#i'm still convinced she's an idol only for some other reasons - that maybe she thought being a trainee would boost her popularity and she
pretty-idol-hell · 11 months
Idol Land PriPara episode 7
Idol Land PriPara episode 7 was released today for monthly pass holders! It will be available for the general population on 11/1.
The PriPara Police are back!
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With Ajimi too, riding a wave of hashtags? I wonder if this is why we've gotten a few Ajimi coords in Prism Stone lately. (Well, I guess her birthday's coming up too.)
Anyway, ever since Mario broke into PriPara the bugs have been out of control.
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Dorothy sells Meganii some special spray for 5000 idollars that ends up being glasses spray, not bug spray!! HAHAH!
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Disappointing monetization, pointless hashtags, and countless bugs. You have to hand it to them for being self-aware.
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Anyway, Amari is still feeling guilty for all this and after being confronted by the others she finally tells them everything. Upon hearing her story, Meganii supplements that when Amari entered PriPara, a high load was put on the system and the brand Fullmetal Rabbit mysteriously appeared.
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LAALA'S REACTION HAHAHAHHAAA. This scene pans across all the characters looking concerned and Laala just :D
Anyway, despite everyone not being all that phased, Amari is still humiliated by her "dark past" and comes up with an excuse to run away as fast as possible.
She goes back to her room, where she throws everything she has related to Mario and her "dark past" into a trash bag. As she does this, Mario realizes he's disappearing faster than ever.
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Amari is interrupted by her school's Gloria clone before he can disappear completely though, and Mario is more determined than ever to make sure no one ever forgets him.
Still, Amari vows never to visit PriPara again... until she realizes she forgot her wasabi mayo and sneaks back in only to be caught in a trap by Pepper.
No worries though, Pepper won't eat Amari since "weak creatures have lean meat".
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But this is how Amari runs into Non Sugar and ends up at their hideout. Despite Non assuring Amari that she has no reason to run from SoLaMi Dressing, Amari just can't get over the embarrassment and is sure everyone is laughing at her (especially Dorothy). Amari's constant crying reminding Non of Laala the day before summer vacation ends, she takes pity on Amari so Non and Non Sugar dry her tears and comfort her.
But Non Sugar has other things to do! They are working on a new Making Drama for their special performance tonight!
However, things quickly derail when Pepper's friends from the Sapana visit, causing a conflict with Chili, and Ajimi blows through on top of that.
Amari tries to get Non to escape with her, but Non refuses to back down. Eventually, she manages to blast away Ajimi and calm her teammates, reminding them that they decided that they are the only ones who can awaken Yui and save PriPara!
But they never finished their Making Drama. But here is where Amari shakily steps in to tell them that they already have, and how she was moved by their determination not to run away or something like that. So, Non Sugar decides to run with it!
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These coords! These are the ones that they got from winning the Prism Stone poll, right!?
And Spicy Hotcake!!!!
But okay. Since Sugarless Friend was on the Switch, I'm thinking it will probably be the next song added to the game. (As a paid song I'm sure, but still, 300 yen is worth it for some non sweet Non Sugar I think.)
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The Non Sugar SCR! I thought it was so unfair during season 3 that they had to share, but it is super cute.
So, did Non Sugar have the power needed to free Yui? Maybe they actually did. We'll never know because Mario's Cyalume Tornado interferes.
After the live, Amari sees Non writing her meticulous notes and is reminded of her own notebook. The others confront Amari and convince her that everyone has their own dark past she has nothing to worry about. Amari "chakiros" with Non Sugar, officially becoming friends, before heading home.
After landing in the trash pile she threw her stuff into, Amari decides to save her notebook after all.
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Upon opening it up and looking at the ripped page, she suddenly remembers she gave Mario a weak point.
If only she could remember what it was....
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talkingpointsusa · 2 months
Candace Owens uses a 19th century drawing to compare transgender people to Baphomet.
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Candace Owens has been saying the most ridiculous and oftentimes horrifically antisemitic stuff lately so I am not particularly surprised that this bigotry filled episode slid under the radar of groups like Media Matters. Someone’s got to hold it up to the light though and I guess that someone is me. So, Candace appears to believe that not only do demons exist but that they're also transgender....I'm not even kidding.
This absolutely ridiculous belief is not as uncommon on the right as it should be. The Daily Wire's Michael Knowles said the exact same thing back in 2023 using the exact same drawing of Baphomet that Candace uses in this episode which helps cement my theory that Candace Owens has never had an original thought in her life nor met a ridiculous conspiracy theory that she didn't believe. Lets get into it.
00:56, Candace Owens: "So lately, Baphomet has been trending sporadically throughout 2024 on Twitter. I think most recently because King Charles premiered his painting and people were going 'Ah, I see the horns of Baphomet'. Maybe you agree with that, maybe you don't. I kind of do really see it but some other people that work with me don't. The point is that Baphomet is a sabbatic goat, a deity, first drawn up by a man named Éliphas Lévi who was born in 1810 in France. Now, Levi was an occultist "
I don't see the horns in the painting and even if I did I seriously doubt that King Charles intentionally referenced a Pagan deity in his royal painting but that's beside the point. Time for me to infodump about Baphomet to ya'll!
So, Baphomet is a Pagan deity that was first mentioned in the year 1098 by Anselm of Ribemont in a letter describing the events of the Siege of Antioch, a siege that occurred at the ancient city of Antioch in what is now known as Turkey during the First Crusade. Anselm wrote in a letter that the Turkish “called loudly upon Baphomet."
Now, most scholars believe that Anselm was actually referring to "Mahomet" or Mohammed, the founder of Islam meaning that "Baphomet" most likely was the result of a mistranslation by an invading army. Candace neglects to mention this fact because it pokes a bit of a hole in her narrative.
But what of this Éliphas Lévi? He was indeed the first person to draw the modern image of Baphomet but that doesn't really mean anything. There's a 99.9% chance that Lévi's drawing is just that. He didn't see the actual Baphomet because there is no actual Baphomet. As stated previously, the entire reason that "Baphomet" exists is because some guy in the 11th century misheard the cries of the people he was invading.
01:29, Candace Owens: "I'll let you take a listen to this exorcist Daniel Reehill who sat down with Michael Knowles for an interview. Take a listen."
Daniel Reehill: "So, when we talked about the transgender. I don't know if you know this but one of the ancient images of Satan is Baphomet. Ok, what is Baphomet? So, he's got the goat head, he's got the woman's torso with the breasts and the mans down below. So, that's not a new thing. So, imagine the devil, he identifies as transgender as that image."
Ok, two things here.
Number one): If you weren't convinced when I mentioned it up top, Candace is basically just stealing a narrative that one of her old co-workers has been pushing for years. So not only is this narrative a disgusting and bigoted way to dehumanize trans identity using religion, it's not even an original one.
Number Two): This so-called "exorcist" clearly doesn't understand his own religion because Satan is not Baphomet. They're completely separate entities and Baphomet isn't even mentioned in the Bible, which should be obvious given the history that I just laid out. If we're being generous, Baphomet is a Pagan idol that still has absolutely nothing to do with Satan. The only way you, even as a person of faith, could draw the conclusion that "the devil identifies as transgender" is to throw out years of history and your own religious text.
If you guys can't tell, I am a bit stunned that a guy who's supposed to be an expert on Christianity believes things that I found to be biblically inaccurate by doing a three second Google search and reading two articles. Naturally, I did some digging on Daniel Reehill. Turns out that he's a sensationalist wingnut who thinks that everything in our culture shy of Sonseed is communing with demons.
Some of Reehill's more insane claims include that Taylor Swift's Era's Tour "attracted a lot of demon's" because during one of the concerts her back-up dancers wore black capes. Reehill also believes that the spells in the Harry Potter books were "real curses". So, he's basically a wingnut who either is chasing after attention or he’s genuinely mentally ill and has a really hard time distinguishing fiction from reality which means that he doesn’t need a platform, he needs help. I'm leaning towards option one because his BS has gotten him a big old platform from idiots like Michael Knowles.
This all reflects a tiny bit worse on Michael Knowles than it does on Candace and if the dozens of posts I've done debunking Michael Knowles and the dozens more I'll probably do in the future don't tip you off, I'm not exactly the president of the Michael Knowles fan club either. However, it is still Candace's responsibility to fact-check the claims that she's presenting as abject truth on her show and she's absolutely failed on that front.
02:17, Candace Owens: "Now, we're not gonna get too much into the history of Baphomet"
Because it would prove that you're a complete idiot who doesn't know how to take ten seconds to read an article before running your mouth off? Guess that getting into the history of Baphomet is my job.
02:20, Candace Owens: "But suffice it to say that Satanists worship this deity. They have sexual rituals which include sodomy and homosexuality."
Equating being gay with sodomy and satanism is pretty disgusting even for Candace Owens. By the way, there's absolutely no proof that "Satanic sexual rituals" occur. Candace probably still believes that the lies told during the Satanic Panic were 100% factual.
02:29, Candace Owens: "So we look around the world today and we suddenly feel that there is definitely a certain agenda being pushed, specifically in the west. And I always recount this conversation that has stayed with me for a long time. I was walking down the streets of DC where there's a lot of pride and I was with a Romanian young woman and she said genuinely, not to be offensive at all, she was asking me this question meaningfully, she said 'why are there so many gay people in America? We just don't see this out east' and I thought, wow what an interesting question and she is correct because I have been to Romania and you don't see that."
The reason that you don't see as many LGBTQ people in Romania is because it's just a generally more conservative country that possesses an oppressive attitude towards queer identity.
While homosexuality is legal in Romania, same-sex unions are still not legally recognized by the nation. Perhaps the reason why this Romanian woman was so surprised by pride is because the nation simply has a bad track record with queer rights as well as a population that is less accepting of queer people and as a result many LGBTQ Romanian's are forced to hide their identities. Candace tries to address this point and basically plugs her ears whilst screeching "I CAN'T HEAR YOU".
03:08, Candace Owens: "And now some people would argue, especially people that are on the left, 'well, it's because they're all having to hide because the society is so backwards and so traditional'. Ok, doesn't matter where you stand it's the question itself that is interesting."
Except that if you do even the tiniest amount of research you'd find that Romania's attitude towards queer people is indeed super oppressive which in turn answers the question that Candace is asking.
03:20, Candace Owens: "And what I have noticed as of late is that androgyny is definitely getting the Hollywood treatment. I mean, I think it was before my show went off air, I was covering Kristen Stewart. She recently was on the cover of maybe Vogue, maybe Vanity Fair, doesn't really matter but she was promoting her new movie and she was so proud because she was portraying this butch lesbian."
This is exactly why the conservative movement's weird attempt to rebrand themselves into the "modern revolutionaries" is so stupid. If Candace Owens was around in the 60's, she'd be screaming about how rock music can lead to demonic possession.
Candace Owens isn't the artistic expression police and some interview that most people won't read isn't an indicator that some shadowy "gay agenda" is being pushed by Hollywood. By the way, for those keeping track we're only three minutes in.
04:01, Candace Owens: "And of course, we also see this in the education system. They are pushing gender theory, you can actually get a degree -- could you imagine spending six figures to get a degree in gender studies? The children are learning what it means to be nonbinary, not bound to any of the sexes or any of the genders."
"The children" meaning adults who are paying to get a degree in something that interests them. I love how Candace's one example of "queer indoctrination" in schools is the fact that some universities offer a major in gender studies. I'm sure that all those 8 year olds taking university level gender studies courses are fully brainwashed by now.
04:27, Candace Owens: "Which makes Katt Williams interview with Joe Rogan fascinating. Now, I'm gonna have to ask you to park aside the fact that Katt Williams is clearly high out of his mind-"
I have nothing against weed. I am for the United States federally legalizing weed and I live and go to school in Toronto, the getting high capitol of North America. That being said, there is absolutely no way I am going to "park aside" the fact that this guy who Candace is asking me to take seriously was high as a kite when he made the statements that Candace is asking me to consider! People who talk about transgender demons when they're high are usually not good sources.
Anyway, here's Katt talking shit while high as a kite. This is extremely serious stuff.
04:55, Katt Williams: "Things that are secular so I understood that the earliest I had seen that word transgender was ummm, Baphomet the transgender and so I knew that -- and the ritual of Baphomet the transgender, to show allegance to him you had to kiss his ass ring and it said both of those things so I knew that both of those things would become popular in the future and that umm, somehow calling people the goat would be normalized over the sheep being always the most popular reference."
You know what that sounds like? Some guy talking shit while blazed out of his mind! In that clip he literally says that calling people "the goat" is some form of pro-Baphomet conditioning, these are not the words of a serious person.
Again, I've lived in Toronto and met a lot of high people. I've been told the craziest shit by people who are high, drunk, and potentially even both simultaneously and it's always good for some fun. The difference between me and Candace is that I don't take what those people said and run with it as fact. Kiss the Baphomet ass ring, what the hell does that even mean?! Baphomet was never historically referred to as "Baphomet the transgender" either.
Candace gives a book recommendation and then says one of the dumbest things that I think I've heard since I started writing this blog.
09:01, Candace Owens: "Like if you had asked me before I read that book whether or not the conspiracy theory that the Beatles were a government controlled operation was true I would have been like 'are you crazy? What do you mean? The government controlled an entire group?' and now I'm like absolutely, they were part of a government psychological operation."
The Beatles were a CIA psy-op wasn't on my right-wing media craziness bingo card and yet here we are. Ah yes, the Beatles, a group that preached anti-war messages. This was naturally a message that the US government wanted out there. I'm sure they were especially thrilled since the Beatles were active during the Vietnam War and we all know how much the US Government loved peace activists during the Vietnam War! Good thinking Candace, you really cracked open that conspiracy!
09:22, Candace Owens: "Further to that point, which is not in this book by the way, is this bizarre fact that the doorman when John Lennon was shot, Jose Perdomo, he was once the chief of the secret service in Cuba. He later joined the CIA."
There are a wide variety of reasons why this claim is really stupid. Perdomo wasn't the "chief of the secret service in Cuba", that's totally ridiculous! I did some research and it does appear that there was a "Jose Perdomo" who was a policeman in Cuba who was exiled after Fidel Castro took power but there is absolutely no evidence that this guy was A): A CIA agent or B): that these two guys are even the same person. There are dozens of people who have the same name and it's totally possible that these guys were two different people.
Think about it this way, if the CIA did send this Perdomo guy to kill John Lennon and if he actually was a CIA agent than you would think that they'd give him an alias. I doubt the CIA is dumb enough to send documented CIA agents to assassinate a celebrity and act as a witness without tying up all the loose ends and wait, weren't the Beatles a CIA psy-op? Why would the CIA kill John Lennon if he was a major voice pushing their message.
This is the kind of thing that you'd see on WorldNetDaily. God, Candace Owens is so embarrassing.
So, what did we learn? Short answer is that Candace Owens and Michael Knowles for that matter can go kiss Baphomet's ass ring.
Long answer is that this entire episode was bigoted and embarrassing as hell. She clearly didn't research a thing that she said and just went in completely half cocked in an effort to justify bigotry against the trans community. After all, we're fighting demons here and if Baphomet identifies as trans than it's totally ok to discriminate against transgender people. It's disgusting, dehumanizing and doesn't even make sense using it's own logic!
Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
Original video:
Candace Owens. “OUCH! Tucker Carlson Embarrasses the Australian Press | Candace Ep 14.” YouTube, 27 June 2024.
Sources Cited:
Bauer, Pat. “Baphomet | History & Facts | Britannica.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2019.
UCL. “Romania.” UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 26 Jan. 2021.
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
if the hosts formed a band what would each do (also i have the image of the twins wanting to sing something like “i fucked ur mom” by sorry mom or “im yer dad” by grlwood and trying really hard to convince tamaki to let them sing it and he’s VEHEMENTLY against it heheh)
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OH ok this is all very interesting to think about........ so in this au/concept i assume every member has musical interest/talent (since lbr haruhi could NEVER be in a band for the. obvious reasons.) so... I'll give my general overviews as well as what I think their music would sound like :D
So Tamaki is a solo artist and he'd make pop songs as you theorized. He'd be VERY big on his stag presence, very idol-esque. There's actually an offical(sorta) English in character song for Tamaki and I think it sounds exactly like the kind of stuff he'd make. I feel like some of his other music would sound like this tho :) It's like...idk how to put it bc i'm not good with classifying music, but it's like pop but not saccharine. It's more moody. moody pop. I would like to assume he has a lot of piano in his music.
KYOYA is...interesting. Again a solo artist. Unlike Tamaki who places a LOT of emphasis on stage presence, Kyoya operates mostly from his house and does not really make public appearances....now I know many peoples first thoughts for Kyoya + music is "he likes classical" and i'm sure he RESPECTS it, but tbh...I think it's not his favorite. esp bc of the family he was raised in, he was forced to listen to it like ALL THE TIME and now he's so sick of it. So for him I'm going for calm but still lively songs with an emphasis on string instruments, like this and this.
The twins would DEF be making industrial rock/grunge rock and stuff like that. Very loud, beat heavy. Also with some dupstep influences. The titles would be very joky/provocative, think Anal Cunt (sorry in advance if you dont know who that is) but their titles are just a LITTLE less extreme. But same general concept. In terms of general sound this is what I have in mind. However, as individuals, I think their music would be very different
Kaoru would make very "odd" music. I think it leans more electronic/rock, usually with very odd-sounding parts, bordering on denpa (songs meant to invoke a feeling of uneasiness/discomfort). The lyrics would probably be cryptic if not a little disconcerting. look my mans has 5 different mental issues he needs SOMEWHERE to vent them. I feel like his music would generally sound and have lyrics kinda like this (promoting my own translation channel...) or like this
Hikaru on the other hand is a little more true to their shared band concept. Rock, maybe with metal influences. Up-beat stuff that can be kinda goofy in lyrics. Also rap in it maybe? Songs like this and this are what I have in mind in terms of sound.
Hani would have a band with Mori :) I think their style is interesting since I imagine they're very different musically, so combined they make..... pop metal. HEAR MME OUT. IT WOULD BE FUNNY. idk why but I always saw Hani as the kinda guy who secretly is a metal fan....it just seems funny....he thinks it's very fun an energetic!! this is the kinda stuff they'd make. Hani would be the vocalist most of it but Mori does some too
Now, alone... I think Hani makes what you'd expect. Very saccharine pop-ish songs like this one. Just fun nonsense.
Mori would def be more towards slow-ish, low-fi songs that are quiet. I'm thinking like this? Alternatively you can say more traditional slow songs and I agree, but tbh I...do not like like slow music much so I have no examples. Low-fi is the only slow music genre I seem to enjoy.
Ok Haruhi. Haruhi is fucking hard. I have no god damn clue what her music would be like. She's also a stand-alone and much like Kyoya does not care for people knowing who she is, even less so. I think she just uses some stage name and nobody knows her face and name lol. Her music...I...I guess something like this? I'm really lost on this one. I'm just thinking, electronic and loud but still soft somehow.
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trashlie · 2 years
Thank you for answering my asks! I agree, Alyssa wanting to belong to something bigger to fill in a void of loneliness sounds like a better fit than simply being an attention seeker solely for the sake of validity.
I've been thinking of what will happen after Alyssa's bullying scandal is exposed and I'm starting to wonder if Shinae's bullying accusations will be brought up in tandem. Both girls covered in similar rumors and confronting a shared past, highlighting a key difference between them: true friendship. Which I hope is one of the possible or many catalysts for Alyssa.
No matter what reputation she gains in public, Shinae will be surrounded by her friends who genuinely know and support her. A full on Shinae Defense Squad! Meanwhile, Alyssa will have a fan base turning against her, except for the stans who have a parasocial relationship towards her.
So, what will Alyssa do when she's cornered again? Will she dig her heel in, clinging to all these strangers who only see her as an image, in a desperate attempt to not lose all she has left? Or will she realize all of her former friends are standing together while she has no one and have a wake up call? 1/2
You're totally welcome! I say it all the time but it's true: I get so excited that anyone wants to talk to me about this series and reads my really long, rambling thoughts lol. I'm always happy to answer asks and share my thoughts and ideas!
I'm putting the second half of your ask under the cut. While it's not totally spoilery, it still mentions FP content so we'll be safe and throw it all under the cut!
(This is a bit fast pass spoilery). Then what if the rumors of her sexuality come to light and they step in to protect her. Will she realize it then? What she truly lost was not fame? 2/2
So I, and many others, probably including you, have figured that if Alyssa has a big career-changing scandal, it will likely be about bullying allegations, because that's a big deal in Korea and it can really make or break someone's career, especially if it's true. But I won't lie - ep 196 made pause and wonder if it could be worse. Now, I'm going to straight up say, I really, really, really hope if it turns out Alyssa is, in fact, queer, I really hope she is not outed via a scandal, but also.... it would be one way to ruin her career, wouldn't it? It just doesn't sit well with me - I'd rather she get to embrace that herself one day than have it outed against her will. For that reason, I like to hope that it will be just bullying rumors.
Once upon a time, I had written about how I thought there was a possibility that if Alyssa's past came to light, Nol might see himself in her, but that was long before he finally talked to Shinae, so, lol I think that's all out the window! He's really been giving me whiplash this last year lol. That said, I've never considered if it would wind up involving Shinae. Part of me is inclined to think no, it wouldn't, because she's not the one who is in the limelight, but the more I think about it, the more I think it would at least involve her at the "local" level - whether it's just that someone slips up and says something, that the news reveals enough details to connect to Shinae, whether Alyssa herself actually names her. It certainly wouldn't be Alyssa's finest hour, that's for sure.
As always, I think these scenarios always depend on variable factors - like would Nol still be "dating" Alyssa at the time of the scandal, for instance. I still think there's an opportunity for Nol to see himself in Alyssa, especially because we still don't know what his altercation with Kousuke was like (was he provoked, was he cornered, was he acting out of malice or was it an accident?). I don't think it has to be either or, though, right? He can both see himself in Alyssa and what sympathize with what it's like to be painted as something you aren't, cornered into something you never meant to, while also acknowledging he is trying to be above all that - you know, supposing that's his choice. I still don't know if we are getting the antihero arc that everyone has anticipated for Nol, since I feel like the big emphasis on Shinae revealing to Nol how she mirrors him is meant to imply that he may try to find a way to leave all of that behind, and to be a version of himself that he chooses to be, as opposed to the one he's been painted as. But what I'm getting at is, I think there's yes the potential that while he could sympathize with Alyssa, he could also be part of a support system to Shinae, because humans are complex. But I think that could flip a switch for Alyssa.
Again, there's a lot of factors here, like... she and Nol have discussed the nature of their relationship, so there's no real expectation that he would take her side just because she's his girlfriend or anything, and they already have a lot of contention between them, but I think there's still room for to feel... I don't think betrayed is the right word because that's a little dramatic, but I think there's a lot of complicated emotions that could arise from that, right? Picture it from Alyssa's angle: she wound up wrapped up in something she never intended and was desperate trying to save face even though her choices were not the kindest, they were what she thought was right in the moment, and in the end she wound up hurting someone she (presumably) never intended to hurt, did something she never meant to do. And though she's not in love with Nol, and maybe they aren't even truly friends, wouldn't you feel some kind of complex feelings akin to betrayal for him to support the person directly involved with this? It's an interesting scenario and I DO like to hope it would make her think about true friendship. I can't say I'm confident it could make her reassess her approaches, but that's more because I cannot say I'm confident about anything Alyssa might do lol. In such a scenario, I'd hope she'd finally understand what it means to have a handful of people in your corner, rather than a lot of people who only care about one facet of you, a persona that may not even be real. In fact, I think this would be SUCH an interesting thing to explore, but I don't think we'll really get a chance to without adding 3 more years to the story lol, but isn't there something compelling in that kind of lonely story? Once again, this is a reason I've really come to love Alyssa as a character - there is SO MUCH that can be done with her!
I do think, though, you are right in that it needs to be more than just that fall from grace and finding herself alone - being juxtaposed against someone like Shinae who would have people supporting her, reassuring her. It's one of the best ways for her to really face that void she's trying to fill and finally understand what she really seeks.
Now, trying to tie this back into the sexuality, god, if done right, it could be so tender, couldn't it? I know I said I'm opposed to Alyssa being outed by someone else, because it doesn't sit right with me, and that's such a dangerous thing for someone if they are surrounded by people who don't support her, but also a story is not about the "right" choices because as we've learned lol in general, people do NOT make the right choices. So the idea of Alyssa being outed but defended by people who she doesn't have a good track record with, because they are, at heart, good people who think it's unfair to do that to someone, to reveal something so private before they are ready, makes me want to cry, frankly lol. For Alyssa, she'd be getting another taste of what she lost, of what she has willingly thrown away, and yes, I think that could actually do a good job of making her see that.
Ultimately a thought I have about most characters (and, frankly, people in general) is that often we have to go through something to change, or to finally see and face the ugly in ourselves, to address something we've been avoiding, to take on something we are running from. It is human nature to be so wrapped up in our own experiences that we forget others have experiences and biases of their own. For Nol to change, to be more honest with himself, he essentially had to "lose it all". To be fair, he sort of threw in the towel himself, decided to be exactly what he's been painted as and give up his efforts to try to have a better life - but that's still prompted by two points of "failure". He was a good person at the formal, tried to save a friend, and in the end he couldn't do it and she got hurt, plus the drug and assault charges. He was pushed to the brink and even when being a person who cars, even when being a good friend, it backfired. Likewise, it blew up his option to go away and escape, to attend his father's alma matter and not only prove to everyone he was more than they believed he was, but to find peace for a while. For him, he lost things because he dared to defy this life so he decided to concede, and in conceding he loses his escape, his chance to maybe make his father proud, and he lost his friends, because in his eyes he was not worthy of them and would only endanger them. Only then, after listening to Shinae's desperate attempts to lure him out, when lmao attacked by her cat, the final straw!!! Did he come out - and he had no intention of coming clean to Shinae, she just happened to overhear him!
I think it will be the same for Alyssa and Kousuke - that they cannot simply wake up and decide to change, or see themselves for what they are. They have to reach a point that forces them to contend with that. It's so easy to say "Why can't Alyssa just realize that fame is not the same as friendship", but someone who has conflated friendship with idolization isn't going to see it the same. Someone who has believed that popularity feels more secure cannot see that for themselves. Logically, she knows the love her fans have towards her is conditional. That's the whole point of that incident with the fans that spotted her out with Nol - even though Nol is right to tell them off for bothering her after she politely told them she can't take a picture, she also knows that fans will only give you their support as long as they like you. Refuse their whims and they'll take to the internet to trash you to anyone who will listen. She knows that's not real love, but it's all she has so she's clinging to it. What will prompt her to change, otherwise?
The more I ramble about this lol the more I think you are right: she has to see that hollow popularity foiled against true friendship, and maybe even be reminded of what it feels like, what it's like to be supported unconditionally. Even though I've repeated that I don't want her outed against her will, I cannot deny how much I would love to see at least Nol and Shinae try to protect her. I love the complexity of it - that they are both people she has hurt in some way, that she has used in some way, but could still be allies to her. Shinae has made it clear that her feelings about Alyssa are complex - that though she doesn't seem to hold a grudge, the weight of what transpired between them still weighs heavy on her and what she really wants is clarity, to clear the air and understand. There's something painful and messy about being defended by people you feel guilt and regret towards, especially as people who probably offered some of the truest friendship she's know. (I mean, I say this loosely because, again, Nol lol likely befriended Alyssa for his quest for absolution and while he didn't intend to truly be their friend, he still was a good friend to them?) I guess what I'm getting at is: I love those complex, nuanced kinds of events, where maybe they will never become friends again, but maybe the genuine act of defending her could be the thing that makes her want to be a better person, to form real friendships and be her honest self. I hope Alyssa sometimes thinks about the first friend she made in middle school, who thought everything about her that other kids might find weird was cool, and feels some kind of regret.
lol as always this has gone on a whole tangent that was not intended but also, as always, these kinds of asks get me thinking about a lot of things! Frankly, I do not know what to expect of the second half of ILY. I don't know where we will leave the story in the present, or what we'll be set up for then, but I hope that when we see the characters as adults, we may get to see more of that complexity, of exploring and overcoming the things that have been holding you back. Alyssa is an extremely unlikeable character for good reason, but I just can't help but want to continue to see her involved in a big way, you know? There's just something so COMPELLING about her relationships with everyone!
Now lol with all that said, I will fully acknowledge that I think there IS a good chance that Alyssa could dig her heels in, because as I've said before, it is very likely that not all characters will overcome their pasts. Again, we see it with grown adults every day of life - that we are shaped by experiences and by our willingness to learn and unlearn. Is Alyssa willing to let something go or would she decide to push back and fight it, to find a way to shift blame, which would only get netizens more fired up. I WANT Alyssa to make some non-shitty choices for once, but that doesn't mean that's the arc she's on lol. I would not be surprised in the least if she found a way to try to deflect lol. Just, yknow. A resigned sigh like yup that's her lol. Flawed people can die flawed without making attempts to change, and I don't want that for her but look, sometimes that's life.
Man, this took me so long to answer and I apologize! My brain has been running away all week ;_____; some days I can sit down and bang out a response, other days the words are all jumbled in my head and it feels like I have to make a game of stringing them together since I can't telepathically write my responses. But as always, thank you for this ask and indulging in my love of Not Great Women characters lmao
#I Love Yoo#ILY Spoilers#ILY FP#ILY Brainrot#Alyssa Cho#Shinae Yoo#this is really only semi related but i gotta say: every time i answer asks like this it makes me wish i was capable of writing fic lol#there's so many things i think would be fun to explore in characters in universe but i just don't have the brains to think about where i#think this story is going and where i could set them TO explore that#i would LOVE to explore Alyssa facing the loneliness of a life she doesn't love yknow?#i'm still convinced she's an idol only for some other reasons - that maybe she thought being a trainee would boost her popularity and she#never intended to actually debut but yui came along and pulled some strings and now she's stuck doing something she doesn't love and never#wanted? GOD. that there are kids who would KILL to be in her role and she feels like she was pushed into it when she didn't truly want it?#that she's been performing so long she doesn't know how to be herself or if her true self even exists anymore - if she ever did?#or that maybe writing and composing is the only time she feels truly in touch with what she wants#idk maybe she HAS come to love performing! she was so excited to perform their new song and so mad Nol ruined the night but also#that could just be because it was a song SHE wrote something that's close to her something more in tune with her and she was upset he#ruined the night because it was supposed to be her big moment and now it's forever tainted#(plus yknow despite the fake dating i think she liked that he attended the party because it made her feel like maybe they were friends#again. so finding out he didn't even want to be there that there was somewhere else he wanted to be MORE hurt because it meant she was not#his first choice. it meant her friendship didn't mean anything or matter you know?)#GOOOOOOOOD i miss being confident in my writing because it would be SO satisfying to explore I JUST. LOVE TO EXPLORE EMOTIONS esp for#things that may never come to be stories that may not be what is really being told you know?#anyway as always thanks for enjoying my extreme rambling lmao
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thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
[Snippet 1]
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐀𝐔, 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐘/𝐍 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡. 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠....𝐢𝐟 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.8K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧, 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧! 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨, 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯-𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐛! 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐣𝐨𝐛, 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢-𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬.), 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭, 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @multidreams-and-desires @yunhoiseyecandy @cometoceantrenches
𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 𝒃𝒚 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 🖤
The producer turned off the music which confused the artist that was currently inside the recording booth. Taking off the headphones, she fanned out the hair which stuck in between them and looked towards the two males which were sitting outside watching her intensely.
"Is something wrong?"
The long and frustrated sigh the producer emitted let her know something was most certainly wrong.
"It's all wrong. Everything about your singing is wrong." The producer said.
Y/N's mouth dropped open slightly, confused by the man's voice. Tilting her head, she could see the other male who currently had his arms crossed and was looking at her with a smug grin, probably celebrating that she was about to get scolded.
"What is it? Is it the lyrics? Am I off key? Do you want me to sing in a different tone." She could already feel her anxiety rising up.
"No Y/N. The pitch, the lyrics, all that is fine. It's just....there's no feeling whatsoever. This is supposed to be a love song yet it somehow feels extremely melancholic. It's like.....it's like I'm listening to an extremely talented zombie."
The younger male from behind nearly doubled over, a soft snort coming out his nose that he quickly drowned out by covering his mouth and pretended to cough. The girl in the booth blinked slowly, processing that words the producer just said to her.
"We're done for today. We'll continue recording another day. Just please Y/N, try to find some inspiration to help with the feeling of the song. Think of an idol you're crush on, your pet, your favorite food! I don't care! Just try to sound more convincing, please!"
Without so much as another word, the producer slammed the door behind him. Once the girl stepped out of the booth, her eyes darted over to the male in the couch, who could no longer contain himself and began bursting into laughter.
"Oh shut up you gorilla."
Grabbing one of the pillows, she tossed it at his face in vain as he merely caught it and stuffed it underneath his arm.
"I'm not the one who made the producer angry with that screeching of yours." He shrugged.
Letting out an offended scoff, Y/N placed her hands on her hips.
"I do not screech thank you! As if you did any better Jongho."
"Uh....last time I recall, I got through my first half of the song perfectly fine with no screw ups. You on the other hand have been recording over and over again cause you can't fix that hoarse throat of yours." He teased her.
"My voice is not hoarse!" She cried out.
"Ok sure whatever you say. It's ok, I promise I won't say anything about you sucking dick last night and that's why you can hardly talk let alone sing."
"Excuse me?" She raised an eyebrow at him, not amused with another one of his dirty jokes.
"I mean kind of unprofessional to do such things the night before a schedule, but who am I to judge a nymphomaniac?" Wiggling his eyebrows at her, he snorted loudly.
Y/N was going to retaliate the same way she usually did: strike back with a savage remark, insult him personally or even smack his head just for the fun of it. Although she couldn't deny that she probably deserved him teasing her since she was the one who started every time since they began working on the song together, she still felt like he went too far at times. Almost like an annoying brother who seemed to thrive out of making your life miserable. But this time, she wanted to turn it up a few levels, get Choi Jongho to eat his words and shut up once and for all.
"Oh? So you've heard the rumors then?"
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What rumors?"
Giggling softly, she began to slowly walk over to him, making sure to put a little sway in her hips.
"The rumors about how I give some of the best blowjobs."
She nearly laughed when Jongho's eyes flung open, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed nervously at her words.
"Oh stop playing coy Jongho and just admit it." She brought her face down at eye level with him, Jongho pulling his gaze away immediately at her close proximity.
"Ad-admit what exactly?" He stuttered cutely.
Smirking down at him, she startled him when she suddenly straddled his lap, his hands clutching the leather material under him.
"Admit that you brought it up cause you want to experience that yourself." She ran her fingers through his soft black hair.
"Experience what exactly?" He shifted uncomfortably underneath her, face reddening as he began to feel a small tent begin to form in his jeans, prompting him to stop moving before she felt it.
But Y/N felt it, she could definitely feel his bulge poking at her ass. Unable to stop herself, she rolled her hips against Jongho's, who had a shocked expression on his face.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, words caught in his throat as he thought about a way to get out of the situation.
"What? Isn't this what you wanted? All those times you made all those sex jokes, wasn't it just to get me like this? On top of you? Ready to sink myself on your cock and ride you as I want?"
Jongho stumbled over his words, small frustrated whimpers spilling out of his lips as his erection grew harder inside his pants due to the incessant roll off her hips. And the way he was involuntarily bucking his hips up at her wasn't helping at all. Leaning down, she grazed her lips over his, her warm breath ghosting over his mouth.
"Just tell me how you want me Jongho. On my knees, on all fours, on the wall? I bet you'd love showing off your strength as you pound my soaking cunt against the-"
"I'm a virgin!"
Once he yelled out those words, Y/N's movements halted. Her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as she looked down with extreme surprise at Jongho, whose flushed face and teary eyes told her he wasn't lying to her.
"You're what?!" She quickly got off him, afraid to even be closer than 6 feet from him after his revelation.
"I'm a virgin ok!? I've never done anything with anyone, I haven't even had my first kiss."
He looked utterly ashamed and humiliated having to admit all that, especially when he had a huge problem in between his legs, that Y/N felt really bad for him. She knew she probably took it too far, but how was she supposed to know that he was practically a saint?
"Then why would you always tease me with overly sexual jokes?" She demands to know.
"Because nothing else worked to get you mad. Everything else slid off like butter on you. Besides I had to get back at you for all the times you messed with me. You were the one who started being mean out of nowhere and for no reason."
She definitely couldn't deny that statement. Sighing softly, she leaned back on the chair behind her.
"Ok, I guess I'm sorry about it. I guess I can..... stop pestering you or whatever." She offered.
Jongho's eyes immediately lit up at her words, unable to contain that gummy smile of his.
Y/N didn't know what it was, but seeing him smile like that, looking so adorably innocent and naive, it sparked something in her. She looked him up and down, Jongho was certainly very attractive and she'd be lying if she said she had never thought about what he'd look like without clothes on, his physique was astounding to say the least. She didn't know what it was, but she knew she had to have him.
"If........you give me something in return."
Jongho looked at her in confusion wondering what on earth she could possibly want from him.
"And that is?"
Smiling fondly at him she answered:
"I want to take your virginity."
Jongho widened his eyes, his hand trembling softly.
"You want to what?"
"You heard me Jongho. I want to take your virginity."
He looked so appalled and frightened by her words, his eyes looking down at the floor that she immediately regretted having such thought in the first place. How could she possibly ask him to give up something which was possibly important and sacred to him.
"Look Jongho, I was only kidding. Don't worry about-"
"Ok fine."
Now it was her turn to be shocked.
"Wait. Are you serious?" She looked at him in disbelief.
He nodded, all fear and doubt from before gone.
"But I'm holding you to your word. You better start being nice or so help me I'll ruin your career."
She chuckled dryly at his threat.
"Don't worry, I promise I won't annoy you anymore."
They stood quiet for a few moments, unable to think of something else to say. Jongho was the first to speak up.
"So....should I take off my pants then?"
Y/N cringed at his words.
"Not right here right now Jongho. Maybe in a less public place, like I don't know, my apartment." She suggested.
"Oh right....." Jongho realized how dumb he probably sounded right at that moment.
"Let me know when you don't have any schedules, I'm going to be on break anyways for the next weeks after I finish my goodbye stage tomorrow at Music Bank, so I'll be free any day after that."
Jongho nodded.
"So we're really doing this?" He asked more to himself than to her.
"You can always back out at any point if you want." She reminded him.
"No! It's fine. I'll let you know when I'm available."
Getting up, Jongho grabbed his jacket and phone. Before leaving, he scared Y/N when he suddenly cupped her chin with one hand and kissed the top of her head.
"I'll see you soon Y/N. Take care."
Y/N paced back and forth. One minute she was sitting quietly on her couch then suddenly she got up and grabbed a glass of water in the kitchen. Why was she so nervous? It's not like she wasn't experienced in sex, but for some reason she felt antsy about what was about to happen.
"Calm down. Just get it over with and try not to scare him to much." She mentally told herself.
She couldn't help but stare at her reflection in the mirror she had in the hallway. She looked at her attire consisting of plain black shorts and a dark grey oversized shirt. Should she change into something more cute? Or was she overdressed? She mentally face palmed herself for thinking that.
"I'm going to end up naked in the end, who the fuck cares about what I'm wearing?" She shook her head at her stupidity.
Hearing the doorbell ring, she actually jumped slightly and let out a small shriek. She took a deep breath and sped over to the front door, hesitating for a second or two as her hand hovered over the handle. Wanting to get it over with, she turned it and opened the door in a rather hasty manner.
"Hey." Jongho shyly greeted her, mask still covering his face, his hat pulled down to hide his forehead.
"Hey you." She moved out of the way to let him inside.
Taking off his mask, hat and jacket, Jongho neatly put them on the rack Y/N had on the front door, making sure to also take off his shoes. Turning around, he looked around everywhere but at her, his hands in his pockets as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"How was your day?" She asked him.
"Ummm tiring. I spent most of the day filming with the Hyungs for the new drama we're going to be in. So yeah....." He answered softly.
"Oh I see. Yeah I remember how acting schedules were. Are you hungry? I can whip up some ramen for you fast."
Not giving him time to answer, she took his hand and led him into the kitchen. She began rummaging through her cabinets, taking out a few packets of ramen, thinking Jongho was no doubt hungry.
"Would you like some water? Juice? I made lemonade this morning that-"
She instantly shut up and dropped the ramen packets on the floor when Jongho's hand gripped her wrist and turned her around to face him. He looked nervous, she could feel how his hand trembled against her wrist, and she knew she was probably also mirroring the same expression as he was. Nevertheless, he was determined in what he was going to do. His eyes were fixed firmly on her lips which looked so soft and delicate. Before he and she knew it, he was leaning down and pressing his lips against hers, giving her a faint whisper of a kiss. If Y/N could she would have giggled at how cute he was being, giving her the exact kiss she expected from someone who was having his first kiss. But she held herself back, letting him enjoy himself.
Pulling back, Jongho pressed his forehead against hers, eyes scanning to see her reaction.
"Was it terrible?"
She shook her head and smiled at him with a warm expression.
"No, on the contrary, I enjoyed it."
Unable to help herself, she wrapped her arms up his neck and began pecking his lips.
"Have I told you you're absolutely adorable?"
Now it was his turn to smile as he began to reciprocate her kisses.
"No. You usually called me a bother, gorilla, oversized panda or something like that."
Y/N hummed softly as she slowly began to deepen their kisses, enclosing her lips over Jongho's, her tongue running itself on his upper lip.
"Open your mouth." She gently told him when he didn't get the hint.
Parting his lips slightly, Jongho let out a tiny muffled whine when he felt her tongue poke against his, swirling around his mouth in slow and slimy movements. He felt so awkward having her practically devour his mouth, pulling his tongue between her lips and giving them a slight suck. Feeling him get really awkward, Y/N pulled back.
"Not a fan so far?" She nuzzled her nose against his.
He let out a groan.
"How can you people enjoy it? Feels like an eel is trying to attack me."
Y/N laughed softly at his comparison, not offended but understanding it would take time for him to get used to certain things.
"Hmmm ok. Then let's try something else."
Starting at his jaw, Y/N placed tiny butterfly kisses across it, lowering them down onto his neck. She concentrated on the way his breath would hitch when she'd kiss a certain place, tongue poking out to test the waters and so far he seemed to be ok with it. But he still hardly made any reaction. Did he also not like neck kisses? Or had she not found the right-
"Oh-oh.." Jongho inhaled sharply, his hands coming over to cling onto her hips when she had placed a lick on top of his neck mole.
"So that's where it was."
She mentally smiled before latching her mouth back on top of the patch of skin, suckling on his sensitive spot which had Jongho mumbling something incoherent.
"...feels good.." She made out a few words.
"Yeah? You like this?"
Letting out a tiny gasp when he felt her bite down on his neck, Jongho's head tilted back so she could have more access, eyes shut tight while his bottom lip was caught between his teeth. He didn't think he'd be that receptive to her suckling, yet here he found himself, pressed against her kitchen counter, barely able to keep his hands away from her as they were now sliding down to cup her ass. Kneading at the soft skin, he didn't notice he had begun to rut himself on her thigh which was currently between his legs until she had pulled back and told him about it.
"You're already this turned on by just a hickey?" She gazed down in between their bodies.
"Oh?......I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
Shutting him up with a kiss, she linked their hands together before pulling him out of the kitchen.
"Don't apologize."
Jongho allowed himself to be lead into her room, letting her guide him to the bed where he obediently layed down on. He was unsure of what to do when he felt her tug at his shirt.
It was a simple command yet he found it hard to bring himself to do it. He began to feel self conscious. Although he was proud of his body, would she think the same way? What if she preferred less bulky men? Or what if she didn't think he was that fit? It seemed Y/N knew what he was thinking about since she slipped her hands underneath his shirt, lightly caressing his bare torso.
"Don't be shy. I bet you look fine."
Raising his arms over his head so it'd be easier for her to help him slip his shirt off, he looked at her and blushed slightly when her eyes raked over his arms, his muscles flexing unconsciously.
"Ok well, bet lost. You look better than fine." She fought hard to keep herself from drooling over his large built. Jongho truly was one of the most mesmerizing idols she had ever seen, and she had seen a lot of them since she debuted.
"So think my body looks ok?"
Instead of replying, Y/N opted for hunching over and start giving his chest open mouth kisses. She didn't break eye contact whatsoever as she dragged her tongue down his abs, further flustering the poor boy who was eyeing her every movements very carefully. The further down she got, the more needy he seemed to be getting. Suddenly his jeans felt too confining, too restricting. He got an urgent need in between his legs that he had never felt so intensely as he felt at that moment.
"Y/N....." He called out to her, fingertips grazing her hair.
Retracting her mouth from his stomach, which now had a purple mark forming, Y/N looked up at him with concern.
"Do you want me to stop?"
Jongho shook his head. Bucking his hips up against her body, he licked his lower lip.
"Please do something."
When she still didn't understand what he meant, he took hold of her hand and placed it on his crotch, making her subtly squeeze at the hardness. Getting the hint, Y/N thought it would be a little fun to tease him just once more.
"What? Want me to take you out of these pants?" With a roll of her palm, she had Jongho hissing lightly as she groped at his hard on.
"Yes please. Touch me." He urged her to continue.
Wanting to please him, she began undoing his zipper, opening up his pants before dragging them down his thick thighs along with his underwear. She had to flinch her head back when his girthy cock sprang free and nearly hit against her chin. She had her mouth agape as she took in his size, resting on top of his stomach.
"Jesus, I knew you'd be big but I didn't think you'd be..... that big."
Jongho giggled nervously at her comment.
"Well thanks for that."
Pretty soon, his pants were also discarded on the floor. Y/N took in the sight of Jongho fully naked on her bed, chest slowly rising up and lowering back down, anxious to find out what she was going to do next. Settling herself between his legs, she hummed softly before taking a hold of his base, that action alone making him tense up.
"Just relax ok? I know it'll probably feel awkward for you at first but just try not to think too much." She encouraged him.
Jongho nodded and decided to not look down at her, instead choosing to gaze up at the ceiling above him. He grimaced slightly when he heard and felt her spit on his dick, feeling odd about having her saliva ooze down his length. But soon after, he let out a sighed softly as he felt what he assumed was her hand running up and down his shaft. He couldn't help but close his eyes as he began to get lost in the euphoric feeling. He would occasionally inhale sharply everytime her thumb would run itself along his slit, hips rolling up to match the strokes she placed on his cock. Jongho already felt a blissful sensation that he thought couldn't get any better.....and then he felt something warm wrap around his head.
"Oh- fuck!" Jongho's eyes shot up as he stared down to find Y/N giving his tip the most subtle of sucks yet it was more than enough to make him go wild.
"Sorry. You just looked too irresistible that I just had to. Hope you don't mind." She winked at him before sinking more of him into her mouth.
His cock twitched when he felt himself hit the back of her throat, the gagging sound she made making him worry momentarily, but it was obvious it didn't bother her as she just dragged her tongue down to his base before coming back up and taking all of him inside her mouth once more. Her head began bobbing up and down as lewd slurping noises spilled from her mouth. Sloppily, she'd swirl her tongue around him, sometimes even dipping it into his slit when she would pull back before going back down until her nose touched his pubic bone. Meanwhile Jongho had his hands fisting the blanket underneath him, his hips trying to hold back from grinding up against Y/N's mouth in fear of accidentally hurting her. When she gave him a particularly harsh suck, his hips jerked up and he was immediately pushing her face away.
"Stop! T-too much!" He gasped out, already looking out of breath with sweat beads forming along his hairline.
"I'm sorry, guess I got a little carried away." She wiped some of the drool and precum that collected around her chin.
While he layed there trying to collect himself, Y/N took the opportunity to begin stripping herself out of her clothes. Throwing her shirt over her head, Jongho whimpered when he saw that she had worn no bra underneath her garment, her bare chest greeting him out of nowhere. He couldn't peel his eyes from her, looking up at her in amazement and admiration as she sat on top of him completely nude.
"You're beautiful..." He didn't realize he said it out loud.
"Really? You think so? I was a little worried since I gained a bit of weight during my hiatus." She pouted slightly.
"Oh trust me, you have nothing to be worried about. You're gorgeous." He couldn't help himself but praise her, feeling himself fall deeper into her charms.
Pulling him up, Y/N wrapped her arms around him, lips coming down to kiss him tenderly, making sure not to slip any tongue in his mouth since he obviously didn't enjoy it very much. Jongho seemed to have gained a little more confidence, his hands coming up to caress her back, before fully embracing her with his arms, pulling her closer against him. As he shifted underneath her, his cock made contact with her wet core, making them both moan into each other's mouths before pulling away, their breaths getting caught in their throats.
Looking at him one last time, Y/N had to ask.
"Are you completely sure you still wanna go through with this?"
Jongho didn't hesitate, instead laying back down as he looked up at her.
"Yes I'm sure. Just please.....be gentle." He begged her.
Fighting back her urges to just ruin him completely, Y/N took a hold of his base and lined him up against her opening. Wanting to take it slow, she first slipped his head inside.
"You doing ok so far?"
He nodded reassuringly.
"Yeah....feels kinda like having your mouth around it, only it's a lot warmer and more tighter."
Slowly and slowly, Y/N began to sink lower onto his length before fully sitting on top of him. Jongho let out a choked out gasp as her hole covered him entirely, squeezing him all around.
"H-holy!" He cried out in a raspy tone, fingers reaching out to grip at her thighs to help him stabilize himself.
Y/N waited a few seconds to let him adjust to the newfound feeling, smiling to herself whenever she felt his cock twitch inside of her.
"I'm going to pull back out now ok?" She explained.
Pushing herself off him she then lowered herself back onto him, moaning softly as he stretched her walls out deliciously. She kept a steady pace, making sure to slow back down whenever he seemed to get agitated or overwhelmed her strokes which she noticed by the way his breathing became more erratic or how his nails began digging into her flesh. Taking his hands off her thighs, she held them in her own, bringing one of them up to place a kiss on the back of it.
"You're doing great so far Jongho."
Hearing her praise him sent his heart fluttering, his eyes locked on where their bodies were connected, breathing and panting heavily everytime he watched himself disappear inside her folds before reappearing again, only to be safely enveloped once more by her velvet like walls. He felt an unfamiliar feeling begin to build up in his core, it felt like one of the many times he had secretly jerked off back in the dorms, but this one felt stronger and more intense. He couldn't keep himself from squirming as he began to shudder against his will underneath Y/N.
"Y/N! It's- oh my!" He couldn't fully comprehend what was happening to him, he just felt himself spiraling down into some hazy state.
"It's ok baby, just let it go. You're about to cum, it's ok. Just cum for me, show me how good you're feeling." She cooed at him lovingly.
Through shivering and stuttered whimpers, Jongho came inside her, his cum spurting out in heavy pumps as he coated her insides entirely. Y/N made sure to slow down so as to not overstimulate him, the orgasm he was going through probably already being too much for him. She just watched as his eyebrows were furrowed, a tiny vein protruding out from his forehead, mouth hanging open as his entire features were illuminated by extreme pleasure and euphoria. Her movements completely stilled after a while, taking a minute or two before pulling out of him entirely, a tiny trail of his cum leaking out and dripping down one of her thighs. Brushing some of his hair out of his face, she kissed his cute button nose.
"How are you feeling?" She studied his features.
Through hooded eyes, he smiled shyly up at her.
"Like I'm in heaven."
She chuckled at his answer, her hand stroking his cheek in a gentle motion, making him melt even further into her touch.
"I wish we could spend more time like this....just cuddled up together like this. Touching each other like this." He confessed, eyes staring deeply into hers.
"Who says we can't?" She arched an eyebrow.
"I mean...... but like.... you don't like me in that way do you?" He braced himself for what he expected to be rejection, but surprisingly Y/N simply kissed his cheek.
"I'm actually growing quite fond of you Jongho... I think I would really enjoy spending more time alone like this with you."
Once again his gummy smile overtook his features, making him look even more handsome than what he already was. Jongho felt absolutely happy to hold her in his arms, have her smile at him with that breathtaking smile of hers. Then suddenly he realized something.
"Ummm.... you didn't cum did you?"
He felt so bad when she shook her head, his head slumping back on the pillow as he let out a dissatisfied groan. Y/N however didn't seemed too bothered by it.
"Jongho, it was your first time. I knew you were probably going to cum before me. It's perfectly normal."
Her words didn't give him much assurance.
"Still, I feel bad. Do you want me to do something?" He offered.
"Well actually...."
With a mischievous grin, she spread his legs and ran her hands along his firm and toned thighs, eyeing them as if they were some exotic dessert. Jongho gave her a puzzled look when she straddled one of them, her juices already soaking his bare skin.
"Just stay still and let me introduce you to a little something called thigh riding."
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Mad at him } Jung Jaehyun [nct]
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》 genre:
angst, light fluff
》 warning(s):
Jaehyun swears a lot & is kind of a dick, mention of other idols [ma johnny], um that's it ig
》 word count:
Crap, school is shit!
I was doing homework for hours now and I was still not finished with all of it. It was upsetting me, more than it should.
After I had let out a heavy and annoyed groan I heard my phone ring. Jaehyun, my boyfriend was calling me.
Wow, he actually had the time to call me.
He didn't contact me for a whole day and I was getting more pissed each minute. In the beginning of our relationship, he always made sure how my day was when we hadn't had the chance to meet up.
Today had been an absolute disaster what wasn't making my mood any better.
But I had to suppress my anger for a moment, because he was rather sensitive. What means, I better not get mad for no proper reason.
He started talking instantly after I picked up.
"Hey, sorry that I couldn't call earlier. How was your day?" His voice was monotone and I didn't like that, at all.
I felt the wish that he would've better just let me be for the rest of the day with that attitude crossing my mind. Though I tried ignoring my now mixed feelings.
"Yeah, nevermind. Mine was not the best day to be honest." I tried to reply like I normally would.
"What happened?" I wasn't in the mood to tell him about my whole day.
And because he hadn't had the time to pick me up yesterday too, I decided to tease and play a little bit. Maybe this would make my day better.
"Nothing, that's the problem. I am doing homework for hours now and my brain is about to explode. But luckily, I have Kai. He helps me out a lot, with my problems." It almost sounded like I was only talking to a friend and not my boyfriend. Acting like Jeahyun wasn't my boyfriend for almost two years now.
Since I knew, he gets angry when I'm close to other guys, it's the perfect idea to play with his feelings. Cruel, but effective.
"What do you mean, helping you with your problems? That's what I'm supposed to do. You should better get your ass here now!"
"Don't cuss at me. He's just a good friend I met in school Jaeh." I acted like I was trying to convince him that it wasn't a big deal, but in reality it was what I wanted, of course.
I wanted him to spend time with me, without telling him to.
"Do you think I care if he's just a friend? We had been friends too before we started dating, Y/N." He sounded pissed and I had to smile proudly.
"That's different." I wasn't allowed to mention that I would never replace him, like I usually would, because it had to sound a little suspicious.
"That Kai guy is going to get killed if he thinks he can have you. I want you to come over right now!" I almost giggled at his command.
"I don't think, you really want me there." I expressed my thoughts.
"What the fuck is wrong, Y/N? You know that's not true." I could hear his voice getting shaky and hard to control.
"Ok then. I'll be there in 10." I ended the call quickly before it could get too emotional.
I didn't like emotions, except for the ones I had for Jaehyun. They can easily let you make some real dumb decisions.
That's why I was a rather cold person. I was kind, but I wasn't someone who smiled all day and acted like nothing angered or annoyed me. 'Cause there were always things in my way.
Fortunately I was also a quite strong person, that learned to be in the past few years and I don't give up that easily or let some shit destroy me.
Jeahyun was also strong but I had better skills than him to get what I wanted and my influence on him was just too big to let him win. I always won fights, but that wasn't important in our realtionship. To me it was just an advantage that I would use in such situations.
I changed into a short but cute, rosè dress and a white cardigan with brown buttons, put my converse on and fastly walked to Jaeh's dorm.
I had needed fifteen minutes, but it was fine, he would wait for me longer.
I knocked like I always did, three times.
After some seconds Jaehyun ripped the door open and I slightly flinched.
"Holy Shit. What are you wearing?" He scanned my body. I could see, he found it hot but there was also some anger building up in his eyes, and it was rising fast.
"Nice to see you too." I rolled my eyes, inconspicuously also looking over his body. He was wearing sweatpants and a muscle tank top, showing his biceps and toned abs.
He wasn't getting his eyes off me.
"Y/N, this dress covers like nothing. I get it, your curves look absolutely stunning but you have to change!" He angrily commanded.
"Shut up, can I come inside now?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.
"Yes." He stepped away and walked through the kitchen, into his room.
I could sense his tightened jaw and all of his tensed muscles.
"Slow down. It's just a dress." I pronounced looking at him like I couldn't believe how childish he reacted, and at this point I really couldn’t.
"Do you have ANY idea of what the boys think about you when you're wearing this?" He asked and finally turned to me again.
"I would LOVE to know." I ironically said.
"I don't want my girlfriend to walk around like she's just some bitch. Because you're not. These boys are disgusting when it comes to something beautiful like you, Y/N."
Now I'm a bitch? You're done Jaehyun. I thought but grimaced at the hurting word he just said to me.
I know he also called me beautiful, but that wasn't the word that was spinning around my head just now.
When he noticed my face and that I didn't reply after some seconds he tried to apologise.. of course.
"Babe, you're not a bitch. I didn't mean it. All I was trying to say is-" He wanted to grab my arm but I moved back before he could do so.
"No, I got it Jaehyun. I only look like one." I snapped back at him. Not yelling but also not in normal loudness.
I was even more mad than before. And now, I was also hurt. Dangerous Combo.
"No- I- I think it's just too short, Y/N." He wanted to defend himself.
"I understand." My voice wasn't loud anymore at all, but it didn't sound like I meant it.
My voice was pathetically shaking and I was looking on the ground, thinking if it would be the best to just leave now.
"Maybe I should just go. I mean I wouldn't want a bitch in my room either, so..." Talking with a quiet voice, I looked up at him and I saw fear in his eyes.
"No, please-" He stepped forward and was going to take my arm but I backed away again.
"Don't touch me." I warned. His face was getting pale. I didn't miss his teary getting eyes either when I looked at him.
"I'm so sorry. Please don't leave. I really didn't mean it, Y/N. Please, I am just jealous of boys being able to see what usually only I see." He avowed.
"It's fine. I wasn't ready with my homework anyways. I should leave."
"Don't. I want you here right now. Please, I'll do anything." His begging voice spoke.
"But I wanted to get finished today."
"Y/N?!" Suddenly a different person asked excitedly.
I knew who it was and turned around instantly to look at his good looking face.
"Johnny!" I jumped in his arms and he was hugging me back happily.
"Johnny, not now-" Jeahyun was angry once again.
"Let me hug this precious little girl! Hell, you're getting hotter everyday?" Johnny laughed and we separated. He scanned me up and down and smiled mischievously.
"Honestly, if Jeahyun wouldn't date you, surely I would ask you out." He claimed.
"Definitely." I giggled softly.
He was always letting me feel good. And he was one of the guy friends of my boyfriend that I liked the most. He was funny, hella handsome and so nice over all.
Though everything remained on just a friendship, we just always casually played around.
"Hey, shut the hell up. She's mine." Jaeh growled at him and put his hand around my waist, taking back what's his.
I kept smiling but I was also trying to push his hand away, so it was difficult to keep a happy look.
Johnny noticed the awkward situation and started talking to me again.
"Anyways. Do you wanna watch a movie in the living room?"
I opened my mouth and was about to say something but Jaehyun was faster than me.
"No, we were busy." His cold voice was giving me goosebumps.
He could be scary, when he was jealous. I am talking out of experience. Not too nice ones.
"We were not, actually I was about to leave. But because I didn't see you in so long I will stay longer alright?" I suggested when I was back in my senses.
"That's perfect!" John smiled at me.
"You won't hang with my girl, Johnny." Jaeh protested.
I turned around to give my boyfriend a look.
"Could you shut up for a moment? It's my decision since you don't own me. And I'm a bitch right? So it's normal when I hang out with a lot of boys, isn't it?" I started to grow my confidence back but I was fucking mad.
He won't destroy my moment with Johnny right now!
"Did he do something?" The brunette boy in front of us asked.
He was almost two heads taller than me and since Jeah knew I liked taller guys, he was probably freaking out.
"No-" Jaeh started but I thought he could know the truth.
"He said, I looked like a bitch." I told him.
"You did what, Jaehyun?" His shocked voice asked, searching for a reassuring answer in our faces.
"I said sorry already. I didn't mean it okay?! But the dress she's wearing shows almost all of her legs, not to mention her half exposed butt."
"That's no excuse bro. Look, she looks stunning in this dress! There's no reason to fight over." His friend wanted to convince him.
"You better not look at my girl like that, or I have to punch you until you understand." Jeahyun pushed his chest with his fist.
"Calm down man. You should work it out before you come in the living room, I'll pick the movie in the meantime." Johnny decided and walked away.
"Do you let all boys touch you like him?" Now Jaeh asked aggressively, coming nearer.
Now we both had reached a certain line, so I tried to keep it low with my next words, struggling to find a compromise.
"No. I love you. And I wore this dress because I thought you'd find it cute too. Not to attract other boys. I won't wear it in public anymore okay? But you should the fuck calm down and let me talk to Johnny. After all he's your roommate and friend. He won't do anything I don't want." I explained with a strong tone.
His expression softened finally, giving me hope he'd give in eventually.
"Yes, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me for calling you... that?" He wanted to know with puppy eyes.
"I'm not over that yet. It hurted me, Jaeh. I will forgive you if you let me sit with Johnny and watch a movie with us." I claimed and cupped his cheek.
"Fine." He sighed.
We watched an action movie and had a lot of fun. In between time Johnny touched me unintentionally, during laughing and talking.
Jaehyun couldn't hold back and threatened that he would get angry if he would keep doing that. I told him it was fine and Johnny and I just continued like nothing happened.
Don't let your boyfriend treat you like he's in a higher position than you.
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I'll probably do a masterlist for all the groups I stan and write about.
Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned!!! ♡
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sanieee · 4 years
ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕖
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Au: Non-idol au
Genre: Angst, fluff.
Summery: Are you lovers or strangers when you look eye to eye? You knew the answer when you asked him if you could call him yours.
Warnings: It may be longer than I expected it to be. Also, it was [again] inspired by The Chainsmokers. And it’s unedited so, if you see any mistakes, I will re-read it [for the 15th time] again. I’m making individual ones based on several songs.
Words: 2k 
“ᴰᵒⁿ'ᵗ ˡᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳʸ ᶠᵃᵈᵉ“
                       ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛
Hongjoong ︳Seonghwa  ︳Yunho  ︳Yeosang ︳San ︳Mingi ︳Wooyoung ︳Jongho
༛༛ ༛༛ ༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛ ༛༛  ༛༛
Meeting Wooyoung was unexpected. Ending up being his significant other was also out of the blue. Your whole relationship was unlooked for, but amazing nevertheless. But when it started to go down hill, you couldn’t help but think of the happier days. 
You walked in the bar, there were hundreds of conversations told in loud voices, all of them competing with the loud  music that resonated through the speakers. The crowd is young, students from university for the most part, and you were no exception. Your friends had been asking you to go out one night to the bar downtown with them, to have some fun and discuss some gossip if there was any. 
As you were looking for your friends, a pair of eyes were fixed on you since you stepped inside. He ran his fingers through his long dark locks, just to push away his bangs out of his eyesight the next second. He turned to his best friend, who was drinking away his problems. 
Taking away the glass from his hands, he nudged his shoulder.  A loud, “Who is she?” was heard by all the people at their table. Seven heads turned in different directions, but were quickly to turn back to him as they were not given any description of the girl he was looking for.  The oldest of the bunch took his glass up to his lips and after a sip asked “What does she look like?”
The younger boy laughed, and then described what you were wearing. After eight pairs of eyes were roaming through the whole bar, the youngest pointed at you with his head. “Her? She goes to my university.” He was not the type to go after someone for a long period of time, and his reputation of breaking hearts was well known, but he didn’t care as he saw your smile. 
He asked Jongho about you, and when he felt confident enough,  he got up his seat to go after you. He came up to you, tapped your shoulder and winked, you laughed as he told you:  “The name is Jung Wooyoung.” 
His presence was anticipated for you at first, but as the night progressed, you liked how easy going and funny he was, needless to say you had no intentions to push him away. You remember how much you laughed as he danced with you and tried to get you interested in him. But you were not the type of girl to go with the first guy that gives you attention. 
You thought he just liked you that night to have some fun, but it was a surprise to you when you saw him again in your campus. He claimed to pick up Jongho, but the boy was already an adult, so his lies were kind of messy. He brushed everything aside  and stuck to you for a few hours before leaving, and it happened for a few months. 
You were sure he was just playing with you, he would find another girl to trail after. His friends on the other hand, had never seen him so dedicated to anyone before. You claimed he was just a friend, and  he claimed you were going to be in his arms sooner or later. But did you feel anything for him? You weren’t sure. 
You weren’t sure until you saw him in a party hosted by one of your friends at the same bar you’ve met. He came up to you, asked you why you were there. “It’s Chan’s party, he’s my childhood friend so of course I came.” He handed you a glass with a smile, his arm around your shoulders as you looked for Chan. 
A few hours after, you were both sitting on the porch stairs. You took some pictures with both your phones, uploading some stories that you wouldn’t remember you posted in the morning. When the night was deep, when the lights had been on for a few hours, when you were drunk enough to forget you came with someone, you told him you were going home. 
But he didn’t want you to leave you yet. He wanted to spend more time with you. Taking you by the arm he asked you “Hey, what you doing for the rest of your life?" You knew what he wanted, and with a sly smirk you told him "Well, I don't even know what I'm doing tonight." 
He extended his hand to you, which you took softly, and the next thing you knew, you were running in the street towards the subway station. If people saw you, they would be worried while giving you weird glances, but you were having the time of your life. Later on, you were in front of the ticket machine, trying to get a ten trip pass. The reason why you didn't buy a ticket for each was because combining both your cash was at least  20$. 
You laughed as you took little steps to go up the station stairs after getting to your destination. He was pulling your arm with little to no strength, and you were leaning on the railing as your hair got in front of your face. 
When you finally climbed the stairs, Wooyoung pointed to a street stall. You both ran to get in line, and took out some of the left over cash you had in your pockets. He paid your order without landing his face on the floor and handed you a water bottle when he turned around. 
You sat on a bench as you leaned on him, sobering up as you ate French fries. When he asked you if you wanted an ice cream, you said yes as you got up and skipped over to a convenience store. 
And maybe it sounds so cliché, but he found you adorable when you picked your dessert. And he couldn’t stop looking at you as you smiled at him with the city lights behind. Maybe that’s why when he saw you had ice-cream at the corner of your lips, he bent down to give you a kiss.
It was sweet. It was soft. It was needy and it was all you would remember for the next few days. That night you felt free and totally forgot about all your problems. When you asked what it was for, he  claimed it was to wipe off the ice cream you had on your lips, since you didn’t have napkins. 
But let me tell you, it wasn’t the last time your lips collided. A few months had passed and it was clear you were more than friends, but nothing was official. Until he showed up at your university once again, and took you away from your friends, with their permission. 
While walking by the river, he had an urge to kiss you, and he did. Not surprised at all, you kissed him back, but as he pulled away he softly asked you a question you were surely not expecting. 
“Can I call you mine?”
You laughed shyly, taking him by his jacket while you nodded. 
But now he was busy, he didn’t have time for you. His college assignments were taking him away from you, and you couldn’t do much since you were also in your senior year. He got mad whenever you brought up how you were neglecting your relationship. And you stopped trying because the only thing it did was hurt you more. 
You talked about it with your friends, they told you to keep trying to talk to him because a relationship goes nowhere if there’s no communication. When you visited his dorm the next day, you went to his room to try again. 
But he was sleep deprived, he couldn’t think straight and he was absolutely not keeping up with you. When you had enough, you started screaming at each other. San and Jongho were in the living room, very aware that your relationship was not in its’ best moment. They were silent as they looked at their frozen phone screens, more interest in your… yelling. 
“Do you regret calling me yours?!” 
The boys knew it was over when they heard no response, and got surprised when you left with a loud bang while closing the door. When they went to Wooyoung, he was still in shock from your question. Of course he didn’t regret it, but he didn’t feel like you were in such bad terms for you to question his loyalty. San told him to man up and fix it, because if he didn’t, Jongho was going to slap some sense into him.
However, his actions weren’t done immediately. It took him several days to compose himself and imagine himself in your place. He did notice that you barely had time to see eye to eye. That sometimes he was in a rush and brushed past you as if you didn’t know each other. It felt like you were someone he knew, that you were slowly becoming strangers. 
However, with all the rage inside you, you decided to go out one night, tired of braking your head and thinking about him all day long. Dolling yourself up in front of your mirror and going to the bar downtown after calling some friends. And while you were drinking your third glass that night, Wooyoung passed through the door looking for you all alone. 
When he spotted you, he came and sat besides you on the bar stools, to try to get you to look at him. You did take a glace at him but looked the other way the second after. He sighed, he had to fix it but he didn’t know how so he went outside to clear his mind.  He left , which irked you a bit because you were convinced he was being a coward and letting all these years go to waste. 
As you hit the dance floor, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Wooyoung who was looking down with a sad smile. When you asked him what was wrong, because something inside of you just couldn’t help but to feel worried, he winked at you. You had a confused expression on, but it quickly turned into a smirk when he finger gunned you and told you “The name is Jung Wooyoung.” 
You couldn’t stay mad at him when he was trying to act like you were meeting for the first time. But unlike your first meeting, he took you by the hand and guided you outside. You leaned on the wall, as silence came upon both. But he inhaled deeply and looked at you.
“I will make it up to you.”
“How? Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
He took both your hands, and brought you closer. His cologne smelled like home, he felt like home, you had the urge to hug him, but controlled yourself as you were still ‘mad’ at him. He brought your lips together, and closed the gap once your eyes weren’t looking at him anymore, but at his lips. 
When you separated, he laughed and you just rolled your eyes. You felt like that, that was the end of the night, you were going to go home, sleep and talk with him tomorrow. But he had other plans, as you walked away, he grabbed your arm.
“Hey, what you doing for the rest of your life?" 
You laughed wholeheartedly as you held onto him. 
 "Well, I don't even know what I'm doing tonight." 
Then just like before, you ran to catch the subway. Just like before, you barely had cash to pay individually. Just like before, you laughed your ass off as you tried to go up the stairs at the same station. But unlike before, neither of you were drunk, and you enjoyed your recreation even more than the original. 
You sat at the same bench you ate your French fries as he told you how sorry he was for neglecting your relationship, neglecting you. It wasn’t the best apology ever, I know, you know it, but it was sincere. Both of you promised to never let this happen again, and went to get the ice cream you bought at the same store previously.
As you finished, you were expecting a kiss afterwards, but you weren’t as sure because you had your messy eating habits out of your way. However, when he looked down at you, as he had his arm around your shoulders, he leaned to give you a gentle kiss. 
You smiled. He hugged you and snuggled up to you. All the anger banished away from you, and you weren’t mad at him anymore, you knew you could sort your chaotic schedules together. 
You went back home after feeling tired. He took you back to your apartment and laid in bed with you, he had clothes at your place for improvised occasions like this, so he wasn’t going to go to sleep with some jeans on. As he played with your hair, you were falling asleep. But before you could go to dreamland, he whispered everything you wanted to hear. 
"I never regretted the day that I called you mine, so I call you mine."
Both of you went to sleep with a smile on your faces, and woke up like nothing ever happened.
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tempobaekh · 4 years
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Till death do us apart
・:*:・✿ Pairings: Jaehyun x reader (kind of Seonghwa as well)
・:*:・✿ Non Idol imagine
・:*:・✿ Angst (?) Fluff (?) Horror, kind of mention of a corpse, a tiny bit mention of blood.
(Side note: the original story is a creepy pasta but this one is by Snarled on YouTube the only thing I have changed here is the characters for example instead of the friend snarled has chosen I choose Seonghwa, instead of the groom I picked Jaehyun and instead of the bride I choose the reader. I hope you guys enjoy this bc it's one of my favorite creepy pastas, and make sure to check out snarled's YouTube channel)
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There once was a couple, Jaehyun and  Y/N, who seemed to be over the moon in love.
One of the things that brought them together was their competitive nature. They liked to push each other to be the best versions of themselves, of course all the competitiveness was friendly and well intentioned.
It sometimes meant silly little games of tag here and there or maybe some nights of hide and seek... they were both sort of adult children.
After many years they became engaged and were off to the races, competing with each other to see who can find the best venue for the best price.
But there was one point of tension in the relationship. Jaehyun was incredibly jealous of Y/N's best friend from childhood, Seonghwa, he was convinced that this so-called friend was in love with his bride-to-be and would try and sabotage the wedding by any means possible.
Y/N always had reassure him that he was over thinking things and that there was nothing to be worry about.
"You have no reason to feel this way, Seonghwa is my oldest friend. " said Y/N.
"Just tell me this," Jaehyun asked "Did you ever have feelings for him? "
Y/N paused "Yes... I have but it was years ago, please you have to understand. "
Jaehyun wasn't happy with this answer, "You have to uninvite him. "
"Are you crazy, he's my best friend. I can't uninvite him. "
"I honestly don't know if I can handle seeing him there. It's our wedding day it's supposed to be perfect. "
The couple stared at each other both silently challenging the other to give in first.
Y/N sighed, "If that's what will make you happy I'll talk to him. "
Months later the day of the wedding arrived the engaged couple had forgotten about their past arguments and were just happy that the day had come.
Y/N ended up finding the best venue for the best price, her parents large and lavish Victorian mansion.
The ceremony was going to be held outside in the gorgeous gardens and the reception would take place inside.
The guests were filling in and finding their seats while Y/N was hiding from sight near the end of the aisle.
Suddenly Jaehyun appeared next to her, "Jae you're not supposed to see me-"
"He's here, why is he here. You told me he wasn't going to come. "
"Oh my god, he's sitting in the back you literally don't have to see or speak to him."
"Well I did see him and I just can't believe you'd do this to me. "
"Really? You're gonna do this right now. "
At this point the couples voices were rising causing the guests to turn and look over at them.
"Hey, you know what will be fun. Why don't we play a game of hide and seek with all the guests, that always cheers you up and afterwards I can talk to Seonghwa again. Deal? "
Jaehyun exhaled, "I'm so sorry I know I'm being ridiculous I know that. I know he's important to you and it's not fair of me to act this way. I love you. "
Y/N pecked his lips, "I love you too, now let's play. I'll be it. "
The guests are all informed of the game of hide and seek before the ceremony and they willingly participate.
Y/N closed her eyes and began counting backwards from 50 and everyone scattered to find a hiding spot.
The property was huge so there was plenty of space. "Ready or not here I come!"
Y/N grew up in this house and knew every nook and cranny so she had no problem finding everyone... except for one person, Jaehyun the groom.
So all the other guests began to help Y/N look for him.
Y/N heard some people whisper that they thought Jaehyun might have gotten cold feet and ran away.
After they searched the entire property with no sight of Jaehyun Y/N collapsed to the floor in tears.
Seonghwa approached her, "I know this isn't what you want to hear but I think I saw Jaehyun running out the gates during  the game, I mean he could be coming back but I don't know. I'm so sorry Y/N/N."(your nickname)
The wedding was clearly no longer happening so the guests returned to their cars and headed home while Seonghwa continued to comfort the bride.
" You're my best friend and I will always be  here for you. Remember, " He held out his pinky finger, "Together forever. "
The bride smiled, wiped the tears from her eyes, and hooked her pinky on to Seonghwa's and said: "No matter what ever. "
Years went by Seonghwa and Y/N became closer than ever.
Memories of old crushes, resulted in casual dates which led to a surprisingly fast engagement, the wedding venue Y/N's parents Victorian mansion.
Y/N's parents felt a little strange that their daughter would want to plan a wedding at their home again but they just wanted her to be happy.
So Seonghwa, Y/N, and her parents began to clean out the manor.
Y/N went upstairs to see if she could find some tablecloths and decor to use for the wedding.
That's when she noticed a door, it wasn't there when she was a kid. "Mom was this door always here? "
Y/N shouted down the stairs to her mom who replied, "Oh we added that room a couple of years ago for extra storage. "
Y/N opened it to find a very messy and dusty room filled with boxes and furniture, in the middle of the room was a large antique trunk there was a lock with the key still inside.
Curious she turned it and hoisted the heavy lid with both hands.
Immediately a putrid stench seeped out through the open crack as new air flew in old air came out, she dropped the lid on the side and covered her nose.
She peered inside and her eyes went wide. The rotting corpse of a man, face stretched in anguish, lay battered and broken within the trunk.
There were scratch marks highlighted with dried blood on the inside of the lid, the man's skin was leathery and stiff just like the suit that hung across his gray flesh
The dusty and rumbled suit of 𝘑𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯.
Y/N heard footsteps behind her, she turned around to find Seonghwa in the door way.
"Seonghwa you said you saw him leave the property. You- you knew he was in here didn't you. "
Seonghwa continued to stare face devoid of all emotion. "Seonghwa did you do this? "
"We made a promise Y/N and I wasn't going to let anyone get in between us, don't you remember. "
He held out his pinky, "𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘖𝘙𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘙 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳. "
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agent-cupcake · 5 years
I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE INTO FE3H AAAA For requests how about hcs for yandere dimitri?
Yan! Dimitri  pre-timeskip - White Clouds
Yan! Dimitri post-timeskip - Azure Moon (SPOILERS-ISH!)
~Ah yes, my darling Delusional Prince with yandere feelings lingering around in the madness ridden rage state of his broken mind. It’s the good stuff. I like to imagine it like you had hopes he was alive but also knew he might actually be dead, so seeing this man you cared a lot about and had an intense emotional connection with understandably makes you incredibly happy, but Dimitri’s just (in all sense of the word) mad. 
~Mad that seeing you again would bring up uncomfortably human feelings he thought he had buried, mad that you were still a distraction, mad that you’d have the gall to be excited to see him, even mad at the sort of relief he’d feel because at least now he wouldn’t have to worry about you haunting him, too.
~I guess it sort of follows some of my thoughts in THIS POST, because I don’t think anything particularly interesting would happen with yandere feral Dimitri unless you were an active participant in trying to ~help~ him. Plus, you trying now would be yet another great reason for him to cling to an unhealthy connection later.
~Some of my favorite scenes to imagine here would be with you trying to help Dimitri in some way, trying to get him to eat or drink or engage in some way other than talking about revenge or murder, and him being rude and dismissive towards you. But then you give up and say how you’re gonna go train with the professor or someone and suddenly he feels it’s incredibly important that he trains, too. In service of killing Edelgard, of course. 
~Dimitri ridiculing you while aggressively attacking you for not being strong enough to be useful to him and pointing out all of your weaknesses while berating you for not valuing your life properly is actually a pretty good display of how I think feral yan Dimitri would be overall. Afraid of losing you for reasons he can’t really understand and dealing with that fear using anger and aggression and violent sexual tension. 
~Another nice thought is Dimitri getting extra physical in questioning you about your investment in him and why you’d be trying so hard to help. Which, if he realized your motives and feelings, could easily end up in a… Compromising situation. All that anger and those repressed feelings bubbling up could lead to some fun little scenarios. 
~He mainly hangs out in the cathedral during these chapters too, which makes me wonder to what extent he’d make a point of being beyond salvation or forgiveness, how far he’d go to illustrate the idea that your feelings would make you just as undeserving and incapable of salvation as he was. What’s a little sacrilege to a monster like him?
~While Dimitri wouldn’t actively keep you near him, or even acknowledge that he’d want your company to the point of being rude about you forcing it on him, I can see him being really passive aggressive if you decided to comply with his proclaimed desire for solitude. Like, talking about how weak you were, so you should have been training for the upcoming battle and not wasting your time doing silly and frivolous things with the others. He’d hear you laughing and having a good time? Big mistake. There’s no time for levity, and he’d call you selfish for indulging in it.  
~As with the other post, just imagine everyone’s reaction to this. Some of them pushing you further towards Dimitri in the hopes you’d help remind him of his humanity (maybe it’s terrible but I see Gilbert being the biggest one to do this, considering how little he cares for anything outside of Dimitri) and then you’d have the others who’d be truly afraid for you. And Felix, angry that you’d enable Dimitri in such a way. 
~Then, Gronder Field hits and we get the best voice acting I’ve heard since Mariya Ise’s Killua (Chris Hackney’s performance is like 60% of my love for Dimitri tbh) and Dimitri’s change of heart. Because this is self insert and yandere, we’re just gonna say that it’s you who approaches him before he leaves for Enbarr because the whole emotional thing is the fabric on which his yandere tendencies are embroidered upon. 
~And then, after that, guilt. So much guilt. Even more than in the actual game which is really sad, but oh-so delicious because it creates a situation where he’d feel very fervently about atonement for his behavior towards you specifically. Whatever that means. 
~To sum up how I think Dimitri would feel in this Phase Three Yandere state, I’d point to his Goddess Tower line “The goddess just watches over us from above… That is all. No matter how hard someone begs to be saved, she would never so much as offer her hand. And even if she did, we lack the means to reach out and grasp it.”, because that feels particularly compatible with his line “Your hands are so warm, have they always been?” in the scene in the rain. Reaching out a hand is basically a staple for strong emotional moments with Dimitri, and in that scene he’s quite literally being saved by you. Even playing as Byleth in-game that felt idolizing (honestly, a lot of this is already in-game text in his supports with Byleth, it’s really not that hard to read it as yandere), and Dimitri definitely has a record of putting people he feels strongly about on a pedestal.
~Dimitri would love you. Absolutely. That’d be a pre-existing thing he just never got around to realizing before the war because he’s emotionally clueless and afraid of feelings. However, he’d also see you as a symbol of sorts. Warmth, compassion, someone who, even at his very darkest, was looking out for him. A co-dependent emotional manager, to say it bluntly. Not just love, then, but adoration and need to an unhealthy degree. A worshiping sort of clingyness. 
~The whole fully formed yan relationship wouldn’t happen all at once after the revelation scene. Fighting the battle of becoming king and winning the war and trying to sort out all of the hundreds of fires he’d left unattended while also trying to mend his broken mind, I think Dimitri’s behavior towards you at first would be relatively innocent. Mostly, he’d just find comfort in having you near him and having you there for ~emotional guidance~. 
~Aaaaand we’re just gonna say that at this point you’d be far too emotionally involved and despite any feelings you may have had about his behavior, despite the severity of his feelings, you couldn’t find it within yourself to step back. But, if you tried, Dimitri would do just about anything to convince you to stay with him. Even if he hated himself for it, even if the guilt was overwhelming, the idea of being without you, the idea of you leaving him and his protection, would be even worse. 
~To this end, I can see him not forcing a romantic/physical relationship. That’d be something he’d want, but his need for you would far outweigh anything like that. To Dimitri, keeping you safe and sound and comfortable and as happy as possible would be the only way for him to make up for his behavior. So he could be overbearingly overprotective, incredibly intense, reverent on the side of uncomfortable, too selfish to let you go, but wouldn’t directly force you into anything.
~Of course he would sense that this was wrong, and feel a huge amount of guilt over it and the possibility that you could be happier elsewhere, but then rationalize that this was best. That he was the only one who could possibly ensure your safety and happiness, that could care about you enough to see it through.
~If you did agree to marry Dimitri, all of these things would only get more intense, but I also think it would lessen a lot of his guilt. If you fully agreed to be his wife, that meant that you were choosing him to give you happiness and safety. Besides, holding you and knowing you were real, that you were his, would possibly be one of his greatest joys.
~The whole overprotective thing would be a huge issue, and arguing with him about it would be pointless because he would never concede to your demands for more autonomy, citing that the kingdom wasn’t exactly safe yet and you would have a target on your head as queen and all of the various yandere excuses to skirt around the fact that his fear of losing you would be absolutely debilitating to him. 
~There’d also be the occasional patch of jealousy, although Dimitri would never doubt or question you, but the intentions of others. 
~I think, sometimes, the pedestal he’d put you on would be pretty awful. Lonely, maybe? His adoration could get cloying, although it could also be wonderful. He’d make you feel well and truly loved, more than anything else in the world. 
~Summing it all up, Dimitri would need you. I think the extent to which he’d feel this way would be very ~~love sick~~, but in reality his behavior wouldn’t be way too extreme. It would only arise in little slip-ups, when his mania would get too intense and his passion would suffocate. 
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sunnixsunshine · 5 years
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A concept I might not draw again for a while but I'm excited to develop more.
Basically its a Bnha x Naruto crossover wher Naruto and the others attend a more "countryside" academy— Konoha Academy(I know its lame, sue me)— and he's a 3rd year, based around shippuden.
Naruto wears the school uniform incorrectly— using the belt as a headband, wearing his jacket under his uniform blazer(with the collared button down underneath— he's a disaster), he wears boots even though there's some provided uniform shoes that do fit him perfectly and feel better than those boots. Meanwhile, Sasuke and Sakura both wear their's as the rules state.
I'll just touch upon the main four's quirks and a bit of how I see their background.
Naruto's quirk is "life force(chakra) manipulation"— I haven't thought of a better name yet— where he can make his shadow clones(which are vivid and almost solid illusions created with pure life force/chakra), use rasengan, and all the other techniques that require chakra. Naruto strives to be number 1, although he does not idolize All Might(if I do decide to include his influence in this AU), rather he idolizes his father and even Jiraiya(as well as Sarutobi).
Sasuke's quirk is just copying other quirks with his sharingan— which is a quirk varient only seen in the Uchiha family— its like a fusion between Monoma's quirk and Aizawa's. I haven't gone into the other types yet, still thinking of those. Sasuke attended an exclusive program only Konoha Academy has(more on that in a bit) and his first year(age 11) went well until the middle of it when he was struck by a villian(Orochimaru) and was permanently affected by his quirk— ie, the curse mark. It still affects him in his 3rd year of the academy and has forced him to be supervised at all times. Reason being is because the quirk causes him to seek power and not stop until the power is given to him, like going off to Orochimaru(its not the only way but it does cause the person to WANT to go to him). It also amplifies his quirk, which just strengthen whatever qyirk he copies.
Sakura can heal others with her palm, accelerating skin cell growth and the whatnot. Her's is pretty basic but isnt exactly battle ready— and thats actually because shes training to be an on field nurse, something Tsunade has finally convinced the village(just their village/the leaf village) to try out. However, field nurses are expected to be able to defend themselves and help in a fight, so Sakura uses hero tools(more on that later) to aid her. I havent thought of much for Sakura yet, its a bit of a struggle since she isnt too relevant in most arcs— which I wanna change in this AU.
Lastely, Kakashi harbors two quirks; Lightening blade and Sharingan. He and Obito was subjected to testing— think about the nomus and such because thats exatly it ;)— in their 2nd year. Obito risked his life to let Kakashi escape, and in the midst of things, during the escape that is, somehow Obito's quirk was given to Kakashi(its obvious to us how he got it but not to him or Obito). Obito willingly gave up his quirk to AFO without knowing he did and AFO just gave it away— I dont have a solid reasoning yet, but maybe because its literally AFO but with eyes and its limited. Kakashi was once a hired bounty hunter for the more rouge and dangerous villains other heroes dont want to go after, but then Gai convinced him to quit because the job was changing him. After that, Kakashi was offered a position as a teacher at the academy.
How the academy works:
11-13 year olds are open to apply for a junior program, to get a head start in their hero training— not studies. After that they are guaranteed a spot in the main academy— for example, Hinata and Neji were both accepted into the program and then immediately granted a spot without needing to apply; meanwhile, Naruto was not in the program, but he was taught a lot by Iruka(which is who essentially raised him since he was about 4) and got in after applying and taking the exam(which yes he almost failed).
After a year or two in the program, depending on age(11 is 2 years, while 12 is 1 year), they move up to their 1st year year in the academy where they start their studies and further their training, just more intense. The academy lasts 3 years like a typical Japanese highschool. They have all their general classes of course and then theres their hero classes. The school is mostly comprised of hero students, with field nurse students sprinkled in.
After the 3rd year, all students have the option to sign up for a program that will guarantee them a spot in a real agency as a sidekick— the internship program. Its like an extra 4th year except they arent actually in the school as students anymore. Some are assigned to heroes not affiliated with the school, to which hero assignments are changed at the start of every week(they get new hero partners). And then some are assigned to a teacher's agency. All the students are required to come back to the school to fill out their reports, which are technically graded and only for the purpose of correcting it before official reports are ever made [outside of the program].
Class teams:
Class teams are exactly what the name suggests. In their 1st year, three students are assigned to be a team. Its to teach them about team work very early on. Class teams are only disbanded in their 3rd year at the end of their first semester. The rest of the year students study and partake in feild training on their own. Class teams do get individual teachers that stay well into their 3rd year. Each class is actually very small and so grouping them into teams is easy.
Hero tools:
Hero tools are pretty obvious. In the academy, every student is required to learn how to use a hero tool, even if they dont require one because of their quirk, and any kind is acceptable— the academy's provided tools are kunai and shurinken, but students can design and develop their own hero tool(s) if they so wish— for example, Sakura uses the basic hero tools provided by the school, but then theres Shikamaru who developed his own tool that would help produce more shadows that would help him use his quirk better.
Feel free ask about this I guess.I want to make a comic out of this in the future, when I get my tablet, so I just want to develop this more before I get too ahead in drawing it.
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 - "A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!"
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Emmy Cicierega, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Emmy Cicierega
Storyboard by: Vince Aparo, Emmy Cicierega, Victoria Harris, Ben Holm
Directed by: Tanner Johnson
A sweet dream.
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The episode begins with a big friend-adversary sleepover for Lena, and Webby, the Nephews, and her newest friend Violet were all invited. Even she does not really know if it's been a year since they met, so nobody should think about that too hard. She made them cake, and she even made friendship bracelets for all of them! The boys question how she can be so nice, and Lena says there's no way she can't do something nice for her friends in a tone that does not convince them. The cake making her look like The Slender Man probably did not help.
After accidentally making the candle flame flare up in an evil way, Lena laments that she's just too new to this "good guy" thing. Webby attempts to comfort her by saying that being Magica's living shadow and still being good is good enough, and I can see where Webby is coming from. I honestly forgot she was ever an outright bad guy. Sure, she worked for Magica for most of Season 1, but it's not like she had a choice in the matter. It looked like she had a choice, until Magica revealed she could just take over her body whenever Lena strayed too far from her. While I was taken aback by that at first, the reveal that she's a shadow and not a niece did soften that for me.
Going back to the present, where she is at least an 80% good guy now, Webby prepares for the best friend-adversary sleepover ever, as Lena looks aside with a worried look on her face.
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That worry could be a reason why this sleepover does not have that much sleeping. It's 4 AM, and everyone but Lena wants to go to sleep. Even Mrs. Beakley went to sleep, though her spy talent to sleep with her eyes open makes Louie question that. Lena goes to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face, because she really, really doesn't want to have any bad dreams tonight.
Lena: Like Webby said, I don't have to prove anything. Bad dreams can't hurt you.
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As if she said "nothing bad could possibly go wrong", Lena starts to get some black strands in her hair feathers, and her eyes go yellow with triangles, much like that evil witch that cast her. As Webby knocks on the door to ask if she needs any you-know-what paper, Lena snips and inevitably gets ready for the next sleepover game...
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...actually going to sleep. Lena being out of the room turned out to be a good reason to get that precious sleep. Webby tells Lena that she knows her secret. Simply put, she does not, as she assumes Lena is afraid of the dark. Looking at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, Lena closes her eyes, and her and her surroundings are shrouded with pink rings.
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Lena and the rest of the sleepover suddenly wake up on a deserted island. Louie tries to phone Scrooge for help, only for his phone to have emojis instead of numbers. While doing an okay job at improvising what his "number" would have been, it then turns into a banana. Then a unicorn shows up to give Webbigail the opportunity to go through an extreme obstacle course.
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Magically given a top hat and a cane much like her idol, Webby is excited that this mission of her dreams is happening! Lena tries to deny that dreams has anything to do with this, but, Violet says this could be a lucid shared dream state caused by Lena's magical powers. She proves this by making a living flower pop up in her hand, and asks Lena if she's been having any bad dreams.
Lena: Okay. (pulls up black hair) No more secrets.
This one line really shows Lena's character in this episode. She has to continuously hide her feelings while evil seems to sprout from her being, while everyone else gets to enjoy this wacky ride through their dreams. An easy tell for this plot is when the boys decide to take this dream world opportunity to fly in the sky.
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Lena gets horrifying evil bat wings that fit the horrifying evil personality she is trying to run away from. Needless to say, she decides to walk. As for the unicorn ends up blinking out of existence, as nobody was around to dream him.
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Eventually, that walking turns into running, as she runs away from a giant tree-like-hand in a purple forest. We don't quite get exactly what this hand is supposed to represent yet.
After falling into a hole, she gets up as all of the others land after a great time flying in the sky. We can tell because it's all blue, and that's something that will be consistent with everyone except for Webby's. I guess they wanted to have this being a dream be a surprise, or maybe she's the only one who could dream in color. I would not put it beyond her.
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We get to see that school does exist in the DuckTales universe...at least in Dewey's dreams, where he's the biggest teenage star in the school. Clearly inspired by a certain Disney Channel Original Movie, he's a musically-inclined basketball jock teenager who is so cool, even his hair does a thumbs up.
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And that's only the tip of the Dewey-berg, as Dewey shows off all the beauty of his dream. He can get basketballs from the tap, perfect for when Lena accidentally busts one open with her suddenly appearing talons. He has a love interest that hasn't formed because he's still terrified of such a concept. Considering the alternative, I am so glad that is the case. There's also this out-of-place section that apparently appears in all of Dewey's dreams, where we see a Dewey crying on a moon made of all of his tears.
Huey: I have some theories.
Distracting from all of that, we have a lovable mascot character named Dewey Dude. He's the best! That silly duck can teleport around, sneak up behind Lena, and, while only Lena is looking, he can even take his head off to reveal...
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Magica De Spell: Miss me?
As far as Lena could tell, Magica De Spell had regained her magical powers somehow, and is in a mission to goad her former shadow into embracing the dark side. She pulls down a fire alarm, causing the sprinklers to start, which, because this is Dewey's dream, turns out to be Pep. It's easy to get the chills from this scene...I cannot imagine that Pep could get out of their feathers that easily, even in a dream.
Dewey is not too happy that his dream has been soaked, even if he takes his time drinking that sugary substance. This doesn't become a theme. Louie decides to go into one of the lockers into his dream, and we learn that that they spent all of their creativity points on Dewey and Webby. Definitely the former.
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To be fair, how much water can you squeeze out of Louie being a cat? Being a lazy cat who may or may not have a taste for lasagna is pretty fitting for Louie in any case. While everyone else, except for Huey who is just irritated by this, Lena shows up as a rabid dog. Dream Mrs. Beakley, speaking in gibberish to enhance that dream feeling, calls on the dog catcher. Guess who? I kind of wish they found more ways to dress up Magica; most of the time, she just shows up with her hand outstretched.
But what about Huey's own dreams? Dewey already has school-related dreams, so playing on Huey's intelligence by making him go to a super-university for the super-intelligent would be a little redundant. Instead, he just has bigger legs. Not because he wants to be a baller, which would also be made redundant by that lovable blue scamp, but just because he can reach high places. Even the others make fun of how generic this is, and Magica does not even show up.
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Instead, Dewey, of course it had to be Dewey, decides to interrupt that leg plot that was going nowhere into a montage. Literally, he says he wants to do a montage, and it happens, because dreams! We see Dewey riding on the Spear of Selene, which could also lead to theories, and we see all of kids walking around a candy rain, with Huey chasing after. It's a neat reference to "Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!"
Speaking of references to previous episodes, "What Ever Happened To Donald Duck?!" had Dewey pretend that a Phooey exists beyond an old comics in-joke. In this episode, we get to see him as a dream construct! We finally have a canon representation of this character in this reboot's universe, and that is something I did not expect to see.
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This montage flawlessly ties in Lena's part of the plot by having Magica show up again and again. That candy rain ends with Lena getting a rotten apple. Phooey turns around to reveal Magica's face. The Launchpad whale...actually doesn't do anything else other than have something weird for the trailers, but we do see Magica creepily climbing up a chasm.
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The kids do the opposite of climbing, as they literally drop into Violet's dream world, where all she does is read books in a library. I can attest that one can definitely read in dreams, despite what that Batman episode might say. Yes, that is all I really have for this one. Violet does not get to do much in this episode. She's only here because she's the most fitting character to explain that lucid dream thing, and because it would be odd to have the new friend from the last Lena episode be left out.
One character that wishes she was left out is Lena, who gets a small glimmer of hope when Scrooge's knocking ends up getting into the dream. Unfortunately, that hope turned out to be false, as it wasn't enough for Lena to wake up. I would imagine the sleep deprivation from earlier did not help. She eventually falls into her black sweater, and the rest of them fall after her to see the cliched scary evil castle. The cliche works very well, since this is supposed to be Lena's dream getting to her most evil point.
In the end, after having an unwanted talk with Magica, she can't stop herself from becoming a monster, as much as she denies it. In fact, she even says:
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Lena: (turning into a monster) I AM NOT A MONSTER!
The rest of the kids barge into the door in their dream-sonas to confront who they think is Magica De Spell. Dewey has his basketball skills, Huey has his legs, and Louie even gets to use his cat-like abilities as an actual cat. As for Violet, she just looks the same as she always did. Again, not much to her in this episode.
Unfortunately, Magica-Lena turns out to be too powerful, as basketballs and cats do nothing to her. Huey's legs do not even do anything to Magica-Lena; he just bumps into a chandelier that loosens and stars to fall on where Webby is standing. Oh, not again! Lena does manage to save Webby this time, and, because, this proves that, despite her current looks, she's still the "good guy" Lena.
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Well, that, and she was wearing Lena's friendship bracelet, so it must be the real Lena. It would have been hard to see because they forgot to draw it until Webby talks about it.
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This all ends with a big tug-of-war between the "good guys" and the Magica in the mirror, sort of summarizing the Lena plot from Season 1 in a more abstract way. It's here where the friendship bracelets come in; it's neat to see that come full circle.
At first, I thought there was going to be some sort of cop-out. I was just waiting for Lena to wake up and realize that this whole scenario was just a bad dream, and that the others were just sleeping as usual. That doesn't turn out to be the case, thankfully.
In fact, there is quite a bit more to this than I expected! I would have been fine with certain elements just being in Lena's head, but the ending throws a small but significant twist that will be expanded on in a future episode.
How does it stack up?
Another episode in the Lena plot, and another one with some twists and turns. Just like the last one, I'm going to put this in the Jaw$ column as well.
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Next, gentlemen, behold! Corn(ielius)!
← Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake! 🦆 The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot →
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thedispatched · 3 years
Ok so I finally read the soompi post defending Lucas and I wanted to share my thoughts:
They presented some strong points, but their bias is also pretty obvious and they always land with such bold assumptions that just don't make sense. It makes me a bit skeptical.
Anyway, I'll start with the information they got from the ooooshiiim account and the twitter prediction account:
The user ids they represented are def real, that can be easily confirmed by going to websites that translate user handles to ids.
But them comparing one manga character to lucas and assuming that somehow that disproves OP 1's claims is hilarious LMAO. The description of the fictional character would literally fit most male idols, idk how they went like "oh this guy severely resembles lucas, another evidence yay!"
As with the Instagram account, I can't seem to find it?? If, say, it's really OP, did they happen to find the soompi post and decided to delete the Instagram account/change the username? This is also poses the possibility that the Instagram account isn't actually real, but I guess we'll never know.
I also wish the soompi lumi provided a link to the account and some more elaboration on how their cyber investigator found it through the twitter acc's digital footprints. The manga part is very elaborate but most else is just pretty vague which I find a bit questionable?
The said fabrication of the chat records: doesn't the gaps depend on what version of WeChat it is? I searched for "wechat screenshots" and some gaps can indeed be as big as the ones in the chat records.
It would also have been better if they highlighted the gap inconsistencies/misalignments they are pointing out because personally I don't see it(but maybe it's just my eyes bluffing).
I don't have much to say about the schedule parts since I don't follow their schedules closely and I'm too lazy to search for it, but I guess what those fans said do make sense.
The voice messages: I don't have much to say either since I don't speak korean. But last time I heard the alleged voice message and the bubble one lumis are using as proof, they didn't sound alike. But then again, I don't know korean.
The sasaeng photos: I guess it also kinda makes sense. But I feel like the fan who said they got the same photo OP 1 had provided should have just showed a screenshot of her conversation with the sasaeng she claims to be selling them, I mean, the photo is already out, so what difference of not specifying which photo it is/not showing the screenshots of her conversation with the sasaeng would make?
The ring part: the soompi lumi's argument also seems pretty valid. It really does not look like his finger.
The OP 2 part: I don't know mandarin or cantonese so I can't really comment on the nuances the fans are trying to point out. I don't understand the red boxes though, were those part of the original photos OP 2 provided or are they highlights of the misalignments lumis are trying to point out?
The OP 3 part: Oh they can definitely be a guy, but it's also possible that they didn't use their actual gender in the account(I myself do that all the time, for privacy reasons). But once again, we will never know which is true.
The photo is indeed very questionable. Why is the background blurred? Why are there plushies everywhere? Why is there a reflection of what seems like a man in the glass when they're supposedly alone? But there seems to be a door and a small hallway reflected on the glass too? It looks clean and hotel-like. And the one who took the photo seemed to be sitting right besides him based on the photo's angle. If it's taken by a sasaeng staff as fans have claimed, how did the sasaeng staff secretly took a photo like that while literally sitting besides lucas and with other people around them(like the "man in the glass") without the other people in the dorm questioning what the fuck is that staff doing? But another explanation I can think of(if the photo really came from a sasaeng staff) is that a member took the photo(with Lucas being aware of it) and somehow the sasaeng staff managed to get it?
With OP 3's chat records, again I don't see the gap mistakes or misalignment they are pointing out, I again tried to look at WeChat examples on the internet and the difference between the size of the messages and the dates is a normal thing, so is the gap between 2 messages vs the gap at bottom of the chat. And the "difference" between the two s's in lucas's username they are pointing out is honestly ridiculous. The photo is taken from an asymmetrical angle, of course the sizes would look unequal.
The sleeping photos: the plushies' textures don't look the same, dorm plushie looks more rough while the plushie Lucas is sleeping with looks softer and fuzzier. And if it was taken by a sasaeng in the wayv dorm as fans have claimed, how the hell is the sasaeng within such a close proximity? There's so many people in the dorm and I doubt they'd be all asleep at that time to not notice that a sasaeng is right besides their sleeping member literally photographing him.
The jacket and photo receipts: Oh I've seen this on another article. I'm convinced with the debunking of the jacket part, and receipts are everywhere in the internet. I guess it isn't impossible that OP 3 might have just took the receipts somewhere online.
OP 4's surfing video: Yes, same pose, but different angles? That does not look exactly the same as the one he showed in his socials. But that black spot is definitely questionable.
OP 4's WeChat records: Oh another questionable one. Especially the imbalance in the color value. But once I again I think it would have been better if they provided the links to the other debunk posts they included because man I can't see the cutting traces in the chats that they are pointing out.
OP 1's second post: again I think the difference in wechat date layouts depend on the version? And why did most koreans themselves didn't question the difference in OP 1's wechat? Like if korean wechat really don't look like that, wouldn't they point it out?
"their account creation dates and account activity all falls within the same time period." Um no?? 2015, 2019, 2018 are same time periods??
In conclusion, as I said before, I think the soompi lumi presented strong points that really make you question the credibility of the allegations, but their intense bias towards lucas makes them quite questionable, too. And the way they treat every debunk post like the absolute divine truth is pretty off-putting.
I'm convinced not everything in the allegations are true. I'm just curious about the severity of his actions. Maybe he dated them, but maybe he wasn't an asshole? But if that's the case why would they try to ruin his image if he treated them right? Or maybe he really was an asshole but some of the story isn't true? Ah I'm still so confused of what to think but I believe there has to be some truth in the story, but just how bad is the truth???
thank you for sending me your thoughts! it's always interesting to see what other people think. (and sorry for the late reply!)
i'm not gonna say much as i've talk about my thoughts on the post already.
i agree about the manga, it's absolutely ridiculous how comparing one manga character to lucas debunks their claims. that's just one example of one of the far fetched assumptions that made me lean more towards not believing the article.
part of me also wondered if they created the ig account for their article but like you said, we’ll never know.
even if it doesn’t look like his finger in the messages, I’m pretty sure he mentioned winwin in the texts ??
I know some people blur the background of photos for either aesthetic, or mostly for privacy reasons.
I honestly don’t know how people are seeing a man in the reflection. It’s a literally blob. You can’t make out any (person) shape.
The jacket and receipts is the only thing I took away from that article that I actually kind of believed. I talked about this with another anon. That is super easy to fake, but the photos were also originally blurry so a “blur” around the words would be hard to solidify as evidence unless the photo is in ultra hd or something lol. But to me this is the most believable to be fake.
I once saw a twitter thread pointing out how the messages weren’t photoshopped and explained why they looked “misaligned” or whatever but I can’t remember what it said exactly besides auto translations. I won’t be able to find it again because it was so long ago :/
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but wechat is more of a China thing? Like not a lot of people outside of China/non-Chinese use it. You’re right about why Koreans didn’t point it out, but I don’t think they’d know if they don’t use it ??
You asked a lot of questions and pointed out a lot of things that are something to think about, but I don’t think anyone has a clear answer unless you have an extreme bias.
I also wondered the severity of his actions. I think this whole thing is a mix of truth and lies. We all want to know the truth and the worst part is we never will. Like you said, how bad is the truth?
(I might edit this later and add some stuff 😅)
0 notes
survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 12 - "i'm baaaaaacckkkkk 😈" ~Jodi
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An iconic moment happened today and I accidentally voted my closest ally out of the game. So Brayden got sent home and he is going to hate me when he finds out what happened. I did kind of get him out on accident I did not mean for Brayden to go I wanted Jay gone but I was blindsided by Colin and Josh and Elle AND AMY!!??]£[_[3 Omg. Im really upset that hes gone i miss him so much and I dont know how Im gonna go on without his brain. I dont trust Jay but Jared and Jay were both messaging me about how they already forgive me and stuff so thats a little crazy. I think it could be fake or they are just desperate for numbers. But I am with Josh and Amy and Colin and Elle now. I want to be with their numbers. I talked to all of them individually and they said they all were sorry for lying to me and causing me to get my friend out. I know its just a game but I just feel awful and so guilty right now. This has probably been the worst day of my life. He probably will never play another org with me again and hes the only reason i play orgs its boring without him. We are best friends increal life and I hope he can forgive me. I havent said anything to him because thats breaking the rules. But when he finds out im literally so scared of what he'll say to me. I pray he will forgive me I am literally so dumb af.
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i'm baaaaaacckkkkk..................... 😈
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This is literally worst case right now with jodi winning the play back like throughout the day she has won back her allies including anastasia since she swapped coins with her. Elle, colin, and josh all gave me all their coins to grab immunity before the other side to protect me but also it makes me a bigger target lol plus I gave elle some swapped to get the second thing the leftover because I THOUGHT it could give us an extra vote since that was ony menu but I was tired and drunk and it was a LOT of words and it was just the hunts which I knew didn't have any and I feel terrible bc 150 tokens and my actual alliance is going to be so mad when they realize THAT I HAVE THE LAST ONES and fucked up in suggesting it at all. First they were going for info. So now I think Jodi got all the other sides tokens and they are pooling for something idek. It's literally worst case like we were set to be up 5-2 or at least 4-3 and now it looks like it's 4-4 again hahaha neat. And it looks like colin is chatting with jodi again and they are making deals lol like tbh if she gets to the end I am voting for her to win I've said it many rounds. Turns out anastasia and brayden not only know each other irl they are besties so she mad mad. And Josh looks to be making deals and thinking about flipping so I am on borrowed time but tbh I never expected to make merge. I am glad I have immunity bc I physically couldn't do the challenge anywU here lol and I fucked that up too hahahaha. Good times all around. Like I want to tell them about my steal a vote to have official numbers but now they'd just be mad hahaha literally colin and I had every advantage except jared's idol now. Ahhhh idk what to do but it remains hilarious. I'm expecting Raffy to give my info in these in the market and that is no bueno ahahahaha. I am tempted to just give colin everything bc it's funny. Also jodi talked to me until 1am just trying to guilt me into being back with her I said I have to sleep goodnight like 5 times minimum. Her social game is so good that's why I think she has them all back with her and possibly josh. The problem is that I was keeping her close bc she had the info from others and from my game. I really never had a number one lol bc I was just vibing and I guess now colin is bc I flipped with him lol and I think it's hilarious he grew his army from 0 to 5 almost.
I have a suspicion colin and anastasia have actually been closely aligned this whole time and she knew everything all along. Colin sure loves giving out info haha. And apparently deals are happening all over, none of which I have made 😂
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Jodi's backkkkk, wild wild wilddddd. The challenge went poorly, darn thats like 20 minutes wasted. We bought the refresh and there was nothing there 💔 that's 150 tokens wasted 😅. But! We got Amy immunity✨ and then Colin won the challenge so tbh everything's still going great lol. Wonder how we're gonna vote this round :/ we'll see how this goes! I've stopped worrying whether I'm going completely, it either happens or it doesn't 💖 xoxo, gossip girl (this is misleading I HAVE NOT SEEN THE SHOW i just know way too much about it because i have friends that did lol)
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So after I voted my showmance Brayden out of the game I was left with an interesting situation. I had cried to Josh Colin and Amy that I was alone now and that my whole alliance hated me. With Jodi back in, I dont think they believe me. I literally flipped sides so I could be in their alliance because I didnt trust Jay and Jared and Jodi. But they literally lied to me about the vote and said it was nothing personal to me but they didnt tell me the plan because they wanted to see if I was lying. Which sucks for me because I then voted Brayden out :( Now that they know that im truthful they said they would work with me now. But all of them have been pretty inactive today. I talked to Amy the most and a little Colin and a little Josh. But I wasnt in their alliance. So I asked Amy if I could be added into an alliance chat since I was apperently in their alliance now. And she said sure. And they added me to a vote block. That is not an alliance group chat btw. So I was like wow thanks. But inside I was like screw this. So before this all happened, Jodi, Jay and Jared put me in a true alliance group chat. This morning I was ready to work with Colin and Josh but not anymore. Not after they put me in a vote block chat clearly saying to me that I am just a number to be used. They don't even need my vote either because Amy has an idol and Amy and Colin are safe. So I'm obviously voting with Jay, Jared, and Jodi. And I know they probably have a final three without me. They could call it something really cool like the three J's. But I called Jay and explained everything to him. (Also Jay forgave me for literally trying to get him out. He umderstands that its a game and all of my motives about not trusting him anymore.) He said he would be a hypocrite if he didnt forgive me because he told people my name in the chaos vote. So I actually think we are cool. And I told Jay that I am his number one. Which is true. He told me a lot of things about how Amy is actually really smart and stuff (I thought that girl was just a goat that I could take to the end with me) But her and colin are tight and both immune. This is bad. Basically we will go to rocks unless Elle flips to our side. Jay is giving his pitch to Elle tommarow. And maybe I will apologize to her correctly tomarow too. ALSO SPELLING THE WORD TOMARROW IS THE HARDEST THING IN MY LIFE. Also I took 62 minutes to complete a puzzle today so thats kind of emberassing. Anyways bye everyone this was so much fun to type omg.
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Lol I woke up to a text from jodi asking if anyone was taking about votes yet and I said no because I went to sleep early bc I almost passed out from heat yesterday and had just woke up and she responded "ummmm lol...." 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry I sleep. She's in Colin's dms saying how I was legit her number one and now we can't even talk about votes. Like yeah girl we worked our asses off to get you out of the game sorry I'm not happy you are back. Also I'm still at disney world so I don't have the time for a million conversations. I know I'm going to be the Russell Hanz of the f3 /if/ I make it. So what's jury management lol like she was already pissed I voted her out and I plan to do it again. Anyway it looks like it's hilariously about to be a unanimous jay vote tonight but I am thinking we throw one vote somewhere else in case of an idol. But if jodi did get anastasia back we can't do that. Anyway lol I'm immune so whatever. Elle and Colin discussed like if it's on elle (which apparently jared proposed an alliance of 5 which included myself lol!) Then we could go to rocks and have only josh as a possibility and statistically he won't go if he is willing to go to rocks that it. All this to say I'm f7 and I want to keep my extra vote to f6 if possible so I can use the idol for fun at f5.
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My quest has come to an end. I joined this game to be someone who could be there for Jodi. Jodi and I played survivor subrosa together and we both had rough experiences due to a player in the game who harassed jodi and tried to convince everyone I was misogynistic. As much as I love Survivor, I didn’t play this game to win. I played this game because Jodi told me she was playing it and I wanted to be her body guard. I wanted to be someone who could be there for her both as a number but also as an enforcer, anybody who ever dared to do anything to Jodi would’ve had to have dealt with me. Tonight, Amy and Colin have immunity, and either amy or josh or elle have an idol, so there’s no point in making any noise tonight and wasting Jared’s idol. None of those 4 trust me, and I doubt any of them like me. It is what it is, it’s best for Jodi, Jared, and Anastasia’s game to move forward without me, and it’s smart for Jared to keep his idol. Tonight, I will be voted out, and I am 100% at peace with it. 
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Since Elle, Josh, Amy and Colin pooled their tokens for immunity and advantage refresh, it means all the advantages and disadvantages are on our side. Plan is to send Elle a disadvantage and let Colin know because honestly it’s not hard to find out anyways. Jay doesn’t mind getting booted at some point cuz he wants to stand for me on the jury, but I don’t want to boot him right now. Obviously they won’t boot Elle, so I’m going to see if Jared will propose Anastasia. The thing right now is me/Jay/Anastasia/Jared also know next round is invisible. So I want Jay or Anastasia to send Colin and Amy disadvantages because if they’re paranoid seeing me Jared/Jay/Anastasia have advantages and they have disadvantages, they might be paranoid enough to play all their idols. I also wanted to keep Jay for this round as it’d be unanimous and something everyone can settle on. Jared wanted to do me/Jared/Josh/Amy/Colin as an alliance but has concerns about the 3 of them being in top 5 in the majority snd also Colin having his ideal f3. I told him my plan has the best shot at flushing all idols and hopefully we can either get Josh to flip or at least have Amy/Colin vulnerable at 5/6. Last thing is Jared is worried he’d be blindsided this round. I told him my plan and I said even if he wanted to flush his idol this round, next round should be ok if we all vote out Jay and the rest of them flush idols. Good to be back in the game! I genuinely believe Colin wants me as a shield at least for this round, and if I can make it through, I have a game to play. 
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Not everyone saying they only bought an advantage lol what about those other 70 tokens 👀👀👀 Like it must be jay unless someone is lying haha i am hoping people are just busy bc these answers I'm getting from Josh and Colin are concerning 😂 It looks like only elle and got disadvantages ☠️ I am really hoping not to be a target next round even though I know I will be haha. Next round is only 7 and I'd love to take out jodi and jared before they turn on me ☠️ especially since colin creeped on jodi's insta and it is possible they know each other from sports irl. And she was so concerned about all these pregame connections 😂 and here it was likely to deflect. Anyway I just swapped my position of having jodi do all the social work with having colin do all the social work knowing full well I'm not gonna get those end votes. I'm just trying to pull up my placement average now 😂. I hope everyone sees me as having no social game to take me to the end lol bc realistically I don't bc I don't care to put in that time this game. As I write from the pirates of the caribbean line 😂 So anyway if I'm not being lied to which I might be it looks like unanimous jay tonight but also I think the other group was talking split on jay like a 3-3-2 and I'm like wait the 2 wouldn't help. Elle are you okay with that? So I think they must have figured out I have stuff ☠️ I wonder what people REALLY bought haha okay bye
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Jodi is back, not just Jodi Jodi, but player Jodi. Player Jodi thinks a LOT. When I was out, the entire time I was hoping somebody caught on that Amy flipped because they knew to put a stray vote on Colin to protect him from chaos idol, but they left Josh exposed. Why? Because Colin knew Amy was going to throw a vote on Josh. Also, Colin tied with me for closest ally and that set off an alarm too. Onto the next. So Colin won immunity, Amy bought immunity, but this could possibly be good because it means they are playing knowing they are not at risk themselves. Anastasia is voting with them this round, but she's actually working with us. She told us that the actual plan on that side is: "Jay, Jared, Jodi vote elle and Elle, Amy, Colin vote Jay and Josh and Anastasia vote Jodi" Anastasia will vote me here to continue "working" with them for the next vote. Essentially, they thought that Jay had the merge idol this whole time and Colin was weary about it, and that's why he got nervous about sending out Jay last round. That told me Colin did not have the merge idol. Josh came to me too about Jay having the merge idol. But the way they're splitting the votes this round shows me now that somebody has stepped forward to mention they have it (likely Elle) because if Jay idoled, Elle goes in this split vote plan. Therefore, somebody must've been like "ok let's just be safe and split the votes, I have the other idol". That's good and bad because now Colin has no merge idol paranoia, and they're also able to use it together. It also did confirm to me they've talked about it. Here's where things get tricky. Player Jodi is so tempted to run with it and do a 4-3-1 Josh-Jay-Jodi but it's so risky and could possibly destroy the long term social game, especially if they idol for Josh and Jay goes anyway (we are not idoling for him here). So instead, I'm going to use Jay's vote out to the best of my advantage. Hopefully flush an idol if possible, maybe a steal-a-vote, something. Knowing about next round being invisible is good info for us. Having this info is so key and usually I would think that immunity for a round is bigger than this but being able to plan ahead for a GAME-CHANGING twist is crucial here. My move here is to play the game through psychological distress. I have no advantages! Since they're out of tokens from buying immunity, me/Anastasia/Jared/Jay bought advantages for ourselves and also sent out disadvantages to Colin/Amy/Elle. Seeing that not only we have advantages but also them having disadvantages, they probably still feel like things will be ok because they'll just split votes or whatever and one of them needs to win immunity. But given this is an invisible round, I think Amy is honestly paranoid enough to just play her idol, hopefully Elle does too, and then between me and Jared, we'll idol for one of us. I also plan on bluffing an advantage coming back from Jury, and say something along the lines of having to survive one round before the advantage got activated. I'm going for the win, everyone, I know that if I get to the end with anybody, I have a solid shot at winning. I just need to get there and to do that, I must play an adaptable game – more than ever. PS I am holding onto Jared's idol right now. Power (temporary) feels amazing. Dw I'm giving it back....😈
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this has been the most chill round in a while. which is really weird consider JODI IS BACK AND WE BLINDSIDED BRAYDEN LAST ROUND this round is turning out to be what I WANTED last round to be. everyone is talking with everyone, people are trying to disband the sides and all intermingle. it's really interesting how no one else was on board with this until after they lost majority. seems like people don't like playing from the bottom. weird huh now these bitches know how I felt >:( anyway. jodi is back. it's weird. she knows that amy flipped now and everyone is playing very carefully my ideal boot this round was either jay or josh, in that order. so when my gay ass WON IMMUNITY I immediately put out jay's name. we already have the numbers, but I also like said my piece to jodi and jared, this is yalls chance to prove to me that you're really with me and sides don't exist. the ball is in their court do i trust them? no. am I worried? no. i have immunity, the scariest thing rn is that I think Jay is voting Elle, and if Jared and Jodi are with him then that's scary, bc Jared has an idol. The ONLY people I would play my idol for is Amy and Elle, and Elle being in trouble means I might have to play my idol on her if Jay idols himself. We have enough to split, so I'm not worried, I just hope all goes according to plan. sorry my confessional is lame. its the weekend now so i have time uwu. I'll write more the next few days
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So this whole token twist thing has really annoyed me. Because of me wanting to show my loyalty to my alliance, i gave away all my coins to Amy so that she could but immunity. And against my wishes, Elle wasted her coins on the “advantage” which turned out to be a dud. I wanted to get coins together to buy game info or better yet, trade coins with other people. But i was left with nothing, while all the people on the other side used their coins to buy advantages in the next immunity challenge making it even harder for me to secure my safety. Maybe this new 2 Gays and a Jared alliance might actually pan out but im tired of getting the short end of the stick with everything.
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Power Rankings:
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Anastasia: She is in the middle of the two sides. They both need her for the rest of this game before a side is terminated. She is the most powerful because she is in the middle.
Jodi: Has regained a lot of her footing in this game. Is being used as a shield by the people who voted her out. The decision to vote out Jay is questionable, but she still has a lot of power thanks to the knowledge Anastasia and Jared feed her.
Colin: The head of the opposing side. Seems to not know what is really going on with Anastasia. But his allies are willing to take him to the end which is good. Needs to avoid falling into a Jodi pitfall.
Amy: Her rat behavior has been exposed, but her allies are still willing to defend her. Second in command on the Colin side. She is being handed these immunities.
Jared: Jodi’s new #1. Will probably make it to the end of this game. However, he isn’t calling the shots and is in danger of being targeted as an “easy” vote or being called a goat at the end. Needs to start taking fate in his own hands.
Elle: Lost a lot of footing because of not telling Anastasia the truth. This move caused Anastasia to go back to Jodi’s side which will hurt in the coming round. Is the next target for the Jodi side.
Jay: Died on the sword for Jodi. I am confused why they didn’t just stack 4 votes somewhere else, but it is whatever. Has basically given up.
Josh: Left out of a lot of discussions. Is on the outside of his alliances and from the opposing side. Is the most in danger of getting targeted or being a casualty of an idol.
0 notes
survivesalem · 4 years
Episode 9 - “I'm basically screwed.” - Raffy
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So I go about my day and I start my daily idol search then bam finally got all the ingridents for my idol which lowkey made me happy as fuck because I lost the creative immunity challenge the only one I can ever possibly win .
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I lost the tree man. I’m big sad energy . Updated thoughts on everyone because I’m big confused Jay- actually voted Cameron out . We are starting to talk more made chat with Jay and Liam that I named T-r-I-o. Think jay might be one of the few people who’s gonna be honest from here on out (I hope so ) Liam- RIDE OR DIE. I would use my idol on this human in a heartbeat . Super sweet and genuine . Also voted Cameron out the proof was in the literal reaction Liam made when Mac went instead of Cameron . Trying to plan a call with him might tell him about my idol . Brien - sadly snaked me :( . Says I won’t go next says the plan will be Cameron again even tho that will make gizmo mad so now I’m sus and I think Brien May be working with them. If he is part of the reason I get out I’m gonna be sad . Raffy : you sneaky sneaky human . Acting like you didn’t vote out Mac but people have stepped forward and told me the true tea . You still think I’m oblivious  but it’s all an act darling . You probably think I’m an easy person to beat in the end . You made bottom bitches even though you aren’t a bottom . Sneaky sneaky indeed . Paolo- I have no ill will towards you at all. You at least told me everyone was discussing the bigger players and you said you never heard my name . We don’t have much of a connection but hoping it’s not to late  to switch things up a little . Cameron - your probably gonna read this and be like oh she’s just gonna trash talk me . Your wrong lol. Yeah you were suppose to go at tribal but idk you enough to talk bad about you I’m sure your a lovely human . Gizmo- hi I still don’t know who you are 😂 no hard feelings tho ? Maybe we will talk this round ?. Jessie : your in such a bad spot rn at least you have your idol ! (Like literally your probably next boot but maybe someone will tell you if your the vote and you can pull of an epic blindside .)  
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I’m in the final 8 now and I’m proud of myself for making it this far without being voted out yet and even more surprising not even getting a vote yet. I can’t dwell on my proudness too long though bc I have to figure out which way I’m gonna go from here which is the best route for me to take to ensure I make final 3 Im really upset with raffy after the tribal he came on call with Liam Jessie and I and said he voted with them? Like what?!?!? You’re gonna make me look bad and lie about your vote I nipped that’s right in the bud and told Liam what the deal was, hopefully Liam has me in his plans for the upcoming 2 rounds at least. He seemed really understanding I get that’s how you have to be after you’re blindsided but he really was good. Raffy is my next target bc of his shenanigans after tribal. I think Liam Jessie and jay are still keen on working with me possibly at least until we get to smaller numbers like 6 or 5 I do sense out Paolo as a threat and gizmo gave away while I was on call with him that they were close but keeping gizmo around till 6 may benefit me bc he will always be a larger target then me. I know he threw me utb last round but I’m playing this game like poker each round is a new hand and I have to operate it at a while different level a whole new level of thinking while also trying to better position myself for the future. Gizmo has Paolo and has Cameron and he thinks I’m gonna work with them And raffy no smh that’s not what’s gonna happen. Gizmo wants Liam gone next and Liam wants gizmo gone they are probably gonna war with each other and I don’t know which side I’ll land on but believe me I’ll try my best to make the right choice. I feel bad voting Mac out but I gotta justify it by saying it’ll get me to the end and now I just have to get to the end to prove myself right. Raffy told gizmo he wants to keep me around for a while so it makes sense that raffy is telling me he wants Cameron next but I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get raffy at 8 bc of the stunt he pulled and if I can then I can at final 7 convince Jessie jay and Liam to vote with me bc them 3 are obviously controlled by gizmo. I do believe gizmo is close to Cameron as well as Paolo.
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Well I'm basically screwed. I don't have a vote because no one trusts me. I'm at the bottom of the totem pole apparently. So, I guess it's time for me to be yeeted. I can't really do anything about it at this point.
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I’m in the final 8 now and I’m proud of myself for making it this far without being voted out yet and even more surprising not even getting a vote yet. I can’t dwell on my proudness too long though bc I have to figure out which way I’m gonna go from here which is the best route for me to take to ensure I make final 3 Im really upset with raffy after the tribal he came on call with Liam Jessie and I and said he voted with them? Like what?!?!? You’re gonna make me look bad and lie about your vote I nipped that’s right in the bud and told Liam what the deal was, hopefully Liam has me in his plans for the upcoming 2 rounds at least. He seemed really understanding I get that’s how you have to be after you’re blindsided but he really was good. Raffy is my next target bc of his shenanigans after tribal. I think Liam Jessie and jay are still keen on working with me possibly at least until we get to smaller numbers like 6 or 5 I do sense out Paolo as a threat and gizmo gave away while I was on call with him that they were close but keeping gizmo around till 6 may benefit me bc he will always be a larger target then me. I know he threw me utb last round but I’m playing this game like poker each round is a new hand and I have to operate it at a while different level a whole new level of thinking while also trying to better position myself for the future. Gizmo has Paolo and has Cameron and he thinks I’m gonna work with them And raffy no smh that’s not what’s gonna happen. Gizmo wants Liam gone next and Liam wants gizmo gone they are probably gonna war with each other and I don’t know which side I’ll land on but believe me I’ll try my best to make the right choice. I feel bad voting Mac out but I gotta justify it by saying it’ll get me to the end and now I just have to get to the end to prove myself right. Raffy told gizmo he wants to keep me around for a while so it makes sense that raffy is telling me he wants Cameron next but I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get raffy at 8 bc of the stunt he pulled and if I can then I can at final 7 convince Jessie jay and Liam to vote with me bc them 3 are obviously controlled by gizmo. I do believe gizmo is close to Cameron as well as Paolo.
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WHOO we won final 8 immunity I honest am kinda upset I don’t want people to see me as a challenge beast or someone who has 2 immunity wins as a resume point for the FTC I mean it good that I do but also bad for the target it may put on me. I’m the number one trusted and I’m super stoked about it however I think if people think everyone trusts me they will start to question if I’m really loyal to them so now at this point I need to continue to work my social game and get people to trust me. This vote is gonna get crazy and I’m just happy no one can say my name. I’m loyal to the fantastic 4 and I think they are too at least for this round and I wanna day for another too bc that’s my ideal final 4 right there. I’m happy we decided to go for Paolo and I hope the vote sticks bc him going is great for me bc I don’t think he wants to keep me long term in this game and it keeps raffy and gizmo both here who I believe are bigger threats then me and will go home before me. Now I got a steal a vote too I need to use that to it full potential and everyone knows I have an advantage but I don’t plan on telling anyone this round and my cover up was that I got to get anything from any of the recipes I hope I convinced them but I’m order to use it properly I may have to tell someone later and it can be used as a tool to get someone back on my side if I need to. It’s good to keep in my back pocket and as a secret now though at least for the round bc I’m safe regardless
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So i right now have no vote after it being a seriously close vote with me on the other end of that knife and now I'm trying to get raffy out who is one of the biggest threats and gizmo god love him is dead set against liam like dude i get it he betrayed you twice but he ain't winning challenges like this is why threats make it far in games because people would rather do personal votes like........i get it personal votes feel good sometimes but DEAR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Hopefully i was able to talk him into voting raffy
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Gizmo wants to vote for Liam. I want to vote for Cameron. At this point, I am not going to fight for who is out when. I just want to survive. Apparently, Cameron has thrown my name around which is a very big yikes
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After Mac left I was RAGING! like RAGING! That was my BOY! Ofc I understand why it happened but I hated that it did happen. Raffy for some reason lied about voting for Cameron which is the dumbest shit ever. Brien & Paolo both told me that Raffy voted Mac and I was like ??? is you on that dumb bitch juice because that's literally the worst thing you could do but okay. I like Raffy a lot so it really confused me. Jessie & I felt super betrayed last tribal so we have our lil trio with Jay and Brien is our 4th right now. While our lil 4 was on call Jessie told me she had an idol but I honestly believe she has more because she was saying how many items she has and I was like "hmmm okay sis". The 4 agreed to vote out Paolo since he's an unexpected vote. Voting for Paolo is gonna destroy me because I love that dude so much and I think when it happens I'll honestly cry but I'm not here to fuck spiders I'm here to win and I'm gonna do everything I can to win this game.
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Well, I think I have put myself in an OK spot for tonight's vote. Cam really wanted Raffy gone, but if he goes I'm the next to go then Brien. The 3 of us need to stick together because we have targets on our back. Hopefully the vote was successfully switched to Liam. Going into tribal I'm nervous. You never know what can happen. Last tribal Liam's face showed it all. You have no idea how the game can change and what's going to happen. I never feel truly safe.
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I am definitely going home lmao. RIP
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I’m in the final 8 now and I’m proud of myself for making it this far without being voted out yet and even more surprising not even getting a vote yet. I can’t dwell on my proudness too long though bc I have to figure out which way I’m gonna go from here which is the best route for me to take to ensure I make final 3 Im really upset with raffy after the tribal he came on call with Liam Jessie and I and said he voted with them? Like what?!?!? You’re gonna make me look bad and lie about your vote I nipped that’s right in the bud and told Liam what the deal was, hopefully Liam has me in his plans for the upcoming 2 rounds at least. He seemed really understanding I get that’s how you have to be after you’re blindsided but he really was good. Raffy is my next target bc of his shenanigans after tribal. I think Liam Jessie and jay are still keen on working with me possibly at least until we get to smaller numbers like 6 or 5 I do sense out Paolo as a threat and gizmo gave away while I was on call with him that they were close but keeping gizmo around till 6 may benefit me bc he will always be a larger target then me. I know he threw me utb last round but I’m playing this game like poker each round is a new hand and I have to operate it at a while different level a whole new level of thinking while also trying to better position myself for the future. Gizmo has Paolo and has Cameron and he thinks I’m gonna work with them And raffy no smh that’s not what’s gonna happen. Gizmo wants Liam gone next and Liam wants gizmo gone they are probably gonna war with each other and I don’t know which side I’ll land on but believe me I’ll try my best to make the right choice. I feel bad voting Mac out but I gotta justify it by saying it’ll get me to the end and now I just have to get to the end to prove myself right.
0 notes
sailormiyoung89 · 7 years
hi there! from your url, i'm assuming you're a Sailor Moon and kpop fan? Just wondering as a fellow fan when you discovered them and how long you've been following them? What's your top 10 anime/kpop artists? And what are your opinions of the Sailor Moon reboot and kpop in general? (P.S. what does the 89 stand for?)
 Hey :) You guessed right, SM and kpop are my obsessions XD I first watched the english dub of Sailor Moon when I was...idk like 4 or 5. Then when it went off air I didn’t watch it again for YEARS. I lived in the middle of the countryside and didn’t have a computer till my uncle passed away and we got his. I was about ten. But because we were so isolated, we only had dial-up till I was like...16. At which point the FIRST thing I looked up was Sailor Moon XD 
I’m not certain when exactly I got into kpop. I was a fan of Kesha’s and was listening to her song, Run Devil Run and scrolling through the comments when I saw a lot of people debating whether this or the SNSD and Girls’ Generation versions were better. I’d never heard of SNSD or Girls’ Generation but decided to check them out and find out for myself - it didn’t take me long to discover that SNSD and Girls’ Generation were the same group XD (Incidentally, please don’t ask me to chose which version is better. I refuse XD). 
I don’t know exactly when this was - I THINK the first half of 2012. 
Top 10 anime: I actually haven’t watched a whole lot of anime. I start them and get a few episodes in and then just get distracted XD
10. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. If you like shoujo anime, you probably know about this one but it’s kind of a dark magical girls anime :)
9.Another. It’s a horror mystery anime....I actually kind of want to rewatch it now that I think about it XD
8. Deadman Wonderland. It’s about a boy who’s framed for the murder of his classmates and is imprisoned in a kind of Battle Royale/Hunger Games style prison. I actually named my dog after one of the characters in it, Shiro (and also for the Japanese tale about the dog of the same name who lives with the elderly couple). 
7. Digimon. Back when it was Pokemon vs. Digimon, I may have loved my pokemon red (and blue and yellow), but in terms of anime, I always preferred Digimon. The digimon just seemed to have a lot more personality compared to pokemon. Plus I adored Kari (Hikari in Japanese).
6. Cardcaptor Sakura. After Sailor Moon had gone out of my life as a child, we would occasionally rent videos and dvds from Xtravision and there was always a CCS one. When I first saw it, I thought that maybe it was that other one I watched as a child or something. After the first time, I realised it was definitely something else but I would always pick it up anytime we rented a dvd.
5. I’m going to put Naruto here. Not because I ADORED it or anything and I definitely don’t think it’s the best but despite the fact that it must be one of the longest airing anime, it’s one of the few that I actually saw through to the end.
4.  Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I think it’s just one of those GREAT anime that should be a staple for any anime fan to watch. 
3. Full Moon wo sagashite. It’s a shorter anime about a young terminally ill girl who gains the ability to transform into a singer and fulfill her dream of being a singer. I won’t say anymore except that if you ever watch this one, make sure you have tissues.
2. Death Note. I remember being SO blown away by it when I first watched it when I was 17 - I actually convinced a LOT of people in my class to watch it XD 
1. Sailor Moon. Without question.  
Top 10 kpop artists:
10. Ladies Code
9. Sistar
8. BlackPink
7. GFriend
6. Pristin
4. F(x)
3. Twice
2. Mamamoo
Opinions about Crystal:
....I REALLY wanted to like it :( I didn’t though. It moved too fast. Sure the anime had a bit too much filler but taking away ALL the filler and just plowing through plot full speed ahead was far too far in the other direction. Personally for me, characters come first and the plot comes second. It’s not that the plot is unimportant but you have to give me reasons to care about the characters - reasons that don’t hinge on things I know about them from other adaptations. Plus I’m not a massive fan of SenShi. I’ll take some VenusXKunzite but other than that, I’m not interested in pairing up all 4 girls with all 4 guys. Like you’re telling me that 2 of them didn’t like the one person? Or everyone was liked by SOMEONE? 8 people are not just gonna pair off that simply. I watched the first season and could feel my interest going away episode by episode. I watched the first episode or two of R and while that was a LITTLE better, that was because I was already predisposed to adoring my lost little baby Chibiusa. 
All that said, I did watch S and enjoyed it a bit. It’s still far too fast paced. Breathing every now and again isn’t bad but they just don’t seem keen on doing that. But I did like it a bit more and will check out at least the first couple of episodes of SuperS. I know also that there’s been a lot of discussion about the animation quality and even though I lack any kind of artistic talents, I can see that the animation hasn’t been great. And it DID get better for S. But honestly, I don’t care. I would take stick figures. All that’s important is that I’m given a reason to love these characters. 
Kpop in general? That’s so vague XD You want my general opinion on an ENTIRE music industry? :P 
Okay well I like kpop. We’ve established that much XD And I’m sure you could tell from my top 10, it’s the girl groups I’m here for. There weren’t any really when I first started listening to kpop that I knew of and I am 10000000% here for girls being friends (or more than friends. lbr, there have to be SOME lesbian kpop idols. There are literally hundreds of female idols) and loving and supporting one another. The thing that really appealed to me and why I can’t tell you exactly when I started listening to kpop was the reality shows. I mean Western artists don’t really have reality shows AND variety shows AND modelling gigs AND mc careers AND acting careers. Kpop idols just seemed to be able to do everything!! The one I spent the first six months or so watching over and over again was Hello Baby. I was completely enamored with it :) Only after I finished watching it did I start to wonder ‘hey, I wonder if they’ve done anything recently...and I googled and found out I missed the debut of their first (and only official) subunit. All because I was watching a show that they’d filmed years ago that I could’ve watched anytime....
And lol. For most people, if they have a number at the end of their username, it’s related to their date of birth. For me, it’s ‘89, as in ‘1989′, the year my bias Tiffany Young Hwang was born. My original tumblr username was ‘SailorMushroom89′, ‘Mushroom’ being a reference to ‘brighter than Mushrooms’, Tiffany’s -butchered- intro when she first debuted. (I don’t know if you’re a Sone but it was back before Tiffany’s Korean was fluent and she was SUPPOSED to introduce herself as ‘brighter than Jewels, Tiffany’ but mispronounced jewels and introduced herself as ‘brighter than Mushrooms, Tiffany’). 
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