#i'm quaking
capnhanbers · 1 year
writing session so intense i can only listen to the undertale soundtrack and smth like bonetrousle will come on and i'm lik NO, NO, NO, SKIP, SKIP until i get like waterfall or another medium and i'm like yes yes ok atmosphere ok
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imminent-danger-came · 6 months
I had heard that there was some Claudia and Marcille overlap, but like, I'm QUAKING
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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😭 why did Inoue have someone enjoy getting kidnapped--not once but TWICE this season
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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― favorite words of ... haruki murakami (part 1)
A Wild Sheep Chase / Sputnik Sweetheart / After the Quake / The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle / Norwegian Wood / Sputnik Sweetheart / The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle / South of the Border, West of the Sun / Kafka on the Shore / Norwegian Wood / 1Q84 / Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman / South of the Border, West of the Sun / Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
˗ˏˋin case you’d like to buy me a☕ˎˊ˗  
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malcanine · 1 year
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Behind every gay person is a gayer, more evil person
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backgroundagent3 · 6 months
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starcurtain · 5 months
Oh, so when IIIII make the "mutual" joke it's delusional, but when Hoyo makes it--
(Actually, since that Youtube end card tried to gatekeep it, here's Ratio's tsuntsun sweatdrop as he tries to think up a good excuse for going on TV to talk about some guy he's definitely not "friends" with:)
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apamates · 8 months
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Each one of these is an evacuation alert, main roads are blocked by debris and thousands of people have spent the night on the street.
Firefighters have been at it since yesterday but winds are so strong the fire just keeps on spreading. It's horrible.
There are awful wildfires going on in different regions Chile right now. Official numbers are still being reported but houses have been lost in the thousands, there are over 200 missing people and at least 19 people have died since yesterday.
This is the biggest wildfire crisis I've ever witnessed and since so many people were told to evacuate, the few shelters available are collapsed.
Areas most impacted by the fires are those where people were already in vulnerable conditions to begin with, and hearing about them losing everything is just heartbreaking.
I know tumblr might not be the best platform for this but if any of you want to stay updated with news and potentially help out, I'm leaving some links below.
The Wildfires in Western Valparaíso Region, Chile - Live Crisis Response
TECHO Chile (Roofs for Chile) - Their Instagram where you can find donation info.
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annabelle--cane · 3 months
I have been shoveling vampire media into my mouth like some kind of crazed ghoul for the last month and I have developed a real appreciation for performers who can just switch on the Menace at will with a handful of subtle body language shifts. it's a certain tightness to the face and squaring of the shoulders that suddenly makes me deeply afraid for the characters with whom they share a scene, like they momentarily shapeshift into a shark without really changing anything about their bearing. big shoutout to assad zaman as armand in interview with the vampire and gemma arterton as clara in byzantium in particular for giving this kind of performance.
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emin-folly · 2 months
Imagine that there's this person whose whole thing is being without fear and the fandom decides he's afraid of a dude in a fursuit.
Fandom Logic (tm)
I think it comes down to primarily two reasons, one being because people think it's funny
They think it's funny that this character without fear can suddenly be afraid of this human Bat guy. If it was just a few people in the fandom doing this, it wouldn't be nearly as bad; people are after all allowed to do whatever they want, even if we don't like it. The problem lies in where the actual comic writers start adapting this as canon as it's a huge disservice to Hal's character
The second reason is just basically these people legitimately think Hal should be afraid of Bruce because he's ~The Batman~ (which, again, you're allowed to think that, just know that's not really in character for Hal....like at all)
The whole deal with Bruce is that, both in universe and in real life, he's designed to terrify low level criminals: thugs, crooks, any unsavory person who wanders the Gotham alleyways. That's the environment Bruce works the best in. Where he can easily slip into the shadows, where he can become the night and make himself out to be a monster he wants to be. The only people who should be afraid of Batman are the ordinary hoods and criminals that infest cities
But when you suddenly stick him in a brightly lit room like the Hall of Justice next to all these colorful superheroes, that's where his effectiveness pretty much stops. All his tactics and methods to scare people don't really work here. Suddenly, he's just some guy in a bat getup with a scowly mask on. And these are seasoned superheroes, they don't scare easily, especially the ones with powers like speedsters or Kryptonians. Bruce is out of his element. Everything he does to try to act scary should look comical and silly at best
And as for Hal, I think we can all agree that Hal has definitely seen some shit. He goes off into deep space, for months up to a year or so. Who knows what kind of unimaginable horrors he's had to deal with?? Going a bit into headcanon area, but I think that if Hal wasn't desensitized before, he definitely is now. He's not afraid of space Cthulhu and he is not gonna be afraid of a bat furry who furrows his eyebrows really hard. Hal isn't scared of anything--physical, that is. And I feel like Hal is definitely the kind of person who sees straight through Bruce's BS posturing, Bruce's whole act just doesn't work on Hal.
Unfortunately, just like a tornado, any character who comes close to a Bat gets dealt major damage and we're still picking up the pieces and trying to set things straight again OTL
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misspoetree · 1 year
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autism-swagger · 30 days
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We all have that one homie who never recovered from the incident.
Reblogging is better than just liking.
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lunarlicorice · 8 months
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recovered from a crashed file
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rootveggiesandtoads · 8 months
Anyone want to casually discuss the Magnus protocol on the 18th? Super casual. What's that? I'm foaming at the mouth and smashing anything breakable? Haha, like I said, casual.
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mx-loar-tev · 5 months
I think I have a thing for brunette women with a tumultuous past, a boatload of traumas, a mesmerising face and the ability to kill me if they decided to.
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