#i've been writing several fics all at once lately instead of focusing on one at a time
kingmaximusboltagon · 2 years
Maximus was watching Ahura and Luna.
Not a common occurrence by any means, but not an unheard of one, either. He simply wasn't a preferred babysitter, and quite frankly, he's pretty convinced he wouldn't be considered at all if it weren't for his brother being king.
But for all the rest of his family's reservations, Maximus thought he did a pretty good job at the task. His main objective was just to make sure the two didn't die or go missing. Ahura and Luna were both smart and old enough that Maximus didn't struggle on that front.
Otherwise, he mostly spoiled the two. Their sleeping schedule or general hyperactivity wasn't his long term problem, and with how absent his brother was, Maximus finds himself competitive in gaining the childrens' favor. And if sneaking them ice cream and allowing them to sit on the throne achieved that goal, who was he to not allow them that?
And mostly, it wasn't his long term problem. And they were easier to control when he simply let them do whatever they wanted for a few hours.
Tonight, the palace is practically completely empty. The rest of his family were called to Earth by one of his brother's friends, though they left before Maximus could really bother to ask questions. He'd been left in charge of Attilan, and of the two children. Assumedly, not for much longer than a day, at most.
Maximus could do that. Easily.
And it was already approaching the two's bedtime when they left, so their energy was already drained. Maximus would probably spend most of this reigning time… asleep.
Well, he'd take what he could get.
And he glances over at the two again, quietly playing some game with Lockjaw. The dog was large standing next to an adult, and he towered over the kids even while lying down. They often took rides on Lockjaw's back, the dog being strong enough to humor them.
Luna lets out a squeal of delight as Lockjaw stands up, gripping tightly to the dog's fur from on top his spine. Ahura cheers the two on, giving Lockjaw encouraging scratches.
Maximus almost smiles. Almost. He wasn't that attached.
"Go, Lockjaw, go!" Luna commands, striking a pose.
The dog stiffens, his ears perking up. Maximus narrows his eyes, and quickly stands up. "Lockjaw, do not-"
And then there's a flash of white, and the three figures are gone. Maximus stands still for a moment, frowning.
"Lockjaw," he says loudly, "Come back! Right now! Lockjaw, come here!"
He waits a moment. And then two. And then five, ten, fifteen…
And Lockjaw does not return.
Maximus returns to the throne - that he most certainly wasn't supposed to be sitting in, but the three of them never told on the other two, and it wasn't like sitting on a chair would harm anyone - and buries his face in his hands, groaning.
"Oh, shit."
Medusa and Crystal were going to kill him.
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thetragicallynerdy · 8 months
also sorry I meant to add that I want to know SO much more about the shifter au it has me by the throat and I'm not complaining
Okay. So. This exists mainly in just a lot of DM chats between me and two of my besties. I have the smut fic that just got published, and then two fics half-written, and a third planned.
But the jist of it is:
Jim is a coyote shifter. Their family was slaughtered when they were very young, and Nana told them their entire life they were a wolf. Jim, grade A dumbass who really can't tell their own size when they're shifted and probably never really looked in mirrors or saw a photo, believed her.
Fast forward to their mid-late 20s, and they have been travelling on their own, basically homeless, for a while as they try and find the siete gallos - living mainly as a coyote.
They stumble across Ed and Stede's wolf pack. Through a fun series of events (that will happen in a fic hopefully someday) Ed notices them, and offers them food. And then slowly Ed and Stede and the pack kind of... lure Jim in with kind words and food and an offer of a job and help them find an apartment lmao. Like slowly bringing in a stray dog XD (this is. a theme. in several of my AUs)
There are also conversations that are essentially like - Ed: hey new coyote friend!! Jim: fuck you I'm a wolf??? Ed and the entire pack: 🤨 do you. Do you not know you're a coyote. You're fucking tiny. You're so small. Time to make an educational slideshow.
Jim ends up working in Oluwande's carpentry shop. It's a good fit. Olu is married to Frenchie in this one, but quickly becomes Jim's Best Friend Forever.
Ed - a goth trans lady - is in a relationship with CJ when Jim meets her. She breaks up with him because he's, y'know, still a dick.
Jim offers for Ed to move in with them when she breaks up with CJ and doesn't have anywhere to go. Ed accepts. However, Jim has a tiny one-bedroom apartment - and rather than like, y'know, getting a second bed, they just sleep in Jim's bed together. For months.
Eventually Jim realizes Ed is deeply in love with them, and they are with her, and they get together.
Stede in this one is ace/aro and Ed's queerplatonic life partner, and also offered Ed to move into the big pack house he owns, but, y'know, Ed moved in with Jim and slept in their bed instead :3
Other fun things:
Lucius as the laziest shifter, Jim thinks he's a human for like, six months, because he hates shifting and rarely ever does it
Jim and Ivan being besties who spar (obviously)
Pack puppy piles, at least once or twice a month they all hang out at Stede's house and sleep in a pile on the floor in their shifted wolf and coyote forms
There's a REALLY sad fic in the making where Jim gets hit by a car in their shifter form :3 because boy howdy i've been missing writing whump
But really mainly it's just Jim living their best scrungly little coyote life and finding a tall goth girlfriend and an extended family/pack along the way
There is a potential for Doug to become Stede's partner (Stede might be demi-romantic, I haven't super decided). He is The Token Human.
Anyway that's it!!! Or like, that's the basics. I adore shifter au's, and werewolf au's, and really hope that someday I get a few more less smut-focused (and also a few more smut-focused) fics from it out into the world :3
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farfromsugafanfic · 2 years
About Alyce #2
This time we'll do a writing related one.
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Probably Sutures. I am really proud of that one and it remains one of my favorite stories I've written.
This is difficult to answer because my first thought was romance. However, ask me to write a regular contemporary romance and I will fail. I also gotta mix genres. But, the romance arc is formulaic and easy to insert into almost any story.
Whatever floats your boat. As long as they don't go too far, I don't have a problem with them.
From random things. Music is probably the most consistent inspiration for me. Amadeus was inspired by Wolfgang, Sutures was inspired by a random pop song I don't even remember, Dangerous was inspired by a meme/old Jimin live. Honestly, it kinda just pops up during moments where I'm really enjoying or focused on something.
Of course, it depends what you count as a block. I get mini blocks quite frequently. Large blocks tend to be project specific and probably happen once a year or so, but it truly depends. Honestly, the reason I started writing Amadeus is that I've been blocked on my novel for almost a year.
Hmm, I've had the best response when writing for Kpop. It also allows me to make up my own worlds more than other types of fic I've written. Essentially, I take a familiar face and personality and insert it into a novel of my own instead of having constraints of an existing world. (I know non-con fic exists but I have a hard time writing non-con when it takes place before or during the work).
I always shoot for 1500 words. Lately, though my chapters have been coming in at between 2000 and 3500 on average.
As mentioned earlier, I like mixing genres. Based on my work, romance, fantasy, and historical are my favorite genres.
I tend to write for one fandom at a time, but I have written for many fandoms. Now, I kinda write for both BTS and SKZ, but am focusing on SKZ.
Yes, you can see my introduction post to see what I am currently accepting requests for :)
Probably Dangerous and Sutures. Hence why they were the first two I decided to cross post.
I'm going to save us all a lot of time and say that I don't know and am not going to count. I've been writing fanfic and other works seriously for 13 years now so uh...
Both? Like it's definitely just a hobby, but it helps me improve my other writing. I tend to work on fanfic when I'm blocked because there is less pressure with fanfic (for me at least). So, while, yes, it is technically a hobby, it is helping me improve and have the energy and passion for my "thing".
Of course. I read much more than I write.
Read and learn from what you read. Also, do not let likes, follower counts, etc stop you from writing.
No, because I read fanfiction for years before I read a smut fanfiction.
Usually, I will abandon the ones I don't like. I do think I would do Dangerous very differently now and find certain aspects problematic (more so than I intended when I wrote it).
13 years
I plead the fifth
Eh, not really. I read a lot of AUs. The only thing that bothers me is if a member is a villain or the love interest does something like r*pe the OC. I stop reading at that point. Those people in my fics are always OCs because I am not going to put something like that on someone I'm supposed to be a fan of. (Also most of my idol characters don't kill people. Occasionally, but it's always as a hero for the most part. But I will read mafia fics, so for some reason that doesn't bother me as much unless it's like a completely innocent person).
Depends on the day, hour, minute, and second.
Always in my Kpop fics. Occasionally in others.
Of course. It's not usually consciously, but there are parts of me in all my works.
I have too many. Many of them aren't on here anymore tbh, or I can't remember their user names. But I have my regulars I will go back to for BTS. For SKZ, I'm still finding them. Any recs?
Not sure what they mean by this. I am inspired by several other writers in different ways. I wouldn't say I have just one. Marissa Meyer is probably the one that informs my writing style and genre bending most.
Yep, AUs for most of my stories. I think Sutures and Birds of a Feather (not yet crossposted) are the only idolverse stories I have. I prefer AUs for fanfiction of real life figures because then it is obvious that it is NOT the person you are writing about.
A long one shot: Probably 8-12 hours spread over 1-3 weekends. A longer novel length fic? The shortest time it took me was about 6-7 months of almost solely focusing on that fic. More realistically its about 2 years.
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