#i've been trying to stay at least ten chapters ahead of my posting
tathrin · 1 year
I want you to know that every time you reblog a fic I wrote, I am squealing with joy.
I love your writing so much, it's a huge inspiration for me, and seeing someone like you (who literally posted fanfics on ao3 before I was even born) say how much you love my stuff is the best thing ever. Thank you so much.
(Also can't wait for the next chapter of the zombie fic)
Oh my gods I'm melting right now. Absolutely melting.
I've gone away and come back to this message like seven times without being able to respond because I'm too swamped with warm fuzzy happy feelings to be coherent, thank you so much.
I've been enjoying your writing so much, I'm so delighted and overjoyed and genuinely just tickled pink to use that silly phrase because I truly can't think of anything that sums-up my feeling better to hear you say I've helped inspire you.
Thank you. And you're so welcome.
(Also oh my gods I'm laughing so hard I'm so fucking old lmao.)
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unabashegirl · 1 year
Lycan 2 (HS)
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Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is forced to return to the town where she was born for extraordinary reasons. Her father is extremely sick and on the verge of passing away. Alsfield has changed and is far from what she remembers and even though she lived in town until her high school graduation she barely recognizes it. The town hides a big secret from a few individuals that live in it including Y/N. The man who maintains the town's secret and protects it is no other than Harry Styles. Things take a sudden twist when they meet. Numerous things will impede Y/N from returning to San Francisco to her somewhat ordinary life, will she be able to abandon the town that she had successfully escaped the first time? What is the big secret that the townspeople are hiding, and what is Y/N's role in it? Who is Harry? Where does he come from? Had she met him before? And what does he want from her?
Author's note: I know that I've kept you all waiting for the next chapter of Lycan, but I wanted to get ahead and post a few more chapters on my Patreon. Anyway without further do, here you go! I hope you enjoy.
— all chapters of lycan —
Word count: 1.2K
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The last time that Y/N had been in her house had been the day after her graduation. She had just recently turned eighteen. Her father hadn’t even gone to her graduation. She had gone on her own and when her name had been called, no one had cheered for her.
The situation was very eerie for her, which was why she wanted to run as soon as she crossed the front door.  Nothing had changed, everything was still in the same place. Her mother’s paintings were still hung on the walls and even though the house was covered in dust, everything looked organized. She was surprised not to find bottles all over the house. It only meant that someone had cleaned the house before he was admitted to the hospital.
The power was off and so was the water. So, she went upstairs to check the state of her old bedroom.
“Great” she mumbled, as she saw that her room had become a storage room. Her bed was covered with clothes. She couldn’t even walk past the door without bumping into some type of furniture.
Y/N couldn’t stay at the house and not because the bedroom was disorganized but because there was no power or water. However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t take one of the cars. She loaded her bags into the trunk of her old car and started her drive back into the town.
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“Finally! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you ever since you left!” Evelyn said as soon as she placed her phone on speaker. “I was freaking out!” Evelyn worked with Y/N, and they met at the office. She had quickly become her best friend in the last few years.
“Sorry. Everything has just been very hectic” She exhaled loudly as she carefully drove down the streets.
“I’m guessing you already visited him?” Evelyn had been caught up with all the details of Robert’s and Y/N’s relationship. She knew everything that Y/N had endured. Since Y/N had told her, Evelyn held lots of respect towards her.
“No. I’ll do that first thing tomorrow. It’s all so weird. It’s like time had stopped. Nothing has really changed” Y/N explained, “The only thing that has changed is the mayor. At least that’s what Niall told me” She shrugged thinking aloud.
“Niall? Who is this man?”
“I met him on the bus. He lives here and told me that there is a new mayor in charge of the town.”
“Was he cute? Did you get his phone number?” Evelyn asked as she walked through the grocery store, getting a few things for a recipe that she had seen online.
“What is this obsession with getting me a boyfriend?” Y/N laughed as she drove past her high school.
“Maybe it has to do with the fact that you are almost twenty-six, and you’ve never had a boyfriend?” Evelyn laughed, “Sorry to break it to you babe, but that is just very odd”.
“What can I say? No one has caught my eye before! Plus, it’s only unusual for you because you’ve always had a boyfriend since you were like ten”.
“Thirteen, bitch” Evelyn corrected her, noticing that the man beside her trying to figure out which cereal to take home was watching her.
“Alright. I’m a believer that whenever the time is right, I will get a boyfriend” She explained, “Anyway, I got to go. I’m pulling into a hotel to get a room for the night. I’ll text you if anything happens”.
“Fine. Love you” Evelyn called out as they hung up.
Y/N pulled into the well-lit inn. It was the most decent hotel.
“Welcome! How can I help you?” The receptionist asked her with a big smile.
“Hi, do you have a room available for the next week?” Y/N asked as she looked around the lobby. She used to dream of staying in the hotel ever since she was little. Unfortunately, even if her parents had wanted it was too expensive for them to afford.
“We do! Is one king bed all right for you?”
“That would be perfect thank you” Y/N nodded as she looked through her purse for her wallet.
“May I have a credit card and some ID?” She asked, just as Y/N pulled them out. “Y/N? Y/N Y/L/N?” The woman asked after looking through her credentials. “It’s me, Ava! We used to sit together in AP bio?”
“Right! Ava Harrison!” She had changed quite a lot which was why Y/N hadn’t been able to recognize her. For starters, she was now a short-haired redhead as opposed to her long brunette head of hair in high school.
Ava reached out and hugged her over the counter.
“How’ve you been?” Ava asked, genuinely curious about her life, “Last time I heard from you was after graduation. People were saying that you had run away”.
“I’ve been good!” Y/N giggled, trying her best not to look uncomfortable even though she left like it. She hated speaking about that era of her life. “It’s not that far from the truth. I went to college in California. I am currently living in San Francisco”.
“Oh wow! You accomplished all your dreams. Not like the rest of us,” she made a face just before swapping her credit card. “What are you doing here?”.
“How is your family?” Y/N asked wanting to change the subject.
“They are good. They are still living in the old house. You are welcome to pass by” Ava smiled, “Alright your room is on the fourth floor, and it's room 102. Breakfast is at eight. Here is your key, and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.” Ava was still curious about her sudden arrival, but to her, it seemed like just a casual visit. So, she abstained from inquiring further.
“Thank you, Ava. Say hello to your parents for me.” Before she could take the elevator up to her room, she needed to retrieve her bags from the trunk.
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Y/N closed her trench coat and tighten it as much as possible as a gust of chilly wind hit her as she walked out. There was no one else in the parking lot or driving down the street which made her walk faster towards the car. She cursed at herself for parking so far from the main entrance.
Y/N couldn’t shake off the feeling that someone was watching as she attempted to open the trunk of her car and get her bags out.  Suddenly, the sound of something in the woods startled her. The sound made her skin crawl and for a second, she considered leaving her things in the trunk and getting them in the morning. Terrified, she turned to look at the source of the shuffling which came from the woods across the parking lot. She leaned forward and squinted her eyes in an attempt to get a clear view of what was making so much noise.
Two glowing eyes stared back at her from the depths of the dark woods. She took a step back, trying to get some distance from what was staring at her and that’s when she felt something grab her.
Click below and join our community on Patreon if you wish to continue reading Lycan and get access to 2 more chapters.
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lethesomething · 7 years
Heya! I've been recently stumbling on posts hypothesizing that Aizawa might be very well on his way to reach his breaking point (especially in the light of chapter 162). I think your analyses are really cool, so I wanted your two cents on the topic and on the possibilities of character development afterwards. Have a nice day!!
Ok, first of all, sorry for answeringyou this late. I… straight up forgot this ask was still in myinbox.Secondly, manga spoilers ahead, since we’re talking currentsetting Aizawa, and beyond.
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But anyway.
Is Aizawa about to reach his breaking point?
I can totally see that happening, yes.
One of the major things, that comesback in several of the ‘true hero’ characters of BnHA, is selfsacrifice. Dying for the cause is unfortunately very common, andbreaking yourself, even if you don’t actually die, is also common.Think of All Might, Midoriya, Lemillion, you name it. Aizawais definitely on that list. He canonically lost some of his quirkpower in that villain pile-up, when Shigaraki invaded UA. It would behighly unrealistic if he didn’t, to be honest. The noumu pretty muchsmashed him to bits. Will he lose more? Sadly, I think it’slikely. One: he’s relatively fragile, compared to some of the other heroesTwo: because of his positionand quirk, he’s a target. One that also has a tendency to jumpstraight into danger to protect his the children. Since part of theseries’ theme is replacing the old guard with the new, I can onlyhope that he’ll be given the option to calmly retire, with his coffeeand his cats. (I absolutely refuse to think of Aizawa actually dying thankyouverymuch)
What would post-hero Aizawa look like?
I’d like to imagine he’d calm down and enjoy life, maybe pick upreading or something, but HAHA no. This man is a workaholic. Like…a terrible, terrible workaholic, on the level of All Might,almost.If he’s forced to retire, the deep dark hole he falls intowill be deep and destructive for his self-worth. He’d have a hard time accepting it at first. I’m talking lengthy drinking sessions and complaining to Present Mic, maybe impromptu therapy from Midnight. But he would, I believe, accept it. Eventually. He’s smart enough, and stable enough, to realize when his time has come. He’s seen plenty of heroes come and go in the ten odd years that he’s been in the business. One of the things he tries to teach his students is how hard heroing is, and how sometimes it’s better to give up the dream.
So here’s my theory, in a best casescenario (in which he doesn’t, like, become an alcoholic orsomething).He’d stay a teacher, I think. Atthe very least. The man has tremendous amounts ofexperience, and an immense level of technical ability. Hand-to-handcombat, strategy, even if his quirk no longer works, and his bonescreak, or if he’s in a wheelchair, he’d be an amazing sensei. It’s a job, also, in which he can still make a difference.With the added bonus that maybehe’ll sleep more than two hours a night.
But who are we kidding. I think he’dstill do hero stuff. Probably more on the research and logistics side. A lot ofplanning and strategizing and gathering of intel is involved in someof the bigger raids heroes do, and you probably can’t stop him fromassisting in that stuff if you wanted to.Think of him as theOracle to Midoriya’s Shinsou’s Batman or something.He’d be willing to accept his own physical limitations, because he’s always done that, but he’ll also try to go beyond that (Plus Ultra) and still save people. In whatever capacity he can.
Aizawa’s main character trait is thathe cares. About young heroes, and about shaping them andpreparing them for the future. About people and keeping them safe.He’s a mentor, and as long as hebreathes, I think that’s what he’ll stay.
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