#i'm pretty sure they'd be like this in modern setting lmao
nxpthys · 3 months
Helaena: We may not listen to you sometimes.
Aemond: Or respect you, as our eldest.
Daeron: And sure, we like making fun of you.
Aegon: ... But?
Aemond: There is no ‘but’, that’s it.
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starwalker03 · 7 months
You’re a bartender? Assign drinks to some of your favorite characters
ooooooooooooooof. wait.
because like. is this what I think they'd like? what I think "represents" them? what I think they'd order? there's too many options here and I have not been a bartender for long enough to know enough drinks.
My favourite characters? damn. I immediately forgot every blorbo I have lmao.
Nightwing's gotta be first. He's complicated cause I'd imagine all the batkids are trained by batman to be weary of alcohol because it impedes brain function. He probably sticks to low percentage things in general. I'm pretty sure he's also canonically a sweet tooth? and if not I think he would be. So I don't think he's a beer guy. Probably when he was younger and that's just What You Do when you're that age and start drinking cause you think 'I'm a guy so i gotta drink beer'. once he's older I figure he's more of a mixer guy, like hard soda, cruisers, that kind of thing. still one drink per serve, not super strong, mostly sugar.
If he's in a situation where he's all for getting drunk and is comfortable doing so, I can see him as a cocktails guy. He strikes me as a jalapeno margarita type. I don't think he's big into shots or anything cause he's still got that ingrained discomfort, but y'know, sweet things that are two standard drinks and only about 100mLs all up.
Honourable mention to Wally West cause I can't think of one without the other right now.
Wally can't get drunk. So to him the most important thing here is taste. I think he's a sweet tooth type. french martini or one of those fruit tingle type situations. Maybe like, a frozen drink? I could see him liking pina coladas. If this is a getting drunk situation and he's trying to get drunk quick, I could see him being the type to order a long island iced tea, even though it's usually only made with a shot and a half in most bars and is a huge red flag. eventually someone would tell him he's wasting time and taste buds, cause long islands are served in a highball and honestly taste like crap.
Okay so Kaldur'ahm. Kaldur'Ahm and alcohol is a thought.
I feel like alcohol isn't a huge thing in Atlantis, like most beverages, cause they're in the water. I can't get into world building about dining and such in an underwater setting right now cause I'll be here for hours. But I think drinking isn't a big thing down there yknow? Then on top of that, Kaldur has a high tolerance to poisons (I think young justice just says jellyfish toxin? but I feel like poison in general makes sense for him) so alcohol takes a lot for him.
I feel like he discovers mead and really likes it. there's some really interesting things you can do with mead, especially with saltier palettes, that I think Kaldur, being Atlantean, would appreciate.
When out partying, though, I think he just does shots. cause if he's just drinking to get drunk then what's the point, y'know? just give him some vodka, preferably like three shots of the stuff in one go, and he's good.
man. Favourite characters. hmmmm.
Hiccup Haddock. So he's a viking, like. mead is already on the table. looking at modern drinks, though. going off of mead being something he probably canonically likes. we're looking at sweet but also bitterness from the aging process and a depth of flavour. I think he'd be into scotch, similar depth to flavour and palette, with a smoky edge to it that I think is very "viking core" or whatever. being a dragon rider and all he's probably used to smokiness in food/drink. I'd make him a good riff on an old-fashioned with scotch instead of bourbon, and maybe something with honey and orange bitters as well. that kinda flavour profile.
Leonardo, of mutant ninja turtle fame, is a thought.
I mean it depends on the iteration. I'm mostly familiar with 2012, 2007 and 2018 (stares at word doc of fic where I mix all three) and I feel like all three of them wouldn't be huge drinkers. but if they were to drink, I'd go with a warm cocktail, perhaps with a tea base. those are very fun. whiskey-honey-chamomile or something of the sort. or perhaps fruity teas with tequila or rum.
Merlin, of BBC's Merlin show, already is seen to be drinking ale in the show. I don't think he hates it. Ale of the time wouldn't have bee particularly great, but he seems to drink it without complaint for the most part.
beers and ales have come a long way and I think he could definitely find something he liked from amber or dark ales, perhaps even as far as guineas. If asked to make him a cocktail, though, I'd try for something bitter, possibly gin-based? in my experience some of those can be interestingly dry. or maybe a highball topped with cider? oooh maybe a moscow mule would be the vibe. sub the mint for rosemary and add a really dry ginger syrup in? or cut the lime juice with ginger juice or something like that.
I could keep thinking of blorbos but I'd be here all night.
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thedecoy-if · 1 year
Okay, first of all, love the demo! And after the history ask, I'm curious; how would the kidnapper squadTM/RO's react to learning about our history. Things like the Holocost, Great Depression, Hiroshima, WWI and WWII? Is their history any worse than ours?
Thank you!! And great question.
Their realms history is just as bloody and they detail their history in a Before and After due to a very huge multi-realm event that we will learn in later chapters. It was...very bad.
At first they'd react with horror but not shock. Their first thought would be in the vein of, "Humans are the same everywhere. Terrible and capable of deep evil." This would be uttered by people like Taleea and Azriel, and even Drenwin, who is a Mage. (Mages are humans, but there's a very complicated....idea of them. Many mages separate themselves from humans as they are Touched. Untouched humans see them the same way.) Namara and Theoden wouldn't particularly like that, at least voiced by those who aren't human, but they'd agree.
They wouldn't be able to wrap their heads around Hiroshima. They already struggle with understanding what a phone is, but an atomic bomb? I mean, there are (rare) beings who are powerful enough to create damage like that, sort of, but that takes a great, great, great deal of magic. The fact that humans invented that...well, they'd really be shocked. And disgusted.
Technology in Eterna is vastly different. Anything that would have pushed to be invented or advance technology was filled in with magic. A lot of advancement comes from humans wanting to distance themselves from needing the Touched. For them, they are pretty far behind from the modern world but they'll get there lmao eventually! They already have things like transports (carriages) and their version of the printing press, so it's not that it won't ever happen, it just hasn't happened *yet*
After the multi-realm event, I would say they had their own sort of Great Depression afterward. That event was kind of like a WW just at a grander scale. Funnily enough, I'd say that in terms of history, that's where the kidnapper group and MC would find they relate the most.
The only thing that really sets them apart is that *most*of their realm's history has to do with other realms, not within themselves. With so many species and beings, their biggest question would be, "Why would humans do this to themselves?"
Edit: forgot to mention that there will be a level of understanding, as their realm is just as bad. I'm sure they'd all be empathetic, even if they wouldn't fully understand it. Which is the best both sides can do!
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protagonistheavy · 19 days
Overwatch and Dead by Daylight could definitely have crossover content with each other as a sort of Halloween-themed event and also because they're the main two games I play nowadays, so they have that in common with each other. Here's my little dreamlist of content I'd want to see + a copy of that list in case you throw the first one in the trash.
In Overwatch:
Huntress Junker Queen. This would probably be the feature skin, since Huntress is so iconic, and I think this is the best match between characters. JQ's knife is turned into a hatchet for sure, and her ultimate would include some of the entity's crows flying around and squawking; maybe her ult voice line would be changed to "Time to be sacrificed!"/"Take 'em to the entity's realm!" Absolutely would come with a voice line of humming the Huntress's lullaby.
Trapper Junkrat. He's the only hero with a bear trap, after all, and Trapper's mask would look pretty fitting on Junkrat. Yeah the personality doesn't match lol but I think that's part of the charm. Would pair well with an emote where Junkrat sets a trap ala Trapper style, but then steps into it by accident and kicks it off. This would probably be the "free" skin they let you earn.
Clown Roadhog. Yeah pretty much all the junkers get in on this event. Both have the big boy body type of course. Hog's breather-bottle would be turned into a glass bottle like the Clown's, and his hook would resemble a hook from the entity's realm, which he'd definitely have an extra amount of hook-based voice lines to play with.
Skull Merchant Symmetra. This is maybe the most wild one lol but I think it's a good combo, with Skull Merchant representing the more-modern angle of DBD content. Sym probably has the best matching body type, and her turrets can definitely take the appearance close to that of Skull Merchant's drones. Her gun would also skin very well into the Skull Merchant's claw, I think. I could also see Widowmaker fitting here instead.
Spirit Moira. The Banshee skin is already pretty close to what to picture here. I'm not sure if Overwatch could get away with having the mangled/floating body parts, but it'd look damn cool if they could. Moira works well with her vanishing, and she could be given a cooler melee animation by drawing the Spirit's sword to attack, perhaps. Plus an emote that replicates the Spirit using her phase, going stiff, and reappearing somewhere close by.
Weapons charms could be all sorts of DBD icons, including totems, pallets, med kits, flashlights, and toolboxes.
A DBD-inspired 4v1 game mode.
Roadhog Clown. Yeah these two just straight-up swap games. Roadhog is certainly the "scariest" character from Overwatch so he's a shoe-in, and again, he just has that right body type and personality. Not much to note cosmetically other than perhaps changing the knife to be like Roadhog's hook.
Reaper Gunslinger. Once again, Reaper is one of Overwatch's only spooky characters, so he probably has to be worked in. I know cowboy stuff is more up Cassidy's alley, and Ashe also has the ADS weapon, but neither of them are really the right vibe for DBD. Even with Reaper, I imagine they'd have to play up his creepiness a little more.
Genji Trickster. Lmao. Genji probably counts somewhere as the third scariest Overwatch hero. Knives easily become shurikens, his bat easily becomes a katana. Maybe they'd want to go for a spookier inspiration for Genji, like using his Blackwatch skin for inspiration.
Tracer, Soldier 76, Mercy, and D.va skins for survivors. Not sure who would exactly fit into who, but these seem the most like "survivor" heroes, especially in the way they play. Tracer and Soldier are known for their speed, and Mercy and D.va feel "helpless" when hunted down. These are definitely the heroes who'd be most fucked-over if you took away their weapons in a slasher scenario.
Charms could include the OW logo, health packs, the elimination skull marker, various weapons from heroes, Winton...
Yeah the content is probably a little more favored towards Overwatch in such a crossover, what with it being easier to translate stuff out of DBD rather than into it. That said, DBD has also tried opening itself up to more categories than just straight-up horror, and in a way I see these games sort of as cousins what with their similar release times. Idk, something about these two franchises feel like they'd come together well.
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outoftheblue-if · 2 years
How would the ROs react if they go into a room and they wherr like, “Sorry I’m late, I’ve been doing…things.” And then the MC comes in and says, “I’m things”?
😂 I love this one. I'll split between regency era —/— modern day
Isobel: Hand twitches with the need to reach up and pinch the bridge of her nose, but she resists, settling instead on sending MC a wearied look like why you gotta be like this?? but she's not actually that bothered. If anything, she likes that MC doesn't give a fuck about breaking propriety. She doesn't like to make her private life other people's business, but she's not embarrassed either. —/— basically the same, though she would be even less bothered, just mentally sighing/rolling her eyes like why am I with this idiot (affectionately).
Max: Their first reaction is to laugh, this is exactly their kind of humour, but then they'd freeze, remembering that shit they're not supposed to joke about these things, it's incredibly inappropriate, and their eyes would shift nervously around the room (depending on who was present) as they anxiously try to smooth it over/joke it away. Wouldn't be mad at MC though, in fact, they too would just be super amazed that MC doesn't give a fuck, wishing they could embrace that a little more too. —/— Once they're comfortable in the modern era and all the liberality it brings, they wouldn't care at all, they'd just grin and wink at MC, while beaming to the rest of the room like yep, that's my MC 🤩
Clara: "MC!" she would admonish, blushing bright red as her eyes dart around the room, sending apologetic looks to everyone, whilst internally wishing the ground would swallow her up. Tries to reason with herself that it's just a joke and the people who can't take the joke aren't worth thinking about, but she's still pretty mortified lol. Would just clear her throat and move the subject along, though her face would remain red for some time. —/— less bothered for sure, though she'd still probably blush a little, depending on the company/setting, but she knows that saying things like that isn't a big deal in modern day, so she'd just shake her head a little, sending a fond, amused smile MC's way.
Richard: It would probably take him a second to get the joke, and the innuendo behind it lmao, but once he does, you'd see a flash of emotions flit across his face. Incredulousness like did they really just?? then exasperation like yes, they did, they really did, then slight admiration like they really are something else huh, then settling back to exasperation as they flash an apologetic look to the room, whilst resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. He's not really that bothered though, he's just like why you gotta do me like this MC? —/— basically the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ Richard's proper manners are more tied to his personality than his surroundings, so he'd still be a little this is inappropriate in modern day.
William: He'd just shake his head slightly, lips quirked up in amusement as he sends MC a look of affection. Really not at all bothered, no matter the setting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just amused. Happy to be there. He'd just be looking at MC like yeah 🥰 I'm a lucky man. Same for modern day really.
Thank you for the ask! ✨🤎 Sorry it's like 4 months late lol
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turnbacktyne · 2 years
It’s hard to find general internet sources on things like the Wild West because the west is heavily mythologized, and it always has been. Like even going back to the traveling cowboy/western shows from the late 19th century, it’s all been talked up while ignoring the realities they had.
What you wanna do is always look for a good primary source or two, but I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that. If you’re looking at marriages, look up marriage records (probably specifically in Wyoming or Colorado in your case.) Not a lot of that is digitized, though, which is a shame. That’s cause the majority of records like that belong to the city or town in question, or the state if it’s something huge like a census, and digitizing century-old marriage records isn’t really their top priority. Not to mention a lot of marriages out west weren’t official for some reason or the other. The west was kinda just a place a lot of people ran off to to disappear, and disappearing was real easy if you weren’t homesteading or anything.
But yeah! Primary sources, sometimes found in university libraries (like mine), sometimes in county records (again, like mine, the perks of living in a big city.) It might be worth actually looking for Mexican records as well seeing as Mexico was kinda the other huge player out west at the time, even if it was pretty hindered by the US doing its usual idiotic bullshit. If you want good secondary sources, JSTOR is the place to go for history shit, that and any EBSCO database. Be sure to be careful of the year of publication.
Sorry if I lectured or anything!! And good luck on your research! (Signed, Anonymous-Dentist.)
No no thank you for the help! I knew mentioning history would bring you about lmao. Yeah, I knew that kinda stuff is like a modern ancient greece. Heroic legends and the like. I really like learning about the actual stuff- like learning how houses were built into hills on the plains to buffer against the wind, even the 'boring' stuff is fascinating to me, just cause it's an interesting, tumultous time. I guess I just enjoy museums or when the NPS offers good information available online, but gods know the NPS's website is like a maze, and I don't know many museums that focus on that. Apart from the western art museum in my school's city, but based on what i've seen of it, it fits that more mythologized view of the old west. It don't help that there's a dozen different names for the American frontier. I literally once got search results back about medieval christianity when i googled 'old west culture'.
Yeah, I've been using my university's OneSearch mechanic, which searches all kinds of databases and journals. That's how i found that strange little book lmaooo. Looked interesting, i would have loved to read it had it not been the price (and not in our circulatory system), be fascinating to see how that fantastical version of the old west has shifted and changed since the 1900s- it mentioned especially how the Wild West was seen pre- and post- WWII germany, that really sounded cool. Fuckin UI.
Thanks so much for the information though! I'm gonna look into digitized records, cause I live in Florida so that ain't gonna have much on pioneer dating and courtship XDDD. I guess the other hard part is the fact that this is all involving Time Forgotten, and polyamory ain't exactly a norm in old west records. Even when I'm looking shit up to get ideas for dates and shit they'd do in a more western setting (thank you Guest Ranches) I always remark 'why only for two' and then remind myself.
This period of American history really deserves more scholarly work- but instead I became a thermal biologist XDDD.
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