#i'm making chains of heart my only personality trait
pharawee · 1 year
I love Chains of Heart. I really, really do. I just wish they'd had more time or money or idk to have better script editing. This series could be so much better with a tighter script.
This week especially could have been incredible without all the repetition (I get why they did it and I get that flashbacks and circular storytelling are a staple of Asian drama but imo it went way over the top and deprived us of scenes and reactions that could have shown us more of the actual fallout of everything that's been going on.
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Slightly off-topic but I love the sfx make-up here. The blues and greens of the fresh bruises and the texture of the scraped skin are so well done (lmao I'm not being creepy, I swear, I used to do cosplay and I love my bruise-wheel). And the bruises actually change between scenes too, showing the passing of time (or maybe Lue has supernatural healing now, who knows).
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But yeah, this is what I was talking about. I wish we'd actually seen this conversation happen (rather than just the beginning of it) instead of more flashbacks. And yes, it's not strictly necessary for the narrative. It's just that I want to see more of Hin/Marc Pahun and I was so curious about his reaction once he'd figured it all out.
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Same with these two. They wasted a whole scene on Deedee waking up and deciding to go for a hearty breakfast. Instead, he could have called Phayu to make the connection between them clearer. This one short slip-up on Deedee's part is the only hint that he's the one Phayu sent to watch over Ken.
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Also, this bit with Nott. I don't know if it's because they're planning a spin-off with Nott and Guy (I'm all for it!) but I don't think anyone who hasn't read the novel(s) will necessarily realise that Nott has genuine psychic powers and that this is a perfectly reasonable thing to happen in the author's book universe.
(It could have been even more confusing, though. There's a bit in the novel where another one of Phayu's friends (it's ok, he has his own novel too) conjures up Peter Lue's ghost because apparently he's hanging around and is understandably worried about why someone stole his whole life.)
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This to me was the strongest moment in the whole episode (sorry Ken, I'll get to you in a bit). I was waiting for Hin to figure things out and confront Din about it - even more so since I realised that Hin is actually the oldest sibling (never mind that Marc Pahun is over ten years younger than Boom Raweewit - but I don't even mind since Hin is described as incredibly pretty in the novel lmao. Plus, Din is wearing the face of a presumably older man).
I love the way he chose to confront him via the phone call to make the evidence against Din/Lue even more damning. And I love Hin's (extremely justified) anger, and the way he broke down Din's walls (which must have been something Din was yearning for anyway).
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So Lue has an evidence board. Good for him. I half-expected his lair to be filled with photographs and sketches of Ken but apparently he's way more focussed than that (but it would have been super creppy and a nice comparison to Ken's walk-in photoalbums).
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Lue/Din also has a whole superhero closet and wtf are you even going to use these weapons for? What, are you going to duel Ingpha with a bat'leth (also do I spot Gun/Fin's garrote)?
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But I find this bit even more interesting. Ken is doing something to Lue's phone. Maybe he'll use it to track him down next week? Because it seems like Din/Lue is already planning to leave again. He#s got to see this through, after all.
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And then there it is. The big confrontation. Only, I was a bit confused at first until I realised that this is all Ken can do to give in. And at this point there's really no reason to talk about the past anymore. It can't undo the hurt and the pain. It can only destroy what could be a new beginning. There's always going to be an unbridgeable gap between who Din was then and who Lue is now. So Ken finally grants Din/Lue his wish:
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And it works, in a way.
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Imagine how dizzying and disorienting it must be when your heart feels one person and your mind sees another. But eventually...
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I love how this scene is all passion and (re)discovery and as such it mirrored Din and Ken's relationship. But it's also far more gentle and loving and new for them.
And remember when all Din/Lue dreamed about was this:
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It's ok that they forgot the scars. I don't even mind. 😭
Which brings me to Inspector Don aka Poppy my beloved:
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And despite the preview for next week I'm still convinced he's a good guy. What other reason is there for him to keep all of this to himself? Plus, he seemed concerned rather than angry (or evil lmao).
So I'm guessing he's actually doing a much, much better (and legal) job of bringing Ingpha down. Negl I'd love for him to save the day, close his case and show that Din's whole quest for vengeance was completely pointless.
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Because honestly, was it all really worth it - even if Chief Ingpha is going down in the end?
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Omfg I ate that Vox fic up! The one where he hypnotized the reader after a long fight of them nearly being taken from him. Can you do a part 2 please? Like when the reader eventually learns he basically forced them to sign the contract and they find a way to be immune to his hypnosis? He goes absolutely nuts despite literally owning their soul. He's canonically a control freak and seems to even have some yandere traits. I hope I'm not going against your rules! You don't have any posted so I just wanna ask! Thank you for being awesome! :D Don't hesitate to turn down this request. Write what makes you feel comfortable. Just please respond so I and everyone else knows not to make a similar request in the future. Lots of love!
ABSOLUTELY!! I did take this in a slightly different direction, but hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Lowkey thinking of doing a Vox POV of this later and maybe even a part three...
Vox isn't actually in this much, but I feel a loose actual plot coming together and this is what naturally flowed for me.
I hope y'all are ready for more angst... plus a cliff-hanger <3
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More Than Anything Part 2 [Vox x Reader]
Part 1
Part 2.5
"You controlling prick!"
Vox ducked as you threw a pillow at him. Even in your righteous anger, you'd never actually truly try to hurt him, but by god were you pissed.
Despite Vox's obvious disdain for the Hazbin Hotel and its association with Alastor, you visited the hotel occasionally to catch up with your friend Angel Dust and give some much-deserved love to his pet pig Fat Nuggets. It was during one of these visits that you ran into Alastor, who immediately looked at you with disgust in his ever-present smile.
"Really now, my dear," he said as he shook his head in disapproval. "It's already enough of a shame that you have such poor taste in a romantic partner, but to give your soul to him as well? I thought you were smarter than that."
The overlord could see the aura of Vox's ever-annoying electric cords locked around your soul like chains. You'd been confused and his eye twitched with annoyance as he realized what Vox had done to you. To say you were livid after he explained that you'd been tricked was an understatement.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," Vox pleaded as you fumed at him in his room. "But you left me no other choice! You weren't listening to me and if I didn't bind your soul, then Satan knows what could have happened to you by now."
"Just because you don't fucking believe in my ability to look out for myself doesn't mean you get to just take my soul!" You screamed with hot, angry tears flowing down your face. You wipe at them, only crying harder at the frustration of the tears you couldn't control in your anger. You felt like they undermined your emotions.
Vox's magic sparked around him as he tried his best not to get angry and start a fight with you. He was terrified and was that much more susceptible to his angry tendencies in moments like these. It took everything in him to try and calm himself, not wanting to push you away further. His heart dropped and his blood ran cold as he saw you pull a large bag out of the closet and start shoving clothes into it.
"W-Where are you going?" Vox panicked as he crossed the room.
"The hotel," you said with quiet fury, as you stepped away from the closet and went to the nightstand with your personal things on it. "I need some space and it's the one fucking place I know you'd rather die again than follow me to."
"Ŷ̸̪͕o̸̢̿̿ū̷̫ ̶̬͂c̶̺̾͂a̴͒͘͜n̴̫̂̔'̶̡̉t̶͙̝̄͒," Vox said, his voice starting to glitch as his panic increased. "You've heard the news, the extermination is in a week and the angels plan on attacking there first. There's no guarantee they'll keep to the date after how much little miss dumbass pissed off heaven. It's not safe there."
You pull your bag over your shoulder and the look you gave him will haunt him for the rest of his afterlife. "It's safer than here."
It breaks him all the more when you shield your eyes from him and storm past him so he can't hypnotize you into staying. Vox is paralyzed with fear like never before. He wanted to scream, to beg, to stop you from leaving him, but he couldn't do anything as his system glitched so hard it forced him into a reboot. When he came to, he was alone. You were gone.
Charlie was more than willing to let you stay at the hotel. The two of you hadn't had the chance to really ever speak before, but she was always friendly when you came to visit Angel, even after you explained to her there was no way you'd be able to become a guest.
In exchange, you were happy to help set up the defenses against the extermination. You got to know all of the other members of the hotel and the work helped you push down the burning ache in your chest.
Vox had been trying to contact you nonstop. You eventually turned off your phone, driven insane by the wall of notifications of him begging you to respond in any way. He knew you were okay for the time being. He was literally connected to your soul. But as the extermination day grew closer, his panic only increased. If it wasn't for Valentino and Velvette holding him back, there were several times he genuinely would have set aside his pride and come to the hotel just to get you.
It was after helping Husk and Cherri put up a particularly tricky barrier with the dwindling supplies that Angel found you taking a break. He passed you a water which you took gratefully as he slid down the wall and joined you on the floor.
"So," he started. "Are we going to ever talk about the reason why you're hiding out here?"
"Do we have to?" You groan, running your fingers through your hair. Despite the smiles and laughter you'd been sharing with your newfound friends as you all prepared for the potential end of it all, the dark circles on your eyes gave away what was lurking underneath.
For as angry as you were at Vox, you missed him. You missed feeling him curl against you in bed. You missed being woken up at unholy hours early in the morning because Vox couldn't start his day without giving you a kiss and telling you how much he loved you. You missed his shitty taste in shows and how he'd collapse into your arms after a long day at work.
Angel sighed, looking at the boarded-up lobby. "Look I may not get it, but you love the guy, right? Are you really content with possibly dying in a couple of days for a cause you're not even a part of, just because you're pissed with him?"
"He stole my soul, Angie" You frown at him.
"And that is fucked up as hell," he agrees. "But I know you and I know there ain't no way in hell you're actually satisfied leaving shit like this."
"I just-," you start before groaning. "How the hell are we supposed to come back from this? I doubt he'd ever void the contract. He's too convinced he's right for that."
Angel sighed, setting his own cup aside. "Honestly toots, you're not gonna like it, but... He kinda has a point."
You whip your head up to look at him and he holds up his hands defensively. "Not saying that stealing your soul was the right call. Believe me, if anyone gets how fucked it is having your soul controlled by a sociopath with a big ego, it's me. But you're not exactly in the safest of places, dollface. Not to mention, you're dating an overlord who's in a trio determined to piss off as many big shots as possible. His mind may not be in the right place, but his heart kinda is."
You take Angel's words to heart and sigh as you bury your face in your arms. "I hate it, but you're right... I just... I don't want to hold him back. I don't want to be the person that needs to be protected. I want to be his equal, not his problem."
"Then tell him that," Angel sighs. His gaze drifts to the bar and smiles fondly. "Someone recently has taught me how important being real with yourself is. It's okay to be flawed. No one got stuck in this shithole cause we were perfect, y'know?"
He nudged you with a grin as he added, "Plus, come on. Can you imagine how many bitches in hell would kill to have a sexy fucker that wants nothing more than to love ya and keep ya safe? I love you toots, but for fucks sake, pick a struggle."
You snort, shaking your head as you lightly swat at his arm. "Fuck you for being right about shit all the time."
"It's one of my best assets," Angel smirked. "Y'know, aside from all the fluff."
You laughed as he puffed up his chest and by the end of the evening, you'd decided to head back. As much as you loved Angel and wanted nothing more than to be by his side as the extermination drew near, he had a point. This wasn't your fight and there was a controlling dumbass that had been blowing up your phone ever since you left that was praying for your return.
After exchanging promises to see each other after the extermination, you left the hotel. You had an idiot to see.
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sindar-princeling · 23 days
rop season 2 episode 1 thoughts
at this point you gotta admire the creators' dedication to absolutely bizarre choices when it comes to sauron. 15 minutes in I'm already going what the hell and fuck. like what was that supposed to be. genuinely
Charlie Vickers has grown on me; he still doesn't have much to work with in terms of the script or the plot though
this whole introductory sequence was there....... I'm not sure why? we could already extrapolate all that, and I mean All That, from the previous season
it still pisses me off that Galadriel is The Main Idiot and Everything Is Her Fault
also, I am reminded of all the plot and worldbuilding choices that annoyed me before. why is mithril important for the elves' survival again?
I'm so glad they kept his beard
believe me, I AM trying to find things to like about this show, but the plot choices feel like so much unnecessary drama. Galadriel and Elrond fighting feels.... tiring. I feel like all Galadriel does is fight with people
oh are we getting Rhun?? 👀 Nice
this is a personal opinion but the elven women have wayyy too strong and modern-looking make-up
it's a shame galadriel gets the ring because she's power-hungry and reckless, not because she's one of the mightiest elves in middle-earth. she SHOULD be power-hungry, don't get me wrong, it's one of her best traits, but this way you don't put any sort of accent of how very important and mighty she is
sauron having a Badass Walk into mordor at the end of s1, which was a really cool shot to end a season on, only to then get himself in chains and then turn away and come back to Celebrimbor has got to be the most '???' moments of this show. they really have no idea what to do with him
overall I'd say my main gripe, apart from the plot solutions, is that this show doesn't have much to say. it's showy, it's lore-heavy (even if I don't like the lore they came up with), but so far it still has little heart and thought behind it. to me at least it doesn't feel like it really wants to tell you something
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nika-vincent · 1 year
Long post warning.
I'm trying to put together some thoughts (also based on recent discussions with many great folks) about the romance path with Halsin in the form that it is presented in the game at the moment with the hope that Larian will notice our comments on this. And part 2 about Halsin's personality in the game. Please, fear not, it will be without aggression. So take some tea, my friends, and let's get started!☕
From the very beginning of EA, we had an image of Halsin that stood out not only by his appearance (it was difficult to not notice the thirsty comments of fans about this), but also by the excellent qualities of his character. He is one of those characters who sincerely wants to help us with our parasite and not try to use us in a bad way or even kill us.
He has the impression, you know, of a big adult man who at first glance looks serious and rather harsh, but when you learn more about him, you realize that this is a man with a kind heart, caring, protecting, not leaving you in trouble. He reminds me of Hagrid from the Harry Potter universe. And this image of him was so loved by many people (including me) that we wanted to see more of it when the game was released. There was no limit to my delight when, after the release of the game, we were able to ask about his hobbies. Gods, how all these cute things fit him that he loves honey and carves wood in his spare time.🥰 I want more of this!❤
We began to fantasize about what a romance with Halsin could be, and expected that these beautiful traits of his character would manifest themselves here. That he will be protective for Tav, gentle, romantic and caring. I was incredibly happy that we were finally given the opportunity to have a romance with him and the words during the PFH that Halsin and Astarion had become the most popular characters of EA gave great expectations.
Of course, after the release of the game, many things have remained behind the scenes for now, due to lack of time to implement the rest of things I believe, and I assume that there is a chance of adding this with patches. But let's move on to the things we have at the moment.
What surprised me not in a good way was that I noticed some strange emphasis on Halsin's sexuality and various jokes towards his body in the game itself. I assume that perhaps the developers wanted to make some kind of reference to the thirsty comments of fans about Halsin, which can often be seen on the Internet. But I think it would be better to leave it between fans, and not literally implement it in the game. I do not deny his sexuality myself and say that his arms are made for hugs! But there should be a limit to everything, I think. I can make an exception about the fact that we can ask about why he is so big for an elf. It looks quite harmless and even his reaction amuses.😁
The reference to 'Daddy Halsin' in his ending was great and really funny! It looks unobtrusive and does not create the feeling of awkwardness and discomfort that we got from some of his stories from the past...
The story of Halsin's sexual past and how the romance with him is presented in the game has been most criticized by players, and there are several reasons for this. We found out that he had many lovers throughout his life (So it is lovers, not special loved ones). And then we also learn that when he was a young druid, he traveled through the underdark and found himself a guest in a noble Drow house, in which the matron and the patron showed interest in him and chained him for three years in their bedchamber, where he played the role of 'guest, prisoner and consort'. Honestly, the last thing I expected was that Halsin would get such a backstory, given that we had kept in mind for so long the image of him which I described at the beginning of this article. It literally took me by surprise. And especially the fact that he talks about it so calmly and even with a note of gaiety, as if this is a common thing that could happen to anyone.
I don't understand the need to add such things to him. Perhaps the developers wanted to show in this way that a man with such an attractive appearance is obliged to have a hot sexual experience and give him an image of something like a Faerun Casanova? If so, it turned out to be quite inappropriate and even creepy, and the players perceived it more as a sexual abuse towards him than as an experience.
It can be noticed that even Halsin himself is not very enthusiastic with the fact that remarks about his physique are the first thing people talk about. Clipping from @lylakoi 's screenshot:
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And all this strongly contradicts how we initially fell in love with Halsin and how we wanted to see him and his romance in the release. The romantic relationship between Tav and Halsin at the moment looks more built on physical attraction, rather than on love, care and mutual respect. Most likely, this is due to the noticeable lack of romance content at the moment and more soft things and scenes will be added to the patches that would dilute it well so that it does not catch the eye. I just wanted the romance to be less fixated on lust, and more on feelings and romantic things between Tav and Halsin.
The most terrible thing that literally brought tears to my eyes is the fact that he can talk about his feelings and love only when we ourselves can behave like an abuser with him, when we decide to break up with him and change our minds. We see how much it hurts him that we are playing with his heart. Because at the moment there are no other romantic scenes in the game in which we can discuss with him our feelings and that we love each other, as it happens with other companions.
Polyamory also does not work quite correctly in the game, because it seems that he wants Tav to be poly in the relationship, not him. It looks something like: 'You're all I want, but don't get stuck on me and find someone else' uhh, what? I only want to romance you, why should I find someone else? This dialogue is appropriate if I was already in a relationship with another companion and would like to be with Halsin too. But if I want to have a romance with him alone, then I believe that the dialogue should be different and not insist on 'sharing' if I have not a relationship with anyone.
Given the whole story that he only had lovers and sexual slavery, I assume that Halsin has never experienced true love with anyone, and only knows how to be used by everyone. If this was the original idea of the writers, which has not yet been brought to its logical end, then the role of Tav in the romance with Halsin here should be quite important in order to see the development of their relationship. The main goal in the romance should be that Tav will allow Halsin to feel what it's like to be truly important and loved. Remember when in the act 2 he was touched by the fact that Tav shared a campfire and their company with him. Screenshot by @lylakoi :
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It is clearly evident that such things that someone does for him are unusual to him and touch his very heart. Most likely, he is used to giving, not receiving.
The bed scene with him is absolutely beautiful, I can even give a standing ovation.❤ I would only add after that a scene where Tav and Halsin are lying side by side, looking at the stars and having a romantic conversation. That would end the night perfectly.🙏
It is necessary to add more soft interactions for Halsin, so that there is more emphasis on the development of his personal qualities. We are well aware of his attractiveness and there is no need to emphasize this once again with strange jokes and stories with sexual abuse.
The Interaction in the camp with owlbear and Scratch will be great for him! Maybe even add some scenes with companions in act 2, where Halsin would try to calm the guys arguing with each other. That would add +1 to his personality traits. Also, more of his reactions to any events or during the dialogues with someone will not hurt.
For a romance, I would suggest definitely adding a scene with a date. Even a scene where Halsin would give an ornament for Tav that he carved out of wood. Maybe some episode in the city that would shock him (For example, he witnessed the rough treatment of animals or orphans) and make him turn into a bear from rage and we would try to calm him down by choosing the option 'reach out and stroke him' (Yes, yes, I mentally create fanfics during 3 am, don't blame me😅) Also a scene where we could hug him and confess that we love him. And now the romance no longer looks focused on lust.
The opportunity to go with Halsin in the ending also deserves to exist. Halsin mentioned that he would like to have a family, so he and Tav could perfectly help orphans together in Thaniel's world.🙏
That's all for today. My opinion about Larian has not changed for the worse, for me they are still great guys who delight me with their positive attitude to the community. Unpleasant situations can happen, it is inevitable. But there is always a chance to fix something. I really want to hope that they will cope with everything and listen to our feedbacks and everything will gradually get better with the patches.❤
Thank you for reading this review to the end.🙏❤ I also suggest joining the discussion to Larian's discord in the 'bg3-feedback' section.
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otaku553 · 7 months
Hi!! I'm super interested in the outfits you have your kirby ocs in. If it's not too much trouble (and only if you want to) could you go through the different garments they're all wearing when you have time?
I don’t have much time so I’ll do just one character this time but I’ll definitely post more outfit breakdowns for my other Kirby ocs! But yes I am super excited about outfit design and making sure that garments make functional sense so thank you so much for asking!! Feel free to ask again to give me an excuse to draw more of these
Here’s the one character I’ll cover this time! The dark matter hero of yore oc!
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Thoughts are in the read more!
The main idea that I wanted to have for them was that they’re calm, collected, and kind of uptight due to imposed restrictions rather than it being their own character trait. Essentially my idea for this character is that they’re in a rather precarious place in terms of public perception due to the general belief that dark matter is has a negative moral connotation, but remain a “hero” just because the powers that be deemed that they needed to have four. Why? Who knows, perhaps they wanted to make sure that they had a scapegoat. They’re not a very powerful astral when they’re selected but they are made so through the gradual injection of dark matter into them, something which grows stronger from their sadness and hopelessness over their situation and begins to take over their subconscious until it is able to usurp their identity fully.
So the first layer is a full body covering in black, a turtleneck, black toeless knee socks, and a pair of sweatpants. The sweatpants are there to give the impression of looseness and relaxation, but gathered to show the bit of uptightness along with the tight turtleneck.
The second layer, a cool teal-ish gray tunic, is a nod to who they were before the injection of dark matter turned their hair white. Their original color was a greenish teal, a color that is not quite on the opposite side from red (which is associated strongly with dark matter) but still quite far from it. There’s some padding in the shoulders to give them a more solid shape with the other layers, and for comfort when the armor is put on. The side slits help with mobility. This tunic layer is made of very sturdy material that functions essentially as chain mail. It doesn’t give protection to the heart, the essential organ, but there is also a question of whether they want that to be protected or not, and whether it would even kill them or not to be stabbed through the heart.
The third layer is a cool off-white overcoat, and overwhelms the design with white because white is more associated with virtue than black is, and shows, beyond surface level light=good association, a feeling of emptiness. It is both a way that they try to distance themselves from the idea of “dark” matter and a sign of how they are forced to devoid themself of any personality or strong individuality to maintain good graces with the public.
The belt is mostly just a way for me to give more shape to the silhouette by gathering the waist, but the eye shaped brooch was a kind of last minute decision to add a bit extra detail! The leather strap of the belt wraps around the back and towards the front tapers off to a chain of metal beads, which have a hooked clasp at the front concealed by the eye brooch.
Finally, a long scarf/sash is wrapped off the shoulders and tucked in through the belt. There are two overlapping layers at the front, and the back layer is shorter than the front. This is a very constricting configuration that makes it difficult for them to raise their arms very high without displacing it. To keep it nicely on the shoulder, each side is help up with an eye-shaped pin, securing it to the white overcoat layer a bit under the shoulders. The red teardrop jewels hanging from those are just an extra pop of the red accent color. The underside of the scarf is red, but difficult to see if they keep their arms lowered.
In their more battle-ready outfit, they raise the dropped shoulder scarf up to wrap around the shoulders and neck, and fold the inside down to make it a red collar. This is symbolic of how they depend on the power of dark matter injected into them to fight. The collar is secured with the pins. Then, pauldrons are added, with the harness for them being secured with straps across the chest underneath the scarf and under their arms. I forgot to draw it but they also wear shin guards underneath the pants, over their socks.
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yukidragon · 2 years
I heard Jack has a family, I only know his parents' name (Rise & Shine) But i dont know his sister's name since I'm only new of this fandom, I dont know much their personality, how they looked like or his parents' backstories too or even what jack and his sister looked like or personality since they were kids. (since i heard Jambeebot taken down SDJ drawings in their twitter acc :'( )
But What if Jack's family met reader/alice or Jack introduced his parents to reader/alice?
What do you think Jack's family interactions towards alice/reader or what do they think towards to alice/reader
I would love to hear your thoughts or headcanons, also i love your SDJ Fanfics too <3
Thank you so much for saying so. It makes me happy to know that you love my stories. 💖
Welcome to the fandom! Happy to have you join us. 🎉
Jack’s extended family are part of the SunnyTime Town AU, also known as the STT AU. This isn’t to be confused with the universe for Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, where Jack is just a character Joseph/[Redacted] played. In STT AU, Jack is a real person who happens to be a clown, living in SunnyTown, as opposed to CoudyTown. It's primarily a comedy AU based off a world filled with clowny characters. Here’s a couple of images Sauce/Jambeebot did for it, including ones that explain more details about it.
Oh, before I go into the images, I will emphasize that Jambeebot/Sauce’s art is not mine, and I really hope you support them on their official Sunny Day Jack twitter, Patreon, and/or kickstarter! They work super hard to create this content for all of us to enjoy, so I wanted to emphasize the credit to them since I’m showing their publicly released artwork.
Also, while I’m on the topic, please don’t repost the private patreon-exclusive art. I’ve seen some people reposting art from the patreon in the tags, and even if it’s cropped, that’s not okay. Doing that is not supporting Sauce/Jambeebot; that’s costing them money that could be spent helping them be financially secure and allow them to make the game without worrying about their livelihood.
Oh, and I almost forgot the obligatory tags for @channydraws and @earthgirlaesthetic. If you want to get tagged when I make the next headcanon post, just let me know!
Thanks for listening, now onto Sauce’s beautiful art and lovely STT AU.
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And since you were interested in seeing Jack and his big sis Daisy Chain Jane as kids, as well as getting a look at what little we’ve seen of Rise and Shine’s backstories, I shall deliver.
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I’m still working on Alice’s clownsona as it were for the STT AU. I do have her name sorted out though - Aurorabori Alice.
Yes, I feel quite proud of that pun.
Alice (and MC in general) would be the newcomer to SunnyTown who Jack feels an immediate attraction to. Jack is well liked by everybody, and is always friendly, but he’s especially drawn to Alice, wanting to befriend her and spend as much time with her as possible.
Also, despite this AU being very lighthearted and comedy based... yanderes still exist here too, and Jack inherited quite a lot of traits from his dad...
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The intensity of these feelings for Alice(/MC) are new and... more than a little unnerving, even to Jack. He’s never felt this way before about anyone. He aches for her in a way that is so strong, he is rather frightened of himself, and too ashamed to tell anybody that he feels this way. He didn’t realize that something was missing from his life until he met Alice, and now that he knows just how warm sunshine can be, the thought of living without her feels dark and cold, even though he’s surrounded by friends and family who love him.
Despite these new frightening desires, Jack won’t force anything on Alice. How could he do that to someone he loves so deeply? It would snuff out her light and ruin her. No, all he can do is keep these feelings hidden and love her with all his heart. Hopefully, if he does everything right, she’ll eventually love him too. There’s no one else in the world who could love her more than he does. It’s impossible, not with feelings as strong as this...
As for Alice... she just thinks Jack is very friendly. Anytime she suspects that he might be flirting with her or that his feelings might be anything but platonic, her best friend Honey Bunny is quick to remind her that Jack is just a very friendly person, which is why everyone loves him, and he probably isn’t interested in getting a partner since he’s never had one before at his age.
Though Honey doesn’t realize Jack simply never felt anything for anyone the way Alice did.
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Yes, this is the same Honey Bunny puppet that’s from Alice’s concept sheet. Like Buddy can change from a belt to a person, Honey can change from a puppet into a person.
There’s a theory that when Buddy changes into a human, Jack turns into a belt, though there are also pictures of the two of them human together (including a very spicy one). Still, if Honey and Buddy’s situations with their respective pals are similar, then it means Alice would have a puppet form she can transform into. I’d probably have to design it when I finally draw her STT AU self.
Honey has good intentions about steering Alice away from Jack’s affections. Alice moved to SunnyTown to get a fresh start after she had a rough time with a former suitor who may or may not be Ian’s clownsona. (Naturally, things won’t wind up as toxic for the breakup as they did in the SDJ universe.) Honey wants to protect her best friend from heartache, but might be a bit overprotective at times.
On the other side of the coin, you have Buddy serving to encourage Jack and give him, at times kind of off the wall advice, but he means well too. Naturally, this causes Buddy and Honey to come into conflict a lot, as Buddy is trying to be Jack’s wingman, and Honey is trying to be Jack’s cockblocker.
One solid image I have is of when Alice and Jack start getting closer despite Honey’s interference, Buddy (in human form) drags off Honey by her ears or tail (also in human form) to give them alone time.
Yes, Honey still has rabbit ears and a tail in her human form. How can I resist? Plus it’s not like Buddy doesn’t have unusual anatomy too...
Oh, speaking of that part of him, in this version of the STT AU with Alice, Honey and Buddy wind up going from antagonists to, ahem, quite a bit more. They fight, and it turns into spice. Jack and Alice are going to walk in on them and get quite a shock to see them making out.
Naturally, in a general MC version of the STT AU, there wouldn’t be a Honey Bunny, so it’d be up to the respective person writing their take on the AU to decide how the relationship with Jack goes and what obstacles there are.
Jack is very likely to introduce his family to Alice right away. Jane seems like the type of nosy big sister who would insist on meeting the girl who Jack can’t stop talking about. Mama Shine and Papa Rise would obviously be curious as well.
Rise would also suspect that Jack might be taking after him in a certain way and discreetly give his son tips on how to keep from scaring away his sunshine. After all, Rise would never allow anyone to take Shine away from him, and why would he force his son to suffer without that addicting sunlight in his life?
Shine is a sweet mama type, very energetic, loud, and talkative. She would be the first to greet Alice after Jack introduces the family, likely with a big friendly hug, and would gush about how her son always speaks so highly of Alice, much to Jack’s embarrassment when she starts giving examples.
Alice, in return, would be happy to meet her new friend’s family and very happy that they like her. She wouldn’t be nervous about meeting them since she wouldn’t realize that she’s meeting her future in-laws. She would see where Jack gets his friendly and kind personality from when meeting them.
Honey might insist on coming along to the instruction if possible. She’ll be seeing right through Jack’s intentions and want to make sure things stay strictly platonic, though she will be friendly and wind up liking the family more than she thought she would.
How the family would feel about a general MC really depends on the different MCs and their personalities. From the aspect of how they feel about someone Jack is obviously in love with, they’re happy for him that he found someone who makes him feel that way. As long as they’re a good person for someone as sweet as Jack, they’ll welcome them with open arms.
Opinions on Alice specifically are as follows...
Shine thinks Alice is a very sweet girl, and is very considerate of Jack, which is ideal in a partner for her son. Alice is not terribly talkative, but that’s not a problem at all. After all, her loving husband is nonverbal. What’s important is that Alice is kind to Jack and even at this early friendship stage, she can see the hints of budding romantic feelings towards Jack forming from Alice’s end too.
Rise has a general friendly reaction to Alice initially, then is quietly surprised and pleased to learn that she knows sign language and can hold an actual nonverbal conversation with him. That certainly wins her a few points in his book. The more he learns about her, the more he can see what Jack sees in her and he approves.
Yes, Alice knows ASL in the SDJ universe too. (As well as the other AUs with her.)
Jane is a bit more of a wild card when it comes to Alice. She both likes Alice right away, but also sees an opportunity to playfully tease such an easily flustered person, as well as her little brother. She’s friendly and ultimately ships Alice and Jack, but is going to give them both a hard time with it and mercilessly tease Jack at every opportunity.
Opinions from the family about Honey Bunny are generally positive as well, as it’s easy to recognize she’s just looking out for a friend. Shine would probably try to give her advice to take it easy sometimes though. Jane would find it hilarious that Jack is getting cockblocked and use it as teasing fuel. Rise would see Honey as a potential problem, but is keeping hands off from interfering, as it’s a minor issue and Jack needs to learn how to deal with people who would keep his sunshine away.
Buddy is nebulous in that he’s a close enough friend to Jack that he’s practically family, so I’ll give his opinions as well. He likes Alice right away. She’s friendly, nice, and she greets him along with Jack even when he’s a belt at the time, which a lot of people forget to do. He is totally on board with helping Jack win her over.
As for Honey Bunny... as far as Buddy is concerned, she’s obnoxious, annoying, but cute, and fun to tease. The latter feelings develop into a more, ahem, friendly type of teasing down the road.
In the STT AU, Alice would probably be the new arts and crafts teacher at Jack’s schoolhouse, which gives them plenty of time to interact, and plenty of time for Jack to give her lovestruck looks from afar as he watches her teach the kids and play with them.
Also, in a nod to the lore I went with for Sunshine in Hell, Alice would sometimes give puppet show presentations at the library with the help of her friend Honey Bunny. Cloudy-Belle Sue just might wind up being her cousin in fact, given Alice’s hair is kind of cloud-like and fluffy, which is similar to Sue’s hairstyle. In this situation, it would be Sue introducing Alice and Jack to help her cousin get used to the town and make friends.
Naturally, Sue and the rest of the SunnyTime Crew are going to help Jack get together with Alice. They’re his friends after all, and Alice is a sweet girl, though Sue will caution Jack to take it slow since she’s had her heart broken before.
For a general MC, the crew would no doubt ship Jack with his sunshine regardless since he’s so happy with them. Whether they’re related to any of the other crew members is up to the individual MC’s backstory, of course.
Oh, wow, this really ran away from me, didn’t it? That’s about all I have for now of the STT AU. If you want to hear about the AphroDesia crossover AU’s versions of the family and their opinions of/interactions with Alice, let me know, since things are a liiittle bit different in the mafia AU.
Thanks again for sending the ask. I hope you found my thoughts entertaining and that these images from Jambeebot helped you learn a bit more about the SunnyTime Town AU!
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lorenzo-zanetta · 8 months
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"Your father wants to see you."
The words were enough to freeze time.
Tearing focus from the premium cigar he was about to light, Lorenzo's steely blue eyes met Eduardo's — a childhood friend, and his right-hand man. Baffled, his eyebrows furrowed. His father always texted him directly, never through Eduardo.
Lorenzo snapped his finger and the beautiful women dancing on poles stopped at once. Barely looking at either of them, he simply waved them off before he was given immediate privacy. Pulling out his phone from his pocket, sure enough, there was one notification waiting for him: a missed call. Just the one. But it was enough. Lorenzo sighed. Leave it to his father to call on him on a pulsing Saturday night when he was trying to unwind.
"Must be important if he's—..." Eduardo started but stopped as soon as Lorenzo's dagger eyes darted at him. Did he not think he knew his father well enough?
Lorenzo was about to pocket his phone when a message came through.
"Alone," it read.
It was almost as if he was there in the club with them, listening in on the conversation in real time. A wry chuckle expelled from Lorenzo's whisky-stained lips, shaking his head as he stood tall. He would not be surprised if the man had found ways to plant more eyes and ears in Milan's newest nightclub. Nothing gets past Antonio Zanetta. Nothing.
Well, except...
A chill ran through him. What if he had found out? Should he warn Nicola? Or Gio? No, he decided not a split second later. There was no point in worrying anyone until he was sure. Besides, the less communication he had with either of them, the less there was to track.
It took twenty minutes in his sleek Bugatti to travel from the heart of Milan to the mansion his father had built just outside the city. 'Il Castello di Eleanora' he would call it. Eleanora's Castle. Built, designed and dedicated to the love and light of his life. But as Lorenzo climbed out of his car, he looked up at the grand architecture only to be struck with cold nostalgia; it had been years since it held the same warmth it once did when his mother was still alive.
"Papà," Lorenzo called out coolly, as he walked past his father's personal battalion of bodyguards stationed around the house, and outside his office. But the older Zanetta only spoke once the doors closed behind Lorenzo, and privacy was theirs and theirs alone.
"Have you talked to Nicky lately?"
Lorenzo felt the same chill run through him but did nothing to betray his racing heart. Antonio Zanetta was the only man Lorenzo feared; and it would do him, and his sister, best if Antonio didn't detect a single scent.
"Not really," Lorenzo replied, casually making his way to his father's mini bar as he always would. "Nothing past a hello, how are you type shit," he threw in. "You know how busy school keeps her," he reminded his father. "Why do you ask?"
Antonio said nothing for a time, his back still turned, eyes set and unwavering at his late wife's garden. He looked pensive. It was moments like these when Lorenzo wished he could read his father's mind, if only to give himself enough time to make a move should the situation call for it. But Antonio was impenetrable. It was the one and only trait Nicola had inherited from the man.
"Someone is fucking up my supply chain in Lon—..."
"I'll take c—..." But Lorenzo should've known better than to cut off his own father.
"I..." It took one word to silence the younger Zanetta. "I will take care of it," Antonio insisted in a voice that held no room for argument. But why? Lorenzo wanted to ask. His father had always sent him to deal with situations like this. "I want to see Nicola while I'm there."
That's why.
Then, for the first time that evening, Antonio finally turned to face his son, his own blue eyes piercing through Lorenzo, steeling him cold. "Unless there's a reason I can't?"
* All conversations are in Italian.
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hellaciousfaith · 2 months
About Shiro || Mobile
AGE: 51             Please note that I will not age up Shiro or the various NPCs around him, even as the years go by and birthdays are celebrated. I've never been a fan of aging RP muses without reason because I'm generally more interested in writing them as they are through the various adventures and scenarios I put them in. Something as ordinary and mundane as growing up, getting tired, elderly, and all that just doesn't strike up my interest. HEIGHT: 5 foot, 10 inches; 177 cm WEIGHT: 136~ pounds; 62~ kilograms BODY TYPE: Mesomorph; Lean and toned EYE COLOR: RedHAIR COLOR: Gray NOTEABLE FEATURES & SCARS: —A short goatee, also gray, with on-and-off stubble around the upper lip and jawline. The stubble varies on whenever Shiro has most recently trimmed his facial hair down. —Round lens sunglasses attached to a chain adorned with prayer beads and miniature holy crosses. —A vaguely holy cross shaped scar etched onto his forehead. —The go-to attire of black clerical robes, which he is only seen out of behind closed doors/in moments of leisure and privacy. —An Exorcist badge, which has been modified into a stiletto blade and necklace. It is always on his person and is typically worn outside of his robes, thus visible at all times. —A key looped through a short chain necklace that is always worn around his neck and always sits beneath all of his clothing. This key is connected to the vault which held the Kouma Sword, and would not be given up willingly to anyone but his sons.
Subject to change/be refined once I finish reading the manga. What is written now is based on my anime viewing, osmosis viewing of manga panels, and character discussions with friends. It is probably inaccurate. I'm open to genuinely constructive criticism but anything else will be ignored. Unfollow if you cannot make peace with my nonsense.
Observant: Shiro has a sharp eye for details and very rarely - if ever - lets things go without first looking them over himself. After all, the devil often lays in the details.
Bitter: Being the clone of a demon and the subject of countless, torturous experiments, Shiro has developed a sense of resentment towards those responsible for his creation and early pain. He also regards the Vatican very poorly because although they granted him freedom from his pain, it was a freedom that came at a cost.
Lecherous: A coping mechanism for the aforementioned pain. After Shiro joined the True Cross, he took to the excitement of sex with beautiful women (and the occasional petite man) as a distraction/comfort from his previous hardships.
Empathetic: No matter what the circumstances may be, Shiro cannot turn the other cheek if he sees someone in need. The only reason why he might turn down someone's request for assistance would be because it would endanger his sons.
Aloof/Secretive: Shiro doesn't care to discuss any part of his past with anyone if he can help it. In his mind, what's done is done and what matters more is the present. Nothing will change his past so he has to keep looking forward.
Goofball: Age and the experience of raising children has softened Shiro enough into becoming a jokester. It used to be a way of entertaining the boys when they were younger. Now, it's just purely for his own enjoyment.
Protective: Shiro loves selectively, but when he does love someone he gives his all to keep them safe. His own life is up for forfeit, if it seems necessary.
Sympathetic: Since knowing Yuri and having his sons, Shiro has learned to open his heart towards demon kind and to offer demons a fair chance at coexistence with humanity first before going through with an exorcism.
Patient: Shiro is always willing to hear a person out or to suffer through their tantrums if they need to get their energy out before talking. Whatever their methods may be, he'll go through with it and create the space needed for them to feel at ease with him.
Wise: Hardship, heartbreak, fatherhood, priesthood, and age have led to a lot of experiences, and with every new experience comes a bit of knowledge that can be applied to the next one.
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eyecicles · 2 years
some bad dn takes for other characters as well?
Sorry this took me so long.
I’ve seen too much over the years I’ve been in the fandom. And while I tried to be as objective as possible (by mostly mentioning stuff that’s objectively inaccurate), this is obviously only my personal perspective. Subscribing to something on my list doesn’t make you inherently stupid/bad, etc.
Worst L takes:
– Ryuzaki Persona theory, especially when it’s combined with disproportionate disgust and hate towards “Ryuzaki” and his mannerisms + directly or indirectly calling him a “breaching experiment”
– L just wanted what's best for humanity, and all his inhumane methods are justified because he's utilitarian or whatever
– he genuinely considered Light his friend and trusted him & sadly got betrayed by him
– he’s so weird in “L: The Wammy's House/One Day” because Ohba and Obata don’t want you to ship Lawlight
– honestly any take that depicts him as the ideal boyfriend material and/or someone who just needs a partner to fix him
(related: “O&O wanted him to be unattractive? but he is conventionally attractive!” can you imagine how boring that would be?)
– he's just as bad as Light/Misa/Mikami/Mello/any character who regularly murders or participates in organised crime
– he's an unhygienic gremlin, stinks, has dirty feet and/or clothes, never washes his hair, probably has broken teeth, etc, in short: everything that depicts him as gross as possible because of his eccentric mannerisms
(about L being barefoot: I'm sure many people don’t know this, but designing eccentric/disordered/mentally ill characters with bare feet to suggest they’re “abnormal” is an old trope, and people’s reactions to characters like him are…telling. I’m not talking about finding the sight of bare feet disgusting, but biases that are worth dissecting)
– he treated Misa better than Light did
– “L would surely have developed diabetes and die at a young age anyway”
– any take that erases his Japanese descent
Worst Misa takes:
– what L and Watari did to Misa was totally justified
– she’s actually pure and has a good heart & just wants love, and Light is a bad person for not reciprocating her feelings
– she should have killed Light for not loving her and assume his role + absorb all his personality traits
– I dislike everything that depicts her in a "Girl Boss” kinda way. It’s so boring, and it feels like certain people can only respect female character if they view them through that lens
– she’s bad for not loving Rem (granted, it is shocking how little she cares for Rem, and their entire dynamic is messy, but I do understand why she never warmed up to her. She certainly doesn’t owe Rem love)
– anything that depicts her as extremely dumb and incompetent
– similar to what I mentioned in L’s list: any take that insinuates that she should have realised L would be a better partner for her
– she actually wasn’t being homophobic when she said two men chained together is gross & asked if L is gay—she was just kinkshaming/jealous, etc (as if this would make what she said less homophobic)
Worst Near takes:
– he’s just a little uwu baby without a single darker trait (he’s certainly more ethical in some regards than most DN characters, but he’s not entirely innocent)
– he’s somehow bad/worse than L because he’s too maladjusted to participate in society
– he’s a bad L copy and doesn’t have any personality traits of his own
– L did all the work for him (no, Near had to start from scratch, since every information on the Kira case got automatically deleted when L died)
– it’s unfair that the Task Force immediately believed Near when he started suspecting Light (first: they didn’t, two: the situation was completely different, third: it would be a huge coincidence if two very smart detective came to the same conclusion by chance)
– he thinks he’s just as competent/more competent than L (even though he said he needed Mello to surpass L & deeply doubts himself during the C-Kira case)
– he performed better than Mello in their exams because he cheated
– he can’t be autistic because he doesn’t have a beard (I only saw this take once, but I still remember it from time to time because it’s hilarious)
Other bad takes:
– Kiyomi deserved what happened to her, because she didn’t see through Light/treated Misa badly/killed Mello, etc
– Mikami wasn’t bullied enough
– Mello is more feminist than (insert male character the person with this take doesn’t like), because he gave Kiyomi a blanket (yeah, let’s just ignore this happened because of his habit of kidnapping women)
– anything that depicts Mello as this constantly raging, thoughtless and choleric who’s always insulting everyone
– B treated Naomi better than Raye Penber
– Rem was dumb for not working with L (hello... L wants to catch Kira, and even if he were to leave Misa alone, Rem knows Misa wouldn’t want anything to happen to Light—that’s an important plot point)
– anything that insinuates DN is supposed to be totally serious, grim and deeply philosophical (or: ”DN wants to be like Breaking Bad/Crime and Punishment!”)
– Soichiro should have been L’s or Matsuda’s father
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sunnysidesutch · 1 year
September 18th, 2023- 2:12 pm
To Whom It May Concern,
I always find myself connecting to posts I see online. Of course, data-mining at its finest. This post ended with an, "As long as you know you won't feel this way forever."
My heart sank.
How do I know I won't feel this way forever?
I have spent so much of my life with a chain around both of my ankles. Depression and regret have slowed me down for as long as I can remember. I always wonder what the last moment of my life was where I did not know sadness, and I fear I have wasted so much time allowing it to consume me. Regardless of heartbreak, I have been writing about sadness since I was in the first grade. The first time I remember writing, it was a poem about my mother leaving. I was about 6 or 7 at the time, and she was allowing me and my older sister to stay with our grandparents for awhile. I didn't want to leave my friends and everything I could remember knowing, but I didn't want her to leave, either. I think that was the first time I realized that the people we grow accustomed to can't always stick around forever, a lesson I wish I came across a lot less within the next 17 years of my life. I wish I knew, at the time, cold-blooded life was just getting started with me. My mother moving away opened up a wound in me that life has yet to allow to close.
You see, it wasn't that I would never see my mother again. It's not that I felt abandoned by her yearning to leave my grandparents' home. I have always been over sensitive, and some days I am grateful for such a trait. However, the hurt that cracked open upon the news swallowed me whole and opened up my eyes to a whole new world. Everything made me cry, and it still occurs to this day. I used to watch kids get left out on the playground, and I would get this horrible wave of sadness for them. I never liked noticing the way the world weighs on other people, but, for some reason, I am always watching at the saddest moments- Watching the world change the chemical make-up of another individual. Looking back, I wonder if the world finds a way to eat at them to this day, just like it does to me.
I don't think I'm a lost cause, but I really don't know what to do with all of this emotion. For as long as I can remember, I have been trying to get it out, and it only seems to grow stronger. It terrifies me, quite honestly. How long can one person be so sad? I can feel the tension from the people around me, as if they've had enough of my one-word responses and days spent in bed. Hell, I've had enough of it, too.
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sealrock · 1 year
Your OC's: Cupcake Edition
I was tagged by @archaiclumina for this, ty for the tag! here's the picrew so you can make your own cupcake!
I'm doing all of my main roster so this is going under the cut so I'll be tagging @the-unending-journey @dragonsongmakhali @ahollowgrave and @jigschosai (feel free to skip if you've already done this)
to be frank, I know nothing about cupcakes and their flavors, so these are based off of vibes alone :p
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I feel like paris would like a very simple cupcake; no frills or the bells and whistles. they would probably go for a safe choice like chocolate with very little toppings
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like paris, yves' cupcake is simple. I don't think he understands the concept of cupcakes to begin with since he doesn't eat human food, so his is a mildly edgy black and white cupcake with some light dusting on top. the skull n crossbones is courtesy of kirke
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kirke's is... whatever the hell this sugary monstrosity is. it's all over the place, just like her, it looks like it's been sprinkled with poison and it doesn't look very appealing to eat. no one knows where the bone came from
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evander's a basic guy, he's more of a savory enjoyer and not too keen on sweets due to his health issues. but if you forced him to, evander would go for a simple chocolate and vanilla combo; bland enough for him to eat and not too sweet to risk a coma
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one word: purple. patroclus' cupcake would be extremely cute, too cute to eat according to him. while too sweet for evander and too frilly for paris, patroclus likes his cupcake and he's almost ashamed to eat it since it's a work of culinary art (he eats it anyway because achille almost took it from him)
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achille has a raging sweet tooth, so it's no surprise he would eat this colorful cupcake that would give evander heart palpitations. with its medley of sugary sweet flavors, it's piled high with icing and topped with various bits of candy and chocolate, achille would devour this in less than a minute
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tauvane is known to have a semi-sweet tooth, but unlike her son tauvane's cupcake is more clean. I imagine she likes red velvet because it's red, and this cupcake is more akin to her time in ishgard than who she is now, very regal and fancy. tauvane still carries those traits, though she would probably get rid of the heart chain
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like tauvane, andromache's cupcake would be fancy but not overloaded with toppings. andromache has a secret love for chocolate like the rest of her family, so she wouldn't shy away from a cupcake like this. she deserves a treat every once and a while
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before his unfortunate possession, hector's cupcake would've most likely look like this. despite his personality, he doesn't like sweets so his cupcake would be topped with nuts and dark chocolate. why does the wrapping has an eye on it? don't worry about it. why is the picture cracked?? don't worry about it :)
azem (helen):
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this would be perfect for helen, but contrary to everyone else, helen only made this to annoy hades. the sugary glob with the single eye staring back at him puts him off from eating it, so helen eats it instead. I imagine the ancient world didn't eat too many sweet things so helen would enjoy it
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catsnuggler · 2 years
Fight-or-flight instincts for godsdamned years. Situation is life-or-death. But it's not anybody threatening us, it's circumstances. My family's lives are in gradual danger, and I can do godsdamned fucking nothing. Do you know how that makes me want to kill? But the threat isn't a person with a knife, or a bloodthirsty mountain lion. It makes me want to die from my incompetence, from my failure, because I harm my family by living. I'd be a greater harm dead, though. A chain of suicides would ensue. Even my partner would commit suicide. I wouldn't want them to, but they would, anyway, I know it.
I used to be tender. My siblings and I were all our mother's babies, of course, but I held a special place in her heart. She doted on me so much that my father was jealous of me... almost wanted to kill me. Even so, granting that, as a baby, I could not understand that, even if someone told me, I loved him since the first time I saw him. He's said I loved him before he loved me. I've been kind and understanding, even when I shouldn't have been. This generous love has been my best redeeming trait - perhaps the only one. I've lost it, though. I've become jaded, cynical, distrustful, and even manipulative, to say nothing of reclusion. I have failed to help my siblings, failed to help my father, failed to do a damned thing, as I've waited and waited for them to solve problems that I couldn't solve, and they haven't solved them. I have failed my family. They still love me, though. Godsdamned perplexing.
I'm cold, and so now, I'm choosing to avoid them, even as my brother is having a meltdown. I'd just make it worse. I have tried. The gods know I have tried. Better to leave him than to try to help him, only to hurt him in the process.
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
As I was waiting for my bus, I think I’ve connected the dots on these Benny interviews. Clearly he’s not saying anything he hasn’t said before, so why do publications still go to the hassle of publishing the same thing over and over ad nauseam? Clicks! Engagement! Traffic! The man in white is not mainstream enough to end up on printed magazines, but he does have a very devoted online fan base that will eat up anything he regurgitates like little baby birds 🐥 so yeah, that was my big epiphany lol I hope you’re having a great whatever time of the day Coral!
See I am no expert in this area lol I know as much as I read about or what I got explained to me like I'm 5. Also I love ye and have a nice day too or goodnight ;ccc
Every publication is for clicks but ye would see it more prominent lower the food chain like in some copy paste articles where they just quoted the stuff that was said to bigger publications. And they clicking cuz they clickbaiting ye with outta the ass headline. Remember the bulianne are dating article and then what followed was 3892 articles about twin flames bikini choices and other shite? That was cuz the original one was clicking hard, even locals came to have a look when fandom exploded
NOW! The problem with Benny's interviews is not only that he not saying anything new, it is that he KEEPS REPEATING THE SAME STUFF over and over WORD FOR WORD. It's a fucking script. The questions asked are the same or similar enough to each other so that he can repeat his lil stories. Everyone had enough during his EP promo and now we getting... the same exact fucking thing like it's a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.
Some of the questions/topics are agreed beforehand, all of them probably if me being honest. Plug in the show, maybe mention bigger names cuz he has no other notable work and no upcoming projects. Mentioned Andy G? Well this one would click cuz Benny was only trending while fangirls went nuclear on his ass in August and when Andy G said he lost the Caspian part... during his Oscar tour press. He and his fucking team are pushing for this. He been giving the same interview since September 2021 and some of the stuff is his go to 'personality traits'. Lemme repeat, as Benny would do!!, he is giving the same interview to different publications for almost two years now but some shite he repeats since the dawn of time. And there was nothing groundbreaking or chatter worthy in this since the beginning.
Who in their right mind would think any of this is clicks material? That's why them big headlines cuz the actual interview is shite lol
Like he has a fixed personality of EDuCatEd gentleman, three favourite musicians and two favourite films. He an empath and his dad been writing Christmas poems. He tired of playing villains and he wants to do romcoms. And he lives laughs loves. He's opening up and he cares not for what people think but he will still cry when ye give him criticism. I FINALLY GOT TO LIVE MY DREAM at 40 no regrets. The end.
I can't understand the point of any of this, it's boring and I can fucking assure ye it's not clicking as well. I remember the EP over saturation and the so called devoted fans were making the exact same comparisons I've been making. He just repeated himself every day for weeks.
He never brings anything new to the table like he just reads a script. He basically ai of a man right now. He has no substance and obsession about controling the narrative. Boring controlling and every time it gets more and more creepy cuz like if there are only 5 paragraphs that he repeats all the time cuz these were deemed safe to tell out loud, ye gotta wonder what and why he be hiding. yeee at first I thought there are juicy juicy revelations but now imma pretty sure it's just back to him being absolutely uninteresting person with numerous obsessions so he just took what fangirls told him is so cutsie heart eyes about him and he be running with this and only this ever since.
Soooo ye I agree that them mags want clicks so they just gonna go with his shite but on the other hand it's pretty obvious that Benny needs them to adhere to his lil script and he needs to enact his lil script AGAIN and AGAIN. Ye know so he won't slip on accident and say something fangirls won't like or god forbid people getting a glimpse into his super top secret oh so interesting private life??? That deer in headlights look....
SURPRISINGLY it's not the low tier pop journalism fault here, it's all coming back to Benny and his 'opened up enough' fantasy scenario. It's his lack of personality, dick and taste. And obvi his I know better attitude 🧚🏻‍♀️ That's why peeps speculate so much and why the twin flames shenanigans are/were so popular. Cuz otherwise he saying nothing, seems obsessed with keeping all under wraps and repeats the most boring heard before profile of himself.
Ye know just a couple of oldies to prove my point that we seen it before
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
Second of two match ups I wanted to ask about
Fandom: BNHA
Preference: SFW AND NSFW
Zodiac: Pisces
Pronouns: She/Her and They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hobbies: Singing, Reading, Playing video games, making Loom band chains, and most recently, baking cookies, bread, and cakes.
Appearance: I’m a bit more on the chubbier side, 5’4 and have very short curly black hair. I usually wear glasses for being near sighted but forget to wear them all the time. I have dark brown eyes and I’m curvy. Have scars around my chest from two reduction surgeries
Personality Traits: Extremely Empathetic, Loyal, Hard headed, Sensitive
Facts about myself: I tend to put others way before myself, to the point I don’t care for myself as much. I have ADHD and Social Anxiety Disorder, and I come from a family of Brazilians and Porto Rican’s. I tend to have a soft spot for children and end up being an unintentional babysitter/older sister type. Rhythm games are a big part of my life and Greek mythology is a big thing for me. Turned stress eating to stress baking to try and help with weight loss.
Of course!! Sorry about the time this took, I had some things to take care of but I hope you like them regardless!
𝙸 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑… 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚊 𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚠𝚊!
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𝚃𝚆: explicit sexual content in the 'NSFW' area [minors do not interact]
𝙲𝚆: breeding, riding
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i'm gonna keep it real with you he's just as quiet as giyuu but he's a lot more withdrawn
like yeah he does the same thing where he notices when you're lying about being ok when you're not, but unlike giyuu he doesn't hide the fact that he thinks you're bullshitting
there isn't an ounce of subtlety with this dude and its partially cause i headcanon him as neurodivergent
as a neurodivergent person i've found it a lot easier to communicate and be in relationships with people who are also neurodivergent, and even though i headcanon him to have ADD i think that he thinks about things very similarly to how you do
it means that you two probably operate better together, and one of the main ways you hang out is by staying in the same room while doing separate tasks
like for instance; he isn't too into videogames, but he'll still look over to check out what you're playing even though he's grading papers while you two are laying in bed
a good activity to do together is watch tv though!! the only issue is that you might end up falling asleep on one another once you fall into that comfortable sort of silence that people usually do while watching tv, but lord knows both of you need the rest anyways
loves to cook and bake with you though!! he's not particularly good at baking, so most of the time he does the cooking for the day while you make the deserts and other associated items
he's always kind of had an issue with intimacy, so little moments like the listening to music and trying to figure out how to make mantecaditos on a sunday afternoon are the ones he really holds close to his heart (mantecaditos are one of my favs btw i love the guava in them fr)
he honestly just loves seeing you in your element and hearing you talk, and so it's not uncommon for you to be talking about an interest of your and his eyes to get all starstruck
its one of the few times you'll really see him unknowingly smile, and when you call him out for looking at you like that his face gets all red and he starts grumbling like a little kid that's been caught red handed
BUT YOU JUST MAKE HIM REALLY SOFT FOR SOME REASON LIKE... i think since ya'll would cook for each other ya'll would probably pack each other little lunches from time to time
every time he cracks one open during his break his heart melts a little
like theres this time that you make him chili soup for the winter with little cat-shaped breads to dip in it, and you attach a note saying 'Hope you have a purr-iffic day! Love you, take it easy on the kids.' and hE CANT HELP BUT BLUSH A LITTLE CAUSE ITS CUTEEE
like yes he fucking loves the shitty cat pun scrawled in your messy ass writing and yes he loves the fact that you went out of your way to make him lunch even though you knew there was a high chance he would be too busy sleeping or working to eat it but it makes him fall in love with you just a little bit more
he has to hide it just as mic barges in though otherwise he's gonna have an earful about how he's 'not as scary as he looks' or something LOL (he's not)
but overall i think ya'll just make each other really soft and he loves you a lot
like anytime you voice an insecurity or something it hurts him personally because he feels like you don't see yourself the way he and others do, even though he understands it wholeheartedly
he sits and listens to you regardless though, before assuring you that without a doubt you're just as pretty and sweet and worthy of love and attention as anyone else, if not more
pretty sure everyone and their momma's said this before but this dude 100% has a breeding and size kink i dont care
i mean shit he's like 6 feet tall and built like a buff lightpole, how can he not use his size as an advantage over you??
aizawa s a very soft and slow lover, but he isn't afraid to take the reigns and blow your back out if the situation calls for it
hates to admit it but he is somewhat jealous; and if you two are on a mission and you have to act all nice with the target or some shit you best believe he'll remind everyone who you belong to once you get behind closed doors
and god knows that when this man gets in the mood he goes HARD
like most of the time he's very soft and slow like i said before, but when he's aggravated it's just something else entirely
i feel like he likes his partners with a little bit of bite to them too, but i dont think he'd be like a brat tamer or anything
he's too lazy LMAO
its why most of the time he'd rather just lay back and watch you ride him, taking the reins right before your realease a sort of subtle form of edging you so you can finish together
he hates to admit it but hes kinda sappy so most of the time he'd rather you two finish together
isn't like, terribly opposed to the concept of having kids but would probably want you to take plan b until you've had a discussion about it
doesn't mean his brain doesnt tell him to breed you tho 💀
[ 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚞𝚙 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗 :) ]
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steamberrystudio · 2 years
Listennn.. I too went into GS a little wary of Caleb. When contrasted against everyone else you can meet in the opening (stoic but gentle Ari, funny and flirty Jack, closed off but caring Caissa, clumsy and cryptic Magnus...) Caleb absolutely brushed me up the wrong way. Dude can be an asshole.
But then I did Ari's route first.
Let me tell you.. it took me only up until Ari and Caleb sparring and Caleb loosening up a little to realise I was in big trouble. Dude is hot as hell. And funny. And a bit of a rebel against the status quo, while still toeing the line, which I wasn't expecting. And I thoroughly enjoyed his route when I got round to it. You did an incredible job creating his personality - and I actually now love the fact he has such a wide ranging personality and isn't always gently gently with the MC.
Not that the others are like that but you get the idea - I appreciate being able to see an "ugly" side to them all instead of Mr perfect gentleman all the time. I think you did a great job of that with all the characters in different ways.
I'm still replaying all the routes. You created something special :)
Well ultimately, the prologue portion of the game was designed to set up character conflict and foundation for character growth in the routes. You're supposed to develop a first impression of the character specifically so the route can subvert the expectation and/or explain the behaviour.
So it's totally fine to like that character or be wary of another. There's nothing wrong with that. OWO
I feel like people assume I'm judging you for judging Caleb and that's not it *at all*. 😂 The whole point is to make people go 😡 at him so that when you get into his route, I can turn the tables and show you that he's actually a good guy who is struggling with some things but has a good heart.
I have people in my life who have the whole anxiety-as-anger thing going on, and I love them even though it's a super frustrating quality that they have to actively work on - and don't always succeed at not giving into it. It was a trait I really wanted to explore in a character because I deal with it a lot.
As you said, I don't want the characters to have to be perfect - Caleb can be an angry, anxious brat, Magnus has severe trust issues that he struggles with, Caissa is chained down by a lot of personal issues, etc, etc.
I'm not opposed to people having first impressions of the characters and withholding judgement until they see more.
Some of the struggles with Caleb in particular came about because of the combination of putting out a demo which allows people to see a very small slice of the game (about 20% of the total story if you count the 4 chapters of common route and 14 of each route) and a public development process which makes me very accessible for feedback.
It can be tempting to draw conclusions and give critique based on 20% of the content. But unfortunately it can sometimes not be helpful. Imagine trying to critique a drawing when you can only see 20% of it. How can you give a proper critique when you're missing 80% of the picture? That aspect of development can be a little difficult because you have feedback flying in from all directions on a thing you're still actively creating.
And that kind of led to some friction with Caleb a while back, which is why it's still kind of this big topic of discussion.
But it's not that it's not okay to have a first impression that is less than positive. That's absolutely okay! It's the point! It's what I wanted.
Like I said, the Caleb issues stemmed from a much earlier place in the development process when there were maybe some conclusions being drawn before everyone had the complete picture. Which, as I said, is very tempting and I get it. Sometimes there ARE characters that rub you the wrong way at the start and you don't want to give them a chance and that's also totally fine! I've had one character like that in all my game-playing endeavours, and I still haven't played his route. 🤣🤣
So to anyone who is/was wary of Caleb. It's fine. It's totally fine. The game is done now so you have the option of getting the full picture if you want it (or ignoring his route if you don't).
That was just something not available to people this time last year.
So all of that to say, I get it. And I appreciate that you gave Caleb a chance and have come to understand him better. And appreciate his flaws and attempts to overcome them (even if he doesn't always succeed). 💞💓💖
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starrybouquet · 3 years
After thinking about it more (and getting more perspective from fics lmao), I think it makes perfect sense that Jack got shifted away to D.C. in the later seasons. Yeah, I don't think he would've been happy with the job or with that environment, but I think it makes a lot more sense than him retiring or coming back as a civilian to work with the SGC. Hammond was head of Homeworld Security, and with him retiring, it only makes sense that Jack would've been the one to take his place. Plus, with Hammond gone, they needed to make sure that there wouldn't be someone like Bauer taking control of everything.
Yeah, he would've been happier if he'd retired and worked with the SGC as a civilian or some other option like that, but like– I mean, come on.. this is Jack we're talking about here. When has this man ever chosen his happiness over his duty?
and ofc i personally like the idea of jack in d.c. bc it opens up lots of angst fic ideas since we all know he isn't happy there
Sorry, friend, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you. Although I'm guessing you expected that :)
Well, I'm kinda gonna have to disagree with you.
(Trigger warning tw for mention of suicide below)
Production-wise, I totally understand why they sent Jack to DC. It got him off-screen but he was still involved enough that RDA could make guest appearances. It's a better look for your much-loved main character than, like, killing him off or having him leave in disgrace (which both probably could have sunk the show instantly).
In universe, it makes sense from a pure chain of command perspective--Hammond is general when Jack is a Colonel, then Jack is a general and Hammond is running Homeworld, so it's natural that when Hammond stops running Homeworld, Jack would take over.
My issue is this: they're different characters. Jack's strengths are not Hammond's strengths. I love Jack with all my heart, but he really does not suffer fools, is entirely too humble, and despises politics with a cynicism that's impressive (and, coincidentally, much like my own).
What are the main pillars of Jack's character over the course of the first eight seasons?
He's courageous to a fault.
He will do anything for those he loves. Anything.
He's reclusive and a serious introvert despite his act to the contrary.
He copes with his dark past and often-life-threatening job with sarcasm and humor.
He's got this yearning for a simpler, happier life that he knows he can never have.
I'm WAY oversimplifying his character here, but I think I've got the basics down? Anyway, these traits would make him a wonderful General--without the trappings of DC.
What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that I can totally understand why they would promote him, but the environment as head of Homeworld is just so contrary to his character. Ultimately, Jack is more of a lone wolf than he appears, I think. He accepts Daniel and Sam and Teal'c because they're his family. I think he'd really struggle with managing a ton of people and the constant need to be someone he isn't. Obviously, definitely is ADHD coded, which would make paperwork and the like nearly impossible as a full-time gig (at least if his ADHD presents anything like mine). All this makes me think that a Jack running Homeworld Security would probably quickly become a Jack who is depressed, lonely, isolated, and suicidal. And, unfortunately, the characterization of Daniel/Teal'c/Sam in the few s9-10 episodes I've seen doesn't give me confidence they'd be able to pull him out of it.
That makes me sad, and so I'd rather believe Jack is smart enough to realize the job would be a toxic situation for him and find a different way forward. I'm a civilian and I know it's a totally different mindset when you're in the military, a mindset we can't understand, but I'd still hope Jack is enough of an independent thinker to go against the expected move. After all, we know he did something similar in the 2010 timeline. So...yeah. I guess my issue is less with the idea of promoting Jack to Homeworld and more with the idea that Jack would go happily and passively, *even* if it meant he could be with Sam.
I'd like to think Sam sees it too, and helps him find a different way forward.
I dunno if that makes any sense. And of course you're absolutely welcome to have your own perspective, please don't feel bad about it - no wrong answers here, just my own weird opinion/logic/headcanon mix here.
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