#i'm giving you angst 101 for my birthday
Let Me Have This; Steve x Reader [Last People on Earth AU]
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SUMMARY: You’re the last people left in the world, it’s a hard reality to face knowing you’ll be the last ones here. But you’re going to make the most of it.
WARNINGS/NOTES: ANGST (oh my god), death (of like the world?+ animals), suicidal thoughts, car crash, blood
REQUEST: The people want more Steve what can I say (thanks @heckin-harrington ) WORD COUNT:
You were the last person on earth for ninety days.
Feet dangling off a plummeting cliff, the air pushing your hair behind your shoulders you wondered what would happen if you pushed yourself over. Left behind the world reduced to nothing but a wasteland and nothingness.
It was laer that morning you had met Steve Harrington.
Driving in another hijacked car you pulled up in another town searching for food to collect and resources to pick. You spoke to yourself loudly to numb the deafening silence around you, even if the birds still chirped and the flies still hovered. You thought back to the cliff while tossing a rock in your hands poorly, as the thoughts became more vivid you threw the rock into a glass pane of a music store next to you and heard it smash into a million pieces and scatter on the floor.
The sound was loud, the loudest thing you’d heard since your screams into open fields as you travelled the US alone. The thought made you let a tear fall from your face as you stood amongst the broken glass. Your fists clenched looking into the store filled with cobwebs and dust.
The sound of footsteps were ones you ignored, it reminded you of day sixty roaming the streets New York and you could feel the people around you bustling in hoards. 
But these footsteps were real.
When they got quicker you frowned and turned around before seeing the silhouette of a boy your age.
You freaked, your heart skipped beats, eyes widened beyond your own knowledge and you felt your head spin as he walked closer with a similar shock.
“I’m going crazy,” you mumbled as your eyes started blurring his face coming closer. But he didn’t seem to slow and as you saw his greasy hair, pale complexion and large eyes and took it all in.
“No- you’re, you’re real right?”
You paused, the question was so weird, his voice was so foreign and you felt yourself cry with the most happiness you’d had in months.
“I-I’m real.” you paused, he stared tensely as you reached out for him, feeling the side of his face and tears poured down your face as you processed his existence, “Y-You’re real.”
You hugged him tightly, he hugged back just as quick and you could feel his tears stain your jacket as he thanked gods you weren’t sure he even believed in. 
You were one of the last people on earth for another two years.
Standing side by side for months that turned to years you couldn’t even guarantee the days wondering if you’d forgotten to mark them off. But you found yourself clinging to Steve Harrington like a lifeline because he was the only reason you’d stayed.
You’d marked down every state in the US, travelling as far you could go and explored every mansion you found as if it was a virtual reality game. The two of you tried to experience things you’d always wanted to, took whatever you had wanted as a kid.
You sung on famous stages, visited famous sets, stole from the richest stores and hung onto small souvenirs from every place you visited. Your favourite was the photo’s you’d get from a working photobooth you spent hours in.
Because in the last one he kissed you.
Ever since the kiss you too had loved each other unconditionally, considering it might be because you were the last, but not caring, holding hands as you slept every night.
You were one of the last people for three years.
It was the third anniversary of your meeting, you were looking through an antique store eating cookies that didn’t go out of date when you heard a cough from behind.
Turning around Steve on one knee held a simple but beautiful ring in his hand and proposed to you.
You cried and kissed him as he slid it on your finger. 
You had a June wedding in a beautiful dress you found in that very antique store.
Spending the night dancing for hours to a stack of mixtapes with a million songs to listen to, laughing and smiling, by the time your feet were blistering he dragged you to bed and stared into your eyes blessing the world for giving him one thing to love in this world.
Many nights were spent talking of past, these kids called Dustin, Mike, Max, Lucas, Will, Elle and his friends Nancy, Jonathan and some estranged one called Billy who had spent his last moments trying ‘to make things right’.
You talked of family, things you wished you’d done and things you regret. You cried into each other's arms when necessary, everything was free and sacred between you, for only the two of you to hear. Husband and wife in your early twenties.
You were the last couple on earth for four years.
You coughed for the third time during dinner and Steve looked at you worried, but you waved it off took some medicine that wasn’t out of date and went to bed thinking of the trip to the bowling alley you’d planned for tomorrow.
When you woke up Steve was outside picking out fruit and vegetables to eat, a dog, a stray you’d found alongside him dropping a ball at his feet every minute or so. You smiled standing on the veranda of the small house you’d been sleeping in the past few months.
“How you feeling?”
“Better, I told you not to worry,” you reassured as your hands wrapped around his waist the sound of your dog panting filling the area.
“Well don’t do it again.”
“Don’t cough?”
“Don’t get sick,” he elaborated, “I don’t want to lose you to a cold.”
“Don’t worry about that.” you waved off picking up the ball and throwing it into the large field.
Steve looked at you anxious, it seemed you forgot how risky your life with him was. He wasn’t a doctor, there would only be so much he could do before he’d just have to watch you fade away.
But you said it wouldn’t happen. So he didn’t have to worry.
He would have to worry about something else. 
“Dustin!” you called, but the dog was gone.
You and Steve had been searching the lonely town for hours, but your dog you’d come to love and cherish had disappeared into thin air and you were both extremely concerned.
“We should go into the forest we found him,” you explained, “It’s the only place I can think of.”
He nodded and you both rode bikes there and started searching together, you had made a rule two months into knowing each other; never split up.
It started raining, hard, you were glad you brought an umbrella but Steve was getting worried at the idea of one of you two getting sick and was trying to get you to go home, but you refused to.
“I think I heard him!” you yelled out as the rain muffled your words, “Over there!”
He grabbed your wrist, “Y/N we need to go back.”
“I’m not leaving Dustin here!” you replied, the mention of Dustin softened his grip and you wandered further into the rain. He called out for you to stop but soon he couldn’t hear you.
He couldn’t see you.
Steve was the last person on earth for two weeks.
Watching Dustin dropped the ball at your feet, he let his face screw up in a mix of anger and sadness as he screamed at the dog and threw the ball so far into the field the grass now overgrown before storming back inside and locking the dog in the open.
“Please come back to me,” he mumbled between tears and a clenched throat, his hair dirty and his eyes sunken in and burning red. 
The silence was killing him, the silence at dinner as his cutlery scrapped against the plate alone had him shaking, even managing to spill his juice over the tablecloth.
But the world would show him mercy when you appeared at the door covered in bruises, pale and weak barely breathing at his doorstep.
Screaming shits as he forced water down your throat and food in your mouth, he panicked his hands fumbling and shaking as he laid you on the bed giving you medication and disinfectants for every scratch you had.
You remember looking up at Steve, eyebrows slightly furrowed and your hands dragging over his face softly, it seemed to calm and still him and he finally looked into your eyes. They were shaking with adrenaline, you smiled breath hoarse, “I love you so much Steve.”
You and Steve were the last people on earth for one more year.
Burying Dustin in the ground it proved to be a wake-up call for the two of you, you’d forgotten about death as you only experienced it once on a mass occasion so many years ago you were numb to the memories. You held each other knowing what you were thinking but not speaking a word of it. Because you were both thinking about what would happen if one of you died, and the other had to stay here.
Two days later you were driving in a new car, you had tried to leave your existential crisis in the dust and appreciate the life ahead of you, you were out of town for awhile, you’d made a small machine to keep the plants watered and were now ready to visit some states and explore like the old days.
You weren’t paying attention to the road because there was nothing to see, you held hands tightly and hummed in unison to the song on the radio. A song you’d listen to a hundred times yet never gotten bored of, you could even play it on the piano a skill you picked up after practising and reading several books.
Steve fiddled idly with you ring a band on his as well, he felt content and happy, now well into his twenties he imagined what kind of life he had ahead. 
You both said no kids, not only did it seem too risky for you but there would be no outcome, or two kids doomed to live alone when your inevitable pass, then what?
Giggling you started to sing louder to the song playing taking the sombre moment and creating laughter. You started to sing louder and louder and Steve joined as you danced spastically and without technique.
“Do you think we’re really the only ones?”
Steve shook his head, “What do you mean?”
“Well,” you paused, “What if their people in... Australia?” 
He laughed and turned to you, “Maybe.”
He didn’t notice the large ditch in the road.
Going beyond the speed limit the second it hit and dipped one wheel of the car you felt yourself getting thrown throw the glass of the car and launched onto the road beside Steve.
You could feel the broken bones in your body, you could feel the glass in your face and hands as you let out a guttural cry.
Steve, less injured than you but still bleeding from his head, looked over at you in shock. He managed to crawl towards you with shaky feet and kneel beside you, he felt his heart leaping from his chest and stabbing itself. 
“Oh my god Y/N.” he mumbled cradling your head.
“How bad is it Steve?” you breathed out as you looked into his eyes tears of pain flowing from your eyes, you tried to look down at your lower half but couldn’t so Steve did it for you. 
He could only look for half a second.
“I-It’s fine Y/N.” he said, “It’s fine.” he reaffirmed trying to convince himself more than you. But with dirt in your hair as blood flowed from your nose and mouth you knew better, you could barely feel anything yet feel everything all at once.
“You know I love you Steve right?”
He nodded, “I love you too, you know that.”
You nodded slowly throat tightening, “Right.”
Taking a deep breath you started to shake and you felt yourself pale as everything started to tingle in your body, “And you know I won’t hold anything against what you do when I’m gone... right?
“Once you’re gone?” he questioned, “No you’re not leaving yet.” he denied his head shaking causing his head to pound harder.
You saw it in his eyes, the fear and denial and you let out a large sob as more tears spilt from your eyes into your mouth, “I’m not going anywhere, I’ll always be with you.”
He nodded, “Right, because you’re fine, you’re safe I’ll protect you-”
“You have.” you confirmed, “And I love you so much.”
You could feel everything around you blur, and it wasn’t from the tears, everything started melting and you took in the last clear look of your husband.
Steve looked down at your weakening body with adrenaline and fear, he wasn’t a doctor he didn’t know what to do.
“Wha do I do Y/N? I don’t know what to do.” he explained his voice high and desperate as he looked at you mouth open and tears and snot falling from his face, “Don’t leave me yet.”
“I’m not.” you confirmed, you felt a small jolt of adrenaline allow you to lift your hand and drag it over Steve’s face for the last time, like you’d done the first time you met him, like you’d done when he kissed you for the first time, like you’d done when you said ‘I do’ and when he saved you.
Though his face was wet and slightly cold, you felt comforted, “I’m always with you Steve. Promise me you’ll remember that.”
“I will,” he replied quickly, “I won’t forget, I’ll never forget you.”
“Good.” you whispered your eyes fluttering closed, “That’s good...”
Steve was the last person on earth for three days.
Standing in front of the small house he lived in forever he looked over to the small grave with Dustin written on a wooden board and then looked to his left where adorned in flowers your name was sketched as neat as Steve could attempt in a wooden board that sat in the dirt.
In his hands was a box, filled with your favourite souvenirs the world had to offer, mixtapes, photos and rings, wedding dresses and letters you had written in case someone ever happened to find this.
Steve wrote a long letter in careful detail though messily as he hadn’t had much need for writing in years. It had your final words, anything he thought important, any moment he loved the most. He wished he could write it all.
But after reading it once more he placed the letter in the box and left it inside the house, locked it and turned away warily as he coached himself not to look back.
Don’t look back Steve... Don’t do it.
He stepped into a car and slammed the door looking at the road ahead. And he wondered; how many days could he be the last man on earth with an angel following him everywhere he went.
Tell me your thoughts xxx
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
What are some of your personal favorite levihan authors? 😁🙌
SO SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS. I've been trying to get into Levihan again lately and I've been working on a fic for someone's birthday so I've been out of it but Imma drop my favorite authors here. I haven't been reading a lot lately so I'm kinda not the most up to date but I'll definitely give a better answer sooner or later. But... to answer your question as of now.
Also, I'm more of a long fic reader over a short fic reader and I tend to get to know authors more when I read multiple works from them so most of the writers I put here have multiple works and they have long fics. Anyway I hope this helps.
@fanmoose12: One word. Legend. She's been here in this fandom for a while and I pretty much got into a Levihan binge and I started writing fics because I ended up reading hers in the first place. Partners is one of the first AUs I read and is a good place to start for any reader. Her writing style is a good balance between easy to read and colorful.
She's particularly good with AUs and fluff <3. Her AUs in particular are pretty in character even with lighter settings. My favorite from her is Second Chance and In another life. I'm a sucker for reincarnation AUs as always
Mannatea : One of the older writers here. She has REALLY good pacing. Her writing is very consistent with scenes, quick in action scenes, slow when need be, one of the best and most in character particularly for canon compliant fics.
My favorites from her are All of me and Pristine
@djmarinizelablog Her writing style is incredibly poetic, her smut is always well placed in her long fics and izela puts so much effort into researching her stories, I honestly feel so at home whenever I read them. <3 <3 <3. The work she puts into thinking up scenarios and researching are everywhere because literally, the scenarios she puts Levi and Hange in are so well thought out and creative and just if you want Levihan just ANYWHERE and in still fairly realistic scenarios, her fics are a treat. My favorites from her are free falling and You are light years away.
@someonestolemyshoes Shoes writes one of my favorite dialogues among all the authors. Her writing is also very sophisticated while at the same time, still colorful and deep. She also writes one of my favorite characterizations of Hange and Levi.
My favorite fics from her are Somewhere only we know for a long burn which will break your heart in the end. Keep Going for HURT LEVI and tbh, one of the most in character Levihan fics I have read and literally fits in my little head canon place.
just-quintessentially-me: Really good at action. She writes the best action scenes and best Levihan banter. 101% recommend for people looking for smart ass Levihan exchanges and her writing style is really just... *thumbs kiss*
License to Science is a MUST READ for people wanting a Levihan Spy AU and love loss and SIMPLE CHOICE is one of my fave canon compliant ones. AFTERMATH IS JUST HILARIOUS. One of my fave canon compliant ones too and one of the first I read in the fandom.
@smallblip One of my favorite writers when it comes to narrative. Her narratives are very lyrical, it really be like poetry when you read them. Her AUs are also a treat and her smut always makes me feel like Levi and Hange literally transcend existence when they fuck. Stellar is one of my favorite AUs, along with her mafia AU thunder in our hearts.
@sordidbones Drew also has one of my favorite writing styles and I actually use a lot of his works to study how to write since I like the way he plays around with his words to make AMAZING smut fics. One of my favorite smut writers definitely if you want the whole package. He also writes amazing angst, h/c. One of my fave fics from him is canon compliant "at the end of all things" where Levi and Hange have a baby during the war.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
hi vy! it’s my bday today and i was wondering if u could do headcanons where someone who sexually assaulted yelena in the past makes a comment about it to steve and bucky and they’re super overprotective they freak out🥰 and i’d love if she could be 17 again
Happy birthday, darling! I hope you spent it with great company and made awesome memories! 💕💕💕
Now as for the request I hope you enjoy the headcanons but if I happened to misunderstand what you wanted me to write please let me know and I'll be more than happy to do a rewrite to your liking!
Lots of love, Vy 💌
Pairing (Platonic): Steve & Yelena & Bucky [MCU]
Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault (attempted) and Harassment, Violence, Assault and Battery, Blood, Swearing
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
- "Why do you think she's been avoiding us?"
- "I don't know but it's seriously starting to worry me."
- It's been almost five days since Yelena told Steve and Bucky she'd much rather train with a female instructor for the day
- That day then turned into two which have now turned into five
- All throughout, she's kept minimal contact with them
- They've only grown more and more concerned as they watched her crawl back into her reserved and timid self, much like she was when she was first recruited
- With their training slate clean, they were quick to be assigned another trainee who is also of a higher rank
- An eighteen year old douchebag named Ryan
- "She's doing better than before though." Bucky comments, taking notice of the speed of Yelena's movements and how her agility seems to have increased over night
- Although the progress is admirable, it's also concerning
- Especially when it's paired up with that fiery rage in her eyes
- "You mean she's more violent than before." Steve voices his friend's thoughts, earning himself a nod in response
- Just then, the asshole 101 himself buts his way into the conversation, getting summoned out of thin air
- "Too violent, I would say." He says, his eyes trailing over to the animalistic Yelena who's given a timeout by her trainer more so she herself can catch a break from the teenage girl
- "What makes you say that?" Inquires the blond who doesn't spare the guy any more than a side glance
- Both of them have been cursing the rules for assigning them this trainee of all but they can't really do anything about it
- "I mean it just fuels her entitlement. I offered to show her a good time but she turned it physical and not in the way I had intended." The fucker has the audacity to chuckle at his statement as though it's something to be proud of
- His shit-eating grin isn't even phased when Steve and Bucky both turn their heads to look at him properly, their gazes death glares
- "What?" Bucky just about growls
- "You know....she's been giving me all the hints that she wants it but when I go to give it to her she says 'no'? Like what kind of shitty cat-and-mouse game was she trying to pull? I wanted to teach her a lesson on playing with people's feelings but she left me with a broken rib and sprained ankle."
- The piece of shit has barely finished his sentence when a punch lands him off his feet and onto the floor of the hallway leading to the showers and changing rooms
- A second later, his bloodied ass is picked up off the tiles by the back of his shirt, curtesy of Steve who wastes no time flinging him in one of said showers, followed inside by Bucky
- "What you're telling us is that you tried to rape her, you piece of garbage?" the latter growls out, kicking the battered teenager into the wall where he once again collapses, directly under a shower head
- Steve turns the water on, the ice cold shower causing the whiner to grit his teeth as the floor beneath him is tinted red with the blood gushing from his no doubt broken nose and bust lip
- "I-I'm sorry!" He cries out, his voice turned into a sob when another punch is delivered to his face
- "Oh, you're fucking sorry?" Bucky switches the temperature completely, turning the shower into a hellishly hot one that has the boy screaming in pain, squirming to get away
- "Yes! I'm sorry!" Ryan manages to say in-between his yells of pain which no one in the midst of a training session can hear right now
- "I don't think he's sorry enough." Says Steve who's been eerily quiet and calm, disguising his internal rage
- "Then we might as well change that..." The water is switched back to freezing cold which is relieving for the shitbag only briefly before it becomes hell again, now just of a different temperature
- "Bucky! Steve!"
- The punch the latter was about to land is left hanging mid-air as the female voice overpowers the sound of the running shower
- The sound is excluded when Bucky stops the water and him and his best friend whirl around to see a mortified Yelena whose eyes are boring holes into the red-skinned and bloodied Ryan on the tiled floor
- "The jerk is supposedly sorry, but what do you think, Yelena?" Asks Steve, his composure settling in a lot more fear than if he were yelling
- She shows them exactly what she thinks when she delivers a punch of her own to the guy's face
- And another
- And another
- And one more for good measure
- The four sit in silence before Yelena turns to her closest friends and ex-trainers before practically collapsing in their arms
- The two hold her, feeling somber and relieved to feel her presence back in their lives
- "Thank you..." she mumbled her gratitude while in their safe embrace
- Who cares how the two will be punished by S.H.I.E.L.D. for their treatment of the asshat when they know it was all more than worth it
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peachyruto · 4 years
❀ birthday surprises || song mingi
summary : after a long day of working on your birthday, you didn’t expect to come home to something nice from your members and boyfriend.
genre : fluffyyy, angst as small as a grain of salt
requested : n/a
word count : < 1k
warnings : n/a
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i got out of the car that was parked by our dorm. today was december 8th, a special day. my birthday. i had an mc schedule and a vogue korea interview that i had to attend so, i've been out for most of the day and i've been looking forward to spending time with the boys. i am a part of the group, ateez. i'm a lead rapper as well as a vocalist. there's only 2 months between me and jongho which also makes me the maknae.
mingi and i have been dating for 1 year and 10 months and honestly, atiny are so supportive of our relationship. even though we were dating before our debut, we decided to make our relationship public on a variety show called Weekly Idol.
“so we're going to be playing a game where one member has to make the other member's heart rate increase in only 1 minute and 30 seconds!" kwanghee announced as we all cheered.
after wooyoung and yeosang went, eunhyuk called for me and mingi to play next. i was the one who was strapped to the heart rate measurer first while mingi stood in front of me and got ready.
"3, 2, 1!" everyone counted down.
"y/n, i love you!" he said in a high pitched voice while making a big heart above his head with his arms. i smiled at him, trying not to laugh.
"oh, her heart rate is now at 101!" the mcs announced. this only fuelled mingi as he slowly stepped forward and grabbed my cheeks with hands. out close proximity made me so nervous  as i looked straight into his eyes.
"what are you doing?" i whispered, placing my hands on his arms to stable myself.
"making us public." he simply said. he leaned forward and placed his lips on mine, shocking me. everyone in the studio was screaming in surprise and delight. my eyes widened as i began to realise what was happening. a few seconds after, mingi pulled back and smirked at me. everyone is still staring at us in shock.
"her heart rate is 151!" kwanghee revealed, making all of us gasp in shock.
"mingi-ah, what did you mean by 'making us public'?" eunhyuk questioned.
"ah, y/n is my girlfriend." he simply stated making me cover my face in embarrassment.
"yah, you did it so suddenly! you should've told me before!" i attacked, lightly hitting his chest.
"if i told you, i would've never won the game, jagiya." he said, making everyone cringe at the word 'jagiya'. i lightly chuckled, hiding behind mingi's tall figure.
i opened the door to the dorm and announced that i was home. i walked into the living room to see them all sitting, watching one of our old vlogs.
"hey, guys."
"hi birthday girl!" san said excitedly, making me laugh. i walked to where mingi was and he pulled me onto his lap, giving me a peck on the lips.
"how was your day?" he asked, making everyone listen to me as they were all wondering the same thing.
"it was good. everyone at the music broadcasting wished me happy birthday and gave me loads of gifts. so it's been a great day." i replied.
"that's good! we have something prepared for you by the way!" san said, making everyone groan.
"san-ah, it was supposed to be a surprise." hongjoong scolded his younger member.
"sorry, i'm just so excited!"
"it's not much that we prepared but it's something. the managers told us to wait to give you your presents until tomorrow since they want us to show your presents on vlive." seonghwa explained.
"it's okay. to be honest, i wasn't expecting you guys to prepare anything at all so this is a surprise in itself." i smiled, reassuring them.
"alright, let's go to the kitchen!" jongho clapped his hands together. all of them made their way to the kitchen first, with me and mingi right behind them. it seemed that they needed to prepare something quickly so mingi held us back a little.
"i love you, you know that right?" mingi whispered in my ear, with his arms wrapped around my waist and my back against his chest.
"you tell me everyday, baby. i love you too." i smiled at him, my hands going to his arms that are wrapped around me.
"alright lovebirds, we're done! you can come now." wooyoung said teasingly. mingi lead me to the middle of the table where a cake was placed with confetti around the table. there were pink and white balloons all over the floor with a banner saying 'happy birthday!' the cake was decorated with fresh strawberries and cream, just how i like it. 'happy birthday y/n! we love you our maknae' was written in pink. the cake looked messy but it was filled with love and care.
my eyes widened at their effort and sweetness. out of all the birthdays that we've had, this is the most they've ever done. they usually just sing happy birthday and give me a pat on the back but this year, they even went out of their way to decorate a cake and the whole kitchen. i felt myself getting teary-eyed as they began singing happy birthday. i covered my face as i felt tears spill out of my eyes.
“aigooo, don't cry!" hongjoong said. everyone turned their heads to me at his words and began trying to stop me from crying.
"i'm just happy, guys. you guys have never done anything like this before." i explained as i started to wipe my eyes.
"thank you guys. i honestly love you all. i don't know where i would be without you. i really mean it." i sincerely said, making mingi give me a sweet kiss on the cheek.
this was by far the best evening of my life and i wouldn't have it any other way.
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