malacheezyy · 6 months
i'm so tired i'm fluctualting beitwene giggle fits and feleing liek i'm abt to cry
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hangup119 · 3 months
hello hangup119 nation! since FLaT is ending in a couple chapters soon, i've decided to give you all a little preview of my upcoming smau, otherwise known as . . .
🏀 BALLIN’ or BAWLIN’? | a RIIZE sungchan smau
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SYNOPSIS. jung sungchan hasn’t been in his A game lately, and it’s for good reason. he’s always slumped with school work, which leads to new realizations—it’s the fact that he absolutely can’t multitask at all. this means putting less focus on basketball until his grades won’t cost him his scholarship, which also happens to mean that he’ll be keeping the bench warm for a goooood while. which isn’t so bad, right? well, not until a certain someone starts cheering for him even when he isn’t playing—because he’s benched! so now it’s up to sungchan (and his nosy teammates) to find this mysterious, albeit admittedly embarrassing, cheerleader of his.
GENRES. smau, crack, strangers to lovers, admirer x admired, idiots to lovers
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cattoru · 1 year
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rizsu · 1 year
if only i could attract money the way i attract the flu
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soaps-mohawk · 1 month
Rory. imma be fr with you right. I thought you were joking when you said there was cliffhangers. I was so mistaken 😞
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me rn⬆️⬆️
I mentally cannot handle the absolute BOMBSHELL you have dropped on us, it was so perfectly crafted and everything links up to it and the foreshadowing UUGGNGHHH ITS SO UNBELIEVABLY GOOD!! I am gnawing on the bars of my enclosure, slobbering over everything, shaking sobbing crying throwing up
But nevertheless, (in my opinion), that was your best chapter to date. 11/10 it was absolutely amazing and captivating :3
Ballin’ and bawlin’,
🇦🇹 anon :3
Mhm I don't kid about my cliffhangers. Nor about my angst hehe
We're still not done with the revelations too. There's going to be a lot of light bulbs going off during the next couple of chapters hehe. I've hinted at a lot and left little crumbs all over the fic. I'm so interested to see who picked up on which ones.
Awww thank you!!! I'm so happy you think that honestly 💚 It's definitely up there on my list of favorites too. I think chapter 11 still holds the title though.
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journeytodrawiii · 8 months
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Life is tough. Goodness gracious me. I am going through it right now. My first big exam week is coming up, I mean literally on Monday, and I am terrified. I am also a little ball of rage for separate reasons. Everything will turn up fine in the end, I know. It's just daunting. That's all. So, to cope I made these bad boys right here. Yippie. I also wrote this little poem next to one of the drawings (bottom right) Also yes, these little babes are me, and yes my right eye is gone. I still have it right now, but my eye condition has been on my mind a lot recently and I am frEAKED about most likely going blind at some point. Could be when I'm 80 or could be in a year or two. Life is joyous. So take this drama and gaze upon it!! Raa!! okay. Love y'all, stay safe and warm. 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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rain-is-sitting · 1 year
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Not a patch but I’ll count it anyway. The cuffs felt way too empty on this side so I thought I’d fix that
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lancer1234 · 2 years
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I am so normal i am so normal i am so normal i am so
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sereniv · 2 months
fetal position should be renamed to The Baby Ball. BB position
Baby Ballin'
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hexacuta · 5 months
The worst kind of heartbreak are the ones where you are so fucked up that you can't express that heartbreak through anything creative. So you just have to cry and wait for it to pass over.
You really like a person in a certain way. You really, REALLY like this person despite knowing them for not very long at all. You genuinely think that this person is the answer to your prayers. They are beautiful, you love their personality, you love hearing them ramble about all the things they care about even if it all goes way over your head. You think they are overall just a wonderful person to talk to, even if you don't have much to say when you're around them. You just have so much trouble expressing your feelings towards them. At that point you know you really have fallen in love, and now that you have gotten intimate with them it is far too late to reconsider anything. You ARE in love. After that night, all of a sudden they aren't talking to you. Sure they left for class for a while, but even after class it seems like they are not wanting to talk with you. You are sitting in their room waiting for them to get back, no idea what to do but to wait. Wait and think about them. Then they tell you that there is no spark. They just want to be friends. You agree but you know that is a complete and utter lie. You love them, it is too difficult to just be friends after that. You are stunned for a while. After they take you home they hug you, tell you things are gonna be okay. All you can do is just sit there on your porch and cry. This is not the only time you have experienced something like that, but this time you have been grabbed by the heart. You can physically feel your heart unable to beat. They probably don't even know how much they hurt you. You know it isn't their fault. You know they were only being honest about their feelings. You can't find it in you to tell them just how much it hurts. The worst part is that you can't stop thinking about them for days on end, but you know that they aren't thinking about you.
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fliesandtherainfall · 6 months
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abrielarnold · 1 year
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Have you no dreams, liminal child?
guys guys guys. Echoes by @phantomtwitch is in its endgame arc and i am UNWELL.
It is catharsis and it is loss and it is too little too late. (But also so very much hope and mending and i am AAAAAAAA)
(also. found the first draft of this post and some of my notes about chapter 22)
Echoes is a word that is plural.
just go off part 3, i guess
i thought that the part 3 title was like. a metaphor. well look who's crying now! (it's me. i am crying.)
this is the only hurt/comfort that matters to me. the rest of you can go home.
we ballin bawlin
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hangup119 · 2 months
is there any time frame for the sungchan smau coming out? im not trying to pressure you or anything im just curious bc im really looking forward to it 😭😭😭
hi! i'm planning on uploading the sungchan smau once i've officially finished both my anton/seunghan smaus, which will be around a couple days from now ue ue ue .. im just so lazy w/ updating bc theres sm things i wanna write!!!
+ thank u sm for looking forward to it tho! im just as excited :,)
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thegoldenduckie · 5 months
Roman in hell ballin’ while Remus in heave bawlin’
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animegirlxxx69420xxx · 11 months
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Gangle has two moods bawlin and ballin
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einsatzzz · 5 days
last week im ballin, but right now im bawlin 😷😷😷 my body pain started flaring up randomly again for no reason, focusing at work is suddenly so hard. the in-between power naps are not working anymore, i tried like two times. i'll just start early tomorrow, i keep zoning out from the headache its so inefficient and unproductive for my own work standards. and risky bc work requires a lot of attention to detail and other brainpower.
only thing i can recall that might have caused this is that i got drizzled on by a bit of rain earlier and like two other times this week, but that would be so stupid because what am i? an ani//me character?? a sickly vic//torian era child??? 😭😭😭 brother! u have always been physically weak, but not like that!
on the other hand, i did significantly decrease the vitamin supplements that im taking this month (i thought i was doing well) so maybe my immune system weakened bc of it fmbdkrwhje ok guys, back to chugging more vitamins bc i apparently need it to function normally more often👍✨
fortunately no fever yet, but throat is starting to hurt. ty//lenol, salo//npas and warm saltwater save me 🙏🙏🙏
what puzzles me is that my brain actually do have the littlest bit of reserved brainpower despite the pain and aches, and its only for fucking looking at OC stuff!!!
there are two wolves inside you, one goes: ueueueueue im in so much pain, i can't do this anymore!! kms!! 💀💀 ; and the other goes: hell yeahhhh!!! ichiro lore!!!! 🥳🥳
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