#i'm only really tagging this for the blacklists of mutuals
monadocyclone · 2 years
Klaus didn't even state a proper hypothesis before conducting his most notable experiment. How did he even become head scientist anyway.
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llycaons · 2 years
clj ep5
part 1
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this is such a funny shot. he's literally right there
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fire hands. ice breath. neat
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he looks JUST like jc here. the strong bone structure/jawline and the big angry/shocked eyes
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idk why they look like they've been shot through a yellow lens when I upload on here but these sets are so pretty
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god I do not care about this flashback at ALL. why was changheng such a dick to her when she offered him flowers when they have this big history? why is only now apparently deeply in love with her all of a sudden? why is she so nice to everyone even though they treat her like garbage? many mysteries
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ngl this scene fully looked like xlh putting her hands directly into the fire. idk how it works for spirits but I don't think a human could put their hands so close to something that was apparently an ancient and super hot fire
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I can kind of see her being taken with "I will not allow any harm to come to you" and "I am so powerful that I can do incredible things for you with ease" but her phrase here is directly in response to "You belong to m" like WHAT
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yet another one of dfqc's crimes...
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another lovely set! it's 9:30 at night and I had a big day of food shopping and reading and applying to jobs so I'm calling it a night
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kwanisms · 1 year
Truth Comes Out - h.jisung
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➥ dom!Han × sub!Reader summary: Since discovering the stranger she hooked up with is her best friend's roommate, Y/N has been actively avoiding Han. wc: 13.1k (I'm so, so sorry lol) warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, alcohol consumption, sexual content (minors dni!): heavy making out, fingering, handjob, marking, a LOT of dirty talk, pet names (baby, baby girl, babe, sugar, etc), orgasm denial (m receiving), sexting/phone sex, mutual masturbation, mutual pining (they are really desperate and whiny for each other), Han is very vocal, it’s clear Han and Y/N both like each other a lot but Y/N struggles a lot with her feelings. I think that’s all but let me know if I missed anything! a/n: back by popular demand, here is the second part to Kinkuary 17! Tbh, i had this planned when I first started writing part one. I knew I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger and make it into three parts. I had a lot of fun outlining and writing the party scene. Let me know what you think! I love feedback and hearing your thoughts! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @candidupped @dejavernon @violagoth @kosmoreads @tigermoonbiss @katsukis1wife Stray Kids taglist: @cixrosie @hoeforcheol @beomgyusbabygirl @lovestayskzxx @flowerboykun @smhlino Tagging @songgmingii @j1s-babygirl @chai-papa @klysaibabes @lovethatchanussy @nokacchan @dramaticnobody @youremytearr @replay-by-shinee @myprwttyhan @licklix because they asked for part two on my first part. Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Send an ask to be tagged in part 3. Part 1 // Part 3
“Why can’t you come over tonight again?” Felix asked as you flipped the potato pancakes over. “Because,” you said as you glanced down at your phone lying on the counter where you could see your best friend lying on his bed, holding his phone over his head as he watched you cook.
“I have some paperwork due,” you answered simply.
“And you can’t do it another day because…?” Your best friend asked, eyebrow raising. “Because my boss changed the due date again.”
Felix groaned, rolling his eyes. “Your boss sucks.” You snorted in laughter. "Tell me about it."
“I miss you though,” he continued, rolling onto his side. “Aww, is this you confessing your undying love to me?” You cooed, laughing when he scowled in disgust. “Ew, fuck you,” he laughed. “Uh, no thanks,” you retorted, making him roll his eyes again.
“Now that we’re settled into the apartment, I was hoping you’d come over and meet Jisung,” Felix murmured, making your shoulders stiffen. Thankfully, Felix didn’t notice or he didn’t comment on it.
“And I will,” you answered. “I just need to power through this bullshit my boss dumped on me.” Felix nodded understandingly. “You should quit that job and come work with me,” he said suddenly, making you laugh loudly.
“Hard pass.” Felix scowled at your response.
“I’ll have you know my company is a lot better than yours,” he said sternly. You rolled your eyes. “If we worked together, nothing would ever, ever get done,” you retorted, watching as your best friend considered your response.
“Yeah,” he answered finally, nodding. “You’re right.”
The timer above your oven went off and you rushed to turn it off. “That’s time,” Felix said jokingly as you returned to him. “Dinner’s ready, that means I gotta go.” Felix pouted but sighed. “Okay, just promise that you’ll clear a day for our housewarming party,” he said as you picked up your phone. “Yeah, yeah,” you replied, waving your hand. “We’ll see.”
It hurt you to lie to your best friend but it wasn’t like you could just come out and tell him why you’ve been avoiding visiting his apartment.
Ever since you’d learned that the man you’d invited into your home, the one you met on a BDSM discord server, was his roommate, you’d been vehemently avoiding going over to Felix’s new apartment.
It was bad enough that Han was his roommate and you’d slept with him not knowing he was friends with Felix, but your best friend was trying desperately to get you and Han to meet for whatever reason.
You’d been pretty good at making up excuses not to go over but you were running out of them and you knew sooner or later you’d have to go over but you opted for later rather than sooner.
Of course, he hadn't given up inviting you over to his apartment and was adamant on introducing you to his roommate. You'd done your best to turn him down, coming up with excuse after excuse, inviting him over to your place instead.
"Come on Y/N!" Felix whined over the phone. You could almost picture him, throwing his arms around lazily and dramatically. You let out a deep sigh. "I don't know Lix," you answered, chewing on your bottom lip. "I don't really want to stay in."
"Perfect!" Felix said excitedly and you imagined him with puppy ears, eyes shining with excitement. "Cause we're going out! That new club opened up down the road from my building and the hype has died down so we shouldn't have a problem getting in!"
Suddenly you wished you said you wanted to stay home.
"Oh? Who else is going?" you asked, feigning interest. "Just us," Felix answered. "I promise!"
Hearing this made your mind up for you. "Okay, that sounds fun," you replied. "Do you want to meet there?"
"Nah. Just come here. Then we can go together. I'm the only one here. Han went out with some of his friends to another club. He has a very specific vibe," Felix explained.
Your eyebrow arched suspiciously. "Aren't your friends his?" you asked, suddenly wondering if he was lying to you.
"Not all of them," Felix explained. "He went with some of his friends from work." You felt your shoulders relax. 'Then it should be safe.'
"Okay," you finally said. "I'm in."
“Yes!” Felix said excitedly. “I promise, it’ll just be the two of us.”
Felix went on to thank you profusely, telling you to be at his place around seven-ish and you'd do a small pregame before heading down the street. You hung up and started getting ready immediately, hopping in the shower first.
After getting dressed and applying some makeup, you checked yourself over in your mirror that hung by your door. It was a simple look. A black skirt that flared out and reached halfway down your thighs paired with a white long sleeved crop top.
You'd styled your hair and paired your outfit with a black clutch wristlet and black pumps. Felix hated when you wore heels around him but this wasn't about him you decided. It was about you getting out of the house and spending time with your best friend.
The trip to Felix's building was as it usually was, a bus ride and short walk and you found yourself in the lobby, greeted by a security guard who checked your name off a list. He directed you to the guest elevator and said he would send you up.
This building was much newer than yours and much more state of the art. You couldn't even imagine how much it cost to live here. Felix had a pretty great job so you suspected Han must have a pretty damn good one as well.
Inside the elevator was unlike anything you'd seen. There were no buttons save for an emergency stop and call button. No buttons labeled for the floors. When the doors shut, the elevator started to move and you suddenly understood what the guard meant by he'd "send you up."
The ride to the 10th floor was quick and uneventful as you arrived. You checked your reflection once more before stepping off the elevator and were greeted by loud bass. One of Felix's neighbors must be having a party.
As you walked down towards the end of the hall, the bass grew louder and louder. You found the correct door and knocked softly. Felix didn't answer so you tried again, albeit a little louder this time. 'Might not be able to hear me over the neighbor's party.'
The door was thrown open and you were greeted by the loud bass and a face you hadn't seen in a long time.
"Y/N!" Hyunjin said, smiling and wrapping you in a tight one armed hug, pulling you inside the very loud, very crowded, apartment. It took your brain a moment to register what was happening. Felix said you were going to a club.
He said it would just be you and yet here was almost every person in his life and some you didn't even recognize. Hyunjin led you further into the apartment and to the kitchen island where there was a spread unlike anything you'd ever seen at any of the parties you'd been to before.
You were going to kill Felix.
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Bottles on bottles of liquor, some half empty but full ones set up behind, ready to take their place. Red cups and plastic shot glasses were stacked and ready to be used. On the dining room table was an impressive amount of food.
"What are you drinking?" Hyunjin asked over the bass as he leaned in to hear you. "Uh, I'm okay for now," you answered, shaking your head. Hyunjin shook his head. "Nonsense, I'll make you something."
Despite your protests, Hyunjin grabbed a clean cup and started mixing something while you looked around the crowded apartment.
You recognized a group of Felix's closest friends and sitting among them was your best friend, laughing at something one of his friends said. You narrowed your eyes as Hyunjin finished making your drink and handed it to you. "That's the best one I know how to make. Sorry if it's a little strong," Hyunjin said, giving you a wink.
You raised the glass to your face, sniffing to discern the ingredients but all you could smell was fruit and alcohol. You took a sip and winced slightly. "You're gonna kill me," you coughed, making Hyunjin laugh, his eyes closing. "Not kill. Just get you drunk!"
You felt his hand on your back, leading you through the party goers and over to where Felix was sitting on a black sofa next to Ryujin with Changbin on the other side, an arm draped across the back of the sofa behind Lia. As you approached, Hyunjin yelled over the music. "Look who I found standing outside!"
Everyone turned to look at the two of you, several faces lighting up as Felix's friends greeted you. Felix looked up and his smile fell at the look you threw him as you hugged Chris. "Wow, you look amazing!" Chris said, looking you over.
"Doesn't she look incredible?" He asked, turning to Seungmin who was sitting next to Ryujin. "She always looks amazing," he said as he stood up, moving past Chris to greet you with a hug. "Good to see you, Y/N," he said in your ear.
When he sat back down, your attention zeroed in on Felix as he got up quickly. "Hey," he said, pulling you into a hug. "You lied to me," you hissed, digging your knuckles into his side discreetly.
Felix winced, playing it off to anyone who noticed. "I know, I'm sorry," he replied as the group went back to their conversation, Hyunjin blending in smoothly as he took Felix's empty spot on the sofa.
"But you kept coming up with excuses to not come over!" Felix explained as you took a sip of your drink. "I've been putting off this house warming party for a week, trying to pick a day when you'd be free. I can't break in my new home without my best friend."
You glanced around nervously. "It's not like I'd be missed," you murmured. "How many people did you invite?" You looked up as Felix did the mental calculation. "I can't remember but a lot of these people were invited by Jisung," Felix explained, his face lighting up.
"Speaking of!" he said suddenly, grabbing your free hand and pulling you through the crowd. "Wait, Felix," you hissed as he dragged you away from the group and towards a room just off the main living area.
In what you assumed was the den, a table was set up for pong and the people surrounding were eagerly cheering on the players.
Your eyes darted around, landing on the one person you'd been avoiding this whole time.
He was standing at the end with the person you could only assume was his teammate. He looked just as good as the last time you saw him. He'd dressed for the occasion, donning a plain black loose fitted tee, tucked into black leather pants. He'd put on a simple silver chain necklace.
Felix dragged you over as Han picked up his drink watching his teammate and taking a sip.
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Han looked up from his cup as Minho picked up one of the small white plastic balls and aimed. "You got this, Min," Han shouted over the music, clapping his friend on the shoulder. "Yah, don't do that!" Minho shouted as he narrowed his eyes.
Han caught sight of Felix moving through the crowd towards him and smiled. He was accompanied by a girl but Han couldn't see her face. Perhaps this was the infamous best friend? Had she finally agreed to show up? Han turned back as Minho took the shot.
His aim was true as managed to bounce the ball in one of the three cups remaining on the opposing side. The entire crowd erupted into applause and cheers as Han laughed at the look on his opponents' faces. Yunho was shocked as Mingi begrudgingly picked up the cup and chugged the contents.
"This ain't over yet!" Yunho shouted, pointing at Han who laughed.
"Han!" He turned as he heard his name came from behind him, feeling a hand on his shoulder. He turned to find Felix standing behind him with the same girl attempting to hide out of sight. He smiled at his roommate before Felix spoke.
"I wanted to introduce you to my best friend!"
Han's smile widened. 'She finally made it!'
"Oh?" Han asked, trying and failing to conceal his excitement. "She's finally here?" Felix nodded, turning towards the girl behind him.
"What are you-? Stop hiding," Felix laughed as he put his arm around the girl and pulled her forward. "Y/N, this is my roommate, Han Jisung."
"Han, this is Y/N."
Han had heard so much about his roommate's best friend from the man himself and was beyond excited to finally meet her so he was expecting anyone but… you.
His eyes widened, lips parting as he felt his stomach nearly fall out of his ass. He never expected to see you, the girl he'd hooked up with and then been ghosted by, again. He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that when you looked up at him with a pained expression, it made his heart sting.
It was almost as if you were sorry. Or maybe it was shame? Or perhaps even embarrassment? Han couldn't be entirely sure but one thing was certain.
He was fucked.
When your eyes met Han's you could see his thoughts moving at the speed of light. He was running through every possible scenario. Felix looked expectantly at his roommate, waiting for a response.
"Dude, you okay?" Felix asked, drawing both yours and Han's attention. Han finally snapped out of it and tore his gaze from your face. "Yeah, sorry," he said sheepishly. "Oh, isn't she a cute one," Han's pong partner said suddenly, smirking at you.
"I'd be speechless too," he added, nudging Han. "She's gorgeous." You felt your cheeks burn at the stranger's compliment. He leaned forward, holding his hand out which you took hesitantly. "I'm Minho," he announced over the music. "Y/N," you answered, shaking his hand firmly. "Y/N? God, even your name is cute."
Your cheeks burned even more at the attention Minho was giving you. You glanced at Han who was side-eyeing his friend with… 'wait is that jealousy? Is he jealous?' Felix wrapped an arm protectively around your shoulders. "Back off, Min," he warned jokingly.
"Oh?" Minho asked, grabbing his cup and downing the rest of his drink. "Is she spoken for?" he asked, smirking at Felix who shook his head. "What? No! She's my best friend. We're like siblings," Felix added. Minho's smirk softened into a smile.
"I'm just teasing. We all know you only have eyes for Momo," Minho said, making those around you snicker as Felix tried to defend himself. Minho turned his attention on you once more, leaning in. "Could you be a doll and get me a refill? Pretty please?" he asked, tucking a stray of hair behind your ear.
"Yah, Minho!" Han suddenly shouted. "She's not a server," he continued as several pairs of eyes fell on him. "Yeah, get your own drink," Felix added. Minho sighed, turning to take his cup from you. "Pause the game," he called but you snatched the cup from him.
Anything to escape Han's gaze.
"I'll get it," you said quickly, ignoring the way both Felix and Han eyed you. Minho merely smiled, reaching up to stroke your cheek. "Good girl," he said before turning back to the game.
You turned away and darted through the crowd, missing the way Felix looked impressed by both Minho's and your boldness but Han looked downright furious.
You made your way through the crowd to the kitchen and started to fix a drink for Minho, shaking off your apprehension and nerves. You felt a body lightly bump into you and looked up to see Jeongin smiling sheepishly at you.
"Innie! How are you?" you asked, smiling at him.
"I'm good," he answered as he watched you mix the drink. "Who is that for?" he asked, nodding at the cup. "Minho? I think he’s Han- Jisung's friend," you answered as you picked up the now full cup.
Jeongin's eyebrow raised as he watched you. "Oh? Didn't know you were making drinks for Minho," he teased, prompting you to pinch his arm.
"It's stuffy in there and he asked me to," you explained as you wove through the crowd, Jeongin on your heels.
Inside the den, the previous game had finished with Han and Minho winning and now facing new opponents: Felix and Changbin.
You returned to Minho who turned and smiled as you handed him his cup. "It might be a little strong," you said as he took a sip. "Jeongin distracted me," you added, throwing a playfully dirty look at the culprit who merely smiled at you.
Minho shook his head. "No, it's perfect, thank you," he answered, setting it down and sending a wink your way. Han looked from his friend to you, meeting your gaze. His expression was hard to decipher but he soon turned away to start the game.
You turned to Jeongin, talking with him as the new round started. "So, how's college?" you asked. He shrugged before answering. "Expensive, stressful, and probably going to put me in debt for the rest of my life." You laughed loudly at his reply.
"Sounds about right."
Han couldn't stop himself from glancing in your direction every time you laughed at something Jeongin said. It was clear you knew the younger man and that was probably thanks to Felix.
"Who's your friend, Innie?" A voice asked. When Han looked over, he noticed one of Jeongin's tall friends- Beomgyu was it?- had slid up to the two of you and currently had one arm resting on Jeongin's shoulder, smiling at you. "This is Y/N," Jeongin introduced.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Beomgyu," he said, wincing as one of his friends bounced up next to him and behind you. "I'm Kai!" he said excitedly, making you laugh.
God, your laugh. Han loved it. He hadn't heard it since that day and hearing it now was like music to his ears. He wasn't lying when he had told Felix how much he missed you. Of course, Felix didn't know it was you he missed. To Felix it was Baby.
His eyes trailed over your body, remembering how it felt to have his hands on it. He remembered how you reacted to him, almost as if your body was made to fit with his. He'd thought of nothing but you since then. Whenever he needed to get off, he imagined the way you looked bent over, restrained, and at his mercy.
He'd looked at the pictures he'd taken that day over and over again. True to his promise, none of them had your face in them, something he missed greatly. He missed your eyes and the way they looked at him as he ate you out. The way your lips looked and felt.
And your tongue? God did he miss your tongue.
He'd tried to reach out, messaging you on both instagram and discord but his messages went unanswered. He didn't really question it when you disappeared from the server a few days after hooking up. You'd been interested in anonymous sex and you'd gotten that from him so your membership in the server wasn't needed. He understood that.
But when you didn't answer his direct messages, he started to wonder if maybe he'd done something wrong. Offended or hurt you in some way that you didn't speak up about. Maybe you weren't serious when you said you'd have to invite him back over.
Worse case scenario, it wasn't as good for you as it was for him.
Han was snapped out of his thoughts as the crowd on the other side of the table cheered. He looked down and saw one of the cups in front of him had a little white ball that previously wasn't there.
Looking up, he saw Felix celebrating. Han glanced at Minho who regarded him with a confused expression. Han shook his head and picked up the cup, downing the liquid inside.
As he did, his eyes shifted to the side where you were engrossed in a deep conversation with Beomgyu, Kai, Jeongin and a couple other people he vaguely knew. The coil in the pit of his stomach tightened, a sour feeling bubbling up. He recognized this feeling.
It was jealousy.
"You're so cute!" Beomgyu cooed, cupping your cheeks gently, laughing as you pushed him off playfully. "Don't tease her!" Jeongin whined, trying to shield you from his friend.
"Ooh, this is a good song!" one of Beomgyu's friends, whose name you learned was Soobin, said perking up. Another of Beomgyu's friends, Yeonjun, who had squeezed into the circle between you and Beomgyu, smiled as he looked at you.
"Do you wanna dance?" he asked, catching you off guard.
"Aww I was gonna ask her that!" Kai pouted, making Yeonjun chuckle. "I'll only keep her for a bit, Kai," he offered before turning back to you. "So how about it?" he asked, tilting his head.
Jeongin took your glass. "I'll hold this," he said with a smirk as you glanced around. "O-okay," you answered. Another one of Beomgyu's friends, Taehyun, held his hand up. "If you don't want to, it's okay. Yeonjun can be kind of…" he trailed off.
"Kind of what?" Yeonjun asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
You shook your head. "It's okay, Tae," you answered. "I'll dance with you," you added, looking at Yeonjun who lit up. He took your hand and led you out of the room. You were so focused on following him that you didn't notice the look on Han's face.
One dance turned into two and then three before you finally had to stop and get something to drink. You promised Kai you would dance with him after getting a new drink since Jeongin finished yours.
You were looking through the bottles, trying to find the same stuff Hyunjin had thrown together, half tempted to ask him to make it again when you felt a hand on your lower back.
You looked up from the counter to find Han standing next to you. You suddenly felt nervous in his presence as sparks erupted under your skin where the warmth of his hand was bleeding through your top.
"Hey," he said as he smiled at you. You glanced around nervously before looking back down at the counter. "Hey."
Han watched as you mixed something together, avoiding his gaze. He'd come for a fresh bottle of beer but found himself leaning against the counter while watching you work.
"Look," he finally said, breaking the awkward tension between you. "I'm sorry," you blurted out, making him freeze. You looked up at him finally, finding him already looking at you.
"For not responding to your messages," you clarified. "I've just been… off," you continued. Han shook his head, giving you a smile.
"You don't have to explain," he said, moving to stand closer. "If you wanted it to be a one time thing, that's fine. That was the deal, right?" He asked, one hand moving to rest on the small of your back. 'Is… is that what he thinks?'
"Han, I-" he cut you off before you could finish. "It's okay. We can just let it go. If you'd rather pretend it didn't happen-"
It was your turn to cut him off. "I don't want that." Han's eyes widened. "Y-you don't?" he asked softly, voice barely audible over the music. "I don't want to pretend it didn't happen," you repeated.
Your eyes met, staring at each other in the middle of a party like no one else was even there. It was like you had tunnel vision and all you could see was him. Like he was the only thing that mattered.
Han's eyes dipped down to your lips and back up to meet your gaze. Your eyes did the same. It was clear what you both wanted and you would have given in if it weren't for the arm that suddenly went around your shoulders.
"There you two are!" Felix said loudly as he draped an arm over both yours and Han's shoulders. "I was wondering where my favorite girl and the best roommate I've ever had went," he added, smiling at you. It was clear he'd had a little too much to drink and was more than tipsy.
You smiled sheepishly. "Yeah," you said, holding up your cup. "I just needed a drink." Han forced a smile, clearly annoyed that Felix had interrupted the moment between the two of you. "Well, now that you've got it, come join us," Felix said, giving you a slight shake.
Han wanted so desperately to ask Felix to give the two of you a second but he didn't want to draw attention or arouse suspicion so he begrudgingly followed along as Felix led you away from the drink station and into a circle around the sofa.
He watched as Felix pulled you down to sit between him and Jeongin, leaving Han to sit across from you in an empty space on the ottoman next to Chris who had Sana perched on his lap. "What's this about?" Changbin asked from his spot between Lia and Seungmin. "You summoned us here."
Felix shook his head. "I’m just the messenger," he answered. "You can ask them why," he added, nodding at Chris and Sana. "Well, mainly me," Sana said, holding up her hand. "I thought we could throw it back and play a classic party game," she explained.
"I swear to god," Yeonjun groaned as he leaned on the couch behind you. "If this is Truth or Dare, I'm leaving right now." Momo, who was sitting next to Chris and Sana chimed in. "It is Truth or Dare," she started.
"But with a twist."
Han tried to listen to Momo as she spoke but his eyes were focused on you and the way Yeonjun loomed over your figure. You didn't seem to mind, even when he briefly massaged your shoulders while Momo explained the rules.
"It's simple. On your turn, you chose either truth or dare," Momo explained, Sana chiming in halfway through. "And if you don't want to do the one you pick, you have to drink," she added. "So everyone playing needs drinks." There was a mild scramble as those without drinks got up to get refills. "What if you aren't playing?" Jeongin asked, raising his hand.
"Then get out of the circle," Sana said with a shrug. Jeongin apologized and got up, leaving the space beside you empty. Han was tempted to take it but he wasn't fast enough and someone else dropped onto the sofa beside you.
"I don't think we've met," the man who had just dropped into the seat next to you said, drawing your attention. Han didn't know him personally, only that he was friends with both Yeonjun and Changbin. "I'm Wooyoung." The man, Wooyoung, held his hand out.
A polite smile crossed your face as you took his hand. "Y/N," you replied shortly. Yeonjun behind you flicked Wooyoung's forehead. "Leave her alone, Woo. She's not going home with you," he saw in an annoyed tone. Wooyoung held his hand over his forehead and whined. "Well, she might have if you hadn't interjected!"
You smiled politely again at Wooyoung. "No," you replied, shaking your head. "I wouldn't have." Everyone around you burst into laughter and Wooyoung grumbled, whining under his breath until Yeonjun kicked him out of the spot and took it from him as the rest of the players settled down with their drinks.
Han recognized San as Wooyoung moved to sit beside him, Yeosang watching from outside the circle with Jongho. Yeosang was one of his department leads, Jongho working with them as well.
His attention was drawn back to the circle as the coffee table was cleared and used as the pedestal for the bottle and Momo started the game. She spun the bottle, waiting until it stopped landing on…
“Lee Chan!” She said, pointing to the man sitting to the left of Yunho. “Uh, present,” he said, a slight question in his tone. “Truth or dare?” Momo asked, waiting patiently for him to respond.
“Uh, sorry, I’m pretty a boring guy. Truth.”
Han zoned out as Momo asked her question, his eyes landing on you sitting wedged between Felix and Yeonjun, the latter who was leaning in, whispering in your ear. You giggled as he spoke before looking mildly scandalized and slapping his arm while he laughed.
It made the ugly beast in his chest surface, growling angrily.
The game quickly progressed into a game of daring people to kiss each other before the bottle landed on Felix, having been spun by Yeonjun. "Dare," Felix said, sitting forward to look around you at Yeonjun. "Dare you say?"
"Yeah, and make it a good one," Felix answered. "None of this kissing shit. That's so cliché." Several people shouted in protest, quieted only by Yeonjun holding his hand up. "Okay," he said, scooting forward to sit on the edge of his seat.
"Your dare comes with a choice. You have to give a lap dance," Yeonjun began, smirking devilishly as the circle laughed and whooped. Yeonjun held his hand up. "I haven't finished!"
The group fell silent waiting for the rest of the dare.
"You have to give a lap dance to either your roommate," he continued, all eyes turning to Han who chuckled nervously. "Or," Yeonjun said, turning to look at Felix. "Your best friend."
Han felt his throat go dry as all eyes fell on you sitting beside Felix who was contemplating his choices.
"I guess I'll pick Y/N," Felix said, wincing when you slapped his arm. "I wouldn't be able to look Han in the face afterwards if I picked him," he explained as you glared at him angrily.
One of their dining chairs appeared and was placed in the circle as the coffee table was pushed aside. Felix got to his feet and held out his hand for you to take. Your face flushed as you reluctantly took his hand, letting him pull you up and lead you over to the chair.
You took the seat, looking around nervously as Yeonjun held onto your drink, the latter smirking as the show started. Han found himself looking away as the others laughed, some covering their eyes and a few of the girls screaming.
Luckily Felix didn't draw it out too long, laughing as he pulled you up from the chair and pulled you into a hug while you hid your face in your hands.
Felix whispered in your ear as he hugged you, no doubt apologizing for what he just put you through. As the two of you sat back down, the bottle was spun by Ryujin on the other side of Yeonjun.
Han watched as it spun around, slowing before it stopped completely, the opening of the bottle facing away from Han. He looked up to see it had landed on you instead. You were unable to hide your surprise.
“Y/N! Finally,” Ryujin said excitedly as she waited for you to choose. Your response was swift, picking Truth after that last Dare had clearly traumatized you.
Ryujin looked deep in thought as she chose her question carefully.
"Hmmm, okay!” She clapped her hands together before pointing at you with both of her hands. “Have you ever slept with anyone in the circle?"
The question caught the attention of everyone in the group, especially Han. He wondered at that moment if you'd slept with any of Felix's friends before and if you had, did Felix know?
Han half expected you to take a drink from your cup but was surprised when you answered instead with a nod. The uproar was almost instantaneous, several people demanding to know who.
Ryujin nodded, a mischievous look on her face. "Of course, of course,” she said while nodding. “We should have expected you and Felix to have hooked up at some point," she said nonchalantly with a shrug.
At her accusation, you and Felix shook your heads quickly, both protesting in unison. "Absolutely not!" You said, sounding mortified. Felix was just as adamant.
"No really, we've never had sex. The only sleeping we do together is taking naps," he explained. You nodded profusely in agreement. Ryujin turned to look at you. “If it wasn’t Felix, then who was it?” She asked. Han noticed how you froze at the question.
You chuckled nervously and passed your drink to Yeonjun. "Uhh… I need to use the bathroom," you said, getting to your feet, ignoring the question entirely.
Once you disappeared, Han heard Sana speak.
"You're for real? You've really never slept with Y/N?" She asked. Han turned to look at Felix who shook his head again. "Really. She's my best friend. I don't see her that way," he answered. Yeonjun suddenly spoke up, turning to look at Felix.
"I certainly see her that way," he said, ignoring the whistles around him. "Do you care if I-" Han had heard enough.
"Wait, where are you going?" Momo asked as he got to his feet. "Bathroom," he grumbled. "Y/N's in there," Sana reminded him.
"I have an en-suite," he simply said as he set his beer on the end table and walked away from the group. He wound through the crowd, making his way through the apartment. It was true, he did have an en-suite bathroom but that's not where he was going.
The bass was muffled surprisingly well with the bathroom door shut as you washed your hands under the sink. Glancing up at your reflection, you sighed, taking in your tired eyes.
'Maybe I should go home… I think I've been here long enough. Surely Felix doesn't need me here now.'
Your internal monologue was interrupted by a knocking on the door.
Jumping slightly, you sighed and called out. "Hang on!" You finished rinsing the soap off your hands and shut the water off, drying your hands with the towel as another series of knocks sounded, this time much louder than before. 'Fucking impatient, drunk people.'
You unlocked the door and were in the process of opening it when the door was forced open and shut quickly, leaving you face to face with…
"Han?" you asked as he locked the door.
He only looked at you for a second before he closed the distance between you, hands grabbing your hips as his lips crashed against yours, guiding you back to the sink counter. Your hands grabbed his shirt, holding on as he pushed you against the counter.
"Fuck, I missed you," he growled, grinding against you as his lips trailed down your neck. "H-Han," you whispered in a shaky breath.
"We can't. Not here," you mumbled as his lips moved back up, stopping by your ear. Han didn't seem to hear you. Or he didn't care.
"You're all I've been able to think about," he continued, kissing along your jaw as his hands wandered, one moving to the small of your back, the other sliding down to your thighs, nails digging into your skin.
"Han," you warned, your voice wavering as his lips brushed over your pulse point.
"I just want to turn you around and bury myself inside you."
You let out a soft moan as Han's hand moved up your thigh, sneaking under your skirt and finding your lace covered clit easily. His fingers pushed the fabric of your panties against you and you knew he could feel the wetness that seeped through the material.
"Shit," he groaned, moving both hands to push you up to sit on the counter, fingers tracing over your slit. "You're so wet."
Your hands moved, one tangling in his hair as you pulled him to meet your lips in a searing kiss, his thumb pulling your panties aside and fingers seeking your wet heat, sinking two fingers inside your warm cunt with a sigh. You, on the other hand, were already a writhing mess as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you.
It was slow at first, but soon he was moving at a steady pace, curling his fingers up against the soft spongy spot inside you. "H-Han," you moaned, your free hand moving to undo his pants, slipping your fingers under the waistband of his underwear.
Your fingers wrapped around his hardened length, making him gasp out a moan, eyes fluttering shut as you started to pump your hand along his cock in time with the thrust of his fingers. "Oh fuck, baby," he moaned. "You're gonna kill me."
Your lips found his again in a sloppy kiss as you both tried to get the other off desperately. "Shit. You're so wet and tight. Just like last time," Han whispered, brow furrowing as your hand squeezed him firmly. "Bet you'd take my cock just as well, too."
Your cheeks burned, face flushing as he spoke. "Would you like that, baby?" Han asked softly. "You want me to bend you over the sink and fuck you where everyone could overhear?"
You moaned a little louder, walls clenching around his fingers as you spread your legs a little wider. You felt his thumb drag over your clit, rubbing circles in time with his thrusts. "Hannie," you mewled as his fingers pushed you closer and closer to the edge. "So close."
Han moaned, hips bucking into your hand as you lazily stroked him. "You gonna cum for me, baby girl?" he cooed. "Gonna be my good little girl and cum for me?"
You whined in response, knees and thighs squeezing his waist as your orgasm came rolling over you. "That's it," Han whispered, fucking you through your high with his fingers as you continued to jerk him off.
"Keep going, baby. You're doing so good," Han whispered, his voice taking on a much more breathless and whiny tone.
A loud knock at the door pulled you both out of your bubble and you suddenly remembered you were in the middle of a housewarming party at your best friend's apartment.
And here you were, hooking up with his roommate again.
Had you not learned your lesson?
"Sorry," you called out trying to keep your voice stead even though Han's fingers were still stuffed inside your pussy. "I might be a minute. Not feeling well." A shuffling outside the door indicated whoever it was had left. "We're gonna get caught," you hissed at Han, pulling your hand from his underwear and pushing his hand away from your sex before you hopped off the counter.
Han's hands turned you to face the mirror, grabbing your hips and grinding against your ass. "We shouldn't be doing this," you moaned as his hands moved, sliding up to grope your chest over your shirt as he continued to grind his erection into your ass, his lips ghosting over your neck. "Please baby," he whispered.
His hands moved back down to your hips, holding you still as he rutted against you, lips continuing to kiss your neck, teeth grazing your skin. You braced yourself against the sink, fully ready to let Han take you from behind when there was a loud thump against the bathroom door. "Fuck," you hissed. "We can't do this."
You turned around, Han catching you and taking your lips in a breathtaking kiss, one hand holding your hip, the other cupping your cheek tenderly. "My room is just down the hall," he mumbled but you shook your head. "I'm sorry," you answered. "S'too risky."
Han's lips pressed against yours repeatedly, small pleas slipping out between as he begged you.
"Please" kiss. "Baby. I'll be quick" kiss. "I promise" kiss. "Please baby" kiss. "Please?"
You shook your head again. "I'm so sorry," you whispered, pushing him back. Han pulled you closer, kissing you again. "Please stay, Y/N," he murmured. "Don't go." You kept shaking your head.
"I can't... We can't… I-I have to go."
Deciding to act before he could stop you, you darted for the door, unlocking and exiting, leaving Han in the bathroom. You held back tears as you rushed through the apartment, heading for the door but nearly fell back when you ran straight into someone.
Looking up, you were greeted by the smile of your best friend, a smile that dropped almost instantly as he noticed your state. "Whoa, what happened?" he asked, looking you over. You gave him a weak smile. "I'm just not feeling well," you answered.
Felix immediately launched into concerned mode, feeling your forehead and cheeks. "You want me to get you some medicine?" he asked as he guided you to the kitchen to get some water. You shook your head. "It's okay. I think I just want to go home."
Felix shook his head. "Nonsense," he scoffed. "You can just sleep in my bed with me-," he began but you cut him off. "No offense, Lix, but I really just want to go home." His face fell a little but he seemed to understand. He loved his bed very much and knew how much you loved yours.
"Then let me walk you," he offered but you shook your head again. "You're too drunk," you countered. "I'll be fine. I'll text you the moment I get home."
You saw, over his shoulder, Han emerge from the hallway and you hastily added an "I promise."
Felix didn't have the opportunity to respond as you kissed his cheek and darted for the front door, yanking it open and stepping out into the hallway. Once the door shut behind you, it was much easier to breathe. You were grateful the elevator was already on the same floor as you stepped onto the lift and rode it down to the lobby.
You were able to make it from the lobby to your bus stop and from the bus station to your apartment in what seemed like record time.
Once in the comfort of your apartment, you sent Felix a text that you got home safely as you started to undress. After getting into your pajamas, you noticed you had some messages from discord. They were all from Han, apologizing and pleading with you to come back.
It was too late now. You were at home and in bed.
Turning your phone on Do Not Disturb, you flipped it screen down and rolled over on your bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. You'd given in to your stupid temptation and really screwed up but one question remained: how much did you screw up?
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It had been a couple days since the party and the incident between you and Han in the bathroom and suffice it to say, you could not get him out of your mind.
The way his fingers felt as they moved in and out of you, his lips against yours and how he nipped and sucked on your skin, leaving behind the smallest of marks you had to cover with makeup.
You could vividly remember how he sounded as he begged you, how his hips moved, bucking into your touch to chase his own high. You felt absolutely awful for leaving him so close to orgasm but you panicked. You were in the bathroom in the middle of a party.
You were terrified that someone was bound to notice that you left the bathroom and then Han left shortly after and word would get back to Felix but he never said anything. Maybe you were okay.
Han had texted you a handful of times that night, alternating between apologizing and begging you to let him come see you.
You left them unanswered because you knew it would be a mistake. You had both been drinking and you chalked your encounter up to that reason. You were drinking and alcohol makes you horny.
That's all there was to it. It had to be.
You heard your phone buzz in your desk drawer and chose to ignore it. You had approximately half an hour left at work before you could clock out and return home for the weekend and hide in your apartment.
You didn't often go into the office as your job was more remote work than anything but occasionally you were required to come in for meetings with potential clients and for quarterly meetings.
You glanced at the clock on your desk, sitting next to the framed photo you had of you and Felix during your last trip to Australia. His smiling face reminded you of why you couldn't own up and tell him that you'd slept with his roommate.
It wasn't like this was the first time you'd done something like this.
[flashback to a few years back]
You woke up, blinking away the sleep as you peered around your surroundings and took in where you were. It was a bedroom you didn't recognize so you weren't sure whose it was.
As you attempted to roll over, you were stopped by a firm chest and realized an arm was draped over your waist. A rather muscular arm.
You glanced back and saw you were in bed with… Changbin.
Your heart raced as you tried to remember the events of the party from last night. It was mostly a haze but you suddenly remembered Felix joining a game of pong with some of his friends and you were left to your own devices and someone came up and asked why you weren't dancing.
That wasn't the first time you'd met Changbin but it was the first time you danced with him. As the night went on and you downed more drinks than you could keep track of, you could vaguely remember how simple conversation turned into more.
Changbin started whispering dirty things in your ear in an attempt to make you blush and fluster you but he didn't imagine you to say yes and agree to go back up to his room with him. And to be quite frank, neither did you.
It was still all a blur but you did remember kissing, stumbling, and pulling at each other's clothes. You remembered his head between your thighs, giving you some of the best head you'd ever had in your life and then the way he held you in place as he fucked you against the mattress. It was some of the best sex you'd had in college but the next morning you were horrified by what you'd done.
You'd slept with one of Felix's friends. You'd gotten stupid drunk and slept with Changbin. The gravity of the situation hit you the morning after as you tried to shimmy out from under Changbin's strong hold on you and slide out of his bed.
He grumbled sleepily as you managed to pull yourself free and started looking for your clothes from the night before. You found your panties and pulled them on before grabbing your jeans and pulling them on and started searching for your shirt, finding it clear over by the door.
You had just pulled it on when you heard Changbin mumble.
"Where you going?"
You looked up at him, he was propped up on his elbow, looking at you from under a mop of fluffy, wavy dark hair with sleepy eyes. His face was slightly puffy from sleeping and a small pout was on his lips. "Oh, I was just…" you trailed off as he sat up fully.
"Trying to sneak out?" He asked with a smirk. "Sorry," you murmured. Changbin shook his head, falling back onto the bed, the covers bunched at his waist. "I was hoping we could go for round two this morning," he said softly as he stretched his arms over his head. You grimaced at the soft tone in his voice.
He was a right contrast from last night, whispering dirty things in your ear as his hand wandered between your thighs and over your ass. "I don't know," you replied, drawing your bottom lip between your teeth. Changbin rolled onto his side, resting his head in his hand. "You weren't this shy last night," he noted.
He was right. As the events of the night prior came back, you could remember flirting back and even whispering some of the dirty thoughts you had as well. You were already screwed, having slept with Changbin once. What was one more round?
[present time]
Felix hadn't been entirely upset with you sleeping with Changbin in college. He'd just ask that you not do it again as he laughed and waved off your concern. And yet, here you were. Doing it again.
Granted, it wasn't like you knew Han was his friend and roommate before sleeping together. You'd never met the guy before. So Felix couldn't fault you entirely for the way things happened.
Could he?
You sighed again, eyes still on the photo. It was one of your favorite memories, spending most of the day at one of the many beaches in Sydney after meeting up with Felix’s sisters.
The buzzing of your phone pulled your attention back to your work and you shook your head as if trying to shake the thoughts from your head. You had work in front of you to finish. You couldn’t afford to daydream about the past.
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Han sighed, staring at his phone screen, the most recent messages he sent you staring back at him pathetically. ‘Man, you really fucked this up, didn’t you?’
He hadn’t planned on coming to the bathroom during the party. He didn’t know what came over him but the moment you opened the door, he acted before his brain could catch up.
His body acted on instinct alone, pushing all rational thought from his mind. He wanted you so bad and the alcohol wasn’t helping either. Neither did the short skirt you wore that was so easy to slip his hand under.
He’d been fully ready to bend you over the sink and take you right there, fueled by his lust for you and the drinks he’d had. That had to be it, right?
And as quickly as it started, it ended. He never did find out who was banging on the door. If he had, he was sure he would have given them a piece of his mind.
When he’d managed to compose himself and exit the bathroom, he didn’t see anyone waiting to use the bathroom and he cursed whoever interrupted. By the time he managed to squeeze through the crowd back into the living area, he saw you heading for the door but wasn’t fast enough to catch you.
Even weaving through the crowd and slipping out into the hall proved to be fruitless, the elevator doors shut before he managed to reach them and just like that, you were gone.
He returned to the party, having half a mind to head to your place but he didn’t want to push any boundaries. He resorted to texting you, begging you to come back or offering to go to you to finish what you both started.
His texts went unanswered and he wondered if he’d crossed a line with you but he remembered that your hand was in his pants. You had to have wanted it as much as he did. If that was true, then why were you avoiding him?
Han groaned, flipping his phone face down as Felix entered the apartment through the front door. His roommate eyed him curiously, noticing the phone on the kitchen island that Han currently sat at.
“Everything alright?” Felix asked as he slipped his shoes off and headed into the kitchen, setting the black plastic bag he carried on the counter. Han lifted his head from his arms and gave his roommate a guarded look.
“You remember that girl I hooked up with a while ago?” He asked. ‘Your best friend.’
Felix nodded. “The one who let you restrain her?” Felix asked, opening the plastic bag and pulling out the items he’d picked up from the store on his way home. Han nodded as he watched Felix. “Yeah,” he answered.
“Is she still ignoring your messages?” Felix asked, turning to look at him. Han nodded again, silently as he picked at the peeling black polish on his nails. “I’m sorry man,” Felix said with a sigh as he put the beef he’d purchased away.
“I know you said you really liked her.”
Han nodded again. “I do really like her,” he murmured as Felix put the plastic bag away to recycle. “Even when she doesn’t answer your messages?” He asked, leaning on the counter.
Han nodded yet again. “Even then, I still really like her.”
Felix let out another deep sigh, letting his head drop before he gathered his thoughts and stood up straight. “Then call her.”
Han’s gaze snapped up to meet his roommates. “Or better yet,” Felix said with a smirk. “You know where she lives. Go see her.” Han shook his head furiously. “No. I think that would cross a line. Especially if she doesn’t want to see me.”
Felix frowned as Han continued picking at his nails. “Then just call her. The worst she can do is not pick up.” Han sighed, still looking dejected. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Felix stared at his roommate, unsure of how to help him.
They had gotten pretty close before moving in together so Felix clearly cared about him. He’d hoped that meeting you would make Han forget about the ghost girl and focus instead on you. That was his entire reason for introducing the two of you in the first place.
Felix turned and moved to the pantry, opening the door and stepping inside to find the one thing he knew might cheer his friend up. He found the box on a shelf in the back, hiding behind the cans of soup and grabbed it.
He returned to the kitchen, setting the box down on the counter with a loud thud and smiled at Han as he looked up. Han’s eyes widened comically as he looked at the box and back up at Felix a small smile on his face.
Felix did most of the work. Normally he’d make brownies from scratch but he didn’t have all the ingredients he needed and this was an emergency. Han mostly watched as Felix mixed the batter together and only helped when it was time to pour and put the pan in the oven. He also helped clean up by licking the cake spatula while Felix washed the bowl.
“Can I ask you something?” Felix asked as he dried the bowl while Han sat on the kitchen island reading the tub of icing. Han looked up at him. “Hmm?” He hummed in response as Felix put the now dry mixing bowl away and turned to face him.
“What do you think of Y/N?” Felix watched as Han’s cheeks turned pink and he suspected his hunch was right. “Why do you ask?” Han asked, turning his focus back to the tub of chocolate icing.
Felix shrugged, moving to take the tub from him. “I mean, you two seemed to get along at the party and I’ve been trying to introduce the two of you for a while now,” he answered, setting the icing on the counter and looking up at Han.
Despite the pink in his cheeks, Han shrugged. “She seems cool. To be honest, we didn’t get to talk much,” he answered. “Minho was all over her for getting him that drink and then she was with Jeongin and his friends after that.”
There was something in Han’s voice. Something Felix had a hard time deciphering but it sounded an awful lot like jealousy. “Y/N and Jeongin are just friends,” Felix said as he shifted his weight to his other foot, leaning against the counter next to Han. “Oh? Well, she was also pretty cozy with Yeonjun.” Han pouted.
Felix nodded, fighting the urge to smile. ‘Yep. That’s jealousy.’
“Yeah. Yeonjun was kind of all over her but I don’t think there’s much there,” Felix replied. “Yeonjun isn’t exactly Y/N’s type.” Han glanced at Felix, quiet for a moment before asking. “What’s her type?”
Felix let the smile spread this time as he looked at his friend. “Why? Are you interested?” He asked.
The way Han sputtered and vehemently denied it told Felix everything he needed to know. Han liked you and he was more determined than ever to hook the two of you up. Whatever it took.
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The clock read half past five when you finally left the office, purse in hand as you exited the elevator into the lobby. You were extremely grateful you wouldn’t have to return to the office again for a while and would be able to do the rest of your work from the comfort of your own home.
The trip home was uneventful, taking the bus to the train station and riding that to your stop. You often wished you could afford an apartment in one of those nice high rises near your job but it was just too expensive.
Upon arriving home, you removed your shoes, cursing as you put them away, glad to not have to wear those again for a while. You decided on the way home to stop and grab something to eat rather than make something.
Going into the office was much more taxing than you remembered.
Once changing out of your uncomfortable office attire, you settled on your couch with your food, a glass of wine, and turned on your tv to watch the latest episode of the show you were currently obsessed with.
You wondered if Felix was caught up and looked around for your phone before remembering you left it in your purse. Grumbling, you got up and set your food on the coffee table, walking over to where you left your purse on the counter to reach inside and grab your phone before returning to your seat.
As you unlocked the screen, your eyes fell on the latest notification from Han.
Hanji: if you want me to stop messaging you, i will.
You quickly pulled up his messages and scrolled up to read the ones he’d send since the party.
Hanji: please don’t shut me out again Y/N Hanji: i had no idea you were Felix’s best friend Hanji: did you know? Hanji: i mean, you must have Hanji: that’s why youve been avoiding me? Hanji: right? That has to be why Hanji: unless i did something wrong? Hanji: if i did i’m really sorry Hanji: please answer me baby Hanji: i’m so sorry. My head is all fucked up rn Hanji: all i can think about is you Hanji: all i’ve been able to think about is you Hanji: y/n please can we just talk about this? Hanji: about what happened last night? Hanji: if i crossed a line, i’m really sorry but unless i’m an idiot, it seemed like we both were into what happened Hanji: i’m not mad. I just don’t understand why you keep pushing me away Hanji: god this really sucks. I really liked talking to you and then we had some of the most mind blowing sex and you just disappeared Hanji: then you showed up again and then the thing in the bathroom happened and now you’re not talking to me again Hanji: not that you were talking before. Fuck now i’m rambling. Hanji: look. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry if i crossed any lines. I’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable and i’m sorry for anything i might have done to offend or hurt or upset you. Hanji: if you want me to stop messaging you, i will.
You let out a sigh, your food and television forgotten as you typed a reply.
You: you have nothing to apologize for Han. It’s my fault. When I invited you over, I had no idea you were Felix’s roommate. If I had known, I never would have invited you over. You: i promise you didn’t make me uncomfortable. I’m more mad at myself for slipping up. I told myself after i found out you were Lix’s roommate that we couldn’t continue. We can’t continue. regardless of how i feel, we can’t keep going You: i had no intention of seeing you again after learning who you were but Felix lied to get me to come to the apartment and force us to meet. I’m sorry for coming into your home and if i made you uncomfortable in anyway it was not my intention You: i’m sorry for the way i left but i panicked. I was afraid we were going to get caught.
Your eyes widened as you saw the familiar three dots appear as Han typed a response. It was then you noticed the read receipts on your messages. Before you could close the app, his reply popped up.
Hanji: why didn’t you just tell me? I’ve been beating myself up over this when all i really wanted to do was talk to you Hanji: I know it hasn’t been long since we met, but i really like you y/n Hanji: why are you so afraid of getting caught? We’re adults y/n. we can sleep together if we want to. It’s not about Felix You: you didn’t know Lix in college, did you? Hanji: no but why does that matter? You: because this isn’t the first time ive hooked up with one of his friends… Hanji: …your answer to the game at the party. You: yes. There were two people in that circle i’ve slept with Hanji: so me… who else? You: god this is so embarrassing. talking about my sexual history Hanji: i’m not going to judge you y/n You: …it was changbin. Hanji: yoooo really? You: stop! 😫 Hanji: sorry 😶 but really? You: yeah. It was back in college. We were both drunk at a frat party. He asked me to dance and one thing led to another and yeah… You: i felt so awful and guilty when i finally told felix. He says he wasn’t upset but i still felt awful. Hanji: did you know changbin and felix were friends when you and changbin slept together? You: yes. Which is why i felt so bad Hanji: then its different with us. You: how? Hanji: you didn’t know felix and i were roommates. You hadn’t met me yet. You: …i mean. I guess thats true Hanji: you only found out afterwards. How did that happen by the way? You: i was doing my laundry and felix brought up the subject of my… kink. He mentioned he had a friend who recently hooked up with someone and did the same thing i mentioned i liked Hanji: you and felix talk about your sexual kinks? You: i mentioned it when i was drunk. Hanji: ahh. Checks out. I did that too. But wait. He mentioned his friend? You: yeah. So he asked if i was interested in meeting his friend and i said i wasn’t sure so he pulled up their instagram… Hanji: no. Fucking. Way You: yes. He said you had hooked up with a girl recently and tried the whole anon sex and restraint thing and well.. i guess he was talking about us. Hanji: i’m sorry but i’m laughing right now You: why are you laughing??? This is mortifying! Hanji: what are the odds??? I mention to my roommate one time that i hooked up with a strange woman i met online, had some of the best sex ever and this whole time, it was his best friend. You: …it’s not funny 😩 Hanji: it’s a little funny You: 😠 is not Hanji: 🤏 just a bit You: wait a second… Hanji: ??? You: did you say you liked me? Earlier? Hanji: scroll up babe. I did You: … Hanji: and i’ve been dying to know You: …if i like you too? Hanji: yes. It’s been eating at me. You: why? Hanji: uh because i like you, you dork
When you didn’t respond, he continued.
Hanji: so do you? Hanji: like me? You: …yes Hanji: oh thank god. I was holding my breath and about to die You: but it doesn’t change anything Hanji: what? Why the hell not? You: because you’re Lix’s roommate and i’m his best friend. Hanji: look, forget felix for a second. Pretend like he’s not there. Hanji: what do you want? Do you like me? You: yes Hanji: do you want me? You: Han… Hanji: felix has been snapped from existence, okay? Thanos style snap Hanji: he doesn’t exist. Never did. Hanji: do you want me? You: …yes. Hanji: how bad do you want me? You: so fucking bad Han Hanji: yeah? You want me to touch you? You: yes. Fuck i want you to touch me so bad Hanji: want my hands all over you You: i want your hands all over me, Han Hanji: fuck, you’re making me want to come over You: you can’t Hanji: why not? You: because it’s late Hanji: hasn’t stopped me before Hanji: Felix won’t notice. He’s too engrossed in his phone to ask. Hanji: let me come over and make you feel good baby Hanji: please after last time, i can’t get you out of my head.
You were about to respond when your phone buzzed, a text from Felix flashing across the top of the screen.
Lixie: are you busy? You: uh. Not really Lixie: 👀 oh? Am I interrupting something? You: it’s nothing. What are you up to? Lixie: well i was gonna invite you to come over and watch this movie with Jisung and i but he just said he was going to bed so maybe another time >: You: lol it’s also pretty late Lixie: yeah. I didn’t think this through but while i have you here can i ask you something?
Your eyes caught sight notifications from Han at the top of your screen as you tried to focus on the texts from Felix.
You: i was actually about to head to bed Lixie: awww ): another time then. Don’t wanna keep your bed waiting You: lmao shut up. I’ll text you tomorrow Lixie: sweet dreams y/n~ You: u too Lixie
You pulled Han’s messages back up.
Hanji: please? 🥺 Hanji: baby? Where did you go? Hanji: i’m in bed now. I’d rather be in yours though 😫 You: sorry. Lix texted me lol Hanji: i figured that’s what happened. What did he want? You: to invite me over for a movie but you went to bed so he changed his mind. Hanji: if i go back out there will you come over? 👀 You: no??? Hanji: ): but babyyyyy You: if i came over now i’d have to spend the night Hanji: 👀 im not entirely against the idea You: in Felix’s room Hanji: aww booooo why? You: why would i sleep in your room? Hanji: well, we wouldn’t be sleeping baby (; You: …and just like that, felix would know everything Hanji: boooo 😑 fine. Then let me come over. You: but you said you were going to bed. Felix might think you’re up to something if you leave now Hanji: goddamn it… Hanji: guess i’ll have to settle for this then You: for what? Hanji: [image]
You tapped on the image and nearly dropped your phone.
You weren’t expecting anything but the sight of Han’s hand curved over the outline of his obvious erection sent a wave of heat and blood rushing to your core.
You quickly got up from the couch, cleaning up your food, downing the rest of your wine before heading to your room and climbing into bed. As you settled against the cushions on your bed, Han sent another message.
Hanji: you wanna see more? Hanji: all you have to do is ask baby You: jfc Han. Warn me next time 😫 Hanji: haha no can do baby You: i was sitting on my couch all unassuming Hanji: are you still on your couch? You: no. I’m in bed now Hanji: let me see
You turned your camera on, snapping a picture of your thighs, tiny sleep shorts and all to send to him.
Hanji: fuck. Send me another You: no u first Hanji: be careful what you wish for baby
You giggled as you waited for Han to send another picture. This time it was his hand disappearing into his pants.
Hanji: more? You: hmmm. whatcha reaching for? 🤔 Hanji: oh when i get my hands on you next…
You bit your lip in anticipation as he no doubt snapped another picture which appeared quickly. You opened it and your mouth watered at the sight of his hard cock in his hand. You pressed your thighs together and quickly typed a response.
You were in the middle of typing when your phone buzzed with the notification of a call from discord. Han was calling you.
You scrambled to answer it.
“H-hello?” Your voice was shaking but on the other end, Han was just as breathless. “You like those pictures?” He asked, half amused.
“Mhmm. I did,” you answered, settling back into your pillows. “It’s been a bit since I’ve seen you,” you added. Han chuckled, a soft sigh leaving his lips. “Are you… touching yourself right now?” You asked.
Han fell silent before answering. “Are you not?”
You shook your head. “No, actually. Not yet,” you answered, moving your hand to rest on your thigh. “Jumped the gun, sorry about that, baby,” Han replied, making you smile, biting your bottom lip to hold in a giggle.
“Do you need an incentive?”
“Hmm what will you give me?” You were teasing him now but Han couldn’t be bothered to care. “Whatever you want, baby,” he answered, his hand moving slowly as he stroked himself, listening to the sound of your breathing.
“Whatever I want?” You repeated him. “Yes. Whatever you want, baby.”
“Hmm, send me a video?”
Fuck, you were going to be the death of him.
“Why don’t I just video call you?” He asked, moving his hand a little faster. “What if that’s not what I want?” You asked, making him pout. “Why ask for a video when you can watch me live, baby?” He asked.
You fell silent this time. He hesitated, thinking he might have gone too far before his phone buzzed. You had started a video call. Han flipped his camera feed around before turning it on. He was greeted by your face in the neon pink lights of your room. “Hey gorgeous,” he said with a smirk.
A shy smile crossed your face. “Hey,” you replied. “You really aren’t touching yourself?” Han asked, clicking his tongue when you shook your head. “You said you’d give me an incentive,” you reminded him. Han drew his bottom lip between his teeth before answering.
“I did, but I don’t think you’ve earned it.” Your laugh made his heart beat erratically. “That’s not how incentives work, Han,” you answered. He smiled sheepishly. “How about you show me what you’re doing?”
Han glanced down at his hand wrapped around his cock and then back up to the screen. “Is that incentive enough?” He asked. You tilted your head playfully. “We’ll see.” He rolled his eyes, letting out a groan before he complied, tilting the screen down so you could see his hand moving up and down his shaft.
He only gave you a small preview before tilting the screen back up.
“Good enough?” He asked. You smiled and moved, the screen a blur for a moment as you set your phone down. Han slowed his hand and watched as you reappeared. You had propped your phone up and were now sitting in front of it.
He watched as you sat back on your heels, hands moving to the bottom of your sweatshirt, playing with the hem. “You gonna strip for me?” He asked softly, keeping his eyes on his phone screen.
You slowly lifted the sweatshirt, exposing your stomach first and then pulled it off over your head swiftly, leaving you in your shorts and a lacy bralette that glowed in the neon pink lights. Han let out a groan as you leaned in a bit closer.
“Keep going, baby,” he rasped. “Give me a show.”
You smiled at him through the screen. “Only if you give me one.”
Han moved at the speed of light, setting his phone up on his bed to the side of him. “Better?” He asked softly as his fingers wrapped around his cock and resumed stroking. You nodded wordlessly and sat back up.
Han watched as your thumbs tucked under the waistband of your shorts and slowly pushed them down, sitting up on your knees to remove them. Your panties matched the bralette and Han nearly moaned at the sight of you kneeling on your bed, knees spread in the pink glow of your room.
“Don’t tease me, baby girl,” he groaned. He watched as your hands moved, sliding slowly up your thighs from your knees. One hand moved up to your chest, grabbing your tit over the lace as the other drifted slowly between your thighs.
“Fuck I wish I was there,” Han groaned, his head falling back against his pillows for a moment before he looked back at the screen. In the time between, you’d removed your panties and were now sitting with your thighs spread, giving him a front row seat to your glistening sex.
“Go on,” he said. “Touch yourself for me.”
Your hand traveled down between your thighs, fingers slowly playing with your clit before dipping down to your slit. Instead of sinking your fingers into your entrance, you pulled them back up, spreading your labia for him to see just how wet you were.
“Fuck,” he groaned, hand squeezing himself and imagining it was your cunt.
“Finger yourself for me baby, go on,” he instructed, almost growling when two of your fingers disappeared inside your wet heat. The moan that came out of you as your fingers curled inside you was almost enough to tempt him into leaving his room and going to your apartment.
He wanted to be there so badly. He wanted his fingers moving slowly in and out of your tight hole. He wanted to finger you slowly, torturously until you begged him to fuck you. “Keep going,” he urged. “Faster,” he added. “I know you can take it.”
Han watched as your hand moved faster, fingers disappearing inside your cunt with a loud, wet squelching sound not unlike when he fingered you at the party.
“Fuck, I really wish I was there now,” he groaned. “If I was there, I’d have you spread out on that pretty comforter as I fucked you.” You moaned loudly, spurring him on. “And I’d mark that pretty neck. Cover it so everyone knows you’re mine.”
His possessiveness was coming out but he couldn’t be bothered to care and judging by the way your hand moved faster, you didn’t seem to mind.
“Han,” you gasped out his name, fingers curling as you no doubt tried to reach the spongy spot he’d reached before, the spot that had your thighs shaking around his hand as he coaxed your orgasm out of you.
“That’s it sugar,” he grunted, fucking his fist faster. “Just like that. Keep going.”
You let out a breathy moan, the heel of your hand rubbing against your clit as your fingers curled more, attempting to reach that sweet spot. “Hannie, I’m close,” you whimpered. “You gonna cum for me baby?” He asked, his own high approaching rapidly. You nodded, teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned. “Do it,” Han encouraged. “Be a good girl and cum all over those fingers. Pretend they’re mine. Cum for me baby girl.”
Your thighs shook, body shuddering as you moaned, fingers still moving as you rubbed your clit with the heel of your hand. “Hng Hannie~” you whined as your orgasm washed over you in waves.
Watching you come undone pushed Han over the edge, cursing and groaning as he came, painting his stomach with his release. His hand continued to stroke himself, making sure to get every last drop.
Han glanced over to his phone, breathing heavily. You had fallen back against your pillows, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Taking the moment to grab a few tissues, Han cleaned himself off, stuffing his cock back in his pants before he wiped his hands and grabbed his phone. “Babe?” He called softly.
“You alright?”
You stirred slowly, rolling onto your side before sitting up and leaning forward. “‘M okay,” you murmured, smiling tiredly at him. Han returned the smile before letting out a sigh. “That was amazing,” he finally said, making you hide your face in your sheets before you looked back up. “Yeah. Would have been better if you were here though.”
Han tilted his head playfully. “Next time?” He asked, hopeful. You smiled at him again. “We’ll see,” you answered softly. “It’s getting late,” you commented, squinting at the screen, no doubt looking at the clock in the corner.
Han checked his. You were right. It was well past midnight. “I don’t want to hang up,” he murmured, watching you through the screen. “Me neither,” you admitted just as softly. “We could just stay on the phone?” He asked. You nodded before sitting up quickly. “Let me put some clothes back on.”
Han whined as you disappeared. “You could always just stay naked!” He reminded you, making you laugh off screen. A moment later, you reappeared in a long tee, shifting to lay on your side with your phone propped up against the pillows.
“I wish I was next to you,” Han whispered, watching you through the screen. “Me too.” You nodded as you spoke. “Ugh, I just wanna hold you,” Han whined. “And kiss you.” Your smile widened as he spoke. “Yeah?” You asked.
Han nodded. “Yes. I just want to hold you so tight and kiss you. All over that cute face,” he answered, making you giggle. “Next time,” you murmured, making him smile. “Next time?” He asked again excitedly, heart hammering when you nodded.
“Yeah, next time.”
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hooved · 1 year
if i wanna be genuine and really fully not care what ppl think of me then i have Got to just let myself say fag on here already. like sorry but not only have me and my bf been affectionately calling each other faggot for years now but it's also genuinely the most concise, and for me personally, even the most comfortable way to describe my identity. i'm an effeminate bisexual gnc man but also kinda something else entirely. i'm not a woman but my attraction to women is gay and so is my attraction to men and anyone else. "fag" is the easiest way to sum that all up. also since i feel that tagging it kind of defeats the purpose of reclaiming it, if any friends or mutuals are really uncomfortable with it then it'd be best if you just blacklisted any and all variations of the word if you haven't already, because i genuinely don't wanna upset you. anyone else who still has a problem with it, i suggest that you just unfollow
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red-handed-tamarin · 10 days
tam is opening writing REQUESTS (free)
These are not commissions, though in some administrative ways they may be treated as such (i.e. a queue with limited slots, attempted adherence to prompts, due dates / limited time turnaround etc.). I will be opening up a queue to write pieces FOR FREE. See below for guidance!
How many slots will be open?
For now I'll only be opening three slots at a time. I hope to increase this number greatly once I've got the hang of things.
What is the word count limit for requests?
The absolute minimum word count will be 300. The maximum word count offered will likely be 1000, but in general, I'll be shooting for the 500-800 word range.
What kind of requests are you taking?
There are MANY things I'd be very happy to write, so don't feel limited by the will-write list below; anything not specifically blacklisted can be requested, but I reserve the right to turn down any request for any reason at any time.
fanfiction, original fiction, or nonfiction
first, second, or third person
OCs, reader inserts
any non-PWP genre
a variety of formats
most kinks
ao3 categorical archive warnings: rape, underage, graphic violence, character death
real people fiction (rpf) involving anyone who is NOT the requester; I'm willing to write the requester into the story if that is desired
harry potter or any jk rowling content
pure smut (I'm just no good at it)
MASTERLIST OF MY FANDOMS (wip) (don't feel beholden to this, I'm just providing it for inspiration and reference)
What do I need to include in my request?
The following elements are critical for any request (please ensure they are included!):
characters/ships and what media they're from
a specific scenario
a desired resolution
squicks / do not writes (DNWs)
whether you are OPEN to nsfw content or would prefer all SFW
information about an OC or self-insert: name/nickname, pronouns, physical description and style, personality, relevant backstory points
Optional elements include (I can't make any guarantees but I'll see what fits!):
preferred genres
favorite tropes
any and all additional information about OCs/self-inserts. I'm very interested in every little detail, please share!!
Here are some examples of strong, viable requests:
"please write yusuke and kuwabara from yu yu hakusho having a beach day together with a kiss at the end! I don't like poly, so please don't include that, and I'm not interested in NSFW at this time. I also prefer fluff and friends-to-lovers, and I don't mind if it's first person."
"I request dick grayson and jason todd, both batman characters, training together while jason is robin. it can be open-ended, but there should be a mutual attraction there. jason can be and probably should be underage in this, but not younger than 14. would love to see nsfw content if the mood strikes."
"I'm looking for someone to write for my OC, who is a pokemon trainer based on myself. here's a link (x) to my character's profile on my tumblr. it would be really fun if this OC could be shipped with brock; they're both 15 at the time. I really want them duking it out at a pokemon gym. my character should win and then brock should ask my character on a date. please keep it SFW and pretty vanilla, but I really like flirty text messages, so if you wanted to make textfic part of it, that would be cool."
"can you do some analytical nonfiction about anakin's relationship with droids in star wars, and how it has to do with his history as a slave? I personally think he personifies things that people depersonify because of that, but I'd like to know your take. if you have anything to say about sexual violence please tag it and put it under a read more, that stuff upsets me."
How do I submit a request?
You can submit a request either on or off anon on tumblr, or you can use this google survey!
Writing pieces will typically have a turnaround of two weeks or less.
Once written, the piece will be posted publicly to my AO3 and I will tag you. Please let me know if you want to remain anonymous! Requests CAN be made anonymously on tumblr, but I won't be able to tag you upon completion, so please make sure to subscribe on AO3!
I will never knowingly use AI for any aspect of my writing.
Please signal boost this post!
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dew-creek · 8 months
Morally, I'm actually quite against you shipping incest. But also you understand OHSHC's writing conventions and characters better than anyone else I've ever seen online. All of your comics I could see happening in the show. You are SO fucking funny, genuinely. Plus, also, the show itself makes incest jokes too, so. C'est la vie.
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But hey, thanks! And tbh, that's all I really ask for in the end - just...live and let live. Despite you not agreeing with the pairings I draw, you're still cordial and don't attack others. That's all I could ever ask for. I just draw what I think is funny, or what I think is interesting. Obviously what I'm comfortable with in fiction (never real life, obviously) is different than some other people, and that's okay. I encourage anybody who isn't comfortable with my shipping art to blacklist the ship tags or block me altogether. Tbh, maybe it's due to how small the Ouran fanbase is (these days) or maybe it is due to the nature of the show itself as you said, but I've found the majority of people in this community are very respectful in this manner. I've only got a few "kys" messages once or twice, but the majority of people have just quietly blocked me (I find this out when I try to reblog a mutual's post and I get an error X'D) which is fair! That's what the block button is for!! And it's nice to see this after having been caught in a landscape where people get harassed for far less.
Well anyways, that was just a little tangent haha. Thank you for your kindness anon! I'm glad despite it all you can get some joy from my works, that makes me very happy!
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perotovar · 7 months
bear with me
alright friends, i cannot even begin to tell you just how much it means to me to see itbotn get the love and support it's gotten in just one day. i really really appreciate it. but i'd also like to say that i'm a little conflicted about it.
firstly, thank you. from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. i love you guys and it makes me a little misty-eyed seeing the comments left on this little story of mine. i plan on responding to them today!
secondly, this is where my conflicting feelings come in. i know that i came into this with a "following" already (really struggling with calling it that lmao this is not tiktok or whatever) and i have some really lovely mutuals that reblogged my fic for me that gave it a wider audience than i was expecting. that being said, some of my absolute favorite writers are smaller accounts and it makes me sad seeing how little reblogs their fics get. i reblog/try to show support when i can, but i'm only one person.
so i'd like to do something for the smaller writers. should we do something to show support for those fics? i'd really like to! if anyone has any suggestions i'd love to hear it.
i know this was a longer one, so thank you for sticking with me lol
i'll be responding to comments/reblogs today and i'll be tagging it as #comment reblog if you'd like to blacklist it.
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incubus-puppy · 11 months
the pinned post i should've made forever ago
if you'd like to help a little doggy out, you can find my kofi here; no pressure, but anything helps and is appreciated!
you can call me hezekiah or hezey. I'm a 24 y/o transmasc mainly-t4t switch that posts a pretty large variety of kinks. probably more than most other things, this is a petplay blog and this is a piss kink blog (more on specifics later). my partner is pax (@tismrizz). my backup blog will be @occult-puppy if i get termed. mutuals n pseudo-mutuals who have interacted before can ask for discord. i also have a hazbin sideblog @old-redemption-flair
any genders are free to interact, but I'm really only into masc-aligned people and men. if you're not sure, no big deal, just ask. or don't. only really relevant if you're trying to interact with me as a person and not a blog runner.
I instant-block interacters who are:
a minor (or don't have an age in your bio/pinned), a pedophile, a pro-contact sympathizer, or post p*dobait.
similarly, people who give me reason not to believe the age in their bio.
user of any of the "t33n" or "p3do" tags. i get ageplay, but I've had too many experiences seeing actual minors and actual child abusers use those tags. icky tags are fine.
into raceplay and a white person.
rules for interaction - if your blog is about or features:
ageplay. while I'm not into ageplay personally, i do not block for this alone. if you leave comments or tags about ageplay in reblogs, or message me unprompted about ageplay, you will be blocked.
feederism/weight gain. i am in eating disorder recovery and will not be fetishized about this. i block for weight-related comments not obviously in good faith (fat people are hot, much like people who aren't fat are), and for blogs that are weight-centric. if you don't want blocked but regularly post feederism, make it tagged and easily blacklist-able. DO NOT send weight-related messages to me.
detrans/misgen. i may not block for posting. same as the above, but also DO NOT interact with any explicitly t4t or trans posts on my blog (by anyone, not just me).
incest/fauxcest. I won't block just for posting, but don't leave comments or tags. no messages about it.
raceplay as a person of color. same as above.
i block at my own discretion. try it and see what entitlement gets you.
more below
what you can expect (bold for most common):
✔️ omorashi, petplay, intox, breeding, cnc (tagged as [ tw: cnc ]), cg/l, hitting/cutting, knife/gunplay, abduction, bondage, humiliation/degradation, praise, manipulation, overstim, dacryphilia/crying, omutsu/diapers, hypnosis, use of reclaimed slurs, forcemasc, mindbreak, whump, somno, extreme violence (tagged as [ tw: violence ]), blackmail, watersports, orgasm control/denial, free use, exhibitionism/voyeurism, furry stuff, boots/bootblacking, hard cnc/rapeplay (tagged as [ tw: rape ]).
what you might see on occasion, but not often:
❗impreg (but not pregnancy-focused) (tagged with [ tw: preg ment ]), snuff (rare, particular, and purely fiction, tagged [ tw: snvff ]), objectification, monsterfucking, needles (tagged with [ tw: needles ]), object insertion, abdl-adjacent (long story, tldr in a disability and doggy way and not an ageplay way), mommy/daddy kink (not into it, but usually willing to overlook it depending on the post), tickling.
what you will not see:
❌ ageplay, emeto, scat, internal or consumption pissplay, sounding, ovipos, detrans/misgendering, forcefem, feederism, incest/fauxcest, necrophilia, gutspill, raceplay, huffing/musk/scent stuff, probably more that I can't think of.
joke posts that involve anything related to the above will be tagged [ i jest ], so if you're especially sensitive to those topics i suggest you blacklist that tag as well.
everything i post applies to me as the dom or the sub; basically all of my kinks are reciprocal.
i rarely repost mutual aid that i see floating around, but i will occasionally reblog aid post by/about mutuals. if you have nothing to give and it causes you grief, the tag to block is [ mutual aid ] (this is a decision that holds no moral weight; i do not blame you if you decide to filter this tag. people in hardship who have nothing to give and minimal platform must also care for their own mental health).
feel free to ask or dm! I'm just really bad at replying. open to engaging platonically, romantically, or sexually, but at my discretion.
my images under the tag #meposting
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gamblost · 5 months
. 〖 everyone likes to bitch to the bartender 〗
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. indie h.usk from h.azbin h.otel || written by welp
. rules under the cut
ooc bits:
this is the mainblog to @bondrotten obvious things first: blog is only 18+; series contains a lot of nsfw or possibly triggering themes; it's an adult cartoon. also i like my violence, i enjoy writing those themes & angst. i will try to tag more triggering thing, but i might miss some of it. this blog is mutuals only THIS BLOG IS NOT SPOILER FREE i'm sorry but i will be highly selective when it comes to interacting with irl faceclaims. it's just my personal preference. each tends to their own comfort & experience. blacklist/softblock/hardblock if you don't like something or it just doesn't click. it happens; i'm not going to judge or hunt you down for it. no drama. i don't think that needs explanation; we're here to vibe & write more or less silly characters. please leave all the drama at the entrance & don't get me involved
more rp wise bits:
husk is not exactly a nicest character there is. he's frank, doesn' have too much patience for bullshit and will engage in a fight. he might not be an overlord anymore, but still has some powers. on the other note, i do encourage to hurt/attempt to harm my muse. maybe not too over the top without talking to me first, but i'll be frank, those ground rules are pretty low. i'm more ask based rp blog. as much as i enjoy the longer threads, i do have a bad habit of losing those quickly, sorry. i'll try to handle threads, but they will be slow & scarce. shipping for me is a really grey area. at the moment i have no interest in any romantic shipping for husk. it might change with time & i'm not completely opposed to the idea. but i will need that time. i don't limit validity of the reblogged memes. so unless i openly stated something that i'm not accepting; you're good to go with sending memes from months ago
& bit about the mun:
hello, i'm welp! 23, with any pronouns available. CET/CEST folk thank you for checking my blogs & reading the rules!
have a nice day!
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I see u sometimes reblog stranger things stuff, was wondering if you can share some opinions on it? Any strong opinions on the mileven vs byler war
Lol I knew somehow when I put on my Stranger Things sweatshirt today that I would get this ask lol. Super fun question, thanks for asking! I love talking about any of my other fandoms. I've been pretty involved in the Stranger Things fandom from the jump, I liveblog every new season which you guys do not have to worry about for a while but you can totally backread my ST tags (melissa liveblogs st and melissa on stranger things) for my content or feel free to blacklist if you don't want to see it. I was also active in a few discords for Stranger Things and It, so if you were in any of those you might've seen me around. Met some great people, a few of which are still active on here @sorenserotonin and @milfnightshade loyal mutuals 🫡 who I always appreciate. I'll tag them in case they feel like returning to discussing Stranger Things with me like old times lol.
As for byler and mileven, I don't have super strong opinions. The two mutuals I tagged are both byler shippers (actually I forget if Deidre is, I'm pretty sure). EDIT: DEIDRE IS NOT! I personally have always been into mileven, they were the heart of the first season to me in a way that's really unmatched. The following seasons they have had their really moving moments, particularly for me the third season, but never the same spark as that first season. I do think they are endgame though, because that's just the path the show is on. I don't think the narrative makes sense without them, and wether that is effective writing is a whole separate post. That being said, I will always always never have beef with an lgbtq ship in any fandom, unless it's with a very unhealthy character and I think the ship is straight up abusive. Fandom is a largely queer space because we create the content we lack. That's important and should be respected regardless of ship wars (and I'm a person that gets into those lol). I have a dear friend who will ship anything as long as it's two women, even if they never interacted. I've never understood this. I want the writing to be strong and the relationship to be healthy. But I understand why she feels the way she feels and I'd never judge her, that's what fandom is for.
Some other Stranger Things opinions; I think the writing really has suffered since the first season. It is still a great show, but they struggle with consistency in their characters which is a huge issue for me. They also cave to fandom, which is another huge pet peeve of mine.
I also think Billy Hargrove is one of the most damaging popular characters in a long time, in terms of fandom and the impact on culture. I might just be biased however, I'm on some Billy fans blocklists.
This season was the best one by far since the first. I know that's a hot take, but I think it's true.
Max and Lucas were the only characters who were effectively developed and utilized this past season, which was a breath of fresh air for them to not waste Caleb McLaughlin again.
I do not like Jonathan Byers, but that being said the time for stancy has long come and gone and returning to it is insane.
Oh, final take, we've been giving the Duffers far too much credit for Robin as a character when a lot of it should go to fav nepotism baby Maya Hawke.
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kwanisms · 1 year
Kinkuary 23 Felix — phone sex // mutual masturbation
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➥ fwb!Felix x fem!reader summary: Y/N and Felix have a pretty easy going situationship; when one of them is needy and the other is willing, they fall into bed but sometimes Felix gets needy when he’s on tour. wc: 3.9k warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, fwb relationship, sexual content (minors dni!): phone sex, dirty talk, use of pet names (baby mainly), mutual masturbation, Felix and the reader are completely whipped for each other but won’t admit it cause they're idiots a/n: I'm not gonna lie, I struggled with this piece. Not because it's Felix, I’m actually finding it easier to write for him, when before I found it really difficult. I just struggle with writing phone sex lol anyway, I hope you enjoy this piece, thank you for reading and as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms. Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog @kosmoreads @yourfavoritefreakyhan Stray Kids taglist: @niktwazny303 @g4m3girl @rapmonie2047 @indigo35 @witherednotes @cixrosie @fay-ebrahim @imseungminsgf @yeosayang @flowerboykun @beomgyusbabygirl Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
Your phone dinged with a notification and you picked it up, rolling your eyes at the picture that had been sent.
Fee👅: [image] Fee👅: this interview is so boring 🙄 You: awww poor baby :c Fee👅: ur supposed to make me feel better ):< You: you’re too far away for me to blow Fee👅: …i didn’t mean like that babe You: i’m teasing Lix. Where are you guys? Fee👅: New York You: Ew York Fee👅: Ew York Fee👅: lol jinx You: what do i owe you? 🙄 Fee👅: how about a picture? 👀 You: hmm. No Fee👅: meanie :< You: hehe :> Fee👅: come on Y/N 😩 You: not the government name 😭 Fee👅: pretty please? 🥺
You sighed and opened your camera app, snapping a picture of yourself sitting at your computer and sent it to him.
Fee👅: what time is it there? You: late lol Fee👅: gee thanks i had no idea 😑 You: you asked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You: it’s 3:15 Fee👅: jesus christ Y/N go to bed! You: boo ur no fun Fee👅: i’ll text you later lol go to bed. You: okay dad Fee👅: daddy? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You: GOODBYE
You groaned, locking your screen and setting your phone down. Felix was right. You should be going to bed but this spreadsheet wasn’t going to finish itself and your boss had asked for it last minute, promising to pay you double to get it done asap so you jumped at the chance to get that double pay.
When you finally finished the spreadsheet, you emailed it to your boss and crashed, passing out on your bed, barely having the time to pull your covers up before you were out like a light.
The next time Felix texted you, he was in Chicago.
Fee👅: pizza here is atrocious 🤢 You: you’re just uncultured Fee👅: uncultured? Me??? You: i said what i said Fee👅: you are a liar is what you are You: I. Said. What. I. Said. Fee👅: i can’t believe you called me uncultured. Just for that, i’m not sending you the picture i took for you 😤 You: okay 🤙🏻 Fee👅: wait no come back 🥺 you were supposed to ask me to send it You: but you said you weren’t going to send it???
Felix groaned, looking at your texts. You were so infuriating sometimes.
When the two of you agreed to whatever had blossomed between the two of you, he hadn’t expected much out of it. Sure, he got sex with you but it was always strictly sex until it wasn’t.
The first time you called him and invited him over to just hang out, he knew he was screwed. These hangouts became a regular occurence and slowly he started developing feelings which complicated the booty calls even more.
He chose not to say anything because he didn’t want to lose you so he kept it all bottled inside. Keeping things as lighthearted as he could.
That was until you drunkenly let it slip that you liked him. You weren’t talking to him directly. You had been talking to Hyunjin at a party and you drunkenly told one of his best friends that you liked Felix a lot.
Hyunjin of course panicked because he didn’t know what to do with this information but Felix overheard and had been standing a few feet away talking to Han when he heard the words leave your lips.
Ever since then, he’s been waiting for you to admit it out loud to him but when he gave you opportunities to do so, you never did and it was so frustrating and infuriating but he had no right to be mad.
He just wished you would finally admit it out loud to him. He wanted you to tell him that you liked him. Not just say it drunkenly to his friends.
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When Felix didn’t respond you sighed and set your phone aside.
It wasn't uncommon for him to suddenly stop texting. He was an idol after all. He had a busy life, a hectic schedule, and appearances to keep up with. Add a world tour on top of all of that and you were surprised to even hear from him at all.
When he was home in Korea, things were a lot easier. There were no time differences, just several city blocks. Even when he was back in Australia, it never seemed like he was that far away because the time difference wasn't that great.
New York, Chicago, LA were all almost an entire world away.
Felix still hadn't responded when you let out a frustrated groan and pushed your phone away, rolling over on your bed. It had been like this ever since you realized your feelings for him were starting to grow.
When you first realized it, you started to invite him over for more than just sex. It had turned into hanging out and watching movies or playing video games, or even making and eating dinner together.
Sometimes it ended with him spending the night and sometimes he went back to the dorms. It had almost become domestic in a way.
When you and Felix first agreed to whatever this was between you, it had been strictly sex. He always talked about how he was too busy to date, he couldn't be seen in public with anyone or rumors would arise, he didn't have the time or energy for a relationship.
You agreed, knowing what you were getting yourself into but when he came over one night when you called and instead of fucking, he realized something was wrong and let you vent out all your frustrations. He held you the entire time and told you it was okay to cry and to let it all out. It was then you knew there was something more between the two of you than just physical or sexual attraction.
Or so you had hoped.
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You weren't exactly sure what woke you but you were almost positive it was the buzzing of your phone on the nightstand.
You groggily looked over at the alarm clock that read it was well past three in the morning. Groaning, you grabbed your phone and answered it without checking the screen.
"Hello?" You croaked only to be met with a cheerful laugh on the other side.
"You sound awful, are you sick?"
You sat up quickly upon realizing you'd just answered a call from Felix. You checked the screen to be sure and it was definitely him.
"No," you said, clearing your throat. "I just woke up."
"Oh shit, I forgot to check what time it is there," Felix said, his voice sounding concerned. Glancing back at your clock, it reminded you of the time to relay to the man on the other end of the phone.
"Fuck, seriously? I'm so sorry," Felix groaned. "I should have checked before I called. I can call you later. It's… it's not important. Just go back to sleep, okay?"
Your heart raced, rushing to keep him on the line. It had been so long since you'd heard his voice like this and he'd already woken you up so there was no point in hanging up, right?
"No, it's okay," you replied, leaning back against your pillows. Anything to get to hear his voice for a little longer.
"You sure? I can always call back later." You nodded even though he couldn't see. "Mhm, it's fine," you answered.
"So, what's up? Where are you guys now?"
"Brussels," he answered. "We finished North America last week before hopping on a plane and landing here."
Fuck, had it really been a whole week since you last spoke?
"Oh wow," you said rolling onto your side, keeping your phone by your ear. "I know. Just a little bit closer to home," Felix replied. You could detect the smile in his voice. He was probably excited to come back. He tended to get homesick pretty easily.
"I miss you."
It was so soft you almost didn't hear it but it still sent your heart into a frenzy. "W-what?" you asked, prompting Felix to repeat himself.
"I miss you like crazy," he answered. "I know it hasn't been that long but God I miss you so much." You chewed on your bottom lip, trying to find the right words to reply with.
You recognized that tone in his voice. The longing, the desire, the desperation. You knew because you felt it, too. You missed him, too.
For you it was more than missing the way he touched and kissed you. You missed the way he smiled and laughed at one of your dumb jokes. You missed the way he let you curl up against him on the couch while watching movies. You missed the way he tried to mess you up while racing against each other in Mario Kart.
You missed Felix so much that it hurt physically. It hurt because you knew he didn't feel that way about you.
"Y/N?" he called softly when you didn't answer.
You wiped your eyes quickly and swallowed back the rest of the tears and sobs that threatened to follow. "I miss you too, Lix," you answered, pushing your feelings aside for what felt like the hundredth time. Even if it hurt you to not have him entirely, you knew you'd still get to have him in one way.
"What time is it there?" you asked, trying to divert attention from yourself and back onto him. "Oh, it's after seven," he answered, his voice softer than before. “So it’s not too late,” you replied, wondering what he did today.
“Yeah. We didn’t have anything planned for today. Just resting before tomorrow. So Han, Seungmin, and I went out to explore the city a little. Did some shopping and ate lunch before heading back to the hotel,” Felix explained.
You could hear some rustling on the other side of the phone and wondered if he was in bed too. If it was just after seven, it would be awfully early for him to head to bed.
“What else did you guys do?” You asked, wanting him to keep speaking. His voice was something that was well loved by fans but also by you. The range of his voice was incredible but your favorite was the tone he reserved for you entirely.
“Nothing actually. It wasn’t so much lunch as an early dinner,” he answered, letting out a low chuckle. “I’m so full that I dont want to do anything else.”
“Who are you rooming with?” You asked. You wondered if he was alone. “Hyunjin,” he answered. ‘Typical,’ you thought with a smile. “Tell him I said hi,” you said as you rolled onto your back, staring up at the dark ceiling.
“Oh, I’ll tell him when they get back.”
Your curiosity was piqued as you propped yourself up. “Oh? Where did they go?”
“They wanted to see the night life. We wont get to see it since we’re leaving the day after the concert so this is really the only chance we have to see it,” Felix explained. “And what about you?” You asked.
Felix’s eyes widened upon your question. ‘What about me? Why is she asking that?’ He shrugged, even though he knew you couldn’t see him. “I just didn’t feel like going out.” ‘Yeah, because I wanted to call you instead.’
“And miss the only chance you have to experience the nightlife in Brussels?”
‘You’re more important.’
“Heh, yeah. I guess,” Felix said softly. It was true. The others had begged him to come with them, citing they wouldn’t have as much fun without him until Chris finally intervened. ‘If Felix doesn’t want to go, he doesn’t have to. I’m sure he’ll find something to keep himself occupied.’
Chris was the only one who knew about Felix’s situation with you and he also knew how Felix felt about you. The older man had encouraged him many times ti step up and tell you how he felt but he knew there was no use.
You just didn’t feel the same way.
“Do you want to go out?” Your question came as a surprise to Felix. He knew deep down he didn’t want to but could he tell you that? ‘Man up, you idiot.’
“No.” The word left his lips before he could stop it. “No?” You asked.
“No,” Felix repeated, settling back against the headboard of his hotel bed. “I don’t want to go out. I stayed back on purpose.” ‘That’s it. Keep going.’
“And what purpose was that?” If Felix didn’t know any better he’d think you were seeking information. And who knows, maybe you were.
“I wanted to call you. I promised I would and I got so caught up in the shows and traveling that I sort of forgot to call.” ‘Liar. You were avoiding her.’
“You wanted to call me?” How you could make his body react with just your voice alone, he’d never understand.
“Yeah. I did,” Felix answered, voice dropping lower. “Why’s that?”
‘Goddamn it,’ he cursed mentally, heat rushing to his cheeks as he felt blood rushing straight to his dick. He’d been wanting this since the last time he talked to you but he also just wanted to talk to you.
It never ceased to amaze him how quickly you could turn the conversation around.
“Cause I missed you,” he answered, fingers curling into a fist while he held the phone against his ear with his other hand. “And what did you miss about me?”
Your voice had gone breathless and Felix could only imagine what you were doing on the other side of the line. ‘Everything.’ He wanted to say it so desperately. He missed everything about you.
Your smile, your laugh, your lips, your hands and the way you touched him, both tenderly as you moved him out of your way in your cramped kitchen and the way your fingers would move over his skin as you teased him.
He settled for the obvious answer. “I miss your body.” ‘Idiot. You’re so fucking stupid.’
A ball of disappointment settled in your stomach. ‘Of course,’ you told yourself. ‘You're stupid for thinking he missed anything else.’
You pushed your negative thoughts aside. “What do you miss the most?” You asked, thighs pressing together as his voice came back deeper and huskier when he answered. “Your thighs. I love how soft they are when I grab them but I love how strong they are when you wrap them around my waist.”
‘Holy shit. Okay. That was quick.’
“Hmm, is that right?” You asked, your free hand resting on your stomach as Felix spoke. “God, yes. I love your thighs so much. But you know what I miss more?”
You tilted your head. “Hmm, what's that?”
“I miss your cunt.” That was so direct and… vulgar. It sent blood rushing to your core as your walls clenched around nothing. “Do you, now?”
“Mhm, god I miss you so much, baby,” his deep voice rasped. “I miss you, too,” you admitted. ‘More than you know.’
“I wish I was home so I could come see you.”
“And what would you do if you came to see me?” Your hand on your stomach moved up to squeeze your tit over your shirt. It wasn’t Felix’s hand but it would have to do.
“Well, first tell me where you are. What are you wearing?”
You let out a soft giggle. “Really, 'what are you wearing?'” You asked teasingly. “Don’t play with me,” Felix whined. “Just answer the question, babe.” The use of the pet name made butterflies erupt in your stomach, your heart pounding into a frenzy. Felix was well aware of how much you reacted to the sweet names.
“I’m just wearing a tee shirt and shorts,” you answered. “What I usually sleep in.”
“Take your shorts off for me, okay?” Felix asked. You could hear movement on the other side of the phone. “O-okay,” you answered. “And one more thing?” You heard him ask and raised the phone quickly. “Yeah?”
“Put your phone on speaker.”
Felix waited while you moved, doing as he asked. He could hear your sheets rustle as you moved. Finally you spoke. “Okay, they’re off.” Felix nodded, his free hand resting on his stomach just under his navel. “Are you wearing underwear?” He asked, biting his lip when you giggled on the other side.
“Yeah. They’re lace.” ‘Fuck.’
“Oh? What color?” ‘Please say black, please say black,’ he thought as he pictured the pair he loved the most. “Black,” you answered, making his cock twitch in his pants. ‘Yes!’ Felix’s hand moved over his hardening cock, resting his palm over it.
“Are you touching yourself right now?” ‘Please say yes.’
“Do you want me to?” Your voice asked softly. ‘God yes.’
“Go ahead, baby. Over the lace though. Gotta work yourself up first,” Felix answered as his hand pressed against himself.
“You touch yourself, too,” you said suddenly. The tone in your voice nearly made him groan. “I already am,” he answered with a slight chuckle. “Does it feel good?” you asked sweetly.
Felix pouted. He was supposed to be asking that.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” he said with a chuckle.
“It feels nice, but it’s not enough,” you answered, a slight whine in your voice. Felix chuckled again. “Don’t tease yourself too much, baby. That’s my job.” He could hear your breath hitch and just knew you were probably clenching your thighs together. Or trying to.
Hearing a soft sigh on the other end of the phone, Felix could imagine you lying on your bed, one hand between your thighs as you played with yourself.
“I bet your panties are soaked right now,” Felix said, grabbing his now hard cock through his pants when you let out a moan. “'M so wet,” you gasped.
Felix held the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he quickly undid his jeans and pushed them down, kicking them off before taking his phone in his hand again, his other hand now massaging himself over his underwear.
"I want you to slip your hand into panties and keep touching yourself," Felix groaned. "Just like I would if I was there."
He heard your voice shake, a soft moan sounding as you followed his instructions. "Just like that," Felix whispered, slipping his hand into his boxers, pulling his cock free to start slowly pumping his length. "Keep touching yourself for me."
You could hear soft sighs and low moans from Felix's side and tried to imagine him on his hotel bed, stroking himself as he spoke to you through the phone.
"I wish you were here," you groaned, eyes fluttering shut as you traced circles around your clit, imagining it was Felix making you feel this good. You heard him let out a shaky breath. "I wish I was there, too. I want to be the one making you feel so good."
"You always make me feel so good, Felix," you said, moaning his name as your back arched off the mattress. "Fuck, I love it when you moan like that for me. It sounds so hot," Felix replied.
"Go ahead and use two fingers," he instructed. "I know you can take them. You always take my fingers so well." You let out a moan as you pushed two of your fingers inside your cunt, curling them to find that sweet spot that Felix always managed to find every single time. "Fuck, ngh!" You whimpered.
"That's it baby," you heard him groan. "Keep doing that. Fuck yourself with your fingers. Pretend they're mine, baby."
You whimpered as he continued to speak. "I know how much you love it when I finger you while we make out." 'Fuck why does his voice have to sound so sexy?'
You set a pace you were comfortable with and could maintain while listening to Felix's voice as he got himself off to the sounds of you. You could imagine the dim lighting of the hotel room and the white sheets as his hand moved up and down his length.
"Feels s-so good," you whimpered, your fingers pumping in and out of your hole, the lewd wet sound of your pussy filling the room.
Felix groaned loudly on the other end. "That's one of my favorite sounds," he grunted, his voice growing shakier. "That and the sound you make when you cum all over my cock."
You let out another louder moan. "I want your cock inside me so bad, Lixie," you whined. "As soon as I'm back, I'm gonna come to you and fuck you so good you won't even remember I was gone," he growled. Your walls squeezed around your fingers and you drove yourself closer and closer to orgasm.
Your moans and whines were Felix's telltale sign you were about to cum. "You gonna cum for me, baby?" he purred, his voice low and breathy as he continued to pump his cock faster, squeezing and jerking his hand the way you often did.
He wasn't going to last much longer.
"I'm gonna- oh god," you groaned, a whiny and breathless moan leaving your lips as you came. "Fuck, there it is," Felix groaned as his eyes shut, feeling his own orgasm begin to wash over him as he stroked himself. "That's my favorite sound."
As you came down from your high, you listened to Felix finish himself off with a deep moan your ears zeroed in on something he whispered. "Fuck, I love you." It was so soft you almost hadn't heard it and might not have if you hadn't cum first.
The moment the words left his lips, Felix was mentally berating himself for being so stupid. Why did he have to slip up like that? He hadn't realized he'd said it out loud until you went silent. 'Way to go, you fucking idiot.'
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth briefly, wondering if you'd actually heard him right. 'Did he really just say that?' You knew there was no way your mind could be playing tricks on you.
Deciding to take the plunge, you took a deep breath before responding.
"I love you, too."
Felix had been so occupied with trying to busy himself with cleaning his essence off his stomach after that stupid admission he made in the heat of the moment that the second the words left your lips, he froze. 'W-what?' He stopped and cleared his throat.
"Say that again," he instructed. "Felix," you whined on the other side of the phone. "Please," Felix begged. "Say it again." He heard you inhale shakily before exhaling.
"I love you, too."
The feeling of weightlessness was so immense that Felix thought he'd float right up to the ceiling. 'She loves me back?'
"When did you-?" he asked but you cut him off. "Since we started hanging out more." Felix truly felt like he could fly. You'd developed feelings for him around the same time he'd developed them for you.
He asked you to start from the beginning and you did, finally spilling everything you'd been feeling and thinking. It matched almost perfectly. Your mutual pining, shared romantic feelings, wanting more out of the situationship. You both felt the same way and were scared the other didn't feel that way. You were both dumb.
What a pair of idiots you truly were.
"Okay, I take it back," Felix finally said, having already cleaned up and changed into his pajamas. "What's that?" you asked.
"As soon as I get back, I'm not fucking you," Felix answered.
"I'm taking you on a date."
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faggylilpunk · 19 days
Finnaly made a tumbler! Anyway, haiii! :3 i am albert, i am a punk dragon dino!
What to expect:
very leftist ideologies
16+ posts
A lot of photos of me and cass
Talk of crimes (anything serious will have a tw and be tagged appropriately)
Furry & therian content (tho less common)
Punk diy stuff (i plan to make some tutorials for a lot of the diy stuff I've made<3)
F-slur/T-slur (I am reclaiming them but will have them tagged as #f-slur and #t-slur if they bother you ofc! Not changing my @ tho, it kinda means something to me qwq)
I may post words like slut, whore, and other degrading terms, they will be tagged as said word (ex: #slut) so you can blacklist the tag ^^
I may talk about themes of self harm, violence, abuse, or explicit substances, all of which will also be tagged! (Ex: #selfharm #tw:selfharm) but i will also have a more descriptive trigger warning for heavy subjects like self harm, sa, abuse ect. If you dont wanna fully blacklist the tag ^^
Some of my patches will have things that fall under these^ o will likely not go through the effort of censoring and i might not tagg it unless it's fairly close up so if it really bothers you just block me ^^ no harsh feelings
This isn't a 18+ blog, nsfw pfps will be blocked to keep ppl safe, my cusion follows me
Do not interact if:
Nsfw pfp
Anyone else, feel free to argue and talk shit, i will put nazis, pedos, fascist, zionists, zoos, racists, and who tf else i hate in thier place or just block ya after trying lol
About me:
trans masc/enby person (gender bxy)
therian/otherkin identifying with a dinosaur-esk dragoniod (yes, I'm aware I am human -_-)
I am a plushum, meaning I have romantic and/or sexual attraction, twords plushies. I consider my bunny plush one of my partners bc i love them very much
Pansexual and arojump (under the aromantic spectrum)
I am diagnosed with autism, adhd, dyslexia and dysgraphia
Self diagnosed and peer reviewed with social anxiety, gender dysphoria (duh), bipolar disorder (not sure which one yet tbh but it's exstreamly obvious to my bipolar partner lol) and potentially dyscalcula but im not fully sure so take with a grain of salt
Mutual/social anarchist, i really wanna be able to set up a free market where I live one day
I am very vulture culture, frequently bring home dead animals to burry for respect and bones
Very left leaning if it isnt obvious enough
I've been called the f-slur & t-slur a few times. Now i call myself that because what ya gonna do if I already call myself those oh so scary words?
Im atheist and dont believe in any form of life after death but like I support yall having freedom of religion, pagens, Christians, Muslims, Satanists, like go for it, I just simply cant understand the idea of a greater purpose
I grew up where slurs were used casually. I have racist redneck family. Thankfully, I grew up to realize wtf is actually wrong with that side of my family ?-? You can break out of shitty thinking, there is no excuse for racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ect. Like get a life
I try my best to support, but we can only walk places, and we frequently eat outta dumpsters
More will be added as i think of stuff
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topmechaniic · 5 months
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𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉...
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- A private, selective/mutuals only, canon-divergent, and multi-versed CINDY AURUM from Final Fantasy XV. This blog is very headcanon driven ( pun kind of intended x3 ) and will incorporate some elements of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Adored by Dani ( she/her, 30+, UTC +9 - Tokyo ) multi/OC and duplicate friendly! Minors DNI, Personals & fan blogs will be blocked on sight!!
rules // carrd // playlist // pinterest // thread tracker // interest tracker
Affiliated with :: @liightbringr, @ravusnightblossom, @yukikorogashi, @battleshot ( ship exclusive ), @inscmnus Mains :: @nifhilium, @dracenary, @strictomiles, @tenebriism, @rcdfcxr
Wire :: topmechaniic
Current Activity :: Slow af/running on queue
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Links and basic rules...
Credits :: theme bg & details // icon template // pinned banner // main psd Extra info :: starters // memes // verses // Cid sideblog Blogroll :: OC, Multi, Yoruichi, Serval, Benedikta
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Possible triggers include death ( parental loss/ loss of a partner ) and dealings with PTSD ( survivors guilt ), night terrors and panic attacks. While not heavily focused topics, they are significant parts of my Cindy's background. Naturally they will be tagged accordingly, but please place your own comforts first and follow at your own discretion. 💛
Don't be a dick. Any harassment, discrimination or gross behavior of ANY kind will result in a hard block. If you write homophobic, transphobic, incestuous, racist, no-con, or ableist material, or interact with someone who does, do not approach me in any way shape of form. Also please understand that I will only interact with mutual followers ( exception with meta/hc memes unless otherwise posted or in the case of sideblogs ) and I do not always follow back.
If we're mutuals feel free to send all the things! Memes are the best way to get interactions started with me as I rarely make starter calls anymore or don't have the spoons for plotting. So seriously if you or your muse are chomping at the bit over a certain meme or a random open starter, if you wanna turn a meme answer into a thread, DO THE THING! I'm totally cool with that. Just understand that while I am very appreciative, I am kinda slow. Sorry in advance. 
Do not follow me just to pursue a ship. Shipping requires chemistry with both muses and muns. It's also not my blog’s main focus and I will not change my muse in any way for a ship. As it stands, I am ship exclusive with battleshot's Promto and rcdfcxr's Rufus. Besides my exclusives, I am cool with shipping with at least two of the same muse. Also any romantic meme or prompt sent w/o prior IC or OOC interaction will be disregarded or treated as purely platonic.
Please be patient with me. We all have a life outside of this hellsite. A casual reminder to something is cool cause we’re human and forget things or tunglr is just ... being tunglr. However daily reminders, random follows & unfollows/likes & unlikes might push me away from interacting with you.  
Please tag any possible trypophobia & arachnophobia posts cause it really ooks me tf out! My spicy posts are tagged usfw , usft primarily, and at times ⚙ ; 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 :: Push it to the limit. and/or ⚙ ; 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 :: Rev up the engine. Please blacklist accordingly to keep your dash as clean as you desire.
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atomiqueen · 1 month
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this is an INDEPENDENT, SELECTIVE, and PRIVATE rp blog for LUCY MACLEAN of amazon prime's FALLOUT tv show. written by bean. mainly show & headcanon based, as i slowly familiarize myself with the lore. oc & dupe friendly! NOT SPOILER FREE.
A STUDY IN: being neutral good in a chaotic neutral world; a variety of tv tropes (the pollyanna, action girl, martial pacifist, the golden rule, took a level in badass, the conscience, break the cutie)
beta editor + xkit rewritten only! rules under the cut; everything else on carrd.
wandering the wasteland with: @radiaking
blogroll: @atomiqueen. @heartsdefine. @thiefscant.
GENERAL: SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE. this means i’m particular about who i follow and i will only write with mutuals. my blog is semi-iconless (depending on the muse/if i feel like making icons or not). NOT SPOILER FREE. NO GODMODDING, metagaming, etc. EXCLUSIVITY IS RARE but not unheard of so you can find my mains/exclusives list here
WRITING: I USE PRIMARILY THIRD PERSON PAST OR PRESENT TENSE. i'm not entirely comfortable roleplaying in first or second person (yet). when it comes to verb tense, i'll often check to see what my partner is most comfortable using and go with that. i can do one-liners or multipara threads, but longer things will likely take a bit more time.
SHIPPING: I SHIP CHEMISTRY, and i do not force ships because i’m not a monster. i definitely enjoy a good romance, but platonic and queerplatonic dynamics, rivalries, etc. are just as interesting to explore!
FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: IF I FOLLOW YOU, IT MEANS I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GOIN' ON AND WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT. it doesn't have to happen immediately, just down the line! i'll give most folks at least a week to follow back (thus indicating mutual interest in writing together at some point) before unfollowing. but if i really enjoy your blog/portrayal, i may stick around as a passive follower so long as i am welcome!
BLOCKING: I PREFER TO BE HARDBLOCKED IF YOU NO LONGER WISH FOR ME TO FOLLOW YOU for any reason. this is so i don't assume tumblr unfollowed you for me and refollow, inadvertently crossing your boundaries. if i suspect someone has softblocked me, i will likely hardblock them myself to avoid refollowing in the future. (i am generally quite liberal with the block button, as i'm serious about curating my online space.)
PLEASE DO: BREAK YOUR REPLIES FOR ME UP INTO SMALLER PARAGRAPHS if we write together, as my adhd makes hugelong paragraphs difficult to read; ASK ME TO TAG YOUR TRIGGERS if i’ve neglected to do so (whether i’m following you back or not); like my starter calls, SEND ME MEMES, turn my meme replies into threads (if we are mutuals); SHOWER ME IN PLOT IDEAS and ooc chatter; HAVE PATIENCE with me on all of the above; FEEL FREE TO UNFOLLOW ME at any time for any reason, as i will be reserving the right to do so myself 
PLEASE DO NOT: USE SUBSMALL TEXT or multiple spaces between words in our threads as i find both difficult to read; UNFOLLOW/REFOLLOW to get my attention (it won’t be the kind of attention you’re hoping for); EXPECT ANY KIND OF IMMEDIACY FROM ME IC OR OOC. i love making friends via roleplay, but i’m one smol nerd just trying to have a good time and i won’t stress myself out by trying to keep up with everything at once. just know it’s not personal, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i have the energy.
I WILL GLADLY: TAG NSFW AND TRIGGERS appropriately and accommodate those who ask to the best of my abilities; WELCOME LGBTQIA+ HEADCANONS; USE MY SHITPOST TAG (#blacklist for less soft nonsense.) on most of my inane ooc content so feel free to block it, that’s why it’s there
I WILL TRY: TO REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T LIKE TO BE REBLOGGED FROM, but please note that I have ADHD and may forget. Often and repeatedly. (A bit more info about this can be found here.) If being reblogged from on the reblogging website really bothers you, please feel free to soft/block me as needed. Relatedly, I don’t really care if you reblog things from me that aren’t in-character roleplay posts and/or headcanons. I do think it’s polite to reblog a meme from the source if you don’t send one in, but I don’t personally consider it a blockable offense.
I WILL NOT: FOLLOW BLOGS THAT DON’T HAVE ANY RULES OR GUIDELINES set up; exceptions to this are reserved for muns i already know aka those whose boundaries i’m already familiar with; FOLLOW VERY MANY BLOGS THAT INCLUDE CHARACTERS from game of thrones and/or house of the dragon, as i’m just not comfortable having a lot of ASOIAF content on my dash; exceptions to this are typically reserved for people i already know and/or multimuse blogs that include other fandoms/muses i’m interested in 
MUNDANE: MY NAME IS BEAN/BEE. they/she. i’m 32, neurodivergent, and twelve different kinds of anxious but i’m working on it. I’M WHITE. in the event that i fuck up and/or swerve out of my lane, i invite my friends and followers of color (or fellow white folks who are wiser than me) to let me know. you have my thanks for bringing any such behavior to my attention. i can and will do better.
CREDITS: banner, promo, psd
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blubushie · 1 year
So I've emerged alive from my trip and I'm never taking that much again because it was a fucking rollercoaster. Here's some highlights (most of this is my best effort at transcription because my writing was practically unintelligible). Also ignore my weird posting times, my laptop is on California time.
I started gunposting to my best mate.
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I posted that thing about the implications of the Cars universe.
My best mate woke up and I can't spell wobbegong.
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I watched a Wendigoon conspiracy iceberg compilation that blew my mind.
Whatever this was.
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I went down then and had some lucidity for a little while. Sent my beta some passages from Chapter 10. We started talking about lambs, and then we discussed ketamine.
I apparently had very bad nausea that I don't remember.
One point I blacked out and woke up without any pants on but I was wearing trunks when I came to. I was not wearing trunks when I took the shrooms. I have no idea when I decided to take off my daks and put trunks on. Apparently I took off my shirt and lounged in bed for a while because I woke up in bed without my shirt on.
I made meself a vegemite sandwich, which I don't remember making or eating but there's a dirty plate in my sink and vegemite stuck in my molars.
I had a dip and did some writing.
I crested again and there's about a half hour there where I blacked out and have no recollection of anything that happened.
I wrote "You're tripping BALLS" four times on my arm in increasingly messy handwriting. I only do this when I have a bad trip so I reckon the trip went south at some point. I have no memory of the bad part of the trip.
I apparently decided to start cleaning my rifle but I stopped halfway through and the bolt was left sitting on the seat at my table.
I went through my search history toward the end of the trip and I apparently blacklisted "ninjago" on Tumblr (also some other tags but that's the funniest one).
Here's my fun Google history.
I think I was looking for corkwood fruit here. Cured corkwood can ease nausea so that's probably it.
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This is apparently when I started Carsposting.
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More gungoogling.
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I couldn't remember "MAS-38" so I looked this up instead. Really narrows it down.
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I blame my best mate for getting me back into Warriors.
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Started Googling knots.
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I was hungry apparently.
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Apparently there was a 20-minute gap where I read the comics and I got up to #4.
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This happened.
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I looked up this and found emojis for my Discord.
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I saw a photo of a kangaroo, reblogged it, then when my mutual reblogged it FROM ME I thought it was the first time I was seeing that particular photo.
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Told that same mutual this.
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I've run out of images to post but I also:
Googled "how many raisins are toxic to a dog" twice. I called them "raisins" instead of "sultanas," also I don't have any sultanas. Apparently I'm more American when I'm high and more Australian when I'm drunk.
Googled "short story about a house with an aifrcan savanna" (It's The Veldt by Ray Bradbury)
Googled "fagot obliterator" 5 different times
Looked up "do irish catholcis pray the rosary" (I was raised Roman Catholic)
Looked up "plants grown in space" 3 different times
Watched this video.
Looked up "australian stock horse working" a million different times
Sent a picture to my best mate of two horses getting married
Looked up "smith and wesson model 10", "is meat low in calories", and "burj khalifa" all within 5 minutes of each other
Looked up "how to write twelve hundred"
Looked up "carbonara"
Looked up "birdshot for home defense" and misspelt "defence," "will birdshot kill someone," and then 2 minutes later "can dogs eat tomatoes"
Looked up "do you need a permit to hunt in texas," looked up "400 divided by 5," and then "let me in meme"
Looked up "110 times 2," "1974 minus 220," "when was superman created," "when was it revealed that superman came from krypton," "origin of superman" on Wikipedia, "what toxin is rattlesnake venom," "hemotoxin," "hemotoxin" on Wikipedia, "neurotoxin," then "neurotoxin" on Wikipedia all within 15 minutes
Looked up "fit man with a paunch" at one point
Looked up "dundil tree," "dundil," "peanut tee," "bush peanut," "kurrajong," and "Brachychiton populneus". I couldn't spell "apples" but I could spell Brachychiton populneus.
Then I started Googling apples.
Started Googling venomous Australian snakes.
Started Googling my own job.
Googled "zooper dooper"
Started wargoogling. "Weapons of the Ottoman Army," "Dardanelles gun," "gallipoli cannons," "trench gun gallipoli," "Periscope rifle," and "trench gun gallipoli" again
Googled "deep fried gherkin" followed by "beach chicken"
Googled "woodward and bernstein watergate guy," then clicked the Wikipedia article "Deep Throat (Watergate)" and I distinctly remember laughing at this for a solid 10 minutes.
Googled "sbk frenhc smg"
Googled tenor saxophones in Sydney
Googled "stevo" and "stevo australia," I don't know anyone named Stevo
Googled "what muscles does thrusting use" and then looked up "glutes muscles"
Googled "deltoids," visited Tumblr for a few minutes, then Googled "muscles of the torso"
Have no idea what the fuck this was supposed to mean.
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Apparently my writing was very hard to understand but my best mate said it was fun hearing what was on my mind, to which I replied "i jave mo f8lter and i mist scram" and then requested she put that on my gravestone when I die.
I also said "i dive okt of rjd plane saxton jale sutyle and oand on kakadu and immediatley get eaten ny a corcidle" which I think was supposed to say "I dive out of a plane Saxton Hale style and land in Kakadu and immediately get eaten by a crocodile."
At one point said "I DONT WANT TO DOE AT 43 I LLNE OLD" which I think was supposed to say "I don't want to die at 43, I'll be old."
Then I blacked out for the next two hours and fell asleep at some point.
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impishsensei-a · 10 months
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hello all!! this is a roleplay blog for gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen, written by milk. on my pinned post, you'll find all relevant links/info here for my blog. though i am not completely caught up with the manga (i've read up to around chapter 180), i have a general idea of what is currently going on up to the most recent chapters. if i'm not here, you can find me on one of my other blogs: @blastintriumph @muryonokansei
please be sure to read my rules before interacting/following.
carrd || interest check || pinned credit || promo, v2 || divider credit || wishlist || tags
header by @foraltruism
for ease of access, my rules are placed under the cut!
I will interact with mutuals only. If I follow you I want to interact, so don’t hesitate to send me asks or IM me with plot ideas! I’m willing to RP with OCs & characters from other series. Personal blogs, please do not follow/reblog/like my posts.
I’m okay with one-liners, crack, multi-para, novella… everything! Feel free to send in any ask memes if we haven’t roleplayed before. Ask memes are a great way to break the ice so I really don’t mind. If I follow you that means I want to rp with you so if you’re ever unsure and worried you might be bothering me, don’t. I’m duplicate friendly.
If I haven’t replied in two weeks (and I’m not on a hiatus) that means I probably lost our thread or it’s sitting somewhere in my drafts and I haven’t noticed it, so please message me to remind me about it. I won’t be annoyed or upset. I drop RPs sometimes out of a loss of interest but please don’t blame yourself. It is always a personal thing that has nothing to do with anyone else as a roleplayer. I’m always happy to start/write more regardless of dropping previous threads.
I have some ships i might gravitate to, but I prioritize chemistry above all where RP is concerned. For now, my blog is multi-ship, so any relationship my muse develops will be in a separate verse unless stated otherwise.
Don't involve me with drama or send messages telling me to reblog callout posts or anything like that. I don't care for getting involved with petty rp drama. If it's something actually serious, I've likely already seen it on the dash and have taken note. Seriously, I will hardblock anyone that pesters me with nonsense drama.
There will be NSFW content on this blog so if you’re uncomfortable with that just blacklist the the following tags, as i tag all my nsfw posts with the following: “cw nsfw”, “nsfw //”, and “( nsfw. )”. Additionally, I will cover dark topics. There will be mentions of murder, blood/gore, toxic/unhealthy relationships and so on featured on my blog. I will of course tag what I feel needs to be tagged. Feel free to ask me to tag anything you need tagged.  I am 26, so if a roleplay should ever come around to it I will only write smut with partners that are also of age & that I feel comfortable writing smut with. If you’d rather not roleplay smut publicly, I’m cool with continuing roleplays on discord. I’m also open to just private RPs (not necessarily smut) on discord too, just ask/lmk you’re interested!
Finally, I ask that minors DON’T follow my blog/DNI. I don’t want to be the reason anyone sees something inappropriate for their age. If you’re a minor & I accidentally followed you, let me know & I’ll unfollow you immediately.
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