#i'm so bad about continually drawing my ocs but i am going to try!!! i do have several ideas for her after all
dawnsies · 4 months
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Since I've been jojoing it up lately, I figured I should bring my old Part 4 OC from 2020 back and revamp her
I first created her before CDDH was announced, so does that mean I technically predicted Hol Horse being in Morioh? ;P
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bloodhaven · 3 months
Donation moving/medication post!!
I decided to remake my post because um well my old post wasn't getting any traction At All!
Hi! I'm Newton, im a bisexual trans man whos multiply disabled physically and mentally!
I need help paying for therapy, medications, and to move apartments My therapy is $108 per session (unless she diagnosis me with something new, than its $238) and my medication I don't currently know the price of, I just lost my medicaid so I have to start paying for it again. I am a type 2 diabetic and have narcolepsy with cataplexy, as well as depression, anxiety and D.I.D, as well as some other stuff diagnosed. I cannot go without my diabetes medication, cannot quit my narcolepsy meds at all, or depression meds cold turkey. If I can get weaned off my depression meds to save money I will try, but I will be severely depressed and suicidal. The rest of my medications I can quit no problem as they're just for acid reflux, bowel stuff, and bladder stuff.
I don't know how much they'll cost, I won't find out how much the trulicity is until later today when they get delivered.
I also have to save money to move. On top of THAT. My bank is overdrawn by $11.30, which isn't a lot and my wife is paid on the 7th, but she got less than 90 hours on her paycheck (87 hrs exactly) and we usually have 100-120 hours on a paycheck, our current rent is $775 + gas ($56-ish) + Electric ($90+ now that its summer) so it adds up. We NEED to go grocery shopping as we've been living off canned food for a week or two, which is bad for me especially as a diabetic as I have to watch my sodium intake as well.
My GFM is here I am not hoping to raise the full $2,500, I know this site cares more about billboards for racist tv shows than actual lgbt people. I just desperately need help to continue therapy and medications.
My paidpalled is here
IF you donate my wife will draw for you!! proof of overdraw is there, and further examples of my wifes art will be under the read more!!
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This is a special charcoal piece my wife did for me of my OC abraxas, it was expensive to create and I own the physical piece as well. If you are willing to donate $80 she will draw your OC or canon character like this. We require multiple pictures of your OC, if you want the physical piece as well we require you to pay shipping and handling & you must be willing to give your address out (ADULTS IN THE US ONLY)
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kaledya · 13 days
HOWDY!!🌟🌟 I haven't been active on Tumblr for a long time, to be honest I haven't been active on any platform until recently.
I think it would be right to make a small update and let my followers know what's on my mind.
(And a little note, I am writing this article from a translation. If there is a mistake in any sentence or if it sounds rude, I sincerely apologize.)
First of all, I would like to talk about why I am  less active than before.
I don't want to go into too much detail about it, so I'll keep it short, and it'll be easier for you too!
I have a disease that worsens with stress, and I can say that this disease has leveled up because I have been stressed a lot lately due to some events.Now, for no reason or if I put too much pressure on that arm area my joints and arm start to ache. This means I can't draw for 2-3 days.In general, it means that I try not to use my arm too much.
But don't worry, thanks to my doctor I'm getting better quickly and I don't have as much ache anymore, much less! Almost gone now!!🌟🌟🌟🎉
And besides these, I was trying to get accepted to the university, but I learned that my drawing skills were not enough for the animation university!( I knew this actually, my anatomy is really bad but I wanted to try my luck) It's a little sad, but I'm not discouraged!🫡
 (I think my only regret was that my arm started to hurt in the middle of the exam after I had come such a long way. Why on earth would anyone make two one and a half hour art exams back to back??) Show some mercy to the students!!)😭😭
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I just need to focus on more art skills  and I will do that!! From now on, I will focus only on improving myself and my arts! YIPPE!!
About  HH SS AU or My's OC development
It saddens me to say this, but even though I've been drawing in the HazbinHotel fandom for months, I've lost my inspiration at the moment.I probably won't be able to share any content about HazbinHotel until I regain my inspiration because I can't think of an idea or get excited about series anymore.But of course this is a temporary thing, my fandom had faded before but then it blossomed again!!
This is valid for SSAU as well, I don't have any inspiration to develop AU or draw for AU right now. 
And thank you very much to my followers who have liked and supported my HazbinHotel content so far!!!
Same goes for my OCs, I'm putting my OCs like Constantine and Serenity and the archangels on the shelf for now.Of course I will use them again in the future when I get inspired about them again, I love my babies!
About SSAU inspired fanfics Thank you again for loving this AU and for being inspired to write your own fanfic!!!
It makes me really happy to see you having fun And it makes me proud to see that I inspire people!! 
But from now on I don't prefer to use my HH OCs to write Fanfics,There are a few reasons for this but the main one is that I can't give you much feedback anymore and I wanted you to know that and I really don't want to upset or disappoint anyone when it comes to feedback.
Of course the fics about SSAU that have been written so far can continue, I have no problems with them, have fun!! I just want you to know I won't be able to give feedback  to you, or it will take a long time 
 This is of course temporary, I will let you know when I return to this fandom or change my mind about this!!
Some people ask about YouTube, I don't plan on posting any content on YouTube anytime soon.
Thank you in advance for respecting my opinions!
In short, yes, these are what I was going to say. It can be said that I have switched to the Gravity Falls fandom at the moment and I am sort of making my childhood dream come true by giving fanart to this fandom.And this is something that makes me very happy. 
Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
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kim-the-kryptid · 7 months
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Master Luminara comforts her former Padawan Oros Sami after their anxiety inducing knighting ceremony at the Temple
Really like the atmosphere here and the background doesn't look too bad, considering I hardly ever add backgrounds. Luminara was really enjoyable to draw and write about, she one of my favourite side jedi characters! I'm excited to start exploring Oros's story so I thought a good place to start would be the start of their career as a knight, which began rather unorthodox, for reference, this is 6 years prior to Order 66.
Below the cut, you can read the fic this piece is based on!
Rating: G
Word count: 1.3k
Characters: Oros Sami (jedi oc), Luminara Unduli, High Jedi Council members
The hallway to the High Council’s chamber was excruciatingly long. There were no doors on either side lining the walls, only embellishments and designs of gold leading you towards your destination. Oros tried to look ahead, focusing on how the huge double doors slowly drew closer with each step. Their hands clasped tight together, they breathed deeply, trying to clear their mind.
“I assure you my young Padawan, there is nothing to be fretting over. You have done very well on the trials and should be confident in your abilities,” Master Luminara’s voice cut through the deafening quiet. “If I can sense your fear, the Masters will have no trouble doing so.”
Oros’s eyes flicked down the floor before they breathed and replied, “Yes Master. I regret not having the time to meditate before being called upon.”
“You meditate enough as is. You need to stop letting your anxieties consume you and face them instead. What we are being summoned for today will help you see the advantage you can gain if you let yourself lie in the uncomfortable. It is to be an exciting moment of your Jedi career.” She finally looked over to Oros and gave a smile, pushing her calm through the force. They reached out to their Master’s grounded presence and took one last deep breath, visualizing the anxiety leaving their mind like the tide of an ocean. Gone for now, but welcome to kiss the sand sometime soon.
“I am sorry it has to be done in such an unorthodox way, you deserve to be going to the Hall of Knighthood instead. And you should have been told whether or not you passed already, not find out amongst the Council. For that, I can understand your worries,” Master Luminara placed a gentle hand on Oros’s shoulder. “The times we are living in are looking more and more grim, and the Order has responded by fumbling our traditions, when we Jedi need to be a strong constant in the Galaxy.” Oros studied their shoes but said nothing. No Jedi would admit it, but the recent rise in violence had them tripping on their own robes.
At this, the two reached the doors and waited as the sentinels on either side pushed them open with the force. They stepped out into the centre of the chamber and bowed, waiting for their Masters to proceed. Oros noticed all of them were present, only Master Koon and Master Mundi were tuning in via holo. This did not help their nerves, if they didn’t pass the trials, the entire Jedi High Council would be here during the announcement.
“Master Unduli, appreciate you being here, we do,” Master Yoda started “Important time for your Padawan, it is.” He nodded in acknowledgement and smiled. Master Luminara returned the smile and stepped back, somewhere out of Oros’s view. They awkwardly shifted before standing up a little straighter. The churning in their stomach continued, but now their face was neutral and their breathing calm.
Master Windu waved his hand slowly downwards, lowering the blinds over the windows and cutting off the golden sunlight as well as the surrounding distractions of Coruscant. Oros heard the shifting of shoes and robes, sensing the movements through the force rather than seeing them in the darkness of the chamber. The High Council Masters now stood in front of their seats and after a pause, Master Windu spoke.
“Padawan Oros Sami, with your focus and compassion…” A beat. “you have passed the trials.” Oros immediately let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding, a wave of relief washing over them. A small smile settled on their face, as their Masters’ lightsabers powered on all at once, creating a circle of light around them. Each of them had their saber clasped in two hands, pointed to the ceiling, just in front of their face.
“Padawan Sami, step forward, will you please.” Master Yoda, as the Grand Master of the Council, granted all Jedi Knights their status and place in the order. All the way from Master Windu, to Master Luminara and now Oros all the same. If anyone was worried for the possibility of war, it was him. He’d seen far worse and much more during his time in the order, longer than any of the High Council’s lifetimes combined.
Oros stepped forward, the green light of Master Yoda’s lightsaber bathing their face. His hood also had been drawn over his head, likely during the position change in the dark. The wrinkles around his mouth were calm, carving the familiar warm smile that Oros had seen during their Padawan ceremony. They kneeled and bowed their head just like the other thousands of Jedi had before them.
Master Yoda lowered his lightsaber to Oros’s right shoulder, before swiftly and precisely cutting their Padawan beads from where they had hung for years. He then brought the saber up and over Oros’s head before settling it above the left shoulder, effectively knighting them.
With a rippling sound, the High Council Masters all powered down their lightsabers, filling the chamber in darkness once again. Oros reached and picked up their severed Padawan beads before standing up, bowing and turning to leave the chambers. In silence they waited for the doors to re-open and stepped back out into the hallway, noticing that their now former Master had followed them. They made their way back down the hallway and once they reached a spot where they were alone again, Oros was the first to speak.
“I don’t feel any different, Master.” They stared at the beads in their hands, now just a memory that will have to be disposed of.
“You won’t, not for a while yet. It will take longer than you expect to become used to being called Jedi Knight. And once again as Master,” Master Luminara looked over to Oros, a smile on her face and her hands tucked into the sleeves of her robes. Oros could feel a great deal of unsure sadness radiating from her in the force. The relationship between Padawan and Master was precious, special and connected through the force. They will physically be able to feel the loss of the presence of the other as their duties begin to differ. “Your responsibilities may change, your circumstances, your experience, but I want to know you will always have been my Padawan. Even if there will be no lasting proof of it.”
“I guess this will be the last lesson you will have to teach me Master,” They put the beads into a pocket on their robe to dispose of later in their quarters. “I will miss you greatly, I know my skills are adequate, but I lack in your wisdom. I fear being thrown head first into things doesn’t work well for me. You have seen this first hand.” Oros stopped walking and turned to face Master Luminara now, their eyebrows furrowed and shoulders hunched over in embarrassment at the memories.
Master Luminara made an amused Hmph noise, “Young one, you have always been the sensitive type. But that’s one of your strengths, you will face the same kinds of challenges as you did before, only now you may be alone. I assure you, you will find you might not need to rely on me as much as you thought you did, Jedi Knight, Oros Sami.” She smiled and tentatively reached her arms out to offer a hug. Oros stepped closer and took it, wrapping their arms tightly around her, settling to nuzzle their nose on their Master’s head. With the difference in height, Master Luminara would have essentially been on tip-toes to do the same, so she relaxed and rested her head on Oros’s chest, holding them tightly.
Oros let everything they felt towards their former Master flow through the force. All Padawans are cared for by their Masters, it’s their responsibility, their duty for the future of the Order. Time after time, they will be granted a new Padawan, to fill the space of the last, to teach, to protect and to be a trusted adult of the force-sensitive kids running around the temple. This wasn’t the last time Master Luminara had to say goodbye to a Padawan, but it was the only time Oros had to let go of a Master.
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kkbardd · 4 months
hi! popping in quickly.
I absolutely adore your artstyle and your ocs. their personalities and stories are always so interesting, and I look forward to seeing any type of art you post.
If you take a break from drawing asurei, that's completely okay!! doing things with joy is more important than just doing them. I will enjoy whatever you draw regardless— in fact, I regularly go back to that drawing of the unnamed pink haired girlfailure OC and her "friend" daily. i am mayhaps their number one fan.
please continue sharing your stories and ideas!! I adore your characters and designs so much. I am very excited for your toxic yuri freeloader/assassin story.. they are very interesting!!
also saw you did some dialogue in japanese.. do you speak it ? im quite interested in any language so.. apologies if this is off topic ><!
In any case, thank you for continuing to create. I love your art and hope you continue to draw what makes you happy and what you feel motivated to do. I love all your art regardless of subject matter!! in fact it convinced me to to start watching madoka magica :}
best wishes !! hope you're well!!
wahhh isopod !! u always send me the nicest asks when i need them most!! i hope ur doing well ~ although my last post sounded pretty depressing im actually doing pretty well too! im going to the aquarium next week w some friends so im looking forward to that more than anything >:D
I've been reading a lot of short yuri stories by Toyo Totan & Iwami Kiyoko lately and I'm excited to use that inspiration to improve some of my own OC stuff too! (I recommend 'Last Summer Vacation' !)
And yes I'm fluent in Japanese !! I'm actually an officer in my college's JP language community & I used to translate manga on the side !! I'm completely self-taught through videos though, so while my listening and speaking are fluent I actually suck at reading LOL I'm so bad that when I translated manga I'd use my camera's text to speech to do everything...
I'm a huge language nerd too! I watch a bunch of scientific videos/TED-Talks on how our brain learns languages and tips to learn things more efficiently! For example, apparently when you first start learning a language you should never try to speak it right off! If you try speaking before listening for a very long time, your brain just kinda solidifies your verbal pronunciation and it can have long-term effects on not only how you sound, but also how you HEAR sounds! This is also why some think that children learn languages better, because they spend a long time exposed to it while being non-verbal. I love this fact bc I kinda experienced it myself!
I spent about 2 years just watching JP translated videos of people speaking naturally (not videos aimed at foreigners, nor shows that have acting, more like vlog-type stuff!) and only started speaking when exposed to others who could speak it too ! Especially during COVID, I think I was pretty much spending ~80% of my day listening and thinking in Japanese so I was very immersed! And because of that, I'm a little famous in my community for having the best pronunciation 😤 Going to on a trip to Japan & translating for the people who went with me also boosted my confidence a lot! I'll never forget this guy at an izakaya who asked how many years I've been living in Osaka LOL ("three days actually!")
I think the biggest downside though is that once u learn another language, ur first language skills get bad.. i often think up half-sentences and sayings/metaphors in Jap that just sound wrong when you try to translate it back into Eng ;;; i sometimes trail off when i speaking because i forget the english word for certain things, but my friends are now just used to my weird metaphors so!
I went on such a long tangent!! But anyways!! Thank u for always sending me the sweetest asks, I always save them to my phone and I'm pretty sure all my friends know abt u bc I always show them the nice things u say 😭!! And yes!!! Madoka is so good, especially the movie so im excited ur gonna watch it!! I hope u like it!
and finally for their #1 fan <3 :
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ursachaotic · 2 months
Ok this might be a little weird and I want to tell this to you anonymously because I don't want to make you feel pressured into answering ^^' (let it be known I am a mutual of yours & I know we don't talk but I think you're really cool <:) Your genuine love for Gravity Falls and you excitement about The Book of Bill is kind of. Helping me rekindle old love for the franchise. I stopped interacting with it more or less involuntarily (bad experience with bad people) and felt bad that I can't get into it but honestly your interest did help me rediscover it, or at least start to do so. Like I've picked up my old Journal 3 a couple times this week, I thought about re-watching the show, I bookmarked the cheapest "to be released" listings for TBOB in the online shops in my country, I have the thisisnotawebsitedotcom bookmarked too. I've been picking up my hand-made-from-a-towel Bill plush and just looking at him. Thinking about trying to find his hat and make him a new bow because I took them off when it was just too awful to perceive.
I hope this isn't weird. I genuinely don't mean to be weird or trigger your anxiety or anything, I mean it. Your love for this show and everything around it is helping me a bit to rediscover my own, which is great, because as someone with interest in folklore, the paranormal and cryptids, GF was an amazing thing to discover. I myself made a grown up version of Dipper, who's a full-on cryptid hunter and wrote a lot of stories about him, later turning that concept into my own thing because it was too painful to keep but I loved all of the creatures I made and the lore and stuff. So I just took my ideas and moved it into my own thing, which is currently my most developed universe with my most beloved ocs.
This is lengthy. Sorry. Again, I genuinely don't want to creep you out, just, I'm glad I found you and your art and your comic and that you're so excited about your interests. Please know that you are never bad or annoying for loving what you love, please continue being so passionate about things, because it's really cool. You're cool. I hope you know that ^^ and, well, if not, I'm telling you. You're cool and your work is amazing.
(If you would prefer me to pm you feel free to post about it here or your personal? blog, whichever you're cool with, I'll probably see it and can just pm you with like "haha yeah I'm the long rekindled-interest anon" or you can answer this or just read & delete, I really don't mind if you don't want to answer ^^. Just, wanted to say this. Again I hope this isn't weird ;w; I swear I'm just a little adhd guy who used to love GF a lot, and possibly might be okay enough to start interacting with it on his own. And your love for the franchise helped.)
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Hi this made me tear up (iN A GOOD WAY I PROMISE AHSDOFISADH I CRY WHEN I'M HAPPY LOL), this is seriously so, so sweet. Thank you so much for sending me this!! 🥹 I'm really glad that all of my silly Gravity Falls stuff has helped you get back into the show, and I hope you enjoy it and enjoy the Book of Bill if you get it!
Also, this seriously means a lot to me, especially because I'm actually really self-conscious about my interests and passions haha. I'm terrified of being seen as annoying, and there's been a lot of times recently where I've shut down out of the fear of being annoying about my interests. But I'm starting to not give a shit about whether or not people find me annoying online?? I want to be super vocal about something I adore so damn much cause it makes me happy! I've also been burnt out on drawing for a WHILE, but reading this book has given me so much inspiration, and drawing feels really fun and exciting again for the first time in a while! I struggle with depression a lot too, but my love for Bill and excitement about what's to come for the series has helped me feel really happy and kept me going for the first time in a bit. So, while I'm still scared of being perceived as annoying, I'm really happy right now and I want to keep doing stuff that makes me happy, even if that's just drawing Bill antagonizing me / my sona lmao. Seriously, thank you so much for sending me this! It's incredibly sweet and I'm really grateful that you did ;w;
Also you can absolutely reach out over DMs!! I would love to talk, but I hope you're having a wonderful day!! 🥹❤️
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selfshippinglover · 10 months
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Here's a pic of my Sona for reference and I'll try to draw up a Marty(my Morty OC) one soon: (commission by: (sorrel paws)
i am scared but i am desperate! Time to punch my anxiety into outer space! Fuck it I wanna rp! Rick and Mortty time! Any characters! I don't have a Rick OC but I have a Morty one I'd love to develop :D Love to use my insert! Every Rick ever my beloved! Oc's and other self inserts very welcome! Let's explore the multiverse together :)
i'd prefer to use pm/dms since it's all in one spot and easier to keep track of. Can rp on here or Discord.
Know that I'm working part time so answer times will vary but I have the next two days off so I'm very avaliable rn!
Feel free to just dm/pm if you're interested!
Morty Oc details below:
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~ Pronouns: He/ They Xe/Xem
Sexuality: Pansexual demiboy with more of an attraction to men
~Age: 20(present)
Family: Rick(dead) Summer(dead) Beth, Space Beth, Jerry, Uncle BirdPerson
Dimension: RK-977
Backstory: A normal Morty all things considered. Has a space grandpa that drives him nuts, goes on adventures, and ends up in a big stand off with the Intergalactic Feds. Things go wrong and people get hurt leaving him and the survivors of his family running throughout multiverse as wanted fugitives.
Family relationships:
Rick: There were ups and downs, bad nights because of alcohol and drugs, and some fucked up things here and there but Rick always put Marty first and has "died" numerous times for his sake. They didn't always see eye to eye on things but his love for Marty was never in doubt. Believes there's no one that can replace his Grandpa Rick.
Summer: A bitch of a sister but one hell of a partner. Marty and Summer were often tasked with taking care of one another on adventures as well as tag teaming. They fought on and off and generally kept a distance at school, Summer did her best to raise Marty despite the circumstances.
Jerry: He and Marty are talking and seeing one another occasionally. He got a divorce with Beth and has been living on his own sense. Stays in that shitty apartment taking odd jobs here and there while trying to make time for his kids. He still has some feelings for Beth but doesn't do anything about it since Beth seems to have moved on. He hopes that he can be a better father to his kids, and maybe even a friend to Beth.
Beth: Divorced Jerry awhile back and went to work taking care of the kids herself, Beth has been doing the best she can do. Jerry can't usually pay the child support so she's stuck working full time at the horse hospital. Tired, hurt, starting to get a drinking habit, and in fear of losing her kids love, she spends as much time with them as she can and leaves Rick to care for them when she can't. She's still processing the divorce and trying to figure out what she wants amidst the war.
Space Beth: A Beth that has been with the Resistance for years before meeting Marty, she ends up on the Smith families doorstep while laying low. despite being there for a short time, she quickly takes a liking to Beth and her family. She is the reason that they end up being pulled into the Feds line of sight in the first place. She's spent most of her life fighting and she continues you to with the addition of the Smiths.
Uncle BirdPerson/BP: Another Resistance member and one of the first to join in the efforts, Marty met BP through Space Beth. They started out on uneasy terms since they just crashed on some strangers couch for awhile to hide from the FEDs. Come to find out, he knew Marty's grandfather and was friends with him when they were younger. Deciding he's trustworthy, he adopts BP as an Uncle figure and frequents his house. BP ends up telling Marty everything he went through with his grandfather and grows close to him.
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miela · 2 months
Dear Reader
Hey, Hey, Heeeeeeyyyyy
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Long time no update, eh? I hope you're all doing well! Let me know down in the comments I miss all of you truly.
Let's get this out of the way: No, I'm not here to tell you that I won't be continuing the fic. I certainly am going to. Really I just wanted to give you guys updates on what's going on and why my hiatus took 7 plus months unexpectedly. I won't go into the nitty gritty details of it all but I will give a general idea because it may result in other hiatuses (I’m working around trying to find a way to prevent that though).
Firstly, I have been dealing with chronic pain for the past few months. I feel it in my back, knees, neck and hands mostly. Which you can imagine, prevents me from typing, drawing or doing much of anything as much as I would like to. At most I can properly type a few paragraphs at a time before my fingers want to give out. Regarding my hands, I have no idea where this stems from (certainly not me cracking my knuckles as a teenager, not that can’t be it…), but I’m doing different things and exercises that have been helping me. For the rest of my body, I couldn’t tell you but I’m working on doing better health practices to keep myself functioning.
Secondly, I’m a uni graduate (yay). And I have been STRUGGLING at finding a job in this post-pandemic economy. I’m not even gonna go into the absolute outrage I feel about this. Either way, I got a small job at a cafe that lasted a month and it put me in such a depressive state that I just recently was able to pull myself out of it (it was seriously THAT BAD, guys). And on top of that I’ve been feeling like a failure for not being able to find a job in my field. Either way, I’m in my Miles Morales era and doing my own thing.
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There’s more to it but those are the main ones. I have been thinking about this story NON-STOP so don’t worry I haven’t given up on it. I promise I will be back. I’m going to be writing, but I probably will be updating slower than usual. I want to improve in my writing and make sure the chapters are the best they can be for you guys to enjoy (literally I was reading Manacled and Crimson Rivers and the writing is soooo good that I was mad at myself for not being at that level even if I did have a decade long writer’s block LMAO). If you sent in any request for me to write, I haven’t abandoned you guys either! Don’t worry! I SEE YOU! I will give you your requests!
Speaking of, I am planning my next fic (literally ignore my trello I have to organize it honestly). It’s going to be Marauders Era one. I have a few ideas of what I want to do but I am excited to write it! More OCs to come! (Disclaimer: FUCK JKR, Let’s all steal the wizarding world and make it lgbtqia+ AF). 
Anyways, I didn’t say all this to gain pity. Please don’t pity me. I just wanted to keep you all updated on what's going on. 
It’s good to be back! I missed all of you. 
(Literally i'm such an asshole for leaving ya'll on a cliffhanger like that. I am SO SORRY. Literally tf is wrong with me fr.)
@i-love-mommy-wanda @riordanness @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo @blackcanary130 @kindlover @i-have-no-life-charlie @melodicheauxxlovesfood @hufflepuff-n-fluff
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{ this post is entirely ooc }
Hello there! Welcome to this Roleplay Blog out of a million however you might have gotten here. First, something important to get out of the way before getting into the actual intro info:
i am not part nor affiliated with the official BOGGIO team, personally being just a fan of the game / characters, and therefore nothing of which I say or do here should be taken as canon, this is simply a roleplay / parody account of one of their / PHIGHTING!'s characters. I can't possibly know every single detail about, well, anything and will very likely mess things up especially since I don't have a twitter and therefore can't exactly access any twitter posts made about phighting lore and such unless it's directly shared with me. Most of what's here is either taken by Soda's tumblr QnA, the Official Phighting Wiki ( the fandom.com one is outdated ) or my own personal Headcanons.
If you're still here and would like to continue reading this intro then without further ado lets get onto it ( click readmore )
( this is going to be a very long post )
This is primarily just another silly little RP / Ask / Parody Blog for Medkit from the game PHIGHTING! on Roblox. I'm not exactly the best roleplayer however and might possibly get a tad out of character from time to time if I'm not careful, which I do apologize if that ends up happening.
It might also take me a while to answer and respond to stuff due to the fact that I tend to like to think for a good while before deciding to do so ( or i might just straight up forget / get distracted in which case you are welcome to direct my attention back to it ).
I'll likely also send in some Roblox screenshots and such both IC and OOC. ( with something to differentiate which is which of course )
Although my art's not exactly the best I will likely try to respond with a simple doodle or drawing from time to time because well it's fun to do and I feel that it could make some things seem more interesting and such. :)
Most of the drawings and SS's here are simply my own but I will make sure to provide credits and such if I use someone else's stuff for my own purposes of course!!
Aslong as you aren't NSFW ( gore / graphic stuff is fine by me but will be tagged just incase anyone else isn't fine with it or is made uncomfortable by it ), Racist, Transphobic, Homophobic, A proshipper / comshipper, abelist, aphobic, zionist or otherwise just not really that good then I'm completely open to interactions most of the time! If I don't answer right away then I'm probably busy / distracted but I will try to get to it as fast as I can when I do notice it. I don't mind AU or OC interactions but try to let me know the context behind relationships and such beforehand!
I am relatively fine with shipping aslong as it, yknow, isn't bad, forced or a proship / comship or anything but due to personal preference and the fact that I do headcanon Medkit as Demiromantic I would prefer to take it slow at first atleast. I might also ask for reasoning though that's just out of curiosity if it's something I'm not familiar with.
The Mod / Blog Runner doesn't exactly take things too seriously most of the time and swears a lot so that'll probably reflect in OOC posts. I have pretty bad bad grammar / English aswell so if there's any particularly bad mistakes do make sure to point them out so I can fix them.
Not sharing the main blog for the time being but if you do recognize me then.. Hiiiii!
All in all, I am looking forward to interacting with this community and seeing what happens! :D
Pronouns for Medkit - He / Him
Pronouns for Mod / Blog Runner - He / It / They / Xe
Do take in account that due to the nature and backstory of the character that this blog revolves around it will likely touch on some topics of extreme violence or atleast the aftermath of said violence, PTSD, Paranoia and Cults / Cult Life.
All of the above will atleast have an attempt to be properly tagged whenever directly mentioned / brought up. Please do let me know if I miss anything or need to use different / more tags.
More will be added to this if seen fit
Although for most of these I either have personal experience and / or tried to do excessive research about please do also let me know if I can do / portray something better!
Normal Text in any way -> OOC
Chat + Italics -> Narration / Actions
" Green Chat in Quotations " -> Speech [ Italic Green Chat in square brackets ] -> Thoughts
Bold text in any of these likely just means that it's important or atleast that it should be a focus point. Small text will likely be less important or whispering / mumbling / in a quieter tone of voice depending on the context.
Will add more if needed
Suit / Main Reference made by myself.
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If text too hard to or unable to read due to coloring here's the text left -> right, top -> bottom
Long Fur + Fands due 2 being blackrock born demon
Long, long-furred tail
Other than longer fangs nothing too remarkable about mouth
he / him under a transmasculine flag
Small Holes in gloves allowing unsheathed claws to stick out
Due to his current circumstances Medkit probably isn't really looking for love or a romantic relationship in the first place, nor would he probably be able to completely trust anyone viable for that position to get close enough or those feelings at the moment. That doesn't exactly mean he CAN'T but it's very unlikely.
Probably tired most of the time and all the caffeine from the coffee probably isn't helping. And back pain. Can't forget the back pain. This dude literally sleeps on a desk i cant imagine how that back feels.
Medkit usually doesn't let anyone other than the people he trusts on his blindspot / left side while idle and able just so that he can keep an eye on what's going on, frequently preferring to have that side closer to walls and other obstructions otherwise. Also likely so that he knows that someone would be watching on that side while he can't.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'm tired of getting sick every month before getting my period why does God hate women -Danny Words: 2,621 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Smoke And Mirrors' -by Imagine Dragons
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LIII: Ask Me Again When I'm Mentally Stable
Letting Percy and Leo go together on a mission without her supervision gives her so much anxiety. Her boyfriend and her brother get along, Percy hasn't said much, but he's probably going to support Leo's idea because he's insane like that. Loyalty is his fatal flaw and everything... 
Ara can't relate, she does what she can to help her friends, yes, but at the same time, when the strain of holding onto someone isn't worth it, she relaxes her grip. Leo used to be like that: escaping foster homes, keeping everyone at arm's length—it was only when Ara showed up that he started to have trouble letting go.
"Stop," Jason captures her hand and pulls it away from her forehead. "You'll end up drawing blood."
"I'm anxious and there's nothing to fix..." She glances at the smoke rising from his injury. "Unless I count you as one of my broken toys. Juno said the wound affects your spirit—if you let me try my empath touch..."
"I have to heal myself."
"And you decide to take it as some test?" Ara raises a brow. "Gods, will you ever stop being so Roman?"
Jason smiles. "I think that's literally the problem."
"Ah, so this is another identity crisis?" Ara crosses her arms. "You go through those way too often."
"You and Leo are insufferable," Jason rolls his eyes. "You push people's buttons so we focus on being angry at you instead of your problems."
"Listen, ever since Rome was founded you guys have desperately tried to be like us, so in my opinion, you're the most Roman fella that's ever lived in the last century, I don't see what the fuss is about."
"You're the youngest child of Olympus that's ever existed, the youngest General, and that makes you twice as scary. I know it's easier said than done, but you should follow Eros's advice and—"
"You're currently dying and you're trying to tell me how to live?"
Jason doesn't yield. "You taught me that no one but me gets to decide who I am—you declared yourself daughter of Olympus, so why are you acting like Leo won't make it? Now it's not the time to question willpower."
Ara and Jason hold a staring competition, but Jason's got that stupid wolfish glare, so she can't outdo him. She turns and faces the skyline before her.
"When it was just my life I was handling, it was easy to say that stuff. But I found out stubbornness has messed up multiple lifetimes... Leo's life is on the line, I can't lie just to make myself feel better."
"Who says it's a lie?"
"I can't hold the curse to my way of perceiving the world," she says irritatedly. "Leo's idea is very romantic, but he's not considering the effort it'll take to defeat Gaea, he's underestimating the situation."
"Leo is smarter than that," Jason reasons. "And you know that."
Ara groans. "Wits are nothing if you have nowhere to put them. He doesn't have a solid plan, and the curse is clear: He can't save himself."
"Yeah, and he's not trying to," Jason replies. "He's going to save Calypso and you instead."
Ara hears a thump followed by muffled screams at the other end of the trireme. "Stay here."
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"Did you tell Leo about our fighting style?" Percy asks while Frank and Leo take Nike downstairs.
"When we were about to fight he said 'I distract, you attack'."
Ara starts going downstairs to look at the goddess. "It doesn't surprise me. Leo's always been more comfortable being a distraction."
Percy follows her. "You two are more similar than I thought. Or he's really similar to who you used to be—"
"Yeah, yeah, I've changed," Ara says grumpily. "Save it."
"No—wait," Percy catches her wrist and stops her. "You have changed, and I thought it was something bad, but not anymore."
"What is your point, Percy?" She presses.
"You grew up," he continues. "And it sucks that I couldn't be there to help you, but it had to be this way. After Bianca, I didn't want you out of sight," his hand remains around her wrist, and Ara can feel his angst. "When Beckendorf died, I thought you hated me, and then Mike died and I... I thought you wanted to get away from me. I got scared and confused, but while I was in Tartarus—"
"You don't have to talk about it—"
"While I was in Tartarus," he insists. "We ran into a herd of arai. The more we slayed, the more curses fell upon me and Annabeth, it was probably one of the scariest moments of my life, but what they say about you in camp, they don't know what they're talking about. You're powerful and resourceful, and they're afraid of that. I was too, but that doesn't make you bad. I'm sorry."
Ara pouts and pulls Percy into a tight hug. "Thank you."
"I want you to be safe," he says, voice muffled by the hug. "I know it's absurd, but you're my little sister. If something bad ever happened to you..."
"I'm sorry too. I knew you loved me, but there was a second voice telling me I didn't matter and I was jealous of how things were just given to you, even if I knew they came at a high price..."
"We used to tell each other everything," he looks down at her. "What happened?"
Ara ponders his question. "You can make mistakes, but in front of your family?" Ara swallows the lump in her throat. "It's like twisting a blade in your gut. We stepped out so we wouldn't bleed in front of each other."
Leo's voice comes from downstairs. "Sunshine, come meet our new buddy!"
Percy clears his throat. "You should go... You and Leo should talk to her."
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"You gagged a goddess."
"What you're trying to say is 'Oh my gods, thank you so much for bringing Nike so she can help my hot boyfriend!'," Leo says tauntingly.
"Oh my gods, you guys, thank you for disrespecting another goddess!" Ara replies sarcastically. "Can someone explain the gag?"
"She threatened to curse us," Frank shrugs. "Considering three out of the four people present were already dealing with curses, we decided not to risk it."
Ara crouches next to the goddess. "Lady Nike, I'll take off the gag if you promise not to curse us, yes?"
"Wait," Leo stops her. "Before you do that, there's something you should know."
Ara pulls her hand back and scowls. "What is it? Is her spit deadly or something?"
"She said one of us has to die to defeat Gaea, that it's destined to be that way," Frank says tensely. "Leo believes it's him and... at this point, it makes sense."
"She also said there's a way to defeat death," Leo's eyes are shining. "The Physician's Cure. Ever heard of it?"
Nothing comes to mind. Ara shakes her head. "Is she willing to share more on that?"
"Well, she mentioned a few things—poison, a god's heartbeat, and the curse of Delos..."
Ara raises a brow. "That's where Artemis and Apollo were born." Leo smirks, pleased with how things are lining up to match his plan. "Don't look so proud, the goddess of victory just said you're a prescribed loser."
"I wear the title as a badge of honor," Leo looks at Nike and nods. "Alright, take the gag off."
"I'll gather the others," Frank tells them. "Let's hold a meeting in an hour? So you can tell us what Nike said."
"Yeah, big guy—thank you," Leo pats his shoulder amicably.
"Stop thanking us, we're planning your death," Frank scolds him.
 Ara waves him off. "Don't waste your breath, he enjoys being a martyr."
"You bet I do! Finally, people give me the prince treatment I deserve!"
"Get out of here before you become a murder witness," Ara warns Frank.
"My eyes are closed, General," Frank turns and leaves the stables.
The girl seizes a corner of the tape over the goddess's mouth. "If you place a curse on us, I'll dismantle your wings and use them to rebuild my bronze dragon. Got it?"
The goddess nods, and so Ara removes the tape. Nike complains dramatically, but she doesn't curse them, mostly because she's too busy staring at Ara with hungry eyes. "Daughter of Olympus," the words are like honey in her mouth. "My Greek champion, I'll grant you answers."
"Thank you," Ara says politely. "Tell me about the Physician's Cure."
Nike responds heatedly. "It's a cheap trick. People who die are losers, they shouldn't get a second chance."
"Understandable," she continues patiently. "But you told them that to defeat Gaea, Leo must die. If he dies, then Leo would've won, right? He'd have a right to a reward."
Nike ponders. "Well..."
"Without Leo's death, there would be no victory," Ara continues with charmspeak. "He deserves to come back. It's a big war—bigger than the one my brother and I fought against Kronos. Wouldn't you like to have another Greek champion?"
"That would be nice..." Nike's eyes glisten with longing. 
"Wouldn't that be the ultimate victory, defeating death?"
"Maybe," the goddess's eye twitches. "Yes."
"We'll get you that milestone," Ara says earnestly.
Nike stares at Leo like she can't wait to carve him into the perfect shape. "You'll be my new champion, Leo Valdez?"
"Absolutely," he smiles confidently. "I was born to win."
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The minute her consciousness slips into dreamland, Nico Di Angelo pops into view and grabs her shoulder. "You should see this." Ara gets yanked into his dream, standing in the middle of the rec room. "This is from the latest meeting," Nico glares at the teenagers. "You'll love it."
"...Something's wrong."
Jake Mason clears his throat. "Probably this Roman dirt-wipe who's leading the attack—Octavian what's-his-name. If I was Apollo and my descendant was acting that way, I'd go into hiding out of shame."
"I agree," Will sighs. "I wish I was a better archer... I wouldn't mind shooting my Roman relative off his high horse. Actually, I wish I could use any of my father's gifts to stop this war... Unfortunately, I'm just a healer."
"Your talents are essential," Chiron tells him. "I fear we'll need them soon enough. As for seeing the future... what about the harpy Ella? Has she offered any advice from the Sibylline Books?"
"The poor thing is scared out of her wits," Rachel makes a face. "Harpies hate being imprisoned. Ever since the Romans surrounded us... well, she feels trapped. She knows Octavian means to capture her. It's all Tyson and I can do to keep her from flying away."
"Which would be suicide." Butch, son of Iris, grumbles. "With those Roman eagles in the air, flying isn't safe. I've already lost two pegasi."
"At least Tyson brought some of his Cyclops friends to help out," Rachel offers. "That's a little good news."
"A dozen full-grown Cyclopes? That's a lot of good news!" Connor laughs, he's seated next to Lily. "Plus, Lou Ellen and the Hecate kids have been putting up magic barriers, and the whole Hermes cabin has been lining the hills with traps and snares and all kinds of nice surprises for the Romans!"
Jake glares at him. "Most of which you stole from Bunker Nine and the Hephaestus cabin."
"They even stole the landmines from around the Ares cabin," Clarisse complains. "How do you steal live landmines?"
"We commandeered them for the war effort." Connor eats a handful of salt crackers, probably stolen from Jake's secret stash too. "You guys have plenty of toys, you can share! Ara would want you to."
That shuts up Jake and Clarisse. Chiron takes advantage of it. "Grover? What news from the nature spirits?"
"Even on a good day, it's hard to organize nymphs and dryads," Grover looks exhausted. "With Gaia stirring, they're almost as disoriented as the gods. Katie and Miranda from the Demeter cabin are out there right now trying to help, but if the Earth Mother wakes... Well, I can't promise the woods will be safe. Or the hills. Or the strawberry fields. Or—"
"Great." Jake looks at Clovis and shakes him a bit when he starts to close his eyes. "So what do we do?"
"Attack!" Clarisse says, making everyone jump. "The Romans are getting more reinforcements by the day. We know they plan to invade on August first. Why should we let them set the timetable? I can only guess they're waiting to gather more forces. They already outnumber us. We should attack now, before they get any stronger; take the fight to them!"
Lily looks at her brother, asking him to speak as the Athena counselor. "Clarisse, I get your point. But have you studied Roman engineering? Their temporary camp is better defended than Camp Half-Blood. Attack them at their base, and we'd be massacred."
"So we just wait? Let them get all their forces prepared while Gaia gets closer to waking? I have Coach Hedge's pregnant wife under my protection. I am not going to let anything happen to her. I owe Hedge my life. Besides, I've been training the campers more than you have, Malcolm. Their morale is low. Everybody is scared. If we're under siege another nine days—"
"We should stick to Annabeth's plan." Connor tries to control Clarisse's frustration. "We have to hold out until she gets that magic Athena statue back here."
"You mean if that Roman praetor gets the statue back here," Clarisse scoffs. "I don't understand what Annabeth was thinking, collaborating with the enemy. Even if the Roman manages to bring us the statue—which is impossible—we're supposed to trust that will bring peace? The statue arrives and suddenly the Romans lay down their weapons and start dancing around, throwing flowers? Ara once gave me crap for not standing on business, and I won't disappoint her a second time."
"Don't hold onto the stuff she said before becoming a General," Lily speaks at last. "We haven't heard from her in a month—"
"Are you suggesting we listen to you?" Clarisse snaps. "For that to happen, you'd need to speak up, Saggio."
Lily's cheeks flush. "Well, isn't that what I'm doing? I know none of you believe Ara is the camp's curse, but I also know some of you are blinded by your personal history with her—"
"Mostly you..." Jake mumbles.
Lily's voice gets a little drier. "I might've argued with Ara but I'm still second in command. I think it nonsensical to consider what she'd do when she's not here—she won't be here on time to deal with this, so we should be thinking for ourselves. I agree with Clarisse, that statue might not fix things..."
She looks at the older girl, Lily is one of the few people Clarisse treats like a fighter of her range, which sometimes can be funny, considering Lily barely reaches her shoulder.
"But we won't attack. Throwing the first punch is never a good idea, and Romans are A-class bullies who know fear is the best tool for prompt subjugation, don't let them trick you into digging our grave."
Clarisse scrutinizes Lily as if searching for the best area to stab her, but eventually, she gives in. "Birdy and I go a long way back, I do not want to fail her like I failed her sister... If you think this is the way..."
Rachel leans forward. "Annabeth and Ara know what they're doing. We have to try for peace. Unless we can unite the Greeks and Romans, the gods won't be healed. Unless the gods are healed, there's no way we can kill the giants. And unless we kill the giants—"
"Gaia wakes," Connor makes a face. "Game over. Look, Clarisse, Annabeth sent me a message from Tartarus. From fricking Tartarus. Anybody who can do that... hey, I listen to them."
"And let's not forget that in Lily's latest dream, Ara was fighting three immortals at once—and she was winning," Jake raises a brow. "If stalling gives her time to come back and end this, then heck, I'm nothing but stale."
Lily frowns. "That's... not the best analogy, but thank you, Jake." The girl shows him a brief smile that doesn't go unnoticed by Connor, who glares at Jake as he stuffs more salt crackers in his mouth.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh @ebony-reine-vibes
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mysteriousbp · 8 months
To everyone: the person being talked about: xddcc the blue cat jack In the box
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I tried to be nice... I really did... I tried to ignore you... But you just keep coming back, even though I never answer your asks... And you somehow found a way to reach my limit with how annoying you are to everyone in the Tadc community here on Tumblr. I'm usually a nice person... But I'm not going to sugarcoat it.
You keep spamming me with your OC's and your AU, and you keep trying to force your things into my Tadc AU's. But that's not the bad part. The bad part is that you do it to everyone! Do you think it is fun to have a little (sorry for my language) BRAT always trying to make everything about him? Let me inform you. IT ISN'T. Do you see me trying to force my Tadc OC's and AU's down other people's throats? NO!!! I am just here creating my ideas and posting them here, hoping that at least one person likes them. If not, well, I just make them something I draw on my sketchbook for fun. You are just a kid that wants attention, and the only way you know how to get it is to annoy other people.
Here is my freaking advice. Just do what everyone else does here. Keep your work on your blog. Don't force people to like your stuff. Just post and wait. My ideas somehow found a small group of people who liked them. So if my stupid ideas could find an audience, your ideas will also eventually find an audience. You just need to have patience.
But here's my warning! If you continue to spam my inbox with YOUR stuff. I'M GOING TO BLOCK YOU.
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hello! I absolutely love eden and her design 😍! is it ok if i ask what is how will she interact with the other villains such maleficent,hades,scar etc basically the recruiters masters
I actually got all giddy for my first DVR OC ask~, Eden was such a fun girl to work with, I'm so happy to continue with the others who are more or less going to be hard to draw lol
Also my first video I saw on your blog when I hovered was the Vil and leona arguing so that helped set the mood for me somehow-
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While her and Malfie get along well, Eden knows how to get on Maleficent's good side by being respectful and at least acting like what she been through
Maleficent however is a powerful mage so she can sense a lie from her, but she doesn't say anything as she's rather good in the forest
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As I mentioned with Maleficent and I'll say for the others, Eden knows how to quickly adapt her personality to match those she's trying to get on her good side, Hades didn't fall for that trick at all
He finds her entertaining and she finds him honestly admirable but can understand why Ms Hades gets so annoyed in some cases
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Again, she knew well how to talk to him but she really was expecting an actual lion staring at her face!
He was amused by her especially after she got over her shock
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Oh Gods they get along too well!
Like to the point once Jack saw they're still friendly after a hour he paled and went "Oh no-" and quickly began to do whatever it took for him to please Eden so she wouldn't go off on a lie that'll get him in trouble
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Hmmm two beautiful women iconic in their work related to animals? yeah they seem to get along perfectly well darling~!
Cruella finds her very refreshing like her young self, but still openly talks about Gaston without fear
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Eden is still as respectful as she always is, need more ally's am I right? But she honest to Heaven above find our favorite pirate man not masculine enough and annoying, but that's just her not growing up with emotions shown openly
She's a bit jealous of Lady Hook and the Captain's relationship and how they don't seem to really want to harm their enemies aka a bunch of children in animal onesies
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Yet another pair that once their recruiter sees are getting along are dreaded it forevermore!
Ursula may find her a hoot but that doesn't stop her trying to manipulate her thinking by talking about her looks and talents and just slightly mentioning her and Gaston's bond not as good
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Yeah she doesn't go neat that man for obvious reasons, and that's not just that he makes her uncomfortable on so many levels. He would down right do what he did for Esmerelda which was berate her of her looks and religion while being mega creepy! Does she say anything to Veil? No...she honestly too embarrassed to ruin that image of perfection of her close friend's master
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A mix of Cruella and Maleficent with Eden being her oh so well acted self and her knowing of it but doesn't care and Eden's aware she knows and doesn't care and loves it
These two know a bad-ass bitch when they see one and a strong ally (If it obvious I LOVE the Evil Queen?)
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Again, a weird accidental friendship formed due to knowing a bad-bitch when they see one! He knows well she's a trickster who has nothing to lose but everything to gain and she knows he's just the same
They talk often and he's not aware of her tricking him to give her some pretty things he earned lol
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sparklecinnamonbunny · 10 months
For the Wholesome OC Asks, I want 20 questions of your choice that you have yet to answer for Sunday. Go. Go go go go go go.
(jk. I mean, I *want* that many, but I won't ask that of you. Instead, give me two and two and two for Sunday, Envy, and Ava!)
I am *so* late answering this. I'll do a bunch to make up for it! (EDIT: Turns out CTRL+ENTER posts shit! Which is bad when you're maybe just trying to SHIFT+ENTER.)
Sunday 13. Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favourite season and why? Sunday vastly prefers warm temperatures, and can tolerate hot and humid weather more than cold. She despises winter weather, even if she likes the aesthetic. That said, her favorite season is autumn! Samhain, Halloween, and her birthday all line up around the same time, she feels magically powerful, and the weather's really nice for a while. 38. Find one quote from a book, a song, or a piece of media that would make them feel at peace. There's a ton of quotes that make me think of the gal, but one that would make her feel understood is from Virginia Woolf's The Waves: "I am made and unmade continually. Different people draw different words from me." 41. If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality? If Sunday was a bath bomb she would give no shits about staining your tub. You'll have a gloriously goth bath experience, and step out feeling renewed and silky smooth, but it'll cost you some scrubbing later. Color wise, we're looking at either blood red or pitch black, with swirls of golden glitter throughout. It would have a strong scent, with notes of rosemary, sage, amber, and clove. Kind of incense-like, but still botanical. It's not for everyone, but it could be for you.
Ava 41. If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality? While I'm still thinking about bath bombs, Ava Sunbeam's would be deceptive. The outermost layer would promise pink glitter and cloyingly sweet raspberry sugar, but once you let it fizz, it would turn out to be a purple, black, and silver galaxy with very few traces of the original pink glitter to be found. The true scent, once revealed, would be a far richer combination of patchouli, plum, and black cherry. 5. What is the song you most associate to them? I'll take this opportunity to plug Ava's playlist, which you can find below! It's hard to pick one quintessential Ava song, but my top three in no particular order are You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring; Mastermind by Taylor Swift (shocking, I know); and Magic's In The Makeup by No Doubt.
42. Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say? "Admitting this feels like confessing my faith is weak, but... I'm exhausted. Do you know how hard—" Here, Ava assumes her usual valley girl fry, "—Like, how hard this is? I'm surrounded by flippin' idiots, like ALL THE TIME, and everyone thinks I'm stupid! I'm not stupid! They don't even know what's coming for them! They don't know a thing!" "And then, I like, have to pretend that I LIKE them? That I'm some vapid pop star that's there to look pretty and suck dick? I don't even think I like dicks! And then that asshole, Nathan, wants to talk about how 'metal is deeper than pop' and how I 'couldn't understand the depths of his darkness?!' News flash, douchebag, I come from the darkness! I have witnessed brutalities beyond human comprehension! I—" Ava clears her throat, checks to make sure she's still alone, and continues, softly, "I'm just, like, tired of this. I know it's important, but it's a thankless job. The worst part is, sometimes I feel bad for Toki. Gag me. Like, he's just as important as the others, and he gets shat on ALL THE TIME. Ugh, I wish I could just make the Prophecy turn a little faster. Every time I hang out with them, there's a moment where I think about how easy it would be to kill them all. I don't know how much more of it I can take, I guess. And don't get me started on the Seer..."
Envy 1. Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours? I'm feeling a hot apple cider right about now— the kind of drink with just enough spice to warm you up inside and out. Envy doesn't go for cider that often, though. Given the choice, she'd much rather have a cup of hot tea. She collects unique blends, and is the kind of person to have a favorite strain of oolong (Green Heart oolongs from Taiwan). She's always got a pot of something at the ready when she's home. 17. What positives did they extrapolate from the worst moment(s) of their life? The worst moment of Envy's life (and there's been a king's ransom of highs and lows) was the first time she had to use the nail bat in the back of the bar. She'd been living in LA for about a year and a half at that point, and had just recently started presenting as a woman. She kicked out a group of skinheads fairly early into her shift, and a couple of them skulked around outside until close. The fight was closer than she'd like (and really, she was lucky they didn't have knives or guns), but she prevailed. Between the wonderful knowledge that she could still win a fight and the oddly affirming experience of being insulted as a woman, she walked home with newfound confidence. This developed into the self-assurance she still carries to this day.
37. Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy? Nothing cause I'm broke as hell If she had unlimited play money, she'd spend it on clothes, shoes, and DIY construction projects. She likes to dress boldly for work and cozy at home, and she can never have enough slouchy cardigans and band tees. Let alone her bondage gear and dominatrix outfits... Anywho, she's the type of person who always has a project. She's fixing shit at her bars, building something new, or sprucing up the community garden. If someone needs a new garden bed, she's diving right in.
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starleska · 1 year
girl i am just SO curious since we have the same type and all abt your thoughts on Cagney Carnation from Cuphead 👀
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oh hell yes!!! thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about the deranged flower again 😳💖💖💖 i adore Cagney Carnation. who doesn't?? such a captivating design - one part mob boss, one part flower, one part monstrous abomination with some very sexy teeth 🙈🙈 Cuphead is one of those franchises i have a tonne of f/os from: Cagney Carnation, Chef Saltbaker, Werner Werman, King Dice, Baroness Von Bon Bon...and doubtless the next time i revisit the fandom someone else's wonderful fanart will tip me into fixation for another character 😂 but Cagney is special...i totally get why we all went feral for him 😂💖 he's yet another instalment in the 'characters with long supernumerary appendages who could easily rip us apart' roster...the incredible strength, his silly little dance, and how absolutely badass his final form is, it's no wonder he's so beloved!! easily one of the best and most iconic fights in the whole game with a banging song, and so many fun details. i went back and S-ranked him recently and felt on top of the world 🙈
listen, i am down so bad it's not funny 😂 Cuphead really does lend itself to so much creativity and fandom fun...feels very much like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared in that way. whether folks are drawing him as a grumpy lil flower, an Eldritch abomination or a handsome gijinka, there's no version of him i don't like;;; OH!!! have you heard Man on the Internet's lyric cover of Floral Fury? he'll forever be my headcanon voice for Cagney (until we get an official one, of course 😉). for now, all we have to go off of is his laugh, which is...um...🥴 i even made a little Cuphead OC to ship with him!! their name's Aster, and they're a star from Hilda Berg's moon phase 🥰 it's been a while since i made them, and i'd love to revisit the universe and make more OCs...i think everyone should try their hand at making one for Cuphead selfship purposes, it's great 🙈 i am still devastated that we didn't get him in the previous 'season' of The Cuphead Show. Netflix fuckery continues to blight us, but i'm still holding out hope!! did you know that storyboard artist Karl Hadrika shared a still from a current 'lost episode' of the show, showing Cagney with his tommy gun? 👀 i'm still very hopeful that bc The Cuphead Show is so staggeringly popular that we will get another season...but until then, we gotta sit tight and gush about Cagney amongst ourselves 🥺💖
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what is RKAKI?
Remus, Karma, Allie, Katie, Ivory in short.
They're just my main ocs and they get two docs, one for wips/scraps and one for planning and that one is for scraps and stuff.
I think I was supposed to include an extract thing so here, I'll do you one better:
My name is Karma Ellis. I am a sixteen-year-old trans boy. I am also demiromantic and asexual. I like cartoons and drawing on my shoes and I hate public speaking about boring things. I have been suicidal, I have been depressed and I have never fully gotten away from those feelings. It's always kind of like they’re lurking around the next corner waiting, always waiting, waiting for you to get a bad test score or get rejected. I think of them as sharks sometimes, waiting for dinner. And I really like The Icarus Society. 
The internalised homophobia at age nine wasn’t great, Allistar. Especially if you're going to continue your career as a gay man. 
And he is my best friend, my Karma. 
To me, karma as a concept doesn’t mean the universe following an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth biblical reference. To me, it's more like every action, good or bad, has a reaction which balances the scales, so to say. For instance, I hid in a linen closet in our old house one night when my parents had guests and it was all just too much. So, I sat in the dark with my face pressed into my skirt, praying for solace. I was given Allie as a reaction. The guests, his father and aunt, were not as perceptive as they thought and he managed to slip away. He calmed me down instantly, just by being there. He was the first person not to look at me and wonder what I was worth to them. He just saw a scared nine-year-old trying to breathe, and he helped them. 
Okay I'm going to stop before I begin screaming to the rooftops about how much they mean to me. (there is more to that Karma thing that is actually about Karma and not Allie lmao, but it's lengthy and I'm limiting myself)
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zeondraws · 1 year
Hm I am having thoughts about my bus lore, mainly about why the busses were in this planetary lab to begin with and where their creators came from.
For the humanoids storyline they are usually very important figures from Zeons System, where Ester is the homeplanet (and the planetary labs would orbit nearby), the humanoids created the planetary lab with their advanced knowledge and complex trading routes between different civilisations.
These figures are... well it is hard to explain for me, tho this means I need to find a way to explain them.
They're not really gods or anything, atleast the story doesn't focus on gods, more like individuals that have been granted abilities which they can use to protect the planet Ester and keep traditions that have been carried across generations.
Current humanoids usually protect Ester from invaders, who want to steal something from their planetary labs or try to "take over the universe" for the 638384828 time.
These humanoids are not looking to seek control of everything that exists, they mostly stay within their own home and take care of everyone who resides there.
It is hard to explain what kind of political system they'd have on Ester, because I'm not sure if I can compare it with anything duo to my limited knowledge on this topic. Tho I think there is a government who is more on the social side of things, trying to keep everyone equal or atleast have all voices heard, to avoid any bad events that could occur from capitalistic planets like earth. (They'd probably avoid having a capitalistic system in the first place)
But either way I shall try to explain where these humanoids originated from (hopefully I didn't forget too much I took a small break from writing this to go to the toilet)
The current humanoids were kidnapped from earth, the previous protectors or "chosen" ones from Ester/Zeons System, chose them to continue their legacy.
What kind of legacy? I am currently starting to figure it out, because back then I always daydreamed of these story plots just to randomly escape from reality and imagine powerful beings that could do alot of cool things. Yknow, stuff younger people with ocs think about maybe, I haven't been in any OC or art circles when I was younger. I completely missed out on that chaos. So I am just assuming here
These humanoids contribute to the existence of a very ancient civilisation, which does not exist anymore in their original form, but they live through the new chosen beings and the other living beings that are being protected. But just to clarify, these ancient beings actually don't live inside any beings but they probably exist somewhere in the realms of life and death. But the more ancient the civilisation was from the current ome, the less recognisable it might be. Even the current humanoids have no clue of the first civilisation that started this string of events.
Usually you can tell that they belong to this ancient tree of chosen ones/civilisations by their advanced technology or powers.
For example you'd see a penguin with a weird chameleon like tail (I implimented this because young me used to draw some animals with weird rainbow tails, as a homage to myself I guess? Don't know how to explain it) and this frigging penguin literally builts robots, that assist him and fight against any invaders. And these chosen ones like to keep alot of the natural habitats that exist on their home olanets intact, as they want to properly coexist woth nature.
Another ancient technology are staffs which help them move in space and also move planets. (I still have to flesh this out a bit, tho I can say I am not aiming to be 100% realistic, I want to have fun with this and not break my head trying to write some sci fi story and animate it, I am only one person that can only do so much)
And uuh I think the oldest chosen beings known somewhat looked like wyverns, atleast one of them got chosen to try and protect their solar system and also to keep the chain of new chosen ones. Since this has to continue otherwise they wouldn't be able to continue their existence. Maybe makes not so much sense rn but I'll get there when I have time to work on this part more. These wyverns would choose some other animals that chose other animals.. (komodo dragon > chetah > penguin > humanoid-ish > humanoid > human (crazy ik) > bus (omg))
I think there would be many occasions from long ago where the chosen ones would've been life that didn't occur organically, and were mostly robots or other beings. These beings would help boost the technological advancement of this chain and help the next organic ones be able to thrive and also don't need to harm the natural world around them too much... but we'll further discuss this at another point
it is getting late for me so I will write down keywords to write about so that I don't forget, these drafts are more like a "sketch", because they're all very rough thoughts to try and get my thoughts together for this world. it's like the first sketch of a drawing you make
Scientists > who study the chosen ones to pinpoint their origins and their correlation with nature and why they benefit their surroundings in comparison to other industrialised civilisations
The chosen ones > I obv have to find a better name, these ones protect their home planets and their home system. They often own technology that seems impossible to construct for other beings. And they often have physical powers that they use for protection, some can fly, they also can sing in many different ways, also able to mimic music/sound very well after some training! (This one is very apparent for the recent humanoids, these use sounds and music for communication, through the music you can try and find clues about their past. The music has alot of different undertones we can't hear, the music is a big distraction for invaders)
their powers are limited, some only have certain months where they can use these powers to the fullest and some can use them whenever, but if they use it all in one short moment (to fight off huge invasions) their feathersxhair, skin, eyes and anything else they might have turns pale, white or grey
indicating they are drained of power, and are very very vulnerable, it is often here when invaders try to strike them, so that they can't regenerate their powers and most likely die
The family tree > mostly showcasing who ws chosen and who might be chosen in the future, the current ones can't really see who might be the next one, it is why it took R5 (one of the chosen humanoids) so long to finally do his deed that he had to carry on. He didn't know that it were busses tho
Busses? > Whom of the busses would be it? I was thinking of Edwins daughter that has yet to be developed but she doesn't play a major role in the main story plot, as a matter of fact she won't be born in a long while when events take place!
And a chosen one as previously mentioned doesn't have to be from organic origin, the busses were manmade but were gifted AIs and accidentally were able to spread out on a planet and built a new society that will carry on the legacy and ultimately give this legacy to another civilisation
Also been wondering about the correlation between R5 and Plock, one random thoughtsl was if Plock was R5 and R5 would merely try to make sure that the busses succeed and that he can do his deed
but I am unsure
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