#i'm not good at military gear so forgive me
randevu-01 · 11 months
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2023. DmC x CoD crossover for fun :D
Funker Vogt - Let`s Go to War
Funker Vogt - Kill on Command
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cerosin-bis · 5 months
(First of all, I'm a massive fan of your art and headcanons. I'm krueger girl any day of the week, and your art just makes me want to gnaw on him.)
I've been obsessed with drawing military gear for a few years now, and I love how your art style depicts everything. I was just wondering how you went about developing that ridiculously cool style? How much do you think about real anatomy and actual references of gear while still retaining the stylistic look? I always tend to struggle with overdetailing in certain areas, especially on plate carriers and guns.
Do you have any tips for someone wanting to improve in this specific area? (Other than heaps and heaps of practice, of course, haha)
Thanks, and keep up the great work!
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad that you like my take on Krueger that much as fan, means a lot! 😊♥
Also, this is very high praise. In a lot of ways I think it's also important to remember that my artstyle tends to be very forgiving as my lines are naturally super loose. My anatomy isn't objectively good, but it works because I have a general idea of how body parts are linked together. i think.
My reply got super long (SORRY..) so it goes under the cut:
What made me develop my style was... gaining confidence. Over the course of the past 5 years, 90% of my drawings were the same 4 characters, over and over.
I got comfortable with the layout of their gear -> the more comfortable you are with something, the more you simplify it → the more effortless it looks → the more "daring" you get with it. I think it particularly applies to gear art.
Regarding specifically what you mentioned, here's my advice (this is personal advice from my experience, again, I lack actual solid basics and I only draw lined works, so this might not apply to painting!!!) :
Overdetailing: DRAW UNZOOMED!!! literally my n°1 advice. When I over-detail (you can see it in some of my posted pieces) it's exclusively when I wanted to correct smth and stayed zoomed in. Unzoom as much as you are comfortable with - I advise seeing at least 40-50% of your drawing at all times. Having a general view will help you not to "linger" on any part, and consider your drawing as a whole instead of separate parts.
References: use them, but don't get trapped by them. Basically: don't try to stick to them too hard. This is personal advice, but in my case, when I focus too much on a reference and try to replicate exactly what it shows (the exact angle an arm bends, every detail on a piece of gear, etc), my drawing ends up being very stiff and/or overdetailed. Try to draw your reference your way, with your proportions, while retaining the general idea of the ref - whether it is an entire pose, a body part, a plate carrier or a gun. It'll be less frustrating, and will get you to develop your own style quicker while making you improve.
I'll be honest - I lack actual, good anatomy basics and practice, which hinders me *a lot* when I draw or attempt drawing more elaborate stuff. It might not show because I find workarounds in my style.
My point is that.. despite this, you guys like what I do, and for the most part (I can't believe I'm saying this now) I'm confident with my artstyle 🥺 ... so, ultimately, it's about finding some sort of balance. Again, thank you for your words. I hope amidst my rambles you could find something useful. I'm rooting for you! 😤
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me-and-my-3lovers · 4 months
A Bond Never Meant to Be
Alpha!Castiel x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Apocalypse!Castiel
What happens when you are trapped in a room, ready to be tortured by your boyfriend’s evil doppelgänger?
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: SELF HARM/ MUTILATION, SUICIDE, Forced Claiming, angst, Torture, There are other ones I just can't think of
Italics are your thoughts
"You are quite the interesting specimen." The voice sounded like Cas but not quite, it was too mean, too calculating. "Take the bag off her head." He commanded. Your eyes didn't need much time adjusting to the dim room, seeing Charlie and Ketch were being tortured by angels in military gear. What towered over you was Castiel, not your Cas, he smelled smelled... off, but he looked identical. "It'll be so easy breaking an omega."
"Don't you touch her," Ketch tried to sound intimidating, but he was coughing up too much blood for that, "You'll regret it."
"There has not been an omega in this world for decades," This evil Castiel bent over to inspect you, "I wouldn't even have to break her mind like the red-head." He turned your head over to see Charlie, slumped over and unconscious. You were too scared to speak, watching as this Castiel smiled down at you. "I can smell your fear, delicious. Don't worry my little omega, I won't hurt a hair on your pretty little head. You will be telling me everything I want to know, of your own volition."
"Screw you! I will tell you nothing!"
Castiel chuckled at you little outburst. Moving closer to your ear he whispered, "You will tell me everything you know, one way or another."
You couldn’t breath, the world stopped and shattered. He claimed you.
"You Bastard!" Ketch screamed, earning himself a blow to the kidneys, "I'll kill you."
"Now, you are going to be a good little omega and tell me where the rebels are hiding," Castiel started petting your hair, "Before I have to kill both of them."
The next few moments went by in a blur, you think it was Sam and Dean, maybe Mary too, who came busting in guns blazing. Evil Castiel ran out the door while his subordinates got stabbed with angel blades. You remember Ketch trying to tell them to check on you, and then you were free, Sam cut the ropes holding you to the chair and gave you his jacket.
"You ok?" You could only nod. Sam tried to shake your shoulders before walking you outside. You were grateful for the jacket, it smelled like home.
Cas was right outside when you opened the door, you could see him stabbing his doppelgänger and then a bright flash of light. You walked over to your Cas, falling into his arms, unable to suport yourself anymore, and Cas carried you bridal style away from the building. Cas smelled wrong, he didn't smell like your mate anymore.
"Are you ok?" Cas asked when he felt your tears on his trench coat.
"I'm fine, I just want to go home." You sniffled a bit, "everything'll be fine when we get home." You were exhausted, falling asleep on your way too the base.
When you woke up you were on a bus, Charlie was sitting next to you.
"Where are we going?"
"Back to your world, the rift is still open." The bus stopped and everyone was rushing out. Charlie was right, the rift was still open, but it looked weak, like it might close at any moment.
When you tried to get up your legs gave out and you fell back on the seat, everyone on the bus evacuated except for you, stuck there like a newborn fawn. You made no attempt to get up again, or call for help, you were just laying on the bus seat, no will power left to move. You wondered if anyone would come back for you, you hoped they didn't.
Coming back would waste time they didn't have, and maybe I deserve to be stuck here. You thought to yourself. If I die, is my soul stuck here? Would Cas forgive me? He shouldn't, I someone else claimed me, taking away our life together.
"There you are sweetie,"
"Gabriel," He lifted you up and ran out of the bus.
"I know, I'm your hero, but the rift is closing and Lucifer can only hold back Michael for so long." You turned and saw Michael and Lucifer locked in combat, and Lucifer didn't look too hot. "Sam Dean! Go! I Got her!"
Sam and Dean waited until you were right behind them before going through. "It's gonna be a tight squeeze, hold on." Gabriel said, holding you tighter.
The rift closed right behind you and Gabriel, no chance for Michael or Lucifer to come back through.
"Cassie, looking for someone?" Gabriel said with a shit eating grin.
"Can you just take me to my room?" You whispered in his ear.
"But everyone is celebrating, and you haven't even seen Cas yet,"
"Please Gabe..." You sounded so weak that Gabriel listened and took you back to your room and laid you on your bed.
"I'll have Cas come back with chicken noodle soup." Gabe promised, You nodded your head before he closed your door.
You got up from your bed and went to your dresser for your hunting knife. You cut your hand and started drawing warding sigils with your blood, making sure you wouldn't have unwanted angels sneaking in. Next you grabbed a sock to try and muffle the sounds of what would come next. Moving to your sink, you turned on the water and shook off Sam's jacket, removing your shirt, you saw the mark on your neck. It looked red and angry, with dried blood all over it.
There was only one way to get rid of a mating bond.
You balled the sock up and put it in your mouth. You hesitated for a moment. This was the most painful thing an omega could ever do to them selves, and there'd be no going back from here. I'd never be able to have a mate ever again, Cas could never claim me. Is it worth it?
You plunged the knife into your mating gland, the pain crippling you. You couldn't hold back the scream the escaped you.
"Y/N!!" you could hear dishes shatter and Cas yelling outside your door, "Are You hurt?! What's going on?!" The knob jiggled but the door didn't budge, "Open the door!"
You wanted to go towards him, to have him heal you, but you couldn't. He won't be able to look me in the eyes after this, all I'll be to him is a weak disappoint. You dragged the knife through the wound to open it up enough to see inside.
"Sam, Dean!!" Cas was shouting for the brothers. "Please, open the door, let me in," he leaned on the door, "I know you're hurting, I want to help you."
The tears falling down your face weren't from the pain anymore. You don't want to help me, at least you wouldn't if you knew what he'd done. Through all the blood and tears dripping down your neck and chest, you could see your mating gland in the mirror.
"Y/N, Open this door!" You heard Dean banging on the wood, "Open it or I'm getting an axe and chopping it down!" He tried frantically jiggling the knob, "Why can't we smell you anymore? WHY CAN'T WE SMELL YOU ANYMORE?!" You heard dean bang on the door one last time before running off, probably to get the aforementioned axe.
"'Mega, please, I still need you." Cas plead through the door.
Cutting through whatever veins or soft tissue was connecting your mating gland to your body, you pulled it out and threw it in the trash can next to you. You felt light headed and airy, the world seemed dull and scentless. You closed your eyes and took a deep inhale, there was nothing, no fear or anxiety or anger in the air, just nothing. The world seemed darker too, colors weren't as sharp anymore and everything seemed to be more grey and black.
"It's ok Cas, everything's ok." you called out.
"Open the door, please!" Cas called out, "Open the door for me."
He must not have heard you, "Everything's fine." you call out again while closing your eyes, everything's fine. In fact, everything's better than fine. Life couldn't be better.
You woke up next to Cas in your bed, both of you tangled up in the bedsheets. Cas cupped your cheek and kissed you hard, "I love you so much y/n, more than you'll ever know." Cas's hand moved down to stroke your mating gland, "I can't wait to claim you 'mega."
"Well," you rolled to straddle Cas, your hands resting on his solid chest, "don't wait too long, an omega can only handle so much teasing." You chuckled, pulling Cas up for another kiss.
"Once we get back from the Apocalypse world, I promise." Cas sat up to look you in the eyes. "I'm very good at keeping my promises."
"I'll be waiting mister." You chuckled before kissing him again.
Dean finally broke through the warding and brought down your door. Cas was the first one inside and rushed to your body. You were lying on the ground, eyes closed and covered in blood, the knife still in your hand. Cas cradled you, trying to heal the wound in your neck.
Dean came around to grab Cas' shoulder. "Cas, is she...?" Dean trailed off, not being able to think about loosing you.
"She's not- she can't be-" no matter how much Cas tried, your body remained still, cold and lifeless.
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waddledab · 1 year
wtf pls tell me abt your splatoon mlp au???
OH boy. oh boy. anon I am so glad you asked. putting this under a read more so I don't clog people's dashes lmao (also forgive me for my thoughts not being organized)
ok so this is based on friendship is magic bc that's the only one I've seen and it's like... if the mane six were in splatoon? specifically splatoon 3 bc that's the one I had on my mind lol anyways. freshness is magic
Twilight is an octarian soldier (like, the only one left for some reason) sent by Octavio to investigate the Splatlands about the disappearances of the other Octarians while he says he "won't be too far behind" (foreshadowing)
on the way there she meets spike. he's the "little buddy" smallfry of this. no he will not tell her what spike is short for or why he was in the middle of the desert when he met her
Oh yeah and only twilight can understand him bc she speaks salmonid. he just sounds like gurgles to the rest of the gang
twilight gets a transmission from Octavio basically telling her to go to Splatsville specifically, "blend in, make friends, keep a low profile, whatever"
just outside of splatsville they run into fluttershy (her name is probably different but I can't think of a good one so she's just fluttershy for now). she's a sea slug (kinda like flow) bc look at this image.
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it's literally just her. come on
she's heading into town too and it basically goes like the show where she's like "omg is that a salmonid... wowie......."
MEANWHILE in Splatsville:
Pinkie (inkling), Dash (octoling who grew up in the Splatlands), and Jack (inkling) are all friends but they're in a bit of a pickle. they wanna do turf wars but they need a 4th person and the random people they keep getting matched with just don't vibe very well :(
enter twilight. (and fluttershy) (and spike)
at first twilight's like "Ugh no" but then spike is like "heyyyyy part of your missionnnn was making friiiiiends rememeberrrrr?"
so she joins the team. fine sure whatever I'm not gonna get attached (she gets attached)
Twilight is a charger main. e-liter menace
Dash is a dualies main because of course
Pinkie is good with all weapons tbh but her favorites are rollers and blasters
Jack mains N-Zap 64 and she is a tacticooler mvp
At one point they're like "Hey twi love the military drip but like you gotta get some drip"
enter rarity. i don't really have a clear mental image of her yet but she is crab. probably hermit crab? tamatoa ass back I know that for sure
she moved to the splatlands from Inkopolis and started a boutique there
she's a brush main btw "hey Earnest you dipshit only inklings and octolings do turf war" nuh uh big man canonically plays turf war AND salmon run so there
(fluttershy doesn't like doing turf war and doesn't have a main for obvious reasons) (but she does cheer them on) (spike does too bc he's not allowed in the Turf War building :( )
anyways. twilight and the gang are now besties. enter cuttlefish.
Dash: hey is it just me or is that old guy staring at us from the sewers
Pinkie: I'm gonna go follow him lol
this action has consequences.
they're all agent 3 now (3.1-3.7) but cuttlefish only has one set of hero gear. "sorry guys you're all shit out of luck" (of course twilight gets it bc protag disorder) and rarity's all "well Fine I can make hero gear for the rest of us"
crater proceeds as normal with twilight, pinkie, dash, and jack each taking one level. twilight is... *unnerved* by the current status of the octarian troops
enter octavio. hes fucking pissed. this is his natural state of being tho
he calls out twilight for being a TRAITOR and she feels bad blah blah blah they kick his ass
again it proceeds as normal but when twilight wakes up. she's alone (except for spike). as it turns out all of her besties landed on different islands somehow bc this might as well happen
Twilight is island 1, jack is island 2, pinkie is island 3, fluttershy is island 4, dash is island 5, and rarity is island 6 working on everyone's agent outfits all along so they got their group swag by the end of it
again story is pretty much the same from there. kill that bear
and so the world is saved with the power of friendship :)
unfortunately celestia and luna don't really exist by virtue of octavio kind of taking celestia's role? rip queens we loved you so much but you were replaced by old men unfortunately. sad
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tiredassmage · 2 years
Tyr as a Companion
I'd do a whole series of my ocs in this, but I have too many to contain in one post, so I'll pick away at these piece by piece, lol.
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By your lead.
Something I can do for you?
Yes? What's next?
Battle Lines:
I'll cover you!
Mind your step.
Well, if you insist!
Never see us coming!
Exiting Battle:
Are you alright?
Guess they won't learn, eh?
So indelicate. Their loss.
KO'ed/Low Health
Could use a hand here!
That wasn't... quite to plan.
In the end.., I know my purpose...
Forgive me. I fear I failed you.
I owe you one. Or three. Drinks later?
Trust me, it never gets more fun.
Misc. Click Lines
Was there something else?
"Nine" will still suffice. Intelligence may be lost, but I remain.
What? Sorry. Implants have been acting up. Might need some adjustments.
[Alderaan-specific] It's beautiful here, isn't it? I almost wouldn't mind settling down here, if it wasn't for... everything. Can't imagine it'd be too hard to get lost in these mountains...
[Saboteur/Republic-specific] You know, I don't think I ever thanked you properly. There was a time I thought I'd never escape... Just... thanks.
Worried who you were talking with? Ha! I'll take that as a compliment.
We should get back to work. There's always plenty of it.
Military Gear, Weapon [favorite]: What, for me? Truly? I... Thank you. I'll put it to good use.
Maintenance, Underworld Good, Technology [love]: Wow, incredible! Where did you get this?
Imperial Memorabilia, Courting, Republic Memorabilia [like]: Very thoughtful of you.
Cultural Artifact, Trophy, Delicacies, Luxury [indifferent]: If that be your wish, I'm... sure I can find a use for it.
Likes: Pragmatism, respect, professionalism, playing to strengths, staying true to ideals and policies
Dislikes: Sith power plays and politics, senseless violence, mind control, collateral damage in operations, rigid loyalty to authority
This was a fun thinking exercise! I found this in the tags this morning and simply thought it was fun and I will hopefully torture myself by doing more ocs eventually, bUT for now, a short break.
Also, all my potential swtor mutuals I am staring at you with heart eyes, if you wanna do this, consider this your tag, lol.
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caranfindel · 3 years
Episode recap/review: Walker 1.14
I didn't expect to recap 1.14 and yet here I am, still avoiding my unfinished Summergen fic. I'm actually writing this in real time, as I watch the episode. So for once I'm not pretending I don't know what happens. I literally don't know.
We begin with Cordell and Grandpa clearing up the crime scene. How much do I love Cordell saying "Daddy?" A lot. And not in that way, you perverts. It just really brings out the Texan.
Liam is in bed, recuperating. He gets a call (note that he calls himself William professionally, which is news to me, and I like it for whatever reason) from someone asking for a comment, which he starts to angrily refuse before Gramma Walker grabs his phone and hangs up. Gramma Walker going all Mama Bear for Liam is also interesting, and unexpected. But Liam says "I can take care of myself" and she says "No, you can't. None of you boys can." And then looks sadly out the window, where Cordell and Grandpa are taking down the crime scene tape. I just have to think "none" and not "both" means she's thinking of poor dead Hoyt, who she obviously loved like a son, if not more so. (More evidence for the Hoyt is her lovechild file? Maybe.)
Geri shows up, wearing an unnecessary cowboy hat and Hoyt's old jacket. She's bearing Hoyt's last will and testament, written on a bar coaster! Oh, my heart. And in case you can't read it:
If I get shivved in the shower or some old horse kicks me upside the head. For real Liam stamp it and everything - I leave everything to Geri/"Geraldine Broussard"/angle [sic] face sweet lips etc. So that plot I bought over in Tanglewood is for her and whatever I got in my pockets or elsewhere. See ya in the next life.
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Angle face!
I'm not sure this would stand up in court, since he didn't even sign his last name, although it is witnessed by William Walker. Anyway, it's a moot point, because the land Hoyt intended to give Geraldine "Angle Face" Broussard is transferring to new owners, effective tomorrow. Which makes no sense. The deal fell apart because he died, and yet it's so soon after his death that the police tape is still up. New owners wouldn't be in the picture that quickly. Reverting to previous owners, because it was owner-financed? Sure. But not new owners. (Whatever, Caranfindel. Move it along.) She asks Cordell to go with her to gather his personal belongings. And to bring the kids. Hmmm, let's see how Stella can mess this up. (Tanglewood is 71 miles from Austin. Of course I looked it up.)
But first, Cordell has to sign paperwork to begin his leave of absence. So he didn't actually intend to quit. I mean, we all knew he'd be back, but I kind of thought he was, at the time, intending to quit for good. Does Connie the HR person have a big old crush on him? There is hand touching and deep, serious gazing.
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Touch him, Connie. Touch him for those of us who cannot.
Micki is sitting right outside the conference room where he signs his papers but still acts surprised that he's in the building. Did she not smell the rosemary mint shampoo as he walked by? He thanks her for the flowers and apologizes for not calling her back. And then cancels their lunch plans so he can go off with Geri and the kids.
Someone said this on Tumblr, and I think it bears repeating here. It's interesting comparing Cordell's grief, over his wife and now his best friend, to Sam's grief. Cordell is clearly deeply affected, and is also clearly moving on. Sam is just unhinged.
Elsewhere. The gang stops for lunch and reminisces about Hoyt dressed as Santa, wearing assless chaps. Well. That's memorable. (Also, I know people who did the whole leaving horse manure and pretending it's reindeer poop thing. Some people are just a lot more into Santa than I was.) Trevor (Travis? Whatever) called Stella. She's apparently avoiding him. Probably a good call, sis. Maybe the only one you've made in 14 episodes. (To be fair, I didn't watch the first four.)
Micki shares tacos with her boyfriend, whose name I can never remember, having been stood up by Cordell. She tells him Cordell seemed "off," which is great now, Micki. Why didn't you pay more attention to that feeling last week? The BF thinks Micki herself might be off, because she misses her partner. And she calls him family. Captain What's His Face comes to talk to Trey (that's his name, dammit) and asks if he knows a guy who goes to the same physical therapist's office. Friends, when I've done PT, I don't even know people who go to my therapist, let alone just go to someone in the same office. But maybe folks in Austin are just friendlier than they are round these parts. Oh, wait. The guy is missing, and was last seen in a heated discussion with Trey? What's up with that, Trey?
Tanglewood. Cordell asks the nice lady (realtor? owner?) about Hoyt's "personal affects," and she says "they are probably out grazing." Because Hoyt's personal effects are four horses and a llama. Which Geri owns now. "Where am I going to board four horses and a llama?" she asks. Cordell is oddly befuddled (and adorably, cause y'all know how I feel about befuddled Jared), as if he didn't live on a ranch. With horses. The family business, remember? The kids are entranced. I would be too. It's a damn cute llama. One of the mares actually nursed the llama, so they're family. (Watch out for falling anvils.)
Micki's house. Trey says the "heated discussion" was the missing guy showing him a judo move. Captain asks Trey to ride along and help him investigate, and poor partnerless Micki asks if she can come with.
Tanglewood. Apparently Hoyt's personal affects also included gear for the four horses, because everyone is saddled up. Geri doesn't seem like an experienced rider - she keeps her hand on the pommel of the saddle, which I always heard was a rube move. (At least she's not clutching the saddle horn. No shade. It's hard not to. It's a perfect handle and it's just right there.) Cordell, of course, rides perfectly, as he does everything perfectly.
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Everything except his job. And raising his kids. But do I care about those things? Not so much.
Geri thinks the llama looks unwell. What is she, a llama expert? A veterinarian? And what are they doing on this trail ride anyway - taking the herd back to the Walker ranch? It's 71 miles away! It's an hour and a half driving! How will they get the truck? Why didn't Cordell just say "let's go back to the ranch and get Daddy's cattle trailer?" WHY.
(No one cares. No one but you thinks about these things.)
Stella is on her phone, but it turns out she's (allegedly) re-reading Hoyt's last text, not chatting with friends. And then she says she was "responsible for everything." Oh, wait. We're going there? Stella is finally going to face the music? Cordell says it's not her fault, but they're interrupted by the llama, who apparently is in distress. Cordell wants to leave him at a random homestead. Permanently? Like, "excuse me, ma'am, but can you take this llama?" Or just while they get the horses home? I dunno.
August doesn't like this, because the llama and the horses are family. Geri distracts him by claiming Hoyt wanted him to have the jacket she's wearing, although I find this rather dubious, because why did she wait so long to mention it? Why is she wearing it herself? It's a lucky jacket he won from a tarot card reader and card hustler named The Mystifying Mehar, who was "infamous for getting out of trouble because of that jacket." Cordell then asks Geri to go off with the kids while he hangs back and tries to ditch the llama. Oh no, Cordell, don't do that. He's family!
Back at the ranch, Grandpa chases off some more journalists. He also ignores Gramma's concern about his cancer.
Trail ride. We skipped the whole bit where Cordell found someone willing to take in a goddamn llama, caught up with his kids, and told them what he did. They're mad that he wouldn't even try, and then Stella impulsively rides off, almost falling into a revine.
Team Sassyboots 2.0 questions the missing guy's wife. Turns out he left a note. Doesn't sound like he's as missing as they thought. He said he would "fix everything," i.e., their upcoming foreclosure. They check his workshop and find evidence that he was a military contractor, and apparently this means he should have no money problems whatsoever, because they don't understand how money works. His gun safe is empty, so they figure he's on some kind of "black ops" job. And if it's going to be complete by Monday, I assume it's something local, and not a military operation.
Walker Ranch. Someone who is Liam's "political opponent" comes to take care of him? And he's bringing barbeque? Is it poisoned? Gramma says Liam can't have barbecue because he's on bedrest, as if one had anything to do with the other. And... Grandpa wants to go mushroom hunting with her? Is that what the kids call it these days?
Trail ride. Cordell found someone to keep the horses. Temporarily? I'm still confused. Stella and Geri talk about Hoyt, and Stella asks about her forgiving him. Thinking about some forgiveness toward your own bad boy, Stella? She says "the two of you were always kind of like the dream to me," which is odd considering they were off-and-on, while her parents were very much on, and definitely seem more like couple goals. But okay. Stella confesses again that she is responsible, and Geri says "you let love in, maybe; that's your worse crime." I wonder if Stella blames herself for the fake truck crash that started the whole domino effect, or if she even realizes that's what happened. Obviously Geri wouldn't. Hmmm, I wonder what August thinks about all this?
Walker Ranch. Whoever this political opponent is, he must be a family friend, because he gave a toast at Cordell and Emily's rehearsal dinner. "Hey, when did your brother have such long hair," he asks, looking at a picture of the happy couple. Liam is growing facial hair again. I like it. Opponent suggests the spicy barbecue will put hair on Liam's chest and Liam tosses it aside and says "no, dammit, after I spent all that time waxing?" And Liam might drop out of whatever race he's in. I don't really care about that part. Let's talk more about Liam's chest.
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I love that they can use actual Padalecki family photos as Cordell and Emily photos. No bad Photoshop needed!
Team Sassyboots 2.0. I don't really care about this missing guy either. Skipping it. You know, I understand this is meant to be an ensemble show, and Jared Padalecki and his stupid pretty face and long legs are not going to be in every scene. But Micki working a case with her boss and her boyfriend just bothers me and I don't want to be a part of it.
Trail ride. They're bedding down in the barn for the night? What the fuck? Where are they? Why didn't they just drive home? I'm so confused! Cordell and Geri talk about Hoyt some more. Cordell makes an awkward comment about "us together" and then amends it to mean all of us together, as in you and me and the kids camping right now, not, like, you and me together together, and then does a little eyebrow thing like whoo, good job, talked your way out of that one. NO, CORDELL, YOU ARE NOT AS SMOOTH AS YOU THINK YOU ARE. Anyway. There's a lot of guilt about poor dead Hoyt. Cordell tells Geri her name is still on the Sidestep lease (lease? I thought they owned it?), as if being part owner of a bar is always going to be a good thing, with no liability at all. And they don't kiss, for which I am grateful. The horses are really acting up. I hope nothing's happening.
Cordell checks on the horses and apologizes to the mare for leaving the llama behind. He realizes he made the wrong choice. "You know what," he says. "Let's go fix this."
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I adore him.
Walker Ranch. Grandpa and Gramma have been mushroom hunting and are now getting silly. Um, what kind of mushrooms did you two find? And then Grandpa says "tonight's about Hoyt," which I do not understand. "I saw the joy he gave you," Grandpa says. Yes, Grandpa, and do you not find that even a little bit fishy? And then he decides to build something.
Trail ride. Cordell went and retrieved his llama! He is precious. I love him so much. He has some pratfalls in the same ravine that almost caught Stella, and then his family shows up and rescues him. (Can I point out that his "a-ha-ha" laugh is the same one we heard when he opened his gift from Dean in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" and I'm not sure it appeared in any other episode?) August offers the Lucky Jacket to use as a llama harness to haul the little guy out of the ravine. Oh, and it turns out the llama is about to give birth.
And, while I'm skipping Team Sassyboots 2.0, it's hard to ignore that Micki is now in a UFC fight. That might have been an interesting story after all. Y'all can fill me in.
Walker Ranch. They're building a little stable. Because this big horse ranch doesn't have enough stables. Liam, who was bedridden to the point of not being able to eat barbeque yesterday, is now helping build. He gets a text from his former fiance, who wants to talk. And Grandpa has decided to treat his cancer. Happy endings all around!
Micki's house. She says she was passive-aggressive with Walker because she's afraid of losing him. I get it, sweetie. He's someone you don't want to lose.
Trail ride. August is carrying the newborn llama, wrapped in the Lucky Jacket. Geri wants to cut out before they get to the ranch. She's going to ride the bus home? Seriously? Isn't her car at the Walker Ranch? She and Cordell talk abou their unfinished business. Yeah, like the fact she was probably involved in your wife's murder? That unfinished business, Geraldine? Grandpa meets them before they get to the ranch and informs them he has a strict no-llama policy on the ranch. But luckily, he just built an alpaca stable. They’re alpacas, not llamas. So, Geri called him, but how did he know they were alpacas? Did she send pictures? I am so confused. Anyway. The new family goes into their new home. They name the baby alpaca Hoyt, of course.
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Little Hoyt, guys, he's the sweetest thing.
Breakfast. Political Opponent gives Liam a contribution. Oh, I get it. They're running for the same office, and he thinks Liam will draw votes away from his other opponent. Shrewd. Stella calls Trevor and says she might need to leave the past behind. And you are the past, Trevor. Cordell sees a truck pull up and runs out to meet Micki. She apologizes for holding a grudge over him leaving. She tries to shake hands and he hugs her instead. She thinks they can just be friends now instead of partners, and he says they're not friends, they're family. And then she oohs and aahs over the alpacas, which she recognizes immediately as alpacas and not llamas, and also points out that little Hoyt is actually a girl. Oops. Awkward. Cordell is surprised she can just tell. "Most people can." Yeah, you are the worst rancher's son ever. Then Cordell sees the fence is carved with a memorial to Hoyt. Aw.
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He is also the sweetest thing.
So. Less drama than last week. More warmth. A ridiculous B story that was as annoying as giving Cas his own plot. Will I still watch next week? Yeah, probably. I have questions. How did Grandpa know they were alpacas? Where is the baby daddy? Can Cordell and his rancher father really not tell the difference between a male and female alpaca? Why is Geri riding the bus home, when her car is at the Walker's? Why is she avoiding the Walker Ranch? Will August ever get his own plot again?
It's just a shame that this episode didn't have any shout-outs to Supernatural, like the last one did...
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Sticking together' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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'Sticking together'
Chapter Summary : Bell is getting ready to put her life in line to save Park from Perseus.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +4800
'You're fucking serious ?'......That was the thing I could see AND heard from Mason, Woods & Adler at the same time. They couldn't believe one single second that I will be proposing this idea at all and that I would volunteer myself to be the main element of that plan. Who would be so damn crazy to let themselves captured ? Well....I was the only one that could answer that question and I was that person who was crazy to do it. Here, it was the life of Park that was at stake and if I had to put mine in line to save her from Perseus.....so be it !
They all argued with me, saying that it was too dangerous for me to put myself in danger and because of my previous links with Perseus himself but I didn't care about the last thing. If we were going to kill those who has taken Park, who will know that I was here ? Minutes after minutes, they realized that it was in fact the only plan that we could have without risking to lose Park during our fight to get her back as the possibility that Perseus kill her before we attack the place......no, that wasn't going to happen !
Finally, we finally agreed together that my plan will be used to save Park :  I will be 'taken prisoner' by Duriot himself as he will use the car I have stolen to transport me to the meeting point at the Tempelhof Airport. Then, I will maybe be brought with Park herself and I could free myself and then her, allowing us to attack Perseus's mens from two sides : from the outside for Mason, Woods, Sims & Adler and from the inside with me & Park after I freed her. That is the plan we're having right now....the only possible plan.....
After that, Mason & Woods started to prepare the equipment they will use for their attack, Sims were keeping an eye on Duriot for the moment as Adler explained him the situation and his usefulness for our plan, warning him that no cooperation from him will led him to his quick death and somehow, Duriot agreed to help us even if we all have some doubts about him but now, he's the only person that we have for our plan. After that, Adler make some calls to call for backup from the CIA and informing them of the plan.
Me.....I just needed to prepare myself for my acting again a second time in a day and staying in the main room, watching the others doing their part wasn't going to help me at all and I decided to go to the bathroom, trying to appease myself. I arrived in it and the first thing I did was to put my hands around the sink, looking at it and then at the mirror, seeing my face filled with dressings all around it.......why I am such a walking mess ?......Why I can't be fucking normal ?....Why all this shit for someone like me ?.....
While I was looking at me in the mirror, I could still hear them.....her screams....her pleadings for my name. I'm trying to save her because I wasn't fast.....I'm trying to save her because I love her and I believe in her, she didn't deserve what happened to her : learning that she was tortured for months....that has literally broke a part of me. I think that everything she has been trying to fight has come back in one day. I have to save her, save myself.....save us !
"Kid." I hear this and I looked through the mirror to reveal Adler standing, leaned against the door frame of the bathroom that I left open.
"Stop calling me kid !" I whispered, not moving my head at all to see him in person, still facing the mirror "I'm not your friend....and I'm 31, now." I was still holding the sink with my hands, not trying to break it.
"I wanted to talk to you in private." He said, having his arms crossed, his glare focused on my face.
"Hmm...." I muttered silently, wondering what he want to say.
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry !" He exclaimed, getting my attention as I move to face him in person, looking away from the mirror.
"You.....you're sorry ?" I started, confused at hearing Russell Adler in person that he's sorry to me after what he did to me, he nodded at my question. "Sorry.....sorry for what ?"
"For everything." He added but I couldn't believe it from him.
"Everything ?" I repeated his words. "Sorry to have fuck with my mind ? Sorry to have me act like I was your fucking puppet ? Sorry to have put me in a coma for 3 years ? Sorry to treat me like shit ?" Each question to him was raising my voice louder and louder as his face decomposed itself before I stopped myself.
"Yes..." He replied in a low voice, looking down at his feets.
"No." I told him, I couldn't accept his apologies from him, what he did can't be undone, I'm now living with his memories and his actions can't be forgiven "I'm not accepting your bloody apologies."
"Hey, you can do...."
"Better ?" I cut him straight, having guessed his last word in advance. "This is what I'm doing, I'm trying to do better by trying to remove you from my head but I can't forgive what you did." I looked away for a second, just wanting to be alone but he was staying there, looking at me.
"And you forgive Park, like that ?" He added, sniffing at me "She was maybe against brainwashing you but she manipulated you into loving her."
"Oh, yeah ?" I started as I was clenching my fists "I know that she's hating herself for having helping you and I understand why. She apologized to me....3 years ago after I left that room and those revelations you did."  I pointed him with my left index finger, showing my angriness at him"For 3 years, she believed me to be dead because you lied to everyone, she has been through hell for months because you and the CIA refused to save her in North Korea and now, I'm putting my life in line to save her because I know that no one will move its fingers to do it."
"Maybe you're right but...." He started
"Of course, I'm right !" I cut him again for the second time, frustated to see him still in denial with me.
"You know, you don"t have to do this." He exclaimed clearly
"If I don't do this, who will ?" I asked, biting my lips and looking at him with wide eyes, he was looking away in shame and I realized that I was right : I'm the only one who can do this. "I'm pretty sure that you were happy to see her in that North Korean prison."
"No, do you think that I'm a monster to think one second of that ?" He asked me and I raised an eyebrow to him, he's already a monster and I saw it well. "I cared about her !" He added, sure of himself.
"You don't try to strangle the people you cared about." I said, referring to the day when I faced him for the first time....when I saw him put his hand on her throat. "You never cared a single minute for her." I then looked back at the mirror, my hands back on the sink "You just saw her like nothing....like me, you just saw us as stupid lesbians." I added, taking back his own words he used to describe me & Park back on that stretch. "I love her, I'll help her....I'll save her !" I affirmed before I started to remove the dressings that was on my face, realizing that Perseus need to believe that Duriot was the one who captured me.
"Mason healed you !" Adler told me as I was removing one by one, my dressings.
"I need to act like if Duriot was the one to win the fight, do you think he would like to heal a enemy ?" I affirmed, finally turning back around after I was finished with my face. "I need to fool them enough."  I added before I could see Woods arriving behind Adler, equipped with some military gear and his famous headband.
"We intercepted communications from the Tempelhof Airport : Perseus men are there ! Apparently, they are waiting for Duriot to come." Woods first said, finally breaking that moment between me & Adler. He looked at me, seeing my face without the dressings. "Do you think you're ready ?" I nodded,
"Well, let's go save one of us." Adler ordered as he leave the room, passing next to Woods before I followed him.
There were no step back for me and I don't think I can't afford to think about this option. I'm the only one in here that can succesfully fool Perseus men from the inside and save Park from them. It's a big risk that I'm taking but it's a good one to take. We left the bathroom to join the main room where Mason was finished to have prepared himself to the mission as Sims was still watching Duriot with a close eye. He was freed from the interrogation room and he knows well that he can't try a thing to escape as he will die the second he will do that.
Adler explained the plan for the last time from his side since I will have to improvise for a part as I don't exactly how it will play for me. They will have to wait for the good moment before they could act freely without having me or Park harmed at all. To reinforce the credibility of our actions, it was decided that I will have to have my hands tied up with a rope and my head covered in a bag, I can thanks Woods to have think of this idea that wasn't bad at all.
Once it was done, it was time for Duriot to play his own role, been watched by the others as he was given a empty gun to not trying anything on me or to lead us to a wrong place and that....he didn't know. Now, I had my hands tied up and my head in a bag as I was lead by Duriot himself to the car I used to bring him here. The bag on the head allowed me to see a little throught it and I could see the others watching him closely as he decided to directly put me inside the car trunk before he closed it, making my vision go all dark.....awaiting until we were arrived in destination.
Working on the floppy disk concerning Operation Chaos leaded by an rogue CIA agent named Robert Aldrich was like an pain in the ass because there weren't any big things that could have helped me but by the odds, I was able to decrypt it thanks to piece of paper containing a secret code as well with the title of a newspaper who were hiding also a cod.
I was finally finished with it and I decided to stand up from my desk to get a coffee after working non-stop on it for hours. The safehouse was pretty silent for the moment as I was the only one present in it. I was arriving next to the coffee machine, starting it.
"Hey !" A familiar voice said behind me, causing me to jump scare in place as I thought to be alone. I turned around to realize that it was Park herself.
"Damnit....almost gave me a heart attack !" I exclaimed, scared and angry at the same time. "I thought I was alone."
"I'm sorry, Jess." She apologized, putting her left hand on me before she looked away in the Dark Room direction. "Are you free ?"
"For ?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and catching my breath as I was scared as hell by her.
"I need help with some pictures you have made back in Ukraine." She explained, causing me to put my cup of coffee back in the coffee machine.
"Need extras hands, I see...." I smiled at her, saying it in a kinky voice
"Do that means yes ?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me, I nodded and then I followed her.
I wasn't so sure of why she would have needed help on the pictures I have made in Ukraine since I thought that it was done days ago but anyways, I complied to follow her slowly until we were arrived in the room. I was the first to arrive in it and the first thing I did was to look at the table where the pictures were usually put on but there were nothing on it. I turned around to look at Park who in a second, has closed the door and directly pulled me in for a kiss.
I was also surprised from her to doing that but I should have expected it before as it was very suspicious from her to ask me help on something that I knew was done after we came back from Ukraine. I decided to reinforce the kiss who lasted a few moments before I was pulled against the empty table by her.
"Well, well, well." I started after we broke the kiss to catch some air for us "That was fast."
"I've been dreaming of touching your lips all day." She affirmed in a lovely voice.
"It's been only one day that we're together and you're acting like if we have been together for years." I said, my arms posed on her shoulders, looking at her with a big smile. "I would like for us to happen for a lot of years."
"I know you will say that." She told, rolling her eyes to look around but for me I wasn't joking, I was meaning it.
"I mean it, Park." I exclaimed, repeating my thoughts to her. "Just me....you....somewhere nice and quiet....maybe in the british countryside." I could see in here that she was looking happy to hear that even if I could feel that there were something strange...until I saw some tears coming from her eyes.
"You....you remember when I talked to Lazar and you about my scar ?" She started, sounding moved as I nodded to her question. "Well, even with that, I'm still feeling ashamed of it....feeling insecure..."
"Hey, it's okay." I whispered, gently cutting before I start to pass my left hand to clean her tears while I passed the other hand through her messy hair. "Your scar like I said the first time, it's highlighting your beauty." I grinned to show her I wasn't lying
"You really want to dream of this with me ?" She asked, looking insecure....not sure of her own words.
"Park, I will do everything for you !" I affirmed, giving my thoughts to her.....what I really think about her. "You're in danger, I will make sure the people who hurt you regret their actions." I added, putting my arms back on her shoulders. "You're my world now."
"I never thought of that from you." She began to smile a little, having heard me.
"I see Laz' like the brother I never had and you....as the woman I always wanted to be with, you are...." I wanted to finish to give my thoughts until she put her index finger in front of my lips.
"Shhhh....you talk too much." She smirked, finally feeling secure and happy with me before she removed her finger from my mouth as she leaned, nearly touching my lips with hers, our foreheads against each other,
"You're also my world but....let's enjoy our moment !"
I was moved to see that memory back, giving me the reasons I'm doing all of this to have her back at my side to fight against Perseus. I'm doing this for her....for me. I tried to not cry because I just relived that special memory but also I need to stay focused on my acting as I'm literally in a car trunk, driven by an Perseus agent and leading me either to the meeting point or to an ambush but the first option was chosen by him as I wasn't freed up. After I woke up one minute of that memory, the car finally stopped, meaning that we were arrived.
The trunk opened, allowing me to see Duriot through the bag, looking stressed but also trying to not screw this up, knowing that he was maybe in a sniper rifle scope sight. He finally took me out of the trunk, freeing me from that car as I could see the night.....he decided to drag me during all the way, to get to what I think to be the meeting point...and a group of Perseus soldiers.
"Duriot !" A man shouted as we were getting close. "You wanker, do you realize that we almost got caught by the US Army ?" I started to recognize slowly that voice....Stone....Harry Stone himself....here.....masked.
"Sorry to not have myself get caught by the police." Duriot countered him as we were finally arrived....he dropped me at Stone's feets I could see through my bag. "Got a problem to deal with." He then redressed me on my knees.
"I think I told everyone that only the british was the one to take." Stone proclaimed, crossing his arms. "The passenger....you could have killed her."
"Yeah but she can be useful for us." Duriot said, having one of his hands, touching me, wanting to control me in case. "I managed to beat her and to capture before the cop arrived."
"And she managed to break two of your fingers ?" Stone must have seen the broken fingers I did to Duriot throught the gloves he was wearing. "You're an amateur or something, frenchie ?"
"Don't call me an amateur, sale batard !" I could see the two facing each other, almost getting into hands as Duriot was clenching his fists.
"That's not what 'Wraith' is thinking of you !" Stone told him, spreading his arms, meaning he was ready to fight with Duriot in case. I was wondering who could 'Wraith' until.....
"What the hell is going here ?" A woman said, going out of the plane, breaking me out of my....that voice....Fre....Freya....no.....what is she doing here ?.....She was masked but I could see her eyes....her hair changed by a lot.....
"Ah.....'Wraith' " Stone replied as Freya was approaching us...she was this 'Wraith'.... "Frenchie brought to us the passenger that was with Park." He added, moving himself, allowing her to face me.
"Duriot, the passenger was meant to stay in that car." She exclaimed, clearly like an order. "You took a risk to take them here."
"Maybe but....she was tough and it was better for me to take them as well." Duriot defended himself before Stone approached him.
"Show us their face !" He ordered, causing Duriot to put his hand on the bag. I was fearing that moment, seeing Freya and Stone in the eyes as they both know me. I was going to break down but I realized that I need....to be 'Bell'....I don't know them.... He finally removed the bag, allowing Freya and Stone to see my face.....I could see their eyes going wide and petrified at my sight as me.....I was keeping a straight face....painfully....
"Duriot...." Freya said, slowly "She was the passenger ?" Duriot nodded "It's you who did this ?" She showed him the multiple wounds that was on my face.
"Yeah, cette salope, she was mainly....." He started, enthusiastic.....until he was completely cut off by Freya herself....a bullet right in the head, killing him with her pistol before she looked at a soldier next to me.
"You !" She pointed him, sounding very angry. "Get her in the plane with the british, I need to talk with Stone." The soldier executed himself and moved to grab me.
I was shocked.....in all the possible situations, I just saw Freya for the first time in person.....in real since years and I don't know how it was possible at all to meet her here as I'm trying to save Park. My look was on her as the soldier was dragging me inside the plane until she was completely out of my sight. I could hear her saying to Stone to quickly flee the area and to not talk about this at all, having realized that it was me....the mysterious passenger.
The soldier finally opened a door, leading to a secluded part of the cargo hold of the plane where I could see Park after long hours for me, tied up to the wall, a headband covering her eyes....her face showing signs of fears at hearing the soldier arriving with me. She was wounded too at her face and her clothes were badly in shape, one of her coat sleeves was almost away from her jacket and there were some holes in her jeans....they tortured her for some times before bringing her here.
After installing me on the ground in front of Park, the soldier left the room, leaving me alone with Park. Thanks to Mason who was the one who tied up my hands, he didn't make them so hardly, allowing me in any occasions to remove the ropes around them and to put them back like nothing happened. Once I was freed from the rope, keeping it around my hands in case, I decided to move to get to Park, to release her.
"Don't touch me !" She started, sounding panicked and trying to move, blocked by her links as I touched her shoulder.
"Park, it's me !" I exclaimed, wanting to reassure but she was still panicking.
"Please, don't touch me.....please...." I could hear her starting to cry behind her headband, covering her eyes....she....she must have relived her nightmares....."Please...." She continued, making me moved...in pain to see her like that....
"It's me...." I whispered before I decided to remove the headband, allowing me to see her eyes again....filled of tears....moved....in pain...."It's me...." I repeated again.
"Yi-....Yirina ?" She said, slowly realizing that it was me....only me "Yirina !" She ontinued, grinning a little and taking back her breath after the scare she had.
"I'm here, I came for you." I affirmed, putting my hand on her face
"You....you came....for....for me !" She was getting relieved, smiling more.
"I'm gonna get you out of here, Park." I told her as I started to remove her links, blocking her hands to the wall but there were more hard than me but then, I started to hear some footsteps coming towards the room, making me panick. "Okay..." I started, moving back to sit. "Act like if I was still named 'Bell'." I ordered her and she nodded as she has maybe realized who was there, the door opened, to reveal Freya.....unmasked.
"Well, you managed to remove your headband." Freya said, having seen Park without her headband around her eyes but instead of focusing more on her, she moved to get next to me. "Yiri..."  She whispered as I was still keeping a straight face towards her.
"Don't touch 'Bell' !" Park spoke, acting like I said even if I could see that she was having troubles to say that name again.
"I'm not talking to you !" Freya pointed her, angry before she focused back on me, this time, getting in front of me. "It's been....3 years."
"3 years ?" I fainted an incomprehesion to her, playing 'Bell' "3 years of what ?"
"I thought that you were dead, Yirina." She replied, sadness in her voice.
"Who the fuck is Yirina ?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as inside of me, I was pleading myself to stop acting.
"It's you !" She put her hand on my left shoulder but I slowly moved to get it away.
"Bullshit, I'm 'Bell'....Jessica Blackwell !" I smirked at her, using my old identity....the fake one....stop it, Yiri !....."I don't know you." She then put her hands on my face, holding it gently.....before she leaned herself to kiss me on the lips, taking me by surprise and making my eyes wide open.
I.....I was more shocked than before....Freya & me, it was more than just 'sisters' link but.....we were together, romantically involved.....in love. I never ever thought of that possibility but now, it was true : I was with her before all of that. I was more surprised than Park herself who were also shocked to see that happening in front of her. I wasn't taken aback but I acted like if I was.
"3 years I missed you, that I missed those lips...." Freya breathed, smiling from it but then, her face goes in horror when she saw me.
"I...I don't know you !" I said again, my voice on the verge of cracking down. She was....starting to cry, tears falling down her eyes.
"What...what did they do to you, Yiri ?" She asked before we started to hear some loud noises outside the plane, like multiple gunshots, causing everyone to look at the door as someone opened it at the same time.
"Duriot was followed, the CIA is here along with the US Army !" A soldier shouted to her and at this moment, I decided to act to liberate me & Park....even if I had to hit Freya, something that I never wanted to do as Yirina.
I took the advantage that she was looking away to free myself from the rope wrapped around my hands and then, I punched Freya in the face and in the same time, grabbing the gun she had strapped on her bulletproof vest before I pushed her away with my feets, the other soldier tried to react with his own gun but I quickly reacted by shooting him three times dead before he fall inside the room. Once I dealt with him, I moved rapidly to free Park from her links as Freya was knocked out on the ground.
"I'm sorry, she took me by surprise." I exclaimed with an smile to Park, still acting as I feared that Freya was still awake, winking at Park to continue as well. "Not jealous ?" I scoffed, removing her links around her hands
"No..." Park replied in a low voice, she was still shocked to see Freya kissing me but she has maybe realized at the same time that I wasn't aware of it as well. "Good job....'Bell'." She added, finally free as I help her to get up.
"Time for us to go home." I said, putting one of her arms behind my neck as she was apparently hurt at her right leg.
We started to slowly go out of the room, Freya's gun still in hand, checking if there were anybody to surprise us at all during our escape. Everyone was looking busy outside fighting Adler's team and we were near the door that could have allowed us to get out of that plane until I was hit by someone behind me, causing me to fall with Park along me. When I looked who did this, it was Freya herself, that were going to strike me again until I make her fall touch with my legs.
"Go ! I'll take care of her !" I ordered Park to get out of the place without me as we were just at the exit of the plane. Even if she was wounded at her leg, she was able to move with difficulty without me as I was getting up, awaiting Freya to get up as well.
"They're manipulating you, Yirina !" Freya shouted, angry....lost....sad....all at the same time.
"Shut up !" I yelled in return before I decided to move to attack her. I had no choices but I was still acting and I wanted it to stop but I couldn't do it at all....my body pleaded me to stop but I couldn't.
I threw myself on her, wanting to tackle her down but she resisted to not fall and she decided to nudge at my back, exactly where my gunshot wound was, causing me to scream in pain as I tried to fight back, I removed myself from her and I was going to hit her in the face but she moved in a second and quickly kneekick me in the chest and suddenly, she striked me precisely at the throat with her hand, stopping any air to come in and out of me.....breathless.
"No !" She exclaimed, realizing what she has done as she put her hands on me. I was holding my throat in pain, my knees on the ground. "Yirina, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to...."  I stopped her by pushing away before slowly walking out of the plane, slowly and in difficulty "Yirina !" She shouted.
"'Wraith, we have to go !"  I could hear someone said as I was out of the plane.
I then start to see the door of the plane closing, seeing Freya for the last time before it was completely closed and the plane was starting its engines, taking off second after second as me...I fall on my knees, trying to have a breath, holding my throat in pain. The gunshots were over but I was in trouble as I fall on my back, looking at the dark skies of the city.
"Yirina !" I could hear Park arriving next to me and start to hold me, having seen me in trouble. She realized that I was breathless and she looked around "Medic, help !" She yelled as I could see some peoples running towards us before she looked at me, scared. "It's going to be okay, Yirina !" I tried to smile but I was feeling that I was going to pass out....maybe die, I put my right hand on her face, trying at my best to reassure her....
"Gonna....be....okay !"
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