#i'm growin :(
akq96618 · 1 year
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drawing this real quick after seeing his timeskip design :">
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 3 months
ah lads i'm dropping my marvellous dream is you. i want to support the girlies but it's bad AND i'm bored. you can be one or the other but not both. i just want a new gl to come along and sweep me off my feet a little bit, damn
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dollzamatic · 1 year
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she shows up in weird barbie's house with all the controversial barbies and i'm like 80% sure it's the heart family mom bc the dress is so similar but i dont KNOW
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did the heart family mom have controversy???? who is this. who is this.
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pondslime · 1 year
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mother mothering on mother’s day 💐💖
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malacheezyy · 6 months
i'm so tired i'm fluctualting beitwene giggle fits and feleing liek i'm abt to cry
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 2 years
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livefromthegallows · 8 months
i'm taking my stuffed horse to the dentist tomorrow and no one can fucking stop me not even my dad
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byanyan · 3 months
She doesn't give them a present, per set. The cake and the balloons and the streamers all seem a little tacky if she's honest, and it's easier than trying to wait for them when she knows they'll be out late. But if they end up stumbling back into the small flat and dodging the face licks from Chickadee, they'll be greeted with a few things on the table, unwrapped with a sticky note that just reads "For Byan, love Lena". A knife sharpening and oiling kit, to care for their blades, a bag of their favorite candies, and a new sketchbook with a set of sharpened, high end coloring pencils sits besides it.
ㅤthey aren't expecting anything. (expectations are dangerous. they always end in the most crushing disappointment.) even though lena did put together a small celebration for them last year, they aren't expecting anything this year. in fact, they fully anticipate that she hasn't even realized it's their birthday today — having just wanted to forget about it themself, they'd not bothered to mention it. (they hadn't mentioned it last year either, though...)
it's well past two in the morning when they slide the window closed behind themself. tired, out of it, and all around miserable, byan drops their backpack to the floor with a quiet thunk and heaves a slow exhale. claws click-clacking across the kitchen tile announce chickadee's presence and have the teen turning on their heel before they can even bend down to start unbuckling their boots. through the dim light of the moon and streetlights outside, they can tell that their arrival must have woken her up, but her tail wags as she trots over all the same.
for the first time in a week, a faint smile makes an appearance on byan's face.
only after they've given chickadee her greeting in the form of affectionate pats, ear scritches, and a few long hugs do they finally clamber back to their feet and flick the kitchen light on. —that was a mistake. squinting against the sudden and rather harsh lighting, byan grimaces and moves to undo the gesture. just before their fingertips find the switch again, however, the small display set across the table finally catches their eye and stops them in their tracks.
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...oh. so, she did remember. she remembered and, same as last year, anticipated that they'd be off drowning their sorrows in solitude and substances all day. ...and instead of trying to stop them, instead of trying to make any sort of big deal of their birthday, she just... let them be. let them cope with it the way that they chose to, but made sure to leave them a show that she remembered. a show that she thought of them. a show that, despite everything and despite what they might believe, there is someone out there who cares about them.
last year, the emotion to come from such a realization was slow to hit them. this year, it wallops them all at once.
a quiet sob is choked out before they can stop it, and byan slaps a hand over their mouth, sinking into a chair. they should have just come here today. instead of sitting around, drowning in drugs and their own misery, they should have come to lena's and had a nice day. a nice dinner. a normal birthday. isn't that what they've always wanted? finally, after all these years, they could have had exactly that — lena surely would have even encouraged them to invite sol to join them — but instead, like fucking always, they'd chosen to be too damn absorbed in self pity, focusing on all the things they don't have instead of what they finally do.
...it's still new, they suppose. they aren't used to having people in their life, aren't used to trusting that those people aren't going anywhere.
byan isn't sure when, exactly, chickadee sat down with them, her head tucked into their lap and her big doleful eyes blinking slowly up at them. they aren't sure how long they just sit there crying. what they are sure of, however, is that they're going to express their gratitude to lena tomorrow. they're going to give her the biggest, mushiest fucking hug they've ever given to anyone, and they're going to spend the day with her, if she'll let them. maybe see if she wants to go out for breakfast and then take chickadee to the dog park, or something.
it's how they should have spent today, but... better late than never, right?
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
One of the weirdest parts of writing my 1960's spop au: Making literally anybody in the main cast say "groovy"
Like yes it was extremely common slang in that time/place but oh my god
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antimonyandthyme · 1 year
what are you currently playing on the piano? What piece have you always wanted to play?
apart from carrots, what vegetables do you grow?
c beloved huehuehue
this is the current song i'm learning, love's sorrow arranged by rachmaninov. it is beautiful and it is giving me a lot of problems because it is unfortunately rachmaninov. if you notice the song played to perfection is 4:35 long. i am... not playing it in four minutes that's for sure lol. a work in progress.
the piece i've always wanted to play is of course la campanella by listz. the piano piece. listen to this version by evgeny kissin which i like best, but @ivettel ames might have different suggestions kekekeke! it is very very very far from me at the moment because i took a long ass time off classical music and i'm slowly finding my way back to it. huehuehue. it'll be awhile before i dare attempt this piece. but i hope i will one day.
oh my god you're asking about my vegetables i'm about to become an unskippable cutscene
look at my gooseberries and cherry tomatoes! look at my zucchini! the most perfectest zucchini ever! look at my silly looking garlic! look at my chilis that are so shiny and glossy and way too spicy for me! and look at the lil ladybug hanging out on my carrot stems!
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i'm not good at this by any means i usually just throw seeds into the ground and call it a day but you know what i've learned? things just wanna grow.
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rebellum · 7 months
I’m sure you’re already aware etc etc, but putting T-gel to increase growth will eventually lead to some issues like soreness and irritation as it’s alcohol-based. Mixed reviews whether it actually does anything compared to DHT cream, but have read someone mixed it with some moisturiser or something and basically made their own cream which helped reduce soreness? Loads of tips on ftm Reddit subs for do’ and don’ts
Yup I'm well aware, I did my research and I'm working with a doctor who specialises in transgender health care. Also, despite it being testosterone and not DHT like I had originally wanted, it DEFINITELY works. Like I'm on a 2.5g/week dose and have been for about 6 weeks now, and my size has doubled (keep in mind it was extremely small to start tho lol).
I had the choice of a cream rather than alcohol based gel, but it wouldn't have been covered by provincial health insurance, so its ouchies gel for me.
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anemcia · 8 months
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...And she so desperately wishes for Spring to arrive early this year.
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novelconcepts · 2 years
KJ is twelve when she works out the bones of the thing--but she doesn't tell anyone. Not then. Not for a long damn time.
Sometimes, it takes meeting an old friend in a NYC bar to unearth old memories.
She’s twelve when she works it out. Starts to work it out. Not the whole picture, not every scene, but the bones of the thing. Looking back on it, that will surprise her a little—twelve is so young, so goddamn young to be working anything out. Who even was she, at twelve?
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scarletooyoroi · 11 months
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"Only in Inazuma can the most transcending winds come to sweep by. Truly never a dull moment."
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hibiscusangel15 · 1 year
I'm catching up with Adventure Time right now to watch Fionna and Cake (I literally started over from the beginning bc I stopped in the middle of S6 when it first aired and caught most of Stakes by accident).
And honestly, I really wish I never fell off this show in the first place. I really love how this show matures alongside Finn and that we get to see the show give closure to plot threads previously treated as jokes and D-list (by the show's definition) side characters' plots.
If all the miniseries leading up to the finale are this good, I'm so excited to see what Fionna and Cake holds.
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if i get to go to isaac's graduation in like three years i will be inconsolable
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