#i've been waking up lately thinking it must be 3-4 am and then checking my phone to see that it's 7 or 8 it's just DARK
captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
I was trying to figure out why I was feeling so off and generically sad all day today until I opened up Stardew Valley and realized I haven't seen the sun in three weeks and no green plants for longer than that. I HAVE to move somewhere sunnier I was simply not cut out to live in this much gloom
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fawningoveradream · 8 months
Tagged by: @nebulariclover
I decided to backtrack some past posts and rbs and tags associated with my tumblr url. Idk how I missed this! Sorry for the VERY late response.
Rules: 1.) Post the rules. 2.) Answer the questions given to you by your tagger 3.) Write 11 questions of your own, and 4.) Tag 11 people!
1.) What bands/musicians would you like to see in concert?
Idk? I've never really been to a formal concert other than me participating in my middle school's orchestra--aaaaaaand perhaps the occasional local country band at a bar or art fest in my city's downtown district.
I'd say I would like to one day hear The Orion Experience, The Hu a popular Mongolian folk-band, or Kendrick Lamar.
2.) What is your idea of a perfect day?
Just going out to places with my partner! I'd love to just explore either a local nature spot with em or check out some roadside attractions. I'd even settle for some group artistic project day!
I also sometimes dream of one day having a nice picnic date with em or invite some friends and have a large picnic group date out in nature or a lovely park. Getting a lil drunk or just drinking, swapping stories, sharing foods we baked or made.
3.) Would you rather never be able to listen to music or never be able to watch cable?
Never be able to watch cable. I spent my whole life for a long time not having access to cable tv and only had the standard tv channels. I'll live!! PBS THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO MY CHILDHOOD!!!
I can't live every day life without listening to my favorite songs. I'd go crazy. What you mean I can't listen to The Mamas and The Papas??? What you mean I can't listen to the soundtrack of the Muppet's Movie (1979)?! What you mean no more Lil Nas X??! NO BILL WITHERS!? NO GLORIA GAYNOR--NO EARTHA KITT?!!!
4.) What talents do you have that you're especially proud of?
I know how to sew patches onto jackets really well! I can come up with real interesting creatures with a full background and appearance. I go full-in when it comes to abstract and often mismatched acrylic paints with scenery.
I've been told that I'm a very good baker! And dogs love me!
5.) Who are your favorite characters? **I did this list in no listed order; just from top of my head
Courage the Cowardly Dog
My many fursonas
Kermit the Frog
Lupin the 3rd and Inspector Zenigata!
The Combaticons (transformers g1)
Bulkhead & Prowl from TFA (Transformers Animated)
Kaon from the DJD
Captain Sisko, Jadzia Dax, Odo, Julian Bashir, Jake Sisko, Quark, Miles O'Brien, Worf, Garak (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
6.) Do you like to sing?
I don't sing in public. I'm kinda self-conscious about the sound of my voice. And I'm aware that I tend to have breaks/sqweaks in my voice when I try to sing. I do sing when its just myself (majority of time), with my partner in their car, or when out drinking with friends at bars.
7.) What helps you sleep?
Ceiling fan ON (medium speed majority of time *depends on the sound the fan makes; if majority is silent then high speed). Temperature must be around 73*F with AC on cool setting - auto
Sleep only in my boxers
Covers consist of my bed's main semi-thick quilt cover and a cotton bed sheet.
Pillows fluffy but maintain shape and don't cover my face/nose area. My pillow sheets are also cooling sensitive as well if I need to flip it onto its otherside if I wake up warm.
I am a stomach sleeper who also likes to be semi-covered under into my bedsheets.
8.) If you could have 4 superpowers to have, what would they be?
Animal shapeshifting
Regeneration/Health restoration power
Water Breathing/Seeing *Aquatic superpower??
Lightening power
9.) Do you prefer dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate?
I've been slowly turned into a lover of dark chocolate. HOWEVER I am, still, and always will be weak for the sweet stuff that is milk chocolate!
10.) What are your hobbies?
I like to draw or doodle my fursonas, I like to also paint scenery on canvases, I also like to sew. Baking is also a small hobby of mine. I also like to catch up on some reading as well. Poetry and writing stories use to be an old passion of mine, but I've kind of abandoned it. Or just really struggle to get back into completing it once I've started.
I also like taking care of my ginseng bonsai tree Gordon! And taking walks outside with my dog ranger is also pretty fun too!
11.) Where would you love to live?
In my biggest dreams? In the Philippines near Olongapo or Manila city where a big part of my fam live curretly in.
A list of other places I'd love to live in:
Austrian or Swiss Alps. I like cold weather, and I don't mind being surrounded by deep woods.
If realistically and here in the USA. I'd love to stay here in the south-east coastal region. Cause its where I've grown up in. But with the current culture and anti-lgbt/trans laws and stripping of human rights. I might have to consider moving up north or some state out west thats a safe haven or tolerable. But also has job opportunities related to my own and/or my partners interests/career choice.
11 questions for who I'm tagging:
1.) What's a plant, flower, veggie, fungi, or fruit you've always wanted to grow on your own. But can't due to circumstances or just not having a green thumb?
2.) Do you have a fursona what is their name and species? If you have multiple fursonas which one is your most favorite? Why?
3.) Do you have a favorite song?
4.) Are you currently happy with the job you have right now?
5.) If you were given the chance to live your eternal life as an immortal (in this case never growing old but still being "just some dude" w/ a meatbag body) would you take it? What would you be doing with all that time?
6.) What's your favorite penguin? Why?
7.) Do you have a signature dish (food)? Either that you can make or food that you associate yourself with? Bonus points if you do both!
8.) Whats a specific scene in a movie, show, book, or game that brought you to emotional tears growing up?
9.) Do you think werewolves need to take heartworm and flea & tick medication every month? Do you think in werewolf worlds they got themselves a werewolf positive vet who gives em this medication? Or is there like some elaborate illegal selling of heartworm + flea and tick medication scheme? Do you think in a werewolf world do humans (or humans who are werewolves themselves) privatize medicare for werewolves?
10.) Do you have a fave color you wish you could add to your wardrobe of clothing you have?
11.) How do you manage your emotions when your angry or sad?
Tagging: @jacobtheloofah , @lohboh , @dolphin-damsel , @twinktodapast , @silly-bean , @fiddledy-dee , @vulturereyy , @caydebug , @cantabilechaos , @dkpsyhog , and @jammings
Feel free to ignore my tag if you don't wanna participate!! I just thought it would be fun to take a try on this. It really got me thinking about my early days here on tumblr.
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dontcallmebabyxx · 3 years
Chapter 1: English Boy
Sage's POV:
7:00am and the alarm went off. It's been 3 days of this new lifestyle I'm trying to live and I'm actually enjoying the extra time I have in the mornings, given the fact I used to wake up somewhere around 11am, but hey! Adulting and productivity at it's finest, or so I like to believe.
I recently moved to L.A to pursue that dreamy fresh start every 20-something year old dreams of. After just a few days here, I found a job in a little coffee shop and have been working there since, it's really cool actually, the place is amazing, the staff is nice and I'm a whore for coffee so it's a win-win situation.
Getting out of bed after checking my phone for any notifications that I might have missed in my sleep, but all I got were a bunch of messages from my sister having a crisis after finishing the last episode of The Vampire Diaries, and I mean... I get her.
I'm really taking this whole new and improved lifestyle very seriously, I'm meditating and everything, even lighting some incense here and there to get the whole scene and mood going.
After my whole yogi moment I went to the bathroom and started getting ready for work. I stared at myself in the mirror and said my daily affirmations: "I'm smart, I'm capable, I'm a bad bitch, I'm worth it, and I'm loved" I tell myself pushing back the memories as I say that last part. Today is going to be a good day because I have an early shift so that means I get to work with my sister, who was the one that got me the job in the first place.
I am pretty basic when it comes to clothes and always prioritize comfort over looks, unless I go out. Only then and there will I risk my wellbeing and wear high heels and tiny ass dresses to remind myself that I can also be THAT bitch. On the day to day I'm pretty basic. I really like warm colors so most of my closet is based around that color scheme.
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I made my way (downtown) in this chaotic ass, traffic-filled city that I love very much, hating myself for even thinking about A Thousand Miles as I drive myself to work and officially start my day.
After saying hi to the staff and starting getting everything ready, Sydney arrives.
"I'm sorry! I overslept" Syd said as she rushed behind the counter to the back of the shop and got ready for her shift.
"Chill, it's still pretty early. You still have 20 minutes and I already got everything set up" I reassured her.
"You're an angel, thanks" she said, coming behind me and hugging me.
A few hours into the shift I started cleaning some tables and saw a group of people coming in. And as I was about to greet them, I heard a familiar voice.
"Sage?" I looked at her and recognized her immediately.
"Holy shit Sarah!" I said smiling and hugging her, she hugged me back and introduced me to her friends.
"Guys, this is Sage. We were neighbors back in London". "This is Charlotte" she said and Charlotte greeted me with a hug
"So nice to meet you" She said with a big smile on her face.
"You too!" I said, smiling back.
"And this is Ny", Sarah said gesturing towards her
"Hi!" She said and we hugged too.
We walked to the counter and I took their order.
"Sydney? Since when do you two live here?" Sarah said as soon as she saw my sister.
"We moved here with my dad a few months ago, mom stayed back in London though" Sydney explained smiling at her.
As I gave them their order, Sarah said "we should get together, catch up and drink some wine like our moms did when we were little, it's our time to have those kinds of nights" Us three laughed remembering those days and how close our moms are. "The girls and the rest of the group are coming over to my house tomorrow for dinner and you two are coming" she gave me a stern look knowing that I'm not one to be around many people.
"Fine, we'll be there" Syd and I agreed, exchanging phone numbers with Sarah and getting back to work.
*The next day*
It was nearly 4:00 pm when I left work after my shift ended. Sarah's dinner started at 9:00 but she texted me earlier telling me to be there at 7:00 so we could have some time to catch up just the two of us.
I got home and decided to call my mom to tell her about yesterday.
"Hi mom" I greeted her as she answered the FaceTime call.
"Hi sweetie, how was your day? I'm sorry I couldn't call you back yesterday, the girls came over and we had a wine night" she said laughing.
"It's fine mom, don't worry" I reassured her, "Speaking of wine nights, I ran into Sarah yesterday at the cafe.
"Sarah Jones? Wow, you two hadn't seen each other since she moved! How is she?".
"She's great. I'm going to her house today to catch up and meet some of her friends" I told her.
"I heard from her mom that she's drumming for this English boy, maybe you know him!" She said
"Wouldn't know mom, I just recently started following her social media and haven't had the time to stalk her" I said laughing and she joined me.
We talked just for a little while given the time zone, then said our goodbyes because it was getting late and I had to start getting ready. I headed to my bathroom and began undressing as I put on some music. I chose one of my favorite playlists called "Middle School Me" which is basically my indie-emo-punk phase and I love it.
*Something Good Can Work* started playing and I can't help but move to the little beat as I entered the shower. I did the usual and washed my hair so it's easier to style later.
I finished my shower, wrapping myself in a towel and wrapping my hair on an old cotton t-shirt because I learned from a youtube blogger that that's the best way to prevent frizz, and I hope and pray it works because I've been bleaching my hair and it's coming to bite me in the ass now.
I moisturized and opened my closet deciding on what to wear, and after trying on my top 3 choices, I went for a black dress because you can NEVER go wrong with a black dress, and dressed it down a bit with some black boots and a oversized denim jacket that I stole from one of Sydney's ex.
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I like wearing short sleeves because you can see my tattoos, which I love and adore with all my heart.
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I got my keys, checked my phone to see if Sarah sent me the address already which she did, double checked that I had everything I needed in my purse and headed to the door. I got in my car and continued listening to my playlist and laughed as Avril Lavigne started playing and I sang along as I made my way to Sarah's house.
I arrived with 10 minutes to spear and rang the bell. Sarah opened the door and gave me a tight hug which I gladly accepted and hugged her as well. "Holy shit, you look great! Come in" she said, giving me space to walk through the door and into her house. She took my purse and my jacket and handed me a glass of wine which I took and thanked her for. "Where's Sydney?" She asked, seeing that I came by myself.
"She has a test on Monday so she stayed home".
"Oh yeah, you live with your dad right?" She asked, sitting down on the couch and I took a seat next to her.
"No, just Syd. I have my own place, it's not that far from here actually" I explained.
"That means you're hosting the next wine night" she said, making me laugh.
After a little catching up I remembered what my mom told me and ask Sarah,
"So, my mom told me you're some English boy's new drummer" I told her, bringing the wine glass to my lips to take a sip.
She laughed out loud "some 'English boy', oh my god that is amazing. But yes, I actually just came back from touring with him. Ny and Charlotte are also in the band and the guys you'll meet today too" she said.
"Oh, and am I meeting the English boy today as well?" I ask grinning.
"Yes, but I'm not telling you who he is, I want to see you shitting your pants when you meet him".
"Is it Tom Misch? Because if it is I will actually shit myself".
"I guess you'll have to see when he arrives" she laughed and I told her that's no fun.
It was now 9-ish and people started arriving. The first one to arrive is Mitch, who I greeted and hugged as Sarah introduced us. And I swear I could feel a type of vibe going on between them but I decided to push aside and interrogate Sarah about it another time. Then Ny and Charlotte arrived and when they saw me they approached happily to greet me which I appreciated because I was starting to get anxious about meeting all these new people.
"I was telling Sage about how we are the band for this 'English boy' as she called him" Sarah air quoted telling them as they sat on the couch and some chairs around the coffee table.
"English boy? yes, I guess you could say so" Mitch said, laughing.
"Hey! it was my mom who called him that in the first place" I said smiling while pouring Ny a glass of wine.
We continued talking about random topics, I told them a little bit about myself, and they did the same. I stood up and went to the bathroom, and as I was walking out the door I bumped into somebody.
"Omg I'm sorry, I wasn't looki-" I stared up at him and holy shit! It's Harry Styles.
"Don't worry about it. It's fine." he said "I'm the English boy, you must be Sage". He said, stretching out his hand to greet me
"Yes. Nice to meet you English boy." I said, stretching out my hand to shake his, blushing at the fact Sarah already told him but not surprised at all that she did.
"Well, if you excuse me I have to take a wee" he said, laughing and I moved to let him go into the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen and saw Sarah there.
"What the actual fuck Sarah Jones?! English boy is THE Harry Styles?" I said shocked to which she laughed.
"He is. I figured you wouldn't know because I know you, and I can tell you don't follow him like you do to others, but I told you you would shit your pants because I know deep down there, directioner Sage still exists" She said, eating a grape out of the charcuterie board she's preparing.
"Ok first of all, I was NOT a directioner. I liked a couple songs and that's it" I joked, trying to minimize it. "And if I had to choose one I'd go with Zayn" I told her, rolling my eyes jokingly. "But still, wow. I really don't follow him or his solo music really, but this is huge Sarah! I'm so happy for you" I told her, feeling genuinely happy for her.
"Yes, we have a great team. I'm giving you a copy of the album because I know you haven't properly listened to it" She said. Which is true. I only listened to Only Angel once on the radio, and it's actually a great song, it was stuck in my head for like a week. I might give this album a chance and crank it in my apartment.
We headed to the living room and Harry followed behind as soon as he exited the bathroom. He got behind me near my ear and said, "Sarah told me you're not a fan, I gotta say it really hurts my ego but I might push it behind and turn you into a fan".
"Oh, really?" I said, raising an eyebrow and turning to him.
"Well, whether or not you become a fan it's up to you, but I would like to get to know you and you to know me, the actual me I mean" he said, sitting next to me.
"We'll see about that" I told him as I brought the wine glass to my lips. I wondered if this thing actually looked hot like in the movies or if I just looked like an idiot.
We continued talking and laughing as Sarah told stories about our teen years and all the stupid shit we did.
"And that's how Sage broke her arm on a date" she finished the embarrassing ass story which I wished she had forgotten, but how could she... she was the one that came to my rescue when I fell down the window trying to sneak out the boys house when his parents got there. We definitely lived the best teen years together, I really missed her and I'm glad we met again.
Around 2:00 am I decided it was time to head back home,
"Guys it was lovely meeting all of you and I'm sure we'll hang out again soon but I really need to go" I said standing up.
"Oh come on Sage!" Charlotte complained laughing, "it's still pretty early".
"I know but I have an early shift tomorrow so I should get going" I grabbed my jacket and my purse and started to make my way around saying goodbye to everyone, thanking that I only had one glass of wine because I wouldn't be able to drive otherwise.
As I got to Harry he smiled as he hugged me "Maybe I'll come visit you tomorrow at work. Ny says your apple pie is out of this world" he said.
"If I may say so myself, it's pretty fucking awesome" I said laughing.
"Bye Sarah" I said, hugging her and walking to my car.
I arrived, got ready for bed, and stared at the ceiling until I managed to push behind all the dark thoughts and memories that haunt me daily, and finally fell asleep.
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 10)
A/N: I am so sorry that I have not been on for a full week. The phone I had used to edit this in broke and I had to buy a new one plus this is the last chapter and apparently the longest, regardless of my recent claims of the previous ones being the longest lmao. I hope this won't disappoint, I couldn't think of a more consistent flow due to the days I've been without my phone to type some ideas in. I hope you guys will enjoy this last part anyway, and thank you so much for supporting this entire series! I have a new series in mind but it's a WIP. Thanks again for all the love! IMPORTANT NOTE: I WILL BE CUTTING A PART IN THIS CHAPTER AND PUTTING IT UNDER A PART 10.1 IMMEDIATELY AFTER I POST THIS FOR THE SAKE OF THE LIMIT. TAGS WILL BE MENTIONED IN THE COMMENTS
Summary for this part: A wedding brought you apart and it will be a wedding that will bring you back together.
Warnings: A good balance of fluff and angst, mention of injuries and alcohol and some long ass writing.
WC: A whopping 10k
Parts: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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You are painfully a feet away from the door and yet here you are, frozen after having turned 180 degrees only to stumble upon those eyes you had hoped to gaze into again. One swallow from you and you begin gliding along the tiled surface towards him, checking through every pad whether or not he's really awake.
After stopping at his side, you are now certain you're not anywhere close to dreaming. "Ben?" His name leaving your lips like an answered prayer. He's staring back at you with his left eye half-open – taking into account his current sensitivity to light– but with the same energy he exudes everytime you're together.
His chapped lips curl into a smile so slow yet so sweet at the same time; almost an upgrade to his classic 'Benny beam' which you had fun dubbing back in the days. "Y/N..."
And once again, you disrupt the orderly function of your tears and let them gush down, quickly but carefully wrapping your arms around him in bittersweet joy, exclaiming his name thrice into his hospital gown. "You...you bloody idiot! I thought you'd never wake up..."
Having just woken up from a coma, his voice comes out extra breathy and brittle but full of life, chuckling at how you're greeting him back into the conscious world. "Is that...is that how you welcome your best mate back?"
You shake your head ardently, sniffling against his chest and taking in the scent of mint. "Shut up. You frightened us!"
He really wakes up seconds before the clock strikes 'it's too late'. The convenience is hardly believable.
"I'm gonna call the doctor and tell him you're up." You act swiftly on your feet but a grip as strong as you least expected it to be hinders you from taking a step away and you turn around at Ben who's woven his fingers around yours. You give him a concerned yet quizzical look for it.
He sighs deeply, closing his logy eyes for a brief moment before opening them to you– gazing up at you meaningfully as he draws you close with the little, physical strength he has left. "You frightened me, rather."
"What... are you talking about?"
You won't admit it now but the way his fingers are currently snaked around yours could make your heart palpitate any second now.
His green eyes bore into yours effectively, suddenly invalidating your surroundings and making it seem like it's just you and him on the face of the entire planet.
He struggles to swallow before repeating. "You frightened me. You're still leaving..."
His voice crack as he said 'leaving' obliterates the fragments of what was once your soul, punching a gaping hole as a replacement. How is he able to remember your emotional outburst at the after party when he has just woken up and should at least forget a few details?
But then you realize you've been talking to him a lot as he was out of order.
You nod unfortunately, laying your hand on his which is still fondling your other one. His skin has warmed up a notch and that's a progress. You need to clarify this to him again since the last time you did, you both ended up in  disarray and in the middle of the road.
"I...I've already told you everything."
"I don't wanna- I don't wanna lose you."
"Ben..." You cut off as your hopeless gazes meet like lightning, his irises  darkening at the manner in which your eyes have transfixed on his.
Worried that his stable condition might shift due to the rising agitation he's showing, you sit beside him and bring his knuckles up to your lips, hearing the beeping of the heart monitor quicken which sounds incredibly alarming, an indication that his heart rate has elevated due to his induced stress.
You press your lips into his pale knuckles with your eyes thoroughly shut hoping to soothe him through it, tears trickling from your cheeks and onto the back of his hand as you choke on your words. "Ben...come on. You know I can't stay, you have to understand that."
He slowly shakes his head, biting his bottom lip as he grimaces at the bitterness, softly but agonizingly begging for you to reconsider. "You have to. Please, love. I need you to. I want you to."
Do the short term effects include stubbornness? Cause he's really determined to get you to stay no matter what. Joe must be tortured with waiting by now and at any given moment, he's bound to consider barging in.
You kind of hope he would. God, you should be out there notifying his attending physician about his regained consciousness and for goodness sake, Rosy ought to be here for this. She can't just wander out whenever she likes when her fiance's an injured man struggling to recover.
While keeping his trembling knuckles close to your lips, you move closer and question him, your voice downsizing to an unsteady whisper. "Why? Ben, I'm leaving primarily to pursue a career. Not just because of some heartbreak, this is a dream come true. I'm finally a stair close to reaching it. Why aren't you at least happy for me?"
"I am..."
"Then you have to let me go."
"It's not that easy..."
"Do you think it's any more easier for me? No! But this is what must be and you have to trust me on this," it's as if your heart is in your mouth from feeling so harrowed by all of this, but you have to make him see that this is the only way and that it is also important that you leave, "I'm sorry if I said some things that night that weren't exactly the way I felt. But I have to leave. You're getting married to Rosy soon, you know. Don't worry about me..."
He wishes he could just sit up with ease and cage you in his arms but all his incapacities at the moment are inhibiting him from doing so. Knowing he can't do anything about it emotionally deflates him.
He withdraws his hand a little and presses it to your flushed cheek, kneading your delicate skin as he shakes his head gently to prevent the dressing around his head from becoming less taut.
"I think I know well enough who I want to marry now..."
You can't distinguish what present beating has accelerated; the heart monitor's, your own heart, or at best both. But you're sure as hell his words weren't a product of your own imagination, your eyes drifting from one of his orbs to the other in a daze, looking for any sign that would prove that it's not you he's directed it at but it does otherwise.
"What are you saying?"
The skin of the front of his neck moves along as he swallows dryly to assure you the realness of his words, his thumb traveling up your face to wipe  the moist corner of your eye. "I'm a bloody wanker for taking so long to see...that you're the one who has always kept me grounded, who has always made me feel more like myself. Even as far as making me feel like I don't need all this fame to lead a good life, " his breath shortens between each sentence and your jaw goes slack as he exploits the atmosphere to continue, eyes buried deep into yours as if the space in between doesn't even matter anymore.
"I'm an idiot...for not realising sooner that it's always been you."
"I love you too, Y/N L/N, more than the way I used to. How could I ever be happy without you? We promised neither of us is going anywhere, right? "
Definitely not in the context of mere friendship. For a moment, you make it your quest to find your voice to react and you do.
"You can't. You can't- I mean, what about Rosy? Surely your feelings for her wouldn't just go away like that-"
"It's been doused for so long with the ones for you growing," he's thumb is now gingerly stroking circles on your cheek, the green in his eyes gleaming, "that dance at the after party put me in my place and I asked you if you were still coming to my wedding because...it was my way of telling you how I felt at that moment."
Despite the idea coming off a little incoherent, you immediately get the bottom line. It would've been like coming to your own wedding. You study his gaze confusingly before coming to believe that he actually does love you back in the way you always have.
The words have been built up from the moment he whipped out his share of the polaroid and reestablished his promise as the way he felt towards you took a dramatic turn.
Yet no matter how badly you want to stay and finally work some things out with him, he's engaged and you're leaving in 45 minutes.
And what of Rosy? Hopefully Ben wouldn't think of just fragmenting her like that.
Your deafening silence puts Ben under a heap of worry as he painfully anticipates for your reaction. You shake your head at the unlikelihood of your present situations, bringing your eyes shut as you respond in the only way you can without any words needed to express how sorry you are and how much you've waited for him to say it.
Against your better judgement, you lean your body towards him and catch him off guard with the most bittersweet, goodbye kiss anyone could ever exercise on a moment's notice.
You can tell his positive response with how rapid the heart monitor pulses are becoming and how his lips have begun moving passionately against yours.
His eyes flutter shut in return, tangling his fingers in your hair as he dares to deepen the kiss, eager to feel every inch of your lips as he knows that you still won't be staying after this.
Wait for me to come home...
You pull away catching your breaths as you rest your forehead on his, his hand stroking the back of your hair for the little time you have left in your hands.
This feels so wrong yet so right at the same time. Howbeit strong the desire to stay put, you break away before the spark between either of you becomes magnetizing enough to change your mind.
"Please tell me where you're going...please." He pleads yet you refuse to tell him where you're headed to avoid a fuss, shaking your head apologetically with the space between you both increasing.
"I'm so sorry." You whisper, retreating quickly to the door as you ignore his broken pleas and just in time to be welcomed by the doctor, Rosy and some nurses who are here to conduct another assessment. Your pulse picks up at the sight of an uneasy Rosy along with an extra glimpse of a tuft of red and a head of blonde hair overtopping from behind her, eager to check up on whatever is occurring.
Joe and Lucy.
You clear your throat as you utter quickly to the doctor, unable to set your gaze steady. "He's awake." Your update stirs them to hasten on their steps inwards and you don't bother to stop to give Rosy a glance as she brushes by you, with you feeling the slightest, if not an immense amount of guilt for kissing her fiance– your best friend, who now has to make a troubling choice in choosing between you and her. Most importantly, you wouldn't dare to contend with Rosy over this, you'd rather let it happen naturally and see where it would lead but that's the least of your priorities.
You've whizzed a meter past Joe and Lucy but freeze in your spot at Joe's frail call of your name, your shoulders relaxing after a brief pause. "Y/N...how did- how did it go?"
You remain static in your spot, just wanting to leave the building and basically see past everything.
"Let's just go."
Of course he and Lucy half expected your last conversation to be balanced on a scale of nonchalant to vehement but it went off the boundary of vehemence. With one more look at the closed door, the two catch up with you on your way out with a plan on revisiting Ben on their way back from the airport.
You lengthen the sleeve of your sweater and dab your eyes with it, striding towards the car and slipping into passenger's seat gracefully with the two trailing from behind. Once they climb in after you, they begin bombarding you with questions you'd expect them to drop but being so exhausted from all of drama just lessens your likelihood of elaborating your answers. With a few questions dismissed, you ask Joe to just step on it and he complies sadly.
Lucy gives you a sympathetic, lopsided smile and however stagnant your expression is at the moment, you return the favor as the car accelerates on the road ahead.
You bother to give the distancing hospital one last look; giving him one last look.
At the same time the doctors are asking Ben some questions and performing a few physical tests on him, you make it to the airport with some time to spare. Joe and Lucy accompany you into the waiting area agreeing to stick around just until your flight number is announced.
Propping your luggage bag against a vacant seat next to the ones Joe and Lucy are seated on, you dig through your pocket and pull your phone out to check if there are any calls you've slept on. So far nothing of the sort but a dozen texts from friends and acquaintances wishing you the best on your flight to Spain, though you still have to return to London to collect your essentials.
Their words coax a small smile on your lips and after pressing the button to your home screen, the wallpaper brings a small tear to your eye– you and Ben with your arms wrapped around each other beaming goofily at the shutter of the camera.
In this instance, you begin wondering why photos and pictures
have become such a recurring emblem in your friendship. Joe and Lucy notice the sadness spring out of your eyes and cloud your features as you gaze one last time at your phone, and they instantly figure out what you were looking at. Lucy gets up and turns you around softly by the shoulder, prompting you to talk it out to them prior to leaving. If it unloads the stresses you're under then you agree to it, telling them what went on inside the room not too long ago.
Upon mentioning the bit where Ben confessed to you and was insistent on not letting you leave, Joe breathes out a firm, "I knew it" and Lucy shakes her head incredulously at Ben's 'perfect' timing but overall they're both glad he's opened his eyes– in a metaphorical and physical sense– to the person who has always been worthy of that spot in his life. As your conversation comes to a close, the announcement of the boarding of your flight number limits your bittersweet goodbyes however you do promise that you'll call them as soon as you touchdown.
"You better do well out there! Don't forget to call us every once in a while. Or everyday, damn it!" Joe calls out after blowing multiple kisses to you, he and Lucy bidding you an effective farewell.  You wave back at them with a reassuring grin before disappearing into the crowd of bustling passengers, huffing sadly underneath your breath as you trail your finger smoothly across your bottom lip– where Ben had left his precious, goodbye mark for you. Something you ought to hold on to dearly for the moments you'll be missing out on.
Many months later
During your first day in the University of Barcelona, you could've sworn it was all but a dream and at any given moment you could've awakened; but it wasn't. It was right before your eyes and you were standing upon the solid concrete that held those opportunities. In the first days you were but a foreigner; merely wandering around the campus with your textbooks in hand making your journey to the lab and cafeteria a noble quest. Like your life depended on finding your way through every twist and turn on a day to day basis, asking fellow students where particular rooms were as you struggled to maintain good eye contact.
It was an everyday uphill battle for everyone.
However things have improved immensely in the following months, you have gained new friends in most of your classes, developed a good sense of direction around the campus and you've scored solid 90's in your classes which you thought would be bumpy the first time but attainable anyway through nights spent with ounces of coffee, extensive reading and episodes of academic agony.
Despite the pressures in your first year, you still keep in touch with your friends and family back home, especially with Joe and Lucy to whom you had once swore to always call. They're glad to know you've been at your peak in the past few months plus they wouldn't stop making a fuss about how much they miss you and long to have some sort of reunion once you decide to go back for a break. They've been well too– Joe's planning on producing a new movie although he's not certain with the details yet, Gwilym has talked to you as well and he's thriving with new projects which you were quick to congratulate him on and Lucy - oh, darling Lucy- apparently Rami had taken her out of the country again and popped the question out of nowhere just two months after you left.
Of course, when she told you the news the hot brew you had nearly swallowed came spewing out of your mouth in surprise thereby catching the attention of the people you were with at that time. But that was out of happiness too, she's invited you to her wedding –a few months after breaking to you the news of her engagement– which is to take place two weeks from now, something you're unfortunately unsure of attending since you are steadfast on getting heaps of classwork done.
But you promised to update her if ever you found an opening on that week to squeeze in a flight.
"Aren't you coming with us? They're waiting downstairs and it's our only night off this week. " Ava, your roommate and closest friend among the others, asks as she slips on her cardigan, ready to leave for a night out. You've got a book propped up in front of you and you were just getting immersed in the lines you've taken your eyes off of. "Er, it's kind of a cold night out. You girls have fun anyway."
"You sure?"
You nod, flipping your pen in your fingers. "Just bring me home a smoothie while you're at it."
"Get your butt off the chair and do it yourself!" She whines as she throws a nearby ball of cotton at you and you giggle lightheartedly, wishing her and the girls good luck as she heads out, shutting the door behind her.
You're just relieved they can communicate fluently with you or you never would've gotten around the city easily. Just as you begin turning your attention back to your book, you suddenly lose the interest to continue and just close it for the night, picking your phone up and tossing yourself on the bed with a small jounce as you land.
You shift on your spot as you check through your messages, emails, some posts from friends and whatnot to pass the hour, eventually noticing a message from an unknown number sent just earlier today. Curiosity peaks in you and you don't think twice before clicking on it to read.
You've changed your number weeks prior anyway so it could be from someone you know whose phone number you haven't asked for yet.
Hey, Y/N.
I know this is out of the blue but it's been a while since I've heard from you and in all honesty I didn't even bother to contact you the first time out of the assumption that you might have busied yourself a lot and don't have the time to check your phone. But I've become so worried then that I had to decide to ask you how you're doing. How you're holding up wherever you are. If you're not overworking yourself since you tend to do that a lot. I know it's been months since we've last talked to each other but I just miss you. I miss seeing you, having those late night conversations that got you late in the morning for work, hanging out and your voice. I kind of want to call you but you might be occupied and I don't wanna be a bit of a bother.
I miss you so much, love. Every single day. I'm trying to distract myself with the new project I've taken but you're just impossible to sleep on. When will you ever be back?
Why does the tone of the message seem familiar?
You reread along the last lines and your heart comes to a stop at one word that gives away the possible identity of the sender.
The lingering silence in the room making it possible for you to hear the elevated throbbing of your heart. It's been a while since he's slipped into your mind and even until now, the love you have for him is still flourishing wholly. Even when you had your mind set on your studies, your heart unknowingly had some other priorities.
So has he called things off with Rosy because if he hasn't yet, the tone of the message wouldn't come off as sincere as this.
That's a question you don't need answered for the meantime however you wonder how he was able to text you when you've pretty much changed your number.
You hope he's fully recovered from that head trauma though it's been nearly a year since that happened. Your thumbs hover over the keyboard, thinking about replying.
Hey. Ben if this is you, it's great to hear from you again.
Your eyes dart to the send button, taking a brief pause before hitting it and discarding your phone to the side at least hoping he wouldn't respond immediately because then it would lead to a conversation that might just turn awkward.
Never have you had an awkward talk with him so it's something you wouldn't want to acquaint yourself with.
You grab your pillow and press your cheek against it in uncertainty.
"Don't even start...thinking about him." You mumble groggily into the pillow and lay flat on your back as you begin wallowing in your own doubt, your eyes becoming droopy at every second spent on staring at the pale ceiling with your right arm and leg thrown over the pillow like you're never gonna let it go.
You never even considered seeing someone else because deep down, you still hoped for him. Though you had exchanged some stares and 'interactive' words with a few guys in your classes, none of them ever came or would ever come close to Ben.
- - - - - - -
This week's lab work gave your brain a mild whiplash with all the hustling you were required to do.
Every morning, you either had breakfast or not and it all depended on how early you had to be there. Provided that you had to take off in the early hours, you had to skip a good  bite nearly every morning; plus you were all being assessed closely by your professor and so a downshifted movement was every bit as unacceptable.
At least now that you had just gotten off from your last period you can reward yourself with some good Mediterannean food that should be the ultimate dinner of your night.
You and Ava are seated around a table laughing and enjoying each other's companies with your plates and glasses half-filled with leftovers after a quick chow down, but your attention is quickly divided as a text from Lucy surfaces. She's asked you about your availability next week and you ought to re-check your schedule for it. Once again upon pressing your home screen button you can't help but let a longing smile take form on your lips at your wallpaper and with you being oblivious to Ava noticing, to your demise, she takes a sly peek at what you're looking at and disrupt your train of thought.
"Who's that?" Ava asks with a cheeky grin to which you quickly recoil with your phone held loosely in your hand.
"Nothi- no-one. "
As nosy as she is tenacious, she swiftly
snatches your phone from your weak grip and dares to unlock it, the  wallpaper of you and Ben making her swoon in delight. "Y/N, how on Earth did you get Ben Hardy to hold you for a photo like this?" Squealing like a schoolgirl, Ava grills you with an inquisitive look. You've never bothered to tell her or any of your new found friends anything about your friendship with him and so now she thinks you're a fan who merely got luck in her favour for a picture.
If only she knew.
"I don't know? How'd you know it's him?" You speak up your mind, a fleeting blush crawling its way to your face.
" Bohemian Rhapsody was a hit, of course. Queen rocks and I was all for it," she gesticulates as a matter of fact and winks playfully, "and later on we were all for the cutie who played Roger Taylor."
You try your very best not to let a single squeak of laughter escape your lips as she begins drooling over him. What are the chances of her finding out, right? You would tell her about it and have her meet him however your situation is too dire to act in. Come to think of it, you haven't received a reply to your reply to his message. He could be juggling a lot in his hands at the moment, perhaps.
"Cutie. Yeah, he's cute. But the guy seems clumsy enough to drop your heart." Here you are throwing a sportive shade all the way from Barcelona.
As if she's taken a fake offense at your comment, Ava overdoes a gasp. "Is that how you say thanks?"
You respond with a one-shoulder shrug, your voice neutral to keep yourself from giving away the screams of your heart. "I'm just saying. What are we doing next week by the way?"
"As I've been told by Mr. Gomez, the school will be hosting an array of meetings with the BOD and so we're given a time off."
You blink thrice at her. "Seriously? Like a week?"
She forks a tapa from her plate and bites down on it, nodding at you. "Three days max." So you don't have the entire week off, but that's great. Given that you had told Lucy you'd update her about your availability during that time and now that you have a few days to spare, you're conditioned to go. You quickly get up from your chair and excuse yourself from Ava, making your way to the terrace to dial Lucy who you hope is reachable at the meantime.
"Lucy, hey!"
"Y/N, thank goodness you called!"
"About my weekly update?" You bite down on your lip in excitement, swinging your leg back and forth aimlessly.
"What about it?"
"I'm free next week."
- - - - - - -
"And cut! Okay everyone, lunch break. We're not cleaning up the rubble yet so we'll leave it there for the next scene." At the sound of the clapperboard slamming, all stunts have been ceased until the next roll and the main actors retreat individually to their own trailers, one of which is Ben who is walking back within beads of sweat dripping from his forehead as a result of a car stunt he had to perform on set. He's glad he can finally swing his left arm with unbridled ease after disposing of the sling just two months back although he's left with a few scars; the primary one on his forehead from the trauma he had.
A PA hands him a bottle of water and he thanks her for the save, cracking the lid off and chugging away. He waves at his fellow co-stars before entering his trailer and slipping out of his sweaty shirt, dumping it on the edge of the bed.
He places the bottle on a coffee table and swipes his phone from his drawer, being welcomed by a heap ton of messages, one days older than the next. He scratches his head at the result of his constant business; not being able to find time to reply thereby impregnating his inbox with miscellaneous messages.
Three from Lucy which he is 'obligated' to check first and foremost. Ben's lips twitch to an uneven smirk as he reads her messages, amused that he's been invited to her wedding, along with other people.
He replies with a simple yet sincere, "Thanks, I'll mark it on my calendar" before proceeding to put his phone down on the bed. He sighs, taking out his wallet from his drawer and opening it to pick out something, the dual polaroid he's folded in catching his eye and all of his attention; and for a moment, his heart stops.
He pulls it out from its slot and unfolds it, the tape used to stick it together  crinkled but still an effective adhesive. Without taking his eyes off of the polaroids, he plops down on the edge of the bed and wipes his forehead, hiding the ridiculous smile he now has on his face behind his hand. The memory still does things to him apparently and he has never let go since the day you kissed him goodbye. He can still feel the touch of your lips linger on his and admittedly, he traces his finger across the spot every time you cross his mind. The things you had said to him while he was unconscious ultimately stuck in his mind and he just longs to hear your voice once more. There are multiple times he forgets that you're not around to vent to or watch a good game of rugby with or do whatever you used to do together, no matter the trouble.
Generally speaking, he just yearns to be with you.
On a side note, he had long called things off with Rosy, exactly a day after he had awakened. Of course, she didn't take it easy but he knew damn well who he loved.
A heavy sigh leaves Ben's lips as he lowers his head at the frustration he feels for never owning up to his feelings.
She probably has some other guy in her life now. What are my chances? He thinks dryly to himself. "Hey, Ben? Break is over." The assistant director knocks on his trailer door and he tells him that he'll be out in a few. Tucking the polaroids back into his wallet, he snags the fresh shirt that's been laid out on the sofa across him and pulls it on, combing his blond hair back with his fingers before heading out to get the day done without realizing that he has skipped your reply.
With the days leading up to Rami and Lucy's wedding, they have never been more busier about any other event in their entire lives. They've decided on a beach wedding and to hold the reception there as well. Lucy has made you one of her bridesmaids yet you declined at first because that would mean you would have to fly in early for a practice down the aisle but she's assured you that practice wouldn't be necessary. She has taken care of the dresses and such and all you need to do is just fly down to California, again, to attend. Speaking of dresses, you bought her a little wedding gift yourself. It's something small but it's bound to suit her look.
You've told Ava about the wedding– excluding essential details like whose wedding it is specifically– and she's a little disheartened that you wouldn't be around to hang out with for the week but you've reassured her that you won't be long; considering you'll also be reviewing for upcoming tests.
"Okay, so it's a beach wedding? Drastic times call for some drastic measures, chica!" She exclaims and throw her arms up in the air, springing out of her bed and rummaging through her wardrobe as you throw what you can into one, just one luggage bag.
She pulls out a black two-piece bikini from the drawers and upon beholding it, you feel your eyes burn to a crisp. "There won't be any swimming, as far as I'm concerned."
"You'll never know. Just toss this in, it might come in handy." You swear you saw a mischievous glint in her eye as she said that. You press your lips into a tentative, hard line before surrendering,  grabbing the pair from her and stuffing it in the unreachable depths of your luggage.
"Happy?" She nods vigorously and you sigh in defeat, zipping your bag close.
The day came and the jet lag is still real. You've flown in a day prior,  exactly the day of Lucy's bridal shower and well, a literal bone crushing hug welcomed you on your way into the arrival area. She looked really fresh and bloomy before you arrived but afterwards, it was a messy head of hair and a waste of makeup, not to give it a stretch but it was. She's shed a few tears from how long you've been gone and you couldn't help but shed a few yourself, awfully missing her and the rest.
She's prepped a hotel for all her bridesmaids to stay in and you had some thoughts on how much she's spent but it's her wedding so who are you to question? As she helps you settle in your room, she pauses and brings you in for another big hug.
"Aww, Luce." You chuckle over her shoulder, rubbing her back.
She snaps her eyes shut and hums. "Oh Y/N, I've missed you. We all have. I know we call a lot even from a distance but it's been so long since we've last seen each other."
You sigh heavily, still holding her close.
"LAX. Yeah. It's only been a year but it feels like forever," you pull away deliberately, hands still firm on her shoulders with a heartfelt gaze, "Congratulations, Luce. You and Rami better make wonderful babies."
She smacks your arm lightly as an appropriate response to your little tease. "Shut it. Tell me everything."
"Yeah," she planks down on the edge of the duvet and crosses her legs, leaning her body forward, "how's Spain? How's the school? The agony? Been seeing someone?" The last bit catches you by surprise; as if she's emphasized the question enough for it to be the main thing you have to answer. You disregard it for a few seconds until she brings it up again. You turn to give her an incredulous brow lift, something she returns with a curious grin. "Are you seeing anyone?"
In your mind, she should know that you've only ever had one guy in your heart but knowing Lucy, she just wants to hear you say it yourself .
You huff underneath your breath, planting your hands on your hips as you perpend on saying the following. "Spain is amazing. School is both heaven and hell. The agony exists in every divot, and no, I'm not seeing anyone."
"That's good."
You glance sideways awkwardly. "Okay? Is what good?"
"Everything, except the agony part, especially the last."
"I'm not seeing anyone?" You repeat and she nods with a blossoming smile. You don't say anything else since it's obvious that she's keen on letting you talk about Ben but today's not the day that you do. It's the day before her wedding and every present air particle should be all about her.
"Regardless, Miss Boynton. This week is all about you so," you alter your stance and skip to your luggage bag, unzipping one compartment and pulling out your wedding gift for her, "it's not much but I figured this looks better if it's on you." You hand her the palm-sized object and she lets out a little gasp at what you got her. It's a hair comb adorned with two, white roses and pale rhinestones that glimmer under the spilling light.
Something that would upgrade her sun-kissed beauty on a clear day. You try it on her and step back to picture her with the full ensemble as she walks down the sandy aisle tomorrow. "Good lord, look at you all grown up." You pretend to tear up and she tilts her head back in a burst of laughter, walking to you with welcoming arms and green eyes that are nearly brimming with tears.
"Oh I love it, Y/N! I knew something was missing in the outfit but you've completed it. It's perfect." She mumbles happily against your shoulder and her contentment tickles your insides.
"I'm glad you like it."
After giving you a look of what you'll be wearing tomorrow and a few, friendly  introductions to the rest of the bridesmaids, the bridal shower is where everything is at. Ranging from colorful streamers to champagne to cake strippers, the latter putting you under uneasy situations when you just wished to enjoy your drink and your own space. At the same hour you're enjoying yourselves, on the other side of town is where Rami and the boys are on full swing with his bachelor's party. It has the same vibe, only without the strippers and streamers and constant belly-aching movement.
You just pray none of you will be waking up with hangovers at the hour you'll be fixing yourselves.
And indeed none of you have.
You've all waken up like ladies but clumsily as the realization of the time nudges you out of your beds. Ceremony starts at 9 and you're 5 hours early to ensure that everything progresses smoothly.
It's a condensed hustle within your separate rooms; the pattern of getting ready ever so similar. Shower, makeup, hair, dress, and retouch; all done in complete unison. With all the bridesmaids, including yourself, conditioned outfit-wise, you all gather in Lucy's room to assist in psyching her up for the big day. Her mom's in too to witness every precious second of seeing her daughter fly off on her own.
She's still in her robe but her hair and makeup have been beautifully done by one of her makeup artist friends. She's about to step into her gown, a sight the girls are just dying to see.
"Alright, Lucy. Let me just zip up the back." Says one of the girls who has helped with her makeup as Lucy stands confidently but nervously in front of the mirror, scanning her reflection. You fold your hands together in anticipation, gasping as she turns around slowly with the skirt of the gown gracefully following her turning motion. Her radiance could put the sun's to complete shame.
"Well, say something, girls." She prompts with a chuckle and as expected, it is followed by the uproarious squeal of everyone in the room including yourself. Rami is guaranteed to have his gaze super-glued to Lucy the moment she reveals herself. After having a dozen compliments shower her, you and the rest of the girls retreat outside to give her and her mother a time to talk. As you lean against the door frame, you fish out your phone from your purse and check your messages; coming across your reply to Ben which hasn't received another one from him yet.
You wipe off the downhearted smirk on your expression as the girls' murmurs increase as Lucy steps out holding a bouquet of flowers with her mom on her arm and the edge of her gown lifted by two assistants. She turns her head to find you and crooks her finger at you upon seeing you inclined against the frame, letting you walk by her side.
You notice she's sporting the gift you've given her and the sentimentality makes you want to tear up but in doing so would ruin your makeup and so you decide to save it for the kiss.
You lean in close to her and whisper in a flat but playful tone, your words making her giggle. "Rami's totally getting it."
"I'm not the only one who's getting it today." She winks at you and leaves you questioning what she meant. She made it sound like it's something you have to find out for yourself later on. The weather is fine and not as humid as you thought; the ideal atmosphere to marry under. The bridesmaids are to ride in a separate vehicle that will follow up behind the one Lucy and her mom will be taking. To say that your ride with the the girls to the resort turned out fun and noisy is an understatement; you couldn't be any more conscious about smudging your makeup as you busted your guts laughing at your topics. The driver had given you weirded out looks but you know he was just trying to feign a laugh. By the time you arrive at the resort, a gust of wind from the seaside welcomes you out and nearly messes up your hair though you've put it up in an elegant bun with your tendrils hanging loosely from the sides of your head. You traverse closely behind the rest of the girls and find the venue nearly packed with attendees in their most sophisticated dresses and suits. The altar is set meters away from the shoreline and a red carpet has been rolled out to serve as the aisle between lines of pillars decorated with tropical flowers. A gentle music piece is being played by a violinist and a cellist situated on the left side of the altar with waiters serving some four-seasoned refreshments for the guests to enjoy as they wait.
With all these people around, you can't help but wonder if either Joe or Gwilym made it. You haven't contacted Joe about arriving, given that you wanted to surprise him with your arrival. You peer down at your wristwatch and it's only an hour before the ceremony starts. Rami's nowhere to be seen and you badly want to congratulate him on this, but either way, he's probably attending to some other people and so you put that chance on hold.
As you had wished for yourself to be void of any mishaps today, you bumping into a tall figure as you turn around to walk away deters that possibility and mortifies you for a moment.
"Oh man, I'm so sorry-" You quickly apologize but cease as a familiar face meets your lifting gaze.
"What- Y/N?!"
"Joe!" After shamelessly screaming each other's names, you put no thought into the action of jumping into his arms for a tight hug. He's crushing you in one anyway. "Oh my g- what- when did you arrive, you little sneak? " He exclaims and lets you go for a split second, careful not to ruin your satin outfit. "You're going to murder me for this but yesterday."
His brows furrow in disbelief as his mouth hangs agape. "How dare you not tell me? I mean, I knew Lucy would invite you but...actually how dare you both for not telling me." He whines in a joking manner and you respond with a quick shrug. "Surprise, surprise."
"You sure did and wow," his eyes travel up and down your outfit and you click your tongue at him as he does, pointing your finger to your eyes that are aimlessly roving around his suit in the same manner. "Hey Mazzello, eyes here."
"Hypocrite, eyes here." He mimics your action mockingly and you take eye-rolling to the next level.
"Damn it Joe, I've missed you."
"Missed you too. Been a year but it feels like a decade and you look beautiful, by the way, in that outfit as a bridesmaid." He places his hand on your upper back and leads you into the lounging area that is close to the pool but not far from the event area.
"You don't look so bad yourself for a groomsman. "
"How'd you guess?"
"This is Rami's wedding. I'd know."
You got an hour to talk before you take your positions anyway so catching up would be vital. You settle down on the sofa and fit your talk into the time limit, telling each other about what went on in your lives for the past few months. A lot of interesting stuff has happened to Joe and he's absolutely lively as he talks about it however yours hasn't been much, just adaptation to a new environment and the academic agony. Your talk takes an interesting turn as Joe asks you a question related to something you haven't thought about for a few days.
"Since you're pretty much still on the market, you ever think about...you know."
Your brows crease at him. "What?"
"You know," he lifts his shoulder in a half shrug, "Ben."
"Oh." Is the only thing you can say. The answer is pretty clear, you do think about him but not on a daily basis. He comes across your mind when you've drifted off into oblivion with your thoughts or when something that may remind you of him catches your eye.
"Sometimes I guess. But not as deep as I used to."
"I know you miss him, Y/N, and he misses you too. Believe me, he tells me everytime he calls."
You cast him a short gaze but look back at your fingers, a little comforted by the thought and it motivates you to ask. "Is he still with Rosy?"
Joe scoffs, mildly amused and wholly relieved at the contrary. "That's the good news. He's broken things off with her long ago. Just a day after he regained consciousness."
"Really?" You won't admit it but part of you feels bad for her.
"Yeah and I'm not spoiling you the rest," he rises from his spot on the sofa and reaches out for your hand, pulling you up gracefully. "The thing's about to start." He gestures to the chairs that are beginning to get occupied by the people as the priest arrives. You walk back out alongside him, leaning in to ask out of curiosity. "What do you mean you won't spoil me the rest?"
"You'll see, now go skedaddle to Lucy. She needs her crew." He pats your shoulder with a crooked smile on and you sigh inwardly, waving at him as you divert paths; with you headed to where the rest of the bridesmaids and the bride herself are gathered.
"Gwilym! You're just on time." Spotting Gwilym making his way to join Sami – Rami's brother– at the front row of chairs on the right wing as one of the groomsmen, Joe greets him with a brief hug and takes his place next to him. Sami greets the two men as well, exchanging some remarks before being joined by Ben who had been caught in traffic on his way. "Benny!"
"Hey, you guys! Am I late? Did I miss the vows?" He asks with a hint of irony as he takes the spot between Gwil and Joe, shaking hands with Sami at the same time. Not a minute longer they are joined by the remaining groomsmen and Rami who has finally garnered up the physical strength to stand on the altar without breaking a sweat.
"You got this, mate. Just don't look down. Your boutonniere looks nice if I might add." Gwilym simultaneously advises and compliments an already nervous Rami hoping to appease him yet earns a quick yet teasing smack from Joe for making a small joke out of the situation. To show them that he's actually better on every possible level, Rami stands tall and rests his hands on his front to exude that confidence and excitement of being minutes away from watching his soon-to-be Mrs. Malek grace the aisle with her presence.
The guests simmer down with their chatters as the first ones who will be walking down the aisle take their positions. The musicians stop playing as they wait for the cue to initiate the main piece in accordance with the first walk.
Among the ones that will be walking before Lucy's big entrance is you and though you'll be joined by your fellow bridesmaids, it somehow just quakes your nerves, tightening your grip around the small bouquet of flowers you've been given as a prop.
You can't understand why you're feeling nervous; you're not the one that's getting married but you just don't know why. The musicians are given the cue and they begin playing a familiar song, something contemporary but heart-achingly romantic.
"You okay?" Asks a fellow bridesmaid and you nod, telling her that you're a bit anxious. She reassures you with a smile and it unknots your tension. The guests and attendees turn their heads towards the threshold of the aisle and the sponsors begin walking down first. Next are some of their relatives, then you– the bridesmaids. There are at least seven of you and you come in fifth. As you begin sauntering down the aisle, you feel relaxed yet piercing eyes trail your movement yet you beg to differ and keep your head up with a mellow smile on your face as you keep your eyes ahead, your unsteady gaze fleeting from the altar and to the groomsmen seated at the front row of the right wing.
Your eyes land on Joe and Gwilym who start giving you bright beams as they notice you in an instant. If you weren't trying to walk sophisticatedly with all these people staring, you would let out the loudest, most awkward giggle. It's nice to see Gwilym again though. Just as you begin turning your unwavering attention away, you take a subtle double take at a certain pair of eyes that has found you long before you found them. You are meters away from reaching your end of the aisle and yet it seems as if you've only started walking with how the music has turned up and how you're exchanging astonished yet longing gapes with Ben who knows he is seconds away from exploding with who he's finally seeing. You're here as a bridesmaid for Lucy and yet ridiculously, you feel like the bride.
Of course he's here. Of course he's one of the groomsmen. Of course Lucy and Joe wouldn't tell you. Of course this is the thing Joe didn't want to spoil about. Why didn't you think about any of this earlier? It would've saved you the shock regardless of it being so obvious.
You gather the strength to break away from the trance you've put yourself in and stand next to the girls, using up all the willpower in your body to avoid risking a peek at the groomsmen– at one groomsman rather. It's the same struggle for Ben who is every bit as stubborn as the next person and does the contrary, going as far as tilting his head to one side just to cop a longer view of you, an action Joe notices and slaps his hand for. Ben winces a bit and gives Joe a questioning look for two reasons.
"Save it." Joe whispers flatly and yet Ben dismisses it and feels his breath hitch in his throat as the sight of you appeases his worries yet makes his heart run a mile. With the ring bearers and flower girls at the edge of their walk, everyone rises up at the reveal of Lucy. The music slows down to fit the pace of her walk with her mother by her side, her eyes finding Rami's and establishing a home in them. You glance at both of them and feel your heart inflate at how strong their love for each other is, something that usually only exists in novels and fiction. Lucy's eyes well with joyful tears as she reaches the altar and her mother finally surrenders her hand to Rami.
It's too much.
With you being too distracted by the spark between Rami and Lucy, you overlook Ben's unbreakable gaze at you. The moment you grew a smile, it invalidated everything else surrounding him.
The priest requests everyone to finally sit down and witness the lifetime commitment blossom. Throughout the ceremony, you can't help but feel his eyes sear through you yet you stand your ground and fix your gaze at the happenings on the altar, briefly failing every once in a while by finding yourself looking back at him. The moment has come for them to exchange their vows and you listen intently at every word sincerely uttered by the two. There are parts in their vows that make the people giggle and tear up at the emotion put into every word expressed. It seems surreal to you that the moment Rami tells Lucy that he's never going anywhere, your gaze meets Ben's and it becomes undeniably bewitching, Rami's words acting as a call back to your promises. As the rings are exchanged and the "I do's" are said, the priest pronounces them husband and wife and you tear your focus away from Ben just in time for Rami and Lucy to share their first kiss as a married couple. Cheers and applauds fill the air and even more tears of joy are shed at the start of their lifetime bond. They both couldn't look any more blissful, with the pair of them giddily flaunting their rings with grins so radiant and bright it undermines the power of the sun upon them.
The cheers and excitement continue at the reception which, of course, is hosted at the very same place. After the ceremony– you, the girls and Lucy took off to the rooms you've booked in the resort for the meantime to change into the appropriate apparel to match the vibe of the venue and even the venue itself. Rami and the boys drove back to their respective hotels to change as well and it was a bit hard for the newly weds to go their separate ways for a few hours just to change clothes. Now that you've all rejoined for the reception, lively doesn't even begin to cut it. It's just like any other wedding reception and like any other wedding reception, it's upbeat, smooth and a little haywire on the egdes. After going through with dinner and a couple of toasts and remarks about the funny side of Rami and Lucy's relationship, the dance floor is open for business. At first glance, the girls take you for someone who is in need of a lot acquainting with the dance floor and they're right; because of that they haul you in themselves and you end up enjoying moving around to the music. You decide to refreshen yourself with a glass of iced tea before returning to your fun. One gulp is all takes to replenish the energy lost and you turn around to head back but freeze in your spot at the sight of Joe with his hand out, asking you for a dance.
"Seriously?" You're not surprised but your brows shoot up in question.
"It's my way of saying 'I need to talk to you'. "
"We can do that outside." You gesture to the vacant space yet Joe insists that he dances with you as you talk. You purse your lips together, letting him take your hand and he pulls you along with him almost too abruptly, eliciting a ticklish squeal from you.
"Don't do that!" You whine as you both settle among the multitude of dancing people. He lowers his head in laughter and twirls you under his arm, drawing you close afterwards. You rest one hand on his shoulder as he holds up the other. "Where's the fun in talking outside now, huh?"
"Alright," you grin ridiculously, spotting Rami and Lucy in each other's arms as they slow dance near the mini stage, looking and feeling at one with the other. "Hey, doesn't it just warm you?" You poke Joe and gesture to the  newlyweds. He peers over at them and hums in a heartwarming way. "Yeah. Man, it's like they're communicating with each other merely through their close-knit heartbeats."
"Speaking of communication," you clear your throat and give him a direct look, " what did you want to talk about?"
He snaps out from gauging at the two and leads you on a gentle sway as he swallows, increasing the volume of his voice just loud enough to cut through the music and for you to hear. "Right. About the thing during the ceremony," you immediately catch on to what he's trying to say and interrupt his next words.
"Okay, thanks for implying, but are you kidding me? Giving me stroke by hiding Ben's attendance?"
"It was for dramatic effect," your eyes flatten puzzlingly at his defense. "What was so dramatic in that besides the awkward... staring?" You know the truth and it really wasn't awkward; in fact it felt like time dilated between you both.
Joe ping-pongs his gaze from one end of the place to the other and back to you. "You paused after 'awkward'. You liked it." The smile on his face teasing you. He's really that sensitive to the nuance of your voice, making it easier for him to figure out how you actually feel about anything.
You evade his prying look and clear your throat, trying to keep up with the transition of the rhythmic music to a slow tune. "So what if I did?" You mumble intentionally.
"Nothing bad. Just Ben wouldn't stop fidgeting in his spot after seeing you. He was this," he makes small jerky movements with his upper body as to imitate Ben's inability to keep still during the ceremony, "antsy and I was this close to losing it."
You snort as you let an explosive laugh overcome you, recollecting yourself shortly as you are flattered by Joe's report. "I felt the same. It took every cell in my body to prevent myself from launching at him honestly."
"I'm glad we sat in separate tables or else neither of you would function like regular...human beings." The grin on Joe's face fades in the same manner as his last words, staring off at a figure approaching from behind you. He regains his voice in a matter of seconds, only with a sly twinkle in his eyes this time.
"You okay?" You ask him, slowly removing your hand from his chest and he nods vigorously, taking position to whirl you off but with a sneaky twist.
"I'm fine. Just... Gwilym wants to dance with you and he's right behind you so I'm going to spin you off to him, sound good?" He lifts your arm up and you shrug in agreement, going with what Joe's planning to do.
"Ally oop!" He twirls you around and releases your hand just in time for you to cling onto a firm frame, giggling at the rush you felt. "Hey Gwil! Good catch, that was a strong spin-" You take a hard pause the second you lift your eyes up with the expectation of meeting Gwilym's sapphire blues, greeting a pair of forest, green orbs instead and it becomes more than what you've bargained for. His veiny arms have caught you with ease and you're sinking, both literally and metaphorically, your arms awkwardly thrown over his shoulders for support.
He helps you regain your balance and smiles the smile you had craved to behold again, breathing out your name like he hasn't said it in a long time. "Y/N, hi."
You find your voice just in time to reply. "Ben...h-hi." He's looking quite good in an all white attire. His white dress shirt is tucked in and has three buttons undone, exposing a lot of his clavicle and a preview of his pecs and the way his white pants just hangs loosely around his legs– you've lost the proper words to describe the sight.
Joe, you crafty asshole.
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carlajean12 · 4 years
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Carla Jean Timoteo
"Thankyou for the letter, Mr. Mailman" My brother Damon greeted and the mailman smiled and walked away to deliver letters in the neighborhood.
I walked towards my brother and get the letter. I went up straight to my room and excitedly open the letter. I am greeted by the scent of the paper used. It smells like a fresh chamomile.
My Dearest Selena,
Hi Selena i've been busy with my study lately. I had a really great day today until one of my professors, scolded me for being late at school. Anyways, i've missed writing letters for you. I hope you are doing fine and I hope you'll reply to my letter take care.
-Sky de Vera
Sky is a boy i met online, 6 months ago. He is from New York. I've never seen him in personal. I just saw his pictures he usually talk online but he prefers sending me letters that makes me so happy all the time. I keep on smiling the whole day. My heart is so flattered by the letter that sky given me. He's so sweet by his word he seems so very lonely and gentleman. Suddenly my mind was filled of doubt's what if his only a poser using other name and other picture.
"Hello brother where's mom and dad?" Asking my brother while walking toward the dining area.
"On a date?" He answered with a shrug.
I rolled my eyes and eat silently. After eating i went straight to the bathroom and took a bath. I read the letter that sky have given me once more and get some scented paper to answer the letter .
I am blushing while writing the letter. I crumpled the paper and wrote again, the words was just so cheesy and i should act like Maria Clara. I wrote one more time, writing like professional that it would never give him a motive that i like him too. I smiled after keeping the letter amd went to sleep and enjoy my remaining vacation.
I woke up early and took a bath. I went to the dining area and eat with my family.
"Goodmorning, Selena" my mom greeted.
"Goodmorning, Mom. How's your date with dad?" I asked. I was confused on how my mom looks when i asked her that. She looks pale
"W-well, it went g-good" she answered stammering. I just nodded and smiled. I continued eating while they are talking about bussiness.
I check the time and it's already 9:35am in the morning. I excuse myself because im going to mail officer to deliver my letter to sky. I went out with my small Hermes bag and took a cab.
I was on my way when i passed to a group of kids selling a rose. The kids felt my presence and they run towards me. I smiled and bought all of it and pay them a hundred dollars.
"Keep the change" I smiled.
"Your so kind Ms. and your --- beautiful" said the taller kid. I smiled ang wave them.
"Goodmorning Ms." the body guard greeted and smile. I went to the counter and gave the letter to the staff.
After that, I went to the nearest mall and my eyes caught a crowd of girls. I rolled my eyes and continue walking; suddenly I bumped into something hard and smelled a hypnotizing perfume.
My senses comeback and I realized that it's a man with a sunglasses and a cap and he's wearing a plain tshirt and a khaki shorts.
"Excuse me Ms." the man said and continue walking without saying anything .
I realized that he is the one being surrounded by girls and I saw the murmuring and rolling their eyes on me. I just shrug my shouldee and continue walking while still thinking at the guy I just bumbed with, he looks like someone I know.
After buying some stuff, I took a cab and went home. I was about open the door when I heard mom and dad , it seems like they are fighting, I immediately open the door and their faces turned on me with a surprise look.
"Are u two fighting" I asked. Mom immediately comes near me and hug me. I hug mom back and I heard her sobbing. "We're so sorry, Selena, We can't be togethee anymore. Me and your dad are having a divorce". She talked while facing me and held my shoulder.
I felt a tear of drop in my eyes. I'm surprise and I can't say anything but "Why?" Mom hugged me again "I'm really sorry selena. Remember when you said how's my date with your dad? We weren't having a date we are working the papers for our divorce. I love you and Damon, but i can't take this anymore. Your dad has a mistress and she is pregnant. I'm so sorry" She said while sobbing.
After the revelations and explanations. I went to my room and cry. I thought my dad loves my mom so much. How dare he for having a mistress and got her pregnant and he really have the guts to go home.
This isn't a home after what happened.
I opened my laptop and message Sky, thankfuly he's online. I saw a lot of messages from him. I said, I'm sorry and he replies. I told him about what happend and he was worried about me. I felt so sleepy and closed my eyes.
I woke up early and read the messages from sky. I took a bath and stay on my room and open my Arena of Valor. I started playing for about how many hours. After playing, I went to the kitchen and I felt my heart tightened because there are no other people than me. Maybe they are busy processing the divorce paper and my brother must be on work. I cooked lucheon and egg for my breakfast and eat alone.
Suddenly the door bell rangs. I open the gate and saw a smiling mailman giving a letter for me, I smiled and accepted it. I walk towards my room and read the letter; my heart suddenly beats so fast as i open it. I was greeted again with a scented paper and read it.
I am smilling form ear to ear after reading. I hope I'll meet him someday. He's going to be the one I can rely on, my savior and the one I can feel comfortable.
I realized it's been a month since i message d my bestfriend . She's on a vacation right now and she didn't even inform me on me what's happening about her.
I dialed her number , and I've tried calling her 2 times and she wasn't answering it. Hays i need you clair.
It's been 6 months and my relationship with sky is still developing. How i wish i could see him. I suddenly felt my heart and i realized I love him already.
I open my phone and message Sky. He replied and we continued chatting that i didn't realize that it's getting late and I need to wake up early, today is the last day of vication. I'm having my class tomorrow.
I went to our classroom and thank god our proffesor hasn't arrived yet.I seat and Erin came closer to me.
"Hello Selena" Erin said.
"Hello" I answered. She nodded and smile. She sits beside me and puts cosmetics in her face.
After class, I went to the cafeteria with my bestfriends Claire and Nazi; we weren't classmate because we have different courses.
We took our food and eat, took selfies and I send it to sky. After eating we went out next subject. After my class, i text Claire that im going home early.
I opened my phone sky messaged me, I was surprised on what he said. I jumped in excitement because of the euphoria that i felt at that moment.
Finally, we're going to meet in personal. Im so happy that i can't remove the smile on my face.
He told me that he is going here nextweek.
It's been a week and this is it, today is the day at look at the clock , oh my gosh its almost noon!
I stand near the entrance my eyes searched for him and i waved my hand. He smiled widely and ran to me when something really horible happend.
A man started shooting randomly and pointed the gun at me. I saw sky running as fast as he could toward me and calling out my name. That next i knew was that sky hugging me and I hugged back i knew there was something wrong at i felt something sticky on my finger. The two of us on the floor, his head on my lap. I cried for help but no one was paying attention.
"Don't you die on me, Sky! I won't let that happen" I yelled him. He weakly reached and touched my face. He forced a smile and tears streamed down form his eyes. "Selena, I saw you at last "
"Just-just hang on. I'll-i'll call for help" he gently pulled my hand, forcing me to stay. "Just ... stay ... Here i don't want you to die".
"I don't want you to die either "
He flashed another smiled at me and out from his pocket khaki envelope and smiled "You should read this okay? Swear that you'll never forget me"
"Don't talk like that"
"Just swear to me, please" I sighed heavily and I heard plead.
"I swear" after his said, his eyes shut and he stopped breathing.
"SKY? SKY? Don't leave me!! Please don't leave me" Then medical team came aiding the victim. Sky didn't revive.
I went home after the accident. I open my room and i open the letter sky has given me.
Hey Selena
I just want to tell you how glad I am to met you. May life changed since the day we started to talk and writing each other. I was really happy when you trusted me with your secrets and seeing advices from me to solve your problems. You're a nice person, a good friend; and we have the same interest. Take care your self always, Selena.
- Sky De Vera
I cried for almost an hour its too late for the two of us. He proved his loved by taking that bullet for me. If it weren't for gun man. There could have been a happy life. I lost the one I loved the one I loved for almost year. I started at Sky's photos. I muttered "Sky, I won't forget you; I promise" How I wish I've seen him before.
This story i've imagine before will stay as my dream. If only i could turn back time but everything is too late.
Pre test
1. What is chamomile?
a. Perfume b. Flow c. Tea
2. Which word is similar to lucheon?
a. Luch b. Miryenda c. Meal
3. How did her parents seperate because of?
a. Financial Problem b. Mistress c. Bussines Tour
4. What is europhia means?
a. Feeling b. Secret c. Advice
5. When she hug sky, what she felt?
a. Sweat b. Bag c. Blood
Post test
1. How much she paid for the flower?
2. Who is the main character?
3. What is the name of her brother?
4. Who is the first person talk when selena have a family problem?
5. Where did sky die?
6. What can you say about the story?
7. How they met selena and sky?
8. What happen to her mom and dad?
9. Where sky live?
10. Who is marga's friends?
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mahbonesmccoy · 5 years
Valentine's surprise (Severus/reader one shot)
So sorry. I know Valentine's day is over but naaah. Better late than nothing. Here's my one shot of Sevy the bean queen.
In February 14, 2012, I forced myself to work during midnight. I am a professor and I sadly have no time for Valentine's day. I dont even have a partner anyway! During that time, I risked my health just so I could finish my unchecked papers. I've been procrastinating for the past few weeks because of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows! I was sort of... Not satisfied. Voldemort's death is rendered differently and it frustrates me but Snape's death made me weep like a babe.
As I finally finished my work in 2 A.M, there's an odd noise coming from my Garden. I suddenly felt strange and scared and so I grabbed a kitchen knife and sneaked out to my garden. To my surprise, I saw a figure laying down on the grassy ground. He was clad in black and... So familiar. I immediately dropped my knife elsewhere and rushes towards the man to help him.
I accidentally touched his neck and I heard a little noise coming out from his mouth. "Sorry." I muttered and I suddenly realised that my hand was stainted with blood! Panicking, I slowly roll the man to lay him down on his back properly for me to check his wounds and.... I went silent. Am I dreaming? What is this?! I slapped myself so hard that it hurts so much and enough to wake me up but I didn't!
After my self-realization, I immediately and carefully guide him inside my house and put him down on the couch. I can't believe it's Alan Rickman in my Garden dressed as Snape! I rushed to my bathroom and took my medical kit to tend his wounds on his neck. Again, with sudden realisation, he was bitten by a snake. His chances might be thin and I'm no doctor. But I also can't risk to let anyone or the public, in general, see him!
I crossed my fingers during the days I took care of him and hopefully he will be fine. He slept well after 3 days of suffering yet he was still pale and sick. 4 days later, I decided to abandon my sleep schedule again so he can rest on my bed and I can do my work all night long. Unfortunately, I was very sleepy and I nearly slept on my desk if Mr. Rickman or Snape didn't appear behind me, pointing his wand at me with a threatening look.
"Who are you. I dont wish to sound ungrateful but I want answers." He said with his usual deep voice. Panicking, I jumped out of my chair and raised both of my hands.
"Im no threat, believe me. You just suddenly appeared at my Garden!"
"... I see. But you haven't answered my question yet."
"Interesting... A muggle. Where's my cloak? I need to go back to Hogwarts." He rushed back to my room and then headed towards my garden and before he could even set foot outside, I immediately put myself in front of him and pushed him away gently.
"Nope. You are not going outside. Besides, the war is over and you can't go back! Everyone thinks you're dead."
"...." He went silent and pointed his wand at me again. "How.. Did.. You.. Know.. About... Me being... Dead?"
Oh fuck.
"Look I have so many things to explain and please.. Dont avada Kedavra me. Im telling the truth. You can even use Legilimens on me!"
"And how in Merlin's beard did you know all about this.. When you're a... Muggle?"
"I told you I have lots of things to explain.. Sit down."
And so I told him that night and he was... Utterly silent. He was trying so hard to let everything sink in. I showed him the movies and the books and I can see he was very angry, but then he bottled it all up.
"It make sense." He said.
"Make sense what?"
"I can't see what's inside your head and its completely black."
He stayed in my home for a year. I enjoyed his company and he surprisingly enjoyed mine too. I was blushing secretly every night time, remembering how he looks good on a white shirt and pants. March 15, 2012, we were sitting together on my couch whilst he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. Meanwhile, I was reading a textbook about histories of Russia. I still need to study more of it..
Snape dropped the book harshly on the table and he suddenly.... Snapped. His emotions devoured him and he cried in front of me. Quickly, I sat beside him and gave him a tight hug which he gladly took it and sobbed on my shoulder. He repressed many emotions and I couldn't comprehend how much it hurts to be isolated and abused.
"It's okay now.. You're fine." I whispered, caressing his jet black hair with my hand as I held his head gently.
"That damn author. She made my life miserable... " He mumbled.
"Shhh. Despite all of it... Harry Potter appreciates you in the end. All is well."
After his outburst, he doesn't look like stressed anymore. Instead, he looked well and finally at peace. He actually smiled at me everyday whenever I talked about theaters, history and what ever interests me. I even convinced him to let me tie his hair and he surprisngly loved it. He didn't really mind staying all day at my house while I was at work. We read and eat together as well and I suddenly had a mission every day to make him laugh which I did successfully. And during christmas eve, we were enjoying our moment together by singing along with christmas songs!
I could not forget the smile on his face while we sing. Then the music changed into a slow, melancholic tone version of 'Let it snow'
"May I?" He said, offering his hand.
"Thought you hate to dance?"
"Not with you at least." He smiled.
I bit my cheek inside as I took his hand and then we start to dance slowly. Goodness, he's out of character and I'm kinda proud that I'm the reason of his sudden change. Out of height difference, we were embracing eachother instead of doing the proper position of waltz. We just danced together as silence engulfs us.
Little did I know... It would be our last moment.
Next day, 10:00 PM, he was standing in front of me, fidgeting his fingers.
"My neck wounds are reopening itself."
"What?! Since when? I can heal it!"
"No need... Im going to be fine. I'm sick of living but you taught me how to live my life rightly. But now... We must part for I dont belong in this world."
"No.. No no no.. You're staying here.. I dont want you to die." I said, standing so close to him that I can feel his breath.
"I will always die in the end. It's what the book says. I know you hate it so much but you can just... Open the book and read all over again. And I will be with you. Not in front of you.. But here." He said, pointing my heart. "And you have Alan Rickman." He chuckled.
"Oh for god's sake, he doesn't know me." I giggled but I still can't repress my sadness.
"Well at least he will remind you of me."
I'm on the edge and his words are pushing me off. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed on his chest. "Please don't go... "
"I have to.. " He whispered weakly, his jaw resting upon my head and his arms protectively wrapped around me.
We sat down together on my couch for the last time while I leaned against his shoulder. I felt like I'm such a sissy for being silent but I still managed to say something to him one last time.
"Leave a souvenir for me.. Will you?" And I, sadly, fell asleep. And the last thing I heared from him is,
"Sleep well.. "
In the morning, I was cuddling a pillow on the couch and I was holding something, tightly and unconciously. Slowly, I sat up and look around. He's definetly not here anymore and it's probably a very long dream of mine. I look at the thing that I was holding and... My heart skipped a beat. So he's real.
His wand.
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matildasdoingwhat · 3 years
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wattpad link : https://www.wattpad.com/830032417-strange-family-values-chapter-3-the-fairy-eater
The Strange Family Values Chapter 3 The Fairy Eater
Artist name: Matilda Sparrow
Disclaimer: This Chapter is an FF for the world of Hp. It is like an extension. you'll find out why in the later stories. but the stories and characters so far are mine.
I love the HP stories so much I just wanted to live it through at least one chapter,
I love Hp so hard, and I am in no way near the level of greatness obviously, but when we love stuff so much we want to be part of it as well. I hope you like this FF.
Norway, Bergen, Mystik Kyster, August, Present Day.
Scene 1
It was a beautiful cloudy day, the trees were bowing and some of the vines were trying to drink the water from a tiny stream as it quietly made its murmur in the forest. It was one of those days where you can feel the coolness of the air in your skin and a day where you can also hear the rustling foliage as the wind passed by.
We see a girl's feet entering the forest.
Next, we see a little bear with patches, being held by the little girl.
Then, we see a woman's feet join the little girl.
It holds her hand.
The woman's dress was peachy cream and sheer it had a few flowers, leaves, moss, and vines as if she rolled around them and it got stuck there for good.
They both skip happily and their laughter rings as they go further and further away... deeper into the forest.
Scene 2
Four children were running in the forest.
They were swift and seemed to defy time.
Lupus jumped over a tree branch and seemed to lead. Matilda sucked her teeth out of irritation. She noticed Lupus wanting to transform, His pupils pitch black and the veins around his eyes are becoming darker.
"No cheating Lupus!" Matilda exclaimed.
She tried to outrun him, but Lupus was quick and dashed using all four of his arms and legs. They reached a hill and continued to outpace each other. The twins followed and they hastened as fast as they could until they reached the edge of the cliff, It was steep and Lupus charging at an unbelievable pace, almost fell, but Matilda caught him, spreading her regal magnificent black wings.
"Good Catch D." Lupus said.
"What?" Matilda was confused.
"D for Death. Coz you look so dead..." He snickered then ordered, "Can you put me down now?"
Matilda looked at him mischievously and replied "Down there?" referring to the precipitous space between the cliff and the rocky shores below.
"If I was Death, I wonder what would happen if I let go of you."
"You dare?," Lupus paused then continued. "Meh. I'll live." Lupus sneered proudly.
Then she let him go.
"shiiiiiiiiiit!!!!". He screamed as he slowly fell but Matilda dove quickly and caught him on his sleeve.
And then she laughed at him mockingly. It was a fruity laugh, She was completely elated.
Lupus scowled and was angry. "You're dead Matilda!"
He tried to hit her on the head, but she evaded and kept laughing.
Then she threw him off the hill.
Lupus sneered at her while he cleaned himself off.
small little laughter was also heard in the background, The twins were cackling.
Scene 3
Mr. Strange was lounging in his luxurious wine bathrobe, it had accents of gold and his soft hair was flowing freely as the wind kissed it, he looked like he smelled really good, even though he just woke up. He was holding a book titled, "How to catch a prey" while he had a scrutinizing look on his face and murmured, "pfff...stupid." referring to the book, but continued to read it anyway, after which he changed his attention to Caedmon and Waldron, he smiled then coyly asked the babies. "Did you guys enjoy your first meal last time?"
Mr. Strange was a serious man, but when it comes to the twins he is not shy to show his affections.
The family was all sitting in the dining room, having their breakfast. It was a cloudy morning, It was always cloudy lately, Morgana made it so. The adults were having steak. Raw steak for Sullivan of course and Mr. Strange was the only one having coffee with blood, or blood with coffee. or blood with rum or vodka. I'm not so sure. while the kids enjoyed bacon pancakes, sausages, and sweet honey syrup.
"Yes, Poppa!" said Caedmon
"When will we eat human again?" says Waldron
"Aw did you enjoy it that much Waldron?" asked Mrs. Strange.
"Yes, it made me stronger lately, see." Waldron showed off his muscles by making a strong man pose.
"Me too!" Caedmon excitingly shared and showed a strong man pose as well.
"Ahhh, let me check!?" Mr. Strange playfully replied, then he carried the babies using both his hands while pretending to fall because of how heavy they were. "Oh my goodness! you're so heavy! agh! you guys are so strong!"
The twins giggled as they squeezed Mr. Strange's face.
Scene 4
Later that afternoon.
"What are you guys wearing?" Matilda referred to what Caedmon and Waldron have decided to put on their heads.
"We found it there..." Caedmon pointing at the forest.
"Hmmm." Lupus sniffed. "I smell blood."
Lupus looked at Matilda, "It's tainted."
Matilda surprised, "Did you guys eat someone?" she suspiciously asked.
"No... not without Mums and fathers permission," defended Waldron.
"Let's throw these things away..." Matilda hurriedly threw it off the cliff.
"Hey?!" Caedmon said.
"Those are tainted Caedmon, someone died in them, be careful next time okay?"
"Ok.." the twins replied conjoinedly.
"Did you eat someone Lupus?" she asked.
"No... maybe mum or father did, let's ask
Lupus got out a small smartphone and texted.
Lupus: Mum did you guys eat some kid in the forest?
Scene 5
At home:
"Sullivan, have you eaten someone recently?"
"No, Madame. I actually have lots of stocks in my home fridge. Mostly Deer brains Ma'am, nothing tainted. Not without telling."
Mr. Strange looked up from what he was reading and looked at his wife.
"Lupus is asking me if we ate some people, did you eat someone?" Morgana asked Mr. Strange.
"Not here, outside of Bergen, somewhere in Trondheim, but not in this town." Replied Mr. Strange
"Agh, that is why I told you to pick somewhere where there are not too many people..." Morgana complained.
"Well, our house is isolated." Mr. Strange defended.
"But there are too many people in Bergen, too much trouble. we should've just moved to Iceland." Morgana confided.
"Ah, but what will we eat there? there are already too many magical creatures there. We cannot eat them that would be like cannibalism, There is even that school for wizards there. If they find out we ate people, they would probably hunt us."
"We don't know that. I heard their laws are much looser compared to the ones in that American wizarding school." Morgana defended.
"You are not thinking of making our children study there?" Mr. Strange ranted.
"Well just a thought, maybe for a change?" Morgana asked.
"No! Morgana, we have talked about this." Mr. Strange had a firm and concerned tone. "It is too dangerous, we shall not be bounded by their laws. We come from bloodlines of Gods and dragons, Amongst many other things. I refuse for my children to be exploited and experimented by other Lowly pathetic creatures."
"Hush now, Mortimer Strange, then we shan't. No need to be aggravated. Besides, I prefer that British wizarding school." Morgana jested lightly.
"Morgana!" Mr. Strange jeered impatiently.
"Just kidding love, why too serious?." Morgana smiling coyly at her husband, touching his arm, calming him with a spell.
"I apologize for raising my tone. but you know how I feel about these things." Mr. Strange starting to calm down.
"It's quite ok love. I actually find it quite adoring, rawr." Mrs. Strange flirting and making a cat paw.
"Oooh well, in that case, Mon Cherie. Let me ravage you violently, *roar*" Mr. Strange making lion noises to please her wife. No, not those lion noises that people make, its literally real lion noises like a hungry beast. The Savageness pleased Morgana so. Then she took her wife in his arms and nuzzled her neck.
Morgana giggled then Motioned Mr. Strange to wait."Oooh, hold that thought."
"Hmmm, better text them." Morgana raised her phone.
"Tell them to stay away from the place where someone was eaten." Mr. Strange implicated in a concerned tone, looking up from Morganas Neck.
"Mmm, kay," said Morgana and proceeded to text.
Morgana: Lupus, no we haven't eaten anyone. Also, your Father strictly said not to go to where the human was eaten.
Lupus: k. Mum.
Then Morgana smiled at Mr. Strange. "You were saying?"
"Ah yes!" Mr. Strange giggled and agreed, then continued to ravage her wife.
Scene 6
In the forest:
"Mum said not to go to where those children got eaten?" Lupus informed everyone.
"Not now, maybe tomorrow. If it ate now. It won't eat again. until tomorrow. " Matilda paused then continued "Depending on what it is. "
"It can eat tomorrow or maybe next week." Lupus added.
They started walking home on an unbeaten path through the forest, Matilda and Lupus had a small conversation while the twins played while following them.
"The 2nd blood moon is pretty near. If it's going to eat it's going to be soon. I know coz I've been growing strong recently." Lupus announced.
"Oh, thats why you're being bitchy lately." Matilda ripped, then the twins giggled.
"Hahaha Omged, I'm Manyilda I'm so funny!" then continued "And if you must know I am not bitchy but angry the sun rose at four am today, It wakes me up too early and I can only run around for a few hours at night
and then its morning already."
"Yes, us too." the twins eerily replied.
" Ugh you don't have to tell me about it," Matilda replied.
"But don't worry babies, come fall it will be pretty normal, I'm guessing, we just moved here so I don't know, but in winter I read that there will be darkness, its called the winter darkness..." Matilda informed them.
The twins and Lupus eyes widened.
"That means, the sun doesn't come up at all in the middle of winter" Matilda explained.
"ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh" The twins and Lupus replied.
"By the way don't forget to tell Mum about the 2nd blood moon, you lose control on that day, you have to be chained up, like a dog." Matilda quipped. "Remember the last time?, hahaha, You ate the neighbor, your friends family, hahaha" Matilda laughed heartily unable to control it, while she spoke.
The twins giggled with her like an echo.
Lupus sneered at Matilda.
"I'm not the only one you know, Father goes crazy on that day, and who knows maybe you will go crazy too."
"Not yet, I'm still partly human. It's disgusting. but I'm not looking forward to my first death either.
"You know what I am looking forward to?" Matilda mischievously voiced.
"Ha!" they both gasped. They remembered something.
"The blood harvest!." they spoke together.
"As much as I don't like, mingling, I'm looking forward to the sacrifice, plus the light of the moon will make us stronger, and... it's finally the day that I will ask our uncles to give us their blood."
"I don't think they'll give us their blood yet Matilda.? I don't think they will give you their blood ever." Lupus stating that what she said was ridiculous.
The twins were now confused."What's a blood harvest.?"
The kids reached their house.
"It is what it says it is Waldron. We will harvest blood and bask in the light of the moon so we can grow stronger." Answered their Mother as they arrive on the porch of their house.
"Aaaah" the twins replied together.
"Also there's a ball, with lots of Vampires, Witches, and otherworldly creatures."
"Aaaaaaaaah. party!" the twins eerily said together.
Scene 7
A woman with curly red hair, in her mid-thirties, wearing a grey plaid dress was looking for her child.
"Augustus?!" the sound of her voice rang loudly in the air as she called out to him, we zoom out of her house and zoom in to where Augustus is, he was eating berries in the forest. He was fat, and plump, with red hair, he had freckles on his face and his cheeks and his mouth were covered with blue and red juice, from the berries that he was engulfing.
He ate and enjoyed what he was eating and he put some of it on his shirt pocket and he wiped some of the juice on his pants and shirt, it was messy, but he kept chewing full and delightfully enjoying the berries, then he looked up, a woman was looking down on him, It was the woman with the flower dress.
The boy smiled an awkward smile, and the woman reached out her hand.
Scene 8
WTFS station.
A woman was looking at her reflection in a vanity Mirror.
Pulling the skin on her face, to see her younger self, hoping her wrinkles would vanish.
She walks into a booth to go to use the toilet.
Two women and a child entered the powder room, A woman with wild red hair, named Melena wore a simple gray dress and talked to a woman with short blonde hair and bangs named Lise, she was wearing a sheer black lingerie top, a short black skirt and high heels.
"Ugh can you believe how she treated us yesterday, I said hi and she didn't even notice me. She's too proud". Melena ranted.
"I know right". The woman with the blonde hair fiddled with her makeup, placing lipstick on her lips, and checked how she looked like in the mirror, then responded, "She still thinks she's all that but she's spent, that's what old age gets you."
"How long has she been an actress?" the red-haired woman asked.
"I don't know for a long time I guess."
"Her skin is wonderful though I'll give her that." The woman with the red hair confessed.
"Pff," The woman with a blonde hair objected. "That's science for you...but pretty soon you know, all that sciencey stuff will stop working and inevitably they will end up looking weird."
"Ah, you're too harsh Lise."
"And you are too nice, Melena."
Lise bobs her head from side to side as a sign of disapproval. "Myrka
Drummond does not deserve your kindness, she has been nothing but been rude to us, she is just a passed off diva."
The woman in the bathroom booth fumed, her left eye squinted every so slightly, It was Myrka Drummond.
She looked out secretly and stopped herself from arguing with these women, and told herself that she had class and was not beneath these pitiful creatures.
"Trine lets go." Lise motioned to a child that she is with.
Scene 9
"Please, he has been gone for more than a whole day. I have a bad feeling about it."
"Maam, are you sure he's not just playing at his friend's house."
"Noh, Augustus doesn't have lots of friends, he goes to the forests and collects berries and comes home dirty, at exactly four, five or six give or take, that is his routine, and he has not come back yet for a few hours now."
Detective Alexander sits on his desk and overhears a red-haired woman complaining to his colleague. They were in the Police station, with pale white lights and white walls with accents of gray. There were also simple tables and chairs. It was a depressing small office, with people all busy with their office job, slaving away like zombies, some walking here and there to get coffee or to go in or to go out to do their duties, its where time slowly passed and nobody seemed to care.
"Hello Ma'am, My name is Detective James Alexander, and you are Miss?"
"Mrs. Melena Hansen."
"What's happening here?" Detective Alexander looked at Melena and the officer interviewing her.
"Mrs. Hansen said her child has been missing for a few hours now."
Melena worried, interjected "He has been missing for hours! Augustus has a routine, he always comes back, at this hour!."
While the woman was talking, the chief came out of his office.
"Alexander, Sandvik, Aadberg..." The chief called three names, "Christiansen called in a Homicide in the Myrkviðr forest, in Mystik Kyster. Go now Chop chop..."
The chief had a grey suit on and had grey hair and had a friendly face but even though it was friendly, he looked tired as if he had gone through a lot through the years.
The detective looked at the woman, and the woman covered her mouth, upset, and was about to cry.
"Where did you say you live Ma'am."
"In Mystik Kyster." The woman started to tear up.
"Ma'am there's no reason to be upset, wait here. "
Alexander shortly entered the chief's office, "Chief did Christiansen happen to give a profile, of the victim? "
"Yes, It's ah, very unfortunate, it was a young girl. aged about four to six. Go there now Alexander, let's catch this sonno' of a bitch."
Detective Alexander went back to the lady, who was much calmer because of the information, "Ma'am this is officer Bohle.." Detective Alexander referring to the middle-aged man, with thinning yellow hair, pale skin and had a white uniform and blue vest on, sitting at the desk.
"He will help you." He reassured the woman.
"Bohle check out the Madames area," Alexander asked Bohle.
"Sandvik, Aadberg, let's go..." Detective Alexander motioned to his colleagues, and they left the station.
Scene 10
A big wooden door was left open, sun shone inside the wooden house, the cool wind crept inside which can be felt on the wooden floor, it was a big cabin, the smell of flowers and the thick forest with different color of greens in the surrounding emanated the house, Nissa was playing with her doll, she was wearing a turquoise tutu skirt and a matching shirt, she saw something outside, was it a firefly? she asked herself. She went outside, there was laughter.
Then she saw it just above their pool.
Its eyes blinked.
what was it?. It looked like a flower with eyes. It was a pixie.
It had a long body but no smaller or bigger than a flower. It's olive arms and legs seemed like flower stems.
It had a long slim lithesome body and fingers. It smiled at her, It had scary pointy teeth but its face was friendly, it had cute black orb-like eyes and its head was purple and white that looked like petals and it had wings,
It beckoned Nissa to come.
Nissa looked back at their house and it flew around her and then she motioned for Nissa again, inviting her as if to play.
It went inside the thick forest and Nissa followed It.
Scene 11
Kalen screamed and called out to his sister. Kalen was looking for his sister.
He had noticed something strange, normally there would be the noise of a girl jumping up and down, running around and making cute noises, but while he was playing his pocket game after a while he had noticed it was incredibly quiet in their house.
"Nissa!" he called once more.
she saw Nissa's doll on the floor near the pool.
"Where did she go.?" He asked himself with a confused look on his face.
Scene 12
Detective Alexander looked at the scene with disgust and a heavy heart. He kept silent and was pensive, he asked himself who would do such a monstrous act.
CSI units Aadberg and Saandvik collected physical evidence from the site, He saw the body being covered while Police Officer Christiansen was explaining the situation to the Detective.
Medical examiners and forensic units were already in the area as well.
"She's abot four or six, a female child, poor kid. she didn't deserve this, her guts were all out. What kind of Monster has done this, I heard this done in the city a few weeks ago. do you reckon it would be a bear?" Christiansen asked but was not hoping for a reply.
"I dunno but this gives me the hibbee jibees," Aadberg replied.
Detective Alexander started to look around while Officer Christiansen was talking then he noticed something out of the bushes.
It was a brown object with patches, It had blood on it.
he wore his gloves and picked it up and murmured.
"Aadberg send this to forensics."
Scene 13
Philomena Opened the door, It was Detective Alexander.
"Hello, Detective. How may I help you?"
"We just wanted to ask. If you've seen any fat boy roaming around or if your nephews maybe know him..." The Detective inquired.
"Not that I know off, wait lemme call them," Philomena replied.
"Matilda! Lupus!, Detective Alexander is here to ask some questions, can you guys come for a second, like normal people coz were normal."
The detective had a confused look on his face.
"Coming!" Lupus can be heard from afar.
Lupus and Matilda appeared slowly behind Philomena.
"Hey, wazzup?!" Lupus greeted Detective Alexander.
While Matilda just stared blankly.
"Hey, what's up buddy.?" Detective Alexander greeted them and made a fist bump to Lupus to make the mood lighter. which Lupus gladly accepted and then pretended it exploded afterward.
Matilda rolled her eyes and moved her head from side to side as a sign of disapproval.
Detective Alexander was easily entertained and smirked but continued "I was wondering if you know this boy," The detective showed a picture of the boy.
"His name is Augustus Hansen, He's been missing. He..." He stopped himself because he did not want to scare the kids.
"No, we don't know him," Matilda replied.
"No, bruh, we haven't seen him." Lupus remarked.
"C'mon Lupus..." Matilda motioned to Lupus because they were going out. Today was the day that they were going to look for the murderer.
"Aaah I wouldn't do that If I were you..." Detective Alexander warned, "I'd like to warn you guys, as well," The Detective now averting his eyes to Philomena, "There has been m-u-r-d-e-r in the area, it was unfortunate but some creep has been kidnapping kids in the area.
"We can spell you know." Matilda scrunching her face as she was slightly insulted. "ugh."
"Uhm.. yah, so it's best if you make your niece and nephew stay home. Uhm. Ms.?" The Detective was unsure of what to call her even though the Detective knew her name. Philomena took her glasses off for a second to wipe it with her shirt and For the first time The Detective saw her up close in broad daylight, and he noticed how beautiful she was, her skin was so soft and her lips so plump and pink, her eyes were big and blue, and her cheeks were blushing pink, its almost as if she came out of a painting, her hair was unruly but even this looked beautiful to him, she was enchanting, he never noticed this because of her shabby clothes and huge glasses. He was overwhelmed a bit, Then when she wore the glasses again, he realized he was staring. when he brought himself back together, he started to say his goodbyes.
"Mena..." She looked at the picture and said "I will try to remember his face and well let you know if anything comes up" then finally smiled.
The detective started to think to himself. "Shit. You have to go."
"Well thank you for your time Ms. and nice seeing you again." he handed out his hand for a handshake.
"It was nice seeing you too, Detect..."
She held his hands, then stopped, a vision came, one that she didn't expect to see, something that made her blush which made her pull her hand away from the detective.
It made her google-eyed, and she laughed incoherently and then started to talk nervously.
"Ahah sorry, vertigo.." She reasoned
"Are you okay?" the Detective asked out of concern.
"Yes, yes, yes I just get vertigo sometimes." There was a silent stare that seemed like forever and Matilda stared at Lupus mischievously and he snickered quietly...
"Let's go" he motioned to Matilda, as they quietly tiptoed away...
but their Aunt noticed. "Ah Matilda, Lupus... come inside.!"
"Uuh, Noooooooh?!" Matilda sarcastically replied, then Matilda and Lupus ran.
"We won't go, Far Mena!" Lupus assured her aunt as they ran away.
"Uh, I'm not sure thats a good idea.? " Detective Alexander asked Philomena.
"Do you want me to come after them.?"
"Uh, no! no! it's okay, I'm sure they'll be fine. I'll just run after them." Mena replied knowing full well that they can handle themselves.
The Detective felt a little nervous because he didn't want another dead body, but he thought he was just being paranoid, so he just said." Just look for them ok? the situations sorta serious..."
"Sure... sure..." Philomena reassured.
Then the Detective made his way to his car.
and murmured "Get your shit together Alexander. " while entering his car.
Scene 14
"Start sniffing dog." Matilda mocked her brother playfully.
he glowered at her for a few seconds but continued to do it anyway. He started to smell the air then,
"This way.." Lupus Motioned.
It was mid-afternoon and they ran and ran until they ran deep into the forest, the color of the trees was warm, Some of the trees were so old that their trunks were so wide, most of the trees and rocks were even covered with moss, some trees were like skyscrapers of the glade, high, mighty and proud, and some were young and looked friendly, and the leaves rustled as the wind danced around them. You could barely see the sky because of the shady glades and leafy canopies. They could hear singing jays, scampering hares, and scurrying squirrels. There were mushrooms of different colors growing on some of the tree trunks, some were vegetating on the ground, there were different berries in the bushes and the grass floor was almost covered with brown, green and red leaves and you can see nuts scattered here and there. It smelled of green grass and leaves, the peace of the forest was soothing and comforting. The twigs crunched under their feet as they walked and then they heard someone.
"Nissa! Where are you?!"
It was Kalen Maurelle.
"Psst," Matilda called him.
Kalen Maurelle was surprised, a shot of arrow flew past Matilda's face directly puncturing a tree.
"Woah!" Lupus grinning wildly. " Nice shot bruh!"
Matilda glowered at his brother and then to Kalen.
"Wtf was that man.?" Matilda
"Sorry, I was startled..." Kalen replied.
"Pfff, Oh please you wanted to show off..." Matilda exclaimed.
"No..." He soundly confessed, then followed with..." well, yes, actually I was." then half smiled.
"What are you doing here?" Kalen asked.
"Prolly the same as you, were you looking for your sister, we heard you call her name out?" Lupus inquired.
"Yeah, mum, and dad are in the hospital, and I'm in charge of Nissa. and she's been missing since this afternoon"
"Do you have some clothes of her.?" Matilda asked.
"Well no, it's in the house. but I do have this?" Kalen showed Nissa's doll then Kalen handed the doll to them.
Matilda and Lupus looked at each other for a few seconds.
can you turn around please? Lupus asked.
Matilda could've easily stopped time but they already realized Kalen was also magical so she didn't bother.
"Why?" Kalen replied in confusion.
"Never mind." Lupus smelled the doll.
Kalen laughed, "What are you guys, some sort of dogs?."
"None of your business actually, " paused and continued "But he is." Matilda referring to Lupus.
"This way," Lupus said as Matilda and Lupus walked further ahead of him.
Kalen laughed and thought it was a joke.
Then slowly came to a realization the way little red riding hood had found out about the wolf, as he watched the children in front of him, It's as if he came to see them clearly for the first time. Everything about them was off. They just evaded an arrow that almost no one would normally miss, Their black clothes and ashy white skin. Their super dark hair was in contrast to the trees. They did not look normal at all. He had his hunch before but the warmth of the forest compared to their skin was like a revelation, There was a faint whisper of "careful. careful. careful." as
if the trees were talking and whispering something to him.
"Wait... you're the family of hybrids* the Huldufólk* and Maskas* have been murmuring about.?" Kalen began to raise his arrows and pointed it at them.
*Huldufólk - Hidden People. (usually elves, dwarves etc.,)
*Maskas - short for Magiske Skapninger which means Magical creatures including Wizards, Sorcerers, Witches, Magis, Healers, Warriors, Dragon riders etc., they used creatures instead of beings because the European school is much more accepting of equality between creatures and beings.
*Hybrids - Mixed Race, of any kind.
Matilda and Lupus both stopped as they heard the string of the bow, being stretched.
They both looked back and Kalen's arrow was pointed right at them.
"You wouldn't wanna do that?" Lupus grinned and warned.
"Did you eat my sister?!"Kalen beseeched.
"You're not very smart are you?" Matilda calmly replied.
"Would we be helping you, if we ate her?" She knocked some sense into him.
"I dunno, maybe you are just luring me and want to eat me too," Kalen replied.
"Enough of this," Matilda said as she stopped time and took the bow from Kalen. She was surprised at how heavy it was. She looked at Kalen, Mildly impressed then looked at the bow for a few seconds, it had an intricate pattern carved beautifully on the bow. It was too heavy so,
she dropped it on the floor when she came back to her position, after which she unfroze time.
Kalen was surprised and looked at his bow beside her. Thinking if there was time to grab it and fight, but Matilda spoke,
"If we wanted to eat you, it would have been done by now."
"Best we move along if you want to save your sister." Lupus confided.
"What do you mean?" Kalen picked up his bow and realized they were right.
"Someones been murdering in this area," Lupus retorted as they continue to walk.
"So what are you?" Matilda coaxed.
"I asked first." Kalen shot back. Kalen was 16 and towered over them, he had long blonde hair, he looked a bit different today since he had his hair in a ponytail and braids and the sides of his head was shaved.
He wore something different today, A cottony moss green shirt inside, dark green coat, dark shorts, and Chuck Taylors sneakers.
"We're many things," Matilda replied mysteriously.
"So your Elves? I reckon with your pointy ears, Plus you said Hulderfolks" Lupus asked.
Kalen touched his ear forgetting his hair was tied up. "I guess we are," Kalen answered.
"Has your family been here long?" Matilda Interested in how old their magic was.
"Mother and father wander for a few years to different towns so we can, help people."
"We've never been in trouble before, this is the first time, well the second time, I hope Nissa is alright."
"I didn't mean in this town," Matilda replied.
"Oh. that's pretty personal. but I will say they have been here long, but my sister and I are new. and you?."
"Same as you," Matilda answered.
"You said the second time, what happened to the first time?" Lupus asked.
"Ah some trouble with trolls, but I managed it." Kalen confided.
"By managed, does that mean ran away?" Lupus jested.
Kalen smirked and replied, "Yes, that and many other things."
"So, you guys are hybrids? how does that work? I'd Imagine that you know, you'd come out as some sort of monsters, no offense. I'm just basing on what I hear."
"Actually we are," Matilda replied.
"No, I mean like physically..." Kalen paused and thought before he spoke: " wait, are you?" Kalen was curious.
Matilda and Lupus looked at each other and smirked.
"Since you're that curious, I'm a werewolf. She's... how can I say this without getting hit in the head?"
Matilda rolled her eyes.
"She's a witch I guess, but as you've said were hybrids, she also has wings. so maybe she's some sort of other thing." Lupus confessed.
"Enough Lupus. TMI." Matilda chided.
"How does that work?" Kalen confused.
"Our Family said we have Dragons blood and God blood, long long time ago, which makes an abomination unlikely, even though we also have some Fallen angel blood, angel blood, fairy blood, demon blood, witch
blood, wolf blood and a bunch of other things, Dragon Blood resists any kind of Bad Magic towards them and well God blood has too much magic in it, instead of our DNA binding and making abominations, It
chooses the most dominant DNA and thats what we come out of as. My Grandpa's a soldier but he's also a scientist, he also found that out through our DNA and a bunch of other things that and I mostly don't understand, but were still monsters, just not the kind you were thinking of."
"Lupus! have you had your fun? will you please shut up!" Matilda commanded.
"I imagine you are grandpas favorite..." Kalen told Lupus.
"You know it..." Lupus retorted as he laughed with Kalen, while Matilda scowled at them.
They wandered deeper and deeper into the forest, The trees became thicker and thicker, Matilda noticed it became more mystical, They saw vines that hung from the trees, they were thick and lush like majestic
beautiful goddess hair, there were also different kinds of flower that grew even though they were out of season, it grew on the ground, the trees, and the bushes.
There were pink, purple and white peonies, snapdragons, hyacinths that looked liked nosy neighbors growing everywhere. A little up ahead there were thin white trees covered in moss, that were linked together as if it was friends up in arms and served as a fence in an average-sized arena. In the middle of the circle, there was an archway of green and plum-colored vines linked together, as well as pink, purple and white wisterias falling like rain from the archway and a pathway of leaves and fallen petals.
Suddenly everything felt weird Matilda felt sleepy, Lupus and Kalen were also rubbing they're eyes and yawning, she came back to herself when she realized what was happening.
She looked just a little far right the trees linked together, she thought that they were just bushes and flowers but now she had a closer look there was a bunch of Lavenders, Valerian, Gardenias, Jasmine, Sages, California poppies, Golden pothos, Tahoe OG Kush, Grandaddy Purple, Skywalker, Gods gift, Afghan kush, Northern lights, Ogre, Querkle, Big bud and 9-pound hammer growing around the trees and was emitting some sort of mist.
Her eyes grew wide. "cover your nose." Matilda warned,
"Why?" Kalen replied.
"Those flowers and bushes are enchanted, and it'll make you fall asleep."
Matilda knew those flowers because she has been studying it with Aunt Philomena, she is particularly fond of these plants because she likes the fact that you can make sleeping potions out of them or brownies,
sleeping brownies were the best.
They covered their nose with their shirts. Kalen covered his nose with a handkerchief.
Matilda pulled out a black wand while making swirls. "Ne protejeaza"
"What was that?" Kalen asked.
"Protection spell, against those flowers. If the mist sinks in our skin, the handkerchief won't do any good, just think of it as a preventative measure. but you can remove it now."
"Oh!" Kalen replied.
"Sssh!" Lupus motioned everyone to be quiet, "were near." Lupus huddled them behind a tree.
"If we come across a monster, You shoot it and I'll rip it apart. ok?" Lupus commanded.
"OK.?" Kalen replied, although he was confused, he was more concerned about getting his sister because if they missed his arrow, he trusted that these two kids will be able to help him.
Matilda gave them a condescending look.
"If we see Nissa, she is the priority?. we grab her, and then all of you come near me and hold on to me, we'll fly, out of here."
"Oh my God, Matilda! you're such a pussy!" whispered Lupus patronizingly.
"I say we kill that monster!" Lupus whispered in excitement.
"You idiot! by this time it ate a lot of humans already?" Matilda argued.
"So?" Lupus looked confused and Kalen looked worried.
"If it ate a lot, then, it'll probably be super powerful by now," Matilda explained.
"Will you two idiots stop fighting! my sister might be in danger." Kalen protested.
They hear subdued eating sounds.
Subsequently, while they were talking they hear a buzzing sound in their ear, It was the sound of pixie wings flapping. Small lithesome creatures were listening to them and two was incredibly near them
huddled as if they were also friends, and a dozen were flying around them.
As Kalen turned around,
one was looking straight at him, suddenly, It punched him in the eye.
"Oww!" Kalen exclaimed.
The Pixies grabbed on to Lupus hair and bit Lupus arms and feet. "ow!"ow! ow!" Lupus bellowed in pain.
"Shit!" Matilda muttered in surprise but before she could nab her wand or freeze them, a few Pixies
grabbed both her feet which quickly knocked her off while the Pixies grappled onto her hands, she fell
headfirst and slammed on an old tree trunk so she passed out for a few seconds.
Kalen tried to use his arrow, but to no avail, since the other pixies were biting him, grabbing his hair,
and he was only using one of his eyes. As he tried to shoot one of the Pixies, the pixie saw the arrow catapulted to it in slow motion and was able to evade quickly. It saw the arrow puncture the tree, and its eyes became googly-eyed out of fear, then it glared at Kalen as it felt anger, after which a small faint sound of scream can be heard "aaaaaaaaaah!" as it charged against Kalen, which made Kalen slowly fall on his back.
"Ouch," Kalen groaned.
"Damnit.!" Lupus was now scowling out of rage, his eyes blackened and small black veins started to appear next to his eyes and his hands slowly turned black as if it was watercolor paint spreading on paper, crawling in his skin. His fingers darkened as claws started to erupt in each one.
Suddenly he was faster and grabbed one of the pixies that were grappling his hair, he threw it and it slammed in one of the trees, Green blood splattered all over. He snatched another one that was biting his arms, then he grabbed another and another, and one by one they were flung across the trees and on the ground, with such force that as they slammed, It chipped the tree trunks and made a faint snapping sound and their green bluish blood splattered everywhere, as they hit the trees and the floor, soon enough he got so pissed that he bit one pixie which cut it in half.
"Huh!!!!!!" a faint conjoined gasp from the pixies can be heard, as they looked at the remaining half of the pixie that Lupus was holding on to his hand.
Lupus bellowed in his demon voice "Ugh vegetables! ew!" and threw half of what's left of the pixie on the ground.
"Matilda!" Lupus boomed with his demon voice to wake up Matilda.
The pixie started to panic and fly in different directions and started to fly away, but by this time Matilda woke up from passing out, she was clutching her head because it was in pain and was still half asleep but she grabbed her black wand from inside her coat pocket and pointed upwards in the air.
*The immobilus charm in another language. if you are not learned from school, the language of magic is different from school versus passed down magic, or the same if it came from the same source. and of course preference.
The pixies floated in the air immobile, their eyes were still blinking
and everything seemed to slow down.
Then she used her hands to cast another spell "Somno!"
and then all the pixies fell on the ground sleeping.
Lupus was breathing heavily and was calming himself down.
His eyes were still all black but the black veins and his claws started to disappear as he calmed himself down.
While Kalen was just looking at them sitting on the ground and
said, "what the fuuuuuuuucccck.?"
Scene 15
Myrka was eating what's left of the man that she had captured.
And was so engulfed with devouring the man, that she didn't notice the noise around her, but it was barely audible from where she was.
Nissa was asleep under a huge old Myrkwood tree. There were big and small vines, Several which looked like they were hairs that kissed the ground.
There were white trees linked together that surrounded the place, everything was covered in moss and flowers and the huge Myrkwood tree looked as if it was a natural altar, she heard a faint noise from behind her but saw nothing. So she came back to what she was doing.
It was Kalen, Matilda, and Lupus that made the noise; they were not too near but not too far from Myrka. Kalen saw what she was doing to the human and saw her sister. He was worried and jumped in anger and was about to storm the place, but Matilda stopped him.
"Kalen. look..." They were whispering
She pointed at medium-sized rocks surrounding the place, They were rocks that had runes written on them.
"What does it say?" Lupus asked.
"It's not witches rune, so I don't know?" Matilda replied.
"It's High elven..." Kalen replied, my elfen is not good.
but if I'm right it says." Kalen tries to read it slowly " None shall pass. lest blood of kings and queens be lost, thine shield will yield when the runes are cast."
"There are four High elven runes that are not transliterated I am not good with mixed runes. I don't know what it says." Kalen said.
Then Matilda looked closely. " There is a protection spell cast here. I can see the thin film. It might alert her if we just storm in."
"So?" Lupus remarked
"So we don't know what she can do. If it alerts her she might take Nissa away quickly, and she's too far, we also don't know if it will let us in. If she sees us and were not able to come in, Nissa will be in trouble."
"I also can't fly because we don't know how high the protection spell is."
"We need Elders," Matilda replied.
"Someone needs to stay here with Nissa."
"If we text them, It will take time before they find us, better I Go." Lupus volunteered.
"No. you're too slow."
"Where are your parents again.?" Matilda asked Kalen.
" If I find them will they be able to help us?"
"Yes! they are at the Alston hospital" Kalen replied.
"You guys stay here, I'll fly to mum and dad and your parents."
"she'll see you if you fly you, idiot! its broad fucking daylight."
"Wait." Matilda saw some flowers moving inside. She tried to stop time for a few seconds and it worked.
"Okay. I can stop the time for a few seconds if she tries to hurt Nissa."
Matilda stated.
"I knew you guys were hybrids but not to this extent," Kalen mentioned in amazement.
"Says the boy who is probably pureblood, which means incest right?." Lupus remarked.
"Were not incest!. why do people always say that! we just don't marry off other kinds, because it's not allowed." Kalen defended.
" Ugh, you elves are weird. Ya'll look alike." Lupus mentioned.
"Omg! will you guys shut up!" Matilda exclaimed "Can we please focus on to more important things. Okay, New Plan, Lupus I'll pm Mum and Dad, meet them at the forest entrance. Kalen, PM and find your Mom and your dad, then meet Lupus on the forest entrance. understood?"
The two nodded their head twice.
"Now, Go!" Matilda said.
Before he left, Kalen looked back, "Matilda... Guard her with your life."
"Sure, but you owe me." Matilda declared.
Kalen nodded and then left with Lupus.
Lupus and Kalen silently walked away and as soon as they were far enough, Lupus ran as fast as he could,
and Kalen headed to meet his parents.
Matilda sent her Mum a message.
Matilda: Mum, Nissa is in Danger, meet Lupus at the Forest entrance.
Scene 16
We then zoom into Myrka, she was preoccupied with eating the man. As she was eating, her hollow back started closing, slowly, first the blood and muscles melded with each other then the flesh started to bond, after which her skin started to look younger, then the wrinkles on her skin seemed to fade. Her skin was firmer, tighter and her breast lifted as if it were pulled up by an imaginary string, her face and hands were filled with blood and looked softer and warmer, she licked her lips of the remaining blood, it was not enough. Slowly She felt the skin on her back detaching, not as hollow as before but there were still hollows that can be seen and a few of her wrinkles came back, she touched her face and felt it and was extremely unsatisfied, the man was not enough she grew angry and she screamed!
Frustrated, She threw the already flailing body against the trees. "Pesky human!"
she looked up to where the child was.
she stood up.
She started smirking.
She reached out for Nissa. She touched her cheeks,
"You'll make me very pretty, honey, boop!" while she touched Nissa's nose with her forefinger, and then she opened her mouth and it became bigger, It was so big, a watermelon can fit right in and her teeth grew fangs, a hundred pointy things all to devour one little child, but just as she was about to reach and bite Nissa...
"Oh! No, You don't" Matilda stopped time.
Matilda breathed heavily she knew she was not supposed to yet, because there were no elders, but she had no choice.
She held Myrka on her left hands.
and tried to slam her palms forcefully and angrily on the barrier using her right hand just trying to destroy it.
but it did nothing. They stayed like that for a few minutes, but her hand was getting tired of staying in that same position. Holding on to time was also heavy, it felt as if you were carrying something, the longer it went.
She breathed heavily, she couldn't hold on to time that much longer.
Scene 17
Kalen and Lupus were already at the forest entrance.
"My parents aren't responding..." Lupus informed Kalen.
At home.
Morganas Phone and Mr. Strange Phone were both in silent mode in the table and a little off ahead, you can see movement and giggling on the bed.
*Narrator winks*
They were both very very very busy.
"I have to go get them..." Lupus said
"I understand, Mine as well, I have to find them too." Kalen disclosed, "Let's just meet there, at whatever that place is.
"Okay." Lupus replied
"And Hurry," Kalen asked.
They both ran.
Lupus tried to call Aunt Philomena on her Phone.
"Yoohoo!" Mena answered.
"Oh my god!' where are you guys? I've been trying to call you so hard!"
"Why?" Mena asked.
"Look, remember Nissa, the neighbors' daughter? She's in danger. She's about to be eaten by a creature, I'm coming, look for Mum and pops."
"Oh my, okay." Philomena worried then ran upstairs.
Mena heard giggling sounds and rolled her eyes, then knocked very loudly.
"Uh, guys!"
Morgana heard the knock "What?"
"Ugh! I thought you might want to know, your children along with the neighbor's children are in danger."
"Oh." Morgana sighed as she was being nuzzled by Mr. Strange. " We best get dressed then.
"Well be right down."
Morgana called to her Husband...
Scene 18
Myrka was freed from being frozen
she stretched a little bit and smiled at Matilda.
"Well, well, well if it isn't little Matilda Strange. So what are you?" Myrka was pensive for a few seconds.
"That's really none of your business." Matilda snatched back.
"Oooh... You know what, you look a little freakier than I am, I bet you want a little taste of this child as well..." Myrka tried to reach out and touch the child's cheek, but before she could.
*Slam!* The sound of Myrka's body, slamming into one of the elder trees resounded as she was flung by an unseen force, this made the trees shake, It made the leaves of the trees rustle which made the birds fly.
Myrka quickly fell on her butt and was discombobulated for a few seconds.
"Ugh! what is your problem!" Myrka screamed and fumed.
"Best stay the fuck away from her," Matilda warned.
"Oooh you and your potty mouth, but how long can you do that to me really, you can't even get inside. especially when you're busy."
Matilda confused.
"Viens mekare," Myrka whispered.
As she said this, white tree looking creatures same as the color of the trees with long thick spear-like branches materialized out of the trees as if they were melded there for a long time and just came out from a long sleep, some were shaped like men and some were shaped like women they moved slowly but violently.
Matilda tried to evade them but some had vines and tried to catch her feet until she can no longer move.
four tree creature seemed to enclose on her.
Their vines wrapped around her tiny hands ...then it crawled on her tiny legs quickly wrapping itself tightly, squeezing her tiny body. Everything happened so quickly.
Then *rip!,* with its thick needle-like branch one of three creatures stabbed Matilda on her shoulder with so much force, that it created a hole over her shoulder.
She saw the wounds with her eyes and felt it quickly.
she screamed out of pain. *AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!* she bled profusely and then she started breathing heavily.
It had struck her so hard that her eyes were enveloped by darkness immediately.
her forehead wrinkled, out of anguish and exasperation she moved her head from left to right and it emitted so much force that the tree person that stabbed her snapped its head instantly and was hurled away from her and as its needle-like hand was removed from matildas shoulder...
and it seared so she shrieked out of distress! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" and with her scream, a force so strong came out of her that everyone around her was propelled away from her; the tree creature were all hurled on the invisible wall including Myrka, she was lobbed against the wall so intensely that she had to get a hold of herself, otherwise she would've fallen asleep with the blow.
She scowled at the girl in front of her, Matilda was worn out.
but she was more than anything, worried, the girl in front of her was not to be taken lightly.
Matilda knelt on the ground, she was exhausted and bleeding, she was bleeding heavily but more than anything pissed beyond belief at how exhausted she was, she palmed the ground for support, she rested for a few seconds.
Myrka felt elated for a few seconds as she has not seen anything like this in a long time, she wanted to fight her, but she wanted to live more, so she made her way to the child, again.
"Don't you touch her bitch!" Matilda warned with her demon-like voice, aggravated.
She raised her hand as if cupping Myrkas neck and raised her from the ground to strangle her using only dark magic, Myrka couldn't breathe, she kept coughing and gasping for air.
Myrka's hand was free and was able to move it and with just a flick of the finger, a tree creature materialized out of the tree, his hands formed a sharp needle looking branch it was suspended in the air for a few seconds then like a bullet, with force it accelerated towards Matilda's direction and stabbed her, puncturing her left shoulder again and it grabbed hold of her, which set Myrka free from the invisible force holding her.
And from outside Matilda got agitated out of pain, and acted swiftly, she used her hands in the air in front of the tree creature, as if mangling something and her dark magic shredded it apart.
Then when she was done she pounded on the invisible wall, using her hands as she wailed out of rage.
but it was to no avail.
Myrka just almost gasping was laughing realizing she cannot get in.
Now this time she pounded it with dark magic and the walls shook and everything around it shook.
She pounded and pounded and everything shook as if she was a wolf blowing the little piggies house down.
But the wall was strong, it was bound by runes.
When she got so agitated she howled and then stared at the wall for a few seconds and then made a decision.
She started chanting a spell.
And was whispering words.
She cupped her hand together and it was dark electricity first and then it was black fire and smoke and it formed a black orb, at first it was just as small as an apple but as she started chanting it became bigger
and bigger.
It was dark old magic.
And it consumed her already black eyes and spread black ink across her face.
and the darkness in her hands spread until her hands was black, it spread like black watercolor and water spilled on paper, crawling in her arms and clothes and the orb got bigger...
nox atra
quod sanguis ac tenebras
ignis inferis
formam mearum
Conteret me
quos superposuit basibus
et stellarum lapsus
Sol ardentior
and bigger ...
nox atra
quod sanguis ac tenebras
ignis inferis
exitio mundos
unde non stabit
And bigger...
She was calling on the power of the Lord of Nightmares, it was some, old magic, that she came upon reading, but one that requires too much. That if you cannot handle it, it will devour you, this was a sacrifice.
It was not about saving the girl anymore, her ego was bruised and she was pissed.
As she chanted the black orb got bigger and bigger and heavier and heavier, and every time she chanted the wind blew harder, every time it grew bigger it emitted a force so heavy It was destroying the ground beneath her, the ground shook, and surface of the earth around her started detaching in small portions and the wind pushed back everything that surrounded her, the strong wind encircled her and dark cloud formed above the sky and loud thunder started to ring.
And every time she chanted It seemed a little bit of her disappeared
until she was no longer there, but something older in her was chanting,,,
Exitio mundos
Unde non stabit
Something more ancient.
When suddenly someone called her.
Morgana had called her.
The wind blew strongly and it seemed as if there was a storm in the forest.
Behind Morgana was Mortimer, Lupus, Kalen and his family.
Mena fortunately was able to get a hold of Kalens parents.
Kalen was pointing an arrow at Myrka. His Bow was shining through the darkness.
"Don't you dare move!" Kalen warned Myrka.
"That won't pull through" Myrka proudly voiced out.
"Would you like to bet?" Kalen asserted, his hair blowing in the wind,
Kalen's Father calmly worded, "Skogsvänner
innehålla henne."
Four Tree creatures then materialized out of the trees, but this time they had leaf hair and its human-like features were more defined.
They surrounded Myrka, Myrka tried to fight but before she could do anything, they had covered her mouth and its branch and vines wrapped around her face, while two held her hands and suddenly vines and branches with leaves came out of the earth and wrapped around her feet.
And two tree creatures came to guard Nissa.
Kalen's mother cut her hands and bled it in the runes and she read the runes.
"Edr- hi ambar edr- hi fen edr- hi coe edr- hi fen -iya tari can ldë..."
As the blood dripped on the runes, it glowed an illuminating blue and the invisible walls were no more.
Kalen came to her sister and his Father carried her away.
Mathilda was not her self anymore and was not responding to her mother.
"Dear, would you be so kind as to hand me that ball."
Morgana was reaching her hand out to Mathilda.
But by that time the black orb was so big, that it was bigger than a car, its force was so powerful that violent hot winds surrounded it.
She was staring blankly at Morgana.
Her father said "Dear give your mother the ball.
"Come now be a nice little girl." Her Mother told her warmly,
Her mother's smile was nice and welcoming.
"Should we help them?" Kalen asked
"No, it is dangerous..." Mortimer signaled The Maurelles to move back.
"Mathilda," Lupus called her, " Give mom the ball,"
She tilted her head to the side, curious as to what was happening.
"Why would I do that?" with a demon voice.
"We'll, let you eat that Pretty little woman at the back if you give us the ball." Her mother bribed.
She looked back and saw the woman and It angered her more and the orb seemed to grow bigger.
"Mathilda! Mathilda! come now?," Morgana distracting her, Then she looked at her husband for a few seconds to signal him to catch her.
"Tu lassus, somnolentus tu non es.." Morgana reached out her hand then there were small orbs that flew to Matilda and as it reached her skin it made her sleepy.
"You are tired, You are sleepy. Love..." her Mother told her.
"Tu lassus, somnolentus estis vos...."
Matilda felt sleepy, she was closing her eyes but was still holding the orb.
Morganna called a chant, and Golden lit words enveloped her face, hands, and arms.
"ut terra alliges duplicia vos
et vestra essentia dispergat in tenues caeli"
Then a big golden bubble of gold orbs enveloped the black orb.
Matildas eyes already closed because of the spell, then she fell, she let go of the orb but thankfully they all have inhuman speed, Mortimer Caught her, while Morgana caught the orb, she held it in her hands but it was too heavy, a small lacerations started to form on her face and her hands and clothes,
something her husband has not seen in a long time
"Morgana?!" he uttered in concern as if to ask if she's okay.
"Leave me be." She commanded.
She grabbed a black wand inside her coat pocket, this was the first time in a few hundred years, he saw her use it.
Mortimer was worried but trusted her well enough to know that this was just a hiccup.
she pointed it to the black orb.
The black orb exploded violently into small tiny black flecks but luckily it was contained in the golden orb that Morgana used to bind it but there was still force and impact, it had wounded her and made some fresh wounds and scratches ripping the flesh on her face and hand, and her wounds bled, and it also catapulted everyone and everything from afar.
Except for Mr. Strange, that was able to turn his back but, he felt the impact on his back, Lupus was thrown into a three but had quick reflexes and was able to hold on to the three, and hid behind it, luckily the Maurelles were far back and were hiding behind an old tree, but they felt the force like strong hot wind passing through them, some of the trees were shaken and wounding its trunks, burning some of the leaves, shaking everything even the rocks that were perfectly still rolled around as if it was as light as a pebble.
Slowly the tiny orbs disappeared.
Morgana was gasping for breath, it made her tired, but her wounds started to heal but the blood dried up, Mortimer checked Matilda and laid her on the ground and seeing she was breathing and her eyes started to open, smiled and scratched her cheek, then made a faint grin chuckle "You'll do fine."
Although Matilda was bleeding profusely it didn't bother, Mr. Strange since it was family blood, family blood gave off a different smell, it was like smelling his own blood, which did not hunger him, he looked back and her wife was tired but smiling, and then he came to her aid.
He was slightly worried, but she trusted that she was okay, his action showed more of a sweet gesture for her "Are you okay?" he asked, and touched his cheek,
"Of course." Morgana Smiled. "Always."
"Your hair." Some of Morgana's hair specifically the front sides changed into white.
"Oh look at that, new hairstyle." Morgana retorted.
Then he hugged her.
"Ew, disgusting... get a room" Matilda cracked.
Lupus also making a gross face.
Then making a painful groan, as her wounds started closing slowly.
It was healing slowly, so Mr. Strange made her way to Matilda and He bit his wrist, and it punctured his skin, blood was on his mouth, and now gushing from his wrist, he let the blood drip on Matildas shoulders where the punctured wound was, and it started healing faster, until there was only dried blood left.
Her body wasn't fully recovered, not from the wounds from the tree creatures, but the from the fire of the lord of nightmares, it was a different kind of magic, old magic, it stayed on your skin for a long time, and it was searing, had they been ordinary people, the wound would've stayed for months, or even caused death, but since they were not ordinary at all, It only left pain, the kind of body ache that you get from fever. Matilda had it all over, her body, Morgana felt it more so, and Mortimer, felt it in his back.
It left a very dark feeling for everyone.
They heard a muffled sound, it was Myrka Drummond scarred and wounded from the impact, was trying to fidget her way out of the tree people, the tree people had empty wooden faces but even they were annoyed and tried to restrain her.
The look of annoyance in her eyes was so evident.
"What should we do with her?" Mortimer asked Morgana.
"We will deal with her in our council, "Alfrigg Maurelle declared.
tagging along with his family behind him.
"I say we kill her..."Lupus voiced out.
"Lupus... mind your manners..." Mortimer instructed.
Then lupus made a sad face and hugged her mum from behind.
"Are you okay, mummy?"
"Yes, I am love.." Morgana replied cupping his chin.
Elga Maurelle kneeled, next to Matilda, teary-eyed, "You, our family, owes you a huge debt of gratitude, you have saved our daughter, I would not have known what I would have done if anything were to happen to her. Thank you, she planted a kiss on Matildas, forehead.
Although annoyed she made a weird face, but when Elga looked at her she just smiled awkwardly, as if to say, no problem.
Then she looked back at Kalen. "Oy, you heard that you owe me, making a mischievous face. hehehe."
Then everyone smiled.
"Yeah, yeah..."
Then Alfrigg spoke," Your family is always welcome in our house if you need shelter, it is yours. If you need any help, then we will aid you. This is our oath to you."
"Are you sure? we take oaths very seriously, It may not always be of a friendly favor?." Morgana quipped, but deep inside everyone knew she was serious, The Strange, always takes oaths and agreement seriously, it is because they know that allies are important, they know that in the art of war, you cannot win things on your own. They knew that although they are a strong family, there is always strength in numbers, but most importantly honest connections are very important.
Allies that can be trusted, are people that can save your life, this was not a war, but they have been through many things, that they understood the power of one oath and that there is power in a loving coven, strength in a clan of vampires that treated each other like family, and that a pack of wolves can accomplish many things if they trusted each other.
Alfrigg noticed the weight of the question and looked back at her wife. and her wife agreed without question.
"Yes, this is a promise. No, a pact." He handed out his hand.
And Mortimer Strange shook it and looked at Alfrigg in agreement.
"We would also be grateful if you would not mention us in whatever council, your going to." Mortimer asserted.
"Of course... your family will be kept a secret if you wish."
"Thank you," Mortimer replied.
"No, Thank you..." Elga uttered while looking at Mr. Strange and Mrs. Strange. Elga hugged, Mrs. Strange.
There was a brief silence then Nissa woke up.
"Mummy, where are we?"
Scene 19
Mr. Strange and Mrs. Strange were seated at the dining table, Mr. Strange reading a newspaper while Mrs. strange was reading a book.
Lupus was eating his steak and Sullivan was serving more food. Footsteps were heard going down the stairs.
It was Matilda, she was still feeling a bit weak,
"Took you long enough.."
"How long was I sleeping?" Matilda asked.
"3 days you idiot hahahaha" Lupus quipped.
Lupus and the twins laughed.
"Why are you laughing?" Matilda asked this is when her mother looked up, "You seem to have something on your face dear."
Matilda disappeared for a few seconds to look at her face in the mirror and found that there were things drawn on her face, one of them was a mustache.
"Lupuuuus! You're dead!!!!!!"
Then ran after Lupus and tried to strangle Lupus, Mrs. Strange then waved her finger.
"Ah, ah, ah." as if to say no.
Matilda was now floating immobile in the air, as if there were no gravity while she tried to reach for Lupus, "Mum, ah!?" she violently opposed.
"Take your crystal baths first, to cleanse yourself of magic, its already prepared for you in your tub," Morgana was now controlling her and she was now floating back upstairs."
To which Lupus teased her more, "See you later Matilda.. if you can fiiiind meee hahahahaha" Lupus laughed.
Matilda grew angrier "Argh!!!!!"
"Lupus! stop it," Morgana ordered.
Then lupus made a face.
Then Matilda stopped moving mid-air
"Morgana walked in front of the stairs removed her glasses and Matilda now floating, and was upside down, playing with her positions.
"Yes, mum.?"
"You must not do that again.?" And she looked at her sternly waiting for an answer.
"I'm sorry."
"Good, now take your bath."
"What happened to Myrka.?" Matilda asked in a serious tone.
"According to Elga, She will be put to death.
"Because she ate people?."
"That and she was not too careful, that it risked the community being discovered."
"I reckon her family is pissed, but they don't know it was us. if they found out..."
Mortimer raised his eyes from his newspaper.
"Take your bath Matilda, your mother already took care of that,"
Morgana made an I told you face.
and Matilda continued floating upstairs.
Scene 20
Matilda was now taking her bath, and playing with bubbles, glowing crystals were submerged in the water, she had her headset on and was listening to metal music but was pensive.
a vinyl record was playing in the background.
The family hung out at the dining table and then after eating, Lupus declared "Going out..."
The twins started to crawl out of their chairs and play.
Sullivan was in his room, bobbing his head to the vinyl record.
Mena, was brushing her hair and looking in the mirror.
Scene 21
An extremely large hall made of grey walls, huge stained glass windows with colorful designs of elves and their history surrounded the place, it looked ethereal and the light was passing through the windows and reflecting on everything, gold accents can be seen on each of the corners supporting the high court table for the council. In each corners, there were trees, old trees, and butterflies thats seem to support the corners of the hall. This council was not the end-all and be-all, it was only the council for elves and fairies and forest creatures.
There were four very serious people sitting there, they did not look young or old, they looked wise beyond their years, they had white-bluish hair because of the reflection of the window very soft and delicate features for the ladies and strong sharp handsome features for the men, one of them was wearing a gold crown.
"Myrka Drummond...-o in huldra lie"
/*Myrka Drummond of the huldra race*/
Myrka sitting in the middle, hands bound by leaves and vines as well as feet, she was heavily guarded by tree creatures. however something was different about her, her mouth was stitched together and she tried to speak but she couldn't.
Alfriggs and Elga Maurelle a little bit far off behind her.
The head council started speaking.
"-lda crumguru -o matië firya a yo raxe -Ima mar -o návë túvima
*be na i sanyë carina bui mín núr a exa onna cin indo n- manda vanda host ennin. "
You are guilty of eating humans
and risk our world being discovered,
In accordance to the laws made by our race and other creatures you will be imprisoned for 100 years.*
Myrkas muffled screamed can be heard, as she tried to escape from her restraints.
While the Maurelles looked at each other in shock.
"The Strange will not like, this..."
The Maurelles, although pained, by what had happened were extremely forgiving creatures.
"Just by judging from the boy, we have to tell them differently, or they will hunt her..." Alfrigg informed his wife.
"nányë brigol na rac -ita estel.*" Elga confessed
/I am afraid to break their trust*/
"nalmë ala rac qe estel, rather it is a concern that they will be in danger, in case they tried to find her." Alfrigg disclosed.
/*we are not breaking any trust*/
"hanya*" Elga agreed.
Scene 22
He heard someone, a woman was calling her.
How strange, there was no one there.
Marius has just come out of the pub and finished a session of the night drinking, very heavy drinking.
He smelt of vodka and cigarette.
He already put out his keys and was on his way to his car, struggling to keep his balance, he was fidgeting with his keys and wanted to put it in the cars lock to open it, when a night patrol, appeared out of nowhere crossed his hands across his chest and menacingly looked at Marius, and said: "Are you really gonna do that you alkiz?"
So he put his keys back in his pants pocket, made an awkward smile, and continued walking.
Marius continued walking in the stony pathway that led to the forest, he thought, "Well there is a short cut, here..."
There was a short cut in a beaten-down path that he always takes in the morning when he comes home from work.
It's was a little bit darker today, but he was sure that he can find his way.
He was halfway through when someone started calling his name.
Her voice was gentle and sweet, he looked for it.
It was enthralling and heavenly....
He started to walk deeper and deeper into the forest,
It was a beautiful woman, her skin was translucent rather glowing under the light of the moon ...
Her voice was like butter sliding down his skin, he couldn't help but close his eyes, whenever she called on him.
She was beautiful.
That's all that he could think about.
gently she traced her fingers on his face.
she cupped his face and kissed his neck and by now Marius was just dying of euphoria, and then she bit his neck and ravaged it, until all the blood spurt and gushing vehemently out of his neck and then she punctured his stomach with her hands like knife cutting butter, gripping his guts and forcing it out of his body and right then, he lost his consciousness until he no longer can stand up on his own and was just bleeding profusely. He laid pallid and lifeless on the ground, her long brown hair gently falling on his skin as she continued to eat what was left of him. The hallow on her back started to close.
*We can hear subdued eating sounds in the background*
*mischievous rock music playing*
Scene 23
Matilda found her mother in the library, looking at a mirror and her right hand was glowing, yellow.
She watched, Myrka being judged.
"They aren't going to kill her?" Matilda asked.
"No. I don't think so."
"You implanted a tracking spell on Elga."
flashback to Elga hugging Morgana. Morgana has placed a very light tracking spell, her hands glowed yellow on Elgas back.
"Mother, you got to the forest real quick by teleporting.
how does one get that power again?"
Morgana felt the gravity of the question and looked down, for a few seconds, and then answered it.
"By birth or by sacrificing, something powerful."
She had understood, that it was not often that they can have this kind of opportunity, and that Matilda was going to try to do it on her own, and she would rather be there to guide her properly.
Myrka was trying to scream in her cell, her hands and feet were bounded, but it was all muffled since her mouth was stitched. She was crying and pissed and planning of all the bad things she was going to do to the Strange Family.
One grown-up feet showed out of nowhere.
There was some glowing blue light in the background.
Then another set of feet, much smaller settled on the floor.
"Hello, Myrka. The Elves have been nice to you.
Much too nice." Morgana muttered, she took a step back.
Myrka tried to scream and kneeled and begged as if to say no.
"Do it quickly."
Matilda circled around Myrka, and she followed her with her eyes, asking what are you doing? but she couldn't be heard nor understood.
she used her wand to form a Magic circle.
she whispered a chant.
"Gud ef gáttir
styrk ég
ég gef þér þetta tilboð"
Myrka kept crying. She was kneeling, and Matilda pulled her hair to make her kneel upright.
"Ssshh, Myrka, Everythings gonna be okay."
Then Matilda Slit Myrka's throat with an Athame.
She convulsed as the blood gushed out of her throat it spilled all over her clothes and she fell on the floor and the blood poured out even more as it made its way through the lines of the magic circle, it glowed blue and showed the sign of the sun, and moon a dodekagram with different symbols.
It glowed bright and summoned twelve portals.
She looked at Morgana.
"Close the portals," Morgana ordered.
As she waved her hands. It became much smaller ane became light blue orbs that went to her arms and then became symbols that lit up in light blue as it sunk on her skin and then disappeared.
Until each one is closed.
"Let's go home."
There was a blue portal, they both stepped inside.
Myrka's eyes were wide open, she was no longer convulsing, nor in pain.
There was only silence.
Preview for the next Chapter.
We see Mena brushing her hair, in front of an old victorian vanity mirror in her room.
Her room was designed like she was living in the 1970s, mustard, navy colors and old rose in her bed pillows and cushions, and her furniture casings were of old antique brown wood.
Her eyes were empty, She seems different, strange, she wasn't herself, she was all made up, and brushing and brushing and brushing her hair and when she was done she placed her brush on the table and we pan in on her face and her eyes widened and she tried, to force a smile, a big eery demon smile, uncomfortable, big, and empty, it looks untrustworthy but most of all hungry.
* Mischievous rock music continues to play in the background*
*End Scene*
Artist Name Matilda Sparrow
All rights reserved. Sy 2020.
<br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">The Strange Family Values The Fairy Eater</span> by is licensed under a .<br />Based on a work at .<br />Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at .
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cauldronoflove · 7 years
Ok so this is really obscure, but I've had this idea for a while now, and I'd love to see you work with it? Headcanons for a time travel AU in which Peter Parker is messing with Stark Tech and gets sent back to the 1940s? He could work with Peggy Carter in the SSR to solve the case and pretend to be her little brother. Plus in 2017 Tony and Steve working together to get him back. If you think it's weird or want to skip it no worries! If not, then thank you so much, I love your headcanons!!
i love this concept so much you dont even know?? but also okay i realized abt halfway through these 2.5k+ words that this wasnt exactly what you asked for and i feel kinda bad about that but i hope you still like it all the same!! also i wanna say thank you for thinking of me for this prompt im super flattered????
- peter wasnt technically supposed to be in the 4th basement of stark tower
- technically he was on his lunch break and was supposed to be using said time to both eat and work on his spanish homework
- but he'd heard these whispers from a couple of the older interns about some of the old stuff that mr. stark had thrown down there because he never had time to finish them and peter had an idea
- see, he's been wanting to move up a bit, have mr. stark trust him a little more, and what's better then maybe taking one of his old designs and making it better and making it work
- so thats why he's in the fourth basement of stark tower, trying to remember if he's had his tetanus shot because some of this stuff is seriously Old
- and then he stumbles onto this little pyramid shaped....doohickey
- its the only thing in 4 floors of Things that doesnt have a label or a file or a crude drawing taped to the front of it so now peter is Officially Curious
- he kinda fiddles with it for a few minutes until his phone beeps with his 'hey pete youre gonna be super late getting back to work again' alarm and he about drops this thing on the floor because like everyday the alarm scares him to death
- but because hes clumsy and because hes pete he actually does drop it and everything goes black
- but everything's fine because he wakes right back up and he's pretty sure that he electrocuted himself but thats happened dozens of times so he picks himself up and brushes himself off and realizes that he may have been out longer than he thought because theres fewer boxes in the room than before and geez his head hurts
- "are you quite alright?"
- oh god he mustve hit his head harder than he thought because that looks like
- "m-miss carter, no sorry, ma'am? oh, oh god i'm so sorry that was so rude, agent? agent ma'am?"
- "this is howard's fault isnt it"
- "howard? as in....oh god oh god"
- "do you know where you are?"
- peter parker loved a lot of things and one of those things was museums and one of those museums in particular had an exhibit on a certain mr. rogers and adjacent to that exhibit was a small plaque about the woman standing in front of him and oh god he was going to hyperventilate and throw up in front of a literal legend and hero at the same time
- "remind me to kill him later. right now lets get you something warm to drink, yes? maybe some new clothes, youre looking a little singed"
- flash forward half an hour and he's sitting in front of the agent carter sipping at some terribly bitter coffee while she pursed and unpursed her lips a few times
- (annnnd time skip back to present day)
- friday: mr stark theres a woman downstairs beating on the door asking for youtony, 47 names going through his head: ...go on
- enter may parker, in her pjs, fire in her eyes, carrying on the legacy of brunette women ready to end a stark's life
- "it is ten o'clock on a school night, i've talked to ned, i've talked to mj and liz, i've talked to every corner sub shop owner, i even had a nice long chat with pepper, yet no one could tell me anything so you better have answers as to where my nephew is anthony"
- and in that moment, tony stark's life flashed before his eyes
- "hey, friday, where is the kid?"
- "peter's vitals havent been detected since 1:32pm on floor D"
- tony: fu-
- (back to pete and peggy)
- so he's quickly caught her up on the gist of whats going on (aka he told her he's from 2017 ny and hed really just like to go home) and she's taking it surprisingly well, all nodding and hmm-ing and cursing howard stark under her breath, kinda how may is when tony does like.. anything
- but now shes leading him through their super secret base and he's trying not to stare because, has he mentioned, hes literally standing next to peggy carter
- "right, well, here's your cot. if you need anything, dugan can help you. he's that one, there, with the cigar. you get some rest and i'll find howard and see if we cant get your...issue squared away. oh, and whatever you do, dont accept anything dernier tries to give you, you've already blown up once today, i dont think you can afford another"
- present day
- tony's been working through the night, a marginally-more-than-slightly disgruntled may beside him, and an even-more-than-marginally-more-than-slightly peeved happy beside her
- ("how do you lose a teenage boy, tony" happy moans to his phone when he wakes up and sees all the missed calls and texts he has)
- good news: it only took like 2 1/2 hours and three shots of espresson for tony to figure out what happened to peter
- bad news: it wasnt even a Tony Stark Exclusive Design, it was a Howard Stark One-Time Use That Was Actually A Malfunction Design, he'd had several more coffees that werent even close to being strong enough, and he had a growing black eye from the punch may landed before happy could pull her away and calm her down (maybe that last part should be in the good news column)
- "so he's just stuck in the 40s alone, then" may surmises, rubbing at the tension headache in her temples
- tony doesnt respond because at this point he needs his other eye for miracle working and depth perception
- "well, probably not alone," happy begins. "i catalogued everything in that level, and that stuff came from one of howard's london facilities, so it was probably calibrated for that time, so he's probably with-"
- tony: "hap, please dont finish that sentence"
- may: "1940s london. so he's with steve, then, safe. with captain america. okay, i can handle that."
- tony: "no, ah, a little later than capsicle, probably"
- may: "so not safe with captain america"
- happy: "safe with agent carter, more likely"
- pete and peggy
- good news: pete made it through the night without being blown up by the howling commandoes
- bad news: once howard was finally located and sobered up, he explained that he hadnt built that particular device yet, so peter was kinda stuck
- peter wasnt coping well
- "i have a spanish test tomorrow! and a trig test on friday! and i'm supposed to hang out with ned on saturday, and then may's gonna kill me when i dont show up for sunday dinner, and shes gonna kill me in general because i never checked in because holy shit i never checked in!"
- howard: peggy he's crying what do i do
- peggy: do i have to do everything myself
- she advances on peter and takes his chin in her hand, locking eyes with him: peter, you know who i am, dont you?
- he nods as best as he can
- "then you must know that i'm going to do everything in my power and then some to get you back home, dont you?"
- "yes ma'am"
- "good. go take a walk while i talk to howard, and if anyone asks, youre my american brother in for a short visit." and then she pats him on the cheek and his soul kinda ascends then and there because agent carter just patted him on the cheek AND gave him permission to tell people he's her brother
- so he goes to take his walk but the thing is when he gets anxious, he likes to fiddle with the loose legos he keeps under his bed, building and rebuilding tiny structures to help ease his nerves
- needless to say, he's an Absolute Nervous Wreck while he waits for some kind of something from peggy or howard and there arent any legos to keep him busy
- so he kind of takes that walk right on down to the lab and starts poking around because even if he is a certified nervous wreck he's also thr most inquisitive little shit that ever did walk the earth
- peggy finds him two hours later with a pair of loose fitting goggles on his forehead, his sweater sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and some . substance on his hands
- "please dont tell me youre somehow howard's long lost son too," she says, taking his appearance in
- he shakes his head as the beakers in front of him emit a puff of green smoke directly into his already scrunched up face "no ma'am; it's just that mr. stark kinda has me on desk duty and never lets me get my hands dirty so i like to take every oppurtunity i can get"
- she nods, "good, because howard needs you to describe what you remember of the device, and then you and i are going to begin the slog through the logistics of it all"
- "ooooookay"
- which is how peter parker ends up sitting across from peggy carter, the both of them scribbling extremely advanced mathematics onto yellowing sheets of paper as howard stark tinkered with some spare parts he had lying around as he tried to construct a crude rendering of the device
- peggy mostly doesnt talk, actually, she hasnt spoken since explaining that shed picked her math skills up on an assignment shed once had where she learned she actually loved numbers and then howard had been letting her do calculations for him in her free time
- peter was too impressed to respond bc from what he gathered she'd only been on that mission for six months and she didnt have much free time which meant she'd had to pick it all up FAST
- anyway, they got at that for hours, until peter cant keep his eyes open and even howard is dwindling; peggy waves them both off to bed but stays and keeps scribbling away
- they repeat that routine for 3 days
- on the 5th night, after she waves them off, peter goes to his cot and he tosses and turns for hours, listening to the commandoes play poker and crack jokes, but he cant sleep
- finally he gets up and just starts walking, anywhere his feet take him
- coincidentally, his feet take him past what he quickly realizes is peggy's room
- "peter why are you still up? is everything all right?" she asks, pulling off these big hulking glasses that made him incredibly homesick because she reminds him so much of may in that moment, big glasses on, hunched over a book in her lap, hair pulled back out of her face
- and he apologizes, but she Knows something's terribly wrong, so she gets up and ushers him away from her doorway, and leads him down a hall or two and then theyre standing in an open space, and she's looking at him like shes trying to solve one of her equations
- "do you know how to throw a punch, peter"
- " whatever youre thinking i dont think its a good idea we dont have any gear and i dont want to get hurt-"
- she shakes her head and asks again, and he finally answers with a kinda
- "'kinda' will get you hurt; watch me" and she begins to demonstrate a few slow punches and he follows her movements and tries to copy them but hes a little sloppy but its ok because she corrects him and finally theyre just standing beside one another counting out punches when she asks "whats on your mind"
- and he doesnt even hesitate he just lets loose everything, how much he misses may and how terrible he feels that he cant get in touch with her, how much he misses ned and mj and liz, how much he misses his fire escape and the deli on the corner and the buildings and then he's crying again, but she gracefully doesnt point it out
- once he's done spitting out everything thats bothering him she gets this kind of sad smile and says, "you remind me of a man i knew. he cared so much about his friends, sometimes to the point of not even worrying about himself, whuch meant he was always in some sort of trouble, as you can imagine. but he always found his way out of a problem, even if he was the one who created it." she laughs slightly then. "i guess what i'm getting at is even if i cant get you back home, even if howard cant, i believe that youll figure it out."
- "are you comparing me to captain anerica right now because i'm already crying and i dont think i can take much more" he says through sniffles, his arms slack by his sides now
- she smiles and nods, keeping her stance, and peter feels an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this amazing woman who immediately helped him without much of a pause and who's made sure he was okay for the past 5 days and who's up at god knows what time showing him how to throw a punch and being his borderline therapist and he just wants to give her something in return
- "im not sure if im supposed to do this, because for all i know it could tear a hole in the fabric of time and space but i really want to show you this," he begins, pulling his wallet put of his pocket.
- he flicks the little photo holders out and theres may, and theres ned and mj and liz, and theres that cat he found that one time, and theres him and tony, and there, at the bottom, is the time he officially met steve after the whole fight thing and all
- "this was taken a couple months ago; well, a couple months for me, it's decades from now, but here," and he holds out his wallet for her to see and she looks over the photo curiously before she understands and a tear slips down her cheek and she smiles the most grand smile
- "thank you, peter" and she passes the wallet back and puts her hand on his shoulder and says "i promise i'll have you home in time for sunday dinner"
- and she does
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