#i'm cacklling
hoples · 2 months
and khr! sorry tumblr is confusing <3
'This is is.' Luna though to herself bitterly. She knew she would be exposed to Tsuna and his friends sooner or later, but in such fashion irked her. With deep breath she collapsed her batons and turned around to face them, putting on a sheepish smile. "Hello, thank you for trying to help. But I have it under control." She waved them off making Reborn frown and Tsuna look even more skittish. "Heh? How? We just heard scream and heard cacklling." Luna cursed Reborn, because she was sure it was him who kicked his student to investigate. And blessed Tsuna in same breath for being the voice of reason. She really didn't want to use her cover story so soon. Trying to look sheepish she kicked the lying unconscious mafioso. "That wasn't me, I just tased these guys, they were... dangerous." She tried to look like she was trying to come up with cover story, while pretending not to know who the baby in fedora was. "Ciaossu, I'm Reborn and this is my student Tsuna." Reborn decided to speak up, holding up gun. He felt the Lightning flames in the air and knew the girl was not local. She looked like she would be more home at Italy then Nanimory. "Oh, Reborn? The famous hitman? Ah, I'm part of small Famiglia from North Italy. Luna Campany. They tried to abduct me for ransom. Even though we are in safe haven." She turned on the whining as she let out distressed sigh. "Oh, is Tsuna civilian? Did I broke Omerta?" She started to play up the panicking and looking around distressed, hamming it up. "Tsuna is going to be next Decimo of Vongola." Reborn enjoyed the panic on the girls face as she put hands on her face in surprise. For some reason she irritated him, like somebody he knew but got on his nerves. "Ooooh, I will keep that hush hush then. Not that like I want to return to Mafia life, but what else can I do? I was born in to it." She let out small laugh and smiled brightly. She really didn't wanted to be part of Tsuna's madness, she was there as Observer, not participant. In hindsight her almost normal reactions were what put her on Tsuna's radar as the only few people with common sense he tried to hold on to.
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sevi007 · 4 years
Almost 10 hours of game time and reaching chapter 8 I FINALLY found my (other) girl!
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(I mean as a real party member this time)
(And GOD she and her church - and her home, and her flowers - are so freaking gorgeous!)
(Oh and I kicked Reno’s ass. Highlight of my day LOL)
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warbcunds · 3 years
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closed for: aegon targeryen ( @glvrious​ )
this place must really have been getting to her. she’s been to the crownlands plenty over the years, often as a pawn for her father to try and get information from the targaryens, then to visit danny whenever she could, and eventually just to see aegon. their friendship since childhood may have just been a mere attempt for her father to gain influence, but it had always been genuine for claira, even more so since her father passed. but this has been the strangest of her visits. all these deaths, her poor cousin both hurt and married, all this chaos. now with the northern kingdom, it had her stress levels rising far higher than normal. it’s the only reasoning she has for what happened, for the absolute idiocy of her actions. she’s been walking around with a blush on her cheeks all morning, so much so that as she rounds the hedge of the garden, she bumps straight into the chest of the man who had already been occupying her thoughts. she blushes furiously, taking a large step backwards. “morning!”
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summoning-potema · 4 years
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hiddengills · 5 years
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♡ Send me a ship and I’ll tell you @hiddensteel​ sent  sansa x remy !! As if she’d send anybody else
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa Remy, and he blames this on Sansa for being so cute and distracting him from what kind of door he’s interacting with. (This definitely happened on their first date, but he didn’t blame her. That time.)
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them Sansa. Sometimes she has to explain the hearts to her clients. 
Who starts the tickle fights Depends, they’re both guilty of initiating them for different reasons. 
Who starts the pillow fights Remy, much to the dismay of her. 
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile Sansa, especially if she knows it’s a Bad Night for Remy she’ll make sure she falls asleep last (after giving him a good night kiss, obviously). 
Who mistakes salt for sugar Sadly, Remy, and it was the Worst Dessert he’s ever made for her. And he does blame her for distracting him. 
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning Sansa, only because she’s prepping something for him after he’s woken up in the middle of the night. 
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines Remy. Definitely Remy. 
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order Remy, and he also has his Legos rearranged alphabetically, too, much to Sansa’s judgement. 
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies Sansa, she’s making sure the batter is up to Her approval. 
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion Sansa, every night’s a special occasion for them though because they’re that gross. 
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen Remy
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation Sansa, and Remy uses the opportunity each time to call her a nerd, which gets him a Look.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines Sansa, and they always get the best score on each one they take. 
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :)  Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2,986
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This morning you, Peter and Ruby Anne had gotten dressed and ready to go out into the city for some good pizza. The three of you made your way down to the kitchen where a few members of the team were. Bucky, Steve, Bruce, and Tony were there, having breakfast and coffee.
“Hey good morning. Me and the girls are gonna go to the city to get some pizza!” Peter said, you and ruby following behind him. Tony made a weird face and Steve raised an eyebrow at you.
“Pizza for breakfast?” Tony asks. You and Peter shrug before you speak.
“Why not?” Tony just shrugs with both brows raised and waves you off.
“Alright. Go have fun I guess.”
You were at a booth, playing a game on your phone while you waited for Peter and Ruby. They were at the line ordering their mini pizzas and you were securing your seats. Peter ordered what you wanted and now the three of you were sitting at the booth waiting for your pizzas to come out of the pizza oven.
You all made small talk while your drinks came, and made plans to once again stop by the pet shop down the street. It was tradition that every time you went to get pizza, you'd have to stop by the pet shop and look at all the puppies.
“Have you ever been to a pet shop?” You asked Ruby, who was taking a bite out of her pizza. She shook her head as she swallowed her food.
“No, I've never been. I'm not really a dog person.” You gasped at that. You had assumed everyone on earth was a dog person. Who doesn’t love puppies?!
“Yeah, I guess it’s cause I never had a dog, or met one up close, but I don’t know, they just never caught my attention.” She shrugged. You nodded side to side and hummed.
“Well, now’s your chance to change your mind. Me and Peter have this tradition to stop by the pet shop down the street and look at all the puppies. Peter never lets me go in though, because he thinks that if I go in, I'm walking out with a puppy in my hands.” You say, rolling your eyes. Peter scoffs and rolls his eyes as well.
“I don’t think. I know you will. And then Tony’s gonna blame me for letting you.” He said.
“Whatever. Anyway yeah, so we just look at the animals from the window. But… maybe todayyy can be different!” You say, hope dripping from your voice and you turn to look at Peter with a sly grin. “Since we have Ruby Anne, we have to show her inside! So she can meet a puppy up close and maybe change her mind! Come on, pleaseee? Can we go in, I promise not to adopt anything, I promise!” you plead, pulling out your puppy eyes, knowing he almost always falls for that.
Peter lets out a heavy sigh and rolls his eyes, making your cheer. “Fineee, just because of Ruby Anne.” He says, getting up and waiting for you all to go to the shop.
“They’re really cute! And so soft!” Ruby chuckled, walking out of the pet shop with you and Peter on either side of her. She had a really good time looking at all the little puppies and going into the small booths to pet them and snuggle them.
“Right? They’re amazing! Hey, I'm pretty sure now, that if you asked tony for a puppy, he wouldn’t hesitate.” You say with a smug smile of your face as you wiggle your eyebrows at her. She lets out a short laugh. Peter knows exactly why you said that and looks at you while he giggles.
“Dohohon’t even start.”
You had come home about an hour ago and practiced some ballet as well as training a bit with your brother in the gym. You were now walking in the yard with Ruby Anne, having a nice little girl talk. You were talking to her about Jeremy as you both took a seat on one of the benches in the garden.
“Hmm. Maybe Steve is right.” Ruby chuckled. You shook your head with a smile.
“I used to doubt it but, now I don’t know what to think. But I do know that “we” would never happen.” You scoff. Ruby hums and stares off at the flowers. “What about you? Any crushes you got?” You smirked, nudging her with your elbow. Ruby scoffed and paused for a moment.
She shook her head almost sadly. “Not anymore. It didn’t work out.” She shrugged. You hummed and gave her an apologetic look.
“Well… he's an idiot for not seeing your worth.” You say. Ruby laughs at that and raises her eyebrows as she nods sarcastically.
“Yeah well, its fine. He likes some other girl. She’s so much better for him. They compliment each other very nicely.” She smiles.
“Don’t say that, you are enough. There's no “girl that’s better”. Everyone has something that makes them valuable. You’ll find someone that sees that in you.” You grin, giving her shoulder a comforting pat. She nods and gives you a shy smile.
“Thanks.” She sighs. “So, your turn. You got a crush?” she asks. You take a deep breath and stretch your arms a bit.
“…. I don’t know actually. I mean, I see guys and find them attractive but, I'm not really at the point where I wanna date yet. And I guess that’s what's stopping me. I wanna appreciate and take advantage of my youth. Maybe- I don’t know. I just feel sometimes that when you date at a young age, especially when you both are still growing and immature, you're basically dating for heartbreak.” You shrug. “So I figured I’d just wait, and save myself the pain. I’ll find the right one eventually. But of course, that’s just my take on it.” You chuckle. Ruby nods and smiles.
“Yeah… that’s kinda true I guess.”
Pietro had brought some Chinese home so everyone gathered to have lunch today. You were having some orange chicken and rice and you couldn’t be happier. After everyone was almost done, Tony spoke.
“So guys I was thinking we should have our movie night outside, what do you think? We set up the yard real nice, weather’s good, we could set up the projector and have our snacks.” He said, smiling when everyone started to agree. You were really excited at the idea and couldn’t wait to set everything up.
That was until now.
After lunch you had taken a shower and a nap. You hadn’t realized its been hours that you were asleep but you were just so tired, you didn’t know why. So when Tony came waltzing into your room to wake you up, your motivation to go help outside was very low.
“Y/nn, wake up…” he sang lightly shaking your shoulder a bit. You groaned loudly, hugging your pillow tighter. “You said you wanted to help with the yard, you’ve been sleeping for a while, its 7:30 and its getting dark. Peter and Ruby are already outside.”
You groaned again, burying your face into the pillow. “mmm. Don’t care.” You mumbled sleepily. Tony smiled softly.
“Aww come on, you don’t wanna get up?” he asked in a very sweet voice. You shook your head no. “You sure? You promised you'd help…” He said, smirking as he lightly started scratching your sides. You began you giggle and kick your feet tiredly, tightening your grip on the pillow.
“Noooohoho. Stohohop.” Your giggles were muffled as you kept your face planted in the pillow. Tony added more pressure, waking you up a bit more and causing you to squirm around. Your laughter became louder and you began to push his hands away as much as you could. “Tohohonyyy!” You yelled, cacklling when his fingers drilled mercilessly into your ribs and you shook him off, giving you enough time to grab the sheets and engulf yourself in them, using the comforter as a shield.
“Come on, get up!” He sang, before smirking. “If you don’t get up, I’ll eat your belly!” He said, poking his head under the covers and hugging your waist to his face, playfully biting and nibbling your stomach. You scream in ticklish agony and flop around as much as possible. His beard was driving you crazy and the noms and noises he was making were not helping at all. “TOHOHOHONY STOHOHOP!” You cry, unable to defend yourself since you were getting tangled up in the covers.
Tony ignored your protests, playfully growling and rubbing his beard all around your torso, occasionally biting your ribs. “I don’t hear a surrender!”
You erupted into loud belly laughter when he began to continuously blow raspberries into your belly. That was the breaking point for you, and you finally decided to give in to make it stop. ”OKAHAHAY ILL GET UHUHUP PLEHEHEHASE!!” You begged, pushing at his head desperately. Tony blew one last raspberry before poking his head out of the covers. He chuckled loosely and helped you untangle yourself from the blankets, giving you a hand to get you out of the bed.
“Glad I was able to convince you. Now come on.” He smiled, leading you out of your room. You whined slightly and lazily walked wherever he led you.
Everyone was out in the backyard, blankets and pillows everywhere, ready to be set up. Steve and Clint were pinning the big white sheet in between 2 close trees and setting the projector up.
When you had gotten to the yard, you went towards Peter, who was helping Thor and Bruce set up the snack and drink table. “Look who finally came out of her coma!” Peter teased, smirking as you rolled your eyes. “Wanna roll down the hill?” he asked, pointing behind him. The backyard had a small hill that the 2 of you liked to roll down off. It wasn’t steep, but it was high enough for it to be fun to roll down. You nodded with a grin.
“Where’s Ruby?” you ask, looking around for her.
“She’s helping Wanda put up the lights. We were practicing cartwheels a bit ago. She’s pretty good!” he said, walking up the hill with you. You smiled at the thought of them playing around.
“Cool! I'm glad she had fun.” You both had your blankets and wrapped yourselves up in them before laying down. “Ready? First one down gets the last pop tart.” You giggle, ready to roll. Peter’s smile faltered as he craned his neck to look at you.
“Wait, what? There's only one left?!” he asked.
“321GO!” You yelled, immediately rolling down, leaving Peter to scramble around and roll down, already too late to win. You were giggling and closing your eyes as you spun and spun until you slowed to a stop. You unraveled yourself and looked up just in time to see Peter roll to a stop. You laughed along with him and both got up, him helping you.
“That was so not fair.” He chuckled.
“I was just kidding about the pop tarts.” You started. Peter sighed in relief. “There’re none left. Thor finished them all.” You tittered, shrugging a shoulder. Peter deflated and groaned, making you laugh.
You and Peter were in the middle of one of your many pillow fights while the rest of the team were finishing up. All that was left was putting the blankets and pillows down. 
You were aiming at Peter and were about to smack him, your arm bent over your head when your pillow was suddenly snatched from behind. You gasped and turned around to see Nat tucking it under her arm.
“Nat!’‘ You cried. She gave you a shrug and half a smirk. 
“What? This is my pillow, I need it.” She said, walking away and leaving you to get quickly knocked to the ground by Peter with the pillow. You could tell he wasn’t done so you quickly got up and and ran, giggling loudly as he chased you. 
You circle around the food table to where Steve is and you run behind him, hugging him for protection. He’s taken aback at first; giving you a weirded out smile, unaware of Peter standing a few feet away, and returning the hug. You beam at him, giving him your brightest smile and looking back over at Peter, who’s glaring at you playfully. You grin and stick your tongue out, watching as he leaves but not before quietly telling you that he’ll be back for you. 
You finally leave your brother’s side once you deem the coast is clear and go help Nat who’s laying the blankets down. 
After helping out a bit, you spot Ruby Anne talking to Peter a little far away. They’re both laughing and you smile to yourself, happy that you’ve been seeing her smile a lot more. You were glad that she actually did what she said she was gonna do and give the team a chance. There was still a lot of progress that she and Tony would have to make, but the more you saw her interact with the other members, you knew things would only get easier from here.
As you’re laying a blanket down, you smirk widely at an unexpecting Bucky, who’s sitting on the ground with his back to you, changing the batteries on some of the battery powered candles. An idea to surprise him slipped in your head and you couldn’t stop yourself. When it came to Bucky, messing with him was your favorite hobby. You didn’t know what made him so fun to prank but he was. 
You grabbed the blanket back and snuck up behind him, careful not to make any noise before throwing the blanket over his head and pulling down/back so that he falls on his back. With a laugh you try to get away but somehow he manages to quickly grab a hold of your ankle before you can run. You scream and protest as he begins to slowly drag you over to him with the blanket still over his head. “Nononononoooohohooo!” You giggle nervously, kicking and rolling around with no avail.
“I wonder who this could be?” He hums, blindly tickling all over you, starting with your thighs, mercilessly tasing them, knowing how that drives you crazy. You’re letting out loud uncontrollable giggles as you pointlessly try to kick your legs out. “Hmm. Feels like... female, mid-teens,” He starts, digging his thumbs into your hips making you convulse with laughter. “About __ lbs., Extremely ticklish, hmm... seems familiar...” He moves his hands to your sides, rapidly squeezing them, smiling at the sound of your laughter. “Apparent poor defense skills,,, very sneaky though; always out to get me...” 
Your stomach was beginning to cramp from all the laughter and teasing. You were begging for him to stop but he only ignored your pleas. 
“God- I know this! I’ve heard that laugh before! It can’t be Peter, it’s gotta be...” Bucky sighed feigning defeat, playing dumb and prolonging the torture for you.  “I feel like this could be y/n but I’m not sure.” He shrugged, shaking his fingers into your ribs. 
“IT’S MEHEHEHEHE!” You cry, throwing your head back as you laughed. Bucky gasped before ripping the blanket off of him and blowing raspberries on your belly. You shriek and arch your back violently, bursting out into hysterics. Your body falls limp as you laugh and accept your fate. 
“I knew it! There’s only one person who’s brave enough to constantly mess with me and think she can get away with it!” He teases, blowing another raspberry and shaking his head into it, chuckling against your skin when you let out a small snort. He sits back briefly only to start leaning down towards your neck. You immediately know what he wants to do and you shrug your shoulder up with a squeal. “Nooohohoho! It’s gonna tihihickle so bahahad!” You cackle. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” He said. He chuckled loosely and blew the raspberry in the crook of your neck. Your body instantly paralyzed when you screamed, falling into silent laughter . He finally sat back and watched as you we’re just a giggly puddle on the ground. “I wonder when you’re going to learn that pranking me almost never works out for you.” He thought out loud, smiling as you let out residual giggles sprawled out on the floor. 
“Neveheher.” You say, shaking your head tiredly. Bucky snorts at that and shakes his head at you fondly before scooping you up and laying you on his lap. “You gonna sit with me while the movie plays?” He asks, wrapping his arms around you, cuddling you to his chest. You nod firmly with a hum and cover yourself with a blanket since it’s getting chilly out. The yard is all set up and everyone finds their seats and watch the movie as a family. 
It’s about 2am when the movie ends and everyone is having another snack at the food table. Tony had said that it would be better to clean up tomorrow, since it was late, so all they had to do was clean the food table and bring the leftovers in. Since Bucky had gone to help, you were clingily holding onto Steve’s arm since you were so sleepy you couldn’t even stand on your own. 
When everything wrapped up and you all said your goodnights, you raised your arms at Steve, hinting at the fact that you wanted him to carry you inside. He huffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes, but obliged anyway; picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck as he carried you inside and up to your room where you quickly fell asleep. 
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brokenpaladin-blog1 · 8 years
I'm Fae don't write angst with me it'll be 1000 miles long and break ur heart into a million pieces while I just sit there and do this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@fyrelionHey Fae, pls absolutely write angst with me bc i will inevitably cause it to Get Sad™. and i will also kinda just sit there cacklling
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i'm cackling because everyone is so tired and something about one of my kins and one of my headmates just aligned perfectly and we're cacklling cackling i can't see the boundaries this is just like last time
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