were seeing him now. And even after a few years, it still caught you off guard.
“You know, that song is actually kinda creepy and pervy.” You watched as Johnny flipped his hand, a small ball of flames leaving his palm and landing in the fire, sending it roaring.
"Exactly," he sniggered.
And there he was.
You rolled your eyes as he flopped down beside you, taking a pull from his beer.
"So," he propped his feet up on the coffee table, "dinner, check, drinks, check, what's next, baby?"
“To be honest, I’m just enjoying the quiet,” you snuggled into him a little. “It’s been a while since we got time to ourselves like this.”
"Saving the world does take its toll," he sighed contently.
“You know, if your head got any bigger, you won’t be able to fit through the door.”
“Well, then we’d be stuck in here, alone….” he looked at you, “I see no problems with that scenario.”
“No, you’d be stuck here.” You grinned, “I’d be free to leave.”
"Nope. I'll melt the door handles. You're my hostage."
“I’d call Sue.”
“You wouldn’t!” He spoke in a mock-horrified voice.
"Try me," you smirked.
"You, Miss Y/L/N are naughty," he plucked your mug from your hands and set it on the table next to his bottle of Peroni.
“Well, you’d know all about naughty, wouldn’t you, Torch?” You teased as he shuffled closer.
Johnny smirked, "Gettin' coal in my stocking for years." He bumped his nose against yours.
“Yeah, what you expecting this year?”
"You, under the tree, naked, preferably a bow around your little, tight ass."
“Smooth,” you laughed as his lips pecked yours.
He winked. "What do you say to finishing the night naked, in the hot tub?"
"Have you looked at the blizzard outside?"
"Uh, Human Torch," he pointed to himself.
“Fair point,” you chuckled, “okay, hot stuff, you’re on!"
He grinned, "yes!" He pumped his fist in the air. He gave you a deep but swift kiss and bounced from the couch to the covered back deck where the hot tub sat. He pulled the cover off and then frowned. There was no steam rising from it. His eyes flicked to the temperature gage and he gave a groan. It wasn’t even warm, let alone hot.
 He took a moment to fiddle with the controls, the jets worked, the circulator worked but the coils weren't shifting on, a flashing flame on the screen of the panel taunted him.
 And then, he smirked to himself. “Human fucking torch.”
 In a flash he was out of his clothes and in the cold water, his body a bright orange as he rapidly heated the water, watching the temperature on the panel rise. When it was to a suitable and comfortable temp for you, he maintained the heat but lost his glow. This was around the same time you came out in your fleece robe and snow boots.
His eyes watched as you walked towards him, pausing at the side of the tub.
You kicked the snow boots off and untied that belt around your waist, the fleece slipping from your shoulders and down your arms, dropping to the decking.
Johnny’s eyes started at your feet and scanned their way up your body, goosebumps erupting over your flesh from both the freezing cold air and the intensity of his gaze.
“Baby, hop in, you’ll catch a chill.” He popped a brow as his eyes locked onto yours.
You toed the water, a bite to your flesh as your skin turned pink from the heat.
Stepping in, you slipped down into the water and slid next to him. A contented groan left your mouth as you allowed yourself to relax, snuggling into Johnny’s side.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered into your ear, his lips at that spot behind your ear.
“Charmer,” you sighed, your eyes fluttering shut.
"Baby, you know I'm a charmer, but you really are beautiful."
“And here’s me thinking you loved me for my personality.”
"Your personality," Johnny kissed over your jaw, "your beauty," he kissed down your neck, "your mind," over your collarbone, "your ability to put up with my arrogant ass."
“Hmm,” your head rolled back a little and you bit your lip, before you moved to look him straight in the eyes, “our baby best turn out like me because I’m not sure I could cope with two arrogant assholes.”
"Our baby?" He squeaked.
You nodded, reaching for his hand under the water. You gently moved it over so his fingers splayed over your belly. “I found out two days ago, I wanted to surprise you on Christmas morning…but I couldn’t wait any longer. I know we said we were gonna wait till a little longer but…”
 Johnny's jaw dropped, "Babe, I gave you a drink," he shuddered, "and, shit, get out! Too hot, too hot!"
 You chuckled, “will you relax? I tipped most of that drink away and as for being too hot, it’s half you. Probably be throwing fireballs around in my womb. Besides, if I keep it to under ten minutes, I will be fine. I googled.”
"Fuck, I'm... I'm gonna be a dad!" Johnny was surely shocked.
You let him absorb the news, sitting back in the water as he processed it. You watched as his eyes watered and his mind turned.
He pulled you into his lap with a choked sob, "thank you."
“I love you,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips, “now turn the heat down just a smidge.”
“What? How did-“
“Reed told me it was broken before we came out here.” You popped a shoulder, “thought it would be funny watching you try and figure it out. I’m impressed, only took you five minutes before you realised you could do it yourself.”
He dropped the temp down a few degrees. "I'm gonna marry you, I'm gonna be a dad, you've changed my life, Y/N."
"Slow down, Storm. Let's enjoy this for a bit before you jump the gun."
Johnny looked at you for a second, before his lips met yours in a soft kiss.
Before long that mouth trailed a path down your neck, lavishing affection on the breasts which would soon enough be nursing his baby. The thought was enough to have him rock hard.
"Is it safe... To you know...."
You sighed, "yes, it’s safe."
“Good, because I’m really fuckin horny.”
"Me too," you purred, scratching at the buzz cut hair.
“Ten minutes you say?”
“More like nine now…”
“Give me five.”
Before long, he was stuffed deep inside of you as you rode him slowly, his hands on your spine pulling you close. It wasn't rough or hard, it was slow and soft, deep, passionate. His lips never left your skin, tongue laving, kiss deep.
 It was making love with more than a deeper purpose. Still, he had you worked up in a ridiculously short time.  You felt the familiar tightening in your belly as you neared your release.
"Johnny...." you rasped.
“Yeah, honey, come on…”
"Oh yeah.... Yeah..." your body tensed and squeezed as that coil snapped, "yes....." you came with a hiss.
A few thrusts later, Johnny followed you, a groan of your name leaving his lips as he sagged down into the water a little more.
"Fuck, I love you, my baby mama."
You chuckled a little as you peppered his face with soft kisses. “Love you too, but I really should get out now. Meet me in the bedroom?”
"Oh definitely," he nipped at your bottom jaw.
He stood, making sure you got out okay before he sat back down, his hands running over his face, a dopey grin on his features. He turned to see you give him a coy smile as you walked back inside.
Little did you know he had a surprise of his own. A delicate but showy diamond nestled inside a velvet box hidden within a sock.
He too had been waiting for Christmas morning but… 
No time like the present.
Day 6: Syd (London)
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shllpsn-blog · 6 years
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Intellectual Property
Branch of laws that protects ideas.Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect, and primarily encompasses copyrights, patents, and trademarks. It also includes other types of rights, such as trade secrets, publicity rights, moral rights, and rights against unfair competition.
Intellectual Property has 3 types
Copyright- literary and artistic works
Patents- utility/ designs (inventions)
Trademark- logo, business or brand (signs)
We all know that the filipinos are naturally creative and innovative in their works or inventions. But how will we know if our rights is being protected and not being plagiarized? That's is why there is an Intellectual Property protected by law.
IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By striking the right balance between the interests of innovators and the wider public interest, the IP system aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish.
There is a law in the Philippines that is securing and enforcing legal rights to inventions, designs, and artistic works.
The law: Republic Act No. 8293 [An Act Prescribing the Intellectual Property Code and Establishing the Intellectual Property Office, Providing for Its Powers and Functions, and for Other Purposes] otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.
List of Government Agencies in-charge of implementing the IPC:
• Bureau of Patents.
• Bureau of Trademarks.
• Bureau of Legal Affairs.
• Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau.
• Management Information System and EDP Bureau.
• Administrative, Financial and Personnel Services Bureau.
What is not protected by copyright? it is the tangible expression of facts and ideas that copyright law protects. The Copyright Act only protects works that are considered to be substantial. Subsequently, titles*, slogans, names, and short word combinations are not generally eligible for copyright protection.
And the examples of copyright that is protected by the Philippine Law is the Audiovisual works and cinematographic works, and works produced by a process analogous to cinematography or any process for making audio-visual recordings. In short the ones that we get on youtube and convert it to download.
We easily get some copies online without getting the permission of the owner. And we tend to change the original works to make it as ours. And sometimes it is hard to differentiate the original works and the derivative works that we see, for example Translating an English novel into Spanish, Remixing previously released music and etc.
Only copyright owners have the exclusive right to produce derivative works based on their original, copyrighted works. Copyright on original works of authorship is automatic, and registration—while it does carry significant benefits, like the right to sue for infringement—is not required for a work to be protected; protection attaches immediately when the work is completed. However, a copyright owner can grant permission to someone else to make a derivative work based on his or her original—if permission is granted (in the form of a license or assignment), then creation of the derivative work is not infringement.
Why is it important to protect intellectual property rights?
Your IP rights are important because they can:
-set your business apart from competitors
-be sold or licensed, providing an important revenue stream
-offer customers something new and different
-form an essential part of your marketing or branding
-be used as security for loans
You may be surprised at how many aspects of your business can be protected - its name and logo, designs, inventions, works of creative or intellectual effort or trade marks that distinguish your business can all be types of IP.
As student like me, what I'll do to promote proper use of media and information, I should stop illegal activities like downloading movies and songs from non-credited online converters online. Ask my friends to be aware on what we get online. And also I suggest that we trust ourselves that we can create our own and not plagiarized others. We all have our talents and uniqueness, so why not make our own styles.
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