#i'm afraid i'm losing interest in slashers
Mikitaka: I don't know wrong with me. I can't eat, can't sleep! Maybe I'm coming down with something.
Josuke: oooh, I know what you've got. The L word!
Okuyasu: yeah leprosy!
Josuke: no okuyasu, no! It's four letters, starts with L and ends with E!
Okuyasu: ... Aha! Licee!
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homicidal-slvt · 4 months
[Twenty Questions For Fic Writers]
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
None. Yet.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
RE, COD, TEW, Until Dawn, The Quarry, DBH, A Couple of X-Men, Creepypasta, Some Slashers, more coming soon.
4. Top five by kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely. Sometimes I might not if I don't know what to say or I miss seeing it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh... I'm not sure. Probably one of these two [∆] [∆]
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most have happy endings so here's just a random one that I think is sweet [∆]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often. I have received hate but I just delete and ignore. No point in stirrin' anything up or giving hateful people the validation of a reaction.
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah. Not very well but yeah.
10. Craziest crossover.
Idk... I haven't really done any yet that I can think of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of anyway.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I'm chill with someone doing it though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Not sure I'd be good at it.
14. All time favorite ship?
I cannot choose. You will not make me. I am a die hard multi-shipper who is in too many fandoms. I love too much.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Jesus Christ... A lot of em'. I start series and then abandon them. Abandoning my stories is more of a hobby than writing at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Shit. I don't know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The mere moment I lose even the tiniest bit of motivation or interest - I will never return to that story. Sorry to my readers - I'll go get the ukulele. Lmao. There's other things too but I don't wanna poke at it too much or I may get insecure and stop posting.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Occasionally I'll use words from another language but it's difficult for me. I mostly just write in English and only occasionally throw a pet name from another language in there or something. I'm just super afraid of messing something up.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
First fandom I ever posted for was Creepypasta. First fandom I ever technically wrote for was MLP when I was small. Take that as you will.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Do I have to choose? Most of my stuff for Gaz are my favorites.
[Thanks for the tag @femalefemur .]
No pressure tags: @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @kneelingshadowsalome @silverzoomies @sky-is-the-limit @sofasoap @a-world-with0ut-dr34ms @deadbranch
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
February 18: Ranking Halloweens
Have done literally nothing today so, some more on Halloween.
Now that I've watched all 13 and thought about them some more, and let my opinions sort of settle in my mind, I have some overall thoughts about which are the best and worst, and generally how I would rank them.
Outside of the best and worst, ranking is really hard because they're so different, they cover such a long time span, and each one is so very much a product of its time. Most of the Halloween movies I think work best in their context: both the context of horror at the time they were made and the context of the franchise as a whole. Some of them might not be good movies particularly, but they are interesting as time capsules or as part of the overall progression of the franchise.
In other words, there are clear best and worst entries, in my opinion, but not a clear 1-13 or even 1-12 ranking, if you're just including the Myers-Halloweens.
The Best:
Halloween (1978): No explanation needed. Even the best of the subsequent films just proved that the original is deceptively simple, basically a perfect slasher horror film.
Halloween: H20: Not a controversial opinion as far as I can tell. I loved that this film was not afraid to lose some of the 'fundamental Halloween elements,' like Loomis or Haddonfield, because it still understood the franchise enough to feel like a Halloween film in some x-factor way. This is the best interpretation of Laurie after 1978 (/1981 I guess), and it's also just honestly a fun film to watch on its own.
Halloween (2018): I'm a little uncertain of putting this as my #3 because I do have mixed feelings about it in some ways. Maybe I'm ranking it high because it's a competent horror film in the 'modern' (current) horror style. I do have criticisms of it but I think it was effective overall.
Halloween III: Spirit of the Witch: This isn't really #4, it's more of an unranked entry, because I really don't think I can compare a non-Myers Halloweens to the others. But it was one of my overall favorites, especially upon some reflection. People who consider it the worst or one of the worst are just mad it's not a slasher. Seen on its own terms--a weird 80s sci-fi horror--it's quite interesting and effective.
The Worst:
Halloween Ends: I might push this down to second-worst upon some more reflection or a re-watch but I'm still big-mad about this. In a way, I'm glad it was made because it helps me reflect on what defines a Halloween franchise movie. I felt viscerally that this wasn't it, but I need to think more about precisely why. At any rate, ending ("ending") the franchise with a movie that is so depressing, so lacking in scares of any sort, and so lacking in the pivotal franchise lead, leaves me with a terribly bad taste.
Halloween: Resurrection: Not scary, rarely funny, no memorable characters, and a scream queen whose screams had to be re-dubbed. The best thing about this is how VERY 2002 it is. It's interesting to see this mashup of millennium-era movie tropes with Halloween-franchise elements. But is it a good film? No. Not really in any respect.
Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers: The pinnacle of cliche, bloated, slasher stereotype horror. Unnecessarily muddled lore and the introduction of weird and out-of-place elements. A film that understood that the franchise was becoming just another series of generic slasher entries, but tried to solve that problem with elements from other types of horror--cult, sci-fi--that simply did not fit. Full of characters I care nothing about. Terrible to Jamie Lloyd.
The middle:
I think of the other films--Halloween II, Halloween 4, Halloween 5, Halloween 2007, Halloween II 2009, and Halloween Kills--I liked Halloweens 4 and 5 the best. I look back on them the most fondly. They do that suburban-Halloween aesthetic probably the best of all the sequels, and give the best overall sense of Haddonfield as a community. I really do have a fondness for Jamie. And their biggest flaws are that they are sort of generic-80s-slashers. But it's not the 80s anymore, and so even that gives them a sort of... retro-sheen.
I can see why people often rank Halloween II very high, because it's probably the most similar to Halloween I. But I still find it a sharp drop off, too sequel-y, too full of more: more blood, more kills, more sex. It is all right. But I just can't love it.
The Rob Zombie Halloweens... I really don't know what else to say about them other than they are exactly what you would expect if you put Rob Zombie and Halloween together. I didn't hate them. But I felt like a lot of 2007 was pretty useless and 2009...got points in my book for at least being unique, but was also...meh, kind of weird and had too many mommy issues.
Halloween Kills was okay but I think again it was just rather unimportant. I watched it a couple of weeks ago and it's mostly disappeared from my memory already. I think I would have to watch it again/think about it some more before I can really come up with an opinion because mostly I feel ambivalence.
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charliedawn · 2 years
Any fandom/slashers would date ftm asexual
I just feel sad and lonely right now
P.S love your work
(Thank you. And I hope you'll like this work.)
Pennywise :
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"That makes us both, doll."
Pennywise has an aversion for touching and being asexual kinda goes with it. Well, he is asexual in the sense that he would understand your situation and respect it.
He was actually surprised when you confessed to him and felt confused, as he never doubted you were too.
He could feel it, but didn't think it was his business, until you asked if he was bothered by it.
"Bothered ? No offense. But, I chose you because of it. You are nice, and what we got going is good. I don't need s*x for us to work."
To sum it up, Pennywise is fine just living in peace with you and wouldn't mind at all that you are asexual.
Don't worry. If you hadn't said anything ? He would have still figured it out.
Perks of being a mind reader.
Patricia (The Horde) :
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"Oh, honey..Don't worry. It's normal. I don't care about that. You're perfect."
Patricia wouldn't mind.
She's the kind of person that wants to leave her chastity intact forever, so it would work for her.
She likes you because you always were and are kind to her, even when she explained her situation to you.
However, the whole going from a woman to a man might be confusing to her at first.
But, she's working on her acceptance and would understand in the end.
"I'm sorry I didn't get it right away, but we love you either way, sweetie. You'll always be the best thing that happened to us and nothing will change that." *kisses your forehead lovingly*
Jason :
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Asexual ? What's that ?
You would have to explain to him what it means and Jason would listen attentively.
He would think about it and finally shrug.
"Jason..Doesn't care..Likes Y/N, because nice to Jason."
He wouldn't mind.
He's been taught all his life that s*x is bad and was only allowed very few distractions in his life.
He wouldn't know how to "do s*x" even if he wanted to.
Innocent and clueless in this area. Virgin to the bone.
I would be surprised if he even had a boner in his life.
"Jason..Happy with Y/N. Doesn't..want them to leave." *hugs you*
He would accept it and be happy either way.
Shigaraki :
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Considering he could actually kill you on accident by not focusing for one minute.
S*x might not be his priority in life.
He would be happy to find someone willing to love him and understand his struggles when it comes to his powers.
He was actually the one who told you he couldn't actually commit to the deed from the beginning.
He was afraid of accidentally hurting you.
"I can't..lose focus. I can't hurt you. You're..okay with that, right ?"
He was so nervous at first, but relief washed over him when you confessed you were asexual.
"That's..good. Thank you."
Vanya/Viktor :
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Viktor would understand your struggles and sympathize, as he had to go through the same transition.
He would date you and help you.
He would support you and make sure you feel as comfortable as possible in the relationship.
Viktor *takes your hand and smiles* : "There's nothing wrong with being different. You are amazing, and I can't wait for you to meet my family. They'll love you, because I sure do."
Viktor who is usually so unsure about everything in his life, was so sure about you.
He knew dating you would be the best decision of his life.
And, he turned out to be right.
You would also protect each other from other rude narrow-minded people and understand each other in a way that no one else can.
Armitage Hux :
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General Hux had been asked multiple times to marry and fond a family, so he may produce more children for the First Order.
He couldn't exactly disobey and say that he had no intention of having an heir.
It would be considered treason and Hux liked his head attached to his neck.
He then found you and realized you were an asexual as you were talking to a stormtrooper trying to flirt with you.
He quickly lost interest, while Hux's only grew and he decided he would take you as his partner and hence, he would have an excuse to not produce any child for the First Order.
You would be a valuable asset to his plans...And slowly turn into something more.
"I was lost before you and I..I thought I would never find someone so similar to me..someone that would understand me. But, you became someone I can't find myself without.."
J :
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"Ace..*smiles* Did you know that the ace is the highest playing card in the deck ? It means excellence and whoever gets an ace is one lucky fellow." (I know. I already used that in another post, but I just thought it was too good to waste.)
He would support and kiss the back of your hand like a true gentleman.
Once J likes you ? It's forever.
He wouldn't care about having s*x. The guy is the mastermind of crime and would be happy if you just stayed with him.
He is not judgemental.
No. Sorry. That's not what I meant.
He IS judgemental. But, not when it comes to sexuality.
He just judges society in general. But, he wouldn't judge you for being different.
He likes different.
J *smiles widely* : "There's nothing I love more than a man who knows what he wants ! And you ? You look like you found it ! I respect you even more for that !"
Stephen Strange :
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"Really ? Oh..Well, I didn't know that."
Liar. He knew. There are no secrets you can hide from Stephen Strange.
He can see the multiple outcomes of a lifetime.
Once you're in his life ? You can be sure he knows you better than yourself.
He could pinpoint the exact time and place you would meet to its very second and since he allowed it, you can be sure he would have no trouble with you as a person.
He will accept you.
There is nothing Stephen hates more than fake people. And, when he saw you in his future ?
He fell for your honesty and knew there would be nothing you could say or do that would break that.
As long as you have a bright mind, Stephen will love you either way.
Stephen *smiles fondly at you* : "You glow, and if I had to choose between you and anyone else in this world who I could have s*x with ? Guess what ? I would choose you. Every time."
Hannibal Jr. :
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Now, Hannibal Jr. has had s*x before, but let's say, it wouldn't be a problem for him.
He tested his preferences, and turns out ?
He grew bored of it.
Hannibal Jr. doesn't care about s*x or that you're a man. He is open-minded, but he would also be cautious.
Hannibal Jr. is not one to give his trust easily. His love even less.
He would first learn as much as he can and see if you are worth it ? (Very complicated man)
But, once you've gained his interest ? He would be one of the best partners you can have and bring you everywhere, make you see the world.
He's very cultured and as such, has been to many different places.
One thing is for sure, you would never get bored with him.
Besides, he is an individual who eats people, let's say nothing can faze him.
Luna Lovegood :
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Luna. Luna is peculiar and she knows it, is proud of it even.
She would never judge anyone.
She would be happy to date you, if you wouldn't mind her constant "loony" behavior and her regular "nargle" hunts in return.
Luna *giggles and shows you her new finding excitedly* : "Look ! I found one ! A purple nargle ! They were supposed to be extinct !"
She was the first to discover a new race of nargles and bring it to the minister of magical creatures.
She wouldn't make an issue out of your sexuality. She would be just as happy to make you tag along on her many adventures.
Luna *tilts her head to the side when you tell her* : "And ? That's great. Is it supposed to be a problem ?"
Bless her soul. The girl is too good for this world.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Hello, (this is kinda a long one)
I have a habit of scrolling agressively and trying to find slasher posts where their S/O isn’t shy and bashful when the slashers do…well…literally anything.
If you can’t, then it’s completely ok. But if you’re willing, could you do something with a fem (or gn if it makes you more comfortable) reader who’s just, hella chill. They’re not just the Slasher’s partner, they’re also the slasher’s best friend. They don’t get all bashful when they flirt or are flirted with (they like showing off), they speak like a normal human and aren’t afraid to stick up for themselves or anyone else. If they’re asked to do something they aren’t comfortable with doing, they’ll straight up deny the request. Basically a super confident but laid back person who’s not afraid to speak their mind.
I actually really enjoy your writing. Keep it up!
Ohhhhh this is interesting. I think this is a good prompt. I'm gonna do this in a way I’ve wanted to try. Thank you for this idea and I'm gonna probably do this a bit more often, just for some variety. I'm a more shy and awkward person when you first meet me but I see this as like their s/o is comforable with them. Anyway I'll get this done. Reader is gonna be gn. So I chose Bo Sinclair I know I do the Sinclair’s a lot I just love them so much also sorry it’s kinda short. Writers block is a bitch. 
Summary: Y/N is helping Bo with a visitor who won’t stop hitting on them. Later that night Bo and Y/N talk it out.
Warnings: Implied murder, and standard slasher stuff. A bit of posessive language. 
Today was a special day in Ambrose. You’re helping Bo with tourists today. He set up a simple story of you two working the gas station and the shop together. It was gonna be slow so you brought a magazine and Bo was playing the radio. Lester let you two know someone was on their way. You’re heart started to beat faster as time seemed to slow. This is your first time and you don’t know if this is gonna work out well. You see a man who looks to be in his 20′s smoking a cigarette walking over. You close your magazine and get ready to greet him. 
“Hey babe my car needs a jump start. Think you can help me?” He asks. 
“Yeah I can, let me go get Bo.” You say turning over to the door.
“No honey I want you to help me with it.” He says. You put on your polite smile you’ve learned from customer service and turn back to him. 
“Well I don’t know how to jump start a car. Bo does.” He takes a puff and smirks. 
“Let me teach you honey. I’m a good teacher. Maybe I can teach you a few more things after this is over.” You grip the counter your knuckles turning white. 
“Sir really I’m fine. Let me go get Bo so he can help you.” 
“At least let me get your number babe. I don’t wanna lose a sweet thing like you.” You exhale through your nose and walk over to the door dividing the shop and the station. 
“Hey honey this guy here needs some help with his car!” Bo turns down the music and walks back out with you. 
“Hey honey come on all I want is your number. Maybe a few drinks?” Bo shoots you a ‘Has he been doing this the whole time?’ glance and you nod. 
“Well sir I’d love to but I’m sure I’m not your type. After all I’m not your cousin. So how about you go bother someone else. You also look like you’d be into pigs.” You go back over to him and take his cigarette out of his mouth. You stomp it out and give him a smile. His fades and he turns to Bo. 
“You’re gonna let your employee talk to me like that?” He asks. 
“They’re my partner actually. I’ll talk to them later lets just get your car ready.” The man mumbles something under his breath and they walk out. You go back to your magazine and smile. 
Later that night you’re back at the house with Bo, cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. He still seems a bit shaken up about the whole guy flirting with you thing. You decide to address it and see whats up. “Bo what’s wrong?” You ask. He tightens his grip around you. 
“I just didn’t like that guy flirting with you. You’re my partner. I don’t wanna share you with some stranger.” You smile and kiss his cheek. 
“Trust me, I won’t leave you for anyone. I’m yours ok? I love you.” He smiles. 
“I love you too.” He says kissing you. “Trust me when I say he got what he deserved when it came time. I don’t like the way he was talking to you.” 
“I know honey. But it’s ok now. We’re both here and were both gonna be together forever.” 
“I’m not gonna leave you alone like that again. I don’t want anyone doing that kinda stuff with you. He didn’t grab you did he?” 
“He didn’t, I’m fine honey. If anyone tries to touch me I’ll be the one doing the killing.” He chuckles. 
“Don’t go too hard on them. Vincent complained about how much restoration work he had to do on the guy.” 
“Alright honey. Lets stop all this killing talk. I don’t wanna go to bed and dream about it.”
“Alright darlin’. I love you.” 
“I love you too Bo.” 
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 years
What would be the Slachers' reaction to the s/o's father's unexpected visit, maybe the s/o's father still treats her like he was his little girl (being kind and loving makes the s/o embarrassed)
Hi! I wasn't sure which slashers you wanted, so I put my list into a randomizer and went with the first five.
UNFORTUNATELY, this post is acting EXTREMELY WEIRD, and won't let me save it as a draft or reformat it, and I'm afraid I'm gonna lose it, so I just have to post it even though I only got two done ; ; The others were going to be Lucille Sharpe, Vincent Sinclair, and Courtney Dwayne Delmont. If you're interested in those, drop it in my inbox and I'll try again.
I usually do gender neutral reader, so I'm gonna continue to do that, but it should be easy enough to imagine the reader is a girl if you want them to be ^^
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
cw: the ask is the warning ... fathers suck! (I made this one loving per the ask, tho)
Bo Sinclair
It takes you a while to convince Bo to let your dad know where you live ... quite a while. He says it's because, well, you're in a ghost town full of wax sculptures - he doesn't want anyone passing through who might tell the outside world before the town is ready - but, deep down inside, there's a bit more to it.
The sculptures are a convenient excuse to dissuade you from inviting your dad to visit. Bo dreads the day you ask him to meet your daddy.
At first you just need an address for some things you want from home and packages your dad wants to send over. Neither you nor Bo expect your dad to roll up into town completely unexpectedly and without warning.
Despite the confusing directions to a town that no longer exists, despite the washed out road, your dad shows up a few days before your birthday. The first person he meets is Bo. Just as he's about to phone Vincent and tell him to flip the switchboard and bring the town alive, your dad mentions you, and Bo realizes who he's talking to.
Bo's first instinct is to get territorial. He doesn't care who this guy is, he can't just drive into Bo's town and start demanding things, talking about you like you're a child to boot. But he was raised right, and besides, he grudgingly accepts that it usually pays to be charming.
It's a little tough. As he phones you to come down to the garage, he actually finds it's more difficult to mask around your old man than other people. He doesn't do too bad, but he's a bit tense, enough that you notice when you step in. His smile turns into one that doesn't quite meet his wide eyes when he looks at you.
The next few days are ... awkward. You're the one who has to show your dad around the town and get him set up in the spare room. Bo has scripts for various social situations, and while he's comfortable having fun with them and switching them up from time to time, this is one scenario he would really need to think on, and he didn't have time to. He's gotta collect himself (and tell Vincent).
Bo oscillates between trying to form an awkward bond with your dad and avoiding him altogether. Times he's obviously vying for his approval and others he privately spits venom about how he wishes the guy'd leave. Not only is this another guy on his turf, but it's one you already love, maybe more than you love him? And besides that, fathers are rough terrain for him. His was never loving the way yours is. Bo might even call your dad creepy ... the genuine affection makes him uncomfortable.
(But he can't say he never longed for affection like that. He's snappy toward you, for all the above stated reasons as well as a twisted jealousy that he probably doesn't even realize is there.)
Like I said, Bo was raised right, and he knows how to at least feign respect ... but if it came to the point where your dad was questioning your presence in Ambrose, or openly disapproving of your lifestyle, or asking you to come home, and you weren't correcting him? Bo would put his foot down.
If your dad has any rude comments about the state of the house or the town, Bo isn't gonna be quite as nice. And he ain't gonna tolerate any snooping, neither. He has no personal qualms putting your dad down like a dog if he finds out Ambrose's secret, and he'll tell you as much straight out the gate.
He'd tolerate your dad babying you ... to a point. He knows dads generally have warm feelings for their kids and worry about their well-being, he gets that, but there's a line. If your dad crosses it, Bo has no problem reminding him (privately or in a screaming match, whatever he decides your daddy deserves) that you're grown and you're his fair and square.
Over all, he's gonna be mad your dad showed up uninvited no matter what, but what happens after that depends entirely on which of his buttons your dad pushes. Could just be awkward ... could end in shouting, or worse.
Lester Sinclair
Lester would be much easier to convince than Bo when it comes to letting your dad know where you live. He's gotta help protect Ambrose's secret, but he doesn't actually live in Ambrose - not the town proper, anyway. When you explain your dad wants to send you postcards and packages, Lester is totally fine with that.
That doesn't mean he wouldn't be nervous to meet your dad. After all, there's so much about Lester that even other country folk find off-putting ... and he just thinks you're so great, he'd want to make a good impression.
That paired with his deeply ingrained insecurity, and he'd get so stressed thinking about the possibility of meeting your dad someday.
The meeting is inevitable, since you and your daddy seem to get along, he just doesn't think it will come as soon as it does...
Lester is at work when you're dad first arrives. He pulls up to the trailer in his car, which you immediately recognize. You're surprised to see him, perhaps happy, but you can't help but worry what Lester will think of him showing up unannounced. It's not as though you can turn him away, though, so you bring him inside and get him something to drink.
Lester is mighty confused when he comes home and someone else's car is in the driveway. The first thought in his insecure brain is that you're cheating on him, and he gets himself all worked up and red before he even gets in the door. He enters all full of beans, then kind of deflates when he realizes it's your dad.
He's real nervous, scrambling to take his hat off and shake your dad's hand - then second guessing himself because he just got in from work and he's covered in gore. He barely notices the smell or the yuck, and he usually doesn't much care what other people think of it (he only get self conscious about it if someone points it out/is mean about it), but this is your daddy. It's different.
If your dad is nice about it, he'll be much more comfortable. If your dad is mean or comes off judgemental about it, Lester will try his best to be civil, but he'll get defensive after a while.
The thing about Lester is that he doesn't take rejection well. At all. So if your dad took to Lester, Lester would take to your dad and enjoy spending time with him. If he didn't approve of Lester or was rude to him, Lester would be pretty upset and end up disliking your dad. He'd avoid him and want him to leave as soon as possible.
As for your dad babying you, Les would think it was sweet. He was usually kind of forgotten by his parents, so close families that are real loving with each other has always been a fascination for him. He'd be envious of your relationship with your dad, but not to the extent that he'd be rude to you - he'd just try that much harder to be a good son-in-law.
If your dad babying you really annoyed you, he'd try to convince you and tell you it was okay. "He just loves ya, sugarpea. And I don't blame 'im, 'cause yer real sweet." If it really super made you miserable, though, he'd reluctantly offer to have a talk with him or even send him away. He doesn't want you to be miserable.
When it comes to Ambrose, he's pretty strict about not letting your dad know about it. It's not any of his business, first of all, and second of all, it isn't safe for him. Who knows what Bo and Vincent would do to him?
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the-slasher-files · 3 years
For the Valentines matchups 👀
I'm about 5'7", lean and muscular with short red hair in an undercut, pale skin and dark brown eyes. I usually wear stuff like infantry boots, black jeans and flannels. I've been told I give off alt lumberjack vibes. As far as personality goes I'm pretty quiet and blunt. I think people kinda take me for the lone wolf type but really I'm just very loyal to the few super close friends I have and am not very good at making new ones. I'm pretty clever and studious, usually top of my class/dean's list. As far as personality types I'm a cancer and an INTP. I collect animal bones and pelts that I find, mostly from roadkill, and I especially love skulls. I make my own jewelry out of the teeth and such. I like to go on backpacking trips, hiking, camping etc, and I also love slasher movies and metal. I'm in college studying wildlife biology.
Your short hair and body if enough to get Andrei's head turning in your direction then the way you dress draws him closer. You aren't the typical one and it makes him walk over, you look not afraid to get your hands dirty and he likes it. Once chatting with you, Andrei doesn't lose interest that's for sure, he likes the blunt and quiet attitude, it makes him work for it and you become a challenge he will never say no to. To be honest you remind Andrei a lot of his best friend Akshay Lah-Mo (@horrorslashergirl oc) smart, loves wildlife, being outside, blunt and strong. Because you are very smart Andrei will take you to his land and want to hunt you, ending up in a fuck, he loves the chase, especially of a smart one and someone that knows wildlife because Andrei is more animal at times. Once around you, he just wants more and more of you, also it is helpful that you can also be independent so whenever Andrei goes on missions he knows you're ok. He will really really like you and I think you might have a lot in common with time.
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tell me a story about blue
blue, me, our friends the trolleyists, the trolley, and the slasher, and so forth
it was a boring day, and what was I doing, except for the cushion I sit on when I'm bored. I ought to be writing, but I have stuff to do first. blue seemed to be having a more interesting day. we were sitting on two chairs, on the left one our friend the trolleyist, and on the right our friend a trolley. The trolley was going north, toward the fourth group, but the slasher was going south, toward his victim.
The trolley was headed for the trolleyist. The slasher put down the knife he was holding and stared at me with bulging eyes. He is looking toward the bathroom, which I don't need to describe because I remember exactly what it was like, because it was exactly the same for everyone. And then he looked at me. Then he focused on me. I don't know why, and I don't know why I was afraid. When the trolley had completely0 traveled north, blue had stopped it. blue didn't lose control of blue, and my blue only said "stop" when it had clear precedent that it didn't have to. blue doesn't get tired, and I don't worry that blue will fall over at any moment. I certainly don't feel afraid.
What I am saying is that I was not scared. Although I felt the splintering of blue, I wasn't afraid of what that splintering would do next; blue was resilient, and different than me, but that was okay, because it was different. I was scared of the slasher looking at me, and then looking at blue, and then looking at me again, and then looking in blue's direction and then doing that, and then looking at me again.
The trolley was going to hit a person, and we were going to stop it. The slasher was going to look at us, and then look at blue. Then blue and we were going to stop the trolley. I didn't have to fight the fear anymore. It wasn't going to hurt me to not be scared.
The trolley was stopping the trolley. There was nowhere to run. I looked at blue and saw fear. Blue didn't have any fear, and that's okay. I was scared, and that was okay. I wasn't scared anymore.
"It will be okay," it said to me.
"It will be okay."
"It will be okay."
"It will be okay."
A person was dying, and there was a trolley that could stop the trolley, and we were afraid it was going to hit a person. The slasher, looking at us, was worried about the slasher looking at us, and looked at me. I felt something, faint, and I thought I was going to double over. Blue looked at me and saw fear, and looked at me. We were in control. And we stopped the trolley.
When I came back to my senses, it was dark. A woman was on my bed. She had long black hair. She was wearing a white nightgown. I told her to stand up, and she stood up, and she was wearing a white nightgown again. She looked at me, and she was wearing a white nightgown. She looked at the sleeping me, the sleeping me, who was still staring up at the ceiling, and she smiled, and she stroked my hair. And she smiled again. And she stroked my hair. She was saying things in a language that I couldn't understand. She wove sentences into my head. She said she felt sorry for me. She said we were all going to be okay. I was confused, and it was hard to understand her. We were all going to be okay.
And I was saying things, and it was hard to, and it was hard to talk. And I was trying to talk and I couldn't stop thinking about the slasher, but she was saying things in a language I didn't know. And I said something, and she said something. And we were a pair of things, and they were connected. And we were a single thing, and it was connected.
We were safe.
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charliedawn · 3 years
Can i request the slashers meeting Ghost face and Pyramid like characters from dead by daylight
(Hi..I think I may have gone overboard with this ask. I wanted to do something funny. Hope you'll still like it ? And, not my art.)
Michael is reading a book in peace, knowing that most of the slashers are at the cinema with Eva and he could finally relax. However, suddenly, the phone next to him rings. He answers and asks :
"Who is this ?"
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A dark and rather sensual chuckle makes itself heard on the other end of the line.
"~Guess who, Mickey ?"
Michael throws the phone on the other side of the room and his eyes widen in terror as he recognized the voice of the man. The other slashers still here arrive: Brahms, Freddy, Jason and yourself, find Michael shuddering and fixing the disconnected phone as if it is the devil itself. Freddy lets out an awkward laugh, who could possibly make the big guy lose his sh*t like that ?
"Are ya okay there, Michael ?"
He asks and Michael only slowly turns his head towards him with plain terror written on his face and utters, horror finding its way into his voice.
"They found us.."
Freddy's eyes widen, suddenly understanding something that the rest of you don't, as he runs upstairs to pack his bags and reappears just as soon, as panicked as Michael.
"Already ?! It's too soon, man. Too soon..We're not ready !"
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"Okay ! Stop ! Both of you ! Who is here ?!"
They both open their mouth to answer when the sound of someone knocking down the door makes itself heard. You smile reassuringly at the slashers, trying to calm them down, but they don't seem any less terrified.
The door of the room you're in suddenly opens and then, a masked man arrives and jumps on Michael's lap.
"Hello, Mr. Myers ! Where have you been ?! I've missed you !"
Michael tenses and frowns.
"I didn't..Ghostface."
Ghostface gasps dramatically while holding his hand above his heart in fake hurt.
"Don't be so cold ! It's been..like..10 years already !"
You feel that Michael is obviously uncomfortable and decide to help him, you take a step forward to greet the strange man.
"Hi. Could you please..?!"
Before you can finish your sentence, Ghostface has gotten out his knife and presses it against your throat.
"My my..What a lovely little gift ?! You didn't have to, Michael..But, who am I to refuse ?!"
However, before Ghostface could as much as cut you, Michael grabs his arm handling the knife and glares warningly at Ghostface.
"This one's not a gift, Ghostface."
Ghostface tilts his head curiously at you before getting off Michael's lap to turn around you, as if you are some kind of odd curiosity that he needs to observe and figure out. You don't dare move, afraid of appearing rude or angering the slasher in any way. He suddenly grabs your jaw and forces you to stare at his soulless black pits. Michael clears his throat before making the presentations.
"Nurse. Ghostface. Ghostface. Nurse."
Ghostface, after a moment, takes a step back and extends his hand towards you to shake. You hesitate for a moment before finally putting your hand in his, but he suddenly yanks you forward to get a picture with you instead.
"My buddies back at Racoon City didn't believe me when I said that Michael and Freddy had been kidnapped by federal agents and brought to a mental hospital ! They're gonna lose their sh*t at the news ! Ah !"
He then notices Freddy and the others and waves playfully at them.
"~Well, hello there my cuties..You seem big and strong. Would you be interested in a job ?"
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Freddy puts himself defensively in front of Jason and Brahms before glaring up at Ghostface.
"Ain't no way that I'm letting you take these kids to your Hell city !"
Ghostface only seems amused by Freddy's reaction.
"Freddy ! My man ! How's this b*tch been doing since last time we saw each other, huh ? Still got the skinniest ass the world has ever seen, you dirty bastard ?"
Freddy forces a smile on his face before answering Ghostface with a smart comeback of his own.
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"Hi, Ghostface..How about you ? How's the biggest slut ever created doing ?"
Ghostface chuckles falsely before suddenly stabbing Freddy in the chest and bends down to whisper in his ear.
"I'm sorry, bud..But, we were so angry when we learned that you and Michael had bailed on us..You broke our poor little hearts. You knew there would be some repercussion, right ?"
Freddy spurts out blood and then, Michael grabs Ghostface again and groans menacingly.
"Leave him alone..It was my idea to leave Racoon City, not his."
Ghostface giggles before wrapping his arms around Michael's waist to yank him even closer to him.
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"Kinky..I love it. But, play time is over, children. You have to come back home now. We came to rescue you, after all ! Our little city doesn't feel complete without you two. Daddy likes your new look by the way, Michael. Never thought you would be blond."
Ghostface purposefully grabs his a** and Michael groans loudly in annoyance before throwing Ghostface off him.
"We don't want to come back.."
Ghostface tilts his head to the side in incomprehension and shakes his head before letting out a small laugh.
"What are you talking about ?! Of course you want to ! Don't tell me you actually like it here ?"
Michael looks away and when Ghostface glances at Freddy, Freddy doesn't look back at him either.
"You...actually do."
Ghostface realizes and then, his eyes fall on you. He suddenly understands why the both of them seem so attached in staying and, before anyone could stop him, he's on top of you and leans forward to take a long inhale, as if trying to sense your fear. He chuckles as he straightens up to look at them.
"I see why you all like her so much..She doesn't smell like she's afraid ! Let's change that, shall we ?"
Jason tries to get to you, but is thrown back onto the couch by an earthquake.
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"What's going on ?!"
He yells, panicked and looking at the flickering lights with his eyes widened in shock, and both Freddy and Michael become livid, as they know who's causing the tremors with each step he takes. Ghostface raises his head, and you can feel his innocent smile under the mask.
"I invited another one of my buddies. I hope it's alright ? PYRAMID HEAD ! IN HERE !"
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The one he calls "Pyramid Head" enters and you find yourself staring at a huge mastodon of a man with a pyramid stuck to his head, as well as dragging a sword the size of you behind him..You gulp loudly, but he only grunts. He looks down at the two of you and seems to try to converse, but only manages a few grunts and growls. Thankfully for you, you have three people highly fluent in grunt language on your side. However, Ghostface is still on top of you and asks Pyramid head to come closer, which he does reluctantly. Ghostface gets off you and points you with his index before giving him a signal by running his thumb across his throat significantly. Your eyes widen as you understand that he has just asked Pyramid head to kill you. Pyramid head then looks at you again and your shiver as he start talking in sign language with Ghostface. Ghostface seems to get angry as he yells frustratingly.
"I DON'T CARE IF SHE'S NOT A SINNER ! She's the reason Freddy and Michael won't come home with us !"
Pyramid head looks back at you before finally nodding in agreement at Ghostface and starts walking towards you, his heavy sword still tracing a path behind him. He raises it in the air, ready to strike, but Michael stops him from killing you by putting himself in front of you and stopping the giant's sword with his bare hand. He may not have a knife, but he still takes on Pyramid head and they both stare at each other as you find yourself trap between the two of them. Somehow, you feel as if there is a conversation going on, one that you can't understand..
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The both of them separate and, to your surprise, Brahms and Jason step forward as well and they all stare at each other intensely. You stand there awkwardly and even though he attacked you a few seconds ago, you whisper to Ghostface.
"Do you know what they're saying to each other ?"
Ghostface shrugs before whispering back.
"No clue..Pyramid does that sometimes. It's driving me nuts."
"Right ?!"
You both nod at each other in understanding before you ask.
"Wanna eat ice cream while we wait ?"
Ghostface nods vividly in agreement before following you in the kitchen. Two minutes later, you both get out with bowls full of ice cream and seat down on the couch. You start talking and Ghostface actually starts opening up to you.
"I mean..I've got no one to talk to, you know ?! I may be a killer, but the only people I can actually talk to are my victims ! Everyone in the city are animals and talk in grunts, by telepathy like Pyramid head or do not talk at all ! It's frustrating, you know ?! The only persons who I could have a decent conversation with from time to time were Michael and Freddy ! And then, they left !"
You nod and pat his shoulder compassionately.
"I completely understand. When I first met Michael, Jason and Brahms, I thought they were all mutes !"
He nods again before you remember that Ghostface has a phone to take photos with.
"Can't you use your phone to talk to people ?"
Suddenly, Ghostface seems shy and strokes the back of his neck awkwardly, looking at everything but you as he admits.
"Well..You see..It's kinda embarrassing. I only take photos or call my victims with my phone. I don't have any real numbers registered inside, since Freddy and Michael never actually gave them to me."
Your eyes widen a bit at the news and you extend your hand towards him confidently.
"Give me your phone."
He seems to be startled by your sudden command, but gives it to you anyway. You quickly type your number in it and give it back to him with a smile.
"Here. Now, you have one number."
Ghostface doesn't say anything for a minute before suddenly embracing you tightly.
You laugh a bit at his obvious enthusiasm before patting his back.
"No problem.."
Suddenly, the four silent slashers seem to have finished their conversation and turn towards you, surprised to see Ghostface hugging you.
"Did..something happen ?"
Brahms asks worriedly and you both turn towards them and you shake your head.
"No. We were just getting to know each other."
"Pyramid Head ! Look !"
Ghostface exclaims happily before standing up and jumping into Pyramid's arms. Pyramid, as if on cue, catches him. It makes you think that this is not the first time he does that.
Ghostface shows the screen of his phone proudly to Pyramid head, who seems happy for him, nodding to show his support.
"It's time to go home."
Ghostface suddenly says and Michael as well as Freddy freeze, already waiting for Pyramid Head to grab them on his way out, but Ghostface surprises them as he bursts out laughing.
"Not you ! I was talking about Pyramid Head and me ! Jeez..Chill out, dudes ! You're already home.."
He eyes you purposefully and you smile gratefully at him. Both Ghostface and Pyramid Head head out afterwards, Ghostface still in Pyramid Head's arms. He waves you goodbye and you wave back before they both disappear in a fog that wasn't there a few minutes earlier. When they're truly gone, you see Eva and the others getting back. Eva finds you on the porch and frowns before looking around, trying to find a reason for you to be outside at this hour.
"Everything alright ?"
You nod absent-mindedly.
"Yeah..Just wanted to take a breath of fresh air."
She nods understandingly and, before you can warn her, she sees Freddy bleeding on the sofa.
"Hey, Eva !"
You can imagine how Eva screamed afterwards..Finally, when you've explained the situation to her, she shakes her head and sighs loudly.
"I..I'm going to my room.."
She finally announces with a weak voice before walking up the stairs to her room, doing her best not to pass out on her way there. You then turn towards Michael, Brahms and Jason, the only ones still present in the main living area. Brahms then lets out a sigh of relief.
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"That guy's seriously a talker.."
You ark an eyebrow at him.
"Who ? Ghostface ?"
He frowns and shakes his head.
"No. Pyramid Head. He likes to talk a lot. I understand why they like each other so much.."
Your eyes widen as Michael and Jason nod in agreement...You really need them to teach you how to speak "stares"...
A few weeks later :
You hear a buzz and find that it's your phone in your pocket. You open it and smile as you see that it's a message from Ghostface.
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Ghosty : Just wanted to check in. Also, check all of the cute pics I took of myself ! Pyramid head, as well as some of the nurses wanted to say hi ! Lots of kisses ! XOXO.
You can't help but smile at the pictures and think to yourself how Ghostface and Pyramid would have been good additions to the hospital..But, you know that they already found a place in Racoon City. Maybe, you would visit some day ?
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