#i'm reading redwall
mole-supremacy · 2 months
You know in old movies, half the time there would be the main couple and then one queer-coded best friend who never marries?
well I think that's Doogy Plumm...
hear me out. I'm rereading Rakkety Tam again and Yoofus Lightpaw has asked Doogy if he doesn't want a wife like his twice already and Doogy hasn't given a straight answer once. He just compliments Yoofus's wife. And he doesn't get married.
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valiantvillain · 5 months
I feel like we as a society need to bring back children's books with cute fuzzy animals murdering and maiming each other.
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docholligay · 7 months
One more Narnia connection jumped to me when we talked about the house. The kids go to another world and it’s described like: “…vast rooms that opened out of one another till you were dizzy with the mere size…neverending courtyards…it was all so dreary and so much the same.” I don’t think If have a whole college thesis but I could do an epic high school comparative essay
There are probably so many Narnia things I missed simply because I haven't read Chronicles of Narnia for many, many, years, though I read them as a kid. I'm trying to recall if there was a fantasy series I loved above all others as a kid, because I did read and like a lot of fantasy as a child!
My #1 was Arthurian shit, I LOVED the Once and Future King when I was like, 11, but strictly speaking that's not a kids' book I was just weird.
But a kids' fantasy series in and of itself, that I'm not sure. I thought Chronicles of Narnia was fine, I was too old for Harry Potter by the time it came out, I would have ADORED His Dark Materials--even as an adult I think it's pretty fucking good--but I was too old again, I had a brief dalliance with the Enchanted Forest Chronicles that was very fun, definitely read the shit out of the Dragonriders of Pern, OH! I really loved the Wrinkle in Time series. That did slap, I should reread it and see if it holds up, I think it might.
Anyway, FASCINATED by the idea that you basically put forth without saying it that Clarke read The Magician's Nephew and was basically like, "Hm, I could write this for adults and better" and honestly, she did! I wish more authors would take kids' books and make them adult books, frankly, because YA/children's books often have great conceptual worlds that are completely undermined because they are MEANT to be written more clear-cut and with simpler vocabulary. Because that's what children need and crave. But as an adult, I want the complexity, the difficultly, the confusion.
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ereborne · 15 days
Song of the Day: June 5
"Matches to Paper Dolls" by Dessa
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Hold on, wait a minute. The Redwall series has how many books?!
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ninsiana0 · 2 months
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wyverwithy · 7 months
redwall really went off with "i am that is; my sword shall wield for me"
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quick question, does warrior cats..... ever end? is it still going?
have i trapped myself eternally in stories of fuzzy little war criminals?
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milindso · 11 months
Oop, my old special interest in the Redwall series is coming back.
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eleilinnrallin · 10 months
So I've never read fanfiction, it's not really been of interest to me. (Plus, if an author's voice isn't familiar to me, I'm wary of reading much? It's a big reason I put down the Formic Wars, despite likeing the Enderverse in general. So fanfic = scary in that way xD)
Seeing Redwall fanfic going around though and like
Dang maybe I should start reading fanfiction.
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gatorsnot · 11 months
i'm getting redwall brainworms again
debating to go back and reread the first book or continue where I left off
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llycaons · 1 year
children's books that went downhill to the extent that they started to read like fanfiction for themselves
guardians of ga'hoole after book 6 (returned after a natural ending point)
maximum ride after book 3 (returned after a natural ending point)
percy jackson after the second series, and arguably the first (returned after a - well do I even have to say it)
#feel free to reblog/reply and add your own#see redwall never went downhill because all its stories were discrete yet connected to the greater lore#he had weaker books and stronger books but he never destroyed his beloved characters or his overarching worldbuilding#and his commitment to the lore and storytelling was reliable. no weird magical bs. no cash grabs#in the GOGH books there are owls that are straight-up blue. the protag gets married offscreen to some lady#there's so much nonsense that tries desperately to mimic and call back to earlier beloved characters and books#literally reads like bad fanfic. also it's really sad for no reason at all#max ride was never good. I'd like to say I'm giving it credit for attempting to tackle climate change but the books were just SO bloated#with prophecy and nonsense and mystery that never paid off. and the later books were somehow worse#like they were trying to save the world but they didn't and a ton of people died and it didn't matter? ik this was all ghost writers#but jesus christ#and I remember that transphobic joke they made.#pjo was not AS much of a disaster but I hate how they didn't let percy just live his life#and instead had to make hoo the percy adentures: part 2. JUST USE YOUR NEW CHARACTERS#he had so many of them!#hoo was soo bad like the last book sucked severely#I'm sure later books are also not great but I haven't read them#pjo WAS a great series and without a doubt the highest quality kids books on this list#even going downhill it was still leagues above max ride...#I think gogh was not GREAT but it was really fun and original and had some great and memorable scenes.#def more emotionally honest and cohesive and structured than max ride#cor.txt
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canongf-archive · 2 years
liv i regret (/lh) to inform you that i have fallen back into a hole and a f/o that i have not been in for YEARS. suffice to say i'm rereading the first redwall book and rewatching the cartoon and basil stag hare has me in a damn CHOKEHOLD
and i don't hate it even a bit <3
i think falling back into an old F/O is so sweet... it's like that connection will never truly be broken. it's like coming home. i love it so so so much. so this is really CUTE!!! i adore this and i support this and i hope you enjoy the chokehold!!! i will be along for the RIDE!!! 💗
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baronvonriktenstein · 4 months
well i guess i'll... listen to an audiobook of pride and prejudice tomorrow.
a friend recommended a very long book for me but it's checked out right now with like 5 other people waiting for it so...
something else to kill time lol
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sixth-light · 1 month
13 books tag game, tagged by @amemoryofwot
1) Last book I read:
Starter Villain by John Scalzi, in an effort to 1) get back on my Hugo nominee completionist bullshit and 2) give him a second go, since I was deeply unimpressed by the first one a few years ago. It was...you know the thing about how badly-written books can help you learn more about writing than well-written ones? That!
2) A book I recommend:
I am metaphorically grabbing everybody I know by the collar and telling them to read Some Desperate Glory, unless the subject matter isn't for them which is fair, but it's so good.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
I distinctly remember finishing Gideon the Ninth at like 11pm because I couldn't wait until morning, which must be seen in the context of me being asleep by 10pm every night of my life I get a choice in the matter.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
I went through a solid decade of reading Hogfather every Christmas and I've probably got a few more left in me.
5) A book on my TBR
I've got Mary Beard's latest book, Emperor of Rome, on reserve at the library.
6) A book I’ve put down
Tried The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart last year because it was blurbed well and I was in a fantasy mood, and got like...twenty pages in. It didn't leave enough of an impression for me to remember exactly why, just a general 'I don't care about these characters' vibe.
7) A book on my wish list
Kate Elliott is being very kind about progress updates in her newsletter and I want her to have the time she needs...but I am also chewing at the bit for Lady Chaos.
8) A favourite book from childhood
I was SO into Redwall as a kid. First fanfic I ever wrote.
9) A book you would give a friend
This is hard because I always want to rec specific books to specific people, I sincerely believe there's no generic book which is good for everybody. Um, maybe All Systems Red since Murderbot seems to resonate with a wide audience?
10) The most books you own by a single author
(Physical books only) An ACTUAL single author? Anne McCaffrey for sure. An alleged single author? I own 36 Trixie Belden Mysteries books.
11) A nonfiction book you own
Storm over Mono, which is a really interesting account of the fight to save Lake Mono in California, a scientifically interesting and historically and ecologically unique place.
12) what are you currently reading
Technically between books but I'm about to start The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Older. I liked the first one fine but it didn't grab me grab me, so we'll see how it goes.
13) what are you planning on reading next?
My mostly-science book club is going retro and reading Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman which I have been putting off because I have Heard Things about Richard Feynman...but also I gotta gird my loins and get onto it.
I have not been around Tumblr enough lately to think of who to tag but with 100% sincerity, if you see this and it starts the wheels turning in your head about books you've read lately and so on, you're it!
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wuddshipp · 3 months
Do you know of any good maps of Redwall Abbey?
My partner and I want to build the Abbey on Minecraft, but it's been a long time since I've read the books and had a clear layout in my mind, and he's only seen the show. I can't find anything online. I figured as a Redwall artist, you might have come by something in your time?
I swear that I have seen someone put a map together and I can't for the life of me recall where or when I saw it.
I'm going to look into it.
But I'll open it up as well if anyone can help us out!
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