#i'm trying v__v
mmmgame · 2 years
can u have multiple love interests/be poly without it being seen as cheating/route breaking?
nooo unfortunately v__v. There's probably better terms but i cant think of them atm—but mmm is more of a visual novel than a true(?) dating simulator, in that it's very route driven and about branching choices etc etc, rather than a system where you choose who to talk to each day and try to rack up points with them, if that makes sense, so it'd be trickier to implement.
I'm rlly not against the idea! Maybe as an update after the release or as special endings, but it's not planned currently
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avaoakley · 5 years
esme   oakley   is   ava’s   daughter  !   she’s   six   years   old   by   the   time   it :   chapter   two   is   taking   place  .   
she   sees   IT   around   now   and   again ,   whether   deliberately   lured   by   something   like   a   butterfly ,   chasing   her   ball   down   the   street   as   it   rolls   toward   a   storm   drain ,   or   catching   IT’s   eye   from   where   IT   lurks   in   the   sewers   and   tilting   her   little   head   at   it   in   bemusement  .   occasionally   she   tries   to   engage   IT ,   curiosity   piqued ,   but   ava   tends   to   call   her   over   or   take   her   hand ,   sweep   her   away   incidentally   before   the   encounter   can   go   beyond   an   exchange   of   basic   niceties  .
esme   tells   her   mom   about   what   she   sees ,   and   it   always   gives   ava   pause ,   because   she   knows   something’s   not   quite   right  .   
---------he’s   probably   some   escaped   lunatic ,   lost ,   stuck   wandering   around   in   piss   and   shit   city  !   we   should   call   the   cops   so   they   can   go   fish   the   poor   guy   out   and   haul   him   back   to   that   jupiter   hill   place  .   he’s   probably   eating   rats   and   drinking   the   gray   water   and   going   crazier   down   there  .
it’s   a   conversation   she   must   have   had   almost   thirty   goddamn   summers   ago ,   yet   every   word   of   it’s   inexplicably ,   intricately   ingrained   into   her   mind   in   this   moment  .   she   remembers   the   itchy ,   too - big   sweater   she   was   wearing ,   and   the   way   a   light   summer   breeze   caressed   her   choppy   blonde   locks ,   and   every   haughty   inflection   of   her   coarse   little   voice  .   she   had   meant   juniper   hill  .   that   boy ,   her   friend ,   caleb  ---   all   dark   curls   and   doubtful   expression   in   the   face   of   the   strange   tale ,   used   to   correct   her   every   time  .   
it’s   juniper   hill ,   ava  --- potato ,   potat-oh ,   cale  .
and   then   georgie   frowned ,   rather   affronted   by   all   this   doubt  ---   nuh - uh ,   he’d   protested  .   he’s   my   friend  .   not   a   crazy   guy  .   his   eyes   change   color ,   and   he   has   all   these   sharky   teeth  !   kinda   like   the   joker ,   but   also   the   killer   croc  .   and   besides ,   he   doesn’t   just   live   there   anyway  .   we   hang   out   at   the   neibolt   too  ---
don’t   talk   to   strangers ,   esme ,   she   manages  .
i   know ,   i   know  !   but  ...   he’s   not   a   stranger  .   he’s   just   a   bit   strange  .   he   knew   my   name  .   and   he   knows   you ,   mommy  .   he   told   me   so  .
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bravest-archived · 6 years
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OOF ,,,,   new   discord   is   coming   V__V  !!
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king-crimson · 6 years
how am i 23. when did this happen
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pngheavy · 3 years
for the end of the year ask- 1) Favorite drawing from this year, 5) favorite little detail in a drawing you did, (11) artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style, (17) favorite oc/sona drawing, (20) what do you think youve improved on the most over the past year, (21) what do you want to work on the most next, and (24) what do you like most about your art style (hope it's not too much!! if it is just pick the ones that sound most fun to answer ✌️👍)
1. Favorite drawing from this year Ohh that's the autumn Sai, since I was really feeling it start to finish
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(+ progress pics)
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5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did I picked 4 haha
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11. artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style Oh there was so many throughout the year... Well, the most is @theholeyness because besides being an awesome artist we constantly talk about art and new ways to paint, and they throw me different tutorials to watch and hacks to try all the time 👍 Thanks Holey! Also, this year I was mostly drawing manga fanart so I looked more into Takeshi Obata's, Masashi Kishimoto's and Usamaru Furuya's artstyles, I did little studies on a side, hope my lines got a bit better now haha but at the beginning of the year I was thinking a lot about J.A.D. Ingres's paintings. My old teach once said I'm naturally leaning into that direction, but I didn't have time to draw very detailed pieces so we didn't see a lot of that V__V
17. favorite oc/sona drawing My ocs are suffering from negligence and the only sona pics are embarrassingly cute bc of the context so I won't show any V///V
20. what do you think youve improved on the most over the past year That's gonna be 3D stuff which I didn't post at all here but check out this cool stage that I did, epic
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21. what do you want to work on the most next I'm putting my efforts into 3d environments now wish me good luck lolll
24. what do you like most about your art style It's pretty versatile so I can draw what I want to see at the moment and that’s what I like best haha
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does the ISSTD say that alters aren't people?
I've made a few posts on this and can't find any of them, so I guess we're starting from scratch v__v
First, @informationsorter made a really good post about the other parts of the ISSTD, and how they consider alters to be separate, I'd really recommend taking a look at what they had to say. I'm only going to look at one part here.
It does NOT say that. Anywhere. The ISSTD believes that a therapist should treat the alters the same way the client treats them (so if the client believes they're separate, treat them as separate, if the client believes they're "parts", treat them as parts, and use terminology that the client is comfortable with for themselves) while still maintaining the understanding that the client and their alters share responsibility (which I guess, according to certain people, means they don't consider them separate??).
You'll often see parts of the ISSTD taken out of context to push the belief that they don't consider alters to be separate people-- which... they're... technically not? They view it as entities sharing a body and a life. When it's talked about, it's more in reference to system responsibility and getting everyone working together to share a life.
You'll often see this part used, as though it's a direct attack on someone's personal beliefs.
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And I seriously fail to see the issue here.
Firstly, there are terms that I would discourage people from using. Demons, for example, when used by someone with a religious background, pushes the idea that the person is possessed by an uncontrollable evil spirit, and that the person was chosen for possession either because they are a bad person who did something wrong and deserves this evil, demonic presence ruining their life, or by some stroke of random bad luck. Likely, they believe an exorcism is the only way to cleanse them of the demon. The use of this word around other religious people will spark panic and further the possibility that the church would become involved to try to exorcise the entity.
None of this true or healthy. Exorcisms are dangerous, the client isn't a bad person who deserved this, it allows for someone to ignore childhood trauma, and it places the "demon" and the "client" as two completely separate entities that should be separated further, rather than reconciling and learning to work together. Nothing except for fusion is going to get rid of the demon completely-- this isn't a mind-over-matter situation where an exorcism could force the demon to go dormant.
If we're talking about the part, "a single human being with subjectively divided self-aspects"... Again, I fail to see the issue. I believe this theory to be correct-- I support the ToSD. After ALL THESE YEARS, I finally understand that my alters are a part of me, why and how they are. It's okay if people don't consider their alters to be a part of them, or have a spiritual side to this-- that their alters are walk-ins, or ghosts and spirits that are legitimately different from them-- you do you. Your therapist isn't going to correct you. What the ISSTD is saying is that however the entities got there, you're all stuck together now, so you'd best learn to work together.
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sleepsentry · 3 years
I couldn't respond to your FiddAuthor post since tumblr still confuses me, but man you took the words /right/ out of my mouth. Just to let you know you definitely are not alone, I'm actually over here surprised how accurate you got it! I feel exactly the same way, to a T. Love Fidds and Ford, love them in a BFF sense, but am pretty meh on any pairing - which turned into outright dislike due to those very exact issues you mentioned. Thank you for that. v__v <3 Honestly figured I was alone there.
That was a little while ago and your ask prompted me to reread it and the replies.
I've been way less active so I haven't seen much of anything that makes me feel that way, and have also filtered the tag.
So much better. :]
I'm really happy people where so nice and understanding, that helped diminish the anxiety a loooot.
I'm still very neutral and am trying my best to not let my anxiety get in the way of me just enjoying a thing I like in a way that suits me.
Glad you got some... uhh catharsis? Maybe? Or at least I helped put it into words.
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pathologising · 4 years
Also omg i di chole ting too....downside its not super one leggy friendly so i was doing a struggle v__v
Chloe ting wants us all to die I'm serious she is trying to KILL ME
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
oh gosh in regards to last reblog: it was definitely your manic posts! i had an ask blog some 4-ish years ago for him and your headcanons gave me SO much inspiration for his character...!!! \(*-* )/ in particular there was one about queen aleena being with her children again, but despite having wanted to find her so badly for so long, manic actually has trouble accepting things as they are given their childhoods her absence and stuff... i'm emo forever because of it v__v
Oooh wow, Sonic stuff, niiice. Yeah, Manic always seemed just full of potential, it’s a shame Underground just... didn’t always really know how to handle the ideas it had. I’ve always said it’s like the awkward stepchild, trying to be both the nonsense humor of aosth with the seriousness of aosth and it just didn’t work. 
But yeah, trying to take the premise more seriously made me wonder just how the kids would feel once they DID find her- Sonic and Sonia both ended up in loving families, and while Manic did have a family, he also lived on the streets- Aleena always seemed to know what was going on and kept running from them with little explanation, if I was a kid those two things together (why did she leave me there? did she not want me?) would really mess with me.
I’m really glad you liked it!
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
The big problem was that Hoechlin had no problem with producing other headcanons about Derek // I didn't knew that. I guess my problem is only that I don't want him to be homopobic. :/ a question tho, if derek was gay in canon and someone had ask a for a straight ship and he would have said "disrespectful" then, would that have been ok? (not wanna start something, i really try to understand this, maybe i'm just to tired to think clearly and its actually a stupid question. long day... v__v)
IT’s not a one to one because the reverse is so heavily coded.  Derek has never been canonically coded as straight, that’s just heteronormativity rearing it’s head.  In fact the only confirmation of sexuality we had on the show was Danny likes boys and Scott likes girls.  So for Hoechlin to be like “canon canon canon, but I see Derek as straight”, the question of “....why?” comes up.  And again, what does Derek not beig straight look like to Hoechlin?  Is he suddenly sashay Shante?  Also, does he see Derek as an extension of himself and does he see himself as straight so therefore Derek being coded as gay means he’s gay?  So many questions. 
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feriowind · 7 years
Hi! Just wanted to ask if you know where we could find official HxH comic in Chinese. (I tried googling but i can't find anything v__v;) I know the english one is published by Viz but i'm trying to go back to reading more Mandarin, and i'm worried about buying off sites like TaoBao, bc there's a high chance it could be a pirated copy and i really want to give my money to Togashi :>
I’m not sure about online stores, but you can buy it on ebay here! 
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