#i'm gonna cry about lance tho i know it
allmothered · 1 year
oh my god how is this blog five years old?? anyways, i'm S A D cause i won't get to play the DLC cause i don't have a ps5. after a few paychecks from the new job i'm making the investment, find me over at shepard (@solesoldier) in the meantime
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randomgentlefolk · 5 months
I'm crying on the ground. Sobbing with my cat yet again. I feel so peaceful and destroyed at the same time.
Lambcat really said we should start the year with a breakdown huh
I'm gonna hold my breakdown until I talk about the moment.
Lance to the rescue!! Man I love that guy. I also really love how he looks in the panel I put as my pfp. He looks so soft and gentle :')
The interaction between Lance and Lorena is rising my hope that they will still be friends after the chaos ends.
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This did caught me off guard lmao 😭 I'm sorry for saying this but is he implying that he has a thick skull because nahh he did himself dirty
Y'ALL IT'S THE MOMENT WE'VE (or at least me haha) ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. Lance!!! Fighting against his kingdom!!! I'm so proud of him YOU GO LANCE!!!
Huge respect for Lance and his friends tho for CARRYING THAT HUGE PILLAR LIKE WHAT. Remember when I said something along the line of "if Frederick say he's weak while he can carry an entire llama, then I'm terrified of what Lance can do"? Yea this just proved my point.
Also I'm going to keep saying that Lance is going to have a sick scar with that x mark.
I once again wonder what is the legal age for alcohol in cpc? In US and the country I live in, the legal age is 21. But I think it's 18 in UK right? If it's 18 in cpc then that makes sense because Lance is 19 and Blaine is 20 (i'm saying this because of the beer pong comment by Lance's friend)
Sheesh, I hope Leland will be defeated from the king position soon. I don't want anyone to be executed. That would be disturbing.
Oooh!! Syrah and Saffron probably showing their fighting skill in the future episodes??? I hope so!!
Thank you Maria! It's nice to see that The pastel siblings now believe that Frederick truly loves Gwen.
Feeling like your legs are paralyzed whenever you're gonna face something you're terrified of is so real :( you can do it, Frederick! I believe in you!!
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LELAND CHILL???? MAN YOUR HANDS ARE BLEEDING. Eat a snickers damnit. You're not you when you're going through a heart break xd
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Oh. Okay. Ouch. Massive ow. Y'know when I said how the Monika's room episode and Frederick's monologue about what he wants really hits for me? Well add this to the list because wtfff.
Aww Gwegg :( She kept blaming herself even though it really isn't her fault. What Gwen said is pretty comforting though. Them apologizing to each other </3 It really is the shit when you realize you haven't treat yourself kindly. Like when you keep wondering why everything is wrong then you look at your inner self and go "oh. That's why".
GWEN SAYING "No matter what happens, I'll never let go of you again!" HAJWHSIWBS
*cue 1996 batman transition*
Aww the births of The Pastel Siblings! Though Leelathae's thought during each of the births...it breaks my heart :( it seems that she view the births of The Pastel Siblings as a way to apologize for her "mistake" (in which she didn't make any mistake at all), even though it shouldn't be like that at all...
I'm surprised no animals appear at Maria's birth lol. I was really expecting for a deer or birds to suddenly appear haha.
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This IS making me a bit worried though. I don't know much about child births and stuff but while it is normal to still feel pain after giving birth, is it possible that there were some complications leading to Leelathae's dead 3 years after giving birth to Gwen and Jamie? I'll let someone more knowledgeable to figure out what is happening with Leelathae since I have no idea at all.
Anyway! Finally, a close up on Pastel Siblings as babies!! I know we've seen them before in the portraits beside Jack's bed, but it's nice to see them clearer.
Initially, I was worried how Leelathae would react to Gwen, but nevermind that
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I'm so happy about this scene :') Leelathae realizing how beautiful Gwen is, even calling her the most beautiful in all the land. Also her saying as long as Gwen thinks she's beautiful, then what other people think doesn't matter makes me sob. Mother love is always something so touching.
On the other hand though, it made me a little confused now on why she asked Jack to lock up the children and never let them out. Looking at one of the fast pass episode's thumbnail, maybe it's because of the witch? We're nearing the end and there are still so many questions.
And now, INTO THE PRESENT! And the moment....
*cue 1996 batman transition*
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I'M. I'M GONNA CRY. The fact that Gwen doesn't recognize Leelathae?? The fact that they're wearing the same robe???
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WHEN LAMBCAT SAID THERE WASN'T ENOUGH GUT PUNCHES, SHE WAS BEING FR. I don't have anything to say about this scene, but at the same time I want to say a lot about this scene. Gwen's mom telling her that she's beautiful, Gwen crying without knowing why, I'm going to cry.
But hey, Gwegg is finally whole again! True love kiss is real after all ^_^ i love how Lambcat does a little spin at the classic true love kiss. But now that Gwen is finally awake...Well, let's just wish her, Frederick, Aurelia, and Celso good luck at dealing with the officially confirmed big bad wolf/serpent, Leland.
We kinda should thank Leland a bit, though. If he wasn't there ripping off all of the thorny veins, Gwen would get pretty hurt if she still wakes up while sitting up
Yooo the newest fast pass being the final chapter of Leelathae's diary? I hope we will have our questions answered!! And the fact that there's a witch in the thumbnail...hm.
That's it for now!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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In loving memory
Chapter 2/?
(This is a story about the events of Clay's death from the perspective of Aaron)
"Say, where's Clay?"
This would've been an easy question a few hours ago
Clay? He's right here fine and well
But right now
"He... he couldn't make it your majesty, he sends his apologies"
A few hours ago Clay completely turned to stone
The others are still trying to process, it which is understandable, after all to them, this came out of nowhere
To them, Clay was fine one day and suddenly he vanished
But that's why he told me beforehand, so I could comfort them in a time like this
Easier said than done tho
Back at the rolling fortress was the lifeless statue of Clay
Everyone was in varying degrees of shock and disbelief, the atmosphere is heavy
"He- he was- he was my hero"
"He was a hero to us all, Robin"
Macy is going through the same pain as Robin, yet here she is comforting him
She has always been there when others needed her, whether in combat or in personal issues
Maybe I should try saying something too
But what would I even say
"I just can't believe it"
I guess words were never my strong suit
"How will we ever carry on without him?"
Axl is the heart of the team
He always said that we're like family to him
I can't imagine what he feels like after losing a member of that family
"He was the knights' knight... who'll lead us now?"
Lance is our knight in shining armour, literally
Being a Richmond, he's very egotistical, but he could humble himself when it got too far
He clashed heads with Clay the most but even after all their bickering, he is the first to come to Clay's aid when he needs it
"Why don't you all get some rest, you've been through a lot today"
Merlock is right, those monsters aren't gonna slow down any time soon, we need to be ready for them
The others are hesitant but eventually, they all head to their rooms one by one, maybe we can talk in the morning after everyone clears their heads
Me, Merlock and Clay are the only ones left
Man, I'm starting to get a heavy feeling in my chest
"Aaron, aren't you going to your room as well? You must be tired"
"I'm fine I'm fine, I just... I want to spend some time with clay"
"Oh of course"
Merlock zaps away
Now, it's just me and Clay
Or whatever is left of him
He was frozen mid-swing, maybe about to hit another monster
Did he even notice his illness consuming him? Maybe he did, but fought on till his last breath, just like a true hero would
I wonder what his last thoughts were
Did he think about us? did he have any regrets? did he live a fulfilling life? All questions only he knows the answers to
"Clay... i-"
Oh no, the feelings are starting to hit
"I miss you"
I can feel the tears running down my face
"I know it's only been a few hours, but I already miss you so much"
My legs give up as I fall to the ground
"I thought I had more time to prepare, I thought I'd get a hang on this leader thing before you're gone, but I was wrong"
It's getting hard to see from all the tears
"Clay, I can't do this"
I hope no one sees me like this
Who knew crying takes that much energy
Usually, clay wakes us all at 6 for team training but look at me, it's 12 and I'm still in bed
I can't bring myself to get up, my body feels so heavy, I can barely move
I'd rather go back to sleep but Jestro and his monsters are still out and about and they're definitely going to take advantage of our loss
I gather all the strength I have and pull myself up
I push away all the books on the bed and kick away the other books thrown on the ground
I can't bear to look at them anymore and it's not just cause I hate reading
These books remind me of my failure
Clay is already dead and I haven't finished any of them
He shouldn't have trusted me
As soon as I leave my room I am greeted by Lance, looks like he decided to finally get out of bed too
"Hey, goodmor- well, good afternoon"
"Hey, Lance"
His focus shifts to my room but I close the door before he sees anything
Why am I still hiding it from him? This shouldn't be a secret anymore, right?
But it still feels like I've got something to hide
"I thought you didn't like reading?"
Damn it, he saw everything
"Yeah, I don't"
"Then what are all those books in your room?"
"Um.... they're not mine!"
He's not gonna buy it I need to think of something else quick
"What are you two doing?"
Thankfully, Axl is here to save me
"I was just passing by and I noticed that Aaron-"
I cover his mouth before he says another word
I don't want Axl asking questions too, but now I need to tell him something
"We were uh.. talking about the weather!"
Kill me
"Well, I'm heading to the main room, move out of the way"
Axl shoves us aside
"I'm going with you"
I run after him
"Hey! Get back here you didn't answer my question!"
In the main room, Ava is tracking down forbidden power, or she's trying to, to no success
I can hear the others talk but it all sounds like mumbling to me
I just look at Clay and I'm reminded of last night, once again I'm thankful that no one saw me
Well, Clay did
If he could talk he'd be lecturing me right now for all the crying I did last night
He'd say "hold yourself together, Aaron, knights don't hold themselves back by worrying about their capabilities, a true knight would face danger head-on without hesitation" or something like that
And you know what? Imaginary Clay is right!
It's my duty to lead the team now and I know it's not going to be an easy job but Clay trusts me, the real Clay
"You're right Macy"
I can do this
For Clay
"It's time your new leader stepped up"
I take a deep breath and-
"YES! Ah! I so deserve it, I mean look at me!"
Somehow hearing Lance right now makes all my worries go away
Even if I'm not a good leader, these guys are amazing knights, I know they can do anything, with or without Clay
"Ehm- come forward, brave knight!"
I take a deep breath and step forward
I didn't expect to get my first mission as a leader so soon
Just a few seconds ago, Merlock was telling the team about me being the new leader, and right now me and Macy just dropped by the king's castle to defend it from upcoming attacks
Macy is knocking monsters left and right with her new dragon add-on, which is the coolest thing I've ever seen
...What am I doing in charge?
No time for that! the kingdom is in danger
Before I could do anything, I hear an explosion above us, I look up to see that giant cloud once again and he's attacking Merlock's tower
"Knights, we have to stop that cloud, if he destroys Merlock's core memory we lose everything!"
I don't need Ava to tell me to stop him, I'm already on my way to Merlock's tower
Wait, what is Robin doing here? It's way too dangerous for him
"Robin, you need to get out of here, go!"
I help him get up and make sure he got away safely
"Merlock, I need the craziest combo nexo power you've got to deal with that cloud"
"Not now, Aaron, I'm a bit busy right now"
That stupid cloud is trying to attack Merlock but luckily I'm here to shield him
"Merlock, I need that combo nexo power, now"
"It is far too dangerous, Aaron, you must leave this place"
He wants me to leave??
"Hey! you choose me for this, I'm the leader this is my decision, you said it yourself 'the sky is the limit' and now is the time to prove it"
Merlock is thinking about it, sure take your time it's not like an evil cloud is trying to attack you right now, I can handle it no problem
"Prepare for a nexo scan!"
I can hear the peeping of the scan
"Merlock it's now or never, I need something daring and dangerous with some spice on top"
I raise my shield in the air for the scan, my armour is now glowing with nexo power
I hop on my shield and fly up to the cloud
As soon as I get in the air I hear an explosion behind me
It's Merlock, that cloud hit him
Great, now I lost two of my friends in one week
I can't let this evil cloud get away with this
"Aaron, what're you gonna do?"
"Hit that crazed cloud from the inside, maybe that'll shrink him back down a size"
"It's too dangerous"
"Don't sweat it, Macy, I've got this"
The inside of the cloud wasn't as I expected
Aren't clouds usually air? what are all those faces?
This is totally weird
Focus! I've got a mission to do
"Now, you're gonna have to deal with me!"
I start shooting all around, I don't know what I'm hitting but it's damaging him and that's what matters
If I don't get rid of him now, who knows how many more people could die
I have to destroy this cloud, even if it kills me!
Unfortunately for these monsters, It's not gonna be that easy to get rid of me
Attacking that cloud from the inside worked, somehow and everyone is safe now
Man, I don't know why I was worrying so much about being a leader, it wasn't as bad as I expected, we defeat Jestro and his monsters like always
Also, Melock is still alive! I don't know how he keeps doing this but this man is unkillable, I wish I could be that cool someday
Also also, the king threw us a big party and invited everyone in the kingdom
Well, the party wasn't all that fun, the king expected Clay to be there and we had to hide his... "condition" from everyone
But it's alright! no one found out, well the king did but that's ok he's chill with it! as chill as he can be at least
Those last few weeks were crazy, first the whole leader thing then clay dies and then a huge cloud attacks the kingdom! we really need a break after all of this, I'm gonna lay in bed and not get up for a week, and I'm definitely not going to touch another book ever again
Why were books my first thought anyways? I could've just looked up a guide on the Internet, it's certainly easier than reading
My break will have to wait tho cause me and the others are moving statue Clay to the top of the fortress
We thought it was a great way to honour him, if he could talk right now he'd totally agree
Sadly stone statues can't talk but imagine how cool It'd be if he could
< | >
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cheemken · 11 months
Ok ok your SilkWing AU is already top tier. Diantha and Lance would definitely be great parents towards Iris and Silver
But what about aunt Clair? Uncle Augustine? Grandma Drasna??
We all know Clair kicked in the door to Lance’s house to meet her new niece. Then did the same thing to meet her nephew
I’m gonna place my bets and say Drasna cried when meeting Iris. Saying how she’s a grandma now and she’s going to spoil Iris the way she never got to with Diantha
Also you are so true. Lance and Diantha raised him to be respectful and he is, but it’s in his blood to be a piece of shit when the time is right
Oh definitely, Clair just barges in their house all "I HEARD I HAVE A NIECE NOW!"
"Clair, please be quiet—"
"where is my niece, cousin. I have to meet her. I already have a little Deino here with me to give her, it should be her first Pokémon, courtesy of her best aunt of course"
"Clair, she's still two years old, she still doesn't— ugh, nevermind, she's upstairs with Diantha"
Clair would cry too fr, she sees Iris for the first time, Iris smiles up at her, and she's already bawling giving her the pokeball containing Deino all "I have a gift for you, Iris, I'm sure you're gonna train it soon to be a strong Hydreigon, and then you can beat your dad and be Champion"
Diantha just smiles at her, all "Clair my dear, I think it's best you give that to her on her tenth birthday, I don't think Iris can train a Pokémon just yet"
"..fine. But this should be her first Pokémon! Tell Lance that, I'm sure he's gonna give her a Dratini." Dia laughed at that but told her that sure, she'll tell that to Lance and just yknow it's all soft and such, Lance never saw Clair this soft and gentle before yknow, it's nice
Bet the moment she heard they have Silver now, aka her new nephew, she gave him a Larvitar instead, going on how "it's not a Dragon, but I think it's only fair since Iris already has a Dragon type, so Silver's Pokémon should be something else, like Diantha's."
"..sure, Clair."
Also it'd be cool if Tyranitar is his ace in this au, bc Tyra can Mega Evolve yknow
God Augustine was over the moon as well, he's like so excited he's an uncle now, imagine him just telling the kids stories abt Dia tho, and just chmdnd him telling the kids abt Mega Evolution, and that's how they discovered abt the mega stones and such yknow, and Silver was so interested in it he wanted a mega stone too, he wanted his Larvitar to mega evolve, and Augustine just laughs and smiles at him, ruffling his hair, "soon, my boy, when your Larvitar becomes a Tyranitar, it can mega evolve like your mother's Gardevoir" and it got Silver so excited he already wanted to train his Larvitar to evolve hahah
Drasna would tho for fucking real cjxmdn like she's the grandma everyone wants hahaha she'd spoil them rotten, imagine how excited she was meeting Iris and only for a year later she meets Silver and she's there hugging the two of them tight all "my grandbabies!" W tears in her eyes. Dia leaves them w Drasna for a bit while she does her Champion duties or acting gigs for a bit, and Drasna's already off w the kids heading to Lumiose before Diantha can give a list on what to do, but hey she trusts Drasna so at least hahah
She def finds Silver's personality endearing too, reminds her back then when Diantha was also so insistent she'd be strong like LucarioMan, but Silver was all "I wanna be strong like mom, I wanna be the Champion too!"
"me too! Wanna be Champion!"
And Drasna's there hand over her chest, god these two are just so cute, and she goes "I'm sure you two will be champions in the future! Who knows, one of you might be Kalos' next Champion!" And that got the kids excited and just cnmxnd your honour please this au is so fucking soft bvdmnd
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aerltarg · 3 years
Maybe this is a stupid question, buuuuut:
I just can't imagine a world that Rhaegar comes back from the Trident, wins the war and becomes king. No, I'm not a anti Rhaegar, matter of fact I like him very much, I'm just can imagine how would Lya, little Jon, this whole affair, would settle in the capital. The norm that fics (at least those I read) tend to follow is to make Rhaegar:
1. A douche, paranoid and destiny-obessed king.
2. Completely incompetent, aloof monarch, that deep down has a heart of gold, but can't really be understood.
I mean, isn't he supposed to be a scholar since he was a kid? What's are your thoughts about it?
oh, yeah, i can totally understand this! it's is the whole point in canon actually, "the wrong man came back from the trident". you would expect a hero win against his antagonist and have a happy ending w his lady love but it doesn't happen. instead the subversion happens to them with rhaegar being killed by robert who becomes obviously a shitty king and lyanna dying after him. they were never supposed to have happy ending, they were created as tragic and doomed and dead from the beginning for the whole plot to start, jon to have his parentage mystery and dany to take the passed baton as the last dragon, prophesied savoir and the heir who has to carry entire house on her back now.
as for the realistic rhaegar wins aus that's the difficult question. tbh we just don't know enough abt their situation, plans and wishes. you see, e.g. in agot we can be right in ned's head and see his motivations, what he was thinking abt, what he was planning, what he was hoping to do. but if his story was told the way rhaegar's was i bet he would have his own crowd of haters and ~intellectuals~ jumping out every two seconds w their "hot takes" how actually all hints abt what rlly happened (ned being a good man w his own sense of honour, justice and experiences affecting him and the deal w cersei's children) doesn't matter and he was an ambitious prick, planned to grasp the power by being joffrey's regent and make his daughter sansa queen. (you can actually insert there any bullshit and still don't reach the level of stupidity of such "hot takes" this fandom loves so much lmao). also he would be blamed to the hell and beyond for being too stupid and not foreseeing the future and actions of other ppl bc ofc after everything happened it's so easy to say what was so obvious to notice. also they would say that the deaths of his men and horrible fates of his kids are 100% his fault and even straight up say he killed them lmao. i can rant abt it for hours so yeah. this is a situation w too many unknown variables bc it depends too much on actions of too many characters we don't know enough abt. the only thing it's possible to tell for sure is the fact that there couldn't be any perfect solutions since things got too complicated at this point.
such fics as you've mentioned tho are just a part of this dumb fanon where rhaegar is "too prophecy obsessed"/"incapable of love"/shrodinger's rhaegar both smart and stupid at the same time/whatever/all of this combined lmfao. the man was notably intelligent from the early age as you've absolutely rightly mentioned, his guesses abt himself being tptwp have nothing to do w egocentrism as some parts of the fandom would want us all to believe unless he wouldn't be so reasonable abt it and later on, after so many years, wouldn't have changed his mind and thought his son could be tptwp.
and literally fuck all antis that think you shouldn't consider prophecies that hold real power in this fantasy world lol. you know, aegon the conqueror was said to be motivated (or at least partly) to unify westeros by the prophecy and still got the treatment of perfect/maximum close to perfect figure of a leader everyone should look up to from the narrative and grrm. prophecy obsessed much, huh? i don't even talk abt all these parallels between him and rhaegar grrm put there not for bitches to ignore them completely! and i will never get tired of reminding that dismissing prophecies is UNWISE for targaryens of all people. the house whose story is built on the dream of young daenys and her father aenar that listened to her despite common sense (or what local "anti magic"/"anti prophecies" clowns consider to be common sense). targs would be as dead as the rest of dragonlords if not for daenys the dreamer. who else in the world has as many reasons to take prophecies seriously as them?
yet antis out there act as if rhaegar is one dimensional weirdo whose every character trait is abt mf ~prophecy obsession~. like how can they miss one of the main points so badly?? the game of thrones distracts ppl from the real danger beyond the wall, yk, the one rhaegar was aware of and meant to deal with. there wouldn't be such a problem if he became king and had as many years of head start before ice zombies apocalypse as ignorant bobby b did. rhaegar had to die just for westeros to sink in shit and our main heroes to save everyone to make this story more epic LMAO
so yeah, too many ppl portray rhaegar as this one dimensional robotic creature without any knowledge of what feelings are idk even for what reason. it seems these ppl can't read for real bc rhaegar was not only intelligent af as well as dutiful ("it seems i must be a warrior" but "he loved his harp more than his lance") but also. ugh emotional?? my boy had constant emo sessions w brooding at ruins of summerhall, sleeping out there beneath the stars all alone and writing songs that made all women cry. does it sound as someone who "isn't capable of love" lol? folks act as if he was completely heartless from the day he was born (bc he didnt play w other kids ig??) but in reality their emotional range is less than the one of a spoon in comparison to rhaegar's lol. i'm not even gonna address the horrible attitude of demonizing him for his implied depression, vile clowns never listen to themselves when they talk abt targaryens and their "madness".
tldr; these fics are mostly lame af and suck at characterization if they're making rhaegar like that lol. anyway his character isn't abt being a good or a bad king, it's abt being a would-be-king for characters in books and readers in reality to sigh over his tragic aura and pretty aesthetic abt how it could've been. however, grrm clearly doesn't write rhaegar as evil or incapable as some parts of the fandom would want to try to persuade others. realistically speaking in the scenario where he wins there couldn't be any perfect decisions but it's a territory of speculations on thin air and lit nothing more since canon doesn't provide us with enough information to rlly theorize anything instead of building biased headcanons some ppl call "analysis".
but remember what barristan said about rhaegar while practically watching him all his life, from a literal baby to the man grown:
“I know little of Rhaegar. Only the tales Viserys told, and he was a little boy when our brother died. What was he truly like?”
The old man considered a moment. “Able. That above all. Determined, deliberate, dutiful, single-minded.” (ASOS, Daenerys I)
“Prince Rhaegar’s prowess was unquestioned, but he seldom entered the lists. He never loved the song of swords the way that Robert did, or Jaime Lannister. It was something he had to do, a task the world had set him. He did it well, for he did everything well. That was his nature. But he took no joy in it. Men said that he loved his harp much better than his lance.” (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
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szecretary · 3 years
thoughts on voltron: legendary defender, season one, first five episodes. this will be like witnessing your mom watch a show for the youngins and being confused the entire time. 
warning for spoilers, obviously, but idk what for because i’m later to this show than the alteans were to the war.
i almost closed netflix bc i saw that the first episode is one hour long wh-
this is how shiro is introduced? harsh. but i like that in the first few minutes, the galra are already established as a force to be reckoned with.
first scene with lance, hunk and pidge, already showing their dynamic and their current situation! also, lol, lance getting told "you're only here because the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue" way to create tension between characters, keith isn't even there and we already know lance kind of hates him.
i like hunk he reminds me of po from kung fu panda hehe
what's pidge's thing with the kerberos mission? he seems very very invested in it, even for a character that science oriented.
OH IT'S KEITH. man i'm actually really impressed with the character introductions in this first episode, they're so clever and very effective, they show the most important facts about the person without slowing down.
keith really lived alone in that desert cabin for however long huh
where's the cat going
oh the cat went home, neat.
i love how at this point it seems that only blue chose its paladin, for the rest of them allura did a personality assessment off first impressions and assigned the rest of the lions, she really said "the bond cannont be forced... by anyone except for me" ma'am these are 5 random people from earth.
apart from that, i'm loving how intuitive piloting is with the lions!
lol lance fully killed some people there
listen if pidge doesn't turn out to be related to the people in the kerberos mission... just :( the way he reacted to shiro quoting the commander? there's no way he doesn't know them.
"go. be great." SHUT UP 😭
blue woke up yesterday and she's already getting beat up give it a rest it's been 10.000 years.
FUCK OFF SENDAK. I know of you, you lame ass excuse for an antagonist.
shiro i love you that's all i have to say.
the mice are so cute i can't believe allura is a fairytale princess with animal sidekicks.
ok second episode let's go:
this druid lady has a very cool character design, not sure what's her point in the story tho
pidge when are you gonna tell us your secret?
third episode!
it's really not fair how cool shiro is, paladin of the black lion, and "the champion"
oh no, shiro was forced to fight for galra entertainment? mmmmm yeah why not i love pain and suffering.
the little people who live on arus are very cute.
i'm sure shiro only attacked pidge's brother to keep him from fighting the gladiator don't be mad pidge :(
oh so the thing was the same gladiator, makes sense.
OH PIDGE'S NAME IS KATIE she's matt's sister this makes so much sense, i'm very sad, i can't wait to know her story.
ok episode four, the iconic failed team cheer i used to see on twitter.
the way lance pronounced varadero beach made me want to cry but at least it's the first mention of anything related to cuba, so i'll take it.
why'd they already beat up lance gdi give the boy a break.
episode five, i'm stressed.
kerberos mission: takashi shirogane, and samuel and matthew holt :(
pidge you are such a badass you have my heart too, also it's so sweet how rover has like a little personality.
"hasta la later, keith" MAKE IT STOP
(but ok that does sound like something i would say to be annoying)
hunk and bolin from legend of korra would be such good bros you can't change my mind.
ok the galra are the bad guys but they have style, "nothing stops me but triumph, and death" that's cool.
damn even the mice have a kill count everyone has a kill count.
love lance waking up only to shoot a bad guy and then dramatically faint again, maybe he has hispanic heritage after all, he has the flare.
"we are a good team" hell yeah you are buddy.
final thought on the first five episodes: honestly? i’m impressed, the pacing is great, the characters are well defined and they all get their little moments to shine. loved the pidge focus on episode five, and i’m very excited too see what happens next. that’ll have to wait because i haven’t slept and now my brain is repeating that voltron forming sequence they play EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
rest of season one liveblog.
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magnumx-opus · 3 years
I love seth as well and I'm honestly really disappointed on how his whole route plays out. On Seth's route I feel like it does get better to a degree. The pacing is absolutely atrocious that doesn't change. But I feel towards the end things get better. I hated the whole forcing mc into situations and I want to say that's the worst of it?? (I don't remember too much of the details around the middle tbh) I think it's a step above lancelot's route at the very least. But I REALLY didn't like lance's route though. Sorry if this is a little disjointed but bottom line I feel like playing it through once then throwing it out for event stories is the move.
I honestly appreciate you going out of your time to really advise me like that because I was so unsure about what I would actually do. I love how you said it, the pacing is atrocious and I don't know any other way to describe it, and I feel like that takes away from nearly EVERYTHING else even if they hit it spot on. Like I said, a hickey on Chapter 4??? Are you fr??? Some characters don't even get a kiss until like, the ENDING.
Anyways, I think I will finish his route just to get it over with and out of the way as well as some closure, but it disappoints me that I'll never play Black Army routes and be able to interact with Seth with the same innocence again. Like, I feel like I'm just gonna have to forget this terrible route from my brain otherwise I'll see him and go "😀 oh" AKSJKAJDJD but I mean idk I blame his writers
Ironically enough I actually REALLY love lance so it's funny you bring that up?? I can see where we would disagree tho as he is,,, definitely not easy to love,,,,,, but I feel like I still found him significantly better overall than Seth has. At least it the pacing wasn't NEAR as bad 😫 and I think I just have a type for people like him
Anyways thank you SO much anon your advice is appreciated and I'm honestly glad that me openly ranting about Seth brought a lot of people to tell me that I'm not alone!!!! Because if I was the only one who was hating it so much..... bro I'd cry JAJAJAJAH stan the ikerev fandom for being able to identify toxic relationships
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dimplesandcurlsss · 6 years
The last update had me crying at 3 am! I want you to know that your your writing is SO POWERFUL because when you describe how Lance and Keith are feeling, I FEEL IT TOO. I'm afraid by your "calm before the storm" comment tho. I feel bad for Lance bc after all, Keith lied to him about Hunk and i'm afraid how he's gonna react to The Truth and then there's OLIVIA hnnnnn I'M SO WORRIED. I can't wait for the fluff:( sending you love, strenght and inspiration
oh thank you so so much!!! im so beyond thrilled that you like my writing!! dont worry, the storm probably wont be thaaaat bad :) thank you so much for reading and taking the time to message me!
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kaiserin-astraia · 7 years
im ready to die w/ voltron s4:e5-6
me: ah yes I can finally stop annoying tumblr after these two episodes. I have no idea whats going to happen so I'm sure I'll end up alright lets see how this ends.
me: wow literally last two episodes were light hearted filler and then TIME FOR COMBAT HELLLOOOOOO BIG PLANS
me: god this is NOT going to work like I do not have ANY TRUST mR. DREAMWORK
me: oop lotor your lady friends aren't liking the onesided polyamory anymore
me: I'd probably let Lotor kill me tho
me: the main lady loves lotor like.. all the way she wants to BANG HIM
me: Lol Pidge loves her robots
me: ooh ooh connect the dots!!! what's the final image!!! its a mystery!! :D
me: um. pidge and hulk went to do their own missions bult voltron didn't immediately separate. excuse me? mr.dreamwork, do you remember your voltron rules?
me: HunkxPidge getting some evidence this episode I see I see
me: I love Pidge's hack symbol
me: I need to make a hack symbol
me: I know they are "evil" but I like the Galra. They look so cool and they are purple, my fave color.
me: star wars is that you
me: hnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg dreamworks why do you sadden me so
me: Keith my cutie I'm so happy to see you.
me: *heavy breathing* *HEAVY BREATHING* *HEAvY brAETHING*
me: lol y r u playing the voltron animation now when you were in voltron before
me: question: how did allura's father know about lions to make voltron
me: they are probably too late and matt is death and I'm going to be crying my eyes out i nthree... two.... one....
me: whoooooooew
me: my heart is a thumpin
me: what if the badass ladies join the rebels. this is what I need. oh please mr dreamwork
me: lights out motherfuckers
me: sorry I know this isn't a good thing but I just really wanted to say it
me: lotor loves flying and its just so obvious and I love it??? so much???
me: sigh im sure mrs.witch has something catastrophic up her sleeve.
me: oh of COURSE she can just go bibbity bobbity BOOM PLANET
me: cmon pidge time to hack the planet
me: on a scale of wine to moonshine how much am i gonna have to consume to recover from this
me: oh no allura!! don't get infected with the evil lightening okay!!
me: LANCE MY BOI YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL I FUCKING LOVE YOU I'm telling you he is the LEADER they NEED but maybe don't deserve with how much they make fun of him
me: I don't play around okay
me: what the rugle
me: but eyyyy baby I love you Lotor.
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heero-yuy · 7 years
What do you think about Joaquim saying that Shiro has a "big brother kind of understanding" when he was talking about Shiro choosing Keith to lead Voltron during one of the WonderCon interviews? I've seen your posts saying that you think Sheith still has a chance of being canon, but while I'm a huge Sheith fan, JDS referring to Shiro as big brother figure plus the "you're like a brother to me" line makes me think they're just gonna keep having a brotherly relationship.
Well, I like their platonic relationship, I reallydun think of their bond any less just because it’snot romantic or sexual.. I appreciate it for what it is inthe show right now.  And I don’t have a problem with it staying that way. 
I don’t really see how any of it means it can’t grow into more atsome point?
There’s a BIG difference between a character saying “you’re like a brother to me” in act one, and to them saying that in act 7 or something..  BIG difference.
Why everyone are so impatient around here? Like let their relationship develop first! So ppl won’t cry later “OH BUT THERE WAS NO BUILDUP IT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND IT’S NOT REALLY BELIEVABLE”
Like.. It’s only been two seasons… 26 episodes outof 78…. 
And why would they reveal anything in interviews about whatrelationship ends up being romantic at this point?
None of the relationships are actually romantic rightnow, none of them. 
And I’m not necessary talking about sheith, likeobviously the staff dun tell us shit about who’s the LGBTcharacter(s?) or made it very clear from the start, because just like thePidge being a girl thing, it’s probably supposed to be a surprise of sorts in the show and they want us to experience it. 
If anyone expects any of them to go “oh yeahthat character is actually gay and inlove with this other character”about anyone, before that happens in the show, then I think they’re gonna be very disappointed. (and staff show support for most ships onsocial media, I dun feel like they really favor any specifically..)
And as a sheith shipper I LOVED the BOM scene! And Iloved that line. But I really dun get why that line was what everyonewere talking about and focusing on.. WHEN SO MUCH OTHER STUFFHAPPENED THERE AFTER THAT THAT WERE SO MUCH MORE MEANINGFUL.
And specially since Keith very obviously didn’t mean the “I see you likea brother” thing in a “Shiro, the idea of having sex with you isnot appealing to me in any way whatsoever so lets just be bros”kind of way, (who even thinks that that’s what it was about??) but in a “I really care about you and you’re veryimportant to me” way?
(ok, jk I know exactly why people got so hung up onthis line, no need explaining haha..) 
I dunno, I think if anything the “like a brother” just gave sheith morewind in it sails, because before that there was still the possibilityof them actually being brothers? 
(and you gotta ask yourself, why didn’t they justmade them actual family members in some way in the showif what they were going for is a brotherly relationship there… itseriously could have been as easy as “Shiro you’re mybrother/uncle/second father…” I mean Sven and Keith kinda looked alike? it wouldn’t be so far fetched to make em distant cousins or something, would explain their close relationship in DotU too. I guess they stillmight go that way.. but then it would make em liking sheith art kinda kinkyhaha..)
Anyway, I dun think Keith and Shiro are in a place of talkingabout romance at this point in time.. (I don’t even think either ofthem really thinks in that direction about the other right now.. orabout anyone..)
Maybe there’s some feelings there that are not just platonic love, developing, orpresent….. but I dun feel like either of them is gonna talk aboutit yet if there are?
I don’t think romance is a priority for them rightnow. I think there’s alot of stuff that need to happen first forthem to come to that point. 
And I do not see them going there anytime soon….Maybe eventually, after alot of development and a time skip, but notanytime soon. Like I will be surprised if this relationship takes aromantic turn before like the last season or something.
But… you dun establish such a strong relationship at the beginning for nothing.
They’re building up to something, (doesn’t have to be romance or any good thing) but some serious shit is gonna go down between Keith and Shiro at some point, you can count on it.
And they already said all the romantic relationshipsare slow build, but they also said that they put some stuff from thestart that will pay off later… I guess meaning there will be someend game romance between characters we’ve already met.
So I guess sheith, kla//nce, allur//ance, kallu//ra and shall//ura arethe most likely candidates for that. Since I feel like they had somestuff in these two season that might be interpreted as hints at a possible romantic relationship. (not counting hunay ofcourse, because that’salready a thing)
And I kinda agree with what Joaquim said, Shiro I thinkdoes sees himself as the “big brother figure” to all thepaladins, not just Keith, I just don’t think he’s gonna stay inthat state of mind? I think he’s gonna realize sooner or later thatnot everything has to be on his shoulders all the time.. That hedoesn’t have to stay strong for everyone all the time.. and he willend up being on more equal grounds with the rest.. and I think itkinda already happened with Keith in season 2 to a certain point..
(and I have alot to say about the Keith and Shirodynamics…  and some stuff I dun agree with about what is saidabout it in interviews because that’s not what we see in the show, and from season 2 I will disagree aboutShiro seeing Keith as a little brother, but like not in a romance wayso i’ll do it in a different post cuz I wanna explain exactly why I disagree)
And I will ship sheith no matter what, because theoption of a same sex ship becoming explicitly canon in a show is still very new to me…So my feelings and ideas about a relationship don’t depend on that,simply because they never were.
But shipping goggles off, there’s still things Iwill stand firmly behind, 
and that is that Keith is inlove with Shiro, incanon.
Because with Keith it’s like…
It’s like..  his lips say “bro”but his entire body language says “take me i’m yours” all the time? haha
Like you don’t melt like that around guys who u see in aplatonic brotherly way. look up to, admire, respect, feel protectiveof, yes sure, but not..melt. Keith just becomes so soft, loving,submissive around Shiro… he’s not even the same person..
And you know, I consider Steven Yeun to be a goodactor, and with the way he voices Keith when he’s talking to Shiro andthe way they animate Keith’s expressions (which is done withthought behind it) around Shiro,
I have to say that Keith doesn’t look at Shiro like at abrother (no matter how important family is to Keith), he looks and talks to him like he’s his sun and stars. 
And I think it doesn’t matter what u ship, no one can miss the factKeith loves Shiro and that he’s his most important person. (but I guess pplwho want other ships to happen have no choice but to insist andexplain that love as just brotherly love, because what else could it be whenKeith is obviously straight/ inlove with lance/10 years old?)
So yeah I will stand firmly behind Keith being inlovewith Shiro, whether he realizes it yet or not. (Just a bit too much affection there for it to be strictly brotherly imo..)
But with Shiro I’m not so sure… season one I didn’t seehim returning Keith’s feelings at all, everything Keith was feeling there it didn’t seem like it was the same for Shiro. Just from season one I was convinced Shiro does see him as just a little brother. And I thought it was gonna stay like that for a long while and maybe even forever…
But then season two came… with some stuff that really surprised me about Shiro. And I guess some shots made me think there might besomething there on Shiro’s side too.. But I dunno, I would still describe Shiro’s feelings for Keith as brotherly.  
I think he wants to get to know him more, that he wants to get closer to him, and that he really admires him. But that’s it. I don’t think it goes deeper at this point. (I will poke fun at him tho, but like if you ask me seriously, I don’t actually see him liking Keith like that right now, and even if he does I dun see him keeping those thoughts and feelings)
I guess if in season one I didn’t see it at all, season two made me atleast see him maybe going there eventually?
And you know I think this whole “you’re like abrother to me” is getting so much attention even though it wasn’t even something important in the show…(kinda of a “well duh” moment really) Because I think it made people who were against a romance between Keith and Shiro feel alot of relief? (like when I see antis throw that line at shippers I just see it at proof at how strong Sheith is haha.)
Like I think Sheith started real strong, so strong that alot ofpeople actually thought they are in a romantic relationship in seasonone? Like I think some peoplelegit expected Keith to say something like “I love you, Shiro”instead of “You’re like a brother to me”, specially afterhow season 2 started and went until that line.
(And seeing a homophobic acquaintance muttering “oh thank fucking god” under his breath when Keith says “you’re like a brother to me” is all theproof I need that this is not just me seeing through my shipping goggles, and there’s somethingthere that makes ppl who really dun wanna see gay, see some gay haha)
And btw I’m not even talking about just tumblr shippers (who see gay relationships EVERYWHERE), most of my Voltron buddies are cis straight fanboys in their 20-30 who are really not into shipping and I have to keep my tumblr fandom adventures a complete secret from them haha, and atleast two of themafter watching Voltron season 1 were arguing with me (a sheith shipper) thatKeith and Shiro are lovers, and I was like “no they’re not, far from it”, andthen both these guys were surprised at the “brother” line and now see therelationship as strictly familiar, and that Shiro is a brother/fatherfigure to Keith and think they were wrong.
But I think it’s not like they were wrong about Keith and Shirohaving something a little extra in their interactions… people (well atleast people whoknow this is by the same ppl who did korra, because peoplewho don’t probably cant even imagine two guys being inlove with eachother in a kids cartoon is an option) )I think do pick up on something between Keithand Shiro if they pay close attention to them? 
It’s just that they really start as friends, and not even closefriends. And we see them growing closer, and I’m guessing we will seeem growing even closer as time goes by. And who knows maybe at theend of the show they will grow close enough to maybe even end up together?
It’s not impossible..
(I honestly dun need much, just give me one shot of Shiro comingback to what seems to be his and Keith’s house, and a long hug, and Keithsaying “it’s good to have you back” with a smile and Shiroreplying “it’s good to be back” and them holding eachother atthe end of the show after the credits, and i’ll be happy forever. I love these two and I think they are the person they really deserve to eachother.)
And by no means am I saying it’s not actually a strictly brotherlyrelationship and gonna stay that way, I’m just saying that if that’s what they arewriting, it kinda looks like this haha:
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princepancakemage · 7 years
Hey! Regarding your mer!Lance AU, Blue claim him and stuff but... How will he pilot her with his fishy tail? Does he sort of can dry it to make them shift to legs or will they... idk fill Blue cockpit with water?? (this idea is stupid I know... it was funnier in my head actually) I'm kinda curious about this part! And also, will Pidge be extra curious and ask a ton of stuff to Lance to try to understand his species because "holyshit he's a mermaid!"?? Love your AU btw and the cute doodle for it!
So in the begining of the Mer!lance au, lance really cant pilot the blue lion. Both in the sense he doesnt know how to pilot anything and he cant actually get in the cockpit
So the story goes is that while blue has choosen her pilot, allura remains piloting her till ajustments can be made. Alongside waiting, lance is taught how to pilot the lions, through a serious of simulations on the castle-ship ^ 3^ (hint: he tries tO thread the needle kek) lance also bonds with blue on the side, especially whenever theres water nearby lel they end up growing really close during that time, tho it seems to bum lance out alot because hes heard the stories of voltron and heres the blue lion right infront of him, he just wants to be a hero and be important too. Not only that but he feels like he isnt contributing to the team, since hes her pilot and allura still pilots her.
I know some people has said “Maybe blue can fill the cockpit with water to help Lance” and i can totally see them trying that as like a last ditch attempt, but the way i see it is that the second blue opens up to let him out, the pit would empty out onto the bay floor and he’d be a fish out of water again >
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(note: i still cant draw the blue lion all to well so i had to trace a bit of the face cause if i didnt, i’d never finish this post ; ; forgive me, one day i’ll be able to draw her) 
At one point or another, Lance would be reclaimed by Prince lotor (reminder that lotor wants lance for his own personal zoo,because lance is hella rare and cute) and is put under lock and key in his dungeons till he can be accomodated into a tank (lance is nOT happy about being put in a tank) time goes on and he starts drying out (because up until recently, lance has had plenty of water to swim in) and this is no bueno for our fishy friend ; ; Shiro and keith find him, sick and stressed out and as theyre leaving lotor finds them, and hES FUCKING PISSED THAT THEY TOOK LANCE KEK
fighting happens and lotor has his own little group of druids to attack keith with while he fights shiro. Meanwhile lance is put in a corner away from the fight, and told to wait till hunk and pidge get to him. More fighting happens, maybe even a monologue from lotor about how lance is his, and then boom shiros had enough and pins lotor down. Keith is still holding his own against the druids, until sHIT KEITH GETS HIT aNd shiro goes dad mode for half a second
Lotor laughs and pulls out one final trick from his sleeve and yells at the closest druid to do “it” whatever it is kek
The druid ends up hitting lance with some sort of magic that leaves him screaming and shaking on the ground. And lotor, being the kek he is just whispers “if i cant have him, no one can” and then poof the druids and him disappear bye bye!! Hunk and Pidge make it and they are both freaking out like “SHIRO WTF IS GOING ON???? ” and shiro just tells them to pick up lance and keith and to get to their lions as quick as possible. Hunk picks up Lance, whos now gone freakishly quiet and Hunk is like gotta go fast to my lion, my friend is probs dying shIT, while pidge and shiro hold Keith up and walk him out.
Once they all get back to the castle ship Keith is put in a cryopod, Meanwhile Lance still hasnt woken up! They put him back in the pool and at this point Shiro is hella worried, thinking about whatever the druid did and what it could be doing to Lance ; ; and Lance cant be put in a cryopod since its not a physical injury. Shiro ends up spending the night with lance, just kinda watching over him, poor babu is just so worried about him ; ; not only that but since he just loves him so much he starts planning on telling lance how he feels c ause fuck this the boy could be dying??? he’s gotta tell him his gay feelings ; ; but after a few hours shiro sorta falls asleep (cause fuck he already doesnt get enough sleep, and that rescue mission was too stressful)
Come morning, Lance wakes up and everything seems totally normal up until he tries to get out of bed. (because at one point, both shiro and lance were moved to a room, you’ll find out soon in a second) 
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Boy realized he got feet???? like WHAT HOT DAMN WHERES MY TAIL WHAT THE PISS?????
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At first this boy is completely devastated, even crying a bit, and Shiro holds him all the while, comforting him and never letting go! the two share a cute moment together and then everyone else comes in, having heard lance crying ; ; 
They all attempt to comfort lance and once he’s calmed down, and thanks everyone, Allura points out one benefit to having legs ^3 ^
guess what it is…
Lance legit just gets up, all wobbly and weak, cause kek he’s never walked before and just starts to try and book it over to blue! granted poor kid doesnt even make it a step before he falls over, hes JUST SO DAMN EXCITED THAT BLUE IS FINALLY HIS AND THAT HE CAN PILOT HER!! Shiro laughs at him, holding Lance up and gives him a little kiss and tells him to slow down, that he still needs to learn how to walk properly first, and lance is now just!!! sO READY TO LIVE HIS LIFE WITH THE PALADINS AND BLUE!!!
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(Shance kisses kekekekekek)
With the help of everyone he ends up being able to walk
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
I'm okay
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I take back everything I said 😭
This entire blog is literally— *sobs*
Let's just start from the beginning
YESSSSS The Pink Bubble Gum-shoe comeback!!! At least something wholesome is here.
I'm gonna discuss about Leland and the Plaid Princes last.
Isolde honestly seem pretty fun to hang out with :') lile her mannerism and how chill but not chill at the same time she is, I love her. Too bad royalty gotta soejidjeuw her.
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MAN THIS HIT WAYYYY TOO CLOSE 😭😭 Damn I feel really bad for Isolde..
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THANK YOU. I've been wondering about this.
THANK YOU LAVERNE, HOLY MOLY THANK YOU SO MUCH. Everyone let's appreciate Laverne for whacking the heck outta Leland here. I know she done some ignorance in the Punishment episode, but let's thank her for awhile.
Well, time for my favorite part haha (cry)
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DAMN THEY REALLY GONNA WAR AGAINST PASTEL KINGDOM??? Or are they? Lambcat's knack at plot twist has given me trust issues. What if they are actually doing something completely the opposite of war lmao.
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Yeah hey, bullcrap I say. I call bullcrap. You kinda, probably murder his bullies in the gala ya know? Without him knowing at all? What was all that "Because.. you're my little brother" then?
Tho I can't blame him. We literally saw how abused he is since few episodes ago. He's probably lashing out out of stress and perhaps trauma response? So gosh damn the Plaid Princes seriously need therapy and healing.
Lance can't even look at Frederick. That already shows just how affected the Plaid Princes are by their 'father'.
You know, Blaine..looks seriously in pain when he said all of that stuffs to Frederick. Just like what @the-ribald-grapefruit said in one of my post's reply and reblog
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Blaine does not look like he means any of that. I know he has done/said many vile things since we last saw him, but he's seriously under so much pressure. We know what Leland is capable of. Especially with the weight of being the eldest child, having to be perfect every dang time. He's bound to break someday. And when he does, I hope he'll have someone he can lean on.
I mean literally, he's terrified. Everyone's terrified. The fact that Leland's pettiness caused all these problems are just— woah.
Well, that's all for today's review. I'm just gonna— imagine the Plaid Princes living their happily ever after now.. damn.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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cheemken · 8 months
Iris you’ve fucked up
Because your gay ass wanted to seem cool in front of Bianca, you made it seem like the Champions are pushovers. That they were so weak you were able to defeat one champion and four E4’s with only Haxorus (and Kyurum?)
And yeah, they have the three dragons which they can fuse whenever they want. But if you go into battle cocky then you’re most likely setting yourself up for failure cause you believe you don’t even have to try to win
But lmao I just imagine when they start losing/realize it’s gonna take more effort, they start yelling at Iris cause she lied about their strength and she just sheepishly admits to lying
Or even worse, the Unova kids start blaming their own Pokémon for not winning the battles for them. Telling them they’re the Pokémon of Gods, that they’re lucky to even be fighting for them, that they’re lucky to be under their ownership
Gonna fuck up the Champions even more cause all they knew was Iris; a sweet, hopeful girl who absolutely adored Pokémon and went out of her way to fix relationships between Humans and Pokémon after Team Plasma cause a divide. But now all they see is Champion Iris: The God of Fate; a monster who destroyed her home, turned it into a frozen wasteland that was once thriving with life, killed thousands of people, murdered the man who took her in, forced her Pokémon to work harder than they were capable of, all of it for the thrill that came with power
(Iris and the Unova Kids would never yell at or abuse their Pokémon. They hold their Pokémon in high regard because they wouldn’t be in this position without them, this was just a moment of stress and they needed someone to blame for their mistake of underestimating the Champions)
Screaming crying throwing up punching the walls IRIS‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
The SilkWing brainrot do be real tho imagine Lance and Diantha seeing Iris being so desperate to win, getting mad at her own pkmn, the way it finally sunk in on them that's not their daughter anymore, that they really couldn't save her anymore, and god imagine how much that'd hurt them that they have to fight her your honour pls I'm not okay😭
No but also that would fuck up the rest of the champions too tho, bc the rest of the Unova kids are there w Iris, and they're all so young, they're teenagers still?? Like, they're still young but already they killed a lot of people, ruined their region, managed to fuse all three legendary dragons, they have Unova's Dragon under their command. What even happened to them that truly drove them to commit such acts, the champions couldn't help but ask themselves, and ough chdndj
It all traces back to Iris, did they do smth that made her like that? They gave her the support she needed, they loved her, she's their little sister at this point, Lance and Diantha's daughter, and just chdmdb your honour pls the other Champions being reluctant to fight back too, but they know they should stop Iris and her friends before they try to destroy the other regions too
But w Iris and her friends, seems like it's just friends arguing, of teens being teens, accusing Iris of lying, of seeing their mons as weak, pushing them to fight more, bc they just wanna win, and god it's so human to see them like that but they've already done so much destruction within Unova, there's blood on their hands y'know, they're still so young and already they have blood on their hands. The thought of it sent shivers down their spines.
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cheemken · 8 months
So if we were to continue from the Unova Kids Villain AU, where Iris tried to kill Diantha and the Kalos E4
Godd just, when Gardevoir teleports them away to someplace safe, Diantha is in shock till she just starts breaking down in front of the E4. Just crying and yelling at herself for being so stupid. How could she not see what was Iris’ real intentions. She put her E4 and herself in danger because she only cared about Iris and not others safety. Blaming herself for what happened, direction the anger and sadness and confusion to herself, even though it was Iris to blame for what happened
But, Diantha could never blame her daughter. She would never admit to herself Iris had full intentions to murder her. No matter what, she’s always going to love her daughter, despite Iris not returning that love
Ough imagine Drasna calms down Diantha and tells them they have to find someplace more secluded, before Iris and Kyurem finds them again and attacks, because Gardevoir most likely can’t teleport them all anymore since she’s already teleported four of them from Kalos to Unova
And idk what would happen next, like do they find the other champion? Encounter the other Unova Kids? Find someone from the Unova League and get their part of the story?
But I do know it’s gonna be even more crushing for Diantha when she eventually regroups with the Champions, Lance especially. Because she’s going to have to tell Lance that the person they took in as their daughter just tried to freeze her to death
Iris is just having the time of her life retelling the story to the rest of the Unova kids. Laughing about the whole ordeal. You wanna know what fucked me up though? I imagined when Iris was telling the story, she was exaggerating the story like it was nothing. Like how teenagers do to make themselves seem cooler in front of their friends. Like they were all at the League just laughing around, hangout out with each other like teenagers
But they are teenagers. All of them (expect N whos probably 20 by now) are teenagers and they’re the ones who causes all the damage in Unova
(I honestly forgot if they’re young adults in this AU but still, they’re not even mid 20’s and they’re doing mass murder)
Your honour I'm—
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Like,,, when Diantha finds the other Champions again, and like they're surprised that the Kalos E4 were there too, but Lance just chndbd Lance rushes to Diantha, and Dia just fucking breaks man. Fucking imagine her like legitimately breaking the fuck down, clutching Lance's cape as if it were her lifeline, hands trembling as her knuckles turn white, imagine her crying her heart out even as Lance tries to comfort her. Like can you imagine how that would be for the other champs bc Diantha is usually so calm and composed and the epitome of elegance and now she's hunched over crying, trying to form words through her tears as she clutches Lance's cape, sobbing on his chest, going on about Iris, Kyurem, and how Diantha's blaming herself for being so goddamn stupid. Like imagine what it's like for them and the Kalos E4, imagine if that's legitimately the first time almost all of them saw Diantha actually cry
And ofc, maybe the other champs and even Lance thought Iris was dead, Unova's like a frozen wasteland now, but imagine their surprise and their fear when Diantha and even the Kalos E4 told the Champions how Iris almost killed them. Like imagine the other champs not believing that at first, how could Iris, their sweet Iris, their little sister, kill someone?? That's.. that's not right. But with how Diantha is still trembling like a leaf, how even Malva and Siebold were looking to the side looking troubled, and how Wikstrom and Drasna were so worried about Diantha, well.. maybe it's true. And now they fear what's gonna happen next, they fear that if Iris was willing to kill Diantha, someone who was like a mother figure to her, then imagine how willing she would be killing the other Champions
And then w Iris chdmdb ough that mental image is dope your honour holy shit😭😭
Like them at a meeting hall or smth, Iris at the head of the table, telling her friends about her encounter with Diantha, and ofc the lil shit is gonna try to impress them, especially since her lil crush is around too, ofc she's gonna tell them how Diantha was begging for mercy, how weak the Kalos champ truly was, that even w Mega Gardevoir, she lost to Iris and Haxorus. Even better that Diantha called in the Kalos E4, ofc Iris is also gonna tell them how they were weak as well, that they never stood a chance against her, "shows, really, I'm that powerful," she boasted, leaning on the table, "and the people of Unova thinks I'm weak."
And ofc everyone else was impressed y'know, even going on how they'd want to see just how pathetic Diantha and her league were, and then they hear word that the other Champions are around, and of fucking course they want to see if they're also that weak, especially now since Iris was going on if Diantha lost to her, then she's sure as hell the other Champions are gonna lose to them. They'll make all the Champions see just how powerful they are, and the dragons will help them in doing so.
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cheemken · 11 months
I promise you that I am also sane about the Unova kids (lying)
OUGH the fight scene was good. Especially between Hydregion and Emboar. Hilbert was so close to winning but Iris prevail like the queen is she. But GOD the ending. Shits about to go down between the hero’s and the champion.
And I know you gave reason as to why the E4 does nothing during these battles but I can’t stop thinking about how they’ll be in their chambers, listening to the crashes and yelling, and continuing their activities like the building isn’t shaking
Also I was wondering, why is Iris so scared to lose a battle? I know it has to do with disappointing the other Champions, but would they actually do something if she lose? Or is it just she doesn’t want them to think of her as a kid, and not a champion?
I'm so glad you like cbdmdn hahaha
But yeah holy shit the Unova kids man
The E4 do be vibing tho, at this point they just force themselves to not intervene, as the last time they did, Iris got a bit pissed and told them that everything's fine, nothings wrong, stop worrying, and ofc, they'd rather not want to add to Iris' problems, so whatever happens within the Champion chamber stays within the champion chamber unless there's a new winner
No bc I've been thinking abt how brutal the champions would be to the kids tho, since they really did expect so much from them. Like imagine the last time Iris almost lost to Hilbert and the others found out, Diantha got so fucking pissed at her, going on how she shouldn't even lose four of her pkmn against a lowly trainer like Hilbert, and Iris made the mistake of talking back, wc resulted in Diantha slapping her hard across her face, sneering at her, telling her she has no right to talk. And yo just bcmdnd Lance being so disappointed too tho, while Iris was on the ground, he kicked her stomach, going on how what's the point of their training if she'd still easily lose to someone not in her ranks, and ofc that fucked her up
Imagine Diantha telling Cynthia to take Iris to the Distortion World tho, like as punishment, trapping her there for an hour at most before bringing her back to them, and Iris is there crying and begging for forgiveness, but Diantha just stares down at her, told her to stop crying, a Champion doesn't cry, and Iris has to force herself to be okay, to stop crying, crying shows weakness, and then Diantha looks at Hau, the same glare fixated towards him, "let this be a lesson to you Hau, never disappoint me." She said, and she left, Iris still on the floor, trembling like a leaf, yet not one of the Champions had helped her
But also the next morning, Diantha acts all so sweet to her again, saying how she just wanted Iris to be the best, that if she wanted to prove that she really was strong enough to be Champion then she should be better than that. Ofc, Iris just melted into her embrace, and promised she will be better, she's not gonna lose again
Now imagine them finding out that she actually almost lost
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