#and disney is the worst thing that has ever happened to this world
inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things that i think we should pay attention to, socially, about the disney v. desantis thing is that it is really highlighting the importance of remembering nuance.
in a purely neutral sense, if you engage in something problematic, that does not mean you are necessarily agreeing with what makes it problematic. and i am worried that we have become... so afraid of any form of nuance.
disney isn't my friend, they're a corporate monopoly that bastardized copyright laws for their own benefit, ruin the environment, and abuse their workers (... and many other things). this isn't a hypothetical for me - i grew up in florida. i also worked for the actual Walt Disney World; like, in the parks. i am keenly aware of the ways they hurt people, because they hurt me. i fully believe that part of the reason florida is so conservative is because it's been an "open secret" for years now that disney lobbies the government to keep minimum wage down, and i know they worked hard to keep the parks unmasked and open during the worst parts of Covid. they purposefully keep their employees in poverty. they are in part responsible for the way the floridian government works.
desantis is still, by a margin that is frankly daunting, way worse. the alternative here isn't just "republicans win", it's actual fascism.
in a case like this, where the alternative is to allow actual fascism into united states legislation - where, if desantis wins, there are huge and legal ramifications - it's tempting to minimize the harm disney is also doing, because... well, it's not fascism. but disney isn't the good guy, either, which means republicans are having a field day asking activists oh, so you think their treatment of their employees is okay?
we have been trained there is a right answer. you're right! you're in the good group, and you're winning at having an opinion.
except i have the Internet Prophecy that in 2-3 months, even left-wing people will be ripping apart activists for having "taken disney's side". aren't i an anti-capitalist? aren't i pro-union? aren't i one of the good ones? removed from context and nuance (that in this particular situation i am forced to side with disney, until an other option reveals itself), my act of being like "i hope they have goofy rip his throat out onstage, shaking his lifeless body like a dog toy" - how quickly does that seem like i actually do support disney?
and what about you! at home, reading this. are you experiencing the Thought Crime of... actually liking some of the things disney has made? your memories of days at the parks, or of good movies, or of your favorite show growing up. maybe you are also evil, if you ever enjoyed anything, ever, at all.
to some degree, the binary idealization/vilification of individual motive and meaning already exists in the desantis case. i have seen people saying not to go to the disney pride events because they're cash grabs (they are). i've seen people saying you have to go because they're a way to protest. there isn't a lot of internet understanding of nuance. instead it's just "good show of support" or "evil bootlicking."
this binary understanding is how you can become radicalized. when we fear nuance and disorder, we're allowing ourselves the safety of assuming that the world must exist in binary - good or bad, problematic or "not" problematic. and unfortunately, bigots want you to see the world in this binary ideal. they want you to get mad at me because "disney is taking a risk for our community but you won't sing their praises" and they want me to get mad at you for not respecting the legit personal trauma that disney forced me through.
in a grander scheme outside of disney: what happens is a horrific splintering within activist groups. we bicker with each other about minimal-harm minimal-impact ideologies, like which depiction of bisexuality is the most-true. we gratuitously analyze the personal lives of activists for any sign they might be "problematic". we get spooked because someone was in a dog collar at pride. we wring our hands about setting an empty shopping mall on fire. we tell each other what words we may identify ourselves by. we get fuckin steven universe disk horse when in reality it is a waste of our collective time.
the bigots want you to spend all your time focusing on how pristine and pretty you and your interests are. they want us at each other's throats instead of hand in hand. they want to say see? nothing is ever fucking good enough for these people.
and they want their followers to think in binary as well - a binary that's much easier to follow. see, in our spaces, we attack each other over "proper" behavior. but in bigoted groups? they attack outwards. they have someone they hate, and it is us. they hate you, specifically, and you are why they have problems - not the other people in their group. and that's a part of how they fucking keep winning.
some of the things that are beloved to you have a backbone in something terrible. the music industry is a wasteland. the publishing industry is a bastion of white supremacy. video games run off of unpaid labor and abuse.
the point of activism was always to bring to light that abuse and try to stop it from happening, not to condemn those who engage in the content that comes from those industries. "there is no ethical consumption under late capitalism" also applies to media. your childhood (and maybe current!) love of the little mermaid isn't something you should now flinch from, worried you'll be a "disney adult". wanting the music industry to change for the better does not require that you reject all popular music until that change occurs. you can acknowledge the harm something might cause - and celebrate the love that it has brought into your life.
we must detach an acknowledgment of nuance from a sense of shame and disgust. we must. punishing individual people for their harmless passions is not doing good work. encouraging more thoughtful, empathetic consumption does not mean people should feel ashamed of their basic human capacities and desires. it should never have even been about the individual when the corporation is so obviously the actual evil. this sense that we must live in shame and dread of our personal nuances - it just makes people bitter and hopeless. do you have any idea how scared i am to post this? to just acknowledge the idea of nuance? that i might like something nuanced, and engage in it joyfully? and, at the same time, that i'm brutally aware of the harm that they're doing?
"so what do i do?" ... well, often there isn't a right answer. i mean in this case, i hope mickey chops off ron's head and then does a little giggle. but truth be told, often our opinions on nuanced subjects will differ. you might be able to engage in things that i can't because the nuance doesn't sit right with me. i might think taylor swift is a great performer and a lot of fun, and you might be like "raquel, the jet fuel emissions". we are both correct; neither of us have any actual sway in this. and i think it's important to remember that - the actual scope of individual responsibility. like, i also love going to the parks. Thunder Mountain is so fun. you (just a person) are not responsible for the harm that Disney (the billion dollar corporation) caused me. i don't know. i think it's possible to both enjoy your memories and interrogate the current state of their employment policies.
there is no right way to interrogate or engage with nuance - i just hope you embrace it readily.
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Thrown into one world, taken from another
Oh boy, where to even start.
The past few years have been crazy enough, being plucked out of the human world and thrown into the land of demons and witches. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, you got used to it after a while when you were no longer target number one. You even befriended the 7 lords of hell, even befriending the soon to be king of hell itself.
You had alot to show for it aswell, 7 gorgeous pact marks aligning your arms, each corresponding to the avatar of sin it belonged to. With afew years of devildom experience under your belt, your life was quite comfortable. But nothing ever lasts forever, it was getting to peaceful around here, well at least for devildom standards.
It was just supposed to be a quite trip to the human world, it wasn't an open invitation for you to be kidnapped to another world for a second time. Though this time it was alot more ominous compared to the time you literally got whisked away to hell, having to break out of a coffin just to be met with a screeching rat creature, wait, not a rat, a cat?
The new world had constant references to different Disney media but it has all been dating sim-ified, it was so exiting to go exploring around the world here, trying to spot out each different Disney reference. Though you couldn't help but miss your demons back home, the fact that everyone thought you were just some broke, magicless student did not help the feeling of home sickness.
Just like in Devildom, you had to restart your life all over again from the start, just starting out as someone everyone just overlooked. Ironic isn't it. The biggest shock out of the entire world had to be the overblots (and the fact Crowley is so god damn incompetent), the first time you saw one brought you back to the time the demon brothers tried to end you, it was scary. It had a sick an twisted sense of nostalgia intertwined into it. Having going through a seven of these events, you were quite frankly ready to go home now.
Even after all of the overblots happened, life still goes on and so did everything else, life doesn't stop for you even when you really need it to. But for the first time in what seemed like forever, it was actually peaceful in the Ramshakle dorm, everyone gathered together to study or to look into part time/ full jobs. It was strangely nice, each dorm head and their respective party just relaxing in their pajamas, mattresses and sleeping bags covering the creaky wooden planks of the Ramshackle main room. Books, papers, and different small plates of food scattered around their respective people, your friends interacting in a civil (or as civil as you can get) manner was such a refreshing change, no longer having to break up any fights.
You sat on the sofa with a warm drink in your hands, the first years surrounding you aswell as grim, scabbing any food he could find from you lot. You were brought out of your thoughts when you get a sharp pain shooting through one of your pact marks, you had almost forgotten about them, them always being hidden under the long sleeves you were. As you wince, a certain weasel seemed to notice.
"Oi, henchman, why does your face look like that." grim piped up as he climbed up onto the sofa, bringing the attention of the first years and a certain horned friend. "Thanks grim" You half joked as you held your warm drink, you hands slightly shaking due to another sharp shot of pain up your wrists, gaining a huff from the creature "Oh you know i didn't mean it like that" "yeah, what the weasel says, your not normally shaken' prefect" Ace gives you a raised eyebrow as he sees you starting to fidget alot, scratching at your arms from above your sleeves. You didn't respond, seeming out of it as it caught the attention of the first years.
The pains just got worse and worse, continuous sharp pains shooting up your arms and agitating all seven pact marks. It only brought on confusion as you rushed to the kitchen, pulling up your sleeves to try and easy the pain with some water under the cold tap. It was only then that you noticed the pact marks glowing, though they have glowed before, it never came with the unbearable pain. Being nonchalant wasn't a choice anymore, the kitchen was literally lighting up because of the 7 marks on your arms, bringing everyone's unwanted attention over to you, humiliating.
The pain was only getting worse, a sick mix of stabbing and burning pains shooting up your arms and shoulders as you managed to choke out a sob, the first years being over to your side faster the you could say 'ow'. Epel and deuce were trying to help you with the strange marks on your arms, jack being there to rub your back while sebek, grim and ace question you about your current state and the marks. Your little group may get on your nerves sometimes but when it comes to it, they are always there for eachother.
All of the commotion from the kitchen and the sounds of your sobs brought everyone in and around the kitchen, was it a spell gone wrong? Was it a curse? Was your drink spiked? However, their questions were left un-answered as the reflection from the fridge started to shift and morph into strange shapes, a strong force starting to pull the pacts to it. Confusion turned to pure panic as the magicless prefect started to get dragged into the reflection, each one of the first years holding onto your body as they try and save you from whatever force was trying to take you away. Malleus even stepped in, getting afew others to step in and try and help you but even that wasn't enough.
Even for the Fae prince, the force was far to powerful for him and it dragged you away from your friends, pulling you into the reflection of the fridge. The last thing you could hear were their voices screaming out your name.
. .
. . .
. . . .
A bright light covered your vision entirely, the unbearable pain from your arms finally stopped. It was like being in limbo, you were conscious but you couldn't move, instead being embraced in a soft hug.
.... The hug felt tight though, it felt real. The peaceful atmosphere started to fall apart as voices rang through your ears, familiar, comforting voices. You finally snapped back into consciousness, hearing 7 muffled voices in your ears. With a groan and a head turn, you saw a sobbing Asmodeus clinging to your stomach as mammon and levi held onto your sides, a worried lucifer holding your face as if checking your actually conscious. You felt Beels strong arms around your waist as belphie had a hand on your knee, satan trying to remain calm as he stands close by you. Your boys, your family, your finally home. Normally the loud noises would have been overwhelming but right now, you just relaxed into their touch, reassuring them that you were alright and alive.
It took a while for them to start to calm down, still being in a large group hug as you all sat in silence. You didn't realize how much you missed them until you were with them again, it felt amazing.
"Hey, what are you doing with our prefect?" A familiar voice piped up from behind you all, your eyes practically bulging out of their sockets as you see your friends from twisted wonderland, all in RAD uniforms and groggy from the journey here, Ace standing up and pointing at the demons holding you.
Guess that peace wasn't going to last long. Taken from one world and thrown back into another, what a nightmare...
Took an hour or two but WOO, ITS DONE. I havent proof read it yet but its almost midnight, i need sleep lol
Thank you guys so much for reading, what should I do next?
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Emily x male!reader
this was requested by @wfig123 and the request was: “can you do Emily x male!reader where Emily becomes a fallen angel and ends up with Valentino, but reader saves her and he takes care of her”. They also drew art to go with this request which is so cute! <3 Their art is added below t
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Summary: Emily coudlnt sit silently and watch heavens cruelty once Adam was gone, after a fight with Sera nothing could be done when the hellfire sucked her down. And just as Emily’s hope lifted with Charlie finding her, it dropped again when she got snatched up, luckily you like playing knight in shining armour
Warnings: Valentino and his crew, bad explanations of action sorry gang lmao, kinda disney-esque saviour stuff, kidnapping, swearing, sexual harassment, Emily is portrayed as meek, male reader, no physical description except the reader has lightning powers like last request. NOT PROOFREAD alrighty lads lemme know what i missed :))
word count: 2.2k
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It was an unfortunate state of events for Emily, one minute she’s being guided by Sera, then she finds out her guide, the one she adored most, lied to her. Charlie opened Emily’s eyes to world she never knew existed and the goodness in her heart wouldn’t allow Charlie to fight the battle alone, especially knowing that those were human souls, just like they had in heaven, she had to believe.
Emily had pestered Sera since Charlie left, and when the extermination happened, Emily couldn’t just stand by as Lute returned single handed, uh, literally. Emily had what could only be described as a mental breakdown paired with an identity crisis. She screamed at Sera about how angels were the symbol of love, peace and that the exterminations are everything but that. Not to mention it brought forth a catalyst of problems, with Lutes missing arm, and Adam seemingly dead, it wouldn’t be long until the whole of heaven heard of what’s become. Emily’s emotional outburst caused catastrophe, as the portals opened to pull Emily down all Sera could do was stand aside watching the hellfire grip and pull her down, Emily screaming for Sera to help her, to do something.
And just like that Sera had backstabbed Emily a second time, or was it a third? Landing harshly in the smog, and ashes, Emily coughed, her wings burning her dress tattered. Physically she didn’t change but her halo had fallen and horns curled out of her hair. Overwhelmed with emotions, Emily curled into herself in the dilapidated alleyway, unsure of what to do from here on out. After another good cry, Emily pulled herself off the ground, hair tattered, dress dirty and feeling the worst she’d ever felt. It was like falling into heaven took the clouds from her eyes so she could see things as they really are, and as much as she hated the feeling, she preferred to know.
That’s when it hit her, the reason she originally fell, Charlie, the hotel, safety. With new motivation Emily pulled herself off the ground beginning to walk towards the open streets. Eyes jumping from demon to demon, brick building to brick building, it was surprisingly advance and the demons looked less grisly, like she originally imagined.
If anything it looked like a crueller heaven, which she supposes shouldn’t be a surprise considering Lucifer was drone heaven originally. Stumbling through the streets, many demons could tell she was fresh meat by the way she carried herself, it was very skittishly, something that screamed victim.
Wringing her hands together, she went to ask some lady demons, who looked kind, where the hotel resided. However before she could a gasped sounded out behind her, turning on her heel Emily barely had time to catch her footing when Charlie crashed into her, giving her a organ crushing hug. “Oh my goodness Em! My dad got a message from the Seraphim! We were so worried there’s been a search out all day!” Charlie exclaimed, pulling away to inspect the fallen angel. Emily began to tear sniffling at the thought of people looking out for her, it was much kinder when people were willing to risk themselves for you.
Wiping away tears sheepishly, Emily shot Charlie a kind smile. “Thank you so much Charlie, I- it’s been so scary, I don’t know what i would have done without you.” Emily says meaningfully, giving Charlie a warm look.
“Cmon, let’s head back to the hotel so we can call everyone back.” Following close behind Charlie, Emily slumped twiddling her fingers as she walked down the hectic streets. Across the way a demon screams for mercy, before a shot rings out making Emily jump. “Is it, uh, always like this?” She asked meekly, not entirely sure of what she wanted the answer to be. Smiling Charlie nodded looking a little embarrassed at the fact. “Yeah, i mean some of these souls don’t deserve what they get, which is why stronger, and more violent demons go after them. Like that poor guy.” Charlie ushered Emily away with a guiding arm behind her back.
Pulling out her phone, Charlie sent a message to Angel, Husk, her father, you, and Cherrie who stayed back after the reconstruction of the hotel. Charlie got a quick response from you as per usual, and quickly opened her phone, reading the response. “My friend YN, he’s excited to meet you. He’s kinda been obsessed with the whole fallen angel thing. He’s hoping to get into heaven at some point, but he originally came to in his words, ‘stick his nose in your business’.” Charlie laughed at the recollection of your first arrival, gazing up at the pentagram covered sky. “He sounds kinda nice.” Emily muttered unsure of what she should really think.
“Don’t worry everyone will be nice, it’ll be grea-” Suddenty four demons burst out from an alley, right in front of both Charlie and Emily. Emily immediately jumped back a small shriek emitting from her. Charlie being the kind soul she was, attempting to yank the demons off eachother, reprimanding them for being so stupid, and getting tossed back. Emily watched a few feet back, hand to her mouth watching as Charlie’s demonic form emerged, as she got shoved away once again by the large bore demon.
Charlie was too carried away with the idiocy in front of her, to realise her dear friend was not used to the things residing in hell. And with one foul swoop, silent as a ghost, Emily was whisked up and away, dragged drugged and banged against god only knows what. Her vision was blackened and she knew she was crying but couldn’t control it nor could she properly feel her body.
She couldn’t tell if she was tossed in some cage or whether she was thrashing around a small car but all she knew is that it was a bumpy ride. When it finally stopped, it felt like her body was covered in bruises, she felt her body being dragged up by someone much stronger than her. “Here ya go boss boy.” A light voice hummed, not what she expected to come from someone so strong. There was the wicked smell of smoke invading her nose, making her want to cough and sneeze, however she held it together too afraid of what they do if she suddenly moved or made noise.
There was a long exhale, a breath hit Emily’s blindfolded face and she couldn’t help the recoile that happened when the smell hit her. “What a beauty, mm; she’ll cost a pretty penny y’know. Bring her.” Emily felt claws pick at her chin and then release her. At the beck and call of the man, Emily was taken to another room, this one was less echoey compared to the last, making her feel claustrophobic with the men in the room and cloth on her eyes.
It smelt like incense, cheap perfume, carpet, sex, booze and cigarettes, something Emily was not familiar with at all. Suddenly the arms gripping her, shoved her roughly against a surface, her bounced against it gently, establishing it was more than likely a bed. It was bare nothing but mattress underneath giving her no comfort nor way to hide from prying eyes. She felt cold hands pinch the top of the cloth near her eyebrows, and then the light hit her eyes, causing her to flinch, blinking rapidly.
She tried to bring her hand up to shield her eyes from the light, but found they were bounded by chain or something behind her back. Emily scanned the room in a panic, the room was small, only fit for a bed, a mirror and a few plants and such. It appeared more like a set then a bedroom, the walls were hot pink and furry, the mirror was large and in the shape of a heart, lights surrounding it, the worst part was that it was aimed right at the bed Emily sat on. There was two doors on each side, and near the one on the right closest to Emily was two men. One big beefy man who resembled a shark, and another tall lanky lavender coloured demon. He wore a long red coat, that was spread open, underneath was a black button up, and regular khaki colour suit pants. He wore the ugliest heart glasses paired with the ugliest top hat, and to Emily he was a hideous sight.
Grinning the sickly moth showed off his gold tooth, closing in on Emily’s shrunken down figure. “Look at you kitty, you’ll make such numbers, my pretty little angel.” The demon purred bending down to invade Emily’s space, smoke blowing at her. Coughing slightly, Emily scowled weakly tugging her head away from his cold hand. “I’m not- what’re you talking about?” Emily whispered in horror, standing to full height the moth brushed his clawed hand against his chest, and down. “Oh pretty little thing, you’ll figure it out hm? By the way sweetie, Valentino.” Sticking out the lower arm for a hand shake, he cackled to himself like he was hilarious before pulling it back. “Oops~ I forgot. Silly me!”
The shark behind him laughed like an idiot the two of them observing the way Emily’s body shook with fear, rage, and grief for what may come, tears free falling down her cheeks. “Oh c’mon, you’ll be fine.” The moth tutted, flicking his hand, he turned his attention to the shark whispering to start the cameras and bring in the centipede. As the shark left the room, the power cut out making the moth growl enraged. “What the fuck is this now?!”
Emily flinched back at the tone Valentino took compared to his previous coy tone. Valentino stood awaiting a response, his fists suspended up. Sighing with frustration he began to leave the room. Emily, unable to properly see in the dark of the room, stumbled off the bed tripping slightly.
She watched strobes of lights shoot through the hall, and without a second thought she booked it out the door. She ran down the hall, and turned, a window lighting the hall granted her sight with a staircase, she quickly sped to the stairs walking down cautiously as to not trip. She wished she could spread her wings but with her hands bound she wasn’t able to.
At the bottom of the stairs she followed the red glow of an exit light out a door, and down a creepy hall. The corridor led to a metal door, using her body to push the door open, Emily tripped crashing out of the door and onto her face. She teared up face scratched against the concrete, to the side of her she could hear the sound of demons muttering. Twisting her head to the side she saw two slutty looking demons, one smoking the other drinking. “Oh your Val’s angel, luckyyy. Let’s getcha back inside sugar.” The one with the cigarette said country twang slipping out like molasses.
Emily squealed, inching away awkwardly as her hands couldn’t lift her off the floor, before the two demons could put their hands on her, lightning appeared striking the two in the head. It was as comedic as it was blinding, the two demons sunk to the floor after the strike, Emily teared up turning her face away. You stepped out from the side, panting getting your ass kicked by waves of different demons including Val himself in attempts to find Emily.
You walked up to her shaking figure crouching down, you broke the cuffs with the heat from the lightning you were so generously gifted. “Bad time to meet huh Emily, my names YN, Charlie called me after you got snatched, thankfully she recognized that foul shark.” You explain when Emily turned tearfully up at you, slowly you pulled out your phone, opening a picture you took with both Charlie and Vaggie. “Here’s the proof, I’m a man of many crimes, but never a man of lies.” You say jokingly, trying to relieve the tension, thankfully that seemed to convince her. Looking up at you with diamond like tears across her lashes, she through her arms around your neck sobbing into you.
Gently you wrapped your arms around her, cooing at her softly while combing your fingers through her hair. “S’okay hun, you’re safe now.” You reassure giving her a tight squeeze, your heart breaking at the sight of the angel in your arms. You knew thanks to Charlie she had quite the reality tossed unwillingly in her face, and now she’s here. “Let’s get you to the hotel, okay sweets?” Gently you lifted yourself with her, your anxiety getting to you as you realised you were still in the alleyway where Valentino could get you any second.
Speedily you took off with the angel in your grasp, a block away you’d put her down, as she insisted, but you kept your hand intertwined with hers. She blushed when you took a tight grip, telling her that you wanted to keep her safe.
Once back at the hotel, you messaged Charlie about you being back with her, before turning to Emily. “Make yourself at home, this is the lobby and Charlie should be making her way back soon, once she’s here you’ll be given a room.” You smile at the angel, she reciprocates, her cheeks dusty a hue of purple. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she sheepishly tugged you at the collar pecking your lips with a chaste kiss. “Thank you for saving me.” You grinned at her shy gratitude, and pulled her into a side hug . “No problem.”
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Loser Round 6: Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
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Propaganda below the cut
Damian Wayne (9-14):
Damian is a kid who was raised as an assassin and because of that when he first appears he has some really messed up ideas of how to prove himself to his father by being aggressive with the criminals they capture and attacking his brother. Because of this people act like he is the most evil character ever and refuse to give him any grace. They make him out to be this awful irredeemable monster who just wants to kill his brother and hurt people. If the fandom isn’t making his out to be The Worst(tm) then they are ignoring his existence all-together. He is a really interesting character who has done some not so great things but he’s grown and learned a lot through various character arcs (as much of an arc as a comic book character can have) and he deserves to be acknowledged for himself and not just as a villain so that people can woobify his brother.
HES JUST A LITTLE BABY GUY!!!!! Little baby man raised as an assassin and learning how to be a real person <3. But because he was kind of a dick and also a little stabby early-on, especially to the fandom's main "so sad uwu depressed baby" blorbo (and also he's not white), people treat him like he's satan incarnate
Mabel Pines (12):
I literally saw a tiktok today about how Mabel is a bad person. She’s 12! Like yes, she has made some mistakes and bad choices, but so has everyone else. And I never see any of the other characters in the show criticized the way she is. Everyone in the show has made mistakes (Grunkle Stan commits crimes practically every episode ffs) but because Mabel is a 12 year old girl and acts like it, she gets the most hate. Mabel deserves to be loved 🩷
girl gets so much flack for being... immature and kind of selfish at age 12? like she had whole video essays made on why she is a horrible person who deserves punishment. god forbid girls be silly
!!! Spoilers for Gravity Falls last 5 episodes !!!
This has gone down a lot but when the Weirdmaggedon arc was happening, the finale of the series, a big part of the fandom started hating Mabel because she accidentally caused the Weirdmaggedon (basically an apocalypse + bizarre shit like the water tower becoming an eight-legged monster with a giant mouth).
For context, in the episode that starts this arc, "Dipper and Mabel vs The Future", Mabel is really excited to the end of their summer vacation at Grunkle Stan's house, since it will be her and Dipper's 13th birthday and they will enter high school (her idea of high school of course coming from teen movies). But then this whole idea starts to shatter when Wendy tells her that high school isn't like a Disney musical, but it's okay, she will get through this since she will be with Dipper, her twin brother...
Except, that Dipper receives an invitation by Grunkle Stan's scientist brother Ford to become his apprentice after summer ends, staying in Gravity Falls, without Mabel. When she discovers it, she gets really mad at him and in a fit of rage, she accidentally picks Dipper's bag instead of hers and runs off to the woods.
When she gets there, Blendin, a time-travelling friend of theirs finds her and tells her that he has a way of making her brother stay with her, and make the summer take a little more to end, and that he just needed a little thing that Dipper has in his bag. That thing is a dimensional rift that Dipper and Ford contained to not cause the Weirdmaggedon, but Mabel didn't knew about that and gives it to Blendin. Blendin then breaks it and it's revealed that Bill Cipher was controlling Blendin to get the rift and release the Weirdmaggedon. He then traps Mabel in a bubble, starting the final arc of the series.
So, a few episodes later, that bubble she's in is revealed to be a world of fantasy that she controls, and that she didn't want to leave that world, as she was scared of growing up etc.
Context given, A LOT OF PEOPLE HATED HER FOR THIS. Suddenly people started seeing Mabel as just a selfish girl who wanted things only her way, when she was only a 12-year-old scared of growing up without her twin brother (they do end up going back together at the end but still).
The worst part is that apparently the people behind it took note of this, and on the comics that where released after the finale, she is a selfish spoiled brat. I haven't read the comics though so I'm going off what some people said about it.
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davenportia · 26 days
part 2 of lab rats deserving better, for lack of a better title
picking up where we left off with mr. donald davenport/big d (chris and bryan, what the heck-) also HUGE TRIGGER WARNING of abuse and narcissism - donald davenport is one of the worst parents i have ever seen on disney. he makes it abundantly clear he only cares about himself and barely cares about his kids. i am fully aware that he was trying to protect them from douglas but i will say this on here because of the hate i got on the ‘say my name’ edit on tiktok. it’s davenport’s APPROACH that i am talking about. i know douglas would have been worse. with that being said… davenport always managed to make the situation about him. whether that was making a doll version of himself and making the toy company pay him god knows what amount of money for the lab rats’ action figures, or it’s an award FOR HIS KIDS for their 1000th mission that he tries to turn into a market deal with the president for his car, he always made it about him making money. even if it’s not about money, his ego never quits. when the KID’S BIONICS WERE EXPOSED, he said “i’m the brains behind it all. the smart behind the heart” (idk his exact words) and it’s like, stop talking about yourself for once. your kids could potentially be separated from each other and you’re talking about how you deserve credit for them. stfu, donald. additionally, and i sort of buried the lead here, my bad, in the literal first episode, you can see how donald had treated them for 16 years. he fed them pellet through a tube in their capsules - which was called ‘feeding time’ - what the fuck. chase LITERALLY says they’re “like human lab rats” and then they show adam in a human-sized hamster wheel. do people that defend davenport not realize that he treats his kids like animals? then after they made one mistake (going to school with no outside world experience thus inevitably causing trouble at school) and he almost sent them to an off-shore facility where they could complete their training - AGAIN, not letting them see the real world. bro, these are human kids you’re shutting out from the world. that’s like elsa in frozen possibly never evening meeting anna, could you imagine that? if you defend davenport, respectfully, unfollow or block me. no hate to hal sparks, all the hate goes to donald davenport.
tasha - my god, i love tasha. but there’s one thing that i wish they could have explored more: where the fuck is leo’s bio dad and what happened to him? so we know leo has a dad because leo says in ‘crush, chop, and burn part 1,’ “my NEW dad is batman!” but that’s literally all we even remotely hear of his bio dad. there are so many questions about this man. trigger warning real quick. was his dad absent most of his life? did tasha and him have a messy divorce? was he abusive? did they have a good or bad relationship with him? did he pass away? was he anything like davenport? in ‘can i borrow the helicopter?’ leo confides in davenport with a crush he has on janelle. davenport decides to tell tasha about said crush and she tries to help him hang out with her. after it backfires, leo is inevitably and understandably upset. “and what’s up with mr. blabbenport? i spill my guts to him and he blabs all about it” he says to tasha. davenport appears and here’s what he says to him: “you told my mom about janelle! i’ll never trust you again.” in my opinion, he could have and should have been more hurt. that could have showed us a bit more of leo’s past with his reaction. he could have said something like “i can’t believe my new dad can’t keep secrets either” or “my old dad would never have said anything.” like give us SOMETHING, disney. leo could have even struggled to tell davenport because his dad could have been a blabbermouth. we have no idea what his life was like before his mom married davenport. and tasha, when davenport was being irrational, could have said something like “this again! my ex husband always did stuff like this” or “new husband, same shenanigans.” seriously, we can get a little deeper here.
douglas: again, LOVE douglas. i know he started out at the main villain of the show along with marcus, but his CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT; BRAVO. he’s probably one of the funniest characters on the show. he just wanted his kids back, you know? give him a break. no but in all seriousness, he changed so much and became a better person. he showed he cared about the kids and saved their lives twice. donald? didn’t care that chase came home safe in ‘avalanche’ and was more excited about the money than his own kid. also the thing with perry having a crush on him was hilarious. i wish we had seen more of his backstory, though. all we know is that he wanted to make adam, bree, chase, and daniel cyber soldiers and davenport kicked him out and stole/rescued (however you see it) the kids, he faked his own death, and he partnered with victor krane to continue his research. all we get are these jokes throughout the show: “i was going through a rough patch and wanted societies to destroy each other.” in ‘sink or swim part 2’ when krane says to destroy adam, bree, and chase, douglas says “that was never my plan?” and from then on, tries to get in with and protect the kids, what did he want then? did he just want forgiveness or did he still want control over them? other than that, i don’t have much to say. i think douglas’ character was well written and had a good arc.
theresa cherry perry aka principal perry - i know she’s a terrible person but she’s so easy to like. she clearly cares about the kids but will never admit that. she wasn’t a very complex character though, i think. she was the standard mean principal who had a questionable past and 6 cats. what do you guys think of perry? what questions and/or suggestions do you have?
danielle, trent, ethan, stephanie, mrs. thissle - where did they all go?
am i the only one who couldn’t stand caitlin? like she started out as bree’s nerdy best friend but then became this like crazy weird girl everyone hates. like? you couldn’t let bree have one good friend?
overall, lab rats is a great show. clearly, it has a huge fan base and there are lab rats editors everywhere on tiktoks and instagram. hundreds of blogs dedicated to lab rats and other disney xd shows on tumblr, or loads of posts about the lab rats universe. again, chris peterson and bryan moore did a great job with what they had, but if the show hadn’t been produced by disney and the things from post and part 1 of this post had been thought about more, it could have been a MUCH better show. what are your thoughts?
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galaxygolfergirl · 11 months
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Some of my favorite Helsa fan arts I’ve done throughout the years (dates are in the alt text).
I’ve been thinking about this ship recently, especially its place in the fandom, and I have some thoughts (read below)
Ever since I was roped into this franchise 10 years ago, I think I’ve almost always drawn Hans with a beard. Primarily, it was because I felt that if he ever did show up again in Frozen media, he would be more weathered and unpretentious about his appearance since dropping his facade in the first film. Also because I just thought he would look better with more facial hair (it’s a me thing).
As for Elsa, I’ve never been consistent in drawing her, as it was hard for me to read her animated model, what with her huge eyes and baby nose, as normal, so that’s evolved over the years to a happy medium where it still reads as Elsa, but also reads as human with normal face proportions.
As to why I’ve shipped helsa all these years? Hans and Elsa are two sides of the same coin to me, the main difference being that one of them succumbed to their worst intentions and desires, while the other freed themselves and learned to embrace love and peace in their life. Both were isolated during their childhoods, resulting in years of loneliness, misery, and bitterness; both try to appear poised and reserved, hiding their inner self-loathing; both are intelligent and cunning, both have a definite aggressive streak, and both have interesting chemistry in their very few scenes together. Hans seems to be the only one on equal footing with Elsa who can get through to her throughout the film, mainly for his own ambition, of course, but it intrigued me to see even all these years later how compelling their interactions are.
Why would he sympathetically plead, “don’t be the monster they fear you are,” and stop her from killing those two guards? If he was planning on killing her, why would he go to her and ask if she could stop the winter? Why does he look shocked, almost sad when she tells him that she can’t, like he’s regretting having to kill her? It’s moments like these that paint these characters with more nuance than meets the eye.
I’ve always thought after the first movie, there was definitely potential for a more nuanced and interesting story if Hans were to return. Not simply for revenge, but rather an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation, where Frohana would have to work with Hans somehow to fend off an invading force or adversary, like the Southern Isles, to stick it to his family. He and Elsa would be adversarial, for sure, but through forced cooperation, they could open up and become more vulnerable with one another. The amount of angst and turmoil over their feelings for one another would be doubly engrossing. The drama would be incredible.
Now listen: I don’t really expect any of that to happen. I got off the Helsa or die party bus years ago and I’m just mainly enjoying it as it’s own non-canon concept. Believe me, I would love it if it did happen, god willing and the creek don’t rise. But really, when you get down to it, these are movies marketed at little girls, and I don’t think it would really go that far. It’s not easy to come back from holding a sword over a girl’s head, as quoted by Santino Fontana himself.
I grew up with this fandom, I started all the way back in middle school 10 years ago, and this has been a definite learning experience for me in separating the extrapolated world of fan-fiction and the reality of a pg animated musical. I’ve grown up and my expectations are different, and now I understand that canon doesn’t mean shit. I beg, do not take any of this seriously. Just because it has the Disney trademark slapped on it does not mean it’s the end all be all of a story. Stories are fluid things that adapt and evolve in each of the hands they pass through. No one interpretation of a story or a character or a relationship has to be “the right one,” and not every character has to sit on a black and white scale of moral dichotomy, there are always shades of gray.
I’m not saying all of this to be deep about a ship between a Disney princess and a Disney villain that I got into when I was 13, believe I know it’s not that deep. I’m saying this because I’ve lived through fandom and set myself up with false expectations, only to be disappointed. Hell, I took a break from helsa for a solid 3 years because of how burnt out I was. It’s far too easy to dissociate from the text and treat fanon as canon; you’re just setting yourself up to be disappointed. Just let it be its own thing! Like I said, canon does not mean shit! Don’t take things so seriously! Feel free to tell your own stories!
Anyways, I still love this ship, or at least the version I came up with in my head, because I am a storyteller, and I saw potential in these two that could be realized through other means. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s canon or not. Just enjoy it as it is.
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raraeavesmoriendi · 7 months
I just finished last night and I have some questions for people who have read mike bockoven’s fantasticland -
[for those who have not:
- take a climate change-charged hurricane that’s the worst noaa has seen in recent memory and the first to hit daytona beach since 1960
- throw it at a Not-Disney-World Florida theme park with major national nostalgia, where a bunch of the Not-Disney College Program kids and some adult staff have opted to get paid extra to stay inside the park through the storm to prevent looting
- watch as people trapped within the park for more than a month - still with plenty of food and water, mind you - lose their minds, fragment into factions, and begin going full battle royale/lord of the flies on each other
- tell the whole thing testimonial style with different witnesses interviewed each chapter, a la World War Z, with some insanely unreliable narrators to boot
if that sounds like your kind of horror novel, give it a go. it’s not perfect (especially when they call the factions ‘tribes,’ which. yikes.) but I tore through it in like, two days.]
okay, questions below, spoilers for the novel:
1. …is the pirate who comforted the little boy who was evacuating, in interview three with the kansas city dad, Brock Hockley? am I reading too much into that?
like. I don’t remember that we ever get a description of him, so I don’t know about the “weird beard/mustache thing” the dad describes, but just. the emphasis put on “I’d like to shake his hand. I might even give him a hug.” feels so purposeful. part of me wonders if that’s supposed to add some further hindsight horror to what happened in the park and then his prison interview. he says early that he found making little kids happy a fulfilling and rewarding part of his job as a character actor in the park, and we know other people found him charismatic enough to follow, not just because they were scared but bc he could have these moments of surface-level charm or rationality (the code, etc.)
idk, I just thought it felt a bit too one-off to read it as Just Some Guy. but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I could be wrong.
2. we never get any hint as to the identity of the warthog couple, right? I remember the FNG found their masks discarded outside the World Circus, they’re first mentioned in the book as hanging around/inside the circus, and the guy from the Dreamland Hotel interview talks about still getting postcards from them whenever he moves (scariest part of the whole book for me ngl), so we can assume they were walked out with the rest of the survivors. I just wasn’t sure if there was anything else to do with them that I missed.
I’m still thinking about the fact that they turned the Dreamland lobby into a torture theater. like… who was that for? just for them, or did they have an audience? probably not, right? since they weren’t affiliated with anyone? but still. also, who were they taking there, just people they could pick off???
hmm. I wonder if any casualties thought to be faction-related were actually theirs.
3. in Travis’s interview (the guy with the body camera), do we know who the girl is that they found in the crawlspace of the employee locker room? the one whispering “Mommy” over and over? there were enough survivors left that she could be someone we didn’t encounter before, but I just thought I’d check that there wasn’t some other interview where someone describes a girl running off to hide. the Anonymous shopgirl mentioned one of the girls disappeared during the cannon raid on Pirate turf with the Deadpool soldiers before they turned on each other, so I wondered if it could be her.
4. Brock in his interview mentions that Sam Garlieck’s people were terrorizing others during the power outage in the storm shelter, specifically mentioning an instance of sexual assault. does anyone else corroborate this in their interview? Adam Jakes sounds skeptical, saying his research would have turned that up by now, but the only people we really hear from about that period are Sam himself (obviously an unreliable narrator, like, duh) and Stuart Dietz, who mentioned that Sam definitely killed Maria Flynn. did anyone see any other mentions of this anywhere, or did we just move straight out of the storm shelters and never talk about them again once we get to the park? is this just Brock being an unreliable narrator himself to justify how things went down? (but then why would he need to be, when Bryce definitely died?? although he himself says that wasn’t as big a motivator as people writing about him want it to be, so maybe that’s moot)
5. not really a question just an observation: Stuart Dietz, the maintenance guy/Mole Man, is the only person to get two interviews in the entire novel. Not Sam, not Jill, not Brock. I don’t know, I just find that really interesting why he was selected to come back twice. I know part of it is to describe the botched demolition, but I’m also wondering what effect it has on the novel that the only person we hear from multiple times is an older dude from one of the pointedly non-aggressive factions.
6. in looking through posts already in the tag, I don’t quite follow some readers’ comments that there was an attempt at a “cell phones bad!!” message here. I feel like every time it’s come up, it’s been shown by Adam Jakes (author stand-in) to be minimizing what really happened and looking for an easy scapegoat. I don’t think that was part of the intended story at all, I think it’s just been stated over and over as people using an excuse to not think themselves capable of similar violence. just wanted to put that out there.
anyway. one of my favorite things about novels with multi-witness perspectives is finding threads that leave off in one person’s story and pick up in another, so I’m going through my digital copy and highlighting all the places two different interviews tie together (Austin’s fate, the guy who botched branding Adrienne as part of his Pirate initiation, etc.)
if anyone else has noticed anything interesting, I’m all ears 👀
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thewaltcrew · 1 year
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Imagineer Rolly Crump (February 27, 1930 – March 12, 2023) in "Disneyland's 10th Anniversary" from the anthology series Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color, aired January 3, 1965
Roland "Rolly" Crump started his career at Disney as an animator in his 20s. The man who ran the animation department at the time of Crump's hiring reportedly told him years later that "what you showed us was the worst portfolio of anyone ever hired in animation."
His first three years as at WED Enterprises provided little interaction with Walt.
Crump: All I did was absorb. I watched how everyone reacted to Walt, and the strengths and the weaknesses of the different guys. I studied Walt Disney and what it was like to work with him, but I wasn't participating until after three years. That's when I started talking. I learned that if you show something to Walt, it has to be something he hasn't seen before.
He called the period working with Walt "the happiest time of my life."
Crump: It was a great job. You were thrilled to do what you were doing. I was, anyway.
Rolly Crump's strange, bold, chaotic, and graphic style stands out strongly among his Imagineering peers. With his distinct touch, Crump was able to create some of the most visually memorable iconography for Disneyland, including the façade of It's a Small World (based on Mary Blair's styling) and the tiki god and goddess statues in the Enchanted Tiki Room.
Always a man who was protective of artist identity and integrity, he would often refer to rides by their primary visionary. The Haunted Mansion was Yale Gracey's ride, It's a Small World was Mary Blair's.
Crump: I was given the job of kind of supervising It's a Small World. I knew it was only going to work if everything looked like Mary Blair. As far as I was concerned, this is a Mary Blair ride.
And had the Museum of the Weird been built, it would've been Rolly Crump's.
It started out with Crump creating drawings and concepts for the Haunted Mansion. All the strange objects he describes in the "10th Anniversary" episode are all ideas and visuals he came up with. His peers told him his ideas would be "too weird" for Walt but after a presentation to the boss, Crump found Walt sitting in his office chair the next morning.
Crump: The first thing he said to me was, "You son of a bitch. All that stuff you showed me yesterday? I couldn't sleep."
Crump: The next day, what happened was Walt came in and said, "OK, we're going to do a Museum of the Weird, that's where we're going to use all that funny stuff you showed me yesterday." All he had to do was go home and spend some time with himself and he'd come up with everything. He was a delight to work with... You never felt like you worked for Walt. You felt like you worked with Walt because that's the way he made you feel. He encouraged your creativity. He was part of the magic. He was part of everything we did.
Unfortunately, the project died with Walt. After his unexpected passing, the project was dropped.
Crump: Management didn't like it. Walt passed, and he took the museum with him. No one else wanted to fool with it.
But the Museum of the Weird lives on. Marvel created a comic book based on the attraction called Seekers of the Weird. The fortune teller character Crump designed, Madame Zarkov, is referenced in Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and was written into the the elaborate Easter egg SEA (the Society of Explorers and Adventurers, a fictional secret society incorporated in many Disney attractions to tie their lore). And the window on Main Street USA that honors Crump for his work features three of his most famous pieces: the Tower of the Four Winds from It's a Small World (built for the 1964 World's Fair and unfortunately torn down because it was too big to move to Disneyland), Maui from the Enchanted Tiki Room, and the coffin clock.
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scenetocause · 5 months
For the director's cut thing: At the end of Climb up to your lips, you implied Max F and Logan might be A Thing, and I'd love to hear more about that if you want to share ❤️
idk if i'll ever actually finish the logan perspective thing i started writing midway through the main story bc actually when i looked back at it i was like these are really just my own background notes what do you think you are jrr tolk himself you don't have to publish stuff you wrote for your own reference. but hey if there ever was a medium for all your stupid lore and self-fanfic then it surely is a o three dot org (note to old men fantasy writers etc) so maybe i will.
basically the thesis is that logan, like oscar at the start, is lonely and can't get what he wants, which is a boyfriend. both him and oscar have resigned themselves to never being able to reconcile their ambitions in f1 with anything that fulfils them in that way and sort of let their friendship settle as a pseudo-standin where they can hang out and be each other's person to take to things, go to dinner with, whatever and just live in suspended animation until something (???) happens and they get disney prince rescued.
something does happen for girloscar which is that she isn't so much disney prince rescued as like, dragged into a bath by a wet cat. and she can't believe this is happening because she's fancied lando for ages, used to pine at him from the alpine pit wall so much she got caught by otmar once, who mistook it for trying to steal secrets off mclaren and she had to make something up about the front wing.
she's so excited to be teammates with him but also so, so mortified and trying really hard to be normal about it. logan's thrilled to be in f1 at all but also realising that deal he had for fucking about a little bit with some of the f2 guys was just fucking about for them when their girlfriends weren't on the travel budget and definitely won't survive being in different paddocks.
oscar gets lando and logan gets lonelier. at the same time, his season's falling apart and everyone's announcing his career dead before it feels like it's had a chance to start. he has to rely on benny and james and benny starts to, gently, put distance between them to keep it professional, manage logan's expectations. so he clings to james, at the same time as knowing this is probably the worst possible way to try and keep his seat and that it's going nowhere, the team principle not a viable fuckbuddy, let alone anything more.
enter jenson button. hot dad, sympathetic ear, special advisor to williams. whiskey supplier. a man who's there to help you celebrate your first f1 point and certainly isn't going to argue if that involves a bit of fucking your brains out. lovely, sweet, gentle, funny jenson who makes logan feel special and loved and sweeps him up from his flat in london in fancy cars to go to fancier restaurants as though he deserves the champagne.
and then goes home to his wife and kids.
somewhere along the way, hurting during the 2024 season, logan has to break it off. he wants what oscar and lando have, not this. it was glamorous and exciting and giving him the confidence he was part of this world he's fighting to stay in, for awhile but then it starts making him realise he'll only ever be the number two in that situation, forever out of contention for the real prize. it's all a bit on the nose.
so he stubbornly struggles through 2024, single as fuck and finding himself taking rather than giving advice to oscar about things to stick up your arse, which feels lonelier than ever before. in miami the combination of his and oscar's shit weekend and lando's good one leads to him coming out for a few drinks and ending up fucking one of the mclaren pr guys. he has a meltdown when he sees the papaya shirt on the floor the next morning.
pr guy's very discreet about it, although he keeps smiling at logan every time they cross paths and logan's about 85% sure there isn't actually a need for him to follow oscar so closely, actually. logan's shaky position makes someone being so into him about as comfortable on his skin as sweaty fireproofs but that doesn't stop him being desperate enough to fall into bed with the guy again once he has something to celebrate. once he realises he's charlie-from-marketing's jenson figure.
he's not an asshole so he does take the guy on a few dates, try and romance him a bit. maybe he, too, can find love with a mclaren twink, it worked for oscar after all. but it just doesn't click, the guy doesn't really understand him, too in awe of the fact he's getting screwed by an f1 driver to notice the bedsheets are ikea and one of the pillows is pretty badly tearstained. that logan's barely clinging to his ride, feels like he is what they're saying; one of the worst ever, not even brave enough with the car to crash as spectacularly as latifi.
logan doesn't exactly break it off but says he needs them to take a break while he's negotiating his contract, can't risk anything. it's not a huge surprise when a few week's later it's obvious the guy's moved on with ollie bearman. like his last relationship, it's all a bit on the nose.
2025 gives him time to work out what he really wants. f1 might not be it, life might be better somewhere else. he starts talking to formula e teams, wondering if a life in papaya might not be that bad after all provided he didn't have to see oscar and lando mooning over each other. and that's not even fair because oscar asks him to be her best man and he's stoked, especially because lando's is max and they've stayed in touch, still hang out. max is doing a few bits racing gts, initially as a quadrant thing but then it turned out he was more than good enough to be in demand as the pro to a gentleman driver who was so eager to get back in a race car he didn't really negotiate on price, even.
logan avoids asking him about it but max is fucking hype about how mint the 24 hours of spa is. fucking mental, mate. you're throwing it up eau rouge with a bunch of blokes who wear suits, like proper suits not race suits, all week in the pitch dark and it's shitting it down with rain and you think: i shouldn't be enjoying this, should i? should really be driving into the pits and saying no thanks, that's absolutely mad, can't be doing that sort of business. but then when it's happening you're like, properly into it, aren't you? got a podium in misano, mate, it was mad. blowie off one of the mechanics, that didn't happen in f3 did it haha mind you guess they would've been a bit of a nonce back then wouldn't they. you should come to a race i'll get you vip, they'll go mental for an f1 driver being there mate, they went mad when bob dropped into brands and he was only there five minutes.
logan doesn't say that he thinks he has a lot less star power than lando but they do give him vip anyway. he's never been to magny cours before, it feels weighted with that type of european history the classic race tracks do, like another thing that might find out who he is and reject him.
even if the circuit isn't embracing him, max does. complains about logan being so fucking tall, mate, it's annoying, i swear you were smaller than me once. he wasn't but max can pretend that, if it helps. max is jangling with nerves, rushing between trying to sort things out with the team - because it's not like, you know, f3 and that, you have to set the car up so the other bloke can drive it the best he can and then you just sort of have to cope with how it is. actually, that's quite like f3 innit? do you remember in fucking silversto- nah, let's not think about that right now.
it's nice. it's nothing to do with f1. even with the quadrant logos, that's max's thing, no weird haunting of lando around and it's not like logan dislikes the guy, at all, it's just that it's nice that this is all theirs. logan can breathe out, relax, laugh properly for what feels like the first time in ages because no one's scrutinising his every move and max gives him a headset and tells him to listen out for when he's boxing, put the fucking kettle on, yeah?
logan falls asleep on max's hotel bed, listening to him recount the whole story of a race he just watched. max tucks him in, rather than the trophy and if they wake up hugging that's no one's business but theirs. didn't used to do blowies in f3, either but when there's something to celebrate and max really is so small, so cute, so unselfconscious about everything because it's just them, yeah. doesn't have to be a massive fuss like bob and oscar, do you want a lift back to the uk? i've got space since bob moved his fucking golf clubs out the boot finally.
oscar and lando get married a week later and it's very oscar and lando. logan didn't have a date to bring, didn't even think about it before he saw george's girlfriend and kelly and the sharp stab of whoever lewis' guy is. logan knows there's no point being jealous on that scale; he couldn't be lewis, on any level but everyone wants, don't they?
max doesn't have a date either. probably doesn't need to hold logan's hand while they're waiting for lando and oscar to do their vows and max is crying and maybe logan's crying too. they have to stay behind to clear up the flower petals, getting tutted at in french while max rolls his eyes and says they should try being told off at Viry, fucking hell.
if they're later to the reception than is strictly necessary because as they were leaving max turned round and said "do you think, mate. you know, we could - one day" and logan decided to stop living on borrowed time and properly make out with him against the harbour wall. have to stop because they're getting dangerously close to third base and max is breathy and gasping and telling logan he can have this. they always were equals, each others' biggest rivals, maybe they're meant to be here, bright eyed and hair disarrayed and grinning at each other, not the places they've been struggling.
oscar's definitely onto them, makes some really crude comments about it being traditional for the best man and head bridesmaid to fuck, innit and logan has to tell her to fuck off and bother her husband. they are properly cute, though, aren't they? never thought bob would be able to hold a relationship together but she's properly straightened him out, who knew he just had to get pegged- fuck, pretend i didn't say that. oh, how did you know, too?
logan and max normally stay with lando and oscar when they're in monaco. but there's only one spare room and this doesn't feel the moment to drop that announcement, as well as they do not want to hear what those two pervs are doing to each other tonight. so they're in different hotels but everything in monte carlo's pretty much the same place, pick logan's on the basis it's nearer the casino and they can go for a late night, last drink once they've got oscar and lando's very drunk dads into a cab.
kissing when they're in fancy suits is hot. fucking when they're out of them is hotter. when logan slides home into max's body and sees him gasp, feels his hands curl on logan's shoulders as they both moan and if it's too much like lovemaking then, well. maybe that's what they're doing. creating something, between them. something that's all theirs and they can choose without anyone else's decisions or approval. no need to wait in limbo or have to guess what happens next, which is that they come on each other and then curl up together, max sprawled on logan's chest all happy and sated and real.
he doesn't wait for the f1 decision, to make plans. racing drivers aren't patient and he finally feels like one again, especially every time his boy brings home a trophy like it's theirs. logan starts adding to the collection, too. both of them get to push, at last. they've always been good at doing that for each other.
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fanfic-inator795 · 11 months
Man, like- Chip Whistler isn't even my favorite BCG character (Bill, Vasquez, Remy, Cricket and Tilly all outrank him by a wiiiiide margin) but the way the BCGs writers have developed Chip's whole arc really is fascinating in a morbid way - like a car crash you can't look away from.
Just like how the show - even if Chip's most intimidating moments - never forgets to still also show him as the loser he truly is, the show also never forgets to emphasize that EVERYTHING that has gone wrong for him is his own damn fault, regardless of how tragic it is.
(continue reading for a full look at Chip's arc and how I think it'll end)
I feel like whether or not Chip acknowledges this fault is going to be the catalyst as to whether or not he gets a second third FOURTH FIFTH chance, gets arrested or even gets killed off for realsies like the classic Disney Villains.
To get any sort of somewhat-happy ending, Chip would have to not only take responsibility for ALL his mistakes and crimes, vow to be better AND actually put in the work to be better, but he'd also has to acknowledge that the thing that started it all - chipping his tooth on fake produce - was something that he can ONLY blame himself for. And judging by the latest ep, this isn't just a matter of shifting blame but also a matter of finally realizing and accepting this self-inflicted mistake.
Go back to the scene with the 'Bean' family, which not only paints its fake!Cricket as the worst, least sympathetic and shallowest version of Real!Cricket, but afterwards Chip emphasizes that "(that boy) was so mean and I didn't even do anything to him", referring to fake!Cricket but obviously thinking about Real!Cricket in his mind.
But the thing about Cricket is that for as much as the kid can be reckless and make mistakes, he does put in the effort to make things right - often only needing a slight nudge from Tilly, Bill or his own conscious to fix his mistakes. The episode "Supermarket Scandal" is no exception to this. He realizes his mistake, fixes things, and even sacrifices his giant wad of cash. What's more, when Chip tries the fake produce (which is being clearly advertised as such), there's no 'trick' or 'prank' or whatever - it's just Chip ignoring the world and people around him, only to then blame these things when consequences happen.
Funnily enough, Chip isn't a complete moron. Sure, he's incredibly averse to hard work and thus doesn't have much sense, but he had enough business skills to do a decent job as one of Wholesome Foods' top managers and was even able to hold down an office job as Norm Alguy. Once his dad reminded him he had the power and resources of CEO, Chip came up with a pretty solid plan that nearly worked! He's not an idiot, but he's reckless, foolish, single-minded and - above all else - is driven more by pride and ego (as well as a hidden hunger for power) than by anything else.
Come to think of it, given that a big part of Chip originally being a Wholesome Foods manager was likely due to his father, I feel like his vendetta with the Greens was the first real challenge Chip ever had to face (or was 'forced' to face. We saw in his song that while he could challenge himself by changing careers or learning a new skill, he's not self-motivated enough to even try). Everything else was either handed to him or was something he succeeded just enough in to feel satisfied - so it makes sense that these multiple failures and 'offenses/personal attacks' from the Greens would impact his psyche to the point of it being impossible for him to ever completely let go of his need for revenge, needing that closure above all else.
Which brings me to another point: Beyond the fact that the initial tooth-chipping was Chip's own damn fault, Cricket has only ever been shown fighting back against Chip after Chip initiates it, he's never outright sought the guy out just to mess with him. And, when it came to both their tomato war and the apology contract, it was Cricket who gave Chip a chance to walk away both times. It was Cricket who wanted what was best for the farmer's market above all else, and it was Cricket who was the first one (even before Bill and Tilly!) to sign the contract, believing in Chip's ability to change and be a better person and possible friend instead of an enemy.
But each time, Chip refuses and ends up stabbing Cricket and the rest of the Greens in the back, no matter how illogical or foolish it may be for him, his happiness or his business. Again, Chip puts his ego, pride and power above all else. He can't agree to peace in the farmer's market because that still means surrendering. He can't become friends with the Greens because that would mean actually having to put in the effort to change and find other goals and means of satisfaction in his life. He can't just live a new life as Norm because he doesn't have the power over people that he had as Chip, thus putting him in a position to be 'wronged' again. He can't just let the Greens be happy because why should they be happy if I can't be.
And he can't fully accept blame and responsibility for the initial tooth-chipping because once he does, he has to also accept that EVERYTHING he did in the name of revenge truly was pointless.
At this point, you could make the argument that he really is too far gone. The man's essentially starting his Joker arc, fully embracing that he's a 'monster' by his own words, which kinda makes the idea of Chip simply stopping, apologizing and just going to therapy feel kiiiiinda farfetched (cause again, you can't really offer someone help if they don't want to actually put in the work to properly benefit from it- or at the very least, acknowledge that they need it)
With this in mind, I would honestly LOVE a scene where - after offering Chip chance after chance - Cricket finally just throws all these examples back in his face and forces Chip to fully acknowledge them, telling him its his own fault for never just walking away from this whole revenge thing and outright refusing to accept anymore blame or responsibility for this guy's misfortunes.
...Of course, even if Chip were to by some miracle gain some self-awareness/self-realization, I feel like he'd just respond to all this with "I don't CARE if chipping my tooth was my own fault! It still wouldn't have happened if I never met you or your dumb family! So if I'm going down, I'm gonna do all I can to take you down with me."
Like I said, it's a self-inflicted tragedy, and unless something major happens to break through to Chip - his father stepping in maybe? though tbh Chip seemed to barely respect him in the first place sooooo - I truly do feel like both his Joker arc and his story as a whole is going to end in flames with Chip getting the ol' Disney classic 'falls off a high place and/or into fire' villain death. That or he's finally arrested - either way, it'd be ending that cements his story as being finished (since, given that Chip is apparently going to try to destroy all of Big City and everyone in it, I'm not sure how much more you'd be able to do with his character after hitting that extreme that would still feel exciting or have some tension)
But who knows? The BCGs crew already surprised me quite a bit with where they decided to take Chip's story in his s4 return ep, so maybe they'll surprise me again. Whether they take it, I'm just hoping that (for unlikely as it may be) we don't get something that's either completely unsatisfying or something that feels like it's going against the whole point of Chip's arc - like Chip getting a snapshot redemption and rushing into an actual friendship with the Greens, or Cricket for whatever reason being the one to apologize despite every single one of Chip's misfortunes being - say it with me now - his own damn fault. As long as neither of these two examples happen, I'll probably be pretty happy and satisfied.
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cezico · 1 month
I don't know how many of y'all are on Threads, but there is some absolutely insane discourse going on there right now about The Acolyte. Fans of the show are saying that the show's haters are exclusively right-wingerd who hate it for being 'woke' (there are unfortunately people like that, but Acolyte fans have convinced themselves that that's the only reason someone can hate the show). When people respond that they didn't like the writing, you wanna know what Acolyte fans responded with? Instead of defending the show's writing, their response was "Star Wars has never had good writing," which is obviously, blatantly false. I saw someone unironically say that Andor is the only Star Wars show that you're allowed to expect good writing in, which is perhaps the single worst take I've ever read??
So many people have also compared The Acolyte to The Clone Wars, saying that since the first season of TCW wasn't well received, they should give The Acolyte another chance. That's fair until you actually think about it; not only was TCW season one better recieved than The Acolyte, but it is significantly cheaper to produce to the point where they didn't need TCW season two to be a massive success to justify its existence. Obviously, the bar to make a CG-animated show is a lot lower than a VFX-heavy live action one.
And that's another thing; another argument people made is that The Acolyte got canceled because of poor performance, which people generally responded to with "nuh uh." The only logical argument I saw is that sometimes, some shows get more views later down the line than they did initially, which tells me that these people have no understanding how Hollywood works. Producers don't greenlight seasons that cost tens of millions of dollars to produce just because of some purely hypothetical audience growth. I guarantee you that the demand for a show that's largely world-building is extremely limited; I'd be willing to be that if it weren't for how well received Andor was, it too would've been canceled quickly afterwards.
I get that there's a lot frustration when a show you like is canceled (and some of the shit that Disney is doing like taking down all of the merch for The Acolyte is truly ghoulish behavior), but at the end of the day this doesn't happen for no reason. Maybe now is a time to reflect on why the show wasn't removed rather than fight anyone who even suggests that there's a valid reason for it.
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allycat75 · 7 months
You know what I think of when I hear "I had no choice"?
When it is in reference to a rich white male who starred in a billion dollar franchise, I would have to say that you must have made some big mistakes that led up to this horrible choice, regardless of how many people you support or how much your team was supposed to take off the top. You didn't look close enough at a thing that burned your charmed life to the ground because nothing bad had ever happened before (you even said something so flip and callous during an interview about meditation during the "Lightyear" press tour- it was so shockingly dangerous I remembered it as disturbing even when I was still blinded by The Woke Political Avenger persona).
This lack of ability to cope with a bit of discomfort led you into a fantasy world, not unlike the construct your team created of you for your fans as a Disney Prince, living in your own fairy tale. You didn't have to confront some very concrete realities lurking in the shadows, until you actually did, only they grew exponentially enormous in size and in a moment of "Ready, Shoot, Aim" you decided this was your only option.
So do I feel bad? Yes, but not at any commensurate level to what you should be feeling. I am sensitive you suffer from anxiety and I do believe you have a good heart; part of the reason you got into this mess is that you gave too much and trusted too freely, but I also think you have been coddled and shielded from confronting the demons we all face, also contributing to your current demise.
So I am going to try to be delicate because I know you hate yourself (also a cause of this mess), but I am not going to sugar coat (I'm a Sagittarius and I'm owning my brutal honesty, but as my sister sign of Gemini you should respect that).
Your seemingly no choice decision, even if it had been successful to get you a string of plum roles, hurt many people. The teacher who had to quit because she supported a charity. Jinx, the small dog food company who thought they were signing America's dog dad to help establish themselves in the marketplace. Your loyal fans who saved you from a shattering embarrassment, just to be sacrificed as jealous, crazy and stupid for telling the truth. The people of marginalized communities who believed you were an ally, only to tie yourself- first as a boyfriend, then as a "husband", and hopefully soon as an 'ex-husband"- to an antisemetic, racist fat-shammer, making you guilty by association. And let's not forget all of the talented, hard working actresses that deserved a shot at their dreams- much more than your arrogant, immature, lazy, untalented and entitled wifey. They are all collateral damage in your scheme to save yourself.
But worst of all, you have used your family, friends and even your beloved dog to further this lie, over and over. I suspect this has not gone over well and many of these precious relationships are now strained. I am sure they would rather have you happy, present and whole than be treated to all expense paid trips to Disney World. And if not, they are just clout chasers and you should divest of them.
And what did you get? Still sucking hind teat for any roles, let alone good ones. And you know why? Because the same people who convinced you this was a good idea have something personally to gain by keeping you vulnerable and weak, and are the same ones giving you dreadful scripts, if any scripts at all. You are no longer an actor, but a reality TV star working 24-7 and not getting paid. In fact, I bet for every mistake made or engineered, they billed you for every second of clean up. You may have gotten a part or two, but all are a bit dubious in quality, and where before you could draw an audience to a mediocre or just plain terrible film to, at worst, break even, you are now often the reason it is labeled as awful and, unlike the dick pic, there are no loyal fans to save you. You don't fuck around with karma- it is real and it will find you in whatever pottery shed you hide.
I don't expect you to be super human. But you do have an obligation to be human, flaws and all. And right now you are an automaton, who has no clue of what you stand for because you sacrificed all of that for the handful of magic Nazi beans. Until you can get to the bare minimum of a person- maybe provide an elevator speech of who you are at your core- let yourself feel this pain and emptiness so you are never tempted to go down this road again. It is like an addiction and you need to detox the selfish, shallow privlege out of you.
Trust is the hardest thing to earn back and is at the backbone of any solid relationship so if you want it, you are headed for a dark, tough road ahead and you will have to work harder and more diligently than you will ever have to for anything else in your life, with no guarantee of external reward.
But is it worse than what you are feeling now?
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super-hero-confessions · 10 months
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I think what bothers me the most of what's become of the MCU is that the media actually used to get one thing right in spirit from the source material, and that was in touching on important topics dealing with real world events as a form of protest.
The first Iron Man film dealt directly with showing us war profiteering. That bar wasn't even that high.
Compare with Age of Ultron, which has a *deleted* scene showing us Steve Rogers tossing his helmet just before saving people on Sokovia, because he sees a mural of himself with the label "fascist" on it.
That brief scene had so much significance in representing what kind of person Cap was. And they removed it.
As soon as Disney touched it, all meaning that could have been was slowly, carefully siphoned out, stripped and replaced with vapid Disney approved lack of messaging or corporate messaging. And it's only gotten so much worse.
All of the characters get Disneywashed in some way, white feminism is rampant, fandom toxicity is rewarded, hell Steve Rogers did a full 180 on everything he's supposed to stand for and abandoned everyone he loved. And things may be "connected" but they're not even remotely *consistent*.
Messed up things happen or are portrayed as good or justifiable right under the noses of a wide audience, and it gets eaten up without a second thought.
I am so tired. Of the empty cash grab.
I get a company wanting to make money. I don't get sacrificing every possible moral principle, in or out of the fictional universes, which had the meaningful groundwork laid out before them, to do it.
Gee thanks Disney, and also fuck you for supporting Ron DeSatan's campaigns so you can make empty promises of queer baiting, peddle white feminism, break the backs of every creative you can get your grubby mitts on, and get billions in tax breaks while Floridians have to pick up your slack with money we don't have, and ruin one of the few things I had to look forward to in my life and robbing it of all the things that were good about it to begin with.
You and the die hards that refuse to see reality are truly the worst thing that has ever happened to Marvel.
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Bracket F thoughts:
Jesus flipping crisis, those fucking elephant calls in "Prowler's theme" are so terrifying. Also I really like how it's basically Miles' theme in reverse, both because of how it emphasizes the relationship between Miles and Aaron and because of...certain events in Across the Spiderverse.
"Candy Store" has that bitchy confidence, but "Mother Knows Best" is the emotional abuser's anthem par excellence. Like I could do a whole ask dissecting all the shit Gothel pulls in that one song to undermine and manipulate Rapunzel.
(She'd be one of my favorite Disney villains if she wasn't also a heaping pile of antisemitic stereotypes...)
I was liking "The Music of the Night," but then it tried to murder my ears with that organ(?) at the end, so I'll give this one to "What's Up Duloc?", which is also admittedly quite good.
One of these won the 1994 Razzie for Worst Original Song. The other is Rachel L Hughes playing a megalomaniacal dictator crooning about her space train (which she fucks) that definitely is not going to unleash Yog Sogoth ;). Vote for "Odin" right now.
"Dressed to Oppress" is delightful, but oh my god that reprise of "Good Kid" in "The Last Day of Summer" hits like a truck.
As people have discussed in the notes, "The Convoluted Reasons We Pretend to Be Divorced" is not that villainous--and frankly I didn't find it as much of a bop as some other PnF songs I've listened to. "We Both Reached For the Gun" is a masterclass is manipulation as Billy plays the press for suckers so completely he doesn't even need Roxy to speak for him by the end. Also the fucking puppet acting, wow.
...Ok it might not be the best villain song, but "Penny battle theme" goes so hard I had to support it. Sue me.
I voted "Someone Gets Hurt," but they're both great. That one was close.
"One-Winged Angel" is iconic and intimidating, but I personally prefer the energy of "Cell-Block Tango." The dancing is amazing, the lyrics are witty, and the chorus is an earworm and a half. I also like the use of visual symbolism with the red handkerchiefs to symbolize how each murderess killed her victim(s)--except the innocent Hungarian woman, who dances angelic ballet to their aggressive tango and is the only one with a white handkerchief.
Who doesn't love an unabashed villainess who destroys worlds in battle armor and sneakers? "I'm the Bad Guy" is a bop.
"Pieces of You" is a goofy and terrifying fever dream of a song, holy fuck. The visuals give this one the edge for me. Also, don't you want to support The Substitute? He's just a little guy :)
"A Freak Like Me Needs Company" ultimately just got kind of lost for me--it focused too much on villains in general and not on Norman himself, while "The Only Thing I Know For Real" is both a kickass rock song and a great piece of characterization for Jetstream Sam.
...I don't know, I like Zelena's actress' singing and I think it's funny that she's not cursed to sing in this episode and she's just doing this for shits and giggles. I voted "Wicked Always Wins."
To quote someone in the comments of the "Bloody Party/Welcome to Cake Island" video, "This is the most Disney-like bulshit [sic] I have ever seen in an anime, and I fucking love it." What the fuck is happening. Why are these people committing casual mass murder for cake ingredients. Why are inanimate objects singing along with this pirate lady. I don't know but it scares me.
"The Smell of Rebellion" really picks up in the end, and "Love For Peasants" felt a little too unfocused musically. Also, @thatsluttytiefling mentioned that the song gave them "war flashbacks to the choreo," so it is villainous IRL as well.
Oh my god how the fuck did "This is the Thanks I Get" get released in this state. The lyrics don't rhyme properly and are exceedingly awkward to boot. The chorus is bland as shit. The visuals are boring. There's no buildup from "I'm an underappreciated hero doing my best for the kingdom and nobody respects me enough :(" to "I want ULTIMATE POWAH through DAAAAAARK MAGIC" and then it suddenly just switches back to how it was before??? It's not intimidating and scary, it's silly for all the wrong reasons, it's not even particularly sympathetic, and it is reeking of trying to be hip and cool and/or being written by people with too little time and too few fucks to give. "Heaven on Their Minds" is very good in its own right, but I kind of already knew which one was better before I even heard it, because this song just...doesn't do its job.
I agree that the villain Phineas and Ferb songs aren't among the best the show has to offer.
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ultraericthered · 8 months
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The Big Bads of Kingdom Hearts (Divergence)
Xehanort - Big Bad of KH0.I (as Master Xehanort/Terra-Xehanort), KH1 (as Ansem & Xemnas), and KH2 (as Xemnas), major villain in CoM (as Ansem), XIII Days (as Xemnas), KH3D, KH3, and KH5. Easily the most iconic and ever-present KH original villain in the series, Xehanort was the greatest enemy to Sora and his friends. We see him in many forms: as a human, a superhuman, a Heartless, a Nobody, a memory specter, a data copy, and a Hollow Replica carrying his heart's entire essence that ultimately fuses together with a demonic god of darkness. Even after he's dead, his machinations create new trouble in the form of his Replica bastard son turned Ephemer clone who draws power from Nothingness. Had Xehanort's canonical trajectory matched this, all of him might have placed among the best video game villains instead of among the worst.
Maleficent - Major villain in KH0.1, KH1, CoM, KH2, Encoded Worlds, KH3D, KH3, KH4, and Pandemoniac Heartless Parade.
While Maleficent can never secure the position of THE Big Bad in any story, she's the Mistress of All Evil for a reason, and such a thing would feel too constraining for her. She stands as the arch foe of the Destiny Trio and all Disney good guys who've allied with them, and is always seeking ways to claim higher power, having involved herself with all major forces of evil to besiege the worlds. Even after getting ousted in KH0.I, after her own death in KH1, and after seeming to lose all power in KH4, she proves you can never count her out.
Marluxia - Big Bad of CoM, Major villain in KH2, XIII Days, and KH3.
One of the less remarkable Big Bads in the series as he only exists to service larger plots of Organization XIII and the Dark Seekers, yet in some ways this makes Marluxia all the more impressive for what he is. Much like CoM itself, he didn't need to go as hard with his plots and the style in his villainy, but he sure does and we love him for it.
Saix - Big Bad of XIII Days, Major villain in CoM, KH2, and KH3.
Saix is in the same boat as Marluxia and unfortunately has less luck when it comes to being a Big Bad, as no matter how much he may try otherwise, he's always in the shadow of Xemnas. That said, he still makes for a creepy and compelling antagonist you love to hate.
Pete - Major villain in KH2, XIII Days, Encoded Worlds, KH3D, KH3, KH4, Pandemoniac Heartless Parade, The Missing Links, and KH5.
The closest Pete comes to Big Bad status is playing the de-facto main antagonist in Encoded Worlds, but even that's at the behest of Maleficent and he's easily outdone by a computer virus. His major villain status comes from being a minion who also happens to be the Disney Castle crew's sworn enemy. Following Maleficent's power loss, he even gains a partner in the treacherous Duke Mortimer.
Chernabog & The MCP - Major villains in KH1 and KH2 respectively. Chernabog is, like Darxomnious, a demonic deity of darkness who, once situated at the core of End of the World, became a benefactor to Xehanort and the Heartless, but he is only encountered in a single boss fight (though he resurfaces as a nightmare boss in 3D and yet again in KH5). The MCP is more prominent, being the Arc VIllain for the Space Paranoids world that's directly tied with Hollow Bastion, essentially the digital counterpart to Terra-Xehanort who's even implied to service Xemnas himself, though he hates all other users.
Darxomnious & Master Luxu - Big Bad of KH3, Major villain(s) in X, KH3D, and The Missing Links. Darxomnious is the aggregation of the darkest of all hearts, the progenitor of all Darklings, and the overarching Big Bad of the second saga just as Terra-Xehanort was of the first. Master Luxu is the old master whose heart and mind has been tied directly to the dark god and who acts as his vessel in leading the XIII and directing the Dark Seekers movement. While both perish by the end of KH3, we see a fairy tale take on Darxomnious in X and fight a spectral memory of both him and Luxu in one route of The Missing Links.
Hades - Big Bad in Pandemoniac Heartless Parade, Major villain in KH0.1, KH1, CoM, KH2, XIII Days, Encoded Worlds, KH3D, KH3, and The Missing Links.
He's...well, he's Hades. What more need be said?
Judge Frollo - Major villain in KH3D, KH4, and The Missing Links. Frollo debuts in KH3D as the main villain of one of the penultimate worlds (voiced here by Earl Boen rather than Corey Burton) and gets defeated in the world's collective shared dream, which led to him being stripped of all authority upon the world's waking. Finding a way to flee his world, Frollo resurfaces as one of the most primary villains in KH4 (now voiced by Timothy E. Brummund) who conspires with the Lost Masters to exploit the Demi-Deterged and purge the worlds of all he considers sinful, even when it only grows and enhances his own heart's darkness. He's killed off for real, but makes one final appearance as an illusion to be vanquished in The Missing Links.
Master Narix - Big Bad in KH4, The Missing Links, and KH5. Narix is the third saga's overarching Big Bad and essentiallly the final boss of KH Divergence, as my imagination just can't extend past KH5. Narix, by nature, is a Contrasting Sequel Antagonist to Xehanort, basically Master Eraqus' moral absolutism and ideals of light supremacy taken to the furthest extremes, as he seeks to dismantle and reassemble Kingdom Hearts so as to eliminate all darkness across not just the World but the multiverse ('cause you know we had to go there at some point), all costs be damned. In doing so he ironically creates an evil force called "blight", light that's been perverted to the point where it works in tandem with darkness. Narix is only seen once in KH4, then becomes a more prominent enemy in both The Missing Links and KH5 along with the order he and his subservient Lost Masters leads, the Luminous Vanguard. Following Neodarkness and Evanessé, he's KH5's very final boss.
Vanitas/Neodarkness - Major villain in KH0.1, KH3D, KH3, KH4, The Missing Links, and KH5.
Vanitas is a major villain in KH0.1 and in KH3, with a phantom image of him being utilized by Xehanort in KH3D to spread nightmares. However, he doesn't come into his own until he embraces the fact that he is a perfect manifestation of darkness itself, which allows him to evolve into Neodarkness, the dark entity who takes Darxomnious' place as ruler of all dark hearts and evil beings. What's neat about Neodarkness is that, unlike Darxomnious, he's not strictly evil all the time, he's more a Chaotic Neutral who acts for his own amusement. Along with Narix and Evanessé, he's one of KH5's final bosses.
Evanesse' - Major villain in The Missing Links and KH5.
This would be "Xehanort's Replica bastard son turned Ephemer clone who draws power from Nothingness" I mentioned before. When Xehanort was in his new Replica body and planned on becoming a god by merging with Darxomnious, he secretly used the knowledge of Xion's creation from one cursed timeline as a blueprint to create his own Hollow Replica he planned on reincarnating his human heart into, but as Darxomnort was destroyed, this never happened. It ends up being Ephemer's heart that gives life to this Replica, creating the tortured and nihilistic Evanessé who seeks to find his own aim and place in the world before ultimately deciding he wants everything around him to disappear into Nothing, hence his thematic name. Along with Neodarkness and Narix, he's one of KH5's final bosses.
King Magnifico - Major villain in KH5.
Magnifico is sort of like the MCP of KH5, being the Arc Villain of a running subplot. We're told he's in competition with Yen Sid because he wants to seize ownership of the Mysterious Tower and relocate it to be Rosas-adjacent, and the Wishing Star he's on the lookout for is one of Ephemer's allies throughout the game, but we only meet him in person upon actually visiting Rosas, where he's faced down and defeated. His inclusion in the game not only makes sense given the timing, but due to the fanbase he's garnered over in Japan. He's also a parallel to Narix, a man in white whose good intentions have given way to selfishness and power-lust that he can't even recognize.
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bassettmemes · 2 years
GIRL MEETS THE ASK MEME ↳ quotes from the disney channel show girl meets world.
"it only makes sense to me when I can get in trouble for it."
"we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
"we're here to make somebody else happy."
"i think life puts people in front of us, so that we can be prepared for what happens next."
"hope looks great on you."
"don’t let your history be one of missed opportunities."
"if something that’s important to us today is so easily replaced by something else tomorrow, we have to wonder if it ever really had any value at all."
"it seems to me this isn’t a distraction at all. it’s a lifestyle."
"i’m not in control of anything. that’s what makes life so easy for me. when you think about it, nothing’s really my fault yet."
"as much as we think we show everybody who we are when we’re completely in charge of what happens, we find out who we really are when we’re not."
"the truith is, when you try to control life, life does its best to teach you not to."
"it's not intruding if you really want to hear."
"the best thing about being alive is to feel part of something."
"it’s funny about these things we hold on to and how life lets us know when it’s time to let it go."
"we have this one little life and for a lot of it, we just blow around in the wind. but if we’re lucky and we believe that life knows what’s best for us, sometimes we land on the right someone to talk to."
"the lives we’ve led until now have made us both wonder if life knows what it’s doing with us at all."
"learn from pompeii. as you live next to each other, understand that every once in a while, things explode."
"i have faith that in a new place you can learn from the people who have already been there."
"change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty."
"the truth is, people get comfortable with what’s familiar and when you get too comfortable, you don’t allow yourself room to grow."
"the worst thing you can do is fold your arms and refuse to accept what’s gonna come anyway."
"when you know you’re not good for people, you start not showing up, and then you don’t show up enough times, and it begins to feel like leaving until you do."
"only you get to decide when you quit."
"you had to take it out on somebody, i’m glad you felt safe enough to take it out on me."
"everyone has great gifts, and everyone has the potential to impact our world."
"don’t live under a label, it just gets in the way of who you are."
"what I think of myself is that it really bothers me what other people think of me."
"when you become someone else, even though you’re just acting, it’s impossible not to discover something you didn’t know before."
"when you have strong emotions for someone, it’s like you’re too close to see straight."
"maybe if you don’t hope for too much, but let yourself hope for one thing, it might actually happen."
"it’s not the big gestures that we do for other people that help us grow up, but the small choices you make for yourself."
"friends talk to each other, but real friends listen."
"being what other people want you to be is just a sword hanging over your head."
"i am a continuation. that's what history is about."
"ladies and gentlemen, i have achieved time travel!"
"being good at sports is just a matter of physics."
"don't you mess up america's most favorite thing with america's least favorite thing!"
"not everyone lives for theories and numbers."
"that's right, i lied right in yo face!"
"oh, yeah, we don't have walls... i told you we needed walls!"
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