#i'm far too easy to please 😅 XD
I love it so much when a character calls someone 'Freddy Krueger' in random shows and movies as an insult akin to 'creepy as fuck' or 'ugly as hell'. Genuinely one of my favourite things.
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toomanyfandomsthings · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
OOOO thank you so much for asking, I've never been asked that before! ✨️😃✨️ It's not a top 10 in any particular order (except for number 1, that one is number 1 😂), but mostly the characters who have impacted me a lot or have a special place in my heart right now. Also I'm terribly ineloquent, so please bear with my while I try to make sense -
1.) Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
Oooooh my God, where do I start? XD This one was easy because Aki is like my favorite of favorite characters in anything 😁 Such a sweet, caring, protective figure who doesn't see himself as any of those things. He's such a heartbreakingly realistic portrayal of how someone can be self-destructive and I love seeing his dynamics with the cast start to change the way he views and values himself. I love how his instinct to be a big brother shows itself in small ways that don't get directly pointed out - to avoid manga spoilers, I'll point to the scene with Denji in the hospital where Aki makes him the apple bunnies - and just the little ways that he shows he cares for people. I think stuff with him later on in the story is some of the most well written and heartbreaking stuff I've ever read, and I genuinely think he's a wonderfully different take on the revenge plot line. I also have like...way too many figures of him...and plushies...and acrylic stands...and key chains.....and a snow globe I got from Hot Topic- I just love him a lot! 😂💕
2.) Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
I have a little less to say on this one because I haven't read Tokyo Ghoul in a long time so I'm a bit fuzzy on plot details. 😅 But I read Tokyo Ghoul in college at a time where I really needed it and saw a lot of myself in Kaneki. He's such a sweetheart and such a deeply lonely character, and the ways he changes over the course of the story, for better and for worse, are absolutely brilliant and tragic 🥲💕 And I love how, throughout all of these shifts in personality and role in the story, he still feels so distinctly Kaneki. Like, in spite of how cruel and difficult things get, the sweet, book-loving college student is still recognizably there. Kaneki Ken did nothing wrong 😂 Also I wrote a far more eloquent 35 page paper on Kaneki as my final thesis paper for college, soooo that speaks to my affection for him 😂
3.) Felix Hugo Fraldarius (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
There's gonna be a lot of Fire Emblem characters here, I'm so sorry XD But I love Felix so so much! He's a tough personality and admittedly can be incredibly harsh when it's not called for, but he's given so much reasoning as to why he has this attitude and it makes him such an engaging character to watch. He cares so much for everyone around him and just for the life of him cannot communicate that, nor does he want to admit it to himself for fear of losing them like he did his brother. He works so hard to be stronger than his brother so he can protect everyone, to the point where, definitely post-timeskip, he's long since reached that goal but still refuses to believe it. He's a caring soul who's taken on a lot at a young age and has suffered a lot more than he cares to acknowledge. He's also insanely smart (which he is never given credit for in-game which is a crime) and an absolute monster of a unit and is good at basically anything you try to teach him, so he's also just objectively cool 😂
4.) Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Same as Felix, I love Dimitri so so so much 🥲 I think his character arc is so beautifully written (if you couldn't tell, I favor the Blue Lions quite a bit XD) and he's just such an absolute sweetie who's been through entirely too much. I love how protective he is of his loved ones and how the weight of all that he's been through wears on him in big and small ways (I think of little things like his lack of a sense of taste, which you only find out in his support with Flayn, which then recontextualizes little moments like Felix commenting on Dimitri acting like he dislikes the food at meal times and ahhh the character writing in 3H is so good). Also, I am partial to sweet characters becoming absolutely unhinged (see #2 😂) so I knew I'd like Dimitri almost immediately XD Didn't know he'd break my heart as much as he did though 😂
5.) Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry Blossom (SK8 the Infinity)
Cherry is so great, what a truly insufferable person (affectionate) 😂 He's such a brat and I love his dynamic with Joe so much. They argue in the kind of way you only could with someone you've known your whole life, and they clearly love each other and always look out for one another. Also, the interviews with Utsumi which say that he's also anxious and a generally lonely person break my heart, and also inform why he's *always* at Joe's restaurant. He also clearly cares for the little skateboarder family they've made and i love that he takes on a sort of mentor/parental role for the kids. Also what an absolutely chaotic idea for a character - a formerly emo/punk, professional calligrapher who also designs robots and helped establish an illegal skating competition to which he attends in a ninja costume with his AI skateboard - I love him 😂💕 He's also got an amazing character design, like, I want to be him 😂
6.) Zelkov (Fire Emblem Engage)
ZELKOVV I love him so much, he is the character currently occupying my brain the most. 💕 Much of what I've said before, such a sweetheart. I love the way the portray his mental health struggles through his need to constantly have a pursuit or task or hobby to keep his mind occupied, and how it eventually resolves with him opening an orphanage (which is such a perfect resolution for his character 🥲) He's such a caretaker at heart, and I think it's so interesting how that is juxtaposed with his past as an assassin. Plus I think coming into a revenge plotline 10 years after the revenge has been had is just such an interesting take on it. I dunno I just love him so much I could go on for ages but I'll stop here...kinda
7.) Kagetsu (Fire Emblem Engage)
And I say kinda because Zelkov and Kagetsu are inseparable in my mind 😂 I love Kagestu, what an absolute cinnamon roll! 💕 Such a sweet, silly little friend! He's so eager to make friends, almost to a fault. I'd hazard a guess that after leaving his family, not knowing if he could ever go back or if they'd even want him to come back, the eagerness to make friends is sort of a coping thing - trying to reaffirm that he's not alone and that there are people who like him. I love his dynamic with Zelkov and Ivy - he draws the two of them out of their shells and gives them the direct and clear love and affection they need, and in turn they reassure him that he is cared for and give him a place where he is truly content and happy 🥲 He's just a genuine ray of sunshine with more depth than you'd think at first glance.
8.) Yuki Soma (Fruits Basket)
Yet another character that I feel directly called out by 😂 I love him so much, I love that he's such a kind person but doesn't view himself as such because he way overthinks about the nature of what "being kind" is. I love his arc about learning how to better yourself little by little and taking small steps to change; I really find it so inspiring 💕 His backstory episode ruined me for the rest of the day, I literally couldn't sleep that night after I watched it.
9.) Lukas (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
This is my weird pick, but I still think about Lukas and the game came out when I was just starting college XD So kind and so caring, but still very pragmatic and reliable. I think his self reflection on how he feels he may be emotionally broken is so fascinating and relatable, and I love how his support with Python and his ending resolve it in a very satisfying way (I teared up when I saw his ending when I beat the game, though I also may have been going through something at the time XD) His big brother energy to Alm and the kids is also very endearing (especially him and Alm in the Drama CD oh my God) I'm not explaining it well, but I need to give this sweet depressed fellow a hug! 💕
10.) Megumi Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Ahhhh my son, my sweet boy who can't catch a break 🥲 So kind, so caring, so unable to see his own self worth 🥲 Like Aki, I like how the show points out his character flaw maybe once or twice, but it's showed off in dozens of more subtle ways if you pay close attention. I love how kind he is, how much he cares even though he struggles to display it, how he's got a self-admitted flawed sense of what justice is and how, like Kaneki and Dimitri, he's also sliiiightly unhinged XD
Hugs, hugs for all of these characters 😂❤️ Also sorry, I kind of went off, iiiiii got excited 😂 I also left out a bunch of characters because I didn't want it all to be Fire Emblem characters 😂 Thank you so much for asking!!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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coconi · 1 year
just curious - am I the only one who's kind of... hurt about the lack of presence the ancient Sheikah tech/the Champions seem to have in TotK so far? it feels like the narrative is trying to pretend the concept of an ancient civilization with cool tech that brings the peoples of Hyrule together to fight Ganon(dorf) is completely new, but it's... not? especially since it's a sequel to BotW, the fact that so much stuff from BotW seems to be forgotten makes me very sad. (especially as a Revali fan)
It's too early in the game for me to properly reply to this question I'm afraid 😅 (and, as a general warning to anyone reading this: please do not spoil me. I have all tags blacklisted for a reason).
I'd rather not get into in-depth discussions just yet, but so far I don't mind the strong shift from Sheikah to Zonai (given how prevalent current Sheikah tech is). Yes, I miss the Divine Beasts just chilling deactivated at their posts, for instance, but the map is already packed full of new stuff to see so... I get it. It would just be clutter, both visually and lore-wise. They're expecting old players to fill in the gaps themselves, and I'm extremely used to doing so.
And I've only been to the Rito area so I can't speak for the others, but yeah... there I agree. I would appreciate it if they acknowledged Revali by name at least a little. I get why they don't do it, but it can be jarring at times, especially with how often his name was dropped amongst the Rito in BOTW.
Still, like I said before, I'm so used to filling in the gaps in my own head that it's very easy for me to overlook such things if I'm having fun XD We'll see if that holds up!
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thecassadilla · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
This challenge comes from @ao3commentoftheday
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Writers: post (approximately) six sentences from something you’re working on. If you aren’t ready to do that, add six sentences to your WIP.
Readers: challenge yourselves to leave a six sentence comment or give a writer a six sentence prompt. (or a total of six sentences for the day)
Fans and creators alike: reblog a fandom post and add some love in the tags. Aim for 6 posts - or 6 tags. Whatever you can manage!
Feel free to repost this banner!
Oh, dear...I haven't written anything for a WIP in quite a while 😅 I have 5 (yes, 5...) and not one of those 5 documents has a single word written on it...oops XD
So...I guess I'm adding 6 sentences to a WIP...how about some Change of Pace love since it's been wayyyyy too long since I've updated that fic?
Please note that everything written below is subject to change because I edit a ton before I actually post. I gotta start somewhere, though, right? XD
As Kristoff looked down at Anna, who was fast asleep on his chest, he couldn't help but smile and thank his lucky stars that she was still in his life.
Getting things back to the way they were certainly wasn't as easy or uncomplicated as he hoped it would be. The love was always there - and had never once faltered or faded - but building back the trust that had been fractured by their breakup came with its own set of ups and downs. He loathed himself for putting Anna through the ringer and for setting them down this course because of his own insecurity, but her unyielding forgiveness and the copious amounts of faith she had in him were constant reminders that his own feelings of inadequacy were unsubstantiated. Anna did love him - and finally choosing to believe that that was possible had been the best decision he'd ever made.
Sighing contentedly, Kristoff pulled her closer and tilted his head towards hers, savoring the feeling of her skin pressed against his; he'd never loved anyone as much as he loved her - and he was certain that he could never love anyone more than he loved her.
You can read the first 44 chapters of Change of Pace on AO3. As far as when I plan to update next goes....well, hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later XD there just aren't enough hours in a day, sadly lol.
Thank you so much to @loonysama for the tag!!! I know I barely made it in time to get this posted for Sunday, but I suppose that's what I get for keeping my notifs off and pledging to (mostly) stay off tumblr on weekends lol. But thank you for always tagging me in these fun challenges!!! I've had so much fun participating in every single one!!!!
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akane171 · 2 years
HAHAHA, why am I not even surprised? 🤣 Is it even anything she can be blamed for or are you just doing it for shits and giggles?😁🤣
Jup, the Winchesters both fucked up majorly and everybody and their grandmother knew they were fucked up and even co-dependent (tho tbh, no wonder with their childhoods...) and nobody was made out as perfect or better 🤔😅 Relatable (a bit unhealthy) Siblings🤷🏻‍♀️
Wait, last two episodes? What happened (again)? Admittedly, I only watched the last fight, Mon-El/Karamel scenes and the wedding, so no idea what happened😅🙈
Yup... Ignore the no cameras. I still can't believe no one would mention a freaking human-sized whole in the elevator and roof...😅
"Erasing all bad stuff"... So...There's hope for Mon and Len? Happiness for Maya? Kara staying? And noooo, please let's direct your anger at the villains instead🙈
Weeell, some of the older movies weren't even bad...?🙈
I kinda agree, but at the same time I'm not sure I could take yet another emotional support and favourite character dying on me... I'm still ugly-crying every time I so much as think about Luke Castellan, Chris Halliwell and esp. Tony Stark... Losing Mon-El like that too? Ughhh😭😭😭🙈🙈🙈 (At least he's alive and I can think up all the kids and happiness Karamel can have in the future, when Kara finally leaves this time and just gets her ass over to his 🙈 Then he can just getting to being an happy outer-space puppy raising his own pups😍) 
Ahh, okay🤔 Might set it on the list🤔
Nope, I'm not shooting you, no matter what, but I feel ya😔
The Song is AWE&SOME😍 Tho I did spend a great part of my life not even knowing the title cause I and most people around me are apparently utter idiots and kept mishearing "zombie" 😂😂
Oh god...That sounds like death... Like, I don't even like people at all and love... I would have died every single second in your place😅😭🙈 Thankfully, my friends are either just as introverted or very very understanding most lf the time😅 Else I'd probably not even have friends at all😂🤣
Ohh, yes!😍 Tobi/Obito and Kakashi would drive everyone SO mad 🤣😂 (Well, considering Tobi is Obito, they already are kinda best friends?🤔😅)
HAHAHA we are curse-connected 😉😭😂🤣
Waaaiiittt, DNAngel wasn't finished? 😶 Huh, okay, didn't even remember that (tho tbh, I only ever watched the anime and barely even remember THAT 😅🙈)
Oh, btw, the rant about Alex always being made out as good, Kara as bad and Mon being blamed just reminded me: Dunno if maybe you already know that fanfic, but there's a brilliant angsty one where Alex and the DEO torture Mon while Kara is off helping Barry and it actually deals with the fallout without letting them of easy 🤔 Not sure what the fic's name was tho (sth with "Betrayal never comes" but there was more to it?😅) or who wrote it🙈🙈
....not saying....
Still entertaining to watch xD As much as fucked they were. Plus damn, I would watch Jensen staring at the wall for a whole hour :D
God, there was some shit about Esme, becasue she was kidnapped and Alex basically yelled at her. Then when Kara talked to Esme about being alien and keeping the identity i secret or something, she yelleld at her about not messing with her daughter. I don't remember exactly what has happened, becasue I erased this shit from my mind, but it was far from being ok.
Also... that elevator probably fell down? From the highest levels? And crushed down? Maybe even hurt someone? And... not even menioned?
There is always hope, but as tehy say in my country, hope is the mother of idiots xD
...i don;t remember, but I was not disgusted so they were proabbly ok? Still fillers. But better than teh tv show fillers xD
I mean, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah, we still can fantasize about happy ending for karamel. Still if feels cheap? Like whole Kara's story, ended like some cheap soap opera, with no conenction to the previous eps and seasons and everythign what she wanted in her personal and career life. Like.... holy crap, i seriosuly feel i wasted time, energy and braincells for something that was not worth it. As simple as it sound.
But well, I'm bitter old mushroom, so forgive me.
LOL. I mean, i can feel you, because usually I mishear the lyrics of the songs I like and then when i read it it's ooooooooooooooh, so i have been karaoking it wrongly, lol. Also, do you know a band Avenged Sevenfold? For some reason I read it as Avenged Seafood and I'm sad they don't sing about avenging lobsters.
Well, she's not my friend anymore and i can breath. But it was exhausting. Because what she was usually telling for 3 or 4 hours i would summarize in 30 minutes. And then, after giving her advices she never took them, so I felt I was always wasting my precious time. Oh, and she was the typical extravert that doesn't get I don;t like suprising visits and when I say i have plans, i have them, even if it's a plan of sitting in my room and not doing a shit. Sigh. Extraverts.
Kakashi and Obito screwing everyone in Akatsuki would be damn, worth watching.
No... manga is STILL ongoing. The mangaka is well known of not fiishing her shit and she releases like one chap eevry year. And well, i think she set a nice ground for Satoshi x Risa in the manga and I really want to see it =='
I think I read it, but I have a shit memory.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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