#i'm really proud of this :))
canines-crown · 1 month
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Lil' collage for me~🖤
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sygiandepths · 2 months
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ryan-falx · 3 months
Reposting this because of the new thumbnail art.
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rarebloorose · 4 months
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Ship: RoyEd
Rating: T
Tags: Nightmares, Angst with a happy ending, Fluff, Forge Secret Santa 2023, Ed swears.
Amongst the endless sea of scorching gold stands one figure that would never burn him. What is he to do when the one non-flammable object turns his back on him?
The Winter Solstice is just around the corner. Roy has a feeling in the pit of his stomach that he will lose his sun and be stuck in an eternal winter forever.
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the-algid · 6 months
I See Your Truth, And In It I See Your Beautiful
Poem by me, the-algid
I want you to look in the mirror, see the truth, and in that truth realize your beautiful.
I get how you can think some of your features aren't pretty, but its laughable how you can let society make you believe you're nothing less than the definition of beauty.
I see your face as you laugh, as you smile, as you frown, as you cry, as you fear, as you love, I see your truth, and I see you're beautiful.
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redwolf0413 · 7 months
First post ever
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abalidoth · 8 months
Three Phase
A sonnet triptych about robots
Our Phoebe wakes secure in styro held Her mistress' eyes are blue as welding arcs Beloved toy, abrupt in love they fell conjoined transistor-bound and blood-hewn hearts.
From childhood follies told to metal doll to teenage raptures shared with sister built but college applications take a toll and Phoebe waits, the cycles fully felt.
Her uptime crawls as downtime crashes on the mistress gone to college, grad school, boys till Christmas break (one several decades gone) "We cleaned your room. You want to keep these toys?"
When thrifting, now, you may catch glimpses of A plastic heart abrim with unsought love.
Our Heavy Loader Unit Annabelle (by number only known beyond her eyes) She does her job, and damn she does it well. Within her ten-ton grip the cargo flies.
To make a person, sparks in circuitry, alone to move the chaff of modern fate leaves loads of tempered time for bardery. Her songs and tales and worlds accumulate.
Execs decree a move to shiny! new! The techs will gripe and grouse but duty’s done. A test performed, and what could Anna do But load her best. Modernity has won.
A hundred thousand stories hidden dark immobile in a disused office park.
Our Juliet, finale of the day A multipurpose help about the store The face when shopkeep can’t get out today The wrench when fixing skills are needed more.
Her pa gets old, as human beings will and alloy weathers time much more than skin Then she alone is mistress of the till. For help, she seeks her disenfranchised kin.
So what, the patron’s greeted by a doll? She’s great with kids, her smile so xenon-bright. So what, the stockgirl’s seven meters tall? Come hear her fill the loading bays with light.
Go by the store on Seventh and you’ll see: these waves in sync, a three-phase harmony.
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deadpuppetboi · 11 months
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Recently did a palette challenge with a good friend of mine @prayantis!!! Please, go to their blog and show them, much-needed love, they deserve it!!!
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dani-ellie03 · 1 year
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Dollhouse shenanigans, days 15 & 16:
It was literally negative degrees (Fahrenheit) here today (legit, my low was -11 and my high was a balmy 15), so I did not leave my apartment. Not once. And so, I got a lot done on the house.
I added the porch trim, gingerbread, rails, and posts and omg was that harder than I thought it was going to be. I used omgsomuch tape  because there were a lot of wee tiny areas that had to be glued together and, y’know, couldn’t move a millimeter.
While I had the house on the floor, Gracie decided she was going to move in.
I also put in the interior walls and shingled the porch roof. I was kinda dreading the shingles but I actually found it kind of relaxing. We’ll see how much I still like it after shingling the rest of the house. ;)
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jedi-kat-18 · 1 year
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 I made a mood board for Cynthia!
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tlacehualli · 1 year
“You can’t go in there alone.”
Sombra looks over her shoulder to eye Angela, standing there so determined in her valkyrie armor, the staff in one hand and a gun in the other. She arches one of her eyebrows, the gaze growing increasingly critical as she assessed her.
"And what the fuck are you gonna do with that little pea shooter? Irritate them?"
She knows she's being hypocritical 'cause wasn't either of them code name Widowmaker, but hey - at the very least, the hacker could slip into invisibility and decloak behind some asshole or another and hit them with a spray of bullets from her SMG. Hard to miss at point blank.
Yet another part of her, though, had been processing and brought up the fact that, actually, miss code name Mercy had been an integral part of Overwatch in it's original state and she'd been effective. That staff was no joke, and Sombra could not figure out how in the hell it had been coded to be able to resurrect - after a fashion. Had to be pretty immediate. Still impressive though. Was it something with quantum mechanics...?
She sighed. "Okay. Fine. Fuck. Fine. Please don't die. Just - if you fly, fly low and slow and stick near me, I'll try to provide cover fire if I can."
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blue-hi · 2 years
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this is the sketch by the way. the worst warlock and his familiar, the cutest thing ever
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strawberrymilk-boba · 2 years
I've been having some Sally Face brainrot lately but I don't have anything for it so uh
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here's my scout oc, Frankie
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Yeah <3
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zerodisconnect · 2 years
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Good old days
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Finished a commission for Macy, as a gift to her friend, Swerg. Basically, it's just their sonas dressed as Tinky and Wiggly.
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The one in the Tinky costume is Macy, and the one with the Wiggly face and TV head is Swerg.
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