#i'm tempted to say that the message here is that i never get anything done
marshmallowgoop · 1 month
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
I was tagged by @hexfloog! Thank you!!
This is a game I actually played years ago, so I thought it'd be fun to look back at that and see what I've finished since then?
Things I Have Started and Am Determined to Finish
I am standing by your side ❌
I am afraid I was made to be able to fall apart ❌
out of time japanese ❌
Ship bingo by ahasbands ❌
heishin ranking ❌
three days with heiji hattori ❌
detco blu-rays ✅
noir zine ✅
crying in the club ❌
HD English dubs ❌
Things I Might Maybe Finish (That I Might Not Have Actually Started)
I prefer kick drums and red wine ❌
with you heishin ❌
shadows in the city ❌
I’m just a little messed up ✅
ryuketsu the movies ❌
you are someone else ❌
Forgiveness in Fiction (and the ‘Net) ❌
detco merch ❌
KLK fairytale AU ❌
OP 5 HD ❌
best buds forevah ❌
detective conan dub comparison ❌
Yeahhh.... 3/22 isn't so good, is it? But some current WIPs I'd like to get done in the next few months or so!
jimjam bday
subtitle process
coai mmv
secret summer
heishin scrap
Kazuha ribbon
Anime NYC
The Boy's Return of a Favor
(And this probably doesn't really count, but I've been thinking about making a post about how to buy Detective Conan films officially and attach your own English subtitles? Some of these skills I've briefly touched on already in my HD English dub process post, but I could go into more detail about how to buy from Japan when you don't live there, how proxy sites work/which ones I use, what you might be able to do if you don't want to rip a disc, how subtitles work on VLC Media Player, etc. I just feel a little sad seeing folks buy bootlegs when you absolutely and totally can buy Conan films officially and just attach your own subtitles—and it's really quite easy! (If expensive and time consuming.) I guess I'm mostly wondering if there's any interest at all in that. Because I realize I'm bonkers 😅)
I tag: @astravis, @cartoonsbyandie, @detectivefable, @meitantei-shitpost, @sapphicselkie, @srirachapop, and anyone else who'd like to do this! (But no pressure at all to play, of course!)
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jioneeee · 21 days
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Late night texting with your ex-boyfriend is never a good idea, but I went ahead anyway. With a sigh, I sent him a 'hi' and anxiously awaited his response. You're probably wondering about this guy. Satoru Gojo, my ex-boyfriend, is more gorgeous than the Greek gods, with bright blue eyes, snow-white hair, a 6'3" muscular frame, and veiny arms.
It was 3 AM, and I had no clue why I texted him after three months apart.
Maybe I just missed his presence. We didn't break up because of cheating; it was more complicated than that. I nervously chewed my lip, knowing he was awake-he never slept, always staying up to protect me. I shuddered at the thought of him protecting someone else now. When my phone finally dinged, it was Gojo with a simple
We exchanged texts:
Me: Why are you up?
Gojo: I can ask you the same thing too, y'know?
Me: I couldn't sleep.
Gojo: Really? Maybe we should do something about that then.
Me: Are you with someone?
I didn't know why I asked that.
Jealousy, maybe? The thought of him with someone else churned my insides.
Gojo: No, why do you ask?
Me: Just wanted to make sure I'm not disturbing you.
Goio: You know you can never disturb me, love.
There it was-the nickname he used when we were together. I sighed, then another message came in.
Gojo: You said you can't sleep. I have an idea.
Me: Enlighten me.
Gojo: Take off your shirt.
I widened my eyes at his response.
Why would he want that?
Me: What? Why?
Gojo: Be a good girl and do what I say without questioning me.
I hated how much control he still had over me, but I did as he said, now bare from the waist up.
Me: ...I did
Gojo: Always so obedient. My sweet little princess.
I blushed and clenched my thighs together. What has this man done to me?
Gojo: What happened princess? Cat got your tongue?
Me: No, I just didn't expect you to reply to me that way.
Gojo: What way, princess? I didn't say anything out of ordinary.
I could feel his smug smirk through the screen.
Me: Shut up.
Gojo: Now that's not a nice way to talk to someone. Keep in mind that actions have consequences, princess.
I smirked. If he wanted to tease and play games, I was ready.
Me: What are you gonna do? Come over and knock this attitude out of me?
Gojo: Don't tempt me, princess. You might not be able to handle me if I did that.
Me: You're delusional. I'm a tough girl.
Of course I know how to handle people like you.
Gojo: Oh yeah? Let's see what that mouth of yours will say once I'm over there and fuck each of your bratty attitudes out of you.
I blushed. Maybe I wanted him to come over and do just that.
Me: All your tongue does is ramble stupid things. You know you can never do that.
Gojo: You're playing with fire here, princess. Once I'm there, my tongue is gonna show how much more it can do than just ramble.
Me: Pfft, as if. We both know you don't have the guts to actually do that.
Gojo: You know what, I'm done talking.
He went offline. I panicked, worried I had gone too far and upset him. Ten minutes later, there were knocks on my door. At nearly 3:30 AM, I opened it to find Gojo. He grabbed my neck, pushing me inside and trapping me against the wall. His blue eyes bore into mine, his grip tight.
"What happened, princess? Cat got your tongue again?" he smirked, noticing my reaction.
He spread my legs with his knee and whispered, "You thought I'd let you get away with this? Speak up, kitten." His new nickname turned me on.
"What are you doing here?" | managed to ask.
"I'm here to prove l'm the real winner of this game and to claim you as mine again. By the time I'm done, all you'll think about is me," he whispered, lifting me and carrying me to my bedroom.
He laid me gently on the bed, his hands tracing familiar paths down my body, igniting every nerve with a touch that was both demanding and tender.
His lips followed the same trail, leaving me breathless and yearning. The room seemed to pulse with the intensity of the moment, every sense heightened, every touch electric.
As he kissed me, his lips moved from my mouth to my neck, and I couldn't help but arch into him, a soft moan escaping my lips. He smiled against my skin, his hands exploring, reminding me just how well he knew my body. I tugged at his shirt, and he obliged, tossing it aside before pulling me closer.
His breath was hot against my ear as he whispered, "Still think I only ramble stupid things?" | shook my head, too caught up in the sensation to respond with words. He chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent shivers down my spine.
The night stretched on, a blur of heated kisses and tangled limbs. He took his time, every movement deliberate, every touch designed to drive me to the edge. And when he finally whispered my name, it felt like a promise, a reminder of everything we once had and everything we could still be.
In the aftermath, as we lay entwined, the world outside seemed distant and unimportant. For now, there was only us, and the lingering echo of his touch on my skin.
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ask-sebastian · 5 months
Before I send my own stuff, I'd like to dedicate a song to everyone who has struggled with themselves or the pressures of real life this year. 
The bridge of the song gives me hope and motivates me to keep going. I hope that my English translation still gets the message across. (Its an Austrian Band. One of the best in my opinion. So the Austrian German is strong here <3 )
It is the iron will that forbids you to fail. It is the ambition that forces you to broaden your horizons.
It's an addiction, it's a love, it's often a lonely one, but you want the pressure, the tension that completely engulfs you.
The fear of falling is great, but the will is greater. Tear it down, build it anew only more beautiful, bigger, more pompous. Breathe out, breathe in, the wall now seems more porous. Now run at it, smash it until every chunk crumbles
You are undefeatable until you give up on yourself. A bearer of hope is the one who carries and does not lie on top. A gravedigger is the one who grinds before you turn to dust. So tear the world apart and be a hero while still on it.
Stand up for yourself, speak out instead of conforming. Start doing and break out instead of breaking.
Imagine, stand out, no empty promises. Are you man or mouse, because you must never forget
It's about pure emotion and a feeling you get What captivates you and then touches you in a special way What gets you involved, what gets you high and tempts you so much Where you say: I've never felt anything like this in my whole life
But to create such a feeling in someone else's head So many things in life are easier said than done Because if you give everything, you can lose everything But if you want to know how it tastes, you just have to try it. 
It's absolutely beautiful, and such a wonderful dedication to everyone who has struggled. I think most of us have at one point or another. I know I have this year, so thank you 🖤
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Maybe this makes me an emo cliché, but this is my survival anthem and always will be.
Defiant to the end, we hear the call To carry on, we'll carry on
Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part
I won't explain or say I'm sorry I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scars Give a cheer for all the broken Listen here, because it's who we are
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junkshop-disco · 7 months
🌈🪄🤍 for the fic writing asks
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I think I work a lot harder on everything than is apparent, even to myself. I remember saying on discord that I didn't do much research for A Matter of Time and then dug my notes out and found I had 20 pages on historical locations, most of which were for a one or two line mention, 30 on queer history, and even more on clockmaking (endless notes on clockmaking), not to mention all the background reading on abuse survivors, WWI, and the 1920s generally, and the rabbit hole I fell down on the history of the drainpipe for a one line joke.
For me, the fic that makes it to AO3 is always the very tip of the iceberg, but I never want to draw to what's below the surface. I want it to read as effortless, so my struggles and my rabbit holes are between me and my google history.
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Browser ate the emoji but I think it was this one? There are plenty of fics that I wouldn't mind remixing in terms of writing additional points in the timeline or writing bits from a different POV.
Probably the best example is A Fistful of Infinity and Starlight, which is Gwaine/Merlin but Gwaine POV and Merlin disappears for, like, half the fic, and then you've got Arthur Going Through Things but you only see it in his interactions with Gwaine, so it's a glimpse of his pain but not anything too deep, and then Morgana has her own subplot including a battle with Merlin, which is entirely off page and Gwaine picks through the evidence of it to work out what happened like he's auditioning for CSI: Camelot. On reflection, maybe he was not the best choice of narrator for that plot, but whatever.
Stuff like that I'm always tempted to revisit, but otoh when I'm done with a fic, I tend to be done with the fic, and it would feel a bit like retreading the same ground when there are always so many other ideas to write.
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Years and years ago I wrote a Shakespeare/Merlin crossover for an anon smut event that was tragically overlooked by both Merlin fandom and Shakespeare scholars. Apart from that I feel like my writing is too... idk... hinged to be misunderstood?
A fic that people got more than I expected was Doodle. I had so many messages from people saying the depiction of anxiety was on the money for them or that they identified with the self-sabotage aspects, neither of which I'd really expected to hit home with people. I didn't list it as a fic about self-sabotaging in your twenties or the anxiety of quitting everything you've known and not knowing wtf to do next, so it's not like those people went into it wanting that specifically and I delivered, they went into it for dachshunds who eat paper and anecdotes about being on the radio, so finding readers who also Got It was a happy accident.
I think that's part of what makes fic great, it's like not looking directly at people's problems or trauma, it's using a pinhole camera, which allows you to view them safely. It's always incredibly gratifying when someone says 'that bit? that helped me', especially when helping wasn't your intention.
Questions here if anyone wants them!
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redflagromance · 10 months
Short Story Release: Neither Whole Nor Unbroken (Barry Grivus Story- 3,036 words)
He didn't usually contract kills. But this hit was outside of his usual sphere of competence.
Barry kept an eye on the criminals and villains bustling through the convention center. There were so many options, if he really wanted to just get the first person who would agree.
But he was patient. He had one person in mind, with the specific skill set that he needed. He'd already reached out on the secure app on his phone. There hadn't been a reply, but that didn't mean anything.
A particular motion over the top of his newspaper caught his eye.
A slight figure in black was visible from his line of sight. She was in the narrow space between two booths, inches away from someone who had no idea she was present. Her posture and body language communicated control and tightly leashed violence.
He controlled the desire to smile. That was her.
As he looked up, her gaze snapped to follow a large, handsome man in red strut down the main thoroughfare. He was too busy chatting with Gene to see the assassin's whole body go tense as she honed in on him. Barry could see the whites of her eyes and her carefully controlled breathing from over here.
Even without seeing the man's face, he'd know that was the social media star, underwear model, and chronically small-time supervillain Hammer from her furious body language.
'She focused on him like a hawk,' Barry thought, bemused. 'She wants to attack him on sight, in a building with thousands of witnesses.'
The passion there always surprised him. Personally, Barry found Hammer to be a delight. But reasonable people can disagree on matters of taste. He broke his stare and cleared his throat.
"Harmes." His junior partner looked over from the other chair in their booth. "Would you mind getting coffee? I'll hold down the fort. I could really use the caffeine."
Harmes stood easily, clearly stir crazy. "Of course. The usual?"
"You know me," Barry agreed idly. "I'm a predictable man." He watched until Harmes was out of sight.
Barry folded up the newspaper and put it down on the booth.
"Echo," was all he had to say.
His contact sidled over with a swing in her hips. The furious tension in her shoulders was gone, for now.  "Mr. Grivus." Her tone was flat, but he didn't take it personally.
"Did you get my message?"
"Yes. What did you need?" The rogue had a brisk, flat tone that he didn't really care for. She must not have thrived in customer service, he thought.
He looked around in his periphery. Harmes wouldn't be back for at least a few minutes.
He reached into the secret pocket of his blazer, and pulled out a thick envelope.
"Instructions and cash. Non-consecutive bills." A deft little hand snapped out, but he pulled back the envelope in time. He leaned down. He lowered his voice.
"Just make sure it gets done."
"I can do any job related to my skill set," she retorted. Barry smiled faintly and handed over the envelope.
A few minutes later, Harmes returned. He had already resumed his paper. There was nothing to indicate he'd talked to anyone or arranged for anything that would infuriate his business partner.
About an hour later, his phone buzzed.
The notification from his secure channel said only, "job complete."
He was tempted to arrange things so that he could be present for the discovery. But it's too sloppy. More than a few people know about his grudge.
Barry is patient. Barry waits.
The end of the conference comes and goes without any mention of a discovery. It's two days, nothing said. His anticipation is only going to make the eventual fallout better. There's no news on Saturday or Sunday either. It's agonizing.
It happens. Monday, Harmes comes into work. Tired. Disgruntled. Driving an expensive car that he damn well knows Harmes would never buy.
He's thrilled. He can't quite keep the predatorial satisfaction off of his face. As he pours coffee Barry casually asks, "Did something happen to your car?"
Harmes is still. Their expression is best described as dangerous.
He has a frisson of discomfort, a bad feeling that he's been caught.
Harmes can't possibly know, Barry tells himself. There's no way.
"No," Harmes lies lightly. "It's just in the shop. It'll be back, as good as ever." Their fingertips turn pale as they clench their teacup.
His jaw is tense.
'Not if I have anything to say about it.'
"That is terrible," Barry responds. He can't help it. It's too heartfelt to keep in. "That old heap is the worst thing I've ever seen. Holly agrees with me."
Harmes narrows their eyes at him. He's imagining the suspicion there. Did he overplay his hand?
No. It's fine. Harmes already knew he hated the car. That's the whole purpose of the exercise, the reason to contract a rogue mechanic. It would be more suspicious if he was empathetic or neutral.
"My mother isn't always right," Harmes says stiffly.
He's irritated now. Even though he knows that Harmes is lying! His hackles are up. Barry excuses himself to his office and paces. He does some deep breathing to calm down. He checks his message again to confirm that the mechanic really did get rid of Harmes' car once and for all. The message still says "job complete." It's unambiguous. The car has been murdered.
"It's dead," he says grimly. "I paid a ludicrous amount."
The empty office didn't answer him.
"It was a good use of 500 thousand dollars," he says darkly. "I never want to see that thing again."
He stops. He had been pushing down the urge to contract his hitwoman again, but for what he'd paid her? She can cope with a follow up question.
Barry glanced to the main office once more, to confirm that Harmes isn't lurking out there. His junior associate is in their private office. He won't be seen. He messages the hit woman.
"The car is definitely not repairable?"
He waits a while. She must be working. Barry lets out a sigh and gets back to work. He examines the invitation he received for another company's event with a sigh. The owner came to his booth personally at the conference to say hello and give invites to him and Harmes.
The owner is new, but doing admirably to establish herself in the villainous industry. He's a little fond of her. He nearly hired her, in fact. But Harmes was just a little more… innovative.
He sends his confirmation of attendance. It would be a bit of a snub to not attend.
His phone buzzes. The hitwoman has responded, "It was barely holding together before I got to it. I sent a letter saying that it's totalled and detailing the insurance payout for a replacement."
Barry chuckles. He steals a glance at the office. He narrows his eyes.
Harmes is standing by Janine's desk, holding a familiar invitation.
Hm. He pushes open his door and takes a step out, curious. He takes his nearly-empty cup of coffee to have something to do with his hands and a pretense for going out.
"decline," Harmes is saying. "I won't be alienating anyone too important?"
…Ah. He controls the urge to smile. He wonders if Harmes even remembers that Sunny Aviichen interviewed for the same position at Grivus Events that Harmes did, all those years ago.
"No," Janine agrees. She's examining the invitation. "It would be good to go, but I'm sure they're not looking for you specifically."
…He sips the last of his coffee. He had actually had the impression that Ms. Aviichen was quite eager for Harmes to see how well she was doing in her career. Ms. Aviichen seemed rather competitive, even before Harmes got the position. People like that never enjoyed losing.
"Barry?" Janine looks up and spots that he's already out of his office. "You'll represent the firm at this?" She holds up the invitation.
"Of course." He agrees calmly.
"Great." Harmes flashes a smile at him and Janine. "I have pottery class that day."
Janine snorts. "I wouldn't tell anyone that's why you're declining to attend the Vice President's birthday party."
Harmes shrugs and goes back into their office. Barry finds himself watching until the door closes.
He's always enjoyed that about Harmes, he muses. They just don't give a damn.
Someone has cleared their throat. He looks at her.
Janine's face is amused. "Barry, I saw that poor Harmes didn't drive the usual car today." Her lips twitch. "Would you know anything about that?"
"No," he lies smoothly. He tilts his head at her in faux confusion. "But I'm very busy today." He busies himself with getting some water and leaves his coffee cup in the sink.
"Mm," Janine agrees, in a way that lets him know she's certain he's full of it. She pulls open a drawer and withdraws a yellow envelope. "Tell Echo that I said hello."
He frowns at her. She knows too much. She knows everything that happens. "I will," Barry agrees, defeated.
The car is vanquished, he tells himself. He goes back to work. He's finally slayed the beast. It only cost him a year's earnings to never have to see that wretched amalgamation of rusted metal again. His mood begins to lift.
'I wonder what Harmes will buy with the insurance money,' he wonders indulgently. Harmes' actual insurance would never have covered a suitable car, of course. Luckily, the rogue mechanic is also certified in car insurance. She was only to keep half of the money he gave her, and have the other 250 thousand allotted to Harmes.
…He's not certain what a half decent car costs, but surely that would have covered it.
Waiting to see what Harmes buys with his money is the most interesting part of his week. The pleasant anticipation gets him through the vexation that rises when he discovers that that little worm Duke has made a dinner appointment via Janine. "We can't cancel," he says darkly.
"No, but I'll know not to take further appointments with him," Janine says, a little embarrassed.
Barry sighs. "You couldn't have known. I didn't tell you." He turns his gaze out of the window, to the parking lot. "We'll go, find out it's not a good fit, and not take his business."
"That'll work," Janine agrees. She tracks where he's looking, but she doesn't say anything this time.
Harmes is still driving the rental to work.  Surely they'll buy one soon. The rental isn't their style at all. Barry's anticipation builds as the work days go on.
And then Harmes comes to work in something so wretched and old that he hears it two blocks away.
Barry stands up at his desk. That could be anyone's car clanking. But he has a miserable premonition. Slowly, he walks out to the main office.
Janine must have the same instinct. She's already at the window to pull back the curtains. She starts to laugh as Harmes pulls into the parking lot in a positively ancient truck.
"No," Barry breathes, wounded.
Janine starts snorting between gasping laughs.
He puts a hand on his heart. "This can't be happening." It hurts. Harmes is killing him. Harmes is doing him harm. This has to be purposeful.
Harmes drives over a curb. There's a demonic scrape as something unfortunate happens to the underside of the already ill-used vehicle. The car stops. Harmes clearly struggles to open the door. After a few seconds, they kick it open. It's somehow even more dented now.
Janine is fully laughing, and obviously struggling to keep the tears of mirth down. It's worse that she's pitying him. 
Barry closes his eyes. "I'm going to go lie down." He feels faint.
Janine passes him an eye mask and hiccups a stop to her giggles. "Set a timer for your 10 o'clock, sir."
"Thank you," he says, bleak. He's going to become one with the darkness. He's going to break down into his components to escape the pain of reality. And then the door closes behind him and he has another idea.
He could sink into a black miasma of despair. But instead, he calls the mechanic. Maybe there's a solution.
As soon as they pick up, he starts to speak. "Harmes must not have had an adequate budget."
There's a pause. "Hello to you too," says a disgruntled voice. "What are you talking about? I sent them 200 thousand dollars."
"250 thousand," Barry corrects offhand.
The mechanic makes an acknowledging noise. "That's an adequate budget," she says dryly. "Harmes could get any nice car on the market."
Oh. "Perhaps. But there's a rusted 2013 farm truck in my parking lot," Barry confides in a tortured whisper.
There's a bark of surprised laughter so loud that he pulls the phone away from his ear.
Barry scowls. He wishes that other people would stop laughing about this disaster. He crosses his arms and waits with ill grace for her to calm down.
The mechanic controls herself. "Is there some kind of outdoor hobby that might have prompted that choice?"
He freezes. He's finally compared Harmes' regular schedule and the timeframe that the car died in. He knows what happened. "Rocking."
Barry ignores the question and starts to pace. "The car gave out on some muddy back road," he says to himself. Damnit. He curses himself for a fool. "Harmes thinks the solution is a better backroads vehicle." He hurries to his computer and checks his theory. Yes. The exact model is the first example of a reliable used vehicle that results when you search for heavy duty trucks.
"Is there something else I can do for you?" the mechanic asks. There's the sound of a car door opening in the background. "I don't think a follow-up letter from the insurance company saying that the new vehicle is subpar would convince your associate to reconsider."
"No." Barry clears his throat. "You're right. You did your part." He runs a hand through his hair and winces when he realizes he's messed up the style. "Thank you."
"Have a nice day." The mechanic hangs up first.
There is a grieving process. Barry takes his lunch in the attic so that he can gaze into the parking lot undisturbed. The truck… it is wretched. It is a pathetic thing.
He tries convincing himself that it isn't so terrible. He wanted to indirectly buy Harmes a car that was safe and made them happy. The truck, however damaged the body may be, seems to be in better shape than the old thing. It doesn't even give off white smoke. That's certainly an improvement.
He spends a brief dip in the bargaining stage. Perhaps Harmes would buy a second car, a work-appropriate car? How much money would he need to give for that?
…it's a moot point. Harmes doesn't accept gifts.
Barry lets out a beleaguered sigh.
The week passes. The truck is an open wound. It only falls to the back of his mind in the wake of the disastrous dinner meeting with Marc.
…It wasn't his best showing. He hadn't even considered that the weasel was a desirable client for his junior partner. That oversight was embarrassing in retrospect.
He comes into work too shame-faced to even sigh about the truck. It isn't there yet anyway. Barry writes an apology and leaves it on Harmes' desk.
There's some excitement that afternoon when Gene pioneers a new and exciting way to get a felony charge. But Barry can't really enjoy it, because Harmes is avoiding him so studiously that they miss out on the resulting office party.
Eventually, Barry coaxes Harmes out. He's tentatively hopeful that he hasn't done anything irreparable to their working relationship.
Two mornings later, Janine gasps.
Barry makes a questioning sound. He's facing the counter, making his morning coffee before heading into his office.
"You're going to want to see this, Barry."
He puts down the cup with a clink. He turns around slowly. Her serious tone has his full attention.
Janine is standing at the window. Harmes doesn't drive over the curb this time, carefully whipping around the corner in a precision turn.
"This is worse," Barry says numbly.
Janine pats his back in sympathy. "It is," she says. Even she can't laugh about this. She goes back to her desk solemnly.
Barry can't move. He's still stuck there staring out the window in open-mouthed horror when Harmes walks in.
"Good morning, Janine. Good morning, Barry."
Janine responds. He can't.
Harmes walks over to him. "New car," they say cheerfully. "I'm just going to use the truck for rocking." Keys jingle.
He tries to respond. The sound he makes is a croak.
"Isn't it nice?" Harmes asks innocently. They indicate the bright red, shiny sports car in their parking spot.
Harmes bought a volcano car. Harmes gave his money to that insufferable businessman Duke.
Barry finally tears his gaze away and makes eye contact with Harmes.
Harmes is waiting for it. They hold prolonged eye contact.
"Marc gave it to me." Harmes keeps staring at him. There is something unhinged in those eyes. Barry blinks, and four seconds pass. Harmes doesn't blink.
His stomach twists faintly in disgust. Marc? Harmes was on first name terms with that twerp now? He can't find the wherewithal to muster a response.
The seconds stretch on. Janine staples something. Someone washes their hands in the next room. Harmes is still looking deeply into his eyes in some sort of sick dominance play.
"That's nice of him," Barry says weakly. He looks down as blood begins thumping in his ears and dimming his vision. He retreats into his office.
He's lost. Barry knows that now. He sits at his desk and buries his face in his hands.
Did Harmes know? Did Harmes realize he'd assassinated the car and do this to punish him? Or was it even worse- was it fate? Had he pushed Harmes and Duke closer together?
Barry inhales a long, shuddering breath. He lets go of his face. He accepts the total loss, and he gets back to work.
This was originally posted on my Patreon, where I am continually writing other character stories for Deplorably Devoted. Check it out here!
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desolateice · 1 year
For the writing asks: 🥺🤡🛒🤲
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? Grief, I recently wrote Johnny sitting at Mr. Miyagi's grave and I like cried through most of it. I'm tempted to cut it. 😂 Here's a clip.
"I mean I didn’t really try did I? I haven’t tried for anything in so long. Like truly try. Except this. Except the dojo and I’m not even good at it. Daniel’s better at it. All my kids, even Miguel likes him better. And I get it. Like what do I truly have to offer? When we go to the roots of it…Daniel’s roots are you and mine are…Kreese. I’d pick you any day too.”
Also just tender care. From the same WIP and same conversation with the grave, I have this.
"He held this umbrella over me and I saw on the ride back that he’d let the rain fall on him, and I’d never been so aware of how damn pretty he was. Like on a level I knew he was pretty, but damn. And I didn’t know how to handle it."
Love and care, healing, sort of understanding one another or trying. That kind of stuff. 🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? Here's part of something I cut from Feast for Fools:
“And you’ve checked? He hasn’t run off? Mr. LaRusso didn’t come and scare him off did he?” Emile walked across the room and pushed open a window. “Careful! Light on your feet like a cobra!” “Yes Sensei!” “Cobras don’t have feet sensei!” “Of course not Demetri, thank you, but be careful nonetheless.” “I’m just checking…sometimes you don’t know.” “I have seen a real cobra and I know what feet are. But I don’t know why you’re worrying, you schemed up the terrible community service project.” “It’s a great service project sir!” “You show up unannounced once a week.” “Yes, to try and get you into the right decade. It’s been hard work! But you sent a text that wasn’t all in caps yesterday.” “Did you ever think that I sent them in all caps for a reason?” “I thought the key was just stuck,” Demetri said. “Sensei has typed up a totally normal message before," Miguel said. “He has?” “Yeah, he caught up with Ali, and wrote like ten pages. I told him it was too much, uh since then it’s been all caps.” “It sounds like he’s talking in all caps," Cheyenne said with a frown. “Is he always that loud?”
[if it wasn't clear, Demetri schemed up for a school requirement that he had to do community service for like a national scholars thing to help the elderly, but it's just Johnny, so like once a week he harasses Johnny into learning something.]
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. This is one of those questions where as soon as someone asks you forget all of them. 😂 You might be able to answer that better for me. I think hurt/comfort, healing, loneliness and found family. Food. Flowers. I tend to want them to be comfortable enough to tease and laugh with each other during a 🍆🍑 time. So usually there's a dumb choice in there somewhere that they can laugh about. But I also want them to be nice to each other generally. So like comfortable loving teasing. 🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip? Oh boy which one should I give you? How about the one I made a deal with Cookie about? 🐔
Daniel didn’t know what to say as he limped towards the other end of the room only for the teacher to spot him and tell him they had assigned seats. And his was right next to Johnny. Alphabetical order. Johnny looked so stunned to see him. Blue eyes looked at him wide-eyed as Daniel limped over. He pulled out the chair for Daniel whose arms were full and Daniel was so shocked and then Johnny seemed so embarrassed that he’d done that that he turned a bright tomato red and looked away. The face he gave in the next class they had together where they were put next together made Daniel laugh. The sort of stunned shock. And then the third. And a fourth. They had six classes out of eight together that semester. And every damn one of them put them right next together. In the fifth one Daniel slapped Johnny’s shoulder and grinned wide, “Long time no see Johnny,” he’d said while Johnny groaned. “Miss me?” was what he said in the sixth class gently nudging Johnny’s shoulder, leaning in close and watching him turn that bright red again. He’d been playing with fire, but a pink Johnny was better than a broken defeated Johnny.
Thank you for the ask 💖, you can find the post with others here.
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shoftiiel · 3 years
secrets: 18 yes you do
synopsis: all sunghoon wanted was a calm year, he never imagined he would see his childhood best friend again, but how chaotic can things get? especially now that her friend group has ummmm… changed
warnings: none ig
word count: 600
a/n: hi guys, sorry for disappearing again i had a lot of stuff going on (school is draining all my energy at this point) but things are under control now, i plan on returning to my daily update schedule as soon as i can :))
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to be honest, you had no idea where the fuck were you, fucking beomgyu and the things you did for him. At this point you had walked in circles for the past 5 minutes, he said he was starving so you kinda felt bad for him. Someone walked past you and you took the opportunity to ask her for help. “Excuse me” the girl turned around and took off one of her earphones, “do you happen to know where is…'' you took your phone looking for the message gyu had sent you “dance room 3?”
“oh i'm actually headed there” he gave you a smile “i'll walk with you”. an awkward silence fell between you two, you wanted to ask her something but didn't know exactly what, lucky for you, she thought the same thing and broke off the silence herself. “So what brings you here?” she asked, “oh my friend was hungry so i bought him some food” you showed her the bag that you had been carrying, it was probably cold by now, but beomgyu would probably not care, not at all. “the dumbass forgot to eat”
the girl laughed at your comment, you met her not even 5 minutes ago and you were comfortable enough with her to joke around with her like that. “i’m yuna bt the way” she said, “nice to meet you, i’m-“
“y/n” you heard your name being called by a familiar voice “you are my savior!” beomgyu ran towards you and embraced you in a tight hug. “I'm sorry if it is cold,” you said, breaking off the hug. “I kinda got lost on my way here, but yuna helped me” you turned to her and gave her a warm smile which made her smile too. “It was nothing, y/n right?”
“the one and only” because of your answer a small laugh left her lips. “Well i have to go but-” he took out a marker out of her bag and grabbed your arm, “here’s my number, text me if you need anything” she waved at you “and bye beomgyu”
“you know her?” you turned to beomgyu who was also waving at yuna, “yeah, she is in almost all of my classes'' he looked at you “considering her friend choices...” he made a dramatic pause “she is quite nice”. It was safe to say that you were very confused at what beomgyu had just said. “What do you mean by her friend's choices?”. Beomgy chuckled and ruffled your hair “she is friends with sunghoon”.
“Anyway” he said, breaking the silence between you two, “I am almost done, do you want to come over and binge watch nevertheless again?”. The offer was tempting, very tempting indeed, “sorry gyu” you sighed “i can't, not today”, a pout appeared on his lips, “whyyyyyyyyy?” he whined “you never say no to our marathons” we stepped closer to you and placed one of his hands on your forehead “are you feeling okay?”.
“I am okay” you pushed him away “is just that i have something to do tomorrow” his expression changed fast, “what do you have to do?” His tone did not sound as playful as it did some minutes ago. “I have to see sunghoon and jake for our project”.
“Then it is settled” he said firmly “you stay over and i’ll be your chaperone tomorrow” he smiled proudly. “gyu i don't need a chaperone”
“yes you do”
tag list: @seungstarss @mykalon @liliansun @acciomylove @chuntians @cuteyeonnie23 @witheeseung @luv3iza @diestheticu @urresidentdrugdealer @msxflower @lokideadontheinside @nshrikiii @iamnotgrootforiamthor @milkycloudtyg@softforqiankun @ryujnworld @woonieiv @niafics @c0nvers3h1gh @dear-dreamie @oureris @sunghooniee @xoxojayd3n @enhacolor @ffeynn @yenart @honeybutterchup @w3bqrl @axurio @kac-chowsballs
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys As Your Boyfriend
Bokuto Koutaro
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•He's a big baby
•He's the type of boyfriend to hug you all the time, he loves warmth and affection so please be generous enough to give him those.
•Clingy but not in an annoying way, you'll jusy feel like you have a boyfriend and at the same time, a son (LOL)
•Bokuto is the type of person who will always apologize first after arguments. Arguments will be very rare though, because when it comes to you he'll always listen.
•Kou is probably an insecure boyfriend, he thinks more men are much cooler than him that's why he's always working hard to improve himself.
•He's the type of boyfriend who will definitely avoid making you jealous, he'll limit his interactions with women because he doesn't like it when you're jealous, you're cute when you're being jealous but he's afraid that you might leave him.
•Loves kissing you
•He will always tell you how much he loves you.
•Your picture is his wallpaper and lockscreen.
•His IG, FB, Twitter or any other social media platforms is full of you, your pictures. messages for you and stuffs.
•Bokuto is your diary, he loves listening to your rants, it doesn't matter if you guys aren't together, just call him and he's always ready to listen.
•He's the type of boyfriend who will always brag about you, he's just so proud of everything you achieve. It doesn't matter how big or small the achievement is, he will celebrate it no matter what happen.
“Baby Bear!” you opened your arms widely as you ran towards your boyfriend. Bokuto lifted you off the ground, he kissed the tip of your nose before putting you down. “I miss you, baby.” he told you as he let his hands rest on your hips.
“I miss you too, sorry if I don't have much time Kou.” you apologized and he just pulled you closer for a hug, “Shh it's fine. I know you're busy, but how's your tests?” he asked.
You looked at him with sad eyes and the poor baby panicked, not knowing what to do, “What? Did you fail? It's alright baby, I'm proud of you, I know how you worked hard for this.” he pressed his lips on yours with a smile, he cupped your face and let his forehead rest on yours before kissing you for another time, much longer than the first one.
“I almost got my exams perfect baby!”
“You scared me! But I know you can do it!” he laughed and showered kisses on your face as he keep on saying how much he loves you and that he's so proud of you.
Kageyama Tobio
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•Cold at the beginning of the relationship
•Kags is not yet used to physical contacts so don't expect much at first.
•But as the time passes by, he'll start wondering how it feels like to keep you in his arms for a long time so he will try and do it once when you two are studying in his house.
•Because Kags loves how warm and comfy it is to hug you, he'll start hugging you a lot (not in public though, he will be so shy)
•He's the type of boyfriend who'll fall asleep while watching movies (Forgive him, playing volleyball is hard)
•He wouldn't call you baby, babe or other endearments but he loves it when you give him one. His favorite endearment? LOVE
•Kags is a supportive boyfriend, he's the first one to cheer you up if you're sad.
•He's sharp as hell so he would always notice if you're not feeling well once he notice that he will do everything he can to make you smile or to make you feel better.
•Loves it when you keep on asking him to carry you.
•He loves the fact that you're shorter than him (Readers, if you're taller than Kags sorry😭)
•He would always walk you home.
•Sweetest thing he do for you? Taking care of your fingernails 💅🏻 he would definitely watch tutorials in applying nail polish. He also takes care of his fingernails so he wanted to do the same for you.
•When it comes to kisses it also take him some time to kiss you, he always wondered how it feels like to kiss you but he doesn't want to creep you out so he'll behave for quite some time.
“Tobio, you used the wrong method for this equation.” you called him out, Kageyama was quick to look at the problem that you're pointing out and his mouth gaped open as he realized his mistake. “Sorry, I'll do it again.” you giggled and showed him your homework, “Look at mine and compare it to yours, both methods are similar but they will have different answers so beware.” Kageyama started revising his answer while you continued studying for the another subject.
When he was done he looked at you just to see you so focused on what you're doing, you were pouting while answering your own homework and he couldn't help but stare at your pinkish lips.
You two have been dating for almost a year and you two haven't kissed because Kageyama is too shy to make the first move but right now he couldn't help but be tempted.
“Y/N, look at me.”
When you looked up at him, he immediately grabbed your nape and pressed his lips on yours. He was still unsure of how to do it but he did his best and boy, Kags is not too bad for a first timer.
When he pulled away you couldn't help but look at him completely dumbfounded. He will chuckle on your expression and will lean down to press his lips on yours for the second time.
“I love you.” he whispered.
Kuro Tetsuro
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•The type of boyfriend who acts like a Dad (no one can change my mind)
•Kuro will definitely keep on reminding you that eating vegetables is good for you.
•He will monitor your sleeping routine. He would even buy scented candles for you to help you sleep.
•He's so smart so expect him to help you in studying.
•Kuro is addicted to kisses, he will always do everything in his power to steal a kiss from you even if it's in front of his teammates.
•He will tease you a lot for being smaller than him but once you get pissed he'll stop and he will keep on bugging you until you finally agree to forgive him.
•He will always talk about you, in fact he never shuts up about you to the point that Kenma is asking you what kind of love spell did you put in Kuro. He'll politely ask you to decrease the effect of the ‘love spell’
•Kuro loves pinching your cheeks (it hurts so you will get mad) once you get mad he'll be showering kisses all over your face and will talk to you in a baby voice saying things like, “Oh look at baby YN looking so cute with red cheeks. Sorry baby, come here I'm gonna kiss the pain away.”
•What is the sweetest thing that Kuro did to you? He installed a period tracker app on his phone, so he can remember your cycle. If you're on your period, expect Kuro to be extra gentle. He won't tease you or anything, he will buy you snacks and he will always check up on your mood.
“YN, the captain of volleyball club is looking for you.” says one of your classmates. You smiled at your classmate and nod but before you could stand up from your seat, Kuro is already in front of you, “How're you feeling? Do you want to go home? Internet says ginger tea is good for reducing nausea during period.” your eyes widened and you covered his mouth using your hands.
“You don't have to announce to everyone that I'm on my period Tetsu!” you whispered yell and he gently removed your hands from his mouth. “Okay, calm down. Sorry, I know that there's a whole lot scientific process going on inside you, I understand your outburst. I brought snacks for you.” he lifted the plastic bag on his left hand and smiled at you.
You were about to smile back at him but you realized something, “How did you know I'm on my period?” Kuro blinked for a few times before clearing his throat, “I saw the period tracker on your phone, I installed the same thing on mine so I can monitor your period. My Mom told me periods are uncomfortable and painful so I just want to do what I can for my dearest girlfriend.” your heart melted at that and you started crying, Kuro's eyes widened as he pulled you close to his chest.
“Shh, baby what did I do?”
“Nothing. It's just that...I love you so much.”
“Oh experts believe that the drop in estrogen and progesterone, which occurs after ovulation, triggers mood swings during or before your period.” Kuro whispered as he caress your back gently. You sniffed and hugged him tighter still crying because you just felt so loved. “These hormones reduce production of serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter, it's natural to be emotional, baby.” you looked up at your boyfriend and when you saw how serious he was you just couldn't help but laugh.
“You're such a nerd. God, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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savorysatori · 3 years
DEJA VU. / SATORI TENDŌ! — dé·jà vu.
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Deja Vu. /ˌdāZHä ˈvo͞o / a feeling of having already experienced the present situation.
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synopsis. — you were both broken up. done with each other for the rest of your life, but, that one phone call always awoke something in you. bringing you back to where you used to be.
// warnings. smoking, car sex, tiny bit of angst. fem!reader, ex-lovers. possessiveness, toxic!tendō, face-sitting, daddy kink. + overstimulation, manipulation, non-con at first.
leader’s notes. my second attempt at writing angst and I hope I don’t butcher it, anyways, writing this hurt bad <33 but it’s also so hot because of toxic tendō. hehe! 💗
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“You always babble on about us .. saying we can’t be together, and yet, you always pick up on my calls. You’re useless without me, dove.”
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4:55 AM. — It was a soft breeze tonight, the birds were silent and the sun was slowly rising to uplift the night sky. It was a quiet night. Nothing to disturb your neighbors of their slumber, deep sleep with dreams of all kinds of things swishing between them and others. 
But, you, oh you. You were up, wide awake, awaiting that same message you get from him every single day. It had become a schedule to stay up this late, hoping the three bubbles would pop up beside his name. You yearned to see him again. And it was awful. An awful, awful thing. You fell deeper into his hole of games and tricks he played on you, unable to climb out from it. Fell deep into the love he provided you. But he couldn't love you back. That was the worst part of it, and the reason you could never tell anybody. You wanted to leave, and you did. You were the one who chose to break up, yet the one who kept going back and forth. This was the cycle of a pathetic relationship, and you knew it. You felt your cell phone vibrate in your hand. You felt a mixture of dread and excitement. Dread, because you knew who was texting.
“Come outside. I’m here.”
The message showed up. From there, you knew it was him. His words were short. Uneventful, but short. You opened your front door, walking out to the middle of the meadow behind your house, to feel the crisp air on your famished skin. The moon was high in the sky, and its light illuminated your surroundings. There was nobody else around, giving you a sense of isolation from any other living being. Tendō leaned against his sleek car, exactly where your visions had led you to expect him to be. His legs were crossed and his shoulders slumped as if he was trying to disappear into the dark color of the car. You couldn't make out much else about him, as he was keeping himself cloaked in shadow.
"Tendō," you uttered, walking up to him.
He slowly lifted his head, peeking out from the cloak of car. His eyes were lifeless. Empty. There was no emotion in those deep vermillions. They were cold. Hard. Like the metal of the car they were resting on.
"So, you did come,” he said, his voice monotone and emotionless, his mouth however was pulled up into a small smirk. He pushed himself up from the car, standing at its height. He brushed some dirt off his slacks, and pulled the car door open, climbing inside. You followed his example, climbing into the passenger seat.
Tendō’s car was spotless. Not a speck of dirt was anywhere to be found on the car's interior. The seats were equally as clean, with not a single stain or tear in sight. It was obvious that he took great care in keeping his car in pristine condition. It made all the memories flood back easily into your brain, having you remember exactly everything that happened in here. As you sat in it, the engine still idling, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulling one out and putting it in his mouth. He lit it with his flickery lighter, taking a deep breath in and releasing it through his nose.
“I thought you quit,” you repeated the same words from before, hoping he took them in. He didn't answer. Instead, he focused on the cigarette in his mouth as he drew it out. Pushed a button to raise the window, allowing the smoke to escape into the frigid night air.
‘Why wasn’t he answering you?’
The clock in your head ticked and tocked. Back and forth with you getting irritated with by the lack of response you are getting.
He slowly exhaled, the smoke leaving his lips in a thin stream.
"Quit your bickering, would ya’? "
The two of you sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Smoke filled the car's interior, clouds swirling around each other as they rose into the air. The smell of tobacco vanished when he crushed the cig in his palm, flicking the now burnt remains out the window. Once the window rolled up, you could see the uneasiness settle into your stomach.
“Ten- we gotta.. end this, tonight. Last time.”
You were sure about it. Hundred percent, sure. Even if the need of your body wasn’t. You could feel it. His words were vague, non-committal at best, but his eyes, that's what he was getting at. His dead eyes told you all you need to know. Tendō grabbed your hand, and before you could even think about it, your hand went near your mouth, coercing you onto his lap with a brutal grip.
His other arm wrapped around your waist, holding you in place. Your legs moved to straddle him, your knees on either side of his thighs. His hand left your mouth, finding its way onto your throat. You gulped in a breath, instantly feeling the pain of his fingers trapping your flesh. His face, so close to yours.
“You always babble on about us .. saying we can’t be together, and yet, you always pick up on my calls. You’re useless without me, dove.”
And he was right, so right. All of it. All of his games, tactics, his plans. You left him, yet you kept coming back. Why?
His eyes burned with a bright red, like two hot cinders. Tempting you to utter a word from your quivering lips, daring you to make a peep. And just like that, his found yours, smothering your lips. Soft at first, but soon they were hungry. They were everywhere, and you welcomed each one. Tongue pushed into your mouth; you tasted the blood from your bitten lip. The smoky flavor of his mouth was gone, replaced by the metal-like bitterness of his cold breath. You were weak. Powerless against him.
Your knees bent, your legs becoming wobbly, and you gave in. What else could you do? You couldn’t resist to his whims. His cold fingers rested against your burning cheek, his other hand grabbed at the side of your face, fingers digging into your jaw.
"You're mine." He breathed, his lips barely moving.
Dazed and confused, you didn't utter a single sound. His hand ran down your cheek, and he gave a light squeeze, holding you in place for his next move. His cold lips pressed against your cheek, moving slowly to your ear. "Say it."
"I'm yours!” The words escaped your lips, as if someone had pressed them in. They felt unnatural, wrong. It was like you was forcing yourself to say them. He let out a low chuckle, his hot breath causing you to shiver, no, to tremble. "Good girl."
The hand that was on your face moved down, and he grabbed at the front of your shirt. The feeling of his hand against your skin sent chills down your spine. You could feel him smile against your skin, his lips splayed on your chest. It all came too fast. One moment he was whispering dreadful words, the next he had the leather seat laid back, the remaining clothes thrown away with your legs fastened around each side of his head, cunt mere inches away from his hungry mouth. He had your wrists pushed against your head, and the leather seat belt were tied to your arms, leaving you unable to move them. Tied down, forced to watch, no matter how hard you tried to look away... he filled your glistening pussy with his cold tongue.
It was brutal. it was exquisite.
Moans came out of your lips with every thrust, and you couldn't help but push against his mouth. You wanted more. So much more. You could feel the warmth of his mouth, hear the slurping and slopping sounds as his tongue moved in and out, spreading the lips of your pussy to suckle. The harder you went, the wetter he made you, flicking at your clit. His stubble raked against your inner thighs as his mouth moved up to your aching sex. You rocked into his face, faster with a swirl from your hips. You could almost feel the heat of his breath against your clit as you loosed a torrent of dirty words, his name passed your lips in a long tone.
“Daddy! hah, ye- yes! ‘s good,”
He didn't need telling twice. Grabbing your hips, he steadied your gyrating body as he buried his head in your depths. He pushed your legs up, spreading you wide open. His tongue swept in and out, faster and faster. You could feel the air swirling around your clit as his nose pushed against your folds, sucking your sore bud into his mouth and biting down. You came hard, shuddering as your muscles tightened and unknotted themselves, unable to do anything else as wave after wave hit you.
Tendō’s tongue slid up from your sensitive bud, slipping back into his mouth with the filth of your juices splayed on it. He did exactly what he always did, make you dazed over him. Crawling back to him and his dick with need.
“Look at you. A fucking whore, whinin’ and squealing, you can’t go a fucking day without me — can you?” he urged you on with his harsh words, bringing you back from the aftershock.
You were addicted to him.
“No. I — I can’t, I love you too much,” a sniffle came from you, eyes settling to close. “But, please .. fuck me, daddy.”
A pleased look spread onto his face. He won. “You’re finally learning, dove. Now you know you can’t live without me, I’m too fuckin’ good.” you were swished from on top of his face, your legs being forced up, your knees drawn back as his fingers dug into your thighs. Gently, he guided his dick to you. His hands wrapped around your legs as he slowly started to push into you, rocking his hips as he found your warm, wet hole.
“Daddy! — ah, fuuck.” you hissed as he entered you, wincing as he twisted his hips, grinding the last inches of his cock into you. Cool air brushed against your raw neck and the inside of your thighs as his warm body pushed against you. With every thrust, his dick ground against your clit, sending jolts of delight through your body. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as your fingers bit into his flesh. You didn't want it to end. This pure, unadulterated pleasure. He leaned forward, supporting his weight on his forearms as he panted.
You were tight. So fuckin’ tight, Tendō could barely move.
He thrust into you, hard. His pelvis slapped your ass as you took him in. You moaned into his mouth as his dick rubbed that sweet spot inside you, your body felt as if it was in a craze of desire. He steadied his breathing as he started to thrust harder, keeping an intent of driving you cock drunk. Tendō wrapped his hand around your throat, as his other hand raised your legs and wrapped them around his waist. His lips were messily pressed against your cheek as he kissed you with deep, raw animalistic lust. You bit your tongue to prevent yourself from making any noise, but your body betrayed you as a moan still slipped past your lips.
“I know you missed this from the way you look, I know you miss me. Let me hear you mutter it, baby.” he panted as your bodies' rhythm began to sync up.
Your nostrils were filled with his scent, your eyes were covered by your hair, but you could still see as he fucked you with kind-buttons, and the pain grew. “I’ve missed it!” And you did as you were told, jumping onto his cock and draining it dry with your whines. “I’ve missed you, s’so much, lo- love you too.”
“Knew it. I fucking knew it already, your mine.”
He was unrelenting as his cock mushed against your womb, his forehead pressed against yours. His fingers dug into your sweat-soaked back as he huffed, his breath coming out in heavy pants. You could feel the liquid filling your insides as his warm cum plugged you. His body kept on thrusting as he emptied himself into you. Your vision grew dark as the world turned all of its colors. You felt light-headed, but you didn't want it to end. You couldn’t have it end.
Tendō’s eyes ranked of desire and crave, he had you where he always wanted. Plugged you to be his, lure you back in with his lustful advances, have you stay up till the crack of dawn — waiting for that phone call from him. Make you whine just for the simplest touch from him. He drove you mad. That devilish grin on his face as he had you pinned down, that was all it took for you to fall into temptation's arms again. You were the king and he was the pawn, catching you in checkmate.
“You also still .. love me, right?”
A deep, guttural laugh escaped from him. One that would make someone wince, embarrassed of the question they asked. You wished you could take it back, wish you could go back in time and not say a peep. Wish you could disappear from reality. Just this once.
“Yes. Of course I do, my little devil. But that’s in another lifetime, one where I’m your actual boyfriend.”
You’ve felt this moment before. Tasted those same words leaving your lips, savored them to the hilt. This exact feeling felt familiar like you’ve experienced it before. You were trapped in a haze of deja vu, going around in circles and repeating the same actions from before. Just like now, what you asked him. You asked him before.
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We Met Within This Screen (chapt. 4)
[Donnie x fem reader]
sfw, chapt. 3, pt. 4 here
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Sighing, you set your phone face-down after sending your last text to Bo. What an abrupt end to something that had been so good. You were confused, a little taken aback and honestly sad. You'd thought the two of you were getting along well. Bo was smart, well-spoken, funny, and all around, a really nice person. He listened to your venting and seemed like he had a response to everything. Always, he had some random fact to hit you with whether it was about biology, chemistry, astronomy, language—you weren't sure where he got all his knowledge from. He'd never mentioned school, if he went. He didn't mention a lot about himself, actually. 
People come and go, someone had once told you. You guessed that he was one of those passersby, as much as you wanted it to be more. 
When had you started thinking that? More what? 
You were tempted to pick your phone back up, to check and see if there were any new messages. Not that you could expect much; Bo had been so curt about his exit from your friendship that it was left at his last text, "Again, I'm sorry." You wanted to say something, but what was there to say? It was his decision. A sudden, uncharacteristic, and frankly odd decision, but still, his. Thinking back on it, you tried to remember any instance you might have crossed a line, or maybe said something you shouldn't have. That's what made you open up the messages again, scrolling up and up and looking for anything weird, but finding nothing of the sort. It had all been normal up until when you texted him about the clamor you'd heard outside your apartment building. And then it went flat—he didn't even respond to it, just said his apology and his goodbye before going offline.
You wanted to take your mind off it with a game, but as you looked through your list and saw the one you and him had played together, you knew it was near ruined for you. It just wasn't the same to play alone or with your acquaintances. An otherwise boring game made fun by one particular person, but now it was barely what it used to be.
The next morning might have felt more normal if it weren't for the fact that everyone was pretending like it was. For the sake of secrecy from their father. As far as Donnie knew, Splinter still didn't know anything was or had been going on, and he intended to keep it that way, too. He wanted to tell his father, he did, but all he saw coming of that was reprimanding, or at the very least an awkward discussion, and possibly, time in the Hashi. He was already feeling the aftermath of his actions; he didn't need any more. Especially as he checked the messaging app one last time, only to find it empty, aside from her goodbye. 
Donnie stood at the kitchen counter, mask off and groggy as usual, scrounging for something to eat. Maybe a cup of coffee (if they had any), which he was looking for when Mikey bounced in. Normally, his brothers would avoid him when he was in one of his "moods". He hadn't a passionate temper like Raph but a slow-brewing one, the kind that festers until it's alleviated or boils over. Cold quiet was his thing. 
But Donnie knew why he was here. So did Mikey. He had that familiar glint of mischief in his eye. 
There was no coffee, so he settled for some kind of pastry they'd found while looking through the dumpsters. Really, the item was fine—only the packaging and appearance was defective. It was a wonder just how much food grocers wasted over arbitrary reasons, but regardless, he was happy to oblige his secret sweet tooth. 
From the corner of his eye he could see Mikey waiting eagerly for him to turn around and regard him. To listen to whatever he was about to talk his ear off with. Their youngest brother was more often than not bright-eyed in the morning, something Donnie's morning fog could not always entertain. He picked at his food at the counter for a moment, mind wandering back to his night and subsequently,  the unresolved feelings. Dreadfully unresolved, he groaned inside. And they probably would continue to be, as after sleeping on what had happened the previous night, thinking about her, he realized something that made his face flush. Oh, no. 
He froze in his place, suddenly very awake. He looked over his shoulder and found Mikey was distracted rummaging through the food for his own breakfast, and with a faint cringe, tried to sneak out of the kitchen undetected. No way would he admit to Mikey's words on the rooftop that night, the ones that made him flinch with embarrassment. The same ones that bounced around his head despite all attempts to stuff it down. "You like her, bro." 
Things involving him could never be simple, could they?
Abandoning his plate, Donnie began tip-toeing out of the room right behind Mikey. His foot hit the leg of a chair and caused a creak—he winced. As he thought, Mikey looked back, "Why are you sneaking around? You didn't finish your breakfast. Can't go on patrol on an empty stomach, dude." 
Before Donnie could even answer, he continued in a whisper, "Plus—"
"Whatever it is, Mikey, not now," he cut his brother off, "last night was the end of it, alright? You need to let it go." It sounded harsher than he would have preferred, but he felt the need to drill it into Mikey's skull that it was over, that it was just something he'd have to deal with. There were a lot of things they dealt with despite not liking it. With time, he'd forget—more accurately, be able to ignore— and maybe he could find the same enjoyment in his brothers once again. That sort of friendship.  But at the moment, it was ruined for him—he got a taste of something more and it was taken away what felt like second later. 
Mikey's face fell. Donnie couldn't stand that, seeing him upset over something he'd said. He had a bit of a soft spot for their youngest, no doubt. Just wasn't always obvious. 
"Aren't you afraid you'll regret it?" he asked, voice soft. 
Fear was a strong word, but of course Donnie was anxious. It was the thing holding him back from being able to simply compartmentalize everything, to put it in a box and on the metaphorical "deal with this later because it's uncomfortable right now" shelf. Or to deal with it at all, as ignoring his problems with studying and unrelated research and experimentation wasn't exactly prime management. He knew that. 
After a while of thought, Donnie was able to give him an answer. "Well…I mean, how could I not be?" he inquired in return before leaning out of the doorway to scan the lair. Everyone was either in their room, the dojo, or there, in the kitchen. Mikey has always made him feel most comfortable, and he was sure that was the case for the other three, just that they had other ways of showing it. He was certainly easy to talk to; if Donnie weren't so careful of his mouth and what came out of it, he could probably spew way more to him than he liked. Mikey could come through sometimes, though, which prompted him to keep going, "It was a big thing for me. We've been disconnected from everything else for so long that it was just...exciting, to get a look into what it's like. Being 'regular', you know?" 
Mikey sat down on one of the bar stools, feet idly shuffling against the floor as he folded his arms and rested on them. "You didn't hear it from me, but I'm a little jealous," he said playfully, but Donnie was aware that it was the case. "Maybe I'm pushing you to go after her because I'm trying to live vic–vicrous–v–…" 
Donnie smiled, he couldn't help it. "'Vicariously'?" he suggested. 
"Yeah! That," Mikey beamed, nodding. "You get what I mean." 
"I understand." 
The conversation died off soon after as Donnie decided to get breakfast over with and do whatever needed to be done before they left for patrol that night, darkness falling earlier due to the upcoming winter. It wasn't too cold for them to be out yet, though, so that still meant a chilly patrol in the Autumn breeze. He hated the cold. 
As Donnie was making himself busy at a circuit board in his lab, he heard the beads in the doorway shift, and to his surprise, Splinter came shuffling in. 
He put down his soldering iron, spinning around in his chair. "Something the matter?" 
Splinter ran his fingers along a shelf on the wall as he wandered by, careful to not disturb any of the items lining it. Beakers, recently-repaired electronic parts, projects put on pause, things that would loathe to be broken. 
"There is always something," Splinter replied enigmatically, "I would not be here if that weren't true. Would you agree?"
 I'm compromised!
Donnie had a strong but hidden dislike for vague speaking, even if he did it himself sometimes. When spoken to you it's much more bothersome. 
Splinter waited for his answer, looking at him expectantly. "Donatello?" 
"Yeah, um…yes, I would—I would agree. I suppose. So...what is it again?" Damn his stutter, he couldn't get away with anything, hardly. He was only able to stifle it just enough. 
Picking a random pipette on the desk next to Donnie, Splinter studied the green liquid close for a second before his nose twitched, and he put it back down. "You have been very busy lately, it seems. What is it that you work on all day in here? Or are you playing games?" 
Donnie's heart thumped. His hand found that particular spot on his neck and began to scratch, and Splinter looked at him dead in the eye. He should have known; there was no hiding anything from their father, he was too good. Stupidly, infuriatingly perceptive. Donnie caught himself scratching that spot and slid his hand away, he hadn't even noticed he was picking at it again. He knows, Mikey told him, I probably look like a guilty idiot right now, I'm—
"I haven't been playing games," Donnie blurted out. 
Quizzically, Splinter gestured at the computer screen on the other wall, which had the menu of the game he'd opened up just earlier. Reminiscing over it even though it had been only a couple of days since he and his friend had last played together, but he stared at the screen as if it had been years. It made him realize how easily he'd gotten attached to that. Well, to her. He was on the fence about whether he wanted to try playing again or not and left it on.
Oh, you have to be kidding. I'm a fool in a man's shoes. 
Donnie laughed uncomfortably, "You caught me, Sensei," he said, "I guess I have been playing games more often lately." 
It was honest enough, right? 
Splinter hummed and cupped his hands behind his back. "I see."
Straightening out, Donnie dipped his head a little. "I'll...lay off on them. Sorry for lying. I've just been really distracted recently." 
"Liars never prosper, my son. Take care of yourself." 
He then left. 
So he didn't know. Donnie still couldn't say it with any degree of confidence, because Splinter would trip them up here and there, but it was assurance enough to know that if Splinter was aware of what had gone on between the four brothers and his new—rather, former—human friend, he would have confronted Donnie about it. Or all of them, considering it was now a secret they were all in on actively hiding. And on top of that, Raph and Leo didn't know Mikey was conspiring. Layers and layers, he sighed. 
With Splinter gone, he let out a breath of relief. Too close. Much. But, swiftly evaded. A chuckle left him, not of humor, but more because he was actually feeling a little confident. Just a little. They were really hiding something from Splinter; it was reason enough to pat himself on the back, nothing got past Splinter. Except for him.
Briefly, he thought of Mikey's outlandish idea as he spun back around in his chair. "Mikey, you are crazy," he mumbled to himself as he took his soldering iron, resuming his work from before. "But..."
Chapter 5
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mimisempai · 3 years
You walked into my life like you had always lived there
Charles has resigned himself to a life alone in Paris, but he might be surprised by a visit from an "old friend"... Will they get another chance to reach happiness?
Words:3719 - Chapters:1/1
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This morning, like every other morning, sitting on the terrace of the café downstairs from his small apartment, Charles was waiting for his usual coffee while watching the bustle of the street. Delivery men unloading their vans at the grocery store on the corner, the bookstore owner unpacking his shelves, a tourist couple having their picture taken with the view of Montmartre in the background. The passers-by, people going to work, others walking their dogs. All this lively and colorful world coming and going, talking, laughing, reminded him of the hallway of a certain school, in the mornings just before the students entered their classrooms.
And like every morning, Charles was acutely aware of his loneliness. He had voluntarily closed his mind to all other thoughts than his own.
Thoughts that were enough to torment him.
More often than not, they were memories which he forced himself to face. His mistakes, what he should or should not have done. Searching, dissecting when he had lost sight of his values. At what point he had let down those he had sworn to protect since the day he had discovered Raven in his kitchen so many years ago.
But appeasement never came.
At the beginning, Hank gave him news of the school, of the progress of the students, news of each one and then little by little the messages had spaced, Charles put more and more time to answer, letting the distance grow voluntarily. It was now 3 months that he had no news and it was good like that.
Raven, Jean, Alex... and the names of all the others were spinning in his head, like a macabre dance, a torture he was inflicting on himself to atone.
There was only one name that he refused to pronounce, that he refused to think about. The one name that had always been able to read him without having any telepathic powers.
"You're always sorry, Charles. And there's always a speech. But nobody cares anymore."
"Will that be all sir?"
The waitress, pulling him out of his musings, put his coffee on the table.
"Yes, thank you," Charles replied.
"Mutant and proud."
Raven had always been right,
"Or is that only with pretty mutations or invisible ones, like yours. But if you're a freak, better hide."
Mutant yes, but proud he was no longer. He was the freak who had to hide.
He took a sip of his coffee and ran his hand over his face.
He suddenly felt a presence behind his back, and a shiver went through him at the sound of the voice with such familiar inflections,
"How's retirement treating you Charles?"
Erik sat down and placed a small case containing a chess set at his feet. Why was he there? To taunt him? To provoke him? Charles resisted the temptation to read his mind. He clenched his fist on his knee. Erik was the only one to provoke this storm of emotions in him. The only one who had the capacity to unsettle him.
So as always he chose the attack,"What are you doing here, Erik?"
He finally dared to meet Erik's eyes, and he almost gasped, because, in the blue-gray eyes, there was nothing of the harshness, of the disappointment from their last meeting. Erik's gaze was kind and open as he replied with a slight smile, "I came to see an old friend. Fancy a game?"
Erik showed him the chess set at their feet. Their usual chess game, the moment when their minds clashed. That space outside of time, where despite the fights and conflicts, they always managed to find each other. But this time Charles wasn't sure he had the strength to offer Erik a worthy opponent. So he shook his head and replied, "No, not today. Thank you."
He looked away. He couldn't look at Erik when so many emotions were running through him. He was sure he would never see the only man he had ever loved again, and there he was in front of him, beautiful, making Charles even more aware of his own state.
"A long time ago, you saved my life. Then you offered me a home. I'd like to do the same for you."
Charles studied Erik's expression for a long time. Always the same openness and acceptance. He was once again tempted to read Erik's mind.
"You can, you know." Erik made the hand motion that Charles made when he wanted to access someone's mind.
As always he had seen right through Charles, but again no disappointment or disgust in the voice and the eyes.
Charles after swallowing, answered in a slightly hoarse voice, having trouble containing his emotions.
"I don't do that anymore."
Erik simply nodded with a half smile, put his hands in his pockets, then took them out, and held them out in front of him in clenched fists, just like in the old days.
"Just one game. For old times' sake."
Charles gave in, he didn't feel like fighting anymore, he didn't feel like pretending. So he held out his hand to Erik's right fist, which opened to a white pawn.
Erik said with a slight teasing smile, "I'll go easy on you."
Charles replied with the same smile, just a little more hesitant, "No, you won't."
As they set up the pieces, Erik added, "I might surprise you, you know Charles."
Charles stopped his motion as he went to move a knight, and said with emotion in his voice as he stared into Erik's eyes, "You already have."
Time stood still for a moment, neither of them able to take their eyes off the other. Then Charles continued his movement and the game resumed.
The sun was high in the sky when they finished their game. It was Erik who had won. But as always, no matter who won, neither of them cared, the important thing was the duel not the result.
"Well?" inquired Erik as he closed the chess set, "Did you have time to think about my offer?"
"Did you mean it?" Charles hoped Erik couldn't hear the eagerness in his voice, because he really wanted to accept Erik's offer. But did he deserve it? Did he have a right to this home Erik was offering him? And what did a home even mean?
His hand began to tremble slightly, as if he wanted to grasp something, but didn't dare. He closed his eyes to compose himself.
He felt a hand rest on his as Erik's voice said softly, "Charles...". He opened his eyes. Erik's hand opened his clenched fist and intertwined his fingers with his. Charles slowly raised his eyes to Erik's face.
The urge to surrender, to let go, hit Charles even harder. He could see so much in Erik's eyes, but he was so afraid of being disappointed and of disappointing... again. He closed his fingers over Erik's and tried to swallow the lump that was forming in his throat.
Erik continued, "Charles, no demands, no debts, no obligations, this is completely free, I'm just offering you a simple and protected life. It's far from a castle life, but Genosha is a small, isolated island where we have created a self-sufficient community. Most of the inhabitants are like us, "retired" mutants with wounds to heal. You can-"
Charles interrupted him, "It's okay Erik, no need to say any more, I accept. " and after a moment of silence, he added, "Thank you."
Erik simply smiled, put his other hand over their entwined hands and said, "I'm just showing the same generosity that you have shown to me over and over again. No need for gratitude between us. We are just two friends and..."
Erik paused as if he were about to say something else.
"And?" asked Charles, curious about what Erik had stopped himself from saying.
For the first time since the beginning of this meeting, Erik looked a little unsettled before answering, "Nothing... well at least not now."
Charles didn't insist, he knew there was a lot to clear up between them. But now that he had decided to follow Erik to his island, he knew they had time.
"So how do we do this?"
Erik replied as he stood up, "I'll go with you to your flat, you take what you need for a few days, and we'll leave for Genosha. You can get the rest delivered later."
"So soon?"
"Why wait? Do you have obligations here, people to say goodbye to?"
"No!" replied Charles curtly, angry at having been found out once again.
He began to roll his wheelchair quickly toward the entrance of his building. Erik joined him in two strides before putting his hand on his shoulder. Charles felt bad for being so touch starved that this simple touch immediately soothed him.
"Charles, I know what it's like, I've been there. Don't get upset. It wasn't a criticism or a mockery." He squeezed Charles' shoulder before letting his hand fall back.
"I know..." sighed Charles. "Come on."
As they walked through the door of Charles' tiny apartment, sensing that Erik was about to say something, Charles admonished him, "Don't say anything."
Erik waved his hand, as if he were zipping up his mouth without hiding his smile, but finally couldn't help himself.
"My Charles, do you live in that shoebox? I'm disappointed in you! Pretty spartan."
Seeing Charles' dark glare, he pretended to surrender. "Ok, ok, I'm not saying anything more."
Charles muttered, "Liar."
Then they gathered Charles' things and a few hours later they were on their way to Genosha.
Two weeks later, Charles was unpacking the last of the boxes that had just arrived, mostly books. Erik had built him some makeshift shelves. His "residence" like all of Genosha’s, was made of salvaged materials, but Charles didn't mind. Although he had always lived in a certain opulence, he knew how to make do with little.
"Need a hand?"
Erik had just stepped through the curtain that served as a door.
"I'm not saying no."
They hadn't had time to really talk and clear the air between them, but Erik was very thoughtful. Charles was a little insecure, not knowing where he stood. So he decided to just take things as they came. If he was honest with himself, he knew how he felt about Erik. But he wouldn't act, he didn't want to risk breaking the friendship they were rebuilding.
Erik had begun unpacking a box of books.
"Do you have a particular order?"
"No put them on the shelves as they come for now."
So Erik began to put the books away, commenting on some of the titles.
"Oh Charles, Charlotte Brontë really? Jane Eyre as well?"
"Hey Erik, just because you're helping me doesn't mean you have to like what I read."
"Ho Ho! You even marked a page."
Charles remembered, what page and what words he had written in the margin.
"Erik, please put that book away, it doesn't matter."
But he could see from Erik's face that he wasn't about to let go, so he resigned himself and closed his eyes waiting for a reaction, of what kind, he didn't know.
Charles squeezed his eyes tighter.
"Is that about me?"
Charles had a small self-deprecating laugh before he replied, "I don't know any other Erik, so yes."
"What do you mean with 'you left Erik and now I'm bleeding'?"
Charles let out a big sigh and put his head in his hands. "This is really embarrassing...it's in relation to the underlined passage that's a little higher up if I remember correctly."
He knew the phrase by heart, because it had resonated in a special way since he'd met Erik, but he hadn't expected the raw emotion that ran through him when he heard Erik read the words aloud.
“I have a strange feeling with regard to you. As if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. And if you were to leave I’m afraid that cord of communion would snap. And I have a notion that I’d take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you’d forget me.”
Charles heard Erik put the book down, and a sound of footsteps, he still didn't want to open his eyes, he was too afraid of what he would read in Erik's eyes. He was aware of Erik's presence very close to him, then a hand clasped his.
"Charles, please look at me." Erik's voice was almost pleading, Charles didn't resist and opened his eyes, to see that Erik had knelt down to be at his level. Then he looked up at Erik's eyes, afraid of what he would find there, and gasped, Erik looked almost amazed, yes that's right, amazed.
"Charles is that how you still feel?" Erik asked him in an pressing tone, his eyes scanning his, leaving Charles no escape.
Charles swallowed, and despite his tight throat, he tried to answer, "Yes."
"But when... I mean since when?"
"When? Do you remember the day you managed to unlock your power. The day you let me access that memory? Well since that day, I've felt this very strong connection between us."
Erik tightened his grip on his hand and asked, "And those words in the margin?"
Charles' voice was a whisper, "After the missiles and the beach, when you left."
"Oh Charles, I...I'm so sorry." The regret was genuine in Erik's eyes.
"Don't be anymore, it's been a long time since I forgave you and since then I think I've made my share of mistakes and bad decisions. Some of which have more consequences than losing my legs. Raven was right, I had forgotten who I was. Why I started all this in the first place. I lost sight of what was important, I lost... I lost so much. And I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner, and... I'm not as evolved as I thought I was. You say you're sorry Erik, but you don't know how sorry I am. Forgive me I... I must..."
Charles had to go, he had to get out, the grief he had been feeling since he left school, no even before, since Raven's death, it was all threatening to come out, he didn't want to fall apart like that in front of Erik.
But Erik was keeping him from walking away. Still kneeling and holding his hand.
"Erik, please move over... let go of me, I have to get out, I-" the tears were starting to blur his vision, with his free hand he was trying to push his wheelchair forward.
"Charles, stop! You don't have to leave. You don't have to be alone anymore. You are not alone!"
Erik loosened Charles other hand's grip on the wheel, and suddenly took him in his arms, and he felt his lips move against his head and the words came to his ears "Charles, you can let go, even though I've failed you many times in the past, this time I won't. Let it go. Don't be afraid, I'll catch you."
Because Charles no longer had the strength to stay strong, because he was craving for someone to lean on, he let go. He let the grief engulf him, because he knew Erik was there and would keep him from drowning.
Erik continued to hold him and whispered over and over, "That's it, let it all out. I'm here mein Liebster. Let it out."
Once the crying dried up, exhaustion fell on Charles and he fell asleep in Erik's arms. He was sleeping so deeply that Erik had been able to lift him out of his wheelchair without him waking up and now he was lying with his back against Erik's front, his head under his chin and Erik's arms wrapped around Charles.
Erik had been torn when he saw his beloved overwhelmed by grief and wondered how long it had been since Charles had been able to express his pain. He had always been attracted to the shining side of Charles, he often compared them to two sides of the same coin. But when he'd found him in Paris, he'd seen that all that light was like dulled.
"Erik..." the still broken voice Charle continued, "Thank you..."
"Sshh Charles, I told you no thanks are needed between us."
"Yeah..." Erik felt Charles relax against him again.
"Sleep, meine Liebster."
Much later, Erik was awakened by a gentle brushing sensation on his face. He opened his eyes, found himself facing Charles, who was withdrawing his hand as if he had been caught with his hands in the jam jar.  Erik grabbed his hand and placed it back on his own cheek.
"Don't stop Charles..."
He saw Charles' expression ease as he gently stroked his face with feather-like touches, tracing Erik's facial lines with his fingertips.
Their faces were so close that Erik immediately caught sight of Charles gulping as a veil of sadness passed over his face.
"What's wrong?"
"I've lost you so many times already," Charles murmured.
"But I'm still here and so are you. Now we're together."
Erik couldn't resist, he crossed the remaining distance between them and put his lips to Charles'. It was as if everything fell into place in their worlds at that moment.
They remained for a long time, joined in a soft and almost innocent embrace.
Charles moved back and stared at Erik, looking for something in his eyes. He must have found what he was looking for because he smiled. His hand came up to brush a strand of hair from his face.
His lips parted and he pressed them to Erik's again. Erik licked the corner of his mouth and slid his tongue over his bottom lip, then kissed him. Charles quickly opened up to him, welcoming him wordlessly with his lips and hands in his hair. His tongue mimicked the actions of hers, and soon they were drinking from each other's lips, caught up in a thirst that would not seem to be quenched.
Erik slid his hands to Charles' waist, and pulled him as close as he could get. Charles' head fell back with a moan as Erik’s fingers slipped under his shirt and caressed his back. Erik took advantage of his distraction and lowered his head even further to press himself against his neck. He felt the slide of his tongue against his skin, then his teeth biting the same spot. Charles had a slight startle. His hands slid over Erik's shoulders and his fingers dug in. Erik immediately raised his head, worried about his reaction. "Not good?"
"No. Good. Really good," Charles reassured him in a gentle sigh. Erik smiled fondly and returned his attentions to Charles' neck. But Charles groaned and tugged at his hair, pulling Erik toward him so he could take his lips again.
Much later, as they both caught their breath. Lips to lips, forehead to forehead, Charles asked Erik, "I don't know if I was dreaming or not, but before you called me 'mein liebster', 'my dearest' if I am not mistaken."
For the first time since he had known him, Charles saw Erik's cheeks turn slightly pink. However, Erik's voice was perfectly assured as he replied, "You were not dreaming mein Liebster." He punctuated his words with a tender kiss.
"Unless you prefer, mein Schatz, my treasure." Another kiss.
"Or mein Geliebter, my beloved." Another kiss.
It was now Charles's turn to have slightly red cheeks. But he, too, looked Erik squarely in the eye and asked, "Is that really what I am?"
"Yes, my love and much more." Erik emphasized this with another kiss.
"Since when?"
"I'll show you. By looking into my thoughts in the brightest corner of my sensory memory like you did that time, you will find an additional memory beyond the one you found to help me unlock my powers."
Charles began to protest, "No Erik, I don't want to-"
Erik put a finger over his mouth, "Shhh, I'm asking you to."
He took Charles' hand and placed his fingers against his temple, in the familiar gesture he had when he wanted to access someone's thoughts.
Erik, visibly moved, addressed Charles, "What did you just do to me?"
"I accessed the brightest corner of your memory system. It's a very beautiful memory, Erik. Thank you"
"I didn't know I still had that."
Charles put his hand on his shoulder and said with strength and emotion in his voice, "There's so much more to you than you know. Not just pain and anger. There's good to you, I felt it. And when you can access all that, you'll possess a power no one can match. Not even me."
When Charles exited Erik's head, they were both deeply moved by the strength of the emotions of the shared memory.
Erik pressed his forehead against Charles'.
"What you told me that day, that there was good to me, that you felt it. It's a memory as happy as my mother's. It was also that day that I felt the connection between us. That I knew that-"
Erik paused for a moment.
"That you knew what?"
"That I was hopelessly and madly in love with you. I love you Charles. We've fought together, we've clashed, we've been through terrible trials sometimes together, sometimes against each other, but this, what I feel for you has always been my ultimate truth. I love you Charles."
Charles once again gasped, this time at the open adoration he read on Erik's face.
He raised his hand to his face, tracing the outline of it he said, his voice broken, "Despite all the detours I've taken, all the bad decisions you or I have made, every time, when it counted, you were there by my side, that unchanging presence. I can't tell where you start and where I end. I love you Erik, more than my life."
There. That moment. This moment of perfect communion after all they had been through. The fate, the choices, the events that had separated them, brought them together in a spiral that never seemed to end, it was all over. It was time for them to live. It wasn't the end, it was the beginning. This was their story.
Although I am very familiar with X-men - Movie verse, I have never written for this fandom before. After rewatching Dark Phoenix, I'm only holding onto this ending scene. I wanted to write about Erik and Xavier from there. I hope I did them justice.
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed your reading.
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I wrote this for Valentine's Day this year after I saw this card:
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And it totally looked like something Crowley would give Aziraphale haha. So enjoy :)
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*Phone rings in the bookshop. Aziraphale picks up. It's Crowley.*
- Hello, Angel. Have I, by any chance, dropped my black leather coat at your place?
- Well, hello, Crowley. Which one, you own too many of them.
- Oh, you know, the... The... Well... You're probably right. Can't even describe it without making it look like the one I'm wearing right now.
- So how do you know it's missing?
- I just know. There's a void in my wardrobe. That's how I know. But it's ok, it's a cheap one, maybe it's in this mess I call a home. And... How are things up there?
- Oh... Things are just fine. Today is a special day, many clients have come looking for books, and I'm very much pleased to notice that people find appeasing to give books as gifts in a special date like today's.
- (hesitant) Special... Date?
- (Azi starts blushing for some reason) Valentine's...
- Oh, sure. That date. Can't stand it. Too much love on the streets. No wonder I've got a headache since I woke up this morning. Everything is so... Pink. And happy. Urgh, makes my stomach...
- (Irritated) I see, Crowley, you hate valentines day. Nothing new about it. If you excuse me, there's a line of clients waiting to get their sweeties a book.
- Oh, fine, then. Talk to you later.
- That remains to be seen.
- Wha...
*Azi hangs up, feeling a bit ouraged. He breathes deeply before going back to the clients, his eyes go over a chair next to him. The black coat is there. He can not only see it, but smell it from that distance. He sighs, reaching discreetly to it. Aziraphale had hidden a little poem in its pocket. He thought it would be sweet if he picked it up today, and found it alone, of course, maybe it would put a smile on his devilish handsome face. He wanted to play Crowley a bit, but he was so unpleasant Aziraphale gave up on the entire joke. He shakes his head, too upset to finish the gesture. But the smell trailed behind him. He felt so much love around him, humans could be so charming sometimes, that he forgot about Crowley for a while. "
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Later that day...
*Aziraphale is organizing the last pile of books on the counter. It was a fine day, pleasant, cheery, fun. He made a good sale, and earlier that day he had picked up some roses to give as a courtesy to the buyers. He had cut up lots of pink and red paper hearts to have customers write a message to their sweethearts as a surprise inside the books. He had even baked some chocolate muffins in the shape of hearts, but as a treat to himself, guessing he would probably be alone by the end of the day, as always, but in the company of a good cup of tea and a new prophecy book that had just arrived from the 15th century...*
*The doorbell rings. He raises his eyes. Crowley is coming in, taking his glasses off. *
- Crowley... (hesitant) What a... (forcing a smile) Delightful surprise.
- Hey, angel. (looking around, embarrassed) I thought you'd be finished for today, so I thought we could... Have dinner, or something. You know, nothing special, I mean, we always have dinner, it's...
- (smiling the tiniest of grins, out of sight, still with his back turned to Crowley, putting the books back on the shelf) Oh, yes, just dinner. I suppose the Ritz is going to be a bit... Busy for the night, so...
- Oh. You're right. Maybe it is not the best night to dine out...
- Indeed, my friend. (a bit optimistic) But we could arrange something...
- I don't know, angel. Now that you've mentioned it, it's true. It's gonna be noisy, and... Crowded... And... You're probably right. I didn't really think through it.
- Well, I... (he turns around, getting closer to Crowley, who is still at the door) I could cook for us. I mean, I do not mean to brag about it, but I happen to be a very good cook, thank you.
- Oh, I do know that. We could have some... Pasta?
- I'm thinking a very tasty ravioli, marinara sauce, maybe some corn bread and cheese, and... Oh, we'll see.
- I don't wanna impose...
- Of course not, my friend, it is no imposition.
- Then let me get us some red wine to go along with it.
- (Excited again) Fabulous. Then, I will get dinner done, meet you here in an hour?
- Sure, sure. I will... Get the wine.
*Crowley is out on the street, it's been one hell of a task to find fine red wine around, but he managed. When he was getting back to the bookshop, he saw something that sparkled an idea on his mind... *
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*Back to the bookshop. Aziraphale is cooking, much amused and pleased with himself. He's distracted checking the taste of his marinara, and he can't see Crowley coming closer.*
- Aziraphale?
- (Jumping) Oh, for good heavens! You almost never use my name, what has got into you to do that?
- (smiling, a bit shy, unusual for him) I... I... (going to say something, but changing his mind) I found our wine. Your favorite of course. Had to put some effort into it, what one doesn't do for a nice bottle of Pinot Noir?
- Oh... (frowning, a bit confused) Definitely. Would you be so kind to put it on the table, along with the basket of bread?
- Yeah, yeah, no problem. (he picks up the wine and the basket, still fighting with words. He makes up his mind, dropping both, and picking something from his pocket, handing it abruptly to Aziraphale). Here. It's for you.
- (Startled, running his hand on the white apron he put on to cook, a little upset, maybe thinking the should have picked a more appropriate moment to give gifts) Ah... Well... (speechless, he picks up. It's a card, a blank white paper, written in black and white, very simple, very blasé. Aziraphale listens to his heart in his years, reading it intently).
- (Crowley starts talking fastly, trying to distract the mood, the sweetness of the occasion) I know it's valentine's day, but you know, humans send cards to one another, anyway, it just felt weird to just not say anything, so I got you this card. It's not a big deal. It doesn't really mean anything. There isn't even a heart on it. So basically it's a card. Saying hi. (Exhales, embarrassed) Oh, forget it...
*Aziraphale hugs him, tender and carefully, his eyes are glistening, he feels much happier than he can express, but he just hugs him, hoping the gesture speaks for itself. Crowley is still as a rock, eyes wide, hands on his pockets. He tries for a pat on the back, but he can't seem to make his hands work. He notices Aziraphale's face is very close to his, he can smell his skin, his white smooth hair, almost tempted to touch it... They part. Aziraphale is smiling beautifully, like only an angel could. Like only Aziraphale could, actually. *
- Thank you, dear.
*Crowley nods his head, not sure of what he could say, but Aziraphale doesn't seem to need it. He goes back to the stove, still holding the card close to his heart without even noticing. It makes Crowley smile, but he takes the bottle and the basket back to put them on the table. The smile never left his face.*
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*They have a nice dinner, talking, joking, discussing, eating and drinking. It was a fine night, like many others they had together. But this one had something to it, a different glow, a lighter atmosphere. Crowley is ready to go back to his apartment, his heart is a little heavy, and he wonders why. It is an unusual feeling, but curiously, he can't remember feeling it towards anyone else but Aziraphale. They stand by the door, Aziraphale has that candid smile again after going in the back and getting Crowleys coat.*
- Here. I was just playing you.
- I knew it! Aren't you becoming a trickster yourself?
- (smiles wider) I've got my charms...
- (low voice) You do. (Louder) Ah, so... I should get going. It was a fine meal, I must say.
- Well, thank you. It was a fine company, as always, my friend.
- Well... Happy... Night. Of February... 14th.
- Ditto, in fact, it's almost February 15th.
- Sure... See you around.
- Definitely
- Bye, Angel.
- Bye, Crowley.
*Crowley walks towards his car, feeling a bit dizzy. It was probably all that love thing in the air. At this hour, a bit more than love should be in the air, in fact. He breathed the air, closing his eyes, holding the coat in his hands. Something fell, and he picked up. It was a pink piece of paper. It had Aziraphale handwriting in it. He frowned.*
- He wrote a poem. For... Me.
*He turns around, looking at the bookshop, but now it's all dark and empty. Aziraphale probably went to rest. He would not bother him, right? Maybe... Maybe he didn't even intended for him to find it, maybe he forgot. Yes, he must have forgotten, he didn't even mention... He looks down at the paper again. The feeling of being completely filled inside, but so empty at the same time. So light and so heavy. So close and so far. He gets into his car, putting the poem back in his pocket. He starts driving, too pleased to admit. But the smile is there, crossing his face with the light of a thousand stars.*
*A light shines in the upper window of the bookshop. Aziraphale watched the entire scene. He eats a muffin, too glad to mind, looking at the card over the table. It was the best Valentines Day he had in centuries. Things were getting better."
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katsukikitten · 5 years
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A/N WELP THIS HAPPENED I GUESS THIRST TEXTS ARE HERE TO STAY Please let me know if this one was too long or if I neglected Kiri with such a short word count last time.
Warnings: NSFW, Adult Themes, 18+ AU/Pro hero, Adult AU. [Revised]
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One of your best redeeming, and most damning qualities was how blunt you were.
The world faulting you for knowing what you want, when you want it and exactly how you want it. 
Never shying away from voicing your needs either.  
So an "I'm horny" text to your boyfriend would be nothing new or unexpected as your thumbs fly across the screen. You could see him now, rolling those gorgeous eyes while  locking his phone. 
He was anything but your past lovers, male or female all it took was a string of special emojis, 😜😈👅💋💦💦, and they would come running. 
Showing up at your door with dinner and intentions to give you exactly what you wanted. 
But your special hot head needs just a tad bit more convincing, especially since he's always so "busy" with hero work. 
So shopping with your pro hero friends was the best way to have fun and kill time. But if you were being honest you wanted, no needed, your hot headed boyfriend to pin you against the wall by your throat and fuck all of his frustrations into you. Rutting into you so harshly, so deeply, you saw stars. God you hate to admit how addicting that caramel spiced bastard was.
So you struggle to think of a good enough text to send, biting at your lip in annoyance. 
"Y/N!" Mina calls as she motions for you to enter the next store, your eyes go from a blinking cursor to a glass case holding troves of mannequins adorned in smooth lace. A devilish smile settles on your lips as even more devilish thoughts form in your head, each clack of your heel is a promise to sin. 
"What can I help you pick out Mina?" You pur as you browse for yourself picking out items here and there to try on. 
You were already wearing a black thong that would match any bra or lacy little thing you would want to try on. So to say this man was about to be weak in the knees was an understatement. He better be stiff in his pants. 
"Hmm I'm not sure...." She gravitates to the bright pinks and you push her gently to moodier colors. 
Deep purples and blacks would make her seem more mature while you guided U-san to blushes and dusky rose colors to play up her "innocence." Although from the stories you've heard over too many shared daiquiris you knew they were far from innocent. Their men would definitely be weak if they took the items you were picking up for them home. 
"Let's try them on!" You announce, overly eager to get into the ambient lighting that would insinuate the curvature of your body and the lust in your eyes. The three of you enter into plushly carpeted floors that lie behind tall black with golden inlay doors. 
Luxury to remind women they ARE luxury themselves, you lock the door before setting out your items. 
You picked the perfect thing, you truly did. You compliment yourself as you undress half tempted to send him a picture of your perfectly rounded ass before you talk yourself out of it. 
One thing you learned quickly in this game of cat and mouse is that the anticipation of what could be underneath was enough to drive any lover mad. 
So it was time you presented his meal properly. 
You adorn yourself in a lacy and see through bra with strategically placed floral. The garment had more of a sweat heart neckline than a plunge, your tits fit perfectly as you adjust the straps that remind you of a cafe maids apron. The black color perfectly matched your bowed choker with the little silver bell. 
You slide on the garter that sits just above your natural waist, the middle bare save the string that holds onto the sheer matte tulle that gives it a softer feminine look than what you normally wear. 
Your thong matches perfectly and you smooth out the garter straps to bisect your thick thighs. 
You twirl for a moment before lightly biting your bottom lip for more color, your core slowly heating as you think of the things he would do to you in this. 
You angle yourself perfectly after a few tries, toulsing your hair this way and that before getting the perfect picture. 
You looking needy as you press two fingers against a greedy pink tongue, eyes filled to the brim with want as your mouth forms the perfect O. 
The same one that makes a lewd pop when removed from your favorite snack. 
You smile to yourself before hiting send.
"Doing okay loves?" You call out to your friends that sing song their confirmation, "Like anything yet?" 
"I'm uh not sure just yet." U san calls out 
"I'm checking with Kiri on what to get." Mina says devilishly, a shutter of a lens can barely be heard in fitting room over. 
Your phone pings and you lift it with feverish hands. 
"Gonna have to do better than that if you're trying to get me to leave, Kitten."
Your face sours into an angry pout as you rack your brain for a way to make him eat his words. You needed to look submissive, but not too innocent. He wasn't a brat handler for nothing, Kamisama above knew just how much of a handful you were. 
"But aren't our men in a meeting?" Uraraka asks and you can practically see the blush forming on her cheeks. 
Your lips curl up in a cat like smile as a plan formulates in your head. You place your heeled foot on top of the plush pink chair before using it to vault yourself over the top of your dressing room into Uraraka's.
"Y..Y/N." It is not as if she is unused to your brashness, it is more that you have no shame. You interrupt her before she can finish. 
"You look killer, you know that right?" 
This was no lie or flattery but full truth as she attempts to hide. 
But there is no hiding her curvy body, especially not beneath the strappy mesh bodysuit she wears in the perfect mauve pink, a darker in hue floral pattern tastefully hides her nipples, her navel and becomes thick over her final goods. 
The rest is mesh with side cutouts to remind you of just how beautifully plush she was, if Izuku were here now he would be salivating. 
Begging for a bite. 
The plan solidifies as you look over her thick frame, devilish smile returning to your plush lips.
"Let's send some to Deku?"
"T..together?!" She almost shrinks and you straighten her posture with your hands. 
"If you're uncomfortable that's fine. But I would love to take some with you and maybe send them to Bakugou..." You almost pout and she confirms there is no one living being on the planet that can deny you when you give THE look. 
"Ah...okay we can send one to Deku. M..maybe Bakugou. Do you think it will hurt Izuku's feelings?" 
"I think it will entice him the same way it will entice mine when I pose us. Do you trust me? If you're ever uncomfortable you'll tell me right?" 
"Always." She says it with confidence, and you squeeze her shoulders before setting up your phone to the perfect angle of you two and the mirror. 
You count down silently with the timer on the camera before you snatch your phone showing U-san first. 
She nods. 
"S..send it to Izuku first?" She asks sheepishly as if it would bother you.
But it's not you who will be bothered. 
"Imma send it to you and then let me see your phone!" She obliges and let's you type out the message beneath the sinful image. 
An image that makes it to Deku quickly, he spys that it is a message from Uchan.
She did promise that she would send Izuku a picture of her lunch, especially since the trio of women announced they were going to be getting cattachinos from the new cafe on main. 
Izuku eagerly unlocks his phone, wholly expecting a bright coffee and strawberry cream cake but instead his face ignites into a fiery red. 
It is far from coffee but it is still dessert. 
A photo of his girlfriend entangled with...with...oh no entangled with you. 
Why did it have to be you? 
He cannot peel his eyes away from either of you, but especially his girl. Your back is to the mirror showcasing your ass and back, lustful eyes looking over your shoulder but what you're doing to Uchan is what's driving him mad. 
Your body blocks a quarter of hers, shoulder to shoulder as one hand is shoving fingers onto a pink tongue suggesting what she can do, pink lips in a soft O while her sweet innocent cheeks BURN. 
Dusting her in blush all the way to her breastbone. 
A delicate hand grasps onto a deadly forearm pushing up Uraraka's pretty tits that Izuku worships. He bites the inside of his lip, emerald eyes flash to scarlet across from him before flying back to the sinful glass. 
Your phone pings and you snatch it up. Smirking over the reaction. 
"You're out with Moonface right? Why is Deku blushing so God damn hard and why does he keep looking between me and his phone?"
You ignore the response for now, leaving him on read purposefully before snapping another picture. 
Deku's phone again demands his attention and he cannot deny it. 
Somehow his face becomes a darker hue, his large hand palming the ache in his pants as he tries to push through the droning meeting but the photo on the screen makes it that much harder to focus.
He cannot believe what he sees. 
The push pink chair is in the center and turned to the side. His favorite ass sits in the chair beneath thick thighs that sit atop of another thick pair. 
Deku bites the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning as he looks up from his favorite ass. 
The two of you are profile to him as you straddle his intoxicating girlfriend, one of your hands is gripping onto the breast furthest from the camera while the other seems to dip deep between the two of you. 
Right between Uraraka's legs. 
Your heads tilted slightly away from each other, both sets of cheeks heavily flushed as you pull slightly away from a dazed chestnut haired woman. 
Both of your tongues peeking past naturally rouged lips, a little saliva string connecting the two pink points.
Not once in Deku's 23 years did he ever think he would come close to cumming in his pants from an image. 
But shit this was close. 
He cannot peel his eyes away from his phone. And he does something he's never done before. 
"Director I'm sorry I need to take this call." He lies as he stands, pretending to put his now locked phone to his ear. 
Suspicion burns hot in Bakugou's blood and it is shown in a text you receive. 
"Kitten, if you ever want to cum again, you'll send me whatever the fuck you've gotta be sending dumbass Deku."
His voice plays through your speakers in a hush, his voice low and husky. Threatening even, as you can see him standing in the hall just outside of his meeting. The thought of his scowl paired with the sound of his voice had you more molten than your shared kiss with Uraraka san. 
"You okay?" You ask a very flushed Uchan who smiles happily before she reads you her received text. 
"'Baby you've got me fucked up. I'm in the men's bathroom right now. Can you guess why?'" She smiles before adding, "Then it's a picture of him stroking his cock. Y/N. I'm so turned on right now..." 
It takes her a second to hear what she's admitted out loud before you smile devilishly. 
"I guess I'm finally rubbing off on you." You smile before grabbing onto the pink chair once more using it to vault yourself back into your dressing room. 
"I can send the last picture to Bakugou right?" You ask, because her body,her rules, no matter what kind of punishment you might receive. 
"Yes I hope it does half of what it's done to Izuku!" She answers with joy. Humming as she redresses. 
More than going to buy what you picked out. 
"Meet us at the restaurant? We'll text you!" Mina shouts, "We're starving and text us what you want you heathen." 
"Yea, yea." You dismiss, as Mina assumes you're about to take more pictures.  Well she wasn't wrong, you were going to take more pictures.
You lived to remind yourself, and the world, that no matter what your mood or what you wore, you were sex embodied.
And God Damn it your boyfriend was going to notice even if it got you in a little hot water. 
Another text comes in, this time sans voice memo. You won't lie, you become a little crestfallen. 
And you can hear the lustful furry even through text turning you into jelly. 
It's a good thing you're wearing your own underwear, as your thighs are beginning to become slick. The thin material doing nothing to sop you up. 
A picture comes through and your heart begins to race as you look it over. 
It's a black door with gold inlay, a little strip shows into the room. Showing off a pair of legs and nicely manicured toes. 
A tattoo identical to yours and your heart hammers into your chest when a second ping comes through. 
"Open the door, Kitten."
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@lady-bakuhoe I guess I can share my husband with you for this😘
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
An Accidental Confession
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~3.1k
Summary: In which you decided to a record a message explaining your feelings for Steve in case you didn't make it out of your mission alive. You don’t have any intention of it actually being heard by him, but you have no other choice to face your fear when it’s accidentally broadcasted across the entire compound.
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff haha with hints of a cocky steve hehe.
A/N: Some dialogue credits go to Descendants of the Sun! (yes, this is a oneshot of a scene from it, bc I love that drama with my whole heart) 
Tags: Dedicating this to @sylvie-writes​ because she’s an absolute SWEETHEART. I LOVE YOU BB. go follow her!
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"Hey, Y/N, check this out!"
You glanced up from where you were furiously typing away at the computer to see Peter with a wide grin on his face. "Hm?"
"Look what I found! Mr. Stark's old speaker set!" The teenager went around to behind the table and rolled out the speaker in front of you. "It was a bit souped up, but all it really needed was some TLC and here it is, good as new!"
"Found this old thing while he was cleaning up," Tony explained, "you wanna hook your phone up and give it a go?"
"Uh...sure, why not," you shrugged, standing up and pushing your seat in, making your way over to the two of them. You took your phone out of your pocket and plugged it in.
"Check, one, two," Peter spoke into the small microphone. "Check one, two, three. Hey! It's working!"
You couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm. "How old is this thing, anyway?"
"Older than me, that's for sure. Now play something!"
"Alright, alright. Let's see..." you scrolled through your playlists until you found the one you wanted, pressing 'play' and putting it on shuffle. "There."
"Fly Me To The Moon! May played it for me all the time when I was little," Peter exclaimed. "She always insisted I educate myself on older music. Now I'm glad she did."
Bucky and Sam stopped screaming at each other as they battled it out in Mario Kart, quieting down and humming to the beat as they held their controllers tightly. Wanda smiled to herself as she stirred the pot of soup on the stove, Bruce on the verge of falling asleep as he sipped his coffee at the kitchen island and read a news article on his phone. The energy within the compound seemed to lighten significantly as Frank Sinatra's soothing voice echoed off the walls.
You went out to the patio to relax, crossing your arms and closing your eyes as the sounds of chirping crickets and music mixed together in one soothing melody, the moonlight reflecting over the water. For a brief moment in time, you were at peace - and you relished in the temporary feeling of serenity. The 'city that never slept' was sleepy, for once. It wasn't all that late, but you were already beginning to succumb to fatigue's temptations.
But then, the song came to an end and switched off to something else.
"Hey, Steve. I hope this message never finds you because if it does...it means I'm most likely dead-" your all-too familiar voice came over the phone, thick with tears as you struggled to contain your sobs. "God, what am I even doing here? I have a gunshot wound that most likely pierced a vital organ so I'm just gonna bleed out here alone- why am I even doing this? I don't even know how much longer it'll be before you arrive with the evac team...so I just want to apologize in advance for not coming back to you like I promised. If I'd known I'd die in a foreign country, I would've lived a more carefree life instead of constantly worrying, like you always told me to just relax sometimes, I'm so, so sorry-"
Your eyes widened in realization and you rushed across the facility as fast as you could possibly go to the labs.
"Leaving words like this before dying is so uncultured- please, Steve...are you on your way? Please tell me you're on your way. If I'm really dying here I don't wanna die alone. Please hurry...I don't think I can last until you get here. Even so, you'll be the first to find me if I die, that is, if my corpse isn't dragged away or some shit like that - God, this hurts- I almost forgot how much it hurt to get shot...damn...I really underestimated the power of a bullet, huh?
Steve's bandaged fists fell to his sides, the punching bag swinging back and forth so wildly that it would've knocked him over if it weren't for his muscular figure. His brow furrowed in concern and he felt a small ache his chest upon hearing your voice crack - you never cried, and even if you did, which was extremely rare, you were good at hiding it from others.
But then a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips - you did ramble sometimes, and he found it rather adorable. It was, in fact, one of the main reasons why he admired you so much.
"FRIDAY? Where's the source of this audio?"
"It's playing from Mr. Stark's speaker in the lab, Captain," the AI responded.
"Thank you."
He unwrapped the tape from around his hands and exited the training facility, going into a light jog as he headed up to the lounge.
"If I knew that I'd die like this, then I would've told you my true feelings. That I'm in love with you and I really wished you'd kissed me when we were watching that movie together- it was Die Hard, wasn't it? I really wished you'd done something. We were sitting so close, and...I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was tempted to just run my hands through your hair and kiss you. And I almost did. I'm so in love with you, hopelessly in love with you...and if there's anything that scares me more than dying alone, it's probably thinking of a way to tell you, and the fear of being rejected by my best friend, my partner in crime-"
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. You were in love with him? He felt his heartbeat pick up speed at the thought. He always held that small bit of hope in his heart that you'd feel the same way.
Just as Steve arrived at the labs, you came bursting through the doors with a look of sheer panic in your eyes, your face drained of all color. You quickly unplugged your phone from the speaker as he watched on in amusement.
"Want some, Mr. Stark?" Peter offered through a mouthful of popcorn, holding the bag out to his mentor. "Seems like we're in for a treat here."
"Where'd you get these, kid?" Tony questioned as he reached over and popped several kernels into his mouth. "Mm. Caramel, a classic."
"I always keep some with me. Never know when drama will break out."
Steve laughed and shook his head as you quickly turned around on your heel and sprinted out of the room. It was so unlike you to act like this - normally you were rather guarded and stoic. To see you as anything but was not only amusing, but adorable in his eyes - it was one of the many things he loved about you, in fact.
"Music...really changes a lot of things," Peter cleared his throat awkwardly.
The super-soldier cracked a smile. "I seem to be in the center of that change."
He said a few quick goodbyes went to find you, as Peter and Tony continued enjoying their popcorn together.
"Oh my god, I'm so stupid, oh my god, why did I even record that damn message," you muttered, finding yourself going back outside again. You needed to clear your head and get away from Steve. The secondhand embarrassment you just knew was waiting for you was almost too much to even think about - what would he think of you now? What would everyone else think of you?
Steve had beaten you to it and was already out there, leaning against the glass railing  with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing an amused expression on his face.
"Oh my god! You scared me!" your voice heightened to a shriek. "What the hell, Rogers? How are you here? Why are you here?"
"I know you like the back of my hand, sweetheart," he chuckled lightly. "You always come out here whenever you're restless or stressed out. Figured you'd try to flee as soon as you heard," he gestured back inside, "all that."
"That was none of your business!" you squeaked. "It was a private message, not meant for you to actually hear! It wasn't for you!"
"Well, you did announce it, publicly," he defended himself, pushing himself away from the railing and raising his hands in surrender. "And it sounded like it was for me. You said my name."
"It wasn't for you!"
"Then why'd you say Steve?"
"It's a different Steve?"
"A different Steve with a stealth suit, Quinjet, and evac team?"
"Y-yeah! B-but it's really funny. Why are you listening to other people's recordings?'
"Like I said, doll," your face flushed at the nickname, "it was broadcasted publicly. I didn't listen, I heard."
"Because you heard it, you carelessly hear it all the way through?"
He smirked. "You know, you're really cute when you're upset." He smirked, taking several steps towards you. You instinctively stepped back. "But why are you running away? When you were about to die you wanted to confess." With each step he took, you took another backwards. "But since you lived, you changed your mind?"
"Confess? That wasn't a confession. That wasn't me."
"This cell phone is yours," he held up your hand that tightly gripped your phone.
"This isn't a phone- Y/N, what the hell are you saying? Stop talking," you cursed yourself under your breath.
"It's an honor knowing I'm in your will," he said kindly.
"If you know then that's enough," you exhaled, stepping around him to leave. Steve stopped you by placing a hand out in front, before moving it to grip your wrist. You felt your skin heat up rapidly under his touch.
You gasped. "Look! Thor set the toaster on fire!"
"I'm not fooled, sweetheart."
You moved to try and leave again, but he only tightened his grip. "Whether or not it was a confession, I'm going to listen to it, so let's not run away, shall we?"
You were silent for several moments before responding, swallowing hard. "Okay. I got it. I'll answer you so let go of me and let's talk. Really."
"Really, right?"
He obeyed, releasing his hand from your wrist. You quickly moved around him and ran back inside. Steve just laughed to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.
"She finally did it," Sam nodded in approval as he and Bucky finished their Rainbow Road deathmatch. "Good game, man."
"Yeah, good game," they shook hands, "but if I'm being honest...I didn't expect things to go down like that. If anything, Steve seems like he'd be the first to confess. The way they're dancing around each other like oblivious monkeys...damn."
"Couldn't have described it better."
You flopped onto your bed, panting heavily as you stared up at the ceiling. Your heart was beating so fast that you felt like passing out. Maybe I'll just die like this and I won't ever have to confess for real, you thought. That sounds much better than death by blood loss from a gunshot wound.
"Hey, darling."
You sat up and let out a short scream as you saw Steve leaning against your doorframe, that damn smirk still on his face. "What the hell? You can't just ambush me like that! How long have you been standing there for?"
"Long enough," he chuckled, sliding his hands in his pockets and stepping inside. This time, you were too lazy to push him away, and just allowed him to sit down next to you at the edge of your bed. Steve propped his hand on his chin as he gazed at you, smiling.
You sighed and let your head fall into your hands. "This is all your fault."
"My fault?" Steve tilted his head in confusion. "How is this my fault?"
"Becau- never mind. I'm busy. I gotta go check up on the new lab I'm working on with Bruce."
You stood up abruptly, but he reached out and grabbed your wrist again. "I'm going to go to the labs, too. He asked me to help with a few things. I think you just found yourself an escort."
"I can go by myself, Rogers. I'm an adult," you gave him a pointed look.
"Ouch. That stung," he pretended to look hurt. "Last name calling? I thought we agreed on sappy pet names. And besides, you know what happened last time you went somewhere alone. You got shot."
"Hold on," he tugged you back so that you had to sit down again. "Why do you keep running away from me? You confess your feelings in your will and then you run."
"It wasn't my will."
"You said you were scared to die alone."
"It wasn't me. Where is your bout of confidence even coming from?"
"I'm not asking how you feel about me at the moment. Don't feel bad that I found out how you feel about me. Because I'm in love with you too, and nothing can change the fact that I like you even more now."
You swallowed hard.
He smiled again. "And you look beautiful today, doll."
"Stop with the pet names," you mumbled. You couldn't stop the tremor in your tone as you spoke
"Hey hey hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Steve brought a hand up to your face, lightly skimming the tip of his thumb across your cheekbone to wipe away the tears that had fallen. "Hey. Tell me what's wrong, darling."
As soon as that last word left his lips, you lost it. A broken sob escaped from your mouth before you broke down, and he felt guilt settle in the pit of his stomach. Sure, he was lightly teasing you - but he didn't intend for his jabs to hurt you in any way. That was the last thing he wanted to do - to see you cry. He hated seeing you cry.
"Oh, God, I'm so sorry," he whispered, carefully wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to him, rubbing circles onto your back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken the teasing so far. I'm so sorry, Y/N-"
It took nearly twenty minutes for your sniffles to die down and another ten for your crying to stop completely, but he patiently held you until you did. And when it finally stopped, it still took you several moments before you could bring yourself to meet his eyes.
"I look like a mess," you muttered, quickly ducking your head down to wipe at your nose. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this-"
"You look lovely, regardless," Steve murmured, kissing your forehead. "You'll always look beautiful in my eyes."
"You're such a sap," you mumbled, closing your eyes. "I hate you."
"You know you love me, Y/N."
"No I don't."
"That message told me otherwise. You sounded like you were pretty in love, judging by the desperate tone in your voice-"
"Shut up!"
"Make me," he challenged, a smirk appearing on his face.
You huffed and stood up, crossing your arms. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that, Rogers?"
"Watch your language-"
"Make me."
"Using my own words against me, are you?" Steve raised a brow as he stood up as well, walking towards you. You kept walking backwards until you felt your back hit the wall and internally panicked when you realized there was nowhere else to go.
"Shit," you whispered. "I'm not escaping this one, am I?"
"Not a chance," he chuckled wistfully. You felt your heart do somersaults and your stomach twist itself into knots as he met your eyes, a softened look to them that you'd never seen before - what was it? Just a few minutes earlier you'd find yourself squirming beneath his intense gaze but for some reason, you stayed put.
When his lips pressed against yours, you felt a crackle of electricity across your skin and the world fell away. It seemed as if time stopped and held its breath as it watched the two of you, his arm curving around your waist as his free hand rested at the back of your neck, pulling you flush against him. Though you were taken aback by the sudden gesture and terrified you wasted no time in reacting, sinking deeper into the kiss. You could feel him smile against your lips and fireworks exploded inside your chest - if there was a way to describe pure magic, this would definitely be it. And he felt it too - and he swore to himself that he'd never felt a bigger rush of adrenaline before until now.
You looked absolutely stunning to him in that moment as you pulled apart - with your half-closed eyes, reddened cheeks, and swollen lips - his doing, no doubt. Your gaze slipped down to his equally swollen lips and you felt your face flush at the sight. Steve was quick to catch what you were doing and pulled you back in for more.
This time, it wasn't as innocent and quick. It was more needy, passionate - months, no, years of pent-up frustration he didn't even know he had seeping into it. Years of not being able to tell you finally being poured out into one grand gesture - years of finally getting closure because he now knew the girl he'd loved for as long as he could remember felt the same way.
"Oh my fucking shit."
The two of you were practically gasping for air as you broke apart a second time to see a smug-looking Sam.
"You just- I didn't interrupted something between y'all, did I?" Sam cocked a brow. "Looked like you were this close to-"
"No," you exhaled, "we weren't."
"I'm a GENIUS for fixing that speaker! If I hadn't done so you guys never would've gotten together!" Peter squealed as he appeared by the Falcon's side. "I believe a thank you is in order!"
"I hope my timing isn't bad, but I have to ask," Steve cleared his throat and looked you straight in the eye. "that was a confession, right? And you didn't do it just because you felt compelled to. Be honest with me."
You let out a sigh of defeat. "Yeah...it was."
He broke into a gorgeous, million-dollar grin that made you weak at the knees. He leaned down, lips ghosting over yours as if he was going to kiss you again - but pulled back, much to your disappointment.
"I guess I'm the victor of this battle, huh," he whispered before releasing his hold on you and walking out, leaving you to stand there utterly shell-shocked and speechless as Peter and Sam began teasing you.
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shelby-love · 4 years
Poor Defense
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: Happy ending obviously! xx
"Babe are you sure that you're alright?" You ask him for the fifth time. You're standing outside his car, watching him join you outside like a hwak.
Your boyfriend Kelly just doesn't seem to be okay. You watch him grab your duffle bag along with his. Usually that's not a problem for him but you see him strain his shoulder. His face says it all.
"No, I got it. You don't have to." You reach for your duffle bag.
"What do you mean? It's not a problem babe seriously. Let me." You sigh in defeat and grab his free hand. You part ways in the locker room and you join Shay in the ambo.
"Did you notice anything weird about Kelly?" You ask her. You're sitting at the floor of the ambulance and spying on him with the jump bag next to you. Making it easy for you to switch your eyes to it and act like you're not spying on him but rather doing your job.
He's at the squad table, bickering with Capp like nothing in the world is wrong or at least slightly twisted.
"What do you mean?" She tries to play it smooth. Of course she knows. The guilt has been eating her alive.
"Hm. That's weird." You suddenly say. The subject that is your boyfriend drops and you focus on the jump bag next to you.
"What's weird?"
"We're missing some painkillers. But I'm sure I ordered them." You sigh. Explaining that to main tower is going to be a pain in the ass. "Never mind. We'll figure it out."
"Okay I can't do it anymore." She sighs in defeat before throwing the last of the towels inside and sitting down next to you.
"Can't do what Shay?" You ask your partner. Shay is stressed and scared. But for what?
"He's not okay Y/N."
"Who's not okay?"
"Kelly!" She exclaims. "He went to check his injury and the doctor told him that they will need to operate and he won't be able to work for a year. Ever since then I've been helping him."
"You took the meds?!" You're shocked beyond words at this point. Not only was your boyfriend hiding a serious injury from you, he was also using his best friend and putting her in danger of losing her job. Hell even you were at risk now! "Les this can cost us our jobs!"
"I know! It's just... He's so stubborn and I was afraid that he was going to take the matter into his own hands."
Damn his stubbornness! "I will take his stubbornness and shove it so far up his-"
"Hey girlies." Brian Zvonecek interrupts you innocently. "Do you have any towels to spear?"
"When were you going to tell me?" You just barged into your boyfriend's private room and now you demand answers.
"Tell you what babe?"
"That your shoulder is getting worse and that you made Shay steal meds from the ambo just so you can work and risk your life." You tell him that in one single breath, with ears red as a tomato. You're angry and disappointed in him.
His face said it all. Busted.
"Look baby..." He stood up with caution. "This was just a one time thing. I'm fine now. I really am."
"No Kelly I don't think you are."
You have free time and you decide to use it to make up with Kelly. After what happened at the firehouse you didn't exactly find it in you to talk to him without bringing up the injury and starting a fight.
You wrecked your brain for possible explanations and after putting yourself in Kelly's shoes you decided to forgive him. He explained himself enough for you to build up the trust once more.
"Babe?" You walk around your shared apartment in hopes of finding him somewhere convenient enough to talk things out.
"In the shower!"
His reply is loud and clear. His off limits to talk now.
When you walk into the spacious bedroom it's almost like the air is completely different. Something seems off. You notice his jacket that lies on the bed, probably because he's headed somewhere.
While the shower runs in the background you take his jacket into his eyes and instinctively search through its pockets. You were never the type to rummage through his belongings but you felt like it needed to be done.
What you found shocked you. Pills.
Much stronger and illegal medication. 5 times the strength from the ones Shay took from the ambulance. You had one question in mind: Where did he get this?
Feeling your blood boil at the newfound sight you reach for his phone without a second thought. Someone must've gotten this for him and you were going to find out who.
Calls were a dead end and you quickly turned to look through his messages. The newest contact being someone named Anna.
It's obvious the moment you scroll through their conversation. A conversation way to long for your liking that started just a day after you confronted him about it.
You feel betrayed. He promised he would do the surgery.
You throw his phone back on his nightstand and fish through your pockets for your own. The moment you have it you swipe through your contacts and press call. "Yes?"
"Les who is Anna?" You ask her. The human encyclopedia for Kelly's past flings and girlfriends.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because..." You make sure to quickly hide in the kitchen so he doesn't hear you. "I just found out that he's still using pills. Illegal and stronger meds. And I know it's not you because you and I both don't have access to this kind of stuff."
"I went through his phone and before you tell me how I shouldn't have done that... I had every right to protect him from risking his life because he's so freaking stubborn!" You huff into the phone. You clutch the meds in your hand until they're almost grinded into powder. "The name's Anna."
"Oh Jesus..." You hear her sigh. "An old flame and pharmaceutical rep. They never slept together but he did kiss her."
You start to see red. "I figured as much."
After taking a deep breath you bid Shay your goodbyes and start to pack your bags.
"Save it." You place the last of your shirts into the duffle bag. Ready to fly out of the apartment.
"Why?! Are you serious right now?" You ask him angrily. "You know what Kelly? I should've reported you for taking unprescribed medicine the moment I found out! No actually I should've reported you for making Shay steal them for you.
I can't believe I thought you were going to do the surgery. I stayed quiet knowing that your little stunt could cost me my job-"
"But you didn't do anything."
"Exactly! I didn't do anything to stop it. In the eyes of the whole CFD I am a careless paramedic in charge that doesn't take inventory seriously and instead allows firefighters to take whichever meds they prefer to themselves. Add my romantic relationship with the firefighter in question to the mix and my career is gone! Poof."
After a few deep breaths you zip your duffle bag. "I am not mad that you went to your ex fling for help. I am mad that you lied to me. You made me think everything was alright and when I found out you promised me that you would do the surgery. Not for me but for yourself and us. Yet again. You lied."
Knowing that staying in the same room with him for a second longer would make you stay, you decide to stalk out of the room and the whole apartment, leaving your own keys in the kitchen so you don't get tempted to come back.
"Shay let me in c'mon." Kelly banged on the door of Shay's apartment knowing that you were inside. "I need to talk to her."
The man you call the love of your life wasn't going to give up and both of you knew it. Frantically, with both hands in the air and if possible both legs too, Shay mouthed "What do I do?"
You nod towards the door, "Open the door."
She mouths back. "Are you sure?"
"Hey! Stop mouthing to each other and open the damn door!"
"Damn you Kelly!" Leslie shouts at him before opening the door and dissappearing into her room with a loud slam of the door.
It's been two weeks since you "moved out". You didn't give him the time of your day at work but the time you spent apart was eating you alive. Killing you actually.
His handsome self barges into the living room and spots you on the couch. Curled in a ball with tea in your hands and a blanket over you. The silent battle of eyes stops when he takes three long strides towards you and pulls you in for a kiss. A kiss that feels like homecoming.
You pull away flushed to the bone and encourage him to take a seat next to you. You place the blanket over his lap like you always do. Some things die hard.
"I'll do it."
"Do what?"
"The surgery Y/N. I'll do it."
Your mouth falls open in an 'O'. "So you're not here to ask me to move back in?Cause I'm still paying rent for that place."
He chuckles in a way that makes you weak in the knees. "You didn't let me get to that part."
"What made you get a change of heart?" You place your steaming hot tea on the glass coffee table and make yourself comfortable on the couch, your eyes never leaving his.
"You." He said simply. It made you blush against your will. "And the pain. It's horrible."
A bubble of laughter escapes your lips. "I love it when I make you laugh."
His statement caught you off guard making you blush even more. "I'm supposed to have a better defense."
"No you don't." With that he placed his index finger under your chin and lulled you into him. He spoke a soft apology in the kiss and you accepted it by kissing him back.
"Let's go home." Kelly whispered. Sorry shining in his eyes.
This time it was you leaned in for a kiss.
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succubusphan · 3 years
You Opened the Ice Cream Shop, Now Give Me the Scoop.
Summary: Phil confronts Dan about the marriage comments he made live on Stereo.
Rating: Pg-13
Tags: Established Relationship, Marriage discussion, V mild argument. Fluff.
Word Count: 796
A/n: This is part of my project 100 fics: I'm posting 7 fics before April 22nd so that my OSPBB fic can be my 100th story posted. I don't have them written so this could fail but I'm pretty set on it, so I hope to do it. PS: I wrote pretty late so I'm sure there are mistakes but I'll catch them in the morning.
Read on ao3
“Why doesn’t Dan get a tattoo?
Why doesn’t Dan get a dog?
Why doesn’t Dan get married?
Because he’s scared of commitment!” Dan singed.
Phil was tempted to covertly walk over to the next room and silently mouth a “What the fuck!?” at Dan. He wanted to murder him, but instead, he joined the singsong with a deep “Yeah,” hoping to move along, the problem was that Dan wasn’t even done talking.
“Set me free,” Dan said. “What would happen one day if I just dyed my hair pink? What would happen I there was a shotgun wedding?”
There was more to it but Phil was scrambling to stop his blabbering idiot boyfriend from speaking them into an even bigger mess, so he chose a random message to play over him, hoping to get his point across.
Dan remained unfazed until the end of the stream and Phil tried to keep up with his antics, which he mostly managed, but the outright mention of a wedding and completely unprompted had really thrown him off.
As soon as the show was over, Dan came marching in, his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. “Should we order pizza? I can’t be bothered to cook.”
“Sure,” Phil said absentmindedly. He kept his eyes on his boyfriend until Dan finished typing their order in and looked up, finally making eye contact with him.
Phil blinked repeatedly. He took a deep breath to avoid yelling, he didn’t like to yell at Dan, really, but sometimes he couldn’t help it. “Would you care to explain what the fuck was that?” He asked as calmly as he could manage.
“What was what?” Dan frowned.
“What you said about a wedding?”
Dan rolled his eyes with a huff. “What? It was a joke. It’s fine.”
“We agreed to keep our private life private but you keep just - saying things without even a heads up!”
“I didn’t say anything about our lives, I just said I’m scared of commitment. It’s not a big deal, jeez Louise.” Dan crossed his arms, looking like an overgrown child.
Phil huffed. “For someone who is scared of commitment you talk about marriage a lot.”
“It was just one time, you’re being dramatic!”
“I can remember five other times you mentioned the topic in the last month. Is there something you want to tell me?” Phil frowned.
Dan raised his eyebrows, his eyes suddenly looking into the distance. “Have I really mentioned it that often?”
“You have, but never to our audience. That’s… that’s a bit much. We’ve been together for almost twelve years and you’ve never done something like this.” Phil walked towards Dan, his bad mood slowly slipping away. “What’s going on in here?” He asked, tapping on Dan’s temple.
“I guess, with the house being almost ready and everything finally happening, things have been getting real.” He bit his lip.
Phil raised his eyebrows. “And that scares you?”
“A bit.”
“Are you afraid to continue living with me like we have for so long? Or that our relationship will change?” Phil placed his hands on Dan’s hips.
“No, I don’t know,” Dan mumbled.
“Are you afraid of change?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“So you are afraid of things changing because you actually want to get married,” Phil smiled.
“I didn’t say that,” Dan’s lips opened and closed but he couldn’t utter a coherent sentence. “I - Listen.”
Phil narrowed his eyes and smiled. “You want to marry me but you are afraid that things will change because of that.”
“Shut up,” Dan poked Phil’s chest. “I never said that.”
“No, I said it. Marriage is just a piece of paper, just like the one we signed when we bought the house.”
“Is it really?”
“Dan, I don’t remember a moment when I didn’t feel married to you. If you want to get married, let’s just do it.”
“You are not proposing to me like that,” Dan shoved him gently but a smile appeared on his lips.
Phil kneeled before him and took Dan’s hand, his hair a full mess, wearing his emoji pyjamas and an old t-shirt and his glasses perched on the tip of his nose. “Would you please annoy me for the rest of my life?”
Dan looked at him as if he was absolutely crazy but his smile didn’t falter. “Oh, fine. You buffoon, I’ll marry you.”
Phil stood and kissed him softly. “Are you happy now?”
Dan pursed his lips, pretending to consider it briefly. “Yeah, I guess I am. But If we get a divorce I’m keeping the dog.”
“If we get a divorce you can also keep the fucking boxes, Bub.”
“Fuck no. Burn them!”
“I’ll burn them, along with all of your pretentious art pieces.” Phil pat Dan’s shoulder.
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