#i'm out of here /: not tumblr but like. the whole toxic positivity side of this fandom. it is truly toxic the things that i have seen lately
selfproclaimedunicorn · 9 months
If my OC was Canon what God Awful Fandom Hot Takes would their be for them?
Ohhh what do you think they would perceive Aldreda/Alicent?
Not the ask I expected, & I'll be honest I've thought about this more with the Roycegaryens, so it took a minute but I think I've got a good thought process going here. I'm gonna tackle it first with Aldreda herself, because I think that's a lot of important context, & then I'll talk about Aldricent. [Also, content warnings for below the cut: mentions of sexual abuse, discussions of violence, mentions of emotona abuse, general unhinged fandom bs]
Aldreda would be fucking divisive. There's no way around it, I know she would be. Because she's only Gender Weird & not a man, she'd get viewed more negatively than someone like Daemon or Aemond, who are also divisive in their own ways but get more positive attention. She has all the makings of getting seen like a girlboss (she fights & raids, all her hobbies are masculine, she's “sexually liberated”), but she has way too much grit to get boiled down to that unless you want to be really fucking delusional (& trust, I know a lot of fans of HOTD are/can be because of how young a lot of them skew). She's mean & petty, early on in her arc she pretty obviously objectifies other women (regardless of how nice & respectful by comparison she is), she revels in violence if she's the cause of it, & she really quickly turncloaks in The Dance because wrong place/wrong time & getting captured & offered the position of Aegon’s Master of Ships in exchange for her & her remaining men's lives (nevermind she personally was determined to be neutral/wasn't really engaging with the war before getting conscripted by Team Green). Because she's not easily sanitizable & on the less popular side of the war, she wouldn't be getting any favors from a lot of fandom. And that's not even touching on how, like, way hard-core Team Green stans would feel about her, I cannot even fathom if it would be positive or negative (if anyone has thoughts there lmk, I'm curious).
So, just in general Aldreda would be getting hot takes about how she's not really one of the Ironborn & making up all kind of shit about honor & doing a disservice to her whole House & culture (like Sansa got/gets about Not Really Being Northern), & about how she should have either let herself get killed or have somehow murdered her way out of being surrounded by trained soldiers who'd disarmed her & were literally only leaving her unharmed/unacosted because they watched her rip a man's ear off with her teeth. Really vindictive Aldreda antis would come out with hot takes about her deserving all the emotional neglect & emotional incest & sexual abuse from her backstory & how it should have been worse, or that she should have “shut up & married her cousin instead of getting involved in the war & sticking her nose where it doesn't belong/betraying Rhaenyra [whom she has never fucking met].” There'd probably be a pretty vocal minority that ships her with her abuser/cousin just because he's “hot & possessive,” & that is a very rancid hot take. People would victim blame her & also claim she was the direct reason her murdered/not dead by happenstance brothers got murdered.
Aldricent, I don't think, would be super popular outside of tumblr. Like, Aldricent just is for the tumblrinas because it's “becoming less toxic yuri marriage arc,” & that would speak to the tumblr-flavor-chronically-online girlies (gender neutral).
I approach this next bit as a Rhaenicent Enjoyer, but a lot of hate for Aldricent would come from there, imo. Aldreda would get called “bargain bin Rhaenyra” due to the places their stories kinda overlap, & depending on which bias you approached the ship from would determine your hot take from there. It'd either be “Alicent is replacing Rhaenyra with Aldreda who's a lesser model, & she'd probably leave her in a heartbeat if she came to her senses & started supporting her girlboss one true love” or “Aldreda is sexually manipulating Alicent & is literally only one step above Larys or Viserys due to her issues/trauma surrounding female sexuality that she's obviously never going to grow from/improve upon. Criston should kill her.” Before the growth arc, there'd probably be hot takes/jokes about Alicent being a pillow princess & finally getting to nut, & some of them would probably come from a good place, but it's still a Bad Hot Take to me because Alicent's lack of active participation the first time they fuck is an Aldreda choice.
There'd probably also be hot takes about which one of them is fixing the other with their magic, problem solving pussy or w/e, because that's how relationships work 🙄 (whoever you think is fixing the other is determined by who you like more &/or whoever you think is worse, I suppose. Pick your poison/bad take).
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probadbatch · 6 months
Feel free to ignore this - it's just some uncharacteristically melancholy musings about the past that I needed to get out of my head. Everything's fine, don't worry.
I've been going through my archive from the early days of this blog and just. So many people have deactivated since the season one days. I know some of them remade and are active now but more are just gone. I feel like I'm seeing ghosts.
If you're new here - things are better now but they were pretty ugly in the beginning. This blog really only exists because I got so damn frustrated with the negativity and fighting and I needed to channel that into something a little more positive. A lot's changed since then. Friends deactivated, bullies moved on, but I'm stubborn so I'm still here.
It was weird coming into this fandom at first. I've been on tumblr since 2011 and to say I've seen its ugly side is an understatement. This blog is relatively small for me but I have another that... well, let's just say I get hate mail there on the daily. Coming into the SW community here was the ugliest I've ever seen tumblr. I won't call the whole fanbase toxic but there were definitely a few people who were and unfortunately they were organized and extremely loud about it. They tried to drag everyone into their war and if you tried to stay out of things, that made you a target.
A few of them are still around. They've moved on to other things but every once in a while I break my own cardinal rules and check in on a few of their blogs. They don't seem any happier than they did back then. I'm sad for them. It looks like such a miserable way to be. The fans who stayed definitely seem happier than any of the bullies ever did.
I wonder about the fans who didn't stay. I like to think they just found somewhere more pleasant to be and they're living good happy lives now and don't give much thought to the old days. But I don't know. And with how bad the bullying got back then, I worry.
If anyone I don't know about remade and is reading this - please don't feel like you have to tell me. If you're happy and safe, that's all I care about and if your privacy is how you've managed that, I'm okay with not knowing. But I think about you - even if we didn't know each other back then. I think about all the fans who've disappeared. I hope you're doing well.
I don't know what I'm trying to say. I guess partly I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone who left before I could tell them. I guess I also wanted to say that bullies might win battles but they don't win wars. We've lost good people but the fandom is still here, still going strong.
This blog is for anyone who's ever had someone else try to tell them how to experience fandom or to stay out of it entirely. People who would say that are miserable and the only thing misery loves is company - so much so that it will go to great lengths to create more. Pity those who would rather spread their misery than accept joy.
I don't care who you are or how you identify or what your politics are or what you ship or how long you've been in fandom or what someone else thinks you've done. If you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open for you. I promise you aren't bothering me.
I'm tired of seeing deactivated blogs.
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athena5898 · 1 year
Tumblr's Problem
For a long time, I've heard about "Tumblr's Community" and how toxic it is or how divisive it is and I honestly didn't get it. Why would that be? Is it just an age thing? (I hear most people on here are on the younger side) is it just how this community has come about from dealing with certain issues? None of that made sense. Then I tried to engage with someone in a comment section, and It happened. I hit a character limit. Suddenly my attempts to engage in an honest discussion came out pithy and curt....Just like Twitter.
See, I'm a social media manager. I am, sadly, very familiar with a variety of platforms and their quirks. I often think of it as being a warlock to a fey creature. Trying to talk to people about how algo's work honestly makes you sound like you have figured out a conspiracy of Pepe Silvia. I had thought Tumblr would have been a great place for discussion because you can make really long posts like this one, however, I hadn't really tried to do a whole lot of commenting. When I hit that character limit on a sensitive topic, I knew what the problem was.
See most algos and AI on these websites have one thing they care about most. Keeping you clicking and engaged on the website. They have had years of practice with this too. It's why Facebook is the pit that it is today. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/10/26/facebook-angry-emoji-algorithm/)
Have you ever wondered why Twitter never increased its limit despite many people asking for it? This is why and the same is true for Tumblr. The more limited people are to comment, the harder it is to figure out who is coming at you in good faith.
I'm not surprised, this is after all my personal social media brain dump place, I don't exactly expect Tumblr to be better (a simple scroll on the home screen shows how bad the algo use is for this website). However, I am disappointed. That feeling you get when you get a notification? That feeling of dread that it's someone going to make your day worse? It all stems from this anger formula. We are intentionally pitted against each other, fed with cookies and pats of likes and shares while having our noses rubbed into every bad opinion out there with no hope of discussion to find common ground or how we could be better. Every person is bad and an online troll waiting to pounce.
It doesn't have to be this way. As a social media manager, I have the strange position of sitting in the space between "The internet is a curse and we are better off without it" and "The internet is the best thing to ever happen to us/my interactions online are the be all of humanity's advancement and advocacy"
The internet and to that extent, social media is a tool. Like most tools, it's about how they are used and by who. Thoughslime had a video that is called "The internet is communist as hell" and I agree, however like many things capitalism has come in and has tried to wrestle it into submission and a tool for its own use. It's a testament to the inherent leftism of the internet that it has allowed resistance to this. (You just have to look at current Twitter to see it. If Capitalism had full control over the internet, we'd all just have to deal with muskland with no other alternatives, which is exactly why tech bros are obsessed with the "everything" app but that's a slightly different conversation)
Social media has allowed disenfranchised voices to reach out to each other and find solidarity. Social media has allowed right-wing conspiracy theories to become more easily available. Social media has allowed people to connect with those who they never would interact with, facilitating exposure to new a pathway from fear. Social media has caused apathy, despair, inaction, and other mental health issues. etc etc
The Luddites have been conveniently labeled as "anti-tech" when in reality they were the workers who designed and maitance of the very machines they supposedly feared. They were mislabeled because it allowed the ruling class to sweep their concerns under the rug. Concerns like worker replacement in a world that refuses to take care of people unless they provide for the ruling class. Shoddy workmanship in exchange for mass-produced shitty goods. etc. A lot of the problems that we face today.
Social media/algos/AI is no different. These things should be tools to further our lives and make it easier. However, instead, the capitalist hand reached in and snagged it for their own use.
Do not fall for the anger, the despair, the apathy, and especially the illusion that humans are only one thing. Let us work for the day when we celebrate new technology and jobs becoming obsolete/safer because it means more free time for all.
A world where people get what they need and are able to use the tools to contribute to their abilities.
Hopefully soon.
(TL:DR Fuck social media/tech/ai being used to oppress but never forget they are OUR tools and should be working FOR US)
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
@archivefullofyoutubers Did a thing and I keep seeing people filling this out for new community members so I thought I would do one too just for the hell of it
Preferred name: either robbie or flower. Neither are my real name because i value my internet privacy, but most default to robbie so im comfy with either :)
Preferred pronouns: i dont really care
When did you start watching JSE?: I started around 2016, but 2017 was when I really got into the fandom and started watching the whole channel addictively on the regular.
Why did you start watching JSE?: I had a (really toxic) ex friend who liked it and at the time I wasn't that fussed so i watched a few vids, fell in love with his personality, went down the ego rabbithole and ended up getting so connected with it that im still here to this day and its been a really positive thing for me. I don't think she's involved with the community anymore, but I still am and will be for the foreseeable future.
Favourite thing about the channel?: its between the sweet personality of the man running the channel and the wonderful community of amazing people who inhabit the fandom. I love the whole ego thing because I am a sucker for weird characters who are played by the same person. I love the amazingly kind community and the charity work that we help sean to do. I adore all of the spectacular people and friends that I've met along the way in this community and the absolute talent that lines every part of our niche intrests. I just love JSE as a whole.
Do you have a fav ego?: Its no secret that I among the very rare few whose favorite ego is Robbie the zombie(second place is marvin). He is non-cannon and was a community creation that came about after a thumbnail was made with him in it. From there, the creatives took him and made him a great custom character who is fully up to everyone's interpretation and usually he is the sweetest little cinnamon roll boi that I have ever seen. He also has an incredibly strong connection to me personally and my blogs branding throughout the years, and I could never forget how much, as a character, he has contributed to my persona online. And hes just as cute as a muffin, i wanna hug him and squish his cheeks and pat his head and hes my little blorbo now id die for him.
What kind of community member are you?: I am a very active member of the community and thoughni dont think my art is comendable i have to condsider myself(due to others perceptions) to be a community artist. I am not a theorist because I do not have the brains for that, but I do like to entertain theories and read them. I like to get very interactive with other members of the community and according to someone on a jse discord server I am a tumblr OG of this community (though I'm not sure how true that is...)
What else do you enjoy?: In terms of content: I like sander sides, I like markiplier, I like the owl house, im obsessed with all things neil gaiman, im head over heels for good omens and the sandman, i love my own ocs even if i rarely draw them, and id like to dabble and try out cosplay because its an intrest of mine among other things. As most people do, I like music and films and I am actually a grade 3 vocalist doing a filmaking course(no way! I have a life outside tumblr!?😱)
Are you open to nice messages and new friends?: Oh yeah, 100%. Please! I absolutely love interacting with people and I get so many really kind and supportive people interacting with me! I love all of you so much!!! In terms of making online friends, I don't tend to give away much about myself personally or my information outside of what I share on my blog (like my age or my real name or my face most of the time or anything), but i have been branching out more with that, having met some of you at comic con this year. So sure! im open to friendships that dont push my boundaries :)
Thanks to the og creator for the questions and I'm glad to introduce myself to some new members of this community or migrators from Twitter
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
FERRE MIGHTY FERRE DID I EVER MENTION HOW DEAR YOU ARE TO ME? LET ME COUNT ALL THE WAYS I CARE YOU~ Seriously, though, you're one of those people that I sigh about dreamily while kicking my leggies, one of those people I don't need to double check on name-spelling anymore because I'm always yelling about you, one of those people who both on mobile and on laptop my searchbar auto-fills the url of because I'm simply that big of a stan.
To have you not only as part of my Tumblr experience but also as someone I am so blessed and thrilled to call my friend, I can't begin to describe how soft it makes my tiny heart. The warmth you add to my dash and my DMs simply by being there, because I can't ever get enough of the notion that I get to cradle our friendship to my chest like a goblin would a precious gem.
I seriously can't put it into words, I am so happy that I know you? You're such a wonderful presence in my life that I don't even want to entertain the memory of when you weren't, the relaxed maturity with which you talk about certain things, your thoughts and your views and the way you treat life as a whole, you've somehow become a presence, an energy in my life that I didn't know would feel this awesome and wonderfully right.
You're so cool and neat and dedicated and?? I can't even gather all the adjectives I want, seriously. It's why I throw 'mighty' around so often, you are simply THE MIGHTIEST, I love your emojis (weird thing to add out of nowhere but I just LOVE THEM SO), the way you reach out and check in, I'm enough of a stan and simp to genuinely find it so neat how you communicate. It's just I LUB all aspects of 'Ferre' I get to experience and that I got to do so all the way to the end of 2022 is a blessing I can't thank you enough for.
For into 2023 and as long as you'll have me, I hope to be able dedicated more yeeting and blabbering to my massive case of 'Ferre Stanning' so I can have even more to yell about at the next New Year ♥
@mythvoiced so len is making me go 🥺🥺🥺
Tumblr media
Not me smiling SO WIDELY when I saw this in my inbox 🥰🥰🥰 I will admit, I had not been the greatest of moods coming into the new year BUT THIS?? Gave me LOTS OF SERATONIN in which I am SO HONORED to have the respect and attention of someone who is so sincere and kind and just gives off both REAL and positive vibes 🥺 makes me really wonder what I did to get ur attention fsjdklfjsdl  :’D
But but!! Lmao I am glad you straight up admit to having my url in your autofill for ur searchbar….bc I am also very much the same way with ur blog JFLSKDJF I PROMISE IT’S FOR A GOOD REASON 😂😂😂 but let me get back to my point here- I know you probably know this about me already, but coming back to tumblr rpc for me back in 2021 had been a rather daunting experience and one thing I really wanted this time around was to be surrounded by genuinely good and sincere ppl who cared about their mutuals both as writers BUT ALSO as ppl….i will admit, I did lurk from afar for a like, a month or two before following to see what kind of person could possibly be running this blog- and I will say!! From when I started lurking, I already got very good vibes and once we started actually writing and plotting 2gether, I was not disappointed 😌😌😌
I think for me, what sticks out the most about you on this hellsite is just?? you’re so sincere in how you present yourself here and there’s something so inherently cheerful about the vibes I get from you, but it never like?? borders on toxic posivity?? I think it really has to do with the fact that we get to see both your highs and lows the fact that you are never trying to masquerade it, and that you are always truthful with yourself on here- what your limits are, which makes me in turn?? Feel comfortable with also being more open about myself knowing that when I do interact with you, I’m not going to be wondering if the person on the other side of the screen is being nice to me for ulterior motives….they’re ( you! ) being nice because they WANT to be :’DDD
but , but!! I just also wanted to note?? That like, you know how within the rpc there’s always like these posts about how ‘you should interact with your mutuals’ or ‘spread kindness and positivity throughout the community’ and like, sure!! It’s good to see those post, but I think one thing that really really makes me admire you is how you?? actually PRACTICE that idea of being kind and positive- I see it in the way you seem to never run out of energy to give and show LOVE to ur mutuals, the way you go out of your way to bring some cheer onto their blogs  whether that’s thru messages such as these but also in ur tags and comments…but then also making a priority to make them and their characters feel seen and heard….i honestly think that is SUCH a rare thing to find in an rp partner :’D and I am 100% honest when I say this- I think anyone who gets to be mutuals with you and gets to write with you is a VERY LUCKY individual….makes me wonder how you came admire me :’DDD
LMAO THANK YOU FOR ALSO NOTICING THE WAY I USE EMOJIS TOO 😂😂😂 I just?? feel more comfy with using them in sets of three bc I like the way it feels when press command+v three times – didn’t realize that’s supposed to be a stylic choice JFLKSJDLFJ
As we jump into 2023, I hope can continue?? To be a warm presence on ur dashboard and dms as you have been for me and I WILL DO MY BEST!! To be that sorta older sibling figure on here 4 u as well ( lmao fun fact, I’m actually the youngest sibling so this is very new to me 🥲🥲🥲 ) for as long as you’ll have me around <3
I hope your new year went well len and I HOPE ?? YOU’RE HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY- care u and adore u lots 💕💕💕
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i am never watching a live-action disney “””star wars”” show again. bad batch is very literally the only thing i’m willing to try at this point. i do not want to see any more of the story i loved as a child being cut into shreds and repackaged so disney can make a quick buck
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trash-gobby · 3 years
I honestly thought I was gonna have a hard time on this website because I've heard horror stories about how Tumblr is super toxic for writers posting content and stuff, but I've been pleasantly surprised over the past three months of being here. I don't think I've gotten a single horrible person saying nasty crap on my blog. I have only had really kind patient people, and some people who were critical, but in a positive and constructive way. This might be because I've found the right community where people are generally pretty chill, but I also think that the things I've heard about this website might also be a bit exaggerated.
Anyway! I want to say thank you to all the wonderful people who have, lurked, been really fantastic mutuals, followers, anons, and general requesters! You guys have really made me feel welcome here and like my writing (while needing work) isn't the worst thing on the face of planet earth. I love being a part of the horror community, and other communities (especially the Bishop people and Dark City, and James Bond fandoms, shout out to y'all 🤠), and I hope to meet many more wonderful and creative people through this sight!!!
Wishing a happy holidays & New Year to the mutuals and others who have been so kind, and the 2018 people who sticked around following my dumb ass! You all rock and are great human beings who I believe can succeed at anything you put your mind to!!!: @gaycowboywizard (real life bestie who does way to much work proofreading for me. I should pay you). @horror-obsessed (first follower who writes amazing content on their main account @beoneofus . Please check them out! It's totally worth it). @pitiful-anonymous-vampire (also one of the first people to follow, has made me feel extremely welcome on this platform. Thank you for the capybara photos. They sustained me through exam period.). @ninjettey (who kicked off my ask box obsession with my first ever ask. Thank you for giving me such a creative ask :D. Also writes stuff, so please give them a read). @dogboy-tim (thanks for sending in multiple creative asks and reblogging my stuff! I really appreciate the interaction and the kindness!!! They write as well and extremely well at that, so give them a read and follow). @myers-meadow & @chop-top-suey (frequent active followers and I love seeing you guys in my feed too! Both an amazing writer and artist! If you follow me you should follow them!!!). @judge-arts (who has been a good internet friendo and person I've talked to about our mutual obsession with Bishop!!! Thanks for making me feel welcome in that niche but wholesome side of fandom, it warms my tiny goblin heart. Also check out their art, it's extremely intricate 3D work and it's beautiful). @civitvs (who wrote a whole fanfic based on headcanons I made and deserves some praise for taking time out of their day to do so. I'm so flattered. Here is their AO3 link. Please go show them some love.)
Honestly there are so many people I want to thank that go beyond the list I've made of mutuals who I wanted to shout out. If I've missed people, know that I still see you, and that I appreciate you sticking around. I just always feel thankful and mushy around this time of the year, so I wanted to let everyone who interacts, lurks, or follows to know that I appreciate all of you and If you ever feel like your having a bad day or that your art is crap, I am here to tell you, you rock and are the best of the best.
Have a Happy Holidays & a great New Year!!! ✨🌙
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Oh yeah, I was having an amicable discussion with someone about the lack of diversity in characters on a whole, let alone sumeru leaks. Like yeah they might have different hex codes but all but 3 are floating around #F0DDCF, when they could duplicate a few NPC models and change the texture to #E1BBA1 or even #A17741
And this guy came in on a rampage bc he couldn't understand how we're unhappy with the content when the mechanics haven't updated in forever.
The og post was about how battle mechanics ARE getting an update in 3.0
I'm not going to harass the social media adms about developer specific issues let alone other fans. I play games for enjoyment, not ego
at least we're coming up with solutions, what kind of mechanics do you want to see added or changed? But nah, he just wanted to be toxic
My other favorite thing is that the Harbingers are just ⚫⚪⚪⚫⚪🟠⚪⚫⚪🟣💀
I'm still under the impression that they're ranked by strength, but since Pierro was chronologically the first as well I'm at least open to other reasons now
I agree with the skin color point, for some reason it eludes me they aren't making characters with darker skin tones, especially since fans are asking for it. As for me - I'd love a bit more diversity in the cast.
And yeah that's kind of just twitter for you, someone will always jump in and have something to say even though no one was talking to them or cares about it. But from my time on twitter I have kinda learned that the platform thrives off drama. The majority of tweets that get attention on there revolve around some kind of drama and arguing, while wholesome stuff usually gets drowned out.
Idk, maybe my algorithm is borked on there but everyone I've talked to seems to agree with it. Drama usually attracts people like light attracts moths - twitter is the live example for that in my eyes 🤷🏻‍♀️
With that being said: I have used several social media platforms already and in all honesty, tumblr so far has been the most wholesome and positive one I ever came across. Everyone here is just so nice (at least on the Genshin side of things - because that's the only one I can judge).
And yeah I noticed that about the Harbingers as well!
Everyone: Blue-ish, White, little bit of purple and black Childe: A carrot
Absolutely love it haha! 😂 And I kinda think that was deliberate, since hoyoverse puts a lot of thought into their design choices, maybe since Childe kind of sticks out, it means that he doesn't fully fit with the rest of the Fatui. 🤔
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first-only · 2 years
Despite the fact that I am getting more comfortable with being SaLS on main, I still get incredibly anxious when I get an anti message
I'm just so scared to have a callout post written about me, and you can never know who will or wont try to set you up for harassment (especially if they are an anti) It doesn't help that I'm incredibly anxious and paranoid a lot of the time
congrats on getting more comfy!! and yeah anxiety is a bitch but i believe in you! at some point you kinda get callous and desensitized to random messages lol
i dont mean to make it worse at all, and if that line of thinking doesnt work for you i apologize, but here's a few things ive picked up over the years:
it doesnt like... /really/ matter what you post. things that you or a wider audience consider "problematic" arent the only way you can get "cancelled". like i got called racist for pointing out that two phrases in different languages can be translated in the same way in english. like literally ranting in the tags about my own language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so for people determined to look and sift for 'material' it wont really make a difference if youre posting incest fic or like.. oogling over the celebrity of the day, they just wanna pick a fight. so do what makes you happy anyway, it wont give them teeth if you dont worry about the content yourself. bc yeah it doesnt matter on the internet if you post fic or just aesthetics, they have the same 'moral' value and if you dont assign them different weights then someone else doing it shouldnt bother you either
in the.. absolute best gentlest and encouraging way to say this. you and like. all of us are just some randos on the internet. the chances of someone leading a /personalized/ harassment campaign against you, or even someone finding you that juicy of a target to have more people message you is like. /really/ low. even if you get messages from time to time, a whole ass campaign is unlikely unless you have a lot of followers/are a BNF/are the lead content creator for a rival ship to the main one (bc lets be real all this is one giant ship war at the end of the day)
callouts or "block" lists are usually mass things in my xp. like you get put among 20 other usernames and then you bond w the others over the experience and are happy that you found new likeminded mutuals. the amount of times ive followed an entire list of ~problematics ive been featured in lol. its ironically a bonding experience and with a few blocks out of the way its kinda.. positive in the best case?
and really. really. i might be like. a bit too callous but at this point. even if there is a harassment campaign. even if you get a huge callout. even if half tumblr blocks you. so what? block out the haters, lie in with the mutuals, vent to some side friends. and just. keep going. so what if a bunch of rabid antis are raging out of their skin because youre having fun and trying to tell the other antis that youre having fun. yes you are. so what. what are they gonna do, make fifty accounts? send more anons? catch even more blocks? (reminder that if you block someone on anon it catches their entire ip so they cant make more accs to harass you). like yes, take precaution not to get doxxed (no sharing of identifying info, including where you live) but thats common safety anyway, and most antis arent tech savvy enough to dox anyway. you'll be fine. even if an account gets mass reported you can always write down mutuals' urls and start over (my own mutuals have a lot of experience, the propara community is fun lol) you can still share content, have fun, be yourself. its not a deadly situation. not to be 'the internet isnt real life it doesnt matter' bc yeah it can very much be anxiety inducing and horrible, but at the same time taking a step back yourself and evaluating the situation can help a lot with emotional regulation (just like in real life! some relationships are worth stepping away from, or getting less invested into if they become toxic)
so yeah thats my general view of the problem, again brains are weird and no two work the same, but these things help me and make me feel better, so hopefully if not you personally they might soothe someone in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
really hoping you find your community and comfort anon. fandom is a great place with it and a barren wasteland without, but imo its worth sharing even if for that one thrill /you/ get when someone likes it or when you find some gem
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jenosdaemi · 2 years
I'm not able to comment on your fic "Come back home". My tumblr has been acting up and it doesn't let me comment on any post. It just shows error. I'm here to tell you that i loved you fic. I don't know the first thing about Johnny or nct or k pop. I do read a lot of fan fics so maybe that's how yours popped up in my feed. I loved the story. It kept me hooked to the very end. I can't wait to read part 2 so if you don't mind kindly tag me there. I absolutely loved the way you wrote the story ever since their relationship went down the drain. I love how this taeyong dude stood by Johnny's gf's side. Is it really like that in reality? I mean do k pop fans actually spread hate for the idols if they date?
I actually typed the whole thing above as a reblog but tumblr shows an error for that too. And then I tried messaging I couldn't do that either. Thankfully, I am at least able to send an ask. I feel so bad for not being able to replog your fic.
For some reason, I didn't see your ask in the mobile app but popped up here on the web. I have no idea when you submitted this ask but I sincerely hope it's not too late yet.
THANK YOU! For reading, for loving it and for leaving feedback. I've said this a bunch of times before but it means a lot for creators like me to get positive comments on our works. It motivates us to make more fiction for you guys.
About your question, yes, kpop fans could be a little (too) toxic when their idols get into dating rumours. Imagine how worse they would react when those rumours turn out to be true. They will suddenly hate the idols they "love" so much, it's sad but it's the truth.
Anyway, please know that I reaaalllyyy appreciate this ask especially from you, someone who doesn't know anything about kpop and NCT but loved my fic. This just made my week and I'm seriously bragging about this to my friends lol.
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3416 · 2 years
I've been into F1 since 2009 and I love love love how Drive to Survive had got so many more people into F1 (and given it a Tumblr fandom - honestly it's hilarious a lot of the time )
However Drive to Survive does not accurately represent the sport at all! F1 is a billionaires playground and is a toxic hot mess of ridiculousness! ( I watch every race and will follow it until I die but I am under no illusions of how absurd the sport is)
Do not expect these very rich, very privileged men to not let you down (Rafael Silva's and Ronen Rubinsteins they are not !)
To answer your question though - Hamilton is a very divisive person in F1. His die hard fans love him but lots of fans hate him (this happens every time a driver wins too much because they say it gets boring, they say he only wins when he is in a good car etc etc)
He also did not grow up rich and is black so he has faced racism and classism all through his career
Especially after he started talking about it all so publicly he gets a lot of criticism (sometimes justified but mostly not!)
Then there is the issue of Max Vertsappen (again depending on who you talk to he is either a god or the actual worst!)
The Hamilton/Max championship fight in 2021 got super super messy and most fans picked a side and will strongly defend that position
Personally I think Hamilton is incredible, he is undoubtedly the best driver of his generation and he is a fascinating person off track too (he loves fashion, and makes music and sky dives and goes to the met gala and campaigns for human rights etc) and he has grown so much as a person and a driver and a celebrity since his career started
Honestly I could talk about F1 all day so if you have any questions please ask!
Loving the 911 lone star/F1 mash up of interests!
hey there!! thanks for popping in with this-- i love to see that other people know about it and love it... esp ppl who know more than me at this point, lol. i find it so funny there's a whole fandom for it here on tumblr, and i appreciate your perspective!!
i honestly have seen a lot of criticism about drive to survive, but i think anyone who knows anything about professional sports can see f1 for what it really is in that way. like they have to craft some narratives every episode/about the teams, but it's a wealthy mans sport and only the ppl with the means can even get that far for the most part so... idk if it's that i'm already jaded by professional sports and celebrity culture in general but i'm certainly not finding it interesting from the standpoint of idolizing any of them, lol.
i can see where hamilton's very divisive as a consistent winner!! i was getting the sense in s1 of the show that there were clear tiers to the teams and they never even bothered to cover mercedes or ferrari bc they were always 1 and 2 (which... even liking the winning drivers/teams has to get kinda boring, right?) but i actually love how spread out things seem to be now in s4... even outside of the show, i saw a lOT about the verstappen/hamilton stuff from last year, so i look forward to finishing s4 and seeing what happens (even tho clearly max wins... wanna see the drama). obviously this is just a sport full of huge egos and none of them are very good losers, but... some of them are very...................... ☠️☠️☠️. it can be fun to watch grown men throw tantrumsflkdsjxz. i'm really liking lewis and a couple of the other drivers tbh. i think seeing the principals of the teams has arguably been more fun though. they're all such instigators, and i honestly think the show does a pretty great job shaping a narrative that doesn't heavily favor anyone. like... there are obvious signs that things are going to happen later on in the season which is already set in stone by reality, but it doesn't seem like the show's pushing you to hate anyone tbh and i like that.
anyway THANKS AGAIN!! for the info and for sharing!! can't wait to finish the show and catch up with the current actual season.
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420pogpills · 3 years
Hello, hello! I thought I would reach out for some advice if you don't mind??
I'm very new to the fandom and it's become a hyperfixation of mine, and was glad I found mcytblr because it feels safer than twitter and other social media!! However, I noticed a lot of people considering leaving the last few days because more and more toxicity and negativity is leeching onto here that is akin to twitter. One of my favorite blogs actually went on a possible permanent hiatus over it and it was disheartening to see it affect them that much....
I guess I'm just really panicking and afraid?? I feel like I've joined the fandom during a really volatile time and I'm worried that the toxic side of the fandom, moving on to new fandoms, etc. will drive away my mutuals and such and the vibes won't be the same anymore and get worse and worse. I know realistically, new blogs will likely take their place as new people join, but that doesn't change my anxiety surrounding everything happening on here. It hurts because mcyt has started to mean a lot to me and the community is hurting and there is no sign of it slowing down any time soon...I just...idk if I have the proper words but watching the positive side of mcytblr wanting to leave is affecting more than seeing the negativity on here. I'm worried it'll be a ghost town on tumblr in time despite the ccs + mcyttwt's growing popularity :(
Also, this is techinally a sort of response to your ask post about telling you your vibes! You honestly give off older sister energy and you always seem to have wonderful advice and resonate a comforting energy when you respond to your asks. Hence, why I trust you enough to open up about these concerns. You just have a welcoming presence!! <3
Tumblr media
hello there!
first of all thank you so so soooo much for your super sweet and kind words 💖🥺 i really appreciate that, thank you! makes me so happy that you feel comfortable writing to me!!! i'm very happy to hear that :D
second of all, i know often it may seem like it, especially if you frequent twitter more than tumblr, but i fully believe the positivity outweighs the negativity! there are so many lovely, kind, creative, incredible people in this community, that makes me very happy that i ever joined 😊 it's so exciting to be part of such a fun community where you have so many people to talk to, we've all got so much in common it's just really fun!
this got super long so i'll put it under here ❤️
so in my personal opinion, your experience depends entirely on you! i promise you that if you follow the right people, 9 times out of 10 you will not see any negativity unless you look for it! i myself almost had a breaking point and was considering leaving the fandom, because while i was enjoying myself on tumblr - i also had an account on twitter and boyyyyy i was just following all the wrong accounts.
i realised that twitter offers me absolutely nothing, so i've unfollowed everyone and only follow my favourite content creators, a few artists and give or take a fan here or there - people whom i know will not engage in negativity!
on tumblr is even better, because you can tag and blacklist things so you won't see them. makes it even easier to avoid toxicity and negativity. and one of the most important things i learned is that for your own sake, for your own mood and mental health - don't engage. sometimes you really want to, sometimes you see someone say something very ignorant or disrespectful, and you just want to say something, but i promise you it's so much better and easier to just unfollow and go about your day! if anyone is deliberately being nasty to you, just block them, i promise it's not worth engaging!
honestly more often than not, you'll be fighting your curiosity more than negativity. for example i won't see anything bad about dream, but i'll see people say 'did you see what they're saying about him on twitter??' - and i will only see that stuff if i actively go and search for it. so you gotta try your very best to stop yourself from searching for things :P
in a lot of cases i think people make themselves sad unintentionally. because they worry too much or care too much, too often, about things that we don't really need to worry so much about. whether it's about some old controversy, or if dream and george had an off day and suddenly people are stressing out that their friendship is falling apart, or some streamer is accusing them of something - the less attention you give it the better, the less you worry about it the better.
of course it isn't your fault if you hyperfixate, but you have to try your very best to remember that your mental health is most important! so above all, you have to take care of yourself the most! so i think those people that are choosing to leave, are doing just that :) maybe they'll just take a break, maybe they'll come back, maybe they'll stay altogether - but the best thing to do, is doing what you know is best for you!
i don't know if that helped at all, i feel like i just said a lot of words and not a whole lot of sense haha! but my point is that you need to trust yourself the most :) trust that you'll be able to handle if it's too negative at times, trust yourself that you won't let negativity affect you to the extent that it will impact your mental health, and trust that if god forbid it ever gets to that point, that you'll be able to take yourself out of it! ❤️
i'm always here if you wanna chat! :D
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stars-bean · 4 years
Are you leaving tumblr? Can I ask why? If you don't wanna say why obviously that fine, I'm just curious cause I've had some issues with tumblr lately as well as a platform/community
Honestly? Yesterday I kinda hit my limits with bullshit on Tumblr dot com. Nothing actually really bad (I know some people deal with angry anons and all kind of toxic behavior), but it was like a cold shower in a way. Getting a reminder that while social media should and could be fun, it also has its darker side. And that's not even the obvious one.
I decided that there are still aspects I enjoy, people I'd like to stay in touch with, so while I do feel detached, I'm going to stay. Even if only for the pure entertainment value. (Again, not the obvious part.)
I'm sorry you're having issues with fandoms/community/platform. I'm well aware that there's a solid amount of toxicity and ugliness, so I'm not surprised that you're not thrilled about the whole thing. Pandemic has changed people, it's obvious even on social media. It exposes certain traits which has been hidden, which is equal parts scary and amusing.
If you want to come off anon and talk privately, you're more than welcome. I can't promise I'm going to be any good at conversation, though. If we have similar interests, it should be fine. But if we have barely anything in common, I'm crap at keeping up with people then... Sorry.
My advice for you? Try to cut down people who make your experience on here worse. Stop interacting with them and their content. Don't read or look at the posts which make you upset/uncomfortable/angry. Use filter to avoid anything you want to avoid. Follow people who reblog things which makes you feel better - kittens, pretty art, nature. Positive energy and enthusiasm! I know it sounds like a cliche, but it really matters what you expose yourself to. Even a couple of sad/depressing posts can sour your mood drastically.
If you decide to leave Tumblr, it's understandable. You shouldn't stay out of obligation or anything like that. Maybe finding a hobby is a good idea? Although it could be difficult in today's world. Being stuck at home is hard, so people tend to use social media more than ever, getting the equivalent of human interaction. No matter what you decide, put your well being and mental health first.
Hope you have a wonderful day 💖💖💖
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mannatea · 3 years
Hi. I used to follow your old blog on a different account. Hope you're doing well. Do you have any tips on thinking up stories that are *not* dark and depressing due to subject material? The last story I was working on I had to quit because the backstory I was developing for my passive male character was super depressing. At times I enjoyed researching it, though what won out was the thought I was wasting my time looking into angsty things for something I wasn't even planning to publish. Now I want to write something a little happier. But I have the most experience in writing angst and cringe comedy 😅 thanks for any help you can give. Stay safe out there!
By the way, good on you for dropping that manga you used to follow. I was happy most of the characters lived, but other than that, it felt "meh" to me (granted, I didn't read all the way from the beginning). The author was probably going for a "people will always be fighting each other" theme, but some of the imagery of what happened after a time skip could definitely be taken as pro-fascist. And I was disappointed the protagonist basically said he wanted to bring about destruction! I'm glad I didn't spend any money to read it.
Wow, hi! I’m doing all right, thanks for asking. I hope you’re doing all right, too. :)
As far as “that manga” goes, I’ve kept tabs on it. I’ve been on the fringes for the last two-ish years; I dedicated something like four real life years to that fandom and mostly had a good time while I was there (made some friends I hope to keep for life), so it was one of those situations where I just had to find out how it ended. I realized at some point that I was in a very negative space in the fandom, and felt it was better to publicly drop the series and the blog associated with all of my meta/discussion than to play in what had become a toxic pool for me. I didn’t really want to drop the account after my time there, but I couldn’t have dealt with the nonstop questions/messages/etc that would have piled in over the years, and eh, when you’re done you’re done. I criticize Hallmark television for fun, now, instead. It’s a lot less stressful! And literally nothing is That Deep so there’s very few delusions, at least on the Tumblr side of things. (Reddit, however, is insane, but I don’t post in the fandom there.)
As far as writing advice goes, I am going to apologize in advance for muddled thoughts. I just got out of work and have been staring at numbers all day, so it’s hard for me to think lmaoo.
In my opinion, any sort of character or personality type/flaw/whatever could have developed via a negative OR positive influence/catalyst, so that’s something to consider. I also think people tend to reach for “sad” or “traumatic” pasts either as a way to cope with their own issues/pasts/whatevers, or because it’s the “easy explanation” for why a character is the way they are.
If you WANT to write things a certain way, it’s sometimes a matter of changing the lens through which you’re viewing life, the story, the characters, or character writing in general. This is never easy, especially when you find a genre you feel comfortable in, but it’s always possible. When I was in college and submitted an autobiographical piece (Rot Tooth) for a creative writing final, I received multiple comments from classmates and even the professor that my talent/skill was in writing comedy. COMEDY!!!! I don’t think anyone who has read my writing from the last decade would say that I was a comedy writer. I stopped labeling ‘fics as humor/romance so long ago I can’t even remember when it was. But boom. I had written a comedy piece.
I don’t think I can ignore that most of the comedic elements in Rot Tooth were brought about because humor is one of the ways in which I cope with things, but it was also a very conscious choice I made. I wanted people to be able to engage with the story without being grossed out, without getting bored, without feeling that it was a poor-pathetic-me story, and humor was the classiest way to do it. Here, read this long story that includes journal entries from Ye Olde Livejournal days, but it will make you laugh often enough that the depressing aspects of the story don’t weigh it down too much! It was probably the only way to make the subject matter widely palatable. 
As often as I joke about characters or scenes or moments that “just write themselves” the author does have control. I mostly write fanfiction, so let’s go with examples from that.
I’m (very slowly) working on a ‘fic called Three Years which features a character who, when last seen, was headed off to serve a prison sentence. They haven’t been on the show for three years and thus I assume they have been serving that sentence for the last three years. The story starts when this character is released from prison. They are a woman. This is a historical piece of fiction. Prisons were vile to women and yet...this is fiction. I have a choice. I get to choose. Does she get to start her life off carrying 25 bags of trauma or just 2? It would be unreasonable to expect that someone, especially a woman, who was imprisoned for 3 years in the early 1900s wouldn’t have some issues (at the very least, the isolation would have been awful), but it doesn’t really have to be much worse than that. It doesn’t.
I have the power to choose.
A character has anger issues. Sure, he could have had a traumatic past with an abusive parent who took his anger out on him or his mom or whatever...or maybe it is an inherited personality trait and the parent figure with the problem was never really That Bad about it, but seeing it normalized makes it harder for the character in question to realize it’s a huge problem and part of their character arc is realizing they need to get help, not because they don’t want to be like their dad, and not because they hate their dad, but because they just want to be a better person/they don’t want to let that struggle consume them.
Someone’s sweetheart goes off to war. Guess what? They don’t have to die there to force a traumatic past. They don’t have to come back a raging alcoholic either. Maybe the time apart, and the time fighting a war just puts a natural sort of crack in the relationship by making it clearer to each character what they want in life/what matters to them in their life.
A character is super passionate about their work/hobby. Maybe they have ADHD and it’s a hyperfixation. Maybe they’re autistic and it’s a Special Interest. It doesn’t have to be “their parents ignored them and forced them to be alone all the time and they used this thing to cope so it means everything to them because it’s always been there.”
Maybe you have a character whose greatest fear is losing the people they love. It doesn’t have to be because a pet died in their arms when they were four and it traumatized them. It doesn’t have to be because they only have one person they love in the whole world. It can just be a thing because that’s a valid fear literally anyone can reasonably have, and maybe it’s a bigger deal because they don’t have siblings or aren’t close to many people! (And the “aren’t close to many people” thing doesn’t have to stem from trauma, either. Most busy adults for example who get to choose their friends, are just like that.)
A perfectionist might just have the personality type; it doesn’t mean their parents criticized everything they ever did. A person with three failed marriages might hesitate to fall in love and try again but it doesn’t have to be because those three failed marriages were abusive. A quiet character may just be shy or introverted by nature. 
I think everyone carries some kind of trauma with them, so it’s never unreasonable to have some in a person’s past (you can’t write an ugly character without having to think about the fact that they carry some trauma from what it’s like to grow up ugly), but it doesn’t have to define them. It doesn’t have to overshadow everything else in their past.
You can always ask yourself, “Why am I reaching for angst every time I create a backstory?” Literally everyone has some kind of angst. Most kids were hurt by things said to them in school, for example, or made fun of for some reason. Most people did something extremely embarrassing as a kid and never got over it. There are a thousand little moments in our adult lives that go back to these little points—you might call them the tiny traumas. But they’re not defining. They’re not so heavy they also live in the present. Not all of them.
Why do you reach for the darkest corner? Why not for the light? Or a middle ground?
I encourage people to write basically whatever floats their boat, but it sounds like you’re at a point where you just feel weighed down by that sort of stuff, and that’s not a great way to feel, especially when it discourages you from working on a project entirely.
My final suggestion: look at some of your favorite characters from various types of media. Are they all traumatized? What are their defining characteristics? Black Beauty has some depressing stuff in it, but is ultimately a story with a happy ending. Pride and Prejudice has drama, but nobody’s past is filled with the darkest stuff imaginable. North and South has awful things to consider in it (cotton mills were sooo awful) but the characters are not wildly traumatized people.
What kind of story are you trying to tell? Do the characters need to be traumatized to tell it? Does the story have to be dark to get across the message you want to send? 
Way back in the day, when I was into “that manga” I made an RP blog for a one-off character that nobody gave a damn about. Like, he was so one-off that even back in those days nobody even remembered him having existed. It was sort of a joke RP blog that wasn’t supposed to be serious. The only canon information we had about this character was that he enjoyed drinking. I decided to make him a lighthearted character because the series was pretty dark and I wanted to send people hilarious starters instead of wading through the muck of depression with everyone else’s sad, abused characters. I decided his family was old money and he had a brother. Nothing super traumatizing in his past. Some family issues but not the sort of thing that would haunt anyone. He was not traumatized in his recent past any more than other characters were. Mostly just “a regular guy.” I really loved RPing him. He was fun! The story could get heavy but he didn’t have to be.
Anyway, dive head-first into the dark angst if you want, but if it’s not necessary to tell the story you want to tell, just remember you don’t have to go there. You have the choice.
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autumnpleaves · 3 years
It's really ironic for you of all people to reblog a post about being close with friends. It really is. The same person who blocked me out when I even said I was slightly upset or happy or feeling any emotions to anything, simply because 'sorry, I'm dealing with a lot :((((('. Once I said that I liked a song and then suddenly I had to not talk to you about anything that was even slightly negative, and I still don't know why, to this day. And that was months ago. You are the opposite of a friend that anyone can be close with, especially the opposite of what a friend is. But you'll probably just send this ask to your friends saying '!!!! Look!! Someone said that I impacted them negatively before, and I can't accept criticism, and think that I'm more important to the world than the sun!! ówò :((((( 😢' and then suddenly they'll all go rushing to your defense.
Anyways, hope you become less of a toxic sack of shit soon
Yeah, I guess so... ironic.
Okay, so that is one reason.
I'm genuinely sorry about that. Scrolling through our past messages (I think I can pinpoint who this is, but I'm still like not 100% sure because literally anyone could be behind the anon mask and I don't want to like target the wrong person), I think I'm starting to remember some times where I would have to take some time, not block!.... Maybe I missed some things, so feel free to refresh my memory.
My reasoning was valid at that time, I was dealing with some problems of my own and I wanted to take some time so that my reaction to your problems and emotions wouldn't be clouded or biased and I wanted to be able to give my full to being there for you as a friend without making my responses seem distracted or half-assed. I'm sorry I couldn't be that person.
And I don't remember ever blocking anyone out when they are happy or feeling any other emotions to anything. Like genuinely. So I'm really really shucking sorry if I did. Any reasoning behind that is honestly probably going to be the crappiest and I don't even know what is going on for me to act like an asshole.
About the song... I- know this might sound like an asshole thing to say, but I genuinely don't remember???
What??? You said you liked a song, and then you're not allowed to talk about anything that was slightly negative??? Okay like, I'm just thinking if this even seems like something I would do, like surely not. And like it doesn't seem like a possible happening??? /gen /nm /justreallyreallyconfused
You are always allowed to talk.... okay... I'm remembering something but the memory is a bit blurry. Is it on Tumblr or Discord? I think that'd help. But you should always be allowed to talk about literally anything, I wouldn't have minded if it was positive, neutral, negative, vents, angst, rants, or anything. And I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. I also don't know why if that happens, why or how it happens because a song should not lead to that conversation?
And see, you say this was months ago. And I know it's bold of me to say anything when you're the one that's hurt but the only problem I have with this whole situation is that - like you said it was months ago! So if you had any problem with me, with how I acted, treated you, you could have said them right to my face! Or brought up anytime during conversations /lu
Like I genuinely wouldn't mind and I'd rather be called out for it and to learn how to avoid it. But the fact that you acted no different, or even showed any signs of uncomfiness (But, I am clueless, so I may be missing them), and the fact you didn't say anything about the things you're saying now made me think nothing was wrong /des
Yes, I know I haven't really been a great friend. I've had my fair share of falling out and I know how stupid and ridiculous it makes me look. Pfft, can't even be a good friend so does that make me a good person? I don't know, but I want to change that.
I guess you do know me pretty well then. I spent nights trying to "read between the lines" using really limited context clues to even figure out what that ask even meant. I wanted to know what I did wrong so I could apologize for them and leave you be. I don't like leaving things half-finished, especially friendships and relationships. But no, I can accept criticism. As long as it is constructive and within the reasons of logic and contains reason. The asks you've sent me are 80% accusations that are only half correct and 20% actual reasons. But then again you don't really owe me any explanation because you expected me to know what you're trying to say but I'll tell you, I'm like what you said - The fricking most clueless bitxh around. So make of that what you will.
I don't need friends to rush in my defense. I like fighting my own battles and owning up to my own mistakes. So here's my formal apology to you:
I am incredibly, genuinely sorry. From the bottom of my heart. I would like to apologize for any wrongdoings I've caused you, for the time you've wasted spending all those days and nights talking to me, for being a clueless sack of poop that can't see how bad I've been treating you. And I'm sorry you felt that you couldn't have just called me out for my toxicity and bullshittery directly in a way that is clear. I would like to make it clear now that I would not have and will never be mad for things like that.
And yeah, it's up to you to accept this apology, I have no rights to force anything on you, and I will leave you be
To be frank, if this is how you want to end things then I guess I'll see you around the other side. Wishing you and your fam well and stay safe wherever you are :)
If you feel like I need to apologize for anything else feel free to drop an ask. It's clear you deserve it and it's honestly the least I can do. /srs /gen /nm
Hope I learn better moving forward, thanks for the wishes. I hope I stop being accidental toxic in the future.
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silver-wield · 4 years
1.I'm a multishipper but the more I visit the CA tag, the more I'm discouraged to ship it because apart from random gifsets and fanarts I'm not able to find a single essay, analysis etc that makes one bit of sense. Just idiotic posts twisting canon facts, clinging to unrelated stuff not part of the compilation and focusing on those 3-4 points that were already disproved over and over. Not to mention the obsession about Tifa/Cloti with repetitive post where they basically try to convince [cont]
In pt2 of my ask I said that these toxic CA fans try to convince themselves more than others with their repetitive posts how little T/CT mean to C and to the general plot while claiming "if A survives this time, T doesn't stand a chance with C" when everyone can clearly see that even with A still well and alive until now, CT are still doing great. I truly love CA, romantic or not, but I have eyes and I can see where the plot is going. Still, nothing stops me from liking a non canon ship.
3.Stuff that's not twisted or stolen from other ships, that doesn't include T/CT bashing to put CA on a pedestal and that focuses on the compilation instead of unrelated stuff? What do I get instead? Posts that obsess more on bashing T/CT than talking about CA, twisted canon material, biased translations and retarded posts bringing as proof the Titanic movie or the guy from the motel who apparently is Nojima's self insert. I deserve good stuff, not this shit. Just a "fake" CA speaking here...
Couldn't see a prt 2, so I hope tumblr didn't eat it.
Sorry that side of the fandom sucks. I mean, whenever I get linked stuff it doesn't even look like anybody is having fun. The obsession is with proving canon and shitting on Tifa. The only thing that gets repeated is the same few gifs and 4 events.
Even the Zerith tag has more positivity and their guy literally dies before the game even starts.
Meanwhile on our side is an outpouring of love, fun and positivity. There's inclusion of every chapter, every event. There's love for all the characters. Maybe not as much as Cloti, but it's a Cloti community. Still hasn't stopped me making posts about Barret or getting asks about him or Marle. Hell, I even covered Roche because even though other people bashed him I thought he's hella amusing and deserved a deeper look into what his role meant.
We're having fun with the whole game, which is the point of them making a whole game.
Oh, the motel guy. I keep saying it's not Nojima, but not for the reason they think. Do they really wanna cling to that still? A literal reference to their blatant racism?
It's a whitewashed Nojima.
Because what even is ethnicity to these people? They really think the constant bashing of the "Asian looking character" flew by the devs? Who are Asian? They know. They see it. All of wall market throws all the shade at them. A fake Nojima calling Cloud and Aerith a sweet looking couple is meant to be taken as another fake.
Because Nojima isn't white and is the king of Cloti.
I dunno why I even use that gif that asks if people played the game because they clearly didn't and they also "forget" that SquareEnix HQ is in Japan. They're a Japanese company. Which, shockingly, is mostly staffed by Japanese people.
Yeah, nonny, you deserve good stuff, not the twisted garbage you get, because there is actually good content with Aerith. It's just not Cloud and Aerith content beyond friendship. Which is fine because friendship is important to both of them and they deserve to have friends. If people just took their dumbass lead feet off the gas they'd see all the good things that actually are in the game. Because they don't, their bs forces people like me to focus on debunking their bullshit instead of showing where the good stuff is. And sorry not sorry I'm not gonna either because I don't help racist assholes out.
Tumblr did eat part 2, but it was sent again.
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