#i'm not actually a jellyfish person or even an ocean person all that much but like.
andromeda3116 · 1 year
i don't think we appreciate enough how fuckin' weird jellyfish are
like these mfs may be immortal, they have no brain or nervous system, they are legit barely more than chemistry and electrical impulses suspended in a vaguely organic matrix, and yet they move and swim and impart their existence upon the world
we call them jellyfish because they're basically just sacs of jelly swimmin' around in the ocean electrocuting prey and anyone who gets too near
like this is a world where fuckin' jellyfish survive and proliferate for millions of years
and people still think this world is boring
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Hi aj! Ive been rewatching gsr moments from csi Vegas and it just got me thinking about grissom and sara’s current relationships with the old members of the team. Brass is obviously there (love sara basically scolding him for not telling them about his condition in the beginning of the season) and they mention catherine often enough. There’s the fact that grissom and sara apparently are in california most of the time now, so it makes me wonder if they see nick now and then. And then there’s greg who I’ve always thought of as sara’s closest friend besides grissom. What do you think of their status now given that the show hasn’t really given us much?
hi, anon!
since the show doesn't really give us much information to go on besides the few implications that you mention, this issue is a matter of headcanon.
and i'll be honest with you: i don't really have a headcanon on this one.
the main reason why i don't is because the whole "grissom and sara ride off on a boat" ending is one that only comes about as a result the s13 divorce storyline, and the s13 divorce storyline is one i completely ignore in my own imaginings of the show, so i just haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the everyday ins-and-outs of the nautical lifestyle for grissom and sara.
i prefer to devote my brainpower to thinking up an au where the divorce never happened.
however, the other reason why i don't have a headcanon on this issue is because i don't really think the scenario lends itself to a happy outcome where "continued team contact" is concerned.
the reboot didn't actually specify that grissom and sara spend a lot of time in california—that's just where they happened to be at the time when they got called in on the hodges case.
while they may occasionally dock there, the impression i got was that they more often tend to move around, following the animals they're researching (like the jellyfish sara sends grissom to collect off the coast of panama in csi: vegas episode 01x01 "legacy").
and if it is the case that grissom and sara are truly "science nomads of the sea," then chances are they don't actually have a ton of contact with their friends.
the maximum distance for ship-to-shore calls is about 15-25 miles from shore, and cell service and wifi out at sea is often of poor quality/unreliable/prohibitively expensive, which means that unless they are close to the coast and/or in port, grissom and sara's options for making contact with their friends/family are likely fairly limited.
then, even when they are close to the coast and/or in port, logistics such as time zone differences, roaming charges, and the unpredictability of their travel schedule could further interfere with their communication with their old teammates.
it might be difficult for them to fit in more than a few facetime calls a year or an email or two every few months.
while nick lives in a coastal city (san diego) and might therefore be able to more easily meet up with grissom and sara when they sail his way, brass and presumably catherine are landlocked while living in vegas, as is greg living in chicago, so they might only very rarely get to catch up with grissom and sara in person.
personally, i don't much like the idea that the found family the team built during their 9+ years of working together completely dissolves once they all no longer are employed at the lab; however, any scenario where grissom and sara spend the majority of their time living on the open ocean seems to point toward that outcome.
hence, i just don't spend much time thinking in that direction.
i stay in my little au world, where team graveyard stays close for life, even after they start to move in different professional directions.
all of the above said, if i have to bend my brain around the scenario canon presents us with, then i'm going to be stubborn about it.
and unrealistic.
i think sara—who already lost her bio family and isn't about to lose her found one, too—absolutely refuses to fall out of contact with catherine, nick, greg, and brass, seagoing lifestyle be damned.
she puts in the work and makes sure grissom does, too.
every time she and grissom dock somewhere, she's sending postcards and letters from both her and grissom by snail mail, firing off emails, making arrangements for phone calls—which she will stay up until ungodly hours to facilitate (depending on time zones).
she also arranges things so that she and grissom are in san diego no fewer than four times a year to see nick, and if she ever gets word that catherine or greg is attending a conference anywhere within 100 miles of a coastline, then she makes that place the ishmael's next port of call.
at least once a year—usually while the boat is being maintenanced—she and grissom make a trek inland. go on a "grand tour" for a couple of weeks at a time, visiting brass and catherine in vegas and greg in chicago, putting in quality "family time" while also running their "land errands" (like getting their driver's licenses and passports renewed, having their annual physicals and dental appointments, in her case completing continuing csi education certification courses, etc.).
she also will go out of her way to attend big events in her friends' lives—like when nick wins some big award from the city of san diego, she and grissom are there, front row, at the ceremony, cheering him on; and when greg graduates from his phd program, they show up to see him walk.
while grissom would perhaps be more naturally inclined to just let socialization fall by the wayside, she encourages him to make time to zoom with catherine and even—if you can believe it—keep up his correspondence with heather, and he (ultimately) is grateful that she does, because even though he tends toward reclusiveness, he does still love his people and realizes that staying in contact with them makes his life richer.
it's not very realistic, given the actual logistics of their life, and neither is it very well thought-out, as, like i said, i don't spend a lot of time mentally inhabiting the post-s8 canon story world, but that's what i've got.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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noeggets · 1 year
So in theory I wanted to make my own jellyfish sonic oc (im actually doing that with the phantom jelly fish idea) how would you recommend incorporating the jellyfish parts in its design?
See so what I do is two different things
Either I look at the animal I'm making a try to imagine what it would look like as a sonic person by taking the image and putting it in my preferred art program and draw a base body for a sonic character
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Every jellyfish sonic person is gonna have a bell, that large head lamp thing, so you can only come up with so many creative ways to make to make it unique but in the phantom jellyfish case me personally I would leave it a solid color or put the faded like pink brain thing in it so it looks semi transparent cause you dont have many colors to work with alone but if your using crazy colors say i make the phantom jelly purple i would make the brain teal
I try to stay true to the animal and if it doesnt have spots or stripes I try not to give it any but if you want to you can that's just me
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My second method is learn from others, if you search pinterest or tumblr or deviantart or Google for that matter and put " 'preferred animal' sonic oc" you can see how somebody else would do it and work with how they interpreted it into a sonic person form and cheat off that to make your own
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it's not stealing it's what you do with that design choice cause if that was the cause Shadow's quills are sonic's but bent different ways as long as your not like taking a whole design there are 0 problems with doing this
another thing that helps is if you have a character and a element you don't need much else cause that brings you a color too
like Water, you have your jellyfish, that could be cool but let me make it cooler maybe the tentacles are made of water and they could attack with them like many whips that would be cool maybe they are always walking on them like Kit tsunami
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You can use actual canon characters that aren't the same species to get a general idea on what your about to do when creating a animal that hasn't been used in the sonic world
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Like we have only seen one jellyfish sonic person and its Opal from the archie comics but you know what we have seen to go along with that? Sharks,Dolphins,fish,otter,octopus some animals are like in the same category as others
these may not be the same animals but they are all ocean creatures and you can gather from every design choice that having a sonic sea creature oc they do not have noses like the rest of the cast (I would even argue Charmy shouldn't have a nose because he is a bug but thats up in the air for whoever is drawing him to decide)
Another way I dont do often is try turning a existing sonic character into the animal you desire, I have a sketch book where I turned all the hedgehogs into different kinds of dogs it was a fun experiment
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i'd say Hedgehogs Tenrecs and Meerkats are almost in the same slot because Hedgehogs have quills but meerkats do not, but you can give them almost the same ear types like Sonic's or like Surge or Gold you could even do it like Surge except more pointed and tiny
for the Meerkat i would go round like monkey khan from the archie comics like how i did knuckles there
i hope some of this nonsense actually helps you cause this is actually how i do it
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ramble-writes · 2 years
Hm. I want to get a bit technical here. So I'm starting off with Mermaids VS Sirens.
When growing up, we've all seen The Little Mermaid. The tale of how Ariel wishes to be human and traded her beautiful singing voice for a pair of legs. But getting older, I've started to see different depictions of mermaids. They all started to resemble actual creatures in the ocean. From whales, to sharks, other types of fishes, hell. Even rays and jellyfish. It was then I came to a realization when I noticed an alternate type of mermaids as well.
Sirens are described to be half women (primarily) and half fish like Ariel. But the second they get in the water, they look grotesque and very eldritch with long claw, bone protruding from their bodies, and lifeless eyes with a mouthful of needle point teeth. It was then that I realized the line between Mermaid and Siren are two VERY different things.
Mermaids for starters, are born within the sea depending on species. From reef born, to trench born. Those that filter sand and those that pick off other fish. These are beings that look and reflect sea creatures and their habits, yet do live in pods/groups of families. They have culture, hunting parties, homes, and clearly hold a sense of bonds similar to animals on land. Knowledge is passed on from elders to younglings, they are taught things that'll help them as they grow much like humans. No matter their sizes, they hold that much sense of an economy that they have ways on how to interact with other groups. Who knows. They may even have giant social gatherings.
Now sirens. These are the horrors of the sea. More prone to be in open water much like whales and prefer to be in small groups. Instead of being born, these are human women cursed to become these killers of the sea. These are the ones that when people think "mermaid" that come to mind. These are the ones that look like beautiful beings with fish tails that sparkle like gold. Sirens are the ones pirates were told to never listen to their songs, to never let one lure you into the water unless you wished to be drowned (man) or turned into one (women). Cute movies/TV shows that depicted mermaids were all showing us sirens. Little Mermaid, H2O, and other media that showed us otherwise, it was all sirens. The only "mermaids" I'll let slide are people physically making tails and taking all those beautiful pictures and videos. Also cuz I want a tail really bad, but more creature-like.
So! To reiterate. Mermaid = creature-like humanoid that lives like a human but in the water. Siren = cursed woman doomed to sing and drown people to their deaths. Also don't come at me for throwing H2O like that I personally love that show. Anyway! For upcoming MerMay, remember the difference!
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
Lover of Mine #4 | Angel Reyes
Title: You and I Can't Even Mess It Up (though we both tried)
Mayans Taglist Sign Up || Series Masterlist || Series Mixtape
A/N: shout out to those who waited twenty years for this update. you're the real MVPs. hope it was worth it. spared you the heartbreak/angst for one chapter as a thank you
Part I | Part II | Part III
Rating: 💙  💦  + 🤯  because we’re getting a glimpse into that Tommy connection
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Sum: After being allowed to come home, Angel has decided to turn over a new leaf. The only problem is, just when he's making progress two people from his past show up with plans to fuck it up.
Words: keeping true to myself with long af....but seriously, I didn't even check. i was going to split the chapter in two, but...
Time apart led to a temporary lapse in memory when it comes to Angel and his sleep patterns. No matter how much space he has to sprawl out, Angel will sleep on top of you.
He is not there when you fall asleep and somehow manages not to wake you when he arrives. This is why when you're awakened by your alarm, your heart nearly jumps out of your chest.
Angel’s weight presses you into the mattress. His face is tucked into the crook of your neck, his entire body nearly on top of yours as he sleeps. As you try to shift from beneath him, his grip tightens around your waist in protest. You release a huff before trying again.
After nearly a minute, you've almost made it out of his grip. Your cellphone is just in your reach when Angel's grip tightens, reclaiming all progress you've just made.
"...you gonna get that?" Angel mumbles as your alarm continues to beep.
"I can’t," you sigh, giving up as he nuzzles his face into your skin. "Kinda hard to move with your head crushing me--"
Angel releases his grip around your waist allowing you to shift. The moment the room is silent, he drags your body back across the bed.
You're back in your initial position. Trapped on Angel's side of the bed. Angel's weight pressing you into the mattress, sleep slowly pulling him back under.
A smile finds your face as your fingers lightly brush through his hair as you realize it has been years since you’ve been granted this sight.
You wince as you say quietly. "We have to get up."
Angel shakes his head making no intentions of following your request.
“...you wanna know something…” he mumbles.
“...this is the best fucking bed in the world...way better than mine.”
“Funny you should mention it.” Your brow furrows as your fingers drift back into his hair. Angel’s body relaxes against yours, his lips leaving a kiss against your shoulder. “I didn’t realize you could tell, how great this bed, with you laying on top of me instead of the actual bed.”
You know it’s coming before he can move. Your giggles mix with his laugh as Angel dramatically shifts in your arms. He drags himself so that his entire body covers yours. He allows his weight to press your body into the mattress making it impossible for you to move.
“You’re crushing me,” you manage to press against his chest. But the giggles leave you breathless. “Angel-”
“Now that I’m here…” Angel backtracks, failing miserably at suppressing his smile. “Forget the bed, I think I like this way better. What do you think?”
“That you should get off of me.”
“What’s wrong? You wanna be on top?”
You try for a second time to shift his weight, but it's useless. A familiar smirk forms as Angel watches your eyes drop to his lips.
You can’t stop the smile on your face from growing once you realize you've given up on your initial task. Instead, your mind has shifted its focus to finding the quickest way to kiss Angel. When Angel does give in, he rolls over pulling you on top of him.
“You know I always liked it better this way," he grins as you lean down to bring your lips to his.
"You play too much--"
"I don’t play," Angel smiles, the warmth of his palm slipping beneath your shirt. “Never with you, querida. You’re special."
Your eyes roll as he adds, "always has been."
“Angel Reyes, always a sweet talker."
Seven years of separation have taught Angel to never pass up the opportunity to kiss you. They have also taught him that no matter how many women he’s slept with, in your time apart, none of them kissed him the way you did.
The smile you share is soft as his touch drifts to your cheek. Angel watches your gaze drop to his chest. It follows the path your finger traces over his heart. His lips against your forehead before his arms wrap around you hugging you against his chest.
You stay that way for a few minutes. Neither of you wants to be responsible for bringing it to an end.
"This is nice," Angel mumbles against your shoulder. "Waking up next to you and not getting launched across the room--"
The laugh you release breaks a grin out across Angel's face.
"You always know how to sweeten the moment," your eyes roll as his lips press against your cheek. "Come on. If we don't get up, your son is going to starve."
You make a move to push yourself up, but Angel's grip tightens around your waist.
"Before we get up, I wanna tell you something." His admission brings your eyes to his. The look inside of them brings heat to your face. "Thanks for letting me come back home."
Angel's smile grows as his gaze moves past you.
You glance over your shoulder to find a pair of brown eyes peeking through the crack of your bedroom door. Jeyson's eyes widen once he realizes you're not alone, a smile lighting up his face as he meets his father's gaze.
Angel releases his grip on you, allowing you to sit up, as the bedroom door inches further open.
"You wanna come in?"
Before you can fully get the question out, Jeyson is halfway across the room. He pauses long enough to allow you a kiss before wrapping his arms around Angel.
When you enter the kitchen, you find Angel by the stove. Jeyson stands on a step stool. Angel is holding the skillet as Jeyson holds the spatula.
For the first time this morning, Jeyson is silent. He is in full concentration mode.
The task at hand is flipping the chocolate chip pancake before him. He moves slowly, following the actions his father showed him a few moments before.
"Flip it?"
Quickly flipping the pancake, Jeyson grins as his father ducks down to kiss his hair.
"That's one good-looking pancake," Angel chuckles. "Can you set the table?"
Jeyson hops down from his stool, a grin finding his face once he spots you.
"Mom! Dad made me shark pancakes!"
"He did?" You smile as he bolts past you. "Shark pancakes?"
Angel glances over at you as you stop to take in the pancakes carefully stacked.
To your surprise, Jeyson is right.
Each pancake is different. Each represents Jeyson's favorite topic at the moment. The ocean. As you accept the plate Angel passes you, you spot a shark, an octopus, a jellyfish, a seashell, a crab.
"Why are these actually really good?"
Angel's eyes cut to you as he picks up the bottle of pancake batter.
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't ask that," he grins. Redirecting his attention back to the skillet, he adds. "What do you want me to make you?"
You open your mouth to respond but Jeyson's voice floats across the room.
"What about a stingray? A big one?"
You stifle your giggle as Angel meets your gaze.
"I think I'll take a stingray," you smile. "A big one, and a starfish since apparently you're just showing off this morning."
"It's a special day," Angel winks.
"Order of pancakes for my favorite person." You turn to find Jeyson waiting impatiently in his seat at the table. "Jeyson Reyes."
"I thought I was your favorite person."
"You're not," Jeyson manages through a mouthful of pancake. "I am."
The laugh you release widens Angel's eyes. The initial readiness of your son's response has left him speechless.
He blinks, his gaze finding yours as he cuts off the stove.
"Who’s your favorite?"
The seriousness of his expression causes your eyes to roll.
"Me!" Jeyson grins as your fingers brush through his hair. "She says it every day!"
“That...is true," you admit.
You look up to find Angel's expression has not changed. His gaze drifts to Jeyson, his eyes playfully narrowing as Jeyson sends him a wide smile.
"I think you should answer the question, Y/N." Angel's gaze drifts back to you.
You glance between the two. The perfected puppy dog eyes on your son are an exact mirror of his father's.
“You’re both my favorite--"
“That’s a cop-out.” Angel's eyes roll as you lean forward to kiss him. “You can’t have more than one favorite.”
Moving to Jeyson you place a kiss against his cheek.
"He's right. You're my favorite," you whisper quietly.
The smile on your son's face doubles as Angel's eyes widen.
"I heard that." He mumbles as you glance down at your phone.
"I have to go."
"Already?" You turn to find Angel holding your pancakes. His face falls as he watches you nod.
"Yeah. I'll take these to go. I have to do something before work. Speaking of..." you watch his brow rise. "We’re gonna have to talk about my job later."
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah. I kinda want to talk to you about the client I’m representing...preferably when your son isn’t around to understand everything I have to say."
Taking your face in his hands, Angel smiles as you tilt your head back.
"You look beautiful," he adds as your arms wrap around his waist. “By the way. I didn't get to say it earlier-"
"You’re still not my favorite," you giggle as his lips press against your forehead.
Dropping his hands from your waist, Angel sighs. "I don’t even know why I try anymore. First, I make you pancakes--"
"Angel--" Tightening your grip around him, your laughter continues as Angel tries to push you off. "I’m sorry."
"--then I tell you how good you look--the disrespect--"
"I’m sorry," you say softly, as his eyes meet yours. You're unable to stifle your laugh as you finish your statement. "But...please don't take my pancakes. I really want to try them."
Angel shakes his head as you place a kiss against his cheek.
"You’re my second favorite. There’s nothing wrong with that." You tease.
"No one wants to be second."
"Please don’t forget you’re going to get measured for your tux today."
"I know," he mumbles as your arms wrap around his neck. "It's kinda hard to miss the big ass schedule on the fridge."
"Don't tease me," you giggle. "You're just mad it actually helps you."
"That's a dollar in the swear jar," Jeyson pipes.
Shaking your head you try to suppress the smile on your lips as you reach around Angel. Lifting the swear jar, you stifle your laugh as Angel retrieves his wallet from the counter.
"He gets you every time," you giggle. "See you tonight."
Standing on your toes, you lean in to kiss him. Angel leans back out of your reach. Your mouth falls open in disbelief. You blink before backtracking.
"Did you just-"
"What?” Taking in your wide eyes Angel lets his brow furrow. The innocent look on his face causes your eyes to narrow. "Oh, you wanted a kiss? I don’t know how you do things, but I only let my favorite person kiss me.”
"Wait—I’m not yours? I’m at least second."
"Are you?" Angel winces. Taking a moment to think he sighs. "Second is a little high. You’re further down the list than that."
"How far?"
"You’re gonna have to put in some work, sweetheart." He grins. "You’re ranking five or six right now."
“Fine," you lift the jar in your hand. "I was going to let you slide, but now you gotta pay up."
Angel's eyes roll. "Whatever, I was going to pay anyway."
"What are you doing?" You move the jar out of his reach as he reaches inside.
"I need change for the twenty."
"No, you don’t. I think twenty is actually a really good price to pay." You smile ignoring the rolling of his eyes. "For the grade A disrespect you just gave me."
"Come on."
"I’m just saying if I was your favorite, or at least your second favorite, I’d give you the change, but I’m not. I’m...what was it? Fifth or six so…"
Shaking his head Angel drops in the twenty trying his best to suppress his smile as you grin a "thank you."
"At this rate, your dad’s gonna buy you a new lego set," you smile at Jeyson as you set the jar back on the countertop.
"Maybe you’ll think about that next time you’re picking favorites." You tease as you reach around Angel for your keys.
"You’re still not getting a kiss."
"I made it seven years without it. I think I’ll manage."
Despite his declaration, Angel steals a kiss as he passes over your plate.
"See you tonight," he winks as he steps around you.
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There is no need to be nervous.
What's the phrase? Fake it till you make it?
Seeing Angel when you woke meant there was no space for Samuel in your mind. The moment you got in the car that changed.
Not surprising, you do work with him.
While Angel was away for the weekend, you had made a promise to yourself -- or more so a requirement.
Once you give Angel a key to the house, you have to talk to Samuel.
It is a conversation that can't be held over text or phone. It must be face to face so it can't be misconstrued.
Your plan is simple. Talk to Samuel before work. The last thing you need is to cause a scene.
As you make your way to his office, you run through the main reasons you should not feel nervous.
It’s not like I'm breaking up with him
We only went on three dates.
We haven’t had sex --thank goodness.
That tactic doesn't work. Because, although each point is valid and true you can't quiet the tiny voice in the back of your mind.
It poses an important question: what if he doesn't take it well?
“Ms. Reyes,” Samuel’s voice makes you jump. You've made it to his office. He steps out of the elevator when you're in the process of knocking on his office door. “Didn’t know you were here. You’re a bit earlier than usual.”
“I needed to see you before the day gets crazy.”
He glances over at you as he stops to unlock the door. His brow raises as his eyes study yours.
“What have I done for you to grace me with your presence this morning? It’s not Flores is it?”
"He hasn’t scared you off yet?” Samuel chuckles as he drapes his jacket over the back of his chair. “Congratulations. You might be the longest attorney that Flores has retained.”
“He’s actually not that bad." You realize you're still hovering by the door when Samuel takes a seat.
"You planning a quick escape?" He chuckles. The look of confusion on his face forces you to occupy the chair across from him.
"Sorry. I know I didn't ask, but I was hoping I could talk to you for a few minutes."
"You don't have to schedule a time to see me," he smiles as he focuses his attention on you.
Suddenly you wish you had stayed by the door. In case you need that quick escape.
"I know we went on a couple of dates--”
Samuel's face brightens, his smile spreading at the mention of "dates."
"Speaking of, I was kinda hoping you’d be open to checking out this-"
"I can’t.” You blurt out. You take a deep breath as a silence falls over the office. "And I can’t see you anymore--outside of work."
You watch the smile on his face slowly dampen, a twinge of guilt washes over you.
"You asked me to be honest, and the truth is Angel is a big part of my life. One that I can't cut out." Samuel's jaw clenches at the mention of Angel's name. "It’s not fair for me to give you hope when I know that there's unfinished business between me and him."
You can see the realization set in his features. If Samuel wants to interject, he doesn't. He keeps his gaze on you as you continue.
"Samuel, please don’t take it personally. I know that's a shitty thing to say, but I don't mean it to be. The fact of the matter is, nobody will ever compete with Angel." The admission is one you have yet to share out loud, but it is one you've realized you must come to terms with. "I’m sorry that I allowed things to get started between us when I knew that a part of me was still with him."
“It's not your fault. I understand.”
A silence settles over the office. You wait to see if there is more Samuel wants to add once he's had a moment to process. But nearly a minute passes, and he has yet to say anything.
You must admit, you expected there to be more.
Instead, Samuel reaches over to turn on his desktop.
“Don’t worry about it.” He glances over at you, the smile on his face the same as before. “Like you said, we went on a few dates. It was nothing serious.”
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“J!” Angel pauses by the front door. He slides Jeyson’s backpack over his shoulder but receives no response. “Jeyson, come on, we gotta go!”
Footsteps thunder down the hall, a fully dressed Jeyson emerging seconds later. He narrowly avoids the wall. Angel catches his arm as Jeyson attempts to complete the sentence he is reading.
“Hey, dad, did you know that a jellyfish doesn’t have a brain?”
Turning the book, Jeyson points to the jellyfish spanning the length of the page.
”No kidding?”
"There is one called the Fried Egg Jelly-fish. You know why?” A grin spreads across Jeyson's face as he awaits his father's answer.
“It looks like a fried egg” he giggles as he flips the page.
The latest addition to Jeyson’s library comes from Bishop. Bishop has supplied more than half of your son's reading material. Jeyson is a smart kid. He knows which club members to go to for certain things.
When he wants to play, he goes to Coco or Gilly. The two have no trouble running Jeyson around until he passes out from exhaustion. When he wants a book he goes to Bishop.
Bishop can often be found seated at the table, Jeyson in the chair alongside. It is an unspoken rule. If Bishop needs quiet, he is not to be disturbed. When Jeyson wants to read, he is found with Bishop. Most times, Bishop reads along with him. In the time they’ve read together, Bishop has learned two things about the youngest Reyes.
He wants to learn about everything under the sun.
His favorite thing to do is to run and tell his dad what he’s learned.
“That’s pretty cool,” Angel grins as he accepts the book. “You can tell me the rest in the car. Did you brush your teeth?”
Jeyson’s brown eyes widen as his dad studies the picture of the Fried Egg Jellyfish. As his dad’s gaze lifts, Jeyson provides him the biggest smile imaginable. The same smile that plays you for a fool each time you see it.
“I....did." The only problem is, Jeyson's smile doesn't have the same effect on his father. This is why Jeyson takes a step back as Angel's brow raises. “But...momma says you can always do it twice...”
Before Angel can respond, Jeyson is halfway to the bathroom.
Turning the page, Angel rests against the wall as he starts to read. He’s about to call for Jeyson when a knock arrives on the front door.
Who he finds on the other side prompts Angel to do a double-take. After he considers —briefly—slamming the door in her face.
The last time Angel saw your mother, you were six months pregnant. She was not at the hospital for Jeyson's birth. She has never attended a birthday party, sent a present or a card, or even stopped by to see him on the holidays. Your father has done the same. Keeping the peace with your mother is easier than starting a fight so that he can see his grandson.
As Angel glances over his shoulder, he realizes she's never even seen a picture of Jeyson.
The initial shock of her arrival leaves Angel standing silently in the doorway.
Your mother's eyes narrow, a scowl instantly setting in as she lets her eyes pass over Angel’s kutte. It is the only look Angel has associated with her. The same look she has given Angel for as long as he can remember.
Her eyes move past his shoulder. She attempts to get a look inside of the house. “Where is Y/N?”
Angel closes the book in his hand.
“Work.” Taking a step back inside, he calls down the hall. “J, let's go! If not, I'm leaving you!”
Jeyson's response comes out muffled through a mouthful of toothpaste.
"NO! It's too far to walk!"
When Angel redirects his attention back to your mother, he finds her arms crossed over her chest. Her head shakes with disgust.
“Now I know why she’s not answering my calls.”
“I doubt that’s it.”
Angel has learned not to ask you about your mother. Anytime he mentions her, you get so worked up, he instantly regrets it. So the subject has remained untouched. He doubts the situation has progressed since the last time he asked you about her. What he wonders is, why you never mentioned the phone calls.
“I’ll tell her you came by.”
“So you finally got her to give in.” The comment halts Angel’s action of shutting the door. The sight of his tightening jaw prompts her to continue. “She never had a backbone, not when it came to you.”
Angel’s grip tightens against the door. The weight of Jeyson tugging against his shirt forces him to bite his tongue.
“Now, I’m ready. See?” Smiling as wide as he can, Jeyson tilts his head so that Angel can see his teeth.
“Check out that smile,” Angel chuckles as he tousles his hair. “We've gotta go. Mom will get mad if you're late. Say hi.”
“Morning!” Squeezing past your mother, Jeyson bolts to the car.
“What do you want me to tell her?”
“Tell her to call her mother back. It’s important.”
“So is seeing your grandson every once in a while,” Angel counters as he locks the front door. “The kid’s nearly nine years old. Never met you.”
As she opens her mouth to respond, Angel steps around her and follows Jeyson to the car.
“If you’re still wondering why she won’t talk to you,” he calls over his shoulder. “That might be it.”
Jeyson stares out the window as Angel gets in the car. He waits until his dad turns to double-check his seatbelt to ask the question on his mind.
"Who's that lady?" He asks as he watches your mom return to her car.
Angel follows Jeyson's gaze before starting the car.
"Someone who needs to talk to your mom."
"....she kinda looks like her..."
"Yeah..." Angel sighs. "Hey, your mom said you wanted to talk to me about something. Is it about school?"
Jeyson nods as he picks up the book in his lap.
"She said I didn't have to stay there."
"You don't want to?"
Jeyson's brow furrows. It is a question that's been on his mind since your conversation over the weekend.
"I don't know." He admits. "I've never been to the other school."
"I get it. Making friends is hard."
"How about we see if you can check out the other school? If you go there, and you don't like it we can stay at Gilman. Sound good?"
Jeyson nods. He returns the smile that his father gives him through the rearview mirror.
"We just wanna make sure that you like going to school. No matter how good your mom and I think a school is, if you don't wanna be there, I'm not going to force you to go. Okay?"
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"I wonder why they call him El Diablo."
Looking up from your notepad, you find Isabela leaning forward in her chair. She is studying a photograph of Tommy, her brow furrowed as she moves it closer for a better look.
You blink. It is a good question. One, you realize, you’ve never asked.
You shrug. "I don't know."
"You didn't ask him?"
You shake your head before letting your gaze return to your notepad. "I've been more focused on this shit storm of charges. Not his tattoos."
"Would've been the first thing I asked him," Isabela admits as she picks up a second photograph.
"You can if you ever meet him."
“He’s actually kinda cute,” she notes, the urge to roll your eyes returning at the admission. She releases a laugh as you shake your head. “What? He is, I bet he has a nice smile—”
You reach forward taking the photo from her. You place it face down on the desk before returning back to your work.
“He’s not my client,” she mumbles. “Besides, we’ve been working on this for nearly two hours. Maybe, it’s time you take a break.”
The headache you’ve been nursing for the past hour is getting worse. The source of your headache is Tommy. He is the reason Isabela is in your office. She received a text from Angel this morning--a text she has chosen not to share with you.
One that shared he’d woken last night to find you weren’t in bed. That you were working when he’d found you at the kitchen table, and although you said you’d come back to bed you never did.
Despite her intentions of helping you, Isabela has been no help. Instead of helping, she has spent the last hour looking through Tommy’s file asking any question that comes to her mind.
You're currently compiling a discovery checklist. Getting information from Tommy has proven to be difficult--impossible. He has not given you a single detail from the night he was arrested. Or about himself.
In your time together you have learned Tommy Flores is a master deflector. He could almost give Angel Reyes a run for his money. The only reason you can see past Angel's bullshit is years of practice.
You don't have years to crack Tommy.
"He has some dope ink."
Your eyes drift shut. Another photograph of Tommy has found its way into Isabela’s hands.
"Iz, are you here to help? Or admire his tattoos?"
"Sorry," Isabela huffs. "What do you need help with?"
"Alexander Maddox."
"His previous council didn't leave any information?"
You shake your head.
"Nothing. It looks like they didn't even bother looking into him. All I know is he's supposed to be in a rival club, but I can't even find out who Tommy's affiliated with. And although I have his arrest records none of these are crimes linked to a club. Every time I ask him a question, he somehow turns the conversation to me."
“You know how these things go, Y/N.” Isabela sighs. “He’s only going to tell you what he thinks you need to know.”
“So, nothing?”
Your notepad falls to your desk before you release a deep breath.
“I am not going to this arraignment Friday.” Your voice comes out muffled against your palms as you cover your face.
You’re number three on Tommy’s lists of attorneys. Clearly, you’re just as naive as the previous two. You’re to report downtown early Friday morning. Tommy is no stranger to the courthouse. You have already received a warning from the judge to ensure Tommy is on his best behavior Friday. His outburst from past visits is becoming a thorn in your side.
"Have you told Angel you’re working on this case?"
"Tommy’s killed somebody."
Your eyes roll as you pick up the photograph she slides towards you. You take the time to focus on Tommy's tattoos.
"That's exactly why I haven’t said anything yet. You know Angel. He worries too much when it comes to my job."
A smile slides across Isabela's face, the sight causing you to brace for what's to come. You lift the photo of Tommy until it blocks Isabela's grin from your view. You know where this conversation is going before it even picks up.
"Or, maybe you haven’t had much time to talk about Tommy with all the sex you’re having."
"That’s not what we’ve been doing. Believe it or not, we don’t have sex twenty-four-seven, Isabela.”
“He moved in two days ago." Your eyes roll as she grins. What was I supposed to do? Say welcome home--by the way, the new client Samuel gave me is batshit crazy? I try not to mention Samuel at home.”
“Please,” Isabela laughs as she picks up her coffee. “Angel is not thinking about Samuel. He knows Samuel never had a real chance with you.”
“I know,” you sigh. Your eyes drop to the photo in your hand as Isabela’s brows furrow in suspicion. Your words come out quieter this time. “He’s thinking about kids.”
"Wait, what?" She sputters, nearly spitting out her coffee. She motions for you to backtrack. "You decided not to take the pill? When the hell did this happen?"
"After I talked to Angel."
“I thought you wanted to take it. What changed?" Her brow furrows, a pout forming on her lips. "And why did you wait two whole days to tell me?
You pause. It's a good question and difficult to answer.
Probably because the moment I say we're trying to have kids it makes things official?
"He asked me not to take it," you shrug. “So I didn’t.”
Isabela waits, for elaboration but it never comes.
"Yeah, Y/N, but a kid is...a kid. Like, a whole freaking person--"
“I know, Izzy. I have one. With Angel. Remember?”
“Exactly my point,” Isabela continues as you meet her gaze. “Angel thinks any part of you is better than nothing, so he won’t ever say this to you. But you’re both my best friends, so I’m going to say it. I hope you realize what you’re getting into. Saying you want another kid is like saying you’re on the same page as him.”
“I know.”
“You can’t just have sex with Angel, have another kid, and not expect him to think you’re getting back together--for real for this time.”
The admission silences the office. It is a thought that's bounced around your head the moment you let Angel convince you not to take the morning-after pill. Although Isabela doesn’t say it outright, you know your decision has co-signed Angel’s end game.
He won’t push you towards it, but you know that’s what he wants the most. The final stamp of approval to show he’s earned his family back.
"Have you given this weekend any thought?" Isabela's face lights up as she opens the folder in her lap.
How could you not? October 13th has been forever ingrained in your mind. The moment you enter the month of October, your body physically goes into panic mode.
It is the awkwardest time of the year.
Angel deals with the anniversary of your divorce by tiptoeing around the subject. He watches Jeyson while you leave town to “get it off your mind.” You make it awkward by trying to avoid Angel the entire week until the date passes. Because, even though you are no longer married, cutting off feelings was not easy.
In the past, the anniversary always kicked up feelings, pushing the two of you into overdrive. It always brought up a terrible mixture of reminiscing, guilt and an overhyped sex drive. Although Angel had mastered the art of not speaking on your divorce, he never could master the art of hiding his feelings. They had often bled out in the form of a look. A look you could tolerate any other day of the year, but not October 13th. So to save you both the tortuous fallout of that you would often stay clear of him until the day passed.
But, how are two supposed to handle October 13th this year?
“No,” you lie, finally answering Isabela's previously posed question. “I haven’t.”
“Well, since you’re too busy to remember. Let me remind you. This weekend marks the seventh year of your divorce-”
“I don’t actually need a reminder-"
“And, I think that you and Angel should take this year to spend some quality time together.”
"I moved him back into my house, Izzy. He’s sleeping in my bed. How much more quality time do you need?"
"So what? You’re going to just avoid the topic of divorce this weekend?"
"I can’t."
"Exactly! I know this day is always weird for you two, but I found a way to make it better this year." Isabela pulls a sheet of paper from her folder before offering it to you. The grin on her face makes you nervous. “And, no. There is no need to thank me for this generous gift.”
It takes you a moment to realize what she's handed you.
You read aloud:
"We look forward to seeing you! Mr. and Ms. Reyes, thank you for choosing to stay with us at the Enchanted Isle. It is our pleasure to confirm the following reservation for October 13--Tell me you did not book this."
When you lift your eyes from the page, you find Isabela holds a pamphlet in her hand.
"I did. I already paid for everything, so you two don’t have to do anything but show up." Isabela quickly speaks as she takes in the look on your face. "The reservation is for five days. I signed you two up for the couple's retreat--"
"No, you did not—“
"It's right on the beach--"
"Been to the beach before."
"They've got a whole list of activities the two of you can do to build trust, and get to the root of your problems. You can take the time to bond and relax." Practically shoving the pamphlet into your hand, she pleads. "Y/N, please. Just read it. I swear I wouldn't have done this if I didn't think it was a good idea."
You stare at the pamphlet before glancing back up at a hopeful Isabela. You sit the pamphlet down.
"Did you tell Angel about this?"
All apprehension washes away as a grin spreads across Isabela's face. "That's your job."
"A couple’s retreat?"
"Before you shoot it down, just ask him if he'll go."
You grip your eyes shut, and Isabela knows she's won. She quickly gets up afraid, if she presses the matter any further, you'll change your mind.
"I'm going to leave and let you look it over. If you want more information, the site information is on the pamphlet."
You can count on one hand the times you've been alone with Angel the last seven years. The common thread that has brought you and Angel together has been your son. 98 percent of your interactions surround Jeyson. The remaining 2 percent are moments when Angel's convinced you to come out. The last time that happened, you only lasted a few hours before ending up in bed with him.
The idea of spending five full days completely alone with Angel brings butterflies to your stomach.
You’re in the process of reaching for the pamphlet when you stop. You find yourself picking up the photograph previously discarded by Isabela.
It is one you have seen nearly a hundred times from the moment Samuel dropped the file on your desk. You’re studying the photo of Tommy, but your mind drifts to Angel--specifically his tattoos. You can recount each, and its meanings, off the top of your mind.
"I wonder why they call him El Diablo?" Isabela's question passes through your mind as you take in the red devil etched across Tommy's skin.
Tommy has more tattoos than Angel. Both arms are a collage of colorful tattoos. After studying each, you focus on the tattoo peeking out of his left inner arm.
Only the top half of the black stallion is visible. Rearing, the stallion has a pair of eyes red as Tommy's devil tattoo. The only way you will be granted access to the full view is if you ask Tommy to show you.
You wonder if his tattoo is similar to Angel’s. You know that members get ink once they've patched into an M.C.
What club uses a horse?
It's a question you're in the process of texting Angel when your office phone rings.
“Hi, Ms. Reyes!” Your shoulders relax as you are welcomed by the voice of the receptionist, Alana. “I’m glad that I’ve caught you.”
“Hi, Alana. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, ma'am. I have a special delivery for you.”
“Can it be sent up?”
“No, I’m afraid it can’t. You have to provide a signature. It'll be at the front desk.”
“Okay. Give me a few minutes.” The moment you hang up, you let out a sigh and mumble to yourself. "Izzy, if this you, I swear..."
It turns out, the delivery is the last thing you’re expecting.
When you step out of the elevator, you briefly pause as the front desk comes into view. Biting your lip, your pace slowly starts again.
Alana sits straight in her seat, her weight resting on her elbows, a giant smile on her face. The laughter that echoes off the walls is one you’ve encountered your entire life. The flirtatious laughter of a woman who has fallen victim to the charms of Angel Reyes.
Your eyes roll as you catch sight of your grinning ex-husband. Leaning against the desk, Angel is putting the poor young receptionist through her paces. Apart from the stream of giggles, Alana can hardly string together more than two words beneath his gaze.
You shake your head as you take a step forward.
“...I’ve never been on one before,” Alana’s response becomes clear as you near the front desk. “But maybe you could take me for a ride sometime.”
You watch Angel’s eyes pass over her shoulder, his smile doubling in size as you give him a small wave. Alana’s giggles falter as she realizes Angel’s attention has drifted. Glancing over her shoulder she clears her throat.
“Ms. Reyes, this gentleman was dropping off your lunch order.” She quickly motions to the drinks and bags atop the desk.
“Oh no. There must be a mistake, Alana,” you say stopping alongside Angel. “I didn’t actually order this.”
“You didn’t?”
Shaking your head, you ignore the smile on Angel’s lips.
“No, you can actually keep him. Maybe he’ll take you for a ride on his bike.”
“Sadly,” Angel sighs. “I’m gonna have to pass on that offer. Last time I let another girl ride on my bike you almost killed me.”
“Rightfully so.”
“Hindsight is 20/20,” Angel’s smile softens as you shake your head. “You think you can fit me in?”
“I’m booked all day. I keep telling you, the world doesn’t stop for you, Angel.”
“Damn…” Angel releases a long, drawn-out sigh. He turns the cup nearest to him, allowing you to read the logo. The corners of his lips twitch up into a smile as you realize it’s from your favorite place. “Since I can’t come up, I guess I gotta keep this. I ordered for two. I’m not that hungry, but I guess I’ll have to eat yours. Hate for it go to waste--”
“Well, since you drove all the way out here.” Swiping the bag, you smile as Angel realizes your intentions. “The least I can do is take my half off your hands. Thank you.”
Turning you giggle as his hands catch your waist, preventing you from taking another step.
“Wait--” Angel’s arms wrap around your middle, his lips pressing against your shoulder. “I don’t get a tip, a kiss? Nothing?”
“You can get a kiss, but you have to sign in first.” You smile as you take in his triumphant smile. Angel quickly takes his wallet, passing his ID over. “I hope you understand the only reason I said yes is because you bought food.”
Alana studies Angel’s ID for a brief movement. Her eyes watch him sign in before she passes it back over.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Reyes.” She clears her throat before redirecting her attention to her computer. “Please make sure you stop by to sign out when you leave.”
You wait for Angel to grab his food before motioning towards the elevator.
“Let’s go. You’re on the clock, Angel Reyes.”
“How much time do I get?”
“Thirty minutes.”
“More than enough time.”
Angel’s arm drapes over your shoulder, pulling your body closer to his. The kiss he presses against your temple brings a smile to your lips. The fluttering in your stomach remains as he lets you go and presses the elevator button.
A silence falls over the two of you as you patiently wait for its arrival. Angel can feel you watching him. He has a smile on his face when he looks over at you.
“Hi,” you smile.
“Did Izzy send you?”
Angel’s brow furrows, a laugh escaping, as he steps inside. “No. I don’t know how I feel about that question.”
He shakes his head. “I try to surprise you, and your first question is if Izzy set this up. I can do nice things for you, ya know?”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” you backtrack, suddenly feeling guilty.
“Relax, querida.” He chuckles. “I’m just playing. What?” He asks after a moment of silence. “You two been talking about me?”
“No.” You mentally kick yourself for the quickness of your response.
Angel’s eyes pass over your face, his smile stretching. “Yeah ok. What happened to no secrets?”
“What? Four years I’ve worked here and this is the first time you bring me lunch. I had to ask.”
“And I had to wait til I knew you’d actually take it,” Angel laughs. “I didn’t want to show up and you reject me.”
Your eyes roll. “I would never do that.”
“Uh-huh. No need for the golden girl act, it’s just us.”
“I’m half tempted to let you take this back to Alana,” you lightly bump him before leading him out the elevator. You take in his raised brow. “Your new fangirl.”
“I can’t help that women gravitate towards me,” Angel grins as you shake your head. “Doesn’t matter, though, you’re only one I’m looking at--”
“No need to sweet talk me, Reyes. You already got the keys.”
“I’m just trying to keep this love alive.” Angel teases.
“Ahh,” you nod. “So, bringing me lunch unannounced is part of this plan?”
“Yeah, forming new habits.”
“What are the other ones?”
His brow arches. Angel smiles before shaking his head. “Can’t tell ‘em all, gotta keep you on your toes.”
“Keeping things exciting?”
“Something like that.”
Angel has always wondered what your office looked like. He takes a look around as you start to clear off your desk.
More so, he’s always wondered if he’d find traces of him inside. Everyone at the office knew you were divorced, most divorced people don’t have photos of their ex-husband in their office.
He’s surprised to find that you have more than one.
The most noticeable one is from last Christmas when you and Jeyson helped Angel host Christmas for Felipe. The most recent is a photo of Jeyson and Ezekiel. Jeyson’s smile is wide as he and his uncle proudly show off their sandcastle. Angel’s eyes find one he doesn’t expect to see.
He pauses by your desk before picking it up.
It was snapped years ago, back when the idea of breaking up seemed impossible in both of your minds.
You both dawn a cap and gown. Felipe smiles, holding the flowers he and Marisol brought you. Ez is to your right, his arm wrapped around his mother’s shoulder, grinning at the camera. Angel stands behind you. His arms are wrapped around your middle, his lips pressing a kiss against your cheek.
“I’m surprised you didn’t throw this away.”
You look up from the fries you’re trying to divide equally. Following his gaze, you roll your eyes.
“Must have forgot to add it to all the other pictures.”
“Hey, don’t say that. I didn’t throw anything away. Besides, it’s my favorite picture.”
Angel glances up, his eyes watching you as you put the frame back where it belongs.
“Let’s eat.” You smile. “You have no idea how much I needed this.”
“You can have mine if you want,” he chuckles. “If you’re that hungry. I know how you get--”
“That’s not what I meant.”
He looks up as your hands find his face. Leaning in, you kiss him. The food is abandoned, your minds focused on the one thought that’s been on your mind all morning.
He could never get used to it. Not when you were younger or even married. The privilege of kissing you whenever he wanted. Not having to worry about crossing the line only to be told it was a mistake. It is a hard thing to get over when you start out as friends.
It was nothing compared to the feeling he got when you kissed him. No matter how soft, how rough, how quick, how long. Or the reason behind it. Until his dying day, Angel will never understand how his feelings for you are not one-sided.
His eyes follow you as you take a seat and begin to eat.
“Oh, I get it…” A grin slowly spreads across his lips, the sight causing you to shake your head. “By this, you meant me...”
“And they say I only married you for your looks,” you wink.
“Everyone knows that’s not why you married me.”
“Shut up,” your eyes roll as he laughs.
You lean over, giving him a second kiss. You wouldn’t think it possible but his smile gets bigger.
“I meant you,” you smile as his lips press against your cheek. “Please don’t let it go to your head. I have no energy for your sass today.”
Talking to you has always been easy, which is why Angel isn’t surprised the two of you have no trouble falling into the conversation. But, after you’ve dropped his gaze three times, Angel says “What?”
“I have something I want to show you,” you admit.
You’ve held off enough. The moment you saw him downstairs, Izzy’s pamphlet has nearly burned a hole through your mind.
Sitting your cup aside, you open your desk drawer. Passing him the brochure, you take in Angel’s confused expression.
His brow furrows as he reads aloud, “Enchanted Isle. You and Iz are keeping it local this year?”
Opening the pamphlet, Angel silently starts to read.
He reads nearly the entire pamphlet in silence, each passing second not helping with the butterflies in your stomach. His mind only seems to hone in on certain words. “Couples” “intimate oasis” “oceanfront views.” “Couples” “bonding.” “Couples.”
To the point where he can focus on is one.
“This is where you’re going this year?”
You nod.
His expression is a mixture of confusion, and something else you can’t read. Suddenly you feel like an idiot. You can understand how it might look. Going on a couple’s retreat on the anniversary of your divorce.
Suddenly you’re nervous as his eyes lift to rest on you.
“It’s just...seven years is a long time. It’s kinda a milestone in relationships. Either you’ve grown apart or you still love someone, and I think it’s safe to say that I still--no matter how I’ve tried I can’t--I don’t want to push you out of my life. And I know I haven’t been fair to you over the years. You’ve shown me so many times that you’re serious about being with Jeyson and me. Instead of recognizing what you’ve shown me, I’ve tried to punish you by making you think I didn’t want you the way that you want me. But the truth is...I want to be with more than when we were kids.”
Angel doesn’t interrupt you, and you’re thankful that he doesn’t. You know that it’s a messy delivery, but it’s the first time you’ve managed to work up the courage to tell him.
“You asked me to give you a chance--a real chance...so this is me giving you a real chance. And I believe we can’t give ourselves a real chance until we figure out who we are together. Outside of my family and yours. Outside of the club. Outside of Jeyson, and Santo Padre. Just us.”
Angel remains silent. His eyes search yours before falling back to the pamphlet in his hands.
“Just us?”
You nod trying your best to slow the beating of your heart.
“For how long?”
“Five days.”
“I don’t know about this--”
“We don’t have to take any of the classes if you don’t want to--”
“I’m down for classes, or whatever you wanna try. I’m talking about you.” Angel takes in your look of confusion. “You sure you’re up for five days? I mean the last time I got you alone, you lasted a good two hours before you practically jumped me--”
Angel narrowly avoids the napkin you toss his way.
You try your best to deny him the smile he’s searching for, but you fail as you meet his gaze.
“You really thought I’d say no?”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t.” Your eyes drop to your phone, your shoulders dropping as your alarm beeps.
“Time’s up,” Angel sighs.
He gives you a soft smile before standing and cleaning up.
“I actually have something else for you,” you admit as he dumps the trash. You motion for him to sit down. “But I would prefer if you close your eyes.”
Angel does as you ask. Once he’s settled in his seat, he closes his eyes. Just as you’re about to move your gift from behind your back he peeks.
“Sorry,” he sighs.
You wait until Angel closes his eyes to take his left hand in yours. His brow arches as you remove the ring from his ring finger. Placing it in the pocket of his kutte, you place a kiss against his knuckle.
You smile at the nervous look on his face. You clear your throat.
“I know we can’t get married right now...so until then, I would like you to have this. I know it’s super cheesy, but I want to make sure that you understand how serious I am. I know we gotta wait a little longer, so until then I wanna give you this.”
Angel’s smile begins to grow as he feels you slip something onto his finger. The words are those repeated. Words he said to you before. Years ago. Senior year. At the carnival. He’d stolen you away from the group, to give you a kiss. He can still remember the sound of your laugh as he’d revealed the gift to you all those years ago.
You press a soft kiss against his cheek before tucking your face against his shoulder.
Angel opens his eyes. The inability to suppress his smile becomes difficult as he takes in the red ring pop you’ve left behind. The chuckle he releases brings a smile to your lips.
“In all seriousness, it’s a proposal for a clean slate. Wiping both of our slates clean, no resentment for anything. I won’t bring up anything you’ve done, and you won’t bring up anything I’ve done. We’re just moving forward, focusing on doing what’s best for Jeyson and our family.”
Angel’s gaze meets yours. He nods before pressing a kiss against your forehead. You two share a smile before you pull him up from where he sits.
“Who knew all I had to do was bring you lunch,” Angel teases as you lead him back to the elevator. “We could’ve fixed this a long time ago.”
You take in the grin on his face before shaking your head.
“Please call Isabela and thank her because she has been working hard on fixing our love life.”
“I will--before I forget. Chucky looked it up. Apparently, the largest aquarium in Cali is in Monterey Bay. We have a club run set up in Vegas next weekend.” Angel reaches inside his kutte. He produces a white envelope before passing it over. “So I figured we could go to Monterey first then split up after. We got a ticket for Izzy too if you want to bring her. I know Jeyson would want to go. Kinda be congratulations on his recital this Friday. I just hope he doesn’t explode once he sees all those animals up close.”
You turn and wrap your arms around him. Your unexpected action causes Angel’s body to shift. He glances down at you as your face burrows into his neck. You can feel it coming. Words you’ve found yourself wanting to say before. Words you’ve never been able to escape from the moment he said them to you first all those years ago.
“I love you, Angel Reyes.”
The admission is quiet.
Angel’s initial thought is that it was imagined. The tightening of your arms around him is the validation he needs that his ears aren’t playing tricks on him.
“I hate that you make it impossible not to.”
Angel’s smile presses against your temple. Tipping your head back you smile as his eyes meet yours. The look in his eyes preparing you for what’s to come.
“Did you just say you love me?” Your eyes roll as Angel’s smile slowly morphs into a grin. “I’m just saying, it's been so long. I might need you to say it again--”
Slipping out of his grip, you press the button for the elevator.
“I am not saying it again,” you giggle. “It is officially time for you to go, Mr. Reyes.”
Angel glances towards the elevator light, watching it slowly begin its climb to your floor.
“I came all the way over here,” he releases a dramatic sigh.
“It is not even fifteen minutes from your job--”
“I got you lunch--”
“No one asked you to do that. Who am I turn down free food?”
Taking your face in his hands, Angel sighs, “the least you could do is give me a kiss.”
Turning, you offer him your cheek.
“Damn,” Angel chuckles. “I don’t remember you being so heartless--”
“Please,” you giggle as his lips press against your cheek. You allow his lips to drift to your neck, as his arm wraps around your waist. “All I got was lunch. I gave you a whole ring, Reyes. You’re gonna have to work harder for a real kiss.”
“I can’t wait to get you alone this weekend,” he groans.
Heat follows the path of his hand as it traces down your spine. It drifts lower. The ding of the approaching elevator causes him to reluctantly pull away. Angel pauses as the doors open and he comes face to face with a familiar face.
Your smile slowly fades as you take in Samuel. He looks up from the coffee in his hand. His eyes briefly meet yours before moving to Angel. He takes in the keys Angel’s holding.
“You’re leaving?”
“Uh...no, just taking him down to sign out.”
Samuel nods before stepping to the side. He pauses as Angel steps forward offering his hand.
“Angel,” he smiles.
Samuel’s eyes drop to Angel’s outstretched hand, but he makes no move to take it. Angel drops your hand.
“I’m gonna head out,” he takes your hand in his. Giving it a gentle squeeze, he smiles. “Don’t forget we have a Millennium Falcon being delivered tonight.”
“Trust me I can’t,” You smile. Heat rushes to your face as Angel’s gaze drops to your lips.
Instead of kissing you, Angel takes a step towards the elevator. His eyes briefly pass over Samuel.
“I’ll find my way back to the front. Make sure she doesn’t work too hard.”
The second Angel is out of sight, you turn back towards your office. Samuel’s voice follows yours.
“Reyes. Conference room in 5 mins.”
Your brow furrows as you face him.
“We have a meeting? I didn’t know there was one scheduled.”
“It wasn't,'' he starts towards the conference. “Emergency meeting.”
A nudge comes to your side, the persistence of Isabela causing you to glance up from the pen in your hand.
Isabela shifts her seat, turning her back to Samuel who glances in your direction. Her eyes drop to the agenda in her hand.
“Is there something wrong with your case?”
Your brow furrows. “No. Why?”
“It’s the first thing on the agenda.”
You redirect your attention to the freshly printed agenda. It reads as follows:
Priorities: Thomas Flores.
Concerns: Counsel.
Nothing accompanies the statements.
“I know this meeting was unplanned, so I’ll make it short.” Samuel clears his throat as he glances at his watch. “Everyone needs to check the form sent out this morning and schedule a meeting with me for their six-month performance evaluation.”
You turn in your seat, lowering your voice as Isabela glances your way.
“He’s taking me off the case.”
Isabela releases a laugh, one that earns her a look of disapproval from Samuel. No matter her disbelief, the feeling in your stomach is that your hunch is right.
“Don’t be ridiculous. He wouldn’t--”
Samuel clears his throat, the pointed look quickly quiets the rest of Isabela’s statement.
“Most important issue at hand is the Thomas Flores case.” Running his hand down his tie, Samuel looks towards the agenda before him. “Once details about his case hit the media, the firm is going to get a lot of attention. With that being said I’ve decided to move Wells to lead counsel.”
Aiden Wells is gawking at your boss, his brown eyes wide. He blinks before glancing in your direction.
Aiden attempts to downplay the clearing of his throat with a bashful smile. “Sir, but that’s not my case-“
Samuel disregards the apprehensive protest of the young man. He dismissively waves his hand as he leans back in his seat.
“Yes, Wells, I am well aware that Reyes was initially assigned the case, but that decision was premature.”
“What made it premature?” All eyes in the room, minus Samuel's, drift to you.
To no surprise, Samuel ignores your question. Instead, he keeps his gaze on Aiden.
"Reyes will assist Wells--"
"I am not assisting anyone."
For the first time since the start of the meeting, Samuel looks at you.
"I didn’t want to make it about this-"
"Then don’t."
"It’s hard not to when your client has a history of being physically aggressive towards female attorneys. It's in his file. When things don't go his way, Tommy lashes out."
Isabela lifts her pen, the action narrowing Samuel's eyes. She does not wait for his permission to speak.
“That is true, but you knew this when you asked her to take the Flores case. Correct?"
The eyes in the room drift to Samuel. Isabela takes his silence as the opportunity to continue her thought.
“Flores may have a history of that, but Y/N hasn’t come back and reported any instances in which she’s felt uncomfortable with her client. I don’t think it’s enough to demote her.”
"Besides," you add. "Aiden’s never worked a trial case. It may not be the best decision to send a novice in on a case expected to acquire media attention. No offense, Aiden."
“None taken,” Aiden promptly co-signs, an appreciative look on his face. “She’s right, sir. I don’t really uh...feel comfortable taking this on as my first-“
Samuel’s eyes close as he pinches the bridge of his nose. The chuckle he releases stops Aiden from completing his thoughts.
“I wasn't aware this was becoming an open forum.”
A silence falls over the room. Aiden looks hopeful at the prospect of Samuel retracting his request. Isabela shifts in her seat, letting you know that she has something else to say. Samuel lets his gaze return to you, daring you to say something else.
Before you can speak, Isabela smiles.
"Well, Mr. Lorente, I think the open forum made this a productive meeting. We learned that Aiden isn't comfortable with being transferred to lead counsel." Turning in her seat, Isabela gives Aiden an encouraging smile. "But, he's willing to assist with the case."
"Yes," Aiden quickly nods, glad to seize any out he can. "Thanks, Iz. I'm far more comfortable with that. As long as it's okay with Y/N."
"As always," Samuel sighs, his eyes passing over Isabela. "Thank you for your commentary, Isabela."
Leaning back in his seat, he clicks the pen in his hand before clearing his throat.
"Reyes." Samuel waits until you look up to continue. “Get Wells up to speed. He’s leading the Prelim Friday. Are you clear?”
You know there is no point in arguing. Samuel has accomplished his goal.
Your voice comes out smaller than you like. “Yes.”
"Good." His smile is instantly back. "Meeting's done. Don't forget to sign up for your evaluations by close of business Friday."
The room empties quickly as you loosen your grip on your pen. You're surprised it hasn't burst. You can feel Samuel's gaze on you. The fact he hasn't made a move to leave letting you know the conversation isn't finished.
Rather than staying, you stand to follow Aiden towards the door.
"Reyes, don’t take it personally."
The statement halts your tracks. You turn to find a satisfied smirk on Samuel's lips.
"That’s bullshit, and you know it. If you’re mad at me, act like a fucking man, and just say it. But what you just pulled was childish-"
"No, what I just did was whatever I wanted. In case you forgot. In a few months, this firm is mine. And I don’t have patience for employees that talk back and question my authority in front of everyone. If you have a problem with it, maybe once the Flores case is up you should look for a new place to practice."
His eyes move to the door to where Aiden is hovering.
“Look on the bright side, you always worried everyone thought I gave you preferential treatment. Now’s your chance to prove you’re as smart as you claim to be.”
Samuel speaks the second half of his statement louder, granting Aiden access to this part of the conversation.
“The plan has been set in motion. Reyes, get Aiden up to speed for court Friday morning.”
As soon as you're out of earshot Aiden rambles.
"Y/N. I’m sorry. I want you to know I did not ask to be put on this case-"
"I know. He's punishing me."
"For what?"
You shake your head, ignoring the look of confusion on Aiden's face.
"Nothing--never mind. Forget I said that." You quickly pass him the folders in your hand. "You can go ahead and start looking at these. I have to use the bathroom. Can you meet me in my office in five?"
Before Aiden can produce a response, you've already left. He watches as you continue down the hall, past the bathroom towards the side steps.
The thing is. When you’re upset, the first thing to come is tears. It is undoubtedly the most irritating thing about you. That's why Aiden waits patiently in your office when you don't return in five minutes.
You don't realize you’ve called Angel until you hear his voice. Calling him when you're upset is second nature.
Old habits die hard.
"What’s up?"
You honestly didn't think the phone call through. As much as you want to tell Angel why you're upset. You can't. He'll only react in one way.
As you wipe at your eyes, you can't help but think of the one time Angel came a hair's breadth of expulsion. Junior year, he got in a fight with an ex-boyfriend of yours. It was bad. The kid's parents tried their hardest to get Angel arrested.
From then on, you've learned to filter out certain information. Primarily when it comes to other guys.
"I....forgot to ask if pizza is okay for dinner."
Although you managed to stop your tears before calling him, Angel knows something's wrong. His initial suspicion stems from the simple fact your question only warranted a quick text exchange.
"Yeah. That’s cool."
"Ok good. It’s just I might have to work late, so pizza will be easiest."
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"You sure? I thought you were calling to say you missed me."
You release a tiny laugh. "Not yet, it hasn’t been that long."
"I don’t know," Angel sighs. "You're going on about what? An hour?"
"You know withdrawals don't kick in until at least the two-hour mark."
"I don't know...you did say you loved me today--"
"Oh my goodness. Is it too late to take it back?"
"Too late."
"I wouldn't have said it if I knew you were going to pull it out every chance you get."
"I'm just saying, it's not a stretch to think you miss me." You can practically see his smile as Angel continues. "I've been known to have that effect on women--"
"I miss you, Angel. Is that what you want me to say?"
"Doesn't it feel good to get it off your chest?"
"So much better." You can't help but smile at the sound of Angel's laugh.
"Good," There’s a brief silence. "As long as you’re not having second thoughts about this weekend."
"I'm not. Promise."
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You freeze in place. Scrambling off the ground, Jeyson quickly maneuvers across the living room floor, which is littered with legos.
“You almost knocked over the escape pods!”
Taking your hands in his, Jeyson moves you to the side. You glance down to find that he is indeed correct. One more step you would have crushed the escape pods that took Angel nearly thirty minutes to complete.
“Sorry, what are you building?”
A smile finds Ez’s face as you glance over at him.
Jeyson’s eyes widen. “Only the coolest and fastest starship in the entire galaxy!”
“The Prometheus?”
Covering his eyes, Jeyson lets out a groan of disbelief. “Mom! We don’t like Star Trek!”
You feign confusion as you glance across the room to a smiling Ez. “We don’t?”
“No!” Jeyson turns to cross the room and retrieves the box from the corner.
“We definitely don’t,” Ez co-signs as Jeyson lifts the box for you to see.
“The Millenium Falcon?” You read, your brow furrows. You might not have thought it possible, but Jeyson’s eyes somehow get bigger. “Who flies that? Darth Vader?”
You let out a laugh as Jeyson drops his face into his hands.
“I’m kidding," you giggle. "I promise I remember.”
It is hard not to remember. Jeyson has asked for the Millennium Falcon Lego set for nearly a month. He and Bishop hoodwinked the M.C. into paying Jeyson for chores and errands around the clubhouse. Almost half of the funds came from his father alone. Each dollar Angel has put in the swear jar the last month and a half were also used. When he came home to find it delivered on the front steps, Jeyson nearly exploded. He begged Angel to call his uncle so that he could get started on it tonight. He couldn’t wait until Saturday.
Angel has never seen Jeyson complete his homework so fast. By the time Ez arrived, Jeyson was seated in the middle of the floor with a game plan ready to go.
"I'm going to get the pizza." You announce as Aiden waves to Jeyson. "Aiden this is Ezekiel. Zeke, this Aiden."
"We work together," Aiden adds.
When Angel rounds the corner Aiden is in the midst of gushing over the Millennium Falcon with Jeyson.
Angel’s eyes pass over Aiden, his brow arching in confusion. Ezekiel smiles at his brother's expression before nodding towards Aiden.
"Angel this is Aiden. He and Y/N work together."
Aiden quickly steps forward, offering Angel his hand. "Nice to meet you."
Aiden looks between the two brothers. "You’re her--"
"Baby daddy," Angel finishes, his smile growing as Ez's eyes roll.
"Yeah, eight years, she still can’t seem to shake him," Ez smirks. “You’ve already met his mini-me.”
Angel's gaze passes over the room.
"Speaking of, Y/N, where is she?"
Angel finds you in the driveway stacking the pizzas boxes in the backseat. His hands find your waist, gently guiding you back and away from the task at hand.
“Sorry it took so long,” you apologize as you glance over your shoulder. “Work took way longer than I thought it would.”
“You got a new boyfriend and didn’t even let me know?” He takes your face in his hands once you turn to face.
A soft smile finds his lips as your eyes meet his.
“Gotta keep my options open. I was planning on keeping it on the DL for a bit longer, but there was a change of plans.”
Your eyes drift shut as his thumb brushes against your skin. Your body relaxes as his lips press against your forehead.
“At least he knows about Star Wars,” Angel chuckles. “Jeyson’s already talking his ear off.”
“That’s good.”
“Everything okay?” Even if you think the nod you give is adequate, it’s not. A soft smile finds his lips as Angel continues. “Believe it or not, I know you.”
“Aiden’s here because I need to get him up to speed on this case.”
“The one that has you visiting Stockton?”
“Yeah. He’s going to help me out by taking over a few things.”
Despite the reassuring smile, Angel’s brow raises. “You asked for help?”
Your nod is an automatic response. Angel's eyes search yours, which is why your eyes drop to your hands.
“I’m fine. Promise. I just have a headache, but I have to do this tonight. Aiden’s really nervous, so I just want to make him feel better. You remember how I was with my first big case.”
You can see it in his face, the look that lets you know he’s not going to let it go.
“I know you’ve been getting up in the middle of the night to work-”
“I don’t like working on this stuff when Jeyson’s up,” you sigh, mentally kicking yourself for letting him notice it. “You know he tries to read everything he gets his hands on. Plus there are pictures--”
The trouble is, Angel’s bullshit meter is stronger than yours.
“That I get, but I don’t see why someone else should be taking over if you’ve been working hard-”
Taking his face in your hands, you offer him a smile. “Angel, it’s fine. It’s not that serious.”
He opens his mouth to respond, but you stand on your toes to bring your lips to his. It takes a moment for him to return it. When he does, Angel wraps his arm around your waist to pull you closer. He grants your wish when your arms tighten around him begging him to stay.
“You’re needy today,” he notes as your lips press against his neck.
“I can’t help it,” you giggle, your lips finding his cheek. “I’m just so in love with you.”
“Clearly,” he chuckles as your lips brush his.
“Besides you give the best kisses,” you smile.
“Gotta share them with the world.”
Grinning, Angel ducks down to give you a second kiss.
“Thanks for letting me come over,” Aiden accepts the beer before glancing over the stacks of papers littering the table. “I know this probably isn’t how you thought your night would be.”
“It’s all good,” Angel rests against the counter. “If it helps Y/N, I can’t really complain.”
Aiden’s eyes drift towards the living room. “Your son looks just like you.”
Angel nods. His eyes find Jeyson who sits on your lap. You’ve nearly finished assembling the pile assigned to Angel. In his father’s absence, Jeyson has decided that you’re much better at putting legos together.
“Yeah,” Angel chuckles. “He got her brains though, so it’s a fair trade-off.”
“I heard he’s over at Gilman,” Aiden whistles. “Hard school. But I hear everyone who graduates from there goes off to an Ivy League.”
“That’s the goal,” Angel nods. “Gotta give your kids a better future.”
“You two went to the same school? You and Y/N?”
“She grew up a few blocks from me and my brother. Probably would’ve gone to Gilman if her parents could afford it. She was too smart for most of us.”
“I think it’s cool you two are still close. I know some divorces can be ugly.”
“It was,” Angel responds. A tiny smile finds his face as he takes in the look of disbelief on Aiden’s face. “She didn’t talk to me for that first year. Complete radio silence….kinda impressive when I look back at it.”
Aiden chuckles. “Hard to tell.”
“Yeah, well. It’s even harder to stay mad at her..” Angel looks away from you before nodding towards the notes on the table. “Anyway, I appreciate you helping her out. She’s been stressed out about work lately.”
“Trust me, she’s helped me with a lot more since I started at the firm. I won’t really be much help,” Aiden admits. “She’s got it all covered. She just brought me on to keep the peace.”
Angel’s brow arches, his drink hovering inches from his lips. “With who?”
“That’s what she said?”
“Not exactly.” Aiden glances over to where you sit. “Samuel, he’s a cool guy, but sometimes he can be a hardass. Think he’s just trying to prove he can run the firm as well as his old man. A lot of people say he made partner because of his old man.”
“What’s that gotta do with, Y/N?”
Aiden shrugs. Although you asked him not to say anything, Aiden continues. Even though you have a great poker face, there was a brief second that he had caught glimpse of the effect Samuel’s decision had on you.
“He called an emergency meeting today, said he doesn't want her to lead her anymore. Everyone pretty much agrees she’s the best person at our firm, but Samuel said that I have to take it over. She has to assist me.”
The look on Angel’s face causes Aiden to trail off. It’s a look that makes Aiden realize he never wants to be on the receiving end of Angel’s anger.
Realizing there’s more, Angel says. “What else did he say?”
Aiden’s eyes drop to the notes you’ve provided. Briefly glancing towards you, his words come out quieter this time.
“He um...he pulled the gender card.” He clears his throat. “Said there are just some cases better handled by a male.”
Aiden notes the tightening of Angel’s grip on the beer bottle. He’s pretty sure it’s about to shatter.
“I already told her, I’m not taking the lead.” Aiden finishes. “I don’t want it. I’m just here in case Samuel tries to check up and make sure she actually did what he said.”
“Thank goodness you’re here to help,” you smile as Ez studies the Millennium Falcon blueprint. “If it was just me we’d never finish this.”
“It’s all good, it’s not like Angel’s been much help. You’ve had to pick up his slack.”
At the mention of his name, you look away from the task at hand for Angel. You find him standing by the front door, slipping on his kutte. Your brow furrows as he stops to pick up his keys. Ezekiel follows your gaze across the room.
“You’re leaving?”
Adjusting his collar, Angel motions for Ez to get up. “Yeah, Ez and I gotta go.”
“Everything okay?”
Nodding, Angel ignores Ez’s confused expression. “Yeah, Ezekiel, hurry up. I’ll tell you about it on the way there.”
“Oh okay.” Ez begins to clean up, not asking his brother for anything else.
“Thank you for helping him,” you smile as Ez ruffles Jeyson’s hair before heading to the door.
Angel bends down, smiling as Jeyson wraps his arms around his neck for a hug.
“I’ll be back later, lil man.”
“Can you wake me up if I’m asleep?”
“Yeah, I will.”
“You two ride safe,” you smile as Angel’s lips press against your cheek. “How long are you going to be gone?”
“Two? Three hours tops.”
“Okay.” You glance up to find Angel that hasn’t made a move to leave. He remains alongside you, waiting expectantly.
Tipping your head back, you smile as Angel ducks down to kiss you.
“You wanna wait up for me?” He asks as his lips drift to your ear.
“Depends,” you shrug, your smile growing as his brow arches. “Is it going to be worth my while?”
“What kinda question is that?”
The kiss he leaves this time, lasts longer. Your son brings to it an end as he pushes against Angel’s chest.
“Ewwww!” Jeyson groans as Angel steals a final kiss. “Dad that's enough kissing--move!
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"This is what we ran out the house for?"
Ez's eyes scan the crowded bar. He can't see anything worth Angel's urgency to leave earlier.
Although Angel claimed he would tell Ez, he hasn't shared anything. He currently holds a cue stick but hasn't bothered taking his turn. Instead, he's staring towards the bar and has been for the last ten minutes.
From where he stands, Ez can't tell who holds his brother's attention.
Angel glances towards his brother, brow raised. "What do you want to drink?"
Ez lifts the beer Angel got him upon their arrival. "I'm good-"
"I'm gonna get you another one."
Angel hopes you'll give him some credit for the self-restraint executed the last ten minutes. He also hopes you never find out what he's about to do.
The moment he learned Samuel's name, Angel checked him out. He discovered Samuel stops at the same bar every night after work to "unwind."
"Angel--" Ez catches the back of his brother's kutte, pulling him off his path to the bar. Ez ignores the rolling of Angel's eyes. Following Angel's gaze to the bar, he lowers his voice. "Let's just go back. You just got back, don't fuck it up over this guy."
Angel knows what the warning in his brother's voice means.
"Relax I’m just gonna talk to him," Angel assures him. Brushing Ez's hand away, Angel straightens his kutte. "If shit gets out of hand, feel free to step in and save the day."
The calm expression on his face is enough to convince Ez there's no need to drag his brother outside. But he hovers behind Angel nonetheless.
Taking the empty seat alongside Samuel, Angel motions for the bartender.
"Can I get a refill on my friend's Old fashioned?" Samuel's jaw tightens as Angel's voice registers. "He's having a rough week. Trying to get over a broken heart."
Sitting his empty glass on the bar, Samuel glances over at Angel. His eyes pass over Angel's shoulder to where Ez stands.
"I take it she came home crying?" Samuel sighs as he accepts the new drink placed before him. "Sent you over here to teach me a lesson?"
"Actually, she didn't say anything." Angel watches Samuel's eyes narrow in suspicion. "Probably knew I'd show up here, and kick your ass."
"Yet, you're still here."
"True. See if you would've pulled that shit last week, I would have and you'd probably still be in the hospital." Angel chuckles before he takes a sip of his beer. "But, lucky for you, you caught me on a good week."
"Oh, yeah." Samuel laughs dryly. "She finally took you back. I gotta hand it to you--you've got a lot of patience. Surprised you didn't get tired of chasing her all those years. The sex must be out of this fucking world if she's got you hooked like that."
Ez's gaze finds his brother's reflection in the bar mirror. For a brief second, he contemplates putting his hand on his brother's shoulder as Angel's jaw tightens. Rolling his bottle between his palms, Angel takes a deep breath.
The first one has no effect. His grip tightens around the glass of his bottle, a satisfied smirk creeping its way across Samuel's face.
He takes a second one. The sight of releasing his grip on the bottle, only to shatter it against Samuel's head still remains.
He takes a third.
"I promised her I'd work on a few things. I'm trying this whole 'turning over a new leaf' shit." Angel sighs. The easy smile on his lips does the opposite of calm Samuel. No matter what words come out of his mouth, the look in Angel's eyes says it all. "So, instead of kicking your fucking teeth in, I'm going to take a less...violent approach and tell you to leave her the fuck alone."
He pauses long enough to finish his beer before sitting the bottle down.
"As long as you do that, and she comes home from work happy every day, we won't have any problems." Retrieving his wallet, Angel gives Samuel a final smile before standing. "And you won't have to see me again."
"Nice to see some convicts can be rehabilitated."
Samuel watches Angel slide the twenty-dollar bill across the bar. His jaw tightens as Angel's hand clamps down on his shoulder. The pressure Angel applies as he leans close to his ear, makes Samuel wince.
"Try some shit like that again, and you'll see how well it’s worked on me."
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“You realize that kid’s a walking sponge?” Carefully shutting Jeyson’s bedroom door, Angel rubs at his tired eyes. He continues once he gets no response, his feet dragging as he treks to the bathroom. “You sure he’s not Ez’s?”
The sight of you standing in the doorway causes Angel’s smirk to falter.
In the process of brushing your teeth, you stand with your left hand on your hip, eyes watching Angel’s gaze pass over you. The inability to talk results in you giving him an overly dramatic eye roll before turning back to the sink.
His hands latch onto your waist as you attempt to move out of his reach. They gently squeeze your hips. He smiles as you brush his hands away.
“So, that’s what this was about?” Angel chuckles as you rinse your mouth. His smile grows as you glance at him through the mirror. “You let me move back in so that you can steal my shirts.”
“Damn,” you groan as his hands drag along your thighs before drifting beneath the shirt. “I was hoping it’d take you longer to figure that out.”
“You didn’t even wait a whole week,” Angel laughs as you flash him a sweetly innocent smile.
“It’s a perfect trade-off," you shrug. "You’re living here now. The least you can do is let me take one whenever I want. Besides, they always look better on me.”
His touch travels over your hips. Guiding your hips back, he smiles as you rest against him.
“That is true,” he concedes, his hands guiding the fabric over your hips. “But, they also always look better off.”
Your eyes roll as you catch sight of his grin in the mirror. Reaching around you, Angel turns on the shower. Your brow arches as his grin morphs into one more mischievous.
“Since you love making schedules, so much, how about you make one for the bathroom?” Angel’s hands gently squeeze your hips causing you to jump. “You can’t be in here every time I wanna shower. Unless you’re trying to join me...”
Your eyes roll as his chin rests against your shoulder. “Last I checked, I was here first.”
Angel’s eyes roll dismissing the truthful statement.
“Coincidentally?” No matter how silly the claim, you can’t deny Angel the smile he is looking for. “You had all night to get ready for bed, but the second I get home you’re walking around half-naked-“
“Maybe,” you sigh, dragging out the word, as you dry your face. “I was waiting to welcome you home."
“You should have called me,” Angel groans.
“I texted you, but you didn’t answer.” You remind him.
“I was kinda busy.” He notes, his hands drifting along the curves of your hips.
“Too busy for me?” You challenge. “That was not the right thing to say.”
“I know, but I had to handle something first,” Angel sighs. “Get in with me, let me make it up to you.”
You shake your head. Angel smiles as you glance up at him in the mirror.
“While you were busy, I took a shower.”
He coaxes a smile out of you as his touch drifts along the warmth of your thighs.
“Never stopped you before,” Angel notes as he guides the fabric of his t-shirt up and over your hips.
The warmth of his hands radiates throughout your entire body. Your eyes drift shut as the comfort of his touch drifts between your thighs. His smile traces the curve of your neck, each kiss he leaves relaxing your body against his.
“You sure you don’t wanna get in with me?”
You shake your head, biting your lip as his fingers slowly begin to build an all too familiar pressure.
Your voice comes out small. “We don’t need to wake up Jeyson.”
“I can be quiet,” Angel chuckles. “You on the other hand....”
The sound that escapes your lips brings a triumphant grin to his. Despite your initial protest, you rest back against Angel’s chest allowing him to slowly let loose a heat the stretches from head to toe.
“So, what?” Angel teases, his voice muffled against your neck. “You wanna wait til Saturday? When we’re alone?”
He takes this moment to stroke your folds, a finger slipping inside of you. The gasp that escapes your lips prompts his next question.
“Wanna wait so you can be as loud as you want?”
He smiles as you reach down the moment he slows his pace. Your grip tightens asking him to return to normal.
“Thought you were waiting til Saturday,” he chuckles as the pressure he’s built threatens to fade. He stops to press a kiss against your shoulder. “We’ll wait till Saturday.”
Your eyes open as his chuckles gets lost against your skin.
Angel takes a step back as you groan in protest, “I hate you--”
Tugging his shirt over his head, he tosses it your way.
“Get in with me,” he winks, his smile growing as your eyes watch him unzip his jeans. “If you don’t wanna finish, go to bed.”
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You take a second look at the clock overhead.
Aiden is pacing the tiny room and has been for the last eight minutes. Your eyes drift shut as he begins another lap.
The next time he passes you, you catch his arm halting his tracks. You contain the annoyance you feel as you force him to face you. Meeting his gaze, you plaster the most reassuring smile you can muster on your face.
“Aiden, I gonna need you to get your shit together.”
You had the same pep talk with Aiden in the car ride over. The gentle route initially taken did not work.
Your words have an adverse effect. Aiden's eyes widen, just as they had during the meeting when he got his new assignment.
"Going to eat you alive if he walks in and you have that look on your face."
Aiden clears his throat as you drop your hands from his shoulders. Reaching up, he straightens his tie. "What look?"
"Like you’re scared of him."
"I am scared of him." Aiden's brow furrows as he watches your eyes roll. "Aren’t you?"
"No. I'm not." You take a third glance at the clock. "He’s just a guy, like you-"
"Not like me." To his dismay, Aiden's voice rises in pitch. "We're are nothing alike! I have never killed anyone-"
"Allegedly," you correct, earning you a dubious look. "Jesus, Wells. We’re in a courthouse. There are eyes and ears everywhere."
You motion towards the cracked door. Your voice lowers.
"The last thing we need is someone hearing that you think our client is guilty."
"I’m just saying," Aiden drops his voice as you meet his gaze. "There’s a reason Samuel doesn’t want you alone with him-"
"Please," your eyes roll. "That is not why Samuel put you on this case. He's trying to punish me."
"For what?" Now it is Aiden's turn to laugh. "You do everything right. You're better than everyone there-"
"Yeah, well..." You let out a breath before granting him a smile. "If anything, I’m here to protect you."
"They say he's killed-"
"I know, Aiden. I’ve read the file. I helped you go over it."
Aiden studies you for a moment. "You’re really not scared of him?"
"How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives."
A tiny smile finds Aiden's lips as he glances over at you.
"Word of wisdom for my first day?"
"Yep," you laugh. "Courtesy of Judy Blume."
The laugh that follows appears to expel a bit of the stress he feels. Aiden's shoulders relax as you lightly bump his shoulder with yours.
"Here’s the one thing you want to remember when we’re with him." You sigh as he glances your way. "Guys like Tommy, they’re a different breed. They thrive on fear and can sniff it out a mile away. If you give him something he’ll take it, and twist it until he can use it against you. He doesn’t trust us. We’re just a means to an end. So, he'll look for whatever he can. Store it and use it against you the second you're dispensable. Don't give him anything unless it relates to the case."
"Exactly." You smile. "Take a breath. You'll do fine."
Aiden nods. A silence falls over the room as your eyes close. Watching the clock won't speed up the hands of time.
It doesn't help that once you're finished, you have Jeyson's recital. The butterflies in your stomach have been around from the moment you woke. They have nothing to do with Tommy Flores. Although you know Jeyson can play his peace with his eyes closed, the idea of him having to do so in front of an audience makes you nervous.
Aiden's eyes pass over your bouncing leg. He lightly bumps you with his shoulder.
"You wanna know something?"
"I think Angel's a pretty cool guy."
"What?" You let out a small laugh. "Not what you expected?"
"To be honest? No." Aiden admits.
"Not as scary as they make him out to be?" You lightly roll your eyes as Aiden glances in your direction. "You don’t have to pretend like you don't know what everyone at the office says about him, Aiden. They’re not exactly subtle about it."
Aiden nods, the look on his face letting you know he's finally going to ask the question that has been on his mind since his and Angel's meeting.
"Is that why you took the Flores case?" He asks. "Because of what happened with Angel's brother?"
You don't initially answer which prompts him to add his next thought.
"It's just...I noticed you always take the cases no else wants to touch."
"I'll deny this if you ever mention it to anyone at work," A tiny smile finds your face. "But when I was seventeen I got arrested."
Aiden's eyes widen. "Wait-what?"
You laugh as you take in his look of disbelief.
"I'm serious," you giggle as you take in his look of disbelief. "I was at a party with Angel and Isabela--"
"Wait--" Now it's Aiden's turn to laugh. "You and Izzy were arrested?"
"Of course not," your eyes roll, the smile on your face growing at the memory. "In typical fashion, Isabela came out scot-free--somehow wasn't around when we were all taken to the station. I was scared shitless."
"You were a golden girl?" he chuckles as you nod.
"I thought they were going to book us. They had each of us call our parents to come to pick us up. When I called home, my mom answered.
I just remember her saying, 'I told you that Reyes boy was no good, so you can stay there with him. I'll have your father pick you up in the morning.'
The funny thing is, I didn't find out until years later that his mother--Marisol--told Angel she'd come to pick him up. He stayed because he didn't want me to spend the night there alone.
I just think sometimes we have to remember that not everyone has someone to call. It's our job to help people--no matter their charges--because everyone is supposed to have a fair chance against the law."
You glance up as voices can be heard just beyond the door.
"I know people look at him and think he's trouble, but Angel’s not that bad," you softly smile as the door opens.
Tommy enters the room, his eyes instantly falling on an unrecognizable Aiden.
No longer wearing his blue Stockton uniform, Tommy almost looks like a free man. The shackles on his hands and feet briefly attract Aiden's gaze. He blinks before stealing a glance your way and redirecting his attention to Tommy.
He's wearing a charcoal suit. The top buttons of his white button-down are undone. The tie is poorly tied, somehow knotted. His eyes don't leave Aiden until you're standing directly before him. A smile finds Tommy's lips as you concentrate on fastening the unfinished buttons.
"Didn’t realize I was paying you to dress me," he states as you straighten his collar. As you quickly tuck in the tail of his shirt, he continues. "Or that I have to start sharing you."
"I shouldn’t be dressing you," you sigh as you try to push away the realization that you're too close for comfort to him. The smile on his face grows as you focus on the task at hand and not the playful eyes watching you. "But I can’t let you go in there half-ass-."
"It’s not that serious," Tommy chuckles as you take a step back to admire your work. "Their mind is already made up about me anyway-"
“It’s about respect,” Aiden utters. He immediately regrets interrupting Tommy as his gaze returns to him.
Tommy's brow furrows the scowl on his face causing Aiden to squirm.
"They don’t respect me. Why should I respect them?"
Aiden clears his throat. You recognize the look on his face. It is one you have seen since his arrival at the firm. It is the face Aiden makes when he wants to add something, although no one has asked him to.
With each word, Aiden's voice gets lower until it fades out. "Most people argue you lose it when you get accused of murder."
Tommy’s brow arches. A smirk finds his face as he regards Aiden who can't meet his gaze.
"It is about respect, Tommy." Your words bring Tommy's gaze back to you.
Aiden watches silently as Tommy's hands are unshackled.
"I need you to lose the jacket." You motion for him to take it off. "You look like a schoolboy."
"I thought the goal was to make me look like someone I'm not."
"We're not trying to oversell it," you note as he passes the jacket over.
A tiny smile finds his lips as Tommy watches you work on untangling the tie around his neck.
"Never had to wear one of these," he admits. "Not much use for them in my line of work."
"Don't worry about it," your eyes briefly lift from your work to meet his. "I have a lot of practice."
"You make a habit of dressing all your clients? I thought I was special."
"You're not. I have a son. Once you tie a few, you can do them in no time."
Dropping his gaze, Tommy lets out a tiny laugh as he takes in the perfectly done tie. His fingers brush against the tie. His eyes drift to the mirror across the room. He stops to study his reflection.
He hated to admit it, but you were right. If it weren't for the tattoos creeping through the collar of his shirt and the red ink on his hand, a stranger passing on the street wouldn't look twice.
"Uh...thanks." Clearing his throat, Tommy turns away from his reflection. "...for the clothes..."
"Just doing my job."
"I know, but you said it’s important that I look...presentable." He sighs as he meets your gaze. "You’re the first lawyer to tell me that...so I appreciate it."
"You're welcome." The smile on Tommy's face causes you to glance over your shoulder towards Aiden. You watch Aiden nervously brush his hand down the front of his suit. "I’d appreciate it if you ease up on the theatrics just a bit."
The smile on Tommy's face morphs into a grin. The playful glint in his eyes one you've never seen. Paired together, they both could make anyone forget what's he's been charged with.
Your eyes roll as you take in his smile.
"Aiden's never worked a case like this before. He’s wound tight as it is. But he's really smart when he’s not nervous. So please, go easy on him. He's no use to you when he's off his game."
"I'll try," he winks. "But only because you asked."
The buzzing of your phone pulls your attention, causing you to take a step away from Tommy.
The text is from Angel.
Picked up my stuff...can't believe you're making me wear a tie.
Taking Angel to get measured for his tux was a headache in itself. He complained the entire time. He hates dressing up for events at Jeyson's school. Typically, you get so frustrated that you cave and say, "fine, Angel, wear whatever you want."
Not this time.
He wasn't the only one. Each member of the club magically produced a tux after Angel passed along you threatened to have his head if he refused to fit the dress code.
But you'll look so handsome in it.
"I thought you weren't married."
Tommy's observation causes your gaze to lift from your phone.
"I’m not." The response is automatic. Powering it down, you return your phone to your purse.
"Who gave you that? I know it wasn't your babysitter over there. Doesn’t seem like your type."
"I wasn’t aware you knew my type."
You look up to find his eyes are on your neck. It is the same spot that earned Angel a punch in the arm this morning. It stood out clear as day. A fresh hickey. Placed in an impossible spot, so there was no point in trying to cover it. All it did was beg for everyone's attention.
All apart of Angel's intentions.
"I can't help it," Angel had chuckled as he'd avoided a second hit. "I was caught up in the moment. It's what you do to me-"
"Doesn't take a genius to figure it out," Tommy grins as you turn to check the time. "You know what they say, opposites attract. A good girl like you has to like 'em a little rough around the edges."
“Are you done?” Tommy's smile is gone, his eyes rolling.
"You really know how to kill the mood-"
“You're done talking, Tommy. I don't want to hear you say anything once we leave this room." You continue as his jaw tightens. "The only words you know are 'yes, your honor' and 'no, your honor. And please do not roll your eyes.”
“You know it's not my first time in court, right?”
"Trust me, I know," you laugh dryly. “I’ve heard about your courtroom antics.”
"And so has Judge Miller," Aiden steps forward.
“He’s a real stickler for the rules--a complete hardass. He’ll be looking for any reason to make it harder for you. Most people...with your charges...don’t do too well when he’s over the case.” Aiden's eyes pass over to you, a tiny smile forming. “Besides, he doesn’t like female attorneys. In other words, we already got our work cut out for us.”
“Exactly,” you smile as you send Aiden a wink. “So. Let’s not give him any leeway."
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Angel's focus is off. All he can think about is how in twenty-four hours, he's going to be alone with you.
He's currently trying to figure out if the butterflies in his stomach are the good kind. Or if he's starting to psych himself out. Taking the time to process his emotions is Angel's least favorite thing in the world.
Maybe that's why he never does it. The one morning his brain entertains the idea, he's with the rest of the M.C.
They are seated at the table, summoned for a meeting with a charter from Nevada.
The head of the Horsemen is an old buddy of Bishop. The two served together. Bishop has been preparing for the club's arrival for the past week.
“That's some heavy shit.”
"Yeah," Santana sighs, regaining Angel's attention. “He’s brought a lot of heat our way. That’s why we need your help with this. Help mule until we can get out the eye of the ATF.”
Santana's eyes move over the table. The confused looks from the remaining Mayans, informing him that Bishop hasn't shared the news with them all. He removes the pack of cigarettes from his pocket, releasing a breath.
"He's a smart kid," he acknowledges, lighting the cigarette between his lips. "But, sometimes he makes dumb ass mistakes."
"No judgment," Bishop chuckles. "We got a few of those here."
"Yeah, well," Santana's smile fades. Shaking his head, he glances at Bishop. "This mistake lost us our last shipment. He was in your back yard, when it down, and landed himself in Stockton."
"Can they tie it back to you?"
"Alone? No, but..." Santana's words trail off as he and his VP share an uneasy look.
"There was...a casualty." He proceeds, choosing his words carefully, as he massages his temple. "Word is there was a witness. It doesn’t look like she’s backing down."
"Shit," Bishop sighs.
"Yeah." Santana shrugs, ready to leave the topic of conversation. "The kid’s got his prelim today, so we'll know more later."
Bishop nods before releasing a deep breath. "Just know we're praying for Flores."
Angel glances up from the lighter in his hands. A part of him tells Angel to forget it. There is no such thing as coincidences. Besides, Flores is a pretty common name. The only Flores that Angel knows he hasn't seen in years.
But, if Angel has learned one thing from you, he should always trust his gut feeling.
Clearing his throat, he briefly meets Bishop's gaze before looking towards Santana. “Tommy?”
“Yeah. You know Tommy?”
Bishop’s brow arches as Angel’s jaw tightens. The action happens so quickly he’s not initially sure he saw it. It's gone as by the time he gets a second glance.
Shaking his head, Angel directs his attention towards the lighter he's rotating against the tabletop.
“Not personally,” Angel responds. “Read about it in the paper this morning. Didn't realize it was the same case.”
"Yeah, we heard he's got a pretty good attorney," Santana sighs, his head shakes. "Costing the club a pretty penny, but word on the street is Lorente's firm has got the best around."
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Ezekiel Reyes is two shovels from passing out.
Breaking dirt in the middle of the afternoon, beneath the Mexico sun, is not a good idea. Explaining away his current situation will be difficult if someone passes. If the knots in his stomach don't kill him soon, the heat will.
To his defense, Angel didn't provide Ez with much.
The moment the meeting adjourned, his older brother stopped at the bar. The level of his voice, and the calm expression on his face, did not draw any attention. Angel had accepted the beer before lowering his voice.
"I need you to help me with something. Get the truck."
An explanation of that "something" never came out.
Instead, Ez found himself south of the border in the passenger seat. A silent but anxious Angel, flying well over the speed limit.
That was nearly three hours ago.
Now Ez's not sure where he is. A glance at his brother makes Ez question if Angel knows where they are.
He is drenched in sweat, standing in a hole that almost transcends his chest. His eyes are on Angel, who hasn't taken a break from shoveling from the moment his shovel broke ground.
"Look, man," Ez drinks the last of his water. "I don't know if this is the right spot--"
"It's the right fucking spot," Angel reassures him. "Trust me. I couldn't forget it if I wanted to."
Ez's gaze lingers on Angel for a moment before he lightly shakes his head.
Discarding his bottle, he picks back up with helping clear the hole. Nearly another thirty minutes pass before he's ready to drag Angel out the hole.
"What the fuck are we even looking for-"
The sound of Angel's shovel connecting with a solid surface cuts Ez off.
"Told you it was here."
Once they clear away more dirt, Ez learns that it is a black footlocker trunk.
The trunk looks the same as it did the night Angel and Tommy hauled it from the back of his truck. Almost the same. The only deviation is the lock. The key to the lock has been at the end of Angel's keyring from the night he last used it. The silver lock, meant to be attached to the trunk's latch, is missing. Hastily broken off and discarded.
The moment the lid lifts Ez doubles over. The odor that escapes is indescribable but also identifiable. It only comes from one thing. He's throwing up before he can stop it.
Angel must have more experience with the matter at hand, or his body is too wired to register the smell of the body--or at least what's left of it--that rests inside. Because when Ez manages to catch a breath, Angel is already on his knees, leaning into the trunk. The trunk is only so big. Between the body and the black trash bags, there isn't much room left.
Just enough room for a silver lockbox.
Angel opens it, the Beretta that had been left inside is missing. In its place is the ripped-off corner of a slip of paper. The hastily scrawled note reads one simple phrase.
Always get insurance.
Ez steadies himself against the wall of dirt behind him, his throat stinging as he talks through dry coughs.
"Angel, what the fuck did you do?"
Ez's question hangs in the air, left unanswered, as Angel closes the trunk. The tightness of his chest lowers Angel's head down to rest against the trunk's lid. He stays that way for a moment, the racing of his mind making it impossible for him to think of what to do next.
His fingers shift the latches, hastily pressing them back into place before he's pushing himself.
"Help me get this to the truck."
Ignoring your phone calls is the last thing Angel does. In fact, in your relationship, it has been the number one indicator that he's fucked up. When he's slipped up, the first sign is his fear of answering the phone. Primarily because he knows he'll tell on himself the second you ask him what's wrong.
This is why he groans, "shit" when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He doesn't bother checking the caller I.D. He knows it's you. Judging by the time, you've just gotten the call from Gilman sharing that Jeyson was never picked up from school. Hard for that to happen when his father is miles away.
Angel sends your call to voicemail.
Shoving his phone into his pocket, he winces as an all-familiar ding, signaling a left message, fills the air.
Ignoring the need to check it, he motions for Ez to grab the other end of the trunk.
Ez's brow furrows as he glances up at the sky. "What time is it?"
"I don't know." Lugging his side of the trunk off the ground, Angel releases a huff once Ez doesn't move to help. "Help me get this is in the truck-"
"We’re not gonna make it stateside in time for Jeyson's-"
A loud thud drowns out the remainder of Ez's revelation as Angel releases his grip on the trunk.
Running his hand over his face, Angel gives his younger brother a look that freezes him in place.
"What is it that makes you feel like you have to prove how fucking smart you are, all the damn time, Ezekiel?” His question is met with silence as Ez's gaze falls back to the trunk. “I knew that the second we got in the fucking truck. But I'm not going back until this is done--I can’t. So either you’re going to help me or you can go home."
Angel doesn’t wait for a response. He picks up his end of the trunk, bumping Ez with his shoulder as he drags it through the dirt. After nearly two minutes of trying to lift it out of the hole himself, and failing, Angel releases a scream of frustration.
Ez watches as his brother takes a seat on the trunk.
Lowering his face into his hands, Angel tries to sift through the thoughts racing in his mind. But every idea seems more ludicrous than the last.
"Where are we taking it?"
"You’re the genius.” Angel lets out a deep breath before glancing over at his brother. “I'm really hoping you've got one of your bright ideas.”
Mayans Tags: @lilacyennefer @pedropcl @holl2712 @rae-gar-targaryen @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @henrycavill19 @silverstarsandsuns @chellybear98 @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​ @noz4a2​​ @wiccanmetallicrose​​ @crxssourbones​​ @kimljn​​ @starrynite7114​​ @richonne4life​​  @themarkblues​​ @mariaxliliana​​ @thelovelyleo23​​ @hail-horror-queen​​ @gemini0410​​ @binooo98​​ @the-jer-bear​​ @abbiesthings​​ @losolvidad0s​​ @helli4nthus​​ @babaohhhriley​​ @futureleo1678​​ @whatupitshuff​​ @trhett21​​ @trulysuccubus​​ @minnicelli​​ @sillygoose6969​​ @capnsaveahoe​​ @leahnicole1219​​ @crashbarbie​​ @cyka1312​​ @zoovent​​ @lakamaa12​​ @keithseabrook27​​ @vir-tually​​ @awkwardtayler​​ @rawrlittlepanda-95​​ @irenne-stans​​ @pearlkitten33​​ @ezs-baby-angels-whore​​ @sesamepancakes​ @toni9​ @vannabanana1995​ @queenbeered​ @shawty-fenty​ @kaystacks17​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @anactualcaseofthetruth​ @star017​ @cant-decide-at-this-moment​ @cocotheclown​ @watsonwise​ @ilovebey2018​ @oscars-wifeyyy​ @rosieposie0624​ @jennisdirtyimagines​  @ughdontbeboring​ @jjwriter23​ @briskywalker​ @peoniarose​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @partypoison00​ @making-starsdance​ @claytoncardenasbabymama​ @myakai13
274 notes · View notes
hermannsthumb · 3 years
you should totally do something with ksci janitor’s vamp newt it’s so just so good
i sure will! in a vampire mood this weekend. @k-sci-janitor's vampire newt found here. warnings for quick mention of drinking, allusions to sexy stuff, and also the different kind of drinking you'd expect from a vampire fic (tho on the vague side)
The circumstances that led Newt down the unwitting path of immortality and general un-dead-ness are, in hindsight, honestly kind of embarrassing. It'd be one thing if he could say it happened in the pursuit of, like, knowledge, like the fierce jellyfish sting scar on his wrist leftover from a research expedition when he was twenty-two or the equally fierce one on his knee received in response to his question (at the age of five) of what would happen if I jumped out of this very tall tree?, or even something unrelated to his extensive biology career, something impressive, y'know, Van Helsing style, something like tracking down some vampire king and barely escaping with his life (un-life?)—not what really happened, which was little more than a bad date. And not even the worst date that Newt's been on, if you can believe it.
Newt was young and stupid then. He still is young and stupid, technically, though the former by appearance only. (Eternally pushing thirty. If he could've picked, he would've done twenty-eight, just before his handful of grey hairs started cropping up. Newt's had almost forty-five years of staring in the mirror at those four fucking grey hairs. He gave up dyeing them around the nineties. Not worth it. Still annoying.) He liked to do what young and stupid people did, like get stupid tattoos, and have a stupid haircut, and get drunk at stupid punk shows and not stumble home until he'd had at least one regrettable hook-up with a stranger and maybe lost his wallet. (The two were often related.) That particular thing was what did him in that night. It was a different time back then, man—if a dude showed even the slightest inkling that he ran in Newt's sort of circle, if you caught his drift, Newt fucking jumped at the chance.
(The band was on their second set of the evening and Newt had already screamed himself hoarse with singing along. He'd ducked outside in a back alleyway for only a second to get some fresh air, the club suddenly too hot and smokey for him to handle, and was just about to go back inside and close out his tab for the night when he realized he wasn't alone. There was someone—he was sure—lurking in the shadows a few feet away. He could hear breathing. He could see—eyes, maybe, in the dim neon light of the bar sign overhead. "Hello?" he'd called.
"Have a light?" the person called back.
They emerged from the shadows, and Newt felt himself relax at once. It was some spooky-looking guy he remembered seeing in the club, leather jacket, boots heavier than Newt's, dark hair and eyeliner. Tall. Newt remembered him, firstly, because he thought he was hot, and secondly, because he swore he caught the guy staring at him at least three times, and to Newt, that was as good as any pick-up line. He was wagging an unlit cigarette at Newt now. He was taller than Newt thought he was back in the bar—much taller, at least a full head on Newt. His eyes were a golden-brown, almost yellow, like a cat's, and Newt found himself unable to tear his own away from them. "L—light?" Newt echoed.
The guy stuck the cigarette in his mouth and arched a perfect eyebrow. Newt didn't smoke, but he did keep a lighter on him for occasions like this. He fumbled through his pockets for it while the guy stepped closer. "I was watching you," he told Newt, while Newt raised the lighter to the cigarette, "in there."
The flame danced and glinted against his eyes. Newt swallowed. "Uh-huh?" he said.
He flicked the lighter shut, leaving them both bathed in nothing but pink neon. A hand slid up against the wall next to Newt's right shoulder. Another plucked at the left lapel of his jacket. Newt was still staring at those eyes. "What's your name?" the guy said, in a puff of cigarette smoke.
"Um." Newt's leather jacket was being pushed off his shoulders. He felt his long hair being tucked to the side of his neck. All at once something seemed in snap in Newt—some reminder of where he was, and what he came here hoping for in the first place. Some hot dude was eyeing Newt up all night long, and now he was actually coming onto Newt, and Newt was about to get laid. He grinned. "Newt," he said. "Just call me that. You were watching me, huh?"
"All night," the guy said.
Newt's jacket hit the ground with a soft thump. A knee was being pushed between his. Newt felt his cheeks heat up a little—he wasn't used to people being this forward with him, and especially not in a semi-public place like this. Usually they at least made a show of offering up their apartment first. "What, um, what for?" he said.
They were kissing. Newt was clinging to the back of his jacket. And then he was kissing Newt's neck, and then he was—
"That kinda hurts," Newt mumbled. "Um, dude, I think your—your fuckin', tongue piercing cut me, or something. It's—"
It was hard to keep his eyes open. His neck felt weird. The guy was into biting, apparently, biting really hard, and yikes, that was going to leave a super embarrassing hickey that Newt would have to explain to his students somehow on Monday, but it also felt really good, like, Newt was maybe getting off kinda good, and Newt thought, dizzily, that he should at least return the favor before he finished up and collapsed in a happy heap on the ground. So he did.
The guy pulled back with a hiss. "Ow. What—?"
Newt tasted something coppery in his mouth, and he panicked and swallowed on instinct. "Oh, shit, dude, I'm sorry," he slurred. His voice sounded like it was a million miles away. "I was trying to be—sexy. Um." There was blood on the guy's chin. He was staring at Newt in something akin to horror. Dark circles were spotting Newt's vision. "I think you cut your lip," he said, and then he passed out.
Newt was alone when he woke up. It was still dark, too. He walked the two miles home, collapsing in bed, fully-clothed, just before dawn, and he didn't wake up again until sunset. He forgot his jacket, but at least he remembered his wallet this time.)
So, anyway, Newt thinks he can be forgiven if he...embellishes stuff a little when, for the first time in his whole long life, he finally spills the details to someone. Also, no way is he admitting the truth to Hermann of all people.
"There were a bunch of murders in the area at the time," he says, while Hermann, angled on his side next to him in bed, watches him raptly. It's kind of weird pillow talk, but their pillow talk rarely isn't weird. Usually Hermann will launch into a critique of Newt's latest pet theory before Newt's even caught his breath. At least he very courteously waited for Newt get a glass of water from the bathroom first this time. "Really brutal ones. Like, throats torn out, blood drained. Really nasty shit. Everyone was saying they were some kinda bizarre wolf pack attacks, but I knew better."
"Of course you did," Hermann says, running his hand down Newt's chest, and Newt can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not. (He has a feeling he is.)
"You bet," Newt says. "It took me months of, um, super hard research. Finally I hunted him down to this—" Newt debates the coolest lair possible of a vampire, and then remembers Lost Boys, which, even though he resents it slightly for totally stealing the vampire vibes he was going for, is still a kick-ass movie. "—this weird cave, where he lived. The king of the vampires. I won, obviously, but he fought back, and he managed to infect me just before I hammered the, um, the wooden stake into his heart."
"So courageous," Hermann says. He reaches up and tucks a piece of Newt's long hair back. Hermann being totally cool with the whole vampire thing, and maybe even possibly into the whole vampire thing, is probably the last thing in the world Newt expected from him. They're no strangers to hooking up during long late nights of science, but Newt swears it's gotten more frequent. "You must've been terrified."
"Nah," Newt says, though he remembers the glint of the flame off those yellow eyes, and he shivers. Hermann notices; his eyes, not yellow, but a warm shade of brown that makes Newt feel like he's being wrapped in a blanket, soften. If Newt could still blush, he would. "I'm—um—I'm pretty brave."
Newt hadn't exactly been planning on telling Hermann about the whole thing, but (last week) he had the very unfortunate timing of beginning a late-night dinner just as an oblivious Hermann strolled back into the lab to pick up his forgotten pair of glasses. To his credit, he only freaked out a little when he saw Newt draining a blood bag like a fucking Capri-Sun, and even then (after what felt like ten years of horrible, horrible silence) all he said was "You're the one who's been stealing those from medical?"
Look. Newt hasn't drank from a human being the entirety of his un-life, and he doesn't plan on it any time soon. He's...a vegetarian. Effectively. It's sort of the reason he picked up a medical degree along the way once he got tired of breaking into blood banks. Even if it's still a little ethically dubious to steal blood like that, at least he's not swooping around on unsuspecting people like that—goth asshole who swooped in on him did. (Newt's never managed to find out who he was—he suspects he was some sort of vampire drifter in town that night just to find a victim. And Newt just had to think with his dick at the worst possible time.)
Hermann tucks another strand of Newt's hair back. Newt also did not expect how fast Hermann became cool with the whole thing, but on the other hand, giant aliens are clawing their way out of the ocean on a bi-monthly basis these days. It's hard to be skeptical about most things. ("Well, it does make logical sense," Hermann had said with an eyeroll. "When you consider some of your rather more bizarre quirks, I mean. I ought to have guessed it ages ago. I suppose that's why you have that awful haircut," and that stung, because yeah, Newt hasn't felt like changing it up since the seventies, and why should he, it kinda rules? but he just laughed it off and said, "You're one to fucking talk, dude!") "Newton," Hermann says now, gently, "what actually happened?"
Newt sighs. Hermann always knows when he's lying about shit. "I was making out with a vampire in an alleyway and then he bit me. And—um—I kinda didn't notice at first, 'cause it felt... good."
"Mm," Hermann says. The corner of his mouth twitches up. "That's more along the lines of what I expected. That, or you were hounding him for details like a proper biologist and he got tired of answering your inane questions."
"Very funny," Newt says. "Ha."
Hermann rolls away from him and stretches his arms above his head. Newt watches his throat work as he yawns, swallowing down a sudden lump in his own, and he feels a surge of something hot and—alien—in the pit of his stomach. "Over forty years," Hermann says. He picks up Newt's discarded sweatshirt from the floor and tugs it down over his head. "You must get terrifically lonely."
Newt half-shrugs. "I guess. I'm kinda used to it by now." His dad (who never brought up how Newt's aging seemed to be at a standstill when they saw each other, not once) is long-gone. Newt's tried dating, but no one's ever seemed to be into it as much as he is—and besides, it's not like he could ever do the actual til death do us part thing unless he went against every ethical bone in his body and made someone like him. When the internet became a thing, he considered making a forum or something to find more of his kind, but the thought everyone just being like the guy who accidentally turned him in the first place terrified him and he killed the page before it even left infancy. So, without any better ideas, Newt forged some paperwork and leaned pretty hard into the world of academia to fill up his sad little hole of a heart, resigned himself to casual flings with anyone who seemed interested, and it mostly worked. Mostly. And then the kaiju came along, and then so did... "You make it a little bit better," he confesses.
Hermann lays back down next to him. "I do?" he says.
Newt thinks he sees something like that hot, hungry feeling he felt in his stomach flash behind Hermann's eyes. He nods.
Hermann suddenly kisses Newt, pulling him down on top of him, and then tugs the collar of Newt's stolen sweatshirt down below his collarbone. He drags Newt's hand up to press against his throat. Newt feels the erratic beat of Hermann's pulse beneath his fingertips, his heart pounding against his ribcage (pressed up against Newt's silent one), and he almost moans. "Have you ever...?" Hermann murmurs, gazing up at Newt through his dark eyelashes.
"N—never," Newt stammers. "I told you."
"Do you want to?" Hermann says. Newt tries not to gape. "Just a bit at a time, whenever you need. You wouldn't have to steal those silly blood bags anymore. And—" He hesitates. "I admit I am curious. About the sensation."
"Um," Newt says. "I—"
He feels something sharp poking his lower lip. Fangs. His fangs. Oh, shit, he's never had that happen before. He forces himself off of Hermann before he does something stupid.
"Maybe, um, maybe later?" he squeaks, while Hermann just smiles at him.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Iphimedia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Princess by Poseidon
Age- 17
Location- Thessaly, Olympius
Personality- Iphimedia is very materialistic. She wants to be known for something more, not just being a Thessilian princess. She desperately wants to find something she's genuinely good at.
She lives with her parents, Lord Triopas and Lady Hiscilla, in a large mansion in the state of Thessaly. She's not speaking to them much since they "persuaded" her to start up a courtship with a guy named Aloeus. Thus far, their "relationship" (on her end) is all for appearance sake. She desperately hopes that there won't be a marriage proposal.
She often remarks how her family are "regular rich", not "Godly rich."
Iphimedia says she has an addiction to expensive footwear. She has 10 pairs of Diamond Ave. shoes (Pheme's fashion brand), half of them being the ones with the diamond encrusted soles. She also has a small growing collection of Diamond Ave. jeweled clutches- her favorite being the camera shaped one.
She first met Poseidon (god of the sea & earthquakes) by chance when she was out sunbathing with a few friends at a beach in Naxos. They noticed each other from afar and Iphimedia was instantly attracted to him. Before she could try to get his number, he had already left. After a week of shameless "eye-flirting", Iphimedia asked one of her friends to drop a note to Poseidon, which expressed a plan for a secret rendezvous. On the same night, on a different private beach, she was actually surprised to see him show up. Iphimedia playfully undressed in front of him & slowly began walking into the ocean. Poseidon joined her and that was their first hookup.
Her go-to drink is a banana disarita. She also likes lemonade margarita slushies and large caramel lattes from The Roasted Bean.
Her favorite dish is mushroom asiago chicken with fettuccine pasta.
She's a huge fan of Pheme (goddess of fame). Not only does she love the Diamond Ave. brand, Iphimedia's a voracious watcher of The Godly Hour, collects issues of The Oracle Scoop, and even has a limited edition glamour doll of the fame goddess!
Iphimedia is very possessive of Poseidon at times and is very envious of his past and present relationships with other girls (despite them not being monogamous). She once left threatening voicemails to his exes, Chione (goddess of snow) & Cleodora. She has also stalked the Fatestagram profile of Nerissa (goddess of jellyfish)- a friend of Poseidon.
One of her greatest dreams is to own Olympius' most expensive pair of shoes. It's from Diamond Ave., it's worth 22 million drachmas. The heeled shoes are crafted with solid gold, forty carats of diamonds, and pieces of a celestial meteorite. Poseidon offered to get them for her as a birthday gift, but Iphimedia declined, stating that she wants to get them for herself on her own.
She's also Fatestagram friends with Phaedra, a princess of Crete.
In her free time (when she's not with Poseidon) she likes to shop- despite her parents' warning that she not exceed her credit card limit, hanging out with her friends, going to the spa, and going to the movies.
She loves binge-watching episodes of The Dynasty of the Vain and Powerful.
She thinks of Hera as an annoying meddler with great hair.
"I'm not just a princess. I'm the princess!"
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by-kilian · 3 years
Omg I would love to see the kids being at an aquariam! I only went to aquriams a couple of times, but I have so much fun. I personally love looking at jellyfish. They come in all sizes and shapes and some even glow. I just find them graceful and magical even despite the fact they're just floating around.
Honestly I'm deathly afraid of the ocean but I love learning about the marine creatures. It's funny seeing my friends reactions to a cursed animal or cursed fact. Did u know theres a fish literally called 'bony eared ass fish?' If u wanna see a squid with elbows, look look the magnapinna squid. I dont even know why it has elbows lmao (it looks nice when it swims but when it's still t's absolutely menacing)
How you dont mind me infodumping a bit, you're really fun and nice to interact with and talk about different things (the bird discussions made me laugh)
Aww thank you so much! You’re too sweet to say that. ❤️🥺
I haven’t been to an aquarium in ages but I remember we were allowed to touch sting rays! I remember I thought it was gross 💀. I’d still think that now and it’s fuck them and that’s on Steve Irwin!
Also you mentioning that squid with the elbows actually reminded me of whales because they have knee like structures (the idea of mermaids is said to have partially descended from sailors seeing whale tails because they look like they have knees!). It’s fascinating and horrifying to think of all the similar structures some animals have to humans sometimes 👁👄👁 makes u think
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toastydehmer · 6 years
Colors Ask
Original list can be found here! Though some of these were doctored up a wee bit just so I could make better sense of them.
[RED] What are you most passionate about? How did this passion develope?
My passion has been creating these ideas and worlds and AUs or even just overarching plots to stories I'll probably never write. It started with my voracious habit to read - something I probably do WAY too much of if I'm too be honest. As I read I would theorize and extrapolate from what the story told so far and I guess it became a habit. Now I look at fandoms I like or pairings and suddenly and writing down notes, sketching designs, and looking up references for this whole new Alternate Universe just because I can. I love it!
[ORANGE] How many pieces of fruit do you aim to eat per day? What do you actually manage?
Uh, I don't eat often bub. A meal at McDonalds is enough to fill me up for an entire 24-hour period. I eat fruit when my body craves it which tends to be about once a week to every other week.
[YELLOW] What's your happy place? Real or fictional?
Okay. That 'happy place' idea is utter bullshit. When I get an anxiety/panick attack, I don't go to a tranquil place in my mind and start to feel better. That doesn't help because guess what, an idle mind is the perfect playground for personal demons. Happy Places probably exist but they don't do jackshit once you're already in one and besides, I couldn't never keep my thoughts straight enough in the middle of an attack to make a decision.
[GREEN] Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? What's your favorite flower to smell?
Indoors during winter and late autumn, outdoors the rest of the year. I like to just lay in the grass when the sun is high on a clear, breezy day and bask in the light like a cat. As for flower... hell if I know. A flower is a flower to my brain.
[BLUE] What is your favorite mode of long distance transportation? Have you ever been on a plane? If so, what was it like?
Uh, car. I've only been a plane plane twice (nearly passed right out walling to my seat the first time I was so terrified) but both were utterly boring. The book I brought with I finished before half the trip was over. Though it was fun seeing the clouds, I think they would get boring after so many trips. And besides, in a car trip on my own, I can play whatever music I want however loud I please.
[INDIGO] What's your top three names? Would you ever consider having children?
I actually have a list in Google Drive because my boyfriend and I had started talking about the possibility of having kids sometime in the next five to ten years. Looking at it, it's hard to choose but it follows a pattern of a Latin, Greek, or Irish word that had meaning.
Daughter: it would be Eirini (Greek: Peace), Elpida (Greek: Hope), and Nadur (Irish: Nature).
Son: Anam (Latin: Soul), Rioga (Irish: Royal), and Nostrum (Latin: Ours).
[VIOLET] What's your favorite cake flavour? Are you any good at baking?
Chocolate hands down. If it's chocolate you got me. And yes, I am very good at baking. My two favorite recipes are Red Velvet cake with Cream Cheese frosting and Flour-less Chocolate Torte. Both arevcompletely from scratch mind you, frosting and all. So god damned delicious.
[PURPLE] Do you support the Royal Family? Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
Royal Family? Well, I don't know anything about them instead of Royal Family how about President? And no, I do not support a large portion of Trump's decisions mainly to do with his methods and the nuances of those decisions.
Also, I don't really have a favorite hostiorical figure? Or even one I like? To me they're like one big tapestry that details the human race, one which is still continually being added to. They are a part of the whole. Which to put in layman's terms means I like history overall more than any singular person involved.
[PINK] What is your favorite animal? Zoos or farms?
CATS!!! I love house cats, big cats, wild cats, domesticated cats, exotic cats, local cats, cats, cats, cats! But not the musical, lol. But I'd rather see cats in their natural habits. Hells, I'd rather see all animals in their natural habits when considering non-domesticaed animal breeds. I don't like either of them if the purpose is to just visit the animals in them.
[TURQUOISE] Do you like being in the sea? What coastal town is your favorite to visit?
Hm. I was born and raised in the land of ten thousand lakes and have only ever been to the coast twice, the Gulf of Mexico and the Southern Californian coast in specific. I was able to wade into the ocean when I went to the Gulf but I don't think that would be a good choice to base my decision on as I was stung my floating remnants of jellyfish and then didn't risk going in again after that. To make things easier, let's go with large bodies of water in general, to which the answer is a wholesome yes. I love to swim and float in the water.
[MINT] Do you like astrology? Do you consider Pluto a 'real planet'?
Ah. This question. I do occasionally practice witchcraft when I have a good purpose to do so - such as making a charm for a friend, cleansing my home, and other such things. Astrology is part of what I do so yes, I like it in the sense that it helps me work or stronger correspondences. As for Pluto....bot really. Pluto is a dwarf planet by scientific standards. In my practice, there isn't much to tie it to outside of a person's sign related to it. It's hard to work with it because of this as all the other planets (substituting earth with the moon here) have ample correspondences.
[CRIMSON] Have you ever broken and bone before? Do you enjoy going to the dentist?
Hell no to both questions. Next!
[AMBER] Do you have a license to drive? If now, how do you get around?
Yes I do! I have a 2007 Volkswagen Jetta Wolfsberg edition. My first car, used it be my dad. I've had it for just about two years now and I keep her in tip top shape as much as a possibly can! Just wish I had a proper garage so I could do my own small repairs and work on her.
[LIME] Do you like monkeys? Do you believe the theory of evolution?
No, I don't really care for monkeys. And from a scientific standpoint, yes I do.
[TANGERINE] How tall are you? Do you ever wish you were taller or shorter?
I am literally just a hair below 5'11" and for a woman my age where I live, that is really tall. I match height with most men I've met. But I do sometimes wish I was shorter just because my height and stature paired with my resting bitch face tend to intimidate or slightly scare people when they first meet me. I often have to explain that, "No, I'm not angry, this is just my normal look when I'm not really feeling any specific emotion. You're fine, I swear. I just look like this." And I'm a gentle giant. Think BFG if you know it. I'm the one who will jump in to protect and be a meat shield for someone else but am unable to raise a hand for my own safety. People being scared of me just makes me feel really damn sad and depressed.
[AZURE] Which gender and sexuality do you most identify with?
Uuuuuuh. Hm. Well- that is kinda a hard question? For gender I think the closest I can relate to is genderfliud. I don't have any body dysphoria but I do know there are times I feel way more masculine than feminine. The reverse is just as equally true. And then there are times where I don't feel like I have a specific gender. Sexuality can make this kind of hard to pin down for me. Put it this way. I am panromantic but I find males sexually arousing much more than I do females. And for those curious (unlikely anyone) I'll go by any pronoun. He, she, it, they/them, I really don't give a fuck.
[BEIGE] What is your favorite pop/soda? Do you enjoy alcohol?
P E P S I. Coke is an abomination, something which my boyfriend heavily disagrees with the heathen... I don't....really like to drink often. Alcoholism kind of runs in the family and due to that, I'm more likely to form a codependency on it as well. My family on my Dad's side is heavily German if that helps make more sense. But I do enjoy sweet wines the very few times I allow myself a glass, no more than two.
[CORAL] What is your favorite Disney movie? Who does it better, Disney or Pixar?
You- you can't just ASK me this!! I grew up on Disney! To pick a favorite would be blasphemous of me!!! Also, if that didn't make it clear, Pixar can suck my sack. Disney for the win.
[SAPPHIRE] Do you wear any jewelry? What do you think looks best on other people?
I wear a silver ring on me right middle finger everyday 24/7 and only take it off during my job or when I'm going into any amount of water. I used to wear earrings as well but I lost my silver pair and I can only wear gold or silver. Yes, I have tried to nail polish trick and hypoallergenic. No, I couldn't get either to work with me. My ears would still puss around the non-pure metal earrings. Now I only wear any of my other earrings when I'm doing something special and never for more than a few hours or so.
[GOLD] What do you consider your biggest achievement? When was the last time you won (at) something?
Ah, achievements, things that
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pxychrometrics · 4 years
i hate the ocean sunfish
So someone in a group asked me to tell them why I hate the ocean sunfish so much, and apparently it was ~too mean~ and was deleted. To perpetuate the truth and stand up for ethical journalism, I'm posting it here. [Rated NC-17 for language.]
Disclaimer, I care about marine life more than I care about anything else, for real. Except this big dumb idiot. And it's not like an ~ironic~ thing, I mean it IS hilarious to me and they ARE THE BIGGEST JOKE PLAYED ON EARTH but I seriously fucking hate them.
They are the world's largest boney fish, weighing up to 5,000 pounds. And since they have very little girth, that just makes them these absolutely giant fucking dinner plates that God must have accidentally dropped while washing dishes one day and shrugged his shoulders at because no one could have imagined this would happen. AND WITH NO PURPOSE. EVERY POUND OF THAT IS A WASTED POUND AND EVERY FOOT OF IT (10 FT BY 14 FT) IS WASTED SPACE.
They are so completely useless that scientists even debate about how they move. They have little control other than some minor wiggling. Some say they must just push water out of their mouths for direction (?????). They COULD use their back fin EXCEPT GUESS WHAT IT DOESNT FUCKING GROW. It just continually folds in on itself, so the freaking cells are being made, this piece of floating garbage just doesn't put them where they need to fucking go.
So they don't have swim bladders. You know, the one thing that every fish has to make sure it doesn't just sink to the bottom of the ocean when they stop moving and can stay the right side up. This creature. That can barely move to begin with. Can never stop its continuous tour of idiocy across the ocean or it'll fucking sink. EXCEPT. EXCEPT. When they get stuck on top of the water! Which happens frequently! Because without the whole swim bladder thing, if the ocean pushes over THE THINNEST BUT LARGEST MOST TOPPLE-ABLE FISH ON THE PLANET, shit outta luck! There is no creature on this earth that needs a swim bladder more than this spit in the face of nature, AND YET. Some scientists have speculated that when they do that, they are absorbing energy from the sun because no one fucking knows how they manage to get any real energy to begin with. So they need the sun I guess. But good news, when they end up stuck like that, it gives birds a chance to land on their goddamn island of a body and eat the bugs and parasites out of its skin because it's basically a slowly migrating cesspool. Pros and cons.
"If they are so huge, they must at least be decent predators." No. No. The most dangerous thing about them is, as you may have guessed, their stupidity. They have caused the death of one person before. Because it jumped onto a boat. On a human. And in 2005 it decided to relive its mighty glory days and do it again, this time landing on a four-year-old boy. Luckily Byron sustained no injuries. Way to go, fish. Great job.
They mostly only eat jellyfish because of course they do, they could only eat something that has no brain and a possibility of drifting into their mouths I guess. Everything they do eat has almost zero nutritional value and because it's so stupidly fucking big, it has to eat a ton of the almost no nutritional value stuff to stay alive. Dumb. See that ridiculous open mouth? (This is actually why this is my favorite picture of one, and I have had it saved to my phone for three years) "Oh no! What could have happened! How could this be!" Do not let that expression fool you, they just don't have the goddamn ability to close their mouths because their teeth are fused together, and ya know what, it is good it floats around with such a clueless expression on its face, because it is in fact clueless as all fuck.
They do SOMETIMES get eaten though. BUT HARDLY. No animal truly uses them as a food source, but instead (which has lead us to said photo) will usually just maim the fuck out of them for kicks. Seals have been seen playing with their fins like frisbees. Probably the most useful thing to ever come from them.
"Wow, you raise some good points here, this fish truly is proof that God has abandoned us." Yes, thank you. "But if they're so bad at literally everything, why haven't they gone extinct." Great question.
And this concludes why I hate the fuck out of this complete failure of evolution, the Ocean Sunfish. If I ever see one, I will throw rocks at it.
“....” Ahn has No Words for you, Anon.
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