#i'm so nervous i have never done this lol bye
roguegrove · 5 months
halstarion wip
okay so i have been writing this for a little while, my first ever actual fanfic. annnnnd i have the beginning "done" and i was wondering if y'all would be so kind as to give it a little read and feedback, let me know if i am heading anywhere interesting?
ETA: i left half the fic out for like three minutes lololol sorry
astarion/halsin, pg at this juncture, definitely won't be at one point. very first draft, inspired by hozier's "first time"
summary: Canon-led look at a relationship between Astarion and Halsin, exploring further, following the arcs in the Hozier song, “First Time.”
Astarion learns about life, death, love, and freedom in his relationship with Halsin.
“Little star,” slipped from scarred lips that first time, sounding easy as a summer’s breeze. 
The words instead dunked Astarion into a frigid river, startling awake parts of him long since laid to rest. Terrifying, encompassing, heart stopping. It settled into a little shiver and something else. Oddly…refreshing? It made his skin feel like it fit funnily, worming its way underneath every dead layer and making a home within him, not unlike the tadpole, changing him irrevocably.
He, of course, was aware of the different possible meanings of his name. An old mark once waxed poetic about it to him, assuming the vampire had chosen it himself as most elves his age did. Being as it was one of the few remnants from his past, Astarion was a bit protective of his name. It was one of the only vulnerable spots he knew himself to still have. Someone, somewhere gave him that name. Someone looked at the baby he once was and deemed him sweet enough for his name and its meaning. 
Maybe at one point he was someone’s little star, something bright and twinkling in the darkness. He was out of the habit of imagining who gave him the title, though this wasn’t an unexplored dream. There was a time when he imagined the soft arms, soft eyes, soft words of his nomenclator whispering to him in a language he barely remembered, cradling him in the darkest depths of Cazador’s cruelty. He was once held with the kind of reverence reserved for a long hoped-for child, and that thought had sustained him for nearly half a century at one point, pulling his mind from the experience of his body and taking him into that parental embrace. 
Spoken so boldly, so nonchalantly in the open air of the camp left him emotionally naked where he stood. Astarion imagined the last time he heard it might’ve also been the last time he stood in the sun as he did now. Fitting, he supposed, as his current life experience felt as foreign and unreal as the memories he made up in his dissociations. It didn’t escape him that the gentle way the druid Halsin spoke his name was as close to the way it was always supposed to sound as anything he could imagine. 
Halsin’s voice sounded like the smell of campfire as it went out, like the ground shaking from thunder far away, like the way rough bark feels on a smooth palm. Practically everything he said sounded beautiful, and Astarion’s name was no different. Halsin’s lips didn’t just form the words, but cradled them, placing them lovingly into the world as if they were worthy of care. 
The sound of his name had never sounded so sweet, not after centuries of morphing into a curse. More than spoken with care, his name was treated as a command, as a tug on a leash or a noose. Cazador’s voice poisoned Astarion’s name with his venom, whether delivered within a puncture or a masked sweetness. He began regarding it as a scourge, the sound of it acting as a warning for what awful things followed. A necessary distance from his name formed, leaving it behind with his suffering body most days. At camp, he tentatively allowed ‘Astarion’ to settle back into him as his companions spoke it without malice, without inflicting pain. It was with more indifference, informality than anything else, but maybe that was the casual way most people regarded their own name when they had anything else besides it. 
Halsin turned his curse of a name back into a prayer, but his kindness was such a practiced part of him that Astarion wondered if it was even intentional. Maybe it was a druid thing or just a Halsin thing, but the natural respect and care he gave to all living creatures was difficult for the younger elf to understand. He could understand if it was a rouse, hiding an ulterior motive, sure, but he wasn’t sure Halsin even had the capacity to lie let alone manipulate him. 
A hand reached for him as the words did, Halsin’s big paw tentative as it came toward Astarion like he was some injured small creature or something. It was clear that the older man was trying to find the best way to get him to feel comfortable, and the thought stirred something in his belly. Annoyance, trepidation, butterflies? The hand came with a request, not just to offer Astarion the sweet version of his name.
"Little star,” he’d called, as if his request was simple, as if it didn’t shake Astarion to his core.
  Blinking himself out of the momentary reverie, Astarion turned on his heel to take in the scene. Halsin was seated at one corner of his little camp, on the bare ground, large legs folded beneath him. It was only then that Astarion noticed the curls of wood scattered around him, the knife in his hand, the mangled bit of twig resting on his thigh. Was he whittling? How...quaint. Feigning casual, Astarion cocked a hip and an eyebrow, drawling. 
“What was that, dear druid?” 
“I was wondering if you would do a lazy bear a favor and hand me that bit of basswood just out of reach,” Halsin answered, a chuckle below the surface of the sound. “If it’s not too much trouble, of course.”
There was a glint to his eye that made Astarion feel like he’d been caught doing something more nefarious than simply walking past. The request was innocent, if not a possible ploy to just get his attention, and yet the vampire felt like he must tread carefully. Those hazel eyes saw more than most, Astarion knew. Beyond the wizened age of the former First Druid, Halsin had the unique ability to see what many others overlooked, and Astarion’s carefully crafted masks did nothing to deter him. He often wondered if in that sweet nature hid a schemer who kept tabs as weapons; after all, that would be what he’d do, what he did do. 
With careful, graceful movements that did little to hide the truth of the disarmament he just experienced, Astarion plucked the wood from the ground and offered it to Halsin with a flick of his wrist. 
“Is this what you’re after?” 
“Ah, yes,” Halsin beamed when he got the frightened animal to eat from his palm. “Many thanks, my friend.” 
Friend? Astarion barely grasped the concept let alone considered this lumbering teddybear of a man one of his. He could scarcely bring himself to trust Halsin, so warm affection was definitely not on the table yet. 
Still, being in Halsin’s good graces could be nothing more than an asset. 
On went the charm, an enticing smile tugging at Astarion’s lips as he peered down his nose curiously at the older man’s project. 
“And what, pray tell, are you doing? Not carving stakes, I hope?” 
At that, the laugh that burst from Halsin both startled Astarion and warmed something in his bones, his smile slipping into something less practiced without his knowledge or permission.
“Gods, no,” the bear replied, holding up the wood to show how easily it would fit in his palm. “Not unless we’re going to chase down your kin in bat form.” It was Astarion’s turn to laugh, the image of the large Halsin chasing after his master as a tiny vampire bat with his hand-carved toothpick delighting him. Gesturing to the space beside him with his carving knife, Halsin invited, “come, join me if you are not busy. I’d be happy to keep your company a while longer.” 
Astarion couldn’t say why he sat down beside him, or even what they wound up talking about until Halsin left to join the rest of the omnivores in camp for supper. The sun had shifted across the sky without his noticing for the first time since he’d been able to see it again, the passage of time seeming to rush by. This, too, was a new experience. For nearly two centuries, Astarion had felt time trickle past him like molasses. His existence was pain, isolation, and forced servitude, and anything beyond that had been a rouse. Time passing quickly would have been a blessing any moment of his life except for today. Today, when he allowed himself for a moment to believe in the sweetness of another, the world moved faster around him than it ever had before. Typical. 
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vorfreudevortex · 2 months
a portrait of us - eight
a nanami x reader smau
warnings: angst lol, slow burn, swearing, a little ooc, a typo or two
notes: ngl i am starting to hate this story but it's okay!! also I'm drunk but I'm posting this anyways idc. also - written portion - 1.3k words (?!!). i'm finding it impossible to not write long ass parts. also pls feel free to request or ask me anything bc i don't like this smau and need something to distract me in between writing it <3 love u bye
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as the car pulled up to the museum’s front entrance, you shakily smoothed your hair and dress with one hand, the other clutching a crumpled sheet of paper with your speech.
you couldn’t decide which was more pitiful. the frizzy flyaways escaping your hastily curled hair? or the piece of stationary, painstakingly flattened but still creased, one of the thirty-two drafts you’d written, retrieved reluctantly from the hotel floor?
the driver parked as an attendant opened the door, offering a hand to help you out. the museum director approached with a reassuring smile, and a suit probably worth more than thirty of your paintings combined.
the driver parked an attendant opened the car door and offered you a hand to help you out. the director approached you with a comforting smile and a suit that probably cost more than 30 of your paintings combined.
“welcome! how are you feeling?”
“to be honest,” you replied with a nervous smile. "I'm terribly anxious.”
he chuckled, holding the front door open for you. “that’s perfectly natural. don’t worry! the patrons will love you and your work. anyone would be foolish not to.”
“thank you, director…” you murmured, his words doing little to calm your trembling hands.
the head assistant joined your walk to the gallery hall, peppering you with one question after another.
“the catering service has just finished setting up. would you please take a final sample of the gyoza and ohitashi? they don’t look quite the same as they did during the original tasting…”
“we have a very important guest from malaysia… would you like me to introduce you two when she arrives? it would be a shame if you didn’t at least find time to say hello…”
“are you absolutely certain about the painting for the final reveal? i know you said it’s special to you but the other assistants and i agreed that the other one would-”
“alright, that’s enough questions,” the director interjected as you neared the gallery hall. you let out a small breath of relief. you thought you might burst if another word came out of the assistant’s mouth. “please go make sure the waiters have the champagne chilled and poured.”
“thank you,” you whispered to the director as the assistant walked away.
“please, don’t thank me. they can be so overbearing. sometimes, it’s better to just let things flow as life means them to,” he replied with a smile.
“yeah…” you replied, glancing at your paintings, their eyes seemingly judging you.
“i can see you’re terrified, and that’s okay. you’ve never done this on such a big stage before!” he laughed. “but truly, it’s not all that different than a smaller exhibition.”
“i don’t think i deserve to be here.”
“if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be.”
you looked at the director, letting his words calm your nerves a bit. your gaze wandered to one of your paintings, a vibrant reinterpretation of jeanne: spring by édouard manet, now alive with bold reds and yellows. 
it was both different and familiar, evoking nostalgia even in those who knew the original. the abstract strokes depicted a striking dark-skinned woman you had met in the park, with bright orange braids cascading down to her waist, her skin glowing against the polka-dotted umbrella she carried.
upon meeting her, you had eagerly asked to paint her, offering what little savings you had left in return. she had given you a sideways smile and agreed, letting you capture her portrait for free.
over the next week, you posed her in your small apartment, finding moments between both of your busy schedules. when you finally showed her the finished piece, she grinned again and said, “oh sweetie, you’re gonna be big one day.”
though she couldn’t be here in tokyo, her spirit was with you, embodied in the painting with that sideways smile even the umbrella couldn’t overshadow.
your attention shifted from the painting to the other side of the room, where a group was led by itadori yuji and his toothy grin.
“and me! hello?” satoru added playfully.
“of course, you too,” you smiled. “thank you for coming, i'm so thrilled you’re here. you all look amazing!”
“no, you look amazing. and i wouldn’t miss this for the world,” satoru said, hugging you. "onee-san, i want you to meet all my students!”
as he finished introducing you to the first and second years, a warm hand rested on your shoulder. you turned to see an old classmate, now with long hair and a familiar pair of boots.
“shoko ieri, take my shoes off right now!” you laughed, throwing your arms around her.
“um, no way. you never even wore them when you had them,” she teased.
shoko's expression softened as she noticed the tears welling in your eyes. she looked just the same, but you couldn’t help noticing the worry lines between her brown, evident even with her smile.
“i didn’t think i'd see you again,” she said quietly.
“me neither… i'm so-”
“-stop talking,” she interrupted. “we brought gifts for you!”
you let go of shoko while yuji held out a large bouquet of blue and pink daisies.
“oh, stop it!” you exclaimed, taking the flowers. “they’re beautiful. thank you all so much!”
“we’re not done yet! there’s more,” satoru said slyly, holding out a small black box.
your heart nearly stopped when you pried the lid open to reveal a large pearl pendant on a gold chain.
“-there’s more. look under the velvet,” shoko urged. you carefully lifted the padding to reveal a check with the note “a commission for the staff and students” made out for…
“ten million fucking yen?!”
“whoa, language!” satoru laughed. “kids, go run and play or something.”
“shoko, did you know about this?” you panicked as the students filed away with quiet giggles. “i seriously can’t accept this!”
“yes, you will,” shoko retorted, crossing her arms.
“a commission for what?”
“girl, did you even read the check?” satoru huffed playfully. “you’re gonna paint a portrait of the staff and students at jujutsu high. and hopefully, instead of ignoring us, it’ll cover a plane ticket back so you can visit us next year.”
tears welled up in your eyes again, spilling down your cheeks.
“no. seriously. i-no! i can’t accept this! this is an insane amount of money for a commission like that. i'll paint for you guys for free. and you’ll return this necklace because i know you spent too much money on it, too.”
“stop talking and just accept the gift,” shoko urged.
“but i don’t deserve it.”
“now you’re just spouting nonsense,” satoru said as he placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you toward the gallery entrance. he pointed at the large banner bearing your gallery information. “what does that banner say?”
“it says my name,” you sniffled, still clutching the flowers and box.
“no, idiot. i'm talking about the quotes.”
“um…” you blinked away tears. “someone truly exceptional…?”
“a modern-day van gogh…?”
“one more.”
“art that every being should hope to be privileged enough to experience.”
“good job, you can read!” satoru smiled, giving your shoulders a slight shake. “some snobby rich art critics said that about you. now, stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself and make sure everyone has their attention on you tonight.”
“and deposit the check when you get home,” shoko added.
“yes, please deposit the check,” satoru agreed. “if you lose it, i'll be pissed.”
you wrapped your arms around satoru and shoko, squeezing tight in tearful appreciation. they had no idea… the check would cover over a year’s worth of rent, premium canvases, all fine-haired brushes you could ever want, and even a payment on a car. you swore to yourself that you’d pour your soul into painting them a fucking masterpiece.
“now let go,” satoru said, pushing you away. “and go impress all these high-class art people.”
“okay, okay, i'm going!” you smiled with a sniffle.
wiping your tears away, you waved at your classmates as you walked further into the gallery to greet the small crowd that had arrived. sometime during your conversation, your hands must have stopped trembling.
“you’re gonna be just fine,” you thought to yourself with a grin.
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next: part nine
tag list // @bubybubsters @sad-darksoul @corvid007 @kenqki @ikon-teen
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩ -Flustered- ✩
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3.9k
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None other than some cussing if you squint!
Maddy is pink in text and Y/n is purple in text!
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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꒰ Miguel's Pov ꒱
I stared at the photo on my phone screen, She was so beautiful an angel even.
She was so breathtaking, She had me so flustered and I haven't ever met her.
"Are you stalking y/n's Instagram again?" Maddy asked sitting down beside me, I quickly clicked out of Instagram and turned my phone off,
"What no!" I said playing dumb,
She rolled her eyes sighing, "Why don't you just DM her?" She asked,
"Are serious? DM THE y/n y/l/n?" I asked raising an eyebrow,
"Haha no! She would laugh her ass off- She would probably post it on her Instagram story like Noah Schnapp posted doja cat's DM!" I said throwing my head back,
"No, she wouldn't!" She said rolling her eyes,
"Oh, really how would you know?" I asked looking over at her,
"She just doesn't seem like that type of person," She shrugged smiling.
I was debating on messaging y/n, but the chances of her seeing my DM out of a thousand more are extremely low, I think I'm just gonna have to admire her over the screen and live in my own fantasy world.
"I could do it for you!" Maddy said, I raised my eyebrow looking back at her.
"Do what?" I asked, "I could DM y/n on your phone since you are too chicken," She laughed
"Come on kids we need to go!" I sighed as Maddy and I got up to walk to the limo outside.
"I'll think about it Mads," I said, she nodded as we got in the limo.
꒰ Y/n's Pov ꒱
"Alright, all done!" My Makeup artist Tami said as she closed the lip gloss.
I looked in the mirror and smiled at my reflection, I had just gotten my hair done as well and I was already in my outfit.
My bestfriend Maddy had invited me to a movie premiere, She was recently in a movie called the black phone.
I of course said yes to going, She is my bestfriend after all, Plus she said she needed to tell me something when I got there.
"Are you ready?" Tami said as I stood up out of the seat,
"Kind of, I'm just nervous." I said playing with my rings, "Awh why honey?" She asked laying a hand on my shoulder.
I was excited to go don't get me wrong I loved supporting my bestfriend in anything she did, but there was a certain someone that was gonna be there tonight, Miguel Cazarez Mora.
"Well, I kind of have a crush on Miguel, But he doesn't know me- And what if I stutter when I speak to him or-"
"You will be fine y/n, if there is one thing I know about you it's how confident you are, I've seen boys flirt with you before and you just end up making them all soft, you make them boy's fall like dominos." She said packing up all her makeup.
I guess she was right, I just need to be confident and not make a complete fool out of myself.
"Let's go y/n everyone is on the way there." My bodyguard said as he walked into the room, I nodded my head got up and walked outside to the limo.
"You got this y/n, remember who you are," I whispered to myself as the limo drove off.
꒰ Maddy's Pov ꒱
We had finally arrived at the premiere and I couldn't find y/n anywhere, I just decided to text her.
Prettiest girl💕
Hey, where are you?
I just got to the premier
Why what's up?
Come to the green room everyone is back here!
KK getting mobbed lol
see you in a min 😽
"Bro shut the fuck up that's why you can't pull no bitches." Mason yelled as he and Miguel walked through the door, Brady and Tristan following in after them laughing.
"What do you mean I got tons of bitches on my d-" I quickly cut Miguel off by Calling out for Mason to come over.
"Mason Come here!" He walked over saying a quick bye to the boys,
"What's up?" He said standing in front of me, "Okay, So you know how Miguel has a fat crush on Y/n Y/l/n right?" I said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Do I know? He never shuts up about her!" He said causing both of us to laugh,
"Well she's my friend and I kind of invited her without telling Miguel-"
His eyes widened as his jaw dropped, "YOU WHAT!?" He yelled, I quickly put my hand over his mouth, I looked over at Miguel who was looking at me and Mason With a confused look, I sent him a quick smile before looking back at Mason.
"Could you shut up! You're goin' to ruin the surprise idiot!" I said rolling my eyes
He put both of his hands up in surrender, "My bad- My bad," He laughed,
"So how are you going to surprise him?" He asked, "I'm just gonna try to get him close as possible and then I'm going to point her out," I said smiling at my plan.
"That sounds like a shit plan," I gasped, He laughed and patted me on the back.
"I think that you should tell her that Miguel has a crush on her and then she walks up and kisses him out of nowhere," He said smiling, I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
"You that's an even worse plan, right? Consent still exists, I like my plan better." I said shrugging my shoulders, our conversation was interrupted by Miguel walking over.
"Hey, Maddy hows is it going!?" He smiled leaning in for a hug, I hugged him back,
"We were just talking about- Uhh- How Maddy won her soccer game!!" Mason said scratching the back of his neck, He gave Mason a weird look but didn't question his friend's weird behavior
"Congratulations Mads!" He said, We all heard gasps and people whispering,
Next thing I know Miguel's mouth and eyes were wide open, He was blushing like crazy and his breathing started to pick up, I gave him a weird look before turning around to see what's got my bestfriend so flustered.
I smiled as I watched y/n walk through the door, Thanking the guard that opened it for her, She stopped in the middle of the room looking around, Smiling and winking at some people that were staring at her, Her eyes landed on me and I quickly waved her over.
"Holy shit- Holy shit- Fuck- Do I look good she's coming over here," I laughed at Miguel's panicking state, He was so red, it was so cute to see him all worked up over just looking at y/n.
"Dude chill, You look red as shit, You could identify as a tomato right now," Mason said, Laughing as Miguel rolled his eyes, "She's just breathtaking," He said, staring at y/n as she got closer to our group, His hands began shaking, Jesuse christ this man is whipped already.
She slowly walked up to me smiling, "Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," She said hugging me, I smiled and looked at Miguel who was staring at y/n with wide eyes, Mason hit his shoulder, "OW!" He yelled, rubbing his shoulder where Mason hit him, Mason just rolled his eyes laughing at the flustered boy.
꒰ Y/n's Pov ꒱
"Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," I said giving her a big hug, I haven't seen her in person for two years, But we obviously kept in contact over the phone, "OW!" I looked over to see Miguel rubbing his shoulder as Mason laughed, I smiled as he looked up at me.
"Hi, I'm y/n," I said raising my hand for him to shake, He gulped before shaking my hand, I could tell how nervous he was, "I'm M-Miguel, It's very nice to meet y-you," He stuttered, keeping intense eye contact, He pulled his hand away smiling, "U-Uh h-how do you know Maddy?" He asked looking up at me, a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Real smooth dawg," Mason whispered, Miguel sent him a glare,
"I went to my little sister's soccer game, I was sitting down and Maddy came up to me and started fan Girling," I explained laughing at the memory,
"I was shocked to see you there," Maddy said laughing along,
"I heard that you're filming a new movie, Hows that going?" Mason asked,
I in fact was filming a new movie,
Scream VI, I played as Tara Carpenter and Sam Carpenter's little sister, Alana Carpenter.
"It's going good, I defiantly can't wait for it to come out next year!" I Said smiling.
"You're an amazing actor," Miguel said out of nowhere, Mason and Maddy busted out laughing, While I just starred at Miguel and smiled, He nervously looked away, licking his lips,
"Thank you, I liked your character, Robin Arellano, he was pretty badass," I said smiling, He laughed, looking at me.
A boy with blonde hair came up to us, patting Miguel on the back,
"Are you guys coming, We're going to watch the movie," He said, His eyes cut over to me and he gasped,
"NO FUCKING WAY BRO!" He yelled,
I smiled saying hi,
"I'm Brady- It's so nice to meet you oh my god- you're so pretty," He shook my hand, and We left to go watch the movie.
I sat between Maddy and Miguel.
Me and Maddy were sharing a bucket of popcorn before Mason stole it away.
I sighed as I looked up at the screen, Miguel and Mason's part came up, The bathroom scene.
I felt eyes on me, I looked over to see Miguel staring at me, He quickly looked back to the screen, It was completely dark but I could see the red tint on his cheeks.
"Pst" I heard,
I looked over to see Maddy,
"Miguel has a huge crush on you, Just so you know," She whispered in my ear giggling,
I smiled and nodded my head, "Really! I couldn't tell?" I thought, Laughing to myself,
Miguel looked over at me as we locked eyes, "What's so funny?" He asked smiling,
"Just something Maddy told me," I said looking at the screen,
His eyes widened as he straightened his posture, "What did she tell you?" He asked,
"Nothing important."
He looked back at the screen.
꒰ Miguel's Pov ꒱
Shit, what did Maddy tell y/n, she said she would DM y/n for me,
Would she tell her that I like her here, I fucking hope not- But I kinda hope she did at the same time so I don't embarrass myself,
Fuck I'm shitting bricks right now.
I'm still trying to process the fact she was sitting right beside me!
God do I want to kiss her so fucking bad, But I couldn't, I just had to stare at her like a creep.
꒰ Time Skip ꒱
Everybody had just finished watching the movie and went to go take some group photos.
"I'm starving," Mason whined, placing is hand on his stomach,
"Your hungry? I could eat whole human right now," Maddy said,
"Ah hell Nah!" Y/n said as she moved to hide behind Miguel, everyone Laughed, Miguel blushed.
"Do you guys want to go to McDonald's?" Tristan asked, opening the car door for everyone,
"I would kill for some chicken nuggets right now," y/n laughed as she and everyone else sat in the limo.
"Same," Brady said, everybody agreed on McDonald's.
"We are so bougie rolling up to McDonald's in fancy clothes and a damn limo," Tristan laughed.
"Oh well I want my damn chicken nuggets," Maddy said causing everyone to laugh,
When the group got to McDonald's they ordered and sat down, getting weird looks from everybody in there.
"Hey, I have to ask you something," Miguel said, walking up to y/n,
"What is it," she asked, patting the seat beside her, he sat down and smiled at her.
"Um… I don't know how to say this," he nervously laughed, she just smiled and grabbed his hands, keeping eye contact, "You can tell me," she said.
Miguel took a deep breath trying to brace himself for rejection.
He basically shitting himself at this point, he knew he would never get this moment alone with her again, So why not shoot his shot, if she did reject it would be super embarrassing but at least he could say he tried.
"I… I really like you, Y/n… I think you are absolutely gorgeous and I think that you are perfect, I would like to take you out on a date sometime, if that's ok with you- I understand if you don't feel the same-"
Miguel was quickly cut off by a pair of warm plush lips on his, his eyes widened in panic but hurried to relax as he saw it was y/n.
When they pulled away Miguel was a blushing, Flustered mess.
He was smiling like an idiot, but who wouldn't be if they had just kissed Y/n l/n, he was definitely losing it when he got home.
"I like you too Miguel, I would love to go out with you," Y/n smiled, pulling him in by his shirt for another long kiss.
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @vancehoppergirl @bradyhepner
@masonthameslvr @theblackphone-incorrectquotes @theblackphonesposts @deadghosy @finneyblakes @luckypinballmachine @mnsnloverhey
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
ughgghhhhh why am i not doing anything tonight lmao
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vega-ssi · 5 years
@ the delivery boy I swear I’m not a jerk I’m just an anxious mess but I appreciate your frendliness I promiseeee
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Get it RIGHT
Pairing: Steven Grant × black Reader (marc and jake make an appearance too!)
Warnings: just lots of cussing
A/N: this is an idea I had about how reader would react to Donna being an asshole to Steven and calling him "Stevie" also i was a little buzzed while typing this up just now so there might be a few run on sentences but honestly who gives a shit lol
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"ok girl ill call you tomorrow i just pulled up to steven's job! bye love you!" you hung up with your best friend excited to show your man the new braids you got from your trusted stylist. every 3 months you switch it up and when you do hes always so amazed, sometimes he just stares in awe at how your hair could do so many things, styles, colors it was so cool to him.
After parking you pulled down the mirror to make sure ya makeup was still looking bomb as fuck, baby hairs still swooped to the gods and...ya titties looking damn good in the new shirt that was bought yesterday. thankfully steven didnt see the numerous bags in the back of the closet.
Every other day when your jobs had the same lunch break you and steven would have a lunch break date. Honestly it was the best part of each other's day.
Walking inside you walked straight to the gift shop, waving slightly at the security guard who did a double take at your appearance. "Nope still with steven grant buddy! sorry not sorry!" The man waved back but grumbled something behind the newspaper he was reading and covered his face with it.
Rounding the corner your smile faded slightly as she was standing in front of steven. His boss donna was pointing at him. Being a little ways away you couldnt hear the conversation but moving closer her words started becoming clear.
"i'm telling you all this shit is still unorganized and uncounted for! looks like you'll be on inventory again tonight i dont care if it takes you all night!" "Donna im doing my best but shipment has been coming-" she put a hand up.
"oh no the fuck she didnt shush my baby" you mumbled to yourself
Doing so made steven stop talking immediately and frown deeply.
"i dont care when shipment comes..you get it done! you're so bloody useless Stevie!" Hearing her degrading and calling him by the wrong name set you OFF. Before realizing it you stomped over to where they were, eyes seeing red, curses spewing under your breath. Out the corner of his eye he sees you coming, a first he was relieved then he saw the look on your face which let him know all hell was about to break loose.
"oooh shit ive never seen her that pissed before..." Marc from the reflection of the glass.
"That's the sexiest fucking thing ive ever seen LET HER HAVE IT MI AMOR RIP HER APART!" jake smiled
"oh dear" steven sighed heavily. Donna looked confused but that expression worn off when she noticed you coming over to where they were; it soon turned into fear. "i-uh ill be in my meeting-" you stopped in front of them with a big smile on your face "donna let me tell you this one time and one time only" Steven looked nervous as fuck " love its okay donna was just leaving for a meeting and my break is in 5 so lets just-" you cut him off by grabbing his shirt and planting the deepest, tongue fighting kiss then pushed him back slightly.
steven gained control of his balance, licked his lips and just nodded his head. "Donna let me tell you something..in the nicest way i can. his name is steven, steven grant. says it right there on his name tag and fucking birth certificate. Stop calling him Stevie, stephen, stanely anything with S.T in it that aint fuckin steVEN. That is MY man im tired of him coming home looking damn near doorknob dead because your overworking him .Sometimes he's to tired to even fuck me and that's a goddamn problem." Steven started to turn red but he wasn't embarrassed in the slight.
Donna stood there like a fish out of water; mouth just opening and closing dumbfounded. She looked around making sure customers couldn't hear what's going on but you honestly couldn't give a shit. "well..i mean sometimes he just needs to catch up-"
"Catch up bitch all my man does is catch up! but your lazy ass think just because your the manager ya can do whatever you want but let me get you straight on this donna. Let me find out you've insulted him, degraded or humiliate him in any possible way and bitch i will stuff you in pharaoh's tomb myself. do we have an understanding??" You glared at her with eyes that said dont fucking try me.
She nodded her head, fixed her shirt and cleared her throat "mhm i-i understand..i uh..i apologize steven please take an extra hour lunch on me" She nodded again, turned and quickly turned on her heels to her office.
"Oh my god LOVE!" he laughed "that was amazing i never knew you could get that vulgar or angry!" You just giggled sweetly. "i told you baby nobody can disrespect you in front of me..ever." He leaned over kissing you deeply. "ok ill go clock out then we can go to lunch!"
"Okay baby after we eat seeing as you have an extra hour how about you show me the back room?" steven looked at you confused, you've seen the backroom maybe twice now before. "oh okay but what for?" you smiled walking over to him, grabbed the back of his head and licked the side of his face slowly then bit his earlobe.
"So you can tell me a story while deep in this pussy love.." you whispered in his ear
"Oh my god please give me the body steven" marc whined
"AYE No give ME the body!!" jake countered
Steven shuddered at your naughty moves and ignored his alters, he suddenly didn't want to eat the lunch he brought in today but something else vegan friendly.
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iwadori · 3 years
Haikyu boys when they take a joke/prank too far (Iwaizumi,Daichi)
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Word count: 1.9K
AN: In the spirit of April Fools I tried to make my first work based on that I hope you enjoy!! (LOL I can’t actually believe this was the first thing I’ve ever written)
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“Okay so it’s April Fools Day who are we going to prank?” asked Makki “One of the first years?”
“Do we have to prank someone this year..” replied Iwaizumi “so childish”
“Iwa-Chan!” Oikawa said “Don’t be such a spoil sport.”
“Anyways, it can’t be a first year they’re boring to prank a first year coach will be mad at us, we need someone else.”
Just then, you enter the gym, catching their eye as you approach the group sitting on Iwaizumi’s lap “Hey babe, I can still come over to yours to study right?” you ask.
“Yeah of course, practice finishes early so I'll be there before you.” He said
“Alright, see you then bye babe, bye guys” you said, giving Iwaizumi a kiss on the cheek sauntering off and waving at Makki, Mattsun and Oikawa.
“bye Y/N!” They teasingly responded in unison making you laugh.
As they watched you leave, it seemed as if a lightbulb pinged off in all of their heads (besides Iwaizumi) realizing who would be a great person to prank.  
After a lot of convincing, they finally got Iwaizumi in on the ‘harmless’ plan, all they needed to do now is wait on your arrival.
You’re finally done with school after a long and tiring day of exams upon exams and wanting nothing more than to cuddle with your boyfriend (after he teaches you Pythagoras theorem of course.) You did think he was acting weird when you met him this morning in the gym and throughout break and lunch but you just concluded that it was because he was having an ‘off’ day.
You reached his house and used a copy of his key that he gave you to enter we just enter houses up in this bitch  calling out his name “Zumi-babe, I'm here...”  
“Lets get this shit over with” you said tiredly
Upon entering, you notice none of the lights being on or curtains drawn ‘odd’ you think. You go upstairs going straight to his room hopefully to find your boyfriend in his bed or on his Xbox or something. To your surprise his bedroom door was somehow locked shut (even though not having a lock on his door anyways.) Suddenly, you hear creaks slowly trailing up the stairs and an eerie feeling surrounds you... now you start to feel pretty panicked jiggling the door handle to Iwaizumi’s door as it’s practically the only place you can go.
AN: I hate what I’m writing rn but onwards we right
The footsteps on the stairs start to quicken, and you almost certain that you felt something brush pass your shoulder only adding onto the panic and anxiety that you already feel. Ok, the footsteps on the stairs are basically right near you, so doing the only logical thing you can do you body slam the ‘person’ on the stairs as you motherfuckin should  as tears fill your eyes and you pick up bag bolting through the front door, slamming it shut now in full tears and shakingly scared.
You look behind you and see Iwaizumi’s front door re-open and out comes the ‘iNFaMouS sEiJOh fOuR’ in tears... of laughter. It seems that the boys were in laughing fits that their prank ‘payed off’ getting a reaction out of you. You couldn’t see Iwaizumi’s reaction, but you didn’t care you were hurt, annoyed and wanting to get into your bed.
Once you get home, you decide to block your so called ‘friends’ who decided to make you scared shitless and ignored Iwaizumi’s messages asking “where were you today”.... the AUDACITY.  
The next day, the boy’s seemed to realize the consequences of their actions after spending the whole day trying to get your attention only to be straight up ignored. Iwaizumi is immensely regretful after all his efforts to try talking to you were denied, he decided after his practice he was going to get you to talk to him or at least get you to listen to his apologies on what happened yesterday evening.
You left your clubroom and made your way to the school gate to go home.
“Y/N!” shouted Iwaizumi touching your shoulder making you flinch ‘wow did we really scare her that bad?”  
“What do you want iwa?” You asked very agitated
“Y/N I just want to apologize for yesterday, since it was April fools day and all the boys really wanted to prank someone and I-it just happened to be-”
“It just happened to be me. Right?” you interrupted “Gosh Iwaizumi, I was really scared.. I already had a tiring day and all I wanted was my boyfriend to teach me the stupid Pythagoras Theorem and cuddle me afterwards, but no you and your friends just had to be dicks for a day” you turn around planning to walk away before he grabs you again  
“Wait! Just wait y/n, im sorry and I wont ever prank you like that again” he pleaded
“.. and i’ll help you study?” he added pulling the sweetest face of all time to try and convince you  
“ugh, fine stop pulling that face... and you better teach me Pythagoras Theorem” you said rolling your eyes
“yeah yeah whatever you say y/n” he said pulling you under his arm and walking in the direction of his house.
A/N: WOW I DID NOT like the way this turned out but its my first official thing that I wrote hopefully HOPEFULLY MY WORK IMPROVES (I THINK IT WILL) SO please join me on this ‘ride’ in improving my work  
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You decided this morning that you were NOT going to participate in your annual April Day Fool’s prank with Tanaka and Noya... only because of your not-so new boyfriend Daichi saying he didn’t need his teammates corrupting you any longer so you decided to not get involved. With that being said you wouldn’t even think of your boyfriend pulling a prank on you so you didn’t think you’re getting pranked today.
In the gym, the boys were doing the usual: Hinata and Kageyama running after eachother, Tanaka and Noya oogling Kiyoko, Tsukishima listening to music, Yama and Yachi going over club schedules whilst Daichi sat with Sugawara and Asahi.
“So are you pranking anyone today?” sugawara asked
“Pranking someone, isn’t that a bit too juvenile suga?” Asahi replied
“Not you silly, Daichi” said sugawara “With Y/N on his arm they always have to stay on eachothers toes right..she’s a ‘jokester’ right?”
“...right?” Daichi hadn’t thought of it that way, he did know of all your joking escapades before you even got together and how you still liked to joke around now as you date.. He didn’t want you to think that you thought he was too boring for you ?
“Ok. What type of prank should I pull on her..”
Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi (who didn’t really contribute to Suga’s scheming) made a plan for you to meet him at the gym locker with the claims that he had a ‘surprise’ for you .. oh how he was wrong.
Daichi: meet me at the gym locker I have something to show you  
Y/N: Ok!! I’ll be there in 5 minutes
Daichi was nervous, and that was an understatement he didn’t want things to go left and have you thinking he couldn’t even do a simple prank. Once you got there, he saw heard you talking to Sugawara and Asahi outside the door about him wondering where he was in which Suga told you inside the locker room.
“Hey babe” you greeted “what's the occasion in why we’re in here?”
“I...uh..um I need to get something one second” Daichi spoke quickly and rushed out the room closing the door leaving you confused. Minutes passed, and you were now impatient and kinda scared since the room was dusty, dark and cold definitely not your place to be in. You tried texting Daichi but just your luck you have no service ://  
As time went on you tried opening the door but it was jammed shut no hope opening at all you forgot you left your bag outside which of course had your inhaler which did not help the sudden shortness of breath you started to get because of your asthma and claustrophobia. All you wanted was to get out of this room and talk to … Daichi.
Daichi. How convenient that he manage to slip away before the door got closed hmm but he wouldn’t intentionally prank you after ALL the lectures he gave you about not doing pranks this year right?
You didn’t notice how you started to cry and whimper wanting to leave.
On the outside, Daichi heard your cries and ordered Sugawara and Asahi to find the key to immediately get you out which it seems to take a while because Daichi has now stopped hearing your tears making him gulp in fear thinking something bad has happened to you in there.
Sugawara comes to you handing Daichi the keys, his handing shaking as he tries to unlock the door when he eventually does he finds you passed out on the ground of the dusty storage room. Very cliché I know ://
You wake up in the Nurses Office a bit confused on how you got there until your eyes land upon Daichi, remembering how you locked you in the Storage room where you had an asthma attack and passed out. You turned your body away from Daichi not wanting to talk to him right now after the hypocrisy he did.
“Y/N.. Are you alright?” He asked
“Do I look alright?” You responded in a bored tone
“I am really sorry Y/N... I know what I said to you about not doing pranks this year but Sugawara roped me into this and I didn’t want you to think I was too boring for you so I thought doing this prank would make you see me in a different light” he said
“yeah i saw you in a different light alright” you sassed, you then realised what he said ‘too boring’ kind of feeling less mad and more sad that he feels this way “Dai, you’d never be to boring for me … you’re one of the most funness is that a word? guys I've ever met.”
“really?” he asked  
“Of course! I’m kind of still mad at you for letting this happen but I do sort of understand why” you said giving him a hug.
You were eventually cleared to go home and as you left the clinic you saw Asahi and Sugawara standing at the door.  
“Y/N WE’RE SORRY” they bowed to you waiting on your responses
You chuckled slightly at their cuteness and ruffled both of their hair “all is forgiven, just make sure there’s ‘pranks’ this year “
Which they agreed upon.  
A/N: WOW I DID NOT like the way these turned out but its my first official thing that I wrote hopefully HOPEFULLY MY WORK IMPROVES (I THINK IT WILL) SO please join me on this ‘ride’ in improving my work. Feedback is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED and request too since I will literally write whatever...
I may do a part 2 … any particular characters people want?
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14ehertzog-blog · 2 years
1. "On 3 or after 3?""Not this again." made me LOL 2. "Ashlyn's boyfriend!" "My friend first." 😂😂😂 3. I love the Caswen friendship 4. That's right Ricky. Where IS Gina? 5. OK BUT I WANNA KNOW THE CAMP NICKNAMES!! 6. SIR READ THE SCRIPT PLEASE 7. Happy birthday 😢 8. Emmy is adorable 🥲 9. MISS JEN IS MOTHER 10. This Is Me made me oddly emotional 😢😭 11. ELTON 12. Jet calling himself a theatre kid! 13. Really really unpopular opinion but I've never liked Nini 14. Aww Kourtney 😢😭😭 15. ANXIETY DOES NOT GO AWAY IN A NIGHT 16. Carlos is adorable 🥲 17. INNNN SUMMMMERRRRRR 18. ARE THEY BREAKING UP?!?! 19. Alex and Kourtney 😢😭 20. AWWW BIGGIE!!!! 21. YOU GOT THIS KOURTNEY!!!!! 22. CHANNING 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 23. Those spotlights would make me more nervous TBH 24. YAAAAASSSS QUEEEENNN!!!! 25. LOVE BADASS GINA 26. SO PROUD OF KOURTNEY!!!! 27. PUNCH CHANNING 28. SIR IF YOU BREAK GINA'S HEART AGAIN OVER NINI YOU AND I ARE GOING TO FIGHT 29. Born to be Brave!!! 30. I may not like Nini but I love her and Kourtney's friendship. It's so genuine. 31. So I know Olivia Rodrigo left but they really made it seem like she was going to stay. 32. LOVE BADASS RICKY 33. Kristoff's Lulably!!!! 34. "You've gone and changed it kid" 😢😭😭😭 35. Good for EJ standing up for himself!! 36. HE HUNG UP?!?!?! SIR WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT!!! 37. I'M PROUD OF YOU EJ!! 😭😭😭 38. Again, love the Caswen friendship 39. Might sound harsh but bye Nini 40. "So much talent at East so I'm going to go West" gives me "can't handle sharing the spotlight/attention" vibes 41. Maddox looks awesome honestly 42. NOT CORBIN CALLING HER JESSICA 😂😂😂🤣🤣 43. BYE CHANNING 44. NOT EVERYBODY SCREAMING WILDCATS WHEN HALF OF THE DON'T EVEN GO THERE 😂😂😂🤣🤣 45. Which now that I've said that, reminds me of mean girls. iykyk 46. Corbin singing is *chef's kiss* 47. Awww they're signing their names :') 48. I feel like EJ signing "Elton" and not "EJ" was him accepting that he's an adult now. 49. Every day was done beautifully 50. I just love seeing everyone having so much fun 51. TRENDING IN BRAZIL 52. Yay a lotto ticket!!! 53. Gina you looked a lil jealous🤨 54. Ohh ok we're doing a time jump 55. EVERYONE LOOKS AMAZING 56. Also lowkey concerned about the "wearing Kourtney Greene" & "it's Kourtney. No last name" difference 57. "You're watching Disney+" 😂😂🤣. Also showing my age here but I thought he did it wrong because I was thinking about Disney Channel, not Disney+ 58. I'm almost willing to bet "You think you know someone" was about EJ cuz that's her outfit from 3x05 59. Hello Val 😂 60. Don't ever change Ricky 🥲🥲 61. Maddox x Ashlyn!! I love Maddox's reaction 😂😂 62. IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE CRASH THAT CARLOS IS WITH?!?!?! 63. NOT WHOEVER THAT GUY IS (i'm going with Crash) ADJUSTING HIS CLOTHES!!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY DISNEY?!?!?! 64. "This is not what I signed up for" 😂 65. No editing was needed for Jet. Love the sibling energy from Maddox 😂😂🤣 66. Ricky just looking cute and smiling adorably for the camera 😂 67. BIGGIE!!!! 68. I feel like he did that so publicly so that Ashlyn wouldn't feel alone. 69. But also SIR WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN THE DOC?!?! 70. "Good for him" 😂 71. EJ WAS RESTRAINING HIMSELF 😂 72. Does that mean 3x05 was a fake slap? I could never tell 73. Awww "You're my brother" can't say it enough, LOVE THE CASWEN FRIENDSHIP🥲🥲🥲🥲 74. RINA?!?!?! 75. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?!?!?!?!?!? 76. GIRL HOW DID YOU NOT SEE IT COMING?!?! 77. "You aren't a maybe. You're a yes" 😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭 excuse me while i freak out 78. I hear you in the background Rina cue 79. BOY YOU BETTER STOP HER!!!!! 80. WAIT?!?!?!?!? 81. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 82. RINA CUE IS SCREAMING NOW!!!! 83. SIS GRABBED HIS FACE!!! AS A QUEEN SHOULD!!!!!!! 84. "Don't get me started" 😢😢😭😭 SIR PLEASE DO CUZ I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT 85. Also does that mean everyone has to come back into the room when the trailer premiers? Cuz that's hella awkward. 86. I'm dying. I'm deceased. ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Now that I've had a few days I just wanted to share this:
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It was nice looking at everyone's names!
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17caratssi · 3 years
Wonwoo! Will you stay
Jeon Wonwoo! A short series pt one | two | three | four After the rejection, Wonwoo finds your persistence cumbersome. Surprisingly, the quarrel results in you getting new friends.
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Our current parents are not the ones who really had you. In actuality, you were adopted to a loving couple that has had no child for 7 years. Your biological parents were too poor to raise another child, and they chose to put you into adoption when you were only 5 months.
When the couples saw you in the centre, they immediately fell in love with you and agreed to take you as their child. You had your name registered under your father's last name and basically became the daughter of their family.
It was illegal at that time, but your parents were desperate to have a child.
It didn't shock you the first time you were disclosed to this information. You don't look like your mother or father, and the brats at school keep suggesting that you're adopted. Your parents then decided to tell you despite your young age.
"You are our daughter. No matter what others say, we love you with our full hearts. Don't forget that, darling," was what your mother told you 12 years ago.
You know they are the best family you could ever have, and they always do. Occasionally, you would thank them. Your mother was never fond of you thanking them, and your dad doesn't have the heart to scold you for the same reason.
He hates it too, but you want them to know that you're very grateful to them.
Your father turns to look at you and stroke your head tenderly. "Where can I find the best daughter like this in this world?"
"You can't anymore. The world only has one best daughter, and that's me~."
"You're super right!" he pinches your nose playfully and has you giggle. "Let's go home. Mommy said she has something for you,"
The next day, you walk to your seat and sit quietly. You feel quite tired from the lacking of sleep. Your friend from America called you last night, and it continued until 3 in the morning. You were too guilty to tell her that you have school in the morning and have to sleep.
In the end, you only got 3 hours of sleep before getting ready for school.
You rest your head on the table and shut your eyes. The students are not making any noises, and you quickly fall asleep.
Wonwoo comes in when you already wake up. He is pretty late as compared to others.
You greet him with a good morning and directly ask. "Your house isn't that far. Why are you late?"
Wonwoo pulls his chair and sits. He's quiet on usual, so you don't know if he's normal or moody.
"Wonwoo, what do you think they have for lunch?"
"Wonwoo, can you teach me Physics? I'm most terrible at it.."
"Wonwoo, what club are you planning to join? Let me join you, OK?"
"Wonwoo, what did you say?" you ask again. You have lost count of how many times to call his name. Wonwoo... Wonwoo... It just rolls off the tongue.
Wonwoo raises his head and faces you. He opens his thin lips and repeats his words.
"You're. So. Freaking. Annoying," he utters word by word as if tearing your heart pieces by pieces. It sends you into speechless mode.
Though he tries to speak through his teeth, some students can still hear him. The girls in front of you are flabbergasted by the vulgar word Wonwoo used.
Never have they ever assumed Wonwoo could be crude to a girl. They study your face, but you're smiling.
"I thought I made it clear yesterday that I'm not at all interested in you. I find you annoying since the first time we meet. You're just a stuck-up rich kid that has no shame," Wonwoo canes his chin with his palm and continues.
"Just look at you. Which part of you is charming? I'll tell you this. Maybe you can get the white boys to line up within a snap of a finger, but I'm not like them. I hate all the girls most when they're rich and think they're superior to others. I don't have to clarify with you which category you're in, right?"
When you and the girls think he's done, you all are wrong.
"I think I should be more clear with you-"
"Enough." the girl with shorter hair stands up and kicks his table. "You could've just rejected her nicely, but you prefer being an asshole, don't you?" she says. Her eyes are burning with rage as he stares at Wonwoo, and they only calm after her seatmate pulls her arm.
"Yeah, Somi's right. I'll talk to the teacher about this, Y/N. We'll have you swap seats with some boy," you read her nametag- Umji, and you're about to say something when Wonwoo interferes.
What he has to say is just him admitting that he agrees with Umji. "Tell everything to the classroom teacher. I can't be bothered sitting next to someone's so annoying,"
"Stop it now, will you?" Somi flares again, and Wonwoo resumes his previous business.
Umji and Somi really keep their word and tell the homeroom teacher the morning incident. The arrangement changes, and you sit with a girl in the second row.
Since then, it's quite difficult to peek at Wonwoo without being noticed.
Every day after school ends, Wonwoo flees before you catch up to him. You want to apologize to him, but the whole week has passed. In the meantime, you make friends with Somi and Umji. The depressing, lonely days become less severe with them.
During the recess, the three of you go to the field and settle on a metal bench. Somi's boyfriend is a basketball player, so she always watches over him at the basketball court.
"Why are your face so red, Y/N?" Umji cups your cheeks and jiggles them. "Are you sick?"
You shake your head from side to side and breathes out loudly. You've been holding to ask them about Wonwoo, and now's the time!
"I want to ask something, but don't get mad. How's Wonwoo's doing?" you literally rap.
"Slow down, Y/N! I don't get you-" Umji holds your shoulder and soothes your nervous heart, but Somi is quick-witted. She reiterates to Umji and then glances at you.
"What's so nice about that a-hole? You still think about him?"
Umji doesn't deny that, but she's curious about Wonwoo. "I don't know. Is it me, or Wonwoo appears to be quieter after you change seat,"
"It's good, though. I hate it when he opens his filthy mouth. I can't forget what he said to Y/N!" you keep silent when Somi makes a comment.
"Maybe he cares about me after all?" you say, unabashed.
Somi frowns and leans forward. "Have you lost your mind, Y/N?"
You shake your head rapidly. "To be honest, I don't feel angry at him for saying that to me. I was wrong in the first place, so he has all the right to snap at me," you sip the grape juice.
Somi and Umji are in disbelief, and it entertains you.
"I don't know if this is true love or you're too naive,"
Umji chooses, "True love, it is," which sounds extremely unpleasant to Somi. She turns away and fakes a gag. "Blergh! Don't you dare encourage her, Umji,"
"Let's go to class," Somi says after regaining her composure. You've been straining the urge to pee since the break started; therefore, you excuse yourself to the toilet, and the two go back to the class without you. On the way, you accidentally bump into your seatmate, Ahin, in the toilet.
She's with her friends, talking about someone.
As you enter a cubicle, you hear a familiar name being mentioned by a girl.
"Wonwoo..." following after is barely audible, "...bullied,"
Wonwoo packs his things up and is ready to leave. He hangs the strap on his shoulder, crossing his torso and kicks the chair. The others who are aware of his precedented action make way for him.
You see him and quickly follow after. Close.. very close, and you grab by his bag.
"You're so fast!" you pant.
"Let go,"
"No! Are you getting in or not?" Not responding to you, you pull him by force into the elevator. Good thing; there's no one else besides you two.
You don't waste a second as you make a quick X-ray on him.
"No bruise, no cuts? Are you really being bullied?" you are still gripping his hands while asking him.
Not liking the skin contact, Wonwoo twists your limbs, dominates your wrists and rebukes. "I'll not repeat it. Get your hands off me!"
"I won't do so until you tell me," You undo the action and hold his again. "Are you being bullied, or you're the bully?"
The elevator opens, and Wonwoo escapes. You're too weak to hold against him, but he was just being kind as to not hurt you.
Since you can't do that again, you just chase after him a bit before jumping on his back. You adjust his bag and cling tightly to his neck.
"What are you doing? People are watching-"
"You don't like the attention, right? You might as well answer me!'
Wonwoo stops in his track. It's dangerous to move since you're not stable.
He exhales.
"The latter. Satisfied?"
"You're the bully?" you stretch your head to look at him. You did not expect that answer from him and squeal nonetheless.
"Thank god! I thought you're being bullied 'cuz if that's the case, I don't know what I'd do,"
What was that?.. Wonwoo wonders how could someone be happy when they're just met with a bully.
"Aren't you a fool?" he struggles to stand straight as you shift your weight to the side. "Get down now,"
"Oh," You climb down and instantly admire him again. "You're so cool!" with your clapping hands, you quick to remind him. "Don't let anyone bully you, alright?"
"My dad's here. Bye, Wonwoo!"
Wonwoo can't read you. He looks up to the sky and ponders. "Why would I listen to just anyone..."
Sorry for the short chapter. The next ones are much longer, at least to me lol (¯▿¯)
If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here !
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berkmansimagines · 5 years
Hey, it's me again I'm sorry lol. But could I maybe have an imagine for Barry, like the reader and him have their first kiss or something? If not that's totally fine no worries. I'm sort of new at requesting so sorry it's awkward. Love you though💛💛
A/N: Thank you so much for this fun request! And never apologize for anything, you rock 😊 Hope you enjoy!
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“Thanks again for walking me to my car,” you give Barry a small smile.
After today’s acting class, you, Barry and your classmates went to Residuals for drinks. Even though the rest of your class was there, it was like you and Barry were in your own little world. You two spent hours talking alone at a table and before either of you realized it, the rest of the class had gone home. You and Barry kept talking and didn’t leave the bar until the final call.
You always loved hanging out with Barry. He was quiet when you first met him, but you’ve slowly helped him get out of his shell. He was always so sweet to you and he was a very good listener. Shortly after the two of you became friends, you started developing feelings for him but you’ve never said anything because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship. You had no idea that Barry felt the same way.
“Of course, y/n, any time,” Barry nods.
By the time you and Barry left the bar, it was pretty late. You weren’t able to get a parking spot in the lot, so you were forced to park a couple of blocks away. Residuals isn’t exactly in the best neighborhood and Barry didn’t want you walking back to your car all alone. When Barry made the offer, he told you that he wanted to stretch his legs but he actually just wanted to spend more time with you.
Out of everyone in the class, you were the person that Barry was closest with. When Barry first showed up to the class, you were one of the people that really welcomed him. You’ve helped him practice lines and work on his acting technique. Barry doesn’t believe he would’ve ever fit in with the rest of the acting class if it wasn’t for you.
“I still can’t believe the rest of the class ditched us,” you joke, “They could’ve at least said bye to us.”
“Maybe they did and we just didn’t notice,” Barry chuckles.
Suddenly you feel your phone buzz. You take it out of your pocket and see a reminder flashing across the screen.
“Shit! I should get going. I’ve got an audition across town, bright and early tomorrow,” you sigh.
You were happy about the opportunity to audition, you just already knew you weren’t going to get it. Your agent gave you a heads up that they were only holding auditions because the actress they wanted was asking for too much money and they wanted her to drop her asking salary a bit. You were going to use this audition as a practice and hoped that if you did well, they would consider you for another role on a future project.
“Good luck,” Barry gives you an encouraging smile, “Let me know how it goes. I’ll be thinking of you…”
“Really?” you smile back, a little touched.
“Well, uh, yeah,” Barry replies, fighting back the urge to tell you that he actually thinks about you a lot.
“Thanks, Barry. It’s nice to know I have someone in my corner.”
You stand on your tiptoes and give Barry a small kiss on the cheek. Barry’s eyes widen, he wasn’t expecting that. You see the surprised look on his face and take a small step backwards, nervous that you did something wrong.
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” you apologize, and then, “I’ve just wanted to do that for a while and-”
Before you can finish your sentence, Barry pulls you close to him and kisses you on the lips. Impulsively, you cup his face in your hands and kiss him back. He gently runs his fingers through your hair and brushes stray hairs away from your face. You don’t know how much time has passed before you let go from the kiss, but you stay close to Barry.
“I guess I wasn’t the only one who wanted to do that,” you quietly tease Barry.
Instead of replying, Barry kisses your forehead and pulls you closer. Being in Barry’s arms made you feel safe. It just felt right, like something that had been missing for a while was finally falling into place. You wanted nothing more than to invite him over to your place, but you knew you couldn’t. You were mentally cursing that stupid audition you had to go to tomorrow.
“I should get going,” you say barely above a whisper, “But are you free tomorrow? Maybe we can hang out after my audition…”
“Yeah! That sounds perfect,” Barry enthusiastically agrees, “Goodnight, y/n.”
“Night Barry!”
You give Barry one last quick kiss on the lips before getting into your car. As you drive home, you have the biggest smile on your face. You’re so happy and can’t wait to see Barry after your audition tomorrow.
“Oh God, there’s no way I’m going to sleep tonight,” you laugh to yourself.
Requests are open until the end of the year!
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Lola & Astrid
Lola: [come in to get your tattoo then, which is on the back of her neck/shoulder blade moment which isn't the worst but I think it vibrates on those bones pretty hard, also the embroidery technique/colour will make it worse/more time, overall vibe a sassy, confident bitch but lowkey nervous on this tattoo] Astrid: [I like to think she's already in there and probably has been for hours because whether it's big or small on this occasion they obvs let her stop whenever she wants and for as long as she wants cos they know her so we just chilling with the dog BFF who goes everywhere with her lowkey and both having a drink of water casually so the dog can go up to her like hey gal] Lola: [have loads of pictures of her with dogs and cats, so gonna say we're an animal hoe and gonna be extra over this lil dog then AFTER you've stroked and loved upon it 'Shit, I've not distracted it, have I? I'm so sorry' like when you aren't meant to with blind people service dogs] Astrid: [just straight up talking to this dog like she's a person like are you okay, do you wanna go and the dog's like nah I'm fine by giving a Lola a toy or something like I think we should play with this gal] Lola: [straight up throwing this toy like we aren't in a tattoo shop like please be careful, probably getting told off by a grumpy tattoo dude and just loling like whoops 'cos the kind of carefree hoe we are 'what's your name?' but we are talking to the dog] Astrid: [being like 'did you forget we like rules?' @ the dog as if she caused this trouble herself and full naming her like a cross mum but we not cross we're more playful about it because autistic bants] Lola: ['so distinguished, suits you madam' and shakes her paw, then touching one of Astrid's leg tattoos as is clearly ground level with this dog rn 'that's gorgeous, how many do you have?'] Astrid: [when you an affectionate af person but you don't know her like that so then you can't answer that question and she must think you're being so rude sorry gal, but let's say the tattoo person answers for you cos probably did most of them but not all so gets it wrong so then you have to answer whatever the right number is] Lola: [you really shouldn't grab people but that's the kinda hoe you are so that's the vibe lol, undeterred but do let go of her leg thanks, just talking about ALL the tattoo ideas you have] Astrid: [at least you can likewise go off about that babe because they are literally another thing you collect/comforts you and makes you feel safe so like you always wanna get more, try not to actually talk over her and listen but it's okay if you do, she'll get over it] Lola: [just listening intently anyway and bowing to her superior knowledge on it 'cos you wanna get more even though you have yet to start this one and are gonna be sobbing in a sec lolll, very seriously turning to the dog 'Winnie, will you hold my hand?' then turning back to Astrid and rolling her eyes 'my girlfriend was too shamed to be seen with me'] Astrid: [just going OFF about aftercare too before she's even started this tattoo because as far as you're concerned there is only one right way to do it and everything else is wrong and a huge no, the grumpy tattoo dude from earlier who Lola's gonna end up having is just gonna try and be like nah she's wrong, this this and this is fine but shh sir tbh. The dog just grinning through all this cos she's buzzing about the energy 'She's not ever going to be heavy enough for proprioceptive stimming but it's still calming when she lies with you, she's soft and she smells nice, does that make sense?' her confused face when she then doesn't understand what she means about her girlfriend not wanting to be here though like um why] Lola: [just ignoring the man like the true lesbian you are, be careful girl, nodding 'total sense, Miss Winifred is a vibe' and giving her an approving sniff like yes 'it smells like bleach in here' probably a good thing babe but we're not happy lol 'ugh, 'cos she's so tough and I'm going to embarrass her' shakes her head like oh girlfriends] Astrid: [repeating back to Winnie that she's a vibe because you like the sound of that thank you but whatever you're gonna say about how it smells in here is interrupted by grumpy tattoo dude complaining that it's because Astrid always has to OTT clean up the station etc and blah before they start, like don't out her like that sir and don't be a dick so we're not happy about his vibe rn] Lola: ['you should be happy she's doing the hard work for you' even though we were the one complaining about the smell, we're not about it] Astrid: ['he's not a happy person' hahaha suck it sir] Lola: ['that's so sad, what happened?' oh gal] Astrid: [just telling her this dude's life story like he's not right there because we don't understand sarcasm bye] Lola: [when you weren't even being sarcastic but you were not expecting her to reply and you know he's not gonna be thrilled so you put your finger to your lips like shh but smiling at her so she knows you aren't being a dick like stfu] Astrid: [being like oh do you want some quiet, like offering to get them to turn down the music they always blast in tattoo places] Lola: ['can we change the station?' like this rock shit is not a #vibe honey and getting out your phone and aux cord from your bag] Astrid: [just like 'it's not a vibe [name of your tattoo gal] can we change it to a vibe?' because we're saying vibe now and obvs this woman will cos she's a good egg] Lola: [putting on your femme gay girl bubblegum pop playlist like every other person in here/grumpy tattoo man is going to be taking the piss but we aren't aware 'cos we're that bitch and just dancing around like it's the clerb] Astrid: [Astrid and Winnie are vibing, picking this dog up like do you wanna dance lil queen as if we're not in the middle of a tattoo sesh] Lola: [hyping them up in a very yasss queen manner and then getting interrupted by this dude being like are you done pissing about and just twerking at him like mwah 😘 as you climb your ass up onto this bench, then being like 'WINNIE, I NEED YOU' very dramatically with grabby hands and all, this man like oh my god] Astrid: [we're loling at her antics and then putting Winnie on her lap because this angel will look after you gal so we can finally get some more of our own tattoo done] Lola: [good incentive not to drop this dog or shriek in her ears gal, 'cos gonna be so OTT about this pain obvs, all of this painting a picture as why your butch tatted gf did not wanna be here, just 🥺🥺🥺 at Astrid 'does it hurt you?' 'cos gf popping off like it doesn't which is a lie like when people say childbirth doesn't like admit it even if you can hack it] Astrid: ['not as much as other things' because we matter of fact about it instead of being like her girlfriend and pretending nothing is happening here] Lola: [we aren't really listening anyway just talking to talk here 'beauty is pain'] Astrid: [just repeating that like hmmm idk ' you're saying you feel more beautiful now, they'll want to put that on the signs outside'] Lola: ['They've got better promo' and giving Astrid's tattooist a look, 'cos the insecurity jumped out when pain] Astrid: [just going off about how much you like it here and you've told everyone about it like lol peeps have said they should pay me] Lola: ['yours are so cool' and asking her why she got that one and when etc etc] Astrid: [telling her everything even if like some of this shit is personal like tell me those roses aren't because of Ro you can't] Lola: [when you're an oversharer so you are 1. not phased by this 2. can say how this is for your abuela who's dying] Astrid: [genuinely is upset about this and asking loads of questions about her like obvs how old is she but also about her as a person and what she likes and how she was living before this] Lola: [we was already crying from the pain so you know, just carry on lmao, telling her that you live with her, that she's your only family and she's a bomb cook and she loves you even though you're gay and you go to bingo together on Thursdays] Astrid: [when you're just like are you gonna live with your girlfriend and cook together and go to bingo with her] Lola: ['I don't know' big sigh 'Do you live with your dad?'] Astrid: [hardcore like BUT WHAT WILL YOU DO because we're so upset about this like we can't answer your question until we get one that's okay here] Lola: [reaching over like hey it's okay 'I'll work it out'] Astrid: [just like oh yeah I do live with my dad btw after ages has passed and she's probably forgot she even asked but we needed a sec there] Lola: ['what's he like?'] Astrid: ['he's weird but not like I'm weird, just not how everyone says a dad should be-' trying to find a way to word wtf Drew is like lol 'he doesn't like rules or keeping things clean oh and he's a really shit driver who plays music too loud and he dresses too young'] Lola: ['sounds like every dude I've ever met' lols, wiping her tears 'has he always been like that or is it a midlife crisis moment?'] Astrid: [lols too because oh Drew you hot mess 'he fell out of his pram and wasn't claimed for 7 days'] Lola: [nods solemnly 'mine too'] Astrid: ['but he makes sure my food doesn't touch and never makes me eat anything I know will be fucking gross and he took me to go get Winnie' like but I do love him] Lola: [gives Winnie love and smiles 'not all bad then' pauses 'mine used to take me to ballet, and never get bored of me showing him my routines'] Astrid: [just going off about this Barbie ballet movie called Barbie and the pink shoes like have you seen it because I figure why not have dolls as a special interest, thanks Ro, though she'd fuck with Bratz and Monster High more] Lola: [talking about the red shoes 'cos assumedly what it is based on and saying you'll look up the Barbie version online 'when Ren is at work'] Astrid: [just chatting about it to the point that she doesn't even need to see it cos you've told her everything but letting her know that Barbie isn't your fave and making sure she knows what you fuck with more like this is vital info okay] Lola: ['Like Yasmin is technically the Hispanic queen like me but I do be looking more Jade and she fucks with cats so ME' 'cos definitely a girl who was into dolls and the bratz are making a resurgence in the culture anyway huns] Astrid: [we're living a life where we only accept the OG's so of course she gotta be that blonde hun who is described as wide-eyed and bubbly and loves her friends more than anything in the world so pop off but we not fucking with soccer and we gotta let Lola know] Lola: ['I see it' like just being like you're an angel there nbd] Astrid: [being like I do support cheese pizza ONLY but thai curry wtf] Lola: [loling like 'food isn't food unless it has at least two carbs and all the cheese you can throw at it'] Astrid: [just listing off everything Jade likes in the known world like do you like these things or no] Lola: [replying like this is a vogue 73 questions I bet tattoo dude is delighted lol] Astrid: [we're having fun here sir excuse you] Lola: ['do you have a Jade in your group already?'] Astrid: [The calming force that she is, Winnie is the group's Yasmin, she can handle a sob story, as you've seen so that's wrong' looks at her like soz gal I know you're offended 'my other best friend is most like Sasha, I don't know if I'm allowed to say that when she isn't black though'] Lola: [looks around at how white everyone here deffo is like I won't tell on you, claps her hands like yay 'we can be friends then'] Astrid: [when you're clearly buzzing about this, giving her your phone like this is my number take it thank you] Lola: [saves it as angel, oh that won't cause any drama with your gf no no lol, taking the tattoo dudes biro or whatever and being like hold out your hand? but thankfully NOT just doing it 'cos she may not vibe gal] Astrid: [at first is like ?? because hasn't connected the dots of what she wants her to do and why but then is like oh okay and does] Lola: [being like to the tattoo lady 'now make it permanent' loling like hohoho] Astrid: [loling 'when I know you better' like we considering this] Lola: [so flattered like omg me and blowing kisses] Astrid: [gotta get some more water cos we recognising that we're getting a bit too buzzing rn so obvs asking her if she wants some] Lola: [just like lifesaver 'cos we been crying so hard over here lol] Astrid: [gotta get some for Winnie too even if she don't want because that's a routine hun] Lola: [live your best life babe you deserve it] Astrid: [let's say her tattoo is then finally done and she abruptly leaves like it was nice to meet you I gotta go now bye because it kills me how they all did that on that show every time] Lola: [the only time you've been shooketh 'cos you'd be a hang around saying bye for ages bitch] Lola: WHERE DID YOU GO?! Astrid: hOmE Astrid: is YOuR tattOO fiNishED? Lola: [sends a progress picture she's made that man take lol] Astrid: 25-30 miNS leFT Lola: yeah? Lola: 🙌 I am about to PEE my pants Astrid: iT'LL bE lONgEr wiTH BreAks but YOu Wont bE alloWED bacK iF yOu dONt TakE oNE foR THaT Lola: 😄 I did a little but we've had no leaks Lola: got my big girl panties on Astrid: 👙 is A GooD iDeA tOooooOOOOO Lola: so NOT letting him do my underboob though Astrid: nO ⛔ no ⛔ Lola: the chick you were with seemed kinda cool though Lola: not gonna write off the whole shop Astrid: 🌟 ✨ sHE MAkEs me fEEL coMFoRTaBLe 🌟 ✨ Astrid: thE reVIeW Astrid: & thE VIBE Lola: love that Lola: don't know how he can do such colourful work and be so sad ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Astrid: van GOGH? Astrid: 🌻🌻🌻🌻👂💛💛 Lola: 🤯🤯🤯 Astrid: Do thEy ShARE a SOUL doEs thAT maKE senSE? Astrid: hMMMM Lola: reincarnation baby Astrid: dO you BEliEVE in it? Astrid: a BIG quESTion Lola: I think it's technically a ❌❌❌ Lola: but I think it's cool Lola: like past lives, all the AMAZING people in history you could've been Astrid: I DonT unDERstAnd wHY is iT ❌❌❌ if YoU liKE iT? Lola: Jesus and Abuela 💘 Lola: 💀 is very important to us Astrid: oHhhhhhhH Astrid: hEAvEn ☁👼☁ Astrid: mY muM taUGHt mE about THat Lola: 🧹🌻🦋🌞🍞 Lola: we believe souls come back, but not as other people, always themselves, even if they take a different form Lola: and they come back all the time, though Jesus hasn't come back YET Astrid: 👻👻👻👻 Lola: I can do an offering for your mum if you like Astrid: shE woULdNT coMe bACK for 🍞 Astrid: wHaT ElSe can THey be? Lola: you can put all the person's favourite things on their altar, you can skip the bread Astrid: 🕯🌹🕯🩺🕯🥀🕯🦴 Lola: wouldn't look out of place Astrid: sHe LiKEd DollS tooOOOO but thERe's No emoJi?? Lola: that's so RUDE Lola: did she get you into dolls, what was the first one you got? Astrid: 🧚🏻 thoUGH & 🔮 & 🧙🏼 Astrid: [sends her a picture of some creepy doll because of course she still has it and cue a huge ramble about everything possible about this doll like soz gal you didn't ask for that level of detail] Lola: looks like la catrina's 👶 Lola: I like it Lola: what doll would your mum be? Astrid: [when you disappear forever lowkey to do all the research you can about that just falling down a rabbit hole without saying bye] Astrid: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 💀❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Astrid: eVErYoNE is EqUAL in tHE eND Astrid: loVE that Lola: right?! Lola: we STAN an inclusive queen Astrid: caNT waIT tO TeLl mY otHER bFf she is GOiNg to bE so ExCitEd Lola: do you bake? I will send you a recipe for some sugar 💀 cookies Lola: i always loved decorating them Lola: and eating them, duh 😋 Astrid: I dOnT know hOw TO dO that Astrid: ❌❌❌ Lola: I can make them, if you wanna meet up again Lola: or come teach you, that would be fun Astrid: here? Lola: if you want Lola: you could come to mine but you'd have to meet abuela and that might be a LOT ??? Astrid: iTs nOT a ⛔ no if weRe frIeNds Astrid: i THinK yoU couLD bE heRE Lola: I'm a good guy, I promise Lola: I'll be super polite and say please and thank you and take my shoes off Astrid: buT 🍭 🍬 🧁  🍫 🍩 🍪 🍨  wILl maKE mY mum 😢 oR 😡 iF sHE is a 👻 Astrid: 🤫 Lola: it's all about celebrating life anyways Lola: what's better than tasty food Lola: my mother was the same though Lola: but abuela loved food because it made people 😄🥰 she didn't care if it made you fat too Lola: plenty of time to be 💀🦴s Astrid: hMMMmmm Astrid: 👌 Astrid: I wAnt to BE 😄🥰 Lola: maybe your friend would like some too Lola: not Miss Winnie though, too much sugar for 🐶 Astrid: IlL exPLain Astrid: sheS vERY 🤓 Astrid: thATs sMArt noT an INsult Lola: I could tell Lola: I very much enjoyed meeting her Astrid: & mE? Lola: OF COURSE you, gurl Lola: you were so nice and helpful Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Astrid: thANKs Lola: you're welcome ❣️ Lola: are you from here, I like your name, it's unusual Astrid: I dOnT liKE to bE reFErRed tO bY it Astrid: it maKEs mE FeeL liKe PeOPLe ARe 😤 😠 😡 Lola: oh no, I'm sorry Lola: is there anything you would like me to call you instead? Astrid: ...... Astrid: I doNt KnOw Lola: no probs Lola: don't need to call you anything we'll manage just fine without 🙃 Astrid: iS thAt aN oKaY anSWer? Lola: of course it is! Lola: it wouldn't be okay for me to call you a name you didn't like, that's just rude Lola: my gf HATES the name she got as a 👶 so she changed it Astrid: liKe @ scHoOL Astrid: I goT caLLed loAds of namES thERE Astrid: 👿 👹 👺 🤡 💩 👻 💀 ☠️ 👽 👾 🤖 🎃 Lola: 😢👎 Lola: school SUCKED Lola: you're cool Astrid: thEy jUsT doNt unDERsTand mY 🧠 Astrid: mE eiTHeR mE eiTHeR Lola: who does Lola: still don't have to be a 🍆 Astrid: eVErYoNE is EqUAL in tHE eND Astrid: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 💀❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Lola: that's what I'm talking about Astrid: yOu aRe GoiNg To LikE mY aUntY 🧠 ❤ 👀 Astrid: bUt U CaNt bRInG hEr HeRE foR 💀🍪 Lola: why not? Astrid: mY DaD & hER ❌❌❌ Lola: family drama Lola: say no more Lola: abuela only talks about my mother when she wants to cuss her out, and that's her daughter so 🤷 Astrid: hEs BaD buT nOT to ME? I doNt unDERstAnd hoW thAT iS suPposED to maKE seNse Lola: you're special to him Astrid: BuT whY aREnt my SiSTeRs sPEcial toOOOo? Astrid: beCausE theIR muMs aRE dIFFeRenT or Astrid: my BrOThEr haS anOTher DiffErent mUm agaIN Astrid: itS conFUsinG Lola: people are a lot of different things all at once, I think Lola: they don't all fit together right, it is confusing Astrid: wHEn yoU DiE aRE yOU NoOOO thiNGs Or moRE thinGS? Lola: Hmm Lola: I think more Lola: everything, and then the missing pieces make it all make sense Astrid: maybe they ARe tOOOoo sPEciAl then, THaT sisTER & ThOse mums dAD canT DeaL Astrid: hmmM Lola: could be Lola: being dead is meant to be easier than being alive, but it isn't perfect Astrid: & mY OthEr SisTER diDnt diE whEn sHe NeaRLY diD sO mAYBe heS coNFuSed AbOUT THat Lola: could you ask him? Lola: or would he be 😢 or 😡? Astrid: heS not my TaLking To pErsoN heS mY DoinG peRsOn Lola: that's important too Lola: sometimes it's actually better not having the answers Astrid: I sHOULDvE saID that @ scHOol Astrid: BettER not HAVinG thE anSWERS sORRy Lola: 😅 Lola: if ONLY Lola: I wouldn't say ANYTHING at school Astrid: I diDnT taLk unTiL aFter my mUm dIeD Astrid: moSTlY Lola: at all? Astrid: ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Lola: did you talk to your dad? Astrid: somE WoRdS Lola: the rest you just got what you needed in other ways Lola: that's cool Astrid: i THiNk it waS BaD oF mE Astrid: maYbe Astrid: .... Lola: but was it bad for you Lola: that's the important thing Lola: its frustrating when people don't understand you, but people get frustrated when they don't understand, even though they might not still when you tell them with words Astrid: iS thAT wHy yOU didNT talK @ sChooL? Lola: i took up too much space just being there Lola: without taking up the 💬 too Astrid: tOo muCh Space Astrid: hmmM Lola: that's what they thought Lola: basically Astrid: pEoPLe DoNt unDErstaND yOu Astrid: how mUch spaCE yoU neEd Lola: they don't like it ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Lola: i'm not trying to take other people's space though Astrid: tOO muCH iS ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Astrid: toOOOo mUch AnyTHiNG Lola: it is? Astrid: ItS 😢 or 😡 Astrid: itS beInG weIRd Lola: there's no such thing as too much 🐶😸 though Astrid: NeVEr!! Lola: exactly Lola: don't think there's any rules that you can stick to everything Lola: always exceptions Astrid: I wriTE liKe thIs beCauSe thOse rULes are Boring Astrid: loAdS of RulEs doNt maKe sEnSe Lola: I like how you write Lola: it's more interesting to read Astrid: yOu cAn Do iT toO if You waNT Lola: really? Lola: thanks, I'll try it out 😄 Lola: ITs actUallLY REAlLY hARd tO Be TOtallY raNDoM Lola: oTHER New RuLES poP UP in YOuR hEaD Astrid: ItS a VIBE Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Lola: tOTAlLy Lola: LikE THOse nEwSPApEr RAnsOM notEs Lola: aEStheTIc Astrid: ??? Lola: you know in films, when a killer or a kidnapper sends the person a note, they cut up bits of newspapers and magazines so the note is all different fonts and sizes and stuff Lola: [examples Lola: I liKE ThAT LOooooooOOoOKk Astrid: OhHH WoW Astrid: cAn I sEnD YoU onE? Lola: THaTs whaT IT RemINDS mE OF Lola: UM yeS Astrid: TheY dO it So NoBoDy knowS itS from THem YeaH? Astrid: hoW wiLL you Know ItS from mE? Lola: YEah Lola: do the outside of it normal, so the postman isn't 😱 Lola: I nEVEr GeT 💌 Astrid: do the outside of it normal, so the postman isn't scared Astrid: do the outside of it normal, like this Lola: [her address] there you go Lola: a stamp and it'll be perfect Astrid: ThiS is ReAllY whERe U Live? Astrid: I knoW whEre tHiS is Lola: you do? Astrid: yEAH Astrid: itS By a SHop I lIkE Lola: maybe you could show me 🙃 Astrid: I JuST geT 🍓 thEn I LeAVe Astrid: thEY haVe to Be from ThEre Astrid: a RuLe Lola: nOW i waNt TO tRy SomE Astrid: diD yoUr GirLfrIEnD liKE youR TaTTOo? Astrid: I caNt STop THinkiNG aBoUT iT Lola: She lIKEs 🖤 🤍 bUT I seNT hEr ThE piC & She SAid wAs cUUUUUuUuUUuUuTeeeeeeE Astrid: iS shE gONna coMe wiTh yOU neXT timE? Lola: mAYb ❓🤔 Astrid: tHats noT 🖤 🤍 Astrid: sHe shOUld saY yeAH oR NO Lola: TrUuUuuUuUUUUUUUu Lola: I'll tell her Astrid: Do YoU lIkE haVinG a girlFRieND? Lola: 🤗 & 😘 R gOoOOoddD Astrid: ❓🤔 Lola: you like hugs and kisses? Astrid: PlaTOnic is DiFFeRent Astrid: i LikE theM thOUgh Lola: yeah Lola: with a girlfriend, you just get them all the time Astrid: ? ShE dOeSnt asK you ? Lola: she doesn't need to Lola: if I said stop she would Lola: it's just nice having a person around, is what I meant 🙃 Astrid: 👌 thAT maKEs SeNse Lola: do you like 🧑 or 👩 or none or both Astrid: 👩 👩🏻 👩🏽 👩🏾 👩🏿 Lola: hi-5 Lola: me too 😄 Astrid: but i DoNt have a GIRLfrieNd Lola: would you like one? Lola: we could go out 💃💃 Astrid: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Astrid: yeAh Astrid: yOuRe a GooD 💃 Lola: YOU TOO ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Lola: I KNOW A BAR THAT WOULD LET WINNIE IN Astrid: yOU dO????????? Lola: i KNow tHe OWneR Lola: heS SO coOL Lola: and he has his own dog Finola who sings with him Astrid: I diDNT knOw dOGs coULd sING Astrid: WiNNie coULd hAVE a SeCRET talENt Lola: they do somewhere over the 🌈 it's very good Astrid: wheN cAN we Go? Lola: 😄 When are you free? this weekend? Astrid: FriDAY Lola: 👏 let's DO IT Astrid: 🕐 🕑 🕒 🕓 🕔 🕕 🕖 🕗 🕘 🕙 🕚 🕛 🕜 🕝 🕞 🕟 🕠 🕡 🕢 🕣 🕤 🕥 🕦 🕧 Astrid: ? Lola: 🤔 8? Astrid: To bE @ yOUr hOUse oR ThEre? Lola: we could get 🍓s first and eat them in the park Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 Lola: 🙌 IT'LL BE FUN Astrid: WeRe bOTh eXciTed Astrid: 😆 Lola: 💃💃💃 Lola: have to plan my outfit Astrid: I liKeD uR ouTfit yOu werE weaRing Lola: you're so 🍧 🍨 🍦 🥧 🧁 🍰 🎂 🍮 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍿 🍩 🍪 thank you 😚 Lola: you looked amazing Astrid: I nEEd to dyE mY haiR a new ColOur Lola: have you done every colour??? Astrid: ⛔❌ 🖤 🤎 Lola: boring in comparison to the rest of the 🌈 Astrid: & hARd to GEt Out ❤️ & 💜 sTAY TooOO bUT thEY caN bE maDE inTo a PaTTeRN sO its Not 😢 oR 😠 Lola: 🦜 Astrid: BiRdS aRE weiRD Astrid: mY AunTy haS 🐓 & I ONLy liKE thEm WhEn TheYrE 🐤 🐣 🐥 Lola: DOES SHE HAVE ANY BABIES RIGHT NOW Astrid: yEaH Astrid: thEyre sOFt Lola: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that's so cuteee Astrid: doNt be sad shE wonT eaT thEM Lola: but i don't have any🐤 🐣 🐥 Astrid: IlL aSk heR iF you CAn Lola: our apartment is tiny Lola: wouldn't be fair for the poor chickie Astrid: YoU cOuLd VisIt THem Lola: I'll have to buy some 🌽 too Astrid: TheYll be YouR FRIEnds ToooOOOOo Astrid: loVe ThAT Lola: new friends are always welcome Lola: especially fluffy ones Astrid: WiNNie aGReeS Astrid: & saYs dOnT foRGet sheS the FLUFFiest Astrid: she gETs JeaLOUs Lola: 🤭 Lola: of course Lola: she's a babe Astrid: evERYoNe saYs I was wHEn mY brOTHer waS a 👶 bUT i Dont remeMBEr thaT Lola: aw, you helped out? Lola: that's so cute Astrid: 👶 NeED lOAds of HeLp Astrid: haVE yOu EVer heLd onE? TheY caNt suPPOrt their Own HeaDs Astrid: itS wilD Lola: I've actually never held a baby Lola: or really met one, which is weird, I'd never thought about that Astrid: !!!!!!!! Astrid: My FamILY iS SoooOOOOO BiG Astrid: 👶👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾 Lola: do you like it? what's good and what's bad? Astrid: YoU aRenT evER aLOne Astrid: thatS gOod OR Bad Astrid: Good & BAD Lola: I can picture that Astrid: bUT itS FUn & LOud Astrid: you LiKe hugS so Youd likE it Lola: yeah Lola: I think so Lola: abuela was from a big family Lola: but it's just us here Astrid: WhERe aRE TheY aLL? Lola: her family? Lola: mostly dead Lola: the ones she would've known, sisters, brothers Lola: their kids are probably still in Mexico but she doesn't know any of them properly Astrid: Im SoRrY Lola: you don't have to be sorry Astrid: ItS saD fOR hER Astrid: I mEAn Lola: yeah Lola: she left a lot behind Lola: but she's been happy here Astrid: & YoURE haPPy? Lola: mostly and most days Lola: not 🖤 & 🤍 Astrid: nOT 🖤 & 🤍 Lola: nothing is ever perfect, is it Astrid: mAyBe WinniE is Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Lola: I am willing to believe that and let her have it too 💝🐶 Astrid: [a happy picture of this dog like thank you I'm buzzing] Lola: an angel Lola: or princess, I should say Astrid: [a picture of this dog with some kind of tiara moment on because of course we can] Lola: 🙇 Lola: I'll find mine when I get home Astrid: YoU hAve One? Lola: duh gurl Lola: it's a vibe Lola: 👑🌈💃😘 Astrid: iT is A Vibe Lola: you know a vibe when you 👀 one Lola: i CaN TeLL Astrid: I haVE tO gO Astrid: doNT fORget FriDAY Astrid: @ 8 Astrid: 🍓!! Lola: Oh, okay Lola: Looking forward to it ✨
1 note · View note
blissuniverse · 6 years
I'm always watching you.
                                                   CHAPTER II
Sasuke cuts himself and hides it very well under his wrist protectors. However, a suspecting gaze from Sakura tells him otherwise.
Rating: T+ but I think i’ll add some dark scenes later.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort and Romance
I’m not sure if this will turn out as a three-shot but we’ll see.
A.N. English is not my native language and I am only new to writing. plus, I am not a medical expert so some parts maybe odd and not right even though I  did some valid research. uwu annd lastly I didn’t have time to edit., so this is just a draft. lol
Chapter I
“Shit. I can’t train like this.” Sasuke hissed in a frustrated groan as he tried to throw kunais and shurikens from a ranged target.
His wrists were being annoying and it burned like hell.
As he made every movement the wounds from his wrists would distract him. And just as he hissed a curse, the wounds from last night’s torture began to bleed again.
“Tch, another waste of time, I have no other choice.” he set off to the road of the hospital carefully clutching and hiding the secret infliction he had done in secret.
It was his entire fault really. Being lost in his own mind and being so easily controlled by his emotions that one thing he never thought of losing to. It’s a thing that disgusted him, it was a form of weakness. If nothing more, Naruto’s words only fit him right. “You’re a freak!” everyone would think that. But he never dwelled on the matter anyway.
As he strode his way to the hospital, He’d come to appreciate the silence he was met with
The good thing about walking past the streets at this time was that there were only few people beginning to start off their day. So, the trip to the hospital was quite efficient for him.
It was quiet, very and nobody gave him any attention.
And not for long the building of the hospital came into view
As he entered the hospital the first thing that any living people who entered was to ask the information desk. “Oh! Uchiha-san! Good morning! Is there any help I could get you?” The brunette girl with the nurse outfit said. A name tag dangled on the left part of her uniform that says ‘Ami’
“I need a physician.” He grunted. “Oh! I would be guessing those are wounds?” Ami said and Sasuke nodded at this. “He’s a walk-in doctor is that okay with you Uchiha-san?” Ami asked waiting for a preferral. Well they were Uchihas and they don’t seem to trust just anybody with something.
“Hn, anyone available would be fine.”
“Alright, Dr. Hiro-san is available at this hour. You should seek him at his office it’s near the emergency area.”
“Aa.” Sasuke said and walked off.
The walk wasn’t that long and that he made it within a spare of minutes.
The doctor was easy to communicate with. And it was just his luck as he stood there already on the operating room.
“So, Sasuke-san, what happened?” Hiro asked with a bright personality. “My wrists are bleeding.” Sasuke said and started removing his bloodied wrist protectors.
As he scribbled on the medical chart. Which was probably his. ‘fuck, my records are piling up.’
“Hmm…. I see, you seem to have previous ones like these as well.” As he scanned the medical chart. And dotting out his pen once more.
“Is there any reason why your wounds keep appearing like this?” Hiro asked Sasuke. ‘the bastard’s testing me.’ Sasuke thought.
He rolled his eyes and said. “They were bruises I acquired in training.” The doctor didn’t look convinced as he gasped at the wounds. Sasuke gave the doctor a final look that meant not to dwell on it any further. The doctor gave a defeated sigh and said.
“Well… It’s been cleaned thoroughly. But these are big cuts Sasuke-san. I think some might even need stitching.”
The sight of Sasuke’s hand unravelled as the doctor completely removed the bandage from his wrists. It almost made Sasuke’s stomach shudder. ‘I am a fool.’
 “Alright, I’ll clean these up with some aqua oxigenada after I administer you with some shots and start stitching.”  “did you drink some antibiotics this early morning?” The doctor asked as he assisted him to sit on the medical bed.
“Yes.” He answered shortly.
“What time?” As the doctor prepared and sanitized the needed medical tools and readied the syringes for the needed shots.
“4 AM.” Sasuke answered.
“What milligram?” the doctor asked as he flicked the syringe with his fingers. And measuring the right amount of vial.
“Hn.” Sasuke answered. The brunette doctor smiled and chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. “I guess that says you don’t know.” He scribbled some things on the medical chart after washing his own hands and wearing some latex gloves.
“I’ll administer you with a small injection of anti-biotic just in case you drank a very weak one, And… of course some anaesthesia.”
Right before the first injection. The door gave out a loud thud. This startled Sasuke whom also looked at that direction,
he sensed a familiar chakra. His glaring towards the door only made him glare.
 The doctor came up and peeped at the door but found no one to be there.
“Hmm… someone musta’ve bumped it accidentally. The emergency room is quite hectic today.” And then he shrugged it off and approached a very troubled looking Sasuke.
‘Tch! I have to be alert at all cost, someone is already spying on me.’
Under no conditions should people see him in this state, especially his teammates. He would never allow it. He could only die from humiliation, disgust, and self-deprivation. It would only hinder him from trying to get away from these selfish actions.
His mind is twisted he admits, and not any of this should be normal. Even though he’d said it in a million times.
He knew that he never deserved to do this to himself. So that’s why his resort to life is to avenge his entire clan. Because he never deserved to lose a family, and they never deserved to die. So, until he was alive. He strives to hate and become much stronger than his brother.  Then, after all of that, he wished the sufferings his mind gave him would disappear. Because if he killed his brother, then so are his nightmares.
                                                                  “There, all done! Please don’t do any strenuous activities for a week. It would reopen the wound. And just like I said, The hospital is quite hectic today. You can’t just grasp any medic nin here. They’re very limited people. And they are needed in a very serious case.”
 Sasuke grunted at this and muttered his ‘thanks’ to the doctor.
He left the operation room and walked to the hallways knowingly going in the wrong direction as he sensed a familiar chakra. ‘Tch, I think I have an idea who it was outside the operation room I occupied just minutes ago.’
“SASUKE-KUUUUN!” an annoying screech was heard after that he felt someone latched tightly on his arm. 
“Get off me Ino.” He said annoyingly while struggling to save his wrist from any contact. He pulled her off his body frustatingly. And the girl was literally reluctant.
“Awww… common you’re no fun Sasuke-Kun! I was just gonna give you the biggest kiss when I felt your chakra earli-”
“Get off my face Ino.” Sasuke cut her off. He looked irritated and ready to snap. “wha- what? Why?” Ino exclaimed.
“Didn’t you hear me? I said leave me alone!” Sasuke said with finality. She just had to be so clingy at this hour. It’s too early for all of this mess.
“And, don’t ever follow me!” he said in seriousness. Ino gasped at this and rolled her eyes annoyingly.
 “Really Sasuke-kun, you should be upgrading your social skill more!” She said in a girlish manner which made him want to flinch more. If he didn’t learn all of those etiquette lessons from his mother about respecting women she would have been beaten into a pulp already. She had no right to spy on his privacy.
 Finally facing him casually. “It seems today is not the day I changed that about you. But I’ll never lose to that forehead.” She said as she flipped her hair. Why do they keep going on about this? It just sounded like foul play. It was so annoying.
“Anyways! It was nice seeing you! Good bye Sasuke-kuuun!” She waved off flauntingly despite him being a rude prick.
 ‘Tch! She was the one who spied on me. I’d be in a real big trouble if she used that mind transfers of hers.’ He grunted at this and finally walked on the right direction.
 Unfortunately not only for a few steps away from the scene did he felt a much more familiar chakra. It felt strong emotions, one that he might feel of confidence and oddly firing determination, it was of rare occurrences for him to feel her this way. After all, he never really did try to get to know her any better than Naruto and Kakashi.
The sight she saw of her. Short pink hair, resolute green eyes and a hint of smile that displayed self-pride as she hastily strode faster and frankly trying to avoid a room she just passed. She was clutching a thick book that seemed to weigh ¼ of her body. How can she manage to bring that all the way around in the hospital?
 Just after a few seconds she crashed onto him and like he expected. As she was about to fall, he already caught her steadying and holding firmly on her shoulders.
“tch, you should be more careful.” He said in his usual tone.
“Oh, Sasuke-kun! I’m sorry I was in a hurry! I’m helping out in the hospital. The ER is quite hectic today.” Sakura answered as she smiled sheepishly. ‘phew that came off better than I had wanted.’
“Hn, I’ve been told.” Sasuke replied as he noticed she got nervous all of a sudden.
 “I didn’t know you volunteered help.” he answered as he gave her the fallen book.
“Thanks. Err Actually, I’ve been volunteering in the hospital for almost 3 months now.” She showed a look of disappointment but immediately changed it to a brighter one before he caught it.
Sasuke’s eyebrows seems to have rose at this. He looked amused. Shouldn’t she be training instead of volunteering? It’d be much better if she can take care of herself more than helping others. 
It was just very typical of her. That’s why he always felt the need to protect her. Because she always cared about others and forgot to think about herself.
“Anyways, Take care Sasuke-kun! I need to help out in the hospital I’m in need of a very important study today. I’ll see you at 7!” She waved off with a sweet smile.
‘smiles, her smiles are always so innocent.’
He thought as he watched her retreating back and hurried for the stairs.
For a really weird reason he found her smiles the most comforting. Yet never really dwelled on the matter. There were more important things he needed to do. Like training for the finals. And get stronger and kill his brother
He scowled quietly for thinking this way and followed the path to team seven’s training grounds.
                                                              It was only for a moment when he started training and came back from the hospital all patched up from his self-inflicted wounds.
He looked very serious and keen on his training until
he felt an enigmatic presence lurking in the forest. He activated his sharingan in secret and continued to train so he wouldn’t look obvious.
‘Chakra.’ One that seemingly is ranked as jounin or chuunin if he knew maybe even anbu. Someone was watching him from the shadows.
'Tch, he never even bothered to hide it.' He thought as he threw the kunai he was holding that was supposedly aimed for the training dummy to the open forest.
“Show yourself.” He said as he glared a few meters away from the training dummy he was training with just minutes ago.
“Hmm… It seems you have caught me. Uchiha”
 A red head boy stepped away from the shade of the trees and came forward gracefully.
“Pleasantries.” Gaara said in a very calm but dangerous voice.
 “What do you want Gaara?” Sasuke glared and growled.
“Oh, nothing I just wanted to get to know my opponent better.” He smiled. “Maybe this way, I could know your weakness.”  The intense glares he had sent off to Gaara did little than to mock him.
 “Oh wait, I think I wouldn’t be needing that. You already are.”
Sasuke grunted and strengthened the glare he only gave at Gaara. Sasuke's fist whitened from rage.
He dare say that to his face. He hadn’t even seen his skills when he trained for this examination 3 months ago.
  “I can’t feel nothing but excitement at the feel of your bones being crushed by my sand.” He said and smiled wickedly and gave a dark laugh.
Sasuke the arrogant guy he was happened to earn himself a challenge. “Why don’t you ask yourself?” Sasuke said in a dangerous tone and readied for his battle stance. Taunting him.
 “A challenge I see…” Gaara’s knuckles turned white from the tension. His eyes gleamed in attempt for murder. His bloodlust getting all excited as he felt the need to kill something immediately however he composed himself. There was little time left for him to mock a weakling.
“It would be a shame if I killed you right now.” Gaara said tauntingly. Sasuke growled audibly and Gaara almost let off a snicker.
“Besides, I want to see you die in front of the audience.” Gaara smiled and continued.
“ I will show them just how much of an excuse you are for a ninja.” He laughed darkly. That’s it, He just snapped. He had to have his head right now.
“Tch! Why you-!” Sasuke said as he launched in front of him.
“T’Hahahaha.” Gaara looked so twisted. His lips plastered on his cheek too widely as he saw his plan unraveling, getting him all worked up and looking like an idiot.
 “STOP!” A tough female voice rang out of nowhere.
“Gaara! Where have you been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” A blonde sand ninja said. She looked familiar but he never really gave an effort to remember her name. It was no time for pleasantries.
“Temari. Get out of my way.” Gaara glared.
 He looked like was ready to snap. The girl could only gasp as she looked at Gaara nervously, as sweat dripped from he brows.
The Kazakage their father would surely have their heads if Gaara created more trouble. Yet it could also get her killed if she stopped him. Handling Gaara was a very much delicate matter. One wrong move and you're dead.
She willed herself to speak and not to chicken out. It was her duty anyway. They were still siblings, in blood or not. Even though it killed for her to think this way.
“Father is looking for you.” She said as her heart beat too fast.
Just as she said this a Boy carrying puppets and wearing make up came rushing into them.
“Gaara, Father has sent us to fetch you. He has a very urgent matter to discuss with us please must come along, immediately.”
The newcomer said this with obvious nervousness. The tension could just kill them.
“Fine.” Gaara said in finality. He glared at the Uchiha and gave him his wicked smile.
“Till then, Uchiha…” Gaara said as he turned around following his siblings to the open forest.
 “Tch! That bastard.” Sasuke muttered and continued to glare daggers behind their backs. He composed himself and started to train more.
Giving the kunai a harsh grip and throwing it with force. He had to let his frustrations out. He had to train and become much stronger. Truly those sand siblings were always bored and looking for trouble.
 Sasuke wanted nothing more for the exams to end.
 He willed himself not to dwell on what just happened earlier and continue to strive harder on his training. Yet, seeing it as it is the doctor had said that doing strenuous activities for the matter would reopen his wounds and it would likely render him useless in training.
He looked at his arm and instead remembered the events before going to the hospital.
‘Hn, Sakura.’
It was already 7:30 and surprisingly enough Sakura was running a little late past behind their team meeting.
“I got it!” Sakura said in finality. Sachi could only gasp. ’t-this kid…!’
"Let me see, let me see!" Sachi said excitedly. after knowing the results and the poisoned blood returned to its original shade she could only jumpp in glee and hug the kid tight.
‘That’s amazing Sakura-chan!!” she screamed in delight!
"The formulas are finally done! Now the rest is up for distribution!” Sachi exclaimed.
“We’ll handle it from here, I know you’re running a little late for your team training. I’m truly sorry for that!” Sachii said in a bow.  Sakura checked the clock on the wall and gasped.“Oh no! You’re right!” She gave out a horrified expression. What would Sasuke-kun say to her about being tardy? but she didn't dwell on the matter far longr when she remembered that this antidote she had just created will save many lives as of this day and the next.
“It’s okay Sachi-san it was a pleasure working with you. And I’m glad I could help!” Sakura said happily.
“I have truly no words! You know we could offer you a position here in the hospital if something comes up! I’ll arrange the paperworks and all will be good!”
Ami said happily and Sakura gasped as Sachi giggled.
“Besides, you’ve been helping out for a while now, and I’ve been guessing it’s what you wanted in the first place when you came here. Am I right?”
 “Yes! Of course!” Sakura said excitedly. “Thank you so much Sachi-san!” she screamed in delight and hugged the 20-year old medic.
 “aww! You’re welcome Sakura-chan!” and she hugged back. Truly Sakura was too sweet for her own.
“I will do my best and I promise you won’t ever regret this decision!” Sakura said in finality and hurried for the door.
“I must go now! Sasuke-kun must already be there!” Sakura said and ran off for the training grounds.
“wait-! Sakura! you’re wrist...!” Sachi exclaimed. Yet after she uttered these words Sakura was already out the door. ‘Oh, dearie that girl could be really reckless.’
                                                                          “Oh, shoot I’m super late!” Sakura said as she ran on the streets of Konoha looking at her watch it already read 7:48
Sakura could only gasp and gave out a horrified expression. She wasn’t always the type for tardiness. She always showed up on time and kept that record straight up. That is until this fateful day.
‘This may sound lame but Kakashi sensei isn’t there yet anyways. And Naruto always comes up after an hour. That leads to Sasuke probably training alone on the training grounds.’
‘heh. This is never happening again.’ She thought.
After a few minutes of sprinting Sakura managed to arrive at the rendezvous.
and spot the boy she endeared.
                                                                         “Hn, youre late.” Sasuke said as she arrived at 7:56 almost 8.
 Sakura cursed mentally. “Ah! Sasuke-kun! I’m sorry. It took a while for us and the medic team to complete the formula but all is well and-!”
 but was cut off by Sasuke already close enough within range. And soon enough he grasped her wrist that was injured. She hissed from the pain.
It was still bleeding profusely. ’I had completely forgotten about that!’ Sakura gasped in surprise.
 “What happened?” Sasuke asked as he inspected the wound. “ah-! Eeeh. S-sasuke-kun” she said muttering lamely. She just had to act all shy whenever he was this close.
“You should take care of yourself more Sakura.” Sasuke said. as he puled out some ointments and bandages.
“It gets really annoying.” As Sasuke wrapped her wounds with the bandages.
She couldn’t see his expression because of his hair blocking her view. But she knew that he only cared. Yet seeing him like this only made her feel like a burden. The thought of his wrist having the same injury as hers were quite beguiling.
But she had intentionally cut her wrist this way so she could let him know that she noticed.
"Please, do the the same." She gave a somewhat pleading look as she replied secretly muttering the words and looked away immediately.
Sasuke caught sight of her expression and heard everything she said.
Sakura already knew what his wounds meant the very first time she saw it.
although the thought was so unbelievable she knew everything was possible no matter how much she wanted to deny herself she knew that he did it to himself intentionally. and he was suffering more intensely and was keeping it to himself alone again.
"What do you mean?" He asked in assumption. and stopped at his actions.
"Iiie! w-what? I didn't say anything" she all but said ridiculously.
'I guess I'm not quite ready to face him with this matter, but I have to!' She thought nervously
"Tch whatever." He said as he continued to roll the bandage around her wound. She was acting all weird again.
He felt slightly good when the injury was covered from his view. But the very reminder of her wearing these bandages only made it worse. Because underneath his wrist protectors he also worse of them.
 He had a personal pull from his gruesome feelings when he saw her with this kind of injury. And he knew very damn well what it was.
Sasuke being the teammate he was only worried for her well-being and seeing the sight of her wrist bleeding only made his stomach churn.
“Ah- Thank you. I’m sorry. But you see I had to cut myself so I could test out the poison with my blood. And cutting it this way will give out more sample so-” Sakura said in a weak tone.
This in turn only made Sasuke pause on what he was doing. His expression looked unreadable. But turned away immediately.
The intentions for both of them were downright different despite how the same process of the injury goes. 
Her wound meant to save others. While his were to hurt himself.
Oh, the irony.
'tch, always hurting herself and helping others.'
He made the wrong assumption. And for the first time he was glad.
“Hn, whatever.” He said.
Ever since the events from the forest of death she had begun acting this way. And it irked him because he always noticed.
“Just, don’t do it again.” He muttered the last part and tied the final knot.
He was met with a deafening silence from her which was odd. And quite frankly she was staring at him with an intense expression. Something that she only gave out when she was so sure of something. 
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sunofrainbowdash · 8 years
The Metaphorical Death of the Sun
Sophie: [Sophie's been avoiding everything having to do with the Dae's. It was a hard, realizing that she couldn't even go two measley? weeks without seeing one of them. And it was the mother, of all of them. Let's ignore the fact that she'd pretty much cut Mina out of her life, and Sun, forget him as she tried, she still found herself thinking about him. Moreso as she was sitting down in his house chatting up with his mother. It was like old times, as if nothing happened, but this time, sitting at the coffee table she was wishing he'd actually not turn up. There wasn't any hint of hope for a ~surprise sun~ anywhere in her thoughts. It was obviously so opposite, and though she'd already felt a little more happiness in her life with her chat of Miss Rainbow Dash coming to an end, she knew that was about to be over with. So the Mrs? excused herself with a phone call, swearing to come back after-- which is probably what she never did-- and as Sophie was about to pick up her purse and make her way out, well I'm assuming Sun is there to metaphorically slap her in the face. wait i'm lying, there's a suzy for that lol]
Sun: [Sun's been at his internship all day, and he's ready to relax, and have a nice time hanging around his house (Suzy is in fact coming over, but he's, again, gonna find a way to sneak her in, like he probably has been all of this time. Yike.), but AS IT SEEMS, his family does not tell him when they will be having company, and I'm sure there's something about the air that gives it away immediately that Sophie is there. So when he walks into the living room and sees that she actually is there, his shoulders sag over, and he just sighs, thinking of the last conversation they had. He says nothing to her, as he figures, yup, she probably wants that. He's on his couch. There we go.]
Sophie: [She looked away immediately, having to tear her eyes away from the gorgously dressed Sun. And on the inside she wanted, and almost acted on impulse to swing that bag of hers at him. She would have rather GONE BLIND, than to see him so fine and dandy, and dresed almost too much to her appeal. So with a sinking and feirce eyeroll, she gritted her teeth to force back the, well, the betrayal, and the sadness inside of her. And though she knew it wasn't an outright betrayal--something he could not have done purposely, he had to have known what he did to her. He had to have known how insanely he made her feel, and if he didn't well, she would surely tell him.] I just don't understand... [She takes a step towards him.] how you sleep at night. [She scoffs.] How can one person treat someone so... [and she stops there because she's trying to find the word.] Disgustingly. If you didn't want anything to do with me, why would you push me so hard?
Sun: [He definitely had not been expecting her to say anything to him. He honestly thought she'd just pick up her stuff and leave. So when he heard her speak, he might have jumped a little, and he sunk into the couch when it registered that he was being, well, chastised. She confused him /so/ /much/. She'd taken everything back, right? So why was he still being yelled at? He looked away from her, casting his eyes to the floor. Normally he'd be throw the attitude back at her, but he just couldn't right now. So, all while she was speaking, he didn't look at her. Though, when she presented a question to him, which he presumed was not rhetorical, he looked back to her, and sighed. He ignored the statement before the question, because it was ridiculous to say that he'd not wanted anything to do with her.] Pushing you how, Sophie?
Sophie: Do I really have to go over this with you? [She's shaking her head right now, because honesly she's vibrating with a small rage because wTF sUN.] I never wanted any of this. I told you I didn't, and you pushed me. You p l a y e d with my mind, and then finally when I had fully convinced myself that you were right, entirely right for me [EXASPERATED SIGH.] You know I was mean, REALLy mean to you, but you can't even fathom-- you can't even comprehend how you've been treating me. And I thought we were friends. Friends don't do this to each other. So now what, Sun? I have to apologize to Mina and your mom, and explain to them that I can't stand their ~Sun enough to even come over? Is that fair Sun?
Sun: Sophie, that's not even... [He wanted to argue that everything she'd just said wasn't fair for him either; that she gave him no inclination of liking him for any reason other than what he might have on that day, and that her behavior was /confusing/ for him. But she appeared to have it in her head that only he was in the wrong, and it wasn't possible to fight Sophie when her mind was made up.] I don't know what you want me to say to you. I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do, okay? I wasn't /playing/ you. It's- It's complicated.
Sophie: Complicated? No. You don't get me to realize I have feelings for you and shove them down the drain when you want. You don't get to use my own words against me. You weren't just a lapse in judgement, and you fail to see that. But I see everything now, and you can sit there and diminish it all to one "complication", but it doesn't change the fact that I cared. And it wasn't fair to you to turn me away like that, not when you and your family are such a big part of my life. And you don't get to just say "sorry", Sun. Not if you're going to be this much of a jerk. [So huff, and there's a turning away because she's sad again, and let's not say anything more because she's gonna cry like an enormous baby heading towards the door bye sun.]
Sun: [So he feels bad. Really bad, as he should, because he's a lying, triflin' ho. He's frowning a really big frown, and he still isn't sure of what to do, because Sophie showing emotion was still a foreign thing to him, and so he didn't know how to react or what to say to her. All he did know was that he didn't want her feeling whatever way it was she was feeling. (Robot Sophie was easy to deal with. Sophie with feelings? Yikes.) So, when she turns to go to the door, for the first time I'm guessing, ever, he's gonna get up off the couch, and start to follow her out.] Sophie. That's-- I didn't mean it like that. I'm just-- it's--. [He just makes a face, because he's not sure how to finish that sentence. She's taken the ability to speak from him. How lovely.] I will /never/ be able to do that. Ever. Not really. [I think it's clear which part of her rant he's answering, but boy saying that is gonna bite him in the butt in a second.]
Sophie: [Not once did she turn around, okay. Not once, because she was too busy finding her own composure. So she really didn't see that wierd face he made towards her, she couldn't even force herself to turn around a take his words in, and she couldn't make herself spin around to see if they were true or not by the look in his face. Because they probably weren't, that was her opinion. So the muttering shadow behind her fought with his words, and her eyes were on the door in front of her. Before twisting the door knob, however, she had decided that maybe it was time to face that ice cream boy. So she did. There was a tiny spin, face to face, and so yeah, maybe she did believe him, because she felt like she was seeing a completely different part of the guy. Maybe they were capable.] Either way, it's too late isn't it? You've already made it evident that you're not to be trusted. [So with a nervous sadden laughter she shrugged.] There's nothing you can say to make me f e e l any better.
Suzy: [SO, somebody had sent Sun a text in between the time he got up from the couch and now. (HE LEFT HIS PHONE IN THE LIVING ROOM, ROOKIE MISTAKE.) Suzy assumes the twisting of the door knob is Mr. Dae coming to open the door, because Sophie has impeccable timing. So when the doorknob stays stationary, she is confused. She just k n o c k s on the door, like 'hello????', and perhaPS, she calls Sun's name, like 'wyd bf?']
Sophie: [As if to cement her last statement there is a voice heard from outside, and she cuts her eyes at that Sun.] I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? [SO THE DOOR IS OPENED. THANKS PARRIsh, and the ReVEALING OF SUZY IS LIKE THE REVEALING OF THE PHANTOMS BIG UGLY BURNT UP FACE. THANKS PARRISH, Actually it's not even like that, beause Sophie is not surprised. So arms folded across her chest there is an eyeroll and a sARCASTIC ADDRESSING.] Mina's friend, wonderful of you to join us. [though her eyes are occupied on Sun as they are shooting AVADA KEDAVRAS AT HIM.]
Sun: [Sun's eyes go wide. Like, terror spreads across his whole face, for real. When he sees that face of his ~girlfriend~, now looking confused because of the fact that Sophie is standing there with him, he wants to run up to his room and lock the door. But none of that terror could have amounted to the PURE TERROR he felt when his eyes landed back on Sophie, who was looking at him with a face akin to that of this https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/image...] S-Suzy. [He gives the most awkward and scared of smiles. And then he mumbles.] You're early.
Suzy: [As I said, Suzy's looking at Sophie with much confusion, because WHY is she here? Why is she standing here ALONE with Sun? And WHY is she speaking to her in such a way. She looks to Sun.] I texted you to tell you I was here. [And then back to Sophie, because reALLY. She's giving the biggest upside down smiley emoji face right now. AND THEN BACK TO SUN AGAIN.] I'm still Mina's friend, am I?
Sophie: [And though the girl looked at her with much confusion, Sophie stood her ground, not even taking a step backwards to let the SUZY IN. And honestly there was a scoff at the idea, having to text someone when you're at the Dae residence, rather than walking right in as Sophie did. So to Suzy: http://33.media.tumblr.com/953dfa1f74743..., just because] She asked a question Sun. Answer it.[There is an eyebrow raise towards him, and more of those evil stares, but imagine a softening because, answer it Sun and don't be wrong.] What else, no, who else could she be?
Sun: [Under the gaze of both of the women in front of him, Sun was starting to sweat. His eyes kept flashing back and forth between both of them rapidly, because, boy he was in DOO-DOO.] She's-- uh... She's-- uh... Suzy? Just Suzy... [He gives Suzy this look like WHY ARE YOU SAYING THESE THINGS. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE /SECRET/.]
Suzy: [Now this, as you could imagine, has Suzy annoyed, angry and V V UPSET. She gives a look expressing all of these things to Sun in response to what he'd just said. So she huffs, angrILY, ANNOYED at the idiot known as Sun Dae. With no regard for Sun, because there has to be some UNDERLYING REASON as to why he didn't want Sophie to know, she turns back to the other girl.] I. Am. His. Girlfriend. So, maybe, you should let. me. inside. [Said through grit teeth, oh jesus.]
Sophie: [Have to admit that word has got a Sophie real sHOOk THANKS PARRISH. So sure, she WAS looking at Suzy with a wild condescending look before because step off, but now it appeared she was the one to be stEPPINg OFF. So again to Sun trying to hide the hurt in her eyes, but come on, she REALLY LIKES HIM AND SHE CANT DO THAT OMFG.] Is it true? [And turn to Suzy.] Don't speak. [Holding up a hand to that one, like no.] I'd like to hear a confirmation because a second ago there wasn't a complication, right? [A THIS LOOK http://i.imgur.com/dryDpEy.gif ALRIGHT.] I guess I didn't realize it was Mina's friend.
Sun: Suzy! [And he's gonna sound angry, and mean, and v pissed, because how daRE she take that into her own hands, and just decide to tell someone (especially Sophie) that they were together? He looked at Sophie when she spoke again, and seeing the look on her face- one he'd never really seen before- it was like his heart sank just a little bit, because onlY NOW does he see that, yup, he was cruel to her as well. Just in a different way than she had been to him.] Soph... I--... Y-Yeah. Yeah she's-- it's true. Yeah.
Suzy: [UNFAZED BY THE BOY GETTING ANGRY WITH HER, TBH.] Right. His /girlfriend/. So, if you could let me in please?
Sophie: [And cut those eyes back to Suzy.] Congratualations. [A this look. http://i.imgur.com/3WJbUV5.gif] You seem perfect for each other, I could go for punching you both in the face right now. [BUT SHE DOESN'T, though there is a WONDERFUL SHOVE, and she makes her exit.]
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