#i'm 22 today!
glasspunkart · 1 year
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my birthday gift for myself 🎁💌❤
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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daily-joel · 1 month
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Day 23 - Rain
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Tbh I think fandom's characterization of Akutagawa would improve drastically if people remembered he has a sister
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why-the-heck-not · 2 years
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21.11.22, monday
always a mindfuck when you go outside and it has snowed about 10cm since u last stepped out, and it’s suddenly very “middle of the winter” and even tho u knew it was coming, you did not mentally nor physically prepare for it. So now you’re there with no scarf, no hat, useless gloves, leather jacket, and a very confused sleep schedule. And it’s never “ah it’s winter soon” oh no. It’s sunshine and then *WHOOMP* winter started overnight didn’t u get the memo???
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j-and · 11 months
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I'm invincible
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todaysleap · 6 months
Today is November 22 and today's leap is:
Lee Harvey Oswald (S5, E1/2) November 22, 1963
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polito0 · 2 years
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heikyoprincesse · 26 days
I haven't paid attention but it's already 05/05 here on Brazil! Happy birthday to Luffy and me!!
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anormalkidingotham · 10 months
i had to deliver more pizzas to two-face today and this time he actually opened the door himself but he stood sideways the entire time and refused to look at me. i guess he thought i wouldn't recognize him if i didn't see both sides or something?
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thebleedingeffect · 1 month
Sometimes it's so fucking insane to me that I've managed to make it to 22 relatively sane and just like... I've been thinking about these past couple days, so here's a rough list of things I've either learned or am actively making myself learn:
1: Not all days are going to bad, but that doesn't mean it makes the harder days any easier to work through. Make sure you don't forget that the bad days don't nullify all of the good days that you've had and will have.
2: The bad days, weeks, and months will eventually pass, and one day, you will wake up and realize that you didn't feel horrible immediately upon opening your eyes. You will wake up and while not maybe not ready to live, you will not want to die.
3: Do not curse your body and mind when you finally do feel yourself begin to wake up once more to the world around you. Do not hate yourself for the time that you believe yourself to have wasted. Be kind to yourself above all else and let yourself wake slowly. Whether that's a single finger a day or feeling the breath in your lungs, take your time.
4: Humans are meant to be burdens and are meant to cry. We are born with the instinct to cry and scream for help, for love, for attention, and do not deprive yourself of those things because you believe that you do not deserve it.
5: I'm sorry if anyone ever told you that you are inherently unlovable or wrong in some way, you did not deserve that. I'm sorry if someone ever told you that you were too much, too little, too overwhelming, too quiet- whatever it may be. You did not deserve that, no matter if you believe what was told to you or not.
6: Therapy is not an end all solution to all of your issues and trauma, but it is a good start in admitting that you want help. Reach out to someone if you feel like you need help in processing your issues.
7: Do not deprive yourself of pleasure because you feel that you do not deserve it or that you must endure a certain amount of pain. There is no morality in taking care of yourself and in enduring pain. Eat food, take your medication, have a fun drink. A lifetime of prohibiting yourself because you feel you do not deserve it is not a good one and it will help and serve no one. Take care of yourself.
8: Listen to yourself when a part of you desperately wants help and needs help, comfort, and a shoulder to lean on. You deserve help.
9: One day, you will wake up and find that you have friends, a family, and a life that you never thought you'd ever reach. Do not take that for granted, no matter how bad the days can be.
10: There is a small, scared child inside of you that grew up painfully alone, isolated, and taught themselves to fear the world around them. That child learned that fear, isolation, and paranoia would protect them from the harshness of the world that they were forced to endure. You must take that child's hand and lead them back to bed and tell them to rest, that the fight is over. You must take their hand as many times as it takes until they finally close their eyes.
11: Some days, you will not believe the words that you tell yourself. It does not make them any less true, please continue on despite the pain in your limbs.
12: You will grow up from a scared child, to a terrified teenager, to an adult. You still carry them inside of you, so do not treat them with hatred, resentment, or ignorance. Show them the kindness that you should've been given all those years ago.
13: If you lived in isolation, loneliness, and constant abandonment, do not resent your future friends for having friends besides you. You are not being replaced, or forgotten, or abandoned, their love for others does not mean that you are being left behind. Please believe them when they say that they love you and have no urge to leave you.
14: You must trust others. You must. Despite all the fear that you've taught yourself to hold onto, you must loosen your grip around it. To loosen the grip will allow for others to help you shoulder the burden.
15: It's an unattainable fantasy that the ones you love most will be able to read your mind and magically know just what to do. That is a fantasy that you cannot fall into because the people you love are people, just like you. They are capable of making mistakes, not realizing things, not understanding why you're upset, or don't know when you're upset or not. To communicate is to foster a relationship into something stable, healthy, and long lasting. Admitting your weaknesses, your wants, and your boundaries will do so much in fostering trust.
16: Being fearful of the end will only make you want to run to the finish line because you cannot handle the possibility of the end. But, oftentimes, the end is much farther away than we ever realize and the path there is what makes the memories worth it. Do not worry for the end, as it will distract you from the present.
17: I do not know where you are or what you're doing, but you're dehydrated. Go drink some water.
18: Your friends love you. They want you around. They cherish you. Do not listen to the scared child in your head that tells you that they're just lying to appease you. Please believe in the reality that you are indeed loved.
19: Reach out to the ones you love if you need help.
20: Sometimes, self care and helping yourself doesn't look like taking the day off and watching that show. Sometimes, it's having having that difficult conversation, sometimes it's cleaning your room because it's been a mess for weeks now, sometimes it's blocking that number and crying about it for hours. The hard things make it all worth it in the end.
21: Self-deprecating jokes at your own expense the fastest way to conditioning your brain into hating yourself. You will see yourself in the absolute worst of lenses and only expect the worst out of yourself. The veil of humor does not make the truth of what you are saying about yourself any kinder. Do not exercise such cruelty upon yourself, you deserve better than that.
22: Some times in your life will either come very fast or pass by very slow. Neither of these are that enjoyable, but I promise you that they will not stay.
23: If you feel angry at the world, get something to eat. If you feel like everyone hates you, take a shower and talk to someone. If you feel scared of the world, try getting some better sleep.
24: Sometimes, the ones you love the most will make mistakes or hurt you in some way. Please tell them so that they can do right by you and help fix things. Do not stew in your own resentment or expectation that they should already know, just tell them. I promise that they will be relieved knowing that you trust them and feel safe enough to tell you that you did something wrong.
25: Old wounds will take time to heal, and maybe they never quite will, but the layers of your life will grow around it and continue to blossom. Do not resent the part of yourself that still lives at that point in time where the hurt festers. You did not deserve all of the pain that you were given, but hopefully, that part of you will one day grow quiet.
26: Take the medication if you need it.
27: Try finding something to do with your hands. Preferably something outside.
28: I love you.
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aecholapis · 4 months
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Magnum Ace is spreading Decepticon propaganda
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mrsfitzgerald · 2 years
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nijmegen <3
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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This line is always so funny to me like I know Fukuchi's old but he just said Atsushi is BABY
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I have to get the bus at 10:26 tomorrow to get to my classroom and I can already see that going well
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